If your car is not working properly, will it become any easier to drive if you put more fuel in the tank? This may sound like a silly question but to a person who is not in the least bit mechanically minded, it can seem a very sensible suggestion. People make all kinds of assumptions and suppositions about the forces and factors in life that they do not understand. So, where in your world now are you jumping to a doubtful conclusion? Seek more specific information, today, before you settle on a plan of action. You may need to do far less than you think.
You don't have to do as you are told today. You need not feel obliged to live up to other people's expectations or to make the moves that will earn you the most social approval. Just before, though, you go ahead and act entirely on the basis of your own preference, weigh up a few pros and cons. Freedom is only something you have to fight for when there's a danger that it will be taken from you. As you now do have a degree of choice, you also have liberty to decide whether or not that point is worth proving. Don't be bounced (or manipulated) into anything.
Nice people don't make a fuss, pick a fight, cause an argument, question the decision of a person in authority - or criticise something that is being given to them. Nice people just say, 'Thanks very much' - regardless of what's being imposed on them. So, just how nice do you want to be now? Please don't misunderstand. I am not trying to suggest that the ongoing opposition of Mars to Jupiter requires you to be nasty. Unless of course, you think it's nasty to speak the truth and to object to some unacceptable injustice. Something or someone isn't being fair on you. That has to change.
Words, rather like fashion accessories, are tremendously powerful. Add the right belt and scarf, and you can dress up a simple outfit to look stunning. Pick the wrong adornments, and no matter how nice your basic items, they merely become part of the overall impression of awkwardness. Venus has left your opposite sign and Uranus (for now) has left Pisces. But Mars remains... as does a fundamentally fine idea. plan or intention. For this to win the approval and support of others, though, it must be set in motion carefully.
Even the most wonderful luxury limousines produce noxious fumes from their exhaust pipes. Lovely flowers attract unpleasant insects and stunning oceans hide dark dangers in their depths. There are potentially awkward side effects to every delightful item, advantageous scenario or pleasing proposition on this planet. What can any of us do, other than resolve to take the rough with the smooth and try, as much as possible, to avoid the rough! Just keep focusing on the upside of your situation. For, as you will soon see, it matters far more than any drawback.
Towards the end of JRR Tolkein's 'The Hobbit', kind little Bilbo meets the enormous, greedy Smaug; a murderous dragon with a cunning line in conversation. The dragon attempts to trick our hero by suggesting that his most-trusted companions have dark intent He raises awkward questions to which there are no easy answers. Is your faith now being similarly shaken? Who (or what) are you going to trust? That which deserves the benefit of the doubt? Or that which, no matter how persuasive, simply has to be wrong? Trust your deepest instincts now.
獅子座 All too often, we mistake success for happiness. The two often travel together but they have distinctly different identities. We can benefit greatly from the ability to tell them apart. Happiness doesn't have to leave as soon as success departs any more than misery is obliged to follow when failure turns up! Soon, you will have your confidence boosted by a helpful cosmic link from the Sun to Saturn. A specific event will trigger a good feeling but that feeling can (and will) stay with you long after the event has become a memory. So relax. Focus on happiness and success will take care of itself.
天秤座16日です。よろしくお願いします。 There is a jigsaw that you have been striving to put together for some while. It is not so much that there's a missing piece; more that there's no helpful box with a picture on the front. You cannot be sure what goes where without a guide of some kind. At the moment, you are looking at something that seems wrong but actually, as you are about to discover, that is exactly how it is supposed to be. Comforting conversations should occur soon. Helpful new pieces of information will also arrive in your life. Venus is in your sign. It is time to start celebrating.
The cosmic climate remains encouraging. Encouragement, though, may not seem sufficient for you now. You don't want to be egged on, enticed or pushed. You want to be picked up and carried past some obstacle that you fear you cannot get over. There is a way to proceed successfully, but if you wait for such an easy, effortless option, you will still be waiting, long after David Blaine has come down from his box under the bridge. You have to make the progress yourself by summoning courage and taking your own steps. That's the bad news. The good news? You can work miracles if you try.
��A cloud of confusion is now being blown away by a gentle breeze of clarity. Over the next few days, the wind will pick up speed and force till it leaves nothing but the truth in its wake. Right at the moment though, there are pockets of welcome sanity in your world - and areas too, where all is mysterious, vague or nonsensical. You cannot therefore, be 100 per cent sure of yourself, regardless of your deep desire to move forward. Have patience and trust that, despite the pressure you face, time is on your side. As soon as you know what you really need, you'll find you can get it.
Don't say what you don't mean but do, for heaven's sake, articulate a true belief or emotion. Do not allow your fear of being misunderstood to intimidate you. Don't start to question your right to feel what you feel. Don't expect disapproval or assume that others will read dark intent into your honest approach. You may be right to detect a potential problem but it need only be a problem to the person who wants to see it as a problem. If it's not a problem to you, why make it into one? And why encourage anyone else to make it into one by feeling their fear?
いつも本当にお世話になってます!! 蠍座16日原文です。 お手隙時にお願いします! A cloud of confusion is now being blown away by a gentle breeze of clarity. Over the next few days, the wind will pick up speed and force till it leaves nothing but the truth in its wake. Right at the moment though, there are pockets of welcome sanity in your world - and areas too, where all is mysterious, vague or nonsensical. You cannot therefore, be 100 per cent sure of yourself, regardless of your deep desire to move forward. Have patience and trust that, despite the pressure you face, time is on your side. As soon as you know what you really need, you'll find you can get it.
Let's not bother with a forecast today. Instead, let's have a list-making session. We can just sit down and identify all the things in life that are irritating, aggravating or exasperating. That should keep us busy for a week or two. And even if it doesn't serve any practical purpose, it may make us feel better to get all those gripes and grievances off our chest. What? You would prefer a prediction? Well, OK. Here we go. You will have a highly successful day, just as long as you don't succumb to the temptation to compile one of those negative dossiers.
You see them everywhere. Dynamic, go-getting, energetic individuals whose lives are packed with purpose. So focused, so determined and so assertive are these people that their gross inefficiency seems almost irrelevant. We can almost forget too, as we watch them in action, about the total futility of their ambitions - or the ultimate stupidity of their plans. You don't just prefer to look before you leap, you prefer to avoid leaping altogether. You find the easiest way to do that, is to refrain from being overly obsessive or prematurely judgemental. Don't doubt yourself today.
What is this big battle that you must fight? Are you sure it is necessary? Might you not be responding to an artificial expectation? Could you be cross with someone about tension that you have created entirely within your own mind? Do you really have to prove something to someone? Will they actually notice, even if you succeed? Or are you just trying to prove a point to yourself? In which case, why don't you do it by thinking things through, and thus save a whole load of effort? The sky now suggests you can have an easier life if you want one.
Perhaps there is no significance in the fact that your ruler, Mars, is now shining more brightly in the sky than ever in history. Perhaps it is merely a coincidence. After all, it is not as if you are now living through the most important period of your entire life. We can hardly say that what's happening to you now is totally decisive and pivotal. We certainly could not go on to suggest that you face the kind of choices and opportunities that might await a person only once in a thousand lifetimes... Er, couldn't we? Perhaps, on reflection, it all makes perfect sense. So too, soon, will your life… We did it again!
Let's not bother with a forecast today. Instead, let's have a list-making session. We can just sit down and identify all the things in life that are irritating, aggravating or exasperating. That should keep us busy for a week or two. And even if it doesn't serve any practical purpose, it may make us feel better to get all those gripes and grievances off our chest. What? You would prefer a prediction? Well, OK. Here we go. You will have a highly successful day, just as long as you don't succumb to the temptation to compile one of those negative dossiers. ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
Some people manage to live two-dimensional lives. They don't think about very much for very long. They take everything and everyone at face value. They usually accept whatever they encounter without criticism. On the odd occasion when they feel obliged to complain, they are interested neither in nuance nor explanation. If things are bad, they are totally bad and never mind why. These people are never ever born under the sign of Virgo. It's a pity really, because right now you could benefit from thinking far less deeply about a particular matter.
The experts say that Sagittarians are excitable and like to do things in a hurry. That just goes to show how little they know. Like all who share your sign, you are calm, quiet and will happily proceed through life at a mellow pace. The only reason that you don't always do this, is because you seem to be surrounded by crazy characters with urgent agendas. All the tension and turmoil is entirely their fault. Isn't it? Well, perhaps not always... but right now, you do seem to be dancing on the end of someone else's string. And you really don't have to.
獅子座 There's no substitute for hard work. Or so they say. But then, they say a lot of things and these can't all be right. I mean, come to think of it, there's probably no substitute either for a nuclear bomb. But that doesn't make a good reason to set one off. You can, if you want to, put in a lot of intense effort now. Nobody will stop you and it will lead to an impressive result. But it is my duty as your astrologer to inform you that if you decide to take a relatively lazy or easy option instead you will probably get just as far, just as fast.
It took me years, as an astrologer, to realise that although people quite like seeking advice, they rarely enjoy taking it. I always used to be puzzled. I would do my best to weigh up a complex cosmic conundrum and then I would dutifully deliver the most meaningful answer I could arrive at. People would nod sagely and seem genuinely grateful, yet their lives would not alter one iota. They didn't actually want to do anything, they just wanted to complain. Now, why do you think I am mentioning this to you today? Oh, no reason really... other than the obvious!
Never, in your life so far, have you gotten hold of the wrong end of the stick. Though you invariably grab every stick you ever encounter by the correct end, the sticks you catch have an irritating habit of jumping right out of your hand and twirling rapidly in the air. They then return toward you with such velocity that you are obliged to catch them, if only to protect yourself. Sure enough, each time this happens you discover that you now have your stick by the wrong end. The best way to make sure you are right today, is to stop worrying about whether you may be wrong.
��It is a bit like cleaning up a kitchen really. No matter how diligently you tidy everything away, there's usually still a scruffy patch somewhere. And even if there isn't, you will discover, after all that hard work, that you are hungry and thirsty. So then, you make yourself a sandwich and a cup of tea and, lo and behold, you get another mess to clear up. Efforts to become more conscious, or to develop greater clarity and understanding, often tend to follow a similar syndrome. You can't do everything today. You can only do your best.
Poor old Peter. His whole life long, people have been robbing him to pay Paul. Do you think this may be because he is not intimidating enough? Paul, presumably, is a tall fellow with muscles and a moustache. He often wears dark glasses too. Peter, by contrast, looks a little like... well... here is a question. When you look in the mirror, do you see yourself as a Peter (or a Peta)? Or do you feel more like a Paul (or a Paula)? Are you now, somehow, allowing yourself to be deprived of a basic entitlement? It's time to give your all to being a Paul.
The Moon is now passing through your zodiac sign. That's why you feel so sensitive. Once a month, every month, we all come under the lunar influence for a couple of days. We start to feel a little vulnerable and uncomfortable. Little things suddenly start to mean an awful lot. Previously acceptable situations become utterly intolerable. It is never wise to reach important emotional decisions at such times. But if we have artistic or creative exercises to undertake, we can often do surprisingly well. Make your imagination work for, not against, you today.
You can, of course, just walk away if you want to. You have the freedom. No one is forcing you to stick around and struggle with a difficult situation. No one will think any the worse of you if you decide to back away. Indeed, most will express surprise that you didn't do that much earlier. Something within you, though, just will not take that option. Are you a fool to show such faith and loyalty? Absolutely not - as coming events will soon delightfully demonstrate. Your sense of duty is doing you more of a favour than you yet realise.
Frank Sinatra was not a Piscean. Had he been one, he might have found it necessary to modify one of his most famous songs. "And more, much more than that... I did it the way that seemed most interesting at the time." It is not that you find it difficult to be determined. It is more that you never quite feel sure what you want to be determined about. You lose interest in most battles, soon after you begin them. It seems so much more sensible to seek agreement. Right now, you are passionate about something. Act before you lose enthusiasm!
Once upon a time, they were just two little dicky birds sitting on a wall. One was called Peter, one called Paul. They enjoyed entirely equal status. Nobody knows quite how they got into the money-lending business. Or why Peter always ended up getting robbed to pay Paul. But it's high time the whole sorry saga was brought to an end. You need to be fair now to everyone... including yourself. There are some compromises that you most definitely can make and others, today, that you really need to avoid.
The ruler of your sign, has been trundling backwards through the sky for quite some while. This says plenty, really, about the slow pace of progress in your life lately. It is as if your planet has been trying to retrace its steps in the hope of finding something that it lost long ago. in a strange way, you have been doing much the same. It now seems to have found what it was missing and is changing direction once more. You can expect to start doing something pretty similar soon. An era is coming to an end, even as we speak.
To be born under the sign of the bull is to be both blessed and cursed with a determined disposition. It is to have enviable amounts of stamina and staying power; yet worrying quantities of stubbornness. Now why, you may wonder, do I mention this today? Issues of loyalty and commitment are at stake. You feel you have a promise to keep and a process to complete. Yet all is not as you originally thought and you are entitled to alter your plans accordingly. A part of you is reluctant to back down. But another part knows this must be right. ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
All's well that ends well. Or so they say. But how do they know? When, pray tell, does anything really ever END? Things just sort of pause for a while and then carry on don't they? We all talk about closure and completion but when do we actually ever get it? A certain process simply cannot stop - and it is unrealistic to expect it to. It can though, change pace and direction and the tension within it can be replaced with warmth and hope. Stop worrying about how things will work out in the end. Just deal with what's going on for the time being.
獅子座 We are taught to feel that everything in life has to have an explanation. We must always have a reason for choosing one thing over another. In reality though, we are all creatures of instinct. Inwardly, we sum up every situation we ever encounter ? in a flash. It takes less than a nanosecond for our psychic radar to decide whether or not it likes something or someone. Our intellect then scurries along behind, attempting to catch up by justifying whatever it is that we have felt. Save yourself some effort today. Trust your heart and never mind why.
Heaven, many people now believe, is a place on Earth. Hell, as we all know from experience, most definitely exists on this planet. You don't have to go anywhere else for it. No descent into any sulphurous inferno could equal the angst and agony felt by some people, right here in this world, from time to time. Which of the two realms do you want to live in? And do you get a choice? Absolutely. Judgement, of course, comes into it. But it is your own judgement, always, that will lead you to one place or the other. Use yours wisely today.
I don't have to turn up here, day after day. I have got other things I could do instead, you know. The garden is a mess. The back door needs painting. I seem to remember starting a jigsaw in 1998 that I still haven't quite finished. It says something, doesn't it, when all these tedious tasks seem more appealing than the idea of trying, once more, to tell you what you keep ignoring. But I have a duty . So here goes. You don't have to have a hard time. It's just that a part of you seems to think you deserve one, so it keeps making dumb decisions. Stop these!
The Moon remains in your sign stirring up much emotion and commotion. You are torn between the desire to do something dramatic and the feeling that you should keep well away from a source of dangerous disruption. Happily, the more level-headed part of your personality is due to win the battle. Soon, you will do only what is sensible and practical. Oh, and by the way, pigs will fly and large corporations will give away all their profit to charity. You can't possibly be good today... but you can, at least, be careful. And you should.
There is a four-letter word that astrologers must refrain from using. Even a passing allusion to this can have an incendiary effect. People just have to hear it and that's it, they are off. There is no stopping them. I do not want to feel responsible for creating such a reaction in you, so I am now looking for some way to get through this forecast without once mentioning luck. Oh, whoops. Too late. I said it by accident. Oh well, I guess it's OK as long as I don't use it in conjunction with the word good. Oh. Darn. Er listen... um, just forget you read that. OK?
There is, I seem to recall, a classic comedy routine involving a carpenter who is trying to mend a wobbly table. One leg appears to be shorter than all the others so he decides to cut the rest down to match. Unfortunately, his measurements are not entirely accurate and at the end of this process, another leg is too short. On he goes again, until eventually, the table is only about an inch above the ground - and still wobbling! A quick bodge today will ultimately prove far more appropriate and efficient than any complex quest for perfection.
"Is this really my eternal flame?" So sang the Bangles many moons ago. The fact that they felt obliged to phrase the question, speaks volumes. If you have to ask the price of something, you probably can't afford it. If you have to ask what the point is, it probably has no meaning for you. And if you have to ask whether it is real or not... well, look. All I am trying to say is that you are now wondering how far to go down a particular road. Don't try to talk yourself into making the journey. Don't wrestle with too many ifs, buts and maybes. Just wait until, or unless, you are overwhelmed with an urge to act.
"If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?" You may well ask. The answer though, surely, is obvious at least, to anyone who has been following this column over the past few days. Peter's peck of peppers were purloined to provide payment for Paul. Some people in this life, seemingly get all of the struggle and none of the success. Others are more like Paul than Peter, they just sit around and wait until everything falls into their lap. This weekend, you need to expend less effort and yet expect more of a result!
People often ask me whether it is better to be born under some signs than others. I always say no. All astrological influences are created equal. What matters in life, is not what advantage the sky has blessed you with, it's how you use it. Sounds good, doesn't it? Between you and me, it is very hard to think of a better sign to belong to than Virgo. Just look at the other people who have inherited these characteristics. They are not, of course, quite as smart as you but they are still a pretty good bunch on the whole. This weekend brings you something to feel rightly proud of. Don't be too shy.
There are, in essence, two ways in which people can be persuaded to alter their behaviour patterns. One involves legislation, the other inspiration. Or, if you prefer to think in such terms, one involves a stick and the other a carrot. People argue about which method is most effective. But, of course, much depends on the situation. And some sticks (and carrots) make much more of an impact than others. You so badly want to alter something in your life that you are tempted to get stroppy. You will accomplish far more if you focus on a bright goal and not on a dark fear. ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
People who work in the caring professions need, somewhat ironically, to keep a tight rein on their compassion. They need to care like crazy when they may just be able to make a difference. Yet they also need to be able to shut off all emotion at a moment's notice. Sometimes this is so they can function and attain an objective perspective. Sometimes, it is to protect themselves from feelings that might otherwise shake their sanity. You care deeply about a certain situation now. That's precisely why you need to approach it from such a seemingly cold, logical standpoint.
A little bubble encapsulates the period between now and the middle of next week. It is a bubble of hope, of faith and even to some extent, of fortune. I'm not trying to suggest that between now and then you cannot put a foot wrong. You are, after all, a Sagittarian. You cannot NOT put a foot wrong! But as long as you don't now step too boldly in a stupid direction, or decide to do something deliberately dangerous, you will find that somehow, all damage is limited. And where effort is sincere and choice is wise, you will yet have an experience of exceptional success.
Cartoonists often love to draw characters, gingerly attempting to cross a raging river by treading on a series of stepping stones. Often, for humorous effect, they will show the walker's eyes fixed on the middle distance. In looking ahead in that way, they are failing to look down, and thus they are unable to see that the stepping stone immediately ahead of them is actually the head of a hungry crocodile. Have you got that 'any-moment-now-a-disaster-is-going-to-happen' feeling? Don't get into it. Everything is going to be fine
Nothing lasts forever. Some things though, drag on for an awfully long time. We can easily begin to assume that they will never change. Of course, the moment we adopt this attitude, we lose some of our ability to make a difference. That's fine if we are happy with things as they are. But if we really would like to have a different experience, we must never decide that it simply isn't possible. I have taken a terse tone with you this week, merely because I fear you are in danger of missing an amazing opportunity. But if you reach out to grab it, this weekend, it will fall right into your hands.
おはようございます。双子座の週末です。 どなたか翻訳をお願いします。 They say that, one way or another, we end up paying a price for everything. They may be right. But that's not the whole story. Our every action earns us a reward. Our every decision leads to a consequence. If we always do our best to do the right thing for the right reason, we will invariably get a result we can be pleased with and proud of. Any price we ever have to pay for this will always seem small by comparison to the sense of satisfaction that we have been blessed with. You absolutely can afford this weekend's indulgence. Indeed, you cannot afford not to treat yourself!
獅子座 Do you remember when you first learned long division? Wasn't it satisfying when you could make one figure go into another an exact number of times? And wasn't it aggravating when there was a little something left over? Remainders seemed so untidy. Silly, irritating things that served no purpose other than to act as a reminder of some failed quest for harmony and completion. This weekend, you need to perform a difficult calculation. You feel as if you are under much pressure to arrive at an ideal answer. Ignore that and relax. The best you can get is as good as you need.
Think of a seesaw. It remains level only when it is not in use. When one person sits on it, it shifts to an uneven position and stays there. When two climb on it oscillates, endlessly. It never enters a state of perfect equilibrium. What's the problem? Well, there isn't one unless you feel, for some reason, that balance is very important. If you do, you can easily become irritated and aggravated by a scenario which just refuses to level itself out. Your challenge this weekend, is to accept a situation for what it is, not what you wish it was. If you can only do that, all will be fine
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper; A peck of pickled pepper Peter Piper pickled; If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper, Where's the peck of pickled pepper Peter Piper picked? ピーター・パイパがとんがらし漬けたっぷりつまみ食い。 とんがらし漬けたっぷりピーター.パイパがつまみ食い。 ピーター・パイパがたっぷりとんがらし漬けをつまみ食いしたら、 ピーター・パイパがつまみ食いの、あのたっぷりとんがらし漬けはどこ?
It is easy to act strong if you feel strong. It is not so easy to do what's right when you are unsure of yourself, or when you keep remembering times, in your past, when you have made a mistake. It does not matter though, how often in your history you have chosen the wrong thing. Right at the moment, you are making the best possible choice for the best possible reason. There is only one way in which you can 'get it wrong' now. And that's by persuading yourself that you are wrong, when, in fact, you are quite right!
Be proud of what you know and be suspicious of what you think you do not know. You know more than you give yourself credit for knowing. You can see further than you think. Not only are your instincts sharp, your intellectual powers are piercing. Out of the corner of your eye, you have been studying a certain person, situation or subject. Without making any special effort, you have attained a valid insight and you fully are entitled now, to put this into practice without feeling intimidated by it.
Naturally enough, you want to be thought of as wise and clever. It may, though, be necessary now to distinguish between the two qualities. Intellectual ability does not automatically give rise to depth of understanding. Skill is not always bound to travel hand in hand with sensitivity. The 'processing power' of your brain is not in doubt. A computer though, is only ever as good as the software program it is running. What are you thinking about? Direct your interest towards something truly constructive today. ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
Your 'big disadvantage' has the potential to be a helpful asset. Before, though, you can see the hidden blessing in your situation, you have to stop feeling resentful of it. Accept the factor that cannot be altered. Waste no further energy complaining or wondering why you allowed it to arise. Decide that, despite appearances to the contrary, the fates are on your side. And then, think about how you can profit from what looks like such a problem. for the sky insists that you CAN profit... quite substantially.
The cosmic picture is changing rapidly and so, too, is your personal situation. You are no longer so sure that you understand what's going on and, if you're slightly doubtful now, you will soon have reason to feel highly dubious. This though, really does not need to be a problem. Your view of the future is being unpleasantly obscured by a passing obstacle or difficulty. Right now, that's all you can see, but if you hold tight and wait, you'll soon see something that's far more inspiring.
獅子座 Of the many qualities which distinguish humans from animals, perhaps the most impressive is the ability to enter any kind of earthly paradise and immediately find fault with it! Our ability to be critical is a blessing and a curse. It protects us from potential danger. It prevents us from being too easily fooled or misled. Yet, when we really do have something to be grateful for, it can sorely spoil our ability to be fully appreciative. Put your list of complaints to one side and enjoy what's good.
(原文) Miracles can and do happen overnight, but they rarely happen on the very night that we want them to happen on! There are some changes that you are very keen to bring about. You are willing to do all you can to hurry them along. Your enthusiasm, though, is working against you. Rather than become heated and hasty, play it calm and cool. Decide that you are prepared to wait 'as long as it takes' and you will discover that, though it takes longer than you want it to, it slowly does all start to happen.
For some while you have been uncertain about how to proceed with regard to a crucial matter. You have been feeling tense and confused. You still don't have answers to all the questions in your mind, but what you are beginning to realise is that you do not need to have these answers. You merely need to see a crucial matter in a more simple, straightforward way. There's only one issue that really matters at the moment and you are now being vividly reminded of this. Focus on that clear priority.
22日牡羊座 お願いします。 It is one thing to be 'put through the mangle', another to step into the path of a steamroller. You can't escape the fact that your situation is tense. You've already got more on your plate than you can possibly digest, yet everywhere you turn, you can see people coming towards you with more tasks to set you, more requests to make of you or more things to worry about. Do, today, what you absolutely have to do, and remember, one thing you absolutely have to do is decide when enough is enough!
You need help and support if you are to achieve what you hope to achieve. It's attainable, but only if you make an effort to find strong points in common with people you don't naturally see eye to eye with. The temptation, today, is to dwell on areas of conflict or difference. That may give you a passing sense of satisfaction but ultimately, you want a real, lasting result, not a temporary triumph. To get this, you have to be willing to compromise, co-operate and combine your effort with someone else's.
22日蠍座です。よろしくお願いします。 Is there some way that you can reduce the element of risk in your current plan? Perhaps, though, you must be careful not to water it down too dramatically in your attempt to make it seem safer. You can now 'take the edge off' a possible danger in much the same way as you can add milk to coffee in order to make the taste less intense. What you can't do though, is take the coffee out of the equation entirely. You have to be willing, at least to some extent, to take a fairly carefully calculated gamble.
>>221 あ、ご指摘ありがとうございます。 overnightは確かに「夜通し」じゃ、夜限定かい!と眠れなくなっちゃいますものね。 'as long as it takes' に関しては勝手な意訳をしたつもりでした。 これからも気が付いた時にはドンジャカご意見を書いてくださると助かります。 おさかなさん達にもなるべく正しい訳を読んでもらいたいのですが、 私一人じゃ理想にはとても追いつかないのですよ。トホホ。
By making just one telephone call you can radically change the future. By writing one letter, making one statement, adjusting one simple factor in a plan or arrangement you can permanently transform a key situation. To alter the course of history, it is not necessary to make some grand, dramatic gesture or to set out with a view to moving a mountain. Sometimes you merely have to lift a finger, raise an eyebrow or open your mouth. Be aware today of the power that you have and be ready to use it sparingly and wisely.
Vitamin C does not stay in the human body very long. That's why it is important to eat a daily supply of fruit. Vitamin B12, by comparison, needs only to be replenished periodically. As with physical nutrients, so with psychological supports. There are some 'ego boosts' that wear off unless we get them again, pretty soon. There are others that we need only once in a while. Don't be in too much of a hurry now, to build on and better a recent success. Take your time. You still haven't reaped all the benefit of your last major gain.
You need to be adventurous, yet you also need to be cautious. It is as if you are being invited to walk a tightrope. You have the necessary skill, but you also know that this is not a task to be undertaken lightly. You have to make sure that the equipment is safe, but once you have checked everything to your satisfaction, you then have to banish doubt from your mind and just stride forth boldly. Your personal tightrope today involves a sensitive situation, no surprises, you know what I'm talking about, it needs to be handled calmly and confidently.
You are entering a more settled phase. Soon the scenery will stop shifting quite so rapidly and there will be a chance to consolidate a precarious arrangement or plan that has been on your mind for too long. Right now, you need to look carefully at the reason why a certain situation is so volatile or so changeable. It is as if you want someone else to make a decision on your behalf, or as if you are waiting for circumstances to alter so that you are left with no choice. But you do not have to wait. Act now. Make your choice, stick with it and all will be fine.
In our dreams we envisage dramatic rewards from an appreciative world. We fancy ourselves as high achievers whose brave efforts will be recognised and applauded. Rarely does the reality quite match up to this. People often resent other peoples' success. They are more likely to be suspicious or dismissive of it than they are to be struck by a sense of rapturous awe. Don't worry, for right now you can live without constant applause. You are doing very well at the moment and you will continue to do well today. But don't expect to be given a gold medal.
All the current cosmic alignments are conspiring, somehow, to bring you greater strength and certainty. If you find that strange, because you have been experiencing a lot of doubt or difficulty, consider this possibility. Maybe you can't be fully sure of what's right until you have spent enough time grappling with something that's essentially wrong. You are losing faith now, in some idea or plan which, frankly, has always lacked a vital component. Now is the time to let it go and whole-heartedly embrace instead a much more sensible idea.
Great tasks are not always easy to carry out. That does not mean, though, that they invariably have to be difficult. If faced with something that involves a perpetual struggle, even the most determined people will eventually give up. You have a great task before you now and, for the time being at least, you're getting help with it. There may come a point soon, where you have to work much harder whilst enjoying less support. Start to prepare yourself for that. But it becomes all the more important to get as far as you can while the going is good.
First, open your eyes as wide as you can. Then, shut them. The sky is inviting you to take a good long look at your situation. You are missing a trick or failing to spot a smart solution to an irritating problem. Maybe you feel you are to blame for the existence of a difficulty and that, therefore, you deserve to be punished for it. Fight those feelings and go beyond such negative ideas. Become angry if you must, but, above all else, become inspired to find a way forward. Once you've seen that way, focus on absolutely nothing else.
You are judging yourself too harshly. You want to be 'the best that you can be' yet it seems, to you, that your best is somehow not good enough. Why do you feel this way? What right do you really have to feel disappointed in yourself? Do you truly believe that you ought to be able to succeed at everything you attempt, the very first time you ever try? Take a closer look at the sheer breadth and scale of your current challenge and give yourself a pat on the back. Of course, you're not perfect but you do have a lot to be proud of today.
Human beings are not omniscient. It seems like a shame till you remember that, if you could see everything, life would no longer hold forth any element of surprise. What you need, at the moment, is not the ability to predict, in advance, every consequence of the plan of action that you are currently contemplating. You merely need to know whether, on balance, if what you are considering is a good idea or a bad one. This much insight, you DO have access to. The decision is made: if the idea was truly a bad one, you would not even be thinking about it.
People get angrier and edgier when they eat a lot of meat. That's why so many great spiritual teachers have been vegetarians. No wonder our world today is in such a state. Everyone is on the Atkins Diet. They may be getting slim. They may even, arguably, be healthy. But their heads are in a bad way. It's funny how we can all so easily overlook some of life's most crucial priorities. We make crazy choices and silly sacrifices. You now need to look at what you are doing and why. Success is not in doubt... but sanity is!
Why have we got two eyes? Maybe it's nature's way of reminding us that there are always two ways to look at a situation. Why have we got two ears? Perhaps because there's always a choice about what we choose to hear. But then, hang on... How come we don't have at least nine mouths? After all, we say a lot of conflicting things. There are several ways in which you can now address an important issue. Try, therefore, not to say the first thing that springs to your lips. Tact and subtlety are your keys to success now.
Now, what have you forgotten? What have you overlooked? Come along, think! You know there must be something, don't you? Well, of course, there is. That's always the case in your life. But it is nothing to be ashamed of, nor to worry about. Almost invariably, when something slips your mind, it does so for a reason. You never forget what you truly need to remember. If an alarm sounds loudly enough today, respond. If it doesn't arouse you, you are almost certainly supposed to be sleeping through it.
Imagination is more intoxicating than any drink, more addictive than any drug. One way or another, we are all hooked on dreams. Those who deny this and who claim to have a clear grip on reality, are the most dangerously deluded of all. They are dreaming a dream about not dreaming! Don't apologise for a fantasy today. Don't hide, ignore or suppress it either. You are entitled to your aspiration and you may well benefit from indulging it. The planets now speak of a passing fancy that leads to a lasting advantage. ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
There's no such thing as a problem that can't be solved. There is though, a problem that can be solved only at a very high price. Or a problem that a certain person is not as keen to get rid of as they claim. Why is there seemingly no answer to a pressing question now? It might be because there is less difficulty than you might imagine. Don't mistake a vociferous complaint for a true expression of commitment to change. Some people enjoy feeling aggrieved far more than they enjoy lifting a finger to make the world a fairer place.
獅子座 The inventor of the intelligence test must have been pretty stupid. Fancy thinking that you can judge a person by the speed at which they can perform some silly little tricks with numbers. Or solve some pointless word puzzles. Where, in the great quest for the high IQ is there any measurement of compassion, creativity, imagination, spontaneity or simple human warmth? You now have a clever idea. Of course it is worth pursuing. But it won't bring you all that you need it to unless you are sensitive as well as smart.
Think of a theatre, dark and empty in the middle of the night. Not a soul in the place, not a sound to be heard. What an eerie, desolate atmosphere. Now imagine the same place just a few hours later, full of light and laughter with a successful show in full swing. We have to be really careful about the conclusions we draw from the situations we find ourselves facing. A little additional information can vastly alter our perspective. You will soon start to see a seemingly gloomy scenario from a far more encouraging angle.
Mistakes are easily made. Generally, the biggest clangers are dropped by those who think they are infallible. People who live in fear of failure are at least more likely to recognise a silly idea when they hear it. But, of course, if they really expect disaster at any moment, they are as mistaken as those who feel it can never come. Whose approval do you now seek? Why are you so doubtful of your own judgements? The only error you are now in danger of making is the mistake of not trusting your own deepest instinct
Why do some people appear actively to pursue a life of turmoil? Why do they court danger by sailing perilously close to the wind? Why do they seemingly never learn from their mistakes? The answer has nothing to do with stupidity. Some highly intelligent individuals act like maniacs from time to time. It has more to do with hunger for excitement. There's nothing like a crisis for beating boredom. You can have a much easier life now, if you really want. Ah, but do you really want one? That's not so easy to answer, is it?
蠍ザ24日です。宜しくお願い致します。 One way or another, we are all prisoners. Some of us are trapped by our consciences, others by our desires. But then, we have to ask, what is the true meaning of freedom? Is it the ability to walk away? Or might it, perhaps, have more to do with acceptance? Maybe, if you are truly free, you can live happily with any restriction placed upon you... for you are free of expectation, criticism and doubt. You are being liberated from something you suspect you might prefer to remain with. Free yourself from that needless fear.
山羊座24日 原文です。 どなたか宜しくお願いします。 Have you overlooked a crucial detail? Have you missed a vital trick? You are beginning to doubt yourself. New factors are causing you to question old decisions. You must remember that there is really no such thing as perfection. Too often, we set ourselves impossibly high standards or blame ourselves for failing to avoid the inevitable. You have responded well to your recent challenge and should not feel fazed for a moment by the difficulty that is arising. You will yet discover that you know precisely how to handle it.
Why have you turned to this forecast? Because you seek an insight into the future. Do you really want to know what it has in store for you? What if you don't like the prediction? Or what if you are better off not knowing? Sometimes, we can waste a lot of energy preparing for an event which is best dealt with spontaneously. That's one good reason not to think too far ahead. Here's another. The key to tomorrow lies in your hands today. Deal properly with 'what is' and 'what will be' will be all that you need it to be.
Why not lower your standards? Why not settle for less? Don't you think you are being far too ambitious? Aren't you also being unreasonably hard on yourself? Look around. How many other people expect as much from the world, or from themselves, as you do? Most folk seem perfectly content to accept what you feel inclined to reject. To them, it's not a sacrifice, it's a pleasure. Have I convinced you yet? Oh well, it was worth a try. If you really must reach for the Moon today, do it with all your heart and soul. You never know, you may just get there.
[原文] They say there are two sides to every story. If only that were true, how simple life would be. But, of course, there are not two, there are twenty-two. That's why so many people try so hard to form just one strong opinion and then stick to it. That requires far less effort and, for as long as the topic in question doesn't really matter, it seems a perfectly acceptable solution. But when there's something really important going on, you've got to know the real score, regardless of how much brain strain it takes. Think hard today and tomorrow there'll be nothing to regret.
Your forecast today has been brought to you by, Solutions R Us. "Remember folks, when you need the answer to a pressing question, you need look no further. We have them in a wide range of colours and sizes to cover every need and pocket." I am going to get myself into trouble here, it is never wise to argue with the sponsors. But I wish they weren't buying space in your prediction today. They have solutions, it's true, but these rarely fit the actual problems. You don't want any answer today, you want the right one. You can have it, as long as you are picky.
We all know how to count calories. What a shame we don't pay equal attention to our mental and emotional intake. We indulge far too many heavy thoughts. We allow in sentimental moods that cause our hearts to swell up dangerously close to bursting point. We don't exercise anywhere near enough discrimination. We become bloated with bad attitudes. The new Moon brings your chance to slim down. You are carrying far too much psychological weight. Lighten up your heart and the rest of your life will swiftly follow suit.
Talk is cheap. There's not a person on this planet who doesn't have something to say. Far more precious and rare is the ability to listen. Very few of us ever give as much attention as we should to the thoughts and feelings of those around us. At best we pay them lip-service, at worst, we just ride rough-shod over one another's deepest sensitivities. Then we wonder why the world is full of folk who seem so fed up. The current cosmic climate brings the chance to establish a very real and meaningful level of communication. Open your ears today.
Our minds have one agenda, our hearts another. Rarely, if ever, do the two completely coincide. Our heads though, have a nasty habit of speaking on our heart's behalf. They get away with this subterfuge because their voices are so much louder and more 'reasonable' sounding. Hearts don't shout, they whisper, at least most of the time. And when they do speak up, they make statements that pay no regard to the restrictions of reality. True hearts though, are always pure, giving, generous and kind. Heads fight battles, hearts seek peace. Just remember that today.
Some people feel fed up about the restrictions they face. They complain bitterly about these limitations. Others refuse even to acknowledge their existence. They focus only on apparent opportunities. They ignore reality and perceive the voice of common-sense as nagging and negative. Yet to drive a car of aspiration down the road that leads to success, you must have both a brake and an accelerator. Your current difficulty is merely a device for making sure that you now seize a newly-emerging possibility in the right way and attain maximum benefit from it.
Why do we ever bother to feel fearful, reticent or apprehensive. Why can't we all just be constantly confident? Because these experiences are important. We are well advised to feel nervous, for example, when approaching a busy road or when preparing to climb into a hot bath. It's a good job that a little inner voice says, 'be careful' at such times. Sometimes, though, our 'fear valve' gets stuck in the 'On' position and makes everything seem daunting. You are now far too worried about something that really needn't be a problem at all.
獅子座 There's an easy way to get all the right answers. You just have to ask all the wrong questions. As long as you can continually miss the point and fail to see what's really going on in the world around you, you can easily conjure the comforting illusion of certainty. You are now half-tempted to see a complex situation from a very superficial view point. It feels reassuring to jump to a quick conclusion and lay the blame at an obvious door. Yet, inwardly, you know that's not the whole story. Your quest for a deeper truth will yet bring a priceless revelation.
天秤座25日デイリーです。よろしくお願いします。 Every light casts a shadow. Every certainty hides a doubt. Every success stems from a failure. Every hope hides a fear. Oh, and of course... they do say that love and hate are but two sides of one coin. All I'm trying to point out is that there's good in what you now feel prone to perceive as bad... and vice versa. There's nothing in your life now that can't be changed for the better if that's what you want. And there's also very little that can't be made to stay the same if only you are determined enough to keep progress at bay.
Don't tread too delicately. You won't please certain people no matter how hard you try. It is almost as if they want to see just how far you will go in an attempt to pacify them. Maybe you have nothing better to do with your time. Perhaps you actively enjoy running round in circles. If so, feel free to carry on. Otherwise, you should be aware that you will achieve just as much today by holding your ground as by giving it. How ironic it would be if you were to respond to a passing need of insecurity by changing a balance of power and thus becoming insecure!
The phrase, "seeing the future" is misleading. It implies that there is only ever one future to see. But we all have many possible futures open to us. The choices we make decide which we will have. That's why a job like mine is so difficult to do. If there was only one future, and nothing we ever did was going to make a difference to it, prediction would be a piece of cake! Now, let us turn to your futures. Some seem desirable but remote. Others are less appealing but more likely. The planets insist that the best option is attainable. All you have to do, is reach for it.
What do you see when you close your eyes? And what about when you open them? How dramatic is the difference? We are entitled to our fantasies. Indeed, we really ought to see them as essential to our well-being. What's the point of a life without dreams? It's true too, that some dreams are best left unfulfilled. They are more enjoyable in the imagination than they would ever be in reality. Yet every so often, we have to get a little of what we want, if only to maintain the tantalising illusion that the rest might just be attainable.
You have some very special friends. You may not see them often, indeed, you may sometimes almost lose contact with them completely. Nonetheless, certain crucial lifelong connections were formed long ago. Every so often, you get to play a pivotal role in a particular person's life and/or they get to return the favour. Important developments are now taking place. They involve some of the people who are most special to you and they somehow require you to act in ways that seem a little out of character. But this is all for the good.
Few things are ever quite as scary as dreams that suddenly seem to be coming true. We feel fearful lest our hopes are being raised unreasonably. We also feel concerned because we recognise that, always, with change comes challenge. If our wish is granted yet it does not make us happy, we will have nothing left on which to blame our sense of dissatisfaction. And, psychologically, that might leave us a lot worse off. So, of course, you are nervous now. But you really don't need to be too apprehensive. Everything is about to start working out exceptionally well.
You want to know where you stand but how can you possibly work that out if you are not standing still? Yet if you don't keep moving, perhaps you will stop in the wrong place. Maybe it's best to carry on going until you know for sure where you are. If this doesn't quite make sense, that's deliberate. I am trying to reflect the somewhat convoluted logic that has lately led you to feel unnecessarily restless and insecure. But gradually, though, your confidence is coming back. The New Moon will trigger yet another wave of it. You can afford to relax.
Someone has to take responsibility.The buck must stop somewhere. We can't all act like kids and assume that a grown-up is going to come along and clear up the mess that we have got ourselves into. You are a Capricorn. You understand this well. Perhaps a little too well. Sometimes it seems as if you are shouldering far too many burdens, simply because of your willingness to do whatever is needed. A lot of people now seem to be expecting a great deal from you. It's one thing to act out of a sincere desire to help, and another to feel trapped by some terrible sense of duty.
獅子座 We should be so grateful for our moments of weakness. They lead directly to our times of greatest strength. They teach us the lessons we can learn in no other way. They open our eyes and touch our hearts. When we are feeling fine, we rarely stop to question anything. We don't need to. Yet, when things are seemingly going wrong, we have to do a lot of soul-searching. Somewhere in this process, we make discoveries that later turn out to be priceless. You have lately been forced to do a lot of thinking. Soon, you will yet have cause to be deeply glad of this.
If life is supposed to be simple, how come there are always so many complicated details? If it is supposed to be easy, why do we keep encountering so many difficulties? If all we need is love, why are we surrounded by unforgivable idiots? If contentment is the objective, why are there so many sources of endless aggravation? Oh, and one more thing. If this is supposed to be a zodiac forecast full of answers, how come it contains so many questions? You need a sense of humour now. More crucially still, you need a sense of perspective. Expect less, and you'll enjoy much more.
Pluto and Uranus are slow-moving outer planets. Thus, they rarely align with each other but when they do link up, they create a powerful influence that can last for many months. Since soon after its discovery back in 1781, Uranus has been considered the co-ruler of Aquarius; and Pluto is the planet of profound, permanent transformation. You are now going through a once-in-a-lifetime process. Life may seem very intense but it is also about to prove very wonderfully rewarding. Don't let a small setback or a passing doubt blind you to an enormous opportunity.
Yours, to all intents and purposes, is the sign of the spin-doctor. You have this uncanny ability to make wrong things sound right. It is not just that you can look on the bright side, it is more as if you carry around a torch and a pot of highly-reflective paint. This lets you add sparkle to even the most dreary situations. And though you are never deliberately deceptive, sometimes you summon so much enthusiasm that you become convinced about a debatable point. Watch out now for the tendency to talk yourself into something that it might be far wiser to walk away from.
"Who the Gods wish to destroy, they first make mad. " So wrote Euripedes about two and half thousand years ago. Greek scholars probably know more about how he thought those Gods created the state of insanity. But you don't really need to be an expert in ancient language to hazard a pretty good guess. If you want to drive someone round the twist, just get them to think too long and hard about a topic that will never make sense, no matter what angle you come at it from. Your challenge now is to avoid getting caught up in an endless loop.
"Who the Gods wish to destroy, they first make mad." So wrote Euripedes about two and half thousand years ago. Greek scholars probably know more about how he thought those Gods created the state of insanity. But you don't really need to be an expert in ancient language to hazard a pretty good guess. If you want to drive someone round the twist, just get them to think too long and hard about a topic that will never make sense, no matter what angle you come at it from. Your challenge now is to avoid getting caught up in an endless loop.
Get moving. Shift yourself. Take your chance. And if you can't see a chance to take... create one. All you really need now is a little determination and energy. You don't have to turn yourself into a human steamroller. You don't have to ignore the feelings of those around you. You can be very gentle and sympathetic, just as long as you remember that you are fully entitled to pursue your particular goal. Keep it high on your list of priorities. Seek opportunity, wherever it may be hiding. Be persistent but not pushy, assertive but not aggressive and you will yet get a great result.
Why are we all so stupid? Because if we were any smarter, we'd be too clever for our own good. Why are we all so ignorant? Because if we knew any more, we'd have nothing left to learn. Why are we all so crazy? Because if we were truly sane, we couldn't cope! I'm just trying to point out that there are good reasons why the world is as it is. Of course, we should try to change it for the better whenever we can but we should also remember that the quickest way to bring about an improvement, is to start liking whatever we have previously felt inclined to object to.
You are a creature of extremes. The day you stop swinging from one intense mood to another is the day you lose a little of the spark that makes you special. To become more relaxed (and, therefore, more successful) you do not need to level out this part of your personality. You merely have to be more philosophical. Your current problem is not the 'end of the world'. Your current hope is not the 'only possible solution'. Feel whatever you feel but don't let any of this cloud your thoughts.
獅子座 Some planetary alignments are powerful. They make such an impact on so many people's lives that there's just no ignoring them. Others are more subtle. They present less-obvious opportunities and you can take advantage of these only by summoning willpower and ingenuity. Two such 'aspects' are now influencing you. You may feel that not many choices are open but actually you have a plethora of options. It's all just a question of confidence and determination.
Can you really 'move a mountain'? Absolutely not. Though the phrase makes for a lovely analogy, it is a ridiculous proposition. At absolute best you can tunnel through one with enough dynamite. But some challenges are just not worth contemplating. Where, even if you can move a mountain, are you actually going to move it TO? And what kind of an advantage will you gain for all that effort? The sky is urging you to think very carefully about what could be possible if only you were to stop attempting the impossible!
Put your misgivings aside. A warm and wonderful week awaits you. Throughout the last few weeks you have been wrestling with a difficult decision. In your heart, you have now made your choice, even if you have yet to demonstrate the commitment physically. Think no more about whether you have chosen well. Trust the conclusion that you have reached and begin to act on it. Each time you find yourself approaching a problem or conflict it will mysteriously, yet magically, step out of your way. ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
Are you enjoying your struggle? Do you wish life was just a little easier? Are you wondering how much longer you can cope with a set of seemingly endlessly stressful scenarios? The planets don't promise an instant solution. They suggest, indeed, that each time you try to work out where you stand with regard to a key person or situation, you'll become more confused... at least, at first. Yet, intriguingly, despite all that this week, you'll grow inspired about what you really feel and why.
If there's something you want to sell, take it off the market! If there's a point you want to communicate, shut your mouth. If there's a journey you want to make, trade in your ticket. Can you see what I am getting at? It's advice that, under usual circumstances, you'd never want to take. But are these circumstances usual? Your plan may be logical but it palpably isn't working. So drop it and do, instead, the very opposite of what you would expect to be correct. Then, you'll make real progress.
The cosmic climate could hardly be better. There's a most encouraging indication of imminent prosperity... or, at least, solvency! This positive influence will eventually impact on more than one area of your life. At last you are going to get the power to alter things for the better. There's a relationship you would like to be experiencing much more comfort within and a plan that you yearn to take past a particular obstacle. In these departments too, prepare for an inspiring week.
Someone appreciates you more than you realise. Someone cares more than you know. Someone wants to help you and this someone has more power than you perhaps give them credit for. Don't feel obliged to struggle on alone, or to prove that you can cope without help. The assistance you need will always be available if only you can find the humility to ask for it. Work generally on the assumption that your plan is a wise one and that you are in the right place at the right time. For it is, and you are!
You have done enough. Don't sit worrying how much more you need to accomplish. Ignore the pressure and ignore, too, your own desire to get as far as you can, as fast as you can. You have planted a seed, now you must give it time to grow. You have placed an order, now you must allow the delivery system a chance to operate. As a Cancerian you are often tempted to keep questioning plans and ideas. You doubt your decisions too often. But you have made all the right moves. All you need do is sit tight and wait.
They say a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down. This week, you can look forward to a sweet experience. Feel free to enjoy it. Eventually though, you will realise that the sugar is coating a powerful pill. You are being made ready to face a challenge. There's a battle to fight and a tricky task to carry out. You can't apply yourself to this important endeavour unless you are feeling confident and loved. That's why you are now starting to see so many helpful signs and signals.
29日蠍座デイリーです。宜しくお願い致します。 Astrologers don't always agree with one another. The fundamental rules of our ancient art are clear, but I may look at your chart and see some nuance that a colleague would interpret differently. Hence the variations that you sometimes find between two forecasts in two publications. This current cosmic alignment, though, could only be interpreted positively. A promise of money, an indication of imminent romantic joy and a sign that you are about to be blessed with a burst of great creativity, is
We should think long and hard before we ever use the phrase 'wasting time'. Who are we to judge the value of time or to say what constitutes a waste of it? Some people spend their whole lives attempting the impossible. They may never succeed but if they're enjoying the challenge and learning from it, they're doing something worthwhile. Don't see your need to alter a plan as a form of failure. You have done nothing wrong. It's just that now, you need to do something that's more likely to bring a particular material result.
Scorpios are capable of humility. So too, can they be arrogant. You have no problem going to either extreme, but you do find it hard to strike a reasonable, lasting balance. One moment you want to present yourself as superhuman; the next, you seek to curl up and cower in the smallest corner. Pluto's rare alignment to Uranus is causing you to snap out of a daft dream and to recognise a reality. You don't need an attitude of any kind now. Just a willingness to see what's real.
Can you fit a square peg into a round hole? Perhaps, if the peg is malleable, or the hole reshaped. But surely, once you start going to such lengths, you are no longer dealing with a truly square peg or a genuinely round hole. If you can't see why I'm raising this, you will understand soon. There's a problem you sorely want to resolve yet which you simply cannot settle. It's unnerving, but ultimately the secret of success involves accepting that which is seemingly impossible.
One swallow doesn't make a summer. Nor does one chilly day make a winter. We can be too quick to spot a trend or decide that we know which way the wind is blowing. Over the next couple of days, you may fear that something is falling apart. Passing doubts and difficulties could cause you to conclude that you face a problem which could last a while. Be more optimistic. Mars stays amazingly bright in your sign and the Sun is aligning helpfully to your ruler. There's plenty of hope.
Stop seeing yourself as a donkey, incapable of movement unless it is being driven. You have a fascinating vision and, as it involves a feasible idea, there's no need to force yourself to follow it. Nor need you pretend to yourself that it's something extra special. It IS extra special and so is that person reaching out to make it come true. The sky is granting you precious inspiration. Soon you'll be doing neither what you have to do nor want to do, but what you were born to do.
We all have different ways of behaving. One person's great day out is another's dull excursion. If we truly want to, we can alter our personalities to some extent, to fit in with our fellow humans. There comes, though, a point past which we cannot go without feeling the sorry loss of our sense of self. Some compromises just aren't worth making. Or rather (because a true compromise is always a joy) some SACRIFICES aren't worth it. You must distinguish between giving in and giving up.
Welcome to the wonderful world of irony. How silly is your situation? How unnecessary is your problem? And how much is it your own fault? I'm not trying to add insult to injury. I am trying to suggest that you ignore the apparent insult, forget all fear of injury and just work on the assumption that something, somewhere up there, likes you. Regardless of what seems wrong, something is about to work out wonderfully well. It will happen all the quicker if you are confident.
There are vital discoveries to be made very soon. For some while, you have been on the trail of an elusive quarry. Each time you think you have it, you realise that it has somehow escaped your clutches. You are on the verge of giving up. Step over that verge. Let go. Forget the whole thing. Focus your energy and attention elsewhere. The moment you stop playing hide and seek, the thing which is hiding from you will somehow step forward to actively seek you out.
獅子座 Think of yourself as a fish! Dangling in the water is a heavily-baited hook. You like the look of what's on offer but you are suspicious about what it is attached to. Rightly so. One wrong move and you will be caught up in a breathless struggle. But then again, you are hungry. And Jupiter's dangerously tempting offer at least exists. So, can you claim the prize without paying the price? The answer is yes... but only if you are careful, clever, cautious and quick... all at once!
Prepare for a wonderful time. If that sounds unrealistic, given the amount that you have to worry about and the weight of responsibility on your shoulders, fear not. The cosmic climate is finally changing and while it won't happen overnight, you will soon start to feel lighter, brighter and more secure. You have had enough for now of wrestling with practical difficulties. Coming events will fire your imagination and reawaken your natural sense of inspiration.
The trick, today, is not to try too hard. You are finding it hard to relax. Partly because you are self-critical by nature, partly because you have high standards and partly because you feel responsible to someone or something. The result of all this is pressure. You want to give 110 per cent of your effort to a crucial enterprise. Actually though, you are on the right road and there's no great need to race. Just take it steady and you will find you automatically get where you need to be.
Do you feel concerned because something seems to be falling apart? Soon, you will realise that you do not need to worry. What matters now is not the project which appears to be disintegrating; it's the new idea which is rapidly coming together. The planets are showing you a viable new way forward. You can make a success of anything you set out to do over the next few days provided you direct your attention towards the future instead of dwelling on the past.
While Venus is passing through your opposite sign, you can expect a change in your love life. For some while you have been engaged in negotiation. Finally it seems that a certain person is becoming more willing to hear what you have to say and to co-operate with you. This in turn is inspiring you to trust that individual more and to let them take the lead with regard to a key plan or project. Either in love or at work, or both, there's now a real chance to deepen the work of a very productive team.
It is not just the lazy who find themselves strangely attracted to inactivity. The wise can be equally drawn in this direction. In this fast moving, go-getting world, the magical art of doing nothing has been all-but forgotten. Yet surprisingly often, nothing turns out to be the right thing to do. You are now contemplating a series of possible solutions for pressing problems. It may well be though, that the cleverest move you can make involves just letting a little time pass.
It doesn't much matter how old we get or how experienced we become, we get surprised by life's changing patterns and rhythms. A tide comes in, and swamps us. Or it goes out and leaves us feeling high and dry. A new season starts and we find ourselves inappropriately dressed for the weather. Things are about to move on in your world. Don't base your plans for tomorrow on the difficulties you were dealing with yesterday. They will soon be solved.
We all need to know the difference between the things we can change and the things we can't. This is not just so that we can be spared unnecessary angst, there is a practical purpose. If we use up our vital time and energy pursuing impossible objectives, we will end up wasting the resources that might otherwise have been put to a truly constructive use. One of your current problems will sort itself out in time. The other, sorely requires effort right now.
What's the difference between an expert and a professional? An expert knows how to make something difficult look easy. A professional knows how to make something easy look difficult. The professional has a living to earn. It is much easier to charge a high fee if you can create the impression of expertise. But many professionals know little more than we do. Be careful whose advice you take today. You already know more about a key topic than you realise.
You ought to get more respect, really. After all, it is no easy feat being you. Others' lives are a lot easier. They just don't have such high standards, such deep dreams, such sensitive souls. They are the trolls and ogres who stomp carelessly and callously through the world. You, by comparison, are a delicate fairy with gossamer wings. Yet somehow, you manage to outwit all those heavyweights. You may feel vulnerable now, but you are actually extremely strong.
"Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn." We all know the line from Gone with the Wind. Occasionally, we may utter it, or say something similar. Yet we tend to see detachment as an unsatisfactory sentiment. We want to be engaged, involved, connected and committed. We feel that to be cold is to be callous. Perhaps so, but to be heated is to be helpless. To be a force for good now, you must be able to stand back and look at life objectively.
獅子座 You seek some sort of explanation. Why have things turned out as they have? What mistakes have been made? What lessons need to be learned? You can't answer questions like that at a time like this. It is far too early. The full story has yet to unfold. If you understand that, you understand just as much as you possibly can know. Everything that currently seems so final and so finished, will yet turn out to have a different shape and meaning... soon.
It doesn't much matter how old we get or how experienced we become, we get surprised by life's changing patterns and rhythms. A tide comes in, and swamps us. Or it goes out and leaves us feeling high and dry. A new season starts and we find ourselves inappropriately dressed for the weather. Things are about to move on in your world. Don't base your plans for tomorrow on the difficulties you were dealing with yesterday. They will soon be solved.
Perhaps mice compete fiercely with other mice. Perhaps they argue about whose whiskers are longest, and whose noses twitch the most. But to us, they are still just mice. We humans also spend a lot of time weighing ourselves up against others. We wonder what they've got that we haven't... and vice versa. Yet the only folk on this earth who are truly worth looking up to, are the one's who don't look up to (or down on) anyone.
Sometimes, people say, 'You can run but you can't hide'. What do they mean by this? Some folk manage to hide, very successfully, their whole lives long. It all depends on what you are hiding from. If, for example, it happens to be 'your own shadow,' then your efforts to avoid it are sure to be in vain. Pluto's rare alignment to your ruler, insists there is now something you must turn and face. The moment you do, you will never run from anything... or anyone, ever again.
Can we really make a difference if we try? Or are we like children in a car on a fairground ride? We press on an imaginary accelerator. We stamp on a make-believe brake. We kid ourselves that our actions are having an impact but things would be just the same if we were to sit perfectly still. Now I am not trying to say that you are powerless. But if you seek success you must take energy away from a pointless pursuit and give it all to a worthwhile cause.
What makes life truly worth living? What's the best, highest, most wonderful thing a human can aspire to? And, how good does it have to get... and for how long? There are some who believe that if you can manage to spend just a minute of your life, in a state of deep and true enlightenment, the richness of the experience will compensate for decades of darkness. Coming soon: a rare and delightful reminder of just how good 'good' can get.
天秤座10月 Here comes your annual chance for a total recharge and makeover. As a Libran, you’re probably a dab hand at making the most of your natural assets. Now the Sun delivers your annual chance to think about how you can go the extra mile in terms of the impression you make on others. Consider your image - your face, hair, wardrobe, and, if you have them, even your business cards and website, and go from there. In the second half of October, the emphasis shifts to considerations about your cash set-up. If you’ve been working hard, you could get the financial rewards you’ve earned. If you’re short of cash, the heavens support you in finding new ways of bringing it in. If you need to ask a friend or bank manager for a loan, or your boss for a raise, be sure to use your natural grace, as you make your request. Then remind him/her that you’re worth investing in. Finally, as Mars has now changed directions, think about the little details of your days. Are you happy with your routines? If not, now is the ideal time to set about changing them. You can expect to feel more motivated about working for what you want. Best day to be a little suss: October 18
You know what you are tempted to say, and you know what you are tempted to do. You know where the opportunity lies, and you know where the trouble is likely to come from. You also know that the direction is the same in each case. So what do you want me to tell you? That you can somehow manage to have all of the fun without paying any of the price for it? You have to make your choice. I cannot advise you. I am your astrologer, not your mother. But if you ask me...
How do you summon the fortune fairy? What magical incantation must you recite? What offering must you make ready? Luck is attracted neither to desperation nor to disbelief. To increase the likelihood of a dance with chance, you need to be gently hopeful but mildly disinterested; willing to win yet equally willing to lose, if need be. Positive but not passionate. Sensible but not cynical. I mention this because? Precisely! All you need now, is the right attitude. ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
Today's requirements? Oh, they are easy. You merely need to jump through hoops, juggle with fire, swallow swords, wrestle with demons and slay dragons with your bare hands. Tricky? Not really. Indeed, a piece of cake by comparison to some of the challenges you have lately had to tackle. You have begun to expect trouble at every turn. You have learned to take it in your stride. Don't assume that today is going to be difficult. The worst of a recent struggle is behind you.
Take a look in the mirror. Do you like what you see? Then look longer. Keep staring until your doubts begin to disappear and you start to grow truly enamoured by the image. Never mind how long it takes. The planets now speak of an exceptional opportunity. Much is on offer to you. But in order for any of it to become real, you must find the confidence to claim your prize. You have every reason in the world to be proud of every aspect of yourself.
>>573 射手座2日原文 If a little of what you fancy does you good, what does a lot do? The trouble with a question like this, is that you are a Sagittarian. Your sign is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of excess and abundance. You tend to feel that if you haven't gone too far, you haven't gone far enough. I think you know why I am saying all this. If not, you'll find out soon. Quit while you are ahead today... if you possibly can. And if you can't, remember this. When you are in a hole... stop digging.
Listen please, very carefully, to the sound of my voice. I want you to concentrate and relax. You are feeling sleepy, very sleepy. Your eyelids are growing heavy. Now, let us go back to your childhood. You are very young. An adult is cross with you. Can you see them? They are making you feel very small. Now, defy them. Tell them to go away. See how they obey you? OK. You can wake up now. You are cured. Is it really that simple to beat a real-life fear? Well, almost!
Why are intelligence tests so difficult? Because they have been designed by some rather stupid people, who feel that you can measure a person's merit by their ability to perform a bunch of unimaginative calculations that are far better suited to a computer. But we are humans, not machines. We have depth, sensitivity, wit, wisdom, hope, faith, compassion and creativity. They count for far, far more. It's not your brains you need to listen to today... it's your heart.
Life's most difficult experiences are always the ones that teach us the most. Does it follow then, that really we ought to get ourselves into as much trouble as possible in order to have a very valuable education? Of course not. But it should at least be some comfort to us, when things are less than ideal. Look at what you have been through lately. What has it taught you? How has it helped you? You are about to reap the reward for recent struggle.
Imagination is actually a very practical thing. So too is self-indulgence. And there is a very real point and purpose to a certain amount of time-wasting. Truly practical people appreciate the importance of inefficiency. When you try too hard to make every second count, or every penny... you raise an impossible expectation. There's nothing practical about that. Approach today's goal at a steady pace and you'll soon find you are practically there.
We love speeches and soliloquies, announcements and orations. We elect, for example, politicians on the strength of their ability to make eloquent points. We know that none of them will ever act on their promises, so we figure we may as well just vote for the ones who sound good. Yet some words really do have meaning. And that's why they should be used sparingly. Be careful what you say, and to whom today. You could have a bigger impact than you expect.
Illusions delight and excite us. We like to witness them and we like to create them too. That's why we put so much attention into packaging. We think hard about how we present ourselves to others, how we dress, how we speak, how we send out certain signs and signals. You now have the chance to create a very useful impression. Is it, strictly speaking, true? Perhaps not. But nor is it totally false. The key to success today involves being a good spin doctor.
People can get hold of the wrong end of the stick for a variety of reasons. They may misunderstand what is being said. Or they may be so excited by a particular word, in a particular sentence, that they can hear nothing else. Sometimes, wishful thinking gets the better of them. Sometimes, fear or prejudice compromises their ability to be analytical. Someone in your world is now barking up the wrong tree. Work out why this is, before you bark back at them.
You see them at the seaside sometimes. Little plastic frogs that bob up and down on a turning wheel. You get a hammer. Your challenge is to bash as many of them as you can on the head. This fairground leisure pursuit bears a worrying resemblance to a process we go through every day in real life. Those frogs are our problems. That mallet is our determination. The wheel never stops turning, but remember, even if you don't hit all those frogs, most bob back down under of their own accord if you just let them.
Crossword puzzles are intellectually stimulating and mentally absorbing. They help calm the emotions and order the mind. But, er... only if the clues match the grid. If a printing error causes the wrong words to appear you won t be able to complete the puzzle, no matter how hard you try. All efforts to solve a particular problem are thwarted, either by a shortage of information or an equally crucial lack of perspective. What's your best bet? Just avoid thinking too long and hard about anything... or about anyone.
It's as if you are starting again, afresh. Things have come round in a circle. You are back where you were once before some while ago. Or at least, that seems the case. Mars, as it now changes direction in your zodiac sign, implies that the resemblance is slightly more than superficial. You are being granted a second shot at an important target. Now, if you draw on recent experience, you can fix whatever didn't work last time. Don't worry too much about how any of this has happened or what it is supposed to mean. Be grateful for your opportunity and use it well.
おはようございます。牡羊座週末です。よろしくお願いします。 �They say, 'Patience is a virtue', as if they are trying to sell the stuff to us. It is not, though, some optional lifestyle accessory. It is a screaming necessity. Without it, we can achieve very little and enjoy even less. Besides which, if they really want to convince us of its desirability, they should describe it as a vice. Ultimately, we are all much more attracted to what's naughty than we are to what's good for us. Go gently now, for there really is no great need to make some enormous effort. Just wait and what you need will come to you.
The pixels on this page have been impregnated with a very special solution. Just run your fingers over the screen and you will absorb some under you skin. Have you done that? Well, you may not yet feel any different, but you have now made a connection with a magical substance. Your life is about to become a lot luckier. To summon the special force, just say the following Latin incantation... well, perhaps not. It is a nice idea, though. And, actually, in a strange way, you may yet soon find that good fortune is just about that easy to get. ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
Every plan has a flaw, every scheme has a drawback. Even if you prepare in advance for every possible problem, you will still find yourself unable to defy this basic law. The moment you work out what to do about a downside, you have a new plan. That plan, ipso facto, means you have a new downside. When they tell us to 'take the rough with the smooth,' they mean it. We cannot separate them for any length of time. Now please don't misunderstand. I am not saying that there is no hope. There is plenty. Just be realistic.
Do we really all live in a yellow submarine? Science has so far failed to find proof of the Beatles' assertion. But who knows what future research might reveal. We should never be too quick to dismiss an idea just because it sounds far-fetched. You are not sure what to make of a certain situation. You fear you could be following a flight of fancy. Try to be a little less sensible. It is more important now to be open-minded than it is to be factually correct. Dreams create inspiration. Inspiration creates motivation. Motivation gets results.
Why can't we all live in a Disney film, where family values predominate and there is no crime or cruelty, no darkness or despair? Or, at least, not much. If it ever does appear it can soon be cleared up by a couple of brave kids and a cute little dog. The trouble with reality is that it isn't quite so twee. Real people don't actually behave as they do in movies for kids. You are fully entitled to wear your rose-tinted spectacles but if you want to see what's actually going on, you ought to peer over the top of them.
Often, we speak to one another but we don't really listen. While someone is talking we are so busy thinking of our reply that we fail to appreciate what is being said. Only when some exceptional event takes place, do we look back on a seemingly superficial conversation and read much more into it. You can save a lot of unnecessary hassle by thinking hard, right now, about what a certain someone is really trying to tell you. Identify the message and take it on board, and you will yet discover that you have made a very profitable move.
Life is demanding. It requires us all to become heroes or heroines. And it will not let us rest until we have proved ourselves in some form of trial or ordeal. Nor does it allow us to rest on our laurels, even after we have passed a test. It is as if the universe does not merely want us to be noble and strong, brave and victorious, it also wants us to be modest; and it wants to ensure that we never grow complacent. A drama of almost mythological proportions is being played out. You feel unsure how to handle it. Just do your best.
Life is demanding. It requires us all to become heroes or heroines. And it will not let us rest until we have proved ourselves in some form of trial or ordeal. Nor does it allow us to rest on our laurels, even after we have passed a test. It is as if the universe does not merely want us to be noble and strong, brave and victorious, it also wants us to be modest; and it wants to ensure that we never grow complacent. A drama of almost mythological proportions is being played out. You feel unsure how to handle it. Just do your best.
獅子座 Chameleons change colour to blend in with their surroundings. When they undergo this self-protective process, they are never accused of compromising their integrity. People don't lecture them about how, 'really, you should just try to be yourself'. The ability to adapt is a strength not a weakness. Don't apologise for your current inclination to adjust an attitude. You are not copping out, you are integrating yourself more closely with a source of power. This, in time, will actually give you much greater autonomy.
We revel in ritual and celebrate ceremony. We hardly care what the point is as long as it involves plenty of protocol. Traditions take root so easily in our society. Something only ever has to happen more than twice and it immediately becomes a grand old institution that it would be a tragedy to modernise. You, though, now need to avoid becoming entrenched in an irrelevant habit. Just because things have always been a certain way, doesn't mean you can't change them now. Indeed, if you seek true progress, you must.
パッと見、かなり不安になる内容の気がするのですが……。 I get the distinct impression that you are not in the mood to hear certain comments. I would hate to say something inadvertently that offended you. And, anyway, don't you already know all you need to know about what's going on in your life? Well, OK then. I'll give you a forecast if you insist. But it will largely involve your need to stop seeing yourself as some kind of superhuman. For, though you are now managing some pretty amazing feats, you are not invincible. And nor are you always right!
Does the truth hurt? Absolutely not. How can it? What hurts is not the truth but the false assumption that is keeping you one step removed from that truth. You have grown fond of a myth, you have become happy with a misconception, you have allowed yourself to be re-assured by a doubtful explanation. Mars and Uranus are now obliging you to see through this. That's not a threat, it's a gift. But before you can start to feel glad of the reality, you first have to find the courage to abandon a redundant pretence.
Clarity is a precious commodity. If you can see where you want to go and recognise the best way to get there, you've got a great advantage. It doesn't matter if the path you need to follow is tricky or complicated. As long as you've got a clear view, you can make progress. Trouble comes when you allow something or someone to distract or divert you. Current planetary alignments are now making you feel inclined to doubt the wisdom of a plan or commitment. But if you just stick with what you have started, you will be fine.
獅子座 Sometimes, events leave us with no choice other than to respond to them. We have to put our plans to one side while we deal with sudden developments. There are other times though, when life is just as seemingly busy but we can exercise the right to reject various calls on our time and energy. This is such an occasion. A tide of changing circumstance will soon sweep you away if you set out to sail on it. But if you anchor your boat firmly to the harbour wall, you can easily stay where you prefer to be.
Thankfully, we have the capacity to be happy, even when our lives are less than perfect. This is just as well because few of us ever encounter an ideal situation. Things go smoothly for a while and then they become difficult. That's the way of the world. We either accept it or let it frustrate us. Your ability to accept is being increased at the moment. There's a lot you could complain about but you're more inclined to rise above it than to let it get to you. Stick to this policy and all will be fine.
Something is making you feel argumentative and aggrieved. You are tempted to file a complaint, register an objection or kick up a fuss. You are not sure though, who best to direct this to, and you half- suspect that you are on slightly shaky ground. You will feel better once you decide whether you do or don't have a good reason to feel put out, and better still once you work out what to do or say. So much better indeed, that you may then conclude that it is sufficient just to ignore and forget about the whole thing.
Something is making you feel argumentative and aggrieved. You are tempted to file a complaint, register an objection or kick up a fuss. You are not sure though, who best to direct this to, and you half-suspect that you are on slightly shaky ground. You will feel better once you decide whether you do or don't have a good reason to feel put out, and better still once you work out what to do or say. So much better indeed, that you may then conclude that it is sufficient just to ignore and forget about the whole thing.
The Sun is now in Libra. So too, is Venus. So too, shortly, will be Mercury. That's an impressively big astrological advantage. Potentially, you can fulfil ambitions you didn't even realise you were nurturing. You can start to get something you have long wanted and discover, in the process, that it is possible to get even more, to go even further... and to enjoy yourself even more deeply than you had ever hoped to. Don't look at your life and wonder what's missing from it. Look at what's on offer and be grateful. It's worth far more than you yet realise.
Imagine entering a competition, the first prize for which is a tiny widget that fits the side of a vintage engine. To be in with a chance of attaining this reward, you have to train night and day and apply yourself intently, body mind and soul. Is it worth the effort? Not unless that widget is rare and you are a member of the 'Vintage Engine Appreciation Society'! Look at what you are now trying so hard to do. Is there really a point? That's a question only you can answer. Ignore other opinions please!
All sorts of interesting options are starting to arise. Where once, you were looking at a relatively bleak scenario, you are now contemplating a horizon that is almost glowing with promise. What's on offer may not exactly match your idea of what you'd like to be free to choose but it's nonetheless good. Don't hold out for the perfect solution, the ideal answer or the tailor-made opportunity. Accept and make the most of a current 'off the shelf' advantage. It's likely to prove a better fit than you think.
It is almost as if your mind has been fitted with a filter. Nothing can enter your world unless it's the ideal size or shape. Nothing can happen unless it is right. If something is less than satisfactory, it just won't come near you. Almost. But, er... if all that is true, why do you feel so edgy? Probably because the filter is so very precise. It is rejecting (or refusing entry to) a lot of possibilities that look attractive. Appearances though, can be deceptive. Trust that, if something isn't working, it is only because you don't actually need it.
If something is true, it will remain true, regardless of what people say, do or think. You can cover a diamond in any amount of dross. Its identity can be temporarily disguised but its essential integrity can't be compromised. Why worry about the apparent flaw in an important plan, arrangement or agreement? The only question you need to ask is 'at a very fundamental level, is this situation good or bad?' If it's good, stick with it. The true value will eventually start to shine through.
It's strange how we can be so respectful of some rules yet so dismissive of others. It's not even that our judgement is selfishly selective. Often, we perversely cut off our noses to spite our faces; honouring restrictions that might as well be overruled and breaking codes that would protect us if only we were to keep to them. You now yearn to challenge a 'law' that is apparently unalterable. Are you being foolhardy or wise? Ask your heart, not your head. If it urges you on, approach the task gently but firmly, and you will enjoy success.
Something different has to happen. Things just can't carry on as they have been. You know this and are not entirely unhappy about it. It is just that you feel worried about the apparent lack of choice. It is as if there is only one move you can make. What if it is the wrong move? Ignore this doubt. You don't just 'think you know' what's appropriate now, you fully, definitely, deeply know. Trust this instinct and act on it. If you've got a chance, you've only got it for one reason. That's so you can take it!
Dare you be different? That's an odd question to ask a Piscean. Usually, it goes without saying that you do! You thrive on controversy, you idealise idiosyncrasy. You love to be an exception to the rule. Right now, though, you are tempted to do something that seems a bit normal. Before you decide that this represents a move which is too far out of character, consider this: the obvious is the last thing anyone would ever expect you to do! And right now, success is directly linked to the ability to be innovative.
獅子座 Can you now be deft yet diligent? Can you summon dexterity and discrimination? The planetary picture says it's possible, but only if you combine caution and confidence. There's a tricky task to carry out. If you underestimate it, you'll stumble. If you worry too much, you'll miss your chance. You need to be clever yet careful. Provided you are willing to trust yourself, there's a great chance your endeavour will pay off. And if you don't feel you can summon quite enough faith? It will still work out surprisingly well!
You feel tempted to burn a bridge. You are much better off though, trying to build one. One particular aspect of your current situation isn't doing you much good. Naturally enough, you feel inclined to remove from the set-up, the factor or person that seems to be at the root of the problem. If that's truly necessary, it will happen automatically when you set out to do what's appropriate and wise. Don't look so closely at what ought not to be happening. Look at what you have a positive chance to make happen.
Are you feeling pleased and re-assured? There is about to be a Full Moon in the part of your chart that governs domestic and emotional contentment. Thus, there really is a reason now, to let your heart glow with happiness. At an emotional level, you are wanted and appreciated. If this isn't evident already, just reach out to someone you care about to see the proof. Materially, you are in a fine position to make progress. Again, if this isn't obvious, just start work on an inspired, creative plan and you'll get good results.
Why can't we all just wake up every day feeling content? Where do all the problems and confusion come from. Is there a secret factory, in a dark corner of the cosmos, producing packages of trouble and sending them to us all via some highly-efficient courier? If so, why can't we just refuse to take delivery of these difficulties? Mercury's sharp angle to Mars is now sending a cloud of doubt and misunderstanding in your direction. Hang on tight to what you know and what you trust. It will blow away before too long.
When people say, 'take it easy', we often question their motives. It is a good idea to do so. If, for example, you are in a race and half-way down the track, your opponent says, 'Slow down, there's no great hurry,' you have every right to reject the advice. I though, have no vested interest in getting you to relax today. Or rather, I do, but it's the right kind of bias. I want you to succeed - and you are more likely to do this if you take it easy. There's a strong temptation to hurry or worry. Ignore it and all will be fine.
Have you suddenly stumbled across a brilliant solution? Are you about to come up with a cracking new plan or a precious new insight? The sky suggests no such 'wave of a magic wand' solution is on offer. Why, then, are you starting to feel less anxious? Because, while you may be no nearer an answer, the question is starting to seem further away. The Sun's link to Jupiter insists you can live, surprisingly comfortably, with what you don't yet know... or know how to deal with, not least because a problem is smaller than you fear.
��Some things in life just don't make sense no matter how hard we try to understand them. Indeed, the more we think about particular issues and difficulties, the more confused we get. It's tempting, when faced with a baffling matter, to just make a bold decision and hope that somehow, it will turn out right. That's an urge you ought to avoid now. Try to live with a ludicrous situation for a little longer. You'll waste a lot of energy trying to sort it out. Whereas, if you put up with it, within days it will pose far less of a problem.
When do we learn? When do we grow? When do we blossom? When do we shine? When we are placed in unfamiliar situations. It's so easy to fall into a habit pattern when everything around you is much as it ever was. Only when you are breaking new ground do you discover what you can do. Yet we all tend to resist change. It makes us nervous. Don't mistakenly reject this week's big chance to start living a different kind of life. You may well find your new challenge difficult but you will find it immensely rewarding.
Why do you think there are so many UFO sightings? Because Earth is the talk of the galaxy. Aliens flock here in their droves for a chance to observe the strange behaviour of the folk on the funny blue planet. Why, the main warp-way is blocked, saucer to saucer, almost every weekend with observation craft. You see, everywhere else in the cosmos, beings mean what they say. Whereas, amazingly, around here... well, let's put it this way; a certain person may as well come from another world for all the sense they are now making.
The trouble with being smart, is that sometimes, you can be too clever for your own good. You can deprive yourself of the bliss of ignorance. You can come up with solutions that create more trouble than they remove. Rather like a chess player, looking more to the move after next, you are always trying to be two steps ahead. The result is that you miss what's right in front of you. Don't read between too many lines today. And don't try to clear up too many mysteries. Just take what's good and be glad of it.
As long as you are doing something different, you are doing something worthwhile. Life loses magic and meaning when it contains too much repetition. The novelty does not have to be measurable and material, it can quite happily be merely mental or emotional. Indeed, the very best journeys of exploration invariably involve the mind more than the body. You are really not quite sure how you feel about a particular aspect of your situation. That, in itself, is good. You are in the process of making vital, valuable discoveries.
Some people chase challenges. Others queue up to watch horror films or to ride roller coasters. They seek the thrill of fear, the excitement of stress or the engagement of being up against an intense difficulty. It's a shame really, that you can't 'rent out' your current situation. Someone, somewhere, would probably love to be in it, if only for the sense of 'edge' that it supplies. Will that tension resolve itself soon? Well, I am tempted not to tell you lest it devalues the drama. But the actual, honest answer is... yes.
It really isn't very fair. We ought to be fitted at birth with decoders, so that we can actually tell what the people around us are trying to communicate. As things stand, we hear their words, which give us one message. And we watch their actions, which give us another. Somehow, we have to try to distinguish the true intent from the artificial impression, whilst simultaneously disguising our own signs and symbols. If you want to work out where someone else is really at now, begin by deciding how you truly think and feel.
Is your cosmic guardian taking good care of you? That's never an easy question to answer. We all know the famous tale of the man who went to heaven. The creator showed him his life as a set of footprints in the sand. 'Look,' he said. 'Everywhere you went, I went with you.' In places, along the way, there was only one set of prints. 'What happened there?' Said the man. 'You abandoned me.' 'No,' came the reply. 'That's where I was carrying you.' Today you will discover that you are more protected and blessed than you know.
It is not the 6 billion people that make this planet seem a little over-crowded from time to time. If we are talking about purely physical requirements, the Earth can accommodate all of us and at least 6 billion more. It's the attitudes, the opinions and the beliefs that it has trouble holding. The same attitudes, opinions and beliefs which make it so difficult for us to distribute the Earth's resources fairly. People are often not very nice to other people. But when they are, the most amazing miracles can happen... as you will soon see.
I don't want to do myself out of a job, but I must point out, that sometimes, we really do not need to know the future. This is not necessarily because it contains some problem. It may simply be because we are not yet ready to know what we are going to be dealing with. Think back, for example, to prejudices you once held but later overcame, or to fears you managed to conquer. Had you known too much about these in advance, you might have balked. What's coming up next is good. Let's leave it there.
Some situations will always be unfair. No matter how hard we try to right wrongs, we will find ourselves somehow struggling. Human nature is peculiarly perverse. On the one hand we all aspire to harmony. On the other, we cannot resist stirring up trouble. And the urge to be selfish is strong. I mention this, not to discourage you, but to remind you that you cannot fix all that seems wrong but you can most definitely sort out some of it. Let your hopes soar as high as you like, but keep your expectations reasonable.
Every so often the music stops and we all get to sit down. Once in a while, the whistle blows and we start moving on to the next match. Challenges change. Regimes are toppled. Established arrangements collapse. For a long while, you have been putting up with a set of rules that are less than ideal. Now, the balance of power is shifting. Soon, a key set of shots will be yours to call. As we approach the full Moon in your opposite sign, we find you moving from a position of weakness to a state of great strength.
Do you not have magical powers? Are you not blessed with exceptional psychic gifts? The planets now seem to have plenty of faith in your ability, even if you doubt it. Try a little cosmic conjuring today. Draw down into the depth of your soul and summon the power of positive thought. You don't need to recite any incantations or perform any ancient rituals. Just by being sincere, you may yet manage to bring about a change that truly transforms your outlook on life. And helps you become better off.
Do you not have magical powers? Are you not blessed with exceptional psychic gifts? The planets now seem to have plenty of faith in your ability, even if you doubt it. Try a little cosmic conjuring today. Draw down into the depth of your soul and summon the power of positive thought. You don't need to recite any incantations or perform any ancient rituals. Just by being sincere, you may yet manage to bring about a change that truly transforms your outlook on life. And helps you become better off.
What is the purpose of life? Ah, that's easy. The purpose of life is to wonder what the purpose of life is. If we actually knew, we wouldn't have anything to feel confused about. Life, without confusion, delusion, uncertainty and/or wild obsessive belief would be pretty dull. All the best adventures are never-ending quests. When you reach the top of a mountain, what else is there to do but come back down and find another mountain to climb? It is not a satisfying answer you seek now, it is a satisfying question.
It really isn't very fair. We ought to be fitted at birth with decoders, so that we can actually tell what the people around us are trying to communicate. As things stand, we hear their words, which give us one message. And we watch their actions, which give us another. Somehow, we have to try to distinguish the true intent from the artificial impression, whilst simultaneously disguising our own signs and symbols. If you want to work out where someone else is really at now, begin by deciding how you truly think and feel.
�All week I have been talking about your sense of involvement and engagement. That's because we are fast approaching the annual new Moon in the part of your chart that governs a sense of belonging. You are starting to go through an important process of re-evaluation. The outcome will be a much greater sense of comfort. It is possible though, that, in the process, you may first experience estrangement. That's only because, sometimes, we all have to let go of the past before we can embrace the future. Don't worry.
I am tempted to use the C-word. I know though, that it can create panic in the minds of some readers. I feel though, on balance, that it is safe enough to speak straight to you. Surely, you are wise and level-headed enough to know that crisis is always cathartic. What does trouble invariably lead to? A new solution. And what do you sorely need now? Precisely! The full Moon speaks of financial and emotional pressure. It also speaks though, of relief, release and eventual solvency.
Maybe you can't jump tall buildings in a single bound. Perhaps, if you were to try racing faster than a speeding locomotive, you would not win. But in one respect you are undoubtedly blessed with a truly superhuman power. You have X-ray vision, at least in the psychic sense. You can see right through certain people. You can tell what they really think and feel. Even if you can't read their minds, you can tell what's in their hearts. A mixture of Plutonian and Uranian influences now make your instincts exceptionally accurate.
�Venus now forms a harmonious link to Mars. If you are looking for love, you now stand a much greater chance of finding it. If you have already found it, this is your opportunity to deepen it. And if your love is already as deep and as strong as it could ever get... well then, perhaps, just possibly it is money you are short of instead. Venus offers good news in this area too. Don't expect wealth untold but do look forward to some new financial solutions. If your reasons for wanting help are pure, your chances of getting it are high.
Mars and Uranus harmoniously aspect your ruler now. Both planets have something of a bad reputation. Uranus is notorious for stirring up sudden trouble. Mars often creates tension. Yet their alignments to Venus are positive. The implication? You can now stir up sudden trouble and create necessary tension in an area where life has lately been a little too relaxed. It is as if you are being granted power to bring about much needed change. Assert yourself. It will be good for your confidence, your love life and your bank balance. ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
Some people resolutely refuse to believe that aliens walk among us. Clearly, they have never met the folk who live down the road from you. Just think, for a moment, of all the peculiar characters in your world. The odd-balls, eccentrics and unlikely individuals who lead exceptionally strange lifestyles. Why are so many of them so keen to secure your friendship? I tease... The full Moon now suggests you need to look at a close but crazy involvement and to see if it can't, somehow, be brought a little more down to earth.
Every so often, I find myself giving out the kind of advice, when you read it in print, that comes across as irresponsible. But I have to honour the ancient astrological rules. A full Moon in the fifth solar house implies a risk that needs to be taken. Of course, just because a risk needs to be taken, there's no guarantee that it will lead to success. Perhaps a failure needs to be experienced! Convinced? No, me neither. As long as you're pretty sure you know what you're doing, you are almost certainly right to do it now
おはようございます。 双子座9日お願いいたします。 Astrological influences come and go like the tide. Change only tends to come when that tide is very high or very low. But if you are really determined to push a boat out, you can take advantage of what may seem, to some, like a moderate opportunity. Pluto and Uranus both now form supportive links to your ruler. This may just mean a day full of encouraging new developments and enlightening discoveries. It could though, if you really want it to, represent the point where you embark on a brave expedition.
It's one thing to be cruel to be kind. It's quite another to be cruel without even realising quite how or why your actions are so unkind. We all have our blind spots and few of us appreciate attention being drawn to these. Yet though your motives are surely pure and good, your actions are having a less than desirable effect. Someone sorely needs you to be a little less judgemental and a little more forgiving. Mercury's link to your ruler insists that if you can make that brave step, you will shoot up in the estimation of others.
獅子座 At full Moon, so the theory goes, Leos become more powerful and influential. The astrological tradition is based on astronomical fact. What makes the full Moon full? The light of the Sun. The Sun rules, governs or symbolises your zodiac sign. At this time of the month it is not only lighting up the day, it is brightening the night. You don't feel exceptionally strong? Maybe there's another way to read the cosmic phenomenon. Maybe you are now shining light on something that was once shrouded in darkness. Don't fear it, face it!
We all know that Venus and Mars have a reputation for stirring us up. These are the planets of passion and romance, of active and passive, yin and yang, softness and strength, invitation and imposition... Well, put bluntly, they are the planets which, when they arise together in a chart, represent procreation. Does this mean what you think it might mean? Well, it does not NOT mean it! As Venus, your ruler, now aligns with Mars, we certainly see the potential for some kind of highly satisfying union.
Mercury and Pluto are now in a state of encouraging alignment. Venus and Mars meanwhile, are in cosmic agreement too. All key cosmic signs and signals point to a positive outlook. Clouds will soon lift, obstacles will shift, tensions will ease. Will this be a temporary respite from trouble? Or the start of a permanent change in the cosmic climate? That largely depends on how well you respond to a newly arising opportunity. Seize your chance enthusiastically and you may yet rewrite the course of recent history.
Groucho Marx famously said he wouldn't want to be a member of any club that would have him for a member. But, then, he was not a Capricorn. Where many people on this planet can be peculiarly perverse, your expectations are always reasonable. You don't look gift horses in the mouth. You don't resist genuine offers. You don't stir up trouble or arguments just for the sake of it. It now seems though, that you are dealing with someone considerably more quixotic. The secret of success involves refusing to rise to the bait.
There's always a reason to be pessimistic. There's always a problem that probably can't be solved. いつもボラ様、翻訳ありがとうございます。
There's always a source of annoyance, too. Something or someone, somewhere or somehow, is just waiting to wind you up. I mention this, not to depress you, just to help put a silly situation in its proper perspective. As long as you keep it in that perspective, you'll have a rather wonderful day. The full Moon suggests there's an easy way to rise above every obstacle. Just lift your spirits and you'll float right over whatever's in your way.
The Moon is full in your sign. It is as if you are standing right in the celestial spotlight. If you have something that you want to present to the world, this is your chance to take centre stage before a surprisingly appreciative audience. And if you have something you want to hide... well, that's slightly different. You may just find that this item or issue soon gets more attention than you want it to. But whether your current experience is enjoyable or awkward, you'll find you benefit vastly, in the long run, from all that takes place today.
Once a year the Moon grows full in the part of your chart governing wealth and security. It is a most auspicious omen though it does not, sadly, guarantee overnight improvement in your material status. It is more as if you get a â??push' to set your financial wheel spinning a little faster. If that wheel is somehow stuck or rusty, the experience can be more frustrating than enriching. You can sense the opportunity, but you can't take it. Don't let that happen. Work now on being open to the possibility of a better life... and everything will take care of itself.
獅子座 Pluto is a tiny planet right at the edge of the solar system. The Sun is vastly bigger. Yet they are harmoniously aligned, and that says something. Indeed, actually, it says plenty. Your celestial symbol is the Sun. You can think of yourself, if you like, as that vast powerful entity; about to be helped by some small yet deeply significant factor. One little development, one small piece of information or one tiny but bright idea will soon provide you with a real reason to celebrate. Trust your insights and your instincts. Both are accurate at the moment.
You need a little ingenuity, hard work and luck. Links to your ruler, from Uranus, Pluto, Mars and Jupiter suggest you will soon find it easy enough to summon up all three. You won't need much help in the ‘original ideas' department. You are always full of these. And, as for effort, well, the phrase 'work ethic' was made for someone like you. The only help you may need is in the area of 'fortune manipulation.' The real art of being in the right place at the right time, is to trust this is where you are... even when everything appears to be going wrong.
If all you've got is a molehill, you are naturally going to want to make a mountain out of it. Value for money and all that.But if you have a bona fide mountain, why would you ever want to go chopping it up into a series of petty little piles? Even more peculiarly, why would you want to descend from your lofty peak to stand next to some pathetic protuberance, loudly proclaiming its enormity? Look now at the truly big deal in your life and give it the attention it deserves. The full Moon is your promise of a rapid return to higher ground.
Sometimes people take the most convoluted routes from A to B. They like to go via the places they know. They figure that in the end, it is probably quicker than to risk misreading a map and going even further out of their way. Then one day, someone shows them a short cut and suddenly, the quicker path is no longer so unfamiliar. You are about to be helped in a similar way, not necessarily with a journey but with a process that has been taking up much time and energy. You always thought there must be an easier way. There is. Here it comes.
牡牛座週末 Don't ask, 'What am I capable of?' Ask, 'What do I want?' Give an honest answer to that second question. Don't settle for a 'second best' aspiration, just because you think its all you can get. Mars is now urging you to pursue a heartfelt desire. Pluto is causing you to question an old assumption. What once seemed impossible may just be attainable. You have a lot to think about now but you also have a lot to do. And don't spend too long deliberating. Work your way through that list of tasks and there will soon be less and less to consider.
Venus is now in Scorpio. That bodes well for your bank balance and love life. You will soon be swamped with creative (and just possibly procreative) opportunities. You will experience more excitement and find yourself becoming more attractive. People will be more willing to do things for you... and to take you at your word. Heaven on Earth? A perfect world? Sadly, not quite. A few drawbacks will continue to present themselves, annoyingly, at regular intervals. But at least you'll have something to take your mind off them.
One plus one makes two. When adults want to limit the creativity of a child, they begin by teaching them this. Not only does it force the mind to think mechanically, it produces a false expectation. One plus one very rarely makes something as simple as two, especially when the ones in question are people! Then, one plus one is more likely to make a relationship (1). Or a relationship plus the two individuals within that relationship (3). And... well, you get my drift. The full Moon suggests something in your personal life now doesn't quite add up. But soon it will.
おはようございます。 どなたか 双子座の週末の翻訳をお願いします。 Is there no sense of ceremony left in the world? Are we all now inured to drama by the TV and the Internet? It often seems, as if we live in a â??so what?' society. There just isn't as much magic around as there used to be. There is though, it's just that you have to look for it a little harder. No great opportunity is about to bow down before you and offer to make itself your slave. But if you now saddle-up your horse and ride out through the ranch of possibility, you may yet manage to lasso one quietly and bring it home behind you.
Capricorns see things differently to the rest of us. You have, for example, the capacity to look at a wide, smooth, straight road and perceive it as a narrow, winding, perilous mountain path. Situations that others tend to see as 'nicely balanced', you consider to be hanging by a slender thread. This ability to spot a hidden a problem is often an asset. It protects you from the kind of mistake that others too easily make. This week though, you can and should think again about your primary fear. It's really not relevant.
Something needs to be sorted out. There is a complicated mess to be untangled and an unreasonable difficulty to be resolved. You are not especially keen though, to get to grips with any of this. You'd rather ignore the problem and leave things much as they are. You fear that if you try to make things better, you will inadvertently end up making them worse. But here, happily, you are wrong. If you confidently deal with the detail that daunts you, you'll swiftly shape it into something satisfying.
What, other than a little more money, could you use? If you are tempted to reply; 'a LOT more money', I understand. Nonetheless, if you are looking for cash, you are looking for the wrong thing. That's not because cash is unattainable. The recent Full Moon made it very clear that that some kind of improvement in your financial outlook is now feasible. But the way to bring this about is by focusing on something that inspires you. Deepen your heart... and your bank balance will follow suit.
Some people are a lot easier to get along with than others. Some other people, even if they are easy enough to get along with most of the time, can be terribly difficult when the mood takes them. But then again, you are not entirely mood-free yourself! For some reason, you are exceptionally sensitive now, to a certain person's frame of mind. You can, if you wish, put a lot of effort into an attempt to alter it... or to accommodate it, but your best bet is to ignore it and let a little more time pass.
There's a sense in which what's happening is almost beyond belief. How seriously are you supposed to take the scenario which is now unfolding? How far can you trust what a certain person seems to be saying? How safe is it to feel hopeful and comfortable? There is an undeniable element of the phantasmagorical in your situation. Neptune and Jupiter though, have no intention of bringing you crashing back to harsh reality. Little will 'settle' during this dramatic week, but it can still have a classic fairytale outcome.
Keep your eyes open. You have potentially got something good to gain, somewhere sweet to go and someone special to share some magic with. If though, you work on the assumption that there is going to be nothing worth looking out for, you will prove your own theory and miss the gift. The Moon in your sign is inviting you to be open-minded and open-hearted. Pluto is urging you to work hard on some plan or project that fires your imagination. And Jupiter is saying, 'You face no difficulty that you cannot conquer'. To find out whether you are currently under the influence of any major, personal planetary transits.
Keep it all straight, clear and simple. Spell out your intentions and carefully explain your plans. Ask others for a similar, point-by-point, description. Don't assume that you know what someone else is thinking, just because you both seem to be in a state of agreement. The devil is in the detail, and somewhere in your situation today, there lies a potentially diabolical clash of concepts. A state of true, successful harmony CAN be attained, but only if you first ask the right questions and identify the hidden point of conflict.
Go where the wind takes you this week. If you are not physically free to be quite so adventurous, at least be psychologically spontaneous. Put aside at least a portion of your agenda. Allow something new and different to develop. Don't tell yourself that you can't afford a distraction from some big pre-occupation. You need an alternative perspective more than you realise. In a cheerful, relaxed, unpressured moment, you will suddenly see a short cut to the goal you so sorely want to reach. And you will begin to understand something crucial.
You cannot believe all that you are being told, nor can you allow yourself to trust your own opinion or explanation. You are biased in one way, someone else is biased in another. What you sorely need is an objective appraisal of a critical situation. You need to talk to someone who is far enough removed from the drama to have a clear view, yet not so far away as to have no understanding of the detail. Such an individual exists. Even if you don't want to take their advice, you ought at least to hear it.
$B!J86J8!K(B How long can you keep up a pretence? For as long as it is comfortable. You are not obliged to disillusion yourself for the sake of greater wisdom. You are fully entitled to keep a dream alive, even if you suspect it is flimsy and frail. Saturn's link to your ruler insists that what you must do though, is ensure that this tantalising fantasy is merely decorating the palace of your existence and not serving in some way, as a crucial foundation-stone for it. For while you are out chasing rainbows, a more reliable, solid possibility is knocking on your door.
There are times when we need to be thankful for our problems. Our difficulties or disadvantages can be helpful in ways that we do not appreciate until they have gone. A financial limitation may, for example, seem like a pain while you are in the grip of it but, when you look back and realise how much money you might have wasted on a wild idea, had you only been able to, you can end up very glad that you were poor at the time. You will soon be freed from a restriction. That doesn't mean though, that you ought to go wild!
<原文> If aliens really do walk amongst us, they must be masters of disguise. We may have our doubts about one or two people who seem 'out of this world'but it's their behaviour, not their appearance, that arouses suspicion.
Even if you want to put this down to an extra terrestrial cause, you don't have to blame it on a spaceship from a distant galaxy. It's more likely to be the influence of a planet, local to this solar system. Everyone in this world has a human heart. Try to sympathise with, rather than feel alienated by you-know-who.
Without a good supply of fuel, there can be no blazing fire. Without a firm foundation, there can be no permanent palace. Without a body of water, there can be no boat. Without a sky, there can be no glorious sunset. I draw your attention to these elemental truths because they highlight a key point. There is nothing especially exceptional about the conditions which give rise to desirable developments. To see why what you've got is so good, you must try to look not so much at what it IS as at what it offers you the potential to create.
Take your time but don't take anyone else's. Accept it, if it's being freely offered but neither ask for it nor demand it. If someone doesn't naturally feel inspired to give you energy, attention or support, you neither need nor want their company. And, if someone is placing you under pressure; telling you that 'this must be done' or 'that must be provided' be suspicious. You're in danger of settling a debt that you have not incurred and that you are ultimately not responsible for. Right now, you need to be consolidating your power, not giving it away.
Jupiter's sharp link to Neptune suggests you have your work cut out. Probably, your schedule is already full. If you don't yet have places to go and people to see, expect invitations and opportunities to arise. In the unlikely event that all remains quiet on the work, family and social front, don't drift or wonder what's wrong. That simply means that you're now getting a chance to pursue, alone and unaided, some project or plan that must be progressed; as rapidly and determinedly as possible. Something big is shifting now and that can only be good.
How much encouragement do you require? What kind of sign do you need to see before you can feel sure that it is safe to breathe easy? You seem to be looking for some full, final confirmation of a recent success. Each time you see a small, potentially significant piece of possible proof, you want to subject it to a battery of harsh tests. In the process of doing this, you are effectively rejecting re-assurance. Save yourself unnecessary heartache and headache. Trust what looks good. It is good! And success now, is about THAT simple.
Much that's happening now is rather sweet. That's fine, apart from one thing. Just as sometimes, sweet foods are not our healthiest options, sweet sensations don't always provide the depth of experience we require. Without spoiling that which is naturally light and pleasant, be wary of a situation that seems artificially bland or even saccharine. Is somebody trying to disguise something? Is there a bitter pill beneath a sugary coating? Remember; you can't judge a cake by the taste of the icing on the top. Look beyond the obvious.
14日 羊 Sometimes we benefit from a prediction full of promise. It inspires us to make the most of an opportunity. But we can tend to feel suspicious when we are told that everything has the potential to be wonderful. We start looking for reasons why the forecast must be wrong. So let's play safe.You have, er... a reasonable time in store during which helpful cosmic links on offer will do little more than blunt the edge of a sharp problem. Unless, of course, you decide to read between the lines! Look, today, for hidden messages that offer real hope.
What are you growing in your garden? You cannot be sure because, even if you have raised a particular plant from seed, you are not getting a result that matches the picture on the packet. You are beginning to suspect that you have been duped by an unscrupulous horticultural supplier. Or maybe, you have managed to mistake a daffodil bulb for a shallot, all on your own. Pluto, Saturn, Mars and Uranus suggest you must now manage your crop according to what you can see, not what you are 'hoping to see'. Then you'll reap a really worthwhile harvest.
獅子座 Somewhere in your world, there's a misunderstanding. You have inadvertently jumped to the wrong conclusion about some crucial matter. Another person, with whom you need clear communication, is making a different but equally misguided assumption. The trouble is, because you are both in a natural state of agreement about such a lot of things, neither of you suspects the other of being so far off beam. Look for hidden confusion in the very area where clarity is most urgently called for. And don't worry. It can and will be sorted out.
You think you have a reason to feel hopeful and happy but you are not entirely sure. You could be hungrily heading for an abandoned restaurant or thirstily crawling towards a mirage. Things sound good, look good and even smell good. Yet you need to put a promise to the test. That's what you are now in the process of doing; somewhat nervously because, if you do discover that you have been mistaken, you are going to feel very let down. But your chief source of inspiration IS genuine. And your next big move is going to be a good one. So relax.
Are you waiting for news? Are you hoping to be told something? Is there a deal you need to clinch, an agreement you want to ratify or an arrangement you hope to confirm? Don't sit around waiting. Do your best to make something happen. If your desire is even half-viable, the likelihood of having it fulfilled is high. And if you get through the week without seeing any sign of new success? That's heaven's way of telling you that you are barking up the wrong tree. Bark up a more appropriate one instead and it will soon shower you with wonderful fruit.
蠍座 14日です。よろしくお願いします。 A welcome piece of news will soon clear an awkward obstacle to progress. Unless of course, you need that obstacle. Might it be earthing you, grounding you, keeping you from trying to go too far, too fast. For some while, you have been contemplating a brave but rather wild plan. Now, there's no longer such a good reason to put it on ice. Yet it does not automatically follow that, just because you CAN do something, you ought to. See this week's encouraging development as an amber light rather than a green one. Wait a little longer before you proceed.