Nice people don't start arguments. Nice people don't complain when they're presented with unsatisfactory situations. Nice people don't come out fighting when they are backed into a corner. If all this is true, there clearly must be times when we have to stop trying so hard to be nice people. Aren't you now, being just a little too nice about a situation that warrants more of an objection or even, dare I suggest it, an outright rejection on your part? It's probably time to think about turning nasty - for at least as long as it takes to remove an unnecessarily unpleasant factor from your life.
Nice people don't start arguments. Nice people don't complain when they're presented with unsatisfactory situations. Nice people don't come out fighting when they are backed into a corner. If all this is true, there clearly must be times when we have to stop trying so hard to be nice people. Aren't you now, being just a little too nice about a situation that warrants more of an objection or even, dare I suggest it, an outright rejection on your part? It's probably time to think about turning nasty - for at least as long as it takes to remove an unnecessarily unpleasant factor from your life.
獅子座 Do great fashion icons discover, when they get dressed in the morning, that there are no matching socks in the drawer? Do world-class writers ever sit with their heads in their hands, unable to think of a single idea? Of course. And sometimes, they turn this potentially embarrassing problem into an advantage. The snappy dressers wear the odd socks and set a new trend. The authors create a treatise on the elusive nature of the muse! Be confident this week, even about that which you are secretly least confident. For the planets strongly suggest you have much more power than you think.
水瓶18日です、よろしくお願いします。 Are you the great expert, upon whose shoulders, all responsibilities rest? Or are you the timid novice, to whom all tasks are mysterious and daunting? The fairest answer, it would seem, is 'It depends in what context we are asking the question'. When you know you are in your element, you shine with confidence. When you are out of your depth, you continue to emanate an air of certainty yet you secretly shake with apprehension. But what about in a situation, like the one you face now, where you're just 'not sure'. Neither be overly brave nor overly afraid!
Time is not "of the essence". Time, if it is anything, is "of the dilution". Time is what we dwell on when we are subtly trying to avoid something real and immediate. We escape into the past or we wander dreamlike into the future when there is something right in front of our eyes that we do not want to see. But that which is before you now is not a threat, a problem or an enemy. It is a gift to be appreciated and enjoyed. And it is also the only vital ingredient in a successful formula for the future. Make more of what's before you now and what’s ahead of you will sort itself out, wonderfully well.
There are though, times when it's wiser to acknowledge uncertainty than to ignore it and, in the process, to make the wrong choice. のところが自信ないのですが、一応付けますね!
Think of yourself, today, as the driver of a car, rolling down the slip-road towards a busy flow of traffic. Instinctive caution tells you to stop at the merging point and nervously wait for a very long gap in the traffic. That’s really not though, the right way to proceed. Instead you must speed up and then slip swiftly into the nearest, relatively small space. Hesitate too long and you will end up getting stuck. If, though, you act with confidence, the world will do its very best to accommodate you. And if you really assert yourself now all obstacles will move out of your way.
No car will get very far if one of its wheels is not working properly. No plan will ever come to fruition if it is missing a key component. What’s lacking from your life now is a clear line of communication to a particular individual. About most topics, you can converse with impressive candour and clarity. With regard to one matter though, there’s an unfortunate, mutual misapprehension. Iron that out by honestly exploring a sensitive subject. And then you’ll really start to move pleasingly forward over the next few days. Life’s too short for unnecessary misunderstanding!
Uneasy though you may now feel, what you’re experiencing so far is just a mild itch. Soon, it may become a raging inflammation - an all-but irresistible urge to turn a part of your world upside down. There’s nothing wrong with a revolution if it’s likely to depose a tyrant and install a benevolent leader. If though, you follow your current inclination, you may just swap a despot for a dictator. So think before you scratch that itch. Instead, find and apply some soothing lotion. The Sun and Venus are forming a sweet link to Jupiter. Easy answers to tricky questions are about to turn up all of their own accord.
With each passing day, we learn a little more. The trouble is, as the old song goes: ‘There are more questions than answers’. The more we find out, the less we know. Hence your current dilemma. You finally know what you only wish you could have known yesterday. You are not so sure though, whether ‘what you think you know today’ will sit well with whatever you know by the time tomorrow comes. But you can hazard an educated guess. Do so and you may yet discover that you know more than you think. It is time to have confidence in all that you have discovered through experience.
All the debate and discussion in the world won't make a difference to your current need. You can try to understand it, you can contemplate the best way to address it or you can search for insights and indications. Ultimately though, you are dealing with something that needs to be felt, not thought about, accepted not analysed, decided not dissected. Deep down, you already know that the only way to proceed is to stop wondering about how to proceed and instead, to simply proceed! The more you march ahead with confidence now, the more the right road will open up before you.
What's the problem? What's the big deal? What's the reason for your current mood of restlessness? Do you really object to some aspect of your situation or do you just object to the fact that you have not been given a chance to say whether you object to it or not? You have, this week, the power to make a permanent adjustment in a key area of your world. The question is not, 舛an you do such a thing?・It is, Do you want to do it... or do you just think that you probably ought to want to?・Try to have just a little more faith and (dare I really say this?) patience!
When you are ‘on form’ you are truly magnificent. Perhaps this is why you are not able to be at your best all day every day. By putting you through the occasional, spirit-dampening experience, nature is probably just trying to ensure that the rest of the world gets a fighting chance. At the moment, though, the sky seems to be temporarily removing the checks and balances, which often prevent you from shining like the star you are. Regardless of how you feel or what you are up against, Jupiter’s harmonious influence on your ruler is about to make you all-but unbeatable. ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
If your plan is complicated, simplify it. If your mood is tense, relax it. And if your problem is pressing??? Go on. I dare you to write your own answer to that question. What advice do you think I am about to give? Surely, you don’t think I am going to suggest that, if your problem is pressing, you should ignore it. That would be dreadfully irresponsible, wouldn’t it? Hmmm. How ‘responsible’ is it, do you think, to spend more time than you have to, on something that isn’t as bad as it looks? Astrological climates like this don’t come along every week. You owe it to yourself to have as good a time as you can!
おはようございます、水瓶19日です。よろしくお願いします。 As you approach the end of an era, you have to tread gently, kindly and cleverly. That’s not easy because you are feeling both confused and angry. You are not sure what to do for the best, you are worried that things are about to take a turn for the worse - and you are expecting someone else, who seems to have more power over a certain matter than you do, to take control of a key situation. This person though, is not in control. Ultimately, you are. It’s crucial to recognise this and act accordingly. And then you really will bring that era to the right kind of ending.
Try to stop watching the clock. Pay less attention to the calendar. Reduce your level of anxiety about some ultimately artificial deadline. What you are aiming for is sound and solid. Keep heading in your current direction and you will get somewhere well worth going to. What you may not do though, is arrive there at exactly the time that you once thought you would. Why does this matter? What will you lose out on or miss if you’re ‘late’? And how can you be late for something that is happy to wait till you are ready for it? There’s too much unnecessary concern in your life now. Relax.
獅子座 A rolling stone gathers no moss. A rolling snowball however, is another matter entirely. Roll a stone long enough and you will gradually wear it down. Roll a snowball and you will build it up, increasing its ability to resist a rise of temperature. So let us now look at the desire, which, you feel, you do not stand a snowball’s chance in hell of ever fulfilling. Stay where you are and all your hopes will turn to stone. Keep moving along though, and you never know what process you may be able to set rolling. The Sun’s triple conjunction to Jupiter and Venus implies an ability to work a very special kind of magic now.
No self-respecting Virgo will ever allow themselves to become a fashion victim. You know very well what suits you and what doesn’t. You won’t wear an item of clothing, a colour or a style, just because it happens to be in vogue. That kind of social pressure, you can easily resist. In other ways though, you are a little too susceptible to persuasion. There is a moral, ethical and/or personal matter to address today. You must follow what you truly feel, not what ‘current popular thinking’ deems appropriate. Other people may be full of opinions. But you need to be full of compassion and understanding.
*So let us now look at the desire, …が特にようわかりませんでした(涙) *転石苔むさずは、 *1.じっと何か一つのことに取り組まないと,何も成就しない *2.一つのことばかりにこだわってると,何も成就しない *の2つの意味があるそうでつ。 *この場合は、1であり2であり…っぽいカンジでつね。 *ムツカシイけど、いいことあっておくれ〜ジョナ〜
# So let us now look at the desire, which, you feel, you do not stand a # snowball’s chance in hell of ever fulfilling. は、 # stand a chance で「チャンスがある」という意味らしいので、stand a snowball's chance で # 「雪球ほどのチャンスがある」、in hell は強調語句らしいので not と併せて「すら全然無い」 # と解釈しました・・・。
ご無沙汰しております。 しし座デイリーのsnowball’s chance in hell of ever fulfillingについて、ひとこと補足をば。 "stand a chance of 〜ing" は、イディオムで「見込みがある、成功の見込みがある」の意味。 また、"snowball’s chance in hell of 〜ing" は、「地獄(hell)の灼熱では雪の玉などすぐ 解けてしまうので、『とても無理だということ』だそうです。
で、本文の So let us now look at the desire, which, you feel, you do not stand a snowball’s chance in hell of ever fulfilling. ですが、、 『では、あなたが実現する見込みはまったくないと思っているその願望を見てみましょう』 (ここの"let us"は、"let's"で解釈してよいと思います) で、いかがでしょう。
They will be along with some lunch in a while. Hopefully, it will be more edible than yesterday's. And, if you are really lucky, they may let you out this afternoon for a walk around the courtyard. You may get a visitor at the weekend. Cheer up. In a couple of decades you may even become eligible for parole. Now, here's a good question. What's wrong with everything you have just read? Exactly! Yet isn't it amazing how we can create a prison for ourselves just by focusing on the ways in which we feel trapped. You are as free as you want to be today.
Will your plan pay off? Will your scheme succeed? Are you pushing your luck? Or are you pursuing an extremely sensible solution?. I feel half-inclined just to raise the question and then leave it hanging. After all, if I say ‘no’, I will plant a seed of doubt in your mind. I will create a negative expectation. This may turn into a self-fulfilling prophecy. And if I say ‘yes’? Well then, have I not deprived you of something rather wonderful? A chance to revel in joyous uncertainty? You will find out, very shortly, how wise your big idea has been. I shall say just this: it is due to be a good day.
“Doctor, doctor, I think I am a pair of curtains.” “Oh, come along, and pull yourself together.” We all know this old joke, yet we continue to find it funny. Why? Because it touches on a very real problem. Sometimes, we find ourselves wrestling with a malaise that no amount of medical science could ever provide a cure for. We feel fed up: either for no apparent reason, or for a reason that is perfectly obvious but not very forgivable. Soon, you will experience the opposite of this. If there is a cure for what you are about to get, you won’t want it.
おはようござます、水瓶20日です。よろしくお願いします。 None of us appreciates unsolicited advice. We don’t like to be told what we should or shouldn’t do - especially when we feel we are gaining some benefit from the process of solving a problem for ourselves. Every so often though, we can end up in a tricky situation, out of our depth and feeling flummoxed. At times like these we know we ought to seek assistance yet our pride prevents us. Someone is now willing and able to give you all the help you require. You simply have to decide that you are ready to request it. Don’t be shy. A stress-free future awaits you!
This cannot be just another day. It has to be special in some way. Well, actually, not just in some way - for that implies the possibility of a negative development. Your experience, though, absolutely has to be positive. Will you get everything you have always wanted? Almost certainly not. Will you still be left with a bunch of things you definitely don’t want? Quite conceivably. We must not raise unrealistic expectations. But nor must we underestimate the power of this particular planetary influence. Your day will definitely bring magic and joy. ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
When we don't know how to do something, we tend to assume that it must be immensely difficult. We still feel this way while we are having the instructions explained to us. The more details we are given, the more we become inclined to worry. We start to feel as if we will never solve our problem. Then suddenly, a penny will drop. A moment of true enlightenment will arise. After which everything will begin to seem reassuringly easy once more. You may be bothered about a certain situation now, but very soon you will start to experience a lot more comfort and confidence.
獅子座 If our idea of a ‘happy-ever-after’ involves a handsome prince, we will conveniently forget that princes tend to grow less handsome with age; that they are notoriously bad at doing the washing up, and that they have a disconcerting ability to turn back into frogs at a moment’s notice. If it involves a country cottage with roses round the door, we will blank the idea that it is probably miles from the nearest shop or bus route. A newly-emerging opportunity may not match your preconception, but that’s no reason to dismiss it. It may well have fewer drawbacks than your dream.
Time is a great healer. Unfortunately, it is a lousy entertainer. That is why we are forever looking for ways to make time pass more rapidly or pleasingly. We rarely sit around saying, ‘Oh, I wish I could make time go more slowly’. So, in order to give time a chance to do its healing, we have to create a distraction of some kind. We certainly can’t sit around saying, ‘I wish time would hurry up and heal things for me’. Time is now doing all it can. Eventually, it will do everything you need it to... and more. But you do have to give time... a little more time!
Excuse me, do you have a licence for that smile? You can’t wander round looking pleased without a permit. Don’t you realise that contentment is rationed? Other people may get very upset if they suspect that you have somehow gained access to their share of life’s happiness. Don’t you think you ought to become a little more miserable? Shouldn’t you, at least, try to be downhearted or disappointed with your lot? Oh well, if you will insist on enjoying yourself today, I don’t suppose anyone can stop you. But be warned - someone is probably going to have a jolly good try.
Never mind the zodiac forecast, let’s have a little fun. Tell you what, I’ll do an impersonation and you see if you can guess who I am being. There. Have you got it yet? Oh, come on, it’s obvious isn’t it? All right then, try this one instead. Look at my facial expression. Who else could it be? We just aren’t getting very far, are we? Still, at least we are neatly illustrating today’s key point. A certain person just can’t seem to see what is so obvious to you - and vice versa. If you want a better understanding you simply have to strive for a better explanation.
Nothing in this world stands up to close critical scrutiny. Nobody is perfect. Everywhere you look, there is room for improvement. There always has been, there always will be. Does it follow from this, that all is hopeless? Absolutely not. Things can - and often do - get better. It is just that, no matter how much better they get, they never satisfy every requirement. If ever they did, there would be no more change to look forward to - and thus, no more hope! Be glad of what’s wrong today. It is the reason why you will feel so much happier tomorrow, when it is put right.
"Life must go on." That's what we say as we edge away from the abyss of the unknown. Whenever we encounter the ultimate realities of existence, such as, for example, the imminent inevitability of non-existence, we become overwhelmed by the realisation that our concerns are so trivial and our day-to-day arguments, so petty. And then we decide that we cannot continue to act like rabbits, frozen in the headlights of the infinite. So we return to trivia, even more enthusiastically than before. Today's situation may seem like a charade. But it has a very deep and real purpose.
Several eminent scientists have recently announced that astrology is tosh. They have done their tests, performed their calculations and they cannot possibly be mistaken. Oh, dear me, no. Which is a bit of a shame really, because today is due to be a wonderful day for all born under Libra. I was about to tell you that you could look forward to an extremely fortuitous development. A hopeful, helpful event that could yet be good for your bank balance and your love life. But according to the experts, Venus and Jupiter痴 alignment means nothing. Let us hope they are wrong!
Some people love labels and categories. Everything - and everyone - has to belong to a particular genre. We judge each other by our associations; culture, race, religion, social class, political persuasion or accent. And that’s just for starters. We add more and more layers of description to achieve more precise pigeon-holing. But, of course, we are all individuals, and we are all inconsistent. And when we do step beyond expectations, we make magic possible. Soon, you will see several people in a new light and previously invisible opportunities will become excitingly apparent.
Have you seen Mars lately? Isn't it truly stunning? No wonder the ancients invented astrology. How could you look at such a glorious sight, night after night, and not feel sure that it contains some powerful sign or signal about coming events on Earth? Mars is the ruler of Aries. If your personal planet is shining so brightly, surely that has to be an auspicious omen? Never mind what's happening now. Just be aware that what's due to happen soon, is exceptional. Coming events should cause you to glow with success and satisfaction. Trust your guiding star.
And the winner is.... well, here’s a clue. Right now, the winner is looking rather intently at a page containing a zodiac forecast for the sign of the fish. Am I referring to some other Piscean? Hey, there is only one who really matters to our story, right here, right now. Now I know what you are thinking. “If he really means that, how come so much of my life is in such a pickle? I don’t feel much like a winner.” That’s only because, so far, you have not yet fully realised what it is that you have actually won. Today, under the influence of Jupiter and Venus, you will begin to find out.
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. That’s what many people fervently believe. They feel that just as all coins have two sides, so all situations have their pros and cons. What’s good in one way will be bad in another. Are they right? Who can say. It is, though, very hard to imagine how the current conjunction of Jupiter and Venus could have a significant downside. The planets speak of a heavenly gift; bountiful blessings from a benign cosmos. You think that sounds a little overly-poetic? Wait a while. You may yet decide that’s an understatement.
Some people truly enjoy being pessimistic. Cynicism makes them smile. Gloom gives them a glow. They get a buzz out of the blues. A hit of hopelessness. This is perfectly acceptable. It’s a free world, we are not all obliged to be optimists. We are perfectly entitled to take our pleasure wherever we can find it - as long as it does no harm to others. Mind you, there are some who might argue that negativity is harmful in the extreme; addictive, contagious and, once embraced, extremely difficult to abandon. Don’t succumb to an unnecessary antisocial temptation today.
Why do Geminis ask so many questions? Why are they so rarely content to take things at face value? Why must they probe and pry, quiz and question, faff and fiddle? Because, of course, people born under your sign know that little in life is ever straightforward. The deeper you dig, the more likely you are to unearth a true treasure. You could have a much easier life if you were now to subscribe to the superficial view of a complex situation. But your experience, in the long run, would be a lot less rewarding, materially and emotionally.
Is the secret formula buried in a vault or locked in a safe? Is it endlessly complicated? Must you study for a lifetime before you stand any chance of understanding it - even before you are lucky enough to come across it? Are you dealing with something incredibly difficult, mind-bogglingly intricate, scarily delicate, worryingly unstable? It may seem so. Indeed, on some levels and in some ways, it may even be true. But, in essence, at least, life is none of those things. It is simply a gift to be enjoyed. Today, if you keep things as simple as you can, you will yet experience much pleasure.
Shall we discuss the weather? How about the state of the traffic on the local road? Have you seen any good soap operas lately? Hey ho. I was just trying to make a little trivial conversation. I thought, perhaps, it might distract us both from the... well, you know . Do we really need to be drawn into that? Must we dive deep into yet another round of intense speculation and exploration? Must there be more sharing and baring of the soul? Of course there must be. Absolutely. The more profound your thoughts and words today, the more power and success you will begin to muster.
A hundred TV channels, a thousand radio stations, a million web sites. All there, all the time. All trying to tell (and sell) us something. This is the information age. We have endless facts at our fingertips and endless fictions at the end of our remote controls. All the movies we can watch, all the soaps we can swallow. Right now though, you need neither an explanation nor a drama. You need the one thing that the 21st century has in scant supply. A sense of perspective. No electronic medium can supply that for you. But happily, the planets say, you can find it for yourself today.
A hundred TV channels, a thousand radio stations, a million web sites. All there, all the time. All trying to tell (and sell) us something. This is the information age. We have endless facts at our fingertips and endless fictions at the end of our remote controls. All the movies we can watch, all the soaps we can swallow. Right now though, you need neither an explanation nor a drama. You need the one thing that the 21st century has in scant supply. A sense of perspective. No electronic medium can supply that for you. But happily, the planets say, you can find it for yourself today.
獅子座 Of course, it could all be a dream. We could wake up tomorrow and realise that we have been imagining it all. All these years, I have been writing your forecast and you have been reading it. Yet in truth, we are both just adjacent commuters on the Zarg Express wave. Intergalactic travellers whiling away the journey from one end of the universe to the other. Planet Earth? That was just a mass-hallucination. A holographic fantasy. Maybe that’s so. But if it is, it is all the more reason to enjoy today’s most amazing and seemingly very real experience of contentment.
Several eminent scientists have recently announced that astrology is tosh. They have done their tests, performed their calculations and they cannot possibly be mistaken. Oh, dear me, no. Which is a bit of a shame really, because today is due to be a wonderful day for all born under Libra. I was about to tell you that you could look forward to an extremely fortuitous development. A hopeful, helpful event that could yet be good for your bank balance and your love life. But according to the experts, Venus and Jupiter's alignment means nothing. Let us hope they are wrong!
Think of a kaleidoscope: an endless, ever-changing producer of patterns. Just one tiny twist completely transforms the view. We tend to think that our own lives are not so changeable. What we see today, we will still see tomorrow. Yet, though the picture progresses at a slower speed, it does so just as dramatically. Now, let us consider the outlook from your particular window. Will things seem this way forever? Of course not. Relish what’s happening now, while it is still happening. You can keep what you want to hang on to, but what you want to lose will be gone, sooner than you think.
Never been into astronomy? Can't tell whether That star you are looking at is Sirius or funny? Look at the sky this weekend anyhow. To see Mars, you don't need a chart or a compass. If it is out when you are, you'll know. It's the amazingly bright and slightly pink one! Want to know how it is affecting you? It is hanging around in the part of your chart that governs faith. Where in your life now is there a dilemma that's just as intense and obvious? What (and who) do you trust? You'd better decide. And then, you'd better relax. That's all that's needed.
Mars rules Scorpio. Sure, Pluto is very important too, to all born under your sign. But you didn’t lose your old celestial guardian when you got your new one. And Pluto is invisible whereas Mars, now, could not be more noticeable if it tried. Look at the night sky this weekend. Feast your eyes on a historic sight. And consider yourself to be the recipient of a rare and deeply significant heavenly message. There’s a barrier you can break through now. A brave step, involving a heartfelt passion, that you can make with great success.
Mars moved into your sign back in June. It will remain in Pisces till the end of the year. That on its own is unusual. Highly. Normally, it spends six weeks to two months in any single sector of the sky. But that’s just the beginning of the story. Look up at the night sky this weekend. Scan around for the one planet that looks like a flare or a firework. That’s Mars, brighter than any star, nearer the Earth than at any point in history. IN YOUR SIGN!!! Now, er... what do you think this might signify? Are you ready to outshine all around you?
A powerful omen now burns bright in the sky. Don’t just take my word for it. Go see for yourself. Look up after dark this weekend and there’ll be Mars, shining brighter than any star. It has never looked quite this good in all of history. Really! Now, here’s what you need to know. It is shining in the sector of the cosmos that governs communication, commerce and connection-making as far as you are concerned. If you think that’s good for your ability to do deals, to have brilliant ideas... and to enjoy far less stressful journeys soon, you’re right!
Apparently, I have upset some readers by informing them that Mars is about to come closer to Earth than ever before. As we speak, they are heading for the hills with tinned food, batteries and bottled water in preparation for the post-collision apocalypse. Actually, Mars is going to remain a perfectly safe 34.6 million miles away. But it is creating a MOOD of impending impact. Push IS about to come to shove. But for you as an Aries, ruled by Mars, this will mean nothing more than wonderful, much-deserved progress.
How long has there been a bit of a problem in your home or family life? How long has something been stale or stuffy? Where has dust been allowed to gather? Where has clarity vanished beneath a pile of clutter or confusion? In what way do you need a new broom to sweep clean the messy residue of an old situation - and allow fresh hope to enter your world? Take a look at Mars in the sky this weekend. That’s your cosmic promise of a major move forward in this area of your life. It’s happening already. Soon progress will speed up even more.
Mars is not a star, it is a planet. Right now though, it is so amazingly bright that it deserves to be called a cosmic superstar. And we could say much the same about you. Mars is now active in the part of your chart that governs social interaction. You are acting as a beacon, drawing a lot of attention and admiration - plus a certain amount of suspicion or envy. You have more power, more influence and more opportunity than you realise. You also have more potential for trouble and tension than you might like. But as long as you are careful, all will be fine.
With even a small pair of binoculars, it is now possible to pick out markings on Mars. The ice caps should be visible. The ‘canals’ ought to be clear. Even with the naked eye, you’ll get a stunning sight of heavenly history in the making, just by looking up. What do Mars govern? Oh, just a few little things like power, purpose, ambition, aggression, energy and effort plus the ability to win against the odds. And where is Mars now? In the part of your chart that rules career. So err... well, yes, you are right. That’s EXACTLY what it means!
獅子座 You can write your own horoscope this weekend. Here are all the instructions you need. Go out a while after dark. Look at the sky. Check out the stars. Then cast around for the one that looks like a salmon coloured firework, at least twice as bright as all the rest. That’s Mars. And if it is cloudy, Mars will be the only one that stands even half a chance of shining through. Think about that as you watch then think about the one area of your life now where there’s real worry, anxiety, doubt, suspicion or angst. That’s the cloud. And that’s your beacon of hope.
おはようございます、水瓶週末です。よろしくお願いします。 Hoping for an improvement on the financial front? Dreaming of a big success in the material world? I have to be so careful what I say here. I don’t want to raise unreasonable expectations - but nor do I want to deny the powerful and unusual symbolism in your current outlook. Tell you what, I’ll say nothing. I’ll just invite you to go out and look at the sky this weekend. Watch Mars, shining more brightly than ever before in history, in the very part of your chart that governs money. And ask yourself, what might this portend?
Hoping for an improvement on the financial front? Dreaming of a big success in the material world? I have to be so careful what I say here. I don’t want to raise unreasonable expectations - but nor do I want to deny the powerful and unusual symbolism in your current outlook. Tell you what, I’ll say nothing. I’ll just invite you to go out and look at the sky this weekend. Watch Mars, shining more brightly than ever before in history, in the very part of your chart that governs money. And ask yourself, what might this portend?
週末よろしくお願いします What difference can any of us really make to the state of the world? How, as helpless individuals, can we make any impact on all that harshness, darkness and heartlessness? I am glad you asked me that question. The answer is best explained by standing outside after dark this weekend and watching Mars. Often, it has a faint light if you can see it at all. Right now, it is stronger than any star in the sky. For different people, it has a different message. To you though, it is saying “This is your moment! Make your commitment. And then do your duty to your destiny! ”
Got a problem getting through to someone? Hoping to see an improvement in some key relationship? Need a boost, a break... or a breakthrough? How convenient then, that this is precisely what the sky has to offer. Go out and take a look at Mars in the sky this weekend. Watch it glow so brightly that it outshines everything but the Moon. Now consider this. It is in the sector of the sky that traditionally governs love and partnership in the life of every Virgo. Progress is not so much possible now as unstoppable. That’s got to be wonderful news.
Apparently, I have upset some readers by informing them that Mars is about to come closer to Earth than ever before. As we speak, they are heading for the hills with tinned food, batteries and bottled water in preparation for the post-collision apocalypse. Actually, Mars is going to remain a perfectly safe 34.6 million miles away. But it is creating a MOOD of impending impact. Push IS about to come to shove. But for you as an Aries, ruled by Mars, this will mean nothing more than wonderful, much-deserved progress.
With even a small pair of binoculars, it is now possible to pick out markings on Mars. The ice caps should be visible. The ‘canals’ ought to be clear. Even with the naked eye, you’ll get a stunning sight of heavenly history in the making, just by looking up. What do Mars govern? Oh, just a few little things like power, purpose, ambition, aggression, energy and effort plus the ability to win against the odds. And where is Mars now? In the part of your chart that rules career. So err... well, yes, you are right. That’s EXACTLY what it means!
The world is full of things that look great but have little substance. Often too, if you are willing to look hard enough, you can find subjects, items and situations with much intrinsic merit but little popular appeal. To come across something that’s both smart and ‘sexy’ is to make a rare discovery indeed. No wonder so many people are interested in you now! The goal you are reaching for is attractive, intelligent and attainable. So too, at least with regard to those first two adjectives, are you!
おはようございます、水瓶25日です。よろしくお願いします。 The more prestige, status or power you attain in life, the harder it is to confess ignorance. You end up feeling as if you are supposed to have an answer to every question and that, if you dare to turn round and say ‘I just don’t know’, you will be ‘found out’, laughed at, derided or even stripped of your responsibility. You are wise enough not to let that kind of pride lead you straight into the trap of poor decision-making. But is a certain other person? Look out, this week, for arrogance based on fear.
You have an ambitious aspiration. Is it reasonable to want what you want? Probably not! Does it therefore follow that you will never get it? Well now, there’s a question! A lot depends on how determined you are, how willing you are to keep making a steady effort - and, above all else, how daunted you feel by the negative voices that you keep hearing. Instant miracles are not on the way but magical long term possibilities certainly ARE on offer - especially in the area of your home or family life.
You have reached an awkward position. You have put yourself ‘out on a limb’. You fear that things could easily go wrong. You suspect that, to steer a safe path through the tricky territory you have wandered into, you either need to have something explained to you - or you need to develop a smart, accurate theory. But you already know what you need to know? You just do not yet fully understand what it implies. Any moment now, a valuable penny is going to drop perfectly into place. Then, you will be well off indeed.
Are you just a short step away from a steep and nasty precipice? Maybe so - but that doesn’t, for one moment, mean that you are destined to fall. Mars, as it passes close to the earth in your sign, suggests you are highly aware of a possible danger. Maybe it is true to say that you lack a lot of the safety devices you ideally ought to be travelling with. Nonetheless, you know what not to do - and that level of conscious awareness is all the protection you really require. Your week will not go horribly wrong. It will go wonderfully right.
Add just one smart twist to a tired plot and you’ve got an amazing new drama. There’s nothing wrong with following a tried and tested formula. Indeed, if you want to be sure of creating something that ‘works’ you are well advised to go by the established rules. At the same time though, you don’t want to do exactly what everyone else always does. Hence the need for that clever little variation - or innovation. Mars, as it now shines brighter than ever in history, suggests you are about to come up with a great new idea.
It is easy to be generous when you’re feeling wealthy. It’s hard to part with something precious that’s in terribly short supply. At the moment, it’s not your money that you need to be liberal with, it’s your tolerance. The trouble is, you’re not sure how much patience, sympathy or understanding you can spare. This though is a commodity that doesn’t just replenish itself when spent, it multiplies! The way to take a stressful situation and turn it into an easy one is to be as patient and faithful as you can.
獅子座 Hold tight to the things that you know for a fact. You are about to be tricked, confused, misled, pressured and pushed into believing a hundred and one different definitions of the truth. Your intellect will tell you one thing, your friends another, your heart will add a third level of complexity to the situation and your contacts in the wider world will all have additional perspectives to offer. To sail safely through this sea of bewilderment, you must stay alert and awake in the cockpit. Mars insists there is nothing to fear.
There is so much to think about, wrestle with and weigh up. Or is there? Might it be that, in some subtle, self-deceptive way, you’re rerunning an old tape in case you missed a part of the movie last time round? Don’t you already, really, know what the outcome of your current drama is going to be? Haven’t you ‘been here before’? And haven’t you emerged, unscathed and fully refreshed, ultimately inspired by all that has seemed so stressful? Dwell on what you want to dwell on. But don’t dwell IN it!
There's a date with destiny coming up. Please though, don't let this unnerve you. We are not talking about some heavy situation, some intense encounter or painful revelation. This is a chance to cast off a set of shackles and experience a whole new level of freedom. It's just that, often, the moment you become most keenly aware of the fact that you are padlocked to a ball and chain is the moment when you suddenly find yourself face to face with a friendly locksmith. Mars is here to set you free.
Consider yourself empowered, entitled and important. Give yourself more credit, freedom and consideration. Stand tall and proud, regardless of what you regret or what you wish you could alter. Mars, as it now moves closer to earth than ever in history, is inviting you to reach for something special. It's nearly but not quite within your grasp. If though, you stretch yourself up to your full height and really make a brave but careful effort, you may just manage to connect with your tantalising target.
A Gemini with an inferiority complex is like a restaurant owner with a fear of going hungry. You have no reason to doubt yourself yet there are moments when you can somehow forget all that you are, all that you have accomplished, all that you have at your disposal. It’s probably just as well. At least it gives the rest of us some kind of fighting chance to catch up with you. Sometimes though, you have to stop giving yourself a hard time and just shine like the star you are. Here comes such a time.
You are keen to avoid making a mistake. If though, you try too hard to avoid making an error, you may mistake a small problem for a big one. Imagine a fort or an army camp, with sentries guarding it day and night. It is wise to keep a few people on lookout duty but it’s silly to have hundreds of soldiers doing that job at the same time. Either they’ll all get lazy and will each assume someone else is watching - or the night air will keep ringing with false alarms. Common sense is the only key to success that you need now.
Have a nice day. That statement is neither the expression of a pleasant wish nor an order. It's a prediction. You will have a nice day, provided you don't try to stick to some script that you think you're obliged to follow. We all play out roles, we all act out parts, we all get involved in dramas to which the plot seems hopelessly lost. When we try to second-guess the unfolding story line, we put on a poor show. Yet when we just summon inspiration and improvise, we bring the house down! You are about to become a real star.
It is funny how other people’s lives are always so fascinating to us. We either wish we had their assets and advantages - or we thank our lucky stars that we are not standing in their shoes. Rarely, though, do we find ourselves completely uninterested in what they are doing. If you are now watching various individuals, the chances are that they are watching you. What are they thinking? What are you thinking? How well judged are any of those opinions? Today, there’s only one thing that you can be. Yourself.
The goal posts are being moved... again! How then, are you supposed to play the game? All you can do is decide that the name of this particular game must be ‘Let’s Move The Goal Posts’. If others can play it, so can you. Join in, with gusto, and carry on until there are no goal posts left to move! Once they’re gone, there won’t be much of a game left to play - but then the last thing you really want to do at the moment is play games! Prepare to swap something artificial for something very real.
Some cries for help are not what they seem. They may be part of a trick that leads to a trap. Or they may just be empty requests, voiced noisily but uttered by someone who doesn’t really want help at all. You have a duty to investigate the request that’s now being made of you. You also, though, have a duty to yourself not to leap into action without looking. Before you go racing valiantly to the rescue today, make sure that you’ve got the lie of the land - and that you’re not just riding into the land of the lie!
Love doesn’t make the world go round, any more than money does. We humans have one idea of what’s important, the cosmos has another. That doesn’t mean that it is not OK to want to care and be cared for. It’s OK too, to want wealth. It is just not OK to decide, if these desires are not being perfectly fulfilled, that life is empty. We are here to learn how to be glad that we are here! When we are willing to summon gratitude, whatever happens next will always be fine! Today will yet bring you something wonderful to celebrate.
Here comes yet another day of intense decision making. Maybe you are not aware that life is so trying at the moment. Perhaps I am doing you a disservice by pointing it out. You are well known as a person with a great capacity to cope. One reason why you are so successful is that you don’t dwell on your difficulties. You just take them in your stride. Only later do you look back and say ‘phew, that was close’. Today, you just have to do what you’re doing. You may as well enjoy it. It is, after all, the right thing.
獅子座 “If only you had this, if only you had that.” “If only you could go here, if only you could go there.” The day may come, much sooner than you think, when many things that now seem impossible become somehow, unexpectedly feasible. Will you definitely be happier when that day comes? Or will you then start resting your wistful gaze on some other horizon? Sometimes, in life, the best feelings of all are not the ones that arise when we arrive somewhere. They’re the ones that we get when we think we’re nearly there!
You have summoned up a lot of courage and made a bold decisive move. Now, you need to make another. Once you’ve done that, it will probably be necessary to make yet one more. Already, you are beginning to wonder what you have done. It is though, a little late now to start thinking about turning back. Besides which, though your task is tough and your situation is demanding, you are making the most excellent progress. How can you do anything other than carry on in the same mood of determination?
Several tempting dishes are on the menu. The trouble is, you have only one appetite. Once you have picked and ordered the item of your choice, will not be able to enjoy any of the other options. It’s no wonder you want to dwell on the list a little while longer - but just before you return to that process, here’s a question that must be asked. Are you actually in the restaurant? Or are you just idly perusing a bill of fantasy fare? Mars is about to help you find out today, what’s actually cooking in the kitchen!
*will you then start resting your wistful gaze on some other hosizon...は、 *直訳だと「他の地平線を物欲しげな目で眺め始めると思いますか?」なカンジでつけど、 *なんか意味不明だし、意味は「隣の…」に近い気がしたので、超意訳しちゃいますた。 *慣用句?とも思いましたが、見つからなかったでつ。
>>306精進中@ししさま Or will you then start resting your wistful gaze on some other horizon? は、「それともまた別の水平線に物欲しげな視線を注ぎ始めるのでしょうか?」 みたいな直訳でいいと思いまつ。意味は、んーと・・・ある何かが実現可能に なったら、今度はまた別のはるかな何かを望みだすのでしょうか? みたいな 意味だと思いまつ・・・。
Your path, today, is clear and smooth. If you find it blocked, it’s not your path. The same applies if you find it hard or heavy going. Mars speaks of the need to carry out a specific task or mission. It’s not a matter of ‘where there’s a will, there must be a way’. It’s more a question of where there’s a route, there has to be a reason why the route has opened up for you. Rather than waste time and energy on acts of bravado, develop a little faith in the notion that you’re being gently led in the right direction.
To err is human. And to forgive? Well, as you are not a living deity, do you have to strive to manifest divine attributes? You are under no obligation to forgive anyone or anything. You are entitled to hang on to every last ounce of any resentment or anger you feel. The question is though, what good will this do you? An attempt to forgive, even if that’s not something you find easy to do, will make you feel better about yourself. You can forgive if you try. What you can’t (and mustn’t) do, is forget. But you must move on. And you are about to.
When good things happen, we assume they must have happened for a reason. When bad things happen, we never feel so sure. At best, we remind ourselves that all clouds have silver linings. Usually, we just curse our luck. Yet how do we really know whether a development is good or bad? The things we like most, often do us most damage. The things we like least often bring the greatest joy. You have lately felt inclined to resent a particular situation. But Mars is about to give you reason to be deeply grateful for it.
It is crass and over-simplistic to claim that Mars is now offering you an unparalleled opportunity to make money in the none-too-distant future. Can we really suggest that the universe has waited 73,000 years to bring the power planet this close to Earth, just for that purpose. We must also be careful about the expectation we raise. You may well have a chance but will you see it and seize it? There are many more important things, in this world and in your life, than money. Nonetheless, if you really work hard now.
Sometimes, it seems as if the course of fate finds it necessary to drag us, kicking and screaming, against our will, towards whatever we most desperately need to experience or to connect with. Yet many great sages insist that nature only practises such coercion as a last resort. The cosmic carrot is always considered preferable to the celestial stick. Be subtle, sensitive, calm and quiet today, and you will yet find yourself being led painlessly and pleasingly towards the perfect destination.
Mars is in your sign of the zodiac. Today, it is closer to the Earth than it has ever been in the whole of history. That is why it is so bright in the sky. That’s richly symbolic and deeply encouraging. Do you have a dream that you want to pursue? Is there an ambition you need to fulfil? Can you summon the necessary strength and power? Absolutely! You really must not think of yourself as a person with problems. You are simply a person to whom solutions are about to come. Each one of these will soon come.
No man (or woman) is an island.” In 1684, when John Donne wrote this poem, he was trying to point out that our lives entwine in many ways - some obvious, some mysterious. Mars is now closer to Earth than ever before, causing you to become keenly conscious of the bonds that exist between you and others. You are about to receive generous support from an unexpected source. You are also about to realise why a course of action is no good to you if it has the potential to be damaging to someone else.
What’s the difference between a big idea and a small idea? Implementation! Some of the world’s best, most dramatic innovations were once just passing thoughts in someone’s mind. They might have emerged, like bubbles and then floated into the distance, had no effort been made to act on them. Ideas are not big or little, only implications are. Mars, today, is closer to the Earth than ever in history. The sky is effectively urging you now to take the idea that inspires you the most and act on it.
Some people enter into relationships in the hope that this will absolve them from the need to face their fears and conquer their demons. Secure in the knowledge they have found a partner, they figure, they will then be able to relax and lead a contented life without conflict or challenge. Those who approach partnerships with such expectations, swiftly become disappointed. Mars is now obliging you to look at what you are really learning (and how you are truly gaining) from a particular close involvement.
“Power corrupts - and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” It is tempting to ask how the author of this statement could possibly be so sure. Absolute power? Who ever has that? As Mars now comes closer to Earth than ever before, it shines in the part of your chart that governs ‘where you come closest to wielding absolute power’. Is a part of you now in danger of becoming warped or corrupt? Perhaps. Yet not absolutely! Your sincerity is the reason why there will yet be a victory for all that is pure and good.
Some people like to feel needed. It gives them a sense of involvement and belonging. Others enjoy feeling needy. They revel in a sense of helplessness. If offered assistance, they devour it hungrily and then demand more. If support is refused, they simply let this fuel the fire of their low self-esteem - from which they draw a curious, cold-comfort. Mars is now trying to show you that all is not quite as it seems within a sensitive situation. A problem can only be solved if someone really wants to solve it.
いつもお世話になっております。 本日の獅子座も宜しくお願いいたします。 獅子座 Without your trials and tribulations, what value will your victories ever really have? Serious issues are preoccupying you now. You feel more than a little daunted by some exceptionally difficult circumstances that you face. Ultimately, though, these are the reasons why your success will be so satisfying when it comes. Mars insists that you are much closer to a breakthrough than you realise. Your greatest source of potential pain, will yet become the cause of your deepest pleasure.
27日蠍座原文です よろしくお願いします How far should you go? At what point should the voice of common-sense be allowed to drown out that of impulse? Under other circumstances, I might give you different advice. But right now, Mars is exceptionally bright in the sky. Extenuating celestial conditions apply. Your limits need to be pushed a little. Your boundaries need to be redrawn. Your impulses need to be listened to. They are not all wild, indulgent urges. Many of your deepest feelings are intuitive visions that deserve respect.
As Mars grows brighter in the sky than we have ever seen it before, it has but one simple message for you. We can boil it down to three little words. Proceed with caution. This means exactly what it says. Proceed. Do not stop, retreat, or even necessarily slow down. Carry on. Continue. But with caution. Watch where you are going and what you are doing. Be conscious. Be clever. Having begun in a spirit of relative recklessness, you must now go on in a mood of comparative carefulness. 火星が今まで見たことがないくらい頭上に輝いて、あなたにシンプルなメッセージを送っています。 3つの言葉に要約できますね。「注意を・持って・進んでください」 言葉通りの意味ですよ。 進んでください、止まらないように、引き返さないように、速度を落としても駄目ですよ。 そのままそのまま…続けてください。でも注意してくださいね。 あなたが何をしているか、何処に行こうとしているのか気をつけてください。 意識して自覚を持ってくださいね。賢くあってください。 割と向こう見ずな気分で始めて、今あなたは結構用心深い気分で進まなければなりません。
Wealthy people are not necessarily kind, compassionate or clever. Nor indeed are they always happy. We may well ask then, what is the point of having money? But, of course, we all figure that if a fairy of fortune was to lay her hand on our shoulder, things would be different. We would be appreciative. And generous. And wise. Are you about to become wealthy? That’s a tricky question. I wish you hadn’t asked me. You are now beginning a process which should end in you becoming wealthier than you currently are.
Rocket science? A piece of cake. Brain surgery? No problem. If you really want to pit yourself against something difficult, try learning to want what you can actually have. Now that’s tricky. We spend our whole lives pining for the apparently unattainable. The more remote, unlikely, or impossible an objective is, the more we lust after it. And no matter how wonderful, how ideal an actual situation may be, we find fault with it and soon begin to resent it. Yet within your situation now there’s a precious, nay, priceless, gift. It deserves appreciation.
Fairy stories have a lot to answer for. They lead us to believe, at an impressionable age, that dreams can come true with the wave of a magic wand. Later in life, our expectations swing to the opposite extreme. We figure that dreams just don't ever come true and we had better wise up to that fact. Yet actually, they do. It's just that first, we have to put in an awful lot of work. Sometimes, too, we have to go through experiences that we might far prefer to avoid. You have nearly paid your price. Your reward is on the way.
Yesterday I spoke about the difference between big ideas and small ideas. I tried to point out that ideas don’t really have sizes. The same, of course, is true for problems. Likewise, modes of transport. When a tiny moving part stops moving, it can stop an enormous engine from running. That can seem like a very big deal! And a small piece of information can make all the difference between a successful journey and a frustrating one. Mars now points to a small spark of inspiration igniting a giant plume of progress.
Do you have fire in your belly? Do you have power at your fingertips? Do you feel inspired? Or just tired? Many Pisceans are finding it hard to relate to the forecasts they have been reading recently. Mars may be in your sign, historic events may be happening in the sky but all you know is that you are going through a draining, demanding, difficult ordeal. If you do feel this way, enjoy the opportunity to wallow in self-pity whilst it lasts. You are about to discover just how brave you are and how successful you can be.
28日乙女座原文 If things start happening any faster, you are going to need to keep a notebook. Otherwise, you may forget where you were and what you were supposed to be doing. The people around you are going through some intense experiences. These are causing you, in turn, to rethink the way you feel about them. You may be on a bit of a rollercoaster but you are going to end up safely back at the departure point, richer and wiser for the experience. And your most important involvement of all is definitely NOT going round in circles.
Jump! Oops, did I really say that? How rash of me. I do apologise. I meant, of course, why not sit around debating whether to jump or not? Why not talk about it until you are blue in the face? Why not ask others for their opinion? Why not conduct a feasibility study? Why not engage a firm of top consultants to help you analyse the situation in a series of complex reports? Why not form a committee? Yawn. Wake me up when this forecast is over. I am starting to fall asleep. I gave my advice in the first sentence. Take it or leave it.
Other people should be banned. Just look at all the trouble they cause and the mess they make. Look at how they behave. Look at what they patently fail to understand. Honestly! Where do they come from? What purpose do they serve? Just think how much better the world would be without them. Admittedly, it would be a lonely place. Admittedly too, there would be nobody to criticise or despair of. But... well... for better or worse, other people, with other views and attitudes exist. Today at least, that’s actually, extremely useful.
Mars is now in the part of your chart that traditionally governs home and family. Some astrologers though, feel that this is a very narrow way to categorise a vast area of the sky. They feel that it makes more sense to think in terms of ‘where you are coming from’: your emotional, cultural and spiritual roots. One thing’s for sure. You are now making some important discoveries about where (and with whom) you belong. And you are moving, at some speed, towards a future in which everything fits together much better.
Gosh, you are here for your forecast already. I do apologise. I am not quite ready yet. Can you hang on while I sweep up and lay out the red carpet? I can hardly welcome someone as important as you to my humble abode without making as much effort as possible. I am honoured, truly, that you have come here for a consultation. There. How was that for you? Obsequious enough? Would you prefer a little more oil or, perhaps a spot more cheese? Anything to oblige. Well perhaps not quite anything. I cant let you feel that you are perfect in every way. Just ALMOST every way, today.
獅子座 Some people say you shouldn’t joke about life’s most serious issues. Others insist that when faced with matters of life and death, we may as well see the funny side. Humour is a very sensitive, personal thing. Just as we cry for a host of reasons, not all of them sad - so when we laugh, we do not always do so because we feel happy. There may come a moment soon when you feel unsure whether to laugh or cry. Do either or do neither but be aware that though what’s happening is intense and profound it is also rather wonderful.
"People who need people are the luckiest people in the world." Thus observed the sanguine Ms Streisand many moons ago. Yet surely, the lyric is incomplete. It makes no mention, for example, of the people who need people to need people. Nor does it consider the people who need to be needed by the people who need people. There is, it seems, a whole lot of needing going on in your world right now. You may be finding it hard to imagine why you should count yourself lucky to be encountering any of this. But actually... you should!
Some people seem terribly likeable when you first meet them, yet it eventually becomes clear that you have encountered a false front. Others, can seem off-putting, yet the more time you spend in their company, the more you warm to them. As with people, so with situations. Challenges stimulate us and can help us achieve success. When things are overly-comfortable we can become lazy or sloppy. Soon, you will start to develop a very different relationship with something that you dislike or someone you once disapproved of.
Have you got the strength? Do you have the stamina? Can you take much more of a certain silly situation? Probably not - but then the good news is, you don't have to. Though your difficulties won't disappear overnight, they will soon begin to clear up. Within just a few more days you will start to feel a lot less harassed and drained. You will also start to realise how your biggest problem has actually helped you progress further along the road to a dream come true. Mars, your ruler, is brighter than ever. So too, is your outlook.
Things just can’t stay as they are. You have to move forwards to the next stage. Either you do so through a process of conscious decision-making or you will find yourself being dragged towards the future by a series of events and developments that are seemingly out of your control. There’s nothing sinister in the celestial picture nor is there anything problematic. Overcome your desire to freeze one moment in time, so that it stays the same forever, and you will rapidly realise how perfect your new opportunities actually are.
Money troubles look set to ease and you can expect at least one investment to pay off or one large bill to get itself paid this month. The Full Moon in Aquarius mid-month suggests that some financial arrangements will be coming to an end now - just in time for the Sun, Venus and Mars to help you work out the new ones you need. After that, travel, study and/or adventure start to loom large on your list of priorities. If you've been secretly planning a trip away, this could be the perfect time. Do try to make travel arrangements or actually leave before the 28th if possible though. If you can't get away, the second half of the month offers you the chance to start or prepare for a new course of study - one that could hold your interest for a long time to come. Lovewise, if you know it's time to take your love life to 'the next level' go for it. Building for the future with your partner is now easier than ever. Single? Someone a little shy and quite romantic could help you pave the way to romantic bliss. It might just be a case of you letting them know you're interested.
We do not get much choice over our family. We are given our share of an inherited gene pool and we are obliged to accept our place in the pecking order. Sometimes, we gain great pleasure from the company of our nearest and dearest. And sometimes not. There are other areas of life too in which it seems you ‘belong’ regardless of whether you want to. Events, this weekend, are all about strengthening those bonds of belonging and, somehow, finding a way to make them feel less as if they are cramping your style.
Jupiter and Uranus form a rare opposition this weekend. This-once-in-a-decade alignment, signifies your arrival at a pivotal point. The choices you make, the options you take and even the chances you forsake, will all have lasting ramifications. Should you be apprehensive? Should you triple-check your every decision lest it turns out to be regretted, later, for its rashness? Don’t bother. Actually, all you are doing now is confirming your commitment to a brave new direction that you selected for yourself quite some while ago.
Jupiter is now back in your sign for the first time since 1992. Mercury, your ruler, is in Virgo too. It is as if it’s now standing still, in an apparent effort to maximise the length of its stay in its favourite sector of the sky. The Sun and Venus are also in Virgo and we have just enjoyed the annual new Moon in your honour. Are these special times for you? No, no, they are much more than that. They are extra-special, amazing and unusual times. during which the most magical developments can, and will, ensue.
A horoscope can help you discover who you truly are. When people hear this, they get excited. Later, as they try to fathom out the meaning of the different influences in their chart, they become puzzled. ‘I appear to be a mass of secret contradictions,’ they say. But if we really want to understand ourselves, we must begin by recognising this. With so many facets to your personality, how can you be so sure about what does or doesn’t suit you? The planets are now offering you a brand-new way to shine.
A watched pot never boils. Or so they say. Yet we cannot conclude, from this, that an un-watched pot will heat up more rapidly. It may fall off the hob. Or it may boil - and then boil over. What the authors of this old saying were really trying to get at, I venture to suggest, is that success involves striking a balance between watching - and not watching - your pot! Mars now speaks of a slow process that can eventually lead only to great success. You just need to keep the momentum going without becoming impatient or restless.
Einstein didn’t find it particularly difficult to develop his theory of relativity. It was just, ‘the kind of thing he did.’ He was trained as a physicist and he had the type of mind that could easily apply itself to such problems. We can all show flashes of brilliance when we are doing something that comes fairly naturally to us. Recent challenges have required you to function in an area of life where you feel out of your depth. Soon, you will be right back in your element. Expect a triumphant weekend.
How badly do you want what you now claim to want? How willing are you to compromise? How much inconvenience will you endure? You cannot make a statement of intent unless you are prepared to go through with it. Empty gestures count for nothing. Yet it looks from here as if, actually, you will not be required to go through anywhere near as much as you now fear, and half-expect. Somehow, simply by declaring your determination and showing your sincerity, you will set the perfect process in motion.
獅子座 ‘When the going gets tough, the tough get going.’ But are you truly tough? Or are you secretly tender? A part of you doesn’t want to be a hero. A part of you really doesn’t want to cope with crisis or thrive in adversity. A part of you just wants to be cosseted and comforted, loved and listened to, understood and empathised with. Is that really too much to ask? In the long run, no, of course not. In the short run... well, if you really want an obstacle to your future happiness, to get going - you had better get tough!
Yesterday, as I’m sure you recall, I advised you to take your big leap of faith. Perhaps I should have warned you that, if you did so, you were bound to create controversy. Some people really don’t like to see displays of courage or strength. As soon as they realise that someone is acting decisively, they start listing the reasons why a different decision should have been reached. You can choose whether to speak softly to those who criticise you this weekend. But you absolutely should not let them influence your judgement.
In the short run... well,if you really want an obstacle to your future happiness, to get going - you had better get tough! 短期的観点でいえば・・・そうですね、もし本当に将来のシヤワセへの障害に去っていってほしいのなら -- タフになった方がいいですよ!
と訳してみましたがいかがでしょうか?自信は全くありませんが・・・。 同じ言い回し(この場合は get going)をいろいろな意味で使うのもジョナの得意技の一つですし・・・。
Keep expecting the unexpected. Though life should soon start to calm down and slow down a little, there are still a few surprises in store. Several of these will be pleasant ones. The other, less-immediately welcome type will be useful and helpful provided you don’t adopt an overly-rigid attitude. Work on the assumption that the future is your friend, not your enemy. It may be asking you to make a few changes in the way that you see yourself and your situation but this is only so that it can help you to become happier.
There are times when it is fine to take it easy and times when you have to remain wide awake. Right at the moment, you simply have to keep your eyes open, your mind alert and your body in a state of ‘readiness to respond’. There are some things you need to do, some people you need to talk to, some places you need to get to. You may be tiring of the pressure. But, till you have turned one more crucial corner in your journey through life, you can’t allow yourself to stop. A few more days will make a big difference to you.
You are running out of time but you don’t yet feel inclined to concede defeat. There is a deadline you want to beat, a target you want to meet, a dream that you simply have to try to make come true. Almost certainly, before this week is over, some kind of compromise is going to have to be reached - or some deal is going to have to be renegotiated. Meanwhile, though, if the sense of pressure is causing you to get things done, be glad of it. But if it is giving you a headache, feel fully free to rewrite the rulebook.
You can try, if you really want, to be boring and ordinary this week but you will find it difficult. For one thing, there is nothing very mundane about the situation you face or the opportunity that lies before you. It is unusual and special. For another thing, you're not really in much of a mood to play it by the book or to proceed with care and caution. You know that, to respond properly to your current challenge, you have to be strong, brave and adventurous. So stop apologising and stride forth with pride. You have reached the end of an era and you can now leave a problem behind you forever.
It’s funny how sometimes, we see ourselves as small and helpless; seemingly destined to spend our lives travelling endlessly round in small circles. Even when we’re feeling bold and proud, we can somehow limit our vision or tell ourselves that certain things will never be possible for us. Often, we have to be shaken awake from such a false perspective by a powerful or even slightly disturbing event. Only when we’re ‘on the edge’ do we see how much we are actually capable of. This week, you will discover and unleash real hidden power.
How far do you have to pursue your goal? Really that’s the wrong question. Try instead, asking yourself how far you need to go. Your sense of determination is admirable and impressive but it is, to some extent, unnecessary. Why walk out, through the hail and snow, to flag down a taxi on the street when you can pick up the phone and order a car to your door for no extra charge? The current cosmic indications suggest that what you need is naturally on its way to you. All you have to do is start making some suitable preparations.
What can be done, what can't be done and, most crucially of all, what truly needs to be done? These are the questions you are wrestling with now. Yet, somehow, you are asking them in the wrong order. It is almost as if you dare not contemplate the ideal answer - so you are trying instead, to create a solution entirely out of the practical options that you have before you. That sounds very wise, but isn't it something of a pessimistic plan? In the situation you currently face, only true courage, optimism and vision will ever help you win the day. Or the week!
We are all, to some extent, a product of our own past. It is only what we have been through that makes us what we are today. Sometimes though, we forget precisely what it is that we actually have been through - or we apply a very selective process when we sift through our memory banks. In drawing a discreet veil over a time that has now gone by, you are also cutting yourself off from a recollection that you sorely need to draw on if you want perspective on a current matter. Think back bravely and clearly if you want to see the best way forward today.
獅子座 Let the paint dry before you apply a further coat. You are building something, making something, or developing something special now. Naturally enough, you feel excited and enthusiastic yet you are also keen to get a move on. Factors in your current situation seem too tenuous for your taste. You want to consolidate them and then know, for sure, that you stand on safe ground. That is an understandable desire and a fulfillable one. But it can only come to fruition if you now proceed at a sensible pace.
Each time you think back to a particular event that took place in the past, you feel inclined to shudder somewhat. There is a memory that makes you feel uncomfortable - surrounding some event that you wish you could just pretend had never happened. The truth is, though, that it did happen and, what’s more, it wasn’t as bad as you’re now inclined to think it was. You need to come to terms with your history before you can set out to create the kind of future that it now looks possible to move yourself towards.
Award yourself a medal. With courage and determination, you have lately been applying yourself to some problem that you would far prefer to ignore. So far, you have had mixed results. It is as if you have pulled out a cupboard in your kitchen in an attempt to clean behind it, only to discover that it harbours a much greater mess than you expected. You are almost starting to wish that you had never begun the process of setting things straight. With just a little more effort though, you will have a reason to feel immensely proud.
Do you know what you are doing? Are the rules of the game clear-cut - or are they hopelessly blurred? How can you hope to come out a winner unless you fully understand what’s required in order to win? Right now, you can’t hope to gain that kind of information by asking someone else for their interpretation of a certain situation. You have to look deep into your own heart and decide what does or doesn’t feel like a comfortable thing to do. You may or may not win a prize if you stay at ease with yourself. But you certainly can’t lose!
Do you know what you are doing? Are the rules of the game clear-cut - or are they hopelessly blurred? How can you hope to come out a winner unless you fully understand what’s required in order to win? Right now, you can’t hope to gain that kind of information by asking someone else for their interpretation of a certain situation. You have to look deep into your own heart and decide what does or doesn’t feel like a comfortable thing to do. You may or may not win a prize if you stay at ease with yourself. But you certainly can’t lose!
What can’t be changed, can’t be changed. Why then, wrestle endlessly with unlikely schemes to change it? Why even waste your time becoming upset or angry? A key factor may be out of your control but it doesn’t follow from this, that everything is hopeless. There is still a chance that things will work out better than you fear they will. Refuse to worry about what you can’t influence or alter. Focus, instead, on doing what stands a chance of working. That way you will significantly increase the likelihood of a positive outcome to your current drama.
The closer we get to the opposition of Mars and Jupiter, the more apprehensive we find you becoming. You are worried, anxious or agitated. And with a fairly good reason. You face a situation that you are not happy about, yet over which, you have little control. It involves someone you care about - or some imminent development that will have a profound impact on your life, one way or another. All you can do is your best. Get worked up and you will be of no help to anyone. Stay calm and you’ll know precisely the right thing to do or say.
Worries, like germs, have a terrible tendency to breed and multiply. We have to be diligent and determined if we want to keep them from establishing a nasty little community in some dark and secret corner of our world. Sometimes, despite our best efforts, they develop unchecked and we notice, somewhat too late, that we have a bit of a problem on our hands. There is a degree of fear attached to your reluctance to tackle a key issue today but you face nothing that can’t be cleared up and cleaned up if you are willing to make a real effort.
You have to be all you have the potential to be. It is no longer acceptable or desirable to retreat into a shell or to persuade yourself that certain goals are due to be forever beyond your reach. Though you are being placed in an awkward situation now, this should not be seen as a problem which has been sent to put you in your place. To the contrary, what you face is a challenge that you can and eventually must rise to. Find your courage and you’ll also find your way to reach amazing new heights of success. Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and the Sun all insist magical things can happen now.
Do you feel as if you are in the middle of a great adventure? Or does it seem as if you are in a perilous position, struggling to keep afloat on a sea of uncertainty. Are you somehow wrestling with fearful threats to your future stability? There is all the difference in the world between a person who feels as if they have some control over their situation and one who is losing all hope of ever gaining power or attaining freedom of choice. Everything boils down today, to how you want to look at what you’re looking at. So look at it as positively as possible, please! ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
Do you have a reason to smile? You may not think so but that is only because you are taking a superficial view of a current scenario. You are comparing it to some big idea of what ought to be happening and then feeling disappointed because it doesn’t measure up in the way you think it should. Look more closely at the possible ‘hopeful meaning’ of the factor that you are now up against. Could this really be the right implication to read into your situation? It could, indeed, it definitely IS. Hard times are in the past, not the future. So relax.
獅子座 Perhaps the best way to understand what’s happening now is to imagine that someone has sent you a gift parcel. You know it’s on the way and you are keen to take delivery. When it fails to arrive at the moment you expected it to, you set out to look for the courier. Perhaps the person in the van can’t find the right address? You walk down the street, seeking your visitor. Meanwhile, your visitor turns up, knocks on the door and, getting no reply, goes away again! Don’t let that happen. Stay in one place and trust. And then what you need will find you.
When we don’t know the answer to a question, we assume that we must be failing to grasp some terribly complicated point. We envisage, in our ignorance, a vast ocean of detail and difficulty that we must somehow sail across single-handedly, no matter how perilous the journey. Once we gain the missing piece of information, there is almost a sense of anti-climax. Invariably, we realise, we are dealing with something simple. Even if there is an ocean to cross soon, you will be crossing it on a big safe ship. So stop preparing for a rough ride in a dodgy dinghy.
The usual rules by which you play the game of life are being called into question. It is clear that you don't have to do what you once thought you were obliged to and that, if you really want, you can do something that you once thought would never be permissible. That's exciting - but it is also scary. It raises many questions, not the least of which is, 'So now, what do I really want?' As Mars, still brighter than ever before in history, moves into opposition with Jupiter, you can consider yourself entitled to reach the answer to that at your own pace, over the next few days.
2日 双子座原文 Who has the script to the play? And why, even if such a person is prepared to step forward, waving a piece of paper proudly, does their version of the plot differ so vastly from that of some other person with a similar set of guidelines? There are times when we yearn, with all our hearts, to be told what to believe, what to think or even what to feel. These are the times we are most vulnerable - yet they are also the times when actually we are potentially closest to the truth. Your own idea of what is right and relevant today is the only one you can possibly trust.
Some things in life just aren't worth thinking about. Why then, think about them at all? While it's interesting to contemplate a deep, philosophical question every so often, you need to be aware, the whole time you're doing so, that you are never going to reach a fully satisfactory answer. The best you will attain is some understanding that serves well for a while, till you eventually outgrow it or see through it. Let yourself think what you want to think - but far more importantly today, feel what you truly feel. Then you'll understand what you most need to understand!
People so rarely say what they truly mean. Even when they are being emphatic, outspoken, decisive and clear, they miss out crucial words from their conversations. They make the points that it currently seems to suit them to make. They forget the vital details that could cast doubt on their conviction or allow a deeper understanding of some pressing point. You are dealing now, with someone who appears to have answers to everything. Don’t let this rob you of your right to question what you’re being told. There is more to a certain story than you yet know.
You are fast approaching a turning point. You have a big choice to make and a big commitment to give. You keep mulling it all over in your mind. Yet wait a moment... have you not already reached your decision? Are you not just thinking about a deal that has already been done? The planets suggest there are no new answers to be arrived at. You already know all that you need to know. You just need, somehow, to recognise the fact that you already know it! The moment you do, everything will start to become a lot less stressful.
You’ve got to roll with it. You really don’t have much other option. Later, you can try to work out how and why things happened this way. You can conduct a full retrospective investigation. You may even be able to remake certain key arrangements in the light of this. But all that is later, much later. Right now, you either go along with what’s happening or you exhaust yourself in some fruitless effort to resist it. Don’t let this upset you. It is very likely that you will benefit so greatly from what is about to transpire, that you do not want to alter any of it.
Sorry, you can’t turn left, you haven’t got a permit. You can’t turn right either. That road is closed. Nor can you go back. The road behind is too full. Straight ahead then, you say. Oh, if only that were possible. Sadly, another regulation forbids it. So what CAN you do? Well, I’d love to help you find out but I’m afraid I can’t have you standing around here all day. You’d better clear off quick. Do you ever get the feeling that you are stuck with a problem you just can’t solve? It may seem that way now but there really is a way through. And you are about to find it.
Mars is now opposing your ruler, Jupiter. Mars is the power planet. Sometimes it cuts the power off, sometimes, it turns it on. And right now in your life? It appears to be throwing some kind of stroboscopic switch. One minute, you feel as if you can do anything, the next, nothing. But it doesn’t much matter what you feel. The reality can be much more effectively measured by the results you are starting to get. Any concern that these are too small and insignificant will be swiftly dispelled by the arrival in your life soon, of a deeply pleasing development.
How can you love colour if you hate paint? How can you appreciate warmth if you dislike fire? How can you love to be clean but detest water? Yet millions of us claim to resent our problems even though we love to feel wise and to know that we have a wealth of experience under our belts. Our problems, what's more, don't just educate us, they enrich our lives. They provide us with the impetus to create essential change. Daunting though your current difficulty is, you are deeply fortunate to have it. Coming events will show you why.
“There are more questions than answers... and the more I find out the less I know.” Johnny Nash clearly understood a thing or two. Notice though, how this wise philosopher did not go on to advise the course of action that most people take, when faced by this shocking realisation. Upon discovering that the more answers they get, the more questions arise, they just stop asking questions! You though, can’t take such a blinkered approach, which is just as well. What you can do, indeed what you are about to do, is start asking better questions.
You are fast approaching a turning point. You have a big choice to make and a big commitment to give. You keep mulling it all over in your mind. Yet wait a moment... have you not already reached your decision? Are you not just thinking about a deal that has already been done? The planets suggest there are no new answers to be arrived at. You already know all that you need to know. You just need, somehow, to recognise the fact that you already know it! The moment you do, everything will start to become a lot less stressful. ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
Some things just can’t be done. Some goals just can’t be reached. Some targets just can’t be achieved. Some dividing lines just have to be drawn. Some shoulders just have to be shrugged. I say this, not to discourage you, but simply to frame the following forecast in a credible context. Knowing full well that certain things in this world actually are impossible, we must also acknowledge the other side of the coin. Amazing miracles can, and do, occur from time to time. Your great secret dream is far less of a hopeless fantasy than you fear.
Which world do you want to live in, yesterday’s or tomorrow's? Which would you rather inhabit, the world of how things ought to be or the world of how they really are? Comparisons are all well and good, just as long as they are valid. When, though, they are unrealistic or irrelevant, they create far too much confusion. If what you’ve got doesn’t measure up well against what you once had, you clearly need to change it. But if it merely fails to match some imaginary expectation or live up to some hypothetical ideal, you may want to think twice before altering anything.
Which world do you want to live in, yesterday’s or tomorrow's? Which would you rather inhabit, the world of how things ought to be or the world of how they really are? Comparisons are all well and good, just as long as they are valid. When, though, they are unrealistic or irrelevant, they create far too much confusion. If what you’ve got doesn’t measure up well against what you once had, you clearly need to change it. But if it merely fails to match some imaginary expectation or live up to some hypothetical ideal, you may want to think twice before altering anything.
So much to do, so little time. How are you supposed to cope? A lot now hangs on the outcome of a key plan or project. You could be looking at a great success or a depressing failure. Is there much you can do to control which particular result you get? Well, there is one thing you could do that will definitely make a difference. Relax. The more you allow yourself to worry, the more likely it is you will make an unwise choice. The more you allow yourself to hurry, the more probable it is that you will double yet again, the amount of effort you need to make.
Of course, you are important. Of course, you matter. Of course, you make a difference. Yet (how can I put this politely?), right now, you are only playing the supporting role in a crucial drama. It is someone else’s story, someone else’s show. Don’t resent this, be glad of it. That means that ultimately, the outcome of the key drama is someone else’s responsibility. Your job now is merely to be as helpful and understanding as you can. Avoid being critical of anyone or anything. Constructive remarks will make far more of a useful impact.
Our softest, most sensitive side, can sometimes, seemingly, get us into a lot of trouble. When our defences are down we can reveal secrets that we might normally keep carefully to ourselves. Sometimes too, we can listen too intently to our loved ones. We hear the little comments and complaints that they make without much thought and take them deeply to heart. We can over-react or develop a very lopsided perspective. Of course you care, very much, about a certain person now. That’s precisely why you need to think so hard before you make your next move.
Home truths, they say, are the hardest to take. Yet what other truths are there? We don’t really know what we know about other people. We only think we know. We know perfectly well though, what’s true about ourselves. Even if we are trying to ignore some particularly awkward or embarrassing fact, we inwardly recognise it. We may not conceive as much when we are confronted with this, but the strength of our denial and the intensity of our outrage will effectively serve as a form of acceptance. That said, if you now need key truths to really hit home try to express them as sympathetically as you can.
And they say that Aquarians are unemotional. How crazy that even astrologers - who are supposed to be sensitive to everyone’s plight, should make such a mistake. How ironic, that they too, should be taken in by the mask that you wear in order to hide your true feelings. Deep down you are terribly sensitive and very vulnerable too. These secret moves go some way towards explaining the deep doubt that you now have about a plan, project or promise. Really though, you need to ignore all such concerns. Summon your strength, your power and your confidence and you will yet manage to work a miracle.
“That which does not destroy us makes us stronger.” Or so, at least, they say. So you can draw comfort from a recent ordeal but was it really necessary? Did you have to go through all that? The best way to answer is to ask yourself, what you are doing now? Where are you heading? What are your plans? How are you already starting to gravitate towards the possible cause of further stress? It’s a free world and you are a free spirit. You can choose as you see fit. But you ought to make sure that you are making a choice and that you are not just making yourself powerless in the face of some secret compulsion.
“Before you criticise someone, you should first walk a mile in their shoes.” That way, you will be a mile away... and you’ll have their shoes! This ancient advice still holds true. We don’t know what other people are really thinking and feeling. We don’t know what they have been through or what lies ahead for them. We take a few snapshots of their behaviour at some random moment in time and then judge them for evermore on the strength of this. Or, perhaps more appropriately, on the weakness of it. Don’t jump to a conclusion today. Instead, stroll gently towards a new possibility.
We are all students at the University of Life. This august educational body incorporates many fine departments such as the College of Continual Experience; The Polytechnic of Endless Possibility and, of course,The School of Hard Knocks. This particular academic institution has an undeservedly poor reputation. Those who study in the more erudite arenas often loftily knock the knockings. Yet there are some lessons that can be learned in no other way. You can say all you like and explain till you are blue in the face. A certain someone now needs to have an experience for themselves.
If you knew what your problem was, you would not have a problem. You would simply have a situation to cope with. The trouble is, you are not quite sure how the land lies. Each time you look over your shoulder, you compromise your ability to navigate a clear path ahead. Yet if you don't cover your back, you may get an unwanted surprise. Mars is stirring up a lot of energy in your life. Is it positive or negative? That entirely depends on how you use it. Get yourself some perspective. Head for the top of a hill (or its psychological equivalent). Look all around. Then you'll know exactly what to aim for and to guard against.
Imagine please, that the night is cold and dark. You are not as well prepared for the weather as you would like to be. In the distance there is a roaring fire. You are reluctant to head towards it for you do not know who it belongs to. Enemies and antagonists may be drawing comfort from it. Yet the longer you look in that direction, the harder it becomes to keep away. Is it a trick? Is it a trap? And just how miserable do you have to get before you decide that you might as well find out? Or, to put it all another way, there is really only one clear option open to you at the moment. Stop treating it with so much suspicion.
双A♂2さまいつもありがとうございます。 検索してたらこんなのがでてきました。 "Whatever does not destroy me, only makes me stronger." - Nietzche ぼくらの真理のうちで壊れ去るものは、すべて壊れ去るがよい、 ―もし壊れ得るものならば!建てるべき家はまだまだ沢山あるのだ! (ニーチェ著『ツァラトゥストラ』より)
From a surprisingly early age, we are urged not to be childish. We are actively encouraged to develop adult views and attitudes. By the time we reach the age of seven we are worldly wise and sophisticated. Perhaps this is why by the time we hit fourteen we are jaded and cynical. It is all the more ironic when you consider that, throughout the rest of our life, we are going to be encouraged by a series of gurus and philosophers, to be as childlike as we can. You now want to ask a question. A part of you feels that you daren't. It might be rude or inappropriate. Never mind all that, just give your inner kid a voice.
The more we carry, the more likely it is that, sooner or later, we will drop something. That’s why some people try to go through life empty-handed. That way, they figure, they can never be accused of letting anything slip through their fingers. Attached to every endeavour is an element of risk, yet there really is no safety in inactivity. To do nothing can, under some circumstances, produce results that are far more dramatic. You don’t want to do anything unnecessary now, but nor do you want to miss an important opportunity. So, weigh up your situation carefully. Do something - or nothing - but do it decisively.
Some people love a challenge. If life isn't difficult enough for them, they go out and do something that will make it difficult. Others do all they can to keep things on an even keel. They like peace and ease, calm and consensus. When it looks as if that's unattainable, they will pour on troubled waters, as much oil as they can. So far, so good. Now, here's the delicious irony. The troublemakers need the peacemakers so that they can react against them. And vice versa. Thus, incompatible characters are magnetically attracted. Today's drama is only as necessary as it is desirable.
623さん貼り付けます。 4日 蠍座 Where would we be without our needs and desires? Our yearnings, our hungers, our passions and our lusts? What else could drive us forward in their absence? What else would cure us of our lethargy? There is really nothing wrong with wanting. We need though, to be just a little careful about what it is that we allow ourselves to want. Too often we become fascinated by trivial trinkets or objectionable objectives. If you are going to be caught up today in some wild primeval urge, at least make sure that your hunger is for something that stands a remote chance of bringing you true sustenance.
Our ideas and opinions alter with the passage of time and the deepening of understanding. We learn, we digest, we inwardly grow wiser and more experienced in the ways of the world. Yesterday’s irritations become today’s amusements. The anxious fears of the past become the acceptable realities of the present. Our tastes alter, along with our preferences. Sometimes, we end up consciously electing to the exact opposite of what we once thought of as ideal. This is normal. Natural. Healthy. Only retentive people are doggedly consistent. Don’t apologise for your new point of view. Celebrate it.
“Your forecast today is brought to you by ZAMMO, the wonder remover of obstacles large and small. Just a pinch of this potion will clear up every problem you’ve got, plus a few you never even knew you had. So, come on folks, don’t delay, get some ZAMMO today. (Also cures warts, pimples, goitre and lethargy. Dilute for cleaning kitchen floor. Not suitable for pet food)” Would you like a prediction now? You may not actually get any ZAMMO this weekend, but you will yet find yourself being magically blessed with the next best thing.
What if it all goes horribly wrong? What if your astrologer’s optimism proves misplaced? What if the voice of doom and gloom turns out to be right and real? After all, bad things do happen in this world from time to time, don’t they? Pessimism is a bit like quicksand. You take one step too many in that direction and you end up getting sucked in so fast, you just can’t get out! Negativity is a bit like a single cell amoeba. It hardly needs any help at all to breed like billy-oh. I have already told you that everything is going to be fine. I suggest you believe me.
Something has to give way this weekend. Resistance is futile! Think of the way an avalanche slowly gains momentum. Once it gets past a certain point, there’s no stopping it. In one way, you are keen to bring about a big change. In another, you are reluctant. I am tempted to advise you to make up your mind but actually, there’s no point in being decisive unless you are going to decide in favour of a break with the past. This is nothing to fear. You have been waiting all your life for an opportunity like the one which is now starting to arise.
“The harder they come, the harder they fall...” This is one good reason for remaining soft. Another is that you will attain a degree of protective pliability by allowing yourself to be malleable. People who are stiff, rigid and unyielding run the risk of becoming brittle. Remember that this weekend, and remember too that, for you, the key to success involves leaving every possible door open. Venus is in harmony with your ruler. You can afford to be generous, gentle, giving and forgiving.
What are you hungry for? What do you crave with a passion that borders on a secret obsession? Be sure you know the honest answer. If you try to kid yourself you will end up acting unconsciously. You will ‘inadvertently’ get faced with an irresistible temptation. That’s what always happens to us when we try to deny our deepest feelings. Are you going to ignore all doubt and deliberately pursue your great desire? Or are you going to stop yourself, no matter how badly you feel the urge? What matters now, more that almost anything else, is that you are clear. ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
If our education never ends, when do we get to receive our diploma? When can we clasp a happy hand to a fevered brow and say, “Phew! Now I know all that I need to know, I can take it easy.” Think about food. We never eat one last meal, so delicious and nutritious as to remove the need for any further sustenance. Briefly, we become satisfied and satiated. Then, slowly, hunger returns. Your journey will last the rest of your life, if not longer! The moment you relax and accept as much is the moment you start to enjoy it to the full.
I have been getting very excited, lately, about your planetary prospects. I have been trying to tell you about the amazing opportunity that awaits you. It may be entering your life disguised as a difficulty - and a big one at that - but that shouldn't have you fooled for long. As long as you muster a little faith, you will soon see how lucky you are. This is what I have been saying, but is it what you have been hearing? Do you still tend to feel sure that some great disaster awaits? If so, events this weekend should dispel that gloomy notion once and for all.
Over the last few days, I have implied in your forecast that you are short of options and alternatives. Of course, there are many choices you can make in some areas of life. I am just commenting about a particular situation where it seems as if your back is against the wall. Even here, though, there is a selection you can make. You can inwardly resent what’s happening or you can accept it with faith and good grace. That really is the only crucial choice you need to make now. Don’t fight the inevitable, embrace it.
Is there any point in me giving you a forecast today? I suspect that, no matter what I say, you will argue with it. And no matter what I advise, you will do the opposite. I could, of course, try a little reverse psychology. I could make a bad suggestion in the hope that you would defy me. But what if you don't? I just can't help but feel that the best thing for me to say... is nothing! Perhaps you should pursue the same policy - especially if you seriously intend to do what it looks, from here, as if you are determined to.
“There are six billion people on this planet. Can they all be truly unique? Surely, we are going to see many variations on the same theme. Patterns repeating themselves. Syndromes recurring. If that’s so, how indispensable can any of us be?” Are you now starting to doubt the importance of your own individuality? Do you wonder if you ought to bend more to adapt to a difficult situation? What harm would it do to sacrifice a principle and quash a personality trait? Plenty! If you can now just be yourself, you will get all you require.
If the best things in life are free, why do we go out and work for a living? Why do we scrimp and save? Do we do all this just so that we can afford second-best? Would we not be happier sleeping rough by the roadside, free from the cares and responsibilities of the daily grind? All I am trying to say here is that though the best things in life are, indeed, free, certain other expenses appear to be unavoidable. Events this weekend should help improve your ability to pay for those less-than-perfect experiences.
Love, in its highest purest form is not just unconditional... it is universal. Sometimes, we catch a glimpse of the love that keeps our planet spinning on its axis. We sense the deep, divine love that keeps breath pumping in and out of our bodies, regardless of who we are or what we may deserve. That love is true love. The love we seek in romance is just a poor, pale reflection of that far greater force. How ironic that we see it as the be-all and end-all. First, this weekend, raise your consciousness. Then all else you need will come to you.
Some people look for shortcuts because they are lazy. Sagittarians also have a fascination with easy options but for a different reason. Your desire to save time or energy is linked to your interest in miracles. You figure that if only you can do something really smart, you may be able to achieve the impossible. If that’s on the agenda you are willing to work as hard as you can for as long as is necessary. You would just hate to feel that you were acting inefficiently. This week’s challenge involves doing the right thing, in the right way, for the right reasons.
The Moon grows full once a month. It grows full in your sign once a year. It grows full in your sign whilst in close proximity to Mars, shining brighter than a beacon, once every 73,000 years. Or, to put it all another way, these are very special times for you. You really should not compare them with any past experience. Different rules are now in place. Things that once seemed impossible are no longer just distant dreams. You won’t bring about all the change you are hoping for this very week, but you will set the right process in motion.
When our horse comes in−or our number comes up−we consider ourselves to have been blessed. When it rains on our parade or when our plan goes pear-shaped, we suspect we have been cursed. Where though, is this divine dispenser of help or hindrance? According to what criteria are we punished or rewarded? Just in case you think the question is simple to answer, consider this. Some "lucky breaks" turn out to have exceedingly unfortunate consequences. And vice versa. You may not consider yourself now to be exceptionally well taken care of. But you are... as you will soon discover.
The full Moon, later this week, takes place in your opposite sign. Mars and Uranus are already occupying this sensitive part of your chart. And, as I’m sure you know, the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter are all now passing through your own sector of the sky. Virgo is full to over-brimming with benign celestial influences and auspicious omens. What then should we read into this imminent, antagonistic alignment? It symbolises a straightforward choice between what you need most - and what a certain someone most urgently requires.
“Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven and all things shall be added unto you.” Some Bibles contain a slightly different translation. It is easy to forget that Jesus never spoke a word in English. It is also easy to forget the importance of a spiritual quest. When we look, sincerely for true enlightenment, something wonderful happens. It doesn’t matter whether we hunt in the realm of religion, or whether our journey takes us through more esoteric territory. As long as we put the highest first, the rest comes naturally. Remember that this week.
Mercury's conjunction to Venus bodes well for a good start to your week. It seems as if you are about to come to someone's rescue. There's a move that only you can make; a step that only you can take. Oddly, it involves a course of action that you would probably never dream of pursuing on your own behalf. For this other person, you are really willing to lay yourself on the line. That's as it should be. You are now in the process of helping to make the world a bit of a better place.
Have you ever looked carefully at the leaves on a tree or the blades of grass in a field? They are all subtly but crucially different. No two are exactly alike. Rarely though, do any of us stop to appreciate this. To us one green leaf is pretty much like another. No wonder then, that we love to oversimplify them. We generalise wildly and seek universal panaceas. We convince ourselves that we have a one-size-fits-all solution to the world’s problems... and to our own. It all sounds very good in theory. Today though, you have to be sensitive.
There’s a problem with trying to read a map in a moving vehicle. By the time you have worked out where you are in relation to where you want to go, you are somewhere else! But then you have to begin the whole process all over again. And, of course, it is going to have the same outcome. We encounter the same difficulty whenever we try to chart a course through life. Circumstances never stand still. By the time we have worked out what’s really going on in our world, it is no longer happening in quite the same way. How, then, can you be sure of making the right choice now? Go by your heart, not by the book. ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
People get very upset when you criticise their beliefs. The people who claim to have no beliefs are the worst. Folk who feel sure that everything in this universe can be explained away with logic, believe that their belief isn’t really a belief... but it is. Sometimes, we don’t know what we really believe until we find ourselves in an unbelievable situation. Recent events have caused you to redefine many of your most deeply-held convictions. You may not believe what you once believed, but what you now believe to be true... actually is...
Clint Eastwood has a lot to answer for. We think of him as the ultimate tough guy. “Make my day, punk.” We can immediately hear him saying, And, of course, Clint is a Hollywood star. Things always work out well for people in his position. The movie directors make sure of it. Contrary to popular belief though, the universe is not a film. Things work a little differently in real life. Aggression doesn’t always pay, policies of compromise and conciliation can prove far more effective. Don’t be strong today, be soft.
獅子座 Whose permission have you asked before reading this? I’m sorry, but unless you can produce a letter in triplicate, confirming your entitlement this prediction, I will have to deny you any further access to the page. It’s nothing personal, you understand. But orders are orders and rules are rules. You can’t just go making decisions off your own bat. You have to have them officially approved and accepted. It’s not your life to do with as you please now, is it? It is? Oh no, I really don’t think so. This week, you have to regain lost freedom.
[参考] "Make my day": 映画『ダーティ・ハリー』の中で、クリント・イーストウッド演じる主人公 ハリー・キャラハンが言う決め台詞(らしい。見たことないんで・・・)。 (元々は make one's day で「(誰々を)有頂天にさせる」という意味の熟語) Webで調べると、人によっていろいろな訳し方をしていました・・・。
Truly powerful people rarely recognise the full extent of their own authority and influence. Only the folk with delusions of grandeur are confident about the weight they carry. Those who are genuinely successful are always far more conscious of their limitations. They think about the things they can’t do, not the things they can. Now, what are you? Full of certainty - or riddled with doubt? Well then, there you go. That’s just proof of how much strength you are now able to wield.
////////////////////////////////////////////// 自信ありません。日本語の意味さえワカラン。誤訳だったらスマソ。 特に3文目の …about the weight they carry.の“they"及び 最終文の That’s just proof of …の"that"がよくわかりませんので いつでも結構ですのでどなたか別訳おながいします。
For a long time you have been living in hope. A change is on the way. This ought to be good news but you find it slightly disturbing. Somehow, in your effort to make a waiting process bearable, you have managed to make it comfortable. Indeed, you have settled so well into your psychological seat that you no longer feel inclined to get out of it. You have not forgotten what it was you were hoping for, but you now see that, if a dream really is to become a reality, awkward adjustments must be made. Indeed they will. But you wona??t regret this.
原文: If you really want to understand how much progress you are making, don't look at what's happening, look at what's not happening. Look at what has stopped, what has changed and what has moved on. Even if you currently feel uncomfortable about the way that a door seems to have closed, you will soon begin to see how very blessed you have been. A space has been created. Something wrong has been removed. Trust that this is true and then remember that nature abhors a vacuum. Soon, that gap will be filled by something very right.
Be grateful for your problems. Think of them as the stepping stones that can help you cross a difficult river. They are causing you to stop and think. The more they force you to focus, the more likely it is that your next move will be a safe one. The more they cause you to concentrate, the more they are helping you to recognise what sorely needs to be seen. And if you feel that they are creating confusion, rather than clarity, be even more appreciative of their influence. They are actually helping you become clear enough to see how confusion was previously disguising itself as delusion.
Martyrdom is good for you. Beauty therapists agree that nothing clears up a problem complexion as swiftly as a spot of serious self-sacrifice. Give up something you want and you will instantly look at least ten years younger. Bend over backwards and people will assume you are a movie star. And if you can only manage to do all this without letting anyone else know the trouble you are going to, you can expect to find yourself on the front cover of Vogue. Did you believe that? Well, then, why are you so inclined to believe the other rubbish you are now hearing?
When people talk about smart scientists, they normally mention Einstein. He was indeed a clever cookie. So too, was a chap called Werner Heisenburg. He is most famous for his Uncertainty Principle. He found that the outcome of any experiment will always be influenced by the presence of an observer, no matter how impartial or uninvolved that witness tries to be. As in physics, so in life. We influence things and people just by looking at them. Don’t underestimate the impact you are having on a certain situation now. ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
Deep down inside, you know that everything is going to work out well. You just arenâ??t so sure how, when or why this is going to happen. That means you have to have a lot of faith. Your intellect doesnâ??t know what to trust - or who. It cannot feel what your heart feels, nor can it see what it sees. Thus, it feels inclined to criticise and doubt your intuition. Donâ??t be hard on your head, it canâ??t help asking awkward questions. But donâ??t be soft either. You have better things to do than sit around entertaining a bunch of irrelevant anxieties.
People love their opinions. They just can't resist the urge to tell each other what they think and feel. They rarely care how accurate their viewpoint actually is. They are happy just as long as they have a chance to make a pronouncement that sounds grandiose and impressive. How are you supposed to gauge the relevance of the information you are now receiving? Are you being spun a line or told the truth? You can't tell from a tone of voice nor even from the look in someone's eyes but something in your heart can tell the difference. Trust that.
獅子座 Have you heard about the new tax? Printers and publishers are being charged a levy when they use certain letters of the alphabet. Members of the public must also pay a fine on reading them. Educational books and pamphlets are exempt. But otherwise, it will now cost $5 every time you see a letter Z (that will be $5) in any newspaper or magazine (that will be another $5). So dona??t fall asleep, zzzzz (will cost you $25 - therea??s no discount for quantity). Just kidding. But now you see, life could be even costlier. Fear not, your finances will yet improve.
Do you know what you are dealing with? Are you indulging an idle fantasy or working to a very particular plan? Your answer to this question could yet make an enormous difference. Forget, for a moment, the possibility of deep self-delusion. It really isn't relevant here. Just ask yourself for an honest answer to the question above. If you feel confident, trust this sensation and plough ahead. If you don't, draw a breath and think again. You can now achieve tremendous success but only by sticking fairly closely to what you are sure of.
Arnold Schwarzenegger once pumped a lot of iron. He was a real muscle man long before he became the Terminator. Yet as he now stands poised to seize political power, nobody cares how many weights he can lift. Its brain, not brawn that the Californian voters require. Experience has made him sophisticated. Remember today, the lesson that he has learnt. Put away your emotion and/or your anger, employ some intelligence instead and dont be afraid to show sensitivity. The best way to defend yourself is through being gentle.
Many people today think that a witch is just a female wizard. But men can be witches, and women wizards. Witches, primarily work with rituals and recipes. Wizards, by contrast, prefer to use a mixture of incantations and telekinesis. Witches rarely work with wands. Very few wizards have broomsticks. Now you have this information you can decide for yourself the particular magic you now seem to be practising - and which name is most appropriate. One things for sure though, you are now casting an extremely powerful spell.
>>749 魚座9日のワンフレーズ、気になったので追記させてください〜! A space has been created. Something wrong has been removed. Space 英語だと空間というよりも時間(的余裕)としたほうが意味合いが近い気がします。3次元的感覚を和的2次元表現に直すのが難しいですね… 『間違ったものが取り払われる為に、時間は必然的に必要だ。』 とか、どうでしょう?
なお、今回の訳語選択はその後の文脈とのつながりを 考えた結果です。終わりの部分においてこの space は -> a vacuum -> that gap と関連していると考えました。 <space が出来て 自然は vacuum を嫌うので、その gap が埋められる> A space = that gap という観点から空間・空白と訳出しました。
>>790 レスサンクスです! イギリス人に返事をねだると'I need a space to think!!!' とか言われます… 日本語では時間といってしまうところでSpaceが使われて空間に時間もincludeなんでしょう… 文頭でprogressが使われてるので内容に時間的要素はあるのでしょうが、 空間と同一視なのが明解になりました… ありがとです〜!
Once a year, every year, the Moon falls full in your sign. Only once in a lifetime though, do you ever get a Full Moon in Pisces quite like this one. Indeed, so exceptional is the cosmic climate now, that we could justifiably call it a “once-in-many-lifetimes” phenomenon. Let’s take a moment to look at this lifetime. How has it been for you so far? Take today’s opportunity to reflect. Be willing to adjust your idea of who you are and what you are capable of. The planets suggest you are about to start making the rest of your life a whole lot more satisfying.
The Moon is full in your opposite sign. That’s pretty challenging, yet it is also immensely auspicious. It means you have to look pretty closely at what really lies behind an agreement or an arrangement. You probably also need to think hard about your relationship with a particular person and ask, “What’s the real deal here?” You are a little afraid to probe and pry too much ? for fear you may expose something that could otherwise stay hidden. Ignore that concern. Only if you ask the crucial questions will you get answers you can really work with.
獅子座 None of us likes to feel beholden. We all prefer to pay our own way. We may be willing to accept help, but we rarely feel comfortable about requesting charity. We want to be givers, not takers. Life though, has a way of making sure that we all get to wear both hats. In one way now, you have no option other than to do a deal that leaves you feeling slightly compromised. Yet in another way, you now have an excellent chance to supply something that is much in demand. So if what you need is on offer, don't be too proud to claim it - for everyone's benefit.
People hide their true feelings from one another for a variety of reasons. It may be because they fear rejection or a lack of reciprocation. Or it may be because they do not want to cause offence. They may wish to appear tough or to seem inscrutable. Or they may simply be genuinely unaware of the full extent of their emotion. “Don’t it always seem to go, that you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone.” As Joni Mitchell once so shrewdly sang. Suddenly you are starting to see what really matters to you and why. And who. Others, inspiringly, are making similar discoveries. ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
How peculiar. The world seems to be full of people who have not got what they really want, yet who are managing, by and large, to enjoy life. Yet others, who apparently have got all they could ever wish for who seem pretty miserable. What can this mean? Sagittarians, by nature, are problem solvers. They don't like sitting around talking about their troubles, they far prefer to get up and do something. They can easily forget that some problems have advantages. Sometimes, they can keep other, potentially far worse, difficulties at bay. Be careful which ones you set out to solve today.
ボラ様いつもありがとうございます。 10日牡羊お願いします。 The word patience means different things to different people. Some folk will willingly wait years for a chance to make a dream come true. Others feel frustrated if the delay runs into a couple of weeks. And then, there are the people born under your sign who recognise no time other than the here and now, which is, therefore, precisely when they expect everything they need to arrive. I mention this not to tease you, but to point out how stoically you have endured recent deprivations. The current cosmic climate now looks set to shift one more obstacle to the progress you so deeply desire.
You have the kind of intellect that can see every situation from several sides. You may not always be open to persuasion, but you are certainly always willing to hear a new idea or a more enlightening explanation. In consequence, you are rarely dogmatic or overly-opinionated. You are quite happy to concede to all and sundry, that with regard to certain matters, at least, you really don't know quite what you think. Yet for all that your mind may be multifaceted, your instinct is singularly sure and sharp. Right now, it is trying to tell you something. Pay attention.
You can't fly. Sorry to break the bad news to you, but facts need to be faced. It doesn't matter how hard you flap your arms. You can focus your mind as intently as you like upon some imaginary white light, in the hope that this may help you to levitate. Still though, you won't get off the ground. Although, you can, of course, board a plane. That's different. That's feasible. Bargain price fares can often be found at this time of year. What am I trying to say? You are currently becoming keenly aware of a strong limitation. Don't resent it, just look for a way to achieve the next best thing.
おはようございます、水瓶10日です。久しぶりに原文up。 Some people love to make simple processes seem complicated. Often, this is because they stand to profit from the illusion. They may, for example, be able to get away with charging an extortionate fee for performing an easy task a?“ or they may just take a perverse pleasure in creating irrelevant issues to worry about. You now feel fairly sure that a particular plan of action is no big deal. Why then is a certain someone so apprehensive? Ask for a full explanation. If it doesn't completely satisfy you, the chances are that a mountain is being made out of a molehill.
Some people love to make simple processes seem complicated. Often, this is because they stand to profit from the illusion. They may, for example, be able to get away with charging an extortionate fee for performing an easy task - or they may just take a perverse pleasure in creating irrelevant issues to worry about. You now feel fairly sure that a particular plan of action is no big deal. Why then is a certain someone so apprehensive? Ask for a full explanation. If it doesn't completely satisfy you, the chances are that a mountain is being made out of a molehill.
Angelina Jolie gives us all the impression of a woman in command. In her screen role as Lara Croft, she confidently tackles trouble. Anyone who messes with her lives to regret it. And in reality? Well, that's really my point. Each of us likes to come across as a tower of strength, yet we do ourselves no favours when we deny or ignore our natural sensitivity. It is important, for you today, to distinguish between fact and fiction. Never mind how you wish you could handle a certain situation, what are you actually capable of? Your true ability is not second-best it is infinitely preferable.
We all have to believe in something. Even those of us who claim to base nothing on blind belief, believe in the importance of empirical evidence. Can anyone actually prove that belief really makes a difference to anything? It doesn't much matter as long as you believe it does. Issues of faith, of trust, of hope and of high principle are now being raised. This is no time to start doubting your own most deeply-held convictions and your deepest most-sincere sentiments. Reach for what you know to be right and you will yet get the help that you most need.
Occasionally, we make surprising statements. We feel bad about having opened our big mouths. We wonder how on earth we could ever have made a particular comment. Yet sometimes, our impulses are wiser than our ideas. On the spur of the moment we can do something more powerful than we could ever have planned. Even if it shocks us at first, we may discover in time that there were reasons why our actions were more appropriate than we knew. Don't be too quick to regret a recent move.
If we don't expect too much, we won't be disappointed. Yet, at the same time, if we lower our sights too far we may never see what's just above us waiting to be grasped. Right now, you really need to err on the side of optimism. You may not yet be able to sense this - or see it reflected in your situation - but you are under the influence of an encouraging cosmic climate. That won't necessarily allow you to work a miracle. But if just a small amount of magic is needed today, you may yet find yourself able to cast the perfect spell.
So, if the cosmic climate is so exceptionally special, why are you not rich beyond your wildest dreams? Why is your love life not reminiscent of a hot chapter by your favourite romantic writer? Why are not fans and admirers beating a path to your door as we speak? Why indeed, do you still have so many problems and difficulties? Because things are really only just starting to change. The process has begun, you must be aware of that. Now, you really just need to give it a little more time.
Thank goodness for "other people". Without them, what would we do. We would have no one to blame when things go wrong and no one too, to dream wistfully of. It's funny, isn't it, how so many of us seem to spend half our time craving a relationship we don't have - and the other half escaping one we do have, but wish we didn't? You're not sure how you feel about a certain person at the moment. There are many misgivings, yet there will soon be many reasons to feel comforted and reassured. Don't make changes yet.
Chickens should never be counted until they have hatched. Nor though, should they be discounted, even if they do all happen to be in the same basket! You are now wondering quite how cautious you should be. It looks very much as if you are on the verge of making a breakthrough. You ought to be planning with plenty of optimism. But what if you are wrong and you end up looking foolish? That's a risk you may as well take. You will feel even sillier if you failed to prepare adequately for an exceptional opportunity.
"Where there's a will, there's a way." And where there's a sense of absolute determination, there's a six-lane motorway with no exits between here and a destination. There may be much you feel unsure of, but in one key area of life now, you are as certain as you possibly can be. You know what's needed and you know that somehow, you are going to have to get it. You don't yet have any more details than that but then, frankly, you don't need them. They will take care of themselves if you just keep ploughing ahead.
Remember all those comic-book superheroes? Those mythical masked marvels with amazing powers. All the time, they would bring out new characters with new abilities. Yet I don't recall ever seeing an Infallible Man or Impeccable Woman. Some qualities, it seems, are beyond all imagination. Or, perhaps, they did dream them up, only to discard them as too dull. After all, what kind of an adventure could you have with a person who never made any mistakes? Celebrate today for all that it is - not what it might have been.
None of us likes to feel at risk. We all take different steps to protect ourselves from potential loss. Some, for example, are so afraid of failure that they avoid it by never attempting anything difficult. That's rather like being so worried about a burglary that you refuse to accumulate so much as a single possession. You are now being very brave. In the process, you are undoubtedly exposing yourself to a possible let-down. But you are also preparing yourself for a much more possible (and likely) moment of triumph.
11日蟹座 How much faith do you need to be safe? Many people assume that it has to be total. If there is so much as the slightest element of doubt, this will gradually spoil all the rest of the trust. But it doesn't actually work this way - which is just as well, for complete conviction is dangerous. A small edge of uncertainty is a strong sign of sanity. Indeed, even a large amount can be healthy. To summon the magic of belief you just need ever so slightly more faith than lack of faith. And that, you've got. So relax, the rest will come.
獅子座 There are many things we just don't understand. Too often though, we feel unable to confess our confusion. Others, we suspect, will take advantage of our vulnerability so we strut around trying to look as confident as we can. We soon notice that we are surrounded by other people doing the same, which makes us all the more determined to act arrogantly. A vicious cycle of swagger and supposition thus keeps us all in far from blissful ignorance. Today offers a real revelation. Don't be too blind to see it.
Xena: Warrior Princess, is not the kind of person you want to argue with. But then, nor perhaps is she the ideal choice if you are hoping to hold a philosophical conversation. Xena has battles to fight, enemies to vanquish and monsters to conquer. We all need a Xena in our lives somewhere, and ideally we don't need someone else to act out the role for us. It is best if, when required, we can just unleash our own inner warrior. You have heard a lot from yours lately. Perhaps too much? Let a gentler voice be heard today.
Well goodness me, here you are again. Why, it seems like only yesterday since we last spoke. How come you are back so soon? Wasn't the advice I gave you good enough? It had, I recall, something to do with the subject of patience. Anyway, as it happens, you are right to return - for, while some days don't differ very much astrologically, others can be worlds apart. Your mood is already beginning to lighten. Soon, it will become happier still. You are now leaving a part of the past behind - in the nicest possible way.
Opportunities are like buses. You hang around waiting for one to turn up, then suddenly, three come along at once. The same, of course, is true of problems - for what are these, after all, but opportunities to travel in the wrong direction? We don't hang about waiting for problems. It is more as if they lie in wait for us. But they do gather in sporadic groups. And they often try to take us for a ride. So they are still a bit like buses. Should you try to catch or avoid this weekend's arrival? Soon enough, you'll know. And you'll be just fine as long as you are decisive.
Why are Virgos so fond of detail? Because they know that's where the Devil resides. And, er, people born under your sign are less angelic than others realise. You quite like a little mischief and mayhem, especially if you can create it without anybody noticing. Usually, the best way to do this is to tweak some seemingly minor factor. Then, when all hell breaks loose, you can be amused by everyone else's inability to work out why. What am I saying? Oh, nothing. I am just pointing out that this weekend, the person with the real power to invoke or banish trouble.. is you.
獅子座 People believe what they want to believe, which is why they see only what they want to see. How then, can they ever be persuaded of anything? That's easy. Just find out what it is that they want to believe and show them something that seems to support this - but also suits your purposes. Now you know the secret, here's a question. Who has recently been subtly manipulating you? It's time to look again at some of what's been recently suggested. This weekend, you may yet realise that it could all mean something very different.
The brighter the light, the blacker the shadow. One look at the amount of potential trouble you face is enough to confirm the existence of a shining star nearby. If you look directly at it, you may be blinded by its intensity. If you look away from it, you will see only the depth of the darkness. So don't use your eyes, use your instincts. Edge away from all that feels uncomfortable, it really requires no further attention or involvement. And even if you cannot see all there is to look forward to, just allow yourself to gravitate towards the strongest source of warmth.
Walt Disney's heroes and heroines are loveable. His baddies are always dark and despicable. We can always tell who is who. Nor is there any doubt about what's going to happen at the end. Walt was a Sagittarian. He enjoyed dividing up the world this way. And, he profited immensely from it too. But in his private life the distinction was not always so clear. Project what you like on to the cinema screen of your appearance this weekend, but remember please, that in reality, rights and wrongs are not so easily distinguished.
They say, "It is better to have tried and failed than never to have tried at all." But how do they know? Have they really tried not trying? And if they have tried not trying and failed, presumably, they have succeeded. Unless, of course, they have failed to try not trying. In which case, they have tried not to fail. And, in the process, they have failed not to try. You take my point, I trust. This weekend, you are in danger of being tied up in knots by someone who cannot resist the urge to create confusion. Don't try too hard to understand them.
We are none of us perfect. Present company excepted, of course. What? You mean you are willing to concede the existence of a few faults? Goodness. You are even more perfect than I originally thought. I jest... but only a little. The ability to recognise a weakness is, of course, a great strength. Right now, you've got a lot on your plate and you are not sure how to handle it. But far better the right kind of doubt than the wrong sort of certainty. The fact that you are willing to ask questions is the reason why you are far more likely to end up getting answers.
Mrs Thatcher made many enemies and admirers during her years in power. But she really didn't care. She believed passionately in her politics. And for her, this was enough. Some might say that she went too far. But then all strong characters attract criticism. You now need to demonstrate your commitment to a particular principle. You can't expect this to make you universally popular. But nor should you be ashamed of what now means so much to you. This weekend brings the chance to make a big leap of faith. Never mind what others think, follow what you feel.
All progress involves taking two steps forward, then one step back. Steps back, no matter how small, invariably, seem darker and more significant than the steps forward. And no matter how unavoidable they may be, we still feel, somehow, bad about the fact that they have happened. We give ourselves a hard time. And we well up with resentment at the forces which have put us in our predicament. We might as well just save ourselves the bother and accept that life is rather like a yo-yo. What goes down, this weekend, will soon come right back up again.
You need to know that you are capable of great things. I say this, not to encourage you but, hopefully, to inspire a degree of restraint this week. If a mediocre result is all that you have the potential to attain, what does it matter what you choose to do or say? It is precisely because, played correctly, your cards have the potential to win the game, that you need to concentrate so carefully. You have to be bold and adventurous. But you also have to think about what's the best way (and when's the best time) to take action.
"If faith can move mountains, disbelief can deny their existence. And faith is impotent against such impotence." Arnold Schoenberg's apt observation, made at the turn of the last century, is no less relevant now. There are times in life when cynicism is helpful and doubt is constructive. There are though, other times (such as now) when, if anything of a worthwhile nature is to happen at all, a wholehearted effort must be made to nurture and protect some valuable fantasy. Dreams are precious in more ways than you might realise.
Astrology rather like music, is simple in essence, complex in practice. The cosmic cycles that govern our lives are easy enough to identify provided there's only one going on at a time. When, though, the orchestra seems to be following two or more themes at once you get tension and challenge. Your biggest concern stems from a feeling of being pulled in several directions at once. This week, the strands converge upon a single point. Expect some much-needed clarification - followed by some real inspiration.
Somewhere, on the circuit board of your life, there's a loose, live wire. It's capable of carrying quite a current. Connected, correctly, to the right part of your world, it can put a source of constant, positive power at your disposal. Hooked up in the wrong way - or to some inappropriate outlet, it can create devastation. Mars and Jupiter are now opposed and their influence is potentially a great blessing. But you absolutely cannot allow yourself to act without thinking, very carefully, about what you are doing and why.
Welcome to a suprisingly satisfying week. Of late, you have been questioning your worth to others or doubting, even, your ability to be useful to yourself. You have come to think of yourself as a person who sometimes makes poor choices. Pessimism does not suit the Taurean personality and nor does self-denigration. You need and deserve the chance to shine that you are just about to get. Take it and stop worrying. You'll soon see precisely why most of your current negative assumptions are so laughably false.
Be nifty, nimble and deft. See yourself as a super-powered comic-book character with superpowers, able to get from one side of the world to the other and back - in less time than it takes the other occupants to blink. Or envisage yourself as an illusionist, able to draw the attention of an audience to a handkerchief while you subtly hide the ace of hearts behind a vase of flowers. What looks at first this week, like a hopeless situation will eventually become an opportunity to employ your superior skills of manipulation!
Money, rather like food, is something we all need a certain amount of - but also something we all have a personal, special relationship with. There's a limit to how much even the hungriest person can eat. Acquire too much food and you end up watching some of it go to waste. That's why it makes so much sense to share it. Why am I discussing surplus when, financially if not nutritionally, you suspect a shortage? Because the departure of Venus from your sign suggests that fears of famine should be forgotten as a feast gets underway.
You are going where you need to go, seeing what you need to see, experiencing what you need to experience. If that seems, to you, like a debatable statement, maybe it is because you are not finding your current journey of discovery especially easy. Great adventurers though, can't expect to make impressive progress by staying on the tried and tested track. A wonderful change awaits you fairly soon - but it can come about only if you are prepared to explore fresh and somewhat challenging territory.
There are, this week, some important deals to be done and arrangements to be made. They may not, on the surface, seem especially significant. It could seem as if you are merely fixing up a series of small, sensible plans. In so far, though, as these form the foundation of your next major step in the right direction, they matter a great deal. That's why you need to pay attention to detail and to be clear, right from the outset, about what's expected from you - and what you are being asked to promise in return.
Villains wear dark hats and have nasty facial expressions. Heroes and heroines wear lighter clothes and smile more sweetly. In great books and movies, such caricatures are painted. So it's easy, isn't it, to tell a goodie from a baddie? Here in the real world, the distinctions are not always so easy to make. Tempting though it is to over-simplify a situation for the sake of arriving at an easy answer, you need to discriminate this week, on the basis of something far more than an appearance. Clarity is your gift from the sky. Claim it gratefully!
Stand up and assert yourself. Never mind what right you have to be so bold. Consider instead, what right you have to relinquish control or to see yourself as some kind of helpless victim? Today, you can easily play right into the hands of those who would like you to think that you have no option other than to comply with their wishes. It seems easy and tempting to tell yourself that you have to accept what you are being advised to accept. But who is advising you to accept it? And how good is that advice? Suspicion is appropriate now.
Stand up and assert yourself. Never mind what right you have to be so bold. Consider instead, what right you have to relinquish control or to see yourself as some kind of helpless victim? Today, you can easily play right into the hands of those who would like you to think that you have no option other than to comply with their wishes. It seems easy and tempting to tell yourself that you have to accept what you are being advised to accept. But who is advising you to accept it? And how good is that advice? Suspicion is appropriate now.