One day, the lion will lie down with the lamb. Swords will be turned into ploughshares. There will be peace on Earth and goodwill to all. Well, almost all. Some folk, you see, love to groan and grumble. They enjoy nothing so much as a good argument. Peace will leave them with nothing interesting to think about. And, if they happen to work in the highly lucrative arms trade, it may also deprive them of an income. This weekend, you had better find out what a certain person really wants. Only then will anything make sense.
No matter what the problem is, the solution is simple. Just see yourself as 'bigger' than the difficulty. Or, if you prefer, instead of 'bigger than', try 'stronger than', 'worth more than' or 'smarter than'. Don't though, try thinking of yourself as 'able to run faster than' the problem. No matter how anxiously you try to get away from a certain source of trouble, it will somehow manage to keep up with you. But if you stand still and apply a little cool calm logic, you will yet manage to conquer it with surprising ease. It is very important now, to trust your own judgement.
You are not in the wrong place. You are not even in the right place - but at the wrong time. You are in the right place at the right time. It's just that you don't quite feel right about all of it. Even that's not really wrong. At this particular stage in a crucial journey, you are supposed to have some misgivings. You can't fully learn or profit from a certain experience unless you approach it critically and guardedly. The question this week is 'Why do you feel wrong - and how can you begin to feel better? ' As soon as you decide that you are ready and willing to bring about an improvement... you will!
It is easy to be clever if you're feeling confident. It's hard to be smart if you're tired, worried or apprehensive. At the right time of day, when the wind is blowing in the right direction, you're capable of wonderful things - as well you know. How then, dare you judge yourself on what happens when you are under the weather or feeling somewhat less than at your best? Just concentrate today on ensuring that your environment and your overall state of being are as conducive to success as they can be. Fix that and everything, no matter how bleak or confused it may seem to be, will sort itself out.おはようございます。 ボラ様にはいつも感謝していますー!夜中から起きていて、こんな時間になってしまいました・・・。 双子座18日 よろしくおねがいします!
It is easy to be clever if you're feeling confident. It's hard to be smart if you're tired, worried or apprehensive. At the right time of day, when the wind is blowing in the right direction, you're capable of wonderful things - as well you know. How then, dare you judge yourself on what happens when you are under the weather or feeling somewhat less than at your best? Just concentrate today on ensuring that your environment and your overall state of being are as conducive to success as they can be. Fix that and everything, no matter how bleak or confused it may seem to be, will sort itself out.v
Inspiration does not come from a bottle. Imagination does not come from a barrel. Some people though, find that they can only get creative when they've had a few too many drinks. They need, they claim, a little help to loosen up. Then there are others who say and do the most outrageous things while 'under the influence'. 'It wasn't me,' they say afterwards, 'it was the booze. ' You don't need any such cheap excuse to be wild, or wicked or brilliant this week. The planets are providing all the intoxication you need. Allow yourself to trust what you feel and don't repress or suppress it. Trust and explore it.
So, what precisely should you be doing now? What ought you to be planning for or trying to arrange? Questions like this beg a further question; 'What is it that you want?' For some reason though, you're reluctant to ask that. You are more inclined to say 'What it is that I can have?' or 'What does someone else want from me?' There must, of course, be an element of practicality in your evaluation process. Likewise, an element of social sensitivity. But what about your own need to be in your own element? And what about your own entitlement now, to the best that life can offer?
We are often told that it is unwise to 'sit on the fence'. Life requires us to be decisive and, if we try to keep too many of our options open for too long, we will end up failing to take any of them. There are though, times when it's wiser to acknowledge uncertainty than to ignore it and, in the process, to make the wrong choice. With regard to a crucial matter, you can stay on the fence for a few days more but really if you know you are on it, you also know what's on either side of it. So why not jump down? Mars insists that determination will bring you amazing rewards.
Some puzzles take a lot of solving. The more you think about them, the more complicated they become. Numerous options and possibilities have to be carefully weighed up against other theoretical alternatives. Crucial variables have to be taken into account - even though some of these are very hard to predict with any accuracy. You have excellent problem solving abilities. And that's why you've got a problem now! You are trying to apply them all to a scenario, which is, fundamentally, simple. Make less effort this week - and you'll get a better result.
It is all beginning to get a bit wild and ridiculous. If things carry on as they are, there's no telling where they will end! Does this mean then, that you ought to put a stop to something? The question is academic. Either on a strong point of principle - or on the strength of some helpless addiction to adventure - or on some strange combination of the two, you're just not going to do what's probably most sensible. But then, who really, ever wants to be sensible? And just how sensible is 'sensible' anyway? You are entitled to the fun and magic that life is now starting to offer you. ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄