20ペーじ " 'Medj. represents the event of the century!', Cardinal Colasuono, Apostolic Nuncio, Italy 「メジュゴリエは、世紀のイベントを代表するものです」 イタリア教皇大使、コラスオノ枢機卿
pg. 28 " 'When it is a question of prophetic revelations, the Pope is the sole judge!' Pope Leo X , 5th Lateran Council " 同書28ページ 「それが預言啓示の問題となれば、教皇が単独の裁定者である」 教皇レオ10世。第5回ラテラノ会議
Ibid. - pg. 4(同書4ページ) In September, 1991 Cardinal Ratzinger declared that "no definitive position had been taken by the church as yet. We are open. The commission proceeds with its work. One must continue to wait and pray" 1991年9月に、ラッツィンガー枢機卿は「メジュゴリエについて、 教会はまだ明確な立場を取っていません。審理中の段階です。信徒は待ち、 祈り続けなければなりません」
Ibid. pg. 3(同書3ページ) "According to the number of consecrated hosts distributed each day, Medj. is one of the foremost places of pilgrimage in the world. By 1991 Medj. had received more than 18 million pilgrims. Parish records state that over 50,000 priests, including more than a hundred bishops, have visited the place, many with the Pope's encouragement." 毎日与えられる聖体の数からみて、メジュゴリエは世界最大の巡礼地の一 つである。1991年までに、メジュゴリエは1800万人以上巡礼者を受け 入れている。教区は、司祭は五万人以上、司教は100人以上、 その多くは教皇様に激励されてきたと記録している。
Ibid. - pg. 24(同書24n) "In his address at the 1994 National Conference at Notre Dame Bishop Hnilica quoted the Holy Father's words to a group of Americans on their way to Medj.: Our Lady of Medjugorje will save America!' " 1994年のノートルダム全国会議の講演で、ニリッツァ司教は、 メジュゴリエへいく途中のアメリカ人巡礼者グループに、 次の教皇様のお言葉を伝えた。「メジュゴリエの聖母はアメリカを救います」
Ibid. - pg. 24(同書24n) "In his address at the 1994 National Conference at Notre Dame Bishop Hnilica quoted the Holy Father's words to a group of Americans on their way to Medj.: Our Lady of Medjugorje will save America!' " 1994年のノートルダム全国会議の講演で、ニリッツァ司教は、 メジュゴリエへいく途中のアメリカ人巡礼者グループに、 次の教皇様のお言葉を伝えた。「メジュゴリエの聖母はアメリカを救います」
Ibid. pg. 26(同書26ページ) "And among the great figures in the Church the Holy Father has many times expressed his faith in Medj. Cardinal Tomasek has made public the Holy Father's remarks in his presence,’ If he were not Pope he would like to go to Medj. to help at the work with the pilgrims.' 教皇様は、何度も、メジュゴリエへの信頼を表明されている。トマセク枢 機卿は教皇が自分にこう言われたと公に述べた。「私が教皇でなかったなら、 巡礼者とともに働きを助けるために,メジュゴリエに行っていたでしょう」
The Holy Father has invited numerous priests and bishops to go there. He has received several of the Medj. visionaries, among them Mirjana Dragicevic. Upon her first visit to Rome he spoke for 20 minutes with her in private. 教皇は、多くの司祭と司教にメジュゴリエに行くよう招かれた。メジュゴ リエの視幻者の数人を受け入れもした。その中に、ミリアナがいる。初めて ローマを訪れた彼女に、教皇様は20分間私的に謁見なさった。 The visionary states that she will reveal nothing about this conversation for the time being, apart from these words of the Holy Father:' If I were not the Pope, I would be in Medj. already.' ミリアナは、私的謁見の内容については、教皇様の次の言葉以外は 明かさないと言っている。「私が教皇でなかったなら、とうに、 メジュゴリエに行っていたでしょう」
Here are some of the things the Holy Father has said, easily verifiable from the Pope himself or the witness cited: "To Bishop Hnilica on August 1, 1989:'Today the world has lost the supernatural. Many people sought it and found it in Medjugorje. through prayer, fasting and through confession,' and in March, 1984,'Medj. is the fulfillment and continuation of Fatima." ここに、教皇様が言われたことの幾つかを列挙しよう。それは教皇様 自身からも証人からも確認できる。 1989年8月1日に、ニリッツァ司教に言われた。「今の世界は超自然を 失っています。多くの人がそれを求めて、祈り、断食、告解を通して、 メジュゴリエでそれを見出しています。1984年3月には、 「メジュゴリエはファチマの実現であり、継続です」といわれている。
Ibid. pg. 7 "On May 14, 1989, Bishop Sylvester Treinen ( USA ) testified before 7,000 people at the University of Notre Dame that during his 'ad lumina' visit earlier that year he had spoken privately with the Holy Father. He told him, ‘ I’ve just come from Medj., there are wonderful things going on there!' The Pope replied, ‘Yes, it is good for pilgrims to go to Medj. and do penance. It is good!' " 1989年3月14日。アメリカのシルベスター・トレイニン司教はノー トルダム大学で、7000人を前に証しされた。…彼は教皇様と私的に話 した。「私はメジュゴリエからきたところです。素晴らしいことがそこ で起こっています!」教皇様はお答えになった。 「メジュゴリエに巡礼し、そこで告解するのはよいことです」
Ibid. pg. 8 " 'The Pope spoke very favorably about the happenings at Medj….To say nothing is happening there is to deny the living, prayerful witness of hundreds of thousands who have gone there.' Bishop Michael D. Pfeifer" 同書8n マイケル・D・プファイファー司教 「教皇様はメジュゴリエで起きていることについて、非常に好意的に おはなしになっている。そこで何も起きていないというのは、そこに行った 無数の祈りに満ちた生証人を否定することであると言われた」
Ibid. Pg. 21 " 'Medj. is a great center of spirituality!' " Pope John Paul II 2/24/90 『メジュゴリエは霊性の一大センターである!』 教皇、ヨハネ・パウロ二世、1990年2月24日
Ibid. pg. 27 " 'Tell Medjugorje I am with you. Protect Medjugorje!' Pope John Paul II to Fr. Jozo. ( June 17, 1992 ). 私がともにいると、メジュゴリエの人々にいいなさい。 メジュゴリエを守ってください! 教皇、ヨハネ・パウロ二世、1992年6月17日
In response to a question asked by the Archbishop of Asuncion, La Paz, Bolivia - February 1995 (the Pope said), "Authorize Everything that regards Medjugorje" 1995年2月、ボリビアのラパス、アスンシオン大司教に問われて、 教皇様はお答えになった。「メジュゴリエに関するすべてを認めます」
Medjugorje - What does the Church Say? メジュゴリエ―教会はどう言っているか (Taken from "Medjugorje - What does the Church Say" - by Sr. Emmanuel and Denis Nolan - 1998) シスター・エマヌエル&デニス・ノラン共著 「メジュゴリエ―教会はどう言っているか」より
7ページ Pg. 7 August 21, 1996 Vatican City - Joaquin Navarro-Valls, spokesman "You cannot say people cannot go there (Medjugorje) until it has been proven false. This has not been said, so anyone can go if they want" When Catholic faithful go anywhere, they are entitled to spiritual care, so the church does not forbid priests to accompany lay-organized trips to Medjugorje in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Navarro-Valls insisted 'nothing has changed' regarding the Vatican's position on Medj…
'Has the church or the Vatican said no (to Catholics visiting Medj)? 教会とバチカンは(カトリック信徒がメジュにいくのを)禁じたか?
No!' (CNS News Release, Aug. 21, 1996 )" いいえ!(CNSニュース。1996年8月21日)
Ibid. Pg. 20(同書20ページ) " 'Medj. represents the event of the century!', Cardinal Colasuono, Apostolic Nuncio, Italy 「メジュゴリエは、世紀のイベントを代表するものです」 イタリア教皇大使、コラスオノ枢機卿
Ibid. pg. 28 " 'When it is a question of prophetic revelations, the Pope is the sole judge!' Pope Leo X , 5th Lateran Council " 同書28ページ 「それが預言啓示の問題となれば、教皇が単独の裁定者である」 教皇レオ10世。第5回ラテラノ会議
Ibid. - pg. 4(同書4ページ) In September, 1991 Cardinal Ratzinger declared that "no definitive position had been taken by the church as yet. We are open. The commission proceeds with its work. One must continue to wait and pray" 1991年9月に、ラッツィンガー枢機卿は「メジュゴリエについて、 教会はまだ明確な立場を取っていません。審理中の段階です。信徒は待ち、 祈り続けなければなりません」
Ibid. pg. 3(同書3ページ) "According to the number of consecrated hosts distributed each day, Medj. is one of the foremost places of pilgrimage in the world. By 1991 Medj. had received more than 18 million pilgrims. Parish records state that over 50,000 priests, including more than a hundred bishops, have visited the place, many with the Pope's encouragement." 毎日与えられる聖体の数からみて、メジュゴリエは世界最大の巡礼地の一 つである。1991年までに、メジュゴリエは1800万人以上巡礼者を受け 入れている。教区は、司祭は五万人以上、司教は100人以上、 その多くは教皇様に激励されてきたと記録している。
Ibid. - pg. 24(同書24n) "In his address at the 1994 National Conference at Notre Dame Bishop Hnilica quoted the Holy Father's words to a group of Americans on their way to Medj.: Our Lady of Medjugorje will save America!' " 1994年のノートルダム全国会議の講演で、ニリッツァ司教は、 メジュゴリエへいく途中のアメリカ人巡礼者グループに、 次の教皇様のお言葉を伝えた。「メジュゴリエの聖母はアメリカを救います」
Ibid. pg. 26(同書26ページ) "And among the great figures in the Church the Holy Father has many times expressed his faith in Medj. Cardinal Tomasek has made public the Holy Father's remarks in his presence,’ If he were not Pope he would like to go to Medj. to help at the work with the pilgrims.' 教皇様は、何度も、メジュゴリエへの信頼を表明されている。トマセク枢 機卿は教皇が自分にこう言われたと公に述べた。「私が教皇でなかったなら、 巡礼者とともに働きを助けるために,メジュゴリエに行っていたでしょう」
The Holy Father has invited numerous priests and bishops to go there. He has received several of the Medj. visionaries, among them Mirjana Dragicevic. Upon her first visit to Rome he spoke for 20 minutes with her in private. 教皇は、多くの司祭と司教にメジュゴリエに行くよう招かれた。メジュゴ リエの視幻者の数人を受け入れもした。その中に、ミリアナがいる。初めて ローマを訪れた彼女に、教皇様は20分間私的に謁見なさった。
The visionary states that she will reveal nothing about this conversation for the time being, apart from these words of the Holy Father:' If I were not the Pope, I would be in Medj. already.' ミリアナは、私的謁見の内容については、教皇様の次の言葉以外は 明かさないと言っている。「私が教皇でなかったなら、とうに、 メジュゴリエに行っていたでしょう」 Here are some of the things the Holy Father has said, easily verifiable from the Pope himself or the witness cited: "To Bishop Hnilica on August 1, 1989:'Today the world has lost the supernatural. Many people sought it and found it in Medjugorje. through prayer, fasting and through confession,' and in March, 1984,'Medj. is the fulfillment and continuation of Fatima." ここに、教皇様が言われたことの幾つかを列挙しよう。それは教皇様 自身からも証人からも確認できる。 1989年8月1日に、ニリッツァ司教に言われた。「今の世界は超自然を 失っています。多くの人がそれを求めて、祈り、断食、告解を通して、 メジュゴリエでそれを見出しています。1984年3月には、 「メジュゴリエはファチマの実現であり、継続です」といわれている。
Ibid. pg. 7 "On May 14, 1989, Bishop Sylvester Treinen ( USA ) testified before 7,000 people at the University of Notre Dame that during his 'ad lumina' visit earlier that year he had spoken privately with the Holy Father. He told him, ‘ I’ve just come from Medj., there are wonderful things going on there!' The Pope replied, ‘Yes, it is good for pilgrims to go to Medj. and do penance. It is good!' " 1989年3月14日。アメリカのシルベスター・トレイニン司教はノー トルダム大学で、7000人を前に証しされた。…彼は教皇様と私的に話 した。「私はメジュゴリエからきたところです。素晴らしいことがそこ で起こっています!」教皇様はお答えになった。 「メジュゴリエに巡礼し、そこで告解するのはよいことです」
Ibid. pg. 7 "On May 14, 1989, Bishop Sylvester Treinen ( USA ) testified before 7,000 people at the University of Notre Dame that during his 'ad lumina' visit earlier that year he had spoken privately with the Holy Father. He told him, ‘ I’ve just come from Medj., there are wonderful things going on there!' The Pope replied, ‘Yes, it is good for pilgrims to go to Medj. and do penance. It is good!' " 1989年3月14日。アメリカのシルベスター・トレイニン司教はノー トルダム大学で、7000人を前に証しされた。…彼は教皇様と私的に話 した。「私はメジュゴリエからきたところです。素晴らしいことがそこ で起こっています!」教皇様はお答えになった。 「メジュゴリエに巡礼し、そこで告解するのはよいことです」
Ibid. pg. 8 " 'The Pope spoke very favorably about the happenings at Medj….To say nothing is happening there is to deny the living, prayerful witness of hundreds of thousands who have gone there.' Bishop Michael D. Pfeifer" 同書8n マイケル・D・プファイファー司教 「教皇様はメジュゴリエで起きていることについて、非常に好意的に おはなしになっている。そこで何も起きていないというのは、そこに行った 無数の祈りに満ちた生証人を否定することであると言われた」
Ibid. Pg. 21 " 'Medj. is a great center of spirituality!' " Pope John Paul II 2/24/90 『メジュゴリエは霊性の一大センターである!』 教皇、ヨハネ・パウロ二世、1990年2月24日
Ibid. pg. 27 " 'Tell Medjugorje I am with you. Protect Medjugorje!' Pope John Paul II to Fr. Jozo. ( June 17, 1992 ). 私がともにいると、メジュゴリエの人々にいいなさい。 メジュゴリエを守ってください! 教皇、ヨハネ・パウロ二世、1992年6月17日
In response to a question asked by the Archbishop of Asuncion, La Paz, Bolivia - February 1995 (the Pope said), "Authorize Everything that regards Medjugorje" 1995年2月、ボリビアのラパス、アスンシオン大司教に問われて、 教皇様はお答えになった。「メジュゴリエに関するすべてを認めます」
Bosnian Cardinal Worried At Divisions Caused By Medjugorje VATICAN, Oct 10, 01 (CWNews.com) - Cardinal Vinko Puljic of Sarajevo, speaking at the Synod of Bishops, has complained that the reported apparitions of Medjugorje are becoming a source of division in the Church. Cardinal Puljic spoke on the general theme of how bishops should be involved in "overcoming the divisions existing in the Church and in today's world." He argued: "Europe can no longer be divided into Eastern and Western Europe. The world cannot remain divided between North and South."
Then, turning his attention to his own land of Bosnia-Herzegovina, the cardinal said that the unity of the Church is threatened by the disobedience of the Franciscan monks serving at Medjurgorje, who "impose their own points of view" with the aid of "pseudo-charisms." Although the local bishop has never officially rendered a verdict on the authenticity of the reported Marian apparitions at Medjugorje, the hierarchy has generally shown signs of skepticism, and cautioned against excessive enthusiasm. This stance has frequently produced conflicts with the Franciscan pastors who have energetically promoted visits and devotion to the Medjugorje site.
>>407 Bosnian Cardinal Worried At Divisions Caused By Medjugorje VATICAN, Oct 10, 01 (CWNews.com) - Cardinal Vinko Puljic of Sarajevo, speaking at the Synod of Bishops, has complained that the reported apparitions of Medjugorje are becoming a source of division in the Church. Cardinal Puljic spoke on the general theme of how bishops should be involved in "overcoming the divisions existing in the Church and in today's world." He argued: "Europe can no longer be divided into Eastern and Western Europe. The world cannot remain divided between North and South."
Then, turning his attention to his own land of Bosnia-Herzegovina, the cardinal said that the unity of the Church is threatened by the disobedience of the Franciscan monks serving at Medjurgorje, who "impose their own points of view" with the aid of "pseudo-charisms." Although the local bishop has never officially rendered a verdict on the authenticity of the reported Marian apparitions at Medjugorje, the hierarchy has generally shown signs of skepticism, and cautioned against excessive enthusiasm. This stance has frequently produced conflicts with the Franciscan pastors who have energetically promoted visits and devotion to the Medjugorje site.
バチカンはメジュゴリエに好意的だ!よく読め Vatican Releases Latest Statement on Medjugorje ------------------------------------------------------------------------- August 21, 1996 By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- While the Vatican has never said that Catholics may not go to Medjugorje, it has told bishops that their parishes and dioceses may not organize official pilgrimages to the site of the alleged Marian apparitions, the Vatican spokesman said.
"You cannot say people cannot go there until it has been proven false. This has not been said, so anyone can go if they want," the spokesman, Joaquin Navarro-Valls, told Catholic News Service Aug. 21.
In addition, he said, when Catholic faithful go anywhere, they are entitled to spiritual care, so the church does not forbid priests to accompany lay-organized trips to Medjugorje in Bosnia-Herzegovina, just as it would not forbid them from accompanying a group of Catholics visiting South Africa.
Navarro-Valls insisted "nothing has changed" regarding the Vatican's position on Medjugorje.
In early June, a French newspaper published excerpts from a letter about Medjugorje pilgrimages written by the secretary of the Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in response to a question from a French bishop.
The letter from Archbishop Tarcisio Bertone of the doctrinal congregation quoted from a 1991 statement by the bishops of the former Yugoslavia, which said that after much study, "it cannot be confirmed that supernatural apparitions or revelations are occurring here."
However, the bishops said -- and Archbishop Bertone repeated the number of faithful traveling to Medjugorje requires the church to arrange for their pastoral care.
After quoting the 1991 statement, Archbishop Bertone wrote, "From what was said, it follows that official pilgrimages to Medjugorje, understood as a place of authentic Marian apparitions, should not be organized either on a parish or diocesan level because it would be in contradiction with what the bishops of the ex-Yugoslavia said in their declaration cited above."
Navarro-Valls said, "When one reads what Archbishop Bertone wrote, one could get the impression that from now on everything is forbidden, no possibility" for Catholics to travel to Medjugorje.
But, in fact, "nothing has changed, nothing new has been said," the spokesman told CNS.
"The problem is if you systematically organize pilgrimages, organize them with the bishop and the church, you are giving a canonical sanction to the facts of Medjugorje," which the church is still in the process of studying.
"This is different from people going in a group who bring a priest with them in order to go to confession," the spokesman said.
Navarro-Valls said he commented because "I was worried that what Archbishop Bertone said could be interpreted in too restricted a way. Has the church or the Vatican said no (to Catholics visiting Medjugorje)? NO."
The restriction on official pilgrimages, however, makes it clear to people that the Vatican is still studying the apparitions.
"The difference, in the terms of canon law, is that an official pilgrimage, organized by the diocese with the bishop, is a way of giving a juridical sanction to the facts; you are saying this is true," Navarro-Valls said.
Bosnian Cardinal Worried At Divisions Caused By Medjugorje
VATICAN, Oct 10, 01 (CWNews.com)
- Cardinal Vinko Puljic of Sarajevo, speaking at the Synod of Bishops, has complained that the reported apparitions of Medjugorje are becoming a source of division in the Church. Cardinal Puljic spoke on the general theme of how bishops should be involved in "overcoming the divisions existing in the Church and in today's world." He argued: "Europe can no longer be divided into Eastern and Western Europe. The world cannot remain divided between North and South."
Bosnian Cardinal Worried At Divisions Caused By Medjugorje
VATICAN, Oct 10, 2001 (CWNews.com)
- Cardinal Vinko Puljic of Sarajevo, speaking at the Synod of Bishops, has complained that the reported apparitions of Medjugorje are becoming a source of division in the Church. Cardinal Puljic spoke on the general theme of how bishops should be involved in "overcoming the divisions existing in the Church and in today's world." He argued: "Europe can no longer be divided into Eastern and Western Europe. The world cannot remain divided between North and South."
Then, turning his attention to his own land of Bosnia-Herzegovina, the cardinal said that the unity of the Church is threatened by the disobedience of the Franciscan monks serving at Medjurgorje, who "impose their own points of view" with the aid of "pseudo-charisms." Although the local bishop has never officially rendered a verdict on the authenticity of the reported Marian apparitions at Medjugorje, the hierarchy has generally shown signs of skepticism, and cautioned against excessive enthusiasm. This stance has frequently produced conflicts with the Franciscan pastors who have energetically promoted visits and devotion to the Medjugorje site.
Vatican Releases Latest Statement on Medjugorje ------------------------------------------------------------------------- August 21, 1996 By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- While the Vatican has never said that Catholics may not go to Medjugorje, it has told bishops that their parishes and dioceses may not organize official pilgrimages to the site of the alleged Marian apparitions, the Vatican spokesman said.
"You cannot say people cannot go there until it has been proven false. This has not been said, so anyone can go if they want," the spokesman, Joaquin Navarro-Valls, told Catholic News Service Aug. 21.
In addition, he said, when Catholic faithful go anywhere, they are entitled to spiritual care, so the church does not forbid priests to accompany lay-organized trips to Medjugorje in Bosnia-Herzegovina, just as it would not forbid them from accompanying a group of Catholics visiting South Africa.
Navarro-Valls insisted "nothing has changed" regarding the Vatican's position on Medjugorje.
In early June, a French newspaper published excerpts from a letter about Medjugorje pilgrimages written by the secretary of the Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in response to a question from a French bishop.
The letter from Archbishop Tarcisio Bertone of the doctrinal congregation quoted from a 1991 statement by the bishops of the former Yugoslavia, which said that after much study, "it cannot be confirmed that supernatural apparitions or revelations are occurring here."
However, the bishops said -- and Archbishop Bertone repeated the number of faithful traveling to Medjugorje requires the church to arrange for their pastoral care.
After quoting the 1991 statement, Archbishop Bertone wrote, "From what was said, it follows that official pilgrimages to Medjugorje, understood as a place of authentic Marian apparitions, should not be organized either on a parish or diocesan level because it would be in contradiction with what the bishops of the ex-Yugoslavia said in their declaration cited above."
Navarro-Valls said, "When one reads what Archbishop Bertone wrote, one could get the impression that from now on everything is forbidden, no possibility" for Catholics to travel to Medjugorje.
But, in fact, "nothing has changed, nothing new has been said," the spokesman told CNS.
"The problem is if you systematically organize pilgrimages, organize them with the bishop and the church, you are giving a canonical sanction to the facts of Medjugorje," which the church is still in the process of studying.
"This is different from people going in a group who bring a priest with them in order to go to confession," the spokesman said.
Navarro-Valls said he commented because "I was worried that what Archbishop Bertone said could be interpreted in too restricted a way. Has the church or the Vatican said no (to Catholics visiting Medjugorje)? NO."
The restriction on official pilgrimages, however, makes it clear to people that the Vatican is still studying the apparitions.
"The difference, in the terms of canon law, is that an official pilgrimage, organized by the diocese with the bishop, is a way of giving a juridical sanction to the facts; you are saying this is true," Navarro-Valls said.
Medjugorje - What does the Church Say? メジュゴリエ―教会はどう言っているか (Taken from "Medjugorje - What does the Church Say" - by Sr. Emmanuel and Denis Nolan - 1998) シスター・エマヌエル&デニス・ノラン共著 「メジュゴリエ―教会はどう言っているか」より
7ページ August 21, 1996 Vatican City - Joaquin Navarro-Valls, spokesman "You cannot say people cannot go there (Medjugorje) until it has been proven false. This has not been said, so anyone can go if they want" When Catholic faithful go anywhere, they are entitled to spiritual care, so the church does not forbid priests to accompany lay-organized trips to Medjugorje in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Navarro-Valls insisted 'nothing has changed' regarding the Vatican's position on Medj…
Bosnian Cardinal Worried At Divisions Caused By Medjugorje
VATICAN, Oct 10, 01 (CWNews.com)
- Cardinal Vinko Puljic of Sarajevo, speaking at the Synod of Bishops, has complained that the reported apparitions of Medjugorje are becoming a source of division in the Church. Cardinal Puljic spoke on the general theme of how bishops should be involved in "overcoming the divisions existing in the Church and in today's world." He argued: "Europe can no longer be divided into Eastern and Western Europe. The world cannot remain divided between North and South."
Ibid. Pg. 20(同書20ページ) " 'Medj. represents the event of the century!', Cardinal Colasuono, Apostolic Nuncio, Italy 「メジュゴリエは、世紀のイベントを代表するものです」 イタリア教皇大使、コラスオノ枢機卿
Ibid. pg. 28 " 'When it is a question of prophetic revelations, the Pope is the sole judge!' Pope Leo X , 5th Lateran Council " 同書28ページ 「それが預言啓示の問題となれば、教皇が単独の裁定者である」 教皇レオ10世。第5回ラテラノ会議
Ibid. - pg. 4(同書4ページ) In September, 1991 Cardinal Ratzinger declared that "no definitive position had been taken by the church as yet. We are open. The commission proceeds with its work. One must continue to wait and pray" 1991年9月に、ラッツィンガー枢機卿は「メジュゴリエについて、 教会はまだ明確な立場を取っていません。審理中の段階です。信徒は待ち、 祈り続けなければなりません」
Ibid. pg. 3(同書3ページ) "According to the number of consecrated hosts distributed each day, Medj. is one of the foremost places of pilgrimage in the world. By 1991 Medj. had received more than 18 million pilgrims. Parish records state that over 50,000 priests, including more than a hundred bishops, have visited the place, many with the Pope's encouragement." 毎日与えられる聖体の数からみて、メジュゴリエは世界最大の巡礼地の一 つである。1991年までに、メジュゴリエは1800万人以上巡礼者を受け 入れている。教区は、司祭は五万人以上、司教は100人以上、 その多くは教皇様に激励されてきたと記録している。
Ibid. - pg. 24(同書24n) "In his address at the 1994 National Conference at Notre Dame Bishop Hnilica quoted the Holy Father's words to a group of Americans on their way to Medj.: Our Lady of Medjugorje will save America!' " 1994年のノートルダム全国会議の講演で、ニリッツァ司教は、 メジュゴリエへいく途中のアメリカ人巡礼者グループに、 次の教皇様のお言葉を伝えた。「メジュゴリエの聖母はアメリカを救います」
Ibid. pg. 26(同書26ページ) "And among the great figures in the Church the Holy Father has many times expressed his faith in Medj. Cardinal Tomasek has made public the Holy Father's remarks in his presence,’ If he were not Pope he would like to go to Medj. to help at the work with the pilgrims.' 教皇様は、何度も、メジュゴリエへの信頼を表明されている。トマセク枢 機卿は教皇が自分にこう言われたと公に述べた。「私が教皇でなかったなら、 巡礼者とともに働きを助けるために,メジュゴリエに行っていたでしょう」
Bosnian Cardinal Worried At Divisions Caused By Medjugorje
VATICAN, Oct 10, 2001 (CWNews.com)
- Cardinal Vinko Puljic of Sarajevo, speaking at the Synod of Bishops, has complained that the reported apparitions of Medjugorje are becoming a source of division in the Church. Cardinal Puljic spoke on the general theme of how bishops should be involved in "overcoming the divisions existing in the Church and in today's world." He argued: "Europe can no longer be divided into Eastern and Western Europe. The world cannot remain divided between North and South."
The Holy Father has invited numerous priests and bishops to go there. He has received several of the Medj. visionaries, among them Mirjana Dragicevic. Upon her first visit to Rome he spoke for 20 minutes with her in private. 教皇は、多くの司祭と司教にメジュゴリエに行くよう招かれた。メジュゴ リエの視幻者の数人を受け入れもした。その中に、ミリアナがいる。初めて ローマを訪れた彼女に、教皇様は20分間私的に謁見なさった。 The visionary states that she will reveal nothing about this conversation for the time being, apart from these words of the Holy Father:' If I were not the Pope, I would be in Medj. already.' ミリアナは、私的謁見の内容については、教皇様の次の言葉以外は 明かさないと言っている。「私が教皇でなかったなら、とうに、 メジュゴリエに行っていたでしょう」
Here are some of the things the Holy Father has said, easily verifiable from the Pope himself or the witness cited: "To Bishop Hnilica on August 1, 1989:'Today the world has lost the supernatural. Many people sought it and found it in Medjugorje. through prayer, fasting and through confession,' and in March, 1984,'Medj. is the fulfillment and continuation of Fatima." ここに、教皇様が言われたことの幾つかを列挙しよう。それは教皇様 自身からも証人からも確認できる。 1989年8月1日に、ニリッツァ司教に言われた。「今の世界は超自然を 失っています。多くの人がそれを求めて、祈り、断食、告解を通して、 メジュゴリエでそれを見出しています。1984年3月には、 「メジュゴリエはファチマの実現であり、継続です」といわれている。
Ibid. pg. 7 "On May 14, 1989, Bishop Sylvester Treinen ( USA ) testified before 7,000 people at the University of Notre Dame that during his 'ad lumina' visit earlier that year he had spoken privately with the Holy Father. He told him, ‘ I’ve just come from Medj., there are wonderful things going on there!' The Pope replied, ‘Yes, it is good for pilgrims to go to Medj. and do penance. It is good!' " 1989年3月14日。アメリカのシルベスター・トレイニン司教はノー トルダム大学で、7000人を前に証しされた。…彼は教皇様と私的に話 した。「私はメジュゴリエからきたところです。素晴らしいことがそこ で起こっています!」教皇様はお答えになった。 「メジュゴリエに巡礼し、そこで告解するのはよいことです」
"Medjugorje is the continuation of Fatima." This was said by our Holy Father, John Paul II to Bishop Paul Maria Hnilica, S.J. in 1984. Many times our Holy Father has spoken favorably about Medjugorje with cardinals, bishops, priests, and groupsof faithful, who in their private audiences with him, have informed him about Medjugorje. This Vicar of Christ, so attentive to the course of history, has never hesitated to show his love and gratitude for the message of Medjugorje.
"Protect Medjugorje," he also said to the Franciscan, Fr. Jozo Zovko, who paid with imprisonment for his fidelity to the apparitions of Medjugorje, while he was pastor there in 1981. Not only did Pope John Paul II show his benevolence towards Medjugorje, but he has also expressed more than once (as also the Croatian President recently stated) his desireto visit Medjugorje.
Ibid. - pg. 24(同書24n) "In his address at the 1994 National Conference at Notre Dame Bishop Hnilica quoted the Holy Father's words to a group of Americans on their way to Medj.: Our Lady of Medjugorje will save America!' " 1994年のノートルダム全国会議の講演で、ニリッツァ司教は、 メジュゴリエへいく途中のアメリカ人巡礼者グループに、 次の教皇様のお言葉を伝えた。「メジュゴリエの聖母はアメリカを救います」
Ibid. pg. 26(同書26ページ) "And among the great figures in the Church the Holy Father has many times expressed his faith in Medj. Cardinal Tomasek has made public the Holy Father's remarks in his presence,’ If he were not Pope he would like to go to Medj. to help at the work with the pilgrims.' 教皇様は、何度も、メジュゴリエへの信頼を表明されている。トマセク枢 機卿は教皇が自分にこう言われたと公に述べた。「私が教皇でなかったなら、 巡礼者とともに働きを助けるために,メジュゴリエに行っていたでしょう」
The Holy Father has invited numerous priests and bishops to go there. He has received several of the Medj. visionaries, among them Mirjana Dragicevic. Upon her first visit to Rome he spoke for 20 minutes with her in private. 教皇は、多くの司祭と司教にメジュゴリエに行くよう招かれた。メジュゴ リエの視幻者の数人を受け入れもした。その中に、ミリアナがいる。初めて ローマを訪れた彼女に、教皇様は20分間私的に謁見なさった。 The visionary states that she will reveal nothing about this conversation for the time being, apart from these words of the Holy Father:' If I were not the Pope, I would be in Medj. already.' ミリアナは、私的謁見の内容については、教皇様の次の言葉以外は 明かさないと言っている。「私が教皇でなかったなら、とうに、 メジュゴリエに行っていたでしょう」
Here are some of the things the Holy Father has said, easily verifiable from the Pope himself or the witness cited: "To Bishop Hnilica on August 1, 1989:'Today the world has lost the supernatural. Many people sought it and found it in Medjugorje. through prayer, fasting and through confession,' and in March, 1984,'Medj. is the fulfillment and continuation of Fatima." ここに、教皇様が言われたことの幾つかを列挙しよう。それは教皇様 自身からも証人からも確認できる。 1989年8月1日に、ニリッツァ司教に言われた。「今の世界は超自然を 失っています。多くの人がそれを求めて、祈り、断食、告解を通して、 メジュゴリエでそれを見出しています。1984年3月には、 「メジュゴリエはファチマの実現であり、継続です」といわれている。
Ibid. pg. 7 "On May 14, 1989, Bishop Sylvester Treinen ( USA ) testified before 7,000 people at the University of Notre Dame that during his 'ad lumina' visit earlier that year he had spoken privately with the Holy Father. He told him, ‘ I’ve just come from Medj., there are wonderful things going on there!' The Pope replied, ‘Yes, it is good for pilgrims to go to Medj. and do penance. It is good!' " 1989年3月14日。アメリカのシルベスター・トレイニン司教はノー トルダム大学で、7000人を前に証しされた。…彼は教皇様と私的に話 した。「私はメジュゴリエからきたところです。素晴らしいことがそこ で起こっています!」教皇様はお答えになった。 「メジュゴリエに巡礼し、そこで告解するのはよいことです」
Ibid. pg. 8 " 'The Pope spoke very favorably about the happenings at Medj….To say nothing is happening there is to deny the living, prayerful witness of hundreds of thousands who have gone there.' Bishop Michael D. Pfeifer" 同書8n マイケル・D・プファイファー司教 「教皇様はメジュゴリエで起きていることについて、非常に好意的に おはなしになっている。そこで何も起きていないというのは、そこに行った 無数の祈りに満ちた生証人を否定することであると言われた」
Ibid. pg. 27 " 'Tell Medjugorje I am with you. Protect Medjugorje!' Pope John Paul II to Fr. Jozo. ( June 17, 1992 ). 私がともにいると、メジュゴリエの人々にいいなさい。 メジュゴリエを守ってください! 教皇、ヨハネ・パウロ二世、1992年6月17日
In response to a question asked by the Archbishop of Asuncion, La Paz, Bolivia - February 1995 (the Pope said), "Authorize Everything that regards Medjugorje" 1995年2月、ボリビアのラパス、アスンシオン大司教に問われて、 教皇様はお答えになった。「メジュゴリエに関するすべてを認めます」
Bosnian Cardinal Worried At Divisions Caused By Medjugorje
VATICAN, Oct 10, 01 (CWNews.com)
- Cardinal Vinko Puljic of Sarajevo, speaking at the Synod of Bishops, has complained that the reported apparitions of Medjugorje are becoming a source of division in the Church. Cardinal Puljic spoke on the general theme of how bishops should be involved in "overcoming the divisions existing in the Church and in today's world." He argued: "Europe can no longer be divided into Eastern and Western Europe. The world cannot remain divided between North and South."
Vatican Releases Latest Statement on Medjugorje ------------------------------------------------------------------------- August 21, 1996 By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service
VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- While the Vatican has never said that Catholics may not go to Medjugorje, it has told bishops that their parishes and dioceses may not organize official pilgrimages to the site of the alleged Marian apparitions, the Vatican spokesman said. バチカン(CNS) バチカンは、カトリック信徒に対しては、メジュゴリエに行くべきではないと言ったことは1度もないが、司教に対しては、マリア出現の聖地への公式巡礼は薦めてこなかった、とバチカン報道官は言った。
"You cannot say people cannot go there until it has been proven false. This has not been said, so anyone can go if they want," the spokesman, Joaquin Navarro-Valls, told Catholic News Service Aug. 21. 「メジュゴリエが虚偽と証明されるまでそこへいけない、とは言えません。 そのようにはいわれてないのですから、誰でも好きに行くことができます」 と報道官の、ナヴァロ・ヴァルスは、8月21日、CNSに言った。
In addition, he said, when Catholic faithful go anywhere, they are entitled to spiritual care, so the church does not forbid priests to accompany lay-organized trips to Medjugorje in Bosnia-Herzegovina, just as it would not forbid them from accompanying a group of Catholics visiting South Africa. Navarro-Valls insisted "nothing has changed" regarding the Vatican's position on Medjugorje. また、カトリックの信徒がどこにいくにせよ、霊的に守られているので 教会はボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナ、メジュゴリエへの信徒の編成した旅行 への参加を司祭に禁じていません。南アフリカを訪問するグループへの参 加を禁じないのと同じです、とも語った。ナヴァロ・ヴァルスは、メジュ ゴリエについてのバチカンの立場は『何も変わっていません』と念を押した。
In early June, a French newspaper published excerpts from a letter about Medjugorje pilgrimages written by the secretary of the Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in response to a question from a French bishop. 6月初め、フランスの新聞が、メジュゴリエの巡礼についてのフランス の司教への質問に答えた教理省の書簡の1部を公表した。 The letter from Archbishop Tarcisio Bertone of the doctrinal congregation quoted from a 1991 statement by the bishops of the former Yugoslavia, which said that after much study, "it cannot be confirmed that supernatural apparitions or revelations are occurring here." 教理省のベルトーネ大司教からの書簡は、前ユーゴ司教団の1991年の 声明の一部、「超自然的出現あるいは啓示が当地で起きているとは 確定できない」を引用している。
However, the bishops said -- and Archbishop Bertone repeated the number of faithful traveling to Medjugorje requires the church to arrange for their pastoral care. だが、司教団も、ベルトーネ大司教もメジュゴリエへの敬虔な巡礼者数は 教区がケアすべき教会を必要としていると繰り返した。 After quoting the 1991 statement, Archbishop Bertone wrote, "From what was said, it follows that official pilgrimages to Medjugorje, understood as a place of authentic Marian apparitions, should not be organized either on a parish or diocesan level because it would be in contradiction with what the bishops of the ex-Yugoslavia said in their declaration cited above." 1991年の通達を引用したあとで、ベルトーネ大司教は、 「正式なマリア出現の場所として理解されるので、メジュゴリエへの 公式巡礼は、教区レベルでは編成すべきでない。引用した前ユーゴ 司教団の声明に矛盾するからである」と書いている。
Navarro-Valls said, "When one reads what Archbishop Bertone wrote, one could get the impression that from now on everything is forbidden, no possibility" for Catholics to travel to Medjugorje. But, in fact, "nothing has changed, nothing new has been said," the spokesman told CNS. ナヴァロ・ヴァルスは言った。「ベルトーネ大司教が書いたことを 読むと、すべてが禁止され,メジュゴリエへ巡礼できる可能性がな くなるという印象を受けるだろう。だが、実際には、 「何も変わってはいない、何も新しいことは言われていないのです」 と報道官はCNSに語った。
"The problem is if you systematically organize pilgrimages, organize them with the bishop and the church, you are giving a canonical sanction to the facts of Medjugorje," which the church is still in the process of studying. "This is different from people going in a group who bring a priest with them in order to go to confession," the spokesman said. 「司教をもって巡礼を組織的に編成すれば、教会さえ調査段階のメジュゴ リエに教会法の認可を与えるのが問題です。告解するために司祭を伴って 団体を組み、巡礼するのは、その限りではありません」
続き Navarro-Valls said he commented because "I was worried that what Archbishop Bertone said could be interpreted in too restricted a way. Has the church or the Vatican said no (to Catholics visiting Medjugorje)? NO." The restriction on official pilgrimages, however, makes it clear to people that the Vatican is still studying the apparitions. ナヴァロ・ヴァルスはコメントする。「ベルトーネ大司教の言った事が あまりに狭く解釈されることを憂慮しています。教会あるいはバチカン がメジュゴリエへの巡礼に『ノー』といえば『ノー』です。しかしなが ら、公式巡礼の制限は、バチカンが今も出現を調査中である事を人々に 明らかにしているということです。
VATICAN, Oct 10, 01 (CWNews.com) - Cardinal Vinko Puljic of Sarajevo, speaking at the Synod of Bishops, has complained that the reported apparitions of Medjugorje are becoming a source of division in the Church.
Cardinal Puljic spoke on the general theme of how bishops should be involved in "overcoming the divisions existing in the Church and in today's world." He argued: "Europe can no longer be divided into Eastern and Western Europe. The world cannot remain divided between North and South."
Then, turning his attention to his own land of Bosnia-Herzegovina, the cardinal said that the unity of the Church is threatened by the disobedience of the Franciscan monks serving at Medjurgorje, who "impose their own points of view" with the aid of "pseudo-charisms." Although the local bishop has never officially rendered a verdict on the authenticity of the reported Marian apparitions at Medjugorje, the hierarchy has generally shown signs of skepticism, and cautioned against excessive enthusiasm. This stance has frequently produced conflicts with the Franciscan pastors who have energetically promoted visits and devotion to the Medjugorje site.