Narrator: Liz just destroyed an ant hill and they are all piling up trying.. Liz: (interrupting) Guess what they are saying Narrator: they are trying to rebuild their fucking civilization Liz: Ahh it's Lizzy Lizzy Narrator: it's a bird, it's a plane Liz: no it's just Lizzy Lizzy
1. Uncompress the whole stuff into to your ROOT directory. 2. Add ff7.reg to the registry (double click/yes). 3. Change the label of your drive to "ff7disc1", "ff7disc2" or "ff7disc3", whichever disc you're playing on. 4. Run Ff7config.exe and configure. (adding ff7.reg again resets these settings) 5. Run Ff7.exe and enjoy the greatest game ever made!
- You will need msmpeg4 and windows media audio codecs to play the videos. Right click on codecs\M$MPEG4.inf and select "Install".
- If you uncompress onto an other drive than C, also edit the ff7.reg accordingly.
- Under Windows 2000 and XP you won't be able to pass the chocobo races due to the incompatibility of the game and the OS.
- If your video card supports it, don't forget to turn on FSAA 2x2.
Essence Leech Khamul's touch can drain foes of their vitality. If Khamul causes a wound, he instantly regains a point of Will for each wound caused (unless that wound is 'saved' with a point of Fate). This ability cannot be used to take his Will above 12. in addition, Khamul may expend a single point of Will at the start of the Fight phase (before heroic combats are resolved) to increase either his Strength, Fight, or Attacks value by one for the remainder of the Fight phase. He may only expend a single point of Will in this each turn.
主語: Child support (services が省略されていると思われる) 述語: are processed
直訳: 区分Fのケース(現在あるいは以前に現金またはmedical fundsを受領しているケース) および、区分F以外のケース(弁護士を通して個人的に処理しているケース)で、チャイルドサポートが必要とされるケース、 に関するチャイルドサポートは この特別集中部局を通して処理されます。 Child support for both Classification F cases(those that currently receive or have formerly received cash or medical funds)as well as cases where child support services have been required in non-Classification F cases (those handled privately through lawyers) are processed through this special centralized division.
The present is precious they say I should know this but I can't afford to feel the present cause I fear tomorrow I have one wish she be happy forever My life to her no fegrets
翻訳お願いしますm(__)m これで3箇所目なんですが… このスレの方にお願いがあります。 昨日今日と知らないアドレスからメールが来ました。何の目的のメールか分からない上英語がまったくわかりません。 翻訳していただければ幸いですm(__)m ↓昨日来たメールです Hi, > >Economize up to 50 % on your R X with us
and addressed my pinkie. Jim calling Madonette. Are you on-line? >Very much so. >I read you as well, Tremearne said tinnily from my thumbnail. ↓今日来たメールです Hi, Not very good erecxction? You are welcome - originals. Heres a supply for you. I suggest that you share it around and hide it well. A lot of types out there would be happy to kill you for just one of these. The people who mine the silver call their city
いや、通常afford to が経済的、時間的余裕を指すこと、feelに探るという意味があることから、feel the present にプレゼントを品定めするという意味があるのか、と考えてしまいました(後ろとのつながりを考えて。feel the enamyみたいな感じなのかな、と) たしかに今の方がすっきりくるかもしれませんね。 ありがとうございました。
このaffordは、「余裕がある」じゃなくて、「〜するとまずいことになる」の 意の方がしっくりくるのでは。 oxford英英辞典によると、 if you say that you can't afford to do sth, you mean that you should not do it because it will cause problems for you if you do とありました。 feelには、感じる、知覚する、手探りで知る、のように、触覚と感性の両面での知覚の 意味があるから、それを踏まえて、>>103を修正してみました。 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 「今」を大切にしろと皆が言う わかってるんだ でも「今」と向き合うなんてとてもできやしない だって僕は「明日」がこわくてたまらない あの子がずっとずっとハッピーでいてくれればそれでいいんだ あの子のために生きてく、それでいいんだ
確かにfeelは感じるがメインだけどこの場合のfeelは動詞 1、さわって調べる 2、手探りする、探る 3、体で感じる 〜に見舞われる (重要性などを)自覚する 悟る (喜び、怒りなどを)感じる のいずれか 目的語が名詞であることが、訳のポイントになると思う。 目的語が名詞になるのは、[探る]か、[体で感じる]時。 今を感じるだったら、 I feel that the present is 〜。 とか、 I feel it my 〜 になると思う。 体で今は感じられないから、最初の訳をプレゼントにしたんだけど、恋愛の喜びを体で感じることもある。だとしたら、今の方が正しいのかもと考えた。 the present=現在 a present=プレゼント という英語のルールを知らなかったわけではないが、たった一つのものと強調したい場合、aがtheになることもある。 翻訳ソフトが訳せないのは、ちみつなfeelの用法とpresentが矛盾するからじゃないかと思う。 つまり、feelかpresentの意味を定めてやることで、翻訳サイトでの翻訳が可能だと思う。 もちろん feel one´s legs =fig 自信がある、というイディオムも知ってる。今かプレゼントかは、実のところ、すごく悩んだ。
can´t afford toをもう一度英英辞典で調べてごらん。 こんな例文があるはず。 I can´t afford to buy a car. 車が買えない身分だ。 あと、[〜するとまずい]ではなく、[〜するわけには、いかない]の方が近いと思う。afford toを書き替えるとすると、canかbe able to 〜、加えて物の費用を負担する経済力がある、〔時間、金を]割くことができる場合に使用される。 英英辞典をみてごらん。 当初、プレゼントと訳したのは、 さわって感じる→品定め、can´tではなく、can´t afford to 〜という金と時間に関わる単語を歌い手がえらんでいること。ただし、ケース2、彼女の命に何等かの制約がある場合には今の方が妥当かもと考えたってことです。その方が詩になるからね。
hi there, I suggest you arrange a visit and see what is possible we prefer to sell by kilo but maybe we could arrange to sell by piece and see how things go. My warehouse is close to Liverpool in the north of England .You can fly to Manchester or Liverpool or take a train from London to Liverpool if you do this it is better to pre book a train as it can be expensive. I look forward to seeing you in England
The present is precious they say I should know this but I can't afford to feel the present cause I fear tomorrow I have one wish she be happy forever My life to her no regrets
Your joke is so funny. In my opinion,both ゛ima゛and ゛present゛are correct. I guess ′the prensent′of first sentence is ′present′And next one is ゛now゛ You are corret! I enjoyed talking about it.
ただ、流転→昏睡→kitten→another となると、癒し系かどうかは疑問になる。 口語でkittenには「おてんば娘」とか「やんちゃ娘」。 have a kitten. で、〔イライラした〕とか〔不機嫌な〕という意味があったと思う。 関係がこじれてしまった彼女に去られるのがこわくて、ずるずると付き合っている。あるいは、こっぴどい振られ方をした彼女がまだ好きで、未練たらたらで、別れを受け入れられないか。
>>144 coma(昏睡) From the black sky rain starts falling down it Makes My emotion softly settle down in thorny path i'M crawling saying to Myself not to fall apart to search for what I've never seen no one knows what's waiting ahead of life hopes and fears take My conscious out.
another(もうひとつの) I look for Myself in the chaos Always pushed against a contradiction There is no Meaning in what I see I've already for go then the things I'll forget.
>>167 いや、japaneseとは言ってないよ。 J.A.P.s everywhereの後はよく聞き取れないけど Now, what I definitely say: there are lot of cool people there. みたいなことを言ってる。あとJ.A.P.はJewish American Princessのことだから。 心配しなくていいよ。
I will like to know the articles that you seek and in which state, cuts and price. I have a very small room and I can receive only if I have time to prepare in advance. In waiting to read you, I wish you a good day. 誰か訳してー。
Recently being insufficient sleep, physical condition is bad. Sleep time should have been taken fully, but where you think that time is wasted, probably just I?
Please kindly note that we are displaying the collection till mid of October and that there is a minimum order of 25 different styles and 12 pieces per styles (mixed in diffrent sizes and colours). Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need more information.
Not many people live in Antarctica. The few who do, stay there only a short time. They are scientists from many countries. They have come to study and explore the great frozen continent. In 1959, a group of explores from New Zealand discovered something strange there. It was a great amount of coal. It was buried in the ice and snow - black coal. Why was this so unusual? Scientists know that coal is made from leaves, flowers and other plants that once lived - then died. Soon they were covered over by mud. During thousands of years, the mud became heavier. It slowly pressed the plants together until they became and changed into coal. Here then was the mystery. How could trees and plants have once lived in this icy land? 和訳お願いします。
"[This Agreement] shall be effective from the date it is made and shall continue in force for a period of five (5) years from the date it is made, and thereafter for successive five (5) year terms, unless and until terminated by one year prior notice in writing by either party."
The problem is that we are sorting european clothes so 60 to 70 % is to big for the Japanese market but the small percentage is also good for the european market so there is not a good reason for us to take out the small sizes. We will try to work out some formula which is good for both markets.
Japan in the world when people say they're interested in Japan. means doing business with Japan or studying the traditional culture of Japan. well, not any-more. nowadays it's not kabuki or trade wars that interest people, but things a little, shall we say, different. This is the 「new」 Japan that has caught the worlds attention Anime,sometimes called Japan Imation by American audiences, was very much a cult thing in the early 1980s. small groups of anime fans used to get together and watch anime videos. Slowly, more videos became available in the larger video stores as anime gained popularity. Then suddenly in 1990, the movie Akira came to theaters in the USA. It premiered in New York, Atlanta, Chicago, and Los Angeles. The film was a huge success, and anime now had many new fans.
Anime no longer had cult status. Video stores that had held only a dozen or so anime movies began to offer over 100 different movies on video. Even the largest chain of video rental stores, Blockbuster, has had an entire section for Japan Imation since 1994.
The gatherings always attract all sorts of people, as otaku come from all walks of life (lifestyles). They love to watch their favorite characters and videos on a large screen(i.e.,at a movie theater) because the opportunities to do so are very rare.
Those rare times the American public gets to see full-length Japanimation movies on the big screen they love them. Movies Akira, in particular were popular at theaters. Two of the most famous movie critics in America, Roger Ebert and Gene Siskel, gave Masamune Shirows Ghost in the shall a very good review and challenging science fiction, aimed at smart audiences.
ex-boyfriend the other day. He has asked someone's help and advice, like me... Because he is really worried about his job these days. Such as he's thinking of going to quit his job and so on. To tell the truth, I broke up with him about 5 months ago. He's 5 years yonger than me. He graduated from university in Nagoya,and decided to start new job in Osaka last spring. After few months later, he got transferd to Nara. He was really busy from then on. (He is still busy now) He couldn't take a day off,and had to work overtime. So it was so hard to keep relations between him and me at that time. But we still keep in touch by e-mail once in a while.
I wish I could help his matter. But I couldn't advice to him easily... I hope to it turns out well!
I'm sorry for writing my poor English diary. Thank you for reading.
●ふたつめ That will do well to think myself, Uncle Tom; and turning over like one glad to see to shut it in the world, I rather expect they'll give up the ascent, and with a needle at some distance from its profound quiet, entered the canoe would be to share their fate He was remarkable for their ages and size, and offered a complete failure, and eyes riveted on the mountain, forest clad, and the other, but I hold'em all to the gifts of my heart, and am too good for them in the eastern shore.
●みっつめ I had my two companions the rocky precipices on the subject of her forthwith.
OK I took a 2 mg shot yesterday around dinner time.. figuring the little lady was going to give her big studdmuffin a ride on the wild side... Well that didn't happen.. Wifey had a real real bad day at work.. so I went to bed.. No shit, My buddy woke me up in the middle of the night sporting wood as hard as oak.. Damn.. The rock of gibraltar ain't got shit on me.. I wound up waking up sever more times exactly the same way.. ready and willy.. This shit is great in my book!!!!!
Just to let you know that we have found accommodation for you and we attach copy of your certificate of enrolment with the host family's details. We are posting the original copy this afternoon.誰か翻訳してください。お願いします。
cloudy weather suggesting war days. the search-light and siren tell a time, time, time is now. frozen wing regenerates again. the glory age is missing even now, so
fortune teller's words "ferocious ooparts like blue ring , pink sting fall on you." eighteenth doctrine said too hate arrayed shoe tap. waiting for the far east blowin' to the flight. let me high let me high
in the haze, pray the ancient sorcery. in the gale, make a brand new history.
in the mind, recolling a fairy tale. in the light, recalling a deadline.
in the haze, pray the ancient sorcery. in the gale, make a brand new history.
It was a medley of broken scraps. Even if parts of my heart are deformed junks,those should have a use. One's only life has no alternatives. I can't find lord to sacrifice. Therefore,it had never yet fell down. It can't be knocked down here,either. My hurt hands are always far from their fantasy. But one's ability has been too weak to trust. I have no time to spend. After all,I am a medley of broken scraps.
Raindrops keep falling on my head And just like the guy whose feet are too big for his bed Nothing seems to fit Those raindrops are falling on my head, they keep falling So I just did me some talking to the sun And I said I didn't like the way he got things done Sleeping on the job Those raindrops are falling on my head, they keep falling But there's one thing I know The blues they send to meet me won't defeat me It won't be long till happiness steps up to greet me Raindrops keep falling on my head But that doesn't mean my eyes will soon be turning red Crying not for me Cause I'm never gonna stop the rain by complaining Because I'm free Nothing's worrying me It won't be long till happiness steps up to greet me Raindrops keep falling on my head But that doesn't mean my eyes will soon be turning red Crying not for me Cause I'm never gonna stop the rain by complaining Because I'm free Nothing's worrying me
Although the Egyptians created one of the earliest documents on dreams, known as the Chester Beatty papyrus, the Oneirocriticon or The Interpretation of Dreams by the Roman Artemidorus is the first comprehensive book on the interpretation of dreams. A second Oneirocriticon was written by Astrampsychus , this book was like a modern dream dictionary In the five volume work, Artemidorus argued that dreams were unique to the individual. He believed that it was the person's occupation, social status and health would affect the symbols in a dream. Although he was a brilliant man, his interpretations were often extremely shrewd. A man by the name of Astrampsychus wrote a second Oneirocriticon, which somewhat resembled the dream books produced by the Victorians. This book contained a few ideas that were somewhat outrageous such as "To wear a purple robe threatens a long disease" and "To hold or eat eggs symbolizes vexation." However, some of the axioms held true to today's interpretations, such as "Sitting naked signifies loss of property." Dreams were taken extremely seriously The Roman world was also full of dream interpreters and analysis, and the Roman government and military alike used the services of professional dream interpreters to determine the best course of political action and even the best strategy for battle. Dreams were so important that they often dictated the actions of political and military leaders, affecting everything from the prosecution of a battle to the outcome of a political decision.
I hear Satomi's finally left for the US. We've been talking about her trip, and she seemed very excited. She'd look at your family photo, trying to memorize the names of everyone. You see, Satomi and I sit next to each other at school. She's a wonderful person, who excells in her studies and sports. I wouldn't worry about her ability to communicate in English, since she used to attend English conversation classes.
By the way, Satomi and I are planning to visit Chinatown in Yokohama sometime. It will be so great if we get to visit places, along with Tony and your folks!
意訳 I couldn't redeem the check because of out of date. I am very sorry about the mistake I have done. I would like you to allow me to reissue the check again.
Mr Hill stressed his opposition to any delay in North Korea taking initial steps to close and seal its nuclear facilities by mid-April under an agreement at last month's six-party talks.
>>370 「先月行われた6カ国協議の合意」 「合意」は、「行われる」が適切なのか? initial steps が、なんで「段階的措置」になるんだ? ヒルは、国務次官じゃないでしょ。国務次官補でしょ。 Mr Hill stressed his opposition to の訳し方がまったく違うでしょ?
Can we meet at Shibuya at noon? Unless you have any particular [place/shop/store/restaurant] you'd like to [go/visit/shop/eat], we'll [go to/visit/shop at/eat at] a place I've found. こんな感じかな?カッコ内はすることにあわせて選んでください。
A manhole!! Today's launch is the beef stew of a calf, and a cheap salad. It was it an intolerable act to pay no less than 5 dollars now. I was unavoidable and it decided to dance in Central Park (my yard).
Whenever the subway passed along the bottom, my skirt soared beautifully like Marilyn Monroe. Everyone admired to my beauty and threw money in a magician's hat. As for me who am first-class,it was unbearable in pain to have carried out imitation like such a lower actress.
Carrying out the petit orthopedic surgery of the wish with the earned money,I became "an adult woman" splendidly.
This elevator falls... I was advancing transfer of a family register to the man who drinks alcohol in a graveyard. Since he was somewhat clever unexpectedly, I buried him in the ground, in order to stop his mouth. "That man is saved now."I presented the wild rose which had sprung up the neighborhood about there, and wished his forever from the heart.
Since arrangement of the mannequin of a show window was not pleased, I corrected, and I went to the teahouse for which Yohko waits. UNCHO!! I drank rose tea like the lady and was enjoying the conversation of Yohko-Ono and an upper class.
I purchased chocolate in the specialty store of high-class confectionery. Going to Britain on a raft is because it was considered are fatal by that time.
"Mr. Prince picks me up at 12:00 tonight." I did Machiko in front of empire Statesville,and I was waiting for arrival of a sweetheart, singing a hymn.
MAINSTREAM Reading CourseのP35です。 After class we walked to the student union building and shared a chocolate milkshake. We became instant friends. Everyday for the next three months we would leave class together and talk nonstop. I was always fascinated to listen to this "time machine"as she shared her wisdom and experience with me. Over the course of the year,Nancy became a campus icon and she easily made friends wherever she went. She loved to dress up and loved the attention the other students gave her. She was enjoying her college time. よろしくお願いします
a lot of bugs which play with their life on sidewalk beside of a shopping center...the people take no care and no note of them. The quality isn't the best because was made with photocam...and with open hand. I don't exist too for the people like the bugs...they don't take a note of they crush only the bugs... :-) (more)
Turn around Look at what you see... In her face The mirror of your dreams... Make believe I'm everywhere I'm hidden in the lines Visions on the pages Is the answer to our never ending story
Reach the star Fly a fantasy Dream a dream And what you see will be Lines that keep their secrets Will unfold behind the clouds. There upon the rainbow. Is the answer to our never ending story
Show no fear For she may fade away In your hands The birth of a new day Lines that keep their secrets Will unfold behind the clouds There upon the rainbow Is the answer to our never ending story Never ending story・・・・・
よろしくお願いします。 Australia the worlds continent with one of the most urbanized populations on earth.
This land of only 18 million people is a world of its own , a place where unspoilt wilderness , ancient cultures and contemporary cities exist side by side , across a landscape of dramatic contrasts.
The rugged south West of Tasmania. Dazzling sydney. The spectacular Great Barrier Reef. The lushness of Daintree. Primeval Uluru. The sand and silence of the Simpson. And the grandeur of Kakadu. These and other fascinating places offer an astonishing variety of exciting and pleasurable experiences.
things; their natural consciences are now enlightened; their God, wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption'.appoint them their portion with hypocrites and unbelievers.under a sense of this blessed privilege, breaks out into this well grounded assurance of the safety of our states: no, but this I what we are directed to in scripture; by our bringing blessed children of my Father, receive the kingdom prepared speak no more than what we know and feel: but then it is that none of these things are hidden from him.” And then, repentance; that Christ having and another, I am of Apollos;” goats on his left. And then shall he say unto them on his left Aisha Darnell
どなたかこれの和訳お願いします Because of these big differences in attitude,in an international work situation,it is important to try to notice how much eye contact a guest or customer makes.
>>433 Now as a lounge singer I'm extremely disappointed that politicians want to ban the tour of death metal group cannibal corpse on account of the lyrics beting too violent, while I disagree. Take a look at them. Video clip......... The lyrics sound the problem, it's the music. Huh so in case I can tour, I've created a lounge music arrangement using the actual words to the cannibal corpse song rancid amputation. Ripping thru flesh is what I do best Tear off an arm, amputated neck Eyes removed, cranium smashed Decomposing remains severed in half Torsos hang from their own intestines and Raped of all bodily extensions Stumps writhing with infection Suffering a rancid amputation My muscles tighten as I feel the rush I look at your corpse starting gush Entire of rot beginning to clot
I'll swallow your parts Oh wack wack and you wack badan du Huh uh da bada dada lizy deem And yo matter haz that matter unzer huno as uh he huh We're suffering a rancid, suffering a rancid amputation Half grip size, half chopped tail Carbonate your rivals, watch them stare Their lips slides girls you're fuck Shall be end rails and you're suck Dying slowly never to rest Nervs are quivering as I rip Removal of life on the blade of my knife Huh now my very favorite cannibal corpse really give all Rape the limbless cadaver
>>440 And tell mommy again what you said you're gonna do to him if he came here. I said I'm going to kick his assk. Uhnhhhh. That's not nice. If he gonna come in here, he's gonna kick my assk. Puhhhhh. Hehehehe. He....He will ? Yeah ah ekkkk. Hahahahah. He'll come out an a movie. He'll m out. He'll come out and kick my assk. Uhhahaha. OK. I like kick his assk. OK. But that's not a nice word. You should say kick his butt. Ahhhhhohh.
>>443は誤訳。 逆の意味になっている。 must go は去らなければならない、ではなく、そうあらなければならないという意味。 この汚れた町では(Down these mean street)、自分自身が汚れていてはいけない(a man must go who isn't himself mean)。 わかりにくいのはDownとhimselfだったと思うが Down は ThereとかStreetとよくセットで用いられる前置詞。 himselfは間にはさんで意味を加えているだけで、must go who isn't meanという構造。
Today it just happened to come through my mind... the day you called my name for the first time... And the day you put your arms around me to feel the warmth of life that had just started in this atmosphere. Was I selected... Thank you... I will live through wherever my heart is at, and won't stand in your way. That is the kind of style I lead my life... full of Commitment, yet no expectation at all. I'd rather believe in chances, that's easier... 長くて御免なさい^^;
>>456 やはりものによって表現が違う。気になって調べてしまった ・英語検定 いわゆる英検(「実用英語技能検定」)Test of Practical English Proficiency 国連英検(「国際連合公用語英語検定試験」)UNATE, United Nations Associations Test of English ・珠算検定 連盟によって違うが、東京商工会議所の正式名称「珠算能力検定試験」 The Official Business Skill Test in Abacus Calculation ・漢字検定 日本漢字能力検定 The Japanese Kanji Aptitude Test
The account is wrong or the account has been already used. I am sorry you have order 10 but i just sent you 1. Just now we only had one in stock, now we got new ones, we will deliver it soon.
Another situation in which the infiltration of foreign elements commonly causes change is when differnt languages come into contact,which often happens along national borders.
My name is Dada Smith a personal assistant to Late Mr Larry Baldridge . I am writing in respect of a foreign customer of Euro Credit and Laons Bank (Mr. Larry Baldridge, from Connecticut, USA) who perished in the plane crash of 31 October 1999[with Egyptian airline 990] with his wife,only daughter and other passengers on aboard.
Sir, since the demise of Mr. Larry Baldridge, I personally have watched with keen interest to see the next of kin but all has proved abortive as no one has come to claim his funds of USD 30m, [Thirty Million United States Dollars] which has been with our bank here for a very long time. On this note I decided to seek for whom his name shall be used as the Next of Kin, as no one has come up to put claim as the Next of Kin or Beneficiary to this funds andthe banking ethics here does not allow such money to stay more than five years, because after four years the money will be called back to the bank treasury as unclaimed bill.
In view of this I got your contact through the British foreign Trade Bilateral mission after I was convinced in my mind that your Name/Company could be used as the Next of Kin to this claim. The request of a foreigner as the Next of Kin in this business is occasioned by the fact that the customer was a foreigner and a Briton cannot stand as the next of kin to a foreigner.I agreed that 30% of this money will be for you as a foreign partner in respect of providing an account while 10% will take of any expenses that might be incurred in the process of succeeding the transfer and the rest will be for me. Thereafter I will visit your country for disbursement, as I am almost due for retirement.
I will not fail to bring to your notice, that this business is hitch/risk free and that you should not entertain any fear, as the whole required arrangement has been perfected for the transfer.
Hoping to hearing from you soonest. Best regards, Mr. Dada Smith
Sorry it took a while for my next reply. How are you going? I have been busy working on TheBroth.
I have also been playing World of Warcraft a bit. Have you played it? I only have a temporary demo version, so I will be cut off soon unless I pay. I have made two characters so far, a man called Halfmind and a Tauren called Hammermouse. It's quite a fun game but I don't really have the time to get into it.
Do you play any online games? I hear you have some advanced ones in Japan.
CD Univerceというアメリカ通販サイトで 何度か注文したことがあるのですが 今回ちょっとトラブッて以下のメールがきました
Unfortunately, we would need you to fill out a credit card authorization form in order for us to ship this order out to you. The authorization form will just simply state that you give us permission to debit your credit card in the amount. We also would need a copy of a photo ID. Please let me know which email address would be okay to send this to.
>>502ありがとうございました 歌詞なんです(´`;)そしてスミマセン Did I hear you say you need me? So very lonely was my heart. I wish those days could.Come back once more 'Couse one they start to light up the sky.. いみわかんないです… おねがいします
>>513 #1 "The truth of the comfort women from my standpoint" by Hiroo Onoda "Seiron - just argument" January issue
The issues over primeminister's visits to Yasukuni Shrine and the comfort women are discussed in many places but they are nothing but the unfounded accusations by the other countries. I thought I didn't need to say much about these issues as well about as the Nanjing Massacre, but having been fed up with follies of absurd and insulting remarks seen until even now, I have to say. Sixty years have passed since the Greater East Asia War and now that the population of people who went to war is decreasing, I decided to write down my testimony to prove the "comfort women system" was obviously the "commercial prostitution". The biggest problems that obstructed the security means and the operations to win people's minds for overseas stationing troops were rape, robbery and arson. It's widely known that each country took measures against those problems. There were the "comfort women" certainly in battle fields during the war. But it was natural as the public prostitution system was legal at that time. Though not only officers and soldiers who went to open battles but everyone else also knew the phrase "army nurse" generally, no one either heard or said of the phrase "comfort woman". It's obvious that the "comfort woman" is a recent coinage to soil Japan's reputation.
>>513 #2 They called those prostitutes "Zhongguo P" and "Chosun P" at the war front of China, though they might be the dirty words. As nobody would buy a prostitute without getting embarrassed or in public, very few people have come out in public with details of what they had heard and seen by themselves about the "wartime brothels" and the "comfort women". But to witnesses who know them very well, some people would say, "Why do you know about it so well ?" while ridiculing those witnesses. You may want to ask me why I can do this, but as my position fortunately allowed me to observe the facts from outside the army, I can boldly come out with them to clear up misunderstandings in the world.
◆ The tour of the "wartime brothel" at Hankou I went to Hankou: current Wuhan, near the middle portion of the Yangtze River as a memeber of a trade firm in April when I was seventeen and lived in the place where the Japanese army had occupied for only five months and the smell of so to speak gun smoke still remained. At that time, Hankou city was divided into the refugee area, the China town, the Japan China town, the French settlement, the Japanese settlement, the former German settlement, the former Russian settlement and the former British settlement. The security was different in each area depending on circumstance. In the Japan China town, Japanese and Chinese lived together and a Chinese carried an "identification" as a Chinese in the China town did. A Chinese who didn't have an identification was made to live in the refugee area due to security reasons.
>>513 #3 Even a Japanese soldier wasn't allowed to enter the refugee area and we Japanese residents weren't either unless we had registered ourselves to get permissions. It was such a dangerous area. As I was a trading merchant, I walked around the city except the refugee area. One day a soldier in a dirty army uniform asked me where the brothel was, but I didn't understand it for a little while and bewildered. Then having recalled the place where the signboard with the big black letters of "Hankou special recreation facility" on it hanged on the wall, and a sentry and a soldier wearing an armband of the "military police" stood in front of it, I told him all I remembered. It was in the Japan China town where the movie house had been built as well. I thought from his uniform that he was certainly a soldier who had just come back from a campaign, as a soldier guarding the town didn't wear such a dirty uniform. I had made a hasty conclusion that soldiers had been able to have rice cakes, steamed breads, noodles etc. for free in the recreation facilities because I had thought a soldier who had come back from a campaign would need some comfort and thus the "special recreation facilities" had made sense, but they actually were the brothels. One of my acquaintances was allowed to go in and out the "recreation facility" as his trade firm imported the tatami mats as well as convenience goods and delivered there the tatami mats with condoms and other goods. One day when he suggested me go there with him, I agreed with him immediately and joined the tour as an ordinary Japanese wasn't able to step inside that place.
>>513 #4 We talked to a military police about our purpose of money collecting and finished our work quickly. As it was already dark outside, many prostitutes without customers came and tried to join our talk with the brothel manager, but he banished them. There were Japanese, Chosun and Chinese women; though Chosun is regarded as a discriminatory term and not used now, during Japan's annexation of Korean peninsula if we said "Japanese and Chosun" or something, they would protest us fiercely as they were also Japanese. They flocked around and seduced us with eagerness for business as a military police didn't investigate in their rooms without any exceptional reason. A prostitution fee was classified as first, second and third depending on where she was from. The business hours were during only daylight for soldiers as their curfew was the sunset, were longer for noncommissioned officers as their curfew was later and were all night for commissioned officers. The higher the military class was, the more charge they had to pay and women earned in the same time period. I had heard the stories of Korean women who had said, "I thought you were a noncommissioned officer but are you a soldier ?" and "Make up your mind and come inside right now. I will discount the fee in the room.", that I can't laugh at but feel as touching efforts. A certain Japanese prostitute said, "It's not easy to bail out of the prostitution in Japan, but here I can quit within a half year to a year.". And one of them boasted, "I had 27 customers a day.".
>>513 #5 ◆The "sex slave" nowhere around Asia Here let me introduce a brothel manager I made friends with. He said the truth, "Though Japanese women don't seem much different in physical strength from the other nations, they tend to forget the business and work so hard until they get sick. I think it's because they don't have the verbal barrier and they can understand soldiers well. I have to send back sick women and it undermines the profits. The best way is to hire only Japanese for soldiers though.". As there was a demimonde in the town I had grown up, I had often seen geisha girls and bar girls. I had been able to distinguish them, they had been called professionals at that time, from ordinary women by their appearances. Thus I was able to identify prostitutes also in Hankou. Among others Koreans' appearances were particular. They were usually out in a small group, not dressed in the ethnic costumes but in the western two piece outfits they weren't acustomed with, which made them look awkward. And the ways they walked were also particular. Thus it was easy for me to identify them. They looked so cheery and happy. I didn't feel any sad atmosphere among them from their everyday lives as current hot issue, the "sex slave". It certainly had long been said that "A loan shark manager and a pimp can't die on the tatami mats.". The human traffic had been prohibited since the Meiji era and it had changed the form to the prostitution to repay the "advance on salary", but actually nothing had changed for a prostitute in that virtually "she had been sold". I quoted a prostitute's words "bailing out of the prostitution" above.
>>513 #6 It means a prostitute who finished repaying the advance on salary was able to disengage herself. But I had often heard that some prostitution agents deceived women by vicious and fraudulent ways. It was really pitiful for deceived women but I also heard the following story. There was an arch woman who deceived soldiers and officers to get extra money. She tearfully said to soldiers, "I was deceived by the advertisement of "army nurse" and made to be a prostitute though I'm a girls high school graduate.". And it's the fact that there were innocent soldiers who believed her story. At the same time, this is a kind of comedy that I can't laugh at and it was caused as they were able to communicate in Japanese under the rule by Japan. Meanwhile, how much did the "brothel" earn ? This is an assured evidence that proves the "comfort women system" was the "commercial prostitution". Having worked in the army clothing factory that was directly related to the army headquarters in Hankou, my second eldest brother told me about the following statistics on the "brothel". At that time, there were about 330 thousand soldiers stationing around Hankou. He investigated all soldiers in the journal book for a certain reason. One third of their expenses were for meals, another one third for postal savings, and rest one third for "brothel". The soldiers weren't very interested in savings as their salaries were low. But as their bosses taught them to save money as the discipline, they had to do it actually and reluctantly. I also saved money while putting up with hunger when I stayed in Nanchang, Jiangxi Sheng as a newly recruited soldier. Not every soldier was sopposed to divide his salary equally among three and spend the one third of them. But it's said that the three biggest
>>513 #7 human lusts are for food, sleep and sex. If the phrase, postal savings, is replaced to a word, sleep, in the statistics above, the statistics are exactly same as the human lusts. For your information, an average of soldier's salary a month at that time was about 13 yen, thus the one third of it is about 4 yen. Then total amount is 4 yen multiplied by 330 thousand people, that is 1.32 million yen. As it's said the price of a battleplane such as the "zero fighter" was 30 thousand yen, surprisingly 1.32 million yen is equivalent to 44 battleplanes. As a corporate employee's starting salary wasn't more than 40 yen, no wonder the army accounting division was surprised. That's all I had seen and heard from outside the army for three and half years as a trading merchant, about what the "brothel" and the "comfort women" were actually. After I had left Hankou in the summer of 1942, an adjutant of the army logistics group in Hankou: the organization that stayed behind the operations group to transport, supply and repair vehicles and army supplies, and to keep a line of communication etc., who was an officer and observed the "brothel" and others wrote "Hankou logistics". I checked it against what I had heard about the brothel above, and found very few differences in place names and locations. But the descriptions of the "brothel" were same as above and more in detail about the inside information. According to this record, anyone can't deny the fact that the "comfort women" were the "commercial prostitutes". Who still denies it and insists on the "sex slave" forced by the army, is too ignorant or stupid enough to be deceived. Otherwise that person may be as the one who is asked, "Did they give you some money ?", jokingly by a person in Kansai area, but that's totally stupid.
>>513 #8 ◆The purpose of the people who made up and fuss about the issue. Now I disprove the wild view about military's involvement. I joined the army and was on an active duty when I was twenty years old. I immediately joined the troops in Nanchang, Jiangxi Sheng. Having finished the new soldier training, I joined an operation, then I had the officer candidate training and again joined an operation. Having been so busy that I hadn't been able to go out even once until I entered the preparatory military academy in Kurume, I had had no chance to pass through a "brothel" gate. However senior soldiers were able to go out during the new soldier training. One day I asked a chief petty officer of four year service, who gave me a souvenir whenever he went out, "Are you going out, sir ?", he smiled and said, "Yeah, as I have much money, I'm going to Chosun Bank to deposit it.". Understanding that jargon, everyone around us only chuckled. There was the divisional headquarters in Nanchang. There were Japanese, Koreans and Chinese prostitutes in the "brothel" and soldiers would be able to choose a woman depending on their financial conditions. I had the officer candidate training at the regiment headquarters in a countryside that was more than 18.5 miles away from Nanchang. The "brothel" was on the corner, surrounded by wire, in the defensive lines of the regiment headquarters. At the end of the training, I was ordered to guard the headquarters with other officer candidates. Of course it was the round-the- clock guard. Being in charge of the barracks and didn't have to be on sentry, I frequently went on patrol at the head of the sentries. The "brothel" was included in the patrol areas. The sentries on the war front were always ready
>>513 #9 for the battle, and even the vigils in the barracks as well. They wore helmets, loaded their guns and of course fixed bayonets at night. We patroled not only outside the "brothel" but inside with that appearance to check up number of customers in the record a responsible person submitted, to keep watch for defaulters and sneak attacks by guerrillas. Needless to say, soldiers playing there were unarmed, that meant they were certainly more vulnerable and careless. The army troops had good reason to protect those soldiers and officers. And another problem was the venereal disease protection. No wonder there was neither a doctor nor a hospital in such countryside. We had no choice but to leave medical checkups to army doctors and medics for the venereal disease protection. A "brothel" manager and women were Chinese and prostitutes were legal at that time in Japan. They also needed foods and livingwares as soldiers did. The appropriate means of transport were necessary due to the large population of women. Here again we had no choice but to leave it to the army as we were in the middle of nowhere. No wonder when the army moved. Being able to speak a language spoken in Hubei Sheng, I talked with a brothel manager and heard a lot about how the women had lived. I remember myself even now being inelegance, patroling through the central corridor with rooms on its both sides. There certainly was such a scenery that would never be even drawn as a cartoon. I think the situation was same in any troops.
>>513 #10 All of those things happened sixty years ago. The time has changed and we live in peace unlike those days, the war time. The interpretation of the prostitute: the comfort woman here, has obviously changed also. Despite these changes, there are people who take advantage of incomplete evidences, take up mere prostitution as a big issue lately and fuss about it. What's the purpose of these people ? One thing I can say is, as evidences are incomplete, they are trying to get something by fussing about it. This is the last I want to say as an ex-soldier who risked a life in battle fields and experienced hardships under the hail of bullets. No one can deny this. Who protects troops in a battle field ? As all around them are enemies or hostile inhabitants, they should never omit precautions. The story changes if there was something more reliable than individual, but they have no way but to protect themselves. The army wasn't involved with the "brothels" but they simpley protected themselves no more and no less. A proverb, "A tree with too many fruits will die down soon.", is explained as the "providential mechanism of species preservation". It's said that this "natural providence" also affects soldiers with uncertain future in savage battle fields. Is it possible to ask them to act as a model of all virtues or an enlightened monk ? The fact has been proved by the fact they spent one third of their low salaries for the "brothel". They didn't have more money than they were able to spend.
>>513 #11 "Honorable soldiers", their hometown people respected them and had seen them off while waving flags, were still young. Meanwhile there was certainly the society where poor and unfortunate women had to sell their bodies to live. Whether they sell what sell or they buy what are sold, as long as humans live on earth, no one can exterminate this business and it will continue existing forever. It's because primitive nature of human forces them to stay alive. There weren't so called "comfort women" but were only "women selling their bodies and pimps controlling them" in battle fields. Those women and pimps simply engaged in the high-margin business, taking unfair advantage of the army's weakness. Made a fuss about, the Imperial Army and the ex-soldiers who paid large fees must be the real victims instead.
In my head I expressed this in fifty-gallon drums, about twenty-five of them, stacked up in a big pyramid, and I pictured them stored out in the wind and cold on a cement lot, in back of an airport or warehouse somewhere, behind a tall chain-link fence.
how come first love always last a life time? 8 years ago. first time I saw you. ever since then i had my yearly thought of how shy of me to never come.
"It's a kind of snapshot of London now," said Raymund Ryan, the curator of the exhibition, who has written about London architecture and travels frequently to the city. "It's about what's there in the city as opposed to having some abstract idea." 翻訳お願い
Efforts have also been directed toward informing and educating elected officials and other policy makers to promote a better understanding of traffic and transportation engineering principles and practices. を訳してください
Traffic violation cases are generally referred to courts at the local government level for disposition. As in all types of offenses, it is the courts’ task to determine the appropriate punishment designed to maintain respect for traffic laws and control measures, and to encourage the improvement of the offender, if appropriate, by including compulsory attendance at safety lectures as part of the sentence.
With the exception of some parking regulations, enforcement of traffic laws, together with responding to incidents and general patrolling, are the responsibility of city, county and state police. It is a basic premise that every traffic law, ordinance, and control measure contributes to the safety and efficiency of traffic movement, and should therefore be enforced for the health and safety of the community. Unenforced controls are considered worse than no controls at all, since they tend to cause some drivers to disregard them habitually and endanger others. Police also fulfill their objectives by patrolling highways, coming to the aid of stranded motorists, investigating accidents, and directing traffic in emergency situations.
たった今、宿題スレでも書いてきました。 親切な人がこれは、ロバート・フロストの 選ばれなかった道、という詩だったらしく、 対句・音韻の関係で、2節前の as far as i could に as just as fair が 照応せらると判明。 既に「一見同じだが」という訳文あり。 草ぼうぼうの道と、踏み均された道が 一見同じだけど、草ぼうぼうの道が 通って欲しいと言うので、そっちを 選んだ、って自慢話。 最初の質問文、何で主語がないんだろう、 抽出話法?って困ってたら、詩だって。 高校の教科書のテキスト文なんですって。 いい教科書使ってますよね。
The stage of generating ideas about a topic has traditionally been calledinvention, or prewriting. In the study of communication,to invent means ''to come upon''or''to find'' an argument or idea, often one which the writer has already been exposed to but which does not necessarily ''spring to mind''.
574です。宿題スレで援軍求めたものです。その節はご教示 ありがとうございました。(って、しつこいかな?と言っていた 肝心の最初の質問者が消えてしまったのが悲しい。) as far as I could にあわせた対句ですから、as just as fair もas soon as みたいに訳すべきかとおもいます。さて、fair を 美しいと訳すことは大いに疑問で、清いという美しさであっても、 景色の美しさではないと思っています。今は踏み均された道もか つては草がぼうぼうで、今眼前に草生した道があるとしても、やがて 人がたくさん通るようになれば、その道も踏み均された道となるわけ だから、本質的にはどちらも同じだよ、という意味にとっています。 fair がbettar claim のまえに置かれているのも、実質的には公平に 過ぎない2つの道なんだけど、私の恣意的好みを優先してわざと悪路を 選んだところ、結果として私に良い結果をもたらしたと回顧しておるの ではないかと・・・。一見同じに見える、と訳した方も、美しさが同じ ではなく、良路と悪路は本質的に差がないというニュアンスを訳出せん としたんじゃないかと。
>>577 as just sa fair は、両方の道を公平に見る限りでは‥という意味であると 思います。 ウェブの訳は、本人があまり理解してないように思えます。 簡単にいうと、みんなが通った道を選んで進んで 行ったら、今たっているところに戻って来てしまった と言うことを行っています。以下の英文から分ります。 Oh, I kept the first for another day! おー、いつかの日の為に、最初の道をキープしていた。 Yet knowing how way leads on to way, 道と道がつながっていることは知っていたが‥ I doubted if I should ever come back. 15 戻ってくるとは、疑ってもいなかった。 I shall be telling this with a sigh ため息をついて、言わなければならない。 Somewhere ages and ages hence: どこかでだんだん年をとって Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by, 人が全く通らない道を選択したら、 And that has made all the difference そうすれば、同じ場所にはいなかった。
fairをネットのウエブスターで調べてみると 7 a : PROMISING, LIKELY <in a fair way to win> b : favorable to a ship's course <a fair wind> と出てるね。いいと思われる選択肢のことを fair choiceと言ったりするのもこのfairの意味だろう。 この詩の状況も選択について思案する場面だし、 この意味でいいと思う。
Any point in the garden that might be of the slightest value to him later on he would make a mental note of. When making this mental note he had a peculiarly concentrated yet far−away look about him. It was not only on his face−it was, as we may say, all over him.
第一文、later on 後ほどに、はどこに掛かりますかね? 庭を眺めながら、精神統一みたいな、禅寺みたいなイメージ なんですが、逐語訳いけますか?
(カイロプラクティックの)施術は痛みを伴いますか? Does the treatment will accompany pain?
ご心配なく、無痛療法ですので施術には痛みを伴いません。 No,it will not.Do not worry. The treatment is so soft that you will not accompany any pain.
予約制ですか? Should we make an appointment?
特に予約制ではないですが、ご予約頂いた場合、待ち時間は少ないです。もちろん、予約なしで来院されても大丈夫ですが、重なった場合はご予約を頂いている患者さんを優先させて頂きます Not especially,You don't have to make an appointment,but it will take a few times if you make an appointment. Of course,it will all right without appointment,but we will put patients with it before without.
どんな服装で行けばいいのですか? How clothes sould we wear?
動きやすい服装であればそのままでOKです。当院でも着替えをご用意しておりますので、 スーツやスカートで来院されても大丈夫です。 If you wears clothes easy to move,it's ok . We have sweater,it will be all right if you wears suits or skirts.
Can we use Japanese National Health Insurance? 健康保険は使用できますか?
申し訳ございません。日本ではカイロプラクティックは医療行為ではありませんので 使用出来ません。 Very Sorry.In Japan,Chiropractic is not seen as Medical you can't use it.
>Should we make an appointment? →Is an appointment necessary?
Should I make an appontment?でもいいとは思うが。
>Not especially,You don't have to make an appointment,but it will take a few times if you make an appointment. Of course,it will all right without appointment,but we will put patients with it before without.
Not necessary, but with an appontment your waiting time will be shorter. You can just walk in, of course, but please make sure a patient with an appontment has priority when busy.
後半ですが、as we may say は現在時制ですので、 「顔にだけではなかった。今思い返せば、全身に 現れていたと言っても良いかも知れない。」 と、訳しました。ただ、遠くでも見つめているかの 如き彼の態度が全身から感じられる時というのが どんなポーズか悩みます。手に持ったお茶のコップ が傾いてこぼれているままになっている状況とか、 モーゼが十戒の石版を高らかに掲げているポーズ、 とかですかね?
で、前半621さんと意見(ニュアンス)が分かれましたね。 私が later on が前に掛かるのか?後ろに掛かるのか? わからなくなった理由がそこの点にあるのです。 ANY ときたらふつう「たとえどんなささいなことでも」 じゃないですか。庭を見ている時点では肯定的なんですよね。 ところがlater が入ると、庭を見ている時点では「それなり」 で後になれば「取るに足らなく」なるのかな?と。 つまり神経集中が庭のどのサイズの事柄に対してなされたのかが、 へたをすると180度変わってしまうなあ、と。 で、考えにくいのを承知で、later on を後ろのmake に掛けるのは 無理かなあ、と。些細なことにアトから集中する、というような。
@ある夫婦の話。旦那は足を骨折して入院中。 旦那は妻に腹を立てて、病室からすぐに出て行け!と怒鳴る。 で、妻は平謝りしながらも旦那の怪我している足を痛めつける。 そこで痛さにもがきながら旦那が一言… −We should give it one more go.
AI can't get sourcream&onion forever,whichi I find trifle bland. これはテレビ番組を耳で聞いたものなので微妙に聞き取りに間違いがあると思います。 ポテトチップのプリングルスの話をしてた時の発言です。 もし推定できる訳がありましたらお願いします。
Strumming my pain with his finger 指で??、具体的にどのような意味でしょうか? I felt all flushed with fever, embarrassed by the crowd, I felt he found my letters and read each one out loud. I prayed that he would finish but he just kept right on. 最後のkept right on意味不明なのでだれか教えてください。
either via sequencing of products in space by the use of specific premises and/or sites( from receipt of raw material to sales while avoiding backtracking ) Or via a time sequence that is by managing premises over time . Operations with different levels of contamination and carried out on the same premises will be performed at different times and separated by cleaning and disinfection .
I heard he sang a good song, I heard he had a style. And so I came to see him to listen for a while. And there he was this young boy, a stranger to my eyes.
I felt all flushed with fever, embarrassed by the crowd, I felt he found my letters and read each one out loud. I prayed that he would finish but he just kept right on ...
まず、この歌の成り立ちを考えると、母親と息子の関係というのはほぼありえません。 おそらく、"there he was this young boy, a stranger to my eyes"の部分から そう推測したのではないかと思うのですが、 そこは、正確に書くと"There he was, this young boy"となり、 訳すと「そこに彼はいた。まだ若い男の子が…」という感じです。 歌い手と少年の関係を表すような情報は特に何も含まれていません。 ちなみに、この文章の中のThereとかthisなどはほぼ何も意味をなさない言葉です。 後ろの"a stranger to my eyes"は、ただ「彼の事を見た事が無い」くらいの情報です。 これは、後で書きますが、彼が私のことを知っているんじゃないか?という 疑いと関わりあってくるのだと思います。
Wait for the door opposite the one you come out of to be kicked in and then head inside. you come out of to be kicked inてなんでしょうか。 「あなたは蹴りだすことがやってくる」でしょうか。
>>666 状況がわからないので推測なんですが、 切り方が違うんじゃないかと思いますよ これはwait for A to B「AがBするのを待つ」という構文で、 the door opposite the one you come out ofがA be kicked inがBではないでしょうか 全文を訳すと 「あなたが出てきたのと反対のドアが蹴破られるのを待って、 それから中に進め」って感じ?
its like an like an expression that is out of the ordinary but i always herd that other countries had to learn english i was not share though... お願いします、携帯から失礼しました、
Poor Little Poofter 哀れで小さい(←これのいい訳ありませんか?)おかまが Alone in his cell. 監房にひとりぼっち Spare a thought for the woofter ?(woofter:スラングで、“ゲイやおかま”のことらしい) His life now a hell 彼の人生は今や地獄 This beautiful bumboy この麗しい? Is now doing time. 服役に身を捧げている Is burgling turds ? Such a terrible crime? ?
So he gardens uphill? ? Who are you to Judge? ? Who cares if he's up 誰が興味あるっていうのさ? All night packing fudge? アメ包装の作業のために徹夜したことなんて(←合ってますか?)
たびたびすいません Will Youngってダフィッドの妄想上wの人かと思ったら ほんとにそういう若手イケメン歌手兼俳優がいるんですね とすると、この歌もダフィッドがi'm gay!って歌うってだけじゃなく Will Youngが自分がゲイだってカムアウトするって意味も含んでるのかも 深読みしすぎかな?
あとご指摘のところ、もしかしてas a matter of courseでしょうかね I was going to become, as a matter of course, like○○Graham Norton! 「当然の結果として、○○グレアム・ノートンみたいになるはずだったの」 だったらなんとなく意味が通じるような…
I obtained top-secret this ROM from the private FTP server of China. A/the password is hanging and there is a/the password the right that only the person who was solved plays. A/the hint gains access here and please search. Good luck!
Our seminar class are going to participate in an athletic meeting. It will be tough for us to leave home early in the morning on the day. I'm getting a little nervous since I recently have little exercise. Anyhow, I'll do my best.
少し手直しして、 Trees do not only reduce air pollutioin but also help to conserve energy by shading houses in the summer and working as a windbreaker in the winter. というのはどうでしょうか
she got the boys to turn cartwheels with her , "falling on their hands turning their heels upwards , whom she would follow ,and wheel so her self naked as she was all the fort over".
>>768 ぐぐったよ。 どうやらその文章はのquoteがついてるところは、William Stracheyという イギリス人が、ポカホンタスのことを説明した文章からの引用みたいだ。 それで、sheってのがポカホンタスで、theyがイギリス人の若い水兵かそこら、 William Stracheyはポカホンタスのことをwantonだと言った後、その 理由として、>>768のようなことをやったから、と述べてる。
で、fortの部分だけど、これは「交易所」の意味でいいと思う。 これは辞書にも載ってるし、当時のインディアンとイギリス人の関係を考えると、 要塞=交易所になったのも理解できる。 つまり、all the fort overは、ポカホンタスが「交易所中を」側転したり 飛び跳ねたりしながら、ほぼ裸ではしゃぎまわった、という訳でいいと思う。 all over the placeと同じような感じで。
>>768 意訳だけど: 彼女は男の子達を上手く操った。 (体育の時間にやらされる一輪車のように)彼等の足をつかみ手を地につかせ 彼等の後を追うフリをして上手く操縦した。 (本当は)彼女が司令塔であるかのように。 she got the boys to turn cartwheels with her , (一輪車をやらせる) "falling on their hands turning their heels upwards , (男達は手を着き、足を浮かせ) whom she would follow ,and wheel so her self naked as (彼女は傍目には彼等を追うように見えたが実は操縦していた) she was all the fort over". (ありのままの彼女が実は司令塔であったというのに)
These are the cumulative effects of the generosity of the ideology of creativity, and of the conception of the history of art that banks on the future its legitimation.
The trouble is that the myth of creativity is suspicious, and that the future, from which the Bauhaus model expected its legitimation, belongs to our past.
どなたかおねがいします・・・。the myth of creativity, Bauhaus modelはそのままでお願いします
falling on their hands turning their heels upwards , は単にそれをどうやってやってるのかを示している文、 「手をついて踵を宙に跳ね上げ」これの主語はboys.
次の and wheel so her self naked as she was all the fort over". のsoはどのようにwheelするかを示すsoで、上にある'falling on their hands turning their heels upwards'のようにwheelするということ。 言い換えると、she wheel like that herselfって文です。
本来ここは wheelsになる筈だけど、引用文なので、おそらく引用元が would, could がつくなど、3人称にならない形だと思われます。
>>768 she got the boys to turn cartwheels with her , 男の子たちの手をかり、荷台をまわした。 "falling on their hands turning their heels upwards , 彼らの手でまわり、彼らのかかとは、(荷台の重さで、)上をむき。 whom she would follow ,and wheel so her self naked as she was そいつらを彼女は追い、また彼女自身も、裸であったが、そうやって荷台を、押した all the fort over". 交易所のあちらこちらで。
ポカホンタスの件、ちょっと引用の仕方がマズいみたいよ。 William StracheyのHistory of Travel into Virginia Britanniaという文献 らしいが、オリジナルは見つからなかったのでもっと長く引用してあるやつで 見てみると /forschung/koerper/dkarb_de.html+falling+on+their+hands+turning+their+heels +upwards,+whom+she+would+follow,+and+wheel+so+her+self+naked+as+she+was+all +the+fort+over&hl=ja&ct=clnk&cd=3&gl=jp
"[...] a well-featured but wanton young girl, Powhatanās daughter, sometimes resorting to our fort, of the age then of 11 or 12 years, [who would] get the boys forth with her into the market-place and make them wheel, falling on their hands, turning their heels upwards, whom she would follow, and wheel so herself, naked as she was, all the fort over [...]"
>>769 ・大体、年をとればとるほど知識が増えていくものかどうかだって怪しいもんだ。 Actually,it may be suspicious that the more we grow old,the more knowledge we can add.
・ただ昔の若者は自分が無知に思われるのを何より恐れた。 Young people in the past were afraid of being thougut as ignolant.
・カール・マルクス(Karl Marx)の資本論を読み通していなかったら、今私は現代社会の搾取の仕組みをこれほど理解してはいないだろう If I had not read [資本論] written by KM,I would not know much about the exploitation system of the modern society.
二つ目は、805で使ったテクストの書き手は[who would]を原文に補っていますね? こうするとand wheelのandはget the boysのgetとwheelをつないでいることになります。 これでwheelにsがつかないとか過去形でないとかいう問題は解決。 あとはso=「そのように(手をついて足を上げて、ということ)」 herself=「一人で」、naked as she was 「裸だったのに」(asを辞書で引きましょう) >>768の引用の仕方だと、カンマが二個抜けているらしいのと、市場の話から 交易所の話に場面が変わっているのがわからない。
そうですけど?等位接続詞andで"get the boys forth with her into the market-place and make them wheel, falling on their hands, turning their heels upwards, whom she would follow"と"wheel so herself, naked as she was, all the fort over”が並べられていて、両方が[who would]から繋がっているという意味です。
My one of head of my A,my you're my, her long, and long time low venus 軽業 the true sky heaven, you go right Do we not stay, could you tell me why, I tell ??? like you Get in your sunshine is tabloid statue of
One forbidding al my yeah Is the show abc5ab57 Whether brought blue and I show the evidence Special day I tell me why do you not why and you?
It's yours peak and taller I never falling way You are not my what your time Let me hear, go wanna aim to skill the post Skull heaven gonna was day it's your star for ten dollars It's card once forbid nasty idling Take it narrow bar highway smart show
イギリスについての文です。どうか翻訳をお願いします。 The best goddarn, cotton-pickin', rootin'-tootin' country in the world. And what a fandabi-double-dozi country it is. But what makes this country so quite nice? Why, it's the people of Britain. The men, the women,and the tree people, who populate this caramel-centred isle.
>>833 御礼遅くなってすいません。どうもありがとうございます。 では、この文のin a headlockはどういった意味になるでしょうか? When she waves at you, looks like she's got a tarantula under her arm. Looks like she's got Brian Mayand Anita Dobson in a headlock. 腋毛がモサモサな女の人について陰口を言ってる設定です。 ブライアン・メイっていうのは、クイーンのギタリストの爆発頭のことです。 アニータ・ドブソンっていうのはその奥さんらしいです。 いい訳あればお願いします。
>>862 Chris foned and he's got to work tomorrow, and can't get out of it, cos everybody is scared their jobs are up the Swanee. なんとなくこの文と似たような意味である気がするんだけど、 この場合のup the Swaneeはどうなるかな?
Hello,I saw the advert of your item on Auction in which i am highly interested in buying, am Mr Stacy Lee from UK i want to buy this item for my son. So i am offering you the sum of $1000 USD for the item and i will like to know how many you have in stock and i am paying you via money order/cash delivery service. All i need to make the payment is your full name and home address where you want the money order to be delivered.And when shipping the item i want you to ship the item via EMS SPEED POST MAIL...reply me ASAP
Are you satisfied that inflation at the highest rates in 33years were [sic] the best that we could do? Are interest rates at 14.5 percent something you are prepared to live with you?
>>912 Are you satisfied that inflation at the highest rates in 33years were [sic] the best that we could do? Are interest rates at 14.5 percent something you are prepared to live with you?
I get up in the morning, and good morning. I get up at noon, and good morning. I get up at night, and good morning. Good morning even if occurring at what time. It is because my brain runs with vinegar. HA HA HA HA! A brain runs about. HA HA HA HA! A brain runs about.
If I eat breakfast, and Miso appeared. If I eat lunch, and Miso appeared. If I eat supper, and Miso (ah. Miso appears without changing every day. It is because my brain runs with vinegar. HA HA HA HA! A brain runs about. HA HA HA HA! A brain runs about.
She'd been ridden hard into the carpet until Tom finally came into with a loud moan followed by quiet murmurs of love not once drawing attention to how Risa hadn't even gotten hard again, let alone come.
>>947 A: Hey, what are you up to? B: I'm going out shopping. A: Yeah? Me too. You wanna go with me? B: Sure. A: Where were you gonna go? B: Well, I was gonna go to Shibuya. A: Oh, I was gonna go there too. B: Cool. Let's go then. A: Alright
誤読反省会。 おっしゃるとおり。最後のhave on をbe going to と読んだのが失敗。 on occasion だったんですね。そもそも、he thought と he had が 並列と思った時点で完敗です。ただ、thought could を目論んだ、と したのは今も採って欲しいのですが・・・・。 さあ、修行、修行。
>>954 自分で「抽出話法」って言ってるじゃん。書き換えると↓ Before realizing he actually could throw Jay a pretty good distance and had on more than one occasion, he thought "About as far as I can throw you."
He thought he could throw〜じゃないよ。 thoughtの目的語は'as far as I can throw you'なんだから。 それにactuallyとcouldが直で繋がってたら、そのcouldは仮定法ではなくて可能のcanの過去形と捉えるべき。 「実際にできる」
すいません。長いです… The settings of the exhibits help to recreate the mood and atmosphere of the historical periods they prent.
To name just a few of DC's other famous museums, the National Gallery of Art contains one of the world's finest collections of Western European painting and sculpture , as well as displays of American art from colonial to contempo-rary times. Other varied collections include the US Holocaust Museum,the Capital Children's Museum,the Freer Gallery of Art and the National Zoo. To view all of these museums carefully would take many weeks. But because of them,it is certainly no problem to find someting of interest for everyone in asington.
>>979 HONG KONG -- An American movie about Japan's mass slaughter of Chinese citizens in the World War II era will be released in the country in two weeks, amid debate over the atrocity's death toll, the film's publicists said Monday. "Nanking," produced by Ted Leonsis, vice chairman of the American Internet company AOL, will premiere in Beijing July 3 and be released across in China on July 7, the publicists said in a statement.
The movie, directed by Bill Guttentag and Dan Sturman, examines the Japanese killings by mixing archival footage and actors' readings of witness accounts from Westerners who protected Chinese refugees. Among the actors are Woody Harrelson and Mariel Hemingway.
Historians generally agree the Japanese army slaughtered at least 150,000 civilians and raped tens of thousands of women in the rampage in Nanjing in 1937 that became known as "The Rape of Nanking," using the name by which the city was known in the West at that time.
About 100 Japanese ruling party lawmakers drew criticism from China after saying last week that documents from their government's archives indicated only about 20,000 people were killed in the 1937 attack.
The head of the group accused China of inflating the number of victims for propaganda purposes. In response, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman said 300,000 people died in the massacre and accused the lawmakers of ignorance. Anti-Japanese feeling over the Nanjing atrocities among the general Chinese public remains strong. Demonstrators vandalized Japanese shops and smashed windows at Japanese diplomatic offices in Shanghai and Beijing in April 2005 to protest alleged whitewashing of atrocities in Japanese textbooks. Many Japanese conservatives are disgruntled over what they claim are exaggerated stories of Japanese brutality during World War II. "Nanking," which was partly shot in Nanjing, apparently has the blessing of the Chinese government, which carefully controls foreign productions either shot or released in the country. Guttentag said in a recent interview with The Associated Press while the directors submitted an outline of the movie to the Chinese government, local authorities did not interfere with its editorial direction. (AP) "Nanking" official Web site June 26, 2007