どなたか和訳お願いします。 Play is activity which often appears unproductive. It is a way of testing the possibilities of the environment and the capabilities of the player. It is important to distinguish play from specific trainings. Children in the water can be trained to swim, or can teach themselves to swim, but this is not play. Water-play, splashing about in the waves, is not organized towards a specific goal. It is an end in it self. But the more children do it, the more in play they are in the water. They gain incidental insights into the properties of the liquid and into the range of abilities of their own bodies.
The efforts to organize the world (1) pease past and present have always broken down (2) the end. This is a simple statement of the historical record. One cannot argue lack of good will or honesty of purpose,or lack of (3)genuine desire to achieve an effective international body that would take (4) itself the role of peace-keeping . But,(5) the whole world knows,successive efforts have been frustrated. There are many reasons (6) this has happened. Human affairs are complicated matters. They have been shaped and influenced by a myriad (7) 'causes 'which taken togetherhave given us our present dubious heritage ―a threat of human annihilation ,and an appdarent inability to stem the drift (8) converting the theat into an imninent convulsion. Man seems to have no effective instrumentaliy (9) hand to reverse the armaments race or stop him (10) the last decision he would probably ever be called upon to make―
Abe said China and South Korea, which Japan is trying to get its first summit meetings with in nearly a year amid strained relations, have very close ties in a number of areas, including economic. 普通「会を催す」と言えばhave [or hold] a meetingと思うけど、下の文ではgetを使っているよねえ。この場合、get its first summit meetingsとはどのような意味なのでしょうか。
【質問】 1 1989 Demonstrator force communists from power in East European states. (出典 OXFORD Children’s HISTORY OF THE WORLDの年表) 漠然と『デモ隊が、共産主義者たちを政権から引きずりおろした。』と思うのだけれども 英和辞典を見ても、 force の語義でぴったりくるのがないのですが…。 2 The police forced a confession from a suspect. なんかと同じ用法でしょうか?これは、 @『警察は、被疑者に自白を強要した。』A『警察は、被疑者から自白を引き出した。』どっちでしょうか? ご多忙中、恐縮ですが、教えてください。英語学習のエロイひと。
It's by far hardest thing I've ever done to be so in love with you and so alone Follow me where I go What I do and who I know Make it part of you To be a part of me Follow me up and down All the way , and all around Take my hand and say You'll follow me
>>982さん、ご親切にご回答いただき、ありがとうございます。 2 は、どうでしょうか。The police forced a confession from a suspect. @『警察は、被疑者に自白を強要した。(強要はしたが、自白したかどうかは不明)』 A『警察は、被疑者から(強要して)自白を引き出した。』どっちでしょうか?