You view this week`s frequent and sudden developments as an intriguing challenge. However, others are worried, if not panicked; this forces you to devote considerable time and effort to preventing them from over-reacting. Plus, with Mercury retrograde from Thursday until 20 September, even the canniest couldn`t fully anticipate the direction that events will take, which makes long range planning pointless. But life is exciting. Intriguing, if unsettling, options occur virtually every day. Some involve work or various obligations, others your personal life or perhaps issues you`ve previously avoided. The more courageously you tackle these now, the greater the potential for finding a revolutionary solution.
Monday(済みです。) Others are likely to be complaining about the ways in which recent events have upset both them and their lives. Dramatic as these crises seem, do nothing just yet. While there`s no denying that what`s taken place has been unsettling, even the most disruptive of events could lead to extraordinary opportunities.
Tuesday The odds are good that others are blaming you for certain unsettling developments, even if you had nothing to do with them. This isn`t fair. And once they`ve calmed down, they`ll realise their error. But until then play it cool, gently declining to discuss issues that could trigger yet more recriminations.
Wednesday For ages you`ve known that you`d have to tackle issues involving certain tricky obligations. But you haven`t known where to begin or what to say. Now events make up your mind for you. Either you`ll things to the next stage, discussing plans in detail with others, or admit that you want out.
Appealing as certain plans may be, they`re of little use if certain obstacles or restrictions prevent you from making the best of them. Don`t give up yet. What seem insurmountable difficulties could soon become manageable. In fact, within a very short time you`ll find that they`re giving you no problem at all.
Naturally you`d prefer not to have to dwell on troublesome issues. But if you are going to discuss them, then it`s easier to tackle everything at once. Now that Mercury is retrograde, bringing its own brand of confusion, the odds are good that those exchanges will take far longer than you hope or expect.
Making plans is one thing. However, at the moment, getting others to go along with what you have in mind is something else entirely. Much as you`d like see progress, take it slowly. Time-consuming as discussing conflicts may be, the sooner these are cleared up, the better for everybody concerned.
Having talked things through with others, you feel confident that they`ll support you in you turn exciting ideas into action. Now you must tackle something considerably more complex, which is your own doubts. These aren`t nearly as clearly defined as joint issues, which makes dealing with them all the more important.
Over the years you`ve learned that, thrilling as being impulsive may be, you always pay a price. Yet now circumstances seem to be almost demanding that you take chances in ways that you`ve recently avoided. This once it`s not only wise, judging by the current planetary set-up, you`ve very little choice.
By and large, you view arguments as a waste of time. But every once in a while they can be helpful, especially when others won`t discuss situations openly. At the moment, however, they`re also likely to force facts out in the open that would otherwise take a very long time to come to light.
Much as you`d like to have the support of others when making plans, it`s looking increasingly unrealistic. It`s becoming more and more clear that certain individuals need to disagree for the sake of it. Say nothing. Eventually circumstances will catch up with them, forcing them to accept the fact that everybody must work together.
You can only talk about plans for so long. It would appear that just can`t see their way clear to discuss various compromises. Consequently, you`re probably better off letting them cool their heels for a little while. Even the most eloquently presented facts mean nothing when they aren`t being listened to.
Thursday During other quieter periods, you might be able to discuss and settle tricky issues in one go. But now that Mercury`s retrograde, you`re better off taking things in stages. This not only eliminates whatever pressure you`ve been feeling, it gives everybody involved adequate time to ensure that they`ve got their facts are right.
Friday You`ve by no means been stubborn. Yet there are options you haven`t considered, primarily because they seemed unrealistic. However, with circumstances undergoing such a dramatic transition, you`ve no choice but to broaden your perspective. If hesitant, at least explore your options. What you learn could prove more promising than you`d have imagined possible.
Saturday You`re not exactly keen on taking chances. Yet when your instinct guides you to try something, you`ll go for it whatever others say. This certainly seems to be the case now. While you can`t avoid discussing your plans with others, it`s vital that when decision time comes, it`s you who says what`s what.
Sunday Others insist that offers are too good to be true. While it`s true that anything that`s both worthwhile and amazingly interesting bears investigation, that still doesn`t mean that it`s a ruse. In fact, judging by the current planetary set-up, what you`re currently discussing could actually be better than you first thought.
獅子座 Thursday After a year of sudden developments and frequent changes, triggered by Jupiter`s presence in your sign, it`s finally moved on to the down to earth Virgo. On one hand, this gives you a chance to catch up with recent events. Keep in mind, however, that it`s now influencing your business and financial life.
Friday For ages you`ve known that issues involving finances or business matters would need to be dealt with, but have never had the time. Now events force your hand. These come in the form of revelations triggered by the retrograde Mercury. Deal with what seem mere misunderstandings now and you`ll prevent costly problems later.
Saturday Nobody would blame you for being upset about sudden changes, particularly as they throw your carefully arranged plans into disarray. However, that`s a small price to pay if it`s true that these could give you an opportunity to break away from restrictive situations you thought you`d just have to live with.
Sunday Inevitably reorganising the practical side of your life will take time. Certain individuals insist that it`s not worth the trouble. However, you can`t go back to things as they were. Plus, deep down you know that whatever efforts you invest in this process now will pay off handsomely in the future.
Thursday Over the years you`ve learned that, thrilling as being impulsive may be, you always pay a price. Yet now circumstances seem to be almost demanding that you take chances in ways that you`ve recently avoided. This once it`s not only wise, judging by the current planetary set-up, you`ve very little choice.
Friday By and large, you view arguments as a waste of time. But every once in a while they can be helpful, especially when others won`t discuss situations openly. At the moment, however, they`re also likely to force facts out in the open that would otherwise take a very long time to come to light.
Saturday Much as you`d like to have the support of others when making plans, it`s looking increasingly unrealistic. It`s becoming more and more clear that certain individuals need to disagree for the sake of it. Say nothing. Eventually circumstances will catch up with them, forcing them to accept the fact that everybody must work together.
Sunday You can only talk about plans for so long. It would appear that just can`t see their way clear to discuss various compromises. Consequently, you`re probably better off letting them cool their heels for a little while. Even the most eloquently presented facts mean nothing when they aren`t being listened to.
You`ve tried, but had little success in putting recent misunderstandings to rest. Give it a break. With so much in transition, others are on edge. What`s more, once you settle issues you`ll want to discuss future plans, and judging by this week`s planetary activity, you`re better off waiting until dramatic changes are over.
Being both generous and practical by nature, if others are facing urgent situations or difficulties, you`ll put them first without a thought. The time has come to turn the tables, particularly when it comes to financial or business matters. However, others aren`t clairvoyant, so you must let them know exactly what you need.
The recent New Moon may have ushered in breakthroughs and a much-needed fresh perspective. But others at the time others weren`t interested even in discussing changes, much less making any commitments. Now that they`ve had a few days to think things over, however, they`ll realise just how worthwhile these are.
Being open-minded is one thing. But being willing to throw over plans you struggled to organise just because of sudden developments is quite another. Yet every once in a while, it`s worth it. Certainly, what`s now taking place is so thrilling that you couldn`t possibly ignore the amazing potential that these developments offer.
Thursday Your ruler Mercury is retrograde until mid-September. Usually this would mean facing a variety of issues, plus being cautious about pursuing risky ventures or taking chances. However, since you just can`t ignore the current crop of extraordinary opportunities, you may just have to ignore your own good advice and take those chances anyway.
Friday You`re always interested in learning about intriguing ideas, even if you`re not sure where they`ll get you. At the moment this innate inquisitiveness is one of your greatest allies, since what seems least worthwhile now could, as the dramatic developments of the next few days unfold, suddenly become a very good idea indeed.
Saturday Just when you thought things were settled, intense planetary activity involving your way or living and working shakes things up. However disruptive, you know full well that if you didn`t at least explore what`s arisen, you`d always wonder what you missed. Plus, your instincts tell you that these are opportunities in disguise.
Sunday The recent clash between Jupiter and the planet of innovation, Uranus, may have lead to unsettling changes. But events have also opened the door to welcome if entirely unexpected opportunities. Others may want to discussion your options in depth. However, there`s no time. Things are moving too swiftly for anything but fast action.
Thursday Eager as you are to turn intriguing ideas into solid plans, you`d be well advised to take things at an uncharacteristically slow pace. Discuss potential arrangements, but make no commitments that you can`t change. That ensures that nothing will keep you from responding to developments this weekend that are as thrilling as they are surprising.
Friday No matter how hard you`ve tried, you`re never quite gotten around to fulfilling certain painstaking obligations. But judging by the increasingly powerful planetary emphasis on this portion of your chart, you will. In the past these were never really urgent. Now sudden changes in circumstances give you no choice but to move swiftly.
Saturday One of the year`s rarest aspects, between the benevolent Jupiter and Uranus, triggers a whole series of exciting events. True, you won`t necessarily recognise where these will fit in with the scheme of things right away. But with developments of this nature, planning`s impossible. You must live one day at a time anyway.
Sunday While you understand that not everybody is going to see things just as you do, the stubbornness of others surprises you. While discussing issues with them may prove informative, it`s unlikely to get you far. In fact there`s no fast way to get things settled. You`ll need both time and patience in plentiful quantities.
Thursday Recent events may have given you a fresh view of situations that you viewed as unchanging. But that was only the beginning. While it may take some time to understand the full impact of this weekend`s encounter between Jupiter and Uranus, they`ll be no doubt that things will never be the same again.
Friday You`re very good reason to discuss both existing plans and the changes that now seem inevitable. Just keep in mind that with Mercury now retrograde, even simple exchanges could lead to misunderstandings. While the resulting mistakes could cause frustrating confusion or delays, even these can prove informative, as you`re about to discover.
Saturday For ages you`ve had all sorts of ideas on your mind. You`re explored pursuing these, but either commitments elsewhere or practical restrictions kept you from taking them to the next stage. Now these obstacles vanish, as sudden and what once seemed impossible developments put these on the fast track to success.
Sunday Once you were absolutely sure what you wanted and where you were going. Now, with every passing day, you find yourself less sure what you could say has first priority in your life. Much as you`d like to take action, you`re better off exploring the bewildering array of options now coming your way.
While they were sudden and unsettling, a great deal remains to be said for recent developments. However, that doesn`t mean that others are happy about them. Think twice about discussing their reservations, particularly with an eye to winning them over. They`ll either misunderstand you now or blame you for whatever problems arise later.
Thus far you`ve managed to avoid certain potentially explosive differences involving family or property. But now that your ruler Mercury is retrograde, minor misunderstandings force these to the surface. Whatever challenges you face in dealing with these, they`ll be more than justified by your relief when issues are finally put to rest.
Life will be a good deal easier when potentially disruptive matters on the work or domestic front are settled. You may have tried to hurry things along, but with little success. This is no surprise, since certain vital facts are unlikely to come to light before next Wednesday`s pivotal Full Moon.
It could take a very long time for you to fully understand the impact of recent developments, particularly on your business or financial life. But pressing matters leave you without the luxury of time for reflection. Make whatever decisions you must, ensuring that all concerned know that changes are extremely likely.
Tuesday Your initial reaction to new ideas and sudden changes wasn`t exactly positive, but you`ve come around. However, others remain resolutely opposed. Discuss various options with them before you proceed. But the odds are good that, for the time being at least, you`ll have to find a way to work around them.
Wednesday Initially you weren`t particularly worried about difficulties involving certain long-cherished plans or projects and practical obstacles. Now that you`ve discussed them in greater depth, however, you realise how serious problems could be. Finding a solution that works for everybody is likely to require both perseverance and a creative approach.
Naturally, recent dramatic developments will have triggered intense debate amongst family, friends and colleagues. Some are excited, others are busily organising plans, a few are worried. Events touch your life in many areas, so you`re bound to be passionate about your own ideas. Naturally, nothing`s settled. Yet it`s here that you could run into difficulties. First, others misinterpret your conjectures as solid plans. Then you discover that they regard past arrangements as still binding. Since whatever you say, it`s likely to trigger fireworks, view this as an opportunity to untangle existing confusion. Only after that should you even consider discussing the future.
Monday Initially you dismissed certain ideas as inspired but unrealistic. Now, as you learn more both the concepts and the individuals involved, you`re beginning to think that these are worth investigating. They are. Not only do they show practical potential, they could open your mind in directions that you`d never previously considered.
Tuesday Nothing is more tedious than dealing with those who mistake a manipulative approach to dealing with matters as clever. Ironically this is well timed. Dealing with these tricky individuals requires informing yourself of developments on every front. With so much in transition and so many decisions, this extensive knowledge will prove extremely handy.
Wednesday It seems that certain individuals just aren`t prepared to face facts. You`re becoming concerned that it will take a crisis of some variety for them to acknowledge what`s going on. That may be true. If so, you`re doing them no favours by cushioning them or trying to prevent things coming to a head.
You`d think that others would be aware that, as a Capricorn, you`re unlikely to invest time or effort in anything that you haven`t already both investigated and analysed thoroughly. But that`s not going to stop certain individuals from demanding that you justify recent decisions and future plans. Annoying as this is, it`s their refusal to accept your explanations that`s really galling. Try to placate them and they`ll just keep moving the goalposts. Instead, adopt a tactical arrogance, refusing even to discuss issues further. This completely shifts the balance of power. Suddenly, their reservations vanish and they`ll be offering their support with humble enthusiasm.
Now that you`re benefiting from the expansive Jupiter`s influence on your domestic life, even unexpected changes could prove profitable. But you`re uneasy, perhaps even anxious, about even simple decisions. Focus on these, past problems and the unexpected issues that arise while your ruler Mercury is retrograde, until the 20th, and you eliminate numerous potential obstacles. This is as illuminating as it is worthwhile. Thus by September`s close your mind`s so clear that you`re reconsidering long standing plans, if not revising cherished dreams.
Last week the bountiful Jupiter changed signs, moving to join the Sun and your ruler Venus in accenting who and what you love most. Consequently, you`re benefiting from a rare combination of happy times and golden opportunities. Savour what each day brings, and say yes to offers, knowing details will work themselves out.
You seem to be turning minor misunderstandings into reasons to question certain far-reaching developments. While these can`t be entirely ignored, with Mercury retrograde, mistakes of this nature are almost to be expected. What they are doing, however, is forcing you to recognise just how resistant you are to taking these plans further.
Either somebody is merrily spending your money without your knowledge or you`ve been fooling yourself about certain financial matters. Whatever the case, the time has come to do your sums. While you won`t be happy about what`s revealed, facing facts head on is the vital first step to putting things right.
For some time you`ve been conscious that the increasingly differing views between you and close friends or loved ones were leading to a confrontation. However, thus far they`ve insisted that there`s no problem. Now sudden events give them no choice but to acknowledge that issues exist and must be faced and dealt with.
Initially, you`re unlikely to have taken others` objections seriously. Thrilling as recent developments have been, they`ve also inconvenienced everybody in some way. So you`ve assumed that the complaints of friends, colleagues or loved ones were just part of the chorus. But gradually you realise that what seemed annoying quibbles are actually bids for control. Either things go their way D or others won`t play. While neither reason nor debate is likely to achieve much, time promises to be a profitable ally. State your case, then retreat until mid-September when events bear out your words. Waiting won`t be easy, but it`s your only real option.
You may be tempted to plan ahead. But between unexpected yet thrilling developments and the confusion caused by Mercury being retrograde until the 20th, arrangements are bound to be in flux. While unsettling, constant changes enable you to discuss options that only recently you`d have considered impossible. Some are personal, others involve loved ones, yet others your future. In every case favour your feelings over practicalities. If this seems unwise initially, as obstacles vanish you release how vital it is that you`re true to your heart`s desire.
Monday You could easily misinterpret the reaction of others to recent sudden developments as a betrayal. But they`re dealing with far more complex situations that you`re aware of. It isn`t easy, but try not to draw any conclusions until you`ve learned more about the nature of the individuals and issues they`re facing.
Tuesday You`ve been rather hoping that misunderstandings with close friends or colleagues would resolve themselves. But that`s looking increasingly unlikely. In fact, if you don`t at least address the issues in question, others are likely to assume that you`re happy for them to deal with things in whatever way they like.
Wednesday You`ll need a ballet dancer`s grace and diplomat`s tact. Add patience, and you can turn tense issues involving loved ones to your advantage. First, deal with problems swiftly and frankly, refusing to dwell on who`s to blame. Then use this intimate moment to let others know just how much you care.
While everybody`s cheered the seemingly thrilling developments of the past few weeks, you`ve been wary. Now those reservations are justified, at least in terms of issues involving a tricky combination of finances and future commitments. On one hand, others aren`t living up to your expectations. On the other, you`re concerned about having the wherewithal for the ideas now being discussed. Mostly, you question whether plans are viable. Tempting as it is to pull out now, it`s both unrealistic and impossible. Instead, use this difficult period to pinpoint problems precisely, so when others are ready to face them, you`ll have all the facts to hand.
天秤座Daily 前半 よろしくお願いします。 Monday Of all the signs, you`re usually the one best able to maintain a clear perspective about even dramatic developments. Yet recent events seem to have thrown you off balance. Unsettling as these are, once you learn more not only will you recover your equilibrium, you`ll realise the extraordinary opportunities they bring with them.
Tuesday For reasons of either diplomacy or caution you really can`t discuss certain decisions openly. This means taking a roundabout approach. Inevitably this will be slow your pace. Ultimately, however, this proves beneficial, as you`ll have time enough to organise encounters in such a way that you can avoid potentially troublesome clashes.
Wednesday Nobody is better at defusing tension situations with loved ones. Yet there are times, such as now, when none of your strategies for dealing with such matters have helped. Distressing as this is, try not to leap to conclusions. Others will explain what`s behind their odd behaviour, but in their own time.
天秤座 weekly もお願いします。 However worthwhile what`s been taking place over the past weeks has been, events have not been without their problems. Usually it`s you who`s either damping down tensions or playing the tactful go-between. But you`re becoming ever more conscious how this role could lead to difficulties, and ultimately perhaps even being blamed for what are, fundamentally, others` problems. While you can`t ignore these dramas, you can plead other obligations for once employing your tact on your behalf. This won`t just allow you to escape others` Byzantine manoeuvres. It means that you`ll finally have a chance to concentrate on promoting your own interests.
You may complain about responsibilities, but find it difficult relinquishing them, even those you trust. However, your focus is now on living in a larger world, not supervising others or dull duties. Soon the people, places or ideas you encounter prove so absorbing that gradually past obligations fade in importance. Soon you`re examining elements of your life you thought you`d never change. While you won`t necessarily make those changes, what you learn when questioning who and what you value most does wonders both for your spirits and for close relationships.
Teamwork is key to turning the exciting developments now being discussed into something both worthwhile and lasting. Ask others what they want, and seek their advice. Similarly, reflect on what you would regard as ideal. Then talk over ways you can work together to successfully combine both your visions and your efforts.
At the moment, whatever you do or say, somebody`s going to object. That being the case, it`s vital that you think long and hard about what you really want. This means that when you go to battle against others, you`ll know what you could easily give up and what`s worth fighting for.
Being intuitive, you probably realise that others badly need to talk. In fact, it`s not so much what they have to say, it`s simply airing their views and being listened to that`s important. Keep in mind, therefore, you need not take action on the things that they`re complaining about, however serious they seem.
Life will be a good deal easier when the various plans that have been both cheered and challenged are finally settled. But judging by the questions they`ve raised, that`s not going to be soon. Of far greater importance is their influence on your life and that of those closest Ð business partners and loved ones. True, discussing these could bring up all sorts of issues you`d rather not discuss. But because the period prior to next week`s Pisces Full Moon is all about identifying and resolving just such issues, the timing couldn`t be better. The more you address now, the more you`ll put to rest then.
You`re juggling your interests, others` needs and practical matters. Ordinarily you`d deal with these with superbly. But sudden changes in circumstances and the interference of certain individuals turn what should be simple into complex situations. Do your best, but no more. This seems a compromise, until you realise that constant changes make struggling pointless. So you become less attentive, especially towards difficult individuals. Ironically, this tougher approach not only ends tensions, after the Pisces Full Moon on the 10th, others begin treating you with greater respect.
お羊 weeklyです。 お願いします Recent developments were so disruptive that those around you are struggling. But you regard this chaos is a small price to pay for breakthroughs in previously frustrating situations. Finally you`re able to reorganise, if not conquer, tedious situations involving work, health or unrewarding obligations. True, there`s a serious lack of reliable information. And while you`re all for taking chances, those whose support you need aren`t. They`re right. With Mercury retrograde until 20 September, the revelation of a combination of past errors and here and now misunderstandings promises to considerably alter the situations you`re dealing with and, more importantly, your own objectives.
月曜日(9/1) Nobody would blame you for being surprised, if not shocked, by recent developments. But judging by last week`s planetary activity, these events are only part of a far-reaching and ultimately beneficial cycle of change. Only once you know more about what`s involved can you begin to discuss the future in realistic terms.
火曜日(9/2) There are few things you hate more than disappointing others, particularly close friends or loved ones. Not only will they understand. You`re not alone in having struggled with recent developments. They had an impact on them as well, and are busily trying to figure out ways to make changes without upsetting you.
水曜日(9/3) You`ve done everything you can to raise delicate issues without triggering what you fear might be upsetting confrontations. But they`ve expertly avoided even recognising what you were saying. This leaves you little choice but to address these head on. It won`t be easy, but in the long run you`ll be glad you did.
After the extraordinary promise of the past few weeks, an assortment of tedious issues brings you back to earth with a bump. Still, they clarify potential problems and give you good reason to confront those who`ve been worryingly casual in their approach to important details. But you`ve some facts to face, too. These aren`t so much practical difficulties as complications that involve your perspective, either personal blind spots or issues you`ve previously refused to deal with. Unsavoury D or unmanageable D as they seem, taking them on is your biggest challenge. Once you`ve committed yourself to conquering them, nothing and nobody can stop you.
Ordinarily you`d interpret such constant changes in plan as a bad sign. But your instincts correctly tell you that even those that require considerable reorganisation or that you review your goals are ultimately in your best interests. First, you`ve good reason to be frank with others, even those who usually won`t discuss such matters. Better yet, you`re find yourself viewing situations and your role in them from a fresh perspective. The resulting insights both force you to acknowledge goals you`d been neglecting and inspire you to conquer them.
すみません。蠍座のマンスリーを御願いしますm(__)m この夏、なぜか空回りで・・・ When faced with persistent obstacles or others are difficult, you tend to blame yourself. But not only could you not have avoided these problems, they give you good reason to probe into dilemmas previously have been hidden. In some cases the issues involved are minor. In others, especially those relating to close ties at work or at home, dilemmas force everybody to face and discuss dilemmas frankly. This proves surprisingly challenging, but is worth the effort. It may take until October, but you`ll devise solutions for even seemingly insurmountable obstacles.
Recent unsettling developments may not seem like once in a lifetime opportunities. But once you learn more about the events triggered by the expansive Jupiter`s rare aspect to your ruler Uranus, you`ll realise that, in days, these have taken things to point that otherwise would have taken years to reach.
Naturally, you must talk things over with those closest. However, since everybody has their own idea of the best way to take advantage of recent dramatic developments, exchanges could only add to your confusion. Listen to others` suggestions. But ensure they understand that, ultimately, you`ll have to make your own decisions.
As much as you value others` support, you might well be wondering if certain individuals aren`t talking a little too much interest. Judging by planetary activity this week and next involving the manipulative Pluto, you`ll have to be on the conscious of those whose interest could be drifting worryingly towards obsession.
Not surprisingly, initially you were enthusiastic about recent ideas or offers. Now that discussions are reached a practical stage, you`ll have to be tougher. First, this means not allowing your hopes to override what you learn. But also, with the retrograde Mercury still causing confusion, you`ll need to double check even simple facts.
獅子座 Nobody would blame you for questioning sudden developments involving practical or financial matters. Ironically, unsettling events combined suspiciously good offers encourage you to review this side of your life. While this exposes numerous questions, what you learn confirms the value of certain ideas or opportunities. True, with Mercury retrograde, facts remain unclear until the 20th. Instead of battling the resulting slow pace, use this time to untangle past problems. This ensures you`re well informed enough to move swiftly when the pace picks up later in the month.
September`s first half is all about what you earn, own and about using your resources wisely. True, none of these interests you. But you`ve also been conscious that these need thought and attention. Make these your focus, and then when your ruler Uranus returns to Aquarius on the 15th, things are well enough organised that you can shift your attention to your personal existence. Between then and the year`s close concentrate on drawing who and what you want into your life, and gradually those efforts pay off in remarkable ways.
While these are exciting times for you, you`re still facing all sorts of challenges. It`s just that, because these are part of the process of achieving long-cherished goals, you regard even tedious issues as a pleasure to deal with. Alas, others aren`t quite so happy about what`s taking place. And they`re letting everybody know that they feel hard done by, which reflects badly on you. Much as you`d like to remedy their problems, there are only twenty four hours in each day. The fact is, whatever you do, they`d be unhappy. Make suggestions, express your concern, but then leave them to it.
Monday By the time this week is over, you`re likely to be viewing life from a considerably different perspective. In fact with your ruler Jupiter moving into a new sign for the first time in a year, you could that you must view both familiar situations and your priorities in a new light.
Tuesday You`ve a knack for tuning even the most unexpected of situations to your advantage. However, others tend to panic. Over the next few days focus on keeping them calm. Then join together in exploring how you can all work together to turn recent thrilling if unsettling developments to your mutual advantage.
Wednesday You seem to feel that you`re under pressure to make instant decisions. While you couldn`t possibly know enough to make lasting commitments, it`s vital that you at least inform others of your intentions. Having done that, then you can explore your options in depth without having to fend off pressure from those around you.
Every sign is somewhat influenced by Wednesday`s move by your ruling planet Jupiter`s into Virgo. Combine that with its rare clash with the unsettling Uranus, on Saturday, and its clear the world is ecoming a very different place. For you, however, this is more dramatic, and particularly accents the structure of your life. When changes arise, others either complain or worry about the lack of stability or security. But you`re busily exploring the opportunities this chaos opens up to you. True, with so much new there are no guarantees. Still, you know you`d regret not pursuing even seemingly risky shifts, endeavours or relationships.
Monday Under ordinary circumstances you`d probably be wise to take action first and think later. But with your ruler Jupiter both having changed signs and clashed with the unruly Uranus, what you do could have far-reaching repercussions. Urgent as situations seem, the questions you ask now can prevent serious complications later.
Tuesday During other, less chaotic, times quizzing those you respect would prove informative. But with Mercury retrograde and the current rapid pace of change, only the most arrogant would pretend they know what`s what. Only time and experience will reveal which opportunities are worthwhile versus those that are tempting but too risky.
Wednesday When certain opportunities arose, it didn`t even cross your mind that pursing them would affect certain close relationships. Only now, as you consider the future, do you realise just how different your paths are. Discussing this won`t be easy, but there`s no use in pretending that things are like they used to be.
It`s unlike you to be indecisive. But considering the combination of sudden and intriguing developments and difficult individuals you`re facing, it`s no surprise that you`re hesitant about expressing so much as an opinion. You may be under pressure to commit. However, with Mercury retrograde until 20 September, even simple plans are likely to change. What`s more, between the flood of past revelations and questionable facts now being bandied about, nothing`s particularly reliable. Actually, this serves you, since it gives you a good excuse to probe otherwise sensitive situations and challenge secretive individuals, all in the name of getting to the bottom of things.
As September begins you'll already have heard about tempting offers. These, combined with sudden changes that could influence your domestic or working life, begin a period of exciting exploration. Naturally you're eager to make plans, but keep arrangements loose, at least while Mercury ends its retrograde cycle on the 20th. After that both situations and your mind is clearer. Still, you want to organise plans. Instead your time's better spent exploring various unfamiliar options and meeting new people, so when decision time comes, you`ll be ready to move swiftly.
Your life`s peppered with tiresome obligations and tedious details. But the more you deal with, the better prepared you`ll be to take advantage of the amazing variety of opportunities that come your way. Some involve your work, others your daily routine. You`ll also find ways to improve on health or fitness matters, some of which recently concerned you. Tackling these now could mean conquering persistent dilemmas for good. Similarly, time invested in reflection on your deepest feelings yields insights that open a new world to you.
You`ve every reason to be excited about recent intriguing ideas. You`re eager to pursue them, but others aren`t. In fact they`re astonishingly timid about even discussing plans. Tempting as it is to try to win them over, you`re better off going it alone temporarily, in hope that they`ll soon realise what they`re missing.
This isn`t the ideal time to be confronted with minor health issues. You`ve already far too much to do. However, you`ve already ignored these for some time. You may get away with pretending that they aren`t pressing for another week or two. But after that you`ll be skating on increasingly thin ice.
The last thing you`re in the mood to do is reorganise your life. However, recent near misses involving certain obligations you`d forgotten or arrangements you`d incorrectly scheduled have made it clear that you really can`t take chances. Deal with this now or face the fact that problems could become even worse later.
Initially you dismissed certain ideas as inspired but unrealistic.
Now, as you learn more both the concepts and the individuals involved, you`re beginning to think that these are worth investigating. They are. Not only do they show practical potential, they could open your mind in directions that you`d never previously considered.
Nothing is more tedious than dealing with those who mistake a manipulative approach to dealing with matters as clever. Ironically this is well timed. Dealing with these tricky individuals requires informing yourself of developments on every front. With so much in transition and so many decisions, this extensive knowledge will prove extremely handy.
It seems that certain individuals just aren`t prepared to face facts. You`re becoming concerned that it will take a crisis of some variety for them to acknowledge what`s going on. That may be true. If so, you`re doing them no favours by cushioning them or trying to prevent things coming to a head.
Only a few days ago you were hugely optimistic about new ideas, plans or offers. Yet now you`ve hit the ground with a thud, dismayed by practical difficulties and, more worryingly, the objections of those closest. Amazingly, they seem unwilling even to discuss potential solutions for these problems. While both frustrating and disillusioning, that shouldn`t keep you from exploring various remedies on your own. This might be as time-consuming as it is unrewarding, at least initially. However, with changes as far-reaching as have been discussed, it`s no surprise that some would require extensive investigation of the variety that you`re now undertaking.
You have, yet again, tried to fit two days` worth of activities into one twenty four hour period. This isn`t so bad, as you`ll probably devise ways to get almost everything done. It`s being unable to keep promises you made to spend time with loved ones that`s your real problem.
You don`t think of yourself as stubborn. Yet you`ve refused even to consider giving up certain activities, no matter of much of a drain they are on your time and resources. Do so and not only will you soon forget them, you`ll wonder why battled so long and hard against making changes.
Exciting as the out of the blue offers that are now coming your way may be, investigate them carefully. There may be no need to worry about who or what is involved. But with Mercury retrograde, the minor errors or tiny misunderstandings that you don`t catch now could cause total chaos later.
Initially you`d hoped to take action without lengthy discussions. But you had no choice but to talk things over with others, and now everybody`s considerably happier. You`re thankful you won`t be pursuing these on your own. And their anxieties about particular issues have been relieved by delving into them in detail
Thursday Little is more frustrating than dealing with those who simply won't listen to what anybody else has to say. But this is what you're facing. Take it slowly, introducing your ideas into discussions without any fanfare. While they'll probably adopt them as their own, at least you'll be doing things your way.
Friday Nobody ever accuses you of being rigid, perhaps because your determination is sugar-coated with such charm. Yet the opposition or obstacles you're now facing reveal your stubborn streak. Ultimately, however, you've no choice but to accept that compromise is inevitable; do that, then you can focus on organising details to suit you.
Saturday Knowing what is in others' best interests is one thing. Getting them to listen to suggestions, however, is quite another. If repeated too frequently, even the wisest words will be ignored. Back off. If you can manage to say nothing until others actually ask for advice, it's more likely to be taken.
Sunday For ages you've been avoiding sensitive issues for fear of upsetting others. But the time has come to discuss these and other potentially provocative situations in depth. Initially your words are unlikely to get a warm reception. Deep down, however, others will be relieved that you had the courage to raise these.
# Of far greater importance is their influence on your life and that of those closest D business partners and loved ones. この文のD business partnersが意味が不明で、 「成績がD」=「不出来」と苦し紛れに訳してあります。 その他自信ございませんが、取りあえずどうぞ、ご参考にしてください。
いつもありがとう御座います。魚座の後半を御願いします Thursday Much as you`d like to avoid clashes with partners or loved ones, tensions are building day by day. Discuss these difficult situations frankly now, and you can begin to reduce them to manageable proportions. That way by this Wednesday`s emotionally intense Pisces Full Moon, you`ll already have put numerous explosive issues to rest. Friday There`s no way you can put a happy face on disappointments. Ironically, however, these may actually be in your best interests. Things have changed since your original plans were made. And now that you`ve other options to consider, what once seemed such a good idea may no longer be so appealing. Saturday Few things are more difficult for you than disappointing others. But dragging out increasingly challenging situations simply because you don`t want to cause upset does nobody any favours. Judging by the planetary set-up, events are about to force your hand, which meant that, sooner or later, you`ll need to speak up.
Sunday Urgent as things seem, there`s little to be achieved by forcing issues now. In fact, ideally you`ll make no decisions and commit to nothing until after Wednesday`s pivotal Pisces Full Moon. Only then will you know where others stand, and far more importantly, what your own long-term priorities are.
Thursday You were born under the sign of the realist. You`d always rather confront a difficult truth than live a fantasy. But with Mercury retrograde at the moment, even what seems solid fact isn`t necessarily what it appears to be. Regard all that you learn as open to question, discussion and possibly even investigation.
Friday In the nursery rhyme, once Humpy Dumpy had fallen off the wall, he couldn`t be put back together again. Happily the prognosis for certain close relationships is better. True, there are deep rifts. Invest time in rebuilding the links between you now, and by the month`s close they`ll be on the mend.
Saturday You consider yourself both rational and tough, particularly when faced with challenging people and situations. Yet at the moment you`re more aware of your own moods and hurt feelings than anything else. This won`t last forever. But it`s instructive, giving you a glimpse of what others experience every day of their lives.
Sunday Obviously you had no intention of misleading partners or associates. Perhaps the real issue is that you resisted discussing differences when there were minor enough to resolve easily. Now they`re not. Tackling them means being prepared to do more listening than talking and to hear yourself blamed for what really wasn`t your responsibility.
Thursday Nobody would blame you for being worried about developments that are as unsettling as they are surprising. Not unexpectedly, your mind's working overtime trying to figure things out. Think things through. But view any conclusions you reach as tentative, since with Mercury retrograde even seemingly clear cut facts aren't necessary what they seem.
Friday When it comes to thawing out even the iciest of individuals, you have no equal. Yet even you are likely to have trouble finding a way to warm up relations with one particular person. Probe gently, until you learn why they're being so difficult; you will then know exactly what to do.
Saturday Nobody would blame you for being angry about the recent attitude of partners or close associates. But deep down, you realise that inevitably such issues are a two way street. Difficult as acknowledging your role in these problems is, doing so is the first and most important step to resolving them.
Sunday At one time certain habits fit in with your work, needs or lifestyle. While times have changed, you're still following certain routines that no longer make sense. Some could even hamper your well being. Review your day now, considering whether there's anything that could do with improvement, if not serious change.
木曜日(9/4) After neither a tactful approach nor direct confrontation achieved anything, you`ve beginning to wonder whether others have any interest in achieving an accord between you. The answer is, for reasons of their own, they don`t. For the time being your best bet is to back off, and simply to agree to disagree.
金曜日(9/5) Being hyper-conscious of others` feelings, you intuitively skirt topics or situations that might cause problems. At the moment, you have little choice but to address rather upsetting issues head on. Once you do, however, others` surprisingly cool attitude reveals that they were perfectly capable of handling these D and far more.
土曜日(9/6) Initially you may have mistaken what others said as more of a challenge than an offer. But now that you`ve had a chance to reflect on both their words and the situations in question, you realise these are nothing less than then golden opportunities, and you`d be foolish not to take them.
日曜日(9/7) You hate to be pushy. But if you don`t make it very clear, both what you want and what you expect of others, then you`re likely to get a few surprises. In fact with Mercury retrograde, minor errors could turn what are really simple misunderstandings into time-consuming if well intentioned mistakes.
Thursday Recently disputes involving partners, family or loved ones have caused everybody problems. Don`t make the mistake of thinking that you`ll be able to talk sense into those who are at odds with each other. They`re locked in a power struggle that won`t be settled until one of them gives up.
Friday You`d been hoping to achieve far more than you have recently. But whatever you do, you`re tripped up by opposition, obstacles or your own doubts. The key to this is to examine the latter, which are emphasised by your ruler Mercury`s retrograde cycle. Do that and you`ll conquer the others with ease.
Saturday There`s nothing worse than being forced to pretend you`re not upset, simply because others refuse to discuss certain issues. But you can`t force them to talk about what they`re not even prepared to acknowledge. Give them time and eventually they`ll come around. Play it cool now and they`ll thank you for it later.
Sunday While you always like to discuss potential changes, undertaking them is quite another matter. And as others have become increasingly serious in their discussions of a far-reaching reorganisation, you`ve been increasingly unenthusiastic. Give things a try. Once you begin, you`ll be surprised how swiftly your reservations vanish into thin air.
Thursday At first you simply dealt with obstacles as they arose. But lately you`ve begun to realise that they always appeared when certain rather manipulative individuals are involved. True, acknowledging they`ve attempted to undermine you is disappointing. But the sooner you face facts, the more swiftly you can take action to protect yourself.
Friday Thrilling as the ideas or opportunities you`re now considering may be, pursuing them is bound to be disruptive. Don`t make the mistake of assuming that partners, loved ones or close associates are happy about this. If you want their enthusiastic support, you`ll need to convince them that changes will benefit them too.
Saturday You`ve only just realised that you can`t take plans further without substantially reorganising your life. What you`re undertaking could influence not only your day to day life, but how or where you live. What`s more, judging by the increasingly rapid rate of developments, those changes could come more swiftly than you`d expected.
Sunday There are few things you dislike more than bickering over future plans. But you can`t take things to the next stage without everybody voicing both their views and their objections. Whatever delays these cause in the short term, working things out now ensures that there will be no problems later in the game.
Friday Refusing others is never easy, particularly if you must say no to those very individuals you`ve been supporting. But it`s vital that everybody consider carefully how wisely your resources are being used. While this particularly applies to money, issues such as your time and effort must also be taken into account.
Saturday Having already discussed potential changes on the financial front in depth, the sudden developments now facing you should be no surprise. Still, you`re likely to need to move more swiftly than you expected. Waste no time figuring out things for yourself. Go directly to those who can tell you exactly what`s going on.
Sunday The difficulties now facing everybody are by no means your fault. Nevertheless, others seem to expect you to take a lead dealing with these. Do so, but make it clear to all concerned that you`re acting out of compassion, and that you`re taking no responsibility for the people or the problems involved.
It doesn`t really matter whether you knew that others` information was unreliable. Waste no time justifying your past decisions. Your time and effort are far better employed seeking out ways to get to the bottom of tricky situations involving business or finances, who can be regarded as trustworthy and commitments for the future.
Nobody would blame you for being preoccupied by the various challenging situations that have recently come your way. While loved ones may understand, they`re still feeling a bit neglected. Explaining to them what it is that you`re dealing with will help. But what they really need is a little of your undivided attention.
At other times you might have good reason to take offence at the seemingly careless way in which others make plans then change them. If you take into account the confusion that accompanies the retrograde Mercury, then you`ll realise that they`re coping with exactly the same kind of chaos that you are.
Don`t make the mistake of misreading the apparent sudden change of heart on the part of certain individuals as an indication that they no longer care. They do. It`s just that events beyond their control have forced them to focus the full attention on situations about which you were completely unaware.
Nobody would blame you for being upset. However, circumstances gave you no choice but to let others have their way. True, this meant giving up hard won ground. But you know that in the long run you`ll regain what you lost, while in the meantime others will be far easier to deal with.
You may not agree with what others are planning, but you understand their need to be included in the decision making process. Not everybody agrees with you, which is the real problem. Your biggest challenge, therefore, won`t be achieving your goals, but involves convincing doubters to adopt a more flexible attitude.
One of the most difficult things in the world is to stand by silently while those you sail perilously close to the wind. But if they won`t take your advice, you`ve no choice. At times like this experience is the best teacher, even if that means they must learn from their mistakes.
From your point of view life is too short to allow minor differences to dominate close relationships. But others seem determined to seize these issues. They are, in fact, turning them into somewhat of a campaign. Let them. The sooner the get this out of their system, the faster they'll return to normal.
While there's no way around the awkward situations currently facing you, there are ways to avoid pointless conflicts. What's tricky is others' secretive attitude. Ordinarily you'd address issues and the people involved head on. Instead adopt an uncharacteristically reticent approach. This forces them to reveal their strategy, which in turn strengthens your hand.
To you, as a Capricorn, changing plans or a commitment without good reason seems a minor sin. Yet others do it frequently, and without a thought. For the next few days you`re going to become one of those people, as events force you to make and remake decisions on virtually an hourly basis.
You pride yourself on your ability to deal with even the most uptight situations rationally. In fact you tend to look down on those whose emotional reactions are frequent and obvious. Yet in the coming days you`ll become one of those individuals, experiencing feelings so intense you can neither ignore nor conceal them.
Usually there`s no argument that facts are, indeed, facts. But when Mercury is retrograde in the precise sign of Virgo, as it is now, that`s not necessarily the case. At times like this, mistakes from the past are exposed, sometimes forcing certain individuals to acknowledge what they`d been insisting was true simply wasn`t.
You dislike few things more than being forced to reveal feelings or facts that you aren`t prepared to discuss. But others seem to feel that you owe it to them to let them in on things. This is a no win situation, since if you say nothing you`ll be on the receiving end of bad press amongst friends, family or colleagues, while you loathe the idea of telling all. And you needn`t. The solution is to speak, but say only enough to show willing - and even then, be elliptical. Usually you regard half-truths as deeply dishonest. Currently, however, they`re your best ally.
Those closest to you seem to be in a particularly demanding mood at the moment. Nevertheless, because Wednesday`s Pisces Full Moon marks a turning point in both personal and partnership matters, what they want may just have to wait. Make your primary focus achieving a balance between your needs and those of others.
There`s no reason to feel bad about recent outbursts. The fact is, it wasn`t until you showed your feelings that others realised just how intense your feelings are about certain issues. Capitalise on this by discussing with them in depth both what you`re doing now and your intentions for the future.
No matter how sincere others are or how determined they are to discuss issues honestly, there`s every chance that you`ll miss out important facts. This has nothing to do with anything but the fact that, with Mercury retrograde, minor errors could lead to misunderstandings. Save serious talks for later in the month.
On one hand you`re irritated with those closest for their heavy-handed approach to what you thought would be joint decisions. On the other, you know that you haven`t expressed your views with the clarity you could have, and you`re indulging yourself in serious recriminations. Take it easy on yourself, particularly since in the run up to Wednesday`s emotionally intense Pisces Full Moon, you`re bound to be feeling things more acutely. Instead, learn from these. Note those issues and individuals who upset you. Then wait. By next week these won`t be as bothersome, and you`ll be far better equipped to deal with them.
Your initial reaction to potential changes in the way you live or work probably wasn`t enthusiastic. But as you`ve considered both the degree to which situations around you are in transition and your own shifting priorities, you realise they`re wise. More important, within a short time you may have no choice.
There are few things worse than watching others quibble over relatively unimportant issues. Tempting as it is to intervene, think twice before you speak up. It will only take a little analysis before you realise that there are far more reasons that others are at loggerheads that it would seem at first.
You may have been trying to avoid embarrassing somebody. Or perhaps it was a matter of telling a white lie instead of making a blunt refusal. Whatever the case, your efforts have been turned into a minor crime. Forget about explanations. Simply apologise and wait for others to regain their perspective.
射手座前半です。よろしくお願いします。 Monday You`re amazed that others can be suspicious about offers that are motivated by nothing but generosity. But not everybody has the instinct you have about which chances are worth taking versus those that don`t justify the risk. If others won`t listen, then trying to convince them would only get you in trouble.
Tuesday For ages you`ve been trying to convince others that changes were not only wise, but well overdue, but to no avail. Now that circumstances are forcing them to take action, they`re pretending that ideas were theirs all along. Irritating as this is, at least they`re no longer creating obstacles to progress.
Wednesday You`re in one of those impossible situations in which, whatever you say, somebody will be upset. That being the case, you must judge whether the reaction will be worth getting certain issues off your chest. It may be these discussions can just as well wait until next week, when the general mood`s improved.
You`re reasonably sure that, whatever you do, certain individuals are going to blame you for their mistakes. Knowing this, you could undertake an exercise in damage limitation, discussing situations frankly with those who might be influenced or upset. However, with so much in transition, what seems vitally important this week is unlikely to be of much concern next. So talk things over with those who matter. Then turn your attention to developments that promise, at minimum, to bring dramatic changes. Better yet, get involved in organising them now and they could transform tedious parts of your life into something considerably more rewarding.
射手座週報です。よろしくお願いします。 After having struggled to achieve certain goals involving your domestic or working life, you`re in no mood to compromise. But you`ve little choice. True, this isn`t fair. However, you`re not alone; others must bend their will too. What`s most important is not what you decide now, but that you do everything you can to ensure that the changes that begin this week are allowed to blossom to their full extent. Others may raise questions or challenge these. Let them, as long as they don`t interfere. Here, too, you may need to negotiation. But with these situations, you`ll know exactly why you`re doing it.
Monday You are not thrilled about the idea of having to stand up to others over things that really should have been dealt with as a matter of course. But you have no choice. Time-consuming and irritating as this is, the resulting revelations more than compensate for whatever effort you have to make.
Tuesday Behind your unfailingly gracious demeanour exists a character that refuses allow those for whom you have little respect to overwhelm you. In most situations you achieve this without others even realising it. This time around, however, the individuals in question aren`t taking the hint, leaving you little choice but to confront them head on.
Wednesday Initially you agreed to certain plans because they seemed to mean so much to others. When you tried to back out, you succumb to pleas for your support. Now you realise you must break away. This time, however, you`ll need to be tough or you`ll find yourself shackled to projects that you resent.
You`re an expert at dealing with delicate situations. But the current crop of conflicts are nearly overwhelming, even for you. First, there`s the bickering over various obligations to contend with. But there are also disputes about who`s speaking the truth. Normally you`d get everybody concerned in a better mood, then tackle issues so diplomatically that others wouldn`t even notice. At the moment, however, there`s no interest in getting to the facts, much less peace talks. Bide your time. Soon enough others will realise how dearly their attitude is costing them. Until then, put their antics out of your mind, and amuse yourself elsewhere.
獅子座 Tuesday You`ve been so busy recently that you could easily have begun to neglect the financial side of your life, particularly the details. With Mercury actually retrograde and accenting such matters, you`d be wise to check things out frequently. Be especially alert for the minor errors that could reveal hidden but potentially costly problems.
Wednesday Usually it`s you who`s supporting others, encouraging them when they`re down at heart. Now you could use a little of the same. But of all the signs, you find it most difficult to reveal that you`re in need of a boost. Overcome that resistance and you`ll be touched by others` incredibly warm response.
獅子座 Potentially troublesome issues are nothing new. But a combination of unreliable facts and bad timing has prevented you from discussing these frankly with those concerned. Now practicalities - situations involving money, business or possession - corner you into confronting them. Even if they realise the seriousness of things, they won`t necessarily be cooperative. They could even ignore what you say. You`d have every right to blow up. Instead, shrug your shoulders and walk away. This strategic approach is achieves more. Their bad behaviour will no longer be getting them attention - and they won`t want to take responsibility for problems becoming more serious.
If your instincts are telling you that recent conflicts are not over and done with, you`re right. You`d prefer to take a background role. But it would appear that you`ve no choice but to be considerably more forthright. In fact the odds are good that by midweek you`ll be challenging others head on.
When you undertook certain arrangements, it was with the best of intentions. Now you find yourself backed into a corner. You`re being blamed for others` mistakes yet are unable to defend yourself. Unfair as it is, for the time being say nothing. Instead, allow events themselves to testify on your behalf.
Happy times are wonderful, but they tell you nothing about the strength of your relationship with friends or loved ones. It`s only when the going gets tough, as is now the case, that trust is tested. And if you`ve discovered that it isn`t there, then it`s time to do something about it.
Last week`s tensions made it clear that others weren`t going to make things easy. You`re faced with practical realities involving business, finances or various commitments. But certain individuals have either taken no notice or don`t care. And they`re rather enjoying the trouble they`re causing. You could blow up, but with adverse aspects to your ruler Pluto midweek, any such confrontations are likely to backfire. Yet you worry that inaction will make you seem weak. It may. But things are changing swiftly. By late next week what seemed so significant will have been nearly forgotten, replaced by new - and far more intriguing - passions.
This week is overflowing with things you dislike, yet you`re by no means suffering. It`s just that either you`re not in control of situations or facing people or issues that make you feel vulnerable. Some of these entail obligations you`ve been avoiding, others relentlessly manipulative individuals. Or it may be that concerns involving your health and well-being have reached a head. Whatever the case, and you could be juggling several situations, some minor and others of a more serious nature, you fin it difficult even to discuss these. Once you begin, however, you realise that things aren`t nearly as bad as you`d imagined.
If you said or did too much, as was likely when your ruler Mars clashed with Jupiter over the weekend, you`ll soon know it. The trick is to cut back immediately. True, with your Aries pride, you loathe admitting that you`re in a bind. Still, it`s easier than dealing with having overextended yourself.
You can be dazzlingly courageous. Yet you still put off certain matters. These involve your health and well-being in general, and visits to the doctor or dentist in particular. If you something`s brewing, you could can attend to it now, or take your usual approach and wait until it becomes a crisis
You pretend to be untouched by difficult situations, but are often more deeply moved than those who make a display of their emotions. It`s just that you get frustrated if can`t help. But you can. Certain individuals need somebody to speak for them, and who would be better than you?
Monday For some time you`ve been wresting with concerns involving who will be responsible for certain financial or commercial obligations. Now events make the decision for you. As much of a relief as this is, you may be forced to accept the fact that things are unlikely to proceed exactly as you`d anticipated.
Tuesday There may be no pleasant or civilised way to convince certain individuals that they really must fulfil their commitments. You can try taking a gentle approach. But the fact is, they`ll merrily ignore what you or anybody else has to say until they`re confronted with the threat of measures of a serious nature.
Wednesday It`s not that you don`t trust others. Instead, when it comes to the practical, business or financial matters that are currently such a source of discussion and concern, you`re confident that they`re far better informed than you. Still, they must not consider your questions about their decisions as anything more than interest.
Thursday The practical or financial matters you`ve been dealing with for the past six months may have been important. But they were also dull. Consequently you`re not going to be particularly upset when your ruler Uranus returns to your sign next week, shifting the focus back to activities of a more personal nature.
On the surface it would appear that the issues you`re dealing with involve straightforward practical, business or money matters. Approach them in that way, however, and you`ll soon encounter a range of perplexing and, frequently, intense emotional conflicts. You may even discover that feelings go far deeper than you`d imagined. If so, there`s no better time than the present to delve into these. This may not be what you feel like doing. But Wednesday`s Full Moon brings such matters to a head anyway. That way, when you`re faced with next week`s urgent decisions, you`ll know that you`re making them with a clear mind.
Loved ones have been on edge, so sudden outbursts or moodiness are no surprise. But they`re still frustrating, as are obstacles in certain much-cherished projects. What you face is both unfair and seems to be without resolution. Still, your best bet is to get others talking. This isn`t easy, but ultimately even the most unrewarding of exchanges will prove revealing. Initially it`s mostly about who`s behaving badly and what`s wrong. It may seem others are indulging themselves in nothing but a litany of complaints. Be sympathetic and listen attentively; within these lie valuable insights about ways improvements could be made.
For some weeks now it`s been clear that certain individuals have been unhappy. Yet they have been unwilling to discuss either situations or their feelings. This has made life difficult enough that you actually find yourself welcoming the tensions triggered by Wednesday`s Full Moon, if only because they`ll bring matters to a head. Don`t soothe others, as you usually would. Instead, leave them to brood - then confront them. This may run counter to your instincts, but it`s better than living with others` moods. What you learn won`t necessarily be the full story, but it will be enough to begin putting things right.
火曜日(9/9) Astonishing as the current revelations may be, they`re probably true. This week`s planetary activity involving the uncompromising Pluto is bound to expose issues or activities that certain individuals have been struggling to hide. Upsetting as this is, make no decisions until you`ve heard what everybody has to say for themselves.
水曜日(9/10) While you`re well aware that certain changes are being seriously discussed, you can`t imagine how they`d work from a practical angle. Maintain an open-minded attitude and most of all, be patient. Your own circumstances are also in transition, so much so that by the time such changes are made, things will match up perfectly.
9/9(火) 「変化するのは賢明なことだし、機は十分熟した。そしてその変化は 決して無駄にはならない」と、長いあいだ人々の説得にあたっていたあなた。 そして今、人々は行動を起こさねばならない状況に追い込まれていますが、 これがすべて自分たちのアイデアであるかのような振舞いをしています。 ヤシの態度にはイライラさせられるでしょうが、少なくともヤシらにこれ以上、 事態の進行を妨げられることはありません。 ※最初の一文「not only A but B (and) but C」かと思いましたが、 なんだか後段とつながらぬような気がしたので、最後のbutは二重否定で 訳しました。誰かご教授おながいしまつ。
Thursday After a series of complicated and frequently confusing exchanges with partners or associates, you're wondering where things went wrong. They didn't. In fact, they'll calm down within a few days. It's just that a combination of minor misunderstandings and the emotional intensity of the recent Full Moon, made everything seem a bit overwhelming.
Friday Recent clashes involving a tricky combination of business or finances and those closest may have been settled in practical terms. But they're still uptight, something you wish they'd get over quickly. Talking things over will only make it worse. The less you say, the more swiftly they're likely to regain their easy-going attitude.
Saturday However much you care about certain individuals, their constant analysis of their feelings is getting you down. In fact, you sometimes don't even listen. Yet you know that cutting conversations short would upset them. Instead, if you listen more intently, you can find a way to distract them before they really get going.
Sunday It won't have been easy. But what you've learned while the unruly Uranus has been accenting finances and joint ventures will have forced you to look at situations and the individuals involved in a new way. And now that Uranus is making a temporary departure, those benefits should become all the clearer.
Thursday: You understand perfectly well why others are eager for you to make important decisions. That would make life easier for them. But you're uncertain, and need time to explore your options. If others challenge you, neither justify nor explain. Ultimately, however, nobody can force you to do anything you're not ready to.
Friday: The past few days have been tense enough that you're beginning to worry about having alienated close friends or loved ones. It's true, the issues you've been dealing with may indeed have upset others as much as they did you. Take a few days' break, then meet, apologise and it will all be forgotten.
Saturday: Others have already expressed their irritation with your lack of ability to commit to any one line of action. You're becoming uncomfortable about it yourself. Be patient. By early next week, when your ruler Venus finally moves into Libra, you'll begin to realise why these all important decisions simply had to wait.
Sunday: However powerful the instincts that tell you to take whatever measures you can to calm others, do nothing. This seems cruel, until you realise that they have their own reasons for making a drama of certain situations. Sympathise and you'll help their cause. Give them a hand you could spoil their plot entirely.
For some time you`ve known that a turning point was coming. Yet now that it`s arrived, the odds are good that you haven`t recognised it for what it is. In fact, only as you take decisions over the coming days will you realise that the basis on which you`re making them has changed completely.
It may take some time before you learn exactly what others had in mind when they discussed certain matters in half truths. If they felt they were protecting you, then it was a strange way of doing it. And if they thought they were helping you, then you`ll have to have some serious discussions.
Tempting as it is to discuss confusing situations with an eye to getting things straightened out, this probably isn`t the ideal time. In fact with Mercury retrograde until the 20th, serious exchanges should wait. What you learn between now and then could substantially alter your position, in the process revolutionising your perspective.
Having worked long and hard to get things organised on the domestic front, you`re not going to be thrilled by the return of the disruptive Uranus. On the other hand, the innovative ideas and unexpected opportunities it ushers in could help resolve any number of problems you`ve been wrestling with unsuccessfully.
Thursday It`s unlike you to insist on having the last word. But certain individuals were so overbearing that you`ve got to get your own back somehow. Arguing isn`t the way. True, you`d rather sort things out soon. If you can allow circumstances to put things right, what happens will be well worth the wait.
Friday No matter how many questions you asked and how thoroughly you investigated the facts, with Mercury still retrograde there`s a good chance that minor errors slipped in. Make any arrangements with this in mind. Ensure that they`re flexible and that others know that, as more reliable information comes to light, changes are possible.
Saturday If you disagree with friends, family or colleagues, it`s vital that you let them know where you stand. That could mean upsetting them, if not causing some heated debates. Only if everybody is aware of the full range of viewpoints is it possible to make decisions that take into account everybody`s requirements.
Sunday Every Sagittarian has a fiercely independent streak. So much so that you must sometimes be reminded the importance of teamwork. Often you`ll shoulder tasks without expecting support of any kind. Being able to rely on others not only ensures you`ve back up when you need it, but broadens your perspective when making decisions.
Thursday Few things are more frustrating than attempting to conduct a discussion with somebody who`s convinced that they`re right, yet whose facts are dead wrong. Whatever their reaction, confront them with what you know. After that, back off. Say no more, leaving it to time and events to show then how right you were.
Friday Under ordinary circumstances the information you have would win others over in a flash. But the fact is, they`re in a contentious mood. They`re unlikely to agree to anything anybody says. Forcing issues only intensifies problems. Until their mood improves, forget them and get on with the rest of your life.
Saturday It really doesn`t matter how confident you were that you were right. With Mercury retrograde, certain facts were concealed. Difficult as it is to admit it, what you`ve been busily convincing others is a great idea isn`t at all what you thought. Since telling them won`t be easy, the sooner you do it, the better.
Sunday After six exciting but demanding months, the planet of the unexpected, Uranus, makes a temporary departure from your sign. Between now and the end of the year, when it returns to Pisces, you`ll have a chance to consider what you`d like to keep in your life and what you could well do without.
Friday If you think that others are wrong, stick to your guns. With Mercury currently retrograde what seems very straightforward could be short of one simple but pivotal fact. Urging others to investigate further achieves nothing. Instead, employ delaying tactics, which require patience but will ultimately expose these errors for what they are.
Saturday At the time you regarded clashes over who owes what both tedious and upsetting. Now that you`ve had a chance to reflect on both the situations involved and the behaviour of others, you realise that you learned a great deal. More important, you understand you`ll have to keep closer track of them both.
Sunday When it comes to certain rather delicate issues, your timing is as important as what you say. At the moment others are recovering from a rather upsetting period. Raise these matters now and they`ll only overreact. Wait until they`re calmer and what you have to say may trigger virtually no reaction.
Thursday It`s unlike you to insist on having the last word. But certain individuals were so overbearing that you`ve got to get your own back somehow. Arguing isn`t the way. True, you`d rather sort things out soon. If you can allow circumstances to put things right, what happens will be well worth the wait.
Friday No matter how many questions you asked and how thoroughly you investigated the facts, with Mercury still retrograde there`s a good chance that minor errors slipped in. Make any arrangements with this in mind. Ensure that they`re flexible and that others know that, as more reliable information comes to light, changes are possible.
Saturday If you disagree with friends, family or colleagues, it`s vital that you let them know where you stand. That could mean upsetting them, if not causing some heated debates. Only if everybody is aware of the full range of viewpoints is it possible to make decisions that take into account everybody`s requirements.
Sunday Every Sagittarian has a fiercely independent streak. So much so that you must sometimes be reminded the importance of teamwork. Often you`ll shoulder tasks without expecting support of any kind. Being able to rely on others not only ensures you`ve back up when you need it, but broadens your perspective when making decisions.
Having struggled long and hard to organise the arrangements you made around last week`s Full Moon, you`re not exactly thrilled with the notion of changes. But circumstances are making it increasingly clear that things can`t remain as planned. This time around, however, take it easy. There`s no need to be such a perfectionist.
Under normal circumstances you`d have dealt with certain pressing decisions long ago. But with Mercury having been retrograde, from late August until the week`s close, every time you make arrangements, events are likely to undo them. That being the case, tackle these and all other arrangements at an uncharacteristically slow pace.
Usually you have little trouble convincing others to go along with your plans or ideas. But now, they`re either confused or simply unwilling to take things further. They know something you don`t, which is that things a far too unstable to make serious commitments. Keep talking but save the decisions for later.
Everybody`s said how exciting your life is. While that`s true, it`s also exhausting. Consequently you`ll be relieved that, Uranus` departure from Pisces Ð until late December Ð gives you a break. First, this gives you a chance to assess what you`ve accomplished. More importantly, you`re also able to reflect on your reaction to developments, many of which were as sudden as they were dramatic. Good as these have been, you`ve still wasted a great deal of effort worrying, and for no reason. This is your chance to pause and reflect on what such worrying achieves or whether you might consider giving it up for good.
You are not easily overwhelmed by change. Yet the past month`s developments have been so swift and so intense that it`s no surprise that you need a break. You get it, in the form of sudden shifts in the circumstances you`re dealing with. While somewhat disappointing, you`re grateful for any chance to pause, review your position and consider your options. True, some are still be insisting that plans be finalised and progress be made. If so, use delaying tactics, since with Mercury retrograde until Saturday, changes are likely anyway. Most of all, take advantage of this much-needed opportunity to regain your perspective.
As a Pisces you rely on intuition as much as hard facts, which has been useful while Mercury`s been retrograde, until the week`s close, in Virgo. Because this particularly accents partners and close associates, you`ve had no choice but to spend considerable time helping those closest unravel the on-going confusion in their lives.
Ever since March, when the scintillating Uranus entered Pisces, your life`s been as amazing as it`s been chaotic. It`s now gone, to return as the year comes to a close, and you`ve an opportunity to reflect on which of these experiences and encounters you`d welcome back into your life on a regular basis.
The time has come to play it tough. For too long you`ve been making compromises that favour others to an unreasonable degree. True, standing up to them is bound to cause upset. But sooner or later you`re going to have to restore the balance between you, and it might as well be sooner.
Because there is, deep within every Capricorn, is pessimistic streak, this week`s unsettling changes are no surprise. The return by planet of both innovation and chaos, Uranus, to the financial angle of your chart is behind these. It remains there until late December, and what you learn from the resulting high jinx will equip you to deal anybody and anything in the future. This may not sound welcome, but not only will developments shake you out of many cosy habits, they`ll introduce you to exciting individuals who could take a significant role in your financial future if not in your life.
The only word you can think of to describe the attitude or behaviour of certain individuals is Òunreasonable. Ó They may be upset. Or, more likely, they`re being offensive because they`re frightened or feeling powerless. While it`s not your job to be their shrink, help eliminate their fears and you`ll get rid of the problem.
Life will be a lot easier when you know which way important plans are going. But with so much uncertain, there is little point in forcing issues. Your efforts are far better focused acquainting yourself with the various options before you, so when the time comes to make a move, you`ll be prepared.
Everybody seems to be fending for themselves. While this self-sufficiency is admirable, it plays havoc when it comes to making joint arrangements. Leave others to it. Soon enough the realisation that it`s much harder doing everything themselves will surface. After that, they`ll decide there`s something to be said for togetherness after all.
Even those who know you best wouldn`t describe you as impatient. But underneath that calm exterior you`ve been wrestling with anxieties about which nothing could be done. Now all that changes. First, you can finally talk things over frankly and openly with others. And, second, nothing`s stopping you from taking decisive action.
As a Libra, you`re frequently all too willing to take responsibility for keeping others happy, even in the most difficult of circumstances. However, you must now realise that certain individuals are going to complain, whatever happens. Why bother to smooth their ruffled feathers when you`ve better things to do with your time?
Nobody is more adept at figuring out an approach to even the most complex of situations that everybody can live with. Yet even you seem to have been defeated by recent conflicts. Waste no more time struggling to achieve an accord. This is one of those times when others must simply agree to disagree.
When situations veered worryingly out of control, you played it strategically, and left it to others to sort out. In some cases you were blamed, in others, ignored. Now your patience pays off, although not quite as you expected. Others keen for you to be part of their activities, plans or life, but bring with them a bizarre assortment of dilemmas. Tempting as it is to take action, do no more than show interest. This may seem unkind, but by as early as next week, you`ll know more. Better yet, others will realise that, however much you care, your support cannot be taken for granted.
Monday After a six-month holiday away from your sign, your ruler Uranus`s return to Aquarius begins a cycle of personal review. The questions that you tackle between now and the year`s end, when it departs Aquarius for good, are far-reaching in nature, involving everything from your future to your sense of identity.
Tuesday Your life seems to be brimming over with remarkable opportunities at the moment, although you`re not quite sure where most of them are going. This is no surprise, since with Mercury retrograde until the end of the week, even simple facts are unreliable. After that, however, things should fall into place surprisingly easily.
Wednesday Only a few weeks ago you would have happily gone along with others` decisions in any number of situations. But now your mood has changed, and you`re increasingly unwilling to go along with anything that didn`t suit you. Just wait. By next week your mood will be tougher and your goals considerably higher.
As a Cancer, you relationships with friends and family are so intense that you undoubtedly consider yourself a team player. Yet there are numerous matters that you`ve never mentioned to others. Now, as the planetary focus shifts to working together, in both your personal and career life, you must open up in unaccustomed ways. You`d avoided certain purely practical situations because you thought they`d be upsetting. Others, more emotional issues, you simply had no idea how to discuss. In every case, if you`re to achieve what you want to and could with others, you`ll have to speak fully and from the heart.
It`s rare that anybody is given an opportunity to make plans, try them out and see whether they worked, then go back and make changes. But that`s exactly what the return of your own ruling planet, Uranus, signifies. While it remains in Aquarius until December you`ve a chance to compare what you thought would bring you success or make you happy with what`s really happened. True, some of what you must face is disillusioning. But it`s better to admit to being wrong now and consider a wider range of options, than to persist with something that seems to have little future.
As a Cancer, you relationships with friends and family are so intense that you undoubtedly consider yourself a team player. Yet there are numerous matters that you`ve never mentioned to others. Now, as the planetary focus shifts to working together, in both your personal and career life, you must open up in unaccustomed ways. You`d avoided certain purely practical situations because you thought they`d be upsetting. Others, more emotional issues, you simply had no idea how to discuss. In every case, if you`re to achieve what you want to and could with others, you`ll have to speak fully and from the heart.
For ages you`ve been trying to convince those closest to consider certain changes. All you know is that they`ve been increasingly unwilling even to discuss anything of this nature. For now, back off. Events are about to give them far better reason to make those changes than anything you could ever say.
At the moment even the most carefully arranged plan is likely to go awry. In fact with Mercury retrograde and two planets moving into new signs on the same day, disruption is almost guaranteed. Expect the unexpected and instead of struggling, you`ll turn even unsettling developments into a bit of an adventure.
You`ve been intrigued by certain new ideas, people or places for a long time. You`ve asked questions, considered your options ? and done nothing. Now, unexpected developments take you one step closer to making these part of your life. Still, it`s up to you to overcome your doubts and take that first step.
Monday(9/15) For ages you`ve been trying to convince those closest to consider certain changes. All you know is that they`ve been increasingly unwilling even to discuss anything of this nature. For now, back off. Events are about to give them far better reason to make those changes than anything you could ever say.
Tuesday(9/16) At the moment even the most carefully arranged plan is likely to go awry. In fact with Mercury retrograde and two planets moving into new signs on the same day, disruption is almost guaranteed. Expect the unexpected and instead of struggling, you`ll turn even unsettling developments into a bit of an adventure.
Wednesday(9/17) You`ve been intrigued by certain new ideas, people or places for a long time. You`ve asked questions, considered your options D and done nothing. Now, unexpected developments take you one step closer to making these part of your life. Still, it`s up to you to overcome your doubts and take that first step.
If you`ve felt stuck, cornered by rigid situations yet lacking in reasonable options, help is coming. Initially, what arrives won`t necessarily look remotely worthwhile. In fact developments could seem nothing less than disruptive changes. Eventually, however, they`ll become recognisable as a prelude to exactly the changes you`ve been praying fervently would appear.
On one hand, you wouldn`t exactly welcome dramatic changes. Getting things organised took so much time and effort that you don`t relish the notion of doing it again. Yet the way things take shape of the next few days, you`ll soon realise that you can`t allow these extraordinary opportunities to pass you by.
As a Taurus you combine a deep romanticism about life with a passion for the practical. Yet lately you`ve been ignoring that more sensible side and indulging in certain pursuits. You know that, sooner or later, you`ll have to pay a price for these activities. Whatever it is, it will have been worth it.
Now that the unconventional Uranus has returned to the midheaven angle of your chart, which accents the structure of your life, changes are inevitable. Some will be no surprise. But others will be so unexpected that you could initially view them as disasters. However disruptive they are, they`re still opportunities in disguise.
Perhaps the most important thing for you to keep in mind this week is the difference between enthusiasm and decisiveness. Others are bound to respond with excitement to the variety of intriguing developments that appear day by day. Whether they`re willing to make a life-changing commitment for them is quite another matter.
After weeks of courting certain individuals in hopes that they`d show interest in your projects ? or in you ? there`s been little progress. Don`t give up. In fact now that the relationship-minded Venus has actually moved to a position that favours such pursuits, it`s likely that achieving success will take very little effort.
This week`s events more than prove the truth of the adage that advises ?never say never.? They illustrate it in blazing colours. Certain plans, ideas or offers of yours that were either rudely rejected or ignored in the past are suddenly attracting all sorts of interest. Better yet, so are you.
You have been playing a waiting game. While you haven`t exactly been suffering, particularly in light of recent developments involving the creative or romantic side of your life, certain unresolved issues have overshadowed your life. These involve your work or lifestyle, and once hopeful situations, which have been hopelessly stuck. Your efforts to achieve breakthroughs or introduce fresh ideas have proved fruitless. On Monday the innovative Uranus returns to accent these matters, and remaining there until December`s close. While the changes that it brings aren`t remotely what you`d expected, they`re a relief - promise to more than satisfy your need for excitement.
Ever since early this year, you`ve been wrestling with situations in which the odds were unfair. While you`re a fighter, the strain has been beginning to tell. Consequently the changes ushered in by this week`s planetary activity aren`t just welcome, they`re a relief. Finally either things are somehow equalised or circumstances reveal information that allows you to take action, perhaps breaking a lengthy stalemate. Thrilling as these developments are, resist the temptation to deal with everything now. Only once Mercury ends its retrograde cycle on Saturday will the full facts be clear, and what comes to light then could considerably alter your priorities.
火曜(特に別訳希望) 3月からずっと、機知に富んだ天王星が魚座入りして以来、 あなたの生活は、混沌としていたように驚くべきものでした。 いまや天王星は去り、年末にまた戻ってきます、 そして、あなたはこれらの経験や、あなたの人生に定期的に迎え入れる 偶然の出会いについて熟考する機会を得ます。 # you`ve an opportunity to reflect on which of these experiences # and encounters you`d welcome back into your life on a regular basis. # この一文、どこで切れるんだろう? # "experiences and encounters"と訳しましたが、あまり自信ありません。
You enjoy discussing change; carrying changes out is considerably trickier. This has been especially the case over the past six months or so. You`ve had to rearrange your life on several fronts, frequently for unimportant reasons. Now, as this frantic pace slows down, you`ll finally see what those changes have accomplished.
With so much on your mind and so many things to deal with, you`ve haven`t even had time to consider love or the romantic side of your life. Now all that changes. While things won`t be much calmer, events force you to find time for those who are dearest to your heart.
Only last week you were making decisions about far reaching changes with ease. Now sudden developments have thrown these plans into chaos. However disruptive these events are, they`re still extraordinarily promising. Pursue them further and you`ll begin to realise that they`re the sort of opportunities that fit in perfectly with these changing times.
For years you've successfully battled certain shifts involving your work or lifestyle, convinced they'd only cause problems. Then earlier this year, exciting developments involving matters dear to your heart took place. Progress was rapid, but your existing arrangements created obstacles. Consequently, you'll welcome the return to the midheaven angle of your chart D(左側に線の入ったDに似た記号?) which accents how you live and work - of the original culprit in this chaos, the unruly Uranus. There until December's close, it offers you a rare opportunity to revolutionise your life. Now that you've good reason to make changes, the developments you so resisted are a far more intriguing proposition.
There seems little question that certain individuals haven't been entirely trustworthy. But before you make any judgements, investigate. With Mercury retrograde until the end of the week, it's easy to make a mistake. If they've done wrong, you'll soon know. And if not, you'll be relieved that you kept an open mind.
Having worked long and hard making plans, you're not going to be thrilled about changing them. But the longer you wait, the more complex these changes will be. Instead of reorganising them just once D(左側に線の入ったDに似た記号?) and perfectly regard arrangements as flexible. That allows you to adjust them regularly without even a thought.
It's unlike you to take no for an answer. But after having faced the consistently uncooperative attitude of certain individuals, you realised that discussion matters frankly wasn't going to get you anywhere. Allowing them decide when and how to raise these issues again ensures that they'll actually be ready to talk.
獅子座 Monday Although you, as a Leo, like to live well that doesn`t mean that you enjoy delving into complex financial matters. Lately, however, circumstances have given you little choice. Tiresome as these are, not only is it vital that you deal with them swiftly, what you learn in the process could prove unexpectedly worthwhile.
Tuesday After several weeks of situations that had to be handled solo, the tide has turned. In fact, this cycle of isolation is over with a vengeance. Now it`s become vital that you include others in your plans every step of the way, from the outset through discussions to whatever decision is made.
Wednesday Few things are more disheartening than having to dismantle plans that you struggled to organise, particularly when you worked so hard to make everybody happy. But the fact is, now that circumstances are changing so swiftly, what seemed ideal to all concerned only recently is becoming less realistic day by day.
獅子座 When you made certain plans or commitments earlier in the year, you were feeling very upbeat about them. Since then you`ve been somewhat disillusioned, enough that you`d welcome a chance to reorganise things, if not abandon some of what you`ve arranged. Now that opportunity comes. In fact with the planet of both innovation and disruption, Uranus, accenting both personal and business relationships until the end of the year, you`ve plenty of time to consider your options. While they won`t be at all what you`d have expected, they`re still worth exploring, since by the year`s close, your life could be very different as well.
Your life seems to be brimming over with remarkable opportunities at the moment, although you`re not quite sure where most of them are going. This is no surprise, since with Mercury retrograde until the end of the week, even simple facts are unreliable. After that, however, things should fall into place surprisingly easily.
18日 木曜日 他人の気持と疑いを扱う事にはあなたの本能は当てに出来ます。 仕事や金銭の種の窮地を回避するよう操縦する事となると全然違う問題です。 第一にきちんとあなたの現実を把握しなければなりません。 そして不屈の姿勢をとらなければなりませんが、 あなたが感傷的な結論に惹かれないように防ぐことは出来ないでしょう。 When dealing with others` moods and doubts you can rely on your instincts. Navigating your way around dilemmas of a business or financial nature is quite another matter. First you must get your facts together. Then you must adopt a tough stance, one that will not prevent you being lured into sentimental decisions.
19日 金曜日 あなたが何をしようと、いつもどんな時もみんなを喜ばすことは出来ません。 もしあなたが心から大切なある計画や企画を追い求めようとするつもりならば、 単純にあなたは他人に同じだけ時間を当てることは出来ないということをこれは意味しています。 あなたが最も創造的になれる分野であっても、やはり現実的な限界を重んじなければいけないのです。 Whatever you do, you can`t please everybody all of the time. This means that if you`re to pursue certain plans or project that are dear to your heart, you simply can`t devote as much time as you`d like to others. Even at your most creative, you must still respect the limitations of reality.
20日 土曜日 どんなにあなたが他人を助けたとしてもれは名誉のためではありませんでした。 それでもなお、あなたの努力を彼らが認めることすらしなかった時、あなたは幾分かの驚きを覚えました。 辛抱強く時機を待ちなさい。彼らは正しく認識できなかったということではないのです。 それどころか、どう自分たちの感謝を表そうかまだ途方にくれてとても動揺しているのです。 When you did so much to help others, it wasn`t for glory. Still, you were somewhat surprised when they didn`t even acknowledge your efforts. Bide your time. It`s not that they were unappreciative. On the contrary, they were so moved that they`re still at a loss how to show their thanks.
21日 日曜日 ついにあなた他の人達とある一致にほぼ至ったようですね。 特に最近の意見の不一致に照らしてみれば、これは一つの現実的成果です。 あなたが確かにそれを後回しにしておこうとしていた間、 何がどうして失敗したのか学ぼうとすることは、やればやるほど時間の無駄の極地でした。 At long last you seem to have come close to striking an accord with others. This is a real achievement, particularly in the light of recent misunderstandings. While you`d undoubtedly like to put these behind you, it`s worth investing your time in learning as much as you can about what went wrong and why.
木曜 Don`t make the mistake of assuming that, just because things are falling into place as if by magic, you can ignore details. True, they are unbelievably tedious. But they`ll be even more tedious if you find yourself having to deal with them at the last minute, and without the support you`d get now.
金曜 Only last week others seemed to be in such a cooperative mood. Now with things moving so swiftly, certain individuals have opted out of plans and others are expressing doubts. Let them. The more you learn about what`s taking place, the more interested you may be in reorganising arrangements as well.
土曜 True, now that Mercury`s finally ended its retrograde cycle you won`t have to be so vigilant for potentially troublesome errors. But it wasn`t all bad. In fact, you`ll miss the opportunities these gave you to raise questions that, had things proceeded smoothly, you would never have been able to mention, much less address.
日曜 Patience is not exactly your middle name. But your ability to leave loved ones to themselves when you know they need time to think exceeds that of many other signs known for being patient. And now, that willingness to wait pays off handsomely, as others decide, at long last, to go along with your proposals.
When others ask you advice their questions may seem innocent enough. But their motives aren`t necessarily what they say. It`s not your guidance that they`re seeking, it`s support of a more far-reaching nature. Tell them what you think, therefore, but be wary about becoming involved or making even simple promises.
Only those who know you best are away how carefully you weigh up even the smallest of decisions through. Recently you`ve faced numerous obstacles. With Mercury finally ending its retrograde cycle, you`ll no longer have to contend with the minor errors that have hampered the process of evaluation in situations large and small.
No Scorpio accepts defeat gracefully. Even when you`ve tried everything and there seem to be no more options, your mind`s working overtime seeking alternative. This is achieving nothing. Give up. Only when you let go will you be able to view situations from the fresh perspective necessary to find what you`re looking for.
You find it difficult to believe that you got it so wrong. But in spite of your best efforts at analysing situations, you added two and two and got five. The fact is, you`d already made up your mind, and saw and heard only what supported the conclusion that you`d already reached.
Thursday You`re juggling a near-impossible combination of personal plans with activities that involve others. Since you can`t please everybody, your fear that you`ll can`t avoid causing disappointment. While that`s true now, by next week`s changes should enable you to achieve everything you have in mind, and with far less strategising than you`d anticipated.
Friday Having worked long and hard to make others happy, they now moved the goalposts. Your choice is to either begin all over again or confront them about this ridiculousness. True, the latter could trigger a serious rift. But the odds are good that when you call their bluff, like all bullies, they`ll back down.
Saturday Certain individuals seem to think that they have you at the beck and call. As much as you love friends and care for family members, you`ve fallen into a pattern of spoiling them. Say no now and they`ll be upset. But continue as you have and they`ll only become more demanding and less grateful.
Sunday When it comes to friends and loved ones you`re a soft touch. Allowing them the lion`s share of your free time is one thing. But your finances or business life is quite another. Review your position carefully, decide where the line must be drawn, and let them know. End of discussion.
Thursday Over recent weeks you`ve been moving swiftly from one issue, plan or project to the next, with barely enough time to think. Now you must pause, review your position and consider the rest of your life. This particularly addresses certain individuals close to you who you`ve been neglecting, if not ignoring entirely.
Friday If ever there was a time to talk over and resolve issues from the past, it`s now. True, you`ve been rather hoping that you could escape these discussions altogether. But you can`t. That being the case, you`re better off delving into every aspect of issues, then putting them to rest for good.
Saturday You could spend days arguing about where things went wrong and who was to blame. Not only is that pointless, with your ruler Mercury just now ending its retrograde cycle, tricky situations are likely to be much reduced, if not vanish. Turn your thoughts to the future and forget about the past.
Sunday You can afford to be easy going with friends. Family is quite another matter. You know that certain individuals are easily wounded. Yet you`ve still been avoiding them, primarily for fear of being lectured about your absence. Although you should be, they`ll be so glad to see you that you`re unlikely to be scolded.
獅子座 Thursday Few things are more bewildering than the minds of others. Even though you know certain individuals well, you`d never have predicted that they`d do what they just have, particularly as they know how inconvenient or upsetting it would be. Don`t bother with a confrontation. They`re too confused to give you a rational answer.
Friday Much as you loathe compromise, at the moment you really have no choice. Only when you make others think that they`re in complete control will they reveal what`s behind their rather strange attitude and actions. Otherwise they`ll continue to play the game of cat and mouse that have both puzzled and frustrated you.
Saturday On the surface others deserve blame for wasting your time, effort and money. While it`s true that they weren`t entirely honest about their intentions, you also didn`t ask all the questions you could have either. Tedious as cross-examining them might have been, it would have prevented the difficulties you`re currently struggling with.
Sunday No sign enjoys being generous more than those born under the sign of Leo. You`re not interested in thanks as much as the pleasure of knowing others are happy. However, the recent total lack of gratitude on the part of certain individuals has made giving anything them a lot less fun.
Thursday Welcome as surprising developments involving certain people or activities that are dear to your heart may be, they're thrown your life into considerable chaos. Naturally you're tempted to impose order right away. If you instead leave things in disarray, they're likely to organise themselves far better than anything you'd even have conceived of.
Friday You may not even recall when you agreed to certain arrangements. All that you know is that now others are expecting your support or viewing you as a ready ally. Discussing this isn't easy. But if you don't raise issues involving others` expectations, you could soon find yourself in hot water.
Saturday Recent revelations have cast certain individuals in a new and not entirely flattering light. Not only has this raised questions about them, you're also wondering whether you can trust your instincts. However, it's too soon to draw any conclusions. In fact, avoid any decisions until you're viewing situations from a more rational perspective.
Sunday Certain individuals are pressing you for decisions. But after recent developments, you're in no position to make commitments to anybody. Tell them that. True, others are bound to complain when they learn they'll just have to wait. But not nearly as much as they'd moan about hastily made decisions that, ultimately, everybody regrets.
Thursday It`s unusual that you obsess about people, plans or issues. That kind of behaviour is usually reserved for the signs on both sides of yours, Scorpio and Capricorn. If you can`t get certain things out of your mind, it`s because they don`t add up. And until you know more, they won`t.
Friday You`ve always prided yourself on your resiliency. But it`s been a rough ride and you`re ready for a break. Now that the sociable planet Venus is in its own sign, to be joined there by the Sun, early next week, others should finally remember how to behave in a civilised fashion.
Saturday You place great trust in your judgement. Under most circumstances, you`d tend to believe what your instincts tell you more than what others insist is solid fact. At the moment, however, neither facts nor your instincts are totally reliable. Instead you must take it slowly and check things out step by step.
Sunday Others may already have given you an uncompromising no as an answer. But that doesn`t mean that, in time, they can`t be convinced to go along with your plans or ideas. True, it may take patience and more time than you think you have. However, the way things are now, you`ve nothing to lose.
You can`t get around it. You`ve been hoping that either tricky dilemmas would simply resolve themselves. But they haven`t. If anything, tensions are growing. However, behind these problems lie unimagined opportunities. True, you must raise the issues in question with others. The more swiftly you`ll do, the faster you`ll discover what`s there.
The past three weeks have well and truly proved that even cloud has a silver lining. This is illustrated by the upsetting misunderstandings that turned into richly rewarding exchanges. Happily, now that the cause of this confusion, Mercury`s retrograde cycle, is over there`s no need to halt those worthwhile discussions.
It may seem that you`ve all the time in the world to discuss plans involving where and how you live. But things are about to begin moving swiftly. This means that if you don`t let others know your feelings and views, decisions could be made without even taking these into consideration.
Monday There seems little question that certain individuals haven`t been entirely trustworthy. But before you make any judgements, investigate. With Mercury retrograde until the end of the week, it`s easy to make a mistake. If they`ve done wrong, you`ll soon know. And if not, you`ll be relieved that you kept an open mind. Tuesday Having worked long and hard making plans, you`re not going to be thrilled about changing them. But the longer you wait, the more complex these changes will be. Instead of reorganising them just once Ð and perfectly regard arrangements as flexible. That allows you to adjust them regularly without even a thought.
ボラ様、お初にお目にかかります。。蠍座前半です。いつも見させていただいているので、初貼り付けです。よろしくお願いします☆ Wednesday It`s unlike you to take no for an answer. But after having faced the consistently uncooperative attitude of certain individuals, you realised that discussion matters frankly wasn`t going to get you anywhere. Allowing them decide when and how to raise these issues again ensures that they`ll actually be ready to talk.
You thought you had all the time in the world to deal with certain tedious but important obligations. But things are moving swiftly, enough that others will soon decide they must make decisions on your behalf. What's more, what they opt for is unlikely to be remotely what you'd have chosen for yourself.
9/22Mon. 牡牛座
After weeks of having to play it very carefully in certain sensitive situations, you can at long last speak your mind. More importantly, now that Mercury's no longer retrograde, you can rely on your facts. Still, take it slowly. Things are still untangling themselves, and unexpected revelations could substantially alter your views or priorities
9/22Mon. 双子座
It's easy to blame all of life's maladies on your ruler Mercury's retrograde cycle. True, now that it's finally resumed forward motion you should be able to resolve certain misunderstandings with surprising ease. However, it's unlikely that issues of a financial or business nature will improve until you tackle them head on.
Usually you know exactly what you feel, particularly when it comes to the people and activities that you're passionate about. Yet lately you've been uncharacteristically unsure of your own mind. Now, as the cobwebs clear, sudden developments give you a chance to show everybody that you know exactly where you stand.
9/22Mon. 獅子座
You'd already thought things through, and although you hadn't really discussed plans with others, you assumed that your views were similar. Now you learn that, if anything, the reverse is true. In fact you'll have to talk things through with them before you can undertake anything, much less make lasting plans.
9/22Mon. 乙女座
While there's no arguing that you're in a period of growth and development, just what you'll gain from all these events is less clear. That's no surprise, since your ruler Mercury only just ended its retrograde cycle in your sign last Saturday. Only once the dust's settled is the pattern likely to reveal itself.
You have a lot of decisions to make and have absolutely no idea which way to go. Unclear as things seem now, once Friday's potent Libra New Moon has taken place, you'll see things in a much clearer light. So clear, in fact, that you'll find yourself making seemingly impossible decisions with ease.
9/22Mon. 蠍座
It's unlike you to dwell on the past, unless you feel that something's been unfair or issues have remained unresolved. And in a number of situations that seems to be the case. Some are worrying enough that you're brooding about them. Tackle each, one by one, and eventually you'll clear up this backlog.
9/22Mon. 射手座
Usually when situations that require decisive thinking arise, you know exactly where you stand. But lately you've felt both unsure of whatever information you had and confused about your priorities. This is no surprise, since with Mercury having been retrograde until last Saturday, both circumstances and facts were in considerable disarray.
For some time you've been concerned about certain unresolved issues with close partners or associates. But there's never been an opportunity to discuss these, much less take a stab at dealing with them. Now circumstances force your hand. While it's not the ideal situation, it's a good starting point for some serious talking.
9/22Mon. 水瓶座
After weeks of frustration and confusion, you're beginning to wonder if others are crazy or it's you. The problem isn't any single person, but that long ago certain fundamental facts weren't discussed, and things have been becoming increasingly confused ever since. Identify and unravel those misunderstandings, and the rest will be easy.
9/22Mon. 魚座
Around the unsettling Pisces Full Moon some ten days ago, you realised that you'd have to discuss certain issues with partners, loved ones or close associates. But the moment never came. Over the next few days not only will circumstances ease the way, you'll realise that these exchanges are becoming increasingly urgent.
スレ立て乙でした! イバラギの方なんでつね。 ROCK IN JAPAN FESというイベントがあるのは知らなかったー。 ブルハなどが出るジョイントライブで立てノリしてたのは、今ははるか遠い昔。。。 今のアーティストはホントわからんちや。 森●直太朗と、あやや(アーティスト?)はわかるぞ(w
>>653ちな射手さん ROCK IN JAPAN FESは、今年で確か4回目なんでつよー 年々、若者wなバンドになってきて、だんだん解らなくなってきますた ドラゴンアッシュの時はヤバイらしいでつ、ウワサによると… 森山●太郎のCMの歌がどーにも気になって仕方ないでつ。 「もしもーし、うん、今ムリな体勢…」ってw