Shelley von Strunckel 翻訳&雑談スレ 第9章


Discussions may begin as jokes about the dramatic events currently
taking place and what they`re require in terms of changes.
It`s only when they become more serious, focusing on potential
shifts in your own life that you`ll begin to worry.
Unsettling as events seem, they`re both in your best
interests Ð and unavoidable.

By the time the week is over and the expansive Jupiter has formed
a stunning and rare aspect to your ruler Uranus, many elements
of your life are likely to be looking very different indeed.
Some developments are no surprise.
But others promise to be as exciting as they are unexpected.

While you needn`t monitor the time, caring or ideas that you
lavish on loved ones, money is quite another matter.
Much as you`d like to be generous without any concerns about
what you give, you must carefully watch your outgoings,
particularly now that the retrograde Mercury makes you vulnerable
to minor errors.