Shelley von Strunckel 翻訳&雑談スレ 第9章

600 ◆RalzizPEGA


Your initial reaction to the unsettling developments triggered by your ruler Venus`s recent clash
with Uranus is unlikely to be positive. Nevertheless, these events are an invitation to begin a thrilling
new chapter of your life. However irritating disruptions seem at the moment, they`ll soon lead to
opportunities as exciting as they are unexpected.


Having long ago given up hope of eliminating minor irritations in situations involving loved
ones, you`ve just been living with them. Now circumstances force them to face facts. Tempting as
it may be to weigh in with your views, say nothing. Give them the option of discussing what they`ve
learned - or not.


What with Mercury going retrograde and powerful planetary activity over the next week or so,
things are bound to be a bit chaotic. Unsettling as the resulting developments may be, ultimately
they`re good news. They are, in fact, helping to break up a pattern that`s restricted your life on
several fronts.