>>8 1 Turning right at the corner 2 Being persuaded by his parents 3 Not knowing the answer 4 On hearig the siren 5 looking for a present for his fiance
>>14 My uncle is now living in a country [ which I have long wanted to visit ]. My uncle is now living in a country [ which I have long wanted to go to ]. I will visit your hotel room. I will go to your hotel room. のように使います。
分詞構文は Kissed by me, he closed his eyes. hearing that I loved him, he squeezed me. Kissing me back, he yelled "I can't live withou you!" Carresing me, he said, "I do, do, do, do, do loooooooooove you." ベッドで一番に言うぞ
[ Who(m) we fall in love with ] determines the level of intimacy in our relationships. [ With who(m) we fall in love ] determines the level of intimacy in our relationships.
>>39 [ When those strange [ beings ] [ called men ] wish [ to warn others ] ], 人間と呼ばれるあの変な存在物が警告をするとき、 they always send someone with a big bell. あの者達は大きい鈴を着けた者を送り出す。
Yet a significant minority of people still do this, and while their fellow passengers may sigh and roll their eyes, they very rarely challenge the offenders directly - as this would involve breaking other, well-established English rules and inhibitions about talking to strangers.
There are some early signs of emerging rules regarding mobile-phone use in public places; conversations on a train - or mobiles ringing in cinemas and theatres - may eventually become as unacceptable as queue jumping.
My preliminary observations indicate that lower-ranking English executives tend to be less courteous, attempting to show their own importance by keeping phones on and taking calls during meetings, while high-ranking people with nothing to prove tend to be more considerate.
Even when not in the use, the mobile placed on the table acts as a symbolic bodyguard, a protector against unwanted social contact: women will touch the phone or pick it up when a stranger approaches.
One woman explained: "You just feel safer if it's there - just on the table, next to your hand,,, There are real people in it and you could call or send a message if you wanted, you know?"
The idea of a network of friends and family being "inside" the mobile phone means that even just touching or holding the phone gives a sense of being protected - and seeds a signal to others that one is not alone and vulnerable.
Yet a significant minority of people still do this, and while their fellow passengers may sigh and roll their eyes, they very rarely challenge the offenders directly - as this would involve breaking other, well-established English rules and inhibitions about talking to strangers.
There are some early signs of emerging rules regarding mobile-phone use in public places; conversations on a train - or mobiles ringing in cinemas and theatres - may eventually become as unacceptable as queue jumping.
My preliminary observations indicate that lower-ranking English executives tend to be less courteous, attempting to show their own importance by keeping phones on and taking calls during meetings, while high-ranking people with nothing to prove tend to be more considerate.
Even when not in the use, the mobile placed on the table acts as a symbolic bodyguard, a protector against unwanted social contact: women will touch the phone or pick it up when a stranger approaches.
One woman explained: "You just feel safer if it's there - just on the table, next to your hand,,, There are real people in it and you could call or send a message if you wanted, you know?"
The idea of a network of friends and family being "inside" the mobile phone means that even just touching or holding the phone gives a sense of being protected - and seeds a signal to others that one is not alone and vulnerable
>>49 > S get married to O. の代わりに S get married with O.って大丈夫ですか? > また、「運動会」をthe athletic festivalっていえますか?
誰々と結婚するというのを表すのは S marry(←他動詞) O SはOと結婚する 既婚者であることを表すのは S is married(←形容詞) to O SはOと結婚している 特に相手を明示せず結婚することを表すのが S get married(←形容詞) Sは結婚する
なので、S get married to O や S get married with O という言い方はしません。 また、marryとwithを一緒に使うのは次の場合です。 He is married with two children. 彼は子持ちの既婚者だ
アメリカやイギリスには日本の運動会に相当するものがないようです。 似たものとして、陸上競技会があり、(米) an athletic meet, (英) an athletic meeting といいます。 日本の運動会は、日本で作られた an athletic festival が一般的によく使われるようです。 外国人に言ってもなんのことだかわからないでしょう。
>>60 > He denied having commited the crime. は完了動名詞にしないで > He denied committing the crime. でも良いですか? > 62じゃないけれど。 微妙なニュアンスの違いがある気がする。 He denied having committing the crime. 彼はその犯罪に手を出したことがないと言った。(経験) He denied committing the crime. 彼はその犯罪を犯していないと言った。(過去)
この例文だとわかりやすいかも。 She denied ever having kissed him. 彼女は今まで彼とキスしたことがないと言った。 She denied kissing him. 彼女は彼とキスしたことを否定した。 be動詞だとはっきり意味が違う。 He denied having been gay. 彼は以前からゲイではなかったと言った。 He denied being gay. 彼はゲイであることを否定した。
>>74 普通によく使われる表現だと思うけど 日本語と同じ。普通に話聞いててわからないことあったら、何って聞くよね? それと同じ。わざわざ文にして聞く意味ないでしょ たとえば A:He will go to Taiwan winter holidays this year. B:Excuse me, to where?
Our nominally free news media are required [ to present [“balanced”] coverage, [ in which every “truth” is immediately neutered by an equal and opposite one. Every day public opinion is the target of rewritten history, official amnesia and outright [ lying], [ all of which is benevolently termed “spin ] [ as if it were no more harmful than a ride on a merry-go-round ]. We know better than [ what they tell us ], yet hope otherwise. We believe and doubt at the same time ―it seems a condition of political thought in a modern superstate [ to be permanently of at least two minds on most issues. [ Needless to say ], this is of inestimable use to those in power [ who wish to remain there, preferably forever ].
・GRAMMAR You marry someone or get/are married to someone, not with them. But you can be married with four children.
・SPOKEN-WRITTEN Get married is more informal and more common in spoken English than marry: Ann is getting married to Chris next week (Compare Ann is marrying Chris next week). In spoken English, speakers often avoid using the word to with married, for example: Chris and Ann got married/are married.
誰と誰が結婚したっていう時は、A is married to B より、 A and B are married のように主語を2人にしたほうが無難ってことだね。
>>88 ややこしい時は受動態を元に戻してから考えてみる 1)Good care will be taken of our dogs by him. 2)He will take good care of our dogs.彼は私達の犬を良く世話した。 あとは日本語の問題。 無理に直訳してテストの点につなげたかったら 「彼によって私達の犬は大変よい世話がなされた」 意味を取るだけでいいなら、(1)の文を見て3秒以内に(2)に脳内変換すればよろし
>>95 その原文の英語がダメ At prsent, Japan boasts the world's leading position in manufacturing automobiles, electrical machinery and home appliances. This kind of processing merchandise is called value-adding trade.
In the electrical and machine industries, a traditional pattern has been for giant enterprises like Hitachi, Matsushita,Toshiba,and Sony to incorporate a large number of business lines within a single company.
>>106 In the consumer electronics industry, a conventional business model is to consolidate a number of operations within a single entity. The method is applied by the likes of Hitachi, Panasonic, and Sony. Matsushita changed its corporate name to Panasonic in a brands realignement.
>>114 おいホオトにりかいしてんのか? a traditional pattern →a business model/a way of doing business business lines within a single company →biz operations within a single company
>>122 The book that she said ( ) was easy was difficult.() =She said the book was easy, but actually it was difficult. だけど文法的には合ってても、そんな英語使わない。 thatは関係代名詞
>>125 不自然だと思うよ。 Money is kept in my bank account. なら普通だけど、預金するって動作だからさ。だから元の文もおかしい。 なんで複数のアカウントに同時に預金できるんだ? I make a deposit in a bank today.程度が普通。accountなんて当たり前だから使わないし 使うならどんなものかとくていするはずたとえばchecking account, savings account, time depositとかさ
1. The town has completely changed in ten years. =The town is not ( ) it was ten years ago. 2. I know a lovely girl named Eve. =I know a lovely girl ( ) ( ) is Eve. 3. 1451 is the year when Columbus was born. =1451 is the year ( ) ( ) Columbus was born. 4. You only have to follow his instructions. =( ) you ( ) to do is follow his instructions.
>>131 24. A: You look very fed up this morning. What's happened? B: My alarm clock didn't go off this morning. So, I overslept by thirty minutes. Then I felt my [panty hose / tights] had a run (in them) just as I was leaving (home), and it tooked some time to change them. I rushed to the bus stop, but the bus was leaving as I arrived. I ended up being five minutes late to the office, and I was told off by the boss. Everything went wrong this morning.
教ぇて下さぃ。早大の過去問らしぃですが、全然ゎかりません。。。 so that〜may... の問題らしぃです☆
和訳@ Teachers should be careful in choosing literary works they use in classrooms so that their puoild may be able to understand them.
和訳A It happens sometimes that an animal, which lives by catching others, is provided with a coat whose colour is like its surroundings, so that it may get near its prey without being noticed by the victim.
>>137 Teachers should be careful in choosing literary works (they use in classrooms) <so that their puoild may be able to understand them>. 先生は自分たちのpuoild(?)が作品を理解できるようにクラスで使う文学作品を注意深く選ぶべきだ。
It happens sometimes [that an animal, (which lives by catching others), is provided with a coat (whose colour is like its surroundings), <so that it may get near its prey without being noticed by the victim>. 他の動物を捕らえて生きる動物は獲物の近くにいても気づかれることなく獲物を捕らえるために周りの景色の色と同じような色の外皮が与えられる。
>>145 I am a man. 私は人間である。manは動物としての人。 I am human. 私は人間的である。humanは非人間的の反対、人間の心を持っている。 I am a human [ being ]. 私は人間的な[在る(存在)]である。 私は人間である。humanは人間の心がある。 I am a human ( being ). 私は人間である。humanは心のある人間。
>>122 The book [ [ which ] she said [ was easy ] ] was difficult. Cその本は、D難しかった[@彼女が、B言ったA[それは難しいと]] 10公式GHIで括ると分かります。 She said. The book was easy. The book was difficult ( to me ). を繋いだ物です。
>>137 Teachers should be careful in [ choosing literary works [ they use in classrooms [ so that their puoild may be able [ to understand them ] ].
It happens sometimes [ that an animal, [ which lives by [ catching others ] ], is provided with a coat [ whose colour is like its surroundings, [ so that it may get near its prey without [ being noticed by the victim ].
>>152 149 名前:片岡数吉 ◆WBVlJkFAFk :2008/10/27(月) 10:14:33 You are a man. You are human. You are a human [ being ]. You are a human ( being ). あなたは、人間の心を持っている[存在]である。
>>154 他の動物との対比を含意する時にbeingを付ける。 一般的にmanだけで人間を表すから、他の動物との対比を含意しない時に human beingsを使うとくどい。 一般的にはhumanは人間的ですから、a human→ human と進展させる154は語の起源を全く理解しないから無視すること。 human→ a human being→ a human を知らない154は完全に言葉の起源を知らないから完全に無視すること。
>>173 これだけでもいいのだよ。中学英語もう大丈夫の7公式ね。 [主語述語] @存在:I am here. I am at a computer. I am on the Internet. I am a teacher. You are my friend. A作用: I teach English. You learn English. We speak English. We live. We love. We talk. B状態、性質: I am kind. You are beautiful. He is nice. We are happy. [助動詞] C一般の助動詞: Do you love me? I will love you. Can you speak English? May I help you. We must work for peace. D進行形: I am using a computer. Are you eating lunch? E受身形: You are loved by me. English is used by many people. F完了形: I have used computers for over 30 years. I have lived 58 years. I have visited many foreign countries.
中一なら4公式で大丈夫ね。 [主語述語] @存在:I am here. I am at a computer. I am on the Internet. I am a teacher. You are my friend. A作用: I teach English. You learn English. We speak English. We live. We love. We talk. B状態、性質: I am kind. You are beautiful. He is nice. We are happy. [助動詞] C一般の助動詞: Do you love me? I will love you. Can you speak English? May I help you. We must work for peace.
AHe teaches English. You learn English. They speak English. 疑問文の作り方 助動詞のdo(es)を使い[do(es)+動詞の原形]にた上で助動詞を主語の前に出す。 Che [ does teach ] English. You [ do learn ] English. They [ do speak ] English. Does he teach English? Do you learn English? Do they speak Englsh?
be sorry for -ing は、 be sorry forでひとつの他動詞のようなはたらきをする句と覚えるしかなくて、 前置詞の目的語になれるのは動名詞だから後に-ingがくるのは分かるのですが、 be sorry to〜 はなんなんでしょうか? sorryは形容詞なのでto〜は副詞句になるのでしょうか? 「〜することを申し訳なく思う」という意味だとto〜は目的語のような感じ なんですが、どう理解すれば良いでしょうか?
助動詞のdo(es)を使い[do(es)+動詞の原形]にた上で助動詞を主語の前に出す。 Che [ does teach ] English. You [ do learn ] English. They [ do speak ] English. Does he teach English? Do you learn English? Do they speak Englsh?
今日友達に質問されたんですが答えられず、お聞きしたいです。 The health of the population as a whole has been improved last twenty years. という文(うろ覚えですが)で、友達が言うには主語にあたる"The health of the population" は"The population of the health" ではいけないのか、ということでした。
【例】あなたは子供の頃、一日中そとで遊んでいましたか When(a kid, all day, be, do, outside, play, you, you) When you were a kid,did you play outside all day? 【例】のように必要な句読点を補い、 語句によっては形を変化させて並び替える問題です
[1]隠し事が何であれ、私はしからないと彼に確約した I(assure, be, him, him, his, I, not, scold, secret, whatever, will)
>>281 おごごぉぉぉ〜〜〜っ!!君、君♪ It was held in August.が一番自然だよ。 君はIQはいくつだい?9月は8月より遅く沈まないは9月は8月より早く沈むということだよ。 The sun set in September earlier than in August. 君は算数を勉強したほうがいいよ。もくっ!とね♪
ebayに Shipping: To Japan -- Not specified Ships to: United States と書いてあるのですが前半の Shipping: To Japan -- Not specified はどういう意味ですか? 結局のところ日本へは発送しないってことですか?
>>295>>296 解答どうもありがとうございます。 また質問なんですが、この文章はTokyo is one of the places.とI'd like to visit Tokyo.をくっつけた文章ではなく、 前者とI'd like to visit one of the places.をくっつけた文章なんですか? アホですいません。
>>294 @Tokyo is one of the places [ which I'd like [ to visit ] ].(そこを、目的語) ATokyo is one of the places [ where I'd like [ to go ] ]. (そこに、修飾語) BI visit [ those places ].それらの場所を(目的語、前置詞無し) CI go [ to those places ].それらの場所に(修飾語、前置詞要る) 英語では目的語は前置詞無しで使います。詰まり目的語は名詞のままです。 目的語以外の修飾語は繋ぐ働きの前置詞を使って言います。つまり、[前置詞+名詞]の形で言います。 in that place, at that place, to that place で言うことはwhichを使わないでwhereを使います。
整序問題をお願いします。 かなりの州は、喫煙者だからという理由で雇用者が就職希望者を差別してはいけないとする法律を定めています。 [states / job seekers / employers / discriminate / forbid / that / to / against / quite / laws / have passed / a few]just because they are smokers.
シエイクスピアの作品が良く売れるのは、それだけもっともな理由がある。 [well / reason / is / by / the books / why / Shakespeare / there / sell / every].
以下は訳なし。 Recently,things have changed [i / imagined / in / never / ways].
[for / newspapers / the / the last / they / thing / wanted / was]to find out that they were soon to be married.
>>313 Lives make no sense. A man lives to be 100. Another succumbs to cancer, his life cut short halfway through. It is not a rare case that a baby dies immediately after birth.
Life is very unfair. On one hand there is a person who live to 100, on the other hand there is a person who passes away from cancer in the middle of life. Moreover it is not uncommon that newborn babies passe away.
東大問題でも10公式GHI括りは最強の威力を発揮します。 Until a few years ago, the common idea among archiologists was [ that early human [ beings ] began [ to practice [ farming ] ] [ because they had no choice ] ]. Experts claimed [ that population growth led people [ to push some of their group members out of the most productive areas [ where it was easy [ to hunt and gather plenty of food from the wild ] ] ] ]. [ Living on the poorer edges of the rich environments ], [ according to the old [ thinking ] ], these people noticed [ that seeds of wild plants often began [ to grow [ where they had been thrown away or accidentally dropped ] ] ]. They then realized [ that [ planting crops intentionally in these poor areas ] provided a more plentiful and reliable source of food than [ hunting and collecting wild plants [ that could be eaten ] ] ].
>>336 No one ever get on a plane for the purpose of dying, nor does any one ever go for a drive with death as the ultimate goal. Everyone sets out on the assumption that he or she will come home intact.
>>337 My grandparents belong to the generation [ which experienced the Second World War ]. The most [ that she could do ] was [ leaving her message on his answering machine ].
>>338 「私は声を使った職業に興味があるからです」 It is [ because I am interested in voice-[ using ] proffession ]. 「尊敬している人が働いているからです」 It is [ because someone [ whom I respect ] is working there ]. 「私はこの夢を絶対に叶えたいです」 I want [ to realize this dream of mine ].
The Greek philosopher Aristotle divided human intellectual activities into three kinds : practical, artistic, and theoretical. When we concern ourselves consciously with language at all, this concern is usually of a practical sort, directed at learning or teaching a language, deciding what turn of phrase to use in an important letter, urging a school board to adopt or not to adopt the teaching of language in elementary schools. Occasionally we consider language in the sphere of art, when we read, interpret, or perhaps create a poem or a novel. These are works that embody in the medium of language the esthetic values of the individual or the community.
〈語句〉 Aristotle アリストテレス concern ourselves with〜 〜に関心を持つ turn of phrase 言い回し a school board 教育委員会 esthetic 美的
>>380 The Greek philosopher Aristotle divided human intellectual activities into three kinds : practical, artistic, and theoretical. [ When we concern ourselves consciously with language at all ], this concern is usually of a practical sort, [ directed at [ learning or teaching a language ], [ deciding [ what turn of phrase to use in an important letter, [ urging a school board [ to adopt or not to adopt the teaching of language in elementary schools ] ] ]. Occasionally we consider language in the sphere of art, [ when we read, interpret, or perhaps create a poem or a novel ]. These are works [ that embody in the medium of language the esthetic values of the individual or the community ].
The Greek philosopher Aristotle divided human intellectual activities into three kinds : practical, artistic, and theoretical. アリストテレスは人間の知的活動を、実用的、芸術的、理論的の3者に分類した [ When we concern ourselves consciously with language at all ], 少なくとも言語を意識する場合 this concern is usually of a practical sort, [ directed at [ learning or teaching a language ], 言語を習得するなどに向かう実用的活動となる [ deciding [ what turn of phrase to use in an important letter, 大切な文章で何という語句を使うかを決定する [ urging a school board [ to adopt or not to adopt the teaching of language in elementary schools ] ] ]. 小学校での教授法を文科省などに決めさせる Ocasionally we consider language in the sphere of art, [ when we read, interpret, or perhaps create a poem or a novel ]. 時に、読んだり、解釈したり、詩を作ったり小説を書いたりするときには、芸術的活動としても捉えられる
These are works [ that embody in the medium of language the esthetic values of the individual or the community ]. これらは、個人や社会の美的価値観を言語という手段で具現体現化した創作物である
Ocasionally we consider language in the sphere of art, [ when we read, interpret, or perhaps create a poem or a novel ]. 時に、読んだり、解釈したり、詩を作ったり小説を書いたりするときには、芸術的活動としても捉えられる
These are works [ that embody in the medium of language the esthetic values of the individual or the community ]. これらは、個人や社会の美的価値観を言語という手段で具現体現化した創作物である
In further experiments he found that the birds also made allowance for the sun's daily movement across the sky as it rises in the east and sets in the west.
>>427 In further experiments, he found [ that the birds also made allowance for the sun's daily movement across the sky [ as it rises in the east and sets in the west ] ]. 自分でもう一度考えてください。
>>442 My lover was ill (with his health) last week. He was sick. I made him nakid. I got nakid. I lay him in our bed. I lied in the bed. I held him to me. I massaged him several minutes. He got well. He didn't feel sick anymore.
She didn't help me (1.asked 2.her 3.I 4.thougt 5.to) (1.a 2.little 3.money 4.more 5.with),I would be able to buy a new bicycle. You (1.bad tooth 2.better 3.bad 4.have 5.out 6.pulled 7.that) お願いします
>>444 My lover was ill with his health last week. My lover was ill last week. with his healthを言わなくてもいい もう具合が悪いか分かるから。 Loverって言う言葉あまり使わない方がいい Loverって言ったら、相手が(浮気してるかなぁ)って思うかも Loverより、BoyfriendかGirlfriendを使った方がいいと思うね
When a driver stops in front of a house in any neighborhood and blows the horn to attract the attention of someone inside the house, it is thoughtless and rude. Why should ten people have to brother to look out the windows of ten houses to find out the horn is nothing to do with team? As a matter of fact, I do not think there necessary for a driver to blow the horn. よければ和訳お願いします。高校の宿題です
Children whose parents have foreign accents usually do not speak with those accents. They learn to talk like their peers. Little girls and little boys also learn how to have conversations as they learn how to pronounce words : from their playmates. Between the ages of five and fifteen, when children are learning to have conversations, they play mostly with friends of their own sex. So it is not suprising that they learn different ways of having and using conversations according to gender.
>>511 Children [ whose parents have foreign accents ] usually do not speak with those accents. They learn [ to talk like their peers ]. Little girls and little boys also learn [ how to have conversations [ as they learn [ how to pronounce words : from their playmates ] ] ]. Between the ages of five and fifteen, [ when children are learning [ to have conversations ] ], they play mostly with friends of their own sex. So it is not suprising [ that they learn different ways of [ having and using conversations [ according to gender ] ] ]. 子供は、親のアクセントよりも、同性の友達との会話によってアクセントなどを身につける。
>>511の正しい括り方 Children (whose parents have foreign accents) usually do not speak (with those accents). They learn to talk (like their peers). Little girls and little boys also learn how to have conversations (as they learn how to pronounce words): (from their playmates). (Between the ages of five and fifteen), (when children are learning to have conversations), they play (mostly with friends of their own sex). So it is not suprising [that they learn different ways {of having and using conversations (according to gender)}].
>>506 [ When a driver stops in front of a house in any neighborhood and blows the horn [ to attract the attention of someone inside the house ] ], it is thoughtless and rude. Why should ten people have [ to brother [ to look out the windows of ten houses [ to find out [ the horn is nothing [ to do with team ] ] ]? As a matter of fact, I do not think it necessary [ for a driver to blow the horn ]. 家の前に止まってクラクションを鳴らして家の人を呼ぶな! うっせ〜んだよ! かんけ〜ね〜10軒の家の者が顔出すだろうが! うっせ〜んだよ、、家に行って声を出して呼べっちゅうねん!
>>538 guestsの意味は状況により変わるから、頭痛が痛いみたいになるわけではなく、 単に、招かれたけど出席していない人を含むことが問題なわけ。 invited to the partyと明言してしまうと、パーティーに出席している客ではなく、 パーティーに呼ばれた(出席、欠席を問わず)人間を指してしまうから 良くないと言った。
>>581 @The age at which people can take a driver licence differs according to countries. AIn some countries people can take it at fifteen, and in other countries they cannot take it until they get eighteen. BThese differences reflect its culture and history. CIn the most states, for example, where it's hard to live without a car, they can get it at sixteen.
>>581 1. Legal driving ages vary among countries. 2. One country allow people 15 years old or more to get drivers' licences, while another allow only people 18 years old or more. 3. Such a difference reflects the culture and history of each country. 4. For example, You can get a drivers' licence if you are 16 years old or more in many states in the U.S, where it is difficult to live without a car.
I was twelve years old, in the seventh grade, and I was trying out for the junior high school basketball team.I walked into the gymnasium;there was a piece of paper on the bulletin board. It was a cut list.The seventh-grade coach had put it up on the board. の文章でなぜhad put と過去完了系になっているのですか?
In such one-room schools, as many as 50 or 60 students of different ages and abilities studied together in one class. Sometimes the teachers were younger than some of the studens. The teacher had to not only teach, but also take care of injuries, listen to problems, keep order in the classroom, and even clean the school.
There's hardly a better way to enlarge your own outlook than by having friends with different ideas. The best way to learn about any subject, other than direct personal involvement, is to have a friend in the field. One of my close friends is an artist and, without question, I've learned a hundred times more about art frommy conversations with him than I have from all the art books I've read. Spending time in his studio and accompanying him on trips to galleries and other artists' studios have helpedme to develop intuitions about art I would otherwise never have had.
837 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中[] 投稿日:2008/10/29(水) 23:21:37 In such one-room schools, as many as 50 or 60 students of different ages and abilities studied together in one class. Sometimes the teachers were younger than some of the studens. The teacher had to not only teach, but also take care of injuries, listen to problems, keep order in the classroom, and even clean the school.
さあ、歌おう! Joyful, joyful, we adore Thee, God of glory, Lord of love; Hearts unfold like flowers before Thee, [ opening to the sun above ]. Melt the clouds of sin and sadness; drive the dark of doubt away; Giver of immortal gladness, fill us with the light of day!
All Thy works with joy surround Thee, earth and heaven reflect Thy rays, Stars and angels sing around Thee, center of [ unbroken ] praise. Field and forest, vale and mountain, flowery meadow, [ flashing ] sea, [ Singing ] bird and [ flowing ] fountain call [ us to rejoice in Thee ].
Thou art giving and forgiving, ever blessing, ever blessed, Wellspring of the joy of [ living ], ocean depth of happy rest! Thou our Father, Christ our Brother, all [ who live in love ] are Thine; Teach us [ how to love each other ], lift us to the joy divine.
Mortals, join the happy chorus, [ which the morning stars began ]; Father love is reigning o’er us, brother love binds man to man. [ Ever singing ], march we onward, victors in the midst of strife, Joyful music leads us Sunward in the triumph song of life.
1. Damage or harm done to or suffered by a person or thing: escaped from the accident without injury; a scandal that did considerable injury to the campaign. 2. A particular form of hurt, damage, or loss: a leg injury. 3. Law Violation of the rights of another party for which legal redress is available. See Synonyms at injustice. 4. Obsolete An insult.
>>716 injury is 1. Damage or harm [ done to or suffered by a person or thing ]: He escaped from the accident without injury; a scandal [ that did considerable injury to the campaign ]. 2. A particular form of hurt, damage, or loss: a leg injury. 3. Law Violation of the rights of another party [ for which legal redress is available ]. See Synonyms at injustice. 4. Obsolete An insult.
名誉を傷つけたという意味にしたいなら名誉を表す語が必要。 ジーニアスの場合 2[C]〔感情・名誉などを〕傷つけること,〔…に対する〕無礼,侮辱(的言動)〔to〕;[U]〔…に対する〕不正,不当な扱い〔to〕 Her manner was an injury to my pride. 彼女の態度に私の誇りが傷ついた.
>>734 @This carriage is a [ sleeping ] car. AThis carriage is a car [ where passengeres sleep ]. BThis carriage is a car for [ sleeping ]. CLook at that handsome [ sleeping ] man. DLook at that handsome man [ who sleeps there ]. Aは従属する主語述語をそのまま言っている。Bは従属部分の動詞を文に繋いでいる。 @はBのforを省略している。 Dは従属する主語述語をそのまま言っている。Cは従属部分の動詞を使って文に繋いでいる。
EHe is in the [ waiting ] room. FHe is in the room [ where guests wait ]. GHe is in the room for [ waiting ]. HThere are many [ waiting ] people at the bus stop. IThere are many people [ who are waiting at the bus stop ].
I left Tokyo at two, arriving Osaka at five. を、I left Tokyo at twoの方に現在分詞を使ったら、 @Leaving Tokyo at two, I arrived Osaka at five.ですか? AHaving left Tokyo at two, I arrived Osaka at five.ですか? 東京を出て大阪に着くまでの間はそこそこ時間の幅があるから『同時』ではないけど、 単に「出て、着いた」という動作の連続を言うだけだから@でしょうか?
>>758 I left Tokyo at two, and I arrived at Osaka at five. が I left Tokyo at two, [ arriving at Osaka at five ]. [ Leaving Tokyo at two ], I arrived at Osaka at five. になりま〜す、どですか〜?
>>769 A reseacher classified countries based on following three ponts. How fast pedestrian walk on the road in urban areas. How quickly post offices answera custmer who ask for tickets. How accurate clocks in public areas are
The combined effects of large-scale loss of life,refuge migrations,and local government policies to relocate people mean that all estimates are now seriously out of date
>>765 The professor appeared [ to be satisfied with the results of the experment ]. "How pleased we are [ to hear [ that you passed the examination ] ]!" Jill studied very hard, so she was succcessful in the examination. He drank it to the [ very [ last ] ] [ drop ]. まさに最後の一滴まで飲んだ The Japanese are an industrious people. My friend said [ that he had seen her a week before then ]. その時より一週間前に
>>776 The [combined] effects of large-scale loss of life,refuge migrations,and local government policies [to relocate people] mean [that all estimates are now seriously out of date ]
>>776 The [ combined ] effects of large-scale loss of life, refuge migrations, and local government policies [ to relocate people ] 大規模な人命損失、避難移住民、地方の行政の移住者の居住地決めの総合的効果をみると、 mean [ that all estimates are now seriously out of date ]. 全ての見立ては今ではもうきつく時代遅れになっていることが分かる
>>786 They must constantly criticize their present society [so that it will become a better society for a greater number of people]. 彼らは多くの人々の社会がよりよくなるように自分たちの社会を批判しなければならない。
Their use is [to warn sailors that they must not sail too near], [lest their ship should be dashed in pieces on the rock or driven on the sands]. それらの使用は彼らの船がぶつかって岩のようにこなごなになったり砂に追いやられたりしないように船乗りに出航するときに近づきすぎてはいけないということ を警告することだ
>>784 This is a whimsical and fabulous book and works as a children's story as well as a thought-provoking adult fable. これは気まぐれで素晴らしい本で、いろんなことを考えさせられる大人の寓話と同じように子供のおとぎばなしとして子供たちにも考えさせるような本です
>>786 They must constantly criticize their present society [ so that it will become a better society for a greater number of people ].
Their use is [ to warn sailors [ that they must not sail too near [ lest their ship should be dashed in pieces on the rock or driven on the sands ] ] ].
英語でsciences(複数)と言うときにはたくさんあるa science(単数)をまとめて指しています。実例を挙げます。 "mathematics is the queen of the sciences, and the theory of numbers is the queen of mathematics." 「数学は諸科学の女王であり、数論は数学の女王である。」 sciences(複数)の前にtheがあって分かりにくいかも知れませんが、このtheは「あなたも知っているはずの、あれらの(諸科学)」という意味です。
Nor is it easy to allow for such diverse cases as might be found in a British immigrant family from Pakistan,where in addition to their mother tongue,the mother`s English might be poor, the father`s moderate,and the teenage children`s good or even fluent.
>>814 Nor is it easy to allow for such diverse cases as might be found in a British immigrant family from Pakistan,(where <in addition to their mother tongue>,the mother`s English might be poor, the father`s moderate,and the teenage children`s good or even fluent).
>>816 I'm not agree with cram schools. For I think cram study lead students to be tired and increase the students who don't want to go to school. The class that can be understood easily by students and slow is better than cram study. So I oppose to it.
>>816,818 I do not agree with cram schools. For I think cram [ learning ] leads students to [ being tired ], and increases those students [ who don't want to go to school ]. A class [ that is slow and understood well and easily by students ] is better than cram learning. So I oppose to cram schools. 訳もなく詰め込ませる教員に対しては、怒りと殺意が起こるよ。
Zechariah said to the angel, “How can I be sure [ this will happen ]? I’m an old man now, and my wife is also well along in years.” Then the angel said, “I am Gabriel! I stand in the very presence of God. It was he [ who sent me [ to bring you this good news ] ]! But now, [ since you didn’t believe [ what I said ] ], you will be silent and unable [ to speak [ until the child is born ] ]. For my words will certainly be fulfilled at the proper time.” Meanwhile, the people were waiting for [ Zechariah to come out of the sanctuary ], [ wondering [ why he was taking so long ] ]. [ When he finally did come out ], he couldn’t speak to them. Then they realized from his gestures and his silence [ that he must have seen a vision in the sanctuary ]. [ When Zechariah’s week of service in the Temple was over ], he returned home. Soon afterward his wife, Elizabeth, became pregnant and went into seclusion for five months. "How kind the Lord is!” she exclaimed. “He has taken away my disgrace of [ having no children ].” 10公式GHI括りの素晴らしさを聖書でお味わい下さい。
Что за Друга мы имеем? Нас Он к жизни пробудил, В Нем мы счастием владеем, В Нем источник вечных сил. Ах, как часто мы страдали, Боль терпя напрасно там, Где просить мы забывали, Чтоб один помог Он нам.
Искушенье ль нас тревожит, Жизнь печальна ли у кого, Каждый пусть из нас возложит Скорбь свою всю на Него. Он один среди вселенной Может свет средь тьмы пролить; Лишь Христос один мгновенно Может горе облегчить.
Изнываем мы под зноем Этой жизни суетной; Сердце лишь Ему откроем, И Он даст душе покой. Если нас друзья забыли, Скажем Господу о том, И Христос проявит в силе, Что Он верный Друг во всем. あーめん
I am aaaaaaaaaaaaangry with college-going high school cramming fucking teachers. Cramming fucking teachers drive students into [ fatiguing entirely ], Those fucking ones drive students into [ not going to school ]. A class [ where a teacher like Mr. K.K. teaches ] is slow and very understandable. 片岡かずよし先生の授業はすっきりすっきりすっきりで幸せな僕達高校生で〜す
>>865 A: May I take you upstairs? B: Yes, you may take me upstaires, and lay me in your bed. SVOM A: May I take off all your clothes? B: Yes, you may take off all my clothes, and kiss me on my nipples. SVO, VOM
1. 彼女は5年前とはまったく違う。 She is quite (she/ from/ what/ different/ was) five years ago. 2. 彼にはよくあることだが、会合に顔を出さなかった。 As (case/ the/ often/ is/ with/ him), he didn’t come to the meeting. 3. 自分がしてもらいたいことを他人にもしなさい。 Do to others (you/ what/ to/ them/ want) do to you.
>>873 1.she is quite different from what she was five years ago. 2.As is often the case with him, 3.Do to others what you want them to do to you. Do to others as you would have others do to you.も大事な構文。
>>873 She is quite different from [ what she was five years ago ]. 彼女は、すっかり違っている[彼女は5年前どんな人間であったかその人間と] [ As is often the case with him ], he didn’t come to the [ meeting ]. [そうあるのは彼においてはよくあることなのだが]からは集会には来なかった。 Do to others [ [ what ] you want [ them to do to you ] ]. 他の人にせよ[あなたは、望むか[彼等があなたに何をすることを]そのことを]
>>877 He got [ more than 6 ] times as many Valentine presents [ as I got ]. これは[・・・6より多い=6.1、6,5、7,8,] more than oneは1より多い、1.1、 1.4、 2、 4 彼は僕が貰った6倍以上のバレンタインの贈り物をもらった。 6倍以上だよ=6倍ではない=6.1倍、6.2倍、6.5倍、7倍、8倍、9倍
>>878 A: How is the climate of your place? B: The climate [ of this place ] is mild. The nature [ of this place ] is excellent. The peole [ of this place ] are friendly. この場所の、どこどこの、話というときはofでしょうね
I don't get it. Exactly speaking , isn't it "6倍より多い数”? For if you use 「以上」、that number is included. But either one might be ok unless you use it for science books.
savants generally find communicating with others very difficult. これってfind OCなんでしょうか? 訳は、「サヴァン症候群の人は他人と意思疎通するのがむずかしい」となっていますが、それはサヴァン症候群の人がfindしたわけではなく、一般論なのに なぜsavantsが主語になっているのでしょうか?お願いします
ockelford says it is remarkable how Derek senses where the notes are on the piano. この訳がよくわかりません「どんなにデレクのセンスがあるか(ピアノ上の鍵盤の場所において?)」 お願いします
Stanley Yelnatsという名前について "Is your last name your first name backward?" Zero asked. backwardは形容詞でfirst nameにかかるわけですか?そうだったらyour backward first nameとしたら駄目なのかなあ?
>>935 ありがとうございます! あともうひとつお願いします Our concentration on developing a materially rich society for the few at the expense of the many has left gaping holes in our collective spiritual well-being
Summer vacation is the time when we are free.←関係副詞の文 のfreeは副詞じゃなくて形容詞ですよね? Summer vacation is the time. と We are free in the time. がくっついて、 Summer vacation is the time when we are free. になったと思ってて、関係代名詞の文にしたら Summer vacation is the in which we are free. だと思うんですけど(間違っていたらすみません。) あってますか?
>>950 A rose is the most beautiful flower of all ather flower.ってあってるんでしょうか?
The rose is the most beautiful flower in all. だけど、 冠詞の問題だね。英語の先生は基礎の基礎を教えるのが仕事。 彼らの英語力自体は、それほど高いわけじゃない。 ノートの写し間違いじゃないかな。 ちなみに上のthe roseはもちろん特定のroseを指してるんじゃなく いわゆる代表単数ってやつで、そのグループに属する全てを指す。 だから、他の花と比較したバラという花の種類全体。 普通はrosesなどで一般てきにバラをさすが、植物としての分類上などでは、theを使って」はっきりと領域を区別する
I felt I was at a dead end with that career path. I decided to quit working part-time in order to focus on school. Then I decided to move to a better city and finish college at Florida State. The decision to move came only a few months after I had quit my job. While telling my old boss of my plans he said he’d pay me $30 an hour to work for him again, this time remotely, since the guy that had replaced me didn’t quite work out. I needed the money and wanted to have something solid lined up, so I took it. So much for focusing on school or switching career paths.
カッコ内に何がくるのか教えてください Look at the mountain ( )summit is covered with snow. which,whose,what,of which Though he is an honest man,I can't belive ( ) he says. who,why,which,when,what
こっちも教えてください… He helped the poor ( )he could expect no reward from whom,from which,of which,from who こういう問題はどうやって考えれば良いですか? 選択肢が二択に絞られたりしてどちらかを選んでもどうしてそうなるのか確信がもてません…
>>960 先行詞が the poor ってのは分かるでしょ? 人だから、which は無いってことで、from whom か from who の二択。 前置詞の後は名詞・代名詞は目的格になる(for I じゃなくて for me になることを思い浮かべればいい)。 だから、from whom が正解。
普通、whom は who で代用できるし、文語とかじゃなけりゃそちらのほうが今は普通だけど、 前置詞がらみの場合は今でも who じゃなくて whom の方を使うだろうね。
>>970 マジで中学からやり直してきたほうが良いぜ?ww 俺とお前の2人がいて始めて友達だからfriendじゃなくてfriendsって話だろ。 下のは超有名な例文じゃん。見たことあるべ? ○Can you make fiends with me? X Can you make friend with me?
>>974 There is no way to solve the problem. In no situation, the system doesn't work. 上のは普通の英語だけど、way, situationどちらも 「複数個の所有が普通と考えられる普通名詞」だがどうだい? 普通に英語読んでたら、そんな説明当てはまらないことくらいすぐわかると思うんだが
>>980 こういうことを恥の上塗りっていうのかな(笑) 「それに少なくともfriend や car に関してはあの方式が成り立つんだと思うよ。」 いえ成り立ちません(笑) 「no way に関しては、”no way ! " みたいに慣用的に使うから、no ways とは言わないのでは・・・? 、と思う。」 いえ、意味が違いますから(笑) There is no option to solve the problem.
>>981 The company is in talks with its smaller rival for a deal. talks は会話が複数あるから複数なのかい(笑)? Sales at the automaker have hit a record high. And its profit has also posted a record. salesは複数あって、profitは1個しかないから箪笥なのかい?(笑)
少なくとも>>968のこの答えは違っていると言いたかっただけ。 What I want to say is that this anser from 968 is not right at all. From all the sentences I have been writing here , I think that you understand I ' m not a biginer or something for English. I AM RIGHT FOR THIS !