Hi NEETs! I have been staying at home whole 2 weeks! As it is so hot these days, I don't feel like daring to go out. Although I stay home everyday reagrdless of seasons or temperature. owata!
42 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/08/23(土) 22:39:58 I have suffered from a mental illness for ages. It prevented me from speaking with ordinary people so that I lost more and more my confidence. The disease is referred to as ''taijin-kyoufushou.'' But ordinary people's recognitions toward it are still full of prejudice. Although I have been doing a part time job (cleaning in building) in early morning everyday, some people regard me as same as NEET. From their view points, those who don't work or can't like them are the same categorry. It makes me feel very very very sad. If I hadn't suffered from this illness, I would have worked like ordinary people...
If there are people like me around you, don't make fun of them and treat as softly as you can.
I hate people too lol. Not that im saying its the same thing but. Japan is too small in so many ways... Hope you will get on with your life better someday. Think of them as dildos.
I want to be the only one who Can solve the mysteries that take control of our lives With my friends, we will go anywhere in this world
I have waited throughout my whole life To find the answers that I have been looking for Despite failure, I'll always try to keep moving on
Forever for all of time, booon~
Oh this dream, that will warp and loop inside my mind Plays around with my heart, I imagine someday that it might Absorb us all!
I still remember that sunny day Magical games that we used to play Pour down endlessly, couldn't possibly Take these memories from me
I'll see you tomorrow, then we can say "We're laughing and humming all of the way!" Gather happiness, using togetherness You'll find it isn't hard if you can really try
Gotta learn to chase it, gotta yearn to grasp it We love dreaming big, so dream and dream "suki deshou"