Verbal Battle in English (英語で口喧嘩)

936Bu-sho-mono ◆egXIm/dP9k :2007/09/29(土) 03:29:13
You can say you're sorry and I'd still knock you down.
937Bu-sho-mono ◆egXIm/dP9k :2007/09/29(土) 03:30:50
shit is you
you are shit
938Bu-sho-mono ◆egXIm/dP9k :2007/09/29(土) 03:33:26
go to your hell
939Bu-sho-mono ◆egXIm/dP9k :2007/09/29(土) 03:34:03
it's your home
940名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/09/29(土) 03:39:09
Bu-sho-mono is a jew? lol
941名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/09/29(土) 03:46:03
942Bu-sho-mono ◆egXIm/dP9k :2007/09/29(土) 03:49:54
you are crazy
943名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/09/29(土) 04:42:06
Yeah, Bu-sho-mono and Nazi fighting each other.
This is exactly what I was waiting for.
Go on, do it!!! Destroy each other!!!
944Bu-sho-mono ◆egXIm/dP9k :2007/09/29(土) 04:55:03
fuck and forget
945名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/09/29(土) 05:26:38
HaHaHa. You white racists are afraid of being called Nazis.
So you shy away from the jewish problem.
Don't you know KKK hung jew Leo Frank from a tree?
This is what USA was.
If you want to be real KKK, face the reality.
If you can't, don't call blacks and hispanics names any more!
946KKK:2007/09/29(土) 13:36:59
Die fuckin' niggers
947名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/09/29(土) 13:39:27
Why are chimps always frowning?
They know in a million years they are going to turn into niggers.
948NIGGER HATER:2007/09/29(土) 13:52:25
 /!/{  / ヾ--r
   _  /     ̄    <_     FUCK YOU NIGGER!!
 _>`´    >>945  ___<_
  >    r‐'" ̄ ̄ ノ ̄ ̄`ヽ、―ニ 二
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 ̄/    |   ノヽ--/ ̄ ,    ` ̄ ̄ ̄
 / /⌒ヽ,|  ミ }  ...|  /!
 レ l d     _}`ー‐し'ゝL _
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      |└-- 、__/`\-:、
     __,ゝ,,_____/ \_」 \

949名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/09/30(日) 01:34:15
Fuck you jew!
950Bu-sho-mono ◆egXIm/dP9k :2007/09/30(日) 01:38:53
fuck you moron
951名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/09/30(日) 01:41:34
jew trolled again.
952Bu-sho-mono ◆egXIm/dP9k :2007/09/30(日) 01:43:17
say that again
I'll kill you
953名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/09/30(日) 01:43:27
You SARS having dirty Chink
I ain't no fuckin' Jew
Go eating dog shit, you sick MF
954Bu-sho-mono ◆egXIm/dP9k :2007/09/30(日) 01:45:02
You have no brain?
955名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/09/30(日) 01:47:19
Say bad things to jews.
You can't... lol
956名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/09/30(日) 01:48:52
I will turn you in to SPLC.
957Bu-sho-mono ◆egXIm/dP9k :2007/09/30(日) 01:52:47
Eat shit and be healthy, maggots!!!!
958名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/09/30(日) 01:53:19
Spic Pussy Licking Center?
959Bu-sho-mono ◆egXIm/dP9k :2007/09/30(日) 01:55:13
Feed yourself to heaven!!!!
960名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/09/30(日) 01:56:05
No. Southern "very wealthy" law center.
961Bu-sho-mono ◆egXIm/dP9k :2007/09/30(日) 01:56:45
dont fuck with me
962Bu-sho-mono ◆egXIm/dP9k :2007/09/30(日) 01:57:38
You are slow
963名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/09/30(日) 01:57:43
Spic Pussy Licking Center run by jews.
964Bu-sho-mono ◆egXIm/dP9k :2007/09/30(日) 02:05:27
I know you are Mongolian.
965名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/09/30(日) 02:09:23
No pussy licking?
You Jew bastard!
I have a good one for you.

Why don't jews like oral sex?
It's too close to the gas chamber.
966名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/09/30(日) 02:11:31
Good job for a jew. lol
967名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/09/30(日) 02:22:05
What do you call a nigger with a regular job, who doesn't drive a lowrider,
sleeps in the same bed every night, doesn't collect welfare, and doesn't rape White women?

An inmate.
968名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/09/30(日) 06:26:50
969名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/09/30(日) 18:51:03
A man goes into a shop and sees 3 jars on a table. The first jar says "Caucasian Brains, $5.00 a pint".
The second says "Asian Brains, $10.00 a pint", and the third says " Nigger Brains, $100.00 a pint."

"Hey, why are these nigger brains $100 bucks a pint?" asked the man.
The shop owner replied, "You know how many niggers you have to kill to get a whole pint of brains?"
970名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/10/01(月) 01:41:26
A man goes into a shop and sees 4 jars on a table. The first jar says "White Brains, $10000.00 a pint".
The second says "Asian Brains, $10000.00 a pint", and the third says " Nigger Brains, $100.00 a pint."
And the forgh says "Jew Brains, $1.00 a pint".

971Bu-sho-mono ◆egXIm/dP9k :2007/10/01(月) 01:54:59
You deserve death.
972名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/10/01(月) 02:07:16
Bu-sho-mono finally comes out!
973Bu-sho-mono ◆egXIm/dP9k :2007/10/01(月) 02:36:33
How's your asshole doing?
974名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/10/01(月) 03:11:19
No matter what you say, you are jew!
975名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/10/01(月) 03:16:44
976名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/10/01(月) 16:34:07
Q : Why do niggers like basket ball?
A ; It involves running, shooting and stealing.
977カリスマ翻訳家:2007/10/02(火) 02:23:27
Q : Why do niggers like basket ball?
A ; It involves running, shooting and stealing.

質問 なぜ黒んぼはバスケットボールが好きなんですか?
答え 逃げる、シュート(この場合は銃を撃つ意味)、盗む事に関係があるから
978不眠症のカリスマ翻訳家:2007/10/02(火) 02:31:39
Q Why do niggers always have sex on their mind?
A Because they've got pubic hair on their head!

質問 なぜ黒んぼは頭の中でエッチな事をばかり考えているの?
答え 頭に陰毛がついているから
979名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/10/02(火) 10:06:14
It's the best I've ever seen. Keep up the good work!
980休憩中のカリスマ翻訳家:2007/10/02(火) 18:43:26
Question : What do you say when you see your T.V. floating around at night?
Answer : Drop it nigger."

質問 もしあなたのテレビが夜、中に浮いているのを見つけたら何と言いますか?
答え テレビを下ろせよ黒んぼ!
981名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/10/02(火) 22:35:11
Excuse me, but NO complementing here, please.
Oh, and FUCK YOU!!!
982Brutalな翻訳家:2007/10/03(水) 04:25:25
Q Why do niggers drive with their windows up?
A They think the smell is coming from outside.

質問  なぜ黒んぼは車の運転中、窓を閉めきっているの?
答え  黒んぼは車内に漂う悪臭が外から入り込んでいると勘違いしているから
983半黒半露の翻訳家:2007/10/03(水) 04:32:10
Why don't jews like oral sex?
It's too close to the gas chamber.

Q ユダヤ人はなぜオーラルセックス(クンニリングスやフェラチオ)が嫌うの?
A ガス室 (ケツの穴) に近すぎるから
984名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/10/03(水) 04:47:37
Monica Lewinsky was a Jew.
As far as I'm aware, she had no problem getting on with it.
Shut the fuck up you jew bitch.
It's just a joke.
Smoke sum weed'n chill out!