Yeah, this is the first time he has a leading role in TV, but he acted in movies and theater before so this is not a problem... The thing is that this character is too hard to act for him. And he is usually bowlegged *LOL* so walking normal is also a challenge for him. lol I'm an Arashi fan I'm surprised to see Nino-kun after a long time. He looked much older than the last time I saw him.
hi,guys. could u teach me how to say "shou shou omachi kudasai" and "nanmeisama desuka" by english?? i'm going to work at restaurant. but i cannot find good sentense. i'm sorry that i disturbed u...
HAHAHAHAHAH!! oh my GOT!!!! lOl All you said on this thred is beyond the reach of my understanding …(´・ω・) Please more often write into in easy english! If only I could speak english as well as naive speaker…. well...but,I am a high school student,so I wonder when I can speak,write,and hear Eng fruently...
>>709 I see. I give a magic power to you. :-) My magic power calls Magic Touch! It is not relation to sexual magic touch. :-) The effects is to improve your English skills, to get fortune ,and to make your girl or boy friend you want. :-)
The other day, I have taken TOEIC. The score of listening section increased! But the score of reading section decreased. I started to read the Harry Potter in English. It's a nice way of studing.
Future problem of Japanese society is a future labor shortage in Japan , caused by a declining birthrate and an aging society. Immigrant reception policy for tax revenues to keep a social security system Because of a future labor shortage in Japan.we will have more foreign labors. What should we do for such a future Japanese society? I spread the area of language to learn. My idea is from Noah's ark story.