1. Do a note in English freely 2. Write in the contents in Japanese 3. Push forward conversation while having an advanced learner correct it (1.英語で自由に書き込む 2.その内容を日本語でも書き込む 3.上級者に添削してもらいながら会話を進める)
If anyone actually needs any English sentences corrected I would be more than happy to do it. I doubt anyone who really needs help is still here however
Excuse me,I sometimes see this word "age" . But I bought PC lately,so I don't know the meaning of this word. If you are a kind person, please teach me the meaning. well,come to think of it,I have a lot of PC slangs whose meaning I don't know.
>>35 I'm kind of a beginner in using the 2ch board myself, but anyways I'll give it a try. I believe "age" is actually supposed to be “上げ”. You know how a board goes up on the list everytime someone posts on it? Well, people post"age"so the board will go up, thus making more people see the board.
Bah, I need more practice writing in English. Hey, but atleast I tried...
why is it that when you are friends with a girl and you get along very well and then you think there might a chance to take things further and you ask her out on a "date" but she says no, you are really no longer friends. She may say that you're still friends she now she never emails you and if you ask her to hang out she ignores you. That is not being a friends.
Why not say instead: "you asked me out and I don't like you so now we can never be friends again"? It would be much clearer.
Hello, I am American and am now typing a sentence to you fine gentlemen in propor english. I found this site, and although I havn't the slightest clue how to type Japanese, I will simply post in these english threads.
Hello! Let me introduce myself. I'm not American. I'm not a high school student. Today I didn't go shopping. I didn't watch videos. I'm not going to work tomorrow.
>>82 anal -> anus >>66 propor -> proper ^_^ >>63 your English reflect you are Japanese -> your English reflects that you are Japanese >>52 perchance, to dream! >>48 わかりません "I am a student. I like to eat fish." ?
My girlfriend and I are chillin' out now. I asked her, "How many times do you wanna get fucked with my filthy, solid, huge cock?" "At least 5 times," she answered, "And I wanna cum as many as possible." How nasty she is! That's why I'm with her. She's already got wet. While you guys are working, I fuck her pussy. Don't complain because this is life. Life's a bitch like her...
There are also lots of homonyms in Japanese. and We can recognize the meaning of a word from the context. so that it's a question of how well you're used to it.
Find another girl. If she doesn't like you, the best chance you have is to go find someone else. She might become interested in you if you avoid her, but she definitely WON'T become interested if you continue to bug her.
Hello! How are you? I am mami. I went to TUTAYA with my friend after school. I rented a CD. My friend bought a book. I am listening that CD now. See you tomorrow.
Hello! How are you? I went to Yakiniku-restaurant with my family today. I may ate too much. >>109san. CD title is HORIZON(Remioromen). See you tomorrow.
>>119 Darling or honey can be used for either sex. They are both used to show affection to someone close to you in relationship or friendship. Sweety can be used to the same effect. Although, it is mostly girls that use these terms to most people. Guys only use it toward their girlfriends.
>>120 Thx!! Myfriends always call me like sweety so I'm really confused Because I'm not his boyfriend ! Thanks anyway! Ahhhhh, Don't smoke marijuana,my neighbour! Stinky!
Hello! How are you? I tired today. But just a little. Because I ran to catch the train. I ran very hard in the rain. Mr.>>114 Mr.>>117 I am sorry. I can not explanation for Yakinuku. Yakiniku is Yakiniku. Mr.>>118 Thank you! See you tomorrow. Good night.
Hello! How are you? My house's garage destroyed in the typhoon. And the electricity went out for about three hours. Mr.>>135 Yes,I do. I take care of my health and body weight. Mr.>>136 I'm sorry. I have been busy since sunday. See you tomorrow.
how do you do? how do you do? how are you? i'm fine! what you doing? i'm singing. what did you do today? i did a sound check! nice to meet you. nice to meet you. nice to meet you. nice to meet you. see you again. see you again. see you again. see you again.
Hello! How are you? Today is happy day for me. One of bane lost by grace of my friend. I will enjoy a good sleep tonight. But it is difficult to wrote text in English. See you again.
To dear, Pray for all my love heart. (Possibly..........)
I don't know your love-mind and heart. But I alone know that you are goddess. If you have a special boyfriend in love, Part from the boyfriend..... Why is to say, Selfish my mind and You are my goddess for me. In the other words, I love you. Come on, Please. My sweet honey, you..... Try you to sleep with me.....I can teach please you love. And It is necessary to be love please from you, for me. Additionally to say, You are my life and enagy. Answer me. Come on. Don't get angry. I never cheat dear you. Because I love you. Naturally enoght, You don't know who write on here. Who am I ? However I pray you and me to meet and do all with..... Without me, You may be broken your heart by your mind. Good bye, See you, I love you and I'm sorry. I may Come into eternal rest and Be non-existence in spite of aliveing. I'm Not narcissist but only honest man. If I am killed by your true love, I will be satisfied. Is it not worth killing me ? Why ? You ought to be goddess for me. That is, You can change an murder. Do you let alone ?
How about it? I think that Simple is best. Who am I ?
Relationship of love and marriage (and It is not war). Evolution(from dictionary) : the way in which living things change and develop over millions of years, or a gradual process of change and development Evolution : It is spontaneous attractive force between gene of oneself and gene of another. That is, A gene is prefered by other gene. For prediction of evolutions, It will be natural that spontaneousness is important to evolve for better or worse. Artificial stratagem of gene's natural movement will tend to negative motion, despite prediction of evolutions tend to positive motion. That is to say, We never deprive evolutions of nature. (by X-man)
im looking for funny chat site to proceed my english. i made an id @ habbo hotel, but its chat speed was too fast and the font were too small for me. does anyone know good site for me ?
>>157, try going to an IRC channel relevent to your interests. That would probably be the best way to further your english skills. Popular irc networks are rizon and efnet, among others.
So this is now the multilingual page. In that case, ¡Hola!, Hello, Nihao, Kon'nichi wa, Oi, Bonjour, Allo... Si nous estamos hablando in English, topic wa nan da?
_,..-ー―--、. .ィ'´ `''=、 . ,/ _,; =--=、.,, `i、 i´ r´ ``-、 ? . ,i /´ ,__ `i l l i´,;'''¨''`‐ ,_ :| | ,i i ヒ‐・=、i ´,.、.._`;、|. | `i . i,  ̄´ノ: ´`'’‐` l l Shin Sugok `l l. ノ(__/ _,ヽ、 i´),i ヽ i 、‐--、..,,__ `ー j 「 Lately everywhere I complained to Japanese, ,;''"ヽ, `ヾ,三_ソ' ノ they said, "Get out of Japan" or "Go back where you belong". .,,.;:''"´ll i `ヽ、 ,.ィ´ Then, "Yes I've got it. I'll take all Koreans away with me. .ィ´ i i `;, `ー‐ ''"/‐ 、; And the Emperor too.", I retorted. But I think twice about it. : ヽゝ l、 ヽ / i 、 ``''=、_ That guy doesn't work at all. Hahahaha.
,,.---v―--、_ We Japanese help each other when we have problems. ,.イ" | / / / /~`'''ー-、 If enemies apologize, we will forgive them because //~`ヾ、;;;;ソ'''''''ヾ、 ,.ヽ ヽ they have apologized. We get along by doing so. /:,:' ... ゞ 彡 彡、ノ) !/ ~`ー'",..- ... 〉 !( But "THAT RACE" is different from us. i  ̄~` ! 彡 |ノ Once we apologize, they exploit our feelings ,i ,.- 、 ゝ " '" ~ ~` ヾ ,,--、 | and we are going to wind up apologizing forever. / _ ヾ"r∂|;! But they take it for granted. ヾ` '⌒` ;:: "~ ~` 彡 r ノ/ To apologize to avoid troubles should be done i ノ _,,.:' to only Japanese, or "THAT RACE" will exploit ヽ ノ"( 、_,..:ー'"ヽ、 : : : ,i / our feelings and force us, ヽ、 ,. :: :: ヽ ノ:|ラ:)`ヽ、"Give him an inch and he'll take a yard". ヽ、`''''"""''''" ' ,,..-'" // \At last our Japan will be overthrown.
_,,,,,_ Get your ass over here!! ⊥_o_| ∧_∧ (Д´ #) _∧。・゜Aigoo ( @∀@)< Constituted authorities kidnapped girls. |: ヽ,)´Д`>し (m9Asahiつ |=== ) ヽ 人 Y 彡 し`ヽ,) ヽ _フフ ))===zzzzzz レ' (_)  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
Get your ass over here!! ∧_∧ ∧_∧ <Д´メ > _∧。・゜Aigoo ( @∀@)< Whore brokers kidnapped girls. | ヽ,)´Д`>し . (m9Asahiつ ( broad coerced abduction ) |=== ) ヽ 人 Y 彡 し`ヽ,) ヽ _フフ ))===zzzzzz レ' (_)  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
_,,,,,_ ⊥_o_| ∧_∧ (Д` ;)88888 Hey boy ! (;∩Д∩< Nature of the issue is not whether |: ヽ,)∀´0゜> Stop by ! / ノAsaノ or not they kidnapped girls. |=== )斤y斤ヽ (_, ) ) ↑ し`ヽ,) ヽ _フフ ))===zzzzzz しし' Here they are now.  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
■Korean Residents in Japan Time Line ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Introduction of zainichi Koreans' historical trail and related cases ttp://www.geocities.co.jp/HeartLand-Apricot/9959/nenpyou.html ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ・1865 Japan pried open closed Korea at that time. ・1894〜1895 Japan fought Japanese-Sino war to stop Qing from taking Korea for a tributary and from interfering in Korea, and won. ・1904〜1905 Japan fought Japanese-Russo war because Russia asked to vacate the area at a latitude of 39 degrees and upper north, and won. ・1909 Hirobumi Ito was assassinated by a Korean. ・1910 Japan-Korea Annexation Treaty conclusion. Since this year about one million Koreans had come to Japan for jobs until 1939. The treaty lasted until 1945. ・1920 Population of widely resident Koreans in Japan grew rapidly and they caused a lot of troubles with their neighbors. → "Travel restriction of Koreans" was implemented. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
・1939 World War II outbreak About 200 illegal Korean immigrants a month kept being arrested in only Fukuoka pref. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ At this point about one million Korean residents in Japan. ・1944 1944/9〜1945/3 Period of recruitment of Korean soldiers and labors under national mobilization law and national recruitment low, that is so called compulsive recruitment by Koreans. Very short period and amount of recruited Koreans is small. This had already been applied to Japanese as far as 1939. 1944/12〜1948/8/15 "Travel restriction of Koreans" was abolished and a massive amount of Koreans flooded into Japan. ・1945 World War II termination; About two million Korean residents in Japan Number of Koreans that had increased since 1939 was 700 thousand and they came personally with their own will for jobs. Rest 300 thousand were recruited for Japanese industries or engineering enterprises. ・1945/8〜1946/3 After the war 1.4 million Koreans who desired to go back to Korea, were sent back by Japanese government. 610 thousand Koreans refused to go back and stayed with their own will. They were the root of current Korean residents; only 245 among them were recruited by government or companies.
\ We never hesitate to be given one million tons of foods. /  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ∧nk∧ ~~・━⊂<`∀´イ >⊃-、 //beggerノ:: //| |:::|/( ̄ ヽノ:::::::|::::|/| / ̄(__) ̄ ̄ ./| | .| / 旦 /三/ / .|__|/ | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄│ | ___ │ |::::::::::::::::| shoot! _|☆☆☆|_ (::::::::::::#)y━・~~ (::::::::::: )
< `Д´> When I do a bad thing, I say "I'm a Japanese". ALL cheering and clapping < `Д´> Always. < `O´ > If we step on someone's foot, ALL "Sumimaseng" : "Excuse me" in Japanese < ´A` > ????? < `∀´> It's a small patriotism, isn't it ? < `A´ > Yeah small..............
1. Do a note in English freely 2. Write in the contents in Japanese 3. Push forward conversation while having an advanced learner correct it (1.英語で自由に書き込む 2.その内容を日本語でも書き込む 3.上級者に添削してもらいながら会話を進める)
I think something wrong here for few months in this thread. Why can we enjoy chatting English? Maybe someone will say "This is 2ch". I love 2ch, but here can we talk in English freely?
┏━━━━━━━━━┓ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ 人┃ ┗━━━━━━━━━┛ I got butterflies in ,一-、 / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ my stomach. ∧_,,∧ / ̄ l | | Those who think Korea has been contributing to the world, < ;`∀´> ■■-っ < press the button ! / ヽ ´∀`/ \_________________________ | | <ヽ | __/|Y/\. | | \) Ё|__ | / |  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
┏━━━━━━━━━┓ ┃ ┏━┓ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┗━┛人┃ ┗━━━━━━━━━┛ Hwabyung! ,一-、 ∧,,_∧ / ̄ l | / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ 煤@ <`Д´# > ■■-っ < No body is supposed to be thinking like that ! / ヽ ´∀`/ \___________________ | | | | __/|Y/\. l m ヽm .Ё|__ | / |  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
Korean people say,“Korean women were taken away to brothels by Japanese people. There is the evidence. (1)” park6.wakwak.com/~photo/image/ianfu01.jpg But it’s not true because they are mere advertisements saying “Wanted comfort women. Salary of 300yen a month, and you can borrow 3000yen.” By the way let's think about the value of yen in 1944. www8.plala.or.jp/shinozaki/s19-1944.pdf A policeman’s salary was around 45 yen a month then. A policeman’s salary is around 200,000 yen a month today. www.keishicho.metro.tokyo.jp/saiyou/keisatsu/keisatu.htm 200000÷45=about4444 In short the rate of price increase is 4444 times. 300yen×4444=1333200yen… It’s amazing! A comfort woman’s salary was 1330,000yen in current value. And she was allowed to borrow 13,300,000yen. Assuming 1yen=10won, “Salary of 13,300,000won! You can borrow 133,000,000won!” Whoever read this knows that they wanted to be hookers. Can this be expressed as “TAKEN AWAY” ? (1) Reference “Korean Government HP”(It has already been deleted) www.hermuseum.go.kr/eng/exp/Experience01_2.asp
《 ABSOLUTE LAWS 》 THE FIRST LAW In the range from an individual to a company and even a nation, who ally with Koreans will lose for certain. THE SECOND LAW Regarding THE FIRST LAW, when Koreans go off by themselves, only Koreans will lose. THE THIRD LAW Regarding THE FIRST LAW, who come to be hated by Koreans should be able to avoid the law, where the rate of possibility you can avoid it, corresponds with the level how you are hated. THE FORTH LAW Regarding THE FIRST LAW, who once break off with Koreans should be able to defeat the law. THE FIFTH LAW Regarding THE FIRST LAW, it will not be invoked on those who do business with the unilateral approach against Koreans. THE SIXTH LAW Regarding THE THIRD and THE FORTH LAW, who once break off with Koreans should be able to expect rapid recovery or uptrend in all aspects including the fortune and the achievement and so on.
《 GENERAL LAWS 》 THE FIRST LAW Everything invented or popular in Japan will be insisted as Korean or invented by Korean in some ten years or even some hundred years. THE SECOND LAW Those who are popular or talented in Japan are for certain insisted as Korean residents in Japan. However if Koreans hate one of them, the person should be able to avoid this law for sure. THE THIRD LAW The more Korea is featured in a Japanese TV program, the more people stop watching it. In other words how often Korea is on TV is in inverse proportion to popularity of a TV program.
THE FORTH LAW Those who call themselves Japanese domestically or overseas though nobody asks their nationalities, are not likly real Japanese. THE FIFTH LAW All unfavorable events for Korea are shifted blame onto other countries. THE SIXTH LAW A Korean president: policymaker, when end of the term is close, is likely to be involved in a political disorder and end up in misery. THE SEVENTH LAW A Japanese in power who makes contact with Korea will be ruined within two generations. THE EIGHTH LAW Power of those laws tends to be strengthened drastically in every sixty years. THE NINTH LAW Those laws are invoked even on Koreans if they have the Japanese mind. THE TENTH LAW Those laws never be invoked even on Japanese if they have the Korean mind. THE ELEVENTH LAW Those who get deeply involved to that country or get symbolic as being for sort of a poster child and so on, themselves become the law invokers and invoke them directly or indirectly on people who contact with them. As those kind of invokers come for us regardless of our wills, we are unable to avoid them in most cases. THE TWELFTH LAW UN and ICJ never be affected and ruled by those laws. THE THIRTEENTH LAW Japanese prime minister, members of the ruling coalition and their families are not ruled by those laws even if they lose themselves in Korea.
Rain for blaming, wind for cursing Even snow and summer heat for envying With strong square chin, desire is neverending Never shutting up, loudly always shouting Four bowls of sorghum, a lot of kimchi, a bit of gochujang a day Money minded on everything around trying not to pay Feeling understanding with halfway experience, in a second memory disappears In that peninsula, by the bare mountain, from small thatched shack it appears Finding out Takeshima in east sea, it's there to thrust a flag acting big ugly To master in west, it's there to pay respects willingly To dying Viet Cong in south, it's there with a gun to tell not to be scared and kill them with smiling face To brother in north with drought and famine, it's there with modesty to pass them Japanese rice Ordering apology for drought and reparation for summer cold All over the world, skunk zombie is what it's called Got no praise ever Got no respect ever Just like that, I've already been ever
◇Free Diversified Aspects Masayuki Tkayama Professor, Teikyo Uiversity ▼Negligence Mr.Kun-Tsan Tsai, author of 'Taiwanese and Japanese spirit', was an army special volunteer. He was in the deep mountain in Kyoto at the end of the World War II. He wrote the chaos from the end of the war to the end of the year when he returned to Taiwan. They became the "victory nation" overnight and were offered superfluity of food. He made grilled rice balls for starved children. He sometimes went "all the way to Kyoto station" to hand them out to children. "At one time he saw the people handing out the naval thermal vests to children. Then he talked to them and found they were Taiwanese volunteer as he was." However Koreans, who had been in the force he had belonged, "in a group broke into and robbed food and clothe warehouses." "They were domineering to hit dispirited Japanese while saying they were the victory nation." Japanese prepared special trains for the victory nation. An entire vehicle was provided for even a few passengers. They, the victory nation, called a stationmaster or a person in charge when they found a blunder by Japanese, then assaulted them by beating and kicking. Sadanori Shimoyama, a director of the traveler bureau, was one of those were gang bashed by them and he was seriously injured to the testicle explosion. The repatriation program for this victory nation was done on the order of GHQ. F.Roosevelt who had died four months before the end of the war left the will saying "confine all Japanese in four islands and destroy them". As they wanted to destroy only Japanese, unrelated people as Koreans etc. had to be banished. At this time all Koreans who had come to Japan by so called "requisition" were supposed to return to there country. However in fact all of them did not return.
Hogyu Lim wrote how they were in those days in 'The third country poeple's commercial code'. "The third country people is a word that indicates Koreans in Japan during prewar and postwar days. Most of them dreamed the success in Japan and came across the sea during the period of confusion before and after the World War II." Their occupations were "from what they were able to get cash such as salvage, pachinko or so called Turkish bath etc." Another important cash business was a crime syndicate. The story of N.Zapetti who ruled the dark world of postwar days started selling chewing gums is described in 'Tokyo under world'. In this story, Japanese rejected chewing gums which were not their preference. He tied up with a crime syndicate and made them threaten storekeepers to sell gums. Therefore the chewing gum culture was established in Japan. This crime syndicate was Toseikai that grew up rapidly after the war and its all members were Koreans. There are about 500,000 Korean residents now in Japan. 1650 among them are in prison. This number follows to that of Chinese in prison which is 2000 among total 250,000 people. The rate of Koreans receiving public assistance is 48 per 1000 people. Compared with the rate of Japanese that is 12 per 1000 people, it's as much as four times higher. They came to Japan with success dreams but are now nothing but a trouble. To deal with the increasing crimes by foreigners, the Ministry of Justice issues a "residence card" in which a person's name and address etc. are written in an IC. However, according to the report from Asahi Shimbun, "Koreans are not included" in those "foreigners". I receive an impression as "Ploughing the field and forgetting the seeds" from that. Korean residents in Japan are given shameless preferential treatments that are not given to any other foreigners.
For instance, if foreigners except Koreans are arrested for prostitutions, drugs or crimes that lead to one or more years of penal servitude, they will be immediately exiled. But a Korean resident is an exception. Only they are not be exiled as long as they have not commited crimes that lead to the seven or more years of penal servitude as homicide. They explain the reason for this is their history. In plain words, Japan owes them because they are descendants of kidnapped people. Thus they take this preferential treatment for granted. However, the kidnap by army is a fabrication made up by Kyungsik Park. They are the descendants of people who came to Japan before and after the war, and squatted as Hogyu Lim described. There is no reason that they are distinguished from other foreigners and receive preferential treatment at all. But sensible Japanese did not say anything small-minded. I compromise only Koreans who received the penalty of seven or more years of penal servitude must be exiled. Then how many Koreans have been exiled since the age Toseikai was active behind the scenes ? We have often seen, in newspapers, Korean names following "John Doe whose real name is". Expecting large number of criminals have been exiled, I asked the Ministry of Justice of the exact number. However the answer was, "The number of exiled Koreans since soon after the war until now is zero because the minister has never stamped for approval." Though it's well known that Seiken Sugiura refused the signature for execution, I didn't know any Justice Ministers had not banished Korean felons. Isn't this the bigger security concern in Japan than to refuse an execution ?
An online economic newspaper e-today reported on the 25th that single South Korean men performed 'Naked body check' on women while they chose their brides in Vietnam and the men's behaviors were taken up as a big issue in the locale. According to an English version of a local newspaper "Young people" issued on that day, some of South Korean men who had arrived at Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam met 66 young Vietnamese women with a view to marriage in the middle of this month. These women were introduced to men by a local marriage broker. At this time South Korean men surprisingly performed so called roguish 'Naked body check' on Vietnamese women. Though there were the cases local unlawful marriage brokers received the high referral fee and set up "Group meeting for marriage" for single men from oversea and troubles were caused, this is the first time the disgraceful behavior like this 'Naked body check' was discovered. The Vietnamese police reportedly arrested two South Koreans on the site in relation to the case. As such a case was reported through media, local people are violently repulsing it and the newspapers wrote that depending on circumstances even the damage on the national image would be concerned. Earlier at the beginning of this month, South Korean men were arrested in Ho Chi Minh City while choosing brides out of 118 Vietnamese women at an illegal marriage meeting, and were sentenced to a fine. However there are still shameless people committing such a crime as usual. Hankook Ilbo
Juche Idea rampant in Japan Teachers' Union The Juche Idea (also Juche Sasang or Chuch'e; pronounced /t?ut??e/ in Korean, approximately "joo-cheh") is the official state ideology of North Korea and the political system based on it. Kim Jong-il has explained that the doctrine is a component part of Kimilsungism, after its founder Kim Il-sung. The core principle of the Juche ideology since the 1970s has been that "man is the master of everything and decides everything". The official biography Kim Il Sung by Baik Bong had previously described this as saying that the masters of the North Korean revolution are the Workers' Party of Korea and the Korean people, who must remake themselves under the leadership of the WPK. Juche literally means "main body" or "subject"; it has also been translated in North Korean sources as "independent stand" and the "spirit of self-reliance".
What the heck ! Again Korean dog eaters tried to sneak in. It's hard to guess why they always try that despite the hatered against the Japanese !
Mass smuggling of illegal immigrants: 11 Koreans on a fishing boat at the fishing port, Nishi-ku, Fukuoka City
At about 3:17AM on 28th, a sixty year old man who was near saw suspicious people who landed from the fishing boat at Nishinoura fishing port in Nishiura, Nishi-ku, Fukuoka City and called 110. Fukuoka prefectural police searched around there, discovered and detained eleven people: five men and six women, who are possibly South Koreans and a Japanese man who was a driver to let them flee. These eight men and women including a Japanese man were arrested on the suspicion of violating the Immigration Control Law. The police are investigating these people as the smuggling of illegal immigrants. These eleven people are in their twenties to fifties according to the west station of the Fukuoka prefectural police. Six of them were caught in to the minivan on the road in Yokohama in the same district. The Japanese man who was in the car is suspected to be there to pick up other people. Remained five people were discovered while having lurked around the fishing port. All of them are lightly attired. Their passports of South Korea were confirmed not to be counterfeit and some of them reportedly have the note of South Korea. At Nishinoura fishing port, as some ten people who seemed to be the stowaways were witnessed to land on early morning of 18th, and the police doubts the series of cases as possible continuous stowing away and investigating the background of the case. 【 Takeshi Kinoshita 】 Mainichi news 14:00 04/28/2007