前スレ986 It is important to me that every body who has been hurt knows that the sarrow I feel is genuin. every body → everybody、sarrow → sorrow、genuin → genuine
``I don't know why Bob came out there, to be honest with you,'' Johnson said. ``No disrespect for him, but I mean I'm pitching in a game. I'm fully aware that Fred McGriff's on deck. If he comes out there, I'd just as soon he take me out, but not tell me how to pitch.''
Of course, as with British ideas about the Americans, most of these impressions come from books and movies. They fade quickly when one actually meets British people. But some things never do seem to fade, and those are the things the Americans like best. 和訳お願いします。
I was also wondering if you have any guitar tablature for any of the songs, or if you could link any websites with guitar tablature on them.
A girl I was talking to from Tokyo University suggested I listen to her. I haven't written the girl since (she hasn't sent me any replies). I listened to the song HERO by Mr.Children. It is probably not one of my favorite songs, but it sounds quite different to some of the other music I have by them.
Space expenditure will soon rise some more, from 40cents per person per week to more than 50 cents a week for every man, woman and child in the US, for we have given this program a high national priority-- even thoughI realize that this is in some measure an act of faith and vision, for we do not know what benefits await us.
All this, you must realize, was in the good old days when the sight of amotor-car on the street was an event, and it was quite safe for tiny children to go tricycling and whooping their way to school in the centre of the highway. この部分がよくわかりません。どなたか和訳お願いします。
What matters most gets buried under layers of pressing problems, immediate concerns, and outward behaviors. I become reactive. And the way I interact with you everyday often bears little resemblance to the way I deeply feel about you.
For example ,in on the dream I have an employee named Brown, whom I have to fire because my boss orders me to do it.
The dentist doesn`t find anything wrong with my teeth; he even seems proud of me and doesn`t charge me anything.
We want, as your dream puts it, to be little guys. We want everybody to automatically understand and be good to us and not to blame us for anything we do.
I am going to get big money take an early retirement south of the border. Work on my tan. 50G a year and a watch when I'm 70 won't get me a piece of the rock.
核廃棄物関係の文です。誰かお願いします! 特に”partioning and transmutation”って ところが分かりません!
The main policy in all Western European countries is that the spent fuel and/or HLW and other long -lived radioactive waste, including waste from partioning and transmutation, shall be disposed of national deep geological formations from
こっちのスレかな? 「or rather」以降の構文がちょっと分かりづらいです。 教えてください。 お願いします。 But the important point is that this form situates the agency of the ego, before its social determination, in a fictional direction, which will always remain irreducible for the individual alone, or rather, which will only rejoin the coming-into-being(le devnir) of the subject asymptotically, whatever the success of the dialectical synthesis by which he must resolve as I his discordance with his own reality.
Do you think that if something is wrong it is absolutely wrong and nothing else? Or is there any way that it could be seen as right? If your answer is "no", then Isaac Asimov, famous science writer, will tell you that you are wrong, and show you why. とくに1文目がよくわかりません。 誰か訳していただけないでしょうか?
Space expenditure will soon rise some more, from 40cents per person per week to more than 50 cents a week for every man, woman and child in the US, for we have given this program a high national priority-- even though I realize that this is in some measure an act of faith and vision, for we do not know what benefits await us.
The writer of the letter, having quoted me, went on to lecture me severely on the fact yhat in every century people have thought they understood the Universe at last, and in every century they were proved to be wrong. It follows, he said, that the one thing we can say about our modern "knowledge" is that it is wrong. 訳してください。お願いしますm(_ _)m
I didn't go into detail in the matter, but what I meant was that we now know the basic rules governing the Universe, together with the Newtonian laws of gravity, as shown in the theory of relativity worked out between 1905 and 1916. What's more, we have found that the galaxies and groups of galaxies are the basic units of the physical Universe, as discovered between 1920 and 1930. These are all twentieth-century discoveries, you see. おねがいしまつ(・・)
He then quoted what Socrates had said on lerning that he had been named the wisest man in Greece. "If I am the wisest man," said Socrates, "it is because I alone know that I know nothing." Thus he suggested that I was very foolish because I thought I knew a great deal. だれかよろしくおねがいします
米のビデオ屋に「日本へ送ってくれるの?」とメールした返事です。 We do not normally ship overseas. Japan has the highest shipping expenses for us... roughly $20.00 per package which is about what the video costs.
However, none of this was new to me. This particular idea was brought up a quarter of a century ago by my friend John Campbell, who always enjoyed irritating me. He also told me that all theories are proved wrong in time. 誰かお願いします
ソースはこれ↓ It is based on the IAEA guidance on radwaste management and is sometimes referred to as the "classical triangle". The guidance distinguishes between the roles of the regulator, the waste producer and the waste disposer. The waste disposer is to be responsible for 略 http://www.wmsym.org/wm99/pqrsta/07/7-2.pdf
>>166 かぶった。 The structure now prevailing in Western Europe, and which Cassiopee promotes, is presented in Fig. 2. It is based on the IAEA guidance on radwaste management and is sometimes referred to as the "classical triangle". って続けて読まないと Fig. 2. がclassical triangleだとわからないよ。
Mark your calendars, book your pets into the kennels, sub-lease your flats, sell your houses, whatever... and then let us know if you'd like to visit AUS for a good piss up and a wedding thrown into the bargain.
何度もお願いして申し訳ありません。 I received a letter from a reader the other day. According to the letter, it seemed that in one of my essays I had expressed a certain happiness at living in a century in which we finally understood how the Universe works. 一文目は、「私は別の日に読者からの手紙を受け取った。」でいいですよね? 二文目がよくわからないんです。
お願いします。海外通販のキャリヤーに対しての選択だと思いますが・・・ UPS Ground Residential UPS Ground Commericial Fed-Ex Next Day Air UPS Next Day Air UPS Second Day Air UPS3 Day Residential UPS3 Day Commercial 機械翻訳すると研磨が何とかと出るのです・・・
>>177 The Gohyaku Rakan are the 500 disciples of the Buddha, carved in stone over a period of 24 years and installed in the hillside by a pious merchant in the late 1700's. Each disciple has a different expression, and it is said that one of them will surely resemble the observer's own face. Nearby is Reigando, the cave in which the master swordsman Musashi Miyamoto secluded himself during the late 1600s to write "The Book of Five Rings." his teaching on martial arts.
i will give you sophie's email addres and she can be your mail buudy to it's [email protected] she does japanese .... so you guys can talk in ur natural tongue. she is a bit weird but is very funny...
The basic trouble, you see, is that people think that "right" and "wrong" are absolute; that everything that isn't perfectly and completely right is totally and equally wrong. お願いします。
My wedding was a bit of an unusual one, as we decided to sort out everything ourselves. This included my friend forgetting to pick up the Grooms party from my house, so we had to run to the registary office and the fact that I had drunk far too much at the reception (so had everyone else), so I ended up using my sword to cut all three tiers of the wedding cake with a single swipe (I was told off about that the next day!). We enjoyed it though!
N: Hello, actually I'm really nervous, but I'm so exciting this program. N: Then, any way I will enjoy to interview her. N: Hello, N: Welcome to Japan N: It's very nice to meet you. My name is Norika. N: First of all, I really want to say "congratulations for Oscar". N: Is there anything has been changed, for example, dictation, people surrounding you? N: I see. How about inside of you? N: What is your favorite word or what is your motto? N: I like the word "No pain no gain". N: Thank you , thank you so much. N: Bye bye N: I'm still, exciting. She has so nice personality.
>>220 > N: Hello, actually I'm really nervous, but I'm so *exciting* this program. I'm so excited about... > N: Then, any way I will enjoy *to* interview her. enjoy interviewing (I'm looking foward to interviewing her のつもりだったかも?) > N: Is there anything has been changed, for example, *dictation*, people surrounding you? dictation? 書き取り? reputationのことか? ↓こういったことを尋ねたかったのか? Has it changed your life in some way or other? Such as people's attitude toward you...? > N: I'm still, exciting. I 'm still very much excited.
The Twins were able to play to their strengths throughout the series because of their starters. The starting tandem of Brad Radke, Joe Mays and Lohse allowed only one walk, two runs and seven hits in 19 2/3 innings this week - an encouraging sign about the health of the rotation.
"play to their strengths"と、最後の"an encouraging sign about the health of the rotation"の訳し方を教えてください。
>>230 お疲れさまでした。 彼女の英語は通じているかもしれないけど インタヴュ−前に英語の先生と特訓したに違いないと 思われる割にはお粗末だと思いました。 だってこれNHKの英語教育番組で放送された内容だから http://www.nhk.or.jp/night/study.html 視聴者は英語学習ものが圧倒的と思うし。 > Is there anything has been changed, for example, *dictation*, people > surrounding you? これは聞いててかなり疑問だったけどやっぱり。。。
"That's what you see when you go right at hitters if they're not catching up to it," Gardenhire said. "It's a cold day. Pour it on the inside half of the plate and make them beat you."
>>231 play to their strengths →先発陣のおかげでティームの長所を生かすことができた an encouraging sign about the health of the rotation →ローテーションの調子に関してはよいサインだ >>236 内角に投げたときに打者がボールに追いついていないと(打者は)そういう動きをするんだ。 寒い日だし(動きが鈍い)、内角にガンガン攻めて打てるものなら打ってみろとやるわけ。
The resource requested /vip/index.php cannot be found. If you feel that this is a configuration error, please contact the administrators or the author of the referring page.
What is the least number of weights required to weigh any integral number of pounds up to 63 pounds if one is allowed to put weights in onlt one pan of a balance? おねがいします。
I shipped your package yesterday and the shipping came to $50 instead of the $20 that I had estimated and charged to your credit card. I could have mailed it for only $34.00 but that would be a postal service that would take a very long time to deliver it to you and that is not acceptable. Airmail charges were $50.00 and then I added a bit more money of my own to make it go Express Airmail because it was only $3.25 more. So the total was $53.25 and I am happy to pay the extra $3.25 but I would like permission to charge your credit card $29.58 so that I do not lose so much money on this order. In the future I will check the postage before I ship your order and charge your credit card. I hope that this makes sense to you. If you have questions, please ask them to me.
http://mmcconeghy.com/students/videofoodchaininbiosphere.html Producers: We use this term to refer to the plants which take sunlight energy and use the energy to build living material from abiotic chemicals. Plants produce living material from carbon dioxide and water, using sun energy to attach the atoms together. This process, called "photosynthesis" usually results in the production of sugar (glucose C6H12O6.) Plants and other living things use the glucose to supply them with energy that they use to build and operate their own bodies. Photosynthesis: 6CO2 + 6H2O --> C6H12O6 + 6 O2
ここで、living material は glucose を指していると思いますが。 つまり、plants or other living things が 消費するものですね。 living material と living things が 区別して使われます。
front については僕もわかりません。すみません。frost fish ??? >>243 の指摘どおり、 macerel は mackerel の間違いとは思いますが。
If you were then told that 9 hours had passed since noon and it was therefore 9 o'clock, and were asked what time it would be in 5 more hours, and you answered 14 o'clock on the grounds that 9+5=14, would you not be corrected again, and told that it would be 2 o'clock? Apparently in that case, 9+5=2 after all. 最後が「この場合、やはり明白に9+5=2なのである。」 といってるのはわかるんですが、前半部分を誰か訳してください。 お願いします。
The key element of the integrated political and military strategy was the hope that you’d be able to turn over some local government functions in the first towns to fall to local lraqis, and then, ultimately, create an Iraqi interim authority.
Step right up, step right up, step right up, Everyone's a winner, bargains galore That's right, you too can be the proud owner Of the quality goes in before the name goes on
Or again suppose Richard says: 2+2=11, and before the teacher can send him home with a note to his mother, he adds, "To the base 3, of course." He'd be right. お願いします
The merchant, it seemed,had not had a very successful career. Being a cheerful man, however, who loved to talk, he proceeded to tell the artist story after story about his many business failures.
Therefore, if someone tells me that in every century scientists think they have worked out the Universe and are wrong, I rather wish he would answer my own questions: How wrong are they? Are they always wrong to the same degree? おねがいします
>>350 かなりなブロークン英語だけど、概ねそうでしょう。 Would you make some drawings for some of our live CD releases? We will give you some CD's in exchange.ということならね。 しかし、drawには前払い手数料なんて意味もあるので要確認かもね。
I heard many things about Japanese woman, and how nice they welcome all visitors and guests. That's not entirely true, ○○ should at least bake a "welcome cake" for me.
"ESTIMATED SHIP DATE" Allow up to 3 to 9 business days for us to fill your order. Note, you must be available to sign for your shipment when it is received. Although we do not anticipate a delay in your order, we occasionally run into unexpected delays. If this should happen, we will notify you and provide a revised estimated ship date.
What does it mean to be a black in the U.S.? Can we really understand how black people feel when they are called different names? In the following essay Henry Louis Gates, Jr., one of America's leading cultural figures, describes his own experience of being black in America. おねがいします。
Yes, I can discount the 商品名 to $14.00 each. Let me see what I can do about shipping. Also, let me know if you would like to order more 商品名 then I will weigh everything to see what shipping will be.
Thank you very much for your order. I will make sure it is shipped immediately.
Don't know how true that story is, but then you never do with 人名 stories do you !!! 私には、その話がどこまで本当か分からない。 でも、君も(または、一般的に言って)、その人物の話は本当かどうか全然 分からないだろう(信じられないだろう)?
海外のオークションでビデオをゲットして、 出品者からメールが来たんですけど、 「Congratulations on winning all 3 videos - I might find a few extras as well!」 の後半の部分は何と解釈すればよいでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。
the SENDERS were born out of the 2 groups I just mentioned, as DUMPS changed Bass Players, enter Bob when Tom could no longer continue with the group, the core of the SENDERS was born although we didn't realize it at the time. Johnny was just a fan at that time and didn't even think about playing an instrument. Allen was just a trouble maker and a good friend of Stanley who kinda played guitar and came to all the Dogs gigs. That's how we all meet up after a while. They would come up and talk to us then start to show up at rehearsals at Jeff's house.
○○ comes up behind her and sticks his hands through the opening made by her putting her hands on her hips. He turns around and has this devilish grin on his face. He has to be a big tease
My father and I were walking home one evening from his second job. He "moonlighted" in the evenings for the telephone company. Every day but Saturday, he would come home at 3:30 from his main job at the paper factory, wash up, eat dinner, then at 4:30 leave for his second job. お願いします。
He often nsed to make jokes about a union official who moonlighted. I never got the joke, but he and his friends thought it was very funny. All I knew was that my familly always ate well, that my brother and I had new clothes to wear, and that all of the white people in Piedmont, West Virginia, treated my parents with a mixture of resentment and respect that had something directly to do with a small but certain measure of economic security. お願いします。
Throughout this article I leave in its peculiarity the translation I have adopted for Smith's AAA without further comment, other than to say that I have not maintained it since.
With the site of an American bombing raid in Iraqi hands Tuesday, coalition forces said it might take some time to determine whether Saddam Hussein was killed in the attack on a restaurant where he was believed to be meeting with his sons.
Most likely backlash issues having to do with the over-saturation of publicity regarding their relationship and Jennifer Lopez's whole transformation from actress to pop diva to pop diva actress... which has never really been a popular thing with folks.
The largest drydock available in the NEI was a 15.000 ton drydock in Soerabaja. Although owned by the government, it was exploited the Soerabja Drydock Corporation, a commercial company, not an unusual legal construction for government property in the NEI. The board of directors of this firm was told to give warships priority when making schedules for docking. In addition, there was a 3000 ton drydock available.
Of the qualities you possess, which one would you like people to admire most? と Describe an experience you've had in which you were uncertain of the right thing to do. How did you finally decide what to do? をお願いします!自分ではさっぱりです。
Your order has shipped with the exception of A-47 which is on backorder and will ship shortly once new stock arrives. Feel free to choose something else of equal value.
the SENDERS were born out of the 2 groups I just mentioned, as DUMPS changed Bass Players, enter Bob when Tom could no longer continue with the group, the core of the SENDERS was born although we didn't realize it at the time. Johnny was just a fan at that time and didn't even think about playing an instrument. Allen was just a trouble maker and a good friend of Stanley who kinda played guitar and came to all the Dogs gigs. That's how we all meet up after a while. They would come up and talk to us then start to show up at rehearsals at Jeff's house.
以下の文、宜しくお願いします。 To assist in crowd control, we offer a crowd control barrier constructed of strong and durable steel. Each section measures 42" wide and interconnects with adjoining sections to create a rigid barricade system. Also, an integral safety step prevents the barricade sections from collapsing while allowing security personnel better access to crowds. The crowd control barriers also feature a steel mesh face that is durable yet "acoustically transparent." Dimensions when opened are 47.5" high x 42" wide x 49.25" deep and each section folds down to 4" high x 42" wide x 49.25" deep for convenient storage and/or transport. Storage carts are available in either 10-unit or 20 unit sizes with or without wheels. These carts come with fork truck lift points. We also carry corner sections of barrier to make 90 degree turns where needed; for example, around a thrust. All barrier is available on a rental or purchase basis. Mountain Productions also carries freestanding bicycle rack barricade and wooden freestanding barricade. We can also construct larger barricades, such as a 8000' long x 8' high wall, for any of your mass-gathering needs.
>>620 「死んでいる」は誤訳に近いでしょう。 I gave at the office は、 「ああ、それ(寄付など)なら、すでにオフィスにいる時にしましたよ」 というような言い訳として、しばしば使われる表現のようです。 それから、Do not disturb はホテルの自室に在室時にドアに掛けておく メッセージとして定番の表現。
字幕翻訳は字数の制限があって難しいけど Do not disturb.I gave at the office. を訳すとしたら 「睡眠中。本日の業務は終了」あたりですかね。
>>625 reaslly → really how youd raw → how you draw looove r → love(loooveと強調) ur (your) No really good I know but that was only to say that I love how you draw and I looove ur "mad girl". このコメントの前に別のコメント貰ってる? No → Notだと、まあまあなのはわかってるけど、チミの描き方が大好きで「Mad Girl」はもーお気に入りだってことを いいたかったんだよ。
In absolute terms, fossile fuel burning is adding about 20 billion tons/year of carbon oxide to the world's atmosphere. と Yet the basic hypothesis is that this addition is enough of burden on the atmosphere to cause carbon dioxide levels to rise too quickly. をお願いします。二番目の奴はthat this あたりがよく分かりません。 そこらへんの文法的なところをお願いします。
Kato of still sleeping is too early as you say. Encouragement is continued to Kato to whom many fans are sleeping also in Japan. I think that I also continue wanting you to send voice even from under long distance empty. Kato should surely be reached. We believe so.
Unable to make flame for themselves, the earliest peoples probably stored fire by keeping slow-burning logs alight or by carrying charcoal in pots. お願いします
Wed April 9, 2003 08:55 AM ET HARARE (Reuters) の記事です。
Women Beat Official Over Land Seizures ←ヘッドライン
A Zimbabwe government official jumped out of a third floor window to escape beating by angry women war veterans demanding ownership papers for land they seized from white farmers, police said on Wednesday.
Throughout this article I leave in its peculiarity the translation I have adopted for Smith's AAA without further comment, other than to say that I have not maintained it since.
In many places,friends shake hands when they meet, and also when they say good-bye. However,people in English-speaking countries usually shake hands only when they meet.
Otherwise I'd suggest using text messages. I know that it works between America/Canada and England but Japan is a law unto itself. You have a completely different network type but still maybe we can see...
everyone in the music class brought a song as groups or alone that they wanted to do and we assembled temporary groups and worked on the songs for a couple of months I brought ( and sang ) Rosette's 'Wish I could fly!
I apologize for the delay in writing back, my computer hasn't been working lately and it makes it hard to write mail. I was glad to get your mail and I would love to help you with your english, which is already pretty good from what you wrote to me. =) I hope I can help, I'm not really sure how to teach english, but I would love to try. I want to teach english in Japan so maybe this will help me. Well, I'd love to write more, but I need to do study some kanji. I'll try to write more later this week!
This site is a site which I am making from the hobby, and includes the information about programming, networking, and general computer usage. However, I am not the specialist of a computer. Much of the content of this site was written by me as notes to myself.
our neighboring country developed a similar resort project to that which you propose on 100 percent ownership of the report by the foreign company. Their experience shows that 90 percent of the money spent by tourists was either spent in buying tha package in the company's country or spent at the hotel. Thus, the profits for the country, DM 1000000 per year, were not sufficient to cover the costs of the improvements in the infrastructure necessary for the project. Here are the figures furnished by the Sendalian Ministry of Commerce for you review.
On the one hand it increases the number of articles of common consumption for which there is, consequently, a big settled market; on the other, it widens the margin of our income in which we can allow our individual preferences more sway.
Although that may seem like a great deal, much more comes from other sources; an estimated 150 billion tons is emitted annually from the oceans and about 65 million tons from terrestrial plant decay, which itself is being accelerated through deforestation. that may seem like a great deal をどう捉えたらいいのかが特に分かりません。お願いします。
What really matters is not whether or not he is dead or alive, but the fact that whoever is left in this regime, whatever is left of the regime leadership, got up today and realized they have less and less control over their country. の "but the fact" から最後までお願いします。
Please note that with all overseas orders we confirm name and address details with the card issuing bank before despatch and for security reasons we can only deliver to the credit card holders address. All prices shown are in UK currency (Pounds Sterling).
>>767 インテリヘルスより: http://www.intelihealth.com/IH/ihtIH?d=dmtATD&c=361365&p=~br,IHW|~st,24479|~r,WSIHW000|~b,*| The four red meats are beef, lamb, veal and pork. Pork is not "the other white meat," except for certain cuts such as pork tenderloin or center cuts, which have nutritional values similar to poultry. Any products made from the four red meats also are classified as red meats, such as bologna, ham, sausage, bacon and other processed meats often found at the deli.
Why -- does the mat admire the hibiscus I to be allowed to lock in the pen why actually to lock in likes with sadly why being happy in the long life always for the first time presently on weakly falls anxiously all is the most beautiful time "Cuts the ocean? When how may not flow? ? " ? Asks me. "Did not look it to be good." Does not look can make? Class? The thing, that is only may not flow? Method. When I want to cry, I do not look? . Egg? In if has not put the walnut not to be able to be called the walnut egg? In the love if does not have two hearts not to be able to be called the love "The love" the character collects a complete heart representative to treasure "the sentiment" the character to depend upon a station heart representative to accompany
Although that may seem like a great deal, much more comes from other sources; an estimated 150 billion tons is emitted annually from the oceans and about 65 million tons from terrestrial plant decay, which itself is being accelerated through deforestation
すみません。前も出して、かつ一部は答えていただいたのですが which itself is being accelerated through deforestation ここはどう見ればいいのでしょうか?「それ自身が森林伐採を通じて加速される」 のように見えるのですが、しっくりきません。文中の「ton」は二酸化炭素 の量なのですが、二酸化炭素が森林伐採を通じて加速されている。ならば itselfにする意味がわかりません。よろしくお願いします。
The name represented how we were. It was like what I was saying earlier about the band being like a gang. We wanted our music to be as honest and unbullshit as possible. the honesty thing was important hence the name. It was the most important thing. And whenever I caught my self or one of the guys ever not being as honest as we could with the music, I would say something about it. Still is important. A few years ago if you played something really loud and hard and fast like this, you know. The audience for that was at least smaller back then. Everything comes and goes in cycles. I'm not looking just to cash in or nothing, I still believe I can show people how it's really done. I'm excited about doing something new. It flatters me to hear other bands cover our songs and say that we were an influence, but hopefully people will be able to say the same about the new stuff. It's pretty simple straightahead shit as always.
Well it's spring time in the valley of magnolia lane It's the Augusta Nationals and the Masters of the game Who'll wear the green coat on Sunday afternoon Who'll walk the eighteenth fairway singing this tune Augusta, your dogwoods and pines, they play on my mind like a song Augusta, it's you that I love, it's you that I miss when I'm gone It's the legions of Arnie's army, golden bear's throne Wodden shafted legend of Bobby Jones...
"It's untidy. And freedom's untidy. And free people are free to make mistakes and commit crimes and do bad things," stormed Rumsfeld, his hand chopping the air for emphasis in response to reporters' questions at a Pentagon briefing."They're also free to live their lives and do wonderful things. And that's what's going to happen here," he added after reporters asked what steps U.S. forces were taking to stop the looting.
I have a slight problem with your lament on prioritizing sex as you come in here wafting of vanilla wearing a $2,000 outfit designed to punctuate every contour of your body looking very much like the women in the magazines except I don't have the luxury of turning the page. As for locating self-worth in physical appearance I'm sure there's a mirror somewhere in your little Prada purse and as much as you might hate the idea of being the object of a man's desires what you truly loathe is the idea that one day you might not be and the question burning deep, deep, deep down under the lip gloss is... "Has that day already arrived?"
Abuse and a dirty word are used, and the attack of the bulletin board manager and the inspection user to unpleasant feelings to make it do. It will go well because it reacts at once if the target is an impatient type. If the target is a calm type, it opposes it oppositely oppositely by the hand of leaving or deletion of the contribution. Please note it because it is the unexpectedly shameful one when what I ruined is regretted because it is left as it is.
Superoxide dismutase (SOD) is an enzyme that removes the superoxide (O2-) radical. We hear a lot in nutritional news about "antioxidants". Think of SOD as a natural antioxidant. Since cancer cells produce more oxidants than normal cells, they can basically oxidize themselves to death. That is why SOD is a target protein ― if SOD is inhibited in the cancer cell, the cancer cells are damaged, controlling growth. (PDB reference - 1isa)
>>883 おお!ありがとう! get rich はわかるけど or die tryin がいまいちピンとこなかったわけで この場合の or はどういう使い方でつか? die tryin' は Even if I die, I keep trying の略で良い? それともこういう諺みたいなものかしら?
Tonight I started filling out an application for a grad school. I've decided to get my masters degree in design. The school I've settled on (if I can get in and can get financial aid) is a state university in Arizona.
Japanese immigrants and their American children were frequent targets of prejudice and political attacks for 50 years before World War II. In May 1905, delegates from 67 organizations convened in San Francisco, California, to form the Asiatic Exclusion League, later known as the Japanese Exclusion League. After the transcontinental railroad was completed in 1869, competition for jobs increased. Many organized labor groups first blamed Chinese, then Japanese immigrants for unemployment and low wages.
>>885 >>883ではありませんが、 die tryin' は die by trying to get rich です。 つまり、get rich or die tryin' をそのまま訳すと 「金持ちになれ、あるいは金持ちになる努力をして死ね」 これを日本語らしくすると>>883みたいになります。
今日京都に行ったのよーー。もうすぐ、大阪を離れるから最後に大好きな京都を見たくていろいろと観光してきました。 I went to kyoto today. I went sightseeing to kyoto who really like it and I leave from Osaka soon.
He combines this historical interest with his linguistic studies, and tries to find out something about the linguistic background of the British Isles, to find out why so many different languages have been, and still are, spoken there, and to find out what effects this linguistic variety has had both on the English language itself and on the social and political situation of the islands.
How are you? I hope fine. Thank you for writing me. you are right, we haven't heart of each other very long time... I am right actually. In one month time I will take my exams. I am quite nervous because these exams very, very important. Anyway, after having taken my exam I will do my community service.May be in iraq, may be also in another country. This service will take about ten month. After then I want to start to be a pilot. I have already applied by the Lufthansa. I hope my plan is going to be fullfilled. Hey, what about you? What you are going to be in the future? What is your plan? I hope you feel much better then you felt in englyn!! I hope you write me back. See you,
Wildeの「ドリアン・グレイの肖像」に、 カッコに入って“a dream of form in days of thought”って、典拠不明の引用があるんですが、 意味が分かりかねます(私としては「思索の日中に見る人の姿の夢」のような気がしますが) 福田恒存は「形式の夢」、西村孝次は「形相の夢」(この人は全体的にあまり信用できない気が)、 ちなみに台湾で買ったシナ語訳では「数日にわたる思考が完全な形式を作り上げる」とまったく頓珍漢な怪訳であてになりません泣 どなたかお助けを
I keep wondering all these days How to thrive the way we stray A year, a lifetime - parted, together will be all the same Many things to make me sad Some can even drive me mad Just fear forever No more endeavours Leave me where I stand
You are here And make me feel so high Day by day Something one can't deny Let's give each other certainty
Sometimes it is used to refer to the Celtic people who dominated Britain at the time of the Roman conquest, sometimes to the people who preceded the Celts
Beatrix was born in 1886 at No.2,Bolton Gardens in London. There her parents lived comfortably. In many ways Mr. and Mrs.Potter took good care of Beatrix and her younger brother, Bertram Beatrix wore clean clothes every morning, and every afternoon she was taken for a walk in the park by her nurse. Beatrix and Bertram shared many interests; especially,they loved to watch animals. They had a good time together while young until Bertram was sent away to school.
How difficult it would have been for the ancient Egyptian, just beginning to grasp the idea of a written language, to look ahead to electric lights,radios,jet aircraft, or atomic energy
Beatrix was taught at home by governesses. She got on especially wellwith one governess, Annie Carter. Annie was only three years older than Beatrix. When Annie left to get married, Beatrix kept in close touch with her and, later, with her eight children. Beatrix got into the habit of writing to Annie's children. In September 1893, she wrote to Noel, the eldest, when he was ill.
During their early days of exploration there were neither laboratory nor museum collections to assist them in the identification of the plants and animals they found. They had comparatively few books at their disposal, and of those, since they were of Old World orgin, almost none were of direct use to an Ameican naturalist. No matter what field of natural history they investigated, they were pioneering.
To make sure that the music at the party was to our liking, I recorded four CD's of our favourite music especially for the occasion (it took me three days with the computer, as most of our music collection is on Vinyl records, not CD's).
Martin Cooper, a researcher at Motorola inc.,made the call from the comer of56th Street and Lexington Avenue in Manhattan on April 3,1973. Bystanders were agape at the spectacles Cooper recalls. We were surprised, because we thought New York were so blasé. We caused a great stir, he says The phone was mammoth by today‘s standards-it weight almost two pounds and was 10inches long . Talk time was 20 minutes. Still,it was a huge advance over the car-mounted mobile phones that had been in use since the1940s. よろしくお願いします