Hola! Jim-san. We've been discussing to display ID and prefecture(as Anti-Troll system) in some board since over 5 years ago. 5年以上前からとある板でID表示と、荒らし対策のための県名表示について議論してきました。 Will you accept the proposal to display prefecture or ISP like the news board(ニュース速報)? Jimさんは県名表示の申請があった場合、IDと同じように設定変更してくれるんでしょうか?
We would like to change the SETTING: BBS_JP_CHECK=(none) ↓ BBS_JP_CHECK=200
377 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/23(日) 15:33:59.98 ID:???0
379 名前:Grape Ape ★[] 投稿日:2014/03/23(日) 15:38:44.25 ID:???0 Don't be mistaken. It is a CAP for volunteer, it is not an editor CAP. ↓ おいおい勘違いするなよw おいら(ジム)がさっき言ったのは削除人ボラのキャップ スレ立て記者のキャップじゃねーよwww
実況禁止の板での実況がやりたい放題になっているのをなんとかして欲しいです。 止める人がいないせいで報告スレが機能していません。 (There are many transgressors of the rule that prohibits running commentary. The thread to report on the transgressor does not function. )
>>379 There was the history that lots of capped volunteers tourcherd Kenmou board for long time. They tended to think themselves as privilegentsia and did not listen to users.
Kenmou guys are deeply concerned about those who get cap behave arrogantly.
I personally think it might be a good idea to issue caps for vicious bloggers that forge a special pact with ad agents and hosting companies.
420 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/23(日) 17:48:23.10 ID:???0
>>417 I don't think they stopped. I made a very clear post on a news thread. Now they are acting like lawyers dissecting that. Generally, if you have to ask then you already know it is not in the best interest of 2ch. You are asking for permission to damage 2ch. I use quotes all the time. I don't ask before I quote. I have never had anyone complain. There is limited intelligence in the population that can only copy and paste. They can not be reasoned with. They only rationalize from their small view of the world.
Good evening Jim. I think the Afi problems are getting better little by little anyway. It's good you seem to be enjoying to post what you want to say in Siberia. Take care.
I don't think Jim made a security hole or any of that type. It's Afikasu's problem that they're digging holes illegally and also digging holes for their coffins. I'm certain that Jim made a good decision about putting reproduction prohibited on 2ch's top page. He's doing fine against those annoying complainers.
>>420 Thx. I take your point completely but it would be much better to post on 2ch front page as the public announcement against all suckers.
If there is no statement on the page, they will say they can not find it! They found the post that jim said it might be ok for reproduction. That is what is going on now.
Japanese culture is not familiar with direct, indirect quatation, reprinting and fair use unlike english spoken countries.
430 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/23(日) 19:20:48.41 ID:???0
>>426 I am not posting that. That is the sort of short term thinking and greed that got us all into this. Better, to just get back on our feet and see if we can pay the bills with what we have.
>>427 Yep. Some kenmou guys misunderstand these caps are introducing +system in kenmou instead of 2ch informer against afikus.
432 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/23(日) 19:22:01.57 ID:???0
>>431 Even you...;) I heard you quacking loudly when I first mentioned this for poverty and anarchy. It is not for news reporter it is for volunteering.
>>430 Jim, You need to summarise your thought for all 2chers and others. I know it's difficult to make a final and clear decision so far. Just put actual states. You can change if you would seeing as not issueing a decision.
This avoids FAQs.
hey, jim can you ask A? can you tell me A" I can't find answer A yet. Where is your answer? when did you answer? how? ARRRRGH!!! I ANSWERD at news thread where? when? weeeeeee Did you?
>>448 muchas gracias!!! This explanation is a bit long for non native speakers to understand but I'm just relieved by reading your post. need to put this post on your 2ch front page. That will stop a bunch of FAQ attacks.
483 :● xerxes.maido3.net@Grape Ape ★@転載禁止:2014/03/21(金) 14:42:42.45 ID:???0 >>207 2ch is in a unique position in Japan, and the rest of the world. The founder had good reason to select the United States as the "home" of 2ch. The laws on freedom of speech are strong and supported at all levels of the government. What 2ch does is important. It is as important as the bell that Martin Luther King Jr. spoke ringing from every mountain top and molehill. This board is an important news source. News reporting is protected. Especially when there is critical comment. These things are part of the wonder of 2ch. It is the reason I have been so proud to be involved with 2ch for so long.
Other boards are full of parody. satire and parody is an important part of our social consciousness. Pointing out those flaws and faults in the thinking and social works of the world. Sometimes shocking, sometimes hilarious, satire and parody are important and protected by law.
Don't let insidious people with their own self interests trick you into thinking anything other than the fact is 2ch is one of the most important resources on earth for humanity. What you do here is protected by strong laws, and international convention.
The nature of the work and the amount you borrow are important considerations. If there is a commercial impact, then that is definitely not fair use. It is my intention to enforce the rights of 2ch where the commercial impact has resulted in the near bankruptcy of the infrastructure that cares so much for 2ch.
>>448 I understand here are loads aficus and they annoys you now for real.
Unyou board has been used for 2ch administration since 2ch was born. FOX used to escaping here and making new boards for the same reason. That results only Fox fun boys followed him and made the mental distance between admin and 2ch users.
My concern is that you start purseing FOX before. 2ch has a place of free speech in Japan.
I would like you to endure these suckers and stay here and administrate all 2ch matters instead of pink, siberia and other boards.
The existence of aficus here show us they have some troubles. We can use these samples. Are they screaming? Are they happy? are they angry? is this effective?
I know you told me you did not like this bord name coz of mares. Just change the name whatever you like.
アレな訳だが通じるだろうか >>382>>385 says Otome-gumi, the regulating volunteer groups had limited authorities to be stopping running commentary assosiated with a particular server(ex. hayabusa only) in the past might be required again.
2ch operational information tentatively thread to talk with Jim because the rough Could you please to BBS_JP_CHECK = 200 the http://qb5.2ch.net/operate? Has the effect to make hesitate to write only a little to people having to worry about the IP exposed to since the detailed prefecture name to display in this set And I think Jim's less likely to come to a thread to talk with Jim that's no good
398 名前:xerxes.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★[] 投稿日:2014/03/04(火) 14:52:02.33 ID:??? Even if they vote for it, we won't be displaying IPs there. If you want IP display, I have seen some boards that have that rule. Please tell them to go to Siberia.
598 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/24(月) 08:30:48.83 ID:???0
>>531 Good morning I think the Siberians would be angry if we made a total invasion of their land. We can talk here, but when it gets to full of trolls, then we just vacation in Siberia. It is the winter resort of Asia.
Forced ID was supported by overwhelming majority. Could you set 'BBS_FORCE_ID=checked' ?
605 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/24(月) 09:32:56.95 ID:???0
おわった >>604 Where did my Super Sonics go? When I was a kid my dad would take me to the Super Sonics games. This was the time of Spencer Haywood, Lenny Wilkins, Leeping Lee Winfield, Pete Cross. Why do I still remember these player names? Basket ball is an exciting sport to watch.
598 名前:Grape Ape ★[] 投稿日:2014/03/24(月) 08:30:48.83 ID:???0 >>531 Good morning I think the Siberians would be angry if we made a total invasion of their land. We can talk here, but when it gets to full of trolls, then we just vacation in Siberia. It is the winter resort of Asia.
>>615 NO. 軍事板(military board) starts doing the same application as >>34(アニメサロン-asaloon). I told them that the application was unnecessary. They are very special pretty serious!
625 名前:Grape Ape ★[] 投稿日:2014/03/24(月) 11:03:15.94 ID:???0 >>621 That is a not a tiny board. It is not huge, but not tiny. How come only 8 people voted?
637 名前:Grape Ape ★[] 投稿日:2014/03/24(月) 12:18:58.92 ID:???0 >>636 I think I understand. Like the movie Battleship, where the old sailors help bring the Missouri back into action to fight the invaders.
Hallo Jim I am http://toro.2ch.net/sake/ user. We want to change the form of ID on お酒・Bar board. We have discussed ID Display. Please change the form of ID.
652 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/24(月) 13:17:53.04 ID:???0
We would like to start the Kohada server move tomorrow at 1 PM. I would announce this with a 924 thread on kohada if someone would be so kind as to write some proper Japanese for me. If you can make a thread with post 1 with the announcement, then I will copy that dat as a 924
FIFA World Cup is held in June. This Big Games every time causes the trouble. The invaders eats a small thread messily. We need to think of a solution for that.
>>658 We think the opinion that's interference of an opponent. Result of the discussion, it was supposed to be determined by voting. Please respect the voting result.
>>686 I suggest you to "exchange" Livejupiter for Liveuranus. When you move Livejupiter to new Kohada, Livejupiter and Liveuranus will be exist in the same server. Liveuranus is used as Livejupiter's refuge if its server is down. So each of them should be arranged into different server.
>>686 how about "tamakin"? tama means ball, and kin means golden. so tamakin means goledn ball , which is one of the most worthful and precious items for Japanese. We Japanese all think everyone have goldenball in our mind and this is important a loadmap of our lives.
About malicious attackers. It has been discussed many times before. ID, IP, NGword, and other. I thought deeply...
Improvement of Ninpocho. Or, Improvement of the operation of the Ninpocho.
Do not you think this is a good idea?
Ninpocho has been criticized frequently. However, Ninpocho is an excellent system.
Ninpocho is possible to regulate the only bad guy. It is the greatest benefit of Ninpocho. But, it has not been operational so far. I think that mottinai.
It is sabotage by the opponents of forced ID. They are trying to maintain the status quo by interfering with the application and vote. Has been ruined everything in writing one we actually.
We have been discussing this problem for months. We were doing our discussion well. This vote has agreed for the user. Then favor became a majority vote. Please respect the voting results.
>>658 In fact, opponents proposed the vote is to interfere with the vote. Now he has a confession with the intention of became a hero in autonomy thread.
740 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/24(月) 16:23:39.75 ID:???0
>>736 I will respect it, it is good to discuss it now.
744 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/24(月) 16:30:12.30 ID:???0
To all of you guys that are picking Orpheus, please wait a while. I want to use that name but not on this coming server. Livejupiter will not be moving to the replacement server for Kohada. When we move Livejupiter, then that server will be Orpheus.
744 名前:Grape Ape ★[] 投稿日:2014/03/24(月) 16:30:12.30 ID:???0 To all of you guys that are picking Orpheus, please wait a while. I want to use that name but not on this coming server. Livejupiter will not be moving to the replacement server for Kohada. When we move Livejupiter, then that server will be Orpheus.
749 名前:Grape Ape ★[] 投稿日:2014/03/24(月) 16:42:51.44 ID:???0 >>746 No, the kohada server replacement will not be Orpheus. I decided not to move Livejupiter to the Kohada replacment. I am sorry for the English.
These responses avg. before and after this change, it is reduced from 1540 to 950 (40% down). I seems many people went away, and I'm worried it to go worse.
791 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/24(月) 19:28:44.86 ID:???0
>>788 Ok, but I don't want to edit your text files. I might mess up the charset. Please find the volunteer for it, then I will upload it.
792 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/24(月) 19:31:01.09 ID:???0
>>757 Please discuss it more. Maybe your trolls went away. New people will come with less trolls. Let's give it some time to see the results. You just updated it.
1. (>>633) Jim-san, I spread the news that 2 channel might be promoting copyright infringement. 2. (>>642) Jim-san, you must speak about this for yourself! You encourage copyright abuses!? 3. (>>652) Hiroyuki used to tolerated us using 2 channel properties. Folks have rights to know.
I'm not sure about his conculusion… but… it smells… seberian issues?
Tamakin It means testicle in Japanese. They're gonna its name in the harassment. Orpheus,karasawa,ogasawara and so on I do not want to use such a server.
I have been reading through looking for server name suggestions. I see this several times. Ogasawara Ogasawara.2ch.net? Is that good? It's a world heritage.
Good evening, Sir! Sir General Jim, The army board at toro server is under operation "bbs-force-id-Evaluation" Sir! The operation is expected to run till 2014/April/18, Sir! Voting for approval and status change of bbs-force-id from 'experement' to 'approved' is to be held at 2014/April/19 to 2014/April/25 Sir! Vote is to be casted between "Forced-ID"(強制ID) OR "Opt-in-ID"(任意ID), this is a army board attempt to resolve the matter, and we would like approval for performing the vote, sir!
We request support from Command and controll center for
to notify all personel in the army board, Sir! This is absolutly required in order to complete the experement, as during the vote at 軍事板 ID試験導入に関する投票 http://kohada.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/vote/1393946612/ 賛成(Agree):37 反対(Against):2 ---------------- board consensus was to resolve the matter as a 2 stage process, voting (intorduce change or not) -> evaluation (1 month) -> voting (here to stay, or revert back). We are currently at the evaluation stage, Sir! If everything goes well, voting will be performd to decide whether the change is here to stay, or it should be reverted back.
Operation will be commenced, following support form the C2, Banzai!
>>846 Most Japanese people love tamakin. If the name of the server are determined to tamakin, PV will increase definitely. As a result, there is no doubt that advertising revenue will increase. We are looking forward to your knowledgeable decision.
859 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/25(火) 00:34:21.11 ID:???0
>>854 Orpheus is very cool. There is so much art about Orpheus.
860 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/25(火) 00:35:47.38 ID:???0
>>857 Give me a report on the current situation sergeant.
882 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/25(火) 01:16:42.55 ID:???0
>>875,878 Maybe we should have 2 votes. One vote between gods and dictators, then the vote for the name from the list. >>875 Please name your favorite dictators. Mine are Sulla, and Dionysius. Sulla was an official dictator of Rome. He brought Rome back from bankruptcy and when Rome was prosperous again, he stepped down, and died a happy old man. Dionysius was a Greek dictator in Sicily.
>>860 >>863 Yes Sir! General Jim-san! Sir, Could the field troops receive backup? Troops in the toro server,army board camp need signal. BBS_NONAME_NAME=名無し三等兵@ID設定投票日4/19-25自治スレ Some have gone MIA, under heavy fire from enemy (work), we need to gather personnel at pickup point 4/19-25 Sir!
891 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/25(火) 01:28:25.13 ID:???0
>>887 Colors are nice, and simple to remember. How about dogs, or primates. I like primates.
>>879 lol That will be exciting. Kim Jong Wn Server died ★2
>>882 Sulla finished Roman republic in a sence or the republic was ineluctable to die.
The image of the dictator now sounds -ve unlike roman republic thks to United States.
huum I love Augustus who is not dictator at first but construct to Imperator systems. He is not gifted general and is discretion to acquire superpower by inches like finding a piece in a puzzle.
904 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/25(火) 01:55:40.21 ID:???0
>>902 Augustus was not really a dictator, he was an emperor. He was arguably the best emporor the Romans had. His legions did defeat Mark Antony and Cleopatra.
>>895 General Jim Good morning. I am ID experimenter officer of army board. 877 >> 890 >> Liaison Officer that we have sent to you Did gentleman? That's my concern. Because there needs to be a gentleman officer.
We are grateful to General Jim. You gave me the opportunity to us.
Request from the Liaison Officer of our BBS_NONAME_NAME=名無し三等兵@ID設定投票日4/19-25自治スレ (John-Doe @ ID-evaluation-voting-will-be-performed-during-19th-to-25th-at-board-policy-thread ) Can not ask the General other than.
This is also within the scope of the experiment.
However, the conclusion. I will follow the General Jim. If it is your instruction, we will charge even if there is no support.
>398 名前:xerxes.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★[] 投稿日:2014/03/04(火) 14:52:02.33 ID:??? >Even if they vote for it, we won't be >displaying IPs there. If you want IP >display, I have seen some boards that >have that rule. Please tell them to go to >Siberia.
If IP becomes displayed compulsory, posting will decrease, never increase. As the result, the boards will decrease in population and message like Machi BBS.
It's reasonable to ask Jim-san to stop restriction. However, to force many unrestricted people to display IP just for the sake of few restricted people is quite self-centered idea. Moreover, you can buy Ronin, the tool which makes able to write even under restriction.
>>961 says "What's the problem of decrease of posting. Dose that decrease advertisement income?"
Reading that, I cannot help getting surprised, since it is too obvious. The decrease of posting leads not only to the depopulation of posting people but also the people who visit the boards to read.(>>948 also points out that) Who the hell wants to put advertisement on such boards where so few people visit.
4/19-25 vote is decisive battle. Before that, unresolved issues is one.
>>895 Request from the Liaison Officer of our "BBS_NONAME_NAME=名無し三等兵@ID設定投票日4/19-25自治スレ" (John-Doe @ ID-evaluation-voting-will-be-performed-during-19th-to-25th-at-board-policy-thread) ↑ This is dismissed? Or approval?
If it is rejected, then. We write the publicity to active threads of all. For all soldiers as possible. And as soon as possible.
Now, General Jim busy for the new server. I understand it. We do not care reply even if it becomes slow. We are waiting.
975 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/25(火) 12:46:18.11 ID:???0
>>967,969 そうです。 We are out of time. This is a good series . I would like to add nozomi to that list.
ai nozomi kibou hikari kokoro kizuna yume
We are out of time, and this goes along with the last server ai.2ch.net
976 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/25(火) 12:48:25.12 ID:???0
So let's vote Until 1000, then I will make the DNS.
AI Nozomi kibou hikari kokoro kizuna yume
977 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/25(火) 12:48:57.33 ID:???0