>>207 2ch is in a unique position in Japan, and the rest of the world.
The founder had good reason to select the United States as the "home" of 2ch.
The laws on freedom of speech are strong and supported at all levels of the government.
What 2ch does is important. It is as important as the bell that Martin Luther King Jr. spoke
ringing from every mountain top and molehill.
This board is an important news source. News reporting is protected. Especially when there is
critical comment. These things are part of the wonder of 2ch. It is the reason I have been so
proud to be involved with 2ch for so long.
Other boards are full of parody. satire and parody is an important part of our social consciousness. Pointing
out those flaws and faults in the thinking and social works of the world. Sometimes shocking, sometimes hilarious,
satire and parody are important and protected by law.
Don't let insidious people with their own self interests trick you into thinking anything other than
the fact is 2ch is one of the most important resources on earth for humanity. What you do here
is protected by strong laws, and international convention.
The nature of the work and the amount you borrow are important considerations.
If there is a commercial impact, then that is definitely not fair use. It is my intention to enforce the rights of
2ch where the commercial impact has resulted in the near bankruptcy of the infrastructure that
cares so much for 2ch.