蠍座4日 Different things upset different people. Your idea of a nightmare experience might be someone else's dream come true. And vice versa. A certain someone finds it hard to understand why you are unhappy about a particular situation. That's their problem. Your problem is not to make them understand, it is to bring about an improvement whether they understand or not. Indulge in a process of dialogue by all means, but don't be dissuaded from an important objective. If it matters to you, that's all that matters.
What's the hurry? What are you in danger of losing if you let just a little more time pass? You were born blessed with a restless personality and, unfortunately, you were born cursed with the very same thing! Mars is now exacerbating that aspect of your temperament. If you've got a real opportunity, take it. If you've got a real problem, solve it. But if you've just got a real impulse to stir up change and trouble, ignore it. If something can be put off until tomorrow, it is probably a very good idea to let it wait.
If lately you've felt as though as soon as you achieve one goal, another weighty project pops up to demand your attention, panic ye not. You're probably just feeling the weight of Saturn retrograding through Cancer. He's not really trying to be bad, he's just giving you another chance to show what a fabulously mature and hard-working wee Crab you are, so put your head down and keep doing what you know you gotta do - the rewards really are just around the corner.
When something is not quite right, we can feel it in our bones, no matter what people say, or however we try to tell ourselves that there isn't a problem. If indeed, we continually suppress our instincts, we become tense or tired. It is as if our bones, fed up with being ignored, grow weary. All of which is just a way of saying that any current state of physical discomfort could well be a reaction to some awkward factor in your daily life to which you are trying to turn a blind eye. Deal with what's being ignored and you'll feel far better.
One good idea is all you require today. Admittedly, it needs to be the right idea. You can't just cook up any old solution and hope that, if it's sufficiently convoluted, it will magically adapt itself to fit the problem whatever that turns out to be. You need to begin by trying to tailor a precise answer to a precise question... which, in turn, means you need to know what you're actually asking. But assuming you do all this, the Full Moon promises a reply that does the trick. The celestial gift on offer to you now... is greater security.
蠍座5日です。よろしくお願いします。 If you can see a chance, take it. If you feel an urge, follow it. If you want the answer to a question, ask it. In giving such advice, I'm assuming a degree of natural common sense and discretion on your part. Clearly, there are some things it would be exceedingly selfish to do or say. Where though, your idea, plan or line of inquiry can do no harm, other perhaps, than to stir up a little temporary controversy, you should be assertive and bold. Mercury's link to your ruler is your promise of positive progress wherever you're strong today.
We imagine we want a life in which we are in total control of all key factors. In truth, though, such an existence would be dull at best, meaningless at worst. It's just as well that it is impossible. Where would be the challenge or the growth? There is something you could genuinely benefit from having greater control over today, but it's not your external situation. What you want is simply to have more control over your responses to your situation. The planets insist you can have that. And ironically, once you get that, you can also get what else you think you need.
The need to assert yourself remains strong. Under the influence of the Full Moon though, it seems equally strong in others. Begin by phrasing your suggestions in a quiet, diplomatic fashion. If, though, you find your words are going in one ear and out the other, you may have to resort to a more dramatic gesture. As an alternative to shouting, try dressing in red, climbing on the table, juggling eggs and singing extracts from the opera at the top of your voice. You can keep things light but you must communicate a serious, valid point.
2月ヤスミンタン その1 Forget about being your usual pragmatic and practical self. This month you're likely to be feeling dreamy and distracted (even confused). Hopefully this is because something (or someone) has inspired you into seventh heaven. If you're distracted by thoughts of cash and commitment though, stay calm until February 22. The times are a' changing and the best thing you can do is allow events to unfold. Once you've assessed the lay of the land, you'll be far better placed to act cleverly. This month, the New Moon takes place in the same celestial spot as exciting Uranus ? so here's a guide to what this February 20 lunation might mean to you over the following four weeks:
The New Moon is in your 2nd House - what it means: It’s all about... your cash and property, talents and assets I believe in myself and what I have to offer and will show that to the world
2月ヤスミンタン その2 This New Moon is the first one after your birthday. Over the past month, you've had a lot of the spotlight, as friends wished you Happy Birthday and told you how wonderful you are ? now it's time to make sure you really believe it!
This New Moon gives you a special chance to take a look at your assets ? and we're not just talking about the ones in the bank. It's deeper ? and it's about you and your self-worth and self-esteem. If you've been lagging a little in the self-confidence stakes, now is the time to talk yourself up a little ? or perhaps it's time for you to think more deeply about why you're special to those around you. It's also a great time to think about your talents and how you can use them. Having said al that, this New Moon does also bring your cash situation into the spotlight. Are you happy with your rate of pay? Do you feel confident about the way you have your finances ordered? If not, now is the perfect time to consult a financial advisor. Even if you don't go that far, a review of your budget would pay you. New Moon Ritual: Write yourself an imaginary cheque for the amount of $$$ you need to earn
Things To Do
・Start a savings account ・Pay your taxes/do your GST etc ・Hire an accountant, if it’s all too much ・Showcase your talents ・Get a neck and shoulder massage ・Invest in some expensive neck cream ・Make love in the countryside
The Full Moon has moved something on, cleared something up, set something free. Perhaps though, as you survey the landscape of your life, you suspect that you are witnessing a scene of devastation rather than observing an inspiring vista of liberation. Things are not exactly going according to plan. You have recently received several sharp reminders of your own vulnerability and fallibility. Yet there is a perfection to all that is now unfolding. You really should not feel intimidated or afraid. An era of new hope now awaits you.
You are dealing with big stuff. Much is changing, much is becoming clear. A few small, seemingly simple moves have had enormous implications. Certain crucial conversations have already altered your perspective and yet more of these need to be held over the weekend. Understandably, you feel wound up and edgy. Yet despite all that could prove so problematic, or that now appears to be so dauntingly difficult, there's hope. Real hope. Venus will soon enter your sign bringing love, relief and fresh inspiration.
おはようございます。蠍座週末です。よろしくお願いします。 Small steps in the right direction count for far more than giant strides around the side of the circle. A few well-chosen words whispered in the right ear at the right moment, can prove more influential than a thousand diatribes delivered through a megaphone. It is not energy that you now need to summon, it is discrimination. Create some space this weekend. Find a little shelter, take a little rest, seek a little peace, gain a little perspective. Once you are sure of what's going on, you will know exactly what needs to happen next.
Actions don't necessarily speak louder than words, but they definitely last a lot longer. In most lives, most of the time, the ratio of words to actions is high. Not much actually happens, but there's an awful lot of talk about it. There will be a great deal of discussion this weekend. Many seemingly crucial conversations will have to be held. Yet the key events have already transpired. The biggest choices have already been made. Words are now catching up with actions. Don't become confused, or concerned
天秤座よろしくお願いします。 Some circumstances will always remain beyond our control. Some tides will roll in and out of our lives, and all our efforts to control them will be as futile as those of the legendary King C'Nut. How can we know where our powers begin and end? There is only one way to find out. We have to make the very best effort we can. If this briefly means that we must stand shouting at the waves to no effect, so be it. Don't worry about the ones you can't turn back this weekend. Just learn to surf on them.
Sometimes, we go halfway round the world in search of a novel experience. Sometimes, we attain it without even leaving our own home. It is amazing how well we can think we know someone, only to discover that they have hidden facets. It is amazing too, how circumstances can suddenly alter, causing us to re-evaluate all that we once took for granted. You are now being blessed with a fresh perspective. You may feel a little odd at times, this weekend, but you will yet end up exceedingly glad of all that you have been able to discover.
If lately you've felt as though as soon as you achieve one goal, another weighty project pops up to demand your attention, panic ye not. You're probably just feeling the weight of Saturn retrograding through Cancer. He's not really trying to be bad, he's just giving you another chance to show what a fabulously mature and hard-working wee Crab you are, so put your head down and keep doing what you know you gotta do - the rewards really are just around the corner. This month, the New Moon takes place in the same celestial spot as exciting Uranus ? so here’s a guide to what this February 20 lunation might mean to you over the following four weeks:
Some people measure their strength in degrees of physical prowess. Others consider their wealth or status to be their strongest point. Some of the most powerful people in the world, though, are neither muscular, moneyed or majestic. If you have genuine wisdom plus the courage to trust and to act on that discrimination, you have all the strength that you could ever wish for. So are you wise? Right now, at least, the planets insist that the only fitting answer to this question is a yes! Which means therefore that you must also be strong.
蠍座9日です。よろしくお願いします。 Charity doesn't always begin at home. Sometimes, we have to travel the world to help unfortunate victims of circumstance before we can summon the necessary tolerance to deal sympathetically with our neighbours. There's nothing 'soft' about being soft-hearted. In a hard, harsh world, it's one of the toughest things to justify. You have an opportunity now to make a generous gesture. If it's sincere, it will have an immense, positive impact on more parts of your world than you realise.
Jupiter's bright alignment with the Moon is helping to put you in an expansive mood, or it is causing you to exaggerate and blow minor matters up out of proportion. Remember to relax this week, and remember too that sometimes the best things in life come about almost by accident. We find ourselves slipping into a world we might never usually enter and we discover it has something ideal to offer us. Be open-minded about your prospects and possibilities and you could yet be pleasantly surprised.
Financial factors could demand a great deal of attention this week. Though the wolf is undoubtedly due to stay on the right side of your door, it might come and growl angrily outside it from time to time. Throw it a titbit and then put your earplugs In. You will soon come across hard evidence to prove that things are not as bad as you fear. You already know in your heart of hearts that whatever the world chooses to throw at you, it can be dealt with, coped with and even turned into an advantage. Trust this.
When people try to tackle serious issues by making trivial adjustments, we say they're 're-arranging the deckchairs on the Titanic'. Sometimes, though, it's only by trying out a plan that you can come to a clear conclusion about what could work. Others may feel you're clutching at straws, and you may suspect as much yourself, but there is a chance your idea may work. Even if it doesn't, at least you'll now finally know a bigger, more radical move is truly necessary.
Some gadgets are more trouble than they are worth unless you've got a mountain of cheese to grate. It's easier to do it by hand than to set up and then clean the food processor. Electronic personal organisers may be amusing but it can be easier and more reliable to write down someone's address with a pen. You are now looking at a potentially 'great solution' with this kind of a sceptical eye. It sounds great in theory but you doubt that it can really be worth the effort? Actually though, it is worth trying.
おはようございます。蠍座10日です。よろしくお願いします。 What are you supposed to do when, having tried every trick in the book without success, you realise that you can see no way of getting what you're after? At such a time you have to take the only option left to you, regardless of how much you may resent this. What is this last remaining choice? It is the one that involves exercising your power to let go. Not only does this policy bring an immense sense of relief; it often produces an unexpected happy revelation.
The world needs your sincerity, not your scepticism. It wants your strength, not your self-criticism. It is crying out for your faith, not your fear. This is not a time to be looking at what you doubt, distrust or dispute. It's time to think about what you believe in and what you really want. This is not because you need to raise your hopes to escape depression. It's because there is so much on offer. Don't feel daunted by your choices. Feel grateful for them. And trust that you will be naturally led to the perfect decision.
What goes up must come down. There are however, various forms and speeds of descent; some far preferable to others. Whilst you are right to suspect that a particular 'good thing' can't last forever, you are wrong to feel that it's going to end any moment now, or that whenever it does end, the end is going to be painful. You have got more control over your situation than you imagine. You can't make everything go the way you want it to but you can now avoid many pitfalls and problems with a little calm, clever planning.
おはようございます、10日水瓶です。どうかよろしくお願いします。 Tourists flock from every land to gaze at the Eiffel Tower. Parisians pass this landmark every day but hardly spare it a glance. When an item is familiar to us, we rarely stop to notice it. Memories, too, can become 'just a part of our landscape.' We may frequently recollect a particular event, yet if we see it from the same angle each time, we never learn anything from it. You are about to gain a fascinating and helpful new perspective on an aspect of your personal history.
We think we remember the past but we actually, only, recall isolated incidents. Hours of our day-to-day experience are either forgotten or filed in a mental cabinet so deep as to be all-but inaccessible. Current events are now putting you back in touch with an emotion you last felt many Moons ago. In the process, they are enabling you to rediscover a lost ability and reach an inspiring conclusion about why the future can be so very different. Search your memory. It contains a clue to a tremendous tomorrow.
Life is one long balancing act. We all spend our time acting as if we are well balanced. In truth though, none of us ever is. We wibble, we wobble, we lilt and we tilt. The slightest extra weight on our conscience or our mind can be sufficient to ruin our equilibrium. The worst of it is, we never even realise how out of alignment we are. We think we are even when we are odd. And vice versa. You can think what you like about where you are at and how things stand today, but the planets insist that you are stabilising wonderfully well.
おはようございます。蠍座11日です。よろしくお願いします。 The wind never stops howling, the tide never stops swelling, the merry-go-round of intense emotions never stops turning. Or so it seems. Actually, there are always moments of quiet and calm, even in the thick of the most all-encompassing experiences. We may not get as many breaks as we would like in life, but we do get them. Yet, if we wish to be fully protected, we have to take refuge within a vessel or a structure so strong as to keep even the most ferocious fluctuating force at bay. You are now creating just such a shelter.
Some philosophers feel that little could be more unfortunate to be born under than a lucky star. Such folk, they claim, are oblivious to the hardships suffered by others. And thus, they are unable to relate to them. And, should their star ever, even briefly, let them down they will feel totally bereft and will have no experience of how to cope in its absence. Such philosophers are not, of course, ever born under such stars. Else they would know that all the above is a small price to pay for the kind of luck that you look set to enjoy very soon.
おはようございます、11日蟹座です。どうぞよろしくお願いします。 Will you be carrying on like this for ever? Are you caught up in an endless loop? Should you give up all hope of ever finding release, relief or resolution? I ask these questions only because I suspect that they are now playing on your mind. Actually, you are much closer than you think to a moment of completion. You seem to have been serving a sentence. But there may never come a point where you can put a big fat full stop at the end of it. Somehow, though, you are now able to put in three little dots that say, 'To be continued later. Much later'
水瓶11日です。何卒、宜しくお願い致します。 We think we remember the past but we actually, only, recall isolated incidents. Hours of our day-to-day experience are either forgotten or filed in a mental cabinet so deep as to be all-but inaccessible. Current events are now putting you back in touch with an emotion you last felt many Moons ago. In the process, they are enabling you to rediscover a lost ability and reach an inspiring conclusion about why the future can be so very different. Search your memory. It contains a clue to a tremendous tomorrow.
It is very simple really. All you have to do is push that tiny little marble up that long steep hill. With your nose. This does, of course, require you to crawl on your hands and knees. It probably makes you look and feel a bit stupid. But, hey, you can cope with all that, can't you? If you feel you can't, it is probably because you still have some dignity and self-esteem left within you. Shall we just wait until more awkward events destroy it all? OK then, try this. Stick to your guns. Be strong and proud, and somehow, that marble will get up the hill on its own.
Experts agree that if you start a sentence with the words 'experts agree' you'll give it such an air of authority as to convince all but the most sceptical. There are, however, very few true experts in this world and it's unusual to find two or more who agree with one another. What you do tend to get are a lot of people who know a bit, and who are doing their best to pretend that they know everything. The last thing you want now is an expert opinion. You may as well trust your own.
Our critical faculties, like our tempers, are useful. We need the ability to distinguish quality from rubbish just as we need the ability to let others know when we've had enough of being treated in a certain way. Both resources become a problem when we become unable to switch them off. You're a little to eager to reject certain ideas or fight a particular battle. Be more generous with the benefit of the doubt. You may find hidden magic in what initially seems unacceptable.
おはようございます。蠍座12日です。よろしくお願いします。 Don't start an argument this week unless you're sure you can finish it. Don't respond to provocation either, unless you feel certain that you're not going to make matters worse. You now feel inclined to question a great deal that's being said to or about you. Others seem to have unfair or unrealistic expectations or are even deliberately setting out to undermine you. Perhaps all the above is true. None of it though, need concern you. Concentrate on being your own sweet, sincere self and don't bother trying to prove anything to anyone. To find out more about the heavenly magic that lies in store for you.
12日の水瓶座です。どなた様か宜しくお願い致します。(切実) You're not quite as poor as you think you are. This is not, I grant, quite the same as saying that you're soon going to be as rich as you wish you could be, but it's better financial news than none at all. It comes at a time when you feel you could sorely do with a little reassurance. You're nervous about the lie of the land. You feel you can see nothing but a struggle in store... and that applies to more than just the shape of your financial future. Emotionally too, life seems too precarious and unstable. Things will soon improve in leaps and bounds.
There's certainly plenty of passion and excitement in your life. Saturn's sharp angle to your ruler, though, also suggests a degree of trepidation. You feel concerned because, while many things are definitely getting better, one factor still looks likely to get the better of you. Perhaps it will. Perhaps there is no way that you can eliminate a particular obstacle. Perhaps, now, you simply have to accept that an obstacle exists and then work with it rather than against it. It need not be a problem unless you choose to see it as one.
Let's begin your week by picking a fight with the Oxford Dictionary. It tells us that the word 'impossible' means: 'unable to be done or exist.' So far, so good. But it goes on, as part of the very same primary definition to offer: 'extremely difficult, inconvenient or implausible.' What nonsense. That's a totally separate, alternative use for the word. If something is possible, how can it possibly be 'impossible?' The distinction, as you'll discover this weekend, is crucial. For some encouraging news, your brand-new in-depth forecast is now ready
Life is a constant education. Each day we learn something new, though we don't always appreciate the lesson. If we can't see an immediate application for the discovery, we tend to feel that it is of no real use to us. What you're going through may be of limited value with regard to your current situation, but there will come a day in the not-so-distant future when you will feel immensely grateful for all that you have been shown. Open your eyes wide. Friday the 13th may yet prove very lucky for you.
Cancerians don't care for strict procedures. You like to do what you fancy, when you feel like it. Some systems, however, refuse to co-operate unless we follow protocol. Machines demand we first do one thing, then another. People, especially when they're acting as representatives of organisations, can be similarly fastidious. Even individuals respond better to a slow, 'phased' approach than a sudden request. Go by the book today. It may be Friday the thirteenth but it can yet prove lucky for you.
It is said that what you don't know can't harm you. It's not a universal truth but there are times when you are better off without certain information. If you can't see that a prized possession requires attention, then you need to know. If, though, you think that something you hardly care about, the future of which will make no difference to you, is near collapse, learning more is only going to make you feel obliged to get involved. Your instincts will tell you what you need to know this weekend.
蠍座週末です。よろしくお願いします。 Patience is not always a virtue. Sometimes, there's a lot to be said for losing your cool, putting your foot down and refusing to go along with something that seems pointlessly slow or complicated. I say this not because the planets suggest you may feel inclined to get a little heated but because you may grow all too willing to let a certain matter drift. Enjoy and nurture a positive spirit by all means, but don't let it be an excuse for laziness. In one area at least, you really should kick up a fuss. For some encouraging news, your brand-new in-depth forecast is now ready.
Weeks like this don't crop up very often which is probably just as well. Immensely positive though the current cosmic climate is, it is nonetheless creating a level of intensity and drama in your world. Try to go beyond a state of tension. You are under pressure for a very good, healthy reason. Something has long been unsatisfactory. All reasonable, gentle attempts to put it right have failed. It's thus now essential to use a force with more power. You need to be strong. But you don't need to stop being loving and forgiving.
Every dream has its downside; every clever contribution has its critics. You can't just drop your current big idea because a certain someone doesn't like it. But you can modify the notion so that it more easily accommodates this person's need. You can also adjust the way you talk about it so as to make it less contentious. YOU know what has to happen and why...and the planets insist you are completely correct. You need diplomacy and sensitivity...but you also need the courage of your convictions.
おはようございます。蠍座16日です。よろしくお願いします。 Where is the future? Does it exist in some faraway, inaccessible place? Or is it right in our midst, waiting patiently for its moment, disguised as something inconsequential? Gardeners know the answer to this. They have seen what acorns can do. Teachers too, can point to a tiny child and say there's the future. Your future, or at least one aspect of it, is available for you to see right now, if you care to look. Remember though to make due allowance for its growth potential and for the help you will need to give it. Reveal tomorrow's secrets, today.
'Dog bites man' is not headline material, but 'Man bites dog' is a front-page story. Many of history's most successful publicists were born under Aries. You have a natural ability to see what's fascinating and reject the mundane. This is a creative asset, but sometimes a problem in your personal life. You tend to feel that if things aren't action-packed, they're not interesting. Good news, though, while it may not be dramatic, can be comforting. Don't focus entirely on excitement. Subtle gifts are on offer. Make the most of your every opportunity.
蠍座17日です。よろしくお願いします。 What precisely, is it that you simply can't contemplate? Why is it that you don't even want to think about this particular idea? I'm not suggesting here, that you ought to consider anything unpleasant or morally indefensible. Of course you can't contemplate THAT. But are you not rather hastily putting something else into this category. If it's merely difficult or unusual or superficially unattractive, you should look at it more closely and at least see if there's not some way to make it better. There's more scope for hope than you yet know. What do the stars have in store for you next?
You may kid yourself that you're tough but you and I both know how soft you are. So too, do your true friends plus a few characters who perceive a potential benefit in pretending to be your friend. You're too nice to question why some folk are keen to stick closely to you. They are happy to take advantage of this. The sharp alignment from Jupiter to Mercury should soon help you distinguish between those who really care and those who... well, OK then, carry on giving certain people the benefit of the doubt if you must.
Think about a small piece of metal; a dull, uninteresting item about the size of a coin. Around the edge, a few notches have been carved. Across the centre, there is a groove. Are you fascinated? Do you feel excited? Ah, but what if I were to tell you that this is the vital component in a machine that could revolutionise your life. Once it has taken its rightful place in the engine, miracles will begin to happen. Without it, there will be no progress. Look at what's happening in your life today in a similar way. Ignore 'what it is.' Consider 'what it is leading to'.
蠍座18日です。よろしくお願いします。 Why do we have governments, law-makers, judges and juries? Because the difference between right and wrong is not always as obvious as we might wish it to be. Many people dedicate their lives to causes that they feel to be worthy beyond all question, yet which others see as reprehensible. Every so often, even the wisest among us suddenly realises we have been backing the wrong horse or honouring the wrong instinct. You're now anxious in case it turns out that you have recently been making some big mistake. But your judgement is spot on. Reveal tomorrow's secrets, today.
How far do you have to go? How much effort must you make? Where does the line need to be drawn? You now fear that a cause is all-but hopeless. You won't be able to win your battle no matter how you try. Your pessimism is not just unfounded, it is dangerous. To indulge in a sense of inappropriate hopelessness, you are increasing the desire to make some extreme, extravagant gesture in a spirit of, 'Why not when I have so little to lose?' Yet in truth, you have everything to play for... as long as you play your cards right.
18日の水瓶座です。何卒宜しくお願い致します。 You are, in a strange way, a victim of your own success. Your current problems have far more to do with exceptional abilities than they do with any lack of talent. Your special gifts have created the kind of complications that might never surface in the life of a lesser mortal. I am not trying to suggest that you are superhuman, yet... well, it is certainly clear that a particular person holds you in high regard. Maybe you could remove a lot of pressure from your life now, by taking greater steps to demonstrate the true extent of your fallibility. Reveal tomorrow's secrets, today.
最近、日報のフォーマットかわったのか以前より見分けがつきにくくなりますた。 "Reveal tomorrow's secrets, today. " とか "For a truly inspiring look at what's possible if you really want it "とかは 宣伝文句ですな。
Do you know what your problem is? It is this. You are too quick to listen to people who begin sentences with phrases like, 'Do you know what your problem is?' Just as you can sometimes be a little too quick to take offence at an innocently meant remark or suggestion, you can sometimes be a little oversensitive to an implied criticism. You take too much to heart. You let too much get to you. Then, you have to work really hard not to let any of this show, so you act super-cool and super-tough. There is really nothing wrong with you now. That's all you need to remember.
Think about a small piece of metal; a dull, uninteresting item about the size of a coin. Around the edge, a few notches have been carved. Across the centre, there is a groove. Are you fascinated? Do you feel excited? Ah, but what if I were to tell you that this is the vital component in a machine that could revolutionise your life. Once it has taken its rightful place in the engine, miracles will begin to happen. Without it, there will be no progress. Look at what's happening in your life today in a similar way. Ignore 'what it is.' Consider 'what it is leading to'.
おはようございます。蠍座19日です。よろしくお願いします。 Some folk find it easy to be callous. They shut themselves off from the suffering of others and even more strangely, they somehow manage to ignore their own unhappiness. They live in a kind of intellectual nether-world where thoughts reign supreme and feelings are treated as maverick interlopers. Such people rarely turn out to have been born under your sign. Life, for you, is all about learning how to trust your deepest voice of inner wisdom. Rarely, if ever, does it speak English. Today, you must be fluent in the language of your heart.
Some people will continue to love you, no matter what you do. Others will refuse to think well of you, regardless of how many heroic or even saintly moves you make. There is then, little point in striving too hard to satisfy either of these audiences. At the risk of comparing you to a politician, in search of the floating vote, I must point out that you are currently looking for a particular form of support. Go where you obviously stand the best chance of getting it. If that doesn't work, go where it may just be possible. But don't waste time on hopeless causes.
本日のは E-mail is both a blessing and a curse. It puts us in touch with the whole world. It also enables an ocean of idiots to bombard us with unwanted invitations. The people who send out these missives seem to assume we are all paranoid about our anatomy. They push ways to make bits of our body bigger, or smaller. Aware that those suggestions are upsetting, they then offer a host of drugs that may help rekindle our dampened fires. Yet just because something is said, noisily, lots of times, we can't assume there is truth in it. Don't be harassed into an unwise choice. Make the most of your every opportunity.
Scientists have to be careful about spending too long in front of a microscope. They can easily end up forgetting the true size of that miniature world. Every so often, we all have a problem with perspective. Little things start to seem enormously important to us. Worse still, at such times, truly big issues can appear irrelevant. Jupiter's antagonistic link to Venus implies a pressing need to stand back and take stock before diving too dramatically deep into a pool which is actually rather shallow. Before you leap, look through the right lens.
Everything is relative. We can look at the things we dislike and feel disheartened. We can list the flaws and drawbacks. We can rip the fabric to shreds. Yet if we stop for a while and look around, what do we see? A series of alternatives that appears attractive on first inspection, yet which turns out, once properly investigated, to be deeply inferior. Maybe you can't improve on what you've got now, but not by much as you think. You can, though, vastly improve on the way you are tending to look at it.
Fascinating things are already starting to happen, yet the weekend has only just begun. If you carry on making progress at this rate, you'll hardly recognise yourself or your situation by Sunday. Or rather, you'll recognise yourself for the first time in ages... and you'll see, in your world, something that seems every bit as welcome as it is oddly familiar. You're going forward at a rate of knots yet you're also going back; to an ideal you held dear before you gave up on it, or to a power that you have long yearned to reclaim.
History books are full of tales of derring-do, leaving the impression that great leaders need to be forever making controversial moves. This is partly, though, because history books, like newspapers, need a dramatic story. 'Queen conquers enemy' is more exciting than 'Queen spends years negotiating with neighbouring lands in a successful bid to preserve the status quo without needless bloodshed'. The New Moon promises success and victory, this weekend, if you pay more attention to prosperity than posterity.
An acorn is not an oak tree. A ticket is not a ride.A bowl of flour and yeast is not a loaf of bread. Nonetheless, it's an encouraging start. You now have a seed, a promise or a package of hopeful ingredients. You are entitled to take reassurance from this. There is a need to avoid becoming complacent. It is also important though, not to plant in the wrong place, catch the wrong train, or put your mixture in the oven before it has risen. It is clear that you still need to trust your instincts, but you may also need to bide your time.
This is a cheap trick, but I play it for a noble purpose. Some things are contagious. If you watch someone yawn, it's almost impossible to stop yawning too. You don't even have to see an actual yawn. Just read about yawning and find your jaw muscles aching to stretch, your mouth longing to open, your body yearning to enjoy a good, satisfying yawn. Point proved? Good. Now, watch what else you're being made susceptible to this weekend. If you can't avoid the power of suggestion at least make it work to your advantage. Discover your astrological inheritance.
Why reinvent the wheel this weekend? Someone has already solved the problem you are trying to tackle. All you have to do is find a person who has been through a similar situation, and overcome your reluctance to take their advice. There may be no substitute for a lesson learnt the hard way, but you have neither the time nor the energy to put yourself through whatever it takes to gain all this experience. There's too much at stake. Put aside your pride and seek expert guidance. You'll find it easy to attain once you actually ask.
It often seems as if the more success we attain in one area of life, the less inspiring our outlook becomes in another. This week, you yearn to redress some agonising imbalance, but you're reluctant to let go of a hard-won advantage. Unfortunately, you can't have it both ways, or, at least, you can't yet. After the link from Mars to Jupiter has completed, it may well be a different story. For now, though, you must compromise in one department for the sake of progress in another. Trust that you're on safe enough ground to take a small risk. Make the most of your every opportunity.
Picky people are not always the most popular. If you want to win friends and influence folk, all you have to do is pour forth a constant stream of subtle flattery and encouragement. Sugar the pill of any criticism you might want to dispense so that it's swallowed in the form of 'a constructive suggestion'. But what if any of this fails to make an impact? Thenâ?¦ kick up a fuss! It is important this week to let your point of view be heard. By all means try diplomacy first but don't feel it's the only approach you dare take. Make the most of your every opportunity.
23日蠍座です。よろしくお願いします。 You are prone to feel that a certain scenario has a foregone conclusion. How can you be so sure? The planets suggest you're now concerned about a matter which is nowhere near as clear-cut as you suppose. By working on the assumption that there's bound to be a problem, all you're doing is creating tension where none need exist. The one thing you can be sure of is that things won't work out quite as you expect, no matter what you psych yourself up to expect. Resolve to be flexible... and to tackle only real difficulties, not hypothetical ones.
All I probably need to say to set your mind at rest is that this week will be nowhere near so stressful or baffling as the past few have been. I feel confident saying this, and I can add a great deal more to it. You are rapidly moving now, away from a time of turmoil, towards a period of peace and prosperity. Within days, you'll have proof positive that a pressing problem is behind you. After this will come a set of delightful revelations. You'll soon see what the past has been in aid of and will begin to feel justifiably confident and excited about the future.
They say there's no rest for the wicked. Could this possibly be why you're often so short of sleep? Encouraging, even exciting, celestial alignments promise more adventure, discovery and positive change soon. They also, however, point to a distinct possibility that you may end up going too far, pushing your luck in a silly way or trying to milk a relatively minor opportunity for more than it can possibly supply. Be wary of the imminent temptation to ignore certain rules or to bend them further than can possibly be wise. Try to be good. If not, be careful.
24日天秤座です。どなたかお時間がありましたらお願いします。 Why do the textbooks say you are extrovert when you and I know that you can often be unsure of yourself? Probably because, when you are 'on form' you shine with brilliance. People notice you on your confident days, and assume this must be your normal self. As long as you have friends who accept the real you, you can live with that. This week though, you may find it hard to persuade anyone that you're anything less than truly magnificent. Discover your astrological inheritance. For the full chart of your date of birth get 'Your Personal Profile'
Resist the temptation to think about what life may never bring. By dwelling so intently on your fear, you're also spoiling a chance to enjoy what you've already got. One reason why fate may be reluctant to offer you what you want is that it sees little point. If it gives it to you, you will only yearn for something else instead. Give thanks, then, for all that's good and you'll become a much more likely candidate for future generosity.
蠍座24日です。よろしくお願いします。 You can't run a marathon in the same frame of mind as if you were planning a quick dash. The fact that there's a sense of urgency only adds to your need to think ahead. Don't lurch from drama to drama, simply because in your haste to grab the first quick solution you inadvertently created another crisis. You may be under pressure but you should still refuse to do anything unless it's likely to make as much sense tomorrow as it does today.
What does your future hold? More joy, less fear, more wisdom, less doubt, more strength, less vulnerability, more experience, less ignorance. Jupiter's harmonious link to Mars promises improvement, very soon, in your prospects. It won't though, just be your mood that changes. As you start to gain confidence, you'll see a hundred practical ways to solve old problems and turn awkward developments into assets you can be glad of.
Most phones can tell us who is calling before we answer. But they can't stop us responding like Pavlov's dogs to the sound of Mr Bell's bell. It ringsâ?¦ we jump. Is this news that will alter everything? The urgent development that could cause a rethink in every area of life? Or just another exchange of the same old comments? Don't get too excited about the alarm bells that seem to be ringing. Jupiter insists fortune will smile whether you rush or relax.
People with great creative minds often take a leap of faith with regard to the materials they have or to the notions already in their minds. They assume that if they can rearrange all these factors in some clever way they'll be able to conjure something magical out of something ordinary. Jupiter's harmonious link to Mars suggests that you've got vision skill, insight and inspiration. Apply it and you'll discover you've actually already got everything else you require.
蠍座25日です。よろしくお願いします。 Lovely though some of your friends are, you can't always rely on them for support. It's not fair to say certain people are letting you down at the moment. Some may be, but others are doing all within their power to help. It's just that their powers are limited. Your power to help yourself, however, is much greater than you realise. Pull yourself together and be brave today. You'll find, as soon as you determine to solve a certain problem, that it's easy to fix.
All you want is to be happy. Provided life is relatively simple and calm, you feel able to put up with a lot that's less than ideal. The question is, should you be so easy going? Some of your more assertive companions think you are inviting others to walk all over you. Mars and Venus are effectively urging you to remember that there's a fine line between being flexible and malleable, but that line is yours. Allow someone else to draw it and you really will be giving up control
Don't underestimate your pulling power. There's little you can't attract if you set your mind to it. You want someone to pay you more attention? Try smiling seductively. You want more wealth or security? Then ask, gently, for help? If you keep your wits about you and direct your efforts towards an attainable result, it will take hardly any hard work. Indeed, with Jupiter giving you even more power, you're going to have a real problem only if you aim for the totally impossible.
While it is important to live for the moment, it's also important to plan ahead. Of late, I have been emphasising the former virtue. You have been anxiously looking too far ahead, thus compromising a process that is more likely to happen naturally than as a result of some great effort. Perhaps now, though, you should plan just a little ahead to acknowledge that this is not the only moment you will experience. For the sake of other moments to come, hold your fire.
Even if you feel that you should have foreseen the change that is now taking place, you have no evidence that this is harmful to anything other than your pride. When you first made a certain commitment, you entered into it with a suspicion that you were only ever likely to be able to get so far... and no further. You will soon discover that your current situation is offering you a significantly different opportunity, but one far better than you ever dared hope for.
Few people walk around with signs on their heads announcing 'I am willing to do a deal... make me an offer.' That doesn't mean, that they're not prepared to respond to a reasonable proposition. Often, to find out what someone has to trade or what terms they might find interesting, you must begin by holding a gentle, explorative conversation. Take your time before suggesting anything to anyone... but don't assume, just because no idea is obvious at first, that none will emerge.
"To infinity... and beyond!" An over-ambitious Buzz Lightyear is within us all. Something inside you is boldly proclaiming its desire to accomplish something ridiculous. We cannot go beyond infinity. We do not have to travel to reach infinity itself. It is all around us. In much the same way, you cannot get past a big restriction until you see how it is not a restriction at all. Your challenge is to see and release the potential of what you've already got. You need no more than this.
You can sail the world in search of romance, adventure and profit... or you can stroll to the street corner and find it there, if you are in the right frame of mind. What matters now is not what you do or where you go, but how open your eyes are. If you wear psychological blinkers, you'll miss a real opportunity to better your lot, no matter how obvious it tries to make itself. Ignore the little inner voice that says, 'magic never happens in my life,' and you'll find plenty to celebrate.
Put all your energy into making something happen, otherwise it won't. You hardly need an astrologer to point that out. But perhaps you need a little cosmic insight to help you ask: 'Does it really need to happen at all?' How badly do you want this development? Are your reasons good, pure and strong? Have you explored other options? Pluto's alignment to Venus insists that you will be successful, but first check if there isn't a better way that you have so far overlooked.
If you save money, you're borrowing from the present to pay for the future. If you buy things on credit, you're borrowing from the future to pay for the present. You assure instant pleasure and imminent regret. As with money, so with life. Either live for today and worry about tomorrow if or when it comes, or sacrifice pleasure now for security later. We all know this. What we don't always know is how to get the balance right. You're about to find out... with a little timely help from the past.
蠍座週末です。よろしくお願いします。 As the weekend begins, we find you licking wounds, nursing bruises and trying to rebuild a little hurt pride. You're telling yourself that the damage which has been done to you is minor compared to that which you have managed to inflict on your opponent, or obstacle. Deep down, you're not so sure. You fear that you may be making a mistake. And you're too tired to tell what's real from what's imaginary. Pluto's harmonious link to Venus will soon restore your enthusiasm, energy and confidence.
The Earth spins merrily in space in spite of what we do, not because of it. For all our science, intelligence, philosophy and wisdom, we can't do much more than theorise about why we're here or what we're supposed to be doing. This doesn't stop an awful lot of people making an awful lot of arrogant assumptions, but it needn't be a reason to follow suit. Just be humble, small and grateful. The universe loves you more than (and regardless of what) you think. That will become very clear this weekend.
Why strive for something you're not even sure you believe in, or struggle to attain some highly-debatable goal? If you're going to give all you've got to anything, give it to something that stands a chance of giving you something back. Saturn's link to Venus suggests that a notion doesn't stand up to close scrutiny. Not only are you pinning your hopes on a false assumption, you're dedicating hours of work to a project that, even if it can be brought to fruition, is unlikely to offer much reward. You deserve better. For some great news
It's much easier to enjoy life when you're not at loggerheads with a close companion or when you're not worried about a loved one's frame of mind. Communication problems have been dogging some of your most important relationships. Partly because you're finding it easier to express yourself and partly because someone of great importance to you is experiencing a much-needed change for the better, you already feel more at ease. Soon, very soon indeed, you'll be even more pleased.
It is one thing to live in fear of loss of liberty, another to be afraid of freedom. To some extent, you are like a creature that has been caged so long that it has forgotten how to fend for itself in the wild. The notion of a key to unlock your prison seems more like a threat than a promise. Your instincts are stronger than you realise. Provided you don't deny them a chance to surface, you will remember all you need to know about the joy of self-sufficiency within seconds of your release. Make the most of your every opportunity.
For as long as Saturn's in Cancer (ie: until July 2005), the more you work, the better off you'll be. This month, expect at least one great new job offer, prospect or project. Also, expect to feel like taking a break and relaxing with friends, despite the job offer before you. Then? Get on with the work ASAP - it's incredibly important to put the hard yards in now. Lovewise, someone you've considered 'just a friend' could become something more.
SATURN HAS HAD THE BRAKES ON … in your OWN SIGN "What do you want to be...?"
Saturn's not the biggest party animal of the zodiac, agreed, and having him in your sign - as wee Crabs have now - can bring a dash of fear and the odd bit of loathing, as well as way too many insecurities. But having Saturn pass through your sign also has its plus points. The finger-waving taskmaster of the skies, Saturn is urging you to face up to your responsibilities and grow up. Doing that might not be as much f-u-n as you can have standing up, but it sure beats having no one take you seriously! Yes, Saturn can bring on the odd bout of loneliness. But it's those darker moments which allow time to think about the life you want. And Saturn's the builder of the zodiac. Right now, Cancerians are laying a path towards the future. Make sure you think about it, before you lay down another stepping-stone!
蠍座1日です。よろしくお願いします。 Don't waste this week's valuable opportunity to take a big step forward. How could a conscientious Scorpio, do that? Well, it's possible that you might, precisely because you are so conscientious. At the moment, you are caught up in a drama which, while it's pressing, is not especially relevant to your greatest goal in life. Given a real chance to better your lot, you may ignore or forget your wider need and do whatever is most likely to help the immediate situation. That would be a waste.
続いて蠍座のヤスミン3月です。よろしくお願いします。 There are some months when work and cash stand out in your chart. And guess what? This isnt one of them. Love is whats shining out from your horoscope now and pretty brightly. Attached? Take time to flirt with your beloved like you did when you first met. Single? Remember to flirt with everyone who takes your fancy and you might just get very lucky indeed. And beyond love? Saturns suggesting you see the bigger picture where your most tedious problems concerned.
Saturn has had the brakes on... in your adventure zone Seeing the bigger picture brings stability and certainty...
The past few months have given you a chance to reassess some of your most deeply held philosophies. You understand the rules youre supposed to be playing by now, and you can see the bigger picture. So all you need now is to work out where you fit into all that. This cycle of Saturn is a crucial one youre being asked to stand up for what you believe in (and being given a helping hand by the heavens). By this time next year, youll be either praised and even promoted, or rewarded in some way, for the hard work and effort youre putting in now. (If youre putting it in, of course!) Saturn in this part of your chart and his current change of directions means Scorps whove had their travel plans on hold can now get on the plane/train/into the automobile. However, remember that Scorps who travel and learn something on the way have the best stars now.
Without some involvement with (and assistance from) a certain group of people, you can't possibly accomplish what you want to do. Out of deference to these individuals, you may need to modify your plans and adhere, to some extent, to what they consider to be the appropriate protocol. This does not mean, though, that you are obliged to play the game by their rules. Mercury's angle to Venus suggests there may come a point soon when you simply have to do things your own way.
If you’re attached and your relationship’s fab, it’s set to get even better. If your love life’s been shaky, it’s time to do what you must. If you’re sexy but single and looking for love, delays which’ve been hampering you end around about March 7. Your love life might not explode like a firework on that day exactly, but your attitude looks set to get a whole lot brighter (and it’ll be easier to talk about how you feel, too.) Saturn has had the brakes on... in your love zone “Security is the word of the day …” Going the distance, love which lasts, relationships which make you feel secure ? all of these are possible now as Saturn changes directions in your love zone. If you’ve felt as though your love life has been on hold of late, chances are that his change of direction is going to feel as though those proverbial Saturnian brakes have come off. Saturn in this part of your chart means it’s never going to feel like a non-stop party right now, however you of all the signs are in touch with what’s good about Saturn. He’s teaching you to look into the future, especially as you decide what you want for yourself where love is concerned. Fly-by-night romances need not apply. If you and your lover have been doing it tough recently, you can expect a little more lightness of being between the two of you. Single? If you want that to change, this could be your lucky month.
Cash is the issue of the day ? if you want more of it, be determined and charming when talking to people about $$$. If you’re wrestling with a cash dilemma connected to property, your home or family, hang on in there. The light at the end of the tunnel comes into view by mid-month. And if you’ve still got the blahs? March 21’s New Moon in your sign helps you feel like brand new. Remember to make a wish then. Saturn has had the brakes on... in your home zone “Where you come from and where you belong…”
You’ve been asked over the past few months, during Saturn’s reverse cycle, to stop and think about how well you’ve responded to the challenges your most important projects have brought your way. Jobs, situations, locations and even relationships are up for scrutiny. Which have stood the test of time and clearly have a future? And which have had their day? Because this is the home zone on your chart, many of you will have been putting house plans on hold ? be they plans to buy, sell, just move or renovate. As Saturn changes direction now, you can make your decisions. This period of your life is also linked to events which took place between April 1996 and April 1998 ? to the most important new beginnings which took place then. You’ve come if not full circle then to a point where you can look back and get clarity.
Saturn's change of directions this month means you should find it easier to boost your income now. Do learn the cash lessons life's offering you, but don't act as though cash will always be an issue (lest you manifest your fears!) Meanwhile, March looks pivotal for Sagittarians who've not been looking after themselves properly. It's time to start to take care of your health and well-being. If in doubt, ask a Virgo pal for tips on how to do that.
"It's all about me … and you …"
Many Sagittarians found the time that Saturn spent in Gemini - between August 2000 and June last year - plain old exhausting. Many also found that relationships took up a lot more time than usual (and if Saturn didn't bring you security and commitment, he may have done the opposite and helped finish off any relationships which were passed their use-by date). Now, having taught you about one-to-one love relationships, he's asking to you stay focused on 'others' but this time, especially (but not only) where cash is concerned. If you want to boost your salary, Saturn is now on your side, as he changes directions. Ditto if you want to pay off your credit cards and loans. All he asks is that you take a Very Mature Attitude to cash now. Ie: no acting like a jolly Sag and crossing your fingers! He wants bottom lines ruled under, 'I's dotted and 'T's crossed!
Some say it's money that makes the world go round, while others say it's love. For many of us, the driving force in daily life is fear. If you imagine a society in which nobody was scared, you conjure up a vision either of Utopia... or of Hell. We'd all be free to do whatever we felt most inspired to do, but none of us would feel an obligation to curb our worst excesses. A little bit of fear then, is probably healthy. But only a bit, and you've got more than enough already this week. You can safely afford to shrug off a big worry. Make the most of your every opportunity.
It's often hard to know exactly why people say and do the things they do. Their declared reasons can differ vastly from some mysterious hidden agenda, even with folk who are trying their best to be straight. The fact is, none of us is ever completely sure of our own motives. Sometimes, though, we can be fairly confident. Sometimes we can also see that even if our motives are wrong, our actions are right., Don't worry too much about why anything is happening. Trust what you feel to be true.
They say 'Heaven helps those who help themselves'. But look how that phrase changes its meaning if you drop the 's' from the end of 'helps'. Greedy, assertive people seem to do well in this world. As we less ambitious mortals watch such folk ascend the ladders of power and wealth, we can easily imagine that they are being granted a cosmic boon. We don't know, though, what their lives are actually like on the inside. Nor would we want to. If you must push for something now, do it for someone else's benefit not your own.
As Venus now moves out of your opposite sign, we find you regaining a sense of autonomy an independence. You have been worrying too much about a certain person's attitude. Now it is clear that nobody has power over you unless you want to give it to them. Maybe you had a good reason to relinquish your freedom of choice but even if so, circumstances have moved on now. Re-establish your sense of priority. D o what you believe in, not what you think you ought to and fear not. If you assert your strength now for the right reasons you will gain respect, not disapproval.
蠍座2日 The best way to sum up what is happening in your world right now is to imagine there's a hole being dug by workers at the end of the street where you live. You like it because it's keeping the traffic down. And your housebound neighbour likes it because it gives him something to watch through the window. For now, at least, it's doing everyone some good, so why worry about what it's being dug for. Eventually you'll find out, and you'll benefit from the improved service it brings to your door.
It is pleasant to go to the cinema, but you wouldn't want to live in one all the time. As with cinemas, so with quandaries. If you never allow yourself to be uncertain, you would simply miss the opportunity to re-evaluate your priorities and address crucial questions. But if you get into such a state and remain there indefinitely, you wind up feeling trapped. The Sun's sharp link to Jupiter suggests you face a dilemma now. Enjoy the process of solving it, and trust that soon it will be behind you.
There’s a New Moon in your love zone on March 21 which means; a chance to start again where love is concerned; the possibility of new romance; an existing romance going to a new page and stage. Venus and Mars in your sex zone only add to the rather rosy looking picture. Yes you’re still being asked to work like a (gorgeous) dog. But there’s no doubt romance is calling. Obviously, it’s up to you to yodel back a reply.
In 2003, Mars spent ages teaching lovely laid-back Pisceans how to stand up for themselves. Do you feel as though you now know how to defend your position without losing your temper? If so, thank Mars, and prepare to use that knowledge this month. If and when someone starts to really bug you, or tries to walk all over you, breathe in and fight for your rights without losing your cool. Lovewise, an email or text message could melt you.
Saturn has had the brakes on... in your fun zone “What can this party teach me …?”
If life has been a bit too exciting recently, if you know you need to slow down a little, thank your lucky Saturn stars as his change of direction promises to bring you down to earth a little, if not with a bump, then with an important lesson. Saturn is going through the part of your chart related to fun and games. However, he’s not exactly Mr Party Pants, so there’s a good chance, as he ends this reverse cycle, that the fun you have now will also be teaching you something, about yourself and about others. Singles could find this new cycle brings new love with someone a lot older or younger. Those wanting to fall pregnant could do just that - and then learn about the realities of parenthood! And those thinking about taking a Big Risk right now? Mind how you go because Saturn’s no risk taker.
People love to argue. No really, they do. They thoroughly enjoy playing devil's advocate much more than they enjoy agreement. No, really, they do. Never mind how I know, I just do. Trust me. Well, OK then, don't. But at least look at your own propensity to argue and doubt. Sometimes, it is a positive force. Sometimes, unnecessarily negative. Watch out, today, for disputes that really need not exist. Offer up an olive branch. You'll be surprised who accepts it.
Why do obstacles exist? So we can get over them. Why do we have problems? So we can solve them. It is easy to forget this. We can end up believing that life is all about struggle and strife. That's an illusion. There is nothing so broken that it can't be fixed. Nothing so permanent that it can't ever be changed. Saturn now forms a sharp angle to Mars. You have a small spot of trouble masquerading as a big one. Don't honour it with more attention than it deserves. Make the most of your every opportunity.
Schools and universities love to hand out qualifications. They award marks for achievement, creating the impression of a measured, orderly world in which all contributions can be valued and assessed. How can you tell whether you are doing well or badly right now? Who can assess your performance? Who can criticise it? You are doing your best under difficult circumstances. You should feel proud, not anxious. You are about to get a reward, not a punishment. Make the most of your every opportunity.
射手座3月3日予報です。よろしくお願いします。(参照元 ttp://www.cainer.com/today/sagitt.html) ( ・∀・)っD→さん、2日射手座訳ありがとうございます They say there are two sides to every story, but each side has a story. That leads us straight to another two sides. You end up seeing a myriad of sides branching off like a snowflake under a microscope. An endless chain of ifs and buts, could-bes, would-bes, maybes and if-onlys. Er... Neptune, Mercury, Venus and the Sun, all align antagonistically with your ruler today. If you are not confused, you probably ought to be... but you really need not worry.
3日蠍座です。よろしくお願いします。 Builder's dust gets everywhere. We all find it hard to cope when essential repairs are being made to our homes. We have mess and upheaval. We can still, though, benefit enormously from the activity. You are not so sure how you feel about a demanding situation that is arising. Understandably, you resent the impact it is having. You are though, due to gain immensely from the process. Try to resist the urge to put everything back the way it used to be.
and Neptune are in a state of celestial disagreement. Antagonistically aligned, each is trying to work against the other's purpose. This makes the day difficult for many, but it poses a particular challenge to Pisceans. Your sign is ruled by both these planets. If they are at loggerheads, you must be in inner turmoil. You face a dilemma. There's a circle you can't square, or a set of needs you can't reconcile. Yet you are nearer to a happy, harmonious outcome than you realise. For some great news - click here for a month's free trial of your weekly in-depth audio forecast
Theory and practice are two very different things. Sometimes, there's simply no substitute for experience. You may well decide now that there's no point in sitting around looking at the map a moment longer. The only way to get from A to B is to pick up your feet and start walking. Cast your caution to the winds. Put your money where your mouth is. Show the world that you mean business. The details of the route will sort themselves out if you just begin to move your feet.
You can march with your head held high, even if your hopes are not quite as buoyant as they were. The sky is clarifying things for you. You have not swapped optimism for pessimism, merely idle fancy for purposeful realism. You already know a lot more about what you are doing and why it needs to succeed. You will soon gain insight into precisely which plan to pursue. Trust your judgement, even if others urge you to accept their criticism. By and large, you are being right and wise at the moment.
4日蠍座です。よろしくお願いします。 If you just can't manage to make a dream come true, should you retreat so far into the world of imagination as to 'block out reality' and pretend that you are getting all you want? On a permanent basis... of course not! On a very temporary one? Maybe it's the best way to alter your aspirations so as to set them at a more realistic level. Fantasise freely for a while now. Perhaps if you allow yourself to be more creative, you'll see precisely how you can overcome a seemingly insurmountable practical problem.
This has the potential to be an excellent day. Making an announcement like this to some people would be a simple matter. Telling Librans such news however, is tantamount to throwing down a gauntlet. "Oh is it indeed? Well then, what about this, that and the other?" I stick to my prediction. 'This' will work out well. 'That' will be far less of a problem. And as for 'the other'? Well... Venus is now forming a strong angle to Jupiter. That's a fairly strong suggestion of imminent intimacy.
Let us imagine, for sake of argument, you are trying to solve a crossword clue. To make the analogy more apt, let us say it's imperative to do this puzzle. There's a prize if you get it right or a punishment if you fail. 'Any old word' won't do. The object of the exercise is not just to fill space. You're better off with a hole in your grid than you are with a misleading answer. You may not know, now, what you can accept but you know what you can reject. That's a fine start. Be fussy, be bold and be ready to succeed.
Potentially, you have a magic touch at the moment. Before, though, you can successfully lay on your healing hands, you must gather a piece of missing information. Willpower alone won't repair what's wrong. Nor indeed, will hope, sincerity or a concerted attempt to focus your psychic skill. You need to know what you are dealing with and why it has developed a difficulty. Make intelligent inquiries. Do your research properly, then summon up some instinctive genius. You'll yet manage to work wonders.
The Full Moon promises comfort and reassurance soon. It may also bring the start of an upturn in finances and personal life. That's a lot of positive promise to dangle before you. Knowing how you sometimes look gift horses in the mouth, I feel I may be making myself a hostage to fortune by predicting so much so cheerfully. Nonetheless, the sky is insistent and I must be too. If you can also summon determination to achieve success, you'll soon turn this weekend's difficulties into opportunities.
Once bitten, twice shy. But what about thrice? Could it be third time lucky? You're looking at something that went awry in the past. Since then you have avoided a painful repetition. But you have been watching a situation carefully and making tentative attempts to see if it has improved. Something does seem to have altered. Is it madness to have another go? Not if you are ready to apply all you have learned. The Full Moon says it's time to upwardly revise your own assessment of what's possible!
蠍座週末です。よろしくお願いします。 Most of us are 'one trick ponies'. We learn that a certain technique will often get us what we want. We apply it repeatedly in situations where it works a treat... and where it doesn't. We know we really ought sometimes to use another method, but that takes humility and concentration. Maybe, we figure, we can just do what we always do and hope for the best. If you want the best now, hope is not enough. You must work for it. Mercury and Pluto will help bring priceless change if you put in enough effort.
You are too kind. Or are you? There's usually method to your madness and it is often one that you don't notice until you have done something seemingly crazy and found that it has brought a good result. Your instinctive approach may pay yet another dividend today. In refusing to let a silly situation bother you, you are gaining a valuable sense of freedom. Maybe someone else is being let off the hook, but if the alternative involves you gripping that hook tightly, constantly, it's probably just as well.
Right now, you know what you need to do. Within a day or so, you will either forget or change your mind. By the end of the week, you'll have been through so much that you will hardly even remember what seemed so important on Monday. So, write down your plan. Use large letters. Pin the resulting note to your mirror, or some other piece of furniture that you look at every day. Mercury insists that your current idea is valuable and you will be glad, later on, that you kept reminding yourself to stick with it.
Some people just will not see reason. It doesn't matter if reason climbs on stilts and marches along, juggling bean bags, they will still refuse to see it. Fortunately, though it's nice when others can see reason as clearly as we can, it's not essential. Reason, once it knows that you can see it and it also knows another person is ignoring it, will adapt itself to take all this into account. You will thus benefit from someone else's share of reason. This week's events will nicely demonstrate this principle.
おはようございます。蠍座8日です。よろしくお願いします。 Why seek 'the key to success'? A key is designed to open a very specific door. Success though, is never just an ability to do (or get) one particular thing. It is, indeed, when we narrow down our definition of what constitutes success that we make ourselves most vulnerable to failure. Many doors lead to success and some of these are not even locked. If you need a key at all, you surely need a 'skeleton' or 'master key'. Used in the right way, that's just what your current opportunity is.
Do you need to consult a horoscope before you set out to cook a meal? Perhaps, if it's a crucial meal to which someone special has been invited. Surely not, though, if it's a recipe you have followed many times and which you intend to eat in the usual environment. You can comfortably expect to be able to make and consume a meal, regardless of the state of the sky. The task that lies before you this week is really no more complex. You don't need luck, you just need application and common sense.
To some extent we have a choice over what we allow to become symbolic in our lives. We don't have to read a great deal into every setback or become wildly over-confident because some minor activity worked out well. But we are silly if we ignore 'the writing on the wall'. Some events in our lives DO have a message for us. Some seemingly small clues have great significance. You are entitled to see the success you're about to enjoy as an sign that there's more triumph in store.
蠍座9日です。よろしくお願いします。 Even the finest French chef can't make an omelette without breaking eggs. The most advanced car manufacturer in Germany can't make an engine that produces no exhaust emissions. The most powerful politician can't have a secret without someone finding out. Every action produces a reaction. Whether the side-effect is worthwhile is for you to decide. But don't be put off by the simple fact that there's bound to be one. There are consequences to doing nothing too!
Cars have rear view mirrors so drivers can check what's coming up from behind. They are not supposed to be an aid to reversing. You need to turn your whole head in the direction of travel if you want to be sure of that manoeuvre. Nor will you get far in safety if you drive forward but keep your eyes on a part of the road you have long since passed. As with driving, so with living. No matter how fascinating the rear view mirror of your memory may be, it's now a dangerous distraction.
Venus is in your sign. The cosmos wants to grant you a much-deserved break from tension. It is also, though, restoring some of the free will that you have lately been lacking. Where you found yourself with no choice other than to ride a roller-coaster, you now have an option to get off it. You will not be lifted to safety by some unseen hand today. But the process will slow down long enough to provide you with a chance to disembark. If you are wise, you will seize this. To find out whether you are currently under the influence of any major, personal planetary transits
Do not underestimate the importance of what's happening. It is almost as if, in your attempt to stay cool in a moment of pressure, you have psyched yourself into a state of apparent nonchalance. So successfully have you done this that you genuinely believe your situation to be 'nothing so special'. This may be necessary to help you cope but if it causes you to overlook your next big opportunity, you may eventually look back and wonder whatever came over you? Open your eyes! To find out whether you are currently under the influence of any major, personal planetary transits.
Umbrage is free. Take as much as you like. But if there is an endless supply, it can have little value. You, though, seem unable to resist a bargain. Or perhaps the umbrage that you take, is the kind you have to work hard to get? Not ordinary umbrage in response to some ordinary slight, but outraged umbrage in response to an implication that a less sensitive sort might not see? Don't take any today. Instead, give something; the benefit of the doubt. It could yet change everything for the better.
射手座3月10日射手座予報です。よろしくお願いします(参照元 ttp://www.cainer.com/today/sagitt.html) Now what do you do? Now, where are you supposed to go? And how, even if you feel you know how to answer that, are you going to get there? Something has gone away but something else has turned up. Have you not just swapped one kind of trouble for another? Will your process of change never end? Are you destined to be caught up in one drama after another? These two questions at least, we can answer. A forthcoming cosmic challenge will bring one more intense time... followed by a delightful freedom.
Why are there so many words, in so many books in so many libraries? Why do we need all those explanations, observations dissertations? If you were a visiting alien, you would assume that those books were all needed because life on Earth was so complicated. Indeed, you would probably take one look at all the books you were supposed to read, and then turn your ship towards some more simple corner of the cosmos. Don't get caught up in an irrelevant argument. Just stick to your guns.
10日蠍座です。よろしくお願いします。 Trouble, it seems, brews up in your life about as frequently as tea. You long since acquired a taste for it. You may even have developed an addiction. If there's no trouble, there's no challenge. How then will you learn, grow, change and develop your full potential? Now, think a moment. What kind of trouble is most likely to benefit you? The kind of trouble you now have to get out of, or the kind that requires you to draw on new inner resources? It is OK to feel worried now. As long as you continue to worry, you will make wise choices.
Your capacity to see, accurately, where others are going wrong is rivalled, in its strength, only by your ability to be deeply, self-critical. To put it another way, you're so sharp, you can (and do) cut yourself. Deal with your own shortcomings tenderly now. You're a far finer person than you think you are. Deal with other people's flaws as directly as you dare. The sky strongly suggests that you'll be doing a certain someone a big favour if you speak the truth.
蠍座11日です。よろしくお願いします。 If you have apples, flour, butter and sugar, you're in a great position to make a fruit pie. But they're not much use if you crave paella. Sorry for reducing a complex and emotionally demanding situation, down to a recipe... but in a way, your answer is that simple. You think that what you want and need is one thing. That, you can't have... yet. But meanwhile, life is giving you a great opportunity to create another thing. And that other thing, actually, is a very fine thing indeed.
Nobody should ever drink and drive. Nor indeed, should they try to eat and swim, diet and bake, hop and juggle... or fall in love and try to think rationally. Saturn and Pluto are both now aligned to your ruler. These two planetary influences represent incompatible urges welling up within you simultaneously. It's fine to follow one first and then the other, a sensible period later. Don't, though, try both at once. Make a distinction, and be ready if necessary to make a compromise too.
While you have been wondering what to do about a particular situation, the world has been busily turning. A part, at least, of your plan is now redundant. A significant contributory factor to one of your biggest fears is now largely irrelevant. There may be a moment's uncertainty while you grasp the new reality that demands your recognition now. But this will soon turn to a sense of delight. Venus and Pluto are bringing you much-needed clarity and insight.
Some people only ever do what they are good at doing. This protects them from getting out of their depth. It also tends to give them a rather dull life. You need now, not to swing to the other extreme and find the most challenging way forward but to have enough confidence to realise that you are good at (or potentially good at) more things than you think. It's not an old trick you need now. It's a relatively new skill that you need to hone... and then employ to great effect.
There's always someone worse off than you are. That's just as well really, for it means there is always a way to keep anxiety at bay. To be born a Cancerian is to be blessed with a deeply compassionate personality. You love to look after people and to help them feel better. You don't like to mollycoddle them and you hate to feel your efforts are taken for granted. You also know that sometimes you need to be cruel to be kind. Even so, you have a big heart and a wonderfully soft centre. This weekend, many will benefit from your kindness.
These days, life is one long learning curve. Every piece of new technology we encounter, every piece of self-assembly furniture we buy, every new situation requires us to absorb fresh information. Even the most complex computer programs, though, are easy to operate and user friendly, by comparison to the ultimate challenge of a human relationship. To have just one significant other person in your life is to have a reason to feel permanently perplexed. This weekend, though, you will make a priceless discovery. Discover your astrological inheritance.
The Moon is in your sign this weekend, enhancing your ability to read minds and tell fortunes. We are all born with psychic abilities but these ebb and flow according to the season, the situation and our level of stress. The Moon's influence is not the only force that can awaken and intensify such powers, but every once in a while it proves itself to have an impressive impact. Don't feel obliged to tell everyone about what you can see. Your insights may be best kept quiet for a while. Do, though, trust the visions you are being blessed with.
蠍座週末です。よろしくお願いします。 Our friends can do us much more harm than our enemies. That's why we have to be so careful about who, or what, we give our hearts to. You are starting to feel vulnerable. It is as if you have been invaded. Something has got right under your skin. You can't shake off this influence, nor can you quite reconcile the way you feel, with the way you feel you ought to feel. Actually, though, it is all just a necessary and natural side-effect of being human and sensitive. This weekend will bring much comfort and reassurance.
Venus and Mars are in your sign now. You only have a week or so in which to profit from this positive planetary pairing. You don't need to cast around for ways to maximise your opportunity, they are surely already obvious. You have a need you cannot ignore or a problem you cannot solve. Maybe you feel more cursed than blessed by this. It is like prejudging the end of a fairy story after opening the book in the middle. Right now, it's all monsters, giants and spells. Next, though, come victories and happy-ever-afters.
If your heart is in the right place, everything else in your world will turn out right. Listen to what your better judgment is telling you... and acknowledge the importance of compassion, tolerance and sensitivity. This world is full of people who force things to happen by sheer weight of their will. Those however, who are prepared to listen to inspiration instead of fear, invariably discover that they don't need to fight so hard. Express goodwill and you may yet be granted a refreshing experience.
15日蠍座です。よろしくお願いします。 How do you know when you are hungry? Do you have to conduct a scientific experiment? Do you have to consult an expert? Do you have to wait for some official letter, confirming your right to feel such a need? There are some things that we just 'know'. It's as simple as that. So now, let us ask, are you right or wrong about a certain matter. Well, what do you think? What do you feel? How strong is the sense that you have? That tells you all you need to know.
15日蟹座よろしくおねがいします! Should you take the high road or the low road? Maybe you should get a map first. Speed of travel is not the only factor. If your journey is not comfortable or pleasing, you may be in no frame of mind to enjoy your arrival at the end of the path. And do both roads really lead to exactly the same place? That's the first thing to check. But be careful. Initial direction is no guarantee of ultimate destination. If you feel even slightly unsure, go down the road that you know most about.
牡牛座15日 おねがいいたします What do you have to offer? Why should someone want you or what you have to offer? Deep down, you know the answer. Sometimes we all have difficulty, though, in evaluating our own worth. It can seem rather arrogant. You now prefer to see yourself as 'nobody special'. If though, you don't acknowledge how important you are to a certain person, you will fail to see what's really going on. You have power and it is important now, to take responsibility for that power and to use it well.
16日蠍座です。よろしくお願いします。 So, things aren't perfect. You live on planet Earth in the opening years of what promises to be the craziest century in history. What do you expect? The lunatics have long since taken over the asylum. Is it any wonder then, that truly sane, sensitive people like you feel a little intimidated? It's not your fault that so many things are so unsatisfactory.
The phrase 'too good to be true' springs to mind as I look at your astrological outlook. It's not that I think there's something suspicious about the celestial situation. It's more that I suspect that this is what you will think. I fear that, faced with a surprisingly good opportunity, you will feel more inclined to question it than to accept it. You will doubt the extent of your own good fortune or worry that there's a hidden problem. Yet there isn't... or there need not be. Relax, trust and, most of all... enjoy.
There are some things in this world that we simply do not need to supply or create. They occur naturally in abundant quantity. Pressure, for example, is self-generating and self-replenishing. No matter how much of it we have, we can always have more. No matter how little of it there seems to be, we can rest assured that some will come along before too long. Right at the moment, your life contains vast amounts of 'dynamic tension'. So, whatever else you do, try your best not to add to it!
With the passage of time, tremendous things can happen. No force in this world, though, can artificially create that natural process. We can simulate wear and tear or envisage the way in which things will change. If though, we really want to know how different things will be in the future, we have to wait till the future shows us. Some crucial process in your life sorely needs more time to develop. Your job now, is simply to stabilise a tricky situation so that more time can safely pass.
How do other people see you? What do they really want from you? To what extent are you limiting yourself by playing out the role that you think you are supposed to play? We are all influenced much more strongly than we realise, by our companions, colleagues and family members. The irony is, we are not always influenced by what they REALLY want or need as by what we THINK they want from us. In redefining your boundaries as you are now doing, you may not be alienating anywhere near as many people as you fear.
To err is human, to forgive is divine. Or so they say. But to keep on erring, just because you know you will always be forgiven, that's just plain imbecilic. Sometimes, people support each other's faults and foibles. They accept what they ought to reject. They allow themselves to be lied to; taken advantage of. Then they wonder why they don't feel so good! Somewhere in your world right now, there's an unhealthy interdependency. To fix it, you will need to be honest, assertive and brave.
おはようございます。蠍座17日です。 Over 20 years I have composed about 7,000 predictions for your sign. Whether or not you have read them all, I have been here faithfully writing them. I have considered carefully, on your behalf, pretty much every challenge and every opportunity you have faced. I have tried to help you keep cheerful during the quiet times, and calm during the dizzy phases. I can usually tell, pretty fast, whether what you are going through is big or small. For the record, what you face now is very big and very wonderful. Please don't fear it.
I bring you a message from the "wish-come-true-fairy". She asks me to say that she has heard your recent requests. Unfortunately, due to adverse traffic conditions in the astral realm, she has developed a little backlog of gifts to bestow. She is doing all she can to help you with your quest and she recognises the urgency. So, she says, if you can't wait, there are a couple of ways in which you may be able to speed things up. 1. Be less specific about what you want. 2. Consider a compromise. Failing that, you'll just have to be patient.
People in my profession make positive predictions at their peril. We know that, when we wax lyrical, we make ourselves hostages to fortune. A pessimistic prognosis will be received with recognition, even when all is actually hopeful. The reader will just assume that their cheerfulness is misplaced. A glowing description of heavenly help will, by contrast, be greeted with disbelief. It will either give rise to cynicism, or it will foster wildly unrealistic expectations. Your outlook is truly glorious now. But don't just take my word for it... watch and see. To find out whether you are currently under the influence of any major, personal planetary transits - click here.
天秤座お願いします。 Sometimes, the weather stays the same for weeks at a time. Yet when it changes, it seems to do so in a matter of minutes. Even when we know that this is about to happen, even when we have read the forecasts, we are still surprised. We are surprised, even if the change is from rain to sun. And we certainly find it hard to believe that anything is about to happen, until the very moment it actually starts to happen. The link from Venus to Jupiter is about to change your cosmic climate. A very big improvement is imminent.
As Uranus aligns with Pluto, you'll hear news to lift your spirits soon. How much will this be worth to you and what will it allow you to alter? That depends on how much faith you have in symbolism. On its own, the bit of information doesn't amount to much more than a spot of encouragement. It doesn't 'solve everything'. It does though, represent a sign that things are moving in the right direction. Trust that indication and proceed with more confidence. This in turn, will enable you to identify a vital and rather wonderful opportunity.
You can't satisfy your hunger by peering into the window of a baker's shop. You can't illuminate your room just by purchasing a light bulb. Till the food is in the stomach or the bulb is in the socket, you don't have a full solution. You may be one step closer to the answer but you still have a way to go. Sometimes, when we have nearly done the right thing, we forget to complete the task. Then we wonder why we can see no change. Jupiter and Venus are in harmony now. Take one more step and you will see a very big difference.
You are not having an entirely easy time. There is so much that you do not understand, so much that just doesn't seem to make any sense, so much that you want and yet seem unable to get. That's an awful lot of the wrong kind of 'so much'. But look at what else is happening in your life. You have so much to be glad of, so much to celebrate, so much to trust and build on. How much more than just 'so much' is all that much worth? Think about this and then make it, rather than your problem, into the priority. You'll instantly become so much happier. To find out how the newly-discovered planet, Sedna, could change your life forever
You are not as daft as you sometimes fear. Rather to the contrary, you are too smart for your own good; -you see too much and you sense too much. If you have a problem, it is in the way you rationalise your intuition. You either tell yourself that you cannot believe what your instinct is telling you, or you trust it just a little too much; allowing it to override all your logic. Your current difficulty will soon be solved if you simply get your inner voice to have a frank conversation with your conscious mind. To find out how the newly-discovered planet, Sedna, could change your life forever.
You can't lay on the paint until you have sanded the surface. Before you can do that, you have to fill in the cracks. You can't take care of those though, unless you have a wall in the first place. You can't build one of those unless you first dig some foundations. How can you do that when you don't even have a plot of land? A seemingly endless series of obstacles and obstructions now seem to loom up large before you. This weekend's New Moon will sweep most of them away. Prepare for a very pleasing domino effect. To find out whether you are currently under the influence of any major, personal planetary transits
蠍座週末です。よろしくお願いします。 Turn it upside down and give it a shake. What does it do? You are looking at something you feel sure you ought to be able to use. It has an air of familiarity, yet you do not really recognise it. You are trying to make sense of something baffling. You keep thinking that any moment now, a penny will drop and you will know exactly what's needed. You are probably right, but you are wrong to feel it is necessary to strive and struggle in order to reach this conclusion. It is perfectly sufficient to relax, until slowly, naturally, everything becomes delightfully obvious.
Science fiction writers love to tell us about parallel worlds. In these alternate universes, all is much the same as it is in ours, apart from one or two crucial things. Somewhere, they argue, there is a world in which Al Gore became president of the USA or in which the Titanic never sank. Physicists, interestingly enough, are starting to find evidence that might support this far-fetched notion. So how long before they discover the world in which you make every choice perfectly? Guess what? You are already living in it! This weekend, you will find out that a problem is not really a problem after all.
You are feeling sleepy. Very sleepy. Your eyelids are growing heavy. You can hardly keep awake a moment longer. You are slipping down into a dream-world. When I count to three, you will be completely relaxed. One, two... oh damn! I forgot to turn the mobile phone off. "Hello. Can you call me back later? I am just trying to hypnotise a Taurean. No, you are right. I do not normally do this kind of thing, but I do not know how else to let them know that everything is OK and they may as well stop worrying this weekend. " OK. Now, where were we? Ah, yes: THREE! To find out whether you are currently under the influence of any major, personal planetary transits
You have to take the creatures to the other side of the river but you can only fit two in your boat at any one time. Trouble is, the dog won't travel with the cat, the cat can't go with the mouse... and the mouse can't go with the elephant (in case it gets squashed). Oh, and you are only allowed to make a limited number of trips. What's the solution to this vexing logic puzzle? Why, I thought you'd never ask. It is to enjoy the challenge you find yourself facing and then do your best to rise to it. Maybe you'll get it right, maybe you'll get it wrong... actually, it doesn't matter anyway as much as you fear.
Now, you can see things more clearly. You are starting to understand a situation which had been baffling you. This is giving you mixed emotions. You are glad to know what you know yet sad to see what this implies. You need a re-think. Old plans and strategies have to be re-evaluated. You are a little disappointed and disillusioned. Soon though, you will recognise that the new perspective is every bit as valuable as it is accurate. Soon, you'll find a different and delightful direction.
22日蠍座です。よろしくお願いします。 Though none of us like to feel bored, or to find ourselves living through a series of all too predictable dramas, we don't want to spend our whole lives hopping from crisis to crisis. You have power now, over the extent to which you allow certain matters to go spiralling out of control. You may be tempted, this week, to let a certain saga 'develop as it wishes to'. This will give rise to plenty of interest, excitement and adventure. It will also though, bring trouble. There are easier ways to inject a sense of progress into your life this week.
You can expect a fair degree of success now. The sky is providing you with energy and purpose plus a chance to apply all this constructively. That's not quite the same as saying that you will be victorious in every instance. You may well find that some things just are not possible, no matter how much effort you give them. You can though, rest assured that whatever really needs to be sorted out, will be sorted out. That which is left over will turn out, somehow, to be less relevant than you thought.
Before you can sort things out, you have to decide what those 'things' are. Just as it is easy, sometimes, to misjudge a person so we can look at various factors and attach the wrong labels to them. Inwardly, unconsciously, we look at everyone and everything with an eye to establishing if it is 'good' or 'bad'. You need to review some of the judgements you have made in the past. Somewhere in your world is a precious asset that has inadvertently found its way into the reject pile. Discover your astrological inheritance.
23日蠍座です。よろしくお願いします。 There is a lot that you are struggling to understand. Partly because it is easy to be impatient; and partly because your current situation has an edge of urgency. There's a strong desire now to cut corners. You can see (or think you can see) which way the wind is blowing. Why, then, wait till every 'i' has been dotted and every 't' has been crossed. Nothing substantial is going to change is it? Be careful. You don't yet know that for sure. Acquire more information before committing yourself.
No wonder you are so full of apprehension. You don't feel nervous? You should. You do feel nervous? You needn't! It's right and proper to be edgy at the moment. That is a way of showing respect for the enormity of your task. You're going to need more than confidence to get you where you need to be. You need the kind of concentration that only comes when adrenalin is flowing. That said, though, there is no way that you will ever want to turn back and go the way you came.
24日蠍座です。お願いします。 Other people think of you as fearlessly frank. They don't know how much you hold back! You are only too aware of all the secrets you must keep and the diplomatic silences you must maintain. You do an admirable job too, of honouring confidences. Sometimes your loyalties are misplaced. Sometimes you might be wiser by far to speak out or, at least, to say nothing in such a way as it allows someone else to reach an important conclusion. You can't betray a trust now... but nor can you be less than honest.
If a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing well. If it is worth having, it is worth waiting for. If it is worth attaining, it is worth fighting for. If it is worth experiencing, it is worth putting aside time for. Sorry to state the obvious, but sometimes we find our attention drawn to some nuance and complication and we entirely overlook the most simple and important of life's truths. You have only one real problem now. The moment you readjust your sense of priority, you will have no problem at all.
There are no easy answers. Answers though, do exist. Real ones, good ones, workable ones. When answers are right, why should we care if they happen to be easy? Life's greatest difficulties stem from doubt, not from complications. All you need now is faith in yourself and in your ability to make the right decision. If you have ruled out the option that seems too good to be true, you have already made the toughest and wisest choice. Now you just need to give time and energy to the course of action that you have picked.
The world is full of politicians. It is also full of problems. Do you think, perhaps, that the two things may be connected? Maybe there's nothing wrong with having difficulties that need to be put right as long as the people trying to fix them are adaptable and open-minded. Maybe trouble only comes from the ridiculous notion that every challenge in life must be met with a rigid policy reflecting a very strict belief system. Don't try to apply philosophy, strategy or a strongly held opinion to the awkward issue in your life now.
25日蠍座です。よろしくお願いします。 Gravity and entropy have a lot to answer for. The first brings everything down, the second causes everything to grow old. Vast industries are devoted to defying one or both of these laws. If their rules cannot be broken, they can be stretched. Aeronautical engineers and plastic surgeons are the living proof. Now, though, if you want to experience comfort, try deciding to feel good about a natural, inevitable process rather than pitting yourself against it. Venus promises you a real way to succeed as you proceed, as long as you are honest.
How much support do you require? Not as much as you think. You already have a lot of help. You are, by and large, making wise choices. You have, generally speaking, a lot of good friends and useful contacts. To accomplish the aim that now fires your heart, you merely need to keep pursuing it for the right reasons. If you become too determined to prove a point you may forget the original point! Be sweet and sincere. Just when it looks as if you have gone as far as you can go, the sky will show you how to take the next crucial step.
Healing, helpful influences are at work now. You may not have all that you ever wanted but you have seeds which, if carefully planted and lovingly nurtured, will eventually produce a bumper crop of rewards. It is though, hard to plant anything at all if you don't feel able to give a commitment to the land. Saturn's alignment to Venus though, strongly suggests you are better off setting out to turn an empty field into a glorious plantation than embarking on a quest to find some mythical meadow full of happiness, ready to harvest.
Pain and pleasure are two sides of one coin as any sadomasochist will confirm. We always hurt the one we love... and vice versa, sooner or later. The very thing that makes us rich, makes us poor. Every upside has a downside. I know this is not really what you want me to tell you, but it is what I feel obliged to point out. You are very unhappy about something or someone. You are tempted to make a dramatic or draconian decision. Be just a little more philosophical. The price you are having to pay may actually turn out to be a bit of a bargain!
Don't just sit there, say something. Explain yourself. We are all waiting to hear how you intend to justify your recent actions. We are interested in your apology. We are eager to see how you wriggle your way out of a sticky situation you appear to have got yourself into. Only, guess what? We have absolutely no right to any such satisfaction. It is none of our business. You have every reason to stand proud. You need say nothing. Nor need you make any amends. People will happily try to put you under pressure this weekend, but you don't have to let them succeed. Don't succumb to a misplaced sense of guilt.
Why search for meaning in a world full of madness? Why plot and plan when everything is subject to sudden change? These are good questions and they have good answers. We must do all of the above because we cannot function without at least a little structure, even if it is only temporary. You now suspect that you do not know the full story about a certain situation. You are right. There is much more to discover. The information you have though, is sufficient for the time being. Discover your astrological inheritance
You are very easily influenced. You can see most points of view and find factors in favour of most arguments. Others, sensing your innate adaptability, often seek to win you over. Yet for all your apparent fluidity, you are capable of secret, steely resolve. You may make free with a large part of your heart but you hold back the key to the inner sanctum of your spirit. Somehow though, you are being touched very deeply by a particular person or situation. This will be a very moving, but also very rewarding weekend.
蠍座29日です。よろしくお願いします. You need to make a judgement. Unfortunately, the facts of the matter will not conveniently stand still and allow themselves to be properly counted. They keep running around, trading places and disguising themselves. You just want to make a decision and stick to it so that you can move on with the rest of your life. Each time you try though, it becomes clear that there is more to consider. Instinct won't help. It is being biased by prejudice. Logic though, if applied with enough discipline, will eventually clear the whole thing up.
Shall we discuss your financial situation? OK then. Fair enough. We can ignore it if you prefer. But when the point comes when it can no longer be conveniently swept aside, don't say I didn't offer you the chance to talk things through. While you are determined to insist that the howling noise at your door is just the wind and not the wolf, I can only offer to engage you in a cheerful chat about other, less pressing factors. Shall we then, talk about your love life? Or about your big dream of success? Listen, I'm sorry to be so single-minded but if you deal, this week, with what you are avoiding, you!
You really need not worry. Nor do you need to take the pressure and the apparent urgency within your situation too seriously. The pace is hotting up. People are asking you to do things that seem well nigh impossible. You keep running out of time or wondering where you will ever find the resources you need. You are determined to try your best to solve a problem but what you have to remember is that 'best' is not always fastest or 'most dramatic'. Sometimes, a sincere effort, consistently made over a sensible period of time is worth far more than some impressive but ultimately empty gesture.
Monday, 29th March 2004 CANCER (Jun 23 - Jul 23) You seek a new source of stability; a reason to feel relaxed and assured about the future. You deserve this. There has been more than enough upheaval and tension lately. Before too much longer, you will attain a great deal of what you now hope to get. It will though, probably take more time than you want it to. Though most of the big decisions have all been made, they have yet to be put into practice. This can't happen overnight. Be patient and hold steady. What's needed now is dedication and concentration. Make the most of your every opportunity
With determination, with insight, with effort and with skill, you can now make a big step in the right direction. The question is, do you know what that direction is? Are you still trying to walk down a road that looks attractive but leads nowhere? Are you still attempting to persuade yourself that a miracle is imminent? You are right to feel that something wonderful is in the offing but the strong likelihood is that this 'wonderful thing' is a recognition of the good in something you once thought was bad.
Be strong, be brave and, above all else today, be happy. You deserve to be... and you have every reason to be. Despite all that's wrong in your world, or all that seems to be so far beyond your control, there's a guardian angel working away, on your behalf, in the background. This sympathetic spirit is determined to ensure that everything works out well in the end. Maybe, so far, you have seen little to suggest that this is going to be the case. But you have seen something. Focus on that a little more closely.
天秤座30日です。 よろしくお願いします。 You have a little damage to repair at the moment. The trick, with any exercise like this, is not to make matters worse by mistake, in your effort to make them better. That requires a steady hand, a calm frame of mind and a certain amount of information. Ideally, you need experience. Failing that, you need to be familiar with the theory. Only if you can see exactly what's wrong (and why) do you stand a good chance of making everything right. Find out the full story before you act and all will be fine.
射手座30日射手座予報です。よろしくお願いします。 ( ・∀・)っD→さん29日射手座訳ありがとうございます。いつもすいません感謝してます Hope springs eternal. But what are you hoping for now? Take just a moment to separate the object of your desire from the experience of that desire. We 'enjoy' wanting things. We also, of course, enjoy getting them, but the two types of enjoyment are different. And sometimes, in our hunger to keep having the latter sensation, we conjure up a shopping list of items that we don't really need or want. So, what are you hoping for now? And why are you hoping for it? And what will really, truly give you a worthwhile sense of attainment?
"If you're happy and you know it clap your hands." So the old song goes. But what if you're happy and you don't know it? When many people think about their lives, they find themselves contemplating their problems. Only after a profound experience, do they suddenly realise that they were actually a whole lot happier than they ever knew. Then there are the folk who do not wish to draw attention to themselves lest their blessings be taken away. They are happy, but they won't clap. Be careful how you interpret certain signs today.
おはようございます。蠍座31日です。よろしくお願いします。 What's your favourite colour? Why do you like it? What shade are you least attracted to? Who put you off it? Our memories make a big difference to us. We reject many perfectly good propositions just because they trigger an unfortunate association. It is one thing to trust an instinct, another to support an unfounded prejudice by claiming that it is an extension of your intuition. Pay attention to what you feel but be aware too, today, that you do not yet know as much about a particular topic as you ought to.
I have to write your forecast in a hurry today. So I left some of the sentences unfinished. I figured you wouldn't mind completing them for... Thank you. I know you are going through a challenging time, but don't worry because... Your biggest difficulty is relatively easy to resolve. All you have to do is... Oh, and here's what a certain person really thinks of you. They are under the impression that you... Those were fascinating conclusions you jumped to but they were not all correct. Be careful what you tell yourself today.
Imagine training your whole life long to be a concert pianist. One day, to amuse some visiting children, you improvise a couple of merry melodies on your keyboard. Your performance is greeted with such rapture, that word of it spreads far and wide. Suddenly, you are in demand, but not for the ability that means so much to you. There's something a little irritating and exasperating about today's great advantage. It is not quite the one you were hoping for. It is though, nonetheless, an edge that can prove extremely useful to you.
Home and family is the focus now, but not even the powerful eclipse can save you from at least a little confusion. Do be prepared to talk things through if your domestic routines aren’t running smoothly. Important changes lie ahead, but you need to allow them to unfurl in their own sweet time. Mercury is going backwards in your home zone and this means many a Capricorn is having serious second thoughts about where he or she should be based. Others will be rethinking their renovation plans or revisiting questions about where they belong. Others still will be going over old ground with their families, perhaps even working through ‘issues’ which stem from childhood. The trick with Mercury in reverse here is to stay patient. Don’t feel as though you have to make decisions you’re not confident about. You of all the signs know that it’s always wisest to get all the facts before you act. You may not have all the facts until the end of the month, at least, so do guard against acting before you’re really ready. Where love is concerned, the good news is that you’re back on track, or at least open to dating again. From here on in - for nearly all the rest of 2004 - romance looks a whole lot easier than it has been for sometime. Romance now looks set to make progress, rather than feeling like it’s going nowhere. If you’re looking for love, tackle it like a work project and you could get what you want. This is also an excellent time to start taking better care of yourself physically.
Have you ever stopped to consider the slightly scary thought that life really can turn on a text message or email? For example, imagine you’re keen on someone but they don’t know. You send them a text message to let them know, and they are delighted because they feel the same way! I can’t promise you this exact scenario this month, however, it’s very possible that by letting others know how you feel, by expressing yourself and your desires, that you’re going to head closer to getting what you want so much right now. By April’s end, you’ll have learned some very important lessons about communications. What you read or write could change everything now, so use the first few weeks of April to practise your communications skills. If you know you’re not getting your message across, say it again. This is also a very good time to think about ... thinking. Are you using your head as much as your heart? Are you really using your head at all? Yes, you’re an Air sign and as such have a natural talent for mental agility, but if you know you’ve been a bit mentally lazy lately, for example, now is the time to brush up on those skills. It’s also an excellent time for Aquarians thinking about taking up a course of study. You’re building for the future now, so make sure you spend time thinking about serious matters as well as about the fun stuff. Lovewise, flirting looks like the most fun you’ve had in months, so make the most of it!
Is it ever wise to trust others? Some would say not. They might argue that, whenever we do this, sooner or later, we become disappointed. But what is the alternative? To live under constant cloud of suspicion? We HAVE to give fellow human beings the benefit of the doubt as much as we can. Our sanity suffers too much if we don't. Sometimes, it is much better to trust, even if there's a risk that you may be wrong to do so, than to be painfully guarded and nervous
By April’s end, the emphasis will be on one VIP in your life,most likely a (potential?) lover. So use the first half to buff up numero uno. Your daily work and health routines are spotlighted and changes you make now promise big benefits later. Mid-April is prime time to ditch bad habits and start again diet-and exercise-wise. There’s a real chance you’ll overdo it food and drink wise in the first week of April, so watch out and do all you can to get and/or stay in shape. This isn’t just about the way you look, but also about how you feel, and about your health in general. ‘Treating your body like a temple’might sound like the sort of cliché supermodels rabbit on about, but we all feel better when we do the basics things like drinking more water, eating more fruits and veggies and cutting back on portion sizes and processed foods. Happily, there’s a potentially very luscious payoff for Scorps who look after their bodies/temples this month. The zodiac’s lovers Venus and Mars are making merry in your sex zone … flirt with them and see what happens … Meanwhile, if you’ve been caught up in awkward situations with a lover, past, present or potential, who just doesn’t seem to understand you, stay calm. You’ll get another chance to explain yourself by the end of the month, or in the first weeks of May. Remember that love and work changes now are for the best, and could lead you to some very exciting new situations which you come to appreciate and even cherish.
Will the Sun rise tomorrow? The answer, regardless of how much uncertainty there may be in the world, is an emphatic yes. And what will it rise over? A planet full of people who are wondering whether the Sun will rise! So it has always been and so it will ever be. Our insecurities are natural. We must live with them, without becoming overly arrogant. Your current doubt about someone or something is healthy. Yet so too, is my firm belief that the doubt is groundless! To hear more for your sign