Friday Investing in yourself, your health and your future well being isn’t just important, it could bring huge benefits. You tend to ignore little aches and pains, hoping that they’ll simply go away. They might. On the other hand, it might also be your body telling you that it needs to be looked after.
Saturday Everybody agrees that planning ahead is wise. But with so much in transition, it’s difficult to organise things for the week ahead. That’s no surprise. Only after the Sun meets your ruler Uranus, later this month, will you know enough about either situations or your priorities to even consider making lasting arrangements.
Sunday Not only does everybody seem to have a view about what you should be doing, they’re more than happy to tell you what it is. This is all the more perplexing because you’re still somewhat confused about your priorities. Listen to others. But decide nothing until your own perspective is considerably clearer.
However much you love another person, there are times when you question those feelings, and this is one of them. The issue seems to be one of loyalties. Discussing these conflicts should put things to rest. The franker these exchanges, the less likely it is that you’ll have a repeat performance in the future.
Nothing is more frustrating than dealing with somebody who won’t talk. Before you get angry about their seemingly deliberate silence, consider the fact that they may not have anything to say. Certain individuals are so confused that they simply cannot discuss their views with you, primarily because they have none.
Life would be far easier if you knew what certain rather tricky individuals intend to do. But either they’re either unsure themselves or aren’t sharing their plans. This means that your only real option is to rely on your instincts. Risky as this seems, they could prove more reliable than the advice of others.
Many people live in a world of lists. Some involve tasks, some achievements. Of course you, as a somewhat driven Aries, have your lists. But there is more to life than that. It’s your dreams. And at the moment it’s vital consider whether those hopes and dreams are getting the time that they deserve.
天秤座デイリー後半です。どなたかお時間がありましたら、よろしくお願いいたします。 Thursday While you understand the need of loved ones to sow their oats, their antics are becoming increasingly stressful to love with. You’re beginning to wonder if they aren’t actually trying to aggravate you. They aren’t. In fact, they’re completely unaware just how much their actions are distressing you. Frank discussions are urgent.
Friday Don’t make the mistake of thinking that higher-ups know what your goals are. You may have done everything you can to ensure that they’re aware of your interests. But you’re up against individuals whose methods are far less refined than yours. Waste no time wondering about this. Make your objectives crystal clear.
Saturday It’s not surprising that you’re worried about partners or loved ones doing the right thing. But if you’ve already talked things through and given your advice, then you really must leave it to them. Say no more now, but ensure that you’re nearby and handy to help pick up the pieces afterwards.
Sunday You thought that you’d talked things through. But now that you’re turning those discussions into action, you’re wondering whether others were even listening. However intrigued you are what went wrong, waste no time going over old ground. Instead begin all over again, as if you’d never before even raised the issues in question.
蟹デイリー どなたか訳していただけないでしょうか。お願いします。 Thursday Knowing what the facts are is important. At the moment, however, being able to read the mood of others is of just as great significance. If you’re aware of the ups and downs of those whose cooperation you need, then you can gauge when issues can best be raised and when to play it cool.
Friday The time has come to take a tough line. You’ve been understanding. You’ve viewed situations from a psychological angle. But what you haven’t done is demand respect from others. This may be the last thing you feel like discussing. Once you speak both frankly and from the heart, however, their attitude will change entirely.
Saturday Facts are facts. While there’s every reason to be careful about the situations that currently face you, that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t focus on the people involved, too. At the moment, certain individuals seem to be struggling with anxieties. However pressing practicalities are, they and their needs really must come first.
Sunday Settling issues between you and others requires facing a combination of facts and feelings. While you can’t ignore the requirements of the situations in question, at every step you must discuss what these mean to others. Time-consuming as this approach is, it’s the only way you’re likely to achieve a lasting accord.
Monday You thought that you'd worked out differences last week. At least the length and intensity of discussions would indicate that you did. Now others have started complaining about various situations again and you don't know what to do. The answer is: nothing. You shouldn't take their complaining any more seriously than they do.
Tuesday For ages you've been working around potentially troublesome issues. You've feared the conflict that raising them with certain rather difficult individuals would cause. While discussions with them are unlikely to be free of problems, it's worth the effort. They will, in fact, go a long way to eliminating even these, most persistent of issues.
Wednesday You started out leaving a trail of hints and then began making references to worrying issues. But thus far others simply haven't picked up on the message you're trying to get across. They aren't being stubborn. It's just that not everybody is as subtle as a Libra. Tell them what you want, and in detail.
After months of encouraging partners at work or loved ones, they're finally taking serious steps towards the goals they've been discussing. But their approach isn't just miles from what you've discussed, it's worrying. Still, say nothing. This may run counter to all that you've worked for. But rarely have the planets been so unfavourable to such discussions. Instead, assume that they'll learn from experience and plan discussions for next week, when things are calmer. Meanwhile, invest time in certain of your own long-neglected activities. Some involve obligations, others personal projects. Once these could wait. But now they're becoming increasingly urgent.
水瓶座デイリーです(16日〜)。宜しくお願い致します。 Monday There’s a difference between voicing your views and others actually understanding what you’re trying to get across. In fact, judging by the current rather complex planetary setup and others’ equally uncooperative attitude, you may have to discuss issues from several angles before the message you’re trying to express is finally understood.
Tuesday It’s natural that you’d want to know where others stand before you make plans that will require their support. But they’re either unwilling or unable to commit. This means that you’ll simply have to reach deep within, choosing a line of action that is so inspiring they can’t help but join in.
Wednesday Everybody is telling you to get the practical side of things settled first, before anything else. However, that’s unwise now. Between the coming New Moon and next week’s aspects to the unpredictable Uranus, sudden developments are bound to demand that even the simplest of plans be altered, if not changed several times.
山羊座デイリーです。つぶやきおながいします Monday(2/16) Unreasonable is probably the best word to describe the attitude of the individuals you’ve been dealing with. While you can’t do much about them, you can take advantage of the big changes that begin early next week. Delay decisions and you could find that events achieve what even your best efforts with others didn’t.
Tuesday(2/17) Disappointments on the relationship front can cast a shadow over everything else. However, you must admit that the issues in question have been on your mind for some time. Tackle these now and you’ll not only chase away the blues, you could find ways to eliminate those unsettling and persistent issues for good.
Wednesday(2/18) As a Capricorn you rarely make a commitment or espouse a cause without serious investigation. Still, there may have been points that you missed. Or, perhaps, situations themselves are changing. Whatever the case, by Friday’s New Moon you’ll need to re-evaluate both your views and whatever arrangements you’ve made as a result of them.
Monday Recent discussions were as frank as they were intense. Rarely have you spoken so directly. Yet it would still be wise to review these exchanges with others, ensuring that they fully understood what you intended to get across. You covered lots of ground, and theyユre likely to have missed certain vital points.
Tuesday Change is in the air. Others are encouraging you to begin now. However, youユd be better off waiting until the after Fridayユs Pisces New Moon, which triggers both powerful insights and a sudden shift in circumstances. All of these are bound to have a profound influence on what youユre planning and your long term goals.
Wednesday Others are in a demanding mood. Not only must they wait, you need to dedicate the next few days to you and your future. The all important Pisces New Moon brings potent insights. This means focusing on what makes you happy and what must go, as well as being alert to intriguing new developments,
Thursday Nobody’s better at accommodating others’ needs while looking after your own interests than you are. But you’re realising that certain individuals have taken your generosity for granted. You’ve raised these concerned but not been taken seriously. Now something must be done, and that something means gently but firmly withdrawing the support they’ve come to rely on.
Friday You’re either underpaid, overworked or, which is most likely, haven’t actually declared what you want from others. You may feel that you’ve expressed your discontent. But it hasn’t registered. This means that you’ll have to state your case, louder, clearer and with demands that include the variety and amount of compensative you expect.
Saturday Standing your ground isn’t a problem. However, knowing that in doing so, you’ll either upset or alienate others is. Waste no time trying to figure out ways that you can press ahead with important arrangements and keep others happy. Only once they realise how serious you are will they even begin to pay attention.
Sunday You may have been confident that you knew your priorities. But with both Mercury and the Sun meeting your ruler Uranus, now positioned in the idealistic Pisces, there are bound to be questions. The time you invest reflecting on these now will serve you well as you face the increasingly demanding decisions to come.