Shelley von Strunckel 翻訳&雑談スレ 第15章


While you would be justified in saying that others' decisions were unreasonable or unfair, that won't do you much good.
In fact your thoughts are better directed to investigating why these usually rational individuals acted in such an uncharacteristic manner.
Once you've learned what they were coping with, the rest will make sense.

As a Libra you regard talking things through as a necessary part of planning.
Clearly certain individuals don't feel the same way.
In fact, they've been merrily making plans without so much as a word to you. Underhand as this seems, it's nothing more than a very different approach to living, relating and perhaps even loving.

You've had good reason to concentrate on matters that are dear to your heart.
But now you're becoming increasingly aware that, if you don't tackle certain pressing practical matters, you could face serious problems.
Uninteresting as these are, they'll be far more interesting now than when those problems turn into real crises.