Once Jack came back down the beanstalk, clutching a goose that laid golden eggs, he really felt he had solved all his problems forever more. What else could he possibly need now? We might ask a similar question of you, for Venus and Mars are now passing through your sign, creating a most auspicious cosmic climate. Much is already changing for the better and no matter how predisposed towards scepticism you may normally be, it is clear that your situation is improving. Yet Jack's story did not end without a struggle and you too have a battle to fight before you achieve total victory. Just don't forget that please!
When Jack’s mother saw the handful of beans, she was horrified. “You fool” she cried. “You just sold our cow for these worthless bits of rubbish.” And with that she threw them out the window. But when they woke up the next morning, they saw the most amazing sight. A giant beanstalk was now stretching so far into the sky that you simply could not even see the top… And there’s your salutary tale for Christmas. Watch out please for something you seem to be setting in motion with a comparatively dismissive gesture. Whilst Venus is opposing extravagant Jupiter, it too could grow and grow beyond all belief.
Many people wonder why Jack, having acquired a goose that lays golden eggs, did not just quit whilst he was ahead. Some claim that he had no option but to go back up that beanstalk because his mother was sick and he needed magic medicine. Others think that Jack, at heart, was an adventurer. He lived for the thrill of the chase and no amount of prosperity could buy him another jaunt to giant land. But when Jack ascended for his third and final time, he got into a lot of trouble. Now, here's a question. Are you in danger of pushing your luck just a bit too far - simply because you feel a bit frustrated at the moment?
When Jack next ascended the beanstalk, he once again hid and spied on the giant. He soon saw that the enormous ogre had a goose which laid golden eggs. This was a discovery too exciting to ignore and swiftly, he seized his chance and raced down the stalk clutching that feathered treasure… I have chosen that particular section of this tale for you today because, although you have no such creature among your gifts and presents, in one strange way, you are now being granted just such a facility. Take some time this holiday to recognise and appreciate a most-valuable source of potential prosperity.
Once upon a time, long ago and far away, there lived a young lad and his mother. One day his mother said, with tears in her eyes, “Jack, you must take Daisy, our cow, down to the market and sell her, for we have no money left to buy food.” “OK Mum” said Jack. And off he went.
Soon, he met a man who offered him five magic beans for the cow. “Done” said Jack. And with that, he set off home…
Now, if you had been watching Jack, would you have advised him to make that sale? It’s something to think about this Christmas. An apparent mistake is about to turn out to have had a fine outcome after all.
"Fee fi fo fum, I smell the blood of an Englishman. Be he alive or be he dead, I’ll grind his bones to make my bread…" The dreadful giant in Jack in the Beanstalk, didn’t seem to mind the fact that he was being both sexist and racist ? to say nothing of laying himself open to criticism from the vegetarian society. All of which just goes to show how unspeakably dreadful he truly was. But, of course, you and I both know that his words rang hollow. His threat was never carried out. So now, what about the threat that you seem to be facing? A certain someone’s bark is far worse than their bite. Please remember that.
Some people feel that Jack and the Beanstalk is the story of someone very stupid who profits from a series of barbarous crimes. Why should we sympathise with Jack and not the poor old giant who was first robbed, then ruined? Perhaps the man with the magic beans knows the answer. But as, this Christmas, you try to get through a similarly baffling moral maze, here’s something to think about. In life, what counts is very rarely what is actually happening. It is who is telling a story and how. Perhaps, you don’t need to change anywhere near as much as you think. Perhaps all you need is a better spin doctor.
“Help, I am being stolen” cried the magic harp. And as Jack raced down the beanstalk, the giant hurtled after him… We will never know whether the harp truly wished to be reunited with its master or whether it had such faith in Jack ? and such disgust for its former owner, that it felt determined to bring about the giant’s downfall. This though, was certainly what it achieved. And so, now, we turn to the issues of ‘ownership’ which seem to be preoccupying you this Christmas. How big a fuss or a fight do you really want to put up about a particular matter? And how many beanstalks may come tumbling down if you do?
On Jack’s third visit to the top of the beanstalk, he watched the giant playing a magic harp. The moment he heard its soothing tones, he knew that he just had to have it. But the harp shouted out a warning to the sleeping giant as Jack tried to steal it… ] It now seems as if you are doing something which ought to be easy yet it is proving very difficult. Even as we speak, you are conscious of a problem that seems to be getting worse, not better. Why is a certain situation becoming so difficult? Later, you can analyse this issue. For now, it is enough to know that trouble or no trouble, everything is due to be fine.
Do you have plans for the weekend? Does someone else? Are those plans compatible? If not, whose will prevail? You have lately learned a lot about a particular pecking order. Soon, you may find out even more. It seems, that in one area of life at least, your opinion counts for less than that of a certain other person. Strangely, you seem to have been a willing participant in this transfer of power. You can, if you wish, claw it all back this weekend. But apparently, you don’t really want to. Which is fine as long as you remember that if it is your choice, you can’t really complain.
乙女座27日よろしく御願いします Whilst you have had many magic moments in the past few days, you have also become increasingly aware of an unsatisfactory scenario. Indeed, you are becoming so conscious of this fly that you can no longer see the ointment! You want a wonderful weekend and you undoubtedly deserve one but you have to ask, if things carry on like this, how likely it is that you will get one. Saturn's sharp link to your ruler suggests there is nothing much you can do about a silly situation. But there is an enormous amount you can do about your own reaction to this. Take it less seriously.
Too often, we make a big deal out of stuff that hardly matters yet we all but ignore that which is truly crucial. At times of year like this, that tendency becomes even more pronounced. Think, for example, how much energy we put into our plans for Christmas Day. We treat it as if it is the most important occasion yet actually, it is a time like any other in that it passes ・and leaves us with nothing more than a memory. Right now, you are preoccupied with something that is going to arrive and then depart. A sense of perspective is essential this weekend.
Welcome to the last weekend of 2002. Happily, it is not the last weekend of life on planet earth. Think how differently we'd all behave if it were. In a way, it is a shame we take so much for granted. We assume there will always be another tomorrow in which to fulfil our promises and correct our mistakes. Thus we become complacent, arrogant and unadventurous. Kid yourself for a moment, that you have superhuman powers. Now ask “What needs changing?" This weekend if you are ready to start looking at what's needed, life is ready to start showing you where to find it.
Can you face yet another weekend of exuberance and extravagance? Are you really ready for more of what you have lately been experiencing so much of? Even if you feel your brain can take the strain, can your heart, your liver, your wallet? And er... come to that, what about your relationship with you-know-who? Doesn’t that now require a bit of restraint if trouble is to be avoided? ’Tis, of course, still the season to be jolly. ’Tis also the season for going a bit too far. Even so, there are lines you would now be wise to draw before life ends up drawing them for you.
Where is Santa Claus when you need him? Presumably, by now, he is tucked up in his bed, sleeping off a long season of sleigh-riding and gift-giving. Yet you are becoming keenly aware of a visit he has failed to make ? a deserving cause that he has seemingly forgotten about. If you had the power to make a difference in this particular part of the universe, you would gladly do so. Yet you feel the sad lack of certain crucial assets. Just do what you can with what you actually have. You will find this weekend, that it turns out to make all the difference in the world.
射手座原文 Even anarchists like rules. Without them, what would they have to question or rebel against? Structures have their point and their purpose, yet this weekend, you seem to be finding it hard to know quite where you stand with anyone or anything. There seems to be a great sense of urgency, yet nothing is clear or certain. Or at least, I hope it is not. If you do find yourself in a state of complete conviction, you probably need to be very careful for there is a strong chance that you are jumping to a premature conclusion.
天秤座 原文です。 Others may be going to the ball this weekend but you have the hearth to tend, the chimney to sweep and the cinders to empty. How dare you even think about neglecting your duty? Dream all you care to about a better life in the year to come but understand the reality. Your future is already mapped out. You are destined to spend your whole life attending to the ugly twin sisters of financial responsibility and emotional obligation.” But wait. What’s that shimmering light in the distance? Why, it’s some kind of fairy godmother. This weekend is going to be much better than you think.
Imagine if someone was to pass a law forbidding all expression of individuality. Imagine if it were a crime to be yourself or to have opinions that differ from those around you. The idea is not appealing yet in a strange way it echoes the pressure that you currently feel to conform. Someone expects something of you and for one reason or another, you feel horrified by the notion that you may fail somehow to meet this standard. This weekend, no matter what seems to be going on, only one thing matters −that you now find a way to be much more yourself.
If this is supposed to be a holiday season, why do you feel so tired, stressed and genuinely in need of a holiday? It is not that you are getting too much of a good thing ? for it seems very clear that you are getting nowhere near enough of a certain thing that you find very good ? when you can get it! It would appear, indeed, that you are suffering from a shortage of some very vital commodity. Energy and enthusiasm will return to your life the moment you start to get more of this ? and that moment may not be as far away as you fear. A cosmic cloud clears this weekend.
Though you are still trying to work out precisely why certain things happened over Christmas, you can rest assured that there was a reason for it all. Over the next few days, you will find it easier to see what this was. Think of how determined you now feel about a particular matter. Imagine how pleased you will be once you demonstrate to yourself that you are capable of keeping a particular promise. The seed of a far better future has already been sown. Over the weekend you get to water it, nurture it and witness the first tender shoot of hopeful growth.
>110サン!ありがとうございました!! 111サンの言うとおり遅すぎることなんてありません!! 素直に嬉しいです! 今年もほんと後もうちょいとなってしまいましたね。 皆サマ、いかがお過ごしなのでしょうか? ここには本当に今年お世話になりました。 大晦日イブの蠍座原文です。 お忙しいとは思いますが、もしお手すきにでもなりましたら、お願いします。 Isn’t it a bit late in the year to be making new plans and setting new agendas? Shouldn’t you leave all this until the start of 2003? Ah, but it is never too late to do something you believe in or to explore something that inspires you. And those whose hearts are truly in the right place possess the power to make time speed up or slow down according to their need. Your motives are admirable and your opportunities are great. Never mind the date or indeed, any other apparent reason for ‘holding back’. Go with what you trust and you simply cannot go wrong now.
You are beginning to feel flummoxed and frustrated. No matter how you look at a certain situation, you cannot see much to celebrate within it. Some things seem harsh, unfair and impossible. How can there be hope for tomorrow ? let alone for a brand New Year ? when so much seems so hopeless? I cannot promise an instant miracle today but I can assure you that a particular tale is far from fully told. Before 2002 is over you will have good reason to change the way you feel about a particular situation. It contains much more hope than you yet realise.
The long holiday has given many people a chance to reflect. There has been time for us all to think about what we are doing with our lives, where we are going ? and who with. So what conclusions have we reached? Well, we appear to have decided that we need new batteries for the TV remote control ? the sofa is not as comfortable as it used to be ? and that we probably ought to go on a diet. Anything else? Actually yes! This week, a penny drops. And it turns out to be worth much more than a penny. Indeed, this realisation is truly priceless.
How are your powers of prescience? Do you feel able to see into the future? And what vision greets you when you do look in this direction? Do you feel inspired or aghast? The question is important for it has a great bearing on how you handle the closing hours of the year. And this, in turn, is likely to have a big impact on how you embrace 2003. Expectation now counts for far more than you might ever believe or imagine. Raise yours as high as you dare if you want the future to be all that it can be. And prepare to leave the past behind, with your head held high.
年末年始も仕事ぽ。 よろしくお願いいたします! Experts argue about how long humans have been on the earth. All agree though, that we were not the original habitants of this planet. We cannot even be sure the place was made for us. So how secure can we feel about anything? Perhaps it is our lot in life to wander and wonder whilst feeling perpetually uneasy and uncomfortable about our true place in the world. Or perhaps we are here purely so we can evolve ? and eventually stop making the same old mistakes. You are now going through a profound process of personal evolution. Trust that.
To be an Aquarian is to be right about almost everything, almost all of the time. It is, therefore, to be a danger to yourself and to others. Your air of apparent invincibility creates a false sense of security. Your ability to act and speak with such authority makes us all forget that you are capable of getting it wrong. Now I know that you do not enjoy receiving criticism and so I am absolutely not going to suggest that there is anything untoward about you current decision-making process. But, er, well, I just wonder if you might want to seek a second opinion today.
At this time of year, an awful lot of people do an awful lot of travelling. In the process, it seems, we visit an awful lot of awful places. The world, it seems, is full of spaces that ‘belong to nobody’. Interestingly, where these are just natural, empty bits of wilderness, they have an attractive, healthy quality. Where they are man-made locations (such as petrol, train and bus stations) they have a desolate, unloved air. I cheerfully predict, as we all now move towards a more enlightened future, that eventually people will become inspired to make their shared communal areas a lot more pleasant.
Hurry! You don’t have much time. Any moment now, it is going to be over. With less than 48 hours to go, you really must make every moment count. Think back to last January. What did you promise yourself that you would accomplish in 2003? Now, how much is still left on your list? OK, here’s a better idea. Let’s not look back in angst or anger ? nor forward in urgency or uncertainty. Let’s just resolve to make 2003 the year you actually do fulfil the promises you have made yourself. And let’s resolve to spend the end of 2002 looking ahead with confidence.
Today, instead of a forecast, let us have an exercise in creative listening. Close your eyes and reach into the inner depths of your soul. Now, here comes the tricky part. Send yourself forward in time to 2003. Place yourself at the end of next year. Now, imagine you are shouting a message back in time from then to now. What can you hear yourself saying? As you may be new to this exercise I will help you by showing you how to read your own lips. They are saying, ‘Calm down and stop feeling so nervous. The future is far brighter than you think.’
牡牛座原文 Are you exhausted or exasperated? What is the true source of your current malaise? You are less than ecstatic about the situation you find yourself in. You wish a certain someone would stop being quite so silly and you can hardly believe that you have been saddled with a particular responsibility. This is all taking its toll on your temperament. Before 2002 comes to a close you have one last chance to ensure that a problem does not rear its head again. Remain even-tempered but be determined. You can draw a line under the past this week.
Isn’t it a bit late in the year to be making new plans and setting new agendas? Shouldn’t you leave all this until the start of 2003? Ah, but it is never too late to do something you believe in or to explore something that inspires you. And those whose hearts are truly in the right place possess the power to make time speed up or slow down according to their need. Your motives are admirable and your opportunities are great. Never mind the date or indeed, any other apparent reason for ‘holding back’. Go with what you trust and you simply cannot go wrong now.
Are your friend’s friends your friends too? And what about your enemies? Are their enemies your friends as well? And what about your enemy’s enemy’s friends, or your friend’s friend’s enemies? Allegiances and alliances are formed, all over this world, every day on the basis of very flimsy connections. People naturally want to form friendships and will do so on almost any excuse. Yet they will often be similarly swift to fall out with one another. Today’s events provide a crucial clue to the past ? and thus the future of a key relationship.
The lunatics have taken over the asylum. How can we tell? Because they are all wandering around announcing, loudly, that they are definitely not crazy. Truly well-balanced people are wise enough to recognise there is no such thing as sanity so they are much more reluctant to assert the wisdom of their own view. You seem to be surrounded by people who think they know everything. They are mistaken but don't say so or the truth is sure to upset them. Just compliment them on their cleverness and then make a few helpful suggestions.
Experts argue about how long humans have been on the earth. All agree though, that we were not the original habitants of this planet. We cannot even be sure the place was made for us. So how secure can we feel about anything? Perhaps it is our lot in life to wander and wonder whilst feeling perpetually uneasy and uncomfortable about our true place in the world. Or perhaps we are here purely so we can evolve ・and eventually stop making the same old mistakes. You are now going through a profound process of personal evolution. Trust that.
This is, traditionally, the pantomime season. It involves much merriment and overacting as various characters parade across the stage for our amusement. You do not need to attend any theatre to participate in this kind of ritual for you are now surrounded by folk who cannot resist the urge to be melodramatic. You think this is not so? Oh yes it is! Unless you want to get involved in a completely unnecessary argument, you need to remember that certain people are deliberately taking extreme positions in an attempt to prove points and provoke reactions.
To be an Aquarian is to be right about almost everything, almost all of the time. It is, therefore, to be a danger to yourself and to others. Your air of apparent invincibility creates a false sense of security. Your ability to act and speak with such authority makes us all forget that you are capable of getting it wrong. Now I know that you do not enjoy receiving criticism and so I am absolutely not going to suggest that there is anything untoward about you current decision-making process. But, er, well, I just wonder if you might want to seek a second opinion today.
So here it is. The moment we have all been waiting for. The grand conclusion to the year of ... of ... well, er... what exactly has this been a year of? You are too close to the wood to see the trees. You will find it easier to understand what 2002 meant to you once you are more comfortably ensconced in 2003. But this much you should be able to see. It has been a year of growth and of opportunity. You have made amazing progress and learned priceless lessons. You may feel unsure of yourself now, but that mood will not last long. Tonight, drink to confidence and comfort. For that’s what awaits.
The closing hours of 2002 are slipping away as we speak. And nothing that we do can bring them back. So here's a crucial question. What else is slipping away from your life? What do you feel you are saying goodbye to? Only once you have answered this clearly, can you begin to understand what it is you are about to be saying hello to. And why your next phase is due to be so wonderful. You cannot afford to let fear play any part in the big choice that you are now making. Enter 2003 in a spirit of trust and faith and you will rapidly see clear proof that this is a truly appropriate attitude to take.
How real is the dividing line between today and tomorrow? There are some who believe that tonight is just another night - with a special name. There are others who fervently believe that 2003 can and will be a very different proposition to 2002. And the truth is? Well, as always, the truth is relative. Something will change tonight and something else will remain very much the same until or unless, you make a real effort in a particular direction. The question is not, “what does the New Year hold for you” but what are you now holding in your hand - and what do you feel now ready and willing to give to the New Year?
You do not always enjoy New Year’s Eve. This is at least partly because some people seem to make such a big thing out of it. They read too much meaning into it. They create, around it, an atmosphere of importance that you find slightly oppressive. This time round though, you look set to have a more enjoyable experience than usual. Indeed, despite all the stress and tension of recent weeks ? and despite too all the reasons to worry that you could now so easily reach for, you are due for one of the most comforting, constructive and inspiring new years that you can remember having in a very long time.
By this time tomorrow, the future will have arrived. So, are you ready to teleport to the heliport, flick a switch on your backpack and fly in a silver suit to the top of a tall tower for lunch served by robots? Well, perhaps we won’t get that far into the future in the next 24 hours. But it would be a mistake to assume that 2003 is due to be a repeat of the year you have just lived through. Much is due to change at a surprising speed. Start psychologically preparing for this. For if you begin the New Year in the spirit with which you wish to continue, you will make your positive progress all the more rapidly.
Are you hoping to enter 2003 tonight? That’s perfectly possible but you ought to be aware that there will be an admission fee. Now why should that surprise you? Isn’t everything else in your life coming at some tremendous cost these days? Certainly, as you now stand on the threshold of a new year, no subject is preoccupying you now more than that of money. Will things improve? And even if so, will it happen in time? Or will the wolf, by then, have beaten down your door? Be of good cheer. 2003 holds forth hope in every way at every level. Including the one that is now concerning you so much.
How are you planning to mark the passage of yet another year? Will you raise a glass at midnight? And what will you be celebrating? Right now, it probably seems as if too many concerns and cares look set to accompany you on your journey from 2002 to 2003. You are beginning to wonder if you will ever find freedom from what has been a difficult past. What you can definitely look forward to though, is a better understanding and a greater sense of acceptance. In so far as this will bring you all the liberation and power you could ever hope for, you truly do have cause to pause and celebrate tonight.
おひつじ座31日原文です。よろしくお願いいたします “Should auld acquaintance be forgot?” Some people think this was written by a Jewish philosopher called Rabbi Burns! Even fans of the great Scottish poet seem to forget that this was always a rhetorical question. Perhaps auld acquaintances SHOULD be forgot but most of us find it difficult to do so. Indeed, as we grow older we find it much easier to remember our auld acquaintances than the ones we have made only recently. That said, you CAN now forget some of the more awkward experiences of 2002, for you are finally starting a year you will want to remember forever.
It is nearly over. Thank heavens. You really don’t want another year like 2002. Actually, you can rest assured on that count. Whatever 2003 brings it won’t contain a repeat of those recent shenanigans. Nor will there be much more of the stress and tension you have experienced so much of in the past few weeks. Time is moving on, the world is moving on and you are too. Regardless of whether you have a big celebration planned for this evening or whether you intend to let the occasion pass without ceremony you will find that the closer you get to 2003 the more enjoyable life becomes ? and the more relaxed.
People talk a lot about “letting go”. They suggest that it is an incredibly difficult thing to do. In some ways, it is. Yet, when you fall into deep enough water, you soon discover the truth about swimming. It becomes something you simply have to make yourself able to do - in a very short space of time. If you don’t know how, you find out fast. If you do, you don’t sit around wondering whether this is the right time to employ your ability. Here’s the diving board. Behind you, the ladder of 2002. Below, the ocean of 2003. Don’t stand there wobbling and worrying, just jump! You are going to be absolutely fine.
射手座原文 Well, we have got here, you and I both! Given the concerns we were exploring, in all seriousness, just a short while ago - that’s an achievement all by itself. In fact, as we start to take stock of the situation, we find ourselves in surprisingly good shape. The much-dreaded disaster did not come to pass. The impossible task proved just about possible after all. The dragon of anxiety proved to be breathing plenty of smoke but no fire. You are still not sure? Give the year a little longer to show you whose side it is on. You should soon begin to feel quite sure that it is your friend, not your enemy.
あけまして以下略です! ・・仕事いってきまつ。元旦かに座お手が空きましたらよろしくお願いいたします。 Whose life is it anyway? Answer that little question and we can move on to a further intriguing conundrum. Whose year is it? Are you about to begin twelve months during which you follow an agenda that has been set by someone else? Or are you going to travel from here to the future under your own steam ? whilst turning your own steering wheel? You may feel that you have little choice about this. Not so! You have a surprisingly large amount of freedom as you will soon see. Events over the next two or three days will show you a lot about your strength relative to another person’s weakness.
牡牛座原文 You can’t always judge a book by its cover. No really, you can’t. We often think that we can and sometimes, we definitely can. But that just makes it all the more confusing. It simply proves that while some books can be judged by their cover, others can’t. Thus, the big question is “How do you tell which are which?” The only way to find out is to open them up and read them! As with books, so with years. You may not be overly impressed with your first sight of 2003 but it will, I promise, grow on you in the most delightful way. Today’s source of aggravation represents your past not your future.
Paracetamol? It’s in the second drawer down? Bicarbonate of soda? I think there’s some in the bathroom. Try some fresh fruit juice. That helps with just about everything. It seems you are starting 2003 in a delicate state. If a problem is not physical, it may be psychological. Perhaps an oppressive person or factor is making you feel troubled and trapped. But if you ARE starting the year by looking closely at all the factors which are unacceptable, that’s great. It means you are getting ready to make an intelligent resolution that will allow you (over time) to properly fix whatever’s wrong.
Traditionally on this day, we think about what we are ready to move on from, give up, or leave behind. Yet, in a strange way, you now seem more concerned about what you can hang on to in 2003. It is as if you are entering the year by attaching yourself to a large cumbersome device and announcing your absolute determination to remain tied to this no matter what happens Yet why should you be so keen to keep this particular part of your life intact? And if it requires you to make so much effort, can the reward ever be really worth it, even if you are ‘successful’? Let go a little. Gain a great deal.
Good morning. Er... is it still morning? What were you doing last night? And anyway, what’s good about it? Here at least we can be certain. Plenty. You start 2003 with an exceedingly auspicious outlook. Regardless of how you may feel or what you may think, you are in an enviable position. You have hope in your heart, understanding in your head and fire in your belly, You know what needs to be done and on whose behalf. You may be conscious of many difficulties but I wouldn’t waste much time worrying about those if I were you. In time you will get past every single one of them.
214 :A Happy New Year!!:03/01/01 11:43 ID:7cxLn5Dz
新年あけましておめでとうございます。 本年も翻訳ボラの方々に感謝しつつお願いいたします おひつじ座元旦 So here we are, in the future. Looks familiar doesn’t it? Oh well, There’s still time for things to change. Indeed, here’s a promise. You may feel that nothing different has happened so far but, by the time we get to the end of this year, you won’t recognise the world you are living in. Positive new developments lie ahead and to get to these, all you have to do first is get past a little obstacle. This is linked to responsibility; the way you take it or (sometimes) fail to take it, or (sometimes) take it in the wrong way for the (sometimes) wrong reasons. Here comes a better relationship with your own power.
Should auld acquaintances be forgot? That entirely depends on what the acquaintanceships did for you. It may now be just as well to forget several of 2002痴 encounters. Why dwell on painful memories? And why worry about what you seemingly cannot alter? If you want your future to be all that it can be, you need to stop giving quite so much energy to the past. Remember, please, it is not really a resolution that you need in your life it is a revolution, Once you start to overthrow a most unsatisfactory regime it will be easy to alter the habits and patterns that are now causing a sense of minor irritation.
“Welcome to 2004! Glad to have you back. At first, we were concerned when you started to sleep right through last year. But then we thought about how tired you must be and decided it was best to leave you be. While you were out for the count, there were a few changes. We couldn’t just put our lives under dust-sheets while you did that impersonation of Rip Van Winkle. But you’ll soon get the hang of your new family...” ...JUST KIDDING! But, er... what ARE you going to do to make sure the nightmare doesn’t become reality? Begin 2003 as you need to go on; by asserting yourself.
I bet Atlas had a very expensive osteopath. How else did he manage to carry all that weight on his shoulders for so long without suffering a terrible strain? As the Moon now grows new in the part of your chart that governs status and responsibility, we need to ask ourselves an important question. What are you carrying the can for? And how much toll is this taking on you? Are there not tasks you can delegate? Or arrangements you can alter? The really important resolution you need to make involves a promise to be kinder to yourself in the months ahead. This will make you no less successful.
�The world is full of people who think they know what they are doing. They make a lot of noise and fuss. They bluff and bluster quite unbelievably. None of these people are Capricorns. People born under your sign don't think they know... they know that they know what they are doing! The Moon is now new in your sector of the sky. Currently, you can't do very much about a certain very silly situation. You can only sit and watch in a mixture of horror and amazement. But soon that will all change. So don't seethe in silence, just wait patiently for your moment. I promise you it is coming.
It may be late to get a Christmas present. But you sorely need one, so here, by way of a welcome to 2003, is your indispensable guide to “Getting it right”. Now, I know this is not something you feel you are very good at. Indeed, you suspect you are adept in the opposite art. Ironically, this is only because you are trying too hard to get it right! And there you have it. All you need to know in a nutshell. Make less effort, care less intently - and worry less intensely and you will find it surprisingly easy to get it right this year, even if others with narrow minds keep insisting that you are getting it wrong.
撤lus ca change, plus c弾st le meme chose. The more things change, the more they stay the same. Or so they say in France. Here in the rest of the world, things move on! We can稚 make them stay the same no matter how we do. This is both a blessing and a curse. You are now keenly conscious of something you would like to change if only you could. But it is changing! It is just not changing in the way you think it ought to change. If you are going to resolve to do anything for new year, resolve to let more time pass. You may yet come to realise that things are changing in a way that secretly rather suits you.
"Know your enemy as you know yourself and you can fight a hundred battles with no danger of defeat." So goes the ancient Chinese proverb. But what if you don't know yourself as well as you ought to? How then can you possibly know your enemy? Your enemy may well be able to pass himself off as your friend. Or herself. Before you can really set out to fight this year's big battle you need to understand a little bit more about your own motivation. You also need to make sure that you are not inadvertently being your own worst enemy. Check all this before you go much further today.
“Plus ca change, plus c’est le meme chose.” The more things change, the more they stay the same. Or so they say in France. Here in the rest of the world, things move on! We can’t make them stay the same no matter how we do. This is both a blessing and a curse. You are now keenly conscious of something you would like to change if only you could. But it is changing! It is just not changing in the way you think it ought to change. If you are going to resolve to do anything for new year, resolve to let more time pass. You may yet come to realise that things are changing in a way that secretly rather suits you.
Should you be strong and assertive? Should you be soft and supportive? Should you make a stand and say your piece? Or should you sit down quietly and listen carefully? It is hard to know the best tack to take. Just don’t think too much about it. Trust your instincts. These are much sharper and stronger than you realise. Mars and Venus, as they pass through your sign, are attempting to remind you that there is only one resolution that you now need to make. Resolve, in 2003, to be less afraid and more inspired and everything else will swiftly take care of itself.
Do you always say what you mean? Do you always mean what you say? Can you trust every word that comes out of your own mouth. Do you understand yourself fully and completely at all times? Of course not. All of us are engaged in a life-long journey of self-discovery. If we already knew all there was to know about ourselves, there would be nothing left to find out, and life would soon grow dull. OK. If you can concede that, now consider this. A certain friend or companion is no less sure of themselves, despite their impassioned protestations of certainty. Allow them the chance to change ? and they will.
Do you have something to celebrate? Do you have reason to feel inspired about the twelve months that now stretch out ahead of you? You may not think so. But you are about to discover that you most definitely do. It’s easy to look at what seems to be wrong, and to conclude from this that no progess is taking place. Yet progress is really not something we can ever measure in material terms alone. You are learning something, understanding something, reaching a much deeper appreciation of how a particular situation works. This is about to prove immensely valuable at every level ? and in every way.
You may be starting to view your journey through 2003 as something of a roller-coaster ride. You seem to be hurtling, as we speak, towards some inevitable date with difficulty; careering around corners of confusion whilst coming perilously close to the dreadful depths of doubt. But what goes down must come up and you have a great ascension in store. Don’t be alarmed by the chaos that now seems to surround you. It has a part to play in creating the strength that you so sorely need and deserve. And remember ? though you may feel you lack power in a certain situation, in reality you have plenty.
「Plus ca change, plus c'est le meme chose.」 より多くのものが変わるにつれ、より多くの者は同じままでいる。 いえそれは、フランスで言うことです。 ここ世界の休息所では、物事は動き続ける! 我々が何をしようと、彼らに同じままでいさせることはできません。 これは祝福と呪いの両方です。 あなたは、今もしできさえするのならば変わりたい何かに痛烈に気づいています。 しかし、それは変化しています!ただそれは、あなたがこうするべきと 考える方法では変わっていません。 もし新たな年のために何でもすると決めるつもりならば、 より多くの時間を費やすことを決心してください。 むしろひそかにあなたに適する方法で事態が変化していることを 悟りつつあるかもしれません。
Authors soon learn that they do not need to use many adjectives in order to give a description of someone. Audiences imaginations are so fertile and their preconceptions are so strong that they can jump to a conclusion in seconds flat. What they don?t know, they invent and extrapolate. We all conjure and conjecture and we don?t just do this when we are reading books. We do it when we are dealing with people in real-life situations. Then, suddenly, we realise that we do not know one another as well as we thought we did. We were just guessing. This weekend brings a revelation.
Perhaps you have forgotten the promises you made for yourself so long ago ・the things you swore you would change as soon as you could. They though, have not forgotten you. You are being granted an exceptional opportunity to start doing things differently. You really can now clear the decks and begin afresh. Don't fear or resent any of the change that seems to be making its way into your world. Already, you have come a long way. Soon,you will travel even further. Just trust that somehow, this is all part of a process designed to bring out the very best in you.
You probably feel as if you are weaving a delicate web. You are doing some fast thinking and making some smart manoeuvres. This all (just about) enables you to keep a particular problem at bay. You fear though, that if you were to make so much as one false move, everything would fall apart. This is causing you to walk around nervously on tiptoe for fear that you may inadvertently say or do the wrong thing. Actually though, you are in a much stronger position than that. You are indeed weaving a web, but each strand is made of steel. So relax.
乙女座3日を御願いします Every day we all grow a little older but do we also grow wiser? Or do we just develop a terrible tendency to keep on making the same mistakes? Often we repeat a particular error. We play out a certain drama. We echo a similar syndrome, time and time again. This is the first weekend of a brand-new year and it represents your chance to start doing things very differently. The sky will support you if you now set out to change a habit or to challenge a tradition. Friends and loved ones will also turn out to be surprisingly sympathetic to an agenda of change. They too, are ready now to move on from the past.
Welcome to a wonderfully ridiculous weekend. Prepare to encounter a cavalcade of chaos. Stand by for some truly ludicrous suggestions and situations. Don't feel, for a moment, that any of this is your fault. Indeed, don't feel, for a moment that any of it represents a problem. Abandon the idea that everything in your life is supposed to make sense - or that there is any merit in efficiency. Just join in with the great game that is now being played and keep a sense of humour handy at all times. You can afford to be light-hearted for the sky insists that no matter what you are up against, things will work out well in the end.
Do baby sparrows have to attend aerodynamic instruction classes? Are they taught, by the older birds, the rudiments of navigation? Do they have to read books and pass exams? Or do they somehow, instinctively, just know what to do? We are all of us, naturally, far more capable than we realise. We take our intellect too seriously and pay insufficient heed to the more subtle inner voice of our intuition. Right now, you have a very strong feeling about something. This weekend, if you are wise, you will not worry about whether or not this feeling makes sense. You will just trust it.
You must now deal with the ramifications of a silly situation. But then, you have done this many times before and will no doubt be obliged to do it many times again. You can’t expect a certain person to become any more reasonable in 2003 than they were in 2002. Nor can you expect a particular situation to become less ridiculous. But you can expect to be able to do something about your own attitude. You can become more relaxed and you can develop more trust. In the process, you can experience a lot more joy. This weekend, you will see what a difference that can make.
射手座週報お願いします。 なんとなく、意味はわかたつもりでも〜自信ないのでupできません。 もうすこし、勉強させてくださいませ。 どなたか、よろしくおねがいします。 Diagnosis is half the cure. Well, that’s what they used to say in the medical profession. These days, they don’t say anything at all. They are too busy to talk, let alone philosophise. You can relate to that. Your world is full of a thousand things that need to be done in a hurry. Yet somehow, something is stopping you. You can’t quite work out what it is. Every time you think you understand why a certain problem keeps occurring, you realise that things are not so simple. This weekend, you will finally start to understand what has been really going on. And that should make a world of difference.
Perhaps you have forgotten the promises you made for yourself so long ago the things you swore you would change as soon as you could. They though, have not forgotten you. You are being granted an exceptional opportunity to start doing things differently. You really can now clear the decks and begin afresh. Don't fear or resent any of the change that seems to be making its way into your world. Already, you have come a long way. Soon, you will travel even further. Just trust that somehow, this is all part of a process designed to bring out the very best in you.
獅子座 3日・・・お願いします。 Hang up that fur-trimmed hat and take off that false beard. You may suit a Santa suit but it is no longer the season for random acts of extravagance. You are a kind character. You love to make generous gestures ? even though you also like to put on a false front of tough cynicism. Jupiter is now encouraging you to do something rather foolhardy. Remember please, this weekend, that you are under no obligation to sort out someone else’s problem. And if, in the process of ignoring this advice, you create a new problem for yourself, you cannot be sure that anyone will race to your rescue.
2003 hasn’t really yet started for you. Everything, so far, seems a little vague and nebulous. You hope that certain plans will come together but you can’t be sure that they will. It is as if you are waiting for a development over which you have no control. You ought to be OK with this for you are easy going and adaptable by nature. But now you are wondering whether, by avoiding a particular issue, you may be inadvertently prolonging it. This weekend, your mind will be set at rest on that score. Everything is starting to take care of itself quite wonderfully.
You are not so much stuck between a rock and a hard place as being squeezed by the two as they slide closer together. The irresistible force is not just having a meeting with the immovable object, it is entering into a set of protracted and difficult negotiations with it. Or, to put it all another way, Mars is aligning awkwardly with Saturn and you are feeling decidedly uncomfortable about a certain something. You keep wondering why have you backed yourself into such a tight corner. But what is the point in wondering? It has happened and actually, it is all for the best.
Traditionally, when people make a list of their New Year resolutions they stop at the end of the page. ] They don’t produce a pamphlet, a small book or, as in your case now, a set of encyclopaedias. Otherwise, they end up having to make another resolution, the next year, about how in future they are going to set themselves fewer targets. Before you get to this point, let’s see if we can’t just whittle down your agenda. Ultimately, are they not all just variations on the same theme? What you really need now is a more refined sense of priority. This week, you will begin to get it.
おはようございます。蟹座デイリーです。 いつも、ありがとうございます。 今日もよろしくお願いします。 A picture is worth a thousand words. An experience is worth a thousand pictures. The more "real" something seems to us, the more excited we get about it. Likewise, when we are trying to consider a matter of which we know very little, we find it hard to summon much enthusiasm for the topic. If there is no photograph or drawing and just some vague description, we simply turn our attention towards something more interesting. If you now want someone to understand something, draw them a picture or better still, give them an experience!
Aren't you too busy to be reading this? Don't you have too much on your plate? Are there not urgent crises to attend to? And pressing problems to solve? And, anyway, what advice do you think I could possibly give you about the circle you are trying to square? The situation is hopeless isn't it? Are you not dealing with some totally paradoxical scenario that is only going to grow more perplexing the more you think about it? OK. Enough questions. Here's the real story. You do have a lot to do but you are going to take good care of all your obligations and in plenty of time so relax.
You are not so much stuck between a rock and a hard place as being squeezed by the two as they slide closer together. The irresistible force is not just having a meeting with the immovable object, it is entering into a set of protracted and difficult negotiations with it. Or, to put it all another way, Mars is aligning awkwardly with Saturn and you are feeling decidedly uncomfortable about a certain something. You keep wondering why have you backed yourself into such a tight corner. But what is the point in wondering? It has happened and actually, it is all for the best.
If you are on a train, will you reach your destination quicker by running up and down the corridors? Some processes just need to be able to take as long as they need to take. That’s not easy when you feel a burning need to get them over with as quickly as possible. Yet that’s actually all the more reason to make sure that you don’t waste your energy. Even if it means incurring the disapproval of people who do not understand, you need to pull back a little and pace yourself this week. Focus on what can be done - and become less agitated about whatever, for the time being at least, clearly cannot be altered.
Only 359 days to go. Then it will be 2004 and you need not worry about what you are trying to achieve this year. And in the meantime? Well maybe, if we just discuss the weather, we can ignore reality. And, perhaps, if we are really clever, we can make it look like we are not at home. So that when it comes knocking, it cannot find us. With luck it will then just go and bother someone else. Oh well, it is a nice thought. Just on the off-chance though, that you cannot escape from your responsibilities, here's some advice. Tackle only the ones that touch your heart. The rest can wait.
So, is that it? All that fuss, all that stress, all that strife. All that racing through 2002. All that “Happy Christmas.” All that “lovely to see you” and all that “Happy New Year.” All that “from now on my life will be different.” And now what? All that “same again?” Is life really going to be any different this year? Do you actually have anything to look forward to? Your cynicism is understandable but it is misplaced. As Mercury now aligns awkwardly with Saturn, you feel compromised and confused. But once that celestial situation changes, you will experience much to feel hopeful about.
You may not be looking forward to the week. Probably, you expect it to contain a lot of tension and frustration. You keep thinking back to all the difficulties you were dealing with before the festive season and you wonder how on earth you are ever going to make progress with these. But Santa, when he was flying over your particular part of the world a couple of weeks ago, sprinkled a little fairy dust over your daily life. Now, as you return to your old routine, you can see how it contains opportunities that you were somehow, previously, unable to recognise.
Rome wasn’t built in a day ? or so we are informed. Actually, they don’t know this at all. What if some giant UFO just hovered over Italy a couple of thousand years ago and suddenly Whoosh! There it was. Rome! In less than a day. And what if the aliens then wiped the memories of all the Romans and planted, within them, the false recollection of a long slog of temple building and pillar construction? Hmmm? Well, OK then, it’s a bit of a long shot, I agree. But some things really DON’T have to take ages. This week, if you play your cards right, positive progress can come surprisingly swiftly.
Whatever has to happen, will happen. Whatever is required, will be attained. Right now, there really “ain’t no mountain high enough.” For a long while, you have had your heart set on a particular objective. Inwardly, you have been moving towards this all the time. Interestingly, you have not even been fully aware of your own determination. Your heart has been following one agenda while you have been following another. But, of course, your heart has been by far the most powerful force. It has managed to take you a long way and it has no intention of stopping until its task is complete.
Whatever has to happen, will happen. Whatever is required, will be attained. Right now, there really “ain’t no mountain high enough.” For a long while, you have had your heart set on a particular objective. Inwardly, you have been moving towards this all the time. Interestingly, you have not even been fully aware of your own determination. Your heart has been following one agenda while you have been following another. But, of course, your heart has been by far the most powerful force. It has managed to take you a long way and it has no intention of stopping until its task is complete.
We didn’t really expect to get as far as 2003. Many of us thought the world would end before the millennium. Many more of us just “didn’t think anything at all.” No change there then. The two traditional enemies of progress have always been apathy and pessimism. Yet we are here and it looks very much as if we are going to have a rather wonderful year. Don’t kid yourself that you won’t get as far as 2004 ? or that, even if you do, your efforts now won’t make any difference to what you experienced then. Your future is beckoning to you. Give it a wave and a friendly smile back.
牡牛座原文 The world is gradually getting back to normal after a long festive break.Thank goodness. There’s only so much celebration a person can take. Here at last comes a little mundanity - a chance to drudge and trudge through the old daily routine. And guess what? It is much more rewarding than you remember. Either because your Christmas was not all that it was cracked up to be - or because it was, but you are still glad to be sinking your teeth into something “easier to enjoy”. You seem set to develop a surprisingly good mood soon and to remain ebullient for some while.
How are you going to manage to be here ? and there ? and there, too ? and over there as well ? all at the same time? How can you possibly fill obligation X if you are under so much unrelenting pressure to honour inescapable commitment Y, especially given the fact that X and Y are mutually incompatible? What a great way to start the New Year ? struggling with a series of seemingly impossible situations. Now, would you care for a little good news? Despite all that now seems so bleak or oppressive, you are about to have your spirits lifted and your mood much lightened.
How much more can you cope with? Hasn’t it already gone too far? Won’t there ever be a break from strife and struggle? And what about criticism and complaint? Don’t you deserve to be spared the constant stream of this stuff? Of course you do. It will not be long before the planets start putting you under a lot less pressure and you become properly able to enjoy the New Year. Meanwhile, if you want to reduce tension, avoid conversation! Certain topics do not need as much discussion as they seem to be getting, and arguments will be resolved more easily if they are given less, not more, energy.
おはようございます。 うお座7日です。よろしくおねがいします。 Ask any questions you want. There are good answers to all of them. Raise any objections you want. Reassuring explanations will soon be supplied. The planets know where you need to be going even if you are unsure. But they would far prefer your conscious co-operation in a crucial endeavour, as this would enable them to assist you. Your heart understands that it is time to move on and leave a part of your past behind. Your head, apparently, wants to freeze time or even turn back the clock. Which is the more realistic? Allow the right kind of change to happen and embrace rather than resist the new scenario that is presenting itself.
乙女座年間を御願いします Life is all about challenges. Somehow, the cosmos will always find a way to push us past whatever we have been finding familiar. It wants us always to be learning, moving, developing and discovering. If we don't somehow make ourselves fluid enough to do this spontaneously, obliges us by force of circumstance, to overcome a new inhibition or conquer a new obstacle to progress.
Er... hence all the ups and downs in your love life over the past decade or so. But a natural little mechanism in the system of cosmic cycles ensures that once every dozen years or so, we get to live through a time of highly focused rowth・ Your once-in-a-decade opportunity to do that has already begun and this year it really takes hold.
You are about to deepen a key relationship, strengthen an understanding with an important individual, build a new bond with someone truly special... and most importantly of all, find out what it is you truly want in (and from) love... and then discover that it is perfectly possible to get it! Little will remain as it used to be. Much will alter beyond recognition. But be in no doubt please. This is a promise, not a threat. You have nothing to fear and everything to gain.
The sky, during 2003 is due to be exceedingly generous towards you in every way. Your aspirations will bring you new inspirations. And the fruits of these will turn out to be surprisingly sweet.
So here you are, standing beneath the cherry tree of 2003. Your fruitbowl may be far from empty but it contains only last year's crop.
Now, what, precisely, is it that you want to know about the year ahead? Will it bring you cherries? Of course! Will some be sweet and others sour? Well, what do you think? So now, what do you want? To be told which cherries to pick and which to avoid? Hey! Every orchard owner knows that it is perfectly possible to change a cherry. All you have to do is get your timing right. So, keep reading while I help you to cherry-pick the best moments of the year.
There's a full moon on March 18 that you should be aware of. Either pick your cherries well before this or wait till after. Around that Moon, you should deal only with the fruit that has spontaneously fallen into your hands.
April will bring more sweetness that stress... as long as you allow someone else to share their success with you. The late August New Moon will be the time to harvest many crops. As Mars comes close to the earth, it enters the part of your chart that governs partnership and life becomes surprisingly abundant then.
And also, in late August, Jupiter moves into your sign.... giving you proof that life really IS a bowl of cherries after all!
乙女座7日もおねがいいたします If only we could just make a New Year resolution and then keep it. If only we could just wave a magic wand or push some instant button. Life would be so much easier then. And perhaps we could use the same button to remove our problems at a stroke. And that wand? Well maybe, we could wave it whenever we wanted to remove, from our lives, the people who irritate us most intensely. Hey ho, it's a nice thought. In reality though, while all these things can happen if we want them to happen badly enough, we must allow for the fact that they are only ever to happen slowly.
You have always been ahead of your time. It has been the cause of many arguments over the years. People can’t see as far as you can see. They can’t understand as much as you can understand. They need to be given a chance to catch up. You have to show them some patience. This is not always easy to do ? especially when they are preventing you from moving any further into the future, due to their ignorance or arrogance. You are very tempted now just to steam ahead with an idea or a plan. Extreme solutions though, will only lead to extreme difficulties in the months to come.
Ready, aim, FIRE! There! Simple isn?t it? Do you not now merely need to choose your target and then train your guns in that direction? Well, not really. You see, there are now factors inhibiting your ability to progress. Irritating, aggravating little factors such as the need to be nice to certain individuals. Or to honour various guidelines. Oh, and then there are those laws that have to be abided by. To say nothing of ethical codes. Hey ho. That will all hold you back a while. But only a while. Go the friendly, kind, wise way around the track of life now. You will get where you are going just as fast. And you will be much happier when you arrive.
おはようございます。 7日 蠍座デイリー翻訳宜しくお願い致します。 “Patience is a virtue.” That’s what they tell us. It’s a clever ruse. It keeps us in our place and keeps us waiting around quietly whilst “they” get to all the good stuff first. You really don’t want to be too patient this week. You have opportunities to seize, chances to take and battles to fight. A degree of restlessness will help enormously with all this. It will ensure that you stay on your toes and do not become lulled into some false sense of security as a prize is purloined from under your nose. Don’t be overly edgy but don’t just hang about hoping for something to happen either. It can and will take place but only if you make a real effort.
How much power do you have? As much as you would like to have! As much as you feel able to take responsibility for! As much as you are now willing to seize! This is 2003. You have waited a long time to get to this point and you should try to remember that things are no longer as they used to be. You are not a victim nor are you a hopeless case. You are a high-achiever heading for some great goal that it has long been your destiny to arrive at. You may still face a struggle to succeed but it is one you can win. This week, as long as you proceed with confidence and courage, you will manage to take an impressive step in the right direction.
Do you really have to climb a mountain now? Must you steel yourself for a superhuman effort? Actually, there is no need for life to be so stressful or strenuous. You are over-reacting to a slight cause for concern and turning it into a reason to feel furious. You are then using this angry energy as fuel to propel you along an arduous path. Yet you don’t have to go so far and you don’t have to do so much. You can ease up and pull back. And you should. Quantity counts now for far more than quality. Pick your moment well and choose your course of action calmly.And all will be fine.
Will certain people become more reasonable in 2003? Will certain situations become exasperating? Will pigs fly? Will George Bush and Saddam Hussein shake hands and urge everyone in the world to live in peace? There really isn’t much you can do about a particular problem. It is going to keep on bugging you through the year ahead ? unless you decide to change the way in which you respond to it. You have “buttons”. Sensitive spots in your psyche which, when triggered, cause you to become disproportionately disgruntled. The sky is now offering you a chance to track these down and disable their trigger mechanisms.
Love & Relationships for Cancer What kind of a year do you think 2003 is due to be? I suspect that you have a very particular expectation. This concerns me. Put aside all preconceptions, regardless of how good the information on which they are based. Whatever you know or think you know, you do not know the whole story.
The traditional interpretation of Saturn in Cancer, is a suggestion that people born under your sign may find life testing and trying for a while. Actually though, you will experience the direct opposite once the planet of stability arrives in your sign. Your efforts to build firm foundations for the future have been seemingly thwarted lately, by maverick factors. You have been yearning for a chance to really put down some roots, clear up some mysteries, sort out some problems, make some commitments and deepen some terribly important bonds. All this will become wonderfully, delightfully possible, the further into 2003 you get. Put aside your fear of emotional uncertainty or your dark dream of a life without love. This year is due to bring you security, not insecurity. Permanence not paranoia.
And Mars meanwhile, is going to make sure it also brings inspiration, not inhibition. Though you can delay the day of delight by nurturing an unnecessary misconception about the impossiblity of hope in a certain situation, you are sooner or later going to find deep joy ? in the right relationship, with the right person ? for all the right reasons! What makes your relationship tick? What lies in store with a potential partner? For a compatibility chart from Jonathan - click here.
Overview for Cancer In June, Saturn begins a two-year visit to your sign. It is the first time it has been there since the days of glitter and glamour, perms and platforms, Ziggy, Marc, Alice, Donny and Marie. But don’t expect a repeat of all that.
The world has moved on since then. As Mars now moves closer to the earth than at any time in history, we are entering a phase unlike any other. During this phase, you look set to go into battle on behalf of a deeply-held belief.
Given the enormity of your mission it is perhaps just as well that Saturn is returning to your sign. For while this planet is often described as the force that obliges us all to face hard facts, you are about to acquire an exceptional ability to influence other people.
If you are to do this responsibly, you are going to need a great grasp of reality. For you, in 2003, the issue is not going to be “will you experience love” or “Will you be financially stable?” The answer is yes in both cases. But what about, “Will you change the habit of a lifetime and help your loved ones find new hope in a difficult situation?”
The answer here is... only if your wisdom equals your determination.
As the Earth spins in space it races past a million pieces of cosmic debris. Most of these meteorites burn up in our atmosphere. Every so often, some survive and create craters on the ground. What are the odds of you being hit by a chunk of rock from space as you go about your business today? It’s possible, I agree - but not very. Now, let us look at your current key cause for concern. This too is based on a seemingly realistic appraisal of a particular situation. Yet your fear, here, is equally unfounded. You can afford to be more confident and less anxious.
Fans of the Bible Code claim that hidden messages are contained within the ancient scriptures. By taking every twenty-fifth letter, then forming a rather complicated anagram (and making a few excuses) it is possible to prove that the ancients knew all about the Simpsons, the Osbournes and the folks in Ramsay Street. Several thousand years before these shows were ever filmed, our ancestors were trying to alert us to the plot. Of course, some people think this is just a load of nonsense. Today, you are being told a very tall story. Be careful how much you believe.
Little escapes your eagle eye. Your powers of detection are truly legendary. On a good day you can make Hercule Poirot seem like Inspector Clouseau. Why then do you feel so mystified about a particular matter? How many more clues do you need? How many more suspects must you interrogate? Remember, please, what the greatest detective of all times was prone to say, Then you have excluded the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. You already have the answer to your biggest question. You just ca't see it... yet.
You have lately been feeling a little exposed, vulnerable and uncertain. As the Moon now moves out of your sign and Saturn begins to have less influence over your life, things soon start to become much less stressful. You cannot help but wonder whether you have made the right decision about a rather crucial matter. How can you ever be sure? You can’t! But as long as you are willing to live with a small degree of perpetual uncertainty, you are going to find that absolutely everything is fine. If you are 99 per cent convinced, really, this is more than enough.
Some seek enlightenment through journeys to the mystic east. They make pilgrimages to remote Himalayan caves. With the hope of encountering people who can put them in touch with the truth. Others prefer to linger in the library devouring endless dusty tomes. We all aspire to wisdom. We all strive to be as intelligent and informed as we possibly can. But we are not all Aquarians. Some of us just don’t have the necessary, natural acumen. Be gentle with those you do not agree with. In time, they will come to see the error of their ways.
For today's first task, please divide 5 by 2 with nothing left over. Next, tell me the population of Ulaanbaatar and finally, solve this puzzle: if it takes three men four days to dig a hole in the ground, how many does it take to cook a cauliflower? Life is now presenting you with a thousand impossible questions. You are doing your best to answer them but maybe you are trying too hard. Your frustrations are quite understandable but you will not resolve them by seeking sensible solutions to ridiculous problems. If something can't be done today, don't try too hard to do it.
射手座原文 “Sorry? What are you doing here? This isn’t your forecast, you know. Well, if you really are a Sagittarian, prove it. Produce your birth certificate before you read another word. And anyway, even if you do belong to this sign, who is to say that these words are for you and not someone else?” I do apologise if I have just caused you to feel somewhat excluded - but then by now, you are probably getting used to this. Isn’t it time you were treated with a little more respect? The universe seems to think so. Here, at last, comes some of the recognition you deserve.
牡牛座原文 Really, we have seen enough of 2003 to get the flavour of it. We can fast forward from here to the end of the year safe in the knowledge that we already know what lies ahead. Er... can’t we? Of course we can’t! We have only just begun the year and we would be crazy to jump to too many conclusions about it. By much the same token, we cannot now be too quick to dismiss the outcome of another key drama in your life. We don’t yet have enough information. We have not yet gained enough experience. Please don’t be unduly pessimistic about your prospects. You will soon be given reason to feel much more encouraged.
ou can normally talk your way into (and out of) most things. You are a fast thinker and a powerful persuader. This does not mean though, that you are always right about everything. Right now, you are not sure what to say about a certain situation ? or indeed, what to do about it. You feel baffled and bemused to say nothing of a little fed up and frustrated. Something seemingly unfair and unreasonable is taking place. Stop trying to explain things to other people, just convince yourself that you have nothing to worry about.For this just so happens to be true! .
They say, theres no time like the present. But then, how do they know? What other time have they lived through? They may have experienced as much of the past as the rest of us but, back then, the past WAS the present. So how could they tell the difference? I say, theres no time like the future. Feel free, within reason, to put off as much as you wish to. Look forward blissfully without apology. Great opportunities lie in store for you as do great changes. Why worry now when so much is due to be different before too much more time has passed.
What are we all doing here? We none of us really know quite what the purpose of life is - yet this doesn't prevent us from experiencing almost constant stress and tension. We worry about "getting it wrong" yet how are we really supposed to know if we are getting it right? We pursue wealth - even though it is patently obvious that the rich are no happier than the poor. We seek status - even though it is clear that some blithering idiots occupy positions of great authority. Today's events show you something about what life really means. As such, they prove truly priceless.
Free magic wand for every reader. Just collect the coupons and you can have your very own wish-fulfilling, spell-casting device. No more need to worry about that low limit on your credit card. One wave of the wand and you can borrow as much as you choose ? or just possibly, you can think of some even better use for your wand! Like using it to summon forth endless cash from thin air. Sorry to disappoint you, but no such wand is really on offer. But then, no magic is as powerful or as valuable as a little imagination and intelligence ? and you have plenty of that now.
Mars follows an orbit which is subject to periodic variations. The nearer to the Sun it gets, the nearer to the Earth it gets too. When this occurs, we get to see it as a far brighter, more impressive object than usual. Mars this year, comes closer to the earth than at any point in the last 73,000 years. It is due to be passing through your sign. You are due to be fortunate, there is no doubt about that. But please don't imagine that this means that all your numbers will be lucky or that you will wake up in the night dreaming the names of horse race winners, who then go on to romp home the very next day at odds of 100-1. Nor even will you necessarily be lucky in the other sense of the word. You will not necessarily find yourself being clutched at regular intervals from the jaws of certain doom by some winged eagle of rescue. Your luck will enable you not only to know what you want and why but to be able to see precisely how you can get it and when. It will bless you with insight, judgement and an unerring ability to know what will work and what will not. In every area of life this year, from love to money to career, you will find yourself making apt, accurate decisions that lead to delightful results. And as Uranus also moves into your sign, you’ll become more capable of engineering the kind of changes you most yearn to see.
“Ayama Podaydo.” That’s your new mantra. Repeat it today please, once an hour on the hour for fifteen minutes at a time. Over and over again. “Ayama Podaydo, ayama podaydo.” Say it with me now please. “Ayama Podaydo, ayama podaydo, ayama podaydo.” Come along. Out loud. “Ayama Pod-ay-do” Never mind what it means. It will bring you great enlightenment and wisdom. Although actually... you are not a potato. And you need to be wary of people who seem to think that they can treat you like one. Keen though you may be to hear intriguing ideas you must be wary of misleading suggestions.
It have no data yet. It is a capital mistake to theorise before one has data. Insensibly, one begins to twist facts to suit theories... You may feel that this quotation from Sherlock Holmes, does not apply to you at the moment. You probably feel that you have plenty of facts but what you lack are some decent theories with which to explain them. That though, is actually because some of your theories are so entrenched that you have begun to think of them as facts. Look at how perplexed you have become by a particular problem. You need to find out more about it. The more you learn, the less worried you will be. Reveal tomorrow痴 secrets, today. For a complete set of totally personal
Some people believe that nothing will ever change for the better unless we somehow force it to. They urge us to avoid letting the grass grow under our feet. Others insist that the less we do, the wiser we are. They subscribe to a policy of passivity. They figure that if you can only leave things alone long enough, they will always sort themselves out in the best possible way without any intervention being required. And you, of course, are a Piscean. You can see two sides to every story. Which brings us neatly on to today’s dilemma. Should you wait or should you hurry? Try hurrying patiently. Or waiting restlessly.
What if, while opening a tin of beans, your hand slips a little? What if some of those beans then spill on the floor? What if, at that precise moment, your doorbell rings? What if, in your haste to answer it, you tread on those slippery beans and fall? What if you then end up in traction for several months? You see how easily accidents can happen? Dreadful disasters could befall us all at any moment! And then again, perhaps not. Perhaps sometimes, we just become far too fanciful about our fears. Don’t embroider a small difficulty until it becomes a vast tapestry of trouble today
Why do we all seek certainty? Why do we strive for answers and explanations? Why do we hate to dwell in doubt? Isn’t it all a little strange? After all, we come to this Earth from we-know-not-where. We have absolutely no idea how long we are due to stay here. Nor do we have the first clue about where we will go when we depart. Our lives are riddled with unanswerable questions. Our existence is nothing but a mystery. Perhaps this is precisely why we yearn so passionately to hear an incontrovertible argument. There are certain things now that you just cannot know. Why resent this? Be glad.
すみませんが山羊座9日をお願いします。 What's the point? Why bother? Just think, if we all stopped eating we would never have to do the washing up again. Look at how many needlessly repetitive processes we put ourselves through. Look at how many unnecessary pointless battles we fight - how many futile arguments we hold. Why can't life be less complicated? Because, if it were, it would also be less interesting, less rewarding, less magical. There's more to life than efficiency. Today's dispute will resolve itself in its own way, and in its own time. Meanwhile, your best bet is to allow yourself to become amused rather than exasperated.
射手座原文 Eh? You again? I thought I sent you away yesterday with a flea in your ear. Listen, this forecast is not for you. OK? It is for some other Sagittarian. Now, I know what you are thinking. You are thinking, “If it is not for me, how come he is writing to me and telling me that he knows I am here? He must be teasing.” Ha! Don’t be so sure. I could be telling someone else that this forecast is not for them. Or then again, perhaps not. Right now, there is something to which you are fully entitled. Do not listen to anyone who suggests you cannot or must not claim it. And ignore your own doubts in this area too.
Tonight, in a change to the advertised schedule, there will be a special broadcast. Shortly after the evening news, the creator of the universe will make a brief appearance to offer us all, at long last, an explanation. Finally, we will discover what we are doing here and we will learn what is expected of us. Then, we will all be able to live in peace for evermore. There will be no more conflict, confusion, arrogance or ignorance. After which, there will be a commercial break and an old favourite episode of The Simpsons. You don't believe this? Then don't be too quick to believe today's other unlikely promise either.
牡牛座原文 It is never easy to let go. Even when we are tired of something - even when we have had enough of it. Even when we know that we can only benefit from going in a different direction, we tend to hang on to our problems. Rather than move to some new inspiring topic we continue to think about whatever has hurt or upset us. It is as if we fear the loss of something familiar. We feel we ought to remain in control of everything - at all times - even if this obliges us to remain in a state of suffering. There is now something you need to put behind you. Don’t be afraid to kiss it goodbye. I promise, you will never miss it.
おはようございます。 9日蠍座デイリー翻訳宜しくお願い致します!! “The true rulers of our world do not sit on thrones or in parliaments. They meet in secret to uphold a global conspiracy of control. Only a small select band are ever allowed to join the ranks of this ancient order. The rest of us are merely puppets at their beck and call. But today, I fearlessly challenge their regime and reveal the true identities of those in power. They are... aaargh.... PUBLISHER’S ANNOUNCEMENT: “We regret that Mr Cainer has mysteriously disappeared. He left today’s forecast half-finished and this is as much as we are able to bring you.” Or, to put it all another way, don’t get too paranoid today.
I am tempted to give you the very same advice I gave you yesterday. Indeed, I am half-inclined to repeat your forecast word for word. Will you notice? And even if you do, would you mind? You seem happy to let other factors in your life repeat themselves on a daily basis. There you are again, going through those old familiar motions. Round and round with the same old thought patterns. On and on with the same old habit. Don’t you yearn for a change? Don’t you deserve to break free? From today onwards, it should prove just that little bit easier to start doing things differently and ringing in the new.
Beauty, they say, is only skin deep. Actually, quite often, it is shallower still - for most cosmetics sit above the skin, not below it. We place far too much emphasis on the superficial. We believe in it almost as if it were a religion. We judge books by their covers and we measure merit in money. And then we wonder why our lives lack meaning or magic. You have been struggling for some while now, to communicate a message about deeper values. You rightly feel that a certain someone sorely needs to hear this. All you can do is set a good example and be true, in your every deed and word, to your own highest ideals.
Expect the unexpected this weekend. Now, I know what you’re thinking... “What kind of advice is that?” If I could expect the unexpected, it wouldn’t be unexpected.” But that’s a little simplistic. We can, at least, be on the look out for sudden changes to our well made plans ? or for new developments that cause us to think twice. We may not be able to prevent such things from happening but we can, at least, be psychologically prepared. We can decide that, when the unexpected does occur, we will be ready to embrace it rather than to resent it or see it as a threat.
"You know my method. Said Sherlock Holmes to Watson. It is founded upon the observance of trifles. But Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, never elucidated on the particular nature of these rifles. He never, for example, specified whether they were the traditional type involving sherry and custard ・or on more modern variations based on a chocolate recipe. Life, it seems, is full of mysteries that must remain unsolved for all times. Even the world greatest detectives cannot clear them all up. But this weekend, you finally start to make sense of something that has been baffling you.
Is it better to be active or passive? What a question! You may as well wonder whether day is superior to night. Both have their advantages and their drawbacks. There is though, little point in being passive if this is likely to cause some otherwise avoidable discomfort. Likewise, it is silly to take action in a situation which is sure to sort itself out without any intervention on your part. So, what do you feel is appropriate this weekend? Your instinctive appraisal is sure to be accurate. Do (or don’t do) whatever your intuition insists on. Then just sit back and watch all the right results fall neatly into place.
Do you know what you need? Or do you merely think you know? Are you kidding yourself? Or are you being fooled by a third party? Do you now have an impeccable relationship with reality? How can you tell? Your emotions are now so intense, your hopes are so high and your prejudice so passionate that it is impossible to gain a sense of perspective. Here’s a question that’s easier to answer. Does any of this matter? Are you under any obligation to be all-seeing and all-knowing this weekend? Enjoy what is to be enjoyed. Ignore what you don’t like the look of! And don’t worry.
Shall I offer you more words of wisdom that you can repeat over and over again, in an attempt to construct a psychic shield around yourself? While we’re at it, shall we hang some garlic at your window to keep away those who might try to drain you of your inner strength? Not necessary. You need no mystic mantras nor traditional talismans to protect you this weekend. You merely need a little self-restraint. Mars is filling you with unrealistic ambition and unreasonable passion. No supernatural cure for any of this will be effective. A little common-sense could yet work wonders.
Shall we have our same old favourite zodiac forecast again today? You know, the one in which I try to prove how much repetition is taking place in your life by saying the same thing I said yesterday? Or have you now started to move on? Are you finally ready to entertain new options and new ideas? Your ruler may be retrograde but that does not mean you are obliged to spend your entire weekend going backwards. Indeed, the planets now promise progress of the most magnificent kind ? just as long as you are willing to break with tradition and be open to a grand innovation.
Did you see God on TV last night? They cleared off a whole commercial break to bring us his message. I particularly liked the opening shots of those pearly gates and then that slow pan across a sky full of angels. I wish though, that the camera had lingered longer on his (or was it her) face. And what a shame they used such a soft-focus. I could hardly even make out the features. And why did they cut back so quickly to the scheduled programme? Now, we will never know what he wanted to tell us. Unless, of course, we ask you this weekend.
ボラのみなさんへ 蠍座週末です。宜しくお願い致します(`_´ )ゞ Those ancient stone steps in South America. That glorious sphinx in Egypt. The mysterious circle of standing stones near Salisbury Plain. How, if we have all descended from a race of primitive people, could these incredible edifices have been made? Many people believe that they were placed here by visiting aliens. But of course that’s just...BLEEP, BLEEP, WOOBLE... This is a message from the planet Zarg. Our ship is now hovering above you. All Scorpios must now prepare to ascend. ” Hey, come back, where are you going? It seems, this weekend, that pretty much anything can happen!.
Are you pursuing a foolish plan? Are you two vouchers short of a pop-up toaster? I mean, come on. Really! How can you claim to be in your right mind when you are willing to listen to people who think that you are not in your right mind. If you were really sane, wouldn’t you ignore all the aspersions being cast on your sanity? Yet all kinds of doubts are now arising. You feel a little ashamed or embarrassed about these. But there is nothing wrong with feeling vulnerable. Don’t let others criticise you ? and don’t criticise yourself this weekend. Just be willing to entertain unusual ideas.
The news is good. The outlook is encouraging. There really is no reason to feel intimidated by a certain person or frustrated by a particular situation. Of course, sometimes we don’t need a good reason to feel this way. We just respond to some perverse inner impulse and put ourselves through misery without much justification at all. You have that option now. You can give yourself a hard time this weekend if you want to. It’s a free world. No one has a right to stop you. But if what you seek now is progress or prosperity, comfort, companionship, success and celebration, you will soon find it.
“On the carpet beneath your feet; a stain. In your right hand, a bottle of Whizzo ? the wonder stain-remover for carpets. Guaranteed to clear up any mess, no matter what the cause and to leave your carpet looking just like new.” Now, where’s your problem? Could it be the fact that, in your left hand, where you ought to be clutching a sponge, you are holding a rather long list. It contains the names of people whose actions may have led, directly or indirectly, to that stain appearing. What do you want to do now? Attribute blame or make progress?
“Never trouble trouble, till trouble troubles you.” That’s what they say. But then, they are just a bunch of wimps and wusses. No backbone. No bottle. No Sagittarian spirit. Why, if you wait till trouble troubles you, you will lose the element of surprise! It’s better surely, to get your retribution in first. If you truly trouble trouble, trouble may be too troubled to trouble you. Or at least, that’s what you currently seem to be figuring. Let us hope you are right. For it does not seem as if you intend to be dissuaded from a daring course of action this weekend.
[山羊座 週末] 馬鹿な計画を続けているのではありませんか? Are you two vouchers short of a pop-up toaster? 「しっかりしてよ」と言っているのです。本当に。 あなたのことを正気でないと思っている人々の話を、 喜んであなたが聞いているというのに、いったいどうやって 自分が正気であると主張すればよいのでしょうか? もし本当に正気だったら、正気でないとの中傷を 無視したりしないとは思いませんか?
557>> 559>> 561>> いろいろありがとうございます。 検索してみると... Someone is 'one voucher short of a pop-up toaster Two vouchers short of a pop-up toaster Several coupons short of a pop up toaster A few vouchers short of a pop up toaster などと色々出てきます。 http://www.talkiteasy.net/american_english.html をみると「英語でよくある表現」の一つのようなのですが... 文脈からも考えてみて...
ポップアップトースターに相当するまでには割引券が2枚足らない --> 詰めが甘い Or (足りていると思っていて)ボケている Or 螺子が一本ぬけている
Once a month, every month, the Moon grows full. Because your sign is ruled by the Moon, you grow more alert and excitable, energised and agitated. Sometimes, this enables you to achieve a great deal and sometimes this causes you to get more upset than you need to be. Once a year, every year, the Moon grows full in your own zodiac sign. This creates an extra powerful burst of Full Moon madness. Sometimes this happens just before Christmas - sometimes, a few weeks after. It is starting to happen now. Be sure to focus on something positive and to channel your energy constructively.
You are starting to feel more tired and drained. If this is how much energy you have at the start of the week, heaven knows how much you’ll have at the end of it. Except that, actually, things won’t turn out this way. Soon, you’ll begin to experience a distinct improvement. The aggravating factors won’t disappear but your relationships with people will alter. You will feel less intimidated and less conscious of an injustice. Instead, you will be reminded of the ways in which you do have power and choice. No matter how exhausting your situation may seem, it contains much more hope than you realise.
It can't be easy to be a Libran. I suppose you wouldn't know because you have been one all your life. Imagine though, if you had been born under some other sign then suddenly seized by a random cosmic power and put through an identity changer. Imagine waking up one morning, realising you ARE a Libran and that you can't go back. You CAN imagine this, can't you! That's what makes you so very typically Libran! How many other people do you know who can wrap their brains around such a far-fetched idea? And, er, speaking of far-fetched ideas... be careful what else you take too seriously this week.
Zen Buddhists are supposed to be very good at it. Sloths have a natural aptitude for it. But the true masters and mistresses are the bureaucrats. In their hands, a simple process can take not one eternity but two. The rest of us though, find that inactivity is a tough course to take. We are brought up in a society that seems to regard it as something of a sin. And then, of course, there is the not inconsiderable matter of your temperament. You are an incorrigible doer. Yet this week, if you don’t already know why it is so crucial to let someone else make a move before you do, you will soon find out!
Once a cogent argument has been put, what’s the point in saying anything else? logic take care of everything then? It rather depends on who you are talking to! Most of us are not so rational. We like to hear things over and over again - and then we are happy to believe them, even if they defy all common sense. Think, for example, of how people associate quality with publicity. The more they see the name of a brand, the more they feel that it must be trustworthy, regardless of what rubbish it may be. Watch now for an assertion which is in danger of becoming believed.
おはようございます。せっかくの休日ですが 翻訳ボラの皆さん、どうかよろしくお願いします。 乙女座13日です。 There are so many things we do not understand. So many questions that we cannot answer. We spend our time on this planet wrestling with an endless succession of mysteries. As fast as we solve one, we encounter another. Then, more often than not, we realise that we have not even properly solved the problem that we thought we had solved. Our struggle has taken us round in a circle. Recent events have caused you to feel a little insecure. Now you wonder if you may be wasting your time with a particular plan or project. Can you really take a certain person at their word?
Roll up. Roll up. Don't miss the sale of the century. Bargains galore. Never to be repeated offers. Silly prices. Must end soon. Etc. How can you resist? You are already feeling excited even though you don’t yet know what’s on offer. It’s apparently an instinctive, almost primeval thing. But we can’t be sure how good it is for us to be so attracted to a special deal. It’s not just in the area of finance that you now need to be careful. In several ways, life seems to be presenting you with some kind of gloriously seductive, easy to access package. You need to beware of the hidden drawbacks.
Are you sure you locked the door before you left? Did you definitely remember to turn the switch off? Do they know about the change of arrangements? Has your message reached the right person? Did you say it in the right way? How do you feel about all these questions? Annoying aren’t they? This is due to be a week during which far too many people make far too many demands on you. Try not to make life even more demanding by asking yourself questions to which you already know the answer. Have more faith in your own judgement - and in your own ability to operate efficiently.
After a while, we get used to it. Strife begins to seem like second nature to us. Trouble becomes par for the course. One hard time follows another. One cause for concern rises up as fast as another dies down. Rightly or wrongly, we take this for granted. We stop even daring to imagine what life in a less-stressful world might be like. Your expectations are not especially high this week. You feel it is wise to err on the side of caution. Actually though, in doing this, you are restricting yourself unfairly and unreasonably. Much magic is now available if you are bold enough to reach for it.
Does it have to be a difficult week? Should you be steeling yourself for strife? Absolutely not! Indeed, if you are entertaining so much as half a suspicion that things may soon get stressful, cast it aside at once - lest you create a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you are going to manufacture one of those, at least make it a constructive one. Tell yourself you are going to make all kinds of wonderful things happen - and fill your life with sunshine, butterflies, hope, love, comfort and cheques that don’t bounce too far. Because then, you will be in harmony with the general cosmic climate. Right now, it is keen to make life sweet for you.
Vitamin C. Fresh fruit and vegetables. Early nights. Plenty of exercise. That should help. Oh, and of course, something else too. The ultimate secret of all good health, less stress! Although this, of course, is much easier prescribed than attained. Various factors now seem to be sapping your strength. You are emotionally vulnerable. That invariably leads to the possibility of a weakened immune system. Take good care of yourself. And remember please, that certain things matter less than you might think. A sense of perspective is one of the most precious things you can ever have.
When the going gets tough, the tough reach for their phones and start looking for Scorpios who they can call for advice. And when the living is easy? They spread their wings and take off! Not that you much mind. You never have been much of a one for small talk. For you, if it doesn’t have depth and it doesn’t have meaning it doesn’t really have any interest at all. Why bother with platitudes? The going this week is due to be a little on the soft side. You don’t have to solve someone else’s crisis for them. Nor do you have to spend all of your time dealing with deep issues. Once you get used to this, you’ll be fine.
When the going gets tough, the tough reach for their phones and start looking for Scorpios who they can call for advice. And when the living is easy? They spread their wings and take off! Not that you much mind. You never have been much of a one for small talk. For you, if it doesn’t have depth and it doesn’t have meaning it doesn’t really have any interest at all. Why bother with platitudes? The going this week is due to be a little on the soft side. You don’t have to solve someone else’s crisis for them. Nor do you have to spend all of your time dealing with deep issues. Once you get used to this, you’ll be fine.
There are so many things we do not understand. So many questions that we cannot answer. We spend our time on this planet wrestling with an endless succession of mysteries. As fast as we solve one, we encounter another. Then, more often than not, we realise that we have not even properly solved the problem that we thought we had solved. Our struggle has taken us round in a circle. Recent events have caused you to feel a little insecure. Now you wonder if you may be wasting your time with a particular plan or project. Can you really take a certain person at their word?
When you and I look at a cat, we see a cute, clever, cuddly creature. To a mouse though, it represents an enormous marauder. It’s all a question of perspective. Too often, too easily, we take the mouse’s viewpoint. We see ourselves as smaller than the difficulty that we face. We then find it hard to believe that we could ever rise above the situation and take control over it. Right now, you are starting to wonder whether the cosmos is playing a game of cat and mouse with you. If there’s even the slightest suspicion of this, be as human, as wise and as ‘big’ as you can be. Then nothing will get the better of you.
Are you rich yet? Has the sky yet helped you to better your lot and feather your nest? Or do you feel that your finances are no further improved? Don’t give up yet. Venus has only just moved into the part of your chart that governs wealth. Much may change over the next few weeks. You may also soon see improvements in your emotional life. The heavens are helping you to feel more secure in every way ? on every level. Over the next few days, you will start to make sense of matters that have perplexed you for quite a long time. In the process of solving these mysteries, you’ll make yourself better off.
おはようございます。 14日射手座デイリーです。よろしくおねがいします。 I have been asked to pass on a complaint from the OU. They feel you have lately been letting the side down. You have been showing distinct signs of uncertainty. When asked questions, you have not immediately leapt forward to offer an answer and while encountering difficulties, you have felt inclined to seek advice from others. This is not acceptable. We can only assume that your memory is at fault, for no fully paid up member of the union would ever otherwise act in such a way. What union? The Omniscient’s Union! If you don’t remember that, you ARE having trouble. Repeat after me please; “I know everything, I know everything”.
いつもお世話になっております。 14日(火) 魚座をお願いします。 Some events take a bit of getting used to. When they first happen, we can't quite believe they've really taken place. We blink in disbelief. We do our best to carry on as we were doing before. We may even create an elaborate construction of self-deception. We will try not to see or to talk or to think about whatever makes us feel so uncomfortable. Yet it is not always the case that we blank out bad things whilst recognising good ones. Weirdly, we often can't quite see the most amazing opportunities whilst being all too keenly aware of grudges or grievances. There's something you now need to digest. Give it a chance. You may yet come to love it
Sooner or later, all things come back round. Even ghastly fashions. The kind that you feel quite sure, nobody would ever follow again. They return to haunt us like ghosts with a grievance, or fizzy drinks consumed in too much of a hurry. Do you think that you have now seen the back of a certain silly situation? Perhaps for a while, you have. But eventually, you will see the front of it once more as it follows that inevitable, natural law. This is precisely why you need to learn all you can from all you have been through. Then, next time instead of being caught on the hop, you can be ready.
Remember the story of the tortoise and the hare? The tortoise dawdled. The hare raced. The hare got distracted and the tortoise got ahead. But seconds before the end of the race, the hare made a last dash for the winning post ? and WON! Er... that may not be quite how the story goes in everybody else’s book but it definitely seems to be your version. Can you really sit around all week, waiting for something to happen? Clearly not. You’ve got to make every effort to accomplish something important. Don’t worry too much about whether this will cause you to take your eye off another ball. If it starts to move... you’ll know all about it
天秤座 原文です。 Deep in the heart of the rain Forest, there's an ancient tribe. They live entirely on palm fronds and Biluki beans and they dance out their traditional rhythms round a communal fire at sundown. The oldest woman in the village is some 836 years of age... and most of the tribe are well past 290. They attribute their longevity entirely to faith in nature and a total lack of interest in accountancy or the internet. But they have no sense of direction whatsoever. Whenever they go wandering, they invariably get lost. Which is why nobody has yet ever found them! Er... watch out today for tall stories and insupportable claims.
Real agreements are never easy to reach. We can all pretend to understand one another and to be in some state of perfect psychic harmony. In some limited, superficial way, this may well be true. But to what extent are we only co-operating because it is convenient to do so? Are we really getting one another’s drift or just drifting further away from one another? You are now having to ask some big questions about certain key relationships. You are encountering some home truths. But you are also about to make an inspiring discovery.
On Sunday, I noticed that every small child in town seemed to be staring at me as I walked past. I began to wonder whether I was wearing clothes that looked silly. Then I remembered. The previous day I had gone to London to appear on the Saturday Show on BBC 1. It must be very well watched because almost every kid I saw seemed to recognise me. My fame though, is as nothing compared to that of the new group “Busted” who’s horoscopes I had been invited onto the show to talk about. They are already doing well here - and rightly so. Soon though, these three teenage lads will be international megastars.
Manufacturers soon learn that if they want to sell more of their products, they need to stick the words, “New and Improved” on the packaging. People are trusting. They don't’ say, “Oh, I see... so the old version was not very good.” Or at least, not many people say this. Most just say, “Gosh, new? Improved? Well, that’s fantastic. I’ll take two!? Very rarely though, does the new improved deal turn out to be significantly different to the original. “Caveat Emptor” as they used to say in Roman supermarkets - buyer beware! The devil you know is now trying to dress up as the devil you don’t know. But it’s the same old story.
Sometimes, solutions create new problems. Sometimes, problems lead to new solutions. It's all too easy to forget this and to just take a superficial look at a situation. Right now, as the Sun forms a sharp link to Saturn, you are growing aware that many things are not as you would wish them to be. The more you think about it, the more you fear that this is just the tip of an iceberg and that before long a whole drama is likely to start spiralling out of control. But that's only because a previous solution turned out to be problematic. Now, almost by way of a cosmic balancing-out process, a "problem"is starting to prove extremely helpful
牡牛座原文 When we first arrive here, we know nothing at all about where we have been and where we have come to. We are blank canvases. Clean sheets. But sooner or later, there’s always someone determined to make an impression on us. We are taught about our culture. Our race. Our tradition. In some parts of the world, we may even be ‘told’ who we were in a past life. We are taught to view the past in a very particular way - but what we are never told is the truth... that nobody really knows quite who we are or what we are doing here! Lots of people around you now have ‘answers’. That’s all the more reason to trust the relevance of your questions!
Near every great tourist attraction, you will find an artist sitting quietly at an easel. For a fee, this great creative talent will draw you with an elongated nose, an extended forehead, a longer chin or over-emphasised eyes. They will attempt to paint a picture which, whilst it undoubtedly is “you”... isn’t REALLY you. It will lack subtlety. It won’t really do you justice. We all have such an artist in our mind. It looks at situations and it sums them up unevenly and unfairly. Amusingly sometimes, horrifically at others. Right now, as the Moon grows full you are feeling ever more inclined to draw a caricature of a sensitive situation. Resist this urge
以下原文 Near every great tourist attraction, you will find an artist sitting quietly at an easel. For a fee, this great creative talent will draw you with an elongated nose, an extended forehead, a longer chin or over-emphasised eyes. They will attempt to paint a picture which, whilst it undoubtedly is “you”... isn’t REALLY you. It will lack subtlety. It won’t really do you justice. We all have such an artist in our mind. It looks at situations and it sums them up unevenly and unfairly. Amusingly sometimes, horrifically at others. Right now, as the Moon grows full, you are feeling ever more inclined to draw a caricature of a sensitive situation. Resist this urge.
What if, tomorrow, you were to wake up in the house next door? What if, visiting aliens were to cause you and your neighbour to swap brains? So they would take over your body and you would take over theirs ? but you would still remember who you were ? and so would they. No matter how different you had both become in the physical sense, you would both soon have to swap houses. Our sense of identity does not reside in what we look like ? but in what and who surrounds us. Life is now teaching you something very important about a true priority. Heed the lesson well.
People often become confused about the word omniscience. They figure that they must also be omnipresent and, probably too, omnipotent. In fact though, as you know only too well, it doesn’t work like that. Indeed, being “all knowing” can put you at a distinct disadvantage. You can see what will happen, wherever you go, before you go there. So although you are capable of being everywhere, you just decide to go nowhere. That has been part of your problem of late. Too much to think about, not enough to head for. But now, here comes a destination that’s well worth while.
Your heart wants one thing. Your head wants another. Your head has no intention of letting your heart win the battle. Your heart has no intention of putting up a fight. Why should it when it can just as easily attain its goal through subtlety and subterfuge? Sooner or later, your head will look the other way. The moment it does, your heart will spring into action and ensure that you do or say something irrevocable. Ultimately, you have no choice other than to follow your deepest feeling. You probably also have no choice other than to pretend that you are doing no such thing.
Once upon a time, you could prove today’s point by taking a photocopy of a photograph. Or by twiddling one of those little knobs on the back of a TV set. Either process would produce a picture with plenty of black and plenty of white and not much in between. These days, technology has become more capable of coping with nuance. On a good day, people can do this too! Yet it is all too easy when we feel anxious, defensive or over enthusiastic, to become ridiculously extreme in our views and beliefs. If you want to be successful today, see the shades of grey.
Some people feel we come to this Earth to learn the lessons that we failed to learn in our last lifetime. They argue that our entire existence is nothing more than an examination re-sit. In answer to the question, “But what am I supposed to be discovering?” they just look knowingly and say, “Aha! That’s part of the test. You have to find out.” It may be true. It may not. But it is generally wise at least to learn the lessons we are presented with during the course of the life we are actually living. Expect a similar situation to keep cropping up until you find a better way of dealing with it.
People often become confused about the word omniscience. They figure that they must also be omnipresent and, probably too, omnipotent. In fact though, as you know only too well, it doesn’t work like that. Indeed, being “all knowing” can put you at a distinct disadvantage. You can see what will happen, wherever you go, before you go there. So although you are capable of being everywhere, you just decide to go nowhere. That has been part of your problem of late. Too much to think about, not enough to head for. But now, here comes a destination that’s well worth while.
Do you have all the time in the world? Of course not. That’s precisely why you need to take it easy. If you knew you were going to live forever, you could afford to get stressed out. You could happily waste weeks racing round in a hopeless haze of hurry and worry. You could aim to accomplish as much as possible on the grounds that, if nothing else, this would keep you amused. But life is short and time is precious. And nothing is ever more precious in life, than the ability to relax and appreciate the magic of it all. It’s quality, not quantity that matters now.
双子座15日デイリーです よろしくお願いします One day we will look back on the Internet and say, Remember when that was the ultimate in communication?” Mobile phones will only be found in museums. Satellite dishes will be worn as hats but never used to watch something as primitive as a TV show. Given all we know of technological change, we can believe this. But can we imagine a world in which people, no matter how smart their science, become any more peaceful and tolerant? You may not now be able to fix all the problems of the planet but you can do something to make your own future less stressful.
Any fool can have an easy life. The Himalayan caves are full of them. Renunciate hermits who dress in sackcloth, live on wild berries and spend thirty years at a time practising difficult yoga positions in total silence. Easy! A piece of cake! Beds of nails? No bother! Comfortable, by comparison to the beds that people like you and I end up making for ourselves and then becoming obliged to lie in. Nothing in this world is harder than keeping a relationship alive during a tough time. Or to care, even when the feeling hurts. But then nothing is more rewarding, either.
Yesterday, I told you about a rainforest legend. A band of wanderers who have no sense of direction. Anthropologists argue whether they are purely mythical. Some believe that if you travel to remote locations, you will yet find living members of the Werva Hekawi tribe. Astrologers are of the opinion that they have amalgamated with the rest of the world ・or at least that all Librans are honorary members of this community. But even if you do feel a little lost now, you need not worry. your instincts will soon take you safely through territory for which there simply are no maps.
Bright skies make for dull forecasts. We astrologers can always make ourselves sound much more interesting when we have bad news to break. We can peer knowingly, over the tops of our telescopes and speak darkly of “tense transits” or “awkward aspects.” But what can we say when the outlook is encouraging? Good news requires less explanation. Besides which, it is never a good idea to eulogise. This can raise expectations which in turn, incur resentment if all promises fail to materialise. So let us play safe and just predict a pretty good day.
Physicists follow formulae. Politicians pursue policies. We all have views that seemingly help us to make sense of this crazy world. We develop techniques for coping with the silliness of it all and sometimes, these become ridiculously complicated. We end up baffling ourselves with long explanations and growing almost superstitious about the best way to keep chaos at bay. Look at the plan you are now trying to follow. Think about all those ifs and buts and maybes. Then do yourself a favour. Stop thinking about them. Just keep things simple now and all will be fine.
Why do cinemas show movies? Why don’t they just put cameras into random homes and let us all watch the inhabitants go about their daily lives? Surely, that would provide us with all the excitement, intrigue and drama we could ever wish for. TV companies seem to be pretty confident of this formula. Yet the truth is, that we are not as fond of the truth as we like to think. In reality, we don’t much care for reality! You would love now to escape into a convenient fantasy but there is something you sorely need to recognise. Don’t wish away today’s insight, be glad of it.
Imagine if the tide was always high. Never went out, never came in. Or imagine a world where it was always day, never night. Or always sunshine, never rain. It sounds attractive till we realise that then there would be no light and shade. No contrast, no interest. No difference between any one moment of time and any other. Right now, your inner tide is about as high as it ever gets. You are over brimming with emotions, anxieties, needs, feelings and desires. Let them spill over. Soon that tide will naturally ebb away and with it will depart a hunger for something totally inedible.
Sometimes, the last thing we want is to see the future. We only want to know about it if it is going to match our preconceived idea about what lies in store. When we are told about something that we do not like the sound of, we feel much more inclined to believe we have a suspect seer. You want to know that a tense drama will resolve itself by the weekend. But I think it will take the rest of the month before it sorts itself out. Disbelieve me if you want. Feel cross about being told such a thing. But just to be on the safe side, make allowance for a longer struggle than you were expecting.
天秤座 原文 Some people say, "If you can imagine it, you can make it real." That's not, of course, strictly true. It's one of those great over-simplifications that are so popular in our shallow modern world. You can't bring anything into power with the sheer power of imagination alone, but it is true to say that if you can't imagine something it is almost impossible to make it happen. You now have a vision. That's a good first step. You can also see a way to start implementing that vision. Even better. But you will have to keep on putting in the effort if you really want to turn that vision into reality.
Why be reasonable? Why not just throw a paddywack? Children soon learn that this is a very effective way of asserting themselves. Adults feel that they cannot allow the child to grow up thinking that if it behaves belligerently, it will get its own way. But this is precisely how the world works. Either we fight for our prize or we watch it go to someone else. Plus, of course, only a harsh, heartless robot can win a battle of wills with a tantrumming toddler. Am I seriously suggesting that you should now let your inner child help you stomp and sulk your way to success? Absolutely!
Will you get what you want? Probably. But only on one condition: that you find out what it is that you really DO want. If you don’t resolve that question, you will end up getting something you don’t really want but merely think that you do. Or worse, you will get what you want but you will not realise that it is what you want - so you will send it away with the word, ‘unwanted’ stamped on it. The sky now offers you a rare chance to examine your deepest motives and to correct them, where they are found wanting. Assuming, of course, that you can work out what it is that they ARE wanting!
When we cannot get our inner impulses to agree, we tell ourselves a tale. We persuade ourselves that we are going in one direction when actually, we are going in another. Or we insist that we know exactly what we are doing, when in fact we are doing the opposite. Sometimes though, we just have to proceed in a state of honest confusion (or of false clarity) because we can see no other way to satisfy all the mutually exclusive demands that we can feel being made of us. There’s only one thing you can really be sure of now. That you need not fear what you do not (yet) understand.
射手座原文 I would love to tell you that there is an easy answer to your current question. But you and I both know that this is not so. There is no miracle cure, no instant solution, no one-size-fits-all, drop-of-a-hat, just-add-water, way to fix whatever now seems to be wrong in your world. One way or another, you must live for a while with a circle that you cannot quite square or a question that you cannot comfortably answer. But within fourteen days or so much will have changed and you will be feeling far better about your situation. Meanwhile, you just have to be patient.
There’s always someone willing to argue. It doesn’t matter what you say nor how right you happen to be. Some folk take a positive pleasure in disputing any statement no matter how well phrased. And who cares about accuracy? Everything in this world is subjective. Relative. Little, if anything, is ever definitive. Now, of course, you are not an argumentative person. Er... are you? Well, er just in case, you may care to remember today that it’s easy to start an argument but hard to finish one... and that the only real way ever to win one is not to hold it in the first place!
蠍座16日です。よろしく御願いします。 When something captures your heart you lose all desire to see reason. You summon deep determination. You manifest steadfast loyalty and you lose all interest in argument. Rightly so. Life is too short for sensible restraint. Yet we have to ask what it is that is now inflaming your passion? Or should that be… who? Somehow, you are full of fire. You can’t forget a particular moment in time ? and you won’t stop striving to recreate it ? or at least, an aspect of it. But that’s fine. for what you are now so excited about is something well worth having ? and also, surprisingly, attainable.
There is now happiness tinged with sadness. Sorrow mixed with joy. Something is rather wonderful in one way yet rather terrible in another. You may have mixed feelings about your mixed blessing but better that than to have no feelings at all. To be numb is to be less than fully alive. Right now, you are on the verge of an experience that should, if nothing else, at least confirm how very alive you are ? and how very full of magic your world can be. You are being touched and inspired ? at the same time as you are being tested. Trust yourself and allow a little magic to enter your world.
Quick. It has nearly caught up with you. If you don’t run faster, it will be too late. Never mind the rest of this forecast. You don’t have time. The pressure monster is chasing you. You can hear his deafening roar. You can almost smell his horrible halitosis. Mars is now causing you to feel that if you don’t make the right thing happen, quickly, you will be in danger of... Ah. Well, there’s a good question. What WILL you be in danger of? If you really want to beat today’s deadline, beat the part of yourself that sees it as more important than it actually is.
しし座 Some say you love the limelight. Others know you better and they see how often you loathe it. Everything depends on what that light is shining on. If it is helping you to show off your assets you rarely object. But if it is revealing some untidy mess that has been happily hiding in the half-darkness, you understandably resent it. We none of us like our anxious secrets to be put on full public display. The rapidly waxing Moon is now obliging you to face up to home truths that you might well prefer to ignore. Yet nothing but good can come from all that is now being revealed.
Some conversations are best left unheld. Some explanations best left ungiven. It is strange how half of us talk too much while the other half don’t say enough! It is also strange how we feel obliged to tackle certain topics and equally obliged to leave others well alone. Sometimes, this sense of obligation is false. In a particular area of conflict now, it is wiser to say too little than too much. If you are going to talk, tackle only inspiring subjects. Remember the first immutable law of survival in the communications jungle: “When you are in a hole... stop digging.”
Is luck on your side this weekend? Well, we have to be just a little careful about how we answer that question. Luck, after all, is a funny thing. In essence it is omnipresent. If it is truly everywhere at once, how can it be on any particular side of any particular person ? or thing? But maybe that’s all the information you need in order to make the luck work with you. Be less dogmatic about where your best interests do or do not lie. Be more willing to recognise good fortune even in seemingly awkward circumstances. You may yet make marvellous progress with a problem.
Some people have peculiar tastes. They may enjoy garish colour combinations. Or eat foods that seem strange. Can there possibly be any harm in this? That entirely depends upon whether they are pandering to their preferences in private or imposing their predilections upon a wider world. You are now encountering a situation that does not seem to suit you. You feel a little resentful. Why should you be obliged to accept someone else’s decision? Don’t be critical. Instead, try making helpful suggestions. It could be that a certain person knows no better.
The weekend starts here. But where does it end? How far will it take you? What will it put you through? You are slowly trying to make up your mind about an important matter. Each time you think you know what you are going to do next, you discover some new piece of information ? or you realise that you are looking at your situation from a narrow angle. This is partly because you are reluctant to face a particular fact. You don’t want to take a broader view in case you see something that upsets you. All will be fine this weekend as long as you don’t try to hide the truth from yourself.
Over the next two weeks, you will find yourself wrestling with a difficult dilemma. Every time you try to sort the matter out, it will become more complicated. Eventually, everything will work out well, but, in the interim, you have a choice. You can shout at a seed in an attempt to encourage it to sprout, or you can show a little faith in nature and distract yourself while some time passes. This weekend, you will become acutely conscious of both a carrot and a stick. You are not, of course, a donkey. You are not obliged to pay heed to either. If you are going to look at anything, focus on the carrot.
Today, I have rented a part of this space to a particular person who has paid me a great deal of money for the chance to get a message through to you. So pay attention please. My retirement in the Bahamas depends upon you heeding every single word that follows. “It is time to stop arguing. You need to do as you are told more often. A close companion knows much better than you and their opinion should be respected. PS: It is definitely your turn to clean the car.” Well, actually, I lied. I have taken no bribe. But I still reckon that’s the best advice you’ll get this weekend.
Anticipation is a double-edged sword. We can use it, most effectively, to turn mundane molehills into magnificent mountains. We can create an air of expectation. We can build up a breathless hype. Then, as long as we have got ourselves excited enough, we will seize on the reality, when it occurs, with such glee and gratitude that we hardly notice how good ? or bad the thing actually is. It’s nice to be able to make a lot out of a little. Unless, the little in question actually IS a question. Don’t blow a doubt up out of all proportion this weekend. Your misgiving is merely minor.
天秤座 原文 Welcome to International Miracle Weekend. The cosmic powers-that-be have agreed to waive all the usual rules and restrictions. For a limited period only, you will merely have to wish something in order to see it magically manifest in front of you. So, er... what are you going to stand there hoping for with your eyes closed and your fingers crossed. Remember please, that old adage, "Be careful what you wish for, lest you get it." Remember too, that what you really require is not a miracle at all. It is merely a small adjustment. A few little changes could yet make an enormous difference.
Chasms of chaos lie all around. Some are clearly sign-posted and well fenced off. Others lie unmarked, even deliberately disguised as tiny pot-holes on the road to normality. How can you be sure that you won't inadvertently fall into one of these this weekend? You can't. But you will significantly reduce the chance of such a development by pursuing a particular policy. Neither go racing wildly towards every half-attractive proposition nor rise to the bait of an antagonistic challenge. Stay on the straight and narrow of an existing arrangement. What's right for you will come to you.
Chasms of chaos lie all around. Some are clearly sign-posted and well fenced off. Others lie unmarked, even deliberately disguised as tiny pot-holes on the road to normality. How can you be sure that you won’t inadvertently fall into one of these this weekend? You can’t. But you will significantly reduce the chance of such a development by pursuing a particular policy. Neither go racing wildly towards every half-attractive proposition nor rise to the bait of an antagonistic challenge. Stay on the straight and narrow of an existing arrangement. What’s right for you will come to you.
週末双子座もよろしくお願いいたします。 Have you noticed how even the simplest objects now come with instructions? Usually, these are translated into seven languages and accompanied with lots of diagrams. When we know how to use the device in question, we just ignore the printed paraphernalia. When we are not so sure, we study it with all the concentration of a rocket scientist seeking a rapid route to Mars. You are now baffled by a particular proposition. The more someone tries to explain it to you, the more confused you become. That's because it is much more simple than you think.
There are some things in life that you just can’t beat. A broken drum, for example. Or a hard-boiled egg. Now that Mars has left your sign, you can become far less interested in beating anyone or anything! You don’t have to be quite so competitive for you are more confident of yourself. Nor need you feel defensive. You can see how puny potential attackers are. And that, really, is what can’t be beat: that sense of satisfaction, that mood of certainty. If you don’t already feel quite sure that you are in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing, you will soon attain such a state of mind. And you will be right.
Acquired tastes are often more rewarding in the long run, than the flavours to which we are naturally attracted. When we have to teach ourselves to like someone or something we create new connections in our mind. We forge new pathways for our thoughts. We get a sense of achievement and this makes us feel good about who we are. So we keep on doing the things that we have learned to like. It helps us to affirm our identity. But sometimes, we learn to like things that are not entirely good for us. You now seem reluctant to explore a most wonderful option. Try to teach yourself to appreciate it.
People sometimes say, "I did it against my better judgement". But how can any of us be sure that we are applying the right judgement to our judgement? How can you now tell which impulses you ought to be acknowledging and which you should be ignoring? What if you inadvertently rule out an option that would be good - in favour of one that could prove problematic - while insisting all along that you are "doing the best possible thing"? It has happened before. It may one day happen again. But it isn't happening now. Put your misgivings aside. Trust what you are starting to see.
Whatever you do, someone will criticise you for it. This is not, by the way, my prediction for your week. It is just a general observation - a fact of life I happen to be remarking on. I might as well say, "Today is the first day of the rest of your life." It is true for anyone at anytime. So is the assertion that fault can be found with everyone and everything. You need to remember that this week, for you are feeling unnecessarily sensitive. You don't want to cause offence. Yet you will annoy someone no matter what you do - even if you do nothing at all! So you may as well do what you want.
Do you want to make a friend or win an argument? You can do one or the other but not both. Really, there is no point in winning the argument. It is already won. You know you are right about a particular matter - but it is lonely at the top. Sometimes it feels better to be wrong in company than right in isolation. I am not suggesting you sacrifice a principle in response to social pressure but you may want to look at certain grey areas and give more benefit of the doubt to those who see things from a different point of view.
You are still trying to solve a puzzle that ought, in theory, to be easy. You keep feeling sure that you know what you need to do next. Opportunities, which seemingly support this, keep arising. Yet each time you step forward to close a deal, finalise an agreement or consolidate a plan - something stops you. Should you sweep this petty obstruction out of your way? Or should you tread gingerly around it, respecting the fact that if it has cropped up, it must mean something? That depends on how much faith you have in yourself at the moment. Don't hide from doubt, explore it.
You are no longer fighting for survival. Whether you know it or not, you have stabilised a precarious situation. You have warded off a threat and solved a problem. Now you are no longer in "emergency mode" so you can take stock of all that has been neglected during your big battle with doubt or difficulty. To your amazement and annoyance it seems that whilst your attention has been elsewhere, some daft decisions have been made. This week you have to sort these out but that won't take as long as you fear. Many recent changes have been to your advantage - as you will soon discover.
Is your life your own? Well, we can draw up quite a long list of people who feel sure that a part of you belongs to them. You are "spoken for" in lots of ways. In one way, this is all very flattering. In another, it represents a great responsibility. It also explains something about a sense of guilt that you find so hard to shake off. But if other people have projections upon you or expectations of you, how much of this is your fault? And how much of it are you truly obliged to comply with? This week, for you, it is about breaking free from easy but unsatisfactory arrangements.
天秤座 原文 Is this forecast truly for your eyes only? How can it be? Are there not millions of other people who share your sign? From a scientific point of view that statement may make sense. But if you enter the realm of the psychic and the spiritual, you become much more easily able to see why this prediction IS truly personal. It works at a level other than the logical as does all the best magic. This message is for you - and for nobody but you. You are reading it; you need to take it on board. This week you are going to be given a significant chance to improve your lot in life. Don't let it pass you by.
獅子座 Can you make time stand still? Absolutely. Just project your imagination far into the future. Think of all the things you would like to happen. Envisage all the changes you hope to see. Then stop and look around you. Notice how nothing is any different. There, you see! Time has stood still! Now, cast your mind back to the past. Remember how things used to be. Next, notice how they have changed. You see - suddenly you have made time speed up! I am not really being flippant. You have more power over time than you realise. This week, you can use that to your advantage.
What's that noise outside the window? There seems to be a lot of shouting and yelling going on. Look out and maybe you will see two armies preparing to engage in a furious battle. On the left, a collection of your critics: an unholy alliance of enemies and ex-friends who seem determined to beat you down. On the right, the members of your fan club. They are fewer in number but much more determined. They will fight your corner to the last without question, comment or complaint. Both sides are being a bit extreme. Stand back; let them wage their war without you.
獅子座デイリー別訳 Can you make time stand still? You see - suddenly you have made time speed up! の「make」は、使役動詞として"make A + B" =「AにBさせる」のほうが 正しいと思います。また、"You see."は慣用句でsee本来の意味である「見る」 では無く「ほらね」「わかった?」くらいの意味で使われます。
Have you ever had a dream within a dream? Have you ever realised that you were asleep and "woken up" only to realise that you have merely moved to a different part of the dream world? It is after experiences like this that we have to pinch ourselves to make sure we truly are awake. For some while now, you have been finding it hard to snap out of a particular trance. Each time you think you have made the change, you realise that you are still mesmerised by a particular proposition. But now, you are hearing a real bell ringing - and your eyes are opening to a much wider picture.
You are starting to find your niche. You are entering into a situation, which seems to be tailor made for your talents. Others are becoming more appreciative of your abilities and this in turn is providing a much-needed boost to your confidence. Don't dwell on your difficulties or cling to your cause for concern, just do what you are good at and follow your strongest instincts. You are not in your current situation by mistake. Your problems are oddly appropriate. Once you solve them (and you will) you will be free to fulfil a cherished ambition. And then, you will be pleased that they arose.
You have only one life. Well, at least to all intents and purposes you do. I do not mean to argue with my Hindu friends who feel sure that we reincarnate regularly. But I absolutely cannot tell what sign you belonged to in your last lifetime or which part of the zodiac you will come under in your next. Nor, despite their vociferous claims to the contrary, can anyone else. Let us assume please, that you have only one life, only one zodiac sign and only one time to concern yourself with. Right now. The present moment. Honour that with what it clearly deserves now and all else will take care of itself.
Old habits die hard. They die even harder though, if we are not really ready to relinquish them. Are you becoming stuck in a rut? Do you keep acting out the same old dramas and encounteringthe same old problems? If so, could this be because somewhere, somehow, you keep on making the same old fundamental mistakes? What could these be? What is it in your world that so sorely needs to be altered and adjusted? I suspect you may already know. If not, you will soon find out. You will also discover that a permanent, positive change is much easier to instigate than you think.
Aquarius is an air sign. Some people, quite understandably, find that confusing. They say, "Why then is it symbolised by a water bearer?" But the water in this ancient image is a precious elixir drawn from the mythical fountain of wisdom. To be an Aquarian is to have this on tap and thus to be intuitively connected to all that is clever, far-sighted and appropriate. Although, you do have to be careful how you pass on your information. If you are not diplomatic you can seem as if you are pouring cold water over others' ideas. You now need to be aware of how your words are coming across.
Who says ignorance is bliss? To think that, you have to be really ignorant! And you also have to be prepared for the fact that your bliss, even if you do experience it, is likely to be very short lived. Ignorance is stupidity. Ignorance is vulnerability. Ignorance is an inability to see what really matters in life and why. In one key area in life now you are moving from a state of ignorance to a state of enlightenment. You may feel less than blissful about this at the moment but you will soon realise that you are actually being helped to become a whole lot happier.
Old habits die hard. They die even harder though, if we are not really ready to relinquish them. Are you becoming stuck in a rut? Do you keep acting out the same old dramas and encountering the same old problems? If so, could this be because somewhere, somehow, you keep on making the same old fundamental mistakes? What could these be? What is it in your world that so sorely needs to be altered and adjusted? I suspect you may already know. If not, you will soon find out. You will also discover that a permanent, positive change is much easier to instigate than you think.
21日てんびん座です。 よろしくお願いします Of course you want a miracle. That's a perfectly understandable aspiration but it is not going to come about is it? Actually, you cannot be so sure. Much depends on the kind of "miracle" you want. The physical world is notoriously difficult to manipulate. Even those who with rare telekinetic powers tend to find that these have distinct limitations. Uri Geller, for example, can bend spoons and forks but he finds knives tricky. Now look at what you want more than anything else. That doesn?t require a miracle. It just requires you to try your best - and to keep your hopes high.
"Don’t just stand there, DO something..." That's what people say to one another when they feel they need help urgently. In a way though, they may just as well say, "don’t just stand there, DO nothing". For it often turns out to be wiser to take no action at all. Wiser, yet harder. We are brought up to believe that strenuous effort is commendable whereas, inaction represents a form of laziness. This is an inappropriate prejudice. Too many of us run around like headless chickens at the very times when we would be best advised to sit still, be calm and allow things to alter naturally.
You can't make tomorrow happen today but you can, most definitely, make today happen tomorrow. All you have to do is get stuck in a rut. You can repeat the same old habits and patterns almost ad infinitum. Then, the same old situations will arise - along with the same old dramas, the same old conflicts, the same old frustrations. You are now working hard to ensure that you don’t just keep going round in circles forever. This intention, all on its own, is a guaran tee that your future will arrive as soon as it possibly can - and that it will be rather wonderful when it does.
Some people say "there are more questions than answers". It is actually the other way around. We are surrounded by answers but, because we do not know the questions that relate to these, we fail to appreciate their importance. We focus only on those few questions to which the answers are elusive and thus we form a false picture of a world, which is full of unsolvable mysteries. An answer has been staring you in the face for ages. This week, you recognise the question that goes with it. Suddenly your view of life begins to change dramatically for the better.
21日蠍座です。宜しくお願い致します。 People often talk about wasting time. They imply that time is like money - that it has a value which can be exchanged, foolishly or wisely for an experience. But just as sometimes, our 'bargains' turn out to be expensive and our 'indulgences', essential, so our ways of "using up time" are not easily judged. To spend, for example, a day wracked with needless tension because you have convinced yourself you should be doing more than you are, is a true waste of time! Whereas to pass it doing nothing more than thinking things through is to demonstrate genuine respect for the clock.
There's no such thing as a conflict that cannot be resolved. It is though, much easier to attain peace if both parties earnestly desire it. Some people feel that to give way in a tense situation is to show weakness. But then, to give way to a base emotion or to a primitive expression of force can hardly be considered a strength. You are now debating the wisdom of a conciliatory gesture. Really though, there is nothing to think about. What other sensible option do you have? The troubled waters need oil pouring on them, not wave generating machines lowering into them!
Very rarely do we fear the worst. We may profess to but actually, we keep our anxieties well in check. We fear the second or the third worst. Why? Because the worst is so bad that it doesn't bear thinking about. We are not afraid of THAT. If it happens, it happens. We are far more worried about what else may happen along the way. If you want to get your current fear in proportion, exaggerate it. Think it further through. Envisage the very, very worst. That will give you some perspective. Alternatively, don't think at all - for there is no need - nor is there anything to fear.
They send us to school in an attempt to equip us for later life. Then, later in life, we send ourselves to therapists in an attempt to understand why we feel so poorly equipped to cope. You are beginning to suspect that whatever you do today - and however you do it - you will somehow end up "getting it wrong". You expect to annoy or exasperate someone. Whose fault is this? Is the situation avoidable? Does any of it really matter? That last question is the key to it all. It matters if you think it matters. It doesn't if you don't. Keep that in mind then make your choice today.
乙女座22日をお願いします No sooner had 2003 begun than your ruler went retrograde. It started slipping slowly backwards through the zodiac. Or rather, for we must always be precise when speaking to people born under your sign, it APPEARED to do this. Planets don't actually go backwards - it's just an optical illusion they create every so often. It has though, a strong symbolic inference. Your ruler's regression has coincided with a time during which you have felt as if you are going over far too much old ground. Now, at last, everything (and everyone) starts to move happily forward again.
Some things are not worth thinking about. Indeed probably, MOST things fall into this category. And er...what is it that we spend the bulk of our time mulling over? Well... perhaps we ought not to be too hard on ourselves. After all, who really has the right to say what is (or is not) an ultimately worthwhile activity? It comes to something though, when we dwell on topics and matters that seemingly bring us no satisfaction whatsoever. They had better be very clearly important before we give them our precious energy. Don't get drawn into an unnecessary distraction today.
If you only ever do what you know how to do, then you will probably never do anything interesting. And if you only ever do what you don't know how to do, you will probably never do anything successfully. You have to take a step into the unknown soon. It's an important part of a deeply personal process. You can't keep taking an easy option. You owe it to yourself to explore. Will this work? Well, let's put it this way. It will, at least, work better than sitting around waiting for something all too obvious. Mix experience with curiosity for best results now.
Tomorrow never comes. Well so, at least, we are told. From a strictly semantic point of view that is absolutely true. It never comes, because as soon as it does, it becomes today. But of course saying that to a Sagittarian is a bit like telling a pauper that money is merely an abstract set of numbers in a computer or on a piece of paper. It may be so in principle but the experience feels markedly and depressingly different. You are pinning a lot of faith in tomorrow. It is helping you get through a rather difficult today. But actually, that's fine for it really will be here soon enough.
In my part of the world, they have a saying: "Where there's muck, there's brass." That's true in many ways at many levels. Most people, no matter how impoverished they may profess to be, will happily part with a significant sum in order to get others doing their dirty work for them. We all have things that we just don't want to deal with - or look at or think about. Try to be respectful now of other people's inhibitions even if they seem somewhat ridiculous to you. Be aware also, that you may yet profit from your own ability to see more in what others are keen to see less of.
It is because you so badly want the best that you sometimes seemingly end up with the worst of all possible worlds. If you want to raise your level of comfort you simply have to lower your standards. But this is not in your nature. You hang on tight to what you value, trust and know to be true. This means that you have to be patient for your investment of faith usually takes a while to pay off. You are currently wondering whether you can possibly be wise to pursue a current course of action. Wonder all you wish, ultimately, it won't stop you from seeing it through - and nor should it.
Do you yearn to lead a simple life? Do you wish for nothing more than peace and comfort? Yeah, right! Of course I believe you - it's just that... Well, let's look at some of the choices you have made lately shall we? Let us imagine that we are impartial observers watching your world from some lofty height. What might we make of all you have recently done and said? Now of course, you have been experiencing great provocation. But as Mercury now changes direction in the sky, you need to remember that you have great power. You need to use this consciously.
獅子座 There's always something more to discover. We are, of course, under no obligation to find anything out. We can opt to lead our whole life in a state of ignorance. And many of us seemingly do just that. We let years, sometimes decades, roll by whilst living in a kind of self-created cocoon; conspiring with a few select companions to keep other worlds and alternatives firmly at bay. Sooner or later though, no matter how diligently we guard the fortress of isolation, it will be successfully besieged by the relentless army of change and innovation. Today brings a new idea. Embrace it.
Although the most amazing changes don't take place until the second half of this year, you are already starting to get plenty of food for thought. You are rapidly having to re-evaluate your own personality. You are going past perimeters that you once saw as sacrosanct. In the process you are gaining immense strength and confidence. Keep in mind the fact that this is just the beginning. You are going on a long journey this year and your ultimate destination is supreme success. All the current battles that you are now fighting so hard to win will contribute to this eventual, inevitable triumph.
Do you know what you need? Almost certainly not. Do you know what you want? Absolutely! That's potentially a little dangerous. You are, you see, about to get at least some of what you have been wanting for quite a while. If it turns out to be something that you really don't need, you may yet regret having your wish fulfilled. Then again, to some extent, you have no say over a particular situation. It is about to give you something that you can hardly refuse. Accept this with grace and trust but where you find that you do have a choice, exercise it wisely. Your outlook is exceptionally good.