Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 81

( ´・ω・) Let's have some tea and chat!
( つ旦O ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫
と_)_) 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦

Previous thread:
Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 80
2名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/03/23(金) 17:53:54
Thread log is scattered and hidden!
3名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/03/23(金) 17:55:14
|BIG PAY.|     [dad]   [girl]  [mom]
|←brothel|                8888
 ̄ ̄|| ̄ ̄   ┗<`∀´>┳<`A´>┳<`∀´>┓ 三
   ||        ┏┗    ┗┗  ┏┗ 三
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
|WANTED.|                        _____
|BIG PAY.|                 [dad]    |. MANIAC |
|←brothel|                    . I .|.brothel.→|
 ̄ ̄|| ̄ ̄           三  ┏< `∀´>┛   ̄ || ̄ ̄
   ||                三 ┛3.6in┓     .||
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
           [dad]       |. MANIAC |  [grandmom]
         I    。゜・゜    |.brothel.→|    88888
         ┗<`Д´;>┓ 三    ̄ ̄|| ̄ ̄  ━<`∀´;;>┓
          ┏┗  三.        .||      ┏┗
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
〜60 years later〜                    fake Japanese
                            ChineseVietnamese residents
                      ex Korean in JPN   ↓
_______   [Asahi]  [ex girl] [NYT Onishi] [Mike Hyundai]
|←JPN GOV'T|         @@@@    (CCP support)
 ̄ ̄ ̄|| ̄ ̄ ̄ ┗(@∀@)┳<`∀´;;>┳<`∀´> ┳( `ハ´   )┓ 三 ←Here they are now
     ||        ┏┗    ┗┗  ┏3.6in┗   ┏ ┗ 三
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
4名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/03/23(金) 17:59:37
5名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/03/23(金) 18:02:12
Chat in English part 81 is here:

This thread is now part 82 with wrong name. Let it be in coma until its time comes.
6□ お約束 (ローカルルール):2007/03/25(日) 13:30:43
□ English板は、英語に関する情報交換と学問的な議論の場所です。
□ 投稿する前によく読みましょう-「2ちゃんねる初心者のためのページ」も参考にしてください。
  ・検索方法は、ブラウザの「Ctrl + F」(Windows)・「コマンド゙ + F」(Mac)。
□ お約束 (ローカルルール)

Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 81
7名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/03/28(水) 21:39:18
■Korean Residents in Japan Time Line
Introduction of zainichi Koreans' historical trail and related cases
・1865 Japan pried open closed Korea at that time.
・1894〜1895 Japan fought Japanese-Sino war to stop Qing from taking Korea for a tributary
          and from interfering in Korea, and won.
・1904〜1905 Japan fought Japanese-Russo war because Russia asked to vacate the area at
          a latitude of 39 degrees and upper north, and won.
・1909 Hirobumi Ito was assassinated by a Korean.
・1910 Japan-Korea Annexation Treaty conclusion. Since this year about one million Koreans
     had come to Japan for jobs until 1939. The treaty lasted until 1945.
・1920 Population of widely resident Koreans in Japan grew rapidly and they caused a lot of
     troubles with their neighbors. → "Travel restriction of Koreans" was implemented.
8名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/03/28(水) 21:41:12
・1939 World War II outbreak
     About 200 illegal Korean immigrants a month kept being arrested in only Fukuoka pref.
     At this point about one million Korean residents in Japan.
・1944 1944/9〜1945/3 Period of recruitment of Korean soldiers and labors under national
                 mobilization law and national recruitment low, that is so called
                 compulsive recruitment by Koreans. Very short period and amount
                 of recruited Koreans is small. This had already been applied to
                 Japanese as far as 1939.
     1944/12〜1948/8/15 "Travel restriction of Koreans" was abolished and a massive
                     amount of Koreans flooded into Japan.
・1945 World War II termination; About two million Korean residents in Japan
     Number of Koreans that had increased since 1939 was 700 thousand and they came
     personally with their own will for jobs. Rest 300 thousand were recruited for Japanese
     industries or engineering enterprises.
・1945/8〜1946/3 After the war 1.4 million Koreans who desired to go back to Korea, were
             sent back by Japanese government.
      610 thousand Koreans refused to to back and stayed with their own will.
      They were the root of current Korean residents; only 245 among them were
      recruited by government or companies.
9名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/03/31(土) 13:35:25

     _,,,,,_ Get your ass over here!!
    ⊥_o_|                  ∧_∧
    (Д´ #) _∧。・゜Aigoo        ( @∀@)< Constituted authorities kidnapped girls.
      |:  ヽ,)´Д`>し           (m9Asahiつ
      |=== )   ヽ              人  Y 彡
     し`ヽ,) ヽ  _フフ ))===zzzzzz  レ' (_)
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄

       Get your ass over here!!
     ∧_∧                  ∧_∧
    <Д´メ > _∧。・゜Aigoo        ( @∀@)< Whore brokers kidnapped girls.
      |  ヽ,)´Д`>し .          (m9Asahiつ ( broad coerced abduction )
      |=== )   ヽ              人  Y 彡
     し`ヽ,) ヽ  _フフ ))===zzzzzz  レ' (_)
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄

    ⊥_o_|                   ∧_∧
    (Д` ;)88888 Hey boy !        (;∩Д∩< Nature of the issue is not whether
      |: ヽ,)∀´0゜> Stop by !       / ノAsaノ    or not they kidnapped girls.
      |=== )斤y斤ヽ             (_, ) )            ↑
     し`ヽ,) ヽ  _フフ ))===zzzzzz    しし'        Here they are now.
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
10名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/03/31(土) 19:48:06
\We never hesitate to be given one million tons of food./
   ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
   ~~・━⊂<`∀´イ >⊃-、
     //beggerノ:: //|
     |:::|/( ̄ ヽノ:::::::|::::|/|
   / ̄(__) ̄ ̄ ./| |  .|
 / 旦 /三/ /  .|__|/
 | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄│
 | ___    │
  |::::::::::::::::| shoot!
 (:::::::::::  )
11名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/02(月) 15:05:55
     ,,.---v―--、_       We Japanese help each other when we have problems.
   ,.イ" | / / / /~`'''ー-、  If enemies apologize, we will forgive them because
  //~`ヾ、;;;;ソ'''''''ヾ、   ,.ヽ ヽ they have apologized. We get along by doing so.
 /:,:'       ...  ゞ 彡 彡、ノ)
 !/  ~`ー'",..- ...   〉     !( But "THAT RACE" is different from us.
i   ̄~`        !  彡  |ノ Once we apologize, they exploit our feelings
,i ,.- 、 ゝ " '" ~ ~`  ヾ ,,--、 |  and we are going to wind up apologizing forever.
/         _    ヾ"r∂|;! But they take it for granted.
ヾ` '⌒` ;::   "~ ~` 彡  r ノ/  To apologize to avoid troubles should be done
i    ノ           _,,.:'   to only Japanese, or "THAT RACE" will exploit
ヽ ノ"( 、_,..:ー'"ヽ、 : : :   ,i /    our feelings and force us,
 ヽ、 ,. :: ::  ヽ      ノ:|ラ:)`ヽ、"Give him an inch and he'll take a yard".
   ヽ、`''''"""''''" '  ,,..-'" //   \At last our Japan will be overthrown.
12名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/03(火) 19:03:48

< `Д´> When I do a bad thing, I say "I'm a Japanese".
 ALL   cheering and clapping
< `Д´> Always.
< `O´ > If we step on someone's foot,
 ALL   "Sumimaseng" : "Excuse me" in Japanese
< ´A` > ?????
< `∀´> It's a small patriotism, isn't it ?
< `A´ > Yeah small..............
13名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/03(火) 20:46:30
Wrong observation.
Japanese never say "sumimasen" or "excuse me" when stepping on
someone's foot, lol
14名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/03(火) 21:29:38
right. a japanese would say "gomen" or "gomen nasai".
then it's easy to identify koreans.
when someone steps on your foot and the guy says
"sumimaseng", it's korean.
15名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/03(火) 22:01:46
Of course he will. It's an odd numbered year.
16□ お約束 (ローカルルール):2007/04/03(火) 22:16:29
□ English板は、英語に関する情報交換と学問的な議論の場所です。
□ 投稿する前によく読みましょう-「2ちゃんねる初心者のためのページ」も参考にしてください。
  ・検索方法は、ブラウザの「Ctrl + F」(Windows)・「コマンド゙ + F」(Mac)。
□ お約束 (ローカルルール)

Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 81
English Monologue(英語で独り言) PART I
Debate in English (英語で討論)
Dirty Talk in English (英語で猥談)
Verbal Battle in English (英語で口喧嘩)
Hey Native speakers! Come and help us! Part 3
∵Dear ☆英語で日記を書こうU☆ Diary∵
雑談スレッド Part 16
17名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/03(火) 22:32:28
I wanna speak English.
But difficult for me.
A few days ago,I speak to foreign teacher.
He said "Gomennasai wakarimasen”.
Teach me good way.
18名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/03(火) 22:36:03
first of all
you should apologize to us dweller of this thread for abruptly cut in with that stupid rant of " teach me good way".
then we can venerably comply with your request
19名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/03(火) 23:48:01
To dweller of this thread.
I could understand.
I'm sorry.
I didn't have bad thinking.
20名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/04(水) 11:55:27
I sense that you are intentionally twisting the point >>13 is making.
But the point is not what language we (Japanese) use, but if we appologise
in the situation >>12 brought up.
These days, Japanese don't applogise, that's the point.
21名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/04(水) 11:58:45
Speak slowly with opening your mouth big, because in that way,
you can avoid some thick Japanese accents, and the teacher will be
able to understand and correct your English.
22名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/04(水) 14:18:32
not say slang
sometimes teacher confuses for that.

i don't really know that you're using it for real life,
but looks like you are using for many time...
23名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/04(水) 18:06:21
Thank you.
I'm going to try.
24名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/04(水) 22:49:14
        .ィ'´       `''=、
.       ,/   _,; =--=、.,,    `i、
      i´  r´      ``-、 ?
.     ,i  /´ ,__       `i   l
     l  i´,;'''¨''`‐   ,_  :|   |
    ,i  i  ヒ‐・=、i   ´,.、.._`;、|.  |
     `i . i,   ̄´ノ:  ´`'’‐` l  l  Shin Sugok
     `l l.  ノ(__/ _,ヽ、  i´),i 
     ヽ i  、‐--、..,,__ `ー j 「   Lately everywhere I complained to Japanese,
     ,;''"ヽ,  `ヾ,三_ソ'  ノ     they said, "Get out of Japan" or "Go back where you belong".
 .,,.;:''"´ll i `ヽ、     ,.ィ´      Then, "Yes I've got it. I'll take all Koreans away with me.
.ィ´    i i `;,   `ー‐ ''"/‐ 、;     And the Emperor too.", I retorted. But I think twice about it.
:      ヽゝ l、 ヽ   / i 、 ``''=、_ That guy doesn't work at all. Hahahaha.
25名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/05(木) 18:21:56
Though these guys say the same,
they are exact opposite in intention.

 (  ´∀`)  I will be happy to do what others don't like to do !
 (    )   
 | | |

  <丶`∀´> I will pe happy to do what ojerje don't like to do !
 / ∪ ∪  
26名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/07(土) 11:48:36
      / /               ┃
     / / .∧∧
     ( ( /支\
     \( `ハ´ )  Spread around dolphin eating by Japan !!!!!!
       )     ~`) Got it dog eater ?
       |     / /
     f´< `Д´ >`ヽ Yes Mr. baby eater !
    ( /  ∩ rヽ)> )
    \| l`.-.|l|┏U━
  .  と| | ┏|||┛(_つ
 .   ━(ノ┛ |l|
.        .U
27名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/07(土) 17:30:01
│││││┝┥Zainichisoft                   [×] |
┤│││││┝━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━| \Click !
└┤│││││┌───―┐                    ´||`| Click !
  └┤│││││.Λ_Λ  .| KOREANS SNEAKED IN.    │ Click !
    └┤││││<=( ´∀`). | UNTIL APOLOGY AND REPA- |  Click !
      └┤│││(    ) | RATION, NO ONE CAN QUIT. .|  Click !
        └┤│└────┘                    |  Click !
          └┤          [APOLOGY] [REPARATION] |   Click !
28名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/07(土) 18:29:08
┃                  ┃
┃                  ┃
┃                人┃
I got butterflies in           ,一-、   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
my stomach. ∧_,,∧         / ̄ l |   | Those who think Korea has been contributing to the world,
        < ;`∀´>        ■■-っ <      press the button !
         /    ヽ         ´∀`/    \_________________________
         | | <ヽ |      __/|Y/\.
        | |  \)    Ё|__  | /  |
        ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄

┃          ┏━┓  ┃
┃          ┃  ┃  ┃
┃          ┗━┛人┃
       Hwabyung!       ,一-、
         ∧,,_∧         / ̄ l |   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
      煤@ <`Д´# >          ■■-っ < No body is supposed to be thinking like that !
         /    ヽ         ´∀`/     \___________________
         | |   | |      __/|Y/\.
        l m  ヽm  .Ё|__  | /  |
     ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
29名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/07(土) 18:42:47
watta ya say ? not much.
30名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/07(土) 18:51:01
31名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/15(日) 06:58:17
Though these guys say the same,
they are exact opposite in intention.

 (  ´∀`)  I like dogs !
 (    )   
 | | |

  <丶`∀´> I like dogs !
 / ∪ ∪  
32名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/15(日) 06:59:15
Though these guys say the same,
they are exact opposite in intention.

 (  ´∀`)  Let's get together and do our best !
 (    )   
 | | |

  <丶`∀´> Let's get togejer and do our best !
 / ∪ ∪  
33名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/15(日) 07:00:12
Listen to me carefully, you Chokbali Japaneje.
        (| y |)

You don't understand the Asian mind.

   mind 心  < `д´>  亜 Asia
       \/| y |\/

When Asia and mind get togejer as one,

        < `д´> 心  亜 Asia
        (\/\/ mind


         <`д´ >
  evil 悪_/| y |

I can't read a Chineje character.

        <`д´ >   Throw thish away !
        (| y |\
             ヾ悪 evil
34名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/17(火) 20:06:48
Korean people say,“Korean women were taken away to brothels by Japanese people.
There is the evidence. (1)”
But it’s not true because they are mere advertisements saying “Wanted comfort women.
Salary of 300yen a month, and you can borrow 3000yen.”
By the way let's think about the value of yen in 1944.
A policeman’s salary was around 45 yen a month then.
A policeman’s salary is around 200,000 yen a month today.
In short the rate of price increase is 4444 times.
It’s amazing! A comfort woman’s salary was 1330,000yen in current value.
And she was allowed to borrow 13,300,000yen.
Assuming 1yen=10won, “Salary of 13,300,000won! You can borrow 133,000,000won!”
Whoever read this knows that they wanted to be hookers.
Can this be expressed as “TAKEN AWAY” ?
(1) Reference “Korean Government HP”(It has already been deleted)
35名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/18(水) 13:25:40
This thread should be part 82, but we can use it.
36名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/18(水) 13:27:42
OK, racist bigs, let's get going!!
37keira:2007/04/18(水) 13:28:08
what? already 35+ posts?! :O
38Ether ◆4p9idX66UM :2007/04/18(水) 13:28:44
Indeed. Continuing on from the last thread... it seems a lot was
said after I left. Here's my point of view on the racism deal...

Not all Americans are racist, and not all white people "don't know what
it's like", either. I myself spent a good while in a predominantly
African American community where people with white skin were the
minority. I got along just fine. I met plenty of people who didn't like
me because I was white, but frankly, if they're ignorant enough to care
about what color someone's skin is, then I don't want to know them
anyway. Race doesn't matter in any form. My brother's girlfriend is
African American, and my ex girlfriend is Asian. I, and many others,
have grown up in heavily mixed settings. Hell, I'm not even 100%
white. I'm part Native American (American Indian, Cherokee). The
assumptions and generalizations of any group of people as being racist
or conforming to any sort of behavior is racist in itself. No country
or place is not guilty of having citizens with racist beliefs, and
that will never change. Hopefully these ignorant people who think
race has any bearing or that it makes someone either good or bad will
come to the rude awakening that it means nothing, as in the end we are
all human just as everyone around you. Someone else has a different
pigment in their skin? Who the hell cares. Just another person like you.

Racists are complete and utter scum, plain and simple. People who base
prejudice off of the nationality of a particular person, regardless of
race, are in the same boat as racists.
39名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/18(水) 13:29:30
Sorry, I'm tired... Have a good day you racist pals. See you next time.
40名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/18(水) 13:30:33
If everybody is a racist, what's there to worry?
41Ether ◆4p9idX66UM :2007/04/18(水) 13:33:55
Oh, and as I forgot to append to my last post, good night everyone. ^^
42名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/18(水) 13:33:58
What do you think about whales?
43名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/18(水) 13:34:26
Do you know Pokemon? I have a Pokemon quiz.

1. What is the name of the leader of Team Rocket?
2. What pokemon has a gold coin on its forehead and learns Pay Day?
3. What is the first pokemon Ash catches?
44keira:2007/04/18(水) 13:39:20
Good night!


...I absolutly loved pokemon back in 5th grade.
45keira:2007/04/18(水) 13:40:59
Whales are lovely. I love the recorded sounds of whales underwater. Their songs are so pretty.
I think there is some whale watching available in San Francisco, but I haven't seen any whales.
46名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/18(水) 13:44:04
The first two are correct, but the answer to the third was Caterpie, since he received Pikachu from Professor Oak,
but that was still a good answer.
47keira:2007/04/18(水) 13:50:23
Ah, yah got me. xD
I still have my pokemon red leftover from elementary school.
And I want to get pokemon for my nintendo DS too. sounds like fun.
48名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/18(水) 14:38:11
Japanese people live on whales.
49keira:2007/04/18(水) 14:52:02
50keira:2007/04/18(水) 15:12:57
I must keep the thread alive!

um,um, *thinks*

What was the last thing you guys ate? xD
I had spaghetti.
51名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/18(水) 15:14:14
I had udon.
52keira:2007/04/18(水) 15:17:25
Sounds delicious. n_n
Do you usually have udon?
53名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/18(水) 15:21:10
I often have udon because I want to eat a light meal especially at lunch.
54目標TOEIC300点!:2007/04/18(水) 15:22:13
I hope 300 over at toeic !

I study English from yesterday.

Where I am going?
55名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/18(水) 15:22:29
What kind of udon was it? Was it Donbei?
By the way, I watched the movie called Pan's Labyrinth.
Pan's Labyrinth is the best movie ever in my opinion.
You should see it, if you are dumb enough to not have seen it yet.
56名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/18(水) 15:23:45
I think it is more difficult to have a score below 300 on TIEOC.
So you should aim higher in my opinion.
57名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/18(水) 15:24:57
I like zaru Udon.
Zaru Udon is the best udon ever in my opinion.
Zaru Udon is Udon on a Zaru. for your imformation.
58keira:2007/04/18(水) 15:26:18
Really? I never really thought of udon as a light meal. But then again, any kind of soupy-food tends to feel heavier, in my opinion.

Hello there. study hard. n_n

I've seen Pan's Labrynth. It was pretty good. The weird monster with the eyes in his hands scared me though. I was squirming in my seat. xD
59目標TOEIC300点!:2007/04/18(水) 15:33:16
Thank you.
But I can't speak English.

Reader and Lisning is 2 years old level.
Speak....1 years old level.

I know,More more study english!

60名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/18(水) 15:36:11
Zaru udon is not a kind of soupy-food, because it's on a zaru.
And in its general tone, the world of Pan's Labyrinth is really scary and sad.
It is a definet masterpiece. Really amazing.
The eyes in the hands monster was really scary and creepy and weird, and just great.
How could anybody come up with those stuff. Its beyond me and blows me away. Imagination is great.
I was reminded a lttle bit of Spirited away by Hayao Miyazaki.
61名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/18(水) 15:37:01
I mean udon is a low fat food.
I don't like fatty foods like hamburgar.
Sorry for slow response. I'm not used to write long sentences.
62keira:2007/04/18(水) 15:37:56
That's good!
do your best! I'm the same as you, because my japanese is still a low level. xD
63名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/18(水) 15:38:41
You are speaking English here just now there.
Just Studyin English is boring and won't last. It is difficult to keep stugyin English just in order to Study English.
You might want to find something exciting in English and do that something.
I think this place is very good place for Styding Englishy becasue it's fun.
64keira:2007/04/18(水) 15:40:31
Agreed. The gore and stuff really let the person watching relate to ofelia.
Spirited away is very cute. Miyazaki films are usually very inspiring to me. n_n

I see, that makes sense.
Don't worry, this thread moves slow anyways. xD
65名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/18(水) 15:40:42
Subway's hamburgers are not fatty but healty.
Beautiful Kimmy Misner is doing the ads for Subway.
You can eat fresh at Subway.
66keira:2007/04/18(水) 15:47:35
it kind of depends though.
The best way to have a Subway sandwhich is to use wheat bread, with extra lettuce. and chicken is a healthier option as well.

at least that's what I do. xD
67名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/18(水) 15:47:44
I'll try them someday, thank you.
I don't know who Kimmy Minster is.
So I googled her neme.
Is she a tennnis player or somehing?
68目標TOEIC300点!:2007/04/18(水) 15:50:39
Thank you!

First, I memorizes a word.
I hope that probably 2years old level at next year.

Do my best.

69名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/18(水) 15:54:01
I was just kidding.
I have never had anything at Subway.
But the Kimmie Meissner being beautiful part is the only truth in this thread.
She is a figure skater, like chairman Mao.
70名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/18(水) 15:56:02
You are a great person. Keep doing it.
Why you study English? English is good?
71名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/18(水) 15:57:44
Did you know members of an american organization raided Japanese
ships many times to protest against whale killing?
I have a feeling that American people can't talk, instead
they attack.
72目標TOEIC300点!:2007/04/18(水) 16:02:28
Answer can write at Japanese. But English can't write. sory.

It's My dream...
73名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/18(水) 16:20:08
Your dream is to be able to use English. That's fantastic.
Same here. I want to speak and listen and write in English.
TOEIC can be a good motivation for studying English and beyond. So that's really good.
74名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/18(水) 16:21:39
I didn't know that. That's terrible.
Do you have a link for the source for your imformation?
75keira:2007/04/18(水) 16:31:36
Okay, time to sleep. Good night everyone.n_n ZzZzZz
76Anonymous American ◆qZIn0AJcYg :2007/04/18(水) 17:26:28
I assume you are referring to Sea Shepherd. I hardly think it's fair
to judge all Americans based on the actions of a single extremist
77名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/18(水) 17:34:40
Are you sleep so fast?

I would like to taught by you!
78名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/18(水) 18:31:25
Long time no see.

Good to know you are alive and kicking.
79Anonymous American ◆qZIn0AJcYg :2007/04/18(水) 18:58:17
Thanks. It's good to see that 2ch is still alive and kicking.
Last time I was here there were rumors circulating about
this site's impending demise.
80名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/18(水) 19:07:36
All I wanna say is nobody should poke his or her nose into other countries for pitty's sake.
Who cares if Koreans eat dogs, Chinese eat human, Aussie eat boomers, Beefeaters eat ram kidneys,
Eskimos eat kiviaks, French eat doves, Americans eat armadillos, Japanese eat whales........................
It's quite ridiculous to critisize other nation's food cultures.
81名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/18(水) 19:30:54
The rumor has come and gone countless time so far.

As far as I know, 2ch is run by Hiroyuki, who started 2ch in 1999 and
many volunteers. The problem is Hiroyuki has lost in some defamation lawsuit
and he still has some suit just in the middle of trial.

The suit was/has been filed by people who claim they are disgraced
by anonymous post and demand him that those posts should be deleted.
But he doesn't based on freedom of speech or something. I don't know...

Hiroyuki doesn't obey court's orders to pay plaintiff money, so
the rumor that 2ch is going to be confiscated comes up often.

Well, statistics show that visitors to 2ch is declining a bit because
of the popularity of SNS. Pople in thier 20's prefer Mixi, which is
the most famous SNS in Japan, boasting nearly 8 million members.

People in their 30's prefer 2ch. That's what I read somewhere on the
net. Personally, I think 2ch survives.
82Anonymous American ◆qZIn0AJcYg :2007/04/18(水) 19:33:57
Your point is well taken. I will certainly consider it the next time I am
tempted to assault a Japanese whaling boat while eating armadillo with my
crew of Chinese cannibals.
83Ether ◆4p9idX66UM :2007/04/18(水) 19:50:40
We eat armadillos? Never heard that one before. If any people here do,
I've never heard of nor seen it.

Let us dine!
84名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/18(水) 19:58:15
I have to confess I eat cunt.

But this is what men do around the world regardless of race, ethnicity,
so I won't be descriminated, right?
I might be descriminated by women, then? Naahhhh. cause I let them feel hmmmmmmmmm..
by the act.
85名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/18(水) 20:13:03
Do you think ordinary citizens need to have guns?
I do not think so considering the tragedy at Virginia Tech.
This type of incident may not be prevented, but if the
perpetrator had lived in Japan, he would have used a kitchen knife
and the number of victims would have been far less than in the US.
86名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/18(水) 20:49:03
NRA has strong voice on republican. they have 4 million votes,
87名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/18(水) 21:07:50
I think it's just too late to do any sort of gun control, because there are billions of guns already all over the US.
It's not so difficult to aquire guns even if guns are illegal, just like drugs.
88名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/18(水) 22:06:30
The point is not guns spread around the US but the people living there.
Guns never kill people but people kill people.
Uncivilized races such as Koreans and Chinese are most dangerous
species to own guns.
The US government should restrict their immigration and kick them
out of the country.
89名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/18(水) 22:22:18
What about that South Korean nutcase Bum-Kon? He murdered around 74 people!

lol, bum-kon... does that mean he has an arse fetish or a homeless person
90名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/18(水) 22:32:26
USA is the only country letting people own guns
legally. Cmon, that's something seriously wrong.
And what do they base on for allowing that? An
ancient, obsolete, deprecated law ever since the
war of independence.

That's just wrong, admit it. It doesn't matter if
people kill people or guns kill people, it's killing
and guns make it easier.
91名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 00:03:18
Oh! look everybody! Here is THE civilized race !!

I really admire. I can't even think of compiling such a brilliant and graceful
comment. I guess there really is such thing as supreme race.
92名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 01:19:51
Do you still love Yukorin?
Can you forgive her past and recent scandal with Hamaguchi?
93名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 01:20:22
Are you sure?
94名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 01:35:27
What scandal are you talking about??
If my memory serves correctly, there hasn't been any such scandalous things in her past...??
95名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 01:42:06
She gave her virginity a comedian Hamaguchi.
And she used to be a gang girl.
96名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 01:43:50
Yukorin lost her guests
97名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 01:50:27
What are you guys talking about?? That's just sheer nonsense.
Can you verify what you are saying and provide a link?
98名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 01:54:33
Yukorin seens to be still a virgin.
99名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 02:00:04
She betrayed her fans. She hates Akihabara.
100no name:2007/04/19(木) 02:08:32
Anyone here now???
101名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 02:16:57
You are in the library again?
102名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 02:21:04
Who loves Akihabara?
That place is full of weirdos and stinks.
103no name:2007/04/19(木) 02:23:04
Yeah!Exactly!! Boring again...hahaha
104名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 02:41:39
Are your classmates taking STAR? test today, too?

Are you planning to go to university in US?
105no name:2007/04/19(木) 02:43:56
Yap. My friends are all junior, so they have to take teat.

I don't think I will go college here. I will go back Japan, and I will go college in Japan.
106名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 02:50:55
So you'll stay there for one year, from last September to next June?
New school year starts in September there, right? I guess you went
there before September, though.
107no name:2007/04/19(木) 02:52:42
Yeah, that right.
I came here last summer, and I will go back Japan this summer.
108名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 02:56:23
Then more than half of your stay is over.
You only have three months or so left.
Are you satisfied with your stay there?
You must be homestaying there. Are you get along well with your host
109no name:2007/04/19(木) 03:03:12
Yeah, I have only 2 more months...
I am. I really like here.
Yap, homestay. I looove my hostfamily!!!!
110名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 03:07:22
That's good news. Some students are on bad terms on their host family
and change where they stay.

Do they take you sightseeing spots on weekends? What do you do on
111no name:2007/04/19(木) 03:15:19
I heard about that. My hostfamily is really nice. Especially second one which is the family I am staying right now.

Hmmm...not really..? My hostfamily is really busy every weekend.
But they don't leave me alone. Never. Shopping, go to see movie, etc... Oh, sometimes we go to play tennis at school. This is so much fun!!!
112名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 03:27:47
Good! You were supposed to stay with two different families?
Like, for the first half with one family and the last half with
the other family?

I heard Americans yell at the screen while watching a movie at movie
theater. Is that true? When they watch spiderman for example, they
cheer spiderman screaming like "Go, spiderman, go!!"
113名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 03:30:45
We are cool!!
114名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 03:37:24
115no name:2007/04/19(木) 03:39:00
Sounds like that.

Hmm...I've never heard someone yelling at theater, but when I watch movie with my hostfamily at house, if someone missed the words or sth, they ask someone. I don't like to talk during movies...
Other thing, I heard this from my hostsister that when she went movie theater, one teenage girl's cell phone rang, and she picked up. She talked on the phone during the movie in there.
116名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 03:46:55
What a nuisance she is. They should have kicked her out of the theater.

117no name:2007/04/19(木) 04:00:19
I know! She was so rude!
Oh! I remember now. When I went to see movie, that was first day of that noe movie. There were so many people. But we went early, so we could get back seats.
One woman came into the theater, and she sat down infront of us with her husband or someone. Then movie started.
They got BIG popcorn before movie starts, but they've already eaten all. So she stands up, talk with that guy who came there with, and stay there.
I was like "What a hell is wrong with this lady," You know. She stands up and stay there and talking!! Everyone were mad!
118no name:2007/04/19(木) 04:01:43
117> noe=new
119名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 04:17:57
That kind of annoying act happens everywhere, including in Japan.

Have you gained weight since you started living in US?
I know they serves far larger amount of food. My sister studied
in US for a year when she was a high school student. When she
came back to Japan, I was surprised. She gained so much weight that
she looked like a different person. She looked like a tanned pig. hehe
120no name:2007/04/19(木) 04:23:01
I've gained weight... I can't help it!!haha
121名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 04:24:34
I'm an American, and I've heard someone yell maybe once or twice in all the movies I've gone to.
It's not a very common occurrence. Most people keep quiet at movie theaters. When people watch movies
at home, though, it's common to talk during the movie because you don't have to worry about offending
122no name:2007/04/19(木) 04:30:25
I know! everyone talk during the movie at home!
123名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 04:34:19
I hope your family will be able to recognize you when you first meet them.

Here, you can read essays written by then-students who studied abroad.

Oh yeah? That's not so common... I see.
124Ether ◆4p9idX66UM :2007/04/19(木) 04:36:03
My family always tries to keep down the talking during movies at home
unless absolutely necessary. At a movie theater, there is usually no
talking from anyone, or if there is, it's a whisper that others cannot
hear. I've only heard loud people in a theater a few times in my life.

On another note, if anyone here would like to Skype, feel free to
email me your Skype ID and I'll add you to my list.
125no name:2007/04/19(木) 04:38:16
What is Skype??
126名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 04:38:39
Believe it or not, it cost about 15 dollar for an adult to see a movie
at a movie theater.

In US, 5 dollar or so, maybe?
127名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 04:40:33
There is a thread about Skype in 2ch's English board.
If you are interested, check it out.
128名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 04:40:41
no name, do you take an English class at your school? Is it ever hard to understand your classes?
129no name:2007/04/19(木) 04:44:24
I have 2 English classes. One is normal 9th grade English class, and other one is English beginner class.
9th one is kinda hard sometimes, but beginner one is so easy.
130名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 04:45:49
Has anyone here written to you so far?
131名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 04:46:03
Really? Have you read any novels in your normal English class, or just short stories?
132no name:2007/04/19(木) 04:51:46
We read Odysei(I'm not sure about spell), On Mice Of Men, etc...
We're gonna read Romio & Juliet.

Otherwise, I have reading class, and I've read many books.
133名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 04:56:42
Those are the same books I read in 9th grade. lol
It's Odyssey, by the way. I liked Romeo and Juliet best out of them,
but the others were okay.
134名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 05:01:04
There are various kinds of boards in 2ch.
One of my favorite boards is Karaoke board.
In many threads there in Karaoke board, they record their singing
and upload it to have everyone listen to it and ask feedback.

There are threads where they upload English songs. If you are interested,
you upload your Karaoke. They will definately be surprised. If you like,
I'll translate your post into Japanese.
135no name:2007/04/19(木) 05:02:22
We watched movie of Odyssey. That was pretty good! I liked it.
136名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 05:08:08
We watched a movie version of the Odyssey, a comedy movie based on it ("O Brother, where art thou?"),
a movie version of Of Mice and Men, and the 1960's movie version of "Romeo and Juliet". My teacher liked
showing a lot of movies in class...
137no name:2007/04/19(木) 05:09:17
Where is that thread!??
I wanna go and see!!
138名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 05:10:11
ROXETTE/Sleeping In My Car

This is one of the songs uploaded the thread. What do you think?
He sings with karaoke but a cappella is OK.
139Ether ◆4p9idX66UM :2007/04/19(木) 05:12:06
Haha, I'm sure that'd be funny; especially if they assume the vocalist
is Japanese. They'd have a perfect American voice haha. I'm almost
considering doing just that for fun, but then again I don't like to
sing when other people are around, so doing so -let alone uploading it-
is probably out of the question.

Yes, it's not overly expensive here. It really depends on what theater
you go to though, and if the movie has been out for a while, etcetera.

No, not yet (assuming you are referring to the Skype emails).
140名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 05:14:47
Here's the karaoke board.

Here's the thread for English songs.

Not every link works there. They delete their song after they get
some feedback.
141no name:2007/04/19(木) 05:18:18
Well, I can't download at school, so I will do at home later.
142名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 05:20:14
143名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 05:20:19
You are a singer in the shower then.

HOOBASTANK/Crawling in the dark

Ain't no mountain high enough

Rainbow/ I surrender

144no name:2007/04/19(木) 05:20:26
I have to class finally!
So, See you guys later! Thank you to keep my company!
145名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 05:24:23
Yeah. Enjoy at home.

Lots of links there still works than I thought.

146Ether ◆4p9idX66UM :2007/04/19(木) 05:25:23
I've been told I don't sing bad at all; it's just really embarassing
for me for some reason. Haha.
147名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 05:26:09
You can record it with your PC and mic when your family is out.
148名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 05:29:30
Ain't no mountain high enough

Ain't no mountain high enough, ain't no barrey row enough, ain't no ribuh wide enough.
149Ether ◆4p9idX66UM :2007/04/19(木) 05:29:44
Haha, maybe one of these days. Doubt it though; and if I do, I'll probably
post it under anonymous, and not with my handle and tripcode.
150名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 05:30:59
The animation is (><)
151名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 05:34:32
i said pure insanity, you do not listen? warning was there.
152名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 05:37:46

It would be interesting if native English speakers upload their audio.
I wonder how people in the thread would react?
153名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 05:39:19
I listend to it for a 10 seconds or so with volume down.
154no name:2007/04/19(木) 06:55:12
I'm back...
155名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 06:57:08
Here are Korean newspapers pissing on VT massacre before the shooter was identified.
Interesting but disgusting national characteristics.
156no name:2007/04/19(木) 07:05:30
No one there??
157名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 07:05:58
What are they saying now that it's been revealed that the shooter was Korean?
158名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 07:07:12
Someone is here.
159名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 07:18:30
このスレの女性は減っていく。bernardo、school girl、Lubosukaもう消えてしまったし
160no name:2007/04/19(木) 07:22:26
Thanks. hahaha

I'm a girl.
161名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 07:22:37
What class did you take?

bernardo is a man's name...
I7ve never seen Lubosuka.
162名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 07:25:14
they say koreans in america have gotta pretend to be chinese or japanese for a while.
163no name:2007/04/19(木) 07:27:19
I had Choir, ChemA, and English.
Sorry, the my last class is almost over. So I have to go!
See you tomorrow. I will be in the library again in the morning until I will come here tomorrow and Friday too.

164名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 07:29:09
They already pretend in Japan.

< `Д´> When I do a bad thing, I say "I'm a Japanese".
 ALL   cheering and clapping
< `Д´> Always.
< `O´ > If we step on someone's foot,
 ALL   "Sumimaseng" : "Excuse me" in Japanese
< ´A` > ?????
< `∀´> It's a small patriotism, isn't it ?
< `A´ > Yeah small..............
165SHORTIE:2007/04/19(木) 07:32:31
u suck! have a nice day!
166TALL PERSON:2007/04/19(木) 07:34:09
You suck for being short.
167Ether ◆4p9idX66UM :2007/04/19(木) 07:52:52
Racial profiling isn't that big of a problem here. I have plenty of Korean friends,
and nothing has changed as result.

Haha, from the way you spoke, I thought you were probably a guy.
168Ether ◆4p9idX66UM :2007/04/19(木) 07:59:27
Oh, and incase anyone is interested in knowing, my cousin John goes
to Virginia Tech last I remember. I don't know if he was there when
it happened, but I do know he was not murdered. I need to get in
contact with him soon.
169名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 08:06:17
How good is Verginia tech?
I know the best tech uni in USA is MIT and it is as excellent as Harvard.
What about Vergina tech?
Is it in top 50?
170Ether ◆4p9idX66UM :2007/04/19(木) 08:32:00
Virginia Tech is a respected school. I don't know anything about the
top 50 or whatever, but it's a good school.
171名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 08:50:00
Check out the magazine "World news and report", (I don't remember the
title exactly.) whose size and cover looks like TIME magazin.

It often has features on US University's ranking.
172keira:2007/04/19(木) 09:10:56
oh my god, I would love to upload an audio of me singing, but I don't have a mic. xD
That would be really funny.

I only listened to the karioke of the hoobastank song (since I really like that song)
I saw them in concert too. but if i commented in the english thread IN english...would people mind? xD
173名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 09:34:19
If you like, I'll translate your comment on the song or other songs
and post it/them in the thread, explaining why you have a chance to
listen to the audios in the thread.

If you don't have a mic, I've heard that earphone or head phone can
be alternative. You put an earphone or a headphone to the jack where
mic is supposed to be put in and talk to the earphone/headphone.
They work as a mic. If you succeed to record your song by that,
let me know in this thread.

You can e-mail me your audio file and I'll post it on the thread,
not mentioning singer is a native English speaker. I'll post there
pretending to be Japanese. And let's see how they react.

If you prefer you reveal you are a native English speaker from the
beginning, that's good, too. I'll translate what you want to post
there into Japanese and their feedback into English.
I'll tell my e-mail address here if you agreed with all this and
succeed to record your singing.
174173:2007/04/19(木) 09:37:30
> I'll post there pretending to be Japanese.

Well, I AM Japanese. What I meant above was "I'll post your audio file
there, pretending that I recorded it."
175keira:2007/04/19(木) 09:37:38
oh wow! I will deffinatley have to try the earphone thing! xD
Maybe that way, I could karioke a song in english, and then try a japanese one, so everyone can laugh at me. xD

I would like to comment to them, if it's not too much trouble.
176名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 09:38:45
It is fine today.
177名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 09:44:26
I have never heard of an earphone working as a microphone.
178keira:2007/04/19(木) 09:45:29
yeah, I just tried it and I don't think it worked. n_n;
Maybe I'm just doing it wrong.
179名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 09:47:00
OK, why don't you write comments on them here. I'll translate them
and post in the thread after translating them into Japanese.

But if you want to upload your English song there pretending to be
Japanese, isn't it better to post the comments after you post your
audio file there? What do you think? It's not sure if earphone thing
works or not though.
180名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 09:47:33
Microphones are cheap. You should get one.
181名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 09:50:11
Really? Then what I heard was wrong...
You should put earphone where mic is supposed to be inserted.
If that doesn't work, I think I got wrong information.
182名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 09:54:18
There might be possibility your earphone's end (terminal?) and
jack doesn't fit well. Put your speaker on while trying and try
not to insert the terminal to the full. If you blow your breath to
your earphone and recording is working, speaker put out your sound of
your breath. That way you can tell if recording is working.
183keira:2007/04/19(木) 09:54:46
It didn't work, so maybe if I ever do upload a song, it would be at a friend's house, if they have a mic. xD
uhm, I probably wouldn't pretend to be japanese. Decieving people would make me feel bad.n_n;;

Thank you for offering to translate!
I want to say this to >>821 :
not bad! n_n
I think you breathe out a lot when you sing,which makes it harder to switch into the next lyric.
If you don't mind me saying so, you have a voice similar to the person from Ellegarden, in my opinion.
184keira:2007/04/19(木) 09:59:21
Oh wait! I didn't mean to say ellegarden!
please don't add the last line! xD
185名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 09:59:59
OK. I'll translate your comment and post on the thread.
But 821 posted it about a month ago so, I'm not sure if he's still
186名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 10:02:10
OK, YOu got the wrong band? I won't add the last linethen.

In karaoke board, there's a thread for uploadin ellegarden's songs.
Wait a minute. I'll put the link here.
187keira:2007/04/19(木) 10:06:17
oh, I see, it was a month ago? Wow, the karioke board must move very slowly. :O

Thank you!! n_n
188名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 10:07:06

This is the thread for Ellegarden in Karaoke board.
Seems like some of the links still work.
189keira:2007/04/19(木) 10:12:32
thanks for the link!
Wow, I never even bothered to visit the karaoke board, but it's really cool! xD
I like hearing normal non-famous people sing. n_n
190名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 10:25:45
I translate your comment and post there, expaling why one native speaker
got to know the the thread. I explained, there's a thread in Englsh
board where native English speakers come and one American like
the song and wants to comment so I translate the comment and post it.

If you like to watch amateur singers sing karaoke, here is the place
for you. It's with video!

It's Japanese website but you can click "play" and video start.
191名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 10:28:53

I forgot to copy "not bad! n_n "

I'll add it to the post. Sorry.
192名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 10:39:59
>>850 in the Karaoke thread says "amazing"
193keira:2007/04/19(木) 10:40:53
Thank you so much! you're very helpful!
And the site you linked is great!
194名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 10:51:31
Glad you like it.

This is one of the busiest thread in Karaoke board.
If you want to listen to anonymous people sing, here is the place.
There, genres of songs don't matter, they upload what they like to
195名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 12:07:29
Be careful about those laws famous in Japan.

THE FIRST  LAW In the range from an individual to a company and even a nation, who ally with Koreans will lose for certain.
THE SECOND LAW Regarding THE FIRST LAW, when Koreans go off by themselves, only Koreans will lose.
THE THIRD  LAW Regarding THE FIRST LAW, who come to be hated by Koreans should be able to avoid the law,
             where the rate of possibility you can avoid it, corresponds with the level how you are hated.
THE FORTH  LAW Regarding THE FIRST LAW, who once break off with Koreans should be able to defeat the law.
THE FIFTH  LAW Regarding THE FIRST LAW, it will not be invoked on those who do business with the unilateral approach
             against Koreans.
THE SIXTH  LAW Regarding THE THIRD and THE FORTH LAW, who once break off with Koreans should be able to expect
             rapid recovery or uptrend in all aspects including the fortune and the achievement and so on.

THE FIRST   LAW Everything invented or popular in Japan will be insisted as Korean or invented by Korean in some ten
              years or even some hundred years.
THE SECOND  LAW Those who are popular or talented in Japan are for certain insisted as Korean residents in Japan.
              However if Koreans hate one of them, the person should be able to avoid this law for sure.
THE THIRD   LAW The more Korea is featured in a Japanese TV program, the more people stop watching it.
              In other words how often Korea is on TV is in inverse proportion to popularity of a TV program.
196名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 12:08:16
THE FORTH   LAW Those who call themselves Japanese domestically or overseas though nobody asks their nationalities,
              are not likly real Japanese.
THE FIFTH   LAW  All unfavorable events for Korea are shifted blame onto other countries.
THE SIXTH   LAW  A Korean president: policymaker, when end of the term is close, is likely to be involved in a political
              disorder and end up in misery.
THE SEVENTH LAW A Japanese in power who makes contact with Korea will be ruined within two generations.
THE EIGHTH   LAW Power of those laws tends to be strengthened drastically in every sixty years.
THE NINTH    LAW Those laws are invoked even on Koreans if they have the Japanese mind.
THE TENTH   LAW Those laws never be invoked even on Japanese if they have the Korean mind.
THE ELEVENTH LAW Those who get deeply involved to that country or get symbolic as being for sort of a poster child
              and so on, themselves become the law invokers and invoke them directly or indirectly on people who
              contact with them.
              As those kind of invokers come for us regardless of our wills, we are unable to avoid them in most cases.
THE TWELFTH LAW UN and ICJ never be affected and ruled by those laws.
THE THIRTEENTH LAW Japanese prime minister, members of the ruling coalition and their families are not ruled by those laws
                even if they lose themselves in Korea.
197名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 12:22:28
Though these guys say the same,
they are exact opposite in intention.

 (  ´∀`)  I like dogs !
 (    )   
 | | |

  <丶`д´> I like dogs !
 / ∪ ∪  
198名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 13:28:25
│││││┝┥Zainichisoft                   [×] |
┤│││││┝━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━| \Click !
└┤│││││┌───―┐                    ´||`| Click !
  └┤│││││.Λ_Λ  .| KOREANS SNEAKED IN.    │ Click !
    └┤││││<=( ´∀`). | UNTIL APOLOGY AND REPA- |  Click !
      └┤│││(    ) | RATION, NO ONE CAN QUIT. .|  Click !
        └┤│└────┘                    |  Click !
          └┤          [APOLOGY] [REPARATION] |   Click !
199名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 13:31:01
Native English speakers definately record your karaoke and let us
listen to it.

Let's hold a karaoke party here.
200keira:2007/04/19(木) 13:35:52
I really want to! I sing all the time, so it would be fun to record myself. xD

I have to borrow a mic from someone...hmm...
Does anyone here have a favorite song in English that they like to sing at karaoke?
201名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 13:43:21
I sing "All I want" by offspring at home.
Boulvard of broken dreams, Holiday by greenday

I want you to sing RAP. Foxy brown, missy Eliot or other female rapper.
I am curious if native speakers sing RAP well enough. As a Japanese,
rapping is real hard, almost impossible.
202名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 13:45:18
I mean Rapping in English is almost impossible.

Rapping in Japanese can be handled.
203名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 13:52:28
Does the guy who liked Harry Potter still come here?
204keira:2007/04/19(木) 13:53:15
Oh, I didn't know those songs were popular in Japan.

haha, there isn't much rap that I listen to. But rap is easy. Really easy.
Because in English, a lot of the words rhyme, so it's easier to remember. The only hard part is if there are made up slang words that I've never heard before.
205keira:2007/04/19(木) 13:57:41
oh! I remember that!
I think that was luboska? Well, i haven't seen her around, unfortunatly.
206名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 13:59:17
it's not the matter of how easy to remember. It's the matter of if
I can catch up the speed of rapping. It's like a tounge twister.

Talking about slangs, even native like you don't understand part of
rap's lyrics, say, 50 cent's lyrics?
207名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 14:00:46
208名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 14:06:01
two trailer park girls go round outside ♪
round outside ♪
209名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 14:09:12
fack fack fack

I'm cuming

fack fack fack ♪

Did he spells fack in the lyrics not to use fuck but still make
people imagine he means fuck?
210keira:2007/04/19(木) 14:12:30
oh yeah, slang can be hard to keep up with. Especially in different groups of people. People who listen to a lot of rap will probably use different slang from everyone else.
Like I said, I don't really listen to rap. But I like hip-hop.

wait a minute, I think I know that song....isn't that eminem?
211keira:2007/04/19(木) 14:27:32
oh yes, and I meant to ask,
Today in japanese class we learned about omiai and miai gekkon.

Sensei said that sometimes it is considered a nice custom. What do you 2ch'ers think?
212名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 16:43:19
Wow, more than two hours and still no reply??
I knew keira was hated here for her arrogance and everything, but this is not cool, people. This is totally uncalled for.
You guys should be ashamed of yourselves, treating keira like that.
213名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 17:53:13
214Ether ◆4p9idX66UM :2007/04/19(木) 20:17:48
Troll, much?
215名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 22:05:24
216名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 22:39:04
コラ オマエ どういうつもりでそんなこと書いとんねん?
オマエ ぶち殺すぞ!  
217名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 22:58:33
218名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 23:06:08
>Like I said, I don't really listen to rap. But I like hip-hop.

I don't meant to dwell on this but you mean that you don't listen to
rap but listen to R&B? What does the genre of hip-hop cover?
Hip-hop consists of rap and R&B or does it include another type of

Yeah, that's emin3m and >>209 is emin3m, too.
219名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 23:07:46
>miai gekkon.

It's miai kekkon, not gekkon. I have seen somewhere it's translated
to "arranged marriage." I've heard that miai kekkon is decreasing.
In my parents generation, omiai and (o)miai kekkon was much more common.

I think it's a good idea if you take good advantage of it. You have a
chance to meet prospective future husband/ wife with the same academic
background, from families with almost the same social status.

Marrage in Japan is not just the matter of man and woman who are
getting married, although this idea might be chainging. There's an
aspect that Japanese marrage is about two families which man and woman
are form. Marriage of two families.

In omiai system, they never set up omiai where you meet prospective
husband/wife with too different family and academic background
so devorce rate is lower. The man/woman you meet in omiai has similar
backgrounds to yours.

For busy business man and woman with carrer, they have no time to meet
a woman/man. In that regard, it's a good system where you can meet
man/woman, in my opinion.

Some people deslike omiai and omiai kekkon because they think of it
as unnatural to meet opposite sex in artificial setting.
They prefer natural encounter with opposite sex.
220名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 23:11:28
If you guys have experienced "blind date," let me know what it was like?
Did you feel awkward at first?
221名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 23:21:53

222名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 23:22:16
My penis is erecting now. That's all.
223名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 23:28:16
Prime Minister Abe chan is planning to amend Constituion which has been never changed since its enforcement in 1946.
Which do you think better, Amend or Remain?
224名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 23:42:28

225名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 23:55:18
226名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 23:56:44
227名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 23:59:51
I will be happy!
228Ether ◆4p9idX66UM :2007/04/20(金) 00:03:50
What changes is he proposing?
229名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 00:08:26

/ /    ヽ ::: \
| (●), 、(●)、 |
|  ,,ノ(、_, )ヽ、,,   |
|   ,;‐=‐ヽ   .:::::|
\  `ニニ´  .:::/      NO THANK YOU
       .n:n    nn
      nf|||    | | |^!n
      f|.| | ∩  ∩|..| |.|
      |: ::  ! }  {! ::: :|
      ヽ  ,イ   ヽ  :イ
230名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 00:30:38
translation of >>221

"I am sorry to cut in but I'd appreciate it if you answered my quick question.
I'm hope less when it comes to English. I'm thinkig of using Cola as
a handle name when I chat with foreigners. But I am not sure which is
better, Cola or Coke."

I answered in >>224 that both is OK. I think but the two words are
slightly different. Cola covers any cola type of drinks such as Pepsi
cola and other cola manufactured by other companies, while Coke means
the Cola manufacuterd only by Coca Cola co.

Was my answer right?
231Ether ◆4p9idX66UM :2007/04/20(金) 00:39:00
Yes, your answer was right. Cola covers a broad range of beverages, all
made from the same base ingredient. Coke is the main Cola product
manufactured by Coca Cola.
232名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 00:54:38
Thanks. I am relieved to know that I answered right.
233名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 01:02:53
Coke is also short for cocaine... yumyumyumyumyum ^^ !
234keira:2007/04/20(金) 01:24:21
Hmm, this might be hard to answer.
Well, rap usually just has a beat, and lrics.there will be a chorus, but the chorus will also be rapping.

R&B, (Rythme and Blues) can have some rap in it, but a mojority of the song will be singing. It can still have a beat like a rap song though.

Hiphop is in between. It's a mixture of rap and melody. (except old-school hip-hop i think)

This is what I know, but some people may argue me with this. n_n;;;;
Music is a very debateable subject.
235keira:2007/04/20(金) 01:26:13
Thanks for clearing that up!
I see, sometimes omiai is a good idea. I suppose it is like Blind Dating, but it's more formal.

That was great information, thanks

236名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 01:33:11
The amusing thing is that arranged meetings between people is becoming
more popular, now that we live in supposedly increasingly alienated

I'd personally like to meet a possible partner in a more formal setting.
I don't find the idea of meeting a girl at a nightclub very appealing,
because I hate nightclubs and the dancing there is stupid moving and swaying.
Besides, they're usually already drunk. At least if you meet someone in a
more formal setting, you may be able to have some sort of interesting
conversation before they get drunk.

I don't think I'd join a dating service or agree to an arranged meeting.
The profiles on dating websites are stupid. And besides, my parents are
poor, so they wouldn't be able to buy a very interesting or attractive girl.
Maybe they go on sliding scales according to age?
237keira:2007/04/20(金) 01:43:47
Well, I know that it's common to meet a life partner while in college.

But you don't go to a college and don't like clubs or internet dating, then I would just be daring and ask out a random friendly looking person. xD
You might be surprised by what they answer. xD
Or ask some friends to introduce you to someone.

238no name:2007/04/20(金) 01:47:36
Hey guys! How's going??
I am boring again...
239名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 01:49:48
Asking some friends to introduce you to someone is kinda like informal omiai to me.
Goukon is also imformal omiai to me.
Omiai is just changing its shape to me.
Just the formality of Omiai is shuned by young people, but I don't think much has changed to me.
240keira:2007/04/20(金) 01:50:23

You mean you're bored?
Yeah, whenever I'm bored, I come to 2ch, and usually it goes away.

How are you?
241名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 01:50:27
no name is boring, as always.
no name should be ashamed of himself.
242名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 01:51:33
keira, chupa chupa.
243名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 01:53:20
I go to uni. I hate uni. I have to wake up too early to get there on time
and it takes too long to get home. I fall asleep in lectures and the girls
there are depressingly dull or cut "straight from the mold"... you know, they
go to uni to "You know, like, study to become, like, a teacher, or like, a lawyer
or, like, (shudder) a journalist". They also spend the time waiting for the class
to begin staring into their dumb mobile phones or talking to their dense friends or
the idiot frat boys who are pretending to give a crap about their dreams.

I'm a bit antisocial, but I'm not crazy or psychotic or the anything of the like.
Stereotypical girls just irk the hell of me. I even tried joining a club, but they
were there, with every second word they said "like"... I haven't gone back to that club, since.
244no name:2007/04/20(金) 01:53:56
Yap, I'm in the library again, waiting for finishing test...
I'm good thanks, how are you today??

As usual.hahaha. Oh, by the way, I'm not boy!
245名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 01:54:29
Hey, guys!
I wanna introduce my idol to you.
What do you think? I think he is awesome!
246名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 01:55:15
247keira:2007/04/20(金) 01:55:54
hahaha, I see.
That may be true, it's omiai, but not called omiai.
oh well, I think dating is exaggerated too much in movies and TV shows anyways. People are supposed to have fun with dating, not worry over it.
248名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 01:57:44
Hello from Japan.
How do you do.
I want to know about how Koreans are doing in America.
Are they wiped off the face of America yet?
I'm really sad for them..
249名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 02:00:09
no name is a girl!?
no name, chupa chupa.
250keira:2007/04/20(金) 02:02:58
I know what you mean actually. groups of girls that don't really have anything different about them.
But the thing is, girls like that really do have a personality, it's just tucked away deep inside of them. u__u
Guys can be that way too. It's a bit depressing. They need something to open up their minds.

I'm okay. I only have one class today, so I'm happy. But I'm reaaaaaaaally tired for some reason.
When does STAR end?
251no name:2007/04/20(金) 02:05:11
I'm tired too. I'm so sleepy. I wanted to stay at home...
Maybe, around noon.
252名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 02:11:02
Are you going to participate in Prom?
Do you have someon who aske you out for a date?
253keira:2007/04/20(金) 02:11:12
ahh, I'd love to stay home today...

but I have a kanji quiz today, so i better go. ;__;
254no name:2007/04/20(金) 02:16:41
I don't go prom. I don't like it. And I have plan to go somewhere, so I can't go.
No one ask...;_;
Oh, I'm sorry.
255名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 02:17:40
But I don't want to have to take the time to find that personality.
Besides, what good is trying to form a relationship if you don't even
find them approachable? I don't feel a need to look for love. If it
happens, it happens, but I don't expect it or necessarily want it to.
But I don't talk to anyone at uni. Is it bad that I don't feel the need

Uni makes everyone inexplicably tired. It's just that boring.

Holy shit, I have a presentation on Monday... I just found it out.
In other news, this radio station seems to be playing a lot of Genesis
256名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 02:18:25
Is no name beautiful?
Who do you look like?
Angelina jolie?
257keira:2007/04/20(金) 02:18:43
It's okay, I didn't go to prom either.
And my friends who went said it was boring
It's pretty expensive too. (the main reason I didn't go)
So don't worry. n_n

Anyways, I have to start getting ready for school. talk to you guys later.
258名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 02:19:46
I wonder what kanji you are learning.

T_T Who's your favorite actor? What kind of man do you like?
259名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 02:22:28
Some students actually don't go to prom??
Is that true?
I have yet to see movies or dramas where peple don't go to prom.
Ive learned a new thing. Thank you.
260名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 02:23:06
Aren't ugly girls asked out for Prom?
I bet attarctive girls definately are asked out in advance.
That may be just my imagination, though.
261名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 02:23:47
262no name:2007/04/20(金) 02:26:48
Yeah, it's expensive!
Good luck your kanji test!!
See you later!

Favorite actor...? Japanese or American?

Not everyone. My friends don't go either.
263名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 02:27:58
You're beautiful, you're beautiful, you're beautiful, It's true..
I saw your face on a corwded palce...and I don't know what to do...
I never be with you.......
264名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 02:29:40
Pick up three favorite actors each.

Why so expensive to join the Prom? Dress is expensive?
265名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 02:31:31
But you should go to the Prom. You just should.
You have to have that experience.
Who did what at the prom or something should be in your memory!!
That's part of American tradition!!
Granted, I don't know what prom is. But that doesn't matter!
266名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 02:34:10
ok I'll go first.
My definite favorite is Yukorin and second best is Natsuko Toda.
267no name:2007/04/20(金) 02:37:30
Three? I don't have much...
I'm not really intersted in actors. But one Japanese actor I like is Tsumabuki Satoshi!
He's so hot...

Well, I'm not gonna go Prom... I will not be in my town. I have to go meeting, so...
Prom is so expensive! They have dinner and etc...
268名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 03:05:27
I look like search worldwide-2channel.
Tell me please!
269名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 03:09:04
You look like serch worldwide-2channel.
270名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 03:10:02
There's no equivelant of 2ch.

Tsumabuki doesn't look like an athlete type.
271名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 03:13:09
>>269 >>270
Sorry and thank you.
272名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 03:14:05
What kind of meeting is that?
273no name:2007/04/20(金) 03:17:14
274名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 03:19:20
275no name:2007/04/20(金) 03:48:05
Finally, testing is over...!!!!
276名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 03:50:08
Then you are going home?
277no name:2007/04/20(金) 03:51:56
no no no... I have classes..
278名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 03:53:52
You have classes?
That sucks balls.
279no name:2007/04/20(金) 03:55:36
I know!
I hate this school.
280名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 03:58:39
No. That's not right.
You should love your schoool. You love school. You learn things at schooool.
281no name:2007/04/20(金) 04:00:00
Sorry, but I don't like this school!
282名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 04:03:34
What do you hate about your school?
283no name:2007/04/20(金) 04:05:32
I do not really like people.
284名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 04:05:59
What's there to hate about school?
You learn things at school.
You don't hate learning things, right?
If that's the case, you end up really boring.
Learning new stuff widen up your world, even if they seem boring or stupid.
Don't get trapped in your still small world, Timmy.
Don't ever be satisfied with what you have.
285名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 04:07:56
You don't like people?
That's because you hate yourself.
You see in them what you have in you.
286名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 04:08:46
287no name:2007/04/20(金) 04:10:43
I like leaning lots of things, but not everything.
Do you think if someone like to learn things, that person don't hate anything!??
288名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 04:23:36
What university would you like to go back in Japan?

Jochi(Sophia) univ?
289no name:2007/04/20(金) 04:23:58
Sorry, I said too much.
I have to go now. See you guys later!
290no name:2007/04/20(金) 04:24:40
Are you asking me??
291名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 04:28:18
Yes, my dear no name.
292名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 06:42:09
293keira:2007/04/20(金) 08:07:56
I'm learning the kanji for
kodomo, sekai, zenbu,hajimeru, maishuu, ishou, kangaeru,akeru,heya,mikata, undou, ugoku, and kyoushitsu

I feel the same way you do. Dating isn't too big of a deal. If it happens, then it happens.
I'm not sure if it's bad not to want to talk anybody. I only talk to people in my classes. Talking with other people makes it less boring at school.
294名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 10:01:26
Get out of my babushka!

If someone likes to learn, it has nothing to do with liking
or disliking other things. Hating things is natural in human
nature as well as curiousity. Nevertheless, you don't need
to be an antsy dick about it either. You seem to have many
problems. In cases such as this, what you need is a glass of
295名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 10:22:25
You made a spelling mistake, It's "curiosity".
296Ether ◆4p9idX66UM :2007/04/20(金) 12:07:57
Many students do not go to prom.

Amen to that. That's my same outlook on dating and everything; if it
happens, it happens. If it doesn't, it doesn't. I don't feel a rush
to go out and start dating, and frankly it seems more artificial if
you have to go looking for it instead of it happening naturally.

Everything about prom is expensive. The admission, the clothes,
the dinner, the (if you want one) limo, extra parties afterward,

It's perfectly fine not to like your school or many of the people
in it; I don't get along with a lot of people in mine either. Many
people these days are much too shallow, ignorant, or just plain
incompatible, so it's fine to not particularly like them. But if
they're kind to you, it only makes sense to be kind in return!

297Ether ◆4p9idX66UM :2007/04/20(金) 12:11:05
Oops, missed one I intended to respond to.

Nothing has changed. The actions of a single Korean person does not
speak for the entire Korean people. Thus, things are the same as ever:
Koreans are doing just fine here and will continue to, as all other
races are.
298スコットランド人:2007/04/20(金) 12:22:31
I don't think that >>248 was implying
that the shooter's actions speak for
all Koreans.

I think >>248 was talking about how
Koreans will now be thought of in the

The country does have a reputation
for being quite racist.
299Ether ◆4p9idX66UM :2007/04/20(金) 12:31:22
It seemed like >>248 was, considering he was citing that he wanted to
know about "how Koreans are doing in America" and if "they wiped off
the face of America yet." It's quite obvious he was indirectly
referencing the shooting at Va. Tech.

Koreans won't be thought of any differently I wouldn't think. I know
quite a few Koreans; there are a large number of Koreans in the US,
and nothing seems to have changed at all. Why? Because the person
who did that could have been of any race to begin with, and not just
that, but it's just one person and not a group of people. Even then,
only the INCREDIBLY ignorant would blame a race.

The country has a reputation for a lot of things, including that.
However, I often find that many people in a lot of other countries
tend to have racist thoughts that succeed even the reputation of the
US for such things. Also, most people here are used to living
around many people from all over the world, so racism, though of course
present, is much greater in dormancy than in places where the
racial mix is predominantly of one type.

In any and all cases, racism is baseless and a wonderful display
of ignorance. It's just stupid, plain and simple.
300名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 12:37:09
301名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 12:40:19
It's your bad habit to start arguing to win discussions.
Americans'd never feel sorry.
302名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 12:46:42
Look out ! They surely aim at you !
 Waehahaha                     <@;:,.;'・  ',.;・            '.,.;・∧,;∧,.;' w
   ∧_∧    Nedadadadada            ',.;・、,;''~・,;'      ',.;・ ,.;・    ,;'.;',.;' ・,.;'~
  < `∀´>     /|/i/              (>Q,;',.;ξ,.;'・   ∧w∧,.;・.i'"!    (゚- ゚i|l)`,.;' ・@つ
  ( つ≠∩ヨ==┷   ―=≡三≡=     と,.;'&O`.,;.,;  と(。 。i|と,ヽ,.;'~    と,.;'!・※`,.;'~
  ノ  ⌒ヽ     \へヽ              /,;'・'ノ~`;,    `;,?!'※ノ,.;'      |,;';:.∧,.,.,.
 (_ノ⌒(_)                      (ノ~';_)  ゛;.,   (/(ノ`;:,.と@;,:;ξ⌒O(>,;O<)つ
303Ether ◆4p9idX66UM :2007/04/20(金) 12:46:49
I really don't care whether I "win" or lose, as you put it.
You're the prejudiced one, saying 'Americans'd never feel sorry."
304名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 13:05:37
Do you know about the Vetnam war?
Even now Agent Orange left people in trouble.
Have you ever seen even a Vetnamese hospital where many childrens
and grand children are hospitalised because of Agent Orange?
I can't help crying for them.

Do you know about the iraq war?
Why do American people do harm to innocent civilians?
Many innocent people are being killed without reasons...
How can we stop it?
305名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 13:07:06
Who starts war? And who can stop it?
306名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 13:08:28
Americans do not care how many non-Americans die. That's why.
307名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 13:14:03
There must be some people like I in the US, who can't be living without wars outside their country.
308スコットランド人:2007/04/20(金) 13:14:18
Most nations have taken part in pointless wars.
We can't blame any one country for that.
But America's aggressive foreign policy leaves a lot
to be desired IMO.
309Ether ◆4p9idX66UM :2007/04/20(金) 13:25:49
(Part 1)

Of course we care. Many Americans have family back in those countries.

I actually agree. We shouldn't have entered the Vietnam war. It wasn't
even a declared war on our part, and we had no business there. There
were HUGE protests here about it - my mother was even part of them.
I've seen what's happened over there since, and it is very sad. War
is always sad; there is no such thing as a happy war. When two countries
go to war, civilians always end up getting caught in the crossfire.

As for the Iraqi war, I don't like how it's being handled either
completely - but it is true we can't just pull out all of the sudden.
It would be complete and utter chaos. American soldiers that do
harm to innocent civilians are reprimanded for their actions, and
a good amount of them have been sent to prison for it and given
a dishonorable discharge from the military. However, American soldiers
aren't the only ones that commit atrocities during war - no, I'd even
say that American soldiers do a significant amount less of that than
many others. In every war throughout history these sorts of things
have happened.

It would be great if war would just cease to exist - but unfortunately
that probably will never happen.

310Ether ◆4p9idX66UM :2007/04/20(金) 13:26:33
(Part 2)

Another problem is that wars these days are leaning toward being
politically run instead of militaristically run. That is why they are
so prolonged and so many more lives are lost than need be. If the
politicians would leave war to the soldiers and not take hold if it
themselves when they haven't an idea what they are doing, then much
of the stupid shit we see going on during wars would never take place.

Sorry if I sound like a broken record, but I'm sick and tired of
hearing people bashing on my country because they don't like a few
things about it. Every country has things they can't be proud of,
and every country also has many lies or false assumptions made about
it that are completely unfounded.

To reiterate a lot of the stupid stuff I see going on and misinformation
I see here all the time about Americans:
1) We are not all stupid.
2) We are not all racist.
3) We are not all fat.
4) We are not all shallow.
5) We are not all arrogant.
So on and so forth.

311Ether ◆4p9idX66UM :2007/04/20(金) 13:27:58
(Part 3 Final)

I see this all the time here, and it's these senseless generalizations
that cause problems in the first place. Dislike me if you will for
this post, but frankly, I personally think that it's more of a fad
to hate America than there are actual reasons for it. Among many of
the idiots in America itself it has become a fad to say how much they
"don't like this country", etcetera. But you know what? When you ask
them the simple question "Why?" they either freeze up or spit out
a precomposed list that is almost exactly the same as the person
before them. This is simply because they aren't even sure WHY they
dislike the US.

Anyhow, I apologize for this post being so long, but I felt I needed
to get that off my chest.
312keira:2007/04/20(金) 13:40:57
Thanks for the post ether, it's good to hear.
After traveling to China and Mexico, I deffinatly see how privilaged a lot of Americans are, but so many of us take it for granted.

I too, am sick and tired of hearing people bash America.
313名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 13:49:10
I am an American, but I am elated that people are bashing America.
314Ether ◆4p9idX66UM :2007/04/20(金) 13:54:22
Thanks. Glad to see at least one person agrees. I don't know what
came over me, but once I started writing that up there I couldn't stop.
I expected it the entire post to only be a few lines, but it turned
into something much larger.

Yeah, a lot of Americans are privileged, but there are an overwhelming
amount of them who aren't so well off either. Unfortunately it seems
the ones that are given everything in life and not made to work for it
are the most ignorant of all. Unfortunately the ignorant ones are like
a sore thumb - they are the most noticeable. As I've said before many
times... you could be on the most beautiful mountain range you have
ever seen in your entire life, but if you stub your toe on a rock,
all of your attention will be on the toe and not the mountain range
surrounding you. In other words, human attention is completely
pessimistic - we tend to notice what's wrong before we notice what's
315Ether ◆4p9idX66UM :2007/04/20(金) 13:56:11
Then you are likely one of the ignorant fad-followers I described before.
Nobody should be happy anyone is bashing any country.
316名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 14:06:35
317名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 14:09:30
America is one of the countries that love to fight. They carry guns
to protect themselves or kill others in another way.
318名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 14:12:25
Do you believe a lot of American people don't believe the theory of evolution?
Are they serious?
319Ether ◆4p9idX66UM :2007/04/20(金) 14:16:03
The majority of Americans do not own guns.

They are few in retrospect. It's mostly diehard Christians that are
like that, and that's not restricted to just the US. It's the ones
that interpret the Bible literally instead of figuratively.
320名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 14:17:12
It isn't funny. The music is really cool.
But is there a need for them to be naked?
321名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 14:19:52
how ugly disgusting nuts the guys are !?&'(%
it's exactly them who should rethink how to be.
however i don't say a lot about them.
i know what they do in the video is kind of their everyday life.
they'll die of massive frustration unless always bashing other nations.
322名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 14:20:10
Both Japan and America disrespect the rights of gays. They should be allowed to marry.
323名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 14:26:41

Why do they have to do the thing like this just for fun??
324Ether ◆4p9idX66UM :2007/04/20(金) 14:27:22
You might find this link interesting.
Currently only one state in the US allows legally recognized
gay marriage. It's heavily debated in many other states.
325Ether ◆4p9idX66UM :2007/04/20(金) 14:28:43
They sound American. As I mentioned earlier, there is a group of
stupid Americans who think it's cool to hate America. They're the
fad followers.
326名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 14:32:45
327名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 14:36:22
Some Americans are too blinded to see from outsiders' view.
Of course it's not a bad thing to love thier own country,
but some of them are likely to think they are always right
and never to look back. How happy they are.
328名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 14:39:00
No, I take back this part "Americans".
329Ether ◆4p9idX66UM :2007/04/20(金) 14:40:01
I agree. Some are. But it's like that everywhere - there are always
hopeless patriots that think their country can do no wrong. Every
country does wrong. I don't like the people you described either; they
should question things more.
330名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 14:41:55
I love Bill O'Reilly.
I don't understand what he says, but I love the way he speaks.
331名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 14:44:15
Does anyone here like Michael Jackson? I don't believe he was guilty.
332名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 14:45:08
America is the superpower. But sometimes they use the power
in a wrong way without knowing it.
333Ether ◆4p9idX66UM :2007/04/20(金) 14:46:41
When I was little his music was so popular. xD
I remember seeing the "Thriller" music video when it first came out!
Yeah, he probably wasn't guilty, but I don't know enough to say
that really. I wonder, though.

Anyhow folks, I should've been asleep hours ago. Be back later. :)
334名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 14:47:04
In the near future, India will take the place of America, I guess.
335名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 14:48:46
Can they, though? They have too many people and aren't developed enough.
They can never have a good quality of life with so many people, can they?
336名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 14:50:36
Are you implying that India is going to wage war for colonaization?
337名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 14:59:19
The Yukorin guy stopped coming here. lol
338名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 15:04:02
That sexual scandal got him down.
He's no longer functioning as a decent human being. Sad.
339名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 15:07:01
America being a stupid arrogant bastard is really getting old.
If you don't like it, why don't you sore losers become the only superpower in the world.
340名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 17:14:53
Do you love Yukorin?
341名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 17:45:10
The son who boils hotly it does not accumulate, you cannot be patient anymore
342名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 17:45:54
fack you
343名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 17:46:20
I'm VIPPER!!!!!!!!!
344名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 17:56:43
Are you any of you listening to music right now?
I am listening to "Video Killed the Radio Star".
345名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 17:59:53
if no response for 5minutes,I'll picnic with Yukiho.
I had response, my brain explode and I die.
346名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 18:01:36
fark you
347名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 18:01:58
I am responding.
348名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 18:05:40
What's Yukiho? Is it good?
349名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 18:06:56
thiun thiun..
350名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 18:09:51
       ,..-――-:..、    ⌒⌒
     /.:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::.\      ^^
    / .::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::..ヽ
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
       ::::::::::::::::::::∧_∧   Mourning for the victims,
       :::::::::  < ::;;;;;;;;:>    every one of Korean race is going to fast neda ・・・
          _..  /⌒:::;;;;;ヽ
-― ―'ー'-''―-''/ / ::;;;;;;;;:| |―'''ー'-''――'`'
 ,,  '''' .  ''''' と./ゝ_;_;_ノヽつ   、、, ''"
    ,,, ''  ,,,    ::;;;;;;;;;::: ,,  '''''  ,,,,

       ,..-――-:..、    ⌒⌒
     /.:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::.\      ^^
    / .::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::..ヽ
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
       :::::::::::::::::::: ∧∧  It's on a rotating basis though neda !
       :::::::::  ::〈∀´;;;>
          _..  /⌒:::;;;;;ヽ
-― ―'ー'-''―-''/ / ::;;;;;;;;:| |―'''ー'-''――'`'
 ,,  '''' .  ''''' と./ゝ_;_;_ノヽつ   、、, ''"
351名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 18:12:32
Hearing this story from Julia is just one more peg in the coffin of christianity for me.
352名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 18:38:49
So BORAT is finally coming out in cinemas in Japan, guys
'Very nice, Hi-5'
353名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 19:37:17
Is that a kinda yet another propaganda movie by adl or swc ?
354Ether ◆4p9idX66UM :2007/04/20(金) 19:53:04
Borat in Japan? God help us all. XD
355名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 19:57:19
I just saw Borat.
That was the funniest thing ever!! I mean ever!
Throwing money at Jew cockroaches was hilarious ><
356Ether ◆4p9idX66UM :2007/04/20(金) 19:58:16
That movie was so messed up, but hilarious. x.x
357名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 20:08:25
hey are you ok ?
you slept for only five hours.
358Ether ◆4p9idX66UM :2007/04/20(金) 20:09:28
Actually I slept for 3.5 hours. The rest was me getting ready for
school and getting here. I'm currently waiting for my classes to start.
I'm okay though; I can go three days without sleep fairly easily.
359名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 20:32:56
Very nice, how much? :)
360名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 20:37:54
The christians in Borat is the single creepest thing I ever seen. LOL
361名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 20:53:35
It is morning in the US, right?
362名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 21:02:03
It's Friday.
363Ether ◆4p9idX66UM :2007/04/20(金) 21:08:26
Yes. Where I am, it's 8:08 A.M. on Friday
364名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 21:17:43
It's 10:17PM here. I am futureman
365名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 21:55:15
Smelly Cat, smelly cat
What aren't they feeding you?
Smelly cat, smelly cat
It's not your fault.

They won't take you to the vet
You're obviously not their favorite pet
You may not be a bed of roses
And you're no friend to those with noses.

Smelly cat, smelly cat
It's not your fault.
366名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 22:00:21
Smelly Cat, Smelly Cat,
What are they feeding you?
Smelly Cat, Smelly Cat
It's not your fault
 - They won't take you to the vet
You're obviously not their favorite pet
Smelly Cat, Smelly Cat,
It's not your fault
- You may not be a bed of roses
You're not friend to those with noses
I'll miss you before we're done
Or the world will smell as one
- Smelly Cat, Smelly Cat,
What are they feeding you?
Smelly Cat, Smelly Cat
It's not your fault
367名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 22:02:36
Oh you. "Friends" is over, and it was a horrible show while it was still
368名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 22:37:57
- (Phoebe) Oh are we done?
- One, two, what's that smell?
- Smelly Cat, Smelly Cat,
 What are they feeding you?
Smelly Cat, Smelly Cat
You're getting fat
- I think that I'm gonna be sick
It's your ears, and nose and pick
Part of it, tempt me
- One, two, what's that smell?
- All the dogs in the neighborhood
Are saying this for your own good
What, you're fat, so you can't run
No fun, I bet, No fun
- Smelly Cat, Smelly Cat,
- Porno makes you eat like that
I saw you in the shopping mall
- Smelly Cat, Smelly Cat,
It's not your fault,
Smelly Cat, Smelly Cat,
It's not your fault
Smelly Cat, Smelly Cat,
It's not your fault
- We know what was in your food
They say it might affect your mood
- You smell like something dead (3x)
- One, two, what's that smell?
- (Phoebe)Yeah, that's not the song
369名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 22:46:29
>>368I'm fine,thank u, and u?
370名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/21(土) 00:04:34
371名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/21(土) 00:07:20
No name will show up in one and a half hour from now, sayin she is boring again.
372名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/21(土) 00:08:46
Let's bet what time she comes.

I bet on 1:50AM.
373Ether ◆4p9idX66UM :2007/04/21(土) 00:41:50
Yeah. It can't be long now.
374名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/21(土) 01:06:21
You said you know computer language.
Would you tell me what kind of software have you made so far.

By the way, the Microsoft's programmar who made Word and Excell went to space,
on Russian space ship right? I envy him.
375Ether ◆4p9idX66UM :2007/04/21(土) 01:20:33
Mostly Windows applications, but a few targetted for *nix as well.
I've written an instant messenger (for a project in school - deleted
soon after because it was a rush job with a inefficient codebase), a
bunch of other small applications (file transfer, parsers, etcetera),
and am currently working with a team to create an RO2 emulator. Right
now I'm finishing up the interface for a packet decryptor for packet logs.
There's a lot of other stuff I've written as well, but nothing overly important.
376名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/21(土) 01:29:51
For a man like me who barely can type, you sound like very capable.
I am always just on the user's side. I mean never imagined I make
a software.

Founders of myspace and youtube became billionaire. How difficult
it is to launce those web services? Do you have to be an exceptional
programmer to make myspace or yutube?
377no name:2007/04/21(土) 01:37:14
Hi, guys.
How are you today??
378名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/21(土) 01:37:28
If there is no God, there is no sense in this world or no morals. Don't tell me people are inheritily good. They are not and that includes me.
379スコットランド人:2007/04/21(土) 01:39:00
Did you know that God is a crazy woman?
380名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/21(土) 01:44:31

Read >>372. You should have shown up 13 minutes later!

I am not 378 but God has a body like human? woman to boot?
381名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/21(土) 01:45:33
"There is not sufficient love and goodness in the world to permit us to give some of it away to imaginary beings." --Nietzsche"
382名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/21(土) 01:48:23
Any person that really truely thinks we are nothing but a chance of an godless universe with a limited time before we stop functioning would be committing sucide.
383スコットランド人:2007/04/21(土) 01:58:26
Actually, I'm an atheist and that was a Discordian in-joke.

I don't think I'm committing suicide by saying there is no god.
Maybe there is something after death but I still don't think
that it's right for one person to have control over the entire
384名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/21(土) 02:04:30
You listen to J-pop?

Are you kelt or Angro saxon? Ireland and Scotland has large population
with Keltic origin. Are there any differences in looks or personalities
between Kelt and Angro Saxon?
385名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/21(土) 02:13:45
The entire universe is God and we are part of the universe.
386スコットランド人:2007/04/21(土) 02:49:54
Yeah, I listen to 椎名林檎、大塚愛 and サンボマスター.

I study Japanese at university.

I'm mostly Celtic. I wouldn't say there are many
physical differences. I'd say we're a little shorter
and more likely to have red hair.
387スコットランド人:2007/04/21(土) 02:55:45
I meant to say "aren't"... stupid typo... -_-
388名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/21(土) 02:59:17
Oh, You study Japanese. Great. I don't listen to music much but
I like 大塚愛's "さくらんぼ."

I should have spelled "C"eltic. Sorry. Celtic people have talents in
artistic things. I love Enya's songs, although she is not from
Scotland but from Ireland maybe. Her songs are soothing.
389スコットランド人:2007/04/21(土) 03:06:41
Oh, cool. I like Enya too. I listen to a lot of
Celtic music. Irish and Scottish music are really
390名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/21(土) 03:21:09
This is not about Scotland but Ireland maybe, but do you know the
type of dance in which you don't move your body from waist up but your
legs are moving.

This dance, if I remember correctly, has it's orgine when Ireland is
ruled by Anglo Saxon. When youu look at dancers from outside of their houses
through windows they don't look like dancing but actually they are
dancing, having fun.

One Japanese man went to Ireland to learn the dance and he won the
contest of the dancing even though he is a foreigner.

A dance toups of the dancing made a tour throughout Japan. I don't know
the Japanese was member of the dancing troupe.
391スコットランド人:2007/04/21(土) 03:32:40
We have traditional dances similar to that in Scotland too.
I hadn't heard about the Japanese guy winning a contest though.
That's pretty cool.
392名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/21(土) 05:13:48
Why do you speak English, Scotland person? Speak Scots.
393スコットランド人:2007/04/21(土) 05:32:46
I'm learning Gaelic but I'm not very good at it.
English has been our first language ever since the union.
Our culture and language were mostly banned after the
Jacobite uprising.
394Ether ◆4p9idX66UM :2007/04/21(土) 06:00:58
Actually, MySpace is rather poorly designed, in my opinion. It's bug-ridden,
and rampant with exploits. Youtube's concept isn't overly difficult
either. They're just the lucky people who popularized them first. Also,
that's less programming and more scripting - there is a large difference. I'd say the biggest difficulty with these types of
web applications though is administration and coding in such a way
that it can be stable under incredibly high loads. It should also be
able to be leafed so that it can be spread across many leaf servers
worldwide with little to no performance impact (keeping latency down
and performance up).
395名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/21(土) 06:58:07
396名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/21(土) 07:06:52
I am not sure if understand it right but the thing is it's crucial
to handle many access from users to the youtube and myspace srevers?
Lots of access cause servers' breakdown or very slow reaction from
servers so the key is not to prevent users from feeling stress when
they use those sites.

I've herad the word, "scripting" but don't know the differences
between scripting and programming.
397名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/21(土) 07:09:07
398Anonymous American ◆qZIn0AJcYg :2007/04/21(土) 08:30:18
Scripting is programming. I'm not sure what "large difference"
Ether is referring to. Perhaps you could compare scripting
to driving a car with an automatic transmission and programming
to driving one with a manual transmission, but you're still driving
a car either way.
399Ether ◆4p9idX66UM :2007/04/21(土) 09:00:44
Scripting is -NOT- programming. Programs are compiled, scripts are
parsed and run by a program. In other words, there has to be a program
before there can be scripts, as there has to be an interpreter.

You're on the right track. However, it's that they have more servers,
and load distributed more evenly among those servers. There is a trunk,
and then leaf servers throughout their operating area. The leaves
must stay synchronized with eachother, usually by synchronizing with
the trunk, but sometimes by forming a mesh and synchronizing with
other leaves. It's a fantastic way to spread load accross many servers
and in one pass make both latency and throughput better.
400名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/21(土) 09:46:29
Thank you for explaning.
It must be kind of hard to explaining things to a person like me
who just have entry level knowledge about programming and all that.

While I think I want to understand more about programming, networking,
and such, I think it takes deeper knowledge for me to understand
complicated things about them. The best I can be is an internet user
with enough knowledge as a user even though I don't understand
technical things.
401Ether ◆4p9idX66UM :2007/04/21(土) 09:56:06
Nah, if you understood what I said there, it's not hard to explain
to you at all. :)

You'll get better at understanding the technical parts of things
eventually. While I may be good with that sort of thing, I need
to work on my Japanese quite a bit. I'm good at learning languages,
but I've been having to teach myself Japanese with the aid of books,
websites, and some friends who are helping me. It's so much different
from English, which is I think why I find it fun to learn. Maybe
I can take a class soon or something.
402名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/21(土) 10:04:17
They have not changed for more than 200 years.
       +         +     +              +             ┃
   +                Π                  Π   +      ..┃
.        ∧_∧  +.  ⊂二⊃ Waehahaha+ ∧_∧∩⊂=⊃    ..∧_∧∩
Get me that(; ´Д`)     <`∀´ヽ> rァ      ..( ´Д`)<`∀´‖>  ⊂(´∀` )/
chiken back.(つ  つ     (つ  つ' {       (つ  ノ⊂i ⊂i )x    \   )
.    +   ( ヽノ      ( ヽノ <彡}    +  ( ヽノ  ノ____ノi/  +   ( ( 〈
        し(_)      レ(_フ,i,i,'       し(_) <_<__〉       し(_)

Members of Korean embassy who stole chikens and fought townspeople
"RECORD OF KOREAN TRIBUTE EMBASSY" in the possession of Kyoto University

403名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/21(土) 10:48:28
This thread is slow because Japanese people are sleeping
while people are awake on the other side of the planet.
404Ether ◆4p9idX66UM :2007/04/21(土) 10:56:02
Yeah. That's okay though.
405名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/21(土) 11:25:22
what i can't understanding
all of you are japanese?
406名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/21(土) 11:34:51
No, not everyone who posts here is Japanese.
407keira:2007/04/21(土) 12:24:45
Hello there everyone.

How was/is everyone's day?
What did you do?
408Ether ◆4p9idX66UM :2007/04/21(土) 12:28:24
Very... very sleepy.

Nap time!
409名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/21(土) 12:37:43
hey fucking French do you understand that you looking white pig?
410名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/21(土) 12:46:02
< `Д´> I'm a Japaneje.
411keira:2007/04/21(土) 13:21:31
all the trolls in here are killing the thread. :<
412keira:2007/04/21(土) 13:29:36
...well I guess I'll go play mario kart on wifi now. If you guys have a DS and mario kart, maybe I'll see you on there.
You'll see "keira" in katakana. And an onigiri as my emblem. xD

bye for now!
413Anonymous American ◆qZIn0AJcYg :2007/04/21(土) 14:45:31
Are all puppies dogs? Are all kittens cats? Is playing baseball playing
a sport? Then scripting is programming.
414名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/21(土) 15:09:50
Hello. I am a Japaneje. Please send me dog.
415名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/21(土) 15:21:18
I guess he doesn't talk about dogs or cats.
What he's just said is kind of a more academic subject.
416名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/21(土) 15:24:05
Avril Lavigne is too beautiful for me to live.
Her beautiful voice is so beyond my comprehension I could just die.
417名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/21(土) 15:24:46
disgusting food. what disgusting food do you avoid to eat?
418名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/21(土) 15:27:40
Avril look better as lady, very beautiful as lady.
419名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/21(土) 15:44:21
Do you like her new song "Girlfriend"? I don't think it's as good as her older ones.
420Anonymous American ◆qZIn0AJcYg :2007/04/21(土) 15:48:11
There's clearly a good deal of makeup and Photoshopping going on
in those pictures.

I won't comment on her music.
421名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/21(土) 15:49:04
She’s like so whatever
422名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/21(土) 15:52:27
anonymous american was so quick with that reply with her no make up pic LOL
you can tell alot about anonymous american LOL
423名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/21(土) 15:58:39
that really avril?
424名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/21(土) 15:59:15
It doesn't look very much like her, does it? I think it is fake.
425名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/21(土) 16:05:32
I don't think it's fake.
Every person can be taken a photo of not so good moment. That's nothing.
She's incredibly beautiful all the same.
426名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/21(土) 20:16:31
427名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/22(日) 00:02:08
428名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/22(日) 00:11:12
Anyone of you read John Twelve Hawks'
the Traveller (or Traveler, depending on UK/US
429Ether ◆4p9idX66UM :2007/04/22(日) 00:55:03
You can't use that kind of logic on everything. Scripting is not
programming because the scope of a script is limited by the scope
of the program. If no function is available in the program, the
script is completely useless. The two are quite different.

Do you even have any programming experience? I've never met a
programmer who will call a script a program. Why? Because the
fundamentals of a program are much different than the fundamentals
of a script, and a script is reliant on a program to do its work.
Not to mention a script must be parsed every time it is run,
and a compiled program does not have to be parsed at all as it
is already in an assembly type language that the computer can
read directly.
430名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/22(日) 01:25:08
I will be happy!
431名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/22(日) 01:47:33
no you wont be happy. sorry to disappoint you
432名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/22(日) 01:51:41
Woke up in the evening
To the sound of the screaming
Through walls that were bleeding
All over me

Untied & weightless
Unconscious as we cross
The international dateline
Let's end it here

Grown tired of the show coast
And the ones that we toast
There are no zeroes
Around here

Untied & weightless
Unconscious as we cross
The international dateline
Let's end it here
433名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/22(日) 02:48:00
434433:2007/04/22(日) 03:12:38

435名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/22(日) 03:55:28
Translation of >>433 is as follows

Sorry! Contents of the website written in Japanese and English differ.
I've just notived that. In Japanese pages, it's worth reading, but
in English pages, content is poor and isn't worth reading.
436名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/22(日) 03:56:24
X Translation of >>433 is as follows
O Translation of >>434 is as follows
437Anonymous American ◆qZIn0AJcYg :2007/04/22(日) 04:32:27
1. Write code that prints "Hello, World!" in Scheme
2. Run it using the MzScheme interpreter. It prints "Hello, World!"
3. Take the same code and run it through the MzScheme compiler.
You'll get a real, compiled program.
4. Run the compiled program. It prints "Hello, World!"

Did you just write a program or a script? Were you programming
or scripting? Come back when you are enlightened.
438Ether ◆4p9idX66UM :2007/04/22(日) 05:04:41
Do you even understand the compilation process?
You could parse any programming language as a script
or as a program. There is a HUGE difference in the effect
that takes, however. One, the script's scope is severely
limited and will NOT have full functionality of a programming
language. The MzScheme compiler puts down a basic framework
for the program and uses functions THAT THE INTERPRETED SCRIPT
RUNS FROM and creates the equivalent compiled code. When writing
an actual program, there is no framework laid down for you - what
you write is what you get. In other words:

Program: Written -> Broken into ASM or equiv. -> put into component.
Script: Interpreted -> run by Program -OR- Interpreted -> Compiled -> run as component with underlaying program.

No matter what you do with a script, there is always a program behind
it, but it's always piggybacking on something and never standalone.

So to answer your question, you were writing a script. A script that
is interpreted into a program, but a script nonetheless. It's no
different than using a php file with the php executable to obtain
output. PHP processes the php script, and delivers output based on
that. The php script piggybacks on the php program.

So you, sir, should come back when YOU are enlightened. I'm done arguing
the petty points with you, as it's a great way to waste time.
439Anonymous American ◆qZIn0AJcYg :2007/04/22(日) 05:45:58
So actual programs have no framework laid down for you? Does this
- Standard libraries (printf and friends in C)
- System calls (the operating system is one hell of a framework)
- Internal libraries used by the compiler (for example, to implement
assignment of large structs through a call to an internal memcpy

I guess you've never programmed then, unless you've written
a program that ran on bare hardware with no operating system,
no standard libraries, and in pure assembly (to avoid those nasty
internal helper functions a compiler might insert). If you have,
more power to you. Meanwhile, the rest of the world will continue
*PROGRAMMING* in C, C++, Java, Perl, Python, etc. Because
440名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/22(日) 05:54:11
441名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/22(日) 06:23:55
442Ether ◆4p9idX66UM :2007/04/22(日) 06:28:34
Actually yes, I have programmed in bare ASM.
And as I said, programs are broken down into assembly, therefore
C, C++, etcetera, are programming languages. Also, things like
standard libraries etcetera are just that - libraries. You can
write code without reliance on these libraries, it would just
take a hell of a lot more code.

The OS is a parent program for applications you run on them, and
you can write programs that have their own OS as well. UNIX is
written in C. Operating Systems are just that - programs that can
encompass other programs and provide another type of environment
for them.

Using a library is indeed using a framework, but a framework of a
different kind. That framework does not have to be actively being
used at runtime in order to be used - the program simply calls it,
uses it, and that's that. It's event driven.

443keira:2007/04/22(日) 06:30:34
good afternoon!

I've just been to my 4-year-old cousin's baseball game. Do parents encourage kids to have team sports when their kids are this young in Japan too?
444名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/22(日) 07:03:32
I haven't seen how parents in US encourage or cheer kids up during
a game but I have read about them. Enthusiastic parents's encouragement
sometimes develop into verbal abuse to the parents of opposite teams
kids and in rare cases even into phisical fight.

In Japan, too, parents of kids who belong to little league team
are very eager to support their kids. Games are held on weekends so
mothers prepare for lunch for their kids and during a game, they
get very excited. It's rare for kids before entering elementary school
to join any little league team in Japan.

I am not sure but around 9 or ten years old is usually
the time when they join a little league team. Oh your question is not
limited to baseball. Well, I would say swimming is the most popular
sports parents have thier kids do even before they enter elementary
445Anonymous American ◆qZIn0AJcYg :2007/04/22(日) 07:05:55
Are Java and C# programming languages? Be careful with your
446keira:2007/04/22(日) 09:19:51
Thank you for such a detailed answer!
Yes, sometimes parents can get a little too enthusiastic, so sometimes parents (usually a father) will resort to yelling. I don't see it often, but it's not uncommon either.
When I was a kid, parents usually had kids start sports at about 6 or 7, but I guess the times have changed, and now sports temas start up for kids as young as 3 and 4.
But I guess since parents feed their kids such unhealthy food these day, it's necissary!
447434:2007/04/22(日) 09:50:01
448MY DAD HAS A BIG DICK:2007/04/22(日) 09:59:31
Good morning everyone.
So it is fine today,I feel good.
449名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/22(日) 10:09:33
Everyone,may I upload my daddy's big dick here?
450名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/22(日) 10:44:43
who have been from canada???
451keira:2007/04/22(日) 10:58:29
I've been to Canada. But I don't know who in this thread actually lives there.
452名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/22(日) 11:08:16
Are you serous about improving your Japanese or you are just
intersted in japanese pop culture?
453keira:2007/04/22(日) 11:31:37
I do want to improve my japanese, but i can't find a program to write it in. If I did get a program, would it be against the rules for me to try and practice japanese in this thread?
454名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/22(日) 11:40:07
Yeah, I'm afraid it's against the rule here.
Sometimes someone wirte in Japanese though.
455名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/22(日) 11:45:00
I think in this thread, any question including Japanese language would be ok
as long as it's written in English.
456名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/22(日) 11:48:21
I think Avril Lavigne's pussy would be angelic.
457keira:2007/04/22(日) 11:58:52
What if I wanted to start a music thread in english? Would I keep it in the english board, or would it go in the music board? xD
(I'm not saying that I will make one, I'm just asking hypothetically.)
458名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/22(日) 12:00:31
angelic? I don't know the word and I don't take toruble of looking it
up in my dictionary.
459名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/22(日) 12:01:52
I think keira's would also be angelic.
460名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/22(日) 12:14:35
I think either case is ok, keira.
I think either way would be fine, keira.
I think you could do either, keira.
461名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/22(日) 12:17:50
What would you like to do in the "music thread in English?"
As long as all posts in the thread should be posted in English,
the best place for it is here in this English board, but English
board is a place where you exchange info about how to improve your
Englsih, how to study and such, so if you want to chitchat about
music in English, this thread is the best place, IMO.
462名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/22(日) 12:18:15
>>450 i can't understand what u wanna say. Maybe, u wanna say'who has been to Canada?'
463名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/22(日) 12:30:06
I don't think it would be a good idea to start one in the ENGLISH board.
It would end up like here, which is not preferable.
But I don't know where to start one exactly.
It depends on what kind of music you want to talk about, for there is no such place as the music board.
464名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/22(日) 12:35:01
What are the サロン boards on 2ch? Are they like general boards?
465名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/22(日) 12:55:17
You can start whatever thread you want in 2ch.
However, I'm afraid if you do that in English, such thread would be
even slower than this thread and it is highly possible that
you might get unfriendly comments like "don't create a crappy thread".xD
Anyway, you can do that to see what will happen anytime you want.
By the way, I'm not sure 2ch is a good place to learn Japanese since
it is filled with harsh words which you can hardly find in any real life situation.
Maybe mixi is better.
466名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/22(日) 12:55:41
Actually, there are many boards related to music in 2ch, but posts there
are all in Japanese, I think.
467名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/22(日) 13:04:23
Yes, サロン boards are like general boards.
So 音楽サロン would be for music in general.
If "chat music in English" would be the title, then it's the place.
468名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/22(日) 13:19:18
I think it's ok for only keira to write in Japanese here,
because she has been so great a contributer to this thread that her presence itself grants her the right to write in japanese.
This is no sarcasm. I'm serious.
What do you think? I think it would be fun.
469名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/22(日) 13:30:00
I agree. Keira should be allowed to write in Japanese.

BTW, if you use windows, here's a site that tells how.
470keira:2007/04/22(日) 14:00:44
Thank you, but I don't think I should get special privilages just because I'm here a lot. n_n;

Thank you for the link, but knowing how to activate the language on my comp isn't the problem. It's having the language pack on my comp which is the problem. xD
My laptop is used, and the last owner didn't install japanese onto this computer, but I can still see japanese characters, I just can't type japanese. and isn't helping. >.>
Don't worry, I'll figure it out someday. :/
471名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/22(日) 14:12:35
Have you checked the "install east asian language files" checkbox in the Regional and Language settings window?
That's all you have to do to install the necessary files on Windows XP. It might ask for your CD, though.
472keira:2007/04/22(日) 14:22:52
Yeah, I've tried that. It asks for the disk, but I don't have the disk from the original owner of this laptop. >.>
473名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/22(日) 14:40:07
I searched on Google and found this.

It has all the files on the Windows XP CD, so you should be able to manually download them from there.
Just try using the "install east asian language files" checkbox, and then get the files it asks for.
474keira:2007/04/22(日) 15:33:36
Oh wow! thanks! which one do I DL? and does it matter that i don't have xp?
475名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/22(日) 15:54:24
Oh. You don't have XP? What do you have?
476名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/22(日) 15:55:03
477名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/22(日) 18:25:31
THe question is what kind of OS keira is using.
My guess is the Mac thing (I don't know what they're called)
478名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/22(日) 18:42:13
Rain for blaming, wind for cursing
Even snow and summer heat for envying
With strong square chin, desire is neverending
Never shutting up, loudly always shouting
Four bowls of sorghum, a lot of kimchi, a bit of gochujang a day
Money minded on everything around trying not to pay
Feeling understanding with halfway experience, in a second memory disappears
In that peninsula, by the bare mountain, from small thatched shack it appears
Finding out Takeshima in east sea, it's there to thrust a flag acting big ugly
To master in west, it's there to pay respects willingly
To dying Viet Cong in south, it's there with a gun to tell not to be scared and kill them with smiling face
To brother in north with drought and famine, it's there with modesty to pass them Japanese rice
Ordering apology for drought and reparation for summer cold
All over the world, skunk zombie is what it's called
Got no praise ever
Got no respect ever
Just like that, I've already been ever

        ∧__∧   ________ 
      <丶`Д´>/ ̄/ ̄/ 
      ( 二二二つ / と) 
      |    /  /  /  
  __  |      ̄| ̄ ̄   
  \   ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\  
  ||\             \
  ||\|| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|| ̄
  ||  || ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄||
     .||             ||
479Ether ◆4p9idX66UM :2007/04/22(日) 18:47:33
I'm quite tired at the moment, spent a few hours setting up a
new *nix install, so I may elaborate on this further later.
The way I see it, C# and Java are in a sort of gray area due
to the interpreter used (C#'s .NET framework and Java's
Virtual Machine). However, I'd say that they're more on the
programmatical side than the scripting side because their scope
isn't so severely limited - the only thing missing is direct
access to the hardware. C# breaks down into MSIL, which is almost
like a MS-specific form of ASM (I know this is a poor choice of words,
but frankly, I'm too tired to think right now.), so I can attest to
that. I, however, do not have a lot of Java experience, so I cannot
comment very much on that (I've taken a C# class).
480名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/22(日) 18:58:50
We are living in a material world.
481名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/22(日) 19:24:06
482名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/22(日) 19:29:00
Come on, vogue, let your body move to the music.
483名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/22(日) 19:31:42
484名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/22(日) 19:34:28
Don't go for second best, baby. Put your love to the test.
You know, you know, you've go to.
485名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/22(日) 19:35:04
486名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/22(日) 19:39:38
some people said that you are
the sea.
some people said that you are
the sun.
then what i am??
487名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/22(日) 19:53:35
It would be, it would be so nice.
488名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/22(日) 20:00:49
Here is a nurupo
489keira:2007/04/23(月) 00:24:51
I'm just using a standard windows 2000. xD

wow, it seems that this thread has become very musical. xD
490名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/23(月) 10:30:03
           |\_/ ̄ ̄\_/|
♪ ∧,_∧  ♪ \_|  ▼ ▼|_/
   ( ´・ω・) ))       \  皿 /
 (( ( つ ヽ、   ♪ (( ( つ ヽ、   ♪
   〉 とノ )))       〉 とノ )))
  (__ノ^(_)       (__ノ^(_)

            |\_/ ̄ ̄\_/|♪
   ∧_,∧ ♪ \_| ▼ ▼  |_/
  (( (・ω・` )       \ 皿  /
♪  / ⊂ ) )) ♪  / ⊂ ) ))
  ((( ヽつ 〈     ((( ヽつ 〈
   (_)^ヽ__)     (_)^ヽ__)
491keira:2007/04/23(月) 11:06:42
oh, the thread is dying! D:

uhmuhm, okay everyone, what's your favorite video game?
Mine is Katamari Damacy. or maybe FFXII

492名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/23(月) 11:35:27
I stopped to play the video games about ten years ago.
493keira:2007/04/23(月) 11:37:54
You stopped 10 years ago? really?

Do you have any particular reason?
494名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/23(月) 11:44:29
Everybody wants to rule the world.
495keira:2007/04/23(月) 11:56:20
Ruling the world seems like too heavy of a burden.
496名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/23(月) 12:07:13
Don't try to invalidate me.
497keira:2007/04/23(月) 12:08:54
I'm sure if that's the right way of using the word "invalidate". xD
498keira:2007/04/23(月) 12:11:07
I'm not sure*
499名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/23(月) 12:15:04

Today it just happened to come through my mind...
the day you called my name for the first time...
And the day you put your arms around me to feel the warmth of life that had just started in this atmosphere.
Was I selected... Thank you... I will live through wherever my heart is at, and won't stand in your way.
That is the kind of style I lead my life... full of Commitment, yet no expectation at all.
I'd rather believe in chances, that's easier...
500名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/23(月) 12:15:27
501keira:2007/04/23(月) 12:25:13
Very beautiful!

yakusanaide gomenasai. ;__;
502名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/23(月) 12:28:49
        Korean Problem Solving Flowchart by a Canadian

                   Start Here
_________       / ̄ ̄ ̄\      __________
\Korea invented/      ./  Is it a  i,     ヽ    Can you    /
  \   it   /   y    |   good    |  n    \  blame an  /
   \   / <―――― .'i,  thing ? ./─┐     .\ inferior ?/
     \/            \___/  └──>  \    /
                                   /  .|
                                  /y   |
                  _________  |/  .   |
                  \  Problem  /   ̄.     |
                    \. solved /.          | n
                     \   /     .       |
                       \/    .        ヽ|/
                            / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\
                            |    Did it happen    |
                            |    before 1945 ?   |
                       y  / \_________/
                        /         |
                      |/       .     | n
                       ̄           ヽ|/
            / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\   .  | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\
            |It's Japan's fault !| .    | It's America's fault ! |
            \______/     .|________/
503keira:2007/04/23(月) 12:29:58
Oh! now I know what you were talking about. xD
I like that song. Good ol' 80's song. n__n

one of my favorite 80's songs:
504名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/23(月) 12:36:55
This is my expectation, though. I think "angelic" means adjective
of "angel".
505名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/23(月) 12:40:55
506keira:2007/04/23(月) 12:49:22
あたし の 日本語 は へた です
やくせないで ごめんなさい ;___;

507名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/23(月) 12:53:58
508名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/23(月) 12:54:42
509名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/23(月) 13:02:45
510keira:2007/04/23(月) 13:08:28
I had to copy and paste hiragana from a wikipedia page.(and it took me like, 10 minutes just for those 2 sentences) >.>;;;
I still want to try and communicate w/ people in japanese, but if it didn't take so long to write a few sentences, I'd try to practice w/ you guys more. n_n;;;
I guess I'm stuck w/ romaji when it comes to communicating. u__u;
511keira:2007/04/23(月) 13:10:03
ahaha, when I put "w/" I mean "with" in case you didn't know. xD;
Sorry, text talk is getting to me.
512keira:2007/04/23(月) 13:22:13
I feel bad for >>507 though...
It's really nice for poetry/lyrics. If someone could translate it for him/her, please do.
513名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/23(月) 13:29:15
He has posted it in the translation topic, so someone there will probably help.
514keira:2007/04/23(月) 13:30:56
Oh, that's good to hear. n_n

say, anonymous-san, what's your favourite color?
515名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/23(月) 13:38:26
green. what is yours?
516keira:2007/04/23(月) 13:45:13
mine's green too! But just barely. I only like green a little more than orange. :3
517名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/23(月) 13:49:10
yoyo go to not school ...
I am feel. not not go to schoolllll......
518名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/23(月) 13:55:03
519名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/23(月) 13:57:18
I"m sorry
I can not writing engrsh .
but styudent engrsh!
520名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/23(月) 14:11:01
521名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/23(月) 14:18:11
522名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/23(月) 14:25:14
523名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/23(月) 15:31:52
Does anyone know how to get a cellphone called SH903iTV as cheap as possible?
524名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/23(月) 15:37:15
Well, if you are pritty, you can sleep with a selling guy.
525名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/23(月) 16:16:35
Unfortunately, I'm a guy. Then you have any idea?
526名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/23(月) 16:20:38
Steal one.
527名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/23(月) 16:21:07
then why don't you buy a dutch wife south pole #2 ?
528名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/23(月) 17:57:51
How old are you? lol
South pole #2 is already out of date.
Could you buy me "rin" made by "oriento kougyo"?
It's too expensive!!
529Ether ◆4p9idX66UM :2007/04/23(月) 18:54:13
keira - You should install Japanese language support, or at the very
least go download JWPce so you can type in it and then copy-paste
into here. It's free, and has built-in dictionary functions.
-> <-
530名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/23(月) 19:19:47
mine is beige.
thank you.
531名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/23(月) 20:15:22
( ^ω^)
532名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/23(月) 21:07:27
how come's boon here ? it's cute though.
533Ether ◆4p9idX66UM :2007/04/23(月) 21:17:17
What are you talking about?
534名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/23(月) 21:26:35
boon is >>531. i think it's created by vippers a couple of yrs ago.
535名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/23(月) 21:26:59
( ^ω^)
536名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/23(月) 21:31:49
Who is Ether?
537名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/23(月) 21:34:45
hey boon, when're you created ?
let us see your moscow parody.
i was about to laugh to death when i first saw that flash.
538reiza:2007/04/23(月) 22:11:31
good evening...every one._
539名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/23(月) 23:07:57
I will be happy.
540名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/23(月) 23:56:31
can i join with you guys

my toeic score is more than 850

but icant speak english

today i went to the job interview

but icoudnt even talk about my merit and demerit
541Ether ◆4p9idX66UM :2007/04/24(火) 00:41:31
Feel free - anyone is free to join in here. Nobody can tell you
not to. If you need help, feel free to post questions - just be
aware that some of us cannot read Japanese very well.
542keira:2007/04/24(火) 00:54:03
Thank you!!
Finally I can type in hiragana and kanji!
ありがとう ございます!
543Ether ◆4p9idX66UM :2007/04/24(火) 00:58:25
No prob. I recommend installing extra dictionaries too; they're
extremely useful.
544keira:2007/04/24(火) 01:02:16
If you have problems reading Japanese like me, This reading tutor can help:
545名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/24(火) 01:11:48
Excuse me, I have a question.
When someone let bombs go off or ignite explosive things, I always hear loud shouting something like "Fai* an' Ho*!" to warn people.
I cannot figure out what he says. "Fire and Hold"? "Fire and Hoe"? "Five and Four"??...not sure.
Please let me know what he says exactly.
546名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/24(火) 01:21:22
thank you

can you understand this english

"Excessive pride sometime leads my attitude arrogant.So I mistake sometimes."
547keira:2007/04/24(火) 03:25:46
Fire in the hole. Soldiers will yell this before they throw a grenade, to let their allies nearby know in advance. n_n
548名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/24(火) 04:52:32
549名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/24(火) 05:07:26
See you on the TV,Call you everyday
Fly across the ocean just to let you get your way
No-one understands me, Where i'm coming from
Why would I be with someone, who's obviously so dumb?
Loves comes (love comes), love grows (love grows)
Everytime you rise to meet me, take my hand to greet me
Loves comes (love comes), love grows (love grows)
And power can give a man much more than anybody knows

Before we ever met, I thought like everybody did
You were just a moron, A billion-dollar kid
You flew up all the way, Like a hawk chasing a dove
I never thought that I would be a sacrifice in love

Love comes (love comes), it grows (it grows)
And now that we're together, everybody knows

Is stupid really this stupid? Or a different kind of smart
Do we really have a relationship so special, in your heart?

I have to ask myself, like any lover might
Have you made a fool of me, are you not mr.right?
You grin, I pose,
It's not about sincerity, Everybody knows

Is stupid really this stupid? Or are you really smart?
That's how you stole my heart
550スコットランド人:2007/04/24(火) 07:47:29
Oh-oh, I'm with Stupid
Oh-oh, I'm with Stupid
Oh-oh, I'm with Stupid
Oh-oh, I'm with Stupid
551スコットランド人:2007/04/24(火) 07:48:38
The Pet Shop Boys are awesome.
552名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/24(火) 08:05:53
Are you in the same camp as them?
Good-by yellow brick road?
553名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/24(火) 08:16:09
Rumor has it that they are gay.

Is that true?
554スコットランド人:2007/04/24(火) 08:19:37
I'm not sure I understand what you mean...

555スコットランド人:2007/04/24(火) 08:21:22
Neil Tennant is gay but I think Chris Lowe is straight.
556名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/24(火) 08:39:29
Doesn't matter that who are gay or not....
Is that a big deal?
557名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/24(火) 08:41:15
I see. Actually I don't know how many members there are in the group.
Maybe two from you post, though...
558名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/24(火) 08:41:38
Why didn't Scotland aim for Empior, instead of a kingdom?
559名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/24(火) 08:44:02
To me, yes.

I like gossip. That's all. And I don't want to go into argument over
sexuality or prejudice against gay.
560名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/24(火) 08:44:13
What brings you to Texas?
561名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/24(火) 08:45:16
Maybe that's the expression you just have learned and you just want
to write it down here.
562名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/24(火) 08:55:41
Because there is Paris there.
563スコットランド人:2007/04/24(火) 08:57:22
Scotland is part of the United Kingdom and
there was once a British Empire.

It was so large that the sun never set on it.

But I wish Scotland was an independent country.

I want our flag to fly at the United Nations and
I don't want Scottish troops to die in another
English/American war.
564名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/24(火) 09:05:35
>Scotland is part of the United Kingdom and
there was once a British Empire

yeah, you're right. Silly me.
Thanx very much for responding to such a rudimentary question^-^
565スコットランド人:2007/04/24(火) 09:23:16
No problem. (^^)
566名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/24(火) 09:27:31
Wow! Thank you very much. I got it!

But the yell has no exact japanese equivalent...
567名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/24(火) 09:50:43
I'd understand this is not for the argument for those kind of things.

568名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/24(火) 11:07:49
Are you off work today?
569keira:2007/04/24(火) 11:57:44
I don't work. So my mom makes me clean the house instead. n_n;;

How about you anonymous?
570名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/24(火) 11:58:01
I'm at work.
571名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/24(火) 12:04:40
According to my very limited experience,
Indian people (=people from India) are very friendly and easy to deal with.
What do you guys think?
Have any of you met any nasty Indian?
572名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/24(火) 12:08:39


  ソフトバンク携帯を持つのは 約300人 に 1人。



※…新聞記事は「0円携帯 解約に6万円 県、ソフトバンクに改善要望」で検索
573keira:2007/04/24(火) 12:18:26
Where do you work? You're allowed to be on 2ch?

I've known lots of indian people. Some were very nice, and some weren't. I don't really think it matters.
574名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/24(火) 12:22:23
Although noone is allowed to access the Internet unless it's
related to their work, everyone manages to do it one way or the other,
you know.
575名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/24(火) 12:27:35
hello good afternoon
today i wii study toeic
then i will go to hellowork to find a job

altougth business is brisk, why cant i get a job
im enviable to a new graduate
576名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/24(火) 12:29:09
Cosmetic surgery is one way to become attractive to the interviewers,lol
577名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/24(火) 12:34:49
im neat and neet
578名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/24(火) 12:37:11
You are meat and meaty
579名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/24(火) 12:45:35
i only have 70 kiro

im smart and guraduate good university

i shoud be watched with keen interest
580名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/24(火) 12:51:40
But you are only 130cm tall.
581名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/24(火) 12:58:57
im 180cm tall

people call me ikemenn

i have prety girl friend too
582名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/24(火) 13:17:32
But your legs are only 60cm.
583名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/24(火) 13:18:17


1,We were happy [when we heard the news][]内を句にして。

2.As he is very tall,he can touch the ceiling. to不定詞を用いて単文に

3.I was so tired that I couldn’t walk any more.to不定詞を用いて単文に

4.I watched the boys.They played baseball. 関係詞やandを用いないで一つの文に

5.When will he come out of the hospital? I don’t it.一つの文に

5.That tall man is my father. He has just come in.
584名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/24(火) 13:22:17
1. We were happy to hear the news.
585名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/24(火) 13:23:24
2.He is so tall as to touch the ceiling.
586keira:2007/04/24(火) 13:24:06
So what is everyone listening to?
I'm listening to Nujabes.
587名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/24(火) 13:24:54
3.I was too tired to walk any more.

4.I watched the boys playing baseball.
588名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/24(火) 13:27:45
5.I don't know when he will come out of the hospital.
5.That tall man who has just come in is my father.

Plz ask these questions in other threads.
This is not the right place.
589名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/24(火) 13:33:30
i'm thoroughly disappointed at bloody judiciary of this bloody country.
bloody korean bastard kim sung jong has gotten no charge upon
lucy blackman's case. though he has gotten the life imprisonment for
other eight bloody serial raping and one murder, it's not bloody enough.
this must be the notorious bloody korean privilege or otherwise it's
because he must have been scattering his bloody dirty money.
damn, japan is bloody over.
590名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/24(火) 13:36:46
>kim sung jong has gotten no charge upon
lucy blackman's case.

If he is not guilty at all, why did he bargain with such a large amount
of money?
He seems have mentioned 'ethical obligation' but that doesn't make any sense.
591名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/24(火) 13:46:30
that's why japan is over.
read three lines at the bottom.
592名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/24(火) 13:52:11
which country are you from?
593名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/24(火) 16:39:44
He was born Kim Sung Jong in 1952 to Korean parents in Osaka. His father was a poor immigrant
who built himself a fortune in taxis, property and pachinko, the addictive Japanese version of bagatelle.
At 15, Kim Sung Jong was sent to the preparatory school for the private and prestigious
Keio University in Tokyo. There he studied politics and law. It was at this time that he underwent
surgery on his eyes to make them larger and less oriental, and he took on a new, Japanese name,
Seisho Hoshiyama.
When Seisho was 17, his father died in Hong Kong. Seisho shared the vast inheritance with his two
brothers and, at the age of 21, underwent another shift of identity, taking on Japanese nationality
and the name of Joji Obara. 【The Time August 17, 2005】
594mi-mi:2007/04/24(火) 20:06:59
Today CNN world said Obara, as in the killer, got the life sentence.
But it's just the unlimited period in prison, isn't it?

Furthermore they said the family of the victim, Lucy, will never meet him again.
According to me, he will come back to the society within 10 years.
595名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/24(火) 20:07:03

Do you love Yukorin?
596名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/24(火) 20:20:09
Do you love yourself?
597名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/24(火) 20:22:29
What are your plans for the summer?
598名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/24(火) 20:23:50
I want to sex with Emma Watson.
599Ether ◆4p9idX66UM :2007/04/24(火) 22:01:08
To get a job and prepare for college.
600名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/24(火) 22:09:13
its hard to get a job that i want to do
if anything is ok i could find a job
but my pride dont allow it
601名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/24(火) 22:10:15
602名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/24(火) 22:17:29
Does anyone know the proper Japanese expression for the oat-flakes you make oatmeal from? So far I've come up with エンバク粗挽き, but I doubt that's correct.
603名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/24(火) 22:26:41
trust me, I'm japanese.
604名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/24(火) 22:58:40
>>602 Must be オート麦フレーク.
605名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/24(火) 23:03:26
Aren't oat flakes just oats?
Just look that up
606名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/24(火) 23:49:28
I hate oat meal, yuk!
607名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/25(水) 00:11:46
my favorite food is ramen
i find dericious ramenn store on the internet

i like syou ramenn the best
each store has a uniqu flaver

lets go eat ramenn together
608名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/25(水) 00:40:59
i urge you to read mein kampf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
609名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/25(水) 00:51:51
I urge you to read the anarchist's cookbook. hahaha, boom!
610名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/25(水) 01:00:03
what is your fovorite food ?
611名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/25(水) 01:11:13
you can taste and suck my sausage if you were a pretty teenage girl.
612名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/25(水) 01:11:54
i want milk,too.
613名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/25(水) 01:15:14
you can drink my milk-taste liquid,

Suck my penis!
614名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/25(水) 01:16:38
the exact answer i expected. thanks.
615名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/25(水) 01:17:30
whites have bigger cocks than blacks!!!!
616名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/25(水) 01:18:19
My penis is erecting fiercely! Take your responsibility!
Suck my penis ASAP!
617名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/25(水) 01:19:14
fuck off son of a bich
ill bite off your dirty dick and throw it to your asse
618名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/25(水) 01:25:37
my cock is being sucked while reading mein kampf.

what a situation!

619名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/25(水) 01:28:49
How do you think about my penis?
I want to ask your immagination about my penis.
620名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/25(水) 01:39:03
621名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/25(水) 01:51:41
the one which looks like pussy............that's funny!
btw is it possible to eat?

Q.what did he see? ANSWER THE QUESTION!!!!!!!!
622名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/25(水) 03:37:53
Are you guys watching Heroes??
If you don't, you're missing out on something HUGE !!
Mohinder SUCKS!! Why doesn't he do anything that makes sense at all??
623名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/25(水) 03:44:51
how can you watch that?
it's the drama starring japanese or korean, isn't it?
yeah, i want to watch that.
624名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/25(水) 04:59:06
all girls love me
625名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/25(水) 06:10:58
I watched the new one last night. I agree with you that Mohinder sucks.
Why didn't he kill Sylar when he was knocked unconscious?

Yeah, it has a Japanese-American and Korean-American pair (but both are
supposed to be Japanese on the show). If you're in Japan, you can only
watch it on the Internet because they don't broadcast it in Japan.

See if that website works for you.
626名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/25(水) 11:39:11
I found a very interesting post in a different board. I translated it
in English, so enjoy! These are questions to measure how your brain
is flexible. You think carefully to get the right answer before you
read an aswer.
Q. How do you put a giraffe in a fridge?
A. The answer is "You just open the fridge's door, put the giraffe inside
and then close the door. This question measured if you solve simple thing
by thiking too much, making things too complicated.

Next question is,
Q. How do you put an elephant in the fridge?
A. The wrong answer is " you open fridge's door and put the elephant
inside and close the door." The right answer is, "You open the
fridge's door, get the giraffe out, put the elephant in, and then
close thde door." This question was to measure if you have a good
627名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/25(水) 11:41:17
Next, Lion king summoned a meeting. All animals except one gathered.
What animal didn't participate the meeting?
A. The answer is elephant cause elephant is in the fridge!
This question measured if you can think in a comprehensive way.

If you haven't answer three questions above so far, then next question
is the last chance to see if you are prefessional.

Q. There's a river where fierce aligators that eat humans. How
do you cross the river?
A. The answer is "you just swim across it." Because all aligators are
gone to participate in the meeting the lion summoned!
This question was to measure if you can think logically.

Hey how you guys did on this quizes? Personally, as for the second questions
I don't think you have to take out giraffe. Why not keep both of them
in the fridge?
628名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/25(水) 11:57:28
629名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/25(水) 12:21:27
◇Free Diversified Aspects   Masayuki Tkayama  Professor, Teikyo Uiversity
Mr.Kun-Tsan Tsai, author of 'Taiwanese and Japanese spirit', was an army
special volunteer. He was in the deep mountain in Kyoto at the end of the
World War II.
He wrote the chaos from the end of the war to the end of the year when he
returned to Taiwan.
They became the "victory nation" overnight and were offered superfluity of food.
He made grilled rice balls for starved children.
He sometimes went "all the way to Kyoto station" to hand them out to children.
"At one time he saw the people handing out the naval thermal vests to children.
Then he talked to them and found they were Taiwanese volunteer as he was."
However Koreans, who had been in the force he had belonged, "in a group broke
into and robbed food and clothe warehouses."
"They were domineering to hit dispirited Japanese while saying they were the
victory nation."
Japanese prepared special trains for the victory nation.
An entire vehicle was provided for even a few passengers.
They, the victory nation, called a stationmaster or a person in charge when
they found a blunder by Japanese, then assaulted them by beating and kicking.
Sadanori Shimoyama, a director of the traveler bureau, was one of those were
gang bashed by them and he was seriously injured to the testicle explosion.
The repatriation program for this victory nation was done on the order of GHQ.
F.Roosevelt who had died four months before the end of the war left the will
saying "confine all Japanese in four islands and destroy them".
As they wanted to destroy only Japanese, unrelated people as Koreans etc. had
to be banished.
At this time all Koreans who had come to Japan by so called "requisition" were
supposed to return to there country. However in fact all of them did not return.
630名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/25(水) 12:22:24
Hogyu Lim wrote how they were in those days in 'The third country poeple's
commercial code'.
"The third country people is a word that indicates Koreans in Japan during prewar
and postwar days. Most of them dreamed the success in Japan and came across the
sea during the period of confusion before and after the World War II."
Their occupations were "from what they were able to get cash such as salvage,
pachinko or so called Turkish bath etc."
Another important cash business was a crime syndicate.
The story of N.Zapetti who ruled the dark world of postwar days started selling
chewing gums is described in 'Tokyo under world'.
In this story, Japanese rejected chewing gums which were not their preference.
He tied up with a crime syndicate and made them threaten storekeepers to sell
gums. Therefore the chewing gum culture was established in Japan.
This crime syndicate was Toseikai that grew up rapidly after the war and its all
members were Koreans.
There are about 500,000 Korean residents now in Japan.
1650 among them are in prison. This number follows to that of Chinese in prison
which is 2000 among total 250,000 people.
The rate of Koreans receiving public assistance is 48 per 1000 people.
Compared with the rate of Japanese that is 12 per 1000 people, it's as much as
four times higher.
They came to Japan with success dreams but are now nothing but a trouble.
To deal with the increasing crimes by foreigners, the Ministry of Justice issues
a "residence card" in which a person's name and address etc. are written in
an IC. However, according to the report from Asahi Shimbun, "Koreans are not
included" in those "foreigners".
I receive an impression as "Ploughing the field and forgetting the seeds" from
that. Korean residents in Japan are given shameless preferential treatments that
are not given to any other foreigners.
631名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/25(水) 12:23:46
For instance, if foreigners except Koreans are arrested for prostitutions, drugs
or crimes that lead to one or more years of penal servitude, they will be
immediately exiled. But a Korean resident is an exception.
Only they are not be exiled as long as they have not commited crimes that lead to
the seven or more years of penal servitude as homicide.
They explain the reason for this is their history.
In plain words, Japan owes them because they are descendants of kidnapped people.
Thus they take this preferential treatment for granted.
However, the kidnap by army is a fabrication made up by Kyungsik Park.
They are the descendants of people who came to Japan before and after the war,
and squatted as Hogyu Lim described.
There is no reason that they are distinguished from other foreigners and receive
preferential treatment at all.
But sensible Japanese did not say anything small-minded.
I compromise only Koreans who received the penalty of seven or more years of
penal servitude must be exiled.
Then how many Koreans have been exiled since the age Toseikai was active behind
the scenes ?
We have often seen, in newspapers, Korean names following "John Doe whose real
name is".
Expecting large number of criminals have been exiled, I asked the Ministry of
Justice of the exact number.
However the answer was, "The number of exiled Koreans since soon after the war
until now is zero because the minister has never stamped for approval."
Though it's well known that Seiken Sugiura refused the signature for execution,
I didn't know any Justice Ministers had not banished Korean felons.
Isn't this the bigger security concern in Japan than to refuse an execution ?
632名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/25(水) 12:25:30
Curious, what do Japanese people think of the American show LOST?
Does it have a following in Japan?
633名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/25(水) 12:36:55
I haven't watched it nor know the title.
I don't even know if it's a drama or quizz show or whatever.
Maybe that's because I am an old guy.
634名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/25(水) 12:51:19
LOST is on satelite TV but not on the one which is the most popular in Japan.
I, actually have never seen it before but, my friend is a fan of the show,
Am I talking right?
hope you get what i mean;
635名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/25(水) 13:47:10
I can't speak English much.
Help me!
636名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/25(水) 13:52:14
me either
lets talk with me

please tell me your todays schedule
637名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/25(水) 13:55:18
I teach English today.
638名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/25(水) 13:56:09
For me, everyday is Sunday.
I have absolutely no schedule to keep.
639名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/25(水) 13:57:28
I read Sunday Mainichi.
640名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/25(水) 13:59:03
Let's try English!
My schedule is that I am going to go to University today.
Are you?
641名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/25(水) 14:05:36
ill study certifiyng examination
then go to the park and walking 1hour
642名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/25(水) 14:07:09
Why walking for 1 hour?
Your hobby?
643名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/25(水) 14:13:22
What certifying examination?
Walking is good health,right!?
I want to sports.
644名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/25(水) 14:13:25
i just exercising for my body

why dont you try it
its good for your heath

to tell the truth , i have a lot of tme to spare
645NEET:2007/04/25(水) 14:19:35
You too? We are a lucky few, but I feel this happiness can only
be temporary.
646名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/25(水) 14:24:42
Walking is good.
It is such a pleasant feeling to be myself ouside.
Personally, I prefer taking bicycle thouh,,
647名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/25(水) 14:27:27
How much should you walk to lose fat?
648名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/25(水) 14:28:21
me too
how many neet are here
fuking employer dont hire me

i would like to preach a lesson to them
649名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/25(水) 14:28:27
Until you get walker's high.
650名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/25(水) 16:38:31
another bloody korean skunk has been sentenced to bloody life in prison.

Life imprisonment for serial raping
"Despicable crime to take advantage of fear" Osaka district court
Trial to 25 year old unemployed defendant Thosiaki Matsuoka whose real name is Toshiaki Kim,
accused of burglar rape etc. against eighteen women during 2004 and 05 in Osaka, was made at
the Osaka district court on the 24th.
Presiding judge Hiroyuki Nakagawa described, "Taking advantage of women's fears is an extremely
dirty, arch and mean", and handed down the life imprisonment sentence as prosecutors demanded.
The judge Nakagawa said and denounced Kim, "Victims seriously got the woman's dignity infringed.
I can't see defendant's humanity he should always have."
651名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/25(水) 19:24:37
652名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/25(水) 22:29:21
653名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/25(水) 22:30:29
( ^ω^)( ^ω^)( ^ω^)( ^ω^)( ^ω^)( ^ω^)( ^ω^)( ^ω^)( ^ω^)( ^ω^)
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654名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/25(水) 22:36:40
Hey Shobohn and Boon, say something here or
don't come here. All right ?
655名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/25(水) 22:40:43
You are so mean.
656名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/25(水) 22:51:18
Wrong! I'm pretty generous and nobody around me look down on me like you.
If someone try to do it or do it actually, I would send that guy to hell, hash the
body up and throw them into the cave near my condo. All right ?
657名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/25(水) 23:02:03
I don't think it's all right.
It's actually against the law to kill people, let alone send them to hell.
658名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/25(水) 23:07:12
to kill people is correct way to reduce population
659名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/25(水) 23:55:04
Where is Dwaine?
660名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/26(木) 00:20:42
cho is a martyr!!!
661名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/26(木) 00:30:22
cho was lonely. but cho stood tall!!!

he was not ashamed of being lonely man. he was bold.
he ate lonely in the canteen. but he didn't care!!!
when he was spoken to by someone,
he ignored them.what guts!
he didn't have to eat in the rest room like japanese Wienees in this thread.

662名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/26(木) 00:35:31
you are a coward!! be the man!!!!!!!!!!!
cho is the man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
663名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/26(木) 02:20:47
Topic change!

When was the last time you came so hard, you forgot where you were?
664名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/26(木) 02:32:19
do you want to see an american who watch too much anime try to talk japanese?

please americans, do not talk like a anime character.
this is not how normal people talk.
it is a little embarrassing too watch
because she doesnt understand she is fool.
but i would also like to fuck this girl,
at full force in her vagina, mouth, and ass.
665名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/26(木) 03:07:52
I can't sleep.
666名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/26(木) 04:26:53

667名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/26(木) 04:33:32
what a fuck is she doing?
i don't want to fuck this girl.
i just want to kick her ass 100000000 times a minute!!!!!!!!
668名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/26(木) 04:53:20
i'm so tired that i can't sleep.........
now i've been listning to music..........
something like Screeming Trees,The Afghan Whigs,with coffee and cigarrettes lol
wow! it's dawning here....... i have to get up at 7. i have only 2 hours to sleep! FUCK!!!!!!
669名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/26(木) 05:17:37
I'm looking for websites that can be as addictive as 2channel.

Do you guys, native English speakers know such a website.
If I get addicted to such a website I'll immerse myself into them and
my English will improve.

I know myspace, youtube and digg are popular. I'll appreciate it if
you introduce addictive websites other than those to me. Thank you.
670名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/26(木) 07:32:33
I would strongly recommend Kyo-no Wanko.
Pretty addictive, lol~~
671名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/26(木) 07:38:17
That's a segment of a show in the morning where they introdcue a cute
dog. I'm not talking about TV program but websites you recommend.

By the way I'd rather watch Kyo-no Manko if such a program is aired
at night.
672名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/26(木) 07:39:04
Nice to meet you.
I'm a student.
I want study English.
Thank you.
673名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/26(木) 07:39:57
<丶`Д´> yeah i'm wanko addict. they're too tasty to only look at or play with. kikkikkik......
674名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/26(木) 07:42:58
Dogs are great!
Through dealing with them, you start to belive the existance of
675名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/26(木) 10:28:42
>>669 is a very good site. It's one of my personal favorites. is also a good site if you listen to music on your computer.
676名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/26(木) 11:05:17
Thank you for your input.
I peeked and maybe it works like I'll check it more.

I've heard but never visited the website. Good website.
Thank you.

If you guys know websites that are fun to read or anything, Tell me more.
677bernardo ◆D8OZ1FIlis :2007/04/26(木) 12:01:54
OH my....
hisashiburini kitemitara....
Keira ga iru!!!!O_O
Hiii Keira and everybody! Long time no see!~~~ *wave*
This thread is fun actually haha^^
678名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/26(木) 12:20:29
You are Japanese are you?

Introduce yourself as long as you use fixed handle name.
679名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/26(木) 12:31:55
He's been a regular to this thread since even before you were born, lol~~
680名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/26(木) 12:34:40
It's nonsense to claim who is regular or not, who came this thread
earlier or not in this anonymous board.
681名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/26(木) 12:36:33
I couldn't agree more.
Introducing oneself is also nonsense in that sense.
682名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/26(木) 13:02:35
No, if he uses handle name he should introduce himself.
683名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/26(木) 13:02:58
Go to Soka Gakkai.
684名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/26(木) 13:22:27
You were sleeping during that storm?
685bernardo ◆D8OZ1FIlis :2007/04/26(木) 13:26:33
Introduce? Umm I am a Japanese woman. Working. Not a NEET.
Sexy, smart and cute. I am not very young but still very pretty.
Nice to meet you!(^^)/~ I a big fan of Italian filmmaker, Bernardo is
his name. Don't blame me for this name lol
686名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/26(木) 13:27:08
bernardo is so ugly.
687名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/26(木) 13:28:10
You are worth less.
688bernardo ◆D8OZ1FIlis :2007/04/26(木) 13:32:18
You are ugly while I am not. ohoho (^O^)
689名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/26(木) 13:33:16
Now that I know you are not young, I am not interested in you.
See ya.
690bernardo ◆D8OZ1FIlis :2007/04/26(木) 13:38:10
*shrug* that's ok then...n_n;
691名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/26(木) 13:40:03
please show your wannko
692名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/26(木) 13:42:44
I haven't taken a bath for four days.

I stinks and feel like vomiting because of my own smell giving
off. I'll take a bath tonight.
693名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/26(木) 13:45:40
i always take a shawer on moring
even if i wont go anywhere
694名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/26(木) 13:48:33
I like chocolate flavored bath salt.
695名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/26(木) 13:51:29
I'll hug you with this stinky body
696名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/26(木) 13:54:19
no thanx.
697名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/26(木) 14:14:45
full of ugly otaku people here.
so disgusting!
698名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/26(木) 14:15:27
I wonder if this will become a nareai thread again now that both keira and bernardo are here.
699名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/26(木) 14:17:31
700名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/26(木) 14:28:52
701名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/26(木) 15:05:29
Though these guys sing the same song,
they are exact opposite in intention.

 (  ´∀`) We are the world ♪
 (    )  We are the children ♪
 | | |

  <丶`∀´> We are the world ♪
 / ∪ ∪  We are the children ♪
702名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/26(木) 15:24:45
I guess they would be on bad terms with each other after the end of nareai.
703702:2007/04/26(木) 16:27:31
Long time no see,Bernard!
Are you still obsessed with youe ex-boy friend ?
704名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/26(木) 16:51:59
can you became my sex friend

but i dont have any experience
please lead me
705名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/26(木) 17:34:40
706bernardo ◆D8OZ1FIlis :2007/04/26(木) 18:47:21
Whhaa?? How did you know about my private life...
grrrr *pout* -_-"

First you need to train hard. Then give it a know when
you have a big moment, like world championship, all the athletes
do sit ups 100 times and some exercises beforehand.
707703:2007/04/26(木) 19:09:06
You see, I'm,in a sense, a big fan of yours.
I remember every detail about whatever you said here in the past.
For me,it was something like to live for to make fun of you when you used to post here
so often.
Thanks to you,I've acquired better command of English than before. lol
708目標TOEIC300点!:2007/04/26(木) 19:37:18
How can I use English as well as all.

Of course,used dictionary it can more well.

Sorry all, I used incorrect English.


Now , I learn English vocabulary.
709名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/26(木) 19:40:41
An online economic newspaper e-today reported on the 25th that single South Korean men
performed 'Naked body check' on women while they chose their brides in Vietnam and the
men's behaviors were taken up as a big issue in the locale.
According to an English version of a local newspaper "Young people" issued on that day,
some of South Korean men who had arrived at Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam met 66 young
Vietnamese women with a view to marriage in the middle of this month.
These women were introduced to men by a local marriage broker.
At this time South Korean men surprisingly performed so called roguish 'Naked body check'
on Vietnamese women. Though there were the cases local unlawful marriage brokers received
the high referral fee and set up "Group meeting for marriage" for single men from oversea
and troubles were caused, this is the first time the disgraceful behavior like this 'Naked body
check' was discovered. The Vietnamese police reportedly arrested two South Koreans on the
site in relation to the case. As such a case was reported through media, local people are
violently repulsing it and the newspapers wrote that depending on circumstances even the
damage on the national image would be concerned.
Earlier at the beginning of this month, South Korean men were arrested in Ho Chi Minh City
while choosing brides out of 118 Vietnamese women at an illegal marriage meeting, and were
sentenced to a fine. However there are still shameless people committing such a crime as usual.
Hankook Ilbo

710703:2007/04/26(木) 19:44:59
Well, it may sound a little exaggerated what I 've just said.
To tell you the truth,once you talked to yourself about your private life
here as an anonymous san, but I have a good 6th sense,so I recognized you
right away.
Do you want me to tell you when you said so ?
711名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/26(木) 19:49:50
why not.
712bernardo ◆D8OZ1FIlis :2007/04/26(木) 21:13:03
Wow ^_^ I'm gland you said that. so did you miss me?
umm...>>710...oh wow wow...haha..why not

But, I'm afraid mata nareai wa yokunaikara
I'll visit here from time to time and
sometimes with anoymous name..yeah..^^
713名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/26(木) 21:16:39
im trying hard to asend endurance

i always use my right hand and mattress

714名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/26(木) 21:40:19
"Did you miss me ?"
SYOTTERA〜! but honestly speaking,may be a bit...
I'll give you a hint.
I also know you have a kind of job that you have to sit in front of your PC
all day long.
715名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/26(木) 23:53:42
please give me something to eat

im hunngry

i dont have money
716名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/27(金) 00:36:09
how can i speak english like japanese

ill never spaek it like that
717名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/27(金) 01:09:39
If You Are Hungry Now.
You Should Do Push-Ups.
Then Your Hunger Will Settle Down.
I Used To Do That When I Was 15 Or 16.
718名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/27(金) 01:13:11
Just Kill Yourself And You Will Be Born Again As A Fuckin' White Man.
719名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/27(金) 01:13:32
> >>707
> Wow ^_^ I'm gland you said that. so did you miss me?
> umm...>>710...oh wow wow...haha..why not
> But, I'm afraid mata nareai wa yokunaikara
> I'll visit here from time to time and
> sometimes with anoymous name..yeah..^^
720keira:2007/04/27(金) 02:26:38
Sorry everyone for not posting in a while. xD
I have multiple essays to write.

ひさしぶり なあ!

I know how you feel. I don't know If I'll ever be able to speak Japanese fluently. ;__;
721keira:2007/04/27(金) 02:41:34
Well, I have to go yo my japanese class now. bye!

日本語 の 授業 に 行かなくちゃいけないん です。さよなら!
722名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/27(金) 02:56:12
What kind of essay did you write and how many words do you need for
each essay? Good luck with your classes.
723名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/27(金) 04:10:44
your question is sooooooooo boring!!!!!!!!
what would you do if you could know how many words she needs for her essay?
724名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/27(金) 04:23:31
beware! perverted women!
725名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/27(金) 04:26:23
I might have seen an image of Bernardo. She's very cute.
726名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/27(金) 05:21:30
You don't know about what "communication" is like at all.
I'm sure question itself was not so important to him/her.
He/she just wanted to talk with Keira!
727名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/27(金) 05:30:06
728名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/27(金) 06:37:13
Juche Idea rampant in Japan Teachers' Union
The Juche Idea (also Juche Sasang or Chuch'e; pronounced /t?ut??e/ in Korean, approximately
"joo-cheh") is the official state ideology of North Korea and the political system based on it.
Kim Jong-il has explained that the doctrine is a component part of Kimilsungism,
after its founder Kim Il-sung.
The core principle of the Juche ideology since the 1970s has been that "man is the master of
everything and decides everything".
The official biography Kim Il Sung by Baik Bong had previously described this as saying
that the masters of the North Korean revolution are the Workers' Party of Korea and
the Korean people, who must remake themselves under the leadership of the WPK.
Juche literally means "main body" or "subject"; it has also been translated in North Korean
sources as "independent stand" and the "spirit of self-reliance".
729keira:2007/04/27(金) 07:34:01
Thank you! It's an informational essay about how humans are socialand curious and why we are searching for an answer to life. (It's pretty complex.)O_O
and has to be 1,250 words minimum. So maybe...5 pages? I think.

Are you writing any essays for school anonymous-san?
730bernardo ◆D8OZ1FIlis :2007/04/27(金) 08:53:06

The essay's theme sounds so complex...I dunno what to write if the
theme is so abstract like that..>.<
731名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/27(金) 10:46:38
The theme sounds sooo profound and difficult to answer!
Is it for a philosophy class at uni?
732名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/27(金) 10:51:41
733名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/27(金) 11:04:19
I prefer tennis.
734keira:2007/04/27(金) 12:02:43
Well, yes, It'll probably be hard, but that's the sort of stuff I like to write about-Things that can't be completely answered.n_n

No, It's for English. We were allowed to write about whatever we wanted, so that's what I decided to choose. xD
I think the human mind is very interesting.

Are you guys humanitarian like me? On American Idol last night, they had a speacial about starving children and it was very eye-opening.
But on the radio this morning, the DJ's were talking about how they fast-forwarded past the special so they could watch the singing instead. =_=;
I can't believe people can be so apathetic about what is happening in our world.
735名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/27(金) 12:06:28

where is school girl?

I misssssssssssss you
736名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/27(金) 12:21:13
Although I only know a bit about that show, it's kind of amazing to
know that American Idol had a speacial about starving children.
I don't necessarily consider myself humanitarian, but I admire people like
Mother Teresa and Audrey Hepburn.
Come to think of it though, I've always been very curious about the ambivalence
the U.S. has.
In the U.S. lots of people have the volunteer-spririt and they actually use
their weekends to help people at hospitals, nursing home, etc.etc for no money.
But at the same time, there are many people in the U.S. who commit hate-crimes and
brutal acts against weaker people.
It's kind of hard to understand how those two extremely different ways of thinking
coexist in one society.
737keira:2007/04/27(金) 12:46:02
There is no one set way of thinking. Especially in America, since there are so many different cultures living next-door to each other.
That's why debate classes in school are so very interesting. xD
Most of the people I have met have a humanitarian state of mind, but don't actually take action.
We will see the terrible and depressing things on TV, and maybe We'll donate a few dollars and tell people about it, but very few people actually are commited to solving the problem.
At least we help a little, but personally, I believe it's not enough.
Especially for rich celebrities. It's none of my business how they spend their money, but since they have so much of it, couldn't they spend it on people who REALLY need it?
738名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/27(金) 12:51:05
where is keira living

739名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/27(金) 13:18:08
Keira is 警邏中 in Japan.
740名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/27(金) 13:25:05
If the info. we are receiving America is correct,
celebrities are donating a lot of money in the U.S. much so
than they are in Japan, because the amout of money donated can be written
off when filing their income tax in the U.S., but in Japan, there is
at least a restriction as to which organization you should donate to be
tax exempted and probably also a restriction on the percentatge one can
write off.
So the point is, in the U.S., one can be more motivated ot donate instead of
paying taxes, but in Japan, that is not so much the case.

Sorry about my poor explanation.
741keira:2007/04/27(金) 13:30:39
742keira:2007/04/27(金) 13:34:12
I understand. Interesting.
Yes, there are a lot of good celebrities who are trying to make a difference, which is great.
I guess I just get angry sometimes when I watch the MTV show "Cribs", and they show these wealthy celebrity houses and they spend rediculous amounts of money on petty things.
I shouldn't focus on the bad. >.>
743名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/27(金) 13:38:38
It makes me mad too when I hear about celebrities spending huge amounts of money on extraneous things.
744名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/27(金) 13:40:31
'Extraneous things' such as?
745名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/27(金) 13:43:20
Talking about celebrities, the news about Richard Gere's blunder
has been aired on Japanese TV.
I wonder if he is a religious charlatan or alcoholic?
746名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/27(金) 13:44:50

diffrent from japan,i think city is surrouned by nature

someday i want to go us
747keira:2007/04/27(金) 13:47:13
Sacramento is actually very different from other US cities, because it's surrounded by so much nature.
It's called "the city of trees" n___n

I can't wait to go to Japan. Although...I really hate cicadas. xD
haha, I never even knew what a cicada was until I went to china, and they really scared me!
As long as there aren't too many cicadas, I think I'll love visiting Japan. n_n
748keira:2007/04/27(金) 13:50:30
Are you talking about how he is in trouble in India for kissing in public? xD
749keira:2007/04/27(金) 13:53:04
Like having diamond encrusted fake eyelashes, and extra houses that they don't even use.
Or platinum grills to put over teeth. D:
750名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/27(金) 13:54:55
I understand, cicadas are extremely noisy at the end of summer,
but you know, they spend their whole life underground as a worm,
and get the luxury of spending only 1 week on the trees.
I guess that's why they sing with all the power to enjoy their lives for
such as limited period of time.
Just be careful, when cicadas stop singing to go to another tree, because
that's when they pee!!
751名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/27(金) 13:56:40
752keira:2007/04/27(金) 14:02:43
ah! thanks for telling me!
really? only for a week? geez, then I went to asia at the wrong time. xD
Hmm...Maybe I do feel a bit bad for the cicadas...

I think the rule is a little outrageous, but if it's the law in india, then he should just pay a fine and be done w/ it.
It might seem a little unfair, since he didn't know about the rule, but he has to respect India's law.
753名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/27(金) 14:08:57
no problem,
but you see, since not all the cicadas come out of undergound at the
same time, and since there are some different kinds of cicadas,
there is a time lag between the first cicada and the last cicada, if
you see what I mean.
So in essence, you'd want to be careful at least during July and August.
754名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/27(金) 14:13:10
We also hear that the Hindu extremists are capitalizing on the
So, yeah, if he can get away with a fine, he should settle with that.
755keira:2007/04/27(金) 14:21:05
Ahh, I see.that's good,since I'm going at the end of June. But that means rain right?
Having rain during the summer is such a foreign concept to me. xD

Ack. Extremists of all type really try to blow things out of proportion. =_=
756名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/27(金) 14:49:48
yep. It can be very muggy in June.
Morning rush-hour (around 8:00-9:30) on the train is the worst!
Passengers' wet umbrellas, wet rain-coat and worst of all,
a whole bunch of sweat fat salaried-workers only an inch away from you!
Some trains have women-only carriages during the morning and evening
rush-hours, so you might want to try those if you want to avoid oily men!
757keira:2007/04/27(金) 15:09:25
Thanks for the advice! n__n

I don't think I'll be using trains too much though.
Rush 'hour' here a lot longer than just an hour. It's considered 7:30-9:00am, then in the afternoon, about 3:30 to 6:30pm.
758名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/27(金) 15:17:13
How will you travel?
759keira:2007/04/27(金) 15:27:09
Probably bus or taxi. That's what we're used to. :3
760名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/27(金) 15:40:43
hello, hello
761名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/27(金) 15:42:03
I don't know why you say good-by
I say hello
762keira:2007/04/27(金) 15:42:22

and, goodnight! xD
I'm tired.
763名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/27(金) 15:45:15
I always thought the word "because" came from "be" + "cause", but
that didn't make much sense to me. I just looked it up, and it turns
out that it came from "by" + "cause", which makes a lot more sense.
Nowadays, people usually just say "'cause", though.
764名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/27(金) 15:49:04
Sweet dreams!
765名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/27(金) 16:15:24

Just the reaction I was looking for.


So how do you guys like the Beatles?
766名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/27(金) 16:15:27
Bitter dreams!
767名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/27(金) 16:17:40
bytheway how old are you
768名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/27(金) 16:19:55
I like the tune with "Hazama Kenji" in it, lol~~
769名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/27(金) 16:22:00
I feel like I am in my early twenties, which I am.
770名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/27(金) 16:27:26
This was for >>765, actually.
771名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/27(金) 16:45:57

Actually, I am >>765 and >>768.

Is it just that you didn't notice my latest res?

getting really confused..
772名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/27(金) 16:46:49
My butt itches, itches ..........ahe ahe ahe
773名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/27(金) 16:49:27
are you alright?

don't wanna get that annoying disease.

If you scratch it'll spread around your whole body!


go see a doctor or something...
774名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/27(金) 16:53:07
No, you can't be both 765 and 768.
Because I'm 768 but not 765.
You really confuse me!
775名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/27(金) 16:56:08
my bad.

i meant >>769, not >>768.

Sorry for causing a lot of trouble right from the beginning.
776名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/27(金) 16:56:31
f u
777名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/27(金) 16:58:00
no worries^-^
778名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/27(金) 17:20:16
keira! May we read your essay when it has been finished?
779amonz:2007/04/27(金) 17:38:57
780名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/27(金) 17:43:36
what do you want?
781名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/27(金) 20:49:58
782名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/27(金) 20:52:10
hey, YOU!
783名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/27(金) 21:29:07
784名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/27(金) 21:31:54

baka ga miru!
785名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/27(金) 21:33:24
damare oresama no chinpo ha ookinn dazo
786名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/27(金) 21:42:21
>>781 Wow this is amazing ! A Japanese guy is insisting on his
opinion dignifiedly in America. Japan has changed a lot lately
thanks to Mike Honda and the particular cockhead Asian countries.
787青狼:2007/04/27(金) 22:00:34
have been a long time.
prease pass the pepear.

788名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/27(金) 23:30:12
Yes I do.
789名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/27(金) 23:32:15
Your heavy love sickness comes from yourself.
That means the more passinate person you are, the deeper love you fall into.
As a result, if you fall out of love,..................!
790名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/27(金) 23:35:13

How much do you love Yukorin?
Can you do anything (she wants) at the cost of your life?
791名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/27(金) 23:47:33
Sorry,that question is not for me.
You'd better ask yourself.
792名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/27(金) 23:51:24
I can die for my kaho-chan. she is 14 or 15 but her boobs are growing larger than her comtemporary girls average boobs.
I musturbate everyday!
793名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/27(金) 23:54:50
Which do you like better,her boobs or herself?
794名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/27(金) 23:56:54
I love her both! I wanna marry her, but Japanese civil law can never allow us to be happy,
because she is 15.
795名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/27(金) 23:58:48
lol musturbation. A necessary evil.
796名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/27(金) 23:59:30
Then you can get married in a year or so.
797名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/28(土) 00:04:27
I believe we will marry in a few months. her birthday is June.
But I'm facing two hardest obstacles! the former is I need her parents permission.
the latter her production agency hates to let her quit
798名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/28(土) 00:13:12
Actually,You don't need her parents permission.
By civil law, you need her parent permission.
Do you understand what I mean?
By the way,What does she do? a idol or something?
Veryyyy curious!
799名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/28(土) 00:14:09
Saki Aibu is very pretty,right!?
800名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/28(土) 00:18:35
She loves me greater than I do!
I wanna marry my Kaho!
801名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/28(土) 00:20:50
If you could start a war in any part of the world and have two nations
fight each other, who would they be?

I'd make China fight India, in the Indian Ocean and in the Himalyas.
It'd be nice to watch two nations fight each other and not be involved
in it... we're always part of some stupid coalition for "freedom" or
some joke like that.

We should have a war just to see who's the best :)
802名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/28(土) 00:23:16
Korin planet hates war, not Japan.
803名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/28(土) 00:29:24
804名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/28(土) 02:41:53
I will be happy!
805名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/28(土) 10:12:25
Love sickness comes from your delusion.
You make him/her indespensable or irreplaceable on your own.
806名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/28(土) 11:37:31
Though these guys say the same,
they are exact opposite in intention.

 (  ´∀`) Once we decide to do or die,
 (    )  we can do anything !
 | | |

  <丶`∀´> Once we decide to do or die,
 / ∪ ∪   we can do anything !
807名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/28(土) 12:47:39
Have you ever heard of Maddox?

808名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/28(土) 14:18:26
I have heard of Maddox. He is quite famous on the Internet.
809名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/28(土) 14:27:19
Oh, really?

Then what about him?
He has his website similar to him.

I haven't read both of the websited through, which I manot sure
I do, but as of now, ninjapirate is more funny.
810名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/28(土) 14:55:52
What's you guys plan for the golden week?
811名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/28(土) 16:09:39
don't call me nigger!!! call me negro!
812名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/28(土) 16:38:54
I love you.
813名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/28(土) 16:42:22





814名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/28(土) 16:48:10
Though these guys say the same,
they are exact opposite in intention.

 (  ´∀`) Our country used to be called the land of gold !
 (    )
 | | |

  <丶`∀´> Our country used to be called the land of gold !
 / ∪ ∪
815名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/28(土) 17:19:11
          , -ー --、_
       ,,..- し、_,、_, - ' `ヽ、
      /             \
    /      /__ \ __ ヽ
   /  ,,.. -ー/ - 、  ,..- 、 \ ー-`、ヽ.、
   !,.-'' ..- '' ./    V   ヽ    .` Y  Screw you guys.
   (,,.-''´   l    ・ |   ・ .i     |
   .|     .!     八    ノ     |
    !     .` ─ ´   ` ー ´      /    I'm going home.
    人       , ェェェ;、       ./
  /  \ \    ゝ─ー'   / /  \
 /     ` 、_` ─-----─''_´- "´   r''''''''つ
 |        . ̄r'''''''''つ ̄       |   |
 |         |   | |         ゝ 丿
 |         |  丿.|          フ
 .\        ` " .|     _ _ ,.イ
  | `ー──────┴─'"´ ̄    /
  と" ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄`ー-ー" ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ヽ
    ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
816名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/28(土) 18:55:40
What the heck ! Again Korean dog eaters tried to sneak in.
It's hard to guess why they always try that despite the hatered
against the Japanese !

Mass smuggling of illegal immigrants:
11 Koreans on a fishing boat at the fishing port, Nishi-ku, Fukuoka City

At about 3:17AM on 28th, a sixty year old man who was near saw
suspicious people who landed from the fishing boat at Nishinoura fishing
port in Nishiura, Nishi-ku, Fukuoka City and called 110.
Fukuoka prefectural police searched around there, discovered and
detained eleven people: five men and six women, who are possibly
South Koreans and a Japanese man who was a driver to let them flee.
These eight men and women including a Japanese man were arrested on
the suspicion of violating the Immigration Control Law.
The police are investigating these people as the smuggling of illegal
immigrants. These eleven people are in their twenties to fifties according
to the west station of the Fukuoka prefectural police.
Six of them were caught in to the minivan on the road in Yokohama in
the same district. The Japanese man who was in the car is suspected
to be there to pick up other people. Remained five people were
discovered while having lurked around the fishing port.
All of them are lightly attired. Their passports of South Korea were
confirmed not to be counterfeit and some of them reportedly have the
note of South Korea. At Nishinoura fishing port, as some ten people who
seemed to be the stowaways were witnessed to land on early morning
of 18th, and the police doubts the series of cases as possible continuous
stowing away and investigating the background of the case.
【 Takeshi Kinoshita 】
Mainichi news 14:00 04/28/2007
817名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/28(土) 19:34:11
Can you belive 1/3 of 2007 is almost over?
Since speed of time seems to be accelerating,
we'd better start making a plan for Christmas already now.
Is this due to global warming?
Time flies even when you are not having fun.....
818名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/28(土) 20:29:06
Yes yEs
that's exactly how i feel
My life has been totally wasted up untill this point and time still flies by like crazy I don't know what to do to stop it or even slow it down
819名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/28(土) 20:57:58
If we sleep much less,
we may feel that time goes by at a reasonable pace...
I don't know....
820名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/28(土) 21:31:44
Time waits for no one.
821名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/28(土) 21:33:27
It's OK,
I'll take over it.
822名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/28(土) 21:33:35
Time and Timmy are very simillar but very different.
823名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/28(土) 21:38:51
Enemy in the sky!
824名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/28(土) 21:47:25
Time is not real.
I think Time is just a figment of convenience when explaining things going on.
In fact, there is no such thing as time so you can7t go forward or back in time.
825名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/28(土) 22:06:14
What you see is also a figment, in that
if you feel depressed, a bright sunny day will make you even more
depressed, but if you feel energetic, the same bright sunny day
will make you really happy.
So what you see is not real either, it's just virtual reality.
826名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/28(土) 22:09:44
I think Timmy and Tummy are even more similar but very different.
827名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/28(土) 22:11:51
Lucy in the Sky with Diamond, you mean?
828名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/28(土) 22:20:32
don't call me negro!!! call me nigrat!
829名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/28(土) 22:22:45
Hi, nigrat. Are you alcoholic, too?
830名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/28(土) 22:30:38
yeah, pal.
I am.
831名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/28(土) 22:33:51
My name is not pal.
832名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/28(土) 22:38:33
I am playing tetris on my DS.
833名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/28(土) 22:45:44
You've hit rock bottom man, rock bottom.
834名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/29(日) 01:16:40
I am a cat, but have not a name yet.
835名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/29(日) 01:18:17
I will be happy!
836名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/29(日) 01:20:47
OK let's talk about something.
Something is a noun.
837名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/29(日) 01:22:32
Which candidate do you think will be able to be a President of France, Sarucoji or Royale?
838名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/29(日) 01:25:35
I have to say Sarucoji just because he is more experienced and has alot of backup from his party.
What do you thinik?
839名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/29(日) 01:26:58
Then,I'll give you a name.
Which do you like better,mike or tama?
840名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/29(日) 01:28:37
tama is a nice for me.
841名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/29(日) 01:30:01
Of course, like most Japanese, tama.
Tamas more dignity to its presence, on the other hand, mike is just a cat.
842名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/29(日) 01:30:53
Which presidential candidates have big chest, French Royale or American Hilary?
It makes big difference for me when I vote for.
843名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/29(日) 01:32:31
Are you eligible in both the countries?
What are you?
844名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/29(日) 01:33:57
Mizuho Fukushima is bad, she has flat chest , to make matters worse, her face is ugly.
845名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/29(日) 01:35:42
I have Dokodemo door, It can allow me to go to anywhere I want to.
So I can vote
846名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/29(日) 01:40:33
I think cats don't have the right to vote even if you're a famous super cat.
847名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/29(日) 01:44:14
YOu are right. Cats cannot vote. But, cats love woman's chest,
Answer my question, which has big chest!
848名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/29(日) 01:47:57
You are a cat who has Dokodemo Door.
So you are a Draemon, aren't you?
849名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/29(日) 01:48:58
Hay guys, what's going on in this thread?
850名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/29(日) 01:49:54
Delicious flat chest...
851名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/29(日) 01:51:55
My penis is erecting now. What should I do?
852名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/29(日) 01:54:05
No one can answer the question.
because both of them have fake chests.
that means "agezoko".
I don't know how you say "agezoko no mune" in English.
853名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/29(日) 01:57:54
First,you have to think which hand you should use today.
854名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/29(日) 02:01:34
If you usually use right hand,you'd better use left hand for a change.
because you can taste different feelings
855名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/29(日) 02:12:03
My spoon is too big.
856名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/29(日) 02:39:51
XP don't like it
Lock the taskbar
Lock the taskbar
857名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/29(日) 05:26:46
stop jacking off and just do something better like actually having sex or something.
u guys are such a pathetic losers.:)
858名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/29(日) 07:31:12
Angry tics fly out of my nipples.
859名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/29(日) 07:32:10
>>857 is obviously venting his sexual frustrations by insulting similarly un-sexed individuals. Also, INTERNET IS SERIOUS FUCKING BUSINESS!
860名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/29(日) 07:33:52 "The plant is carcinogenic, and
 communities (mainly in Japan and Korea) where the young stems are
 used as a vegetable have some of the highest stomach cancer rates
 in the world. The spores have also been implicated as a carcinogen."
861名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/29(日) 07:36:34
862名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/29(日) 07:40:52
863名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/29(日) 09:43:51
There is a girl I like for more than 2 years. She's been showing me her faith
that she truly loves me many times but at the same time she cheat on
me. Right now she is dating with another guy. I am sooooooo jealous...
She is a bitch. She said she loves me but she also says it to him.
Maybe she had been just telling me a lie. How fool I am.....Mo yamemasu...
864名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/29(日) 09:56:49
It depends on how much you love her.
If you love her deeply to the extent that you can die for her,
you can't stop loving her.
As a result,you'll become her slave. lol
865名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/29(日) 10:48:44
I know what you mean..Thanks for your remark.
I could see myself more clearly...
I am a miserable guy but I can't stop loving her. Shit..
866名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/29(日) 11:14:00
I'll give you my previous post.
That is,the more passionate person you are, the deeper love you fall in.
The deeper loneliness you feel in this world, the more passionate love you fall in.
Thank you!
867名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/29(日) 12:57:24
It is not even worth thinking about such a person who tells
that kind of lie.
Don't waste your time, and shift your focus to something else.
Good luck!
868名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/29(日) 14:55:15
Stop wanking with Yukorin! She feels much fear!
869名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/29(日) 17:58:50
870名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/29(日) 19:29:17
Why are you accessing 2CH during the golden week?
871名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/29(日) 21:01:15
Though these guys say the same,
they are exact opposite in intention.

 (  ´∀`) Korean residents in Japan
 (    )  should go back to your country !
 | | |

  <丶`∀´> Korean residents in Japan
 / ∪ ∪  should go back to your country !
872名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/29(日) 21:18:45
I will be happy!
873名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/29(日) 23:05:58
anybody home?
874名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/29(日) 23:08:22
wtf is this
you guys suck at english
875名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/29(日) 23:09:10
Thanx very much for the compliment.
876名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/29(日) 23:31:29
Don't just thank
You should say something that will lead to something else later, or the thread stops.
Do you understand what I mean to say?
877名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/29(日) 23:36:53
Shut up! Why I am a cherry!?
878名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/29(日) 23:38:35
That's good, ending the post with a question, so that the following posters have to answer it.
Very nice. Well done.
879名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/29(日) 23:39:34
Hey, you wankers!
880864:2007/04/29(日) 23:43:36
anyway,if I were in your shoes,I'd break up with her.
Hey! open your eyes and look around! There are a lot of cute girls here and there.
If you regard her as being irreplaceable,it's your delusion.
On top of that,young people tend to confuse love with sex,or with something else.
Take your time to think it over. Good luck!

881名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/29(日) 23:46:26
This is the most obscure post you have possibly seen,
just " Hey! you wankers" with absolutely no target no purpose no nothing.
What do you expect the other posters to respond?
That' bad. You shouldn't do that.
882名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/29(日) 23:54:15
How many times do you masturbate per day?
I'm 4 times. I can't count the quantity of my sperm which had been given off.
883名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/29(日) 23:54:57
I don't like your girlfriend. I think you need a new one. I could be your girlfriend.
884名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/29(日) 23:56:28
Really? Me my girlfriend! I wanna break your virgin!
885名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/29(日) 23:59:45
But you don't have a girlfriend.
So it can' be about you.
886名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/30(月) 00:01:12
I have many many girlfriends in my brain. you should be my lover!
887名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/30(月) 00:03:50
Me too!
888名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/30(月) 00:06:00
OK count me in as your another imaginary girlfriend.
I'm a fat middle-age man who's bald.
Now you can fantasize anything using me ><
889名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/30(月) 00:06:40
Most of my girls at my high school are my lovers. I always imagine so
890名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/30(月) 00:09:14
Shit! jobless middle age man should go to the Hello-work, not to become a immaginary lover of mine!
891名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/30(月) 00:20:07
Why did you add jobless in there,, correctly??
Do I smell jobless?? or are you phychic?
892名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/30(月) 00:25:11
893名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/30(月) 00:25:26
Usual salary man sleeps around this hour.
I smell you joblessness or warehouse job.
I see you are a warehouse idiot?
894名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/30(月) 00:27:52
? >

895名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/30(月) 01:10:15
896そのまんま ◆ozOtJW9BFA :2007/04/30(月) 01:50:55
To be to be ten made to be.
897名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/30(月) 01:53:05
898名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/30(月) 02:58:14

you guys are crazy.

Just shut your mouth and go to sleep.
I know you all love your mother and sleep with her!

THIS will never change. Stop trying to escape into your fantasy and look into your mother's eyes! you'll see what I mean.

stay real, and be a man!
899名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/30(月) 03:26:44
Zee,how I gatta bad day today, I could't getit this mother fuckin' matter.
I'm so pissed off caz bitch refused fuck with me who I called delivery service
which ws Japanese FUZOKU matter zat was only suck my pienats and some naguthy thingz,man!
soooo surprise, how I come??? this fuckin' cheap service even I spent 26000yen.
Now I really needa some chick and give meya puusy!!!
900名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/30(月) 03:39:44
>>898Ya mother fuck'in ESL student?! Ya sucha Syco Virginia Tech fucker! U know wharra i'm mean'in say!
Go to bed and hell!
901名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/30(月) 06:09:34
what holiday is it today?
holidays change these days, it's very confusing.
902名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/30(月) 06:52:46
im gonna shit on all your faggot jap faces
903名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/30(月) 07:05:45
Good, you don't seem to have the problem of constipation.
904名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/30(月) 08:00:13
Dore dore misoraso doshiredo shiredora sosoraso dorasomire~~
905名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/30(月) 08:40:56
It's your fault.
You're so ugly that even a bitch run away from you.
You'd better give up tasting live pussy,that means you should buy
a dutch doll.
906名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/30(月) 09:02:42
what the dog eater, dog eaters're here !
hey, dirty dog eaters, stop dirty dog eating talks and behave dog eating yourselves or leave.
you dog eating dog eaters're so nasty that you're gonna screw up the dog eating holidays.
understand, stupid dog eating dog eaters ?
907名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/30(月) 09:51:36
Oh, here she comes,
whatch out boys, she'll chew you up,
Oh, here she comes,
she is a man eater~~
908名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/30(月) 09:55:46
I agree with you.
Most ugly men called "Kimomen",who have no girlfreind,
are tend to use this service.But Above all,899 is the worst.
909名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/30(月) 10:02:37
I want to be eaten by her,however old she is or whatever ugly looks
she has! that means it's OK with me if she merely has a hole.
910名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/30(月) 10:04:54
Wow good old song !
But guess one around here might know H&O.
911名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/30(月) 10:06:54
Mistaken !
one -> no one
912名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/30(月) 10:15:00
I feel like I heard the song in a movie.
But I don't remember the title of it.
913名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/30(月) 10:17:31
It's by Hall & Oats,
Here it is, enjoy!
914名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/30(月) 10:18:53
then why do you know?
I'm just curious.
915名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/30(月) 10:31:58
Don't ask such a stupid question.
Needless to say,he is a fat middle-aged man who's bald and jobless.
916名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/30(月) 10:34:00
That's what you are.
917名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/30(月) 10:37:39
>>915, 916
Oh, you guys,
please stop fighting,
somebody stop them,
guys please don't fight for me,
no matter how beautiful I am.
918名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/30(月) 12:10:32
No,that's toatlly different from what I am.
I admit that I'm not so young,but have a so-so job that gives me about 5 million yen
per addition to that,I'm not fat and bald.
919名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/30(月) 12:29:46
Put a space after conma and period, idiot.
920名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/30(月) 12:33:08
You're such a tidy person! I hate you!
921名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/30(月) 12:33:26
Gottcha, idiot!
922名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/30(月) 12:34:18
You're such a tiny person! I hate you!
923名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/30(月) 12:42:09
I learned from a native speaker that they call you "Grammer Nazi", who are
particular about that kind of stuff.
924名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/30(月) 12:44:01
Sorry,typo Grammar Nazi
925名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/30(月) 12:45:09
Space after a comma, you idiot!
926名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/30(月) 12:49:05
What for ?
It's OK with me if I can make myself understand.
927名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/30(月) 12:49:49
Sorry understood
928名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/30(月) 12:51:18
You are too easy on yourself.
You won't survive in this world with such an attitude.
929名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/30(月) 12:53:03
Cause it's one of the rules of writing, faggot.
930名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/30(月) 12:54:25
faggot, lol~~
931名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/30(月) 12:56:51
Why does "fag" means cigarette in the U.K. but gay in the U.S.?
932名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/30(月) 12:58:41
Don't ask why. It's just the way they are.
933名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/30(月) 13:00:32
The way we were.......
934名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/30(月) 13:56:02
Because the sky is blue, that makes me cry........
935名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/30(月) 14:05:09
Has anyone tried a 'garlic shot'?
If yes, does it really work?
936名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/30(月) 14:07:34
You are always whining and weeping your life here.
Keep your negative feelings to yourself inside and don't
post here.
937名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/30(月) 14:26:36
Garlic is not actually used in a garlic shot.
938名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/30(月) 15:17:48
Garlic is freedom!
939名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/30(月) 15:19:01
■ 在日は危険な存在です。国内に増加しています。

940名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/30(月) 15:35:19
I am a radical lolicon.
941名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/30(月) 16:42:19
I don't get it.
What turns you on about infant girls?
942名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/30(月) 16:43:46
C'est enfant terrible.
943名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/30(月) 16:45:49
944kkkk:2007/04/30(月) 16:51:28
There are so many motherfuckers in Japan
945名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/30(月) 17:15:02
You are the champion of them.
946名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/30(月) 17:25:55
            /  ノ   \  ヽ
            | ●    ● |   What are you muttering?
          彡   (_●_)    ミ
           /、   |∪|    ,\ Get lost with this dog fillet !
          /.|     ヽノ    | ヽ
       ,,/-―ー-、, --、   .|_,|
    r-、,'''";;:;;:;::;;;;:;;::;:;:;;::;:;`'- /_,l,,__ )
   |,,ノ;;:;r'" ̄ ゙̄^"`Y'-、;;;::;:;::;:;:;:;::;:|
    .ヽ,′       ;'   `"";;;;;⌒゙')
     ´`゙'''''''''''‐-‐'"`‐-‐'"゛  `゙´
              |  .‖ /
947名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/30(月) 21:03:01
Make new thread! Forget not, new thread is part 83!
948名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/30(月) 21:21:33
949名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/30(月) 21:39:57
950名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/30(月) 21:40:27
I will be happy!
951名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/05/01(火) 00:15:38
I see your post almost every day.
Aren't you sick and tired of posting the same phrase?
952名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/05/01(火) 03:35:31
Good morning,evrybody.
May today bring you happiness!
953名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/05/01(火) 04:22:12
Morning? i guess you are very dirigent worker or a slacker whose body
clock is out of order by irregular hours. As for me, i'm latter.I'm a
so calld NEET. Please kill me and correct my sentence.Well,my english is
more or less correct? I have learned English by DUO 3.0 since a month
ago,becouse i have many times. I hope to enter any job.
954名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/05/01(火) 05:47:44
955名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/05/01(火) 07:00:40
Space after a comma, you idiot!
956名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/05/01(火) 07:10:15
Same to you!
957名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/05/01(火) 08:16:22
Morning? I guess you are a very diligent worker or a slacker whose body
clock is out of order because of irregular hours. As for me, I'm the latter. I'm a
so called NEET. Please kill me and correct my sentence. Well, my English is
more or less correct? I have been learning English by DUO 3.0 since a month
ago because I have a lot of free time. I hope to enter any job.
958名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/05/01(火) 08:56:49
Though these guys say the same,
they are exact opposite in intention.

 (  ´∀`) We create the history !
 (    )
 | | |

  <丶`∀´> We create the history !
 / ∪ ∪
959926:2007/05/01(火) 09:47:43
Are you the same person as 925 or 928?
you are stupid enough to repeat one phrase like a parrot.
so persistent! It's not me but you who won't servive in this world.
because you are so strict that everyone around you stay away from you.
Don't you know a precious Japanese proverb which says "nasakewa hitono tamenarazu"?
Anyway,you're pathetic fucking idiot!!
960926:2007/05/01(火) 10:32:02
Any job? Don't tell a lie!
There are a lot of so-called 3K jobs all over Japan.
So if you seriously want to find a job,it's easy to get one.
You'v e been a NEET all through your life simply because you're
fussy about selecting a good one,or simply because you're fucking lazy.
961名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/05/01(火) 10:37:13
You are just crazy.
Put a space after conma is just and advice.
And the advice is stirct? huh? You are an idiot.You don't even know
what strict means. Your citing the proverb is beside the point.
The more you post, the more clearly you prove yourself that you are
962名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/05/01(火) 10:40:00
Don't forget to put a space after conma and period, moron.
963926:2007/05/01(火) 10:53:39
Advice? Don't tell a lie!
You're a just kind of person who likes criticizing others,or saying bad things
about others.
If you insist that it's advice, you're a pathetic liar!
I don't need any advice from a liar. Just mind your own business!!
964名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/05/01(火) 11:19:37
Yeah, mind your own business...haha
Oh...probably nobody wants to hear about my life but let me tell you
that my ex bf came back to me once again after cheating on me many times.
The koigataki (仮名-Yukorin) is somehow so persistent like a snake and
saying him "I'll never let you go". She is like a stalker...kowai kowai...
But I can't read his mind...He seems like enjoyeing being loved by her
like crazy...otokono kimochi wa wakaranai ne~~. Kare wa douiu tsumori desuke?
He is actually pretending as if he likes her but other times, he says that that
he only sees her as friends...
Do iu koccha? >.<
965名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/05/01(火) 11:22:02
I am a native English speaker. I speak no other languages. Who wants free English lessons?
966964:2007/05/01(火) 11:39:08
Please answer my question before giving English lessons to random
people here. I need to know the Otoko no kimochi (male's mind).
Is it possible for a guy loves two girls in a same quantity?
967名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/05/01(火) 11:48:39
Stop whining. All you have to do is scribbling down your weeping and
complains on the back of a newspaper's leaflet.
968926:2007/05/01(火) 11:53:20
I advise you to read 853.
It has nothing to do with otokono kimochi or onnanokimochi.
He (853) is a type of otoko who devotes himself to his girlfriend.
It's your fault that you came to love your boyfriend who is a type of guy
likes flirting with girls.
969926:2007/05/01(火) 12:00:30
Sorry,I made a mistake. Please read 863
970名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/05/01(火) 12:00:53
I totally agree with you.
971名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/05/01(火) 12:03:11
The following thread may be more suitable for your purpose.
972964:2007/05/01(火) 12:17:15
Thanks for your advice. I agree. He is just a flriting guy.
He only enjoying playing with girls' mind, right? But does he know
that he ends up with nobody if he plays too much...
OK I'll read 853...853 maybe a good I better date with 853.
If there is 853 around, please contact me. Yukorin (仮名)contacts me
indirect and threaten me...I need to ignore her completely. But
which is better? ignore her completely or sometimes answer the email and
tell her gattsu to ippatsu....>.<
973964:2007/05/01(火) 12:19:28
Newspaper leaflets are something important for my illustation
practice though hehehe
974964:2007/05/01(火) 12:21:29
opps 863..right right...hehe
975名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/05/01(火) 12:26:09
Your post is boring.

Let me tell you how to write a post worth reading.

Smell your cunt and tell me exactly what it smells like.
Maybe it smells like rotten fish, though.
976926:2007/05/01(火) 12:34:14
It's a very difficult question.I've never experienced such a "koino
shuraba",so I can't give you useful advice.
It totally depends on you.
If you won't be able to stand any more , you might be better "kimochi
o bakuhatusaseru".
977名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/05/01(火) 12:35:48
It doesn't take a minuite to know that you are a cherry boy! lol
978名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/05/01(火) 12:37:16
Nobody wants DOTEI's advice.
979926:2007/05/01(火) 12:44:32
By the way,congratulations on your boyfriend coming back to you,Bernard !
How are you doing ?
When I read your anonymous post back then, I realized that deep sorrow and
loneliness was hidden underneath your cheerfulness.
At the same time, I wanted to hold you tight and comfort you! Really! lol
980964:2007/05/01(火) 12:53:21
Hey What do you mean by "deep sorrow and lonliness hidden underneath"?
-_-#?? It is easy to imagine someone who writes the posts like that
in middle of the Golden Week is lonely....I know lah but I am NOT!
I am HAPPY!! being alone!!! >.<
and...I'm not bernardo. Mr Bernardo kenkyuka..>.<
981名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/05/01(火) 12:53:52
982964:2007/05/01(火) 13:22:00
Yeah but Thanks. kimochi wo bakuhatsu saseru once in a while is
probably good idea. ^^
983名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/05/01(火) 13:45:51
You seem to be a passionate person.
So more strictly speaking,you can't help exploding your frustration.
984Blice:2007/05/01(火) 14:41:16
Good evening from America, 2ch :0

I'm curious, why do the people of 2chan hate Americans so much? If anyone english posts on their image boards, they freak out. They insult us, sage us, etc...
Even if we only say Hello, we get saged to hell.

I thought the Japanese were pretty friendly towards foreigners, untill I saw what happends on Japanese BBS and Image boards.

Can someone explain this to me..?
985名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/05/01(火) 15:10:13
  <丶`∀´> Perhaps that waj me who pissed you off.
 / ∪ ∪  Becauje I'm a pure Japaneje, I don't like foreignerj
 し―-J   to like Japaneje.
986名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/05/01(火) 15:12:41
I'm not sure if I understand your question completely,
but generally speaking, when posting on Japanese boards,
I think it's natural that we expect the language used there to be
Language is an essential part of any country's culture, so
I think it's kind of rude and arrogant to push your way through by using your
own language even though English is the defacto standard in business.
I think this holds true for any country which mother tongue is not English.

Sorry, if I misunderstood you question.
987名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/05/01(火) 15:22:44
If we want to communicate with people from English-speaking countries,
we learn English.
If you want to communicate with Japanese, you learn Japanese.
988964:2007/05/01(火) 15:49:52
Yes, I am a passionate person...-_-#
989名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/05/01(火) 16:10:57
Do you happen to be 'Passion Yara'?
990名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/05/01(火) 16:37:02
That's right! You need protain.
991名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/05/01(火) 18:17:24
I've just come here.
please explain me what are you guys talking about
with just 3sentences.
( ^ω^)