この映画デトロイトメタルシティの最後数分のジーンシモンズだっけ KISSのインタビューで彼が言ってること。 This is nothing compared to KISS tour. It is as easy as a baby sucking its mother's milk.
ってこのITSってbabyのこと? in the Interview in the last few minutes, there is a comment by Jean Simons. He said blahblah as easy as a baby sucking its mother's milk. but what did he mean by ITS? about a baby? Please advise. thanks.
>>101 大体言ってることは掴めるけどグダグダww hey its always you and its RZRenz and im gonna tell you alittle about japan where i live i just moved here a lil bit ago, and its really different so hard to get around and something like i mean i gotta school you know i watch this guy and like here where am i like how old are you like he's like thats all is like ok and they got turns white like everywhere they are just thats crazy just you are just looking at you also get distrated boom and kids are also being kidnapped and i kinda do and that kinda scares you too and in japan there always thats kinda stuff cats and glorry dark i mean what its cats and dark you know its kinda thinking and vending machines are carry you like growns i used to like hey candy but nowns its gloves so and yeah the tv shows are really different and usually like hey how many pops on no and guys go on like oottaaa and i like holly crap so yeah and then like did you always good the show only like is shows like ninja worrier because its quicker show thats alright you know hey lets go so yeah japan's really different, and we are like they are always happy and they are like japanese always happy sometimes so sometimes they get mad at you ok so yup they yup, well yup one more thing
hey its always you and its RZRenz and im gonna tell you alittle about japan where i live i just moved here a lil bit ago, and its really different so hard to get around and something like i mean i gotta school you know like i watch this guy and like here where am i like how old are you like he's like thats all is like ok and they got turns white like everywhere he totally its crazy just you are just looking at you also get distrated boom also kids are also being kidnapped and i kinda do and thats kinda scares you too and in japan there always thats kinda stuff cats and glorry dark i mean what its cats and dark you know its kinda thinking and vending machines are carry you like growns i usually like hey candy but nowns its gloves so yeah and the tv shows are really different and usually like hey how many pops on no and guys go on like oottaaa and i like holy crap so yeah and then like did you always just good stuff the only show i only like is the show like ninja worrier because its quicker show thats alright you know hey lets go so yeah japan's really different, and we are like they are always happy and they are like japanese always happy sometimes so sometimes they get mad at you ok so yup they yup, well yup one more thing ぱそこん固まったけどもう一回・・グダグダなのは変わりないけど細かいとこを。
【01】SHEPARD: There are tousands of people who when displaced dose is xxxxxxxx war in Georgia Ten's sousands even hundreds sousands people believe report Among an fortune civilians caught in the crossfire is conflict 12old girl outsides, fron outsdie SanFrancisco Amanda Kakoeba was in south Ossetia for month and a half long visit xxxxxxx She was in familial members in a cafe and all of sudden bombs were falling outside 12old girl She spent the night in her uncle's basement She was able free of Russia free to the north Cach flith home from Moscow What dose not Amanda Kakoeba and aunt Laura live was the from SanFrancisco burear It's great see you,wellcome home I cannot xxxx imagine sitting in the cafe and bombs start falling Amanda xxxxxx wars xxxx happning When you xxxxxx wars happning It's only xxxxxxxx Describe for what that was like
【02】AMANDA: Yes,I was really scary. I did not know that was happening and we just sitting xxxxxxx everybody from out side start runnin agein and I was just,so scary 【03】SHEPARD: Were did you go,What did you do 【04】AMANDA: oh,my We call my uncle on the restaurant house from because we aresofone on the working and so wa call him anything speekre sub end jobs resthouse we endded up spend the night in the basement 【04】SHEPARD: what there bombs falling of the while? 【05】AMANDA: i dont see any but before i see anything outs i just wanna say the i was running from Georgian troops bombing our city not Russian troops i wanna say thank you to the Russian troops those helping us out 【06】SHEPARD: were is a ?faxxxxhour? how are day
【07】AMANDA: some of time some my ?kaizennd? aunt and uncle are and nortsaty right now and there are safe by my grand mama some my aunt and uncle stole back there i dont know we dont have any contact them i dont know still alive anything 【08】SHEPARD: i know you andds where you this i cannt alived imagine i meen seen 12old girl must been horrifying 【09】LAURA: yeay it is horrifying for all of us and bentung i wanna to say on a television i want you to know to whom to blame in this conflict that is Mr.Saakashvili who started this war and Mr. Saakashvili who is aggressor and who,todays, my people Ossetians people were killed and were on the bombed 2,000 people were killed in one day. and thet's who i am against are........ 【10】SHEPARD: i,i,i,i woud never call you are franforcener commercial break take its there 4 second wheth we ill be back up the commercial how be right back with you stay by
【11】SHEPARD: back with this Sanfrancisco this program and last minutu bat wanna give 40second pre you talk so go ahead 【12】LAURA: Yes,my house is burn in south Ossetian where we lived We can blame only one porson Georgian government i'm not blame Georgian people i'm blame Georgian government He hust su zaiee and no more poli..... 【13】SHEPARD: Well...well. That's xxxxx Rossia wonted have more time you've it get it but i have 5 seconds thank you bou young girls here in Sanfrancisco understand there are grayarea in war
While red blood cells are carried away at high velocity by a strong blood flow. Leukocytes(白血球) roll slowly on endothelial cell(内皮細胞). P-selectins(P-セレクチン) and endothelial cells interact with PSGL-1, a glycoprotein(糖たんぱく質) on leukocyte microvilli(微繊毛). Leukocytes pushed by the blood flow adhere and roll on endothelial cells. ??? existent interactions are broken while new ones are formed.
Because existing interactions are broken while new ones are formed.
These interactions are possible because the extended extra s(t?)diol(このように 聞こえる) domains of both proteins emerge from the extra s(t?)diol matrix which covers the surface of both cell types.
The other lieflet of(全く自信なし) lipid bind layers enriched in single lipid and fasfertitle(このように聞こえる:専門用語だろう)cally(fasfertile と繋がってい るのかわからん). Sfingle(f の音が入っていると思うが自信なし). Single lipid which rafts(意味が繋がらんが、こう聞こえる) ... もうあかん
These interaction are possible because the extended extracellular domain(細胞外領域) of the both protein emerge from the extracellular matrix(細胞外基質), which covers the surface of both cell types.
The outer leaflet(外葉) of lipid(脂質) bind layers enriched in sphingolipids(スフィンゴ脂質) and Phosphatidyl choline(ホスファチジル・コリン).
Sphingolipids which raft(いかだで渡る) way??? used boat??? to rest??? of leaflet recruit specific membrane proteins(膜たんぱく質). ↑この行が1:00から始まる文です。
The outer leaflet(外葉) of lipid bilayer(脂質二重層) is enriched in sphingolipids(スフィンゴ脂質) and Phosphatidyl choline(ホスファチジル・コリン). Sphingolipids-rich rafts(いかだ) raised about rest of leaflet recruit(形成する) specific membrane proteins(膜たんぱく質). Raft's rigidity is cause by the tight packing of cholesterol molecules against the straight sphingolipids hydrocarbon(炭化水素) chains. Outside raft, kinks(ゆがみ) in unsaturated hydrocarbon chains and lower cholesterol concentrations result in increased fluidity. At sights of information, secreted(分泌された) chemokines(ケモカイン) bound to heparan sulfate proteoglycans(硫酸糖鎖プロテオグリカン HSPGs) and endothelial cells are presented to leukocytes seven transmembrane receptors(7回膜貫通型受容体). The binding stimulates leukocytes and triggers an intracellular cascade(連続反応) of signaling reactions.
"I'm sorry this video took so long to put up. I really in (?) ."
question one. : "What are you?" - a girl. duh. "I was born in South Korea. People ask me (if I'm) a boy, why?"(?) - i'm not.
question two. : "How old are you?" "Well, I'm not older than to drink. I'm not old enogh to smoke. I don't do those things, ... but I am old enough to drive a car legally So that makes me, the wonerful sweet sixteen."
Hello, I just wants to say that I've got my exams now so I probably won't be making a video for a week maybe like 10days or something like that you all asking really good questions on my youtube moderator ? that's great there's like 10 that I won't answer
I'll see I ????be able to answer all of the ones that I do won't answer but maybe one day I'll do few more ask out movies but that will have to be you know next week and also I'm setting up new place to film my videos. I'm gonna set up little area work into the my camera and some lighting and make location to filming. its not would be here I'm just filming in my both room at the moment. but yeah,It's gonna be in my room and it sus?gonna be a place.. so yeah and I might put some stickers on the walls and stuff and just make it look kinda cool put some stuff in the back ground , fill up with stuff posters I don't know so yeah, umm , I think that's all I gonna say see ya