Dear Employees: The Board of Directors have decided to abolish the "Casual Day," which ( 1 ) last September. At the time we thought it would be a good idea to ( 2 ) casual clothes as the office one day a week, but most of the staff complained it made them feel less like working. So, from next Monday, ( 3 ) wearing your suits and skirts again!
1. (A) began (B) begin (C) has begun (D) is begun 2. (A) be worn (B) have worn (C) wear (D) wearing 3. (A) start (B) started (C) to start (D) will start
1 保健室で少し休めば、気分が良くなるよ。 ( )at the nurse's room, you will get better. 2 私たちが試験を受けているとき、隣の教室から先生の大声が聞こえてきた。 ( ), we heard a yell from a teacher in the room next door. 3 解答用紙に最後の答えを書こうとしたまさにそのとき、終了のベルが鳴った。 ( )fill in the last blank on the exam sheet, the bell rang. 4 君は生徒会の集会に出たことがあるかい。 ( )to a student council meeting before?
>>12 I Don't talk to me now. II Aren't you hungry? Yes, I am hungry. III Can't she swim? No, She can't. IV Are you going to Gifu by a car or a train? V Why didn't you do your homework? VI Could you bring me a cup of water?
>>50 49で書いた文は正しい文です。つまり Look at the house of which the roof is red. という文は正しい文です。
Look at the house (that,whose,of which)roof is red. という設問なので 上の文は作れません。しかし、 Look at the house whose roof is red. という文は作れます。 これも正しい文です。だから whose を使って下の文を作るのが正解となります。
>>51 別の説明をします。 例えば固有名詞の Tom というのは原則として「世の中に一人しかいないあのトム」を指します。 だからそれを限定する tall Tom とか good Tom と言うことは出来ません。 もし、tall Tom が成立するとしたら他に short Tom などが居るという前提が必要になります。 それに対して普通名詞 boy は「世の中にたくさんいる少年」を表わしているに過ぎません。 だから、tall boy とか good boy と限定することができます。 関係代名詞も同じ理屈です。先行詞が固有名詞やそれに相当する語の場合 限定用法は使えず、必ずコンマを付けた非制限用法(=継続用法)にすることになります。
>>61 【It is + 形容詞[名詞] + for + 人 + to 〜】はよく試験に出てくる構文。 何文型かとは考えたこともなかったけど、SVCで合ってると思う。 ToやThat節が主語になる場合、Itが文頭に置かれて形式的に主語になる。 主語= It = to get angry. for him は前置詞句
まず、ボウルの中で卵2,3個、水少量、パセリ少々、塩コショウ数グラムを混ぜ交わせ、よくかき混ぜます。 ( ),in a mixing bowl, combine a ( ), some parsley, and( )and beat them all.
次に、7インチのフライパンの中でバターかマーガリンを溶かします。 ( ),( )in a 7-inch frying pan.
最後に、フライパンの中に混ぜ交わせたもの(卵汁)を入れ、蓋をせずに強火で一分半から二分半焼き上げます。 ( ), add the egg mixture to the frying pan and cook, uncovered, at high temperature for ( )minutes.
short-tailed albatross (ニホンアホウドリ、鳥島にのみ生息)についての文です。 huntersが羽毛目的でこのニホンアホウドリを乱獲し、数百万いたアホウドリはわずか数十匹に、という場面での一文です。 Those that survived did so only because they found hiding places on Torishima, which is a very difficult place for human to visit. の訳出がなかなかできません。 生き残ったアホウドリたちというのは単に鳥島、つまり人間にとっては訪れるのが困難な場所、を見つけたがために生き残ることができたのです。 でいいのでしょうか?did so = survived, they = short tailed albatross と考えて訳をしてみたのですが…
初心者です、明日当てられます。 It was a difficult decision for my father. For one thing,he was an office worker and it was a large amount of money for him. 単語を調べたけど、意訳ができません。お願いします。
1 保健室で少し休めば、気分が良くなるよ。 ___________________ at the nurse's room, you will get better. 2 私たちが試験を受けているとき、隣の教室から先生の大声が聞こえてきた。 ___________________, we heard a yell from a teacher in the room next door. 3 解答用紙に最後の答えを書こうとしたまさにそのとき、終了のベルが鳴った。 ___________________ fill in the last blank on the exam sheet, the bell rang. 4 君は生徒会の集会に出たことがあるかい。 ___________________ to a student council meeting before?
>>99 The main reason why the video game is popular among children is that the way to play it is very easy. It takes two hours at most to memorize how to play it. Some parents worry that their children are too crazy about it.
In my neighborhood, there are many people from other countries,and I often hear foreign languages. There are a couple of million non_Japanese people in Japan. They come from all over the word,and speak dozens of different languages. Mabe they all book at Japan in different ways.So if we want to understand them, we should learn their languages. How many languages are there in the world? There must be quite a few,I think.
What's the use of all those big theories I was talking about in the classroom? Here was a real life situation in which thirty dollars would make it possible for forty-two people to earn a living wage.And yet our society could not provide that kind of small loan to individuals and small businesses.I thought there must be some way of doing this,so I went to see a banker.When I talked about a loan of thirty dollars to forty-two poor workers,he laughed.
>>99 The main reason this video game is so popular among children is that it is relatively easy to master. It only takes about a couple of hours to understand how to play the game. Some parents express their concern about their children being so absorbed by the game.
1 母に呼ばれたとき、ぼくたちは3時間もコンピューターゲームをやっていた。 We __________________ when my mother called us. 2 あなたのおばさんは、どのくらい私たちの学校で先生をしているのですか。 _____________________ as a teacher at our school? 3 弟があと5分で現れなければ、私たちは30分も待っていることになる。 In mu brother doesn't show up in five minutes,_______________________. 4旅行代理店の人が電話をくれるまで、私たちは家族旅行に行くか行かないかを決めかねていた。 _____________________ to go on our family trip until we got a phone call from our travel agent.
a,bがほぼ同じ意味になるように、空所に適語をいれてください。 1a)We started to wait for our uncle an hour ago and are still waiting b)We(_____)(_____)(_____)for our uncle for an hour. 2a)She started to take piano lessons at the age of five and was still learning when I met her in high school. b)She(_____)(_____)(_____)the piano for ten years when I met her in high school. 3a)The family trip to Shinshu next month will be our eighth visit there. b)When we go to Shinshu next month, we (_____)(_____)(_____)there eight times. 4a)MY sister finished preparing dinner just before the visitors arrived. b)My sister (_____)just(_____)(_____)dinner when the visitors arrived.
( )内の語句の並び替えです。 1 今度、東京国立博物館に行けば、5回行ったことになる。 If I go to the Tokyo National Museum,(been/five/have/I/there/times/will). 2 両親の結婚記念日までには、私の貯めたお金は2万円を越えているでしょう。 By my parents' wedding anniversary,(have/I/over/saved/will)20,000yen. 3 先週奈良に行くまで、両親にお土産を買ったことなどなかった。 (a gift/bought/for/had/I/my parents/never)until I visited Nara last week. 4 祖父は、結婚するまで道楽息子として有名だったそうだ。 I hear (a playboy/as/been/grandfather/had/known/my)until he got married.
4. 再度これらの語句を使いながら文を作ってみます。 This book ... he ... written This book の後は、is でしょう。次に、written とあるので完了形でしょう、なのでhasを使います。 →This book is ... he has written 上で作文したように、「彼が以前に書いた」は he has written before なので、 →This book is ... he has written before となって、 残りは、ago, unlike, anything しかありません。
よって、This book is unlike anything he has written before.
Of impotance is the sence of lonliness and the growing fear of being alone. の構造をとると、 おそらく、isまでがCで以降がS1とS2の並列という風になっていて、 簡単にいうとCVSの倒置だと思います。 ここでおききしたいんですけど、 動詞はisじゃなくてareじゃないですか??
>>119 1. had been playing the computer game for three hours 2. How long has your aunt been working 3. we will have been waiting for thirty minutes 4. We hadn't decided
They would not have died if news (come) in time. かっこ内のcomeを適当な時制に変えよという問題なんですが 時と条件の文章だから、comesかと思ったんですが 答えは had come です。どうしてなんでしょうか?
In some cases,a normal part of one culture might be bad or impolite to the other people.(that kind of difference)is a possibility for misunderstanding. かっこ内の語句が答えなんですが、訳文はこの種の違い、となっています。 私は前の文章から考えて、that kind of differenceはあの種の違いだから 引っ掛けかと思ったんですが、答えはthat kind of differenceです。 どうしてなんでしょうか? こういう答えで訳をこの種の〜としていいん でしょうか?
why should growth end or Japan lose its position in the economic world if the country`s human resources are used efficiently? これを見て、疑問文じゃなくて、肯定疑問文?とすぐ分かるようにするには どうすればいいんでしょうか? コツを教えてもらいたいです。
One good woman is (worth) more than any number of untalented men. かっこ内にどうしてworthyが来てはいけないんでしょうか? はっきりとした違いが分かりません。おねがいします。
to do不定詞はとらなくてingをとる動詞の覚え方で megafepps dapamsc っいうのを覚えたんですが、最後に出てくるaの単語を忘れてしまいました。 mind enjoy give up avoid finish escape practice postpone stop deny admit put off miss suggest とあともうひとつaで始まる単語です。 教えてくだっさい。
>>151 >They would not have died if news (come) in time. >時と条件の文章だから 副詞節で「時と条件」云々が関わるのは、主節が現在形の場合に限られるんじゃなかった? They will be happy if the news comes in time. それに、問題の文は仮定法の文だから、仮定法の規則に従うよ。 要確認です。
>In some cases,a normal part of one culture might be bad or impolite ... 「あの種の違い」って、どの種のこと? 「その種の違い」なら認められると思うけど、「あの種」としてしまうと 日本語としておかしい。
>why should growth end or Japan lose its position in the economic 「肯定疑問文」と「疑問文」の違いを説明して下さい。
>One good woman is (worth) more than any number of untalented men. 辞書をひけば一応の解決策は用意してあるはず。 種明かしをしてみると、名詞(NPとします)について worth NP worthy of NP となるのが基本です。これを確認したうえで「worthyじゃダメなの?」というのであれば また考えますが、たぶんチェック不足だと思いますので。
>>163 This is the man for you to speak to. This problem is easy to solve. When to start the project should be discussed more seriously. My sister still cannot see well enough to read and write.
>>162 he had a tube inserted. はhadが使役動詞になっていて、SVOCの形になっており、「OをCしてもらう」 という意味になっている。OとCの間にBe動詞を補うと、OとCの間に受動態の 関係があることがわかる。a tube was inserted.「管が挿入された」 そして「(誰かにお願いして)その状態(管が挿入された状態)にしてもらっ た」というのが、この文の意味になっています。
>>172 やっぱり Do'nt be quietですよね?・・・。 自分の中でなにか論理的に納得できないんですが、 自分の中では、 Be quiet=You have to be quiet となり、 You have to not be quiet=Not be quiet って感じがするんですが、 なにか納得できるような文法的な説明ってありませんか? それとも文法主義に陥っちゃっていますか・・・?
It was not unusual to find him playing and racing around his backyard, wearing his medicine-laden backpack and dragging his tank of oxygen behind him in his little wagon. で find him playin と , wearing を文法的に説明してください。
All of us who knew Tyler marveled at his pure joy in being alive and the energy it gave him. Tyler's mom often teased him by telling him that he moved so fast she needed to dress him in red. That way, she could quickly spot him. で the energy it gave him を文法的に説明してください。 he moved so fast ( ) she needed to dress him in red. お願いします。
質問です。 入国審査時の会話で、 I'm going to live with an American family and study English for six months. It was my husband's idea. とテキストに書かれているのですが、なぜwasが過去形なのでしょうか?
>>121 1.Manjiro and four other men looked as if they had not eaten for a long time when they were finally rescued. 2. Manjiro introduced to Japan democratic ideas, which strongly influenced Ryoma. 3. Manjiro made his dream come true at the risk of his own life. 4. After reading Manjiro's story, I decided to make it my goal to help build a better relationship between Japan and another country.
>>221 使い分けなんてあるのかな? たとえばロングマンの英英辞典でも Here you are. と Here you go. は2つセットで一つの説明が書かれていますから違いを気にすることはないと思います。 日本語で「はい、どうぞ」「ほら、これです」「これ、どうぞ」などを どう使い分けるの、と尋ねるのと似ているような気がします・・・。
They are critical of pornography because it spreads the idea that women are merely sex objects and they dislike advertisements that strengthen the association of women,home and children. Above all,they are critical of the general tendency in society for women to be seen as dependent on or secondary to men.
>>231 1. We walk to school every morning. 2. It is about ten minutes to walk to school. 3. She walks across the street to the drugstore. 4.We will go on foot instead of riding today. 5. He paced up and down in his room.
>>129 Of impotance is the sence of lonliness and the growing fear of being alone = Of impotance is the sence of lonliness and the growing fear is of being alone
>>244 ちょっと自信ない…。間違ってたらスマソ。 まず文章の動詞になるのはgrowsだと思われる。 で、grow into〜で「成長して〜になる」という意味がある。 insightは「洞察力」なので、多分、grows into insightと続く希ガス。 残ったのを組み合わせて、 His penetrating character grows into insight. 「彼の鋭い性格は洞察力に発展している」となるのではないかと思う。
The field of advertising is a controversial one, as people do not agree on wheather hard selling can be supported on moral grounds and what its effect is.
The field of advertising is a controversial one, as people do not agree on whether hard selling can be supported on moral grounds and what its effect is.
That's ( )many people did about 300 yeras ago in Holland.
これはどう考えてもwhatだろ。まさか間違えて無いとは思うが、aboutは「〜について」 じゃなく、「約〜」だからな?「約300年前」 <about 300 yeras ago in Holland.>を前置詞句としてはずして仮主語thatを使わなければ 「many people did it」が骨格だから、目的格what以外ありえない。 whenとagoは共存できないから無し、howだとmany people did ゙it"じゃないとおかしい
we may use language to explain our reaction to others, but the emotion itself is `beyond words.' Nor do people engaged in the creative arts find it essential to think using language : composers, for example, often report that they `hear' the music they wish to write.
During the fllod of 1927 , tshe Red Cross, ( ) out of emergency headquarters in Mississippi, set up temporary shelters for the homeless. ( )に入るのは何番なのでしょうか? 訳もお願いします。
Do not forget it. We must allo Johnson a high place as a critic They have long done away with this practice Can such a state of things be put up with ?
>>309 Do not forget it. = Don't let it be forgotten. We must allow Johnson a high place as a critic = Johnson must be allowed a high place as a critic. They have long done away with this practice = This practice has long been done away with. Can such a state of things be put up with ? = Can we put up with such a state of things ?
( C ) the world becomes more complitive,as jobs become more scarce,and as the communicate satisfactorily is not. (B)にビコーズかasかwhileのどれかを入れて日本語訳をお願いいたします。
>>334 ありがとうございます あと、この態も変えてみてください。 they took good care of the child The world knows him well as a novelist For a long time the earth was believed to be flat Nobody has ever spoken to me like that befor Sign the paper and mail it at once Nobody has slept in that room for years
>>339さん 間違えてました。正しくは、 ( C ) the world becomes more complitive,as jobs become more scarce,and as the communication age controls our lives more and more,it is becoming clear that being able to communicate satisfactorily is not enough. でした。あと( C )でした。よろしくお願いします。
この三つだけで良いので、どなたか態の変更お願いできますでしょうか? The world knows him well as a novelist Nobody has ever spoken to me like that befor Nobody has slept in that room for years
We both did, feeling the same unforgettable thrill at having seen them. We stood in the glow of the setting sun and watched the albatross fly over the waves.
This dreaded disease eventually wore down even the likes of a little dynamo like Tyler. He grew quite ill and, unfortunately, so did his HIV-infected mother. で so did his HIV-infected mother.=his HIV-infected mother ( ) ( ) ( ) ,too. ( ) にあてはまる語句を教えてください。
>>384さんありがとうございました! もう一つ質問が… Even when trying to find employment,(a/ability/communicate/eepends/effectively/getting/job/the/to/upon). これを並び変えて和訳をお願いします。
It should insult our values to think that a healthy adult could come upon a baby drowning face down in an inch of water and walk right by when a mere push would save the baby`s life.
1 To survive on the earth, human beings require the stable, continuing existence of a suitable environment. 2 Yet the evidence is overwhelming that the way in which we now live on the earth is driving its thin, life-supporting skin, and ourselves with it, to destruction. 3 To understand this calamity, we need to begin with a close look at the nature of the environment itself. 4 Most of us find this a difficult thing to do, for there is a kind of conflict in our relation to the environment. 5 Biologically, human beings participate in the environmental system as subsidiary parts of the whole. 6 Yet, human society is designed to exploit the environment as a whole, to produce wealth. 7 The paradoxical role we play in the natural environment---at once participant and exploiter----distorts our perception of it.
この文章の訳がどうしてもわかりません。教えていただけないでしょうか? In critical reading,there are some steps you should take even before you actually start to read. These steps are known as Previewing the text.The first step is to “Consider Your Purpose”in reading. Why are you reading?Are you looking for information?Are you simply interested in the topic?Are you reading the passage hoping to learn vocabulary from it? It may even be that your teacher has asked you to read!Even when you are required to read by someone else,take a few seconds to reflect on what your purpose really is. The questions below will be helpful when considering your goal: ・What is my purpose in reading this text? ・Am I interested in the topic?Why?Why not? ・Am I looking for general information,a statistical figure,confirmation of a fact,etc?
in many european countries,cycleways or special bicycle lanes have helped promote bicycle use and kept riders a safer distance from other vehicles. in japan,bicycle lanes with enforced no-car-parking rule would help keep the roads clear and also protect cyclists from banfing into open car doors どなたか翻訳お願いします。
>>436 日本語の意味をはっきりさせてほしい気もする 来年(になる)まで he will stay here until next year 来年も含めて(再来年にはどっか行く体で)をもうそのまんま直訳したら he will stay here until the year after next. でもいけると思うが 実際こういうよりも"ここにいなくなる時" (例えばhe will leave here =去っていく日とか=) 他にもっといい例があるはず。
>>437=>>438 丁寧にレス付けてもらってありがとう。 ごめん。ちょっと皮肉のつもりだったんだ。 「含まれない」って断言は出来ないと思うんだよ。 例えばさ、商品の販売が来年に延期になった時によく見かける、"Wait until next year." てのはどう考えたって"next year"を含んでるでしょ。
@ I got off the bus at Greenhill, ( ) I found my boyfriend Tom waiting for me. 1,which 2,where 3,why 4,what A He broke all the dishes, ( ) made his mother very angry. 1,which 2,that 3,what 4,for which B I didn't know that Tom had read War and Peace. ( ) surprised me most was the fact that he had read it in two days. 1,That 2,Who 3,Whoever 4,What C The man ( ) was my friend has betrayed me. 1,how I thought 2,what I though 3,who I though 4,whom I though D Is this ( ) you said you bought in France? 1,as 2,that 3,what 4,which ( ) にあてはまるのを教えてください。
>>475 $what are you going to do this weekend??? &what did you want to become as an adult when you were ten years old?? %which coutries have you ever been to??
@A ruler which can do anything he or she wants is called an absolute monarch. 1,which can do 2,he or she 3,wants 4,is AA wise and experienced manager will assign a job to whomever is best qualifed. 1,and 2,will assign 3,whomever 4,best BI met a number of people, but I did not know any of them, that somewhat surprised me. 1,a number of 2,any of them 3,that 4,surprised me 上の英文には間違っている箇所がそれぞれ一つずつあります。 その番号を指摘した上で正しい形に直して下さい。
we may use language to explain our reaction to others, but the emotion itself is `beyond words.' Nor do people engaged in the creative arts find it essential to think using language : composers, for example, often report that they `hear' the music they wish to write.
>>548 ロイヤル英文法によると; 副詞の位置は、その働きや意味あるいは文全体のリズムによっていろいろ変化 する。 時点、期間を表す副詞(句)は 1. 原則文尾: I'm going to the movies tomorrow. 2. 強調や対照のために文頭にでることができる: I am busy tokay. Tomorrow I'll be free. だそうです。
5文型が意味を成すのは動詞をどう使うかということに尽きると思うんで This is a penなんかでSVCとかやっても仕方ないけど She rendered me the economic aid みたいな文でrenderしらなくても SVOO文型だから「与える」という意味だなとわかる。この辺が便利。
逆にHe saw a man standing there.みたいな文で SVOMでいいじゃん。いや絶対SVOCだとか言ってると目的が手段に取って代わられるなぁ という気もする。
Accidents () happen You () be a good walker to have walked all the way He () so often tell us interesting stories He worked hard that his family () live in comfort I won't do any more than I () help Who are you that you () speak thus?
「どんな薬でも、使わずにすむなら使わないほうが良いという人が最近増えています。」 Many people have come to think(from,is,better,that,medicine,of, taking,it,any,refrain,to,kind). ( )を並び替えたらどうなりますか?分かる方お願いします。
1.Could you mail these letters on your( )downtown? 2.They were lost at sea,at the( )of wind and weather. 3.This cold weather will chill you to the( )if you go out without a coat. 4.It doesn't make any( )whether you go out or stay here with us. 5.We'll eat some of the jam and keep the( )of it for breakfast. 6.Put the knife back in its( )after you have used it. 7.I'm sorry,but I'm not in the( )tocomment on the matter. 8.There has been a serious( )over foreign policy between them.
( )内の動詞を適切な形にかえなさい。 During the time between the two tests they must practice (drive) with a (license) driver. 最初のはdrivingだとわかりました。 licenseはどのように変化させたらいいか教えて下さい。
>>597 My American friends complain about never getting to the person that they can really talk to,saying,"There are always so many people to deal with and no decisions are definite"です。 お願いします!
Posted by keiko_nagai at 22:06 │Comments(2) このBlogのトップへ │前の記事 この記事へのコメント ながいさん、そんなもんです。近ごろわざと?って聞きたいくらい先生運のない私。一緒に。・゚゚・(>_<)・゚゚・。 Posted by 月うさぎ at 2006年04月25日 23:22 一緒に泣こうね。 。・°°・(;>_<;)・°°・。。・°°・(;>_<;)・°°・。
1.Is there anybody who knows when is his birthday? 2.She will call you back as soon as she will finish dinner. 3.“There's a phone call for you from Bob.” “yes. I'm going.” 4.Would you please have the matter take care of? 5.The police is on the track of the bank robbers. 6.Almost everybody seems to have a personal computer.I think I must have it,too. 7.There are much more sheep than people there.
>>655 1.Is there anybody who knows when his birthday is? 2.She will call you back as soon as she finishes dinner. 3.“There's a phone call for you from Bob.” “yes. I'm coming.” 4.Would you please have the matter taken care of? 5.The police are on the track of the bank robbers. 6.Almost everybody seems to have a personal computer.I think I must have one,too. 7.There are many more sheep than people there.
1,私の記憶に一番残っているのは、イギリスで友達と楽しく過ごしたことです。 (all the fun/I/I had/is/best/remember/what) with my friends in England. 2,こうして私たちはお互いに知り合いになりました。 This is (each/how/we/to/got/know) other. 3,息子の素行のことでいろいろ苦情を受けたが、ほとんどはばかげたものだった。 (received/about/complaints/of/most/the/we) our son's behavior were ridiculous. 4,どんなに嘆いても、不幸を幸福に変えることはできない。 (how/no/you/much/matter/grieve), you cannnot change misfortune into happiness.
>>676 自由英作文は内容を作ることも問題のうちになっている せっかくなので内容を自分で決めてくれ。 >>677 1.What I remember best is I had all the fun... we go to know each... 3.Most of the complaints we received about ... 4.No matter how much you grieve,...
I'm sorry that you () have done such a thing You () have the money as soon as I can get it He said he would come and he () come Living as he () in that out-of-the-way place , he has few cisitors
>>676 まず自分の考えを日本語で書いてみたまえ。 >>677 1 What I remember best is all the fun I had 2 how we got to know each 3 Most of the complaints we received about 4 No matter how much you grieve
1,I'll talk about with you ( ) you want. @whichever Ahowever Bwhenever Cwhether 2,( ) we are, we can keep in contact with our family or friends by mobile phone. @Wherever AWhatever BHowever CWhoever 3,Caroline spent ( ) she had on clothes. @what little money Awhat few money Bwhich little money Cwhich few money 空所に入れる最も適切な語句を選んでください
Today, we are living in the information age. When I was a little child, computers and software were used in only limited places and purposes. However, the number of fields where computers and software were used has considerably increased. Now, our life depends on computers and software so heavily that without them we could do virtually nothing.
To contribute the further development of information technology, I wish to become a computer software engineer and support people's lives with my technology. To fulfil the dream, I intend to go on to university and acquire a wide range of information technology skills.
1,(can own/in/two ways/are/one/there/which) a book. 2,This song (when/of/I was/reminds/in/me/the time) America. 3,In some African countries, people are suffering from food shortages. Whatever (be/can/greatly appreciated/offer/will/you/help). 並び替えお願いします。
>>690 1. (There are two ways in which one can own ) a book. 2. This song (reminds me of the time when I was in ) America. 3. Whatever (help you can offer will be greatly appriciated).
I wish to study laws at university. Since I have a strong interest in laws, I would like to be in law course. I am also interested in such subjects as physiology. I hope I can acquire a broad range of general knowledge in the four years at university.
英文 3行目 were→are 4行目、上述の指摘に対応して considerably been increasing. 5行目virtuallyはなくてもいいんじゃないかな withoutはnothingの後ろの方が読みやすい 第二段落1行目 まだ「さらなる発展」はしていないものなので定冠詞theは使えない。ここは無冠詞 3行目スペルミス fulfil→fulfill intendは不自然な気がする。wantでいいんじゃない I want to go on to university and acquire the skill of information technology broadly ぐらいの方がすっきりしてると思うんだが
数日前の新聞の文章なのですが、 What you have is simultaneously trying to build a goverment and economy and provide security. という文章のWhat you have is というのはどの様に訳せばいいのでしょうか? ちなみにアイオワ州の知事が、記者に言った言葉のようです。
英訳教えてください。 You Know where you are with them;except in advertising,they will not be “whispering sweet nothings”that they do not mean in order to make you feel desirable.
つぎの( )に敵語を選びなさい。 1.She kept her life's story a secret for many years,until one day it was ( ) by accident. 2.His unique and interesting way of handing problems shows that he's ( ) 3.Now that our exams are over,we are ( ) in the semester and can relax a little now. 4.He had to ( ) his country at the United Nations. 5.We cannot explain why the Harry Potter( ) is so very popular. 6.He had so many difficult classes that the vacation was ( ). 7.I was worried that I didn't do well on the test but in fact I ( ).
a)phenomenon b)overcoming c)represent d)egotistical e)ridiculous f)revealed g)heartening h)much anticipated i)god some soul j)bloody brilliant k)bow down before l)over the hump m)passed with flying colors
和訳をお願いしますm(__)m Even though most parents and educators give “Sesame Street”and shows like it high marks for quality,some critics argue that all television,whether educational or not,is harmful to children.
長い一文ですが、よろしくお願いします。 It is often said that television keeps one informed about current events,allows one to follow the latest developments in science and politics,and offers an endless series of programs which are both instructive and stimulating.
答えを教えてください(>_<。) 1,We are students.( )school is in the city.2,Who are those children?( )are my sisters. 3,Look at these pictures. Do you like( )? 4,We have an uncle in London. We love ( ) very much.
長いんですけど、どなたか訳をお願いします(><) It is a well-known fact that the same things are not funny to everybody. We have all at some time made what we consider to be a witty remark at the wrong time and in the wrong company and have consequently had to suffer severe embarrassment to find the joke falls flat. Unspoken rules govern where,when and with whom it is permissible to joke.
つぎの( )に敵語を選びなさい。 1.She kept her life's story a secret for many years,until one day it was ( ) by accident. 2.His unique and interesting way of handing problems shows that he's ( ) 3.Now that our exams are over,we are ( ) in the semester and can relax a little now. 4.He had to ( ) his country at the United Nations. 5.We cannot explain why the Harry Potter( ) is so very popular. 6.He had so many difficult classes that the vacation was ( ). 7.I was worried that I didn't do well on the test but in fact I ( ).
a)phenomenon b)overcoming c)represent d)egotistical e)ridiculous f)revealed g)heartening h)much anticipated i)god some soul j)bloody brilliant k)bow down before l)over the hump m)passed with flying colors
The student of avarage ability should increase his recognition vocabulary ( 1 ) at least ten percent during his freshman year by doing noting ( 2 ) than becoming familiar with the words he encounters in his studies.
同様に、before とか and などで文をつないでいくときも、どういう順序で出来事が 進行しているかは接続詞が教えてくれるから、いちいち「もっと前の出来事は 過去完了にする」なんて手間をかける必要はない。 (日本語の文法では、「するまえ」「したあと」というように、ある動作と別の動作の 順序関係によって動詞の活用が変わるけど、英語の文法には、 そういうルールは特にない。)
さて、それに引き換え、質問にある二つの文については、どちらが適切かは 状況による。(ところで、このmistake は、抽象的な意味の「失敗というもの」ではなく、 何か自分がしでかした具体的な事件なので、a とか the とかの冠詞が必要。)
I saw that I had made a mistake. I saw that I made a mistake. 前者は、間違いを犯したというのが、そうだと気がつくよりも過去のことだという意味。 先週ミスしたことを、昨晩になってふと気がついたとか。 後者は、間違いをやっているそのとき(または、そんなに時間がたってないとき)に、 「や? これまずいんじゃないか?」と気がついた場合。
「彼女が約束を破ったと聞いて彼は驚いた」というときに模範解答では He was surprised to hear that she broke her promise. とあったのですがthat節内が過去形動詞なのは文脈上、 驚くのはthat節内の約束を破ったという時制より後だとわかるので 態々過去完了で書く必要が無いからと理解して宜しいでしょうか?
The athletic Bloomgarden managed to get into college, but she admits that she cheated her way to a diploma. “I would study and study, and I wouldn't remember a thing. I really felt it was my fault.”
This is dictated by the unprecedented scale of government deficits in EU countries and the very higj level of taxes in member states such as Germany , which leave norrom for more government . The problem of unemployment , ( ) , can only be tackled through deregulation , improved labormarket flexibility , tight cost control, ...etc. 1 in addition 2 therefore 3 nevertheless 4 incidentally
It is also not enough simply to state that associated countries may become full EU memmbers as soon as they are able to meet the obligations of membership . ( ), this could take decades to achieve . 1 Far from it 2 All the same 3 After all 4 However Far from itを選んだんですが...宜しくお願いします。
@The news ( ) her son had survived the accident surprised us all. 1,about 2,of 3,that 4,which AHuman beings differ from animals ( ) they can speak and laugh. 1,by which 2,in which 3,in that 4,by that BI don't know ( ) what he told us is true. 1,as 2,in 3,of 4,if CAre you planning to go to college? ( ) go or not depends on my financial situation. 1,Maybe I 2,If I 3,That I 4,Whether I D( ) you agree or not,I won't change my mind. 1,Whether 2,While 3,Though 4,Either E( ) we leave now, we'll miss the flight. 1,When 2,As far as 3,Unless 4,As long as
お答え頂ければ幸いに存じます。 It is often said that the English ( ) a conservative people. 適切なbe動詞を入れろということですが、areでいいでしょうか? この場合のイギリス人というのは国民全体のことですよね。 で、peopleも国民という意味で単数の不定冠詞がついていると考えました。
>It has been noted that the slogan is grammatically incorrect, and should be "Think Differently" instead, >The slogan can also be read as telling you what to think, rather than how to think ? removing the grammatical error.
Many adults respond to the diagnosis with relief─a sense that “at last my problem has a name and it's not my fault.” の和訳って 多くの大人達は、「私の問題(病気)はとうとう評判になり、そしてそれは私の責任ではない」といった感覚の安心感を持って診断に応じる。 でいいんでしょうか?意味わかりません><;
@( ) my father saw you, what would he say? 1,If supposed 2,Supposed 3,To supposed 4,Suppose A( ) you don't succeed, you should keep trying. 1,Even if 2,As if 3,Since 4,Once BHe decided to go out for a walk ( ) it was raining very hard. 1,despite 2,even though 3,provided that 4,with the fact that CShe felt ( ) her head were splitting. 1,that 2,so that 3,so much as 4,as though D( ) he is very late, he may have had an accident on the way. 1,If 2,Since 3,Why 4,Whether
She is interested(小説を読むばかりでなく書くことにも) という問題です。 一応自分でやってみたんですが自信がないので… She is interested not only in reading novels but also in writing them. よろしくお願いします。
I walk about near my home. Because I felt indisposed for study. I found dandelion down on the way to walking. In this connection, dandelion is ”speculative” in the language of flower.
Everybody thought me a strage girl, I guess. Because I didn't wear my socks, and took pictures squating myself down in the roadside.
勉強する気がしなかったので、家の近くを散歩した。 As I felt indisposed for study,I had a walk around near my house. 散歩の途中でタンポポを見つけた。 I came across dandelions while walking down. 因みに、タンポポの花言葉は「おもわせぶり」です。
I felt like no more study, so I just went for a walk around near my house. >>988さんの訳 by the way, the dandelion means "half-concealed" in the language of flower. I was taking pictures with funny posture like squating down on the way of the road. I was a curious girl! everyone might think so, right? anyway, i was really refreshed.