"This is a wonderful opportunity for Syria to forswear the pursuit of weapons of mass destruction and as with other governments of the region see if there are not new possibilities in the Middle East peace process," Bolton said.
More On Goldberg/Jericho Fight; Wrestlers Already Against Goldberg Posted By Ashish on 04.09.03
It didn't take long for Goldberg to make an enemy out of the WWE locker room...
More information has come in regarding the Goldberg/Chris Jericho fight that broke out backstage at RAW this past Monday.
Goldberg apparently made some comments to various people backstage at RAW on Monday about Chris Jericho and how he is "small" and doesn't like to sell moves for people. Jericho eventually became aware of the comments and confronted Goldberg right after his match on RAW. The two then got into a fight, with Goldberg initially trying to choke Jericho. Jericho then slapped Goldberg's hands away and put him in a front facelock. The two then went to the ground before being broken up.
Most of the WWE locker room is already tired of Goldberg's antics backstage. WWE.com put up what were obviously rigged comments from various WWE stars about Goldberg earlier this week. However, Dave Scherer has gotten comments from various WWE stars, without the censorship of WWE.com, and here is what they had to say (the names remain anonymous for obvious reasons):
"In less than a week, Goldberg proved what he's all about. He can't work, he can't talk, and he's a backstage disaster."
"Outside of the ring, Bill is a great guy but the second he gets into the locker room and the ring, he becomes a different person. As nice and caring as he is away from the ring, he's the exact opposite inside it."
"I don't think the guy realizes that the business is a work."
Most backstage are applauding Jericho for standing up against Goldberg and most are already starting to question how long Goldberg will last in WWE.
Cyclooxygenase (COX-2) keeps blood vessels open and flowing in areas where there is tissue damage or swelling that often occurs around certain cancerous growths. Again, by cutting off the necessary blood supply by inhibiting the COX, the cancerous cells may not survive.
C-ABL Tyrosine Kinase This is a mutant protein commonly expressed in chronic leukemia. It has been suggested that inhibition of the protein can not only prevent the development of Leukemia but shrink certain tumours ミ see Science 292 p399-400 (2001)
Valentine's message can be either sentimental or humorous. Roman boys and girls drew lots that would pair them off in courtship for the following year 難しいです よろしくお願いします
英文解釈希望です Other interactions that are then taken into account include those a mong pesticides applied in the same field,between pesticides and pests that may develop various types of resistance,and among pests themselves as regards the amount of damage they inflict. よろしくお願いしますです。
>>前スレ993さんありがとうございます。 The purpose of the public demonstration was not just to dazzle New Yorkers. Motorola was at the time trying to head off regulatory approval of AT&T‘s vision of wireless communications, which focused on car phones. We thought the world was ready for personal communications, and the only way you do that is with handheld communications, Cooper says. Cooper placed the first call to Joel Engel, the head of research at AT&T‘s Bell Lads. I told him Joel, I‘m calling you from a REAL cellular phone, Cooper says. I thought I heard gnashing of teeth at the other end, but he was polite. The Federal Communications communication gave AT&T‘s competitors a slice of the wireless spectrum and, 10 years later, the first commercial cell phone network was inaugurated. また、長文で申し訳ないのですがよろしくお願いします
For those of you who *have* collected (or seen) doujinshi ... What are some of the most interesting doujinshi you've seen - and do you actually have favorite doujinshi circles or artists? (No, it doesn't *have* to be hentai.)
“My dear Noel," her letter began,“I don't know what to write to you, so I shall tell you a story about four little rabbits whose names were ――Flopsy, Mopsy, Cotton-tail and Peter." The letter, with drawings, went on to tell the story of the “most famous rabbit" in the world and later was published as The Tale of Peter Rabbit in 1902. The book sold 50,000 copies by the end of 1903.
Some SARS patients with underlying illnesses carry high doses of the virus. は「基礎をなす病気をもったSARSの患者の中には、 多量のウイルスを運ぶ者もいる。」でよいのでしょうか? また、 This hypothesis, dubbed the "super-spreader theory," may be validated by epidemiological research in China. Some doctors believe SARS patients with chlamydia, a bacterial infection, could be the "super-spreaders." Chris Powell is a WHO spokesman in Guangdong. "There's now investigations going on into other co-factors," he explained. "It's one virus acting with something else, and in China, that happens to have been chlamydia." の3行目の "There's nowから最後までお願いします。 (参考) dub:〜にあだ名をつける validate:〜の正当性を立証する epidemiological research:疫学的研究 chlamydia:クラミジア Guangdong:広東省
Please would you confirm the last three numbers on the signatory strip on the reverse of your card. If you are not comfortable detailing this over email, お願いします。クレジットカードをコピーして遅れということでしょうか? 3桁の数字を123みたいにかいて遅れということでしょうか?
>>51 A: One of the first places to look when you are doing research in the library is the card catalog. B: When you are doing research in the library, one of the first places to look is the card catalog.
A: The best (thing) that you can do when you get caught between the moon and N.Y. City is to fall in love. B: When you get caught between the moon and N.Y. City, the best (thing) that you can do is to fall in love.
A: It's rare when you are in Japan to be threatened by guns. B: When you are in Japan, it's rare to be threatened by guns
>>74 この場合、漏れの妄想かもしれないが、Sumo is not uncivilizedということ(相撲は野蛮ではない)を いっているのだと思う。しかしnot uncivilizedという言い方は二重否定になるので、Sumo is civilizedと したのだろうという理由から、相撲は野蛮なものではないとか、相撲は洗練されたものであるときうふうに 訳したくなりまつ。
In Arctic North America, the Eskimos produced a slow-burning spark by striking quartz against pyrites, a compound that contains sulphur. The Chinese lit their fires by striking porcelain with bamboo. In Europe, the combination of steel, flint and tinder remained the main method of fire-lighting until the mid-19 the century. 訳して欲しいですが、それと同時に質問。 IELTSの対策書からの引用だけど、磁器やら竹やらで、なんで火がつくの? with bambooのwithって道具をあらわしてるのですか?
The Black Wing Boots come in 3 colors, Black, Brown, and Red Dog. Below is a picture of a brown colored boot, and a red dog colored boot. Which of these two colors do you want? Also I understand that you want the following;
Nor am I any nearer the Conservative Central Office than I was early in 1951, when abuse from its admirers arrived at my house in sack loads. I am as much out with the Right (and can prove it, too)as I have always been.
>>136 それに、1951年のはじめにはConservative Central Office の信奉者から 罵詈雑言がわんさとうちに届いたが、私はいまもそのころと変わらず、 Conservative Central Office とは縁遠い。これまでもずっとそうだったが、 私はRight(=Conservative Central Office)とはあまり馬が合わない(証拠 もある)。
The Bank of Japan left monetary policy unchanged and voted down two dissenting views--one calling for credit tightening and the other for further easing--at its June 28 policy board meeting,according to the minute of the meeting released Wednesday.
ありがとうございました。 できたら もう1つお願いします。 we were very lucky that some of the teachers who had survived Pol Pot locked away the moves in their minds and could remember them
On the one hand it increases the number of articles of common consumption for which there is, consequently, a big settled market; on the other, it widens the margin of our income in which we can allow our individual preferences more sway.
The smaller the income on which we live the greater proportion of it that must be spent on sheer necessities; but as it increases there is a bigger and bigger area in which we exercise real choice and , unless we all grow strictly to pattern, that means that more of our choices will differ from our neighbours' and therefore be less amenable to production on a large scale.
>>160 The smaller the income on which we live the greater proportion of it that must be spent on sheer necessities; 生活していくための所得が少なくなれば、 純粋な必需品(の購入)に使わなければならない所得の割合は増える。 (または、所得の中から純粋な必需品(の購入)に使わなければならない割合は増える。)
but as it increases there is a bigger and bigger area in which we exercise real choice and, しかし所得が増加すれば、 われわれが現実に選択する(選択をおこなう)範囲はますますひろがり、
unless we all grow strictly to pattern, われわれがみなパターン(行動様式)に厳密(几帳面)になる場合を除けば(厳格になるのでなければ)、
that means that more of our choices will differ from our neighbours' and そのことは、 われわれの選択は隣人の選択とはますます異なってくるし、 (または、われわれの選択のうちさらに多くの部分が隣人の選択とは異なってくるし、)
therefore be less amenable to production on a large scale. したがって大量生産に影響されることは少なくなる、 ということを意味する(ということになる)。
When the landbridge was cut by the sea, forming what is now called the English Channel, Britain and its people began to develop the characteristics of insularity for which they are still famous.
When I awoke, the first sound I heard was the south wind whispering and moaning, forcing its foul warmth against the front of the snowhouse. これのforcing以下の構造は分かるんですけどうまく訳せません。
If our choices sometimes seems arbitrary or capricious, I assure you, they are not. Often times there are good reasons for not fixing bugs that seem like obvious high priorities.
Spring jump : It's an accuracy jump made with a good run-up to clear an obstacle and landing precisely .
Up from down jump :Made with an accuracy jump into space and a landing on the foot following with a roll in the floor .
Hand jump : With a run-up jump, you have to take the wall in front of you , with your hands , arms or elbows .
Accuracy jump:It's a difficult jump because you have to land in a very precise point . You have to evaluate your jump precisely or else.
Get over the wall : After a good run-up you have to take off from the wall and jump high with this support , after that , when you are in the air , take another support (with the hands, or foot) and clear the wall or the obstacle .
One - two :It's just to clear little obstacles . with a leg's support use the little obstacle to clear the next without any difficulty .
Ready to take : You jump with your arms and hands ahead , ready to take the obstacle .
Drop:You let yorself fall into a space and land on your feet .
Blind jump:Accuracy jump but without seeing your landing point.
Backflip:A 360ー flip front or back in the stand position .
Hand Plant Flip :Like the backflip it's a 360ー movement but you take support on your hands . you can do this move backwards or forwards .
Balance : In this move you are totaly reversed and you take support on your hands . make sure you have good balance!
Twist :It's a flip and after the flip you make a backflip .
Dacascos :With a run-up you make a spin in the horizontal position.
Although Charles Houston carried a 16-mm movie camera with him wherever he went, no one would mistake him for typical northern tourist visiting the South. First, he was a black man, and blacks didn't take sightseeing trips through the South in 1935. Second, he wasn't filming the scenic countryside or historic Civil War sites.
careful city planning provided residents with, among other things,a wide network of broad, tree-lined paths only for the use of cyclists, pedestrians and odd riders on horseback.
among other thingsは「とりわけ」なんですが、上手く訳せません。 宜しくお願いします。
The purpose of the public demonstration was not just to dazzle New Yorkers. Motorola was at the time trying to head off regulatory approval of AT&T‘s vision of wireless communications, which focused on car phones. We thought the world was ready for personal communications, and the only way you do that is with handheld communications, Cooper says. 長文でごめんなさい。 よろしくお願いします
His subject was schools: the buildings, teachers, buses, and students. Charles Houston was vice dean of Howard University's School of Law in Washington, D.C.
>>230さんありがとうございます。 Cooper placed the first call to Joel Engel, the head of research at AT&T‘s Bell Lads. I told him Joel, I‘m calling you from a REAL cellular phone, Cooper says. I thought I heard gnashing of teeth at the other end, but he was polite. The Federal Communications communication gave AT&T‘s competitors a slice of the wireless spectrum and, 10 years later, the first commercial cell phone network was inaugurated.う また、長文ですが申し訳ありません。 1行目のplacedをどう訳していいのやらさっぱりです^^;
As in the original version of this book, we do not include or consider here data from the experimentally manipulated (e.g., by clearcutting) watershed-ecosystems at Hubbard Brook, which is covered in our book, 【Patterns and Processes in a Forested Ecosystem】 (Bormann and Likens, 1979).
In 1930, South Carolina spent ten times as much on educating each white child as on each black child. Other southern states did little better--Florida,Georgia, and Alabama devoted five times more money to the education of white children than to that of black children.
>>258 この本のオリジナル・バージョンと同じく(?)、 われわれはここでは、実験的に操作した(たとえば、皆伐によって)ハバード川の 分水界生態系のデータについては、盛り込んだり考察はしていない。 そのデータはわれわれの著書Patterns and Processes in a Forested Ecosystemで 扱っている。
>>258 この本の初版とおなじく、拙著『Patterns and Processes in a Forested Ecosystem』 (Bormann and Likens社1979年発行)でカヴァーしている、実験用にあれこれ(例:皆伐)した ハバードブルックの分水界エコシステムからのデータは、ここでは考慮にいれていません。
あの有名な映画「ダイ・ハード」からです。 最後の方、ホリーを誘拐したハンスは、ホリーの言葉に怒って言う言葉です。 「立派なこと言ってたけど結局ただのドロボーじゃないの」 "(台詞の前半ど忘れ。後半で)You Should not be polite!" こう聞こえました。あっているかどうか教えて下さい。 「わたしをなめるな」という字幕です。
they were surpurised at the differences between everyday life in the Soviet union and in the United States. the Americans'lives, they said, were much easier. A Soviet woman was very surprised when she saw an American pour rice from a box into a pan of boiling water. "You didn't wash the rice?" she asked. She explained that at home she had to wash the rice carefully and pick out all the stones. "You are joking!" the American said. "If people here have to do that, nobody will buy rice." 長いけどお願いします
On another occasion when Beatrix was on holiday near the city of Gloucester, she heard following story from a local perspn: A tailor had been asked to make a very special waistcoat for the mayor to wear on an important day, but by Saturday night it was still not complete. The taior went home very tired and woworried. On Monday morning he returned to his shop and found that the waistcoast had been finished, except for one buttonhole! A little note which read “no more twist" was pinned onto it. The shop and worked away all Sunday to help out their master.
>>253 CooperはJoel Engel(the head of research at AT&T‘s Bell Labs) にfirst call (テスト通話?)をかけた。 私は彼に、「やあジョエル、ホンモノの携帯でかけてますよ」と言った。とCooperは言う。 電話の向こうで歯ぎしりするのが聞こえたと思った(聞こえるようだった)が、ジョエル は礼儀正しかった(ポライトだった)。 連邦通信委員会はAT&Tの競争業者らに無線帯域の割り当てを与え、その10年後、最初の 商業用(一般向け)携帯電話サービスが始まった。
The soviets knew that Americans liked to eat fast food in restaurants, but they were disappointed to see that Americans ate fast meals at home, too. In the Soviet Union,the evening meal often lasts an hour or two because families sit at the table and talk. when American families eat together---if they eat together---they often eat quickly and don't take time for long conversations. The Soviets thoughat that was a shame. また悪いですけど日本語訳お願いします
( 7 ) the Soviets and Americans had the differences in language and culture, they became friends. Two women became friends,even if Tanya, the Soviet woman, couldn't speak a word of English and mary, the American woman, couldn't speak a word of Russian. For two weeks they communicated through gestures and dictionaries. 先ほどはありがとうございました。あと少しだけよろしくお願いします
something's being funny is very much a matter of whether we find it funny, and the idea that something might really be funny even though nobody ever felt any inclination to laugh at it seems barely comprehensible. すいません。どなたか和訳をお願いいたします。
He contrasted the unheated cabins and tarpaper shacks that served as schools for black children with the tidy brick and stone structures where white children learned.
Cooper,74,is now chief executive of ArrayComm inc, a San jose, California, company that is designing what he says is the next big advance in wireless technology: smart antennas that promise better reliability, lower cost and higher Internet browsing speeds
Fire-lighting was revolutionized by the discovery of phosphorus, isolated in 1669 by a German alchemist trying to transmute silver into gold. Impressed by the element’s combustibility, several 17th century chemists used it to manufacture fire-lighting devices, but the results were dangerously inflammable. お願いします
Don't worry too much, in fact, I can tell your English has improved a lot in comparing your 1st mail to the latest one. Keep it up I'm sure you're on the right track and you can achieve even higher.
I can't made any plan yet. I said you'll be hear until Nov. right?
So no more school for you from now to Nov? What else you do beside eat and play? (Don't tell me it's sleep!)
When Beatrix heard this story her colorful imagination took over. Her version of the tailor's story was different: she had the mice which lived in the shop help the tailor. Beatrix owned two pet mice, Hunca Munca and Tom Thumb, and used them as models for the pictures in her story, The Tailor of Gloucester. She wrote this story in 1901 and it became her favorite work.
In her story, the tired tailor is struggling to finish his work in the bad light of winter, but when he goes home the waistcoat is not complete. Then the mice come out and work away through the night. They are the ones who leave the note “no more twist" on the waistcote ――in the tiniest of handwriting. This lovery story tells us a great deal about Beatrix's warm-hearted personality.
Now I wish I had some tobacco. The whole day,just sitting around like a toothless circus bear ―sucking on an empty pipe.The boys in the Alamo・・・Bowie,Travis ―they would'nt sit around wishing for no tobacco. セリフなんですけど、どなたかお願いできませんか?
The same man who buys a hundred yen of flour disguised as a thousand yen omiyage may buy an inferior wacth or bicycle at a high price because it looks good.
Investigators have narrowed the location where devastating superheated atmospheric gases entered the shuttle during its re-entry to somewhere near the leading edge of the left wing. 自分なりに考えた訳です。「調査団はとてつもなく加熱された大気が再突入の間にシャトルに 流れ込んだ位置を左翼の先端近くのどこかに絞り込んだ。」 これであってるんでしょうか?お願いします。
During successive millennia there were more waves of immigration from Europe, bringing more advanced technology (the use of bronze, for example), and resulting in more highly developed trading links with the continent.
「気にしないと」いうのは前置詞がaboutじゃないんですか? toとかforだったら「好む」とか「〜したい」ていう意味になるはずですけど。 Wouid you care for a cup of coffee.だったら 「コーヒー一杯いかかですか」 He din't care to go with me.なら 「彼は私と一緒に行きたがらなかった」になりますけど。
Now I wish I had some tobacco. The whole day,just sitting around like a toothless circus bear ―sucking on an empty pipe.The boys in the Alamo・・・Bowie,Travis ―they would'nt sit around wishing for no tobacco.
But this is true only when it is very brilliantly illuminated, for they are relatively insensitive to red. とても明るく照らされてるときに限って、これは事実です。つまり、彼らは比較的赤色に対して無感覚なのです。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ と訳したのだが、ガッコの先生が「照らされている」ではなく、「自ら光っている」と言い張るのですが、 やっぱ俺の訳であってますよね?? illuminateは受動態になると必ず自ら光るという意味になるのでしょうか??
I now remember what I said,and I know it was bad. Are you angry? I shouldn't ask you those questions. I'm really,reallr sorry. I can't meet you this saturday I'm busy. I feel very embarrassed about what I think I asked you (I was very drunk) and I know it was very wrong. If you don't want to talk to me again I understand. 長くてごめんなさい。よろしくお願いします。
During successive millennia there were more waves of immigration from Europe, bringing more advanced technology (the use of bronze, for example), and resulting in more highly developed trading links with the continent.
He used it as a teaching tool for his law students at Howard University, as a documentary when he spoke on college campuses or at NAACP events, and as another piece of the argument he was preparing on the racial injustice in America's school--an argument he planned to take to court.
NAACPはNtional Association for the Advancement of Colored Peopleの略です。 大変長くて申し訳ありませんが、よろしくお願いします。
WINNING NOTICE FOR CATEGORY A WINNER: It is our pleasure to inform you that you have emerged as a Category "B" winner of the UK International Lotto. CONGRATULATIONS! You are entitled to a prize sum of US$2,500,000.00. Reference number for your prize is *****, ticket number +++++. As a category B winner, you have been selected from a total number of 25,000 names drawn from Asia, Africa, Europe, Middle East and America. After the computer ballot of our International Promotions Program, only six winners emerged in the category and therefore the six are to receive payouts of US$2,500,000.00 from the total US$15,000,000.00 for second category winners.
To immediately collect your prize, please contact our Category "B" financial handlers with information below: Mr. Carl Gareth Financial Director International Contracting Company Ltd 76 New Fetter Lane London, EC4A 1AG TELEPHONE: +44 7092009646, 008821652070052 FAX: + 44 7092009621 Email: [email protected] Provide prize reference number-**** and winning ticket number-++++ for confirmation. In your best interests, you must initiate contact within one week of receipt of this correspondence. International Contracting Company Ltd will handle all matters with regards to claiming your prize. You are also advised to send a copy of this email,either by fax or email, to your financial handler Mr. Carl Gareth,when contacting him.
You are to keep all lottery information from the public as we will not entertain cases of multiple claims processing or compromise the privacy and security for all winners. Other necessary International Lotto Uk information are: Draw 1 number: 01-***** Draw 2 number: 02-**** International Lottery code no: IL**** You may be required to provide any of the above information during the process of collecting your prize. We congratulate you once again and it is our hope that you participate in any of our international programs in the nearest future. Thank you. Sincerely, Promotions Manager International Lotto UK NB. This message is been sent to you by email for confidentiality purposes.
Hello. As instructed, I have sent you the print out of the email and the invoice. They should be in your hands by now. Have you received the CD's I returned? Please confirm via email. Also, as descrived in the invoice, I have incurred 600 yen for the shipment. Please make sure that amount is included in the refund.
Customer ID: 674387 Order ID: 10073 & 10226
"Pyramid Soundwave","Open Your Heart","Magic Moments"
※10226 should repay also including a part for a mailing cost.
The reason for returning the CDs :"A deep hole is in CDcase and a jacket sheet."
Trying to be japanese, I refrained from asking. と I continue to be amazed at how Japanese customers will pay any amount that is asked, without wanting to know the breakdown of the cost. But the pressure of the culture is pushing me in the same direction. をお願いします。 自分ではどうも良い訳が解りませんでした。
Sorry but due to abuse, this file server uses an Anti-Camp Policy. Since you reached the maximum number of personal queues this sesion will automatically close in 30 seconds.
>>490 The japanese seem more sensitive to the atmosphere of a conversation, and Americans (seem (more) sensitive)to the literal meaning of the words used. アメリカ人の方は使われる言葉の文字通りの意味に関してsensitiveのように 思われる。
During successive millennia there were more waves of immigration from Europe, bringing more advanced technology (the use of bronze, for example), and resulting in more highly developed trading links with the continent.
A. We have to admit the "motorcycle" pic has caused a lot of email, it being one of the most disconcerting things people have ever seen. We called it "Motorcycle" because it arrived as motorcycle.jpg, but it is more likely an attempted shotgun suicide. The man lived. An attorney wrote us demanding that we take the picture down, but was unable to provide enough details for us to comply with his request.
The "material" presented in this book is the outgrowth of a series of lectures given to our students. この場合のmaterialとはどのように訳せばよいのでしょうか?これと、 The emphasis is on a "rigorous development" of the basic diffraction theory このrigorous developmentの訳をお願いします。
He used it as a teaching tool for his law students at Howard University, as a documentary when he spoke on college campuses or at NAACP events, and as another piece of the argument he was preparing on the racial injustice in America's school--an argument he planned to take to court.
NAACPはNtional Association for the Advancement of Colored Peopleの略です。 大変長くて申し訳ありませんが、もう一度よろしくお願いします。
Hello. As instructed, I have sent you the print out of the email and the invoice. They should be in your hands by now. Have you received the CD's I returned? Please confirm via email. Also, as descrived in the invoice, I have incurred 600 yen for the shipment. Please make sure that amount is included in the refund.
Customer ID: 674387 Order ID: 10073 & 10226
"Pyramid Soundwave","Open Your Heart","Magic Moments"
※10226 should repay also including a part for a mailing cost.
The reason for returning the CDs :"A deep hole is in CDcase and a jacket sheet."
The first matches resembling those used today were made in 1827 by John Walker, an English pharmacist who borrowed the formula from a military rocket-maker called Congreve. Costing a shilling a box, Congreves were splints coated with sulphur and tipped with potassium chlorate. お願いします。
Tonight I started filling out an application for a grad school. I've decided to get my masters degree in design. The school I've settled on (if I can get in and can get financial aid) is a state university in Arizona.
The main purpose of some japanese discussion is to make sure that relations between all the people involved are harmonious , whereas Americans may be more concerned with pinpointing and defining areas of disagreement. どなたかお願いします。
>>549-553 The school I've settled on is a state university in Arizonaという一文には 現在通っている大学なのか別の大学にアプライするのかどうかは明示されていない。 しかし、文脈から推して量るに、後者である可能性が非常に高い、だと思われ。 なんらかの理由でどの大学に通っているのか明言したくない場合など、前者のように いうことがありえないことはない。 The school I've settled on is a state university in Arizona.
TOKYO, Japan - After seven decades, reality is catching up to Dick Tracy's wristwatch phone -- Japan's cell phone giant NTT DoCoMo will soon start selling a mobile phone that's worn around the wrist and snaps off to become a regular handset. 長文ですがよろしくお願いします
With assistance from the Azerbaijan National Agency for Mine Action (ANAMA) and Relief Azerbaijan, the project introduces American students to their Azeri peers who have been displaced from their homes for many years, and through interaction via letter exchange, and in some instances teacher email accounts, enables students to share their thoughts about their lives, the world, conflict, and peace initiatives. お願いします
This site contains sexually explicit material. You must be 18 years of age or older to continue viewing this site. If you are under the age of 18 you must exit this site. If you are 18 years of age or over, click on the upper-left corner of this page. You can find a hidden link there. Do not post the Japanese translation of this page on the BBS, or your IP would be banned. Enjoy together!
We will consider omission faults and corruption faults since they constitute a significant majority of the faults that occur in parallel implementations.
The disaffected member hesitated , then asked if he could discuss something heavy on his heart . This should have been a signal to the visitor to stop and listen . と I could tell ,and I'm sure that every Japanese person there could see, that a confession was ready to burst from his lips .
また分からないところが…;_; めんどくさかったら放置してくれてもかまいません。暇な人がもしいたらお願いします。 Consequently,Toyota developd a set of interorganizational processes and practices that were designed to create a supplier network that was highly productive,constantly improving,and tightly integrated with Toyota as well as with other Toyota suppliers. 「従ってトヨタは発達した a set of?組織間過程と訓練←サプライヤーネットワークを想像するために計画された←(どんなsupplier network?)高い生産性、着々と進む改良、そしてしっかりとまとまった・・・as well as〜
Consequently, Toyota developd a set of interorganizational processes and practices that were designed to create a supplier network that was highly productive, constantly improving, and tightly integrated with Toyota as well as with other Toyota suppliers.
その結果、トヨタは組織間における一連のprocesses and practicesを発展させた。 それ(processes and practices)は下請け業者のネットワークの創出を目的としていて、 そのネットワークは高い生産性を持ち、つねに改良され、トヨタとトヨタの下請けとを緊密に統合した。
http://www.excite.co.jp/world/text/ Buyer pays for all shipping costs, which are provided in the Payment Details section below. Seller ships internationally (worldwide).
High school boys in fancy suits are the worst bunch, for their foul language and chasing, pummeling,and hair-pulling of each other makes their city clothing contrast ironically with their bumpkin characters.
In short,Toyota initiated a level of involvement with,and understanding of,its suppliers' internal operations that was unprecedented in the industry. As Koichiro Noguchi,a Toyota director who formerly headed up Toyota's purchasing organization,has observed:“Our suppliers are critical to our success. We must help thim to be the best Quality cars require quality suppliers."
In short, Toyota initiated a level of involvement with, and understanding of, its suppliers' internal operations that was unprecedented in the industry. As Koichiro Noguchi, a Toyota director who formerly headed up Toyota's purchasing organization, has observed: “Our suppliers are critical to our success. We must help them to be the best. Quality cars require quality suppliers."
Even though warnings were coming in at an unusually heavy pace heading into the earnings season -- always a bad sign -- companies have beat estimates by a wider margin than usual.
There are clues to be had, however, from studying the way in which changes in the atmosphere's chemistry, induced by purely natural processes, have warmed or cooled the planet in the past. と、 It is not possible to get a real understanding of a subject unless one does someting with it himself,preferably something involving a little originality.
We are pleased to provide a quality program for the Annual Board of Trustees Meeting, which will take place in Washington, D.C. at the Washington Court Hotel. お願いします
As soon as a parallel implementation is contemplated for which the number of components is in the hundreds, the possibility, or probability, of hardware and other faults must be considered, and their effects ameliorated.
818 :名無しさん@3周年 :03/04/20 00:10 As soon as a parallel implementation is contemplated for which the number of components is in the hundreds, the possibility, or probability, of hardware and other faults must be considered, and their effects ameliorated.
for which のあたりからよくわからないです。
819 :名無しさん@3周年 :03/04/20 00:18 which = parallel implementation
the number of components for the parallel implementation is in the hundreds
As soon as a parallel implementation is contemplated, the possibility of hardware (faults) and other faults must be considered, and their effects (must be) ameliorated.
Impaired insulin action is important in the pathophysiology of multiple metabolic abnormalities such as obesity and type 2 diabetes. Protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) is considered a negative regulator of insulin signalling. This is best evidenced by studies on knockout mice showing that lack of PTP1B is associated with increased insulin sensitivity as well as resistance to obesity and in vitro studies whilst studies in animals and humans have given contradictory results. However, several studies support the notion that insulin signalling can be enhanced by the inhibition of PTP1B providing an attractive target for therapy against type 2 diabetes and obesity. In addition, recent genetic studies support the association between PTP1B with insulin resistance.
I cannot think a sincere reply. It mailed repeatedly because you did not reply to mail having already sent several times. Then, please let me know. When can I check that it has been repaid? very uneasy in whether it is repaid truly.
The History of Blood Type "AB". Blood type "AB" is the newest and rarest blood group, comprising approximately 2% of the population. Individuals with blood type "AB" have both A and B dominant genes, and they have inherited attributes of both of these blood groups.
The goals of this event are to mobilize youth and adults to identify and address the needs of their communities through service, recruit the next generation of volunteers, and educate the public about the role of young people as community leaders by highlighting the contributions they make to their communities year-round. お願いします。
His father attended Howard University in the evening, earned a law degree, and established a successful law practice serving middle-class blacks in Washington.
Still keepin to the Left side, we can say that nothing could be more wearily different from the thrust of ideas, the eager debates, the electric clashes (State Socialism,Guild Socialism,Syndicalism)of the decade thirty to forty years ago, than this routine yawning parade of opinions, as if everybody were dressed in black coat and striped trousers and dreadfully short of sleep.
Yes I did receive payment today. So I sent it to my bank, When it clears I will then ship your ***** out and I will email you also the same day. I was charged a fee of $51.27 for this transaction. I didn't know that they also charge for payment being sent from over seas. But it will just have to be, nothing can be done. If it was a credit card there would of been another fee also.
The goals of this event are to mobilize youth and adults to identify and address the needs of their communities through service, recruit the next generation of volunteers, and educate the public about the role of young people as community leaders by highlighting the contributions they make to their communities year-round. どうぞ宜しくお願いします。
It is a curious things in human experience, but to live through a period of stress and sorrow with other human beings creates a bond which nothing seems able to break.
People can be happy together and look back on their contacts very pleasantly, but such contacts will not make the same kind of bond that sorrow lived through together will create.
Happiness will not lead you to feel that your presence is always welcome should an emergency arise, but a period of stress lived through together will give you this assurance.
In all our contacts it is probably the sense of being really needed and wanted which gives us the greatest satisfaction and creates the most lasting bond.
Mrs. Houston refused to allow ger white clients to call her by her first name as they did most balacks in their service, and she always insisted on entering their homes through the front door.
訳をお願いします↓ the Indians shoved it off and one of them got in to row. Uncle George sat in the stern of the camp rowboat. The young Indian shoved the camp boat off and got in to row Uncle George.
人からあることをするなと命令されて、 "You don't want me to do that?" I asked uncertainly. と聞き返した場合、I asked uncertainlyはどういう意味ですか? 「(本当はやって欲しいはずなのに)しなくていいの?」ということで いいでしょうか。それとも「しなくていいの?」というききかたが 頼りなげ(不確か)だった、ということでしょうか。 この一文をうまく訳していただけると嬉しいです。
>>862 この場合 this routine yawning parade of opinions ほど the thrust of ideas, the eager debates, the electric clashes (State Socialism,Guild Socialism,Syndicalism)of the decade thirty to forty years ago, から wearily different なものはない ってことです。
The general tone that Bush has taken in his speeches from his "axis of evil" State of Union address after the Sept.11 terorist attacks to the waragainst Iraq seems to have fallen into neoconservativel ine.
The general tone that Bush has taken in his speeches from his "axis of evil" State of Union address after the Sept.11 terorist attacks to the war against Iraq seems to have fallen into the neoconservative line.
The general tone that Bush has taken in his speeches from his "axis of evil" State of the Union address after the Sept.11 terrorist attacks to the war against Iraq seems to have fallen into the neoconservative line.
"We are targeting young businessmen in their 20s and 30s as the device looks a bit rugged," DoCoMo spokesman Takuya Kono said. Dubbed the "Wristomo," the watch opens up to become a phone, and users can talk while wearing it like Dick Tracy, the comic-book hero who debuted in the 1930's. 長文ですがよろしくお願いします The Wristomo, manufactured by Seiko Instruments, weighs 4 ounces including batteries. It also hooks up to DoCoMo's hit "i-mode" Web-surfing service.
Mrs. Houston refused to allow ger white clients to call her by her first name as they did most balacks in their service, and she always insisted on entering their homes through the front door.
Mrs. Houston refused to allow ger white clients to call her by her first name as they did most balacks in their service, and she always insisted on entering their homes through the front door.
But more bankruptcies are expected as the government speeds up its plan to push banks to shed non-performing loans. の文でexpectedとasの意味がいまいち わかりません、よろしくお願いします
Mrs. Houston refused to allow ger white clients to call her by her first name as they did most balacks in their service, and she always insisted on entering their homes through the front door.
I am serious. I just remember your name. Since I've seen you and your friends. I tried to remember your name after I met your group. I think you don't understand exectly what I am trying to say. ヨロシクお願いします。
Well, are you disappointed at me on how I look at things???? Well, like I said, it doesn't matter how things turn out, as long as I've put in enough effort, I'm know I have not let myself down.
Humanitarian efforts on behalf of the PTPI’s Southern Ghana Chapter directly benefited the 12 staff and 64 children of the OIEEM Orphanage near Takoradi. お願いします。
With what he earned from his law practice, Mary's income from her hairdressing trade, and an economical lifestyle, the Houstons were able to move into one of Wasington's black middle-class neighborhoods.
Recent fundraisers have included the annual “USA Spectacular” concert held at the Town Hall, a Bridge Drive at Eaton Hall, and the coming “Evening in Romania” complete with Romanian food and guest speakers. The theme of this event was chosen as tribute to the European Conference scheduled for Roman, May 30-June 1.
Lea and Markus Hafner manage the center, which is a home for senior citizens, nursing home, apartments for the handicapped, restaurant and 4-star hotel, and shared with participating members the history and programs for integrating residents into the community.
"I just felt that with him being a massive LA fan, he'd give me a good performance. He had a lot to play for and was magnificent - he scored a great goal.
交通経済の専門書です。 Different products might be defined by inflight amenities in the separate cabins or by the various conditions applied to tickets purchased by individual travellers in any cabin.
My friends say you're so into me And that you need me desperately They say you say we're so complete
But I need to hear it straight from you If you want me to believe it's true I've been waiting for so long it hurts I wanna hear you say the words, please
Don't, don't let me be the last to know Don't hold back, just let it go I need to hear you say You need me all the way Oh, if you love me so Don't let me be the last to know
My friends say you're so into me And that you need me desperately They say you say we're so complete
But I need to hear it straight from you If you want me to believe it's true I've been waiting for so long it hurts I wanna hear you say the words, please
Don't, don't let me be the last to know Don't hold back, just let it go I need to hear you say You need me all the way Oh, if you love me so 長くてすみませんがよろしくお願いいたします。