I keep wondering all these days How to thrive the way we stray A year, a lifetime - parted, together will be all the same Many things to make me sad Some can even drive me mad Just fear forever No more endeavours Leave me where I stand
You are here And make me feel so high Day by day Something one can't deny Let's give each other certainty
Sometimes it is used to refer to the Celtic people who dominated Britain at the time of the Roman conquest, sometimes to the people who preceded the Celts
Beatrix was born in 1886 at No.2,Bolton Gardens in London. There her parents lived comfortably. In many ways Mr. and Mrs.Potter took good care of Beatrix and her younger brother, Bertram Beatrix wore clean clothes every morning, and every afternoon she was taken for a walk in the park by her nurse. Beatrix and Bertram shared many interests; especially,they loved to watch animals. They had a good time together while young until Bertram was sent away to school.
How difficult it would have been for the ancient Egyptian, just beginning to grasp the idea of a written language, to look ahead to electric lights,radios,jet aircraft, or atomic energy
Beatrix was taught at home by governesses. She got on especially wellwith one governess, Annie Carter. Annie was only three years older than Beatrix. When Annie left to get married, Beatrix kept in close touch with her and, later, with her eight children. Beatrix got into the habit of writing to Annie's children. In September 1893, she wrote to Noel, the eldest, when he was ill.
During their early days of exploration there were neither laboratory nor museum collections to assist them in the identification of the plants and animals they found. They had comparatively few books at their disposal, and of those, since they were of Old World orgin, almost none were of direct use to an Ameican naturalist. No matter what field of natural history they investigated, they were pioneering.
To make sure that the music at the party was to our liking, I recorded four CD's of our favourite music especially for the occasion (it took me three days with the computer, as most of our music collection is on Vinyl records, not CD's).
Martin Cooper, a researcher at Motorola inc.,made the call from the comer of56th Street and Lexington Avenue in Manhattan on April 3,1973. Bystanders were agape at the spectacles Cooper recalls. We were surprised, because we thought New York were so blasé. We caused a great stir, he says The phone was mammoth by today‘s standards-it weight almost two pounds and was 10inches long . Talk time was 20 minutes. Still,it was a huge advance over the car-mounted mobile phones that had been in use since the1940s. よろしくお願いします