Prepare to have your confidence boosted. Your life is not as difficult or devoid of opportunity as you have begun to imagine. You have the potential to become a lot more successful, solvent and sought-after than you yet understand. It may come as something of a surprise to you to learn just how much the world wants to offer you. Eventually though, it will be clear that to ignore your new challenge is to shut yourself off from something you have wanted and deserved for years. Don't fear what's happening. Open your arms and accept, gratefully.
Take your time but don't take anyone else's. Accept it, if it's being freely offered but neither ask for it nor demand it. If someone doesn't naturally feel inspired to give you energy, attention or support, you neither need nor want their company. And, if someone is placing you under pressure; telling you that 'this must be done' or 'that must be provided' be suspicious. You're in danger of settling a debt that you have not incurred and that you are ultimately not responsible for. Right now, you need to be consolidating your power, not giving it away.
蠍座 14日です。どなたかお手すきの方、よろしくお願いします。 A welcome piece of news will soon clear an awkward obstacle to progress. Unless of course, you need that obstacle. Might it be earthing you, grounding you, keeping you from trying to go too far, too fast. For some while, you have been contemplating a brave but rather wild plan. Now, there's no longer such a good reason to put it on ice. Yet it does not automatically follow that, just because you CAN do something, you ought to. See this week's encouraging development as an amber light rather than a green one. Wait a little longer before you proceed.
How far must you travel before you can get from one end of infinity to the other? How long does eternity take? Our brains can't comprehend either of these notions. The very idea of a life without limits or an existence with no beginning and no end, is mind boggling. That's why, on balance, we prefer not to think about any of this. But that's also why, despite living in a world full of infinite possibilities, we end up fixated on petty trivia. Reach for a higher perspective now and instead of seeing reasons to worry, you will see reasons to celebrate.
You should soon be better off in every way. Your financial prospects are encouraging and you are well placed for success with a career or creative project. Sorry to sound like any other astrologer by speaking in a dull, matter of fact way. But, I just figured you needed to hear this, straight. You want an analogy? OK! You can see light at the end of a long tunnel, but you are nervous lest it is a glint in the eye of a fire-breathing cave dragon. But that's real sunshine you can see. And to reach it all you have to do is keep on walking.
There is something most unsatisfactory about a sentence that ends with a comma, Not only does it grate on our grammatical sensitivities, it denies us closure, We start to feel as if there is just not enough separation between one thing and another, We start yearning for certainties, We suddenly feel much more appreciative of the rules and structures that usually govern our lives, I know you are yearning to see a full-stop but I am writing this way for a reason, Life now has an irritating edge, Ignore it as best you can,
Who lives in a house like this? TV shows love to give us a peep into the lives of the rich and famous. They take the cameras around their homes and thus, they perpetrate the myth of tidiness. Of course those places are immaculate. They have just been carefully cleaned up! In reality, we all have to exist with a bit of mess. Even the Queen has unwashed dishes in her sink from time to time. If you feel awkward now, it is only because you are trying to live up to some artificial standard. Be more realistic about what's attainable. And then relax.
The more answers you get, the more questions you find yourself needing to ask. The more problems you solve, the more new difficulties emerge. But, hey, that's life on Earth for you. The planet is notorious, right across the galaxy, as the home of all craziness and confusion. Aliens come here in flying saucer coach parties, just to watch in amazement how six billion people manage to go totally bonkers at the same time whilst kidding themselves, all the while, that they are safe. Things are about to get very, silly and that's wonderful news.
What makes this Wednesday different to last Wednesday? Superficially, a great deal seems to be much as it was. Yet, in one key area at least, things are crucially different. You have moved on. Soon, you will make even more progress. That's what you need to keep sight of now. It is all too easy to imagine that you are stuck in a rut or going round in circles. Those circles though, are a vital part of a process by which a mechanism is wound up ever tighter, until it has enough energy to run like clockwork. A bright new phase is about to begin.
Where once most people went to work in offices or factories, today they all sit in call centres wearing headsets. Millions spend their days handling enquiries and giving out advice. And when they are not sure what to say? They just phone up another helpline. Because we now have so many experts on the end of so many phones, we tend to assume that all questions in life are difficult and require the input of such advisors. Some questions though, are deceptively simple. You do not need to consult anyone now, just trust your best guess.
Some people think you can't achieve success until you have first encountered failure. That's not strictly true. You can get it, but if you don't recognise any of the warning signs, you are unlikely to be able to hang on to it. Life's downs are not just unfortunate opposites to life's ups, they are the essential connections between them. If there were no downs, there would be no ups. Everything would just be flat. Despite current conflict and tension, you are about to ascend to an impressive height. You will soon be very glad of a recent depression.
Why does the future excite us so? Because it is the easiest thing for us to alter. We can't change the past or do much about the present. But we can influence the shape of that which is yet to come. Or so we figure. Actually though, we can change the past. People are forever rewriting history to suit their current purposes. And the present differs dramatically the moment you decide to look at it from a different angle. It is through rethinking yesterday that you now stand the greatest chance of turning tomorrow into what you truly want it to be.
15日蠍ザです。宜しくお願い致します。 The next step you take will be a big one. That's why you need to weigh it up carefully. It is all very well saying you ought to be instinctive and intuitive or that you should follow the fire in your heart. But there's a jolly good reason why you've been blessed with a brain. Intellect very rarely supplies a satisfactory final answer to any question. Yet it provides a level of insight that can often prove immensely valuable. You need to know what you really think, even if you do end up consciously deciding to let this be counteracted by what you really feel.
The next step you take will be a big one. That's why you need to weigh it up carefully. It is all very well saying you ought to be instinctive and intuitive or that you should follow the fire in your heart. But there's a jolly good reason why you've been blessed with a brain. Intellect very rarely supplies a satisfactory final answer to any question. Yet it provides a level of insight that can often prove immensely valuable. You need to know what you really think, even if you do end up consciously deciding to let this be counteracted by what you really feel.
獅子座 When foreign heads of state gather for a summit, they each have an interpreter. What if the translator is mischievous? What if he or she chooses to translate, 'delightful to see you, your eminence,' as, 'get stuffed you slimy scumbag'? Really, to be safe, interpreters should also have interpreters. The same applies even if there is no official language barrier. The world is full of people who seemingly understand each other yet are miles apart in their meanings. Look now at what someone is really saying, not what you think or fear their message is.
The modern world makes it very easy for us all to avoid serious thought. It bombards us with TV and radio shows, adverts and information, sagas and soap-operas, newspapers and Internet sites. Then, there's all the junk mail. The phone calls, conversations, the social interactions. There's almost always someone to talk to... someone to listen to, but rarely is there a chance for what needs to be said. A moment's reflection today will bring an insight which proves priceless. Don't be so busy that you fail to take it.
(原文) Some writings are perfectly punctuated yet they remain unreadable. The author has made no effort to stand back and read the words objectively. They waffle on and on, obeying all the rules of the English language whilst other people manage to say a lot more, in a lot less space by focusing on nothing other than the need to get their point across. A misplaced apostrophe here, a spelling error there... what does it matter as long as the meaning comes across? Ignore all criticism now. Just do your best to be clear.
What must you do in order to let the good times roll? Do you need to remove chocks from under their wheels? Must you lubricate the engine of happiness? Or perhaps you should make no effort whatsoever. Perhaps those good times are always right there, willing and ready to roll, waiting only for you to stop faffing around in some endless effort to force a very natural process. Even if you do all within your power to impede their progress or keep them at a distance, you will find they roll a little closer to you today.
Money can't buy you love, but, if you don't understand what real love is, it can buy you something that seems like love for a while. It can't buy you true talent either, but it can certainly get you some false flattery. No sum in the world will ever get you wisdom or integrity. Of course, the irony here is that if you don't have any, you don't realise how badly you need some. You, though, do now understand what you truly need and why second-best won't do. What's more, money or no money, you are about to get it.
Why do we do the things we do? What are our true motives? We settle for an explanation that seems to make sense. It sounds convincing as long as we do not question it too closely. Months, years, perhaps even decades later, we see what was really going on. We also realise how we were being led by other forces. Certain people were trying to push us in certain directions and, by the looks of things, various guardian angels too. You don't have much control at the moment but that's good, not bad.
Strategy is the sworn enemy of spontaneity. The two never stop bickering, even when they are supposed to be fighting on the same side. Strategy thinks spontaneity is stupid. Spontaneity sees strategy as senselessly slow. Once in a rare and wonderful while, the two agree to respect each another and co-operate. That's when miracles really happen. Mercury's sharp link to your ruler suggests a chance of achieving such harmony. To seize that chance now, you will need to be both wise and reckless.
16日 蠍座 よろしくお願いします。 Astrologers don't see the future in its entirety. They get given glimpses. It's the same for all seers, sages, psychics and clairvoyants. Likewise, weather forecasters, economists and military strategists. Our ability to 'see what's coming' will invariably be limited. But we should still strive to gain as much insight as we can. There are certain obvious mistakes that you can still avoid making with a little thought. As for the mistakes which are not so obvious? Maybe they are not mistakes.
Instead of a forecast, let's have a debate about what does or does not constitute luck. That's normally the kind of discussion I try to instigate whenever I see good fortune looming large on your horizon. That way, I can allude to the topic without raising expectations too high. Oh whoops. Now I've gone and given the game away. Oh well, I do see a most encouraging outlook and I don't feel inclined to be vague about it. If you want to make the most of it, you will resolve to be similarly forthright.
獅子座 "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good. Oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood." So goes the classic song. Yet no matter how sincerely the words are intoned, the request never seems to be granted. That's hardly surprising. Given all our different languages, nuances and subtleties, the real wonder is why we aren't all misunderstood a lot more often. And as for good intentions... well we know what they pave. If you crave clarity now, you had best be very careful about what you say and how.
It is time to take a good long look at the future. Whilst certain key facts about tomorrow may be denied to you, you can now, at least, see enough to justify a big and important decision. Trust your most inspiring vision and work towards making it a reality. If you ignore this encouraging picture, it may yet turn out to have been merely a tantalising glance of some remotely possible outcome. If you work towards it, it will become your inevitable destiny and you won't ever regret that.
We always imagine that other people's lives are more organised than our own. Even when it becomes clear that this is not the case in some instances, we assume that we are observing the exception. Most folk, surely, don't live in a world that is quite so crazy or chaotic? Yet, of course, they do. It is just that some of them do a much better job of hiding it. You have every reason to be proud of yourself for the way you are handling a stressful situation. Others in your shoes would do worse, not better.
When someone annoys us, it is usually because they have characteristics that we ourselves possess. If we feel at all uncomfortable about our own tendencies to be, for example, insensitive, oversensitive or thoughtless, we are much more likely to balk at the sight of those trends. We are more tolerant of those with faults that we don't (or think we don't) have. Ask yourself why you really find a certain situation so bothersome? You may find that it is really far less of a problem than you thought. The planets now speak of discovery leading to great reassurance.
Positive planetary aspects pose a problem for people in my profession. Should we encourage you to expect good news? When you are in a good frame of mind you more likely to attract good things into your life. Or should we avoid raising expectations lest these prevent an appreciation of life's more modest gifts? We must also remember that good fortune often travels in disguise. It can be the invisible hand that stops a bad situation from getting worse, just as easily as it can be the finger of a lottery-winning fate. But your outlook is good now, that's for sure.
Are you sure that you are being as efficient as possible? Might you be wasting time, energy or money? Perhaps you should think things through with more precision. Maybe you should hire a team of top managerial professionals? Or then again, perhaps it doesn't matter. Perhaps we really get it wrong when we worry too much about getting it right. You now seem to be nervous about something. Yet your anxiety is based, largely, on an irrelevant idea. Relax. Stop listening so closely to your inner critic and everything will rapidly get a lot less stressful.
Stability is strange stuff. We all crave it yet we all abhor it too. We need a little drama or danger in order to get our hearts beating faster. When all is steady it is easy to tumble into a torpor and forget that you are alive. That said, you have had many such vivid reminders recently and can now consider yourself entitled to a little tedium. You now have the chance to choose a sensible path or a crazy one. Don't feel obliged to opt for the latter. Unacceptable situations need to be challenged. But you don't have to put your comfort at risk in the process.
You could, of course, just give up. You don't have to keep going. You don't have to hang on. If anyone dares to judge you harshly for making such a change of direction, you can rightly conclude that their problem must be far bigger than yours. For scorn and criticism are invariably by-products of a troubled mind. You don't have to listen to any aspersions that may be cast and, more crucially, you don't have to feed your own fear of being found wanting in some way. It might do you the power of good now to abandon a duty. Or perhaps, even to break a promise.
These are historic times. Well, OK then, I grant you that all times are historic. How very Aquarian of you to point that out. It is, I concede, a bit like saying that today is the first day of the rest of your life. But then, it is! So what if tomorrow will be too? All other moments are hypothetical. The one you are living through right now is the only one you can do anything about. You can make history by walking away from a habit, or a pattern that has been your downfall in the past. Embrace, instead, an attitude that can yet change everything.
蠍座 週末です。よろしくお願いします。 People really shouldn't criticise one another. But, of course, if we are critical of the way they are critical... then we are being hypocritical. It is like deciding that you can't stand intolerance. Or saying violent people all deserve to be punished. You now have some strong feelings that you suspect are not especially rational or reasonable. That's an appropriate assumption. You need to acknowledge the absurdity of a certain situation instead of striving so hard to justify it. That will restore perspective and enable you to start making decisions that you can trust.
Some things seem to be falling neatly into place. That's precisely why you feel a little edgy. In your experience, ups are only ever followed by one thing. So as soon as the good times start rolling in you feel obliged to prepare for the moment when they will roll back out again. But life doesn't really work this way. The day-to-day graph of our progress may fluctuate, but the overall trend will inevitably keep rising. So yes, the glow of positivity that you now feel may fade but you will still be better off forever for having felt it. And it ain't fading yet. It has only just begun.
Shall we discuss the weather or the colour of the wallpaper? These days it's getting harder and harder to find bland topics of conversation. Everything is potentially contentious. Why, you only have to mention the weather and you are just one step away from global warming. And we all know that colour preferences speak volumes about a person's true psychological profile. That wallpaper comment could be broadcasting your deeper darker secrets than you realise. Your best advice now? Don't talk! Your second-best advice? Don't listen.
The road to heaven is paved with bad intentions. It must be or the road to hell would not be paved with good ones. Unless, of course, heaven and hell were in exactly the same place? Then that road would indeed lead to both destinations. And how would you know which of the two you had arrived at? Perhaps you wouldn't. Perhaps like all extreme opposites these two places have more in common than we think. Perhaps what you really need to do now is cut right through confusing ambiguity and take a real stand regardless of what the consequences may turn out to be.
Another day, another balancing act. Another reason to think twice. Another pitfall to avoid. Another complication to take into account. Another precarious arrangement to protect. Recent conversations have wound you up. It seems likely that soon, you may encounter more such sources of excitement and/or exasperation. Are you really ready for another one of those days? If you want to avoid this experience, you will have to do your best to stay calm. Don't take anything (or anyone) too seriously. That is, I know, easier said than done. Even so, it can be done.
What do you need to give up? Is there something you want to be rid of? Are you hoping for a significant change in your situation? Then don't look at what it would be so nice to lose, look at what it may just be possible to gain. If you embrace a positive proposition with open arms, you will automatically put yourself at a distance from whatever seems daunting or depressing. Promises may sound like so much hot air but if you create the right kind of balloon around them, you may yet find they lift you up and carry you away to happier shores.
Why do certain plans keep going wrong? Imagine yourself standing on a tower, peering down at a friend in a maze. You can't shout 'Don't go left,' because you can't be heard. All you can do is arrange for obstacles to arise and hope these will persuade this person to think again. Now see yourself as the one in the maze and your guardian angel as the observer. This week, as a result of doing something you would never have done if you'd had another option, you'll start to find what you've been looking for.
You can reasonably argue that much is not as you intended it to be. You can't, though, make a very convincing case to support your claim that you face a terrible situation. A benign sky is taking good care of your primary needs. As these include the desire to feel secure, loved and engaged in something constructive, you should ask yourself how important your secondary needs can possibly be. These all involve wishing you could exert more power, control, choice and authority. All in good time. For now, be glad of what you've got.
Pisces is what we traditionally call a bicorporal sign. Like Gemini (represented by a set of twins) you have a pair of fish at the heart of your celestial symbol. By swimming away from each other, they depict your big cosmic challenge: to find a way to unite the world of spirit with the world of earthly impulse. You're often torn in two directions, the more so because your sign has two rulers. Neptune and Jupiter have lately been forming a tense alignment. As this ebbs away, you really are going to get the best of all possible worlds.
Though an awkward sky is still obliging you to wait for something you badly want, you can at least look forward to progress in some areas. This week, the rule of thumb is as follows: if you yearn for it urgently, you probably can't have it, at least not yet. If you aren't so bothered about whether a certain opportunity crops up, you can expect it to be handed to you on a platter. A financial gain is feasible as is real success in some career or related endeavour. Your social life also promises much joy. Try to let this be enough for the moment at least.
You are being liberated from a commitment or obligation you thought you would never see the back of. You need to let a little more time pass before you can see how much is now possible. Old habits die hard. Over the coming week, though, it will become clear that you haven't just mentally or emotionally outgrown a certain situation. The situation itself has altered in such a way as to let you off the hook. What possible excuse can you have now for denying yourself a long-cherished dream? Hopefully none.
Questions beginning with 'where,' or 'when,' are comparatively easy. Those that start with 'why' tend to be trickier. For every 'because' there's a 'but.' Usually, too, if you go down this road of inquiry, you find it soon leads to yet another, even bigger 'why'. This week's development in the ongoing cosmic dance means you will soon have to scrutinise a bunch of factors you normally take for granted. At the same time, you have to take some action. Instead of asking 'why,' try restricting yourself to the slightly less impossible, 'why not?'
獅子座 You can never manage to lead an ordinary life for long. Like a keen athlete you are always most excited when the winning post is in sight. If it is too far in the distance you feel daunted. If it is too near or if it has recently been passed you feel life lacks challenge. What you actually enjoy is aspiring to (or working towards) security, tranquillity and harmony. The real thing leaves you with nothing left to aim for. Hence the discomfort you feel now. Your outlook is, in one way, too good to be true. Enjoy it while it lasts.
Usually, I advise people to keep their expectations reasonably low. That way, you can avoid disappointment if a development lets you down and feel pleasantly surprised if all works out well. But to start the week in a fairly ordinary frame of mind is to risk missing some of its magnificent potential. Better to pitch your hopes a little too high than shrug your shoulders and cross the street when opportunity heads your way. An exceptionally positive aspect insists you are now in a position to work at least one minor miracle. ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
Weak people feel a desire to throw their weight about. Strong folk know they don't need to do this. They use their ability to be assertive as a last resort, employing instead, the quiet voice of reason until it proves ineffective. For you, at the moment, attack is definitely not the best form of defence. Making any kind of aggressive move is likely to involve you in a certain situation far more deeply than you want to get embroiled. If you simply trust that your desire to keep at a wise distance is sufficient protection, it will be.
We regret that, due to a technical fault, we are unable to bring you the Aquarius forecast. Meanwhile, here's some music. Well, kind of. There is a sense in which you're now dogged by mysterious difficulties. You don't seem to be getting the messages you should be or making the progress you deserve to make. This is not to say that you are doing badly, but no self-respecting Aquarian ever likes to feel life is standing still. Try not to explode with impatience this week. Something great is starting to happen.
You have recently climbed (or maybe even moved) a mountain. You have reason to feel proud of yourself. Soon, you will discover that, far from being near to the end of a major endeavour, to all intents and purposes, you've only just begun. Either there's more to the challenge to which you have been busily rising, or it leads directly and inescapably on to yet another, even bigger demand on your energy and initiative. There will, though, be a highly inspiring 'carrot' to spur you on. Get ready for more much-needed progress.
<原文> Interesting indications of hope are on the horizon. You aren't sure, though, how fully to trust these. What if they are false images, distorted by a foggy climate and intensified by your desire for progress? If you emerge from the trench you have dug for the sake of safety, you could become vulnerable. But you can hardly expect to see anything clearly if you shut out the light. Make a bold step in the direction of the best-looking option. Assume that if something seems good, it actually IS good. You won't regret this policy.
Answers of a kind will arrive soon. Considering how big the questions you've been asking lately are, you can hardly expect all the replies to be exhaustive. In some areas of life you'll have to content yourself with probable theories rather than definite explanations. You will at least though, be able to separate the highly likely from the deeply doubtful. That's a step in the right direction, even if it does mean that, as you gain more insight you become obliged to drop some ideas. But you will grow to like their replacements even more.
There's much you don't know. The fact that you know you don't know it though, is an advantage. Ignorance is no more a source of bliss than a blindfold is a useful safety device for a car driver. Wearing one may create a temporary sensation of safety but need I go on? Becoming aware that you can't see something is not the same as having clear vision, but it is a good step towards getting it. Pluto, slowly but surely, is opening your eyes. The revelation isn't entirely easy to accept but it's due to have an extremely positive impact.
You can't make fruit salad on the same chopping board that you have just used to cut up garlic. You can't enjoy the sound of birdsong by the side of a busy road. You can't whisper sweet nothings to a loved one if you are in the middle of bawling out someone else down the telephone. Where highly sensitive matters are concerned, the need to create the right environment becomes essential. In order to give an intriguing possibility a fair trial today, you must make some definite changes. They will be worth the adjustment.
You are prone to feel cross at the moment. Deep down you want only to be happy and cheerful. But despite your best efforts to view tension as water off a duck's back, there's a veritable waterfall cascading down your spine. It's hard not to let slip the occasional angry quack, especially as you get the distinct impression that someone somewhere is directing the flow. The source of all this tension though, is fading fast. Relax. You'll soon learn how to handle a certain person's behaviour or a rather ludicrous silly situation.
It is interesting that the features on a human face designed for the reception of information come in pairs. Most people have two eyes and ears. We are equipped with just a single primary transmission device, or if you prefer plain English... a mouth! The symbolic inference is that we need to be able to see two sides to every situation and hear two sides to every argument, but we are only physically designed to tell one story at a time. Be sensitive to other points of view today, but don't alter your own. Trust what you have made a commitment to.
Sometimes it's easier to make do and mend. If you are struggling to survive on a tight budget, the only question is: 'What can I have?' If money is no object, the big issue becomes: 'What do I really want?' Not a problem? Perhaps, if the situation is purely financial. But I am not predicting you'll have cash in abundance soon (though I am not NOT predicting it either) but it is some other, previously precious resource that you've now got to get used to drawing on more freely. Resist your impulse just to pick any old thing and get a move on. ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
If you are trying to perform a difficult job, you can't have the window open, the phone ringing constantly or the stereo blasting out music that puts you on edge. It becomes essential to create the right environment, if only for the duration of the operation. You now need to dedicate whatever it takes to accomplish a particular task. It may seem like a comparatively irrelevant exercise. Some may resent your determination or even accuse you of myopia. You know, though, that if this is not right, nothing else will be. So put it right. You can.
When the heavens are pointing to problems or offering a mixed bag of good and bad, astrologers can pour forth reassurance and advice. What, though, do you need to be told when the planets insist that you ought to be having a magnificent time? It ought to be self-evident, as, too, should be whatever you need to make the most of it. If you don't feel especially happy or clear-minded yet, focus with more faith on your brightest objective. And expect things to improve soon. This is a potentially great period for every Aquarian.
For some while you've been rather like a caterer, trying to prepare a feast from a limited number of ingredients. Half the things you want to use are out of season, too expensive or otherwise unavailable. By applying ingenuity and effort you've attained a good result, though you're running out of ideas almost as fast as you're running short or energy. Soon, a truckload of essential supplies will come rolling in. The sky is finally supplying what you really need in order to rise to the challenge. Suddenly, the impossible is beginning to look feasible.
おはようございます。双子座の21日です。どなたか 翻訳お願いします。 One nightmare I suspect that many Geminis have involves sitting behind the wheel of a car that just won't go where it's being steered. Awake or asleep, you hate to feel that things are out of control or that you have only an occasional, erratic ability to direct key situations. That's why you're now so keen to take advantage of Jupiter's influence and maximise your influence over a chaotic situation. You can do a great deal to assert your will but you had best decide before you do this, if you want the responsibility that's likely to ensue?
※there's a veritable waterfall cascading down your spine 直訳は「あなたの背中を滝のように流れ落ちる、真実の滝があります」 ですが、多分こんな意味だろうと推測して訳しました。 熟語があるのかなぁ? 一応熟語も調べたんですが、わかりませんですた。ゴメソ
You can't always wear your heart on your sleeve. Indeed, you are adept at pretending that all is fine even when you are concerned. Many of your companions have a similar capacity to disguise their emotions. The empathy that led you at some cosmic level, to choose each other may even have been partly based on this shared ability. If you really need to know where someone stands, begin by deciding what you feel and saying as much. It's risky... but not as risky as saying nothing. And it should draw a clear reply.
Some astrologers think that, when a planet is 'stationary', the sign it rules freezes up. People born under that sign become unable to make progress. But it all depends on how you define progress. If you are a shopkeeper, closing your doors so you can take stock, are you wasting time or performing a task which is essential for successful future trading? At the moment, as Neptune stands still in the sky, the bulk of your energy is going into a process of review. You are beginning to make some invaluable discoveries.
Baby tiger cubs are so cute. It is hard to believe, when you look at them, that they are going to grow into such ferocious beasts. Yet the laws of nature are immutable. Nothing in this world can stay the same forever. Nor, really, can we consider ourselves entitled to complain that the change has not been for the good. It may not suit us to see kittens turning into big cats. But the tigers are more than happy with the arrangement. A very necessary growth is now taking place in your world. Don't fear or resent it.
Once upon a time, two ants were having a conversation. 'Try this' said the first. 'It is a white crystal with an amazing taste. Humans call it sugar.' ' That's interesting' said the second ant. 'I've got a white crystal of my own called salt.' They decided to swap but each was worried that he might lose his favourite flavour. So the first ant sneakily took a big mouthful of sugar first. While the second did the same with the salt. Then each said the same. 'There's no difference.' How are you failing to give something or someone a fair trial now?
To some extent we cannot help getting wiser as we get older. Experience invariably teaches us something. Yet there are various subtle ways in which we can prevent ourselves from becoming as enlightened as we should. We may, for example, refuse to digest life's lessons properly. We may grow overly embittered or sceptical. There's absolutely nothing wise about that, regardless of how justified it may seem to be. Today, you have no option than to do what is truly wise. Already, you know full well what that must mean. Don't hesitate.
Every so often, we all feel exhausted. We suspect we have reached the end of our tether. We fear that the future is not our friend. We run out of enthusiasm, faith and imagination. Then suddenly, we hold one key conversation and receive a single, simple piece of news. That changes everything. If your week so far has brought you a reason to smile, you can now confidently expect that soon, it will bring you another one. And if, so far, there has been a distinct lack of cause for celebration... you will still soon find plenty to please you.
Imagine a talented writer who lacks self-discipline. One day, our hero (or heroine) gets arrested and accused of a crime. They are innocent but the judge does not believe this and imposes a long sentence. After nearly a year, the appeal courts reverse the judgement and our writer is free to go. Why on earth might this be a bad thing? Well, what if during the time in jail the writer was finally managing to write their masterpiece. Once set free, it might never be completed. Maybe you should think twice now about what seems to be holding you back. ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
Let's make a list. Get a pen and a piece of paper. Write down all the things that are petty, pathetic, pointless and puerile. All the stupid situations, ridiculous rules and the poorly-planned arrangements. The injustices. The... Well, I am sure you don't need me to go on. Nor do you really need to undertake the exercise. Not unless you have a hundred pens, a thousand sheets of paper and a year to spare. The more you look at what is aggravating, the more you start to see. Don't look at the list today. Look on the bright side instead.
Why do people give advice to one another? The reasons are not always immaculate. Some like the sense of power and authority. Others find that advice giving makes it easier for them to sort out their own problems. That's not so surprising. After all, a lot of counsellors went into the profession because they so badly wanted someone to talk to! Motives need looking at carefully now. Help is on offer and there's no real reason to reject it. But you do need to understand first where the hidden agendas may lie.
Some people really enjoy making mistakes. They must do, or why would they make so many of them? The philosophy is easy enough to understand. After all, if it were possible to lead a life during which you never put a foot wrong, well, you would have a pretty dull existence. Or would you? Maybe it is a mistake to think that some mistakes really are mistakes. All too often, we give ourselves a hard time for no good reason. Don't prejudge the end of a story now. You may yet turn out to be glad of every step you took along a particular winding path.
獅子座 Why not do things the way we have always done them? Surely it makes sense to stick with the tried and tested. After all, the most terrible things take place in the name of progress. Arguments like this can sound very persuasive but they won't make much difference to anything now. A crucial point has been reached. A new development simply has to take place. Whether you find this idea encouraging or off-putting, you won't stop a tide from coming in. Nor, once you begin to see how much this can benefit you, will you want to.
<原文> What do you know about you-know-who? And does you-know-who know that you know it? If you-know-who knows you know, perhaps you-know-who knows more about you than you know. Are you following this so far? Shall we take it one more time from the top? Or shall we, instead, get right to the nub of the forecast? Hah! I had a feeling you would say that. Well, OK then. There's an awful lot of intrigue in your life at the moment. And an awful lot of complication too. Get rid of the former and the latter will vanish.
What do you know about you-know-who? And does you-know-who know that you know it? If you-know-who knows you know, perhaps you-know-who knows more about you than you know. Are you following this so far? Shall we take it one more time from the top? Or shall we, instead, get right to the nub of the forecast? Hah! I had a feeling you would say that. Well, OK then. There's an awful lot of intrigue in your life at the moment. And an awful lot of complication too. Get rid of the former and the latter will vanish.
Let me tell you a story. Actually, it is a story about a story. Now, this story has two sides, as all stories do. And there is a story attached to each of those two sides. And that story too, also has two sides. Are you keeping track? That's a lot of sides... and a lot of stories. Plus, of course, this is a story about a story. So there are another two sides. Confused? That's healthy. It is the folk who try to pretend that everything is straightforward that we really need to worry about. Today's big story is really about one question. Whose side are you on? Reveal tomorrow's secrets, today. For a complete set of totally personal predictions get 'Your Guide to the Future'
Is it ever truly possible to tame a tiger? Can such creatures ever be kept under control? Maybe we can repress certain instincts but it is very, very hard to subjugate them entirely. You now know what you ought to avoid. Yet a part of your heart is not at all interested in convenient compromise. It wants the ultimate... the best. It knows too that there is a chance of getting this. Sooner or later, you will find yourself pushing at the limits you have tried to impose upon yourself. That's appropriate really for you now need the strength to trust your deepest urges.
'Welcome to Solutions R Us. Other emporiums are full from floor to ceiling with commodities to purchase. You will notice if you look around here though, that the building is empty. Our solutions are not just invisible, they are non-existent. That's because we don't believe in keeping stock because we have no off-the-shelf supplies. Nor are they tailor-made. The idea is that you walk in and hang around until inspiration strikes you. Then, you go away with a solution you have created all by yourself. Our success rate is 100 per cent. Give us a try today.'
Ready, steady... stop! Sometimes, when we set off on a journey,we experience this phenomenon. We race to get everything packed and then hurry to our point of embarkation. Finally, excitedly, we get aboard the vehicle. And then we hear the announcement. 'We apologise for the short delay but...' There's a sense in which you can now relate to that situation. You have moved so much, set such a lot in motion and severed so many ties. You are expecting to take a big step forward. It hasn't quite happened yet, but it will.
Some people keep strange pets. Spiders, snakes and large ferocious beasts. The rest of us may wonder what on earth they see in them, but then, hey... we could say the same about a lot of people's husbands. Psychologists claim that all this just proves how subjective most emotional experiences are. They work, mainly, because we so badly want them to work. If we tried hard enough, we could probably persuade ourselves that even a stone was loving us back. Is your affection misplaced now? Absolutely not, as you will soon see.
It is clear that David Blaine went through a very deep, intense experience in that perspex box. He took a trip more powerful than any drug could ever induce. Will any of us properly understand what he went through? How can we? We may have been able to watch him but we could not feel what he was feeling. How deeply any of us truly empathise with each other is a moot point. Every so often though, we get pleasantly surprised. You are now coming to the end of your own endurance test. It should culminate soon in a wonderful discovery.
Commitments are like sandbags. They keep the hot-air balloon of life from flying away too far too fast. If we don't have enough, we may rise up so high that we lose all sense of direction and control. If we have too many, we can keep ourselves tied to terra firma and avoid almost all adventure. Unlike sandbags though, commitments can sometimes become suddenly, unexpectedly, much heavier. A deep sense of loyalty now prevents you from exploiting an otherwise ideal opportunity. Don't fear this temporary loss of height.
山羊座 23th. 原文 ��Darkness and light are not irreconcilable opposites, they are partners in crime. Allies with an identical agenda. They need each other. Their relationship is entirely symbiotic. Without darkness, light would have nothing to dispel or to highlight. Without light, nobody would ever know what darkness really was. This point needs to be considered carefully now as you try to weigh up a difficult decision. There is a force that you feel a strong urge to be free from. It may be more realistic though to look at ways of coming to an arrangement with it.
お魚23th. 原文 ��You probably won't notice a difference today or tomorrow. But slowly, soon, you should start to detect Neptune's new direction. Since May it has been moving backwards causing much to proceed at something of a snail's pace. Now you have got the astrological equivalent of a following wind. It may take a while before it really starts blowing but at least it is no longer continually trying to push you off course. If you are nervous about making a commitment, don't be. You are about to be blessed with an impressive ability to fulfil promises.
If you are in the right frame of mind, you can rattle through a crossword at great speed. There are times though, when you can sit and stare at a puzzle for ages without solving a single clue. We can throw down our pens in despair convinced that we will never get any further. Some short while later, perhaps after a hot drink and a change of scenery, we can revisit the challenge and watch everything fall delightfully into place. It is much the same with your current conundrum. It may have perplexed you in the past but it won't beat you today.
Who listens when you talk? It is a strange thing really, we live in a world full of people who never shut up, yet we are all constantly addressing an inattentive audience. Folk pretend to be interested in other folk. They make the right noises and go through the motions, but they never really hear each other because they are all too busy thinking about what they are going to say next. How many times have you tried to make a point to a certain person? A series of exceptional celestial factors suggests true communication may actually now be possible.
In the story of The Emperor's New Clothes, a little boy punctured the illusion. He piped up in an innocent voice, 'Look, he isn't wearing anything'. There were gasps of horror from the crowd as they realised that what the kid said was true. But that was a fairy-tale. In reality, whenever anyone makes a similar observation, they are simply accused of being unpatriotic. Often too, they are persecuted for daring to swim against the tide. Should you speak up now or opt for a quiet life? It depends how deeply you care.
From a surprisingly early age, little children know what they want. Rarely though, do they know what they need. We watch them, amused by their antics and forget that even adults are similarly inclined. We use long clever explanations to justify our dubious choices and debatable preferences. It is never quite so easy to see through these pretences. There is something you now very much want. Today offers no guarantee whatsoever that you will get it. You may yet, though, find out why you don't need it. That would be really useful.
>>352 精進中@ししさん 今日のかにさん予報、ほんとに悩ましいですよねー >Is your affection misplaced now? >Absolutely not, as you will soon see. これを疑問文じゃなくすると 「Your affection is not misplaced now. You will soon see.」になって、「間違ってない」になるんだろうけど。。。 冒頭のペットやよその旦那のたとえはともかく、 中段の心理学者の「人の感情体験はその人の主観に拠ってるってことの証明だ」主張や 石ころの愛のたとえがどうも皮肉っぽいから悩みますよね。。。 「蓼食う虫も好きずき」ってことわざが頭をよぎる。。。これっていいことわざなの?
Often, we experience a great sense of exhilaration and confidence as we hurtle towards the edge of a cliff. Often, too, we feel nothing but anxiety and apprehension whilst making some of the smartest moves of our life. Recent events have left you wondering where you really stand with someone or something. Too much in your world seems pensive and precarious. But none of that can be seen as a sure sign that there is anything wrong.
You can cope with almost any situation, as long as you know where you stand. It's uncertainty that's exhausting and disempowering. Lately, you have been obliged to act as if you feel supremely confident whilst secretly nurturing a series of bothersome questions. As you have never been a great pretender, this has not sat well with you. Soon, you'll get the information you need and you'll discover that, by and large, it supports your brightest, not your most fearful theory.
Saturn's current stationary position says a lot about the rut you suspect you are stuck in. It seems a little as if you have been backed into a corner and, naturally, you resent being faced with a lack of choice. Yet you have to ask how did you get where you are? And was not all this part of some very deliberate strategy? Even if you now wonder how wise it was, you will yet have cause to be glad of what you decided... and of how you chose to tackle an old problem.
What gives you the right to want so much from life? Aren't you being over ambitious? Efficiency experts probably feel that imagination is a bit of a waste of time and energy. It distracts us from what's in front of us. It fills our minds with unrealistic ideas. But, er... some dreams, despite all the disparaging comments actually DO come true. Assuming, of course, that you allow yourself to dream them in the first place. Consider yourself entitled now, not just to dream. But to have your dream come true.
Our enemies flatter us in order to get what they want. Our friends, if they truly care, tell us what we need to hear, even if it makes us dislike them. Or at least, up to a point. Actually, if our friends really do nothing but criticise, we will soon tire of them. And if our enemies are eternally obsequious, they can't have much spine and can't, consequently, pose too much of a problem. You have lately had to think twice about who is on your side. If you have to think yet again soon, the outcome will be inspiring.
When things don't go quite as we were hoping, we can rage and rant, worry and regret, fear and fret, or smile and celebrate. Why might we decide to do the latter' Well, if we truly trust the cosmos, we will credit it with some intelligence. So we will wonder, if it throws an obstacle in our path, whether it is inviting us to take a diversion which might ultimately suit us better. We won't 'wuss out' of a plan at the first sign of trouble. But we will be flexible and willing to learn. You may not know it now. But you are winning.
獅子座 You can't have your own way. You can't get everything you want. You can't make everyone see things from your point of view. Yawn. Zzzzzz. Are you as tired of reading this as I am of writing it? Good. Let's start again then. Wake up your inner megalomaniac. Tell the control freak in your soul to stop complaining. Roll up your sleeves, pull on your boots and get ready to stride out purposefully. Pluto's angle to your ruler suggests you've got a mission. Mercury says there's a chance of carrying it out successfully.
蠍座週末です。宜しくお願い致します。(※んん〜?冒頭から、良さげかも?) Venus is in your sign. That's an impressive astrological advantage. It invariably brings increased confidence and popularity. It makes it easier to acquire security or summon creativity. The Sun, of course, is in Scorpio too now. And, as of today, so is Mercury. You've got tricky choices to make and difficult obstacles to overcome. But you've also got all you need to get you safely through to a pleasing result. Here's a tip to keep in mind over the weekend; if it's difficult, you are probably trying harder than you need to!
Some people give up too easily. If, for example, they can't get an answer to a question, they ask a different question instead. One thing you learned long ago though, is that if your question is not getting an answer, it is probably the question you most need to ask. If you keep on asking it, over and over again, sooner or later you will get your decisive reply. Never mind what has happened in the past. Forget previous frustration or confusion. Clarity will come if you persist.
Some people take lots of silly little risks. Almost every day, they put themselves in a position of unnecessary danger. They enjoy the edge of uncertainty. They thrive on the thrill of a random gamble. Cancerians far prefer stability. You get your kicks from comfort. It is though, wrong to assume that you are never willing to make big, brave moves. You just prefer to wait until the stakes are far higher! You are now heading towards a very hot date with fate. Don't worry. You'll like it.
If it weren't for all those other people in this world and their odd way of behaving, we wouldn't need half as much help. Yet, if it weren't for those other people, we would never get the assistance and affection we crave. Other people are, like so many other things on this planet a blessing and a curse. You are now keenly conscious of the downside of a big idea. Yet even though the upside is only theoretical, you are attracted to it. Wise or foolhardy? Why, both. Of course.
You have a very special friend. You are concerned, though, that something seems to be threatening that friendship. Really, you don't have to worry. If the bond between you and this person is real (which it is), it can't disappear. It can only develop into something slightly different. All good relationships, romantic or otherwise, need a degree of fluidity. If things are changing, trust that this is OK and just let them. Indeed, if they need to, they can change again...and again. For nothing can change what really matters.
How many times do you have to eat a food to which you have a bad reaction before you decide it isn't worth it? Twice? Ten times, just to be sure? Some things in this world taste great but do us no good at all. Others make little by way of an immediate impact but create a long-lasting glow of comfort and health. Your choice is between a known, safe but seemingly unexciting factor or a whole heap of fun, drama... and big trouble. Give your energy to the good thing. It will grow on you.
You are unsure about something. You need to make a decision, yet you really have no idea what to choose. Nor, though, does the notion of leaving this matter undecided appeal. Another person wants to steer you towards a particular conclusion. Regardless, of whether their motives are impeccable or extremely suspect, you must not allow yourself to be influenced. Allow yourself to take as much time as you need to. It is essential that you select whatever is right for you. For ultimately, this is YOUR life!
You can reasonably argue that much is not as you intended it to be. You don't, though, have too many grounds for complaint. A benign sky is taking good care of your primary needs. As these include the desire to feel secure, loved and engaged in something constructive, we have to ask how important your secondary needs can possibly be. These all involve wishing you could exert more control and authority over a certain situation. All in good time. For now, be glad of what you've got. Sooner than you think, you'll get more.
Don't underestimate your talent. Don't discount your ingenuity. Don't overlook your perspicacity. You're a smart cookie and you have many resources to draw on. You may lose the odd battle in your ongoing struggle with adversity but there's no way you are ever going to lose the war. Lately you have accomplished something truly excellent. You ought to be proud of yourself yet you are too conscious of the other areas of life that this victory did not seem to touch. Fear not. Now, you can turn your attention to those.
Once you get an idea into your head, wild horses on the rampage can't distract you from the desire to follow it through. That's partly why you are usually so cautious about reaching decisions. You know only too well that you will want to stick to them, regardless of how easy or difficult this proves. You are wondering whether to reverse a recent choice. It isn't impossible. You can if you want to. But do you really want to? Try weathering the storm a little longer. Mars links to the Sun helpfully soon, implying a much-needed breakthrough
Imagine a poverty-stricken artist who cannot afford to replace a diminishing supply of paint. Their natural urge is to use the remaining material sparingly. But their best bet is to create one last picture so well as to inspire all who see it to want to buy it. How does all this relate to you? Well, you are conscious of the shortage of a vital resource at the moment...but you are also capable of a 'stroke of genius' to exploit what you actually have. And any moment now, you'll have your brainwave.
Imagine you are late for an appointment, the road you want to take is closed, you don't have a map, and your car is playing up. In the end, you have to give up and accept that you simply cannot get to where you want to be. Bad news? Not if you end up, as a result of all this, somewhere much better than the place you were originally going to. Something you really don't want to be happening is happening. Before long, though, you'll feel deeply glad of that for you really don't have an appointment with disappointment.
Answers of a kind will arrive this week. Considering how big the quest ions you have been asking lately are, you can hardly expect all the replies to be exhaustive. In some areas of life you'll have to content yourself with theories rather than certainties. Jupiter's harmonious link to Venus, though, means at least you'll be able to separate the highly likely from the deeply doubtful. That's a step in the right direction. You may become obliged to drop some ideas. But you will grow to like their replacements even more.
You like to portray yourself as a confident character, but sometimes you are sensitive and unsure of yourself. Only those you trust get to see this side of your nature. Even they can have difficulty in reconciling this view with the strong personality they also associate with you. Links to your ruler from the Sun and Mercury will ensure you spend the next few days on an 'up.' To avoid this being followed by a sharp 'down,' avoid compensating for recent disappointment. Instead, focus energy on long-term solutions.
Some people just love to talk nonsense. They can't help themselves. Even when they have a piece of important information to convey, they will somehow manage to twist it. Or add a level of insinuation to an innocent observation. Most folk recognise this syndrome and put up psychological barriers to protect themselves from it. But you are notoriously sensitive. You read far too much into things you ought to take with a big pinch of salt. You need to stick with what you know to be right and true. Regardless of who says what.
射手座 27日もお願いします。 How many times do you have to eat a food to which you have a bad reaction before you decide it isn't worth it? Twice? Ten times, just to be sure? Some things in this world taste great but do us no good at all. Others make little by way of an immediate impact but create a long-lasting glow of comfort and health. Your choice is between a known, safe but seemingly unexciting factor or a whole heap of fun, drama... and big trouble. Give your energy to the good thing. It will grow on you.
※How many times do you have to eat a food to which you have a bad reaction before you decide it isn't worth it? 直訳は「その食べ物の価値を知る前に、嫌な反応を示してしまう食べ物を 何回、あなたは食べたことがありますか?」でつ。
Anyone living near a restaurant probably finds the constant aroma of cooking a bit intrusive. At least though, when they want to eat out, they don't have far to go. This is not much of an analogy but it makes the point that there's a drawback and advantage to your present situation. At the moment, you can see clearly what's wrong. Over the few days though, you may well decide you are almost phenomenally fortunate to be in the position you are in. Jupiter, as it forms a harmonious alignment to Venus, is about to help you work some real magic.
An umbrella is a wonderful asset when it is pouring with rain. A fortress is fine when you are under siege. When the sun is shining though, your umbrella can keep you in the shadow and your genuinely friendly visitors can be deterred by needing to cross a moat and drawbridge each time they want to see you. You have an excellent defence mechanism in place. But you no longer need it. Right now, it is repelling what you want to attract. And Mars, as it harmoniously aligns with your ruler, is offering you a lot of what you really want.
You are full of ideas, at least some of which are rather brilliant. The trouble is, the best of these involve dropping a plan you are some way towards completing and directing your energy, instead, along very different lines. If things go wrong, you fear you could lose not only the new race but the one you think you have almost won. Ignore this fear. You are not changing horses in midstream. You are just leaving one that doesn't yet want to drink till it gets thirsty in its own time. And meanwhile, you are going where success can be found.
獅子座 What goes up, must come down. That's a point worth considering when you are on the ground and able, before ascending, to make provision for the descent. Once you are actually in the air, it is a little late to start wondering about how you are going to land. When the moment comes, you will either find you already have what you need, or you will plead for help and be given a parachute. You may now be losing a little height but you are not hurtling helplessly to earth. So don't go making too many emergency plans.
Sometimes it's easier to make do and mend. If you're struggling to survive on a tight budget, the only question is: 'What can I have?' If money is no object, the big issue becomes: 'What do I really want?' A lovely problem to face? Perhaps so, if the situation is purely financial. I am not, however, predicting that it's cash you'll have in abundance soon. It's some other, previously precious resource that you've now got to get used to drawing on more freely. Resist your initial, Mercury-inspired impulse to just pick the first idea you have and act on it.
It's funny how you can look at something every day and never really see it. There's a revelation in store over the next couple of days. It is due to be positive and encouraging though it may well leave you wondering why it's taken so long to come about. Was the answer really there all along or did it somehow magically appear? Really, who cares? All you need to know is that if you apply the trick, principle or plan you are about to develop, it will work. And if you give respect to something you have been taking for granted, you'll be glad.
Though you are obliged to cool your heels and wait for something you badly want, you can at least look forward to progress in some areas of life. If you yearn for it urgently, you probably can't have it, at least not yet. If you aren't so bothered about whether a certain opportunity crops up, you can expect it to be handed to you on a platter. Jupiter suggests a financial gain is feasible. Other influences point to real success in some career or project-related endeavour. There's a happy change in your love life coming soon too.
If there is a drawback to your present opportunity, it isn't obvious. It won't be a matter of moving 'A' successfully, only to discover that in the process you have left 'B' vulnerable. Mercury's helpful angle to your ruler suggests you will find it easy to make a smooth transition and carefully cover almost every contingency. What you may find is that even though A and B are fine, and you have C as well, you still really yearn for X, Y or Z. That, though, is just human nature. It is definitely no reason to look today's gift horse in the mouth.
Usually, our best and most valuable insights grow slowly like plants. We have days on which it seems as if these ideas have suddenly burst into flower, but really such moments of revelation are the result of a long process of quiet contemplation. We should not expect a new understanding to 'spring up from nowhere,' nor, even if it seems as if this is precisely what has happened, should we act too hastily. Jupiter and Venus, as they now align encouragingly, suggest that gradually over the next few days, new hope will dawn.
If you have been short of energy lately, you will begin to get your strength back soon. If you are not aware of a problem in this area, you will become even more enthusiastic about a particular project or endeavour. Mercury's harmonious link to Mars is about to give you a much-needed boost. Because it is 'much needed,' it's likely you will end up feeling more as if you have just saved the day than as if you've had the time of your life. But when you come to look back, you will see how well you have done. And you will feel very pleased.
The great irony is that the biggest current drama in your world isn't really your problem. You are caught up in it and you can hardly shrug your shoulders and walk away. But at the same time, you are at least entitled to acknowledge that you have a right to stand back. The ability to place yourself at a distance from the centre of the action is the key to the best contribution you can possibly make. You won't be immediately thanked for pointing out the one thing nobody wants to hear. But someone has to say it. And in the long run it will make a difference.
Have you ever watched the way that flat walls run up hillsides? To make them level on the top, the builders have to make them high at one end, and low at the other. Small children and animals often prefer to walk along the tops of such walls, rather than climb the hill that runs along side. If you watch their progress from a distance, it appears as if they are going up, then down, up then down, up then down, again...Yet all the time, they are getting higher. That's the kind of progress you are now making. Trust that, and smile.
Why do some birds fly to warmer climates in winter? Because it is too far for them to walk. Most of us learn a joke like this at an early age. It may be amusing, but it neatly illustrates a point that can be far from funny. All too often, we can end up having conversations at cross-purposes. We ask a question and get an answer that totally fails to satisfy. We exchange information, yet find ourselves none the wiser as a result. Continue with your current line of enquiry, until you get a reply that makes more sense.
All the best swords are double-edged. If solutions don't have big drawbacks, they probably don't have great advantages, either. In our quest for perfection, we too easily forget this. We set impossibly exacting standards, and then feel disappointed by our inevitable inability to keep them up. As you now attempt to turn a dream into a reality, you are beginning to recognise that there are problems associated with this process. Neptune insists, though, that this is no reason to stop.
Why shouldn't you take advantage of your opportunity? What stops you or stands in your way? Ah yes, that. Admittedly, it is quite a good reason. But hang on. Aren't you always going to be up against a difficulty of some kind? Won't there, inevitably, be a criticism, a complaint or a counter-argument to contend with? You are right to assume that there will be a price to pay, but wrong to conclude, that this will make the whole process expensive. Jupiter and Neptune speak of a need to grant yourself a heartfelt wish.
Why cast pearls before swine? Why sow seeds on stony ground? Why bang your head against a brick wall? These are rhetorical questions. I am not expecting an answer. There cannot be one. Whenever we find ourselves doing such things, we never have a satisfactory reason why. Sometimes, though, we find ourselves doing them nonetheless. Then, suddenly, we realise that the exercise is pointless. We resolve to stop and instantly, our lives improve. You'll see what I mean soon.
One good way to avoid disappointment is to lower expectation. One good way to avoid failure is to banish all thought of success. Many people pursue this policy. It makes them feel very comfortable, even if it does prevent them ever achieving very much. Few born under your sign, though, find this idea very attractive. You far prefer to try, even if you end up falling flat on your face, than to give up without a fight. You half suspect now, that you are making an empty effort. Make it anyhow. You won't be sorry.
A twelfth of the population share your sign, they can't be all due to have the same kind of day, can they? Of course, they can't! We are all individuals, leading very different lives, yet some trends are so strong and powerful that somehow... Well, never mind the explanation, let me just give you an example. Despite the difficulty that now looms large in your life, your financial prospects are starting to improve. Your love life is looks promising too. Who cares who else this is true for? It is true for you! ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
Do you know how fortunate you are? Even when we make a conscious effort to count our blessings, we cannot help but count our curses too. Of course, we pay more attention to the problems and the challenges in our world. These, after all, require us to take some form of action. Whereas, generally speaking, there's very little you can do with a blessing... other than count it! You are about to catch something you have long been chasing. Why was it all so hard? So you would not take it for granted, too quickly.
獅子座 Think how much we worry about wasting money. We shop around and think carefully about our best options. What a pity that we are not so prudent when it comes to wasting time. Think of all those hours spent in states of unnecessary angst or tension. These are far more precious than any of our financial assets. Because in the end, money comes, goes, and comes again. Whereas, we all only have a limited number of hours. Seize the opportunity before you now. You can't afford to ignore it.
You are not alone. That statement remains true regardless of how lonely, estranged or isolated you may feel at times. Some rather wonderful people have your best interests at heart and, behind the scenes, they are doing all they can to assist you. If that's true, why are you not aware of this? Well, it may just be that they see no point in telling you anything until they have achieved a result. They know the last thing you need now is a hollow promise. Soon, though, you'll find out just how loved and supported you truly are.
<天秤座原文> Of course things work out all right in the end. It's just that sometimes, that the end is a painfully long way from the beginning. We need things to work out well in the middle! We don't just need to feel OK about where we are going, we need to feel good about how we are getting there. That means we have to find a way to cope with the frustrations and delays that are bound to occur along even the most carefully chosen routes. You have lately been brave about a big test of faith. Here comes your reward.
There are easier things you could be doing. You have set yourself some very exacting goals. Are you, perhaps, being just a little overly ambitious? OK, OK. I apologise for even suggesting that. I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me. Of course, you have to do what feels right. Of course, too, you have to do things the hard way if the 'easy way' involves a compromise you can't feel proud of. For this, you don't need to be criticised, you need to be congratulated. So, I shall say no more, despite this.
"I say, I say, I say.... My dog has no nose." "Your dog has no nose? Well then, how does he smell?" "He smells dreadful." This is, I agree, a very old joke. But I am not attempting to make you laugh. I am simply trying to draw your attention to the way in which conversations can so easily end up at cross-purposes. One little assumption, one little expectation, one little misunderstanding, is all you need to produce a torrent of confusion. If you really want to clear up a difficulty, you need to begin by seeing the funny side of it.
Why do some people only ever hear what they want to hear? Because whenever they do listen properly they soon regret opening their ears. We all prefer to live in dream worlds if we can. Indeed, to some extent we all have no option other than to live in them. For reality is in fact, very much a matter of individual perception. You are now seeing things as you want to see them. So is someone else! It's not a matter of right/wrong, true/false, it's a matter of mutual respect.
Think of a toddler, crawling towards a fire or an electrical socket. A protective parent sees this from a distance and rushes to the rescue. In seconds, they sweep the child away to a place of safety. Does the baby say, "Thank you?" On the contrary. It lets forth an outraged scream. There are times when we all have to court controversy. We find that we have no option other than to do what we know to be right, even if others consider it reprehensibly wrong. Today, you have a difficult duty. ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
��You may care to read today's forecast for Sagittarius. It explains the importance of a current cosmic climate. >>549 みどりやぎさん山羊訳ありがと〜!原文貼っときまつ^^
As your ruler now makes an auspicious link to the traditional symbol of hope, we find you in a very protected position. It is as if two heavenly guardians are working in shifts to ensure your well-being. Of course, you need a lot of support at the moment. You may even feel you can't possibly expect as much as you really require. Actually though, your heavenly helpers will not let you down.
Jupiter and Saturn form a harmonious link once every couple of years. They create a little window in time, through which helpful opportunities can pass. We all benefit from their alignment but those of us whose sign is ruled by one of these two celestial giants, derive additional advantage. Sagittarius, of course, is governed by Jupiter. So you can consider yourself exceptionally fortunate now. Saturn is blessing you with the ability to turn ambitious ideas into convincing propositions. You are about to get what you need.
おはようございます。双子座の30日です。 どなたか翻訳をお願いします。 You can't tell a Gemini anything. Or rather, you can, but there's no guarantee that they will ever listen. Unless, perhaps, you happen to be telling them something that they can then go ahead and tell someone else! I make this point because, I see how hard a certain someone is now trying to convey crucial information. Somehow, though, you are finding it difficult to believe them. Yet you stand to profit immensely from being just a little more sensitive. Don't assume that all comments, now, are veiled criticisms.
獅子座 It is, of course, very hard for anyone to say what truly constitutes 'a waste of time'. Some people, for example, keep themselves exceedingly busy. They race hither and thither all day every day. Yet they never actually achieve very much. Others, are seemingly slothful. They say little and do even less. Yet the few moves they actually make, and the statements they eventually come out with, are of priceless value. So, having conceded that it is not always easy to tell, I must now tell you this. Your time is now being very well spent.
天秤座よろしくお願いします。 ��When you have completed one race, as all marathon winners know, there's only one thing to do. Start training for another. We may take breaks between our challenges but sooner or later, we will want to pit ourselves once more against the circumstances that take us to the edge of our capabilities. The more we achieve, the more we find out how much more there is still to be done. Likewise, the more we learn. Or earn. You have climbed one mountain, here comes another. Don't worry, you'll conquer it.
What goes up, must come down. That's an immutable law. But there's nothing to say that, when it does descend, it has to come quite as far back down as it was before it went up. It is fine to take two steps forward and one step back, just so long as you are making progress. You can even take one step forward and two back, as long as the two are small, and the one step is big. You should know this. The symbol of your sign is famed for its ability to travel forwards, sideways. What's happening now is right. Don't fear it or doubt it.
What if things go wrong? What if you fail to get your desired result? You can't be assured of success, can you? Well, perhaps you can. I mean, obviously, if you are now trying to achieve something exceptionally ambitious or unlikely, it may not prove easy. You may have to make several attempts or sacrifice something you would prefer not to lose. Few things, at the moment though, are truly, completely, impossible. The Sun's link to Mars says, If you try hard enough you can accomplish almost anything.
St Jude is patron saint of lost causes. If he gets any job satisfaction at all, he cannot see his own role as entirely a lost cause. Presumably, if he ever loses heart, he has to pray to himself. Which must be complicated. But then, lost causes are rarely straightforward. All too often we give up on things that, with a little more perseverance, might bring success. Often too, though, we stick with commitments that we really ought to have given up on long ago. Try letting go today. Then see what comes back to you.
The Victorians used to hang up shiny, glass spheres, rather like oversized Christmas tree baubles. They called these "witch balls" and used them to keep evil spirits at bay. No creature of the night would want to risk having its reflection caught by such a mirror. They have long since fallen out of use but that does not prove that they did not work. Perhaps the evil spirits just persuaded folk to stop protecting themselves. Belief is a funny thing but a powerful thing too. This Hallowe'en will bring you what you believe you deserve.
Real ghosts and ghouls will not be coming out tonight. They are far too scared by the sight of all those humans in fancy dress. Those who truly dwell in the shadows prefer to work with subtlety and surprise. With this in mind, let us look at your greatest current source for concern. How seriously should you take it? Much the same applies really. The true threat is not the one you think you face. That's a problem you are already in the process of solving. You need to watch out for what you are not watching out for.
Did you hear about the vampire who broke his fangs? He was trying to get blood from a stone. It's not very funny but it is a salutary tale. We all have to be careful about where we seek solace. If we try to assuage a hunger by devouring something inedible, we will only make our condition worse. Yet it is strange how often we find ourselves attracted to ideas and propositions which have repeatedly proven pointless in the past. There's now a plan that is truly worth pursuing and a fantasy that can only end in tears. Don't mix them up.
These days you rarely see a cat on a broomstick. That's the nanny state for you. The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals got together with air traffic control and issued a set of new regulations. Cats now have to have a broomstick licence. Broomsticks must be fitted with special feline safety belts. If we are not careful, we will one day end up legislating all the fun out of life. Look at the rules that you are now feeling so obliged to play by. Must you really adhere to them all? Look out soon, for a handy loophole in an unfair law.
Trick or treat? And can you be sure that you know the difference? Sometimes, we help ourselves too eagerly to items that it might be far wiser to leave on the shelf. Sometimes too, we are unnecessarily suspicious of great gifts. Before you can decide with any degree of reliable clarity, whether you are being helped, hindered, treated or tricked, you have to make your mind up about what you really want. And before you can do that, you have to be a little more honest with yourself.
The flesh can be sweetened or simmered in a Mediterranean tomato sauce. The seeds, roasted and salted make a delicious trail snack. But let's face it, the skin is the thing. Once you have hollowed out the eyes and carved a nasty grin, you have more than a flickering candleholder. You have a monster. A powerful icon to keep dark forces at bay. Your life now may not exactly be a bowl of pumpkin but it does contain at least one factor that is precious from the first inch to the last. It is time to make more of this. ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
��On All Hallows' Eve or Samhain, as it once was called, the wall between the worlds grows thin. It becomes possible to lift the veil and glimpse that which lies beyond. The ancestors can speak and be heard. The living can commune with the dead. Or, at least, that's the theory. In reality, they don't always have much to say. There's no TV in the afterlife so you can't talk to ghosts about soap operas and comedy shows. Nor are there any celebrity magazines so there's not much chance of a good old gossip, either. Ah, but if you seek depth.
A closet is, of course, an extremely impractical place to keep a skeleton. The bones will tend to fall out whenever you reach in for a new outfit. Even if you decide to store the contents of your wardrobe elsewhere, you cannot just lock the door and walk away. It will find a way to get out and follow you. How? Well, you have heard of a skeleton key, haven't you? I jest, in honour of Hallowe'en, but there is an important point to be made here. Issues arising from past problems need to be faced and cleared up, not ignored.
獅子座 In Transylvania, they have haunted castles, like we have pubs and bars. Bloodsucking vampires are very much a rarity around here. Unless, that is, you count estate agents, car salesmen and pension consultants. Really though, we don't need to protect our necks (or our purses) anywhere near so much as we need to look after our hearts. Some people are only too happy to drain us of all the support, sympathy and succour we can spare. Avoid the darkness of a difficult demand. Stay in the safe sunlight of commonsense.
31日天秤座よろしくお願いします。 ��A closet is, of course, an extremely impractical place to keep a skeleton. The bones will tend to fall out whenever you reach in for a new outfit. Even if you decide to store the contents of your wardrobe elsewhere, you cannot just lock the door and walk away. It will find a way to get out and follow you. How? Well, you have heard of a skeleton key, haven't you? I jest, in honour of Hallowe'en, but there is an important point to be made here. Issues arising from past problems need to be faced and cleared up, not ignored.
"Hubble, bubble, toil and trouble..." It's a shame really, that you can't just open up some dusty old spell book and, after a quick trip to the local supply store for some eye of newt and wing of bat, mutter an incantation over a cauldron. Or maybe you can. It is, after all, Hallowe'en. Then again. Maybe you don't need to. You have the ability to work magic now without any need for ritual or artifice. All you really need to do is summon up your willpower and wish.
"Hubble, bubble, toil and trouble..." It's a shame really, that you can't just open up some dusty old spell book and, after a quick trip to the local supply store for some eye of newt and wing of bat, mutter an incantation over a cauldron. Or maybe you can. It is, after all, Hallowe'en. Then again. Maybe you don't need to. You have the ability to work magic now without any need for ritual or artifice. All you really need to do is summon up your willpower and wish.
�Trick or treat? And can you be sure that you know the difference? Sometimes, we help ourselves too eagerly to items that it might be far wiser to leave on the shelf. Sometimes too, we are unnecessarily suspicious of great gifts. Before you can decide with any degree of reliable clarity, whether you are being helped, hindered, treated or tricked, you have to make your mind up about what you really want. And before you can do that, you have to be a little more honest with yourself.
There's really no need for a pointy hat. The cloak is a dreadful affectation. Today's witches and wizards wear Jaeger and Armani. Their cauldrons are laptops and their familiars are mobile phones. Well... maybe. It's funny though, how much importance we place on outfit and uniform. If we dress a part, we find it easier to play. Shakespeare was right to say that all the world's a stage. We are all method actors upon it. If you need to cast a spell now, just believe you can, and you will. Likewise, if you need to break one.
What's that spectral figure at the window? Whose are those sunken cheeks and hollow eyes? It is strange how the most horrifying apparitions tend to have an anorexic quality about them. You might expect that we would be much more easily frightened by something substantial. Or perhaps the pale, ghostly wraith symbolises your fear of losing support and strength. Maybe you are scared of fading away or of being starved, somehow, of succour. Relax. For you, at least, Hallowe'en is due to bring a feast not a famine.
A much-needed improvement in your outlook is approaching fast. Soon, you'll have more strength, energy, clarity and confidence in a key plan or arrangement. With all this working in your favour, it will become a simple matter to solve a problem that has been getting you down for some while. It won't just be your frame of mind that begins to alter today. Saturn's link to the Sun suggests you'll be aided by a series of small but inspiring new developments in your actual situation.
The world now appears to be deeply divided on the subject of, 'what is an Aquarian worth?' On the one hand, there are many who think you have a great deal to offer or who, indeed, are relying on you to accomplish a tricky task. On the other, there's the deeply doubting Thomas (or the seriously suspicious Susan) you see in the mirror. You may be worried that you don't have what it takes, but you are in a minority. Trust the trust that others have in you.
It is easier to take the rough with the smooth when the rough is hidden and the smooth is on view. But every coin has two sides. Lately, you have been obliged to look closely at the negative aspect of a situation. The experience has left you feeling pessimistic. You can hardly believe that there is a 'plus' to the factor you are dealing with. However, there is, and it's a big one, too. The coming link between the Sun and Jupiter will soon compensate for all recent stress
獅子座 British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain is often criticised for his attempts to appease Hitler just prior to World War II. Winston Churchill is often praised for being belligerent. It is of course, ridiculously over-simplistic to tell a complex history in this way. But perhaps there is some merit in the notion that, if you shake your fist a lot, you will have less need to throw a real punch. The Sun's links to Saturn and Jupiter suggest you are not obliged to accept a poor compromise.
Even when there's a great sense of urgency, it's still important to observe protocol. Every so often though, we find ourselves in an exceptional situation. If, for example, it is 3am and you are stuck in your car at a set of lights that have been red for 15 minutes, you may just have an excuse to break the law if it is safe to do so. Current events are presenting a similar need to make a 'judgement call.' What should you do? Ha! I can't say. That has to be YOUR judgement!
I'm in a real dilemma about what to tell you. If I say you look set to get clean away with a bold, potentially controversial move I risk being held responsible if it goes wrong or, worse, encouraging you to do something you know you ought not to do. Then again, what right do I have to censor the news from the sky? Ultimately, the big choice has to be yours alone. The Moon is in Pisces. Jupiter is well aspected. Your outlook is very good. But that's not a licence to misbehave.
蠍座 3日 You are remarkably clever, but you don't always see the obvious. Like an absent-minded professor who can explain how to split the atom but can't work the washing machine! While your lofty interests are important, you now need to come further back down to earth while dealing with a certain individual. This person needs you to make a gesture from the bottom of your heart, not a statement off the top of your head. Stop thinking about the situation...and follow what you feel.
It is easier to take the rough with the smooth when the rough is hidden and the smooth is on view. But every coin has two sides. Lately, you have been obliged to look closely at the negative aspect of a situation. The experience has left you feeling pessimistic. You can hardly believe that there is a 'plus' to the factor you are dealing with. However, there is, and it's a big one, too. The coming link between the Sun and Jupiter will soon compensate for all recent stress.
These days, every film crew has another film crew following it around. The first lot make the movie, the second bunch make a TV documentary entitled The Making Of The Movie. Maybe, one day, there'll be a third team, making The Making Of The Making Of The Movie. Er... all I'm saying is that you shouldn't mistake some current minor drama for the big event that's due soon. What's happening at the moment matters but nowhere near as much as you may hope... or fear.
(原文) Take active steps to make yourself feel better. Don't sit around waiting for someone else to make a move. Seize the initiative. Venus is no longer in your opposite sign. You need to step bravely forward and make things happen. Contact people. Go to places. Suggest ideas. You may not get a favourable response to your every move. You may fail before you succeed. The reward f or your perseverance, though, will eventually be an exemplary triumph.
I'm trying to curb my usual tendency to draw analogies. But, er... I can't resist thinking, each time I look at your planetary picture, about a person who has been stranded on a tiny desert island yet who is trying to resist a rescue offer from a passing ship. A gale has blown away everything on the island, apart, perhaps, from one palm tree to which our imaginary character is still clinging. Must they wait till this, too, has been uprooted before they move on? Er... it's just a thought!
I'm trying to curb my usual tendency to draw analogies. But, er... I can't resist thinking, each time I look at your planetary picture, about a person who has been stranded on a tiny desert island yet who is trying to resist a rescue offer from a passing ship. A gale has blown away everything on the island, apart, perhaps, from one palm tree to which our imaginary character is still clinging. Must they wait till this, too, has been uprooted before they move on? Er... it's just a thought!
Libra is famously an air sign. People born under air signs tend to be analytical. They think things through, weigh things up and follow policies, strategies and philosophies. Sometimes, though, the best way to tackle a situation is not to understand it or try to predict how it will turn out, but to simply let a true, sincere emotion govern your response. Provided you're neither silly nor scared, you can and should be as illogical as you wish. Impulse will now get you further than intellect.
If I say you look set to get clean away with a bold, potentially controversial move I risk being held responsible if it goes wrong or, worse, encouraging you to do something you know you ought not to do.
If you are looking for an excuse to avoid an appointment, you can use a spell of nasty weather, a slight sniffle or news of a local road closure as a reason. If you're truly keen, you will shrug off all three without a second thought. A current minor difficulty is telling you a lot about how important a particular commitment is to you... and to someone else. If there's a will, a way can be found. If it can't, it's probably not so clever to blame the lack of progress on awkward conditions. Be honest for best results.
Each day seems to bring something new to think about and take responsibility for. You may be starting to feel an affinity for Harry Truman, the US president who kept a sign on his desk saying, 'the buck stops here.' The trouble is, you are not a president, nor do you have presidential powers. You can only do what you can. You may feel it's wildly insufficient but it will be enough. Provided, that is, that you take responsibility only for the bucks that are truly yours to keep!
Do you want to take the road to happiness, or do you want the road OF happiness? You have recently begun to realise there are some choices you will soon face in earnest. If you still feel unclear about these, simply apply that little test. One option allegedly leads to some mythical future occasion when you may just get something you can't have. The other offers you joy, sweetness, safety and comfort... here, now, today. The two, sadly, are mutually exclusive but surely, only one really makes sense.
If you've got something unpleasant on the bottom of your shoe, you won't remove the offensive odour by walking into another room. I apologise for this rather strong image, but I need to make a pretty strong point. What's needed in your world is undoubtedly a change... but it is much more a change of attitude than a change of location. Don't resent a problem that won't go away. The temporary discomfort of stopping to face, conquer and deal with it forever will bring you the permanent freedom you deserve.
お羊4日です。どうか宜しくお願いします。 You are neither ungrateful, unreasonable, nor unrealistic. You've got something for which you know you should be grateful. You are also aware that, on its own, it is not quite enough. To want more may seem churlish, both to yourself and to an objective observer but the fact remains that you do want more and you strongly suspect more is attainable. Neptune's alignment to your ruler is urging you to follow that impulse. Yes, you are asking for a lot, but then if you don't ask for it, you certainly won't get it.
We often complain about our responsibilities, but the commitments we make to others can be of great benefit to us. They help us keep on the right tracks when we are tempted to stray. They also inspire us to make strong moves or gestures we could never feel entitled to consider if we were working purely on our own behalf. Today, it seems you can do for someone else what you would be most reluctant to do purely for yourself. And actually, that's wonderful for them... and you alike.
Some weeks run like clockwork. Others unfold with all the grace and subtlety of a drunken elephant on roller skates. Recent events have left you expecting chaos and upheaval at any moment. You can envisage a time during which a-thousand-and-one things go confusingly, embarrassingly or disastrously wrong. So, you will be glad to learn that this awful scenario is NOT due to unfold. Jupiter and Saturn insist that no matter what kind of mess you fear you face, you'll sort it out in hours, not days.
Your capacity to be cautious is a mixed blessing, sometimes it keeps you at arm's length from opportunity. You are often reluctant to take risks, even when there's a good argument in favour of the gamble. At the moment your natural reticence is useful. You are currently in a position of power. There's a temptation to abuse this strength, but, on balance, you're more inclined to keep it in reserve while you wait to see what happens. Though you have no reason to worry, restraint IS now the wisest option.
4日天秤座原文です。おねがいします。 Though you are not 100 per cent sure that you are the right person for the job you are being asked to do, you have to ask yourself who else could (or would) do it. Your qualifications are good enough. If to these you add an appropriately confident yet relaxed frame of mind, you'll emerge from your current challenge feeling as if you have enjoyed a roaring success. Put aside the doubts and uncertainties which are plaguing you. For the time being at least, they are irrelevant.
If you've got something unpleasant on the bottom of your shoe, you won't remove the offensive odour by walking into another room. I apologise for this rather strong image, but I need to make a pretty strong point. What's needed in your world is undoubtedly a change... but it is much more a change of attitude than a change of location. Don't resent a problem that won't go away. The temporary discomfort of stopping to face, conquer and deal with it forever will bring you the permanent freedom you deserve.
獅子座 Some weeks run like clockwork. Others unfold with all the grace and subtlety of a drunken elephant on roller skates. Recent events have left you expecting chaos and upheaval at any moment. You can envisage a time during which a-thousand-and-one things go confusingly, embarrassingly or disastrously wrong. So, you will be glad to learn that this awful scenario is NOT due to unfold. Jupiter and Saturn insist that no matter what kind of mess you fear you face, you'll sort it out in hours, not days.
4日 蠍座 よろしくお願いします。 You have been secretly (and sometimes not so secretly) worrying about a financial matter for weeks. A messy, unresolved business has been hanging over you like a dark cloud, causing everything to look grey. Little rays of sunshine find their way through now and again, but you don't let them cheer you lest they lull you into a false sense of security. Really, though, it is your sense of insecurity that is false. Coming events won't make you rich but they'll certainly stop you feeling poor.
It is easier to demolish a house... or even an entire street than it is to retract a tiny statement. No matter how much we may swear that we never meant what we said, we are stuck with the subtle psychological impact that certain words have made. If it's not too late, take a vow of silence. Indeed, do so even if damage has already been done. Further remarks will only add fuel to the fire. Your best hope is to extinguish it slowly by taking careful action and making a considered gesture.
It doesn't matter how well off you are, without a sense of confidence and security, you may as well have nothing. And if you have a good feeling about who you are and what you are doing you can cope with just about anything. Now, it's easy to think that if you only owned something precious and valuable, you would automatically gain as much strength as you might ever require. Try it, you'll see. It don't work that way. The planets are now offering to grant you a wish. Make it a wish for wisdom.
As the world prepares for the rare Harmonic Concordance, we find you wrestling with a difficult dilemma. The issue is not necessarily complicated but it seems to you as if a lot is riding on it. That's why it is so difficult to reach a clear decision. You are right to see this as important. The planetary alignment speaks of life-changing choices and chances, yet these are nothing to fear. If you now pick the part which has the most integrity, you will automatically be led to the best possible destination.
We do all the things we are supposed to,but they just don't work. We end up starting to suspect that somewhere in the cosmos there's a mischievous imp with a wrecking agenda. Its aim is to create chaos wherever we go and whatever we do. Why bother, we say to ourselves, attempting anything? Sooner or later, surely, it will all go horribly wrong. Maybe sooner or later it will. But the fact remains that right now, the Sun is aligned auspiciously to Saturn. No imp can stop your current plans from working well.
Every moment is precious. That's precisely why we can't afford to sit around wondering what to do with every moment. We need to live life, not just think about living life. We need practice far more than we need theory, passion more than analysis. The more you think about what needs doing, the more daunted you start to feel. So don't think. Just get on with it. Do what must be done and you will manage to achieve just about all of it before you realise that it is impossible.
Look at the Moon tonight. Notice how bright and strong it is. Now, guess which sign it is in? Correct! You can feel it, can't you? When the Moon is in your sign, there's always a little extra excitement. The sense of anticipation increases, as does the sense of apprehension. It becomes hard to know what you feel. Emotions flare up and then die down. Circumstances seem to change rapidly. If you don't already know how bright your outlook is and how much you have to be glad of, you will soon find out.
We all have wish lists. Often, these run into several pages. Dreams, hopes, desires, fancies and fantasies. These ideas play a part in shaping our attitude to life but they are not always as influential as we might like to think. Only the wishes at the very top of the very first page are truly powerful. By and large, in life, we end up getting whatever we happen to be prioritising the most. What's at the top of your agenda now? And why is it there? If you're not careful, you will soon end up with what you claim to want.
You are blessed with an exceptionally creative mind. You find it hard to think ordinary thoughts. Your reactions and ideas are anything but predictable. You love to explore new possibilities and to see life from different angles. That's why you so often find yourself in trouble. You can't resist exploring avenues that others would feel inclined to steer well clear of. Are you now going too far? Of course not. You are doing what's right for your own situation, in your own unique way. It is important to trust that.
When we don't have the answer to a crucial question, everything is a nuisance. We don't just have to keep watching our backs, we have to watch our fronts and our sides too. For if we don't really know what's going on, we don't know which direction to look warily. It is though, far better to be in a state of honest doubt than false certainty. Right now though, you are getting an insight that you very much need. Trust it and act on it. The Sun's link to your ruler insists that you know more than you think.
Every year, thousands of new businesses spring up... and thousands more go bankrupt. The laws of supply and demand must be properly understood before they can be manipulated. People, for example, can't get enough food, fun or flattery. And they also love having something new to worry or complain about. Someone is now trying to sell you a reason to feel outraged or afraid. Or maybe, strangely, both at once. Resist the temptation to buy in to this over-hyped marketing campaign.
おはようございます。5日の双子座です。 どなたか翻訳をお願いします。 Wherever we go, our shadow goes with us. We cannot separate ourselves from it. We can though, direct our attention towards a source of bright light directly in front of us. This causes our shadow to grow much stronger but to fall directly behind us, where we cannot see it. Thus, it becomes easier for us to imagine that we haven't really got one. And easier too, for other people to see our shadow more clearly. What you're looking at now is pretty good. Just don't kid yourself that it is perfect
'The grand old Duke of York, he had ten thousand men, he marched them up to the top of the hill, and he marched them down again.' Did you ever wonder, when you were a child, why on earth he went through such a silly process? He must have been very old and not particularly grand or he would surely have seen how pointless it all was. But then, the song was written by an adult, and adults know a lot about futile repetition. If something in your life is going nowhere now, give it a new direction.
獅子座 We are surrounded by people who tell us that all we have to do is keep everything simple. Unfortunately, they then go on to describe a hundred extremely convoluted methods by which to do things. And then, of course, there are the universities, where impressionable teenagers are taught to take basic, obvious notions and express them in the longest possible sentences containing the greatest number of long words. What's needed today? Exactly what you think. Will it work? You bet!
Some New-agers seem to think that choirs of heavenly angels will descend this weekend, in order to bless all those on this Earth who have been conscious and kind. I don't personally think the harmonic concordance will be quite so powerful, but the six-pointed star in the sky will still grant a lot of wishes. And it is true, too, that those with generous hearts will gain most from the alignment. You now have one very strong desire. Be sure you really want what you say you want, for you may just get it.
You know those bottles of mineral water, with the diagrams on the back? They show subsections of the Earth pointing out the various levels of rock and clay, through which raindrops have passed. Psychologists reckon that our minds are a bit like that too. Ideas bubble up through different layers and levels of consciousness. Yours are exceptionally deep. Which is why you sometimes find it hard to be shallow. A fountain of inspiration is about to burst forth from within you. Tap it wisely.
Then things make an impact on you, the effect is long-lasting. Your emotions are either deep and strong or completely ambivalent. You don't do degrees. The light switch of your spirit has no dimmer facility. It is either full on or full off. This is a wonderful thing. Although sometimes, it makes it hard for you to end inappropriate relationships or free yourself from commitments that have now become redundant. The planets therefore, have to offer you extra help from time to time. That's what they are doing now.
��Enjoy your sources of discomfort while they last. We are but hours away now from the grand Harmonic Concordance. When the lunar eclipse forms part of a six-pointed star in the sky, a portal to the fifth dimension of consciousness will open up for all humanity to pass through. No longer then will our worldly problems plague us, for our hearts shall be full of light and joy. Er... Just in case things aren't so simple though, you could try deciding, today, not to let a silly situation bother you any more than it has to.
'There's always someone worse off than you are.' That's what some people say when they want to cheer other people up. Oh yes. Very inspiring, I'm sure. What? We are supposed to feel better just because someone else is feeling worse? Surely, we ought to be looking at the folk who are better off than we are, and then asking them what their secret is. Someone in your world now has something to spare and something to share. Don't deprive them of the precious opportunity to be generous and helpful.
Think of all the other things you could be doing, and all the other places you could be. Think about the other choices you might have made and the options that these, in turn, might have given rise to. Then, when you have really given yourself a king-size headache stop thinking such foolish thoughts. You are doing what you are doing for a reason. The 'what-ifs' are all irrelevant. But if you continue to pay attention to them, they will sap vital energy and enthusiasm and prevent you from making the most of 'what is.'
�<原文> 'Polly put the kettle on... We'll all have tea.' So far, so good. An attractive idea to which we can all relate, especially at times of tiredness and thirst. The next verse though, casts a dark shadow over the proceedings. 'Suki take it off again... They've all gone away.' Where have they gone? And why? And what has happened to the tea? And can't we have just a small cup while we wait for the rest of them to come back? Hey ho, that's life for you, I guess. Kettle on, kettle off etc. Today, though, is a kettle on day. Hooray!
<原文> There are times of feast and times of famine. Times, like tides, come and go. Yet even at moments of low ebb there are reservoirs of plenty. Opportunities always exist. It's just that sometimes they are easy to find and sometimes you really have to look for them. When you are used to struggling and scrabbling, you can sometimes miss an easy shot. You see it, yet you don't quite believe it. You feel that if it isn't hard won, it can't be worth having. Watch for that attitude now. You are being offered a real gift.
When things make an impact on you, the effect is long-lasting. Your emotions are either deep and strong or completely ambivalent. You don't do degrees. The light switch of your spirit has no dimmer facility. It is either full on or full off. This is a wonderful thing. Although sometimes, it makes it hard for you to end inappropriate relationships or free yourself from commitments that have now become redundant. The planets therefore, have to offer you extra help from time to time. That's what they are doing now.
獅子座 First Mars comes closer to Earth than ever before. Then the Sun emits flares so powerful that they light up the whole of the USA. And after that? A Harmonic Concordance in which major celestial bodies form an exact six-pointed star shape across the zodiac, during a lunar eclipse. All we need next is a comet, and guess what? Later this month... The sky is not just giving a few subtle signs, it is lighting up brighter than a big city billboard. And to you now, it is saying just one thing. Your chance has come.
You have exceptional powers and abilities. Rare gifts that are granted to comparatively few souls. Don't doubt any of this, just because you realise that you are not completely infallible. Only megalomaniacs get exactly what they want, whenever they want it. The truly wise are much more interested in giving the cosmos a chance to get what IT wants, even if this conflicts with their own opinion about what should be happening. The magic you are now working is of the highest kind.
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. You can though, put salt in its food. Recent events have all been nudging you in a particular direction. So far though, you have been moving somewhat reluctantly. Now you are starting to see the real reason why they are as they are. Benign but powerful forces have clearly been trying to show you something of great potential value. Now your eyes are open. Soon, you will feel glad that so many choices were taken away.
いつもありがとうございます。 射手座7日です。よろしくお願いします。 There may be a six-pointed star in the sky but it has just one simple point to make. This world can be a better place: fairer, kinder, more conscious. The people who live on it don't have to wallow forever in cynicism and mistrust. They can forget the past and embrace a far more inspiring future. Soon, that simple thought will flash, however briefly, through every human mind. Including yours. It will cause you to see how the solution to an old and painful problem has actually been staring you in the face all along.
'Boys and girls come out play, the Moon doth shine as bright as day...' This weekend, the Moon will be full. For a while, at least, it truly will be 'bright as day' but then, it will be eclipsed just as it is forming part of a rare six-pointed star in the sky. According to some stargazers and soothsayers, the boys and girls who come out to play this weekend will be angels and light-beings. Even if you doubt such claims, you can expect soon, to feel blessed, graced and protected by a series of exceptionally helpful developments.
If you were a magician you would now be thumbing through your spell book, dusting off your wand, cleaning out the cauldron and generally getting ready to take full advantage of the exceptional Harmonic Concordance. You would be looking for ways to draw down its unique, feeling energy. You'd be trying to transform something significant. And you would be right to expect a great deal of success under these very special celestial circumstances. Oops! Silly me. I forgot. You ARE a magician.
Even if there was no Harmonic Concordance taking place this weekend, I would be getting terribly excited about your astrological outlook. The powerful eclipse of the Moon in your sign is a clear indication of imminent victory. You don't think you are fighting a battle? Well then, quickly, find yourself one to enter into while the chance of winning is so good. Or, better still, don't bother. Then, you will just discover that you have won a struggle that you didn't fully realise you were engaged in. ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
Forget everything you think you know. You don't think you know anything? Then forget everything you think you don't know. Don't, though, forget absolutely everything without exception... for some things definitely must be remembered. Do, though, forget everything that appears to suggest an imminent problem on the emotional or financial front. The Harmonic Concordance suggests a dramatic transformation in your state of security. This can only be positive.
The eclipse of the Moon is an omen, a warning and an invitation... all rolled into one. The cosmic message is clear. Don't just 'get your act together,' clean it up. You think it is already clean? There's your first mistake. How arrogant to assume you are living life by a perfect set of standards. The Harmonic Concordance is offering you a real, rare, chance to recognise the root of a problem and to be honest with yourself about a tendency to ignore certain crucial truths.
The Harmonic Concordance involves your ruler, Saturn. It forms one of the six points on the star shape now being described in the sky. Hence, the great sense of involvement and engagement that you feel. You know you are caught up in something powerful. You surely must know too, that you have a crucial part to play in an unfolding drama. but you are not yet clear about precisely what action to take. This weekend's eclipse will enlighten you and make the next move obvious.
おはようございます。双子座の週末です。 どなたか翻訳お願いします。 Once, you had a dream. Now, it is fading away, you can hardly even remember what it was, but all dreams lose their intensity, sooner or later. Unless, of course, they are recurring dreams. Then they come back round, time and time again, until we take heed of them. If your dream truly needs to be fulfilled, this weekend's Harmonic Concordance will present you with the perfect opportunity. And if it doesn't? Then you will see the timely emergence of a much-needed (and much more inspiring) new vision.
先頭ページ The Harmonic Concordance starts right here, right now! It's time to light joss sticks, bang gongs, chant mantras and join psychic forces with all, across this globe, who yearn for a rise in consciousness. While the planets form a six-pointed star in the sky this weekend, the Full Moon will be totally eclipsed. It is a time of exceptional solar flares too. Some new age pundits have predicted that 'beings of light' will then descend to show us how we can replace fear with love, and separation with trust. A little far-fetched? Well, Bernard Fitzwalter our technical expert, is normally a little disparaging about such claims. Yet as he explains here today... there may just be something in it.
獅子座 The Harmonic Concordance is upon us. That's why you feel so powerful, yet so powerless at the same time. It's why you have such great strength... and such great vulnerability too. Contradictions in our lives are nothing to be ashamed of. They provide essential colour in an existence that might otherwise be drab. Of course, if they become too pronounced, they grow problematic. That's why we try to keep them within carefully-defined structures. Every so often though, we just have to go a little crazy.
蠍座 週末です。よろしくお願いします。 The Harmonic Concordance has officially begun. If you have not yet managed to enter the fifth dimension of consciousness, commune with the Creator or open your heart chakra, don't worry, there's still time. Remember, too, that portals of consciousness are not always lit up in neon. Often they appear surprisingly ordinary and mundane. Only after you have passed through them do you realise quite what a transcendent experience you have had. Don't ignore the magical, hidden in the ordinary now.
It will be anything but an ordinary weekend. Powerful planetary magic is being unleashed. The rare Harmonic Concordance culminates with an eclipse of the Moon in the part of your chart that governs 'home and family'. A domestic drama of some kind is now being played out. Even if things seem stressful or you feel sure that a problem is getting worse, not better, you will soon have reason to think again. Something exceptionally wonderful can (and will) occur. This will yet alter everything.
It will be anything but an ordinary weekend. Powerful planetary magic is being unleashed. The rare Harmonic Concordance culminates with an eclipse of the Moon in the part of your chart that governs 'home and family'. A domestic drama of some kind is now being played out. Even if things seem stressful or you feel sure that a problem is getting worse, not better, you will soon have reason to think again. Something exceptionally wonderful can (and will) occur. This will yet alter everything.
The eclipse of the Moon is an omen, a warning and an invitation... all rolled into one. The cosmic message is clear. Don't just 'get your act together,' clean it up. You think it is already clean? There's your first mistake. How arrogant to assume you are living life by a perfect set of standards. The Harmonic Concordance is offering you a real, rare, chance to recognise the root of a problem and to be honest with yourself about a tendency to ignore certain crucial truths.
How long is it since you last had a reason to glow with pride? Despite criticism from others, a tendency to doubt yourself and a keen awareness of all in your world that urgently needs to be improved, you are doing well. You are standing up to pressure in a way that lesser people might find themselves unable to do. Indeed, not only are you coping, you are starting to see a way to turn a difficult situation to your advantage. Explore this... and you'll love the way your week turns out.
You may be starting to feel as if your life is a beach of soft sand. Anything you build is likely to blow away or be swept off by the tide. Little seems permanent. You are not exactly unhappy but you are confused about why so much is being called into question. You don't recall anything going horribly wrong, yet it is almost as if you are recovering from a recent near-disaster. Fear not. This is all just the Harmonic Convergence helping you re-evaluate and keep your options open while you do.
I was thumbing through a book of quotes, looking for a way to sum up your situation when I came across an amusing remark. Someone called William Inge said, "It takes only one to make a quarrel. It is useless for the sheep to pass resolutions in favour of vegetarianism while the wolf remains of a different opinion." Yet though you are not a wolf.. you are not a helpless sheep either. You can now keep an argument at bay... or defend yourself against attack, by being firm yet fair.
Deep down, you know what makes sense. For some reason though, you're afraid to follow what you feel. Either you doubt your own ability to do what you want to do or you fear someone or something will stand in your way. You are, therefore, inclined to consider what seems like a 'safer option', albeit one that involves a dubious compromise. It's not that this 'wishy-washy solution' won't work. It probably will. It won't though, give you the result you truly need and deserve.
10日乙女座原文 We are living through extraordinary times. The Sun is sending out exceptionally large flares and the Harmonic Concordance is effectively offering all on earth the chance to see life from a more enlightened perspective. Every day at the moment seems to bring another crucial development or discovery. But even if you're not enjoying all you find out, there really is something you have to do. It is important that you stop doubting yourself and just go ahead and do it.
Once, you dreamed of opportunities like the ones before you now. Chances to become wealthier, or closer to a certain individual, or both, would have seemed deeply desirable but desperately unattainable. Now there's no doubt that big changes are possible, but there is doubt about whether they are still relevant. You can't just accept them out of duty. The Eclipse has just insisted that you urgently ask yourself 'What do I truly want?' not just 'what do I feel I OUGHT to want?'
In some ways, this week's events will surpass your most secret hopes and expectations. But turning your fantasy into a reality may not be entirely easy. There's something comforting about a vision that you entertain privately, deep within. There's something scary about finding yourself face to face with an actual, physical manifestation. Please don't misunderstand. Nothing bad is due to occur... in fact, the opposite. But it may take a bit of getting used to.
In some ways, this week's events will surpass your most secret hopes and expectations. But turning your fantasy into a reality may not be entirely easy. There's something comforting about a vision that you entertain privately, deep within. There's something scary about finding yourself face to face with an actual, physical manifestation. Please don't misunderstand. Nothing bad is due to occur... in fact, the opposite. But it may take a bit of getting used to.
Anything is possible. The Harmonic Concordance is an extremely potent cosmic force and, though technically it has just reached a peak, the impact will be felt in your life slowly over the next few weeks. Before long it may radically change your destiny. It is certainly going to help reveal a hitherto unsuspected aspect of your potential. Without doubt, the news is very positive but, as with that six pointed star in the sky, you may not immediately realise quite how it is taking shape.
蟹座10日です。宜しくお願いします。 Some roads have little squares of rubber protruding along the edge of each lane. If you drive over them, they give a very bumpy ride. They exist to protect us from accidentally ignoring a visual signal and inadvertently crossing into danger. Current causes of discomfort are serving much the same purpose. If you now seem to be getting a warning sign, don't just carry on. Pay attention to what the universe is trying to tell you and avoid wandering too far from a wisely-chosen route.