Let's talk with Jim-san. Part10


>985 名前:動け動けウゴウゴ2ちゃんねる [sage] 投稿日:2008/05/04(日) 04:23:21 >ID:7bnYyFu3P    

91jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/05/04(日) 05:08:43 ID:???
ごめんあさい ぜんぜん わからない
たぶん: If you want to have a ● and pay cash, then please send me cash
with your email and password. I will make you an account.
Is that what you want?
9279 ◆KNjk6EeN.w :2008/05/04(日) 05:09:55 ID:xzGjBFmi
93名無し編集部員:2008/05/04(日) 05:14:41 ID:WqSUc/7K
Broken english speaker go past.
Maybe maybe maybe...>>90 want to say

[Type Senba]
Login OK,But thread log read only.
[Type Mitsuo]
Capable for all.

If Type Senba's price \1000 that have a good sale.
94名無し編集部員:2008/05/04(日) 05:18:36 ID:WqSUc/7K
\1000(inclusive of a money transfer fee)
95名無し編集部員:2008/05/04(日) 06:20:18 ID:NQPExO/8

I want to buy ● by the bank transfer.
96名無し編集部員:2008/05/04(日) 09:43:36 ID:QpQhfP1D

Do you want to buy ● by the bank transfer, don't you?
I think it is impossible because the beneficiary is in the United States.
97名無し編集部員:2008/05/04(日) 09:48:51 ID:86zxmmzg
It's not impossible but it's silly.
International bank transfer charges something like $50 transfer fee.
9879 ◆KNjk6EeN.w :2008/05/04(日) 10:03:07 ID:xzGjBFmi
If there is an interest in Bank Transfer. I can set this up for domestic transfers inside of Japan.
It is completely possible, but it depends on the interest.
Are you suggesting different levels of service for different prices?
That sounds very difficult, and it is already a low price for an entire year.
99名無し編集部員:2008/05/04(日) 10:18:24 ID:5oxWDT5S
Thank you very much.
We are looking forward to 801 eroparo board.

But we think “801 Composition(創作 そうさく)” is better than “801 Eroparo” about the board's name.
Because some people want to write novels without eroticism or their original novels.
And others also want to draw pictures on the new board.
100名無し編集部員:2008/05/04(日) 10:24:25 ID:a6/yvZwn
101名無し編集部員:2008/05/04(日) 10:59:19 ID:KHd7TX38
>>90-100 日本語英語入り乱れてるので●関係日本語まとめ。(●-related Q&A in Japanese)

Q1 過去ログを読む機能のみ1000円で販売してもらえませんか?>>90,93,94,100
A1 いいえ。異なるサービスを異なる価格で提供することは難しいし、すでに
  1年間分としては、十分に安価です >>98

Q2 ●を銀行振り込みで購入できませんか?>>95
A2 もし希望が多ければ、日本国内での銀行振り込みを用意することは可能です。
  あくまでも希望が多ければですが。 >>98
102名無し編集部員:2008/05/04(日) 11:13:36 ID:Y3KZwkCy
10379 ◆KNjk6EeN.w :2008/05/04(日) 13:39:54 ID:xzGjBFmi
>>99 How about comp801.
English composition is sometimes referred to as English comp.
801comp or comp801 sound good to me. composition is a little long.
104jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/05/04(日) 13:49:04 ID:???
>>100-102 It does sound interesting, but it really needs a lot more discussion and also the programming for that would have to be done.
You are proposing different tiers of service.
Free service using browser or reader.
1000 Yen Past log service
Full service $33 a year.
Hmm. I have an idea. how about we start using Euros. Yen and Dollar both are bad now.....;)
1000 Euros Past log service
Full service 33 Euros a year.
I don't even know if this is possible with the current programming. I am pretty sure something will have to be rewritten,
and that would take some time. I am not saying yes, and I am not saying no to this. I want to hear more ideas.
I say yes to the 1000 Euros immediately though if everyone agrees wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
105jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/05/04(日) 13:49:39 ID:???
>>103 That sounds fine.
106名無し編集部員:2008/05/04(日) 14:44:40 ID:a6/yvZwn
おおthx 望みナシだね
107jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/05/04(日) 15:25:30 ID:???
まつ しかない
おやすみ なさい
108名無し編集部員:2008/05/04(日) 15:27:46 ID:pois1/oL
109名無し編集部員:2008/05/04(日) 15:37:21 ID:a6/yvZwn
>107 よい夢を(はぁと)
110名無し編集部員:2008/05/04(日) 16:20:22 ID:zFHDyKZ4
I know the person who can use ESP.
Who is Uri Geller.
I know him because of the lawsuit of pocket monster.
I might not correctly understand the mechanism of the boomerang.
The rotating earth is like the boomerang of the sun.
111名無し編集部員:2008/05/04(日) 16:20:56 ID:WqSUc/7K
112名無し編集部員:2008/05/04(日) 16:47:51 ID:KHd7TX38
>>104 in Japanese
>>100-102 面白いね。それを実現するには、もっと多くの議論とプログラミングが必要になるけれどね。
無料 -ブラウザか専ブラ
1000円 - 過去ログを読む機能
33ドル - 1年間のフルサービス

ん〜今思いついたがユーロ建てにするのはどうだろう? 円もドルも今は、弱いし…
1000ユーロ - 過去ログを読む機能
33 ユーロ - 1年間のフルサービス

(1000ユーロ = 162,442円)

113名無し編集部員:2008/05/04(日) 16:49:25 ID:26MLrSCf
114名無し編集部員:2008/05/04(日) 17:13:44 ID:TCrX/bxh
11599:2008/05/04(日) 23:16:06 ID:5oxWDT5S
>>103 >>105
I'm sorry.
My explanasion didn't seem to be good.
We think “801創作板(やおいそうさくいた)” is the best as the new board's name.

“創作” means “composition” or “creation”.
11699:2008/05/04(日) 23:18:24 ID:5oxWDT5S
× explanasion
○ explanation
117jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/05/05(月) 01:26:16 ID:???
>>110 はい そう です
You don't correctly understand it....;)
118jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/05/05(月) 01:28:08 ID:???
おやすみ なさい108
119jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/05/05(月) 01:29:18 ID:???
I was not serious, it was a joke. Changing from 1000 yen to 1000 Euro.
Maybe it was a bad joke.  ごめんあざい
120jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/05/05(月) 01:31:01 ID:???
ども ありがとう はい そう です JOKE です。
121jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/05/05(月) 01:32:33 ID:???
composition is ok with me.
122名無し編集部員:2008/05/05(月) 01:42:45 ID:awFp2i/r
123jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/05/05(月) 02:09:52 ID:???
124名無し編集部員:2008/05/05(月) 02:49:21 ID:Ehs2FUod
125修行猫♀:2008/05/05(月) 23:20:38 ID:CJZJZskw


場   所:エロAA
レ   ス:90及び91
名   前:修行猫♀
日時及びID:2008/05/05(月) 09:55:22 ID:kjqHHHfC0
       2008/05/05(月) 13:03:39 ID:1WQhGhgn0
理    由:載せたとき、ぐちゃぐちゃになってしまった為。

126名無し編集部員:2008/05/05(月) 23:35:46 ID:4xbB3yVp
127名無し編集部員:2008/05/06(火) 00:46:01 ID:K3oah+3l

凄くエロい抱き枕キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!
128jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2008/05/06(火) 07:24:49 ID:E4jtT9nq
129修行猫♀:2008/05/06(火) 11:21:50 ID:Qefsf1g3
>>126Thank you.


I request that is delete my response.

part◇page:エロAA thread:おっぱい大好き
   date and time & ID:2008/05/05(月) 09:55:22 ID:kjqHHHfC0
           2008/05/05(月) 13:03:39 ID:1WQhGhgn0
reason:mistake carry ASCII Art

   please. That's all. Thank you.
130名無し編集部員:2008/05/06(火) 13:16:50 ID:JEJPiQvS
Do you know what d means? Or do you just use it to bump the thread?
131名無し編集部員:2008/05/06(火) 23:39:01 ID:n2f4HTL2
How do you do,Jimsan.
It is a present for you.
Please think about this story・・・

( ´∀`)?
(    つ Free Tibet story in Japan フリーチベット物語
2ch、大規模off板告知で行われた、"Free Tibet"名古屋デモと長野でのチベット支援行動の動画です。



132jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2008/05/07(水) 15:21:39 ID:edBj3Wma
133jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2008/05/07(水) 15:22:31 ID:edBj3Wma
どう いたし まして
134jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2008/05/07(水) 15:24:39 ID:edBj3Wma
It means thank you.
135名無し編集部員:2008/05/07(水) 21:04:39 ID:v9vX3Ylg
136名無し編集部員:2008/05/07(水) 23:27:31 ID:EbnIWPQK
じむ さん かわいい
137名無し編集部員:2008/05/08(木) 12:14:07 ID:sDJOQfDn
The unitary way of purchasing ● suggests that pink and 2ch are
one in body and soul, although the staffs intend to maintain
they are different from each other.

It is only a subterfuge that they are two.
138Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2008/05/08(木) 23:25:02 ID:7cajtqdf
I will reply to all of the unreplied posts in about 24 hours. I am traveling now.
I just got done driving and next I will fly to Asia. After sleeping I will reply.
139名無し編集部員:2008/05/09(金) 01:23:48 ID:M+Yotnco
よい たび を
140qb ◆qb.x27/m96 :2008/05/09(金) 01:47:43 ID:iatrH4fi
Dear Jim-san.

My name is qb.
At present, in BBSPINK, the problem to have been troubled occurs.
It is the problem which occurs when informing an ISP of the regulation which is being actuated in BBSPINK.
It is answered that it does an answer when it isn't possible to support from some ISPs when contacting about the regulation with BBSPINK to the ISP of it.
The ISP is saying that the point whether or not which is yes shoes because it supports the contact about the access-control report from BBSPINK is insufficient.
It is the following three.

1) It specifies and it wants compatible to the injustice.
2) It isn't possible to correspond to not being the declaration of the manager or the agent of the respondence.
3) The collateral of the accuracy of the information is necessary.

Each solution
When the injustice, the act of ruining occur, the page which specifies compatible which BBSPINK takes is necessary.
Because the one of [email protected] to be specified in the CC column of the e-mail when contacting about the regulation with the e-mail to the ISP is a report as the substitute of the BBSPINK manager,
it needs writing as the concerned ISP supports the e-mail.
The one which boiling 転載人★ ( 転載人★ is posts regulation information ) reprinted needs the writing-clearly of BBSPINK manager's guaranteeing the contents.

It is necessary to agree to the above of Jim-san to realize the three above.
Therefore, there is request.
Does it agree to entrust to the we volunteer to realize them?
I wait for your "はいはい"
Hope to hear from you.

Best regards
141jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2008/05/12(月) 12:25:42 ID:kiT/7/82
142jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2008/05/12(月) 12:27:09 ID:kiT/7/82
I have been traveling and not able to be online. I will get caught up now, and answer my backlog.
143jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/05/12(月) 12:32:36 ID:???
I wish it was so, but it is not. We are definately different organizations. ● is billed and maintained by my company N.T.Technology.
There is no subterfuge there. It says so on the order form. It is a great thing. I think that my compay might have been the first one
in Japan to actually pay freelance programmers so that they could make some money for their investment of time and sweat in
their software creations. I am proud of that, it is something we have done to help the common man.
By the way, what is your motive for making such a bold statement?
144jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/05/12(月) 12:47:47 ID:???
It was a time, not such a good time though. I ended up flying to Manila from Seattle. A very close friend took me to the airport.
After I left them I rode the subway, and left my laptop bag on the subway. Of course I got upset and a little excited. The lost and found was
outside of security. I went their running, and my laptop was not turned in there. Then I had to go back through security. They are not very friendly,
and I probably looked dangerous to them at that time, because I was very worried about not recoving my lost laptop. So after about 15 minutes of
security checks they let me go. I went back to the train, and started looking for it. One of the cleaning guys at the airport picked up my bag and turned it
in to the security manager at the airport. I got off the train and saw him handing it to him. Outside of the security area. So I went out of security again
and got my laptop back. Thank you to that guy. Then I had to go back to security again. I don't think they like at all now. 15 more minutes of checking
with them thinking I was a bad guy. I got to my gate and was the last one on the plane.
145jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/05/12(月) 12:50:55 ID:???
おねがい します。
let me know when the email [email protected] needs to be made, and I will make it.
146 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/05/12(月) 22:02:12 ID:HBTdeo/4
Jimさん こんにちは

To begin the report system, it discussed it by the thread.
I hope the following four points.

Manager of the BBS need to guarantee the correctness of reporting vandal's information to the ISP.
The information is currently posted at regulation discussion board (PINK規制議論板http://venus.bbspink.com/ccc/)
by ERO転載★ as a repost based on the vandal's access log disclosure by 2ch regulator.

One example:
□YBB規制情報("YahooBB Regulation Information")
Jim-san's(as a manager) approval is needed that the reposted information is PINK channel's official information
in order to expect prompt action against the vandal by the ISP.
Please approve the reposted information on the regulation information board as PINK official information.

If the above approval has granted, an application to change the notice of a local rule of
the PINK regulation discussion board(PINK規制議論板) as below will be submitted.
Please report major vandal here.
Please do not expect the result of the report at present time.
(There is no change up to here. )

Vandal & access regulation information has been disclosed.
 ・Regulation information that "ERO転載 ★" posted on the each regulation information thread is
PINK Channel's official information that the manager guarantees the correctness.
 ・The report mail to the ISP with CC:block@bbspink.com is an official report as the representative of the manager.
The manager expect that the concerned ISP would take an prompt action against the vandal.
 ※:Any report mail from a free mail address or without declared URL is not considered as an official report mail.
147 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/05/12(月) 22:02:40 ID:HBTdeo/4
In order to confirm the report mail to ISP is an official, an official mail address to use as a CC is necessary.
Although I would like to use the "block@bbspink.com" address that had been set before again, should I ask for it to 79-san
or Jim-san? The "block@bbspink.com" mail is supposed to be able to read by 79-san, Jim-san and ◆EROyVmNwwM in current plan.

When the ISP took sufficient action against the vandal, there will be no need to continue the access regulation.
However, there is no official procedure to lift the regulation that became unnecessary in the current PINK Channel.
The regulator(規制人(きせいにん) and the deactivator (解除人(かいじょにん) of 2ch has the ability
to lift the regulation.
In order to ask them to lift the PINK regulation that became unnecessary, it is necessary to obtain
the 2ch managers' permission. Would you obtain the permission from 2ch manager, Hiroyuki-san, for
the deregulation judgment in PINK and actual deregulation request to the 2ch for PINK's regulation?

If the Hiroyuki-san's permission has granted, PINK's reporting person can submit the deregulation request,
and the regulation that became unnecessary will be lifted.

Or, if you would turn everything above over to me(◆EROyVmNwwM), I will visit to 2ch and ask for it
as your total representative.

PINKちゃんねる報告人作戦本部準備室 2
(PINKちゃんねるreporting person operation preparation room 2)

(PINKちゃんねるreporting person operation preparation room 難民 branch)
*:For person who cannot write it in secret base

148qb ◆qb.x27/m96 :2008/05/13(火) 00:44:08 ID:mnlpcTD/
Dear Jim-san.

I grasped to have been in a form of affliction during traveling that you move from Seattle to Manila.
Next, it grasped the safe return of your laptop, too.
With the unpleasant 15 minute happening which was told in you.

I am sorry for troubling you.
I'm weak in English.
However, I say in English.

Probably The consensus to want, being conveyed to Jim-san
I thinks that you understand about the consensus which appeals for BBSPINK to need now surely when necessary.

Good night.
149jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/05/13(火) 12:39:57 ID:???
150jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/05/13(火) 13:11:28 ID:???
Here is a picture of the current state of my laptop.
151jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/05/13(火) 13:15:17 ID:???
I am the one that will make the emails on the server. It is best to coordinate it with 79-san though.
As far as you taking responsibility. I an not certain what is the correct protocol. I do know that Deleters take
no responsibility. Reporters should not either. I have to take that myself. I will delegate it though.
I can be CC for official purposes, if it is a huge amount of email I might not read it though. I already
get more email than I can possibliy read.
152名無し編集部員:2008/05/13(火) 13:23:27 ID:QS6KdRPf
Are you foolish manager's jim?
Release plala early.
It is slow.
How mamy days have passed on earth since it restricted it?
153 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/05/13(火) 13:54:33 ID:/XMwtXKi

Thank you for the answer.
However, because it doesn't have my English language skill, it takes time to
read with a translation tool and to solve it.
The person who helps will also show up if the night of Japan comes.
POST will be able to be done by the night of Japan (morning of Nevada).
154 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/05/14(水) 01:00:03 ID:pJ/bkUfy
Jimさん おはようございます

> I am the one that will make the emails on the server.
> It is best to coordinate it with 79-san though.
I consented. I request 79-san to coordinate the mail setting.

> As far as you taking responsibility. I an not certain what is the correct protocol. I do know that Deleters take
> no responsibility. Reporters should not either. I have to take that myself. I will delegate it though.
I do not think that Reporters has responsibility as well as Deleters.
And, I will make the report system that even people other than a specific volunteer staff can do.

However, there is a part that doesn't understand well for my poor English language skill and understanding.
It is detailed a little more because it this part thinks to be important.

> I can be CC for official purposes, if it is a huge amount of email I might not read it though. I already
> get more email than I can possibliy read.
The report and the reply are Japanese, and if the problem doesn't occur, Jim-san need not read.
I do not think that it is preferable that there is what the manager doesn't know.
Therefore, I want to put E-mail into the state that can be read at any time to read.

I understand that Jim-san is not being written the answer of 4) of >>147.
I think that I am 4) is very important.
Does Jim-san think that it is unnecessary to release access regulation?
Or, is there a thing that should be discussed more?

To our regret, I should already sleep for tomorrow's work.
I sleep wishing for a good day for Jim-san to visit.
155jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/05/14(水) 20:42:29 ID:???
156jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/05/14(水) 20:45:45 ID:???
We are all just trying to live our lives on this planet. Yes I am both foolish and stupid.
I tend to miss the good things. We are making the system now. After the system is made
then I think things will work better. ごめんあさい plala.
157jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/05/14(水) 20:50:59 ID:???
Maybe #4 does not translate well. I am just a little confused on it.
Also thnk you very much for the time and effort you have put into this.
You are correct. If I receive many emails in Japanese, then I won't read them.
It takes me much time to do that, by translation, and my simple Japanese skills.
158jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/05/14(水) 20:52:50 ID:???
Today I waited most of the day for the internet connection in my room. The technician did not show up.
Tomorrow morning I have to take my son to his school, then I will be online after that.
おやすみ なさい
また あした

159 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/05/15(木) 00:26:29 ID:cnL3gvPg
Jimさん こんにちは

It consented.

The explanation of I am 4) is presented again trying to make it.
However, I do not have time of tonight.
It makes it contemplating it because it is a very important thing.

And so, my fellow PINK resident, ask not what PINK can do for you; ask what you can do for PINK.
(I was too cool)
160jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/05/15(木) 11:39:31 ID:???
wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww JFK is rolling over in his grave wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
161名無し編集部員:2008/05/15(木) 11:48:57 ID:IdJjNsje
OBAMA! OBAMA! wwwwwwwwwwwwww
162jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/05/15(木) 11:57:19 ID:???
If Obama wins the erection. I win money. I made a small wager that he would be erected.
163名無し編集部員:2008/05/15(木) 12:05:58 ID:IdJjNsje
erection of this time は だれ にも 結果 が わからない ですね
ヒラリーさん の 若いころ は 美人 だった でしょう 
164名無し編集部員:2008/05/15(木) 12:08:53 ID:IdJjNsje
わたしは george ソロス さん が 知恵があって 好きです
165名無し編集部員:2008/05/15(木) 12:10:47 ID:IdJjNsje
japan lunch time but i drink jach daniel
my favarite whisky
than kentucky
166jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/05/15(木) 16:58:30 ID:???
Hillary must be a sweet woman. Don't you think she is to emotional to be president though?
167jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/05/15(木) 16:59:20 ID:???
168jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/05/15(木) 16:59:41 ID:???
169名無し編集部員:2008/05/15(木) 18:23:51 ID:9KdkjGMy
Obama wins the erection. Because Hillary doesn't erect me now.
170jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/05/15(木) 18:35:02 ID:???
>>169 Me too. I have found it impossible to get an election, when I think about Hillary.
171 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/05/15(木) 21:10:19 ID:cnL3gvPg
He might never have thought the quotation on the adult site in the future.
I seem to hear his "What is the Internet!?" mutter.

JFKさん ごめんなさい
172名無し編集部員:2008/05/16(金) 01:36:54 ID:cgZZt8vD
Now I am electing
        ∧_∧ ハァハァ
 シコ   ( ´Д`/"lヽ
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        \_つ ⊂llll
        (  ノ  ノ
        | (__人_) \
173名無し編集部員:2008/05/16(金) 07:02:30 ID:Qin80kdY
174jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/05/16(金) 10:19:12 ID:???
175jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/05/16(金) 10:20:10 ID:???
へへへIt was invented by Al Gore of course.へへへ
176jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/05/16(金) 10:21:44 ID:???
すごい です
177 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/05/16(金) 12:17:33 ID:G5x6Dmo4

This is re-presentation of 4) part.

Purpose:To obtain deregulation judgment of the certain regulation within PINK
and set the official procedure to pass deregulation request of the certain access regulation to 2ch.

- Report vandal to ISP.
- ISP takes some action against vandal and reply.
- The access regulation becomes unnecessary.

Although the regulation becomes unnecessary, there is no method
to lift the regulation by PINK itself.

It described a method for this problem solution.
The access regulation system of PINK now relies to 2ch.
In order to obtain the right for PINK's deregulation judgment within PINK
and deregulation request to 2ch when the certain regulation is no longer needed,
Would you contact 2ch manager, Hiroyuki-san for getting above permission?

Or, if you think it is too cumbersome, let me(◆EROyVmNwwM) do that for you,
just say ◆EROyVmNwwM is acting as your representative for setting official
reporting-judgment-deregulation procedure.

178jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/05/16(金) 12:26:42 ID:???
Now I understand. Yes Ero, please contact as my representative. You have my email if you need anything private, then please communicate by email.
179jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/05/16(金) 14:49:52 ID:???
It is amazing. The New York Times is even interested in us.
Fox Will Bring Back ‘Idol,’ and Add Sci-Fi
180 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/05/16(金) 15:36:39 ID:5YCKDAiy

I understood it.
I go to Hiroyuki-san of 2ch as Jim-san representation to ask.

I have not been troubled now.
Other things will be asked by this thread though a secret cantrip is asked with mail.
I think it is preferable as PINK residents can read.

181 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/05/16(金) 18:30:43 ID:7rt8y4iY
There was a description that it seemed also in Japanese Wikipedia. www
I feel it complexly though I am ignorant of the United States politics.
182jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/05/17(土) 12:08:17 ID:???
Talking about politics is one of America's favorite things. I enjoy it too.
183 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/05/17(土) 19:12:37 ID:kYrZYvD+
It is said that it will be easy to quarrel about this politics, baseball and religion in Japan.
For a commonsense person, it is manners to avoid these three topics.
However, I think the understanding of the difference with others to be interesting.
I am called a little strange person in Japan.
184名無し編集部員:2008/05/18(日) 02:08:01 ID:iEHEJQ34
I have a question.
"I can't use English well."
Is this phrase right?
185jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/05/18(日) 10:52:01 ID:???
Wow, it is completely opposite in the United States. People enjoy a good argument about those three subjects.
Although I find arguments about religion a little useless. How is it possible to prove one is better than the other?
>>184 Yes, it is correct. By the way. I can't use English well either.
186jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/05/18(日) 21:43:15 ID:???
おやすみ なさい
187名無し編集部員:2008/05/18(日) 21:56:50 ID:GEhKAJRn
188 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/05/18(日) 23:02:45 ID:frpDndig
I think・・・
The American confirms identity by confirming a difference.
The Japanese confirms a thing same as another person and feels relieved.
And, the Japanese thinks that all things of being defeated at one argument were defeated.
It often sees in 2ch and PINK.
Therefore there are many people becoming emotional by an argument.
189jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/05/19(月) 10:51:50 ID:???
Is one way better than the other?
190名無し編集部員:2008/05/19(月) 14:01:31 ID:N6asucgR
191jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/05/20(火) 13:03:02 ID:???
I am going to get a labler now.
192名無し編集部員:2008/05/20(火) 14:37:13 ID:gQQF19ru
Release plala to jim early.
Does jim want to be killed really by you?
193 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/05/20(火) 21:28:11 ID:ejOSf7IF
I'm sorry.
Because it doesn't have English language skill, the meaning is not
understood well.
It is detailed a little more. Please
194jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/05/21(水) 09:38:43 ID:???
>>193 I have been labeling things for my son. He is having a hard time learning to read. So every item I can put a label on is receiving a label.
195名無し編集部員:2008/05/21(水) 12:59:18 ID:UrsOnyLq
I guess he is having a big confusion between 2 languages.
196名無し編集部員:2008/05/21(水) 16:55:38 ID:sD8cF3rp
That might be true. What two languages does he speak?
197jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/05/21(水) 16:58:16 ID:???
He only speaks English. He can speak well. His reading is what needs improvement.
198名無し編集部員:2008/05/21(水) 17:12:29 ID:D7xArgoF
I don't know how old your son is,
but if he is old enough yet he can't read well,
he might be dyslexia.
199名無し編集部員:2008/05/21(水) 18:20:40 ID:z1NaAask
200名無し編集部員:2008/05/22(木) 00:46:14 ID:3Z4N1VYR
201名無し編集部員:2008/05/22(木) 02:43:20 ID:0ev9aB4M
Hi Jim-san.
I am sad.
News4vip server is down.
Does not happen frequently recently?
202名無し編集部員:2008/05/22(木) 10:09:35 ID:COQuizos
\(^o^)/ Yatta---!
Manchester United won!!
they got Europe champion!
203qb ◆qb.x27/m96 :2008/05/22(木) 22:16:37 ID:NJE+4iHU
Dear Jim-san

I am sorry I didn't write to you for so long.
About making Houkokuninn system with BSPINK.
There's something I want you to know.
I forgot your e-mail address.

204qb ◆qb.x27/m96 :2008/05/22(木) 22:18:25 ID:NJE+4iHU
205名無し編集部員:2008/05/22(木) 22:51:21 ID:dzuAqYFe
BSPINK heheheheh
Yes it is dyslexia. It can be overcome with work and time.
206jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/05/23(金) 09:17:01 ID:???
He is six years old. It is good that his school found this problem early, but there is a lot of work to get him
online with the rest of his class.
207jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/05/23(金) 09:25:31 ID:???
>>200 Brilliant showmanship! I don't think wired really gets him though. He is being humble in English, and polite in our way.
In my view he is more than an adequate human. He is a good man, with principles, and that is hard to find these days.
208jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/05/23(金) 09:26:12 ID:???
>>201 Please check here. http://mumumu.mu
209jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/05/23(金) 09:26:47 ID:???
>>202 Who is Manchester?
210jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/05/23(金) 09:28:43 ID:???
It is ok. We all get very busy with our lives.
My email is listed here.
211名無し編集部員:2008/05/23(金) 15:26:20 ID:Feun6eqa
He's a smart and humble guy no doubt about that, but being 45 goddamn minutes late is not so adequate, is it?
212名無し編集部員:2008/05/23(金) 16:38:47 ID:tn/3Ry0/
Thank you.
The information that I wanted was not found.
But, restored now.
So happy.
213202:2008/05/24(土) 05:20:19 ID:FJoJfi3V
Manchester United is  football team in England、David Beckham was grows up here.
UEFA champions league (this mean Europe champion) is biggest title in world now.
and that tournament final were at 2008.05.22. and they won!

Premier League.com - Manchester United

I love that team since 1998.
214jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/05/24(土) 12:03:01 ID:???
>>211 Yes he is always late, but he is always somewhere, and where he is, the people don't want him to leave. I think that he is often late, not because of his own doing
but because he is doing something else for someone else.
215jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/05/24(土) 12:05:07 ID:???
どう いたし まして
216jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/05/24(土) 12:05:41 ID:???
>>213 Oh, they are a soccer team. I like the Seattle Sounders.
217211:2008/05/24(土) 13:26:54 ID:+a7av5sa
That may be true, but he also said that he can't wake up in the morning. I can't tell if
that was a joke though.
If it was someone else (like the former Livedoor boss) who was 45 minutes late and
didn't apologize properly, the story would be totally different.
Especially if he (the Livedoor guy) started speaking in informal Japanese on top of
being 45 minutes late, I'd punch him in the face.
I think it's Hiroyuki's fame and charisma that allow him to get away with that.

I like him, in case you misunderstand. Have you ever met him?
218qb ◆qb.x27/m96 :2008/05/24(土) 21:56:59 ID:E10zE+X1
Dear Jim-san

Thanking you.
I got your e-mail address.
219qb ◆qb.x27/m96 :2008/05/24(土) 22:06:58 ID:E10zE+X1
Dear Jim-san

I write in this thread.
I don't use e-mail yet.
About the volunteer who is informing an ISP of the act to inconvenience in BBSPINK
The ISP is saying that the contact about the regulation corresponds only to the contact from the manager or the substitute.
The following application was done to make recognize that the contact by the volunteer with the ISP was a contact from the manager or the substitute.

I'm in a real bind, not being able to get a concrete answer from Greenday ★ ( 79 氏 )

I'd like to ask you.
This is the request to be necessary and to be indispensable absolutely for a lot of volunteers to move.
Jim - ( the manager ) say " the >>895 はいはい "
Would you mind asking her to call me back?
To continue a discussion.

220名無し編集部員:2008/05/24(土) 22:14:10 ID:aTwoeOZZ
221jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/05/25(日) 09:55:48 ID:???
>>217 Yes I have met him. He is a friend of mine. If he is late there is a reason. He may not tell you the reason, but there is a reason, and who he was with
while he was late for you was definately the reason for his being late almost always. I think so anyway....;) It definately is better to think that way then
the way you think about Livedoor guy.
222211:2008/05/25(日) 13:28:31 ID:fQDgCUrK
How did you converse with him? Does he speak English?
I don't know much about him except that he's awesome in general.
223202:2008/05/26(月) 15:01:27 ID:WSXR8KHu
oh! I did not know Suzuki Takayuki are there!

Seattle Sounders HP

I surprised Manchester United was top on them homepage.
also I surprised that homepage have Japanese and many language.
but point at Japanese flag. popup [ Irashaimasu ] this is Spelling mistake
[ Irashaimase ] is better.

USA football stadium is so good, because of American football.
Japanese football stadium is so poor.
Long distance to see, because of land track.
224名無し編集部員:2008/05/27(火) 11:39:26 ID:qnZH/DJI
Dear Jim
Hi, this is my first time to try to speak with you.
I came here to tell you how I feel about BBS PINK, and also to tell you what I want to ask.
About a year ago, I was at 'Thread SEX or Thread H and erotic conversation' accidentally.
I took a look to find out what kind of board at that time, After I saw some threads, I was truly surprised.
It was a bog shock, I mean too big shock. Because so many people there were having a fake sex via BBS PINK.
Some of them were really sucks!
I think I understand that they are just playing not-real sex which they can't have in real world such as, 'raping a little girl' or
'having sex with baby sister' whatever.......However, I've been so sad to learn that there ae so many Japanese ppl have so much fun by playing at PINK, because
most of abnormal crimes come from disugusting delusion. I don't even know other board at BBS PINK, so far Thread sex and erotic conversation is the only one I took a look there.
But, I guess, I mean, I believe the one I ttok a look is the place where help Japanese to have a nasty fantasy.
Some of them still keep exchanging email address to meet in person even though it is forbidded.
See? Maybe someday, a crime will occur because of those stupid action.
I've been tried to talk with them to stop having a wrong fantasy like raping a little girl. But what they told me to do is just tell my opinion to you.
Therefore I came here today to ask you to stop or make a change "Thread Sex and Erotic talk".
Would you close it? I believe that you are mature enough to know what's going on there and if you do, it will be so wonderful and helpful for Japanese.

Thank you
225名無し編集部員:2008/05/27(火) 13:48:56 ID:oJ6ry1MW

226名無し編集部員:2008/05/27(火) 14:58:56 ID:QpzQjl1p
Is 225 for Jim-san?
227Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/05/27(火) 15:16:57 ID:???
He speaks English well.
228Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/05/27(火) 15:17:29 ID:???
>>223 I used to go to every homegame when I was in Highschool.
Roger Davies was their star then.
229Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/05/27(火) 15:20:28 ID:???
>>224 Exchanging email addresses for the purpose of dating is against the rules. We do not allow that. The volunteers on the deletion
team work endless hours to keep it clean. That is all that can be done. Closing a thread does no good, another one will pop up instantly
and then we won't even know where the problem is until it is reported again. Actually I think 2ch has more of this type of problem
than bbspink, because bbspink is only for adults. Thank you very much for your thoughtful post though. I appreciate people that think
through a problem, and try to come up with a solution.
230Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/05/27(火) 15:21:04 ID:???
>>225 ぜんぜん わからんあい
231名無し編集部員:2008/05/27(火) 17:48:55 ID:N6RIRw8Z
Now I respect him even more!
By the way, I found an article about him on Wikipedia, and it says he was friends with
the former Livedoor boss. I wonder if they are still friends after his arrest and resignation.

Also, there was a small article about you, Jim-san. You lost your house twice in some disasters?
I don't know how to say this in English, but it is unfortunate. I hope you are doing well now.
232名無し編集部員:2008/05/27(火) 23:15:19 ID:qnZH/DJI
Thank you for quick response.
I already knew what you would say, but I had to try.
Thank you anyway.
233名無し編集部員:2008/05/27(火) 23:19:18 ID:Ssdhp3kt
234passer-by:2008/05/27(火) 23:26:54 ID:8cR5TK8P
225 said
"Comply with Japanese law"

but, I don't know what he wanted to mean.
235Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/05/28(水) 10:49:40 ID:???
He is a unique guy. I have never met the Livedoor guy.
236Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/05/28(水) 10:50:15 ID:???
>>232 Sometimes I might surprize you.
237Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/05/28(水) 10:50:57 ID:???
>>234 Perhaps I will if Japan ever takes over the world.
238Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/05/28(水) 10:52:36 ID:???
We are the knights who say NEE!
239名無し編集部員:2008/05/28(水) 16:17:33 ID:zRy+FE/8
You like Monty Python?
Is >>232 something from Monty Python?
240jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/05/29(木) 13:06:11 ID:???
はい そう です
Monty Python い です
Bring me a shrubbery!
241 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/05/31(土) 01:48:29 ID:7+n3Ga1k
Jimさん こんにちは

I inform it of the progress of the report system.
The mail setting of "Block@bbspink.com" requested coordination to 79-san.
It is waited to be set now.
The change of a local rule of the PINK regulation discussion board (PINK規制議論板) was requested to 79-san.
I wait for this to be set.
When these two points do set completion, I begin the report work to ISP.

>>177-178 is a stage working out a strategy.
If a report to an ISP is completed and calms down, I start it in earnest.

I'm sorry as information to Jim-san is occasional.
242Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/06/01(日) 09:22:50 ID:???
243Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/06/01(日) 09:24:19 ID:???
It is ok. Sumi-masen, I need to fix my fonts. Japanese is broken today on my PC.
244Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/06/01(日) 09:24:53 ID:???
I will make the Email on Monday. I don't have that server password with me, and I am not in my office.
245名無し編集部員:2008/06/03(火) 02:12:32 ID:Url/l0I/
Actually, 232 came from my ex
wwwwwwwwwwwwafter we broke up, he tried to get back with me and said >>232 when I told him there was no chance...wwwwwwwwwww
246Greenday ★:2008/06/04(水) 06:04:33 ID:???

read.cgi has been turned off on whole bbspink.
247Greenday ★:2008/06/04(水) 12:59:52 ID:???
root-san fixed it. he is a super star. :)
248名無し編集部員:2008/06/05(木) 07:57:50 ID:CBYC633I

ひろゆき ヘヴン状態!

249名無し編集部員:2008/06/05(木) 10:41:19 ID:+3M487Yl
I am Megami-holic. I need Megami-holics Anonymous.
It is necessary for me to practice 12 steps.
250名無し編集部員:2008/06/08(日) 20:55:31 ID:8RIiwMsk
I working in Akihabara. I fear happening like today's case.
251Greenday ★:2008/06/11(水) 16:43:45 ID:???
Hello- Jim-san, We love you!!! (^-^)
252MIRV ◆jxAYUMI09s :2008/06/11(水) 17:47:02 ID:UpEvVzlr
Hi Jim,
Please call to Ryan@PIE ASAP.
253 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/06/11(水) 21:24:22 ID:nNLQ8jCF
Jimさん こんにちは

I inform it of the progress of the report system.
79-san changed a local rule of PINK regulation discussion board (PINK規制議論板).
The report of "Info at bbspink.com" and "Jim at bbspink.com" began for the time being.
The reply from ISP has come.
There is a quite difficult thing, too.
It consults by the thread while worrying.
254qb:2008/06/13(金) 00:09:02 ID:hNQvJPYA
Dear Jim-san

『To Jim The request about report system by @qb』
I sent e-mail by the title.
It is waiting for the reply.

255Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/06/13(金) 17:57:44 ID:???
>>251 I love you too!
256Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/06/13(金) 17:58:10 ID:???
Is it ok Mirv?
257Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/06/13(金) 17:59:02 ID:???
>>253 konichiha
otsu desushita ERO-san.
Sorry I have not been able to post lately. Back on track now.
258Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/06/13(金) 17:59:57 ID:???
>>254 I didn't get it.
259Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/06/13(金) 18:00:13 ID:???
260Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/06/13(金) 18:00:43 ID:???
I am getting the ISP info emails cc to me though. It is working very well I think. They are responding.
261Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/06/13(金) 18:29:35 ID:???
262Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/06/13(金) 18:57:16 ID:???
てすと テスト
263Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/06/13(金) 18:58:11 ID:???
すごい 日本語 フォンツ 
264Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/06/14(土) 13:32:04 ID:???
265 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/06/14(土) 14:27:51 ID:MBIZ+Js4
me too!!
266 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/06/14(土) 14:32:33 ID:MBIZ+Js4
It is regretted that I am not good at English.
Hereafter, I will study English to talk with Jim-san.
267Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/06/14(土) 23:35:14 ID:???
I hope things are going to be ok soon.
268Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/06/15(日) 08:38:38 ID:???
269Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/06/15(日) 22:50:11 ID:???
おやすみ なさい
また あした
270 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/06/15(日) 23:05:41 ID:khYyzphF
271qb:2008/06/16(月) 00:40:10 ID:gGtvaEfU
Dear Jim-san

It sends e-mail again if supposing that my e-mail didn't reach.
272jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/06/16(月) 14:38:41 ID:???
email おくった です
273qb:2008/06/16(月) 22:16:55 ID:dpLLz34C
Dear Jim-san

I answered.
I hope it tastes good.
This tastes like lemon.

274Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/06/16(月) 23:21:23 ID:???
I answered. I hope it will be sweeter than wine someday.
275qb:2008/06/17(火) 03:53:56 ID:vuY3gAXy
Dear Jim-san

I answered.

276jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/06/17(火) 13:46:29 ID:???
I can't access my mail computer right now. I will see it later today.
Maybe we can discuss this here. WE don't send passwords or anything
on the thread, but we can discuss this publicly. I think that is better.
Sometimes mail is not good, because people think we are trying to do something
277qb:2008/06/18(水) 02:04:18 ID:0jnlKu4R
Dear Jim-san

I answered.
『To Jim by @qb』
I tell this thread to you.
I tell these thread to you secretly to you.
This is the place where there are Fox and Mumumu tonight.
I am seeing another place tonight.

This place.
This is the best.

278Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/06/18(水) 10:16:34 ID:???
Hi QB I tried to post that secret thread but I couldn't.
279qb:2008/06/18(水) 12:48:20 ID:r4yT4iIw
Dear Jim-san

I answered.
『To Jim by @qb携帯電話』



その後 qb
280Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/06/18(水) 21:51:40 ID:???
この もんだい どして もとけない んです
どやれば いいか おしえて ください

きみ の こと もっと しりたい
Your writing in English and Japanese is so deep. You are a riddle and a mystery.
You must be so cool!

すべてが しゅみ とでいかつ です
281 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/06/22(日) 18:40:05 ID:3Chh5aDe
Dear Jim-san

It is a report and the request of the report system.
I am sending the report to ISP.
The reply from the ISP comes, too.
We are making the release system by the thread.

I am embarrassed because of the work of Regulation Information.
So as not to make a mistake, I am doing close attention.
However, I have made a mistake.
Because it is official information, I want to delete the mistake.
It is not possible to delete it by the deletion guideline though the
deletion was requested.
It is possible to correspond by being able to get the manager Jim-san

Your friend ◆EROyVmNwwM


☆ 誰かにお願い PINKちゃんねる版 ☆
282ごんた君 ◆GON/ALLUDE :2008/06/27(金) 06:24:34 ID:8IlP7BMn
283jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/06/27(金) 17:03:25 ID:???
Sorry I have been blocked for a while. I will be back in my office soon, then I will talk more.
qb, please talk fox on the threads, I have talked to him, and he needs to have his memory refreshed.
He says so many people online, he does not remember all of them.
284Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/06/28(土) 08:12:02 ID:???
285 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/06/28(土) 09:45:36 ID:kI5AwV4Y
Dear Jim-san

It is asking with the report system and the release system.

I want to add ◆SEVEN/xSuE-san to the addressee of "block at bbspink.com.".
I would like ◆SEVEN/xSuE-san to become a member of Release Approval Board.
All members read e-mails from ISP, check their response to our reports,
and consider whether BBSPINK should release the regulation on them.

Please approve the above.
If it is approved, I will request 79-san to coordinate the needed
e-mail account setting.

Your friend ◆EROyVmNwwM

286Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/06/29(日) 10:45:01 ID:???
はいはい I approve this.

Please coordinate directly with 79-san. 79 is final authority under me, if I am not available to say はいはい
287名無し編集部員:2008/06/29(日) 11:43:06 ID:skHFPq+U

↓Message from qb -- anonymous translator

And, we would be alright if we move on to the right direction to establish a system not that depends on someone for running,
but that never become dysfunctional without someone.

To consider a system that can stay on running even if I would disappear from where I am,
that would be the best and tasty... That's what I believe.
288 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/06/29(日) 16:44:42 ID:VjJIZmET
Thank you very much.
I understood everything.

Please examine >>281.
289 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/06/29(日) 16:45:09 ID:VjJIZmET
290Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/06/30(月) 08:53:00 ID:???
Volunteer system is anonymous. If there is something perso.nal in that post. It should be deleted. I am sick now, and have no energy to even translate that. I am sorry.
Please talk to Greenday-san
291Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/06/30(月) 08:54:27 ID:???
I like your translator. "best and tasty"
sounds very good. Any system we make must be able to work together with current systems.
We can not "rock the boat" Lets not be the nail that sticks up.
292 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/06/30(月) 21:57:16 ID:PbLScXHe
I consented.
I talk to Greenday-san.

Is Jim-san a cold?
Please take a rest slowly.
293Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/07/01(火) 14:01:31 ID:???
>>292 I am having some kind of intestine trouble. For the last couple days. If I am still sick tomorrow, then I will go to the doctor.
294名無し編集部員:2008/07/01(火) 14:06:54 ID:dzjvYsYg
a i u e o !
295Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/07/01(火) 14:33:57 ID:???
The English way is like this.
a e i o u
296名無し編集部員:2008/07/02(水) 07:21:08 ID:BduzSbGO

Someone is talking about volunteer's responsibility, and possibility that volunteer will be sued.
He would like to know the truth, I think.
Could you please answer to him?

297Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/07/03(木) 12:26:13 ID:???
ども ありがとう おくった どこ です
298名無し:2008/07/05(土) 18:16:58 ID:noU2ds9p
You Tubeの女子トイレ盗撮映像




299名無し編集部員:2008/07/06(日) 01:26:18 ID:4R3kYtcA
300名無し編集部員:2008/07/06(日) 07:52:24 ID:9Ud7YUne
Hi Jim-san
Has your physical condition improved?
301名無し編集部員:2008/07/08(火) 06:59:41 ID:X38H53EH
Jim, ねぇ Jim. Do you have your one weight of several kilos?
302qb:2008/07/08(火) 23:07:06 ID:mkjd8uMt
Dear Jim-san

I answered.
『To Jim by @qb』

I'm ready to answer the questions.
She's a very cheerful [lively] person.
Just as I had expected, he turned down my request for assistance.
I'd like to ask you to do something for me.
ERO doesn't have much of a worried appearance.

Even though it was written in a childish manner, I was touched when I read this story.
I can finally speak a little English.
We went off on a tangent but let's get back to the main topic.

I called a waiter and ordered coffee.
303Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/07/09(水) 00:37:54 ID:???
I got a little sick after Typhoon Frank, but now I am feeling fine. My backlog of work has grown though....:(
304Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/07/09(水) 00:39:02 ID:???
I am 100 KG. My short term goal is to lose 10 more KG.
But really I want to lose 20 more. I don't know if that is possible though.
305Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/07/09(水) 00:40:07 ID:???
Morning coffee is good. Thank you for translating that.
306名無し編集部員:2008/07/09(水) 01:55:16 ID:BodDGU9J
Hallo Jim-san.

Is it true though it was heard that Mr. Jim planned to set up the
Anal board?
I love woman's Anal.
I want you to make it.
307Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/07/09(水) 17:14:53 ID:???
>>306 There was a lot of complaints about that suggestion. I think we should have a board for wet type things. Watersports, ぶっかけ enema etc. These have a lot to do with anal, and could have
threads about it on that board.
308名無し編集部員:2008/07/09(水) 17:46:07 ID:3ZnSAQ4w
309Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/07/09(水) 17:47:16 ID:???
310 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/07/10(木) 19:57:42 ID:fzfTYF+N
Dear Jim-san

It is asking with the report system and the release system.

The mail of "block at bbspink.com" was set to 79-san.
Thank you.
I report to ISP well, and am getting the reply.
There is a matter to which I want to release the restriction.
Therefore, the release examination was started.
I think that there is asking in Jim-san.
Please examine it at that time.

Please forgive my poor English.

Your friend ◆EROyVmNwwM

311Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/07/10(木) 20:08:06 ID:???
I have many emails, and have not translated the Japanese yet. Unless it seems to come as a private email to me.
The ISP emails are all cc so I am hoping that they are read by you and 79-san.
If it is one that needs my attention. Please put the subject line here. So I can translate it.
"Sic itur ad astra" - Virgil
312 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/07/10(木) 20:23:15 ID:fzfTYF+N
I consented.
I think that the translation is needless now.
I will ask Jim-san if the translation is needed.

"Sic itur ad astra" I was impressed because it was wonderful.
313 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/07/10(木) 20:34:23 ID:fzfTYF+N

"Sic itur ad astra" かくして人は星に到る
314Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/07/10(木) 20:45:22 ID:???
315Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/07/10(木) 20:47:31 ID:???
おやすみ なさい
316名無し編集部員:2008/07/10(木) 20:50:43 ID:riI/ZwsP
317削除屋佐藤K ★:2008/07/11(金) 17:06:11 ID:???
318フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim. :2008/07/13(日) 10:22:06 ID:+X4TQVYl



319名無し編集部員:2008/07/13(日) 11:05:59 ID:/s6TppsX

320フェルム君(携帯):2008/07/13(日) 12:09:49 ID:hZ7aWH0r
321名無し編集部員:2008/07/13(日) 12:16:25 ID:/s6TppsX

322フェルム君(携帯):2008/07/13(日) 12:41:34 ID:hZ7aWH0r
323 ◆79EROOYuCc :2008/07/13(日) 12:45:33 ID:kUHWienV
324名無し編集部員:2008/07/13(日) 12:46:20 ID:edlf3sWs
325フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim. :2008/07/13(日) 13:12:26 ID:+X4TQVYl

326 ◆79EROOYuCc :2008/07/13(日) 13:13:54 ID:kUHWienV

327名無し編集部員:2008/07/13(日) 13:19:15 ID:bkIwiGpc

328フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim. :2008/07/13(日) 13:21:15 ID:+X4TQVYl
329名無し編集部員:2008/07/13(日) 13:22:39 ID:bkIwiGpc
330フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim. :2008/07/13(日) 13:23:48 ID:+X4TQVYl

331フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim. :2008/07/13(日) 13:25:31 ID:+X4TQVYl
332名無し編集部員:2008/07/13(日) 13:28:01 ID:bkIwiGpc
333 ◆79EROOYuCc :2008/07/13(日) 13:32:47 ID:kUHWienV
334フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim. :2008/07/13(日) 13:32:55 ID:+X4TQVYl

335フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim. :2008/07/13(日) 13:36:31 ID:+X4TQVYl
336 ◆79EROOYuCc :2008/07/13(日) 13:37:43 ID:kUHWienV
337名無し編集部員:2008/07/13(日) 13:38:00 ID:bkIwiGpc

338フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim. :2008/07/13(日) 13:40:54 ID:+X4TQVYl

339名無し編集部員:2008/07/13(日) 13:43:46 ID:bkIwiGpc

340 ◆79EROOYuCc :2008/07/13(日) 13:44:26 ID:kUHWienV
341名無し編集部員:2008/07/13(日) 13:45:00 ID:bkIwiGpc
342フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim. :2008/07/13(日) 13:45:49 ID:+X4TQVYl

343 ◆79EROOYuCc :2008/07/13(日) 13:47:24 ID:kUHWienV
>>340 は、一般的な話です。
344名無し編集部員:2008/07/13(日) 13:54:33 ID:bkIwiGpc

345 ◆79EROOYuCc :2008/07/13(日) 13:55:46 ID:kUHWienV
346名無し編集部員:2008/07/13(日) 13:56:25 ID:bkIwiGpc
347フェルム君(携帯):2008/07/13(日) 14:28:26 ID:hZ7aWH0r

348名無し編集部員:2008/07/13(日) 15:18:09 ID:1/tgJsEj
Dear Jim-san

There is a man of violent temper doing a stoker on a bulletin board with pinkbbs.
Can you prohibit the person from access?
I understand the IP host information of the criminal.
349 ◆79EROOYuCc :2008/07/13(日) 16:53:40 ID:kUHWienV
350フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim. :2008/07/13(日) 20:19:50 ID:/l9T304p



351 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/07/13(日) 20:58:24 ID:2SduAyEG
Felm-san must read this thread well by using the translation tool etc.
Please understand how Jim-san corresponds to the demand.
The mistake of what you feel is sure to be noticed.

352フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim. :2008/07/13(日) 21:00:50 ID:/l9T304p

353フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim. :2008/07/13(日) 21:12:42 ID:/l9T304p


354 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/07/13(日) 21:27:51 ID:2SduAyEG
He is writing by >>352.
Why is not the Jim-san thread crowded?
Why does the demand concentrate on 79-san.?

There is no problem if Jim-san insists, "If English cannot be spoken, it is not
possible to become a volunteer".
PINK is a thing of Jim-san.
I think that I should want to do Jim-san.

I am not very good at English.
It is writing here with a translation tool in poor English.
However, I report and will talk to Jim-san as much as possible.
Other people's things are not understood.


If the translation tool is used if it is this level, it is possible
to do easily.
You should make an effort a little more.
355フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim. :2008/07/13(日) 21:40:11 ID:/l9T304p


356名無し編集部員:2008/07/13(日) 21:45:29 ID:3QIj6YzX
357フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim. :2008/07/13(日) 21:45:31 ID:/l9T304p


358名無し編集部員:2008/07/13(日) 21:48:35 ID:A7UqU4Ne
359名無し編集部員:2008/07/13(日) 21:50:55 ID:439SIr3v

360フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim. :2008/07/13(日) 21:57:25 ID:/l9T304p

We always discuss with 79-san by such feeling (>>318-357).
Jim, do you want to join this discussion really?
361 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/07/13(日) 22:02:05 ID:2SduAyEG
He is writing by >>355.
Though it is understood

Only the story of the person who tries to speak in English can know Jim-san.
And, is it good?

Most of PINK is Japanese.
The number of volunteers will decrease if English is indispensable.
You must do if you think.
It is a rule that man who started to say begins to do.

362フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim. :2008/07/13(日) 22:03:41 ID:/l9T304p

363 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/07/13(日) 22:27:20 ID:2SduAyEG
May I translate it?
I worry about the anger of Jim-san.

364フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim. :2008/07/13(日) 22:33:33 ID:/l9T304p

Frankly speaking, Jim.
Communications in English with you are very painful for me.
I want to communication in Japanese with you, Jim.
365フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim. :2008/07/13(日) 22:40:24 ID:/l9T304p

I sincerely want to communicate with you in Japanese, Jim.
366Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/07/13(日) 22:42:58 ID:???
I won't be angry, I just need to translate it. I need a little help
367フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim. :2008/07/13(日) 22:47:42 ID:/l9T304p
368名無し編集部員:2008/07/13(日) 22:50:41 ID:vPGX69Vg
Are it and what do you say driving out by yourself?
369フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim. :2008/07/13(日) 22:51:57 ID:/l9T304p
370 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/07/13(日) 22:53:04 ID:2SduAyEG
When you become English, you become mellow.(笑)
As for my feeling, the meaning was different more.

I do not like to speak with Jim-san so much.
(annotation:It might be hate.)
It is writing because it is reluctant.
I thought this.

371名無し編集部員:2008/07/13(日) 22:53:12 ID:vPGX69Vg

Law of starting to say
372 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/07/13(日) 22:53:38 ID:2SduAyEG
373名無し編集部員:2008/07/13(日) 22:54:44 ID:vPGX69Vg
374フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim. :2008/07/13(日) 23:01:27 ID:/l9T304p


Jim, it is impossible to translate Japanese completely in English.
Japanese can be understood only by Japanese.
375Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/07/13(日) 23:02:06 ID:???
日本じん 大丈夫 です
376Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/07/13(日) 23:03:43 ID:???
How do you translate "arrogant"?
377Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/07/13(日) 23:05:00 ID:???
how do you translate "condescend"?
378Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/07/13(日) 23:06:37 ID:???
Those are two things I try to avoid. I recommend that to everyone.
379フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim. :2008/07/13(日) 23:06:43 ID:/l9T304p

in Japanese

380名無し編集部員:2008/07/13(日) 23:07:23 ID:vPGX69Vg
For the time beingThe objection of the line of vision from on is ..

It knows in TPO because it is not a hungry demon and.
381フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim. :2008/07/13(日) 23:09:52 ID:/l9T304p

Thank you, Jim.
Long goodbye.
382Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/07/13(日) 23:11:51 ID:???
いって りしゃい
383Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/07/13(日) 23:12:17 ID:???
どう いたし まして
384名無し編集部員:2008/07/13(日) 23:32:11 ID:vPGX69Vg


It twines and I will return , here.
Is Jim a person in charge and are all round throw in Jim when embarrassing it because
it gives it as for the responsibility?

It is not a joke.
It is done that it went to Nin Jim of "(゚Д゚) ..it is.. Gola that doesn't
joke" surely once, and changes the practitioner and the target. The
volunteer cannot do at ease this.
385 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/07/13(日) 23:37:28 ID:2SduAyEG
I am interested in the insistence on ◆P2CH/FDim-san a little.
There is a language barrier between the volunteer and Jim-san.
There is 79- san between those.
However, she also has a speculation different from Jim-san.
And, she seems not to like thing about which it consults with Jim-san so much.

I have been perplexed to her behavior about the release system.
I hope for the thing that Jim-san talks with 79-sam a little more.
386 ◆79EROOYuCc :2008/07/14(月) 00:38:49 ID:T1+HYjSc
387 ◆79EROOYuCc :2008/07/14(月) 00:42:51 ID:woIXop35

388348 :2008/07/14(月) 00:53:24 ID:Mcm+7gqK
Please Teach me it about >>348
389 ◆79EROOYuCc :2008/07/14(月) 00:53:59 ID:woIXop35
390陀 ◆SEVEN/xSuE :2008/07/14(月) 01:01:39 ID:iBiUnh7y



391 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/07/14(月) 01:05:57 ID:NiiMC23M

392348 :2008/07/14(月) 01:44:25 ID:Mcm+7gqK
393Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/07/14(月) 15:03:15 ID:???
はい そう です
かんぺき です
394Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/07/14(月) 15:13:26 ID:???

395名無し編集部員:2008/07/14(月) 16:24:01 ID:Gd51l7gU
Here is a thread about which it talks in English with Jim-san.
I do not like this atmosphere.
It is very hot summer.
In the thread, let's enjoy talking cool.
396Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/07/14(月) 17:35:43 ID:???
:) ども ありがとう

Let's talk with Jim-san , who is the manager of bbspink.com.
If you can write your questions or some other things in English,
please write them in English.

Thank you for your insight. I hope it cools off soon. Hot weather, makes hot tempers..
397名無し編集部員:2008/07/14(月) 22:01:14 ID:jU3+Ze+B
How are you Jim-san?
398 ◆79EROOYuCc @Greenday ★:2008/07/15(火) 06:15:48 ID:???
Hi, Jim-san how are you.
399 ◆79EROOYuCc @Greenday ★:2008/07/15(火) 06:17:39 ID:???
we heve discussed the following issue.
let us know your ideas or opinions, we need your acceptance.

Jim is primarily responsible for PINK CHANNEL

SEVEN is receiving block at bbspink.com emails.
And he also makes decisions about if it is no problem to release that ISP regulation.
The reason SEVEN also makes decisions is that if multiple persons do, it will be more fair, neutral.

EROVAAM re-reports those regulations on the following board. http://venus.bbspink.com/ccc/

Also he reports to those ISPs by emails.
EROVAAM is under Jim's direct control.
If SEVEN makes different decisions, 79@Greenday guarantees his decisions.
Still, Jim is primarily responsible for 79's guarantees.
400Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/07/15(火) 11:24:35 ID:???
げんき です
401Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/07/15(火) 11:25:33 ID:???
This sounds like a good plan to follow.
If there are problems, we can adjust it in the future.
おねがい します。
402 ◆79EROOYuCc @Greenday ★:2008/07/15(火) 13:25:06 ID:???
Thank you, Jiim-san :)
403 ◆79EROOYuCc @Greenday ★:2008/07/16(水) 06:49:37 ID:???
Good morning. How are you?
404 ◆79EROOYuCc @Greenday ★:2008/07/16(水) 06:57:56 ID:???
Idol servers archive logs are not in meme.bbspink.com (Seiuchi-san) yet.

There are 2 troubles now because of that.

1) People can not read those logs.
2) There are severals of wrong postings, which are obviously violations of the guide-line, and I can not delete them.

So I wish if you can ask somebody on the following thread, if somebody can store them correctly in "Seuichi-san".

■ サーバリフレッシュ工事2007-2008 【pink】 part3
405Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/07/16(水) 17:30:16 ID:???
Wow, what an interesting post number when talking about missing files. 404 is file missing error on apache webserver.
Maybe it is fate?
They are backed up, but they are not on Seiuchi-san, because I am scared to touch Seiuchi-san. I think that we need
a master like Mumumu-san to touch that.
406 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/07/16(水) 19:32:22 ID:my6cVXYz
I think...

Mumumu-san is neither a staff of PINK nor a volunteer.
Mumumu-san will not work if there is no ask from PINK.
I think that "Seuichi-san" works no one if Jim-san doesn't ask it.
Mastering like Mumumu-san will appear if Jim-san writes in the thread.

407名無し編集部員:2008/07/16(水) 23:16:13 ID:lcG2MKuP
Mr. jim hello.
↓ Do you know?

328 名前: ◆79EROOYuCc [sage] 投稿日:2007/12/06(木) 14:56:12 ID:q04CFK3u
It seemed not to have been able to stop keeping shouting it today.
Because it was also tired to have already explained what it is
Becomes silent, does the driving abandonment suddenly at the cod and
the expressway exit, opens the door, and has gone out.

Pocarn of me (゚Д゚)
Driver (゚Д゚) of surrounding car and Pocarn

It moved from the passenger's seat to the driver's seat panicking and it drove
for myself.

Please do not assume two another degrees than apologizing later.
408 ◆79EROOYuCc @Greenday ★:2008/07/17(木) 05:05:45 ID:???
>>405 Hi, Jim-san. How are you today.

Let's talk about inviting another engineer next time.
This time, I would like to ask someone who can do that now, like mumumu-san or redbrick.


1/ a lot of peopele want to read those logs on idol server (banana 3222)
2/ several of wrong postings on idol should be deleted asap.
409名無し編集部員:2008/07/17(木) 05:15:07 ID:0MJS1D2K
いつも どうも ありがとう ございます。

I would like to read idol server contets by ●.
Plz your kind disision.

410名無し編集部員:2008/07/17(木) 05:56:30 ID:RtIXx9g+
I think that you had better give a delater ● gratis.
It is because the volunteers of the deletion can watch past log as reference to delete it.
411anal the brave @idol fun:2008/07/17(木) 10:21:21 ID:RLTmxJoS
412 ◆PNvzHENtAI :2008/07/17(木) 16:35:06 ID:DqhbYHwq
I asked for help.
In a thread about banana3000 and banana3001(Seiuchi) of 2ch.
Because I took advice in Mumumu-san, I wish Jim reads.

413EVILtranslator ★:2008/07/18(金) 05:48:08 ID:???
414EVILtranslator ★:2008/07/18(金) 05:49:12 ID:???
ok. it works.

Hi Jim.

I read Mumumu's Japanese posting,

and re-traslated.

He wants to say,


I think you can ask somebody to store/save idol's image in banana3001.
That somebody,who can do that operation, has already done that for pie, idol, sakura0[1-3] in banana3001,
and now pie&sakura0[1-3] work well.

So next step, we are waiting for Jim-san to order "Store/save the image of idol.bbspink.com with 2ch settings and tunings." on your thread in public.

When that somebody needs your confirmation, we expect you to say"ai ai"
I believe "that somebody" will do it sooner or later.

I've learned the method from Hiroyuki.
He calls it "Spontaneous cure".

I think there are two important points.

1) Every process should be in public, at bbspink thread.
2) "The shortest way round is the longest way home." Let's do that step by step together!
415EVILtranslator ★:2008/07/18(金) 05:57:32 ID:???


1) Every process should be in public,
might be better,
416Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/07/18(金) 10:44:20 ID:???
Thank you for your advice. I have sent email. I will also ask for his help.
417Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/07/18(金) 10:45:29 ID:???
That is true, and it is past.
I think that everyone loses their temper sometimes. Me included.
418Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/07/18(金) 10:46:08 ID:???
わたしは げんき です
419Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/07/18(金) 10:46:44 ID:???
I will ask for a spontaneous cure.
420Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/07/18(金) 10:47:34 ID:???
ぜん ぜん わからない
421Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/07/18(金) 10:49:22 ID:???
I like the Dixie Chicks.
They made a nice remix of the song Landslide. They actually improved Stevie Nicks version,
and that is hard to do. Stevie Nicks is a 女神。
422Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/07/18(金) 10:51:30 ID:???
Thank you. I have read Evil translator-san's version.
423Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/07/18(金) 10:53:46 ID:???
424Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/07/18(金) 11:23:26 ID:???
My email to Mumumu-san

Dear Mumumu-san,

I don't have the password for the accounts that were moved. I don't
want to have the guys at PIE touch the Seiuchi-san.

Would you please give me the passwords for
and all the other accounts on that NAS?
We have important deletion work, that has to be done.

Your friend,

425名無し編集部員:2008/07/18(金) 11:26:19 ID:A/4oV67C
426 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/07/18(金) 12:15:54 ID:H+iUC0+N
Thank you.
I wish to express my gratitude.
427名無し編集部員:2008/07/18(金) 18:01:26 ID:gQUeTi6f
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄∨ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
          ( ´Д⊂ヽ
          ⊂    ノ
           人  Y
          し (_)
428名無し編集部員:2008/07/18(金) 19:04:37 ID:/Ic857FZ
I want YAJIUMASAN of PINK規制議論板.
429Greenday ★:2008/07/19(土) 07:05:35 ID:???
Hi good morning, how are you?
thank you for your reply, I got your email

Mumumu-san says that he, too, has responded.
Hope you are having a good weekend, and hope you will check your email on Monday :)
430名無し編集部員:2008/07/20(日) 01:58:02 ID:FAWK3LZu
431名無し編集部員:2008/07/20(日) 10:15:45 ID:ePqlWg3/
432名無し編集部員:2008/07/21(月) 00:35:24 ID:B46rYCmW

433Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/07/22(火) 08:52:01 ID:???
どう いたし まして
434Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/07/22(火) 08:52:27 ID:???
You want me to do something to your teeth?
435Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/07/22(火) 08:53:00 ID:???
436Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/07/22(火) 08:53:30 ID:???
I did not get the reply, maybe it is somewhere inside bbspink?
437Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/07/22(火) 08:56:56 ID:???
438名無し編集部員:2008/07/22(火) 14:22:54 ID:sXahZ+2x
Jim-san, thank you very much!!!
439Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/07/23(水) 08:06:46 ID:???
どう いたし まして
440Greenday ★:2008/07/24(木) 04:21:01 ID:???
Hi, Jim-san, how are you? Good morning!

Mumumu-san is calling you!

花子 ★の秘密の花園

http://qb5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/operate/1211962556/276-298 ( Japanese )

http://qb5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/operate/1211962556/295-297 ( traslation )
441Greenday ★:2008/07/24(木) 04:21:54 ID:???
442Greenday ★:2008/07/25(金) 07:29:34 ID:???
Good morning!!! how are you today
443Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/07/25(金) 14:51:02 ID:???
>>442 こんばんは Greenday-さん
わたしは 元気です
444Greenday ★:2008/07/25(金) 14:57:38 ID:???
こんにちは、Jimさん 私はスケベです。いいえ、元気です。


I am going to translate tomorrow, it was really a long day for me today.
finally getting relaxed and having dinner now
445Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/07/25(金) 15:03:58 ID:???
>>444 いって だけます
446Greenday ★:2008/07/25(金) 15:19:33 ID:???
there you go
all yours.
447気まぐれピンク翻訳者:2008/07/25(金) 15:28:03 ID:tXwP8L6r
Letter to Jim-san from Mumumu-san.

花子 ★の秘密の花園

http://qb5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/operate/1211962556/312-313 ( Japanese )

http://qb5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/operate/1211962556/317-318 ( traslation )
448名無し編集部員:2008/07/27(日) 07:47:16 ID:090WBbkR
381 名前: ◆79EROOYuCc [sage] 投稿日: 2008/07/27(日) 01:52:53 ID:3FAn3B4e0
79 is ..my dependence interpretation.. .."... " because it does
everything ..a silence and doing... It .... becomes silent, and it
does so. 。。
449 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/07/27(日) 11:43:44 ID:pjZgT9t7
I am Japanese, and it is not good at English.
Jim-san is an American.
Most of the volunteer and the user of the PINK channel is Japanese.
A lot of people are worried by communications in English.
花子 ★の秘密の花園

The thread was made for the problem solving.
I hope Jim-san participates in the thread.

450Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/07/27(日) 21:56:24 ID:???
Don't worry about communicating in Japanese. I read it, slowly, and also I translate it.
451 ◆MUMUMUhnYI :2008/07/27(日) 23:59:24 ID:89o1IZc8 BE:5837388-DIA(100513)

79-san wrote at 2ch thread for replying to me today, and in this article,
you were very angry at my past writing because my English was so rude.

If so, I'm very sorry about that.
As you know, my English is still poor and still elementary level.

Of course, I don't intend to anger you.
I simply want to solve the technical problem.

And Jim-san, I have a question.
I believe that we are still "Tomodachi".
Is it true? I was worried about it when I read 79-san's writings.

Mochiron, I believe you are my friend, and
I strongly hope I am your friend.

-- Mumumu.
452 ◆APFKcKFi7U :2008/07/28(月) 01:24:28 ID:v+zHbSm9
Hi, Jim-san.

It's 主催 ◆APFKcKFi7U from 全板 tournament.
Sorry, I couldn't keep in touch lately.

3rd 全板 tournament came to end on 7/26.
The champion was ネトゲ実況, while モ娘(狼)came in second place
followed by 自作PC in the third.

From BBSPINK, 半角文字列 and 半角二次元 came to block finals(best 24 boards).
Other BBSPINK boards showed it's pride and charm by many kind of ways too.
Funny, interesting, and えっち ways.

I'd like to thank you for approving 全板トーナメント,
As a member of 全板トーナメント and a user of BBSPINK.
453Greenday ★:2008/07/28(月) 02:12:32 ID:???
Hi, Jim-san. How are you?

I believe that Mumumu-san, Redbirck, Hiroyuki, and lots of anonymous people are all your friends.
We all love you.

Just sometimes we are having some communication troubles,
It happens because of verbal or non-verbal level
*I sometimes get upset as much as you, as often as you.

Maybe "my way of thinking is different from someone(s)", but still I love 2ch/bbspink.
454Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/07/28(月) 02:56:26 ID:???
Of course I am your friend. I am very happy to see you, and spend time with you. Sometimes your writing is rude,
but I know that is because of translation problems. Don't worry about it. Lets be happy.
455Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/07/28(月) 02:58:21 ID:???
大丈夫 です。。。。:)
Do we eat Tongue cats now?
Welcome back
456Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/07/28(月) 02:59:47 ID:???
あいしたる たくさん です Everyone too.
457Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/07/28(月) 03:01:39 ID:???
I need to go back to sleep now though. I just woke up to piss, and saw these posts. I had to reply quickly.
Please understand guys. I care about you all so very much. Just communication is a problem sometimes.
The people I have met face to face confirm for me the sincerity of all of you. I can see it in the eyes, and feel
it in the hearts.
458 ◆DQN/9/VVV. :2008/07/28(月) 03:15:07 ID:ns5ffeDw
( ゚∀゚)∩ おっす!! Am I Jim-san's Tomodachi, too?
459名無し編集部員:2008/07/28(月) 03:24:19 ID:Qht3EJqX
This is 458'sComment Support.

おっす=It meen 'Hi, or 'Hey,in Japanese.
460 ◆MUMUMUhnYI :2008/07/28(月) 07:47:08 ID:DDjNrGuy BE:6566898-DIA(100513)
Jim-san, thank you. I felt relieved.
461 ◆MUMUMUhnYI :2008/07/28(月) 07:48:00 ID:DDjNrGuy BE:1641492-DIA(100513)
And let's be happy together.
462Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/07/28(月) 16:58:17 ID:???
Beep, time to pet, or feed? hehehehe
I hope we are friends ◆DQN/9/VVV.
463Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/07/28(月) 16:59:16 ID:???
464Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/07/28(月) 17:00:10 ID:???
はい そう です いいです おねがい します
465 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/07/28(月) 21:16:47 ID:xM5gRLBM
Thank you for writing during a Jim-san true night.
I was terribly relieved.

I want to study English more for Jim-san and better communications.
However, please endure my poor English for the time being.
466 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/07/28(月) 21:36:27 ID:xM5gRLBM
This is a report of the release system and the report system.

My report is few sometimes. I'm sorry.
I am busy and tired in a real society.
Therefore, the PINK volunteer has stagnated a little.

I am reporting to ISP.
The answer is gotten.

I come to be going to ask for the release system in a few days.(maybe or I hope)
467名無し編集部員:2008/07/28(月) 23:12:33 ID:ns5ffeDw
  _      Beep? Was Memry broken?
( ゚∀゚)∩   Of course !! We are friends !!
468↑ ◆DQN/9/VVV. :2008/07/28(月) 23:15:01 ID:ns5ffeDw
( ゚A゚)∩ Ooops!! >>467 was my post.
469Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/07/29(火) 11:06:04 ID:???
470Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/07/29(火) 11:08:45 ID:???
はい そう です 元気 ですか?
471Greenday ★:2008/07/29(火) 11:22:56 ID:???
Hi, Jim-san!

How are you feeling today?
must be busy to take care of lots of stuffs, also enjoy your days :)
472jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/08/02(土) 14:23:02 ID:???
Wow, I have finally been able to connect to this thread. I am currently in Shanghai, and connected through my desktop in Manila, and from there to my Desktop in San Francisco.
This is an exciting trip.
>>471 Hi Greenday-chan. I hope you are well too.
My friends and I spent 2 days in Guilin. It is beautiful there. We took a boat up the Li river and saw some beautiful sites. Grotesque mountains and friendly villagers.
We also took a trip to Shangrila. It is a nice place full of minority Chinese that worship cow skulls and dance with drumbs. Pretty smiling girls in leopard skins greet
you after each turn in the river. Dancing smiling and winking. Inviting you to jump off the boat and spend your days
These are some pictures from Shangrila and the Li River.
473名無し編集部員:2008/08/02(土) 14:48:42 ID:GiteDmbV
ジムさん かこいい
474Greenday ★:2008/08/02(土) 15:19:59 ID:???

sounds like you are having fun, which is great :)
475マリー☆ ◆8lJ5SSpXXg :2008/08/04(月) 13:09:22 ID:h6Z9HCB2

i'm so sleeping , i'm so sheep , BUT , i'm so much makING love with U. wwwwwwwwwwww

「「「「「「YOU MUST SAY , I LOVE GAY PORN !!!」」」」」」


476マリー☆ ◆8lJ5SSpXXg :2008/08/04(月) 13:30:55 ID:h6Z9HCB2
えびたま えびたま


「えびたま やなぁ。」


477Greenday ★:2008/08/04(月) 15:57:31 ID:???
honestly, i am not interested in gay porn.gay porn.gay porn.gay porn.gay porn.gay porn.gay porn.gay porn AT ALL.
but probably it means something, i guess i exactly undersatand what it means. hohoho-
478マリー☆ ◆8lJ5SSpXXg :2008/08/04(月) 20:36:05 ID:h6Z9HCB2

i know . you are correct. ohoho-.


ねばごな ねばごな。

「ねばごな やでぇ。」


479jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/08/05(火) 19:59:41 ID:???
I am sorry, it is very difficult to connect now. I will talk more later after I have finished this trip.
Gay Porn Porn Gay Gay Porn Porn Gay.
We have two boards for you.

Here are some more pictures from my adventure.
My oldest Son.
480名無し編集部員:2008/08/05(火) 21:01:01 ID:i0Fqte8c
The swindle Web site is in Banana server.
Some VIPPER are going to attack Banana server.
I think you might take measures.
481 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/08/05(火) 22:43:13 ID:lEWguaEw
Oh!Terra Cotta Warriors!!
Japanese "Hei-ba-you"(兵馬俑)

It is one of the places to which I want to go.
482マリー☆ ◆8lJ5SSpXXg :2008/08/05(火) 23:53:51 ID:hMYjzRZI

I'm sorry,
I hastened you very much.

Thank you ,
Your kindness made me impressed...!!!

What's a wonderful photograph !!!

Had you do impersonate to that soldier, and stayed in the forest?
Moreover, for a long time ???

It is very terrible...!!!

you have seen the MUMMY...!!!





また、くるね。see you !!!

483Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/08/07(木) 11:41:51 ID:???
484名無し編集部員:2008/08/07(木) 12:04:58 ID:KTDpNaJj
485Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/08/07(木) 12:22:09 ID:???
Please enjoy the big shrimp. ...:)
Hi マリーさん
486Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/08/07(木) 12:23:24 ID:???
ぜんぜん わからない でござる
487Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/08/07(木) 12:25:47 ID:???
Please don't be a vigilante. Two wrongs don't make a right.
488Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/08/07(木) 12:26:25 ID:???
ぼちぼち でござる
Lets go again after the Olympics.
489Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/08/07(木) 12:28:20 ID:???
I have not seen the Mummy yet. I want to see it.
Tonight I will be in Susukino. You can see me there.
490名無し編集部員:2008/08/07(木) 17:31:51 ID:3rbsgydj
Jimさんを 探せ! in Susukino

Susukino Live camera
491 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/08/07(木) 19:13:12 ID:fkCBTKHB
It is a wonderful proposal.
However, I do not have a passport.
It is expected that I do not have summer holidays.
I travel in China in a dream in this evening.
492 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/08/07(木) 22:24:54 ID:fkCBTKHB
Here is the matter about the system that cancels block.

I have talked with ISP by e-mail. And ISP did the solution completely.
SEVEN-san and I thought at the cancel approval thread.
I wanted to cancel the block, and SEVEN-san did not stop it.
The conclusion at the thread is cancel.

The switch of cancel is in 2ch.
It's time to go ahead.
We need the cooperate relationship about block system.

Will 2ch operate a cancel switch from now on when PINK asked "We wish you cancel it with PINK's decision"?

I hope you will communicate the above-asking from Jim-san to Hiroyuki-san very soon.
493 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/08/07(木) 22:25:18 ID:fkCBTKHB

PINKちゃんねる報告人作戦本部準備室 2
494マリー☆ ◆8lJ5SSpXXg :2008/08/07(木) 22:53:48 ID:9bjK7Nyy

I eat that , by your hand.
It's delicious !!!

495マリー☆ ◆8lJ5SSpXXg :2008/08/07(木) 22:57:43 ID:9bjK7Nyy




496Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/08/08(金) 13:23:19 ID:???
China is like a dream. It is a very beautiful place.
I will be talking to Hiroyuki these next few days.
Currently The only solution I have available is
Which works excellent. It has been tested on bbspink.
However it does not do some of the other functions that 2ch blocking does.
So it would be a trade of something good for something bad.
I will talk to Hiroyuki more and see if we can find a solution.
497Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/08/08(金) 13:23:37 ID:???
Did you see me?
498Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/08/08(金) 13:24:14 ID:???
You could eat my hand with black bean sauce. It might taste similar to Chicken feet.
499Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/08/08(金) 13:25:15 ID:???
I will be camping in the mountains for the week-end.
Do you have a stall?
500Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/08/08(金) 13:34:51 ID:???
Going camping now. I will be offline for 2 days. いって きます あさって でござる
501マリー☆ ◆8lJ5SSpXXg :2008/08/08(金) 14:16:11 ID:HEYcOgJA

i don't that , because i luv ya .

I go together.
Thank you for inviting it. w

You will show it to me that photographing a lot.
I am looking forward to that.

have a nice day !!!



いつも お仕事 たいへん ね。
ぼくは、jimさんを 尊敬(そんけい)している。I respect you.

おとなしくしてるよ。i obedient .

502名無し編集部員:2008/08/08(金) 15:51:27 ID:xlcHMQvL
503 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/08/09(土) 11:30:34 ID:flEce7N/
I have been to China considerably before.
All people wore the Mao jacket.
China felt it to fantastic in me of the oriental.
Long time has passed though I wanted to visit again at that time.

about >>492 is written later.
504 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/08/09(土) 16:21:59 ID:flEce7N/
Dear Jim-san

If I am wrong, I'm sorry.
There seems to be misunderstanding between things of me and Jim-san.
>>492 is a matter of the continuation of about >>310>>285.

The thing that thinks about an original block system of BBSPINK is important.
However, BBSPINK uses 2ch block system now.
>>492 is an important procedure necessary to cancel the block(releases the regulation).
(Individual block (regulation) matter)

There is a thing that wants to hope if the above-mentioned is my misunderstanding.
I hope write the result of talking with Jim-san and Hiroyuki-san in this thread.
I can ask the person in charge of 2ch to cancel block if it is written.
A needless block will be canceled.

Your friend ◆EROyVmNwwM
505名無し編集部員:2008/08/09(土) 20:26:18 ID:ysn9Bm8S
Hi Jim-san.

Do you know that relation between PINKCHANNEL and 2CHANNEL does not go well?
The relation between both is no good.
I am sad.
506名無し編集部員:2008/08/11(月) 22:46:30 ID:Hd/OXuYA
> http://pasegueno.com/
すごい てんさい kwsk!
507名無し編集部員:2008/08/12(火) 03:19:07 ID:4BF8VUp9
★080812 sureh「@@…@」マルチポスト荒らし報告
what is pasegueno?
508Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/08/12(火) 11:57:53 ID:???
Pasegueno is not live on bbspink. It has been tested on it though.
509Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/08/12(火) 11:59:03 ID:???
Balance away? I am sorry I don't understand.
510Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/08/12(火) 12:01:04 ID:???
Don't be sad. Things are going to be ok.
まつ しかない
511Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/08/12(火) 12:02:00 ID:???
I think things are going to be running smoothly again soon.
Don't be sorry. I respect your efforts.
512Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/08/12(火) 12:03:25 ID:???
The current fashion in Shanghai is Ultra short miniskirts. They are made of silk and look like a little parachute.
In the North, they are wearing Daisy Duke shorts.
I am sorry, I did not notice what the guys were wearing though.
513Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/08/12(火) 12:03:51 ID:???
514Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/08/12(火) 12:05:13 ID:???
たぶん たぶん
Time will tell.
515 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/08/12(火) 19:07:01 ID:8kP38V9R
Thank you very much Jim-san.

Do we only have to wait for Jim-san to write it again?
My work took and it took time very much.
Mail reached from ISP today.
The content is asking for the regulation release.
(The examination that releases the regulation for this matter has not been done yet.)

I am worried how doing.
516Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/08/12(火) 19:10:05 ID:???
how can I help? >>515
517 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/08/12(火) 19:51:07 ID:8kP38V9R
The switch of release is in 2ch.
Hiroyuki-san's approval is necessary for the release of the regulation.
I hope obtain the approval of Hiroyuki-san.
Will 2ch operate a release switch from now on when PINK asked "Please release it"?

I hope you to say the above-mentioned from Jim-san to Hiroyuki-san.

518 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/08/12(火) 20:04:09 ID:8kP38V9R
Ultra short miniskirts!!

Mao jackets that had been seen when I went were all khakis.
People's clothes were one color.
I am surprised at the substantial change.
519jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2008/08/12(火) 20:05:02 ID:7WHW+dg1
Lets ask him directly on a thread. Can you find the correct thread to ask him on?
520jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2008/08/12(火) 20:05:59 ID:7WHW+dg1
In some ways China is very open and free now.
521 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/08/12(火) 20:23:54 ID:8kP38V9R
I thought.
It writes directly in this thread.
It informs him of this thread with Be-mail.
How about such an idea?
522Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/08/12(火) 20:27:00 ID:???
I will write this directly on his thread, but I am not sure which thread he is using right now.
523 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/08/12(火) 20:43:47 ID:8kP38V9R
I inform him with the mail of Be.
524jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2008/08/12(火) 20:51:43 ID:7WHW+dg1
ok, but please post it on this thread too.
We will have a record of it. I have be, but does not work well
for me...;) Headspace and timing error.
I have to go out now, but I will be online in the morning.
525 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/08/12(火) 21:11:21 ID:8kP38V9R
I send him the following messages.


Let's talk with Jim-san. Part10

I am ◆EROyVmNwwM of the PINK channel.

Hiroyuki-san has asking from PINK channel manager Jim-san.
I hope sometimes look at the following threads after tomorrow morning.

Let's talk with Jim-san. Part10

Thanking you in advance.
526名無し編集部員:2008/08/12(火) 22:00:13 ID:4eG39rdD
>>510 is、...

The thought is foolish.
Your thought is shallow.
I feel sorry that greenday-san is troubled everyday everytime.
527Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/08/13(水) 09:51:07 ID:???
528名無し編集部員:2008/08/13(水) 20:29:34 ID:FDvfAoLh
Hoi Jim-san
529名無し編集部員:2008/08/13(水) 21:59:16 ID:SPRxYHfM
530名無し編集部員:2008/08/13(水) 22:38:31 ID:apRMcAjm



531Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/08/15(金) 19:06:31 ID:???
Hi Mumumu
I had a great time, I am sorry I did not say good bye. I misunderstood and thought you were going to the car.
532Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/08/15(金) 19:07:02 ID:???
Because I usually put my foot in my mouth.
533Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/08/15(金) 19:07:39 ID:???
It is to difficult for me to understand.
534 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/08/15(金) 19:33:03 ID:mMq9AglC

I sent the message to Hiroyuki-san.
Hiroyuki-san thinks that it is looking at this thread now.
I am expecting Jim-san to write >>517.

Hiroyuki-san will appear in this thread if Jim-san writes.
I think.

Am I misunderstanding it possibly?
535Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/08/15(金) 19:39:15 ID:???
Dear Hiroyuki,

If you could release this, it would be good. Ero-san thinks it is under control.

It might be good to wait until Monday or Tuesday though. In case there is some
problem that accurs and I need staff to help fix it.

Your friend,

Monday is a big holiday here. About the only decent political guy the Philippines has
had since Manuel Quezon. His holiday. Ninoy Aquino. Of course they killed him....:O
536 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/08/15(金) 20:01:55 ID:mMq9AglC
Thank you very much Jim-san.

>>535 is difficult in my English language skill.
I hope Hiroyuki-san pays attention to this thread.
Therefore, I send him the message.

I pray that it become fantastic things.
537 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/08/15(金) 20:23:08 ID:mMq9AglC
Is Jim-san in the Philippines?

Japan is "Bon Festival"(おぼん) and a period of the vacation.
"Bon Festival" is a period when the ancestor comes back from the heaven to this world.
And, the last war ended, and Japan was defeated today.

It should be peaceful to become Skebe.
I hope the world becomes peaceful.
An erotic, peaceful world is good.
538 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/08/15(金) 23:22:18 ID:mMq9AglC
It translated for me.
I understood the content.

539Greenday ★:2008/08/15(金) 23:52:06 ID:???
540Greenday ★:2008/08/15(金) 23:53:39 ID:???
541名無し編集部員:2008/08/16(土) 06:13:21 ID:CkFLk//0
542 ◆79EROOYuCc :2008/08/16(土) 06:14:59 ID:8s+sSza7

543名無し編集部員:2008/08/18(月) 17:19:47 ID:0il6Rw2n
544Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/08/19(火) 18:19:01 ID:???
Nobody Was Killed. Good job!I hope you get well soon, and recover
fully from your injuries.

545名無し編集部員:2008/08/20(水) 10:38:00 ID:87uFByqA
Hello Jim-san,
From freezin bay area :-D
546Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/08/20(水) 10:42:07 ID:???
>>545 はい 元気です
マニラ あついい です
547名無し編集部員:2008/08/20(水) 12:23:10 ID:87uFByqA
サンフランシスコ は さむいです
いえ に そろそろ かえります
oh... this is the proud member of team metabo!
548Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/08/21(木) 10:39:17 ID:???
>>547 Team Metabo, Proud, Strong, Big! unfortunately big targets too...:(
549名無し編集部員:2008/08/21(木) 17:48:58 ID:CUSUGlsx
What is a big target?
550Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/08/22(金) 11:35:56 ID:???
>>549 Team Metabo, is built of strong bodybuilders. They played paint ball against smaller less physically endowed people.
The smaller team won, because they were smaller targets. The bodybuilders lost because their big muscles were easy to spot
and shoot.
551Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/08/22(金) 11:36:14 ID:???
banana3001 is being worked on.
552Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/08/22(金) 14:42:31 ID:???
I thought so, People decide who the like by scent.
553名無し編集部員:2008/08/23(土) 01:31:27 ID:V1jSLL/r
チーム メタボ = バンカーにはまりきらない規模のチームw  戦績 1勝3敗 
Hmmm.... then maybe I should shower more often lol
Hanayo (B3001) should be done... I'm just worried about one other server... we tested so many times and found no error.. hmm...
554Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/08/23(土) 06:17:23 ID:???
worry doesn't help. No error, maybe just busy?
555名無し編集部員:2008/08/23(土) 06:44:50 ID:V1jSLL/r
556名無し編集部員:2008/08/23(土) 06:46:34 ID:V1jSLL/r
sorry, not familiar with Tsubo yet. It's good that it's busy!
557Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/08/23(土) 08:01:07 ID:???
>>556 ほんとに そうのとり
Being busy is a good problem.
558名無し編集部員:2008/08/23(土) 08:19:59 ID:V1jSLL/r
そのとおり です
559Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/08/24(日) 11:21:37 ID:???
560Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/08/25(月) 13:40:26 ID:???
乙 でした banana3001
561名無し編集部員:2008/08/25(月) 23:36:45 ID:IsVuMkla
Banana3001 (花代) ちゃんと うごいてます
562Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/08/26(火) 10:20:43 ID:???
はいはい 元気です
563Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/08/26(火) 21:49:34 ID:???
good night
564鯖イ:2008/08/27(水) 04:20:48 ID:vsKp0mGb
花代 すぐに なおします
565Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/08/28(木) 16:04:36 ID:???
I just don't know those first 2 kanji. I am sorry.
566名無し編集部員:2008/08/28(木) 16:36:31 ID:D6w8v+IA
567Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/08/28(木) 17:18:27 ID:???
はい そう です
568名無し編集部員:2008/08/28(木) 17:34:44 ID:bzpXQ5Lh
花代 = はなよ (Hanayo)
a girl''s name.

Banana3001 is affectionately-called as 花代.
569名無し編集部員:2008/08/28(木) 19:53:46 ID:D6w8v+IA
570Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/08/29(金) 15:20:16 ID:???
Ah. I understand. Seiuchi = せいうち − I don't know how to make the kanji from it though.
571名無し編集部員:2008/08/29(金) 20:52:24 ID:jpP6I/Ng
572Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/08/30(土) 06:12:50 ID:???
>>571 ども ありがとう
but why 花代?
I understand walrus,セイウチ,海象, .
573名無し編集部員:2008/08/30(土) 08:24:47 ID:6hkCQtkR
These are the names that Japan has much.


man* taro ichiro jiro bocki tagosaku kim
woman* hanako hanayo ai momoko ryoko manko

"hana" is flower.
574Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/08/30(土) 09:53:36 ID:???
>>573 manko? heheheheheheheheheheheheheh
575 ◆iiT0erUJLU :2008/09/01(月) 22:19:19 ID:8qd8ksgp
Dear Jim-さん

The Japanese prime minister resigned

Japan leaves for the place of confusion (´・ω・`)ショボーン
576Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/03(水) 15:36:59 ID:???
Prime ministers come and go, but the people in charge remain the same.
577名無し編集部員:2008/09/04(木) 00:27:01 ID:GpkOh5NP
Hanako is name of the most famous elephant in Japan.
578名無し編集部員:2008/09/04(木) 01:07:59 ID:u+CNUfgC
Admins come and go, but the people in charge remain the same.
579Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/04(木) 06:32:22 ID:???
"In Charge" is determined by musical chairs.
580Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2008/09/04(木) 22:15:44 ID:1VyeWEHq
おやすみ なさい ML
581Greenday ★:2008/09/05(金) 04:42:05 ID:???
Hello! how are you??????
why did you put down your ★?
582名無し編集部員:2008/09/05(金) 19:09:09 ID:JgZFAOzD
583Greenday ★:2008/09/06(土) 02:06:53 ID:???
Good morning. How are you.

584Greenday ★:2008/09/06(土) 02:10:08 ID:???
         `ー-―‐-,    ,--,―-、   ____ __,..ノ     `ヽ_   l  .__|__,
                 /  |   ヽ   --  |―┬‐   ̄ ̄/   |     .|
                {  ./    }     ̄  | .-|_      /     |    __ |
        <_       ヽ、/     ノ   | ̄| ノ  |   /´`l.,___  レ  (__メ、
           ̄ ̄ ̄              ̄     ‘

.    ,
   ,ノ―――‐‐、  ┌――┐   /,  ‐┼‐   l     |   ---――,‐  ,         /
    ./ ̄/ ̄/     |______.|    `/ 、 ┴   |  ̄ ̄| ̄     /   {     ヽ  /
  ̄/ ̄/ ̄/ ̄`   |    |    ̄| ̄`l ̄ ̄l  |    |      {      l     l   \
  ~ ̄ ̄~/  ̄`   .└――┘   ノ .| ヽ  ノ |  ,   レ   ノ       ヽ、     V     ’   \
     `′                  ’   ´   ̄

       ー--――-、       }        l    '}   ---――,‐ ヽヽ       |
              }    ̄| ̄      |    |      /      ~ ̄ ̄| ̄`
              /    ̄| ̄  ヽ.    レ     |      {         (⌒,|
           -‐'´     ヽ.___,,.ノ        _,ノ         ヽ、        `´ノ  O
585 ◆SEVEN/xSuE :2008/09/06(土) 03:44:48 ID:7/8g/iJe
586Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/06(土) 18:37:23 ID:???
I was not using my computer at that time, so I didn't put my Star.
It has been a long crazy week for me, and I have slept all day.
I am going to ice skating with my son now, then I will sleep again.
Next week, I will be back on regular schedule.
587Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/06(土) 18:38:19 ID:???
Wow, that is beautiful. i wish I could make big letters like that.
588Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/06(土) 18:39:11 ID:???
あは=Aha? >>585
589 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/09/06(土) 20:23:14 ID:1aI2Hqia
Dear Jim-san

The >>535 response was written by Jim-san, but Hiroyuki-san did't appeared.
I asked Reffi why I should do, but I was't able to get the response.

All things about PINK should be opened, this is 79-san's policy which I agree to.
However, I can't think what should be done to change present situation.

Could you please ask Hiroyuki-san to answer the >>535 response directly,
for example by email?

Your friend ◆EROyVmNwwM

thanks http://set.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1198773496/502さん
590Greenday ★:2008/09/06(土) 22:00:13 ID:???
Good morning, how are you?
Good to hear from you.


   ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_     .,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_     ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,、   .,,,,、
  ,iilll!l゙゙゙゙゙!!lllii、  .,,illl!l゙゙゙゙゙!!lllii,、  ,iill!!l゙゙゙゙゙!!llli,,   llll|
: ,illll°   '゙llll、 .,illl゙′   .゙lllli、 .,lllll゙    ゙lllli  llll|
: lllll′      lllll|     .llllll  lllll|     .lllll|  lllll
: llllli、    ,iii、 llllll     .illlll  .lllll     .,lllll  .lllll
 ゙lllii,、  ,,illl!′ '!llli,,   .,,,illl!゜  '!llli,,   .,,,illl゙゜  llll|
  ゙゙゙!!lliiiiiiill!!゙゙   ゙゙!!!liiiiilll!!゙゙゜   ゙゙!!!liiiiilll!!゙゙’  lllllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil

>>589 ERO-san needs your responce, I guess.
591Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/07(日) 12:20:21 ID:???
I will ask him to respond to that. He is a very busy man, and might not have seen it.
592Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/07(日) 12:20:46 ID:???
It is very cool. I will learn how to make big letters.
593 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/09/07(日) 14:13:03 ID:pSyUk7/b
Thank you Jim-san.
He is busy or might have some problems.
I wait for an answer.
594Greenday ★:2008/09/08(月) 12:25:47 ID:???
| |  _   | |      ,| |
|―|  /_ヽ  ,| | / ̄ヽ  | |
| | ヽ     | | ヽ_/  ο ο

how are you doing?
595Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/08(月) 14:16:22 ID:???
|    | | |
| | _ | |
|ーーー / \ | |
| | \-- | |
| | ___ | | 0
596Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/08(月) 14:29:18 ID:???
My first attempt at big letters. It is supposed to say hello. I could have cut and paste, but I didn't.
597Greenday ★:2008/09/08(月) 15:20:34 ID:???
  广,!              /''l  .l''''!
  | .|                 | .|  `'''゙
  | .|          ,,―--,,、  | .|  .r‐、 .,-i、,,―-、、   ,,,---i、、   ,,―--、、  ,,----,,、
  | .|      /./''''i、`i、  | .|  .| |  | `ン''''''i、゙l  /,r'"''''i、゙i、 ./: r'"''''i、゙l  /`r'"''''i、,,!
  | .|      │ |   ゙l │ | .|  .| .|  | l゙   .| | .| 二二,_} ヽ,`ー-、,,、 .ヽ,"ー-、,、
  | .|      │ |、  .│ l  | |  | |  | |   | .|  | │   ,- ,,,,_^゙''''-,`i、 .,,,,_^"''''i、゙i、
  | .―――ーi、 \`--‐゙,,/` .| .|  .| |  | .|   .| .|  \`ー-‐゙_/′ヽ.゙---"_,l゙ ヽ,`---'゙,,/
  `'''''''''''''''''''''''"  `゙"'''''"   ‘'"  ‘'"  `'"   ‘'"   `゙'''''''"`   `''''''''"`   `"'''''''"
598Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/08(月) 15:44:26 ID:???
Loliness, Is that a porn keyword?
599Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/08(月) 15:45:02 ID:???
600名無し編集部員:2008/09/08(月) 20:46:12 ID:85pxVOsG
601Misuzuya ★:2008/09/08(月) 23:29:41 ID:???
Because Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were crashed :)
602manko@Greenday ★:2008/09/08(月) 23:49:42 ID:???
Good morning, How are you?

.,,..! .l_  ,,,,,,,,,_,,....,,、  ._,,......,,.   .,,,,、_,,....,,_ ._,,....,,、       
.l..、 .,,....! .|  ,,....../ ./ .,......、 `'、  .! ´,.. 、, `゙,.. 、、 ヽ         
 .!  !   .|  l゙    !  !   !  ! .!  !  | │  .!  !             
 .!  !   .|  |    |  |   .|  | .!  !  | |  .!  !           
 .!  !   .|  |    .ヽ .ゝ....-" ./  .!  !  | |  .!  !        
 .―'′  .―'′    `'―--‐"   ―'′ .―'′ ―ヾ      US
603manko:2008/09/09(火) 01:26:11 ID:CFJU8lRR
604manko@Greenday ★:2008/09/09(火) 01:58:39 ID:???
manko ( ゚∀゚)o彡゚
manko ( ゚∀゚)o彡゚
manko ( ゚∀゚)o彡゚

anyway, hope you are coming online more often....... |ω・`)
605Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/09(火) 12:44:41 ID:???
おはよう ございます まんこーさん
606 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/09/09(火) 13:06:19 ID:fbGNkEvg
manko is good
Please do not forget anal.
607Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/09(火) 15:03:56 ID:???
I prefer Manko too. anal is not sanitary.
608Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/09(火) 16:20:14 ID:???
I was just wondering, is Taro Aso is related to Sanae Aso? I am pretty sure she is the most famous Aso in Japan.
609 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/09/09(火) 20:21:41 ID:0rLqfulY
麻生早苗? Porn actress in Japan?
It is very difficult wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
610manko@Greenday ★:2008/09/10(水) 08:08:29 ID:???
Good morning. How are you??

             / ゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙l    l゙ ̄ ̄ ̄`.l      i"´´|     ./´ ̄ ̄´ !               
            /       .|    /         !     .l  .!     ,i′     l              
        ./   ./│   l    !  .,i''、    l    l  ,!    /   ,i'゙'i   │         
       /   /  .!   │  .!  l .l    .l.   ,!  l    ./   /  |   │   
      /   ,i′  |   │  !  l  l    .!  │ │   /   /   .!    l     
     /   ./    .!    |  l  l   .!    .l  !  l   ,/  ./    l    !       
    ./   /     .!   │ l゙  !   .!    .l /  !  ./   ./     .}    l    
   ./  .,// ̄ ̄ ̄゛    ! l  ,!    !    .l,/  ! ./  .,/ノ´ ̄ ̄´    .|    
  ./   ,/.!--------、   .! .|  l     .l         ,! ./   / !------- ,    .l   
  /   /         !    | l  . !     ..l      l /   /        !   │  
   ̄´゛             ̄ ̄゛  ̄゛        ̄ ̄ ̄´  ̄´             ̄ ̄´    
611Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/10(水) 10:53:06 ID:???
はい そう です さそり座-さま くわいい です
612Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/10(水) 10:54:57 ID:???
おはよう ございます わたしは 元気です。
まんこーちゃん 元気ですか?
613Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/10(水) 10:57:53 ID:???
When a dog is 元気 he has a wet nose. When Manko is げんき maybe there is something wet too?
614jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/10(水) 12:38:22 ID:???
I think she is hot.
Hot chick in a powerful position.
Yuriko Koike troops the line.
615 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/09/10(水) 13:04:13 ID:Sumsmzp+
I did not know her.
Jim-san is well informed about circumstances of Japan.
I am surprised.

People in Japan feel her a garnish.
This election is a show to raise the popularity of the Liberal-Democratic Party.
616Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/10(水) 13:30:31 ID:???
She is garnish? Like on a tossed salad?
Anyway. I think she might be a serious replacement, that might last longer than a year.
Also she might help the Japanese economy recover. Some of her ideas are excellent.
My feeling is their might be some problem with the old men, but they need to realize
that Japanese women are strong and excellent leaders when given a chance.
617manko ◆79EROOYuCc :2008/09/10(水) 16:09:02 ID:iY2GFZnV

>Japanese women are strong and excellent leaders when given a chance.

depends on her personality.
618manko:2008/09/10(水) 18:07:39 ID:G8YayndV

Please open out me.
619海玉さん ★:2008/09/10(水) 20:13:27 ID:???
Nice to meet you,Jim-san. I am Umitama,a new staff of bbspink.
Please fuck me.
620 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/09/10(水) 20:47:36 ID:m+zWkvAP

I think that Taro Aso is a very strong candidate in this election.
The politics of Japan is very conservative.
Heredity and the academic clique possess great significance.
Moreover, Japan is not an equitable society against the woman.

Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton were competing by the presidential candidate
in the Republican Party.
I was very surprised at the advanced level in the United States.
I think that it is a far future that prime ministress are born in Japan.

I think similarly.
621MANKO ◆79EROOYuCc :2008/09/11(木) 07:41:47 ID:HfrEdFmz
Good morning, Jim!

How are you today?

| ̄|      | ̄|
|  |      |  |
|  |___|  |    __   __      _   __
|        | ,r'´ _ ゙'゙゙| ヽ, ヽ    / /  r' _ ゙ヽ,
|  | ̄ ̄ ̄|  |  | r'  ゙l  |  ヽ ヽ   / /  | /_ヽ l        ._
|  |      |  |  | ヽ,_ノ  'l   ゙ヽ ヽ/ /   'l ┌――'        .| |
|_|      |_|  ヽ___∧__」   ゙ヽ__/    ヽ_ニニニl           | |
      __        __    __      __     __ | |
    ,r'´ _ ゙'゙゙|    ,r'´ _ ゙'゙゙|  r' _ `ヽ  r'  _ ゙ヽ  ,r' _ `| |
    | r'  `l  |    | r'  ゙l  | | r'  ヽ | | r'  ヽ | | r'  `l  .|
    | ヽ,_ノ  l,    | ヽ,_ノ  | | ヽ_ノ | | ヽ_ノ |  l l,__ノ  .|
    ヽ__,∧__」    ヽ__ノ| | ヽ,___ノ  ヽ,__ノ  ヽ,__rl_|
               ┌┐_,ノ .ノ
               ヽ, ~  ノ
                  ̄ ̄
622MANKO@Greenday ★:2008/09/11(木) 07:43:28 ID:???

                                                __   _
             ,. -‐ ‐、                  ,. ‐''""'ー'"´ ̄``'ヽ、_ ,. '´,., ),//
          , '´ ,. 'r' )                / ,.ィ'/} リ ̄`ヽ、_ / /-‐' /
         /  / ,. '='、   ,. -‐、  , -‐-ーァ,‐‐ァ / // /,./ /      / イ__,...-'´
          ,r'   , ' /  () }_,/ ,.ィ )'´ ., '/ / '--', '  , '  {__'',./    ./  //, '
       /  ./ ./  r'ー ,..,  / 'ン゙  / / /rァ /  /,. -‐‐、   , -‐ 、 ./  /'´/‐‐‐‐‐ァ
      ,'  / ,'  r,// {  {_,/  - ' イ',/ /  // /) }/  () .}/  ./'  , '/ /
       |  {  '、  _,/ ゝ._,./!.__,.ィ、__,ノ   ,'  i { // // ,イヽ ,..  / /  / / イ-,
      !  ヽ   ̄  _,.. -‐ ''"""''''ー- ..,_   {   '、'_',/, ' i  (//|  ! '゙  ( '゙  ' ゙/
      \  `ー‐_'ニ´-‐‐ '' '' ‐ 、    `ヽ \_  _,/  ヽ._,./  、__,./、__,ィ__,.. '゙
        ``'ー ' ´          ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄   ` ´
623Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/11(木) 10:49:56 ID:???
Of course all high level diplomats, have similar personalities. They are very similar to plastic.
Robotics is at a high level in Japan. I think that in a few years it might be possible for Japan
to have a robotic prime minister, that has been programmed by concensus and has the most
clear personality and voice of the Japanese people. Until then, it is probably the best choice
to choose Yuriko Koike, because she is at least hot.
624Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/11(木) 10:51:47 ID:???
>>618-619 Try holding the labia with two fingers, and inserting a third gently until moisture accumulates, then increase pressure. This should result in the desired outcome.
625Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/11(木) 10:55:41 ID:???
はじめ まして どぞ よろしく わたしは 自夢 です。
626Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/11(木) 10:57:38 ID:???
>>620 You are correct, and I am sure that Aso will win. There will be no real change, only the names will be changed.
>>617 I agree too
627Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/11(木) 10:59:00 ID:???
It looks good enough to drink. You too, have a great day.
628 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/09/11(木) 22:01:59 ID:twiLLtni
People will not starve even if the Prime Minister changes.
I think that Japan is a wonderful country.
The country where the woman becomes a Prime Minister is more wonderful.
629MANKO@Greenday ★:2008/09/12(金) 06:53:00 ID:???
Good morning, Jim-san. How are you today.


    ,,,r‐''''''''ー-、_   r''゙l   ,r''‐, l´゙l
  ,,r´_,r''' ̄`゙ー、 ゙k  | |  ./ ,,r'  | |
  / .,f      l ゙l. ..| |,/ ,/  ..| |
 ,l ,l       ,l ,l.. .| ' /   .   | |
 t l、      ノ .,l'  | r、\.. . . .| |
 .゙t ヽ、   _,r' .シ'   .| | .\ ゙ヽ、  ゙ー'
  '゙ー、`~~~´_,,r'"     | |   ヽ、`) .<~)
     ` ̄´         `゙      ̄  .~
630MANKO@Greenday ★:2008/09/12(金) 07:04:48 ID:???
631MANKO@Greenday ★:2008/09/12(金) 07:05:02 ID:???
すげー できちゃったw
632Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/12(金) 14:50:30 ID:???
Good morning Manko-chan.
633jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/12(金) 14:54:54 ID:???
We can watch and see what happens. My astrologist says Aso will win.
634MANKO@Greenday ★:2008/09/12(金) 15:07:21 ID:???
635名無し編集部員:2008/09/12(金) 15:58:27 ID:nbrvaPSc
Hello Jim!


Why is this necessary? fusianasan?
I want you to explain.
636Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/12(金) 16:10:05 ID:???
It is used to show the IP of the poster. There would be a lot of reasons for doing that.
It seems Greenday-san explained that situation. as far as post 19 on that thread. I don't
understand it. They want to see the leg of an 18 year old duck? That is how it translates for me.
That does not sound tasty.
637名無し編集部員:2008/09/12(金) 16:47:57 ID:nbrvaPSc
What is the reason to do fusianasan for the proof of 18 years old or more?
638MANKO@Greenday ★:2008/09/13(土) 07:04:27 ID:???
639MANKO@Greenday ★:2008/09/13(土) 07:05:24 ID:???
640Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/13(土) 14:40:40 ID:???
わたしは 元気元気 です。
Somebody told me that all men are perverts. I thought about this and laughed and laughed to myself.
Some men might take that as a challenge. As far as I am concerned, if it is a contest. I definately want to win.
641manko:2008/09/13(土) 16:47:31 ID:4h9G4RvW
I want you to lick me.
642 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/09/13(土) 19:18:26 ID:j2a1c/Sn
My astrologist!!
Jim-san is a wonderful environment.

By the way, I have the thing about which it is very anxious.
It is an answer of Hiroyuki-san.
Was there Hiroyuki-san's answer?
643名無し編集部員:2008/09/13(土) 21:26:57 ID:f7xA0tPB
The value of Euro has dropped.
Is it good timing in which it goes on a trip to Europe now?
644Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/14(日) 08:49:32 ID:???
From head to toe, I would if I could.
645Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/14(日) 08:51:25 ID:???
There is no answer. I am sorry, he is such a busy guy. I will talk to him again next week. まつ ちかない
Thank you for your good work Ero-san. 乙です
646Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/14(日) 08:53:55 ID:???
The stars have been read for me already. They say that the Euro, was undervalued for years, When the price of oil drops below 75 USD a barrel.
647 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/09/14(日) 10:09:41 ID:e5OpGUWp
Thank you Jim-san
I enjoy waiting with the excitement.

People who cooperated in the report system joined.
I wish to express my gratitude. And, it is pleased.
648Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/14(日) 10:19:14 ID:???
Excitement is a good thing. Sometimes, I have to much of a good thing. I am always excited, and waiting. The waiting is the HARD part.
649 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/09/14(日) 10:35:06 ID:e5OpGUWp
The kiddie porn is a prohibition in PINK.
However, a malignant PINK channel user exists.

We are discussing opening a remote host of a malignant user to the public.
A goddess of less than 18 years old habitually is discussed now.
Moreover, I will report to ISP and the police, etc. by open to the public information.

However, this is a very difficult problem.
I want to learn how Jim-san thinks.
It discusses it by the following threads.
650 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/09/14(日) 10:50:19 ID:e5OpGUWp
"wktk" is often seen with PINK and 2ch.
"wktk" is abbreviation of "ワクワクテカテカ".
The bright future is felt and the complexion is good.
And, I wait.

+   +
  ∧_∧  +
 (0゚・∀・)   ワクワクテカテカ
 (0゚∪ ∪ +        
 と__)__) +
651名無し編集部員:2008/09/14(日) 12:49:55 ID:IIR2U1G5
wtf is this 茶番???
Jim-san(笑), with his displayal of fucking lack of grammatical skills and mechanical transtalor-like syntax
is apparently not even close to being a fluent english speaker
in fact it looks more like he is a gay jap pretending to be a native english speaker to avoid charges against the
admin of BBSPINK
i mean why the hell would a porn exchange forum with only jap users place a non-japanese speaker on the top of
the admin board?
it looks like uve been able to fool some seriously retarded fucks like ◆EROyVmNwwM, but this situation is just sad and is slowly
eating away from the PINK community

u admins have a genious for seeking out these ways of directing reponsibilty straight back at ur users
but its really about time u ppl started seriously facing these kiddy porn related posts or the PINK forums will be to
perish pretty soon

and trust me, admins of many other on-the-boarder forums have tried to avoid reponsibility each with unique wits and
strategies, but none of them have lasted long.

652名無し編集部員:2008/09/14(日) 12:59:29 ID:IIR2U1G5

653↑ ◆DQN/9/VVV. :2008/09/14(日) 13:25:39 ID:MWVhXNqY
( ゚∀゚) <Nice joke.wwwwwっうぇwww
654 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/09/14(日) 13:37:50 ID:e5OpGUWp
The communication is not done because it is not good at English.
The communication is done in poor English.
Which does Jim-san select?
655名無し編集部員:2008/09/14(日) 14:39:07 ID:IIR2U1G5

656manko:2008/09/14(日) 17:09:53 ID:YZX3IZCz
>>644 Jim_chan
Alright. I understood it.
But please run a lot of the cunnilingus.
657名無し編集部員:2008/09/14(日) 18:01:37 ID:ZWcNduMf
I think that the world should be going to get rid of the fossil fuel in the near future.
News of oil has only a bad matter.
However, vagina's oil is loved. hehehe...
658Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/14(日) 18:38:09 ID:???
The communication is done in poor English.
おねがい します
659Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/14(日) 18:39:45 ID:???
Tongue darting to the moist fragrant center.
660Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/14(日) 18:41:04 ID:???
>>657 There is probably a better use for the fossil fuel.
661Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/14(日) 18:47:43 ID:???
はい そう です わたしは ホモ でつ
You got a pleblem with
662Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/14(日) 18:56:13 ID:???
It is not acceptable. If you find it, please delete it.
おねがい します

663名無し編集部員:2008/09/14(日) 19:42:38 ID:IIR2U1G5

664 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/09/14(日) 19:44:08 ID:e5OpGUWp
I should study English more.
Please endure it for the present in my poor English.
I wish to express my gratitude for Jim-san expressed in the simple English.

I am not Deretar.
79-san and we think that not only the deletion but also the solution is necessary for a
malignant habitually, user.
The access log of the user of malice is disclosed, and it reports.
It is discussed now.>>649Thread

Is the problem solved only by the deletion?
665 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/09/14(日) 19:44:56 ID:e5OpGUWp
666Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/14(日) 19:49:17 ID:???
>>664 Please report it.
667Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/14(日) 19:50:58 ID:???
>>665 Good.
668Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/14(日) 19:53:49 ID:???
My English used to be excellent. The last 10 years have really been an eye opener for me though. They speak correct English in Australia and the Philippines too.
Both of these dialects sound wrong to me, but they are correct. It just depends on where you are.
669 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/09/14(日) 20:08:52 ID:e5OpGUWp
Is it a content of the discussion about the thread?
Or, is it working as the report system?
670Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/14(日) 20:22:54 ID:???
>>669 Please report the habitual offender you have found.
671 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/09/14(日) 20:30:20 ID:e5OpGUWp
Yes, I consented.

I hope to read though it is difficult to read the thread.

672TranslatorDeRo ★:2008/09/14(日) 20:45:11 ID:???
673名無し編集部員:2008/09/14(日) 20:49:13 ID:BArCjMI8
674 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/09/14(日) 20:52:09 ID:e5OpGUWp

675TranslatorDeRo ★:2008/09/14(日) 21:42:01 ID:???


report the habitual offender you have found.
知らせて 常習的な 違反者 あなた(たち)が見つけた

ERO-san says he asks 79-san to determine guilt.
He is not at liberty to name specific Godness.
He will defer to 79-san's judgment, and support her.

676 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/09/14(日) 21:56:55 ID:e5OpGUWp


79-san judges whether there is a problem.
She is not a judge who decides guiltiness.です。
677名無し編集部員:2008/09/14(日) 22:23:06 ID:BArCjMI8

678 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/09/14(日) 22:28:14 ID:e5OpGUWp

679TranslatorDeRo ★:2008/09/14(日) 22:33:02 ID:???




680 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/09/14(日) 22:36:44 ID:e5OpGUWp

681名無し編集部員:2008/09/14(日) 22:42:29 ID:BArCjMI8
682TranslatorDeRo ★:2008/09/14(日) 22:46:49 ID:???

683MANKO@Greenday ★:2008/09/15(月) 03:08:59 ID:???
いやー 敵が内部にいないことを願います (^-^)
684名無し編集部員:2008/09/15(月) 06:52:53 ID:qmtnGoJI
685MANKO@Greenday ★:2008/09/15(月) 06:55:03 ID:???
686MANKO@Greenday ★:2008/09/15(月) 08:51:50 ID:???
Good morning, Jim-san, how are you?


I got done laundry, and will have to get some food next.

We are talking about this problem here;


you can read it with google help.
if you have any question, let us know.
687jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/15(月) 11:53:49 ID:???
The image link or video link is definitely zero tolerance.
Words are not necessarily a problem. Discussion is not a crime. Even
if it is disgusting.
688jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/15(月) 11:55:27 ID:???
I have a big headache today.
689名無し編集部員:2008/09/15(月) 11:58:10 ID:fKj08gGj
Oh,take care of yourself please,JIM-san.
690名無し編集部員:2008/09/15(月) 11:58:19 ID:nTVe5154
I am a pen
691名無し編集部員:2008/09/15(月) 12:57:16 ID:/Oa17Zzd
we are a pen
692名無し編集部員:2008/09/15(月) 13:25:53 ID:Qd8K4hhx
yes we are.
693名無し編集部員:2008/09/16(火) 06:13:31 ID:y9G6vcZJ
694MANKO@Greenday ★:2008/09/16(火) 08:49:49 ID:???
695MANKO@Greenday ★:2008/09/16(火) 08:50:33 ID:???
Good morning.
How are you feeling this morning?

696MANKO@Greenday ★:2008/09/17(水) 09:27:22 ID:???

Good morning, Jim-san

How are you????????????????????????
697Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/17(水) 10:00:40 ID:???
>>696 おはよう ございます Greenday-chan
I am still pissing from my ass. I tried breakfast this morning, and of course. It did not
stay inside. So I have liquid coming out both ends.
How about you? 元気元気 ですか?
698Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/17(水) 18:34:42 ID:???
Still sick. The good thing is I am losing weight. The bad thing is my stomach hurts, and my ass is as red as this primates.
I am going to bed now.
699MANKO@Greenday ★:2008/09/18(木) 09:12:11 ID:???
Good morning, Jim.

I hope you are getting better.
how are you feeling this morning?
700MANKO@Greenday ★:2008/09/18(木) 09:12:46 ID:???
701名無し編集部員:2008/09/18(木) 10:02:15 ID:KSiuvZu9
Good morning, Jim.
I want to ask for the impression reading the content of following url.
702Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/19(金) 08:20:22 ID:???
While the goddess was thus employed in the labours of the toilet, behold Actaeon having quitted his companions and
rambling without any especial object, came to the place, led thither by his destiny.
-Thomas Bulfinch
Even the Ancient greeks were voyeurs...;)
The penalty for being a peeping tom was more severe back then. Diana turned Actaeon into a stag, and he was hunted down and killed by his
own dogs.
703Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/19(金) 08:21:57 ID:???
Greenday, thank you for the well wishes. I am feeling better today,
just a little weak.
I have read this thread and completely don't understand it.
ごめんあさい すみーません
704名無し編集部員:2008/09/19(金) 08:48:45 ID:RLeI4bWe
There is no means to prove if doubted that it is less than 18 years old.
705MANKO@Greenday ★:2008/09/19(金) 10:17:51 ID:???
It is good to know that you are getting better.

706MANKO@Greenday ★:2008/09/19(金) 14:36:00 ID:???
707名無し編集部員:2008/09/19(金) 15:25:03 ID:i0qo58Cr
708Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/19(金) 18:33:31 ID:???
>>706 Thank you. Maybe I will start wearing a toga.
709Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/19(金) 18:34:11 ID:???
Rise and shine....;)
710名無し編集部員:2008/09/19(金) 23:50:16 ID:VrNCYji5
711エキサイト翻訳使ってますw:2008/09/20(土) 12:29:22 ID:hldb6+Y1
I do not think that you may considerably do ASCII art.

Do though it doesn't seem to be desirable to do taking the lead of the lengths of
those who delete it and putting the load on the server?

Please pardon it though it made remarks out of friendship when there is an
unpleasant point.
712名無し編集部員:2008/09/20(土) 15:55:56 ID:bziT2ATa

I'm user in pink-thread.
The specific user was excluded without the user's understanding "One deleator".
"One deleator" isn't also listening to volunteer's other advice and is doing a one-
sided elimination act.

There are several questions.
Please tell me.

1.Do you think volunteer's have a legal responsibility stress of site maintenance?

2.>>670 They're confused by where to report it.
The location of the report, is it for Mr. Jim or, is it in a thread or or, is it FBI or
the Japanese police?

3.When volunteer's were arrested by a thing on the operation, is there preparation
which has a lawyer in Mr. Jim?

4.A Japanese male and the appearance which is a lady in particular look childish
for European and American people.
Even if the person herself who exhibited pictures declares"I'm an adult.", is the
act eliminated in beheading way proper by the appearance?

Sudden, I write, excuse me.
Please be careful of your health. Good-bye.

I am 23 in ■児童ポルノ芋掘り議論■ (jido-poruno imohori giron)
(Right or wrong of exhibiting connection information on the underage access person
who judged that a volunteer was vicious to an unspecified number is argued.)

These sentences were changed by an automatic translation site.
713Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/20(土) 16:04:13 ID:???
I love ascii art.
714Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/20(土) 16:13:12 ID:???
Thank you for thinking about my health...:)
I am sorry if you were deleted by mistake. I am responsible when that happens.
I didn't do it though. げおめんあさい すみーません orz

1. They do not have legal responsibility.
2. Somewhere in Japan I guess. Words are not against the law in the USA.
There are no images on Pink Channel.
3. Volunteers have no legal responsibility.
4. Really? I never thought that way.
We also have a site policy here. These questions you ask are addressed in it.

Thank you for your interest in bbspink.
715名無し編集部員:2008/09/20(土) 16:35:23 ID:bziT2ATa
Dear. Mr.Jim

Thank you very much for your quick answer.
A picture was also very helpful.

Be a good day.

716Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/20(土) 16:39:47 ID:???
どう いたし まして
Have a nice day too.
717名無し編集部員:2008/09/20(土) 16:53:18 ID:8T6GzAQb
Hello, Jim-san.
How are you?
It is fine by typhoon pass
Is your city fine, too?

Some people request new boards at http://set.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1217615397/
How do we get new boards?
For example, we explain the details and a background in English and must give presentation.
It is necessary we gather applicants by votes, and to report them. etc.
If there is a concrete procedure, please teach it.

I wrote this sentence with an interpreter.
If there is rude expression, please forgive it.
I hope that our wish comes true.
71823:2008/09/20(土) 21:05:29 ID:bziT2ATa
Dear. Mr.Jim

I'm only user in pink. I'll want you to know, and I contact you ince again.
By a long article, excuse me.

Certain behavior of an operation volunteer brings confusion to the user of a bulletin board.
The beginning was the report which does the female picture contributor who has that as a
teenager.After having notice, an elimination volunteer warned to a lady concerned.
A volunteer requested to prove that he isn't underage. A contributor contributed by an account
with the authentication ID, and declared that he isn't underage.But he assumed then that it was
insufficient, and a volunteer requested to expose further personal information to an opening to
the public bulletin board.
 As a result, a lady is away from the site. Many users held distrust to this process.
It's because how much do you dry personal information and have the danger from which status
proof can be asked when being reported to a volunteer even if I say as an adult. Argument of
whether a volunteer exhibits contributor's reported connection information is being performed
A volunteer was explaining officially that elimination and report work were managed by the
dimension of the directions of Mr.Jim. Is that true?

When a teen and the contribution female of the doubtful picture are found, the part of the
volunteer asks proof of being more than 18 years old (By an opening to the public bulletin board,
how?)That this indication is received actually, even if an adult declaration is being done, how
much will it be a retirement order?

It's obvious that these have started from a report and a human mistake of an elimination system.
But I also lose sight of a retirement the part of the volunteer.
"It'll be also continued from now on!"
A declaration of the certain volunteer who has assisted a series of movement.

These a sequence of movements are being read as" witchhunt" by a bulletin board. Though 2
ladies complained that one was an adult until the end in September, I became a victim.

Please take care to tell a judgement to a flow to an operation volunteer immediately.
Please take care to declare application of site policy 1-b to an act beyond will of Mr. Jim above all.

Are the bulletin boards which request to dry personal information for self management excellent contents?
I should take great pains over how you don't make them access there.
719712:2008/09/20(土) 21:06:34 ID:bziT2ATa

* Case One

202 people before: Nameless, Mr.,@ pinky Contribution day : 2008/09/18 Thursday 02:00:58 ID:2X6zAwV3O

It's May. I disappear, and this problem wouldn't be a settled reason, but it's a big problem so much,
and that I have made everyone be confused doesn't have, and I think I have the cause, so I'll apologize deeply.
At the front, who, it isn't imposed, I'm not less than 18 years old as it was called and I declared.
But if it's a policy of Mr. operation, I'll think that it's said that you soon disappear from here in doubted time,
so even if I complain any more, it'll be wasteful and what intension that you'll dry personal information and
use here doesn't chintz have?
So I have decided not to use a pink bulletin board after this writing in.

But tell to do the declaration which isn't less than 18 years old while also not coming to an agreement,
and tell also to make gnarl Ana insufficient for the explanation, and tell the end to prove that I'm not underage
in MA, and please stop to behave, waste a board and cause trouble to Mr. resident without understanding.
Because they're I and the reason which used Mr. apricot in an experiment, I'd like to settle this problem by
how to finish saying now.

Then, thank you very much for everyone of a resident really so far, (´ ω `), ノシ.

Quotation End******************************************************************

(By Automatic translation)

I also remitted the management address as a complaint.

Thank you for your reeding. good-bye.
720712:2008/09/20(土) 21:07:42 ID:bziT2ATa
I'm sorry. 23→712
721712:2008/09/20(土) 21:13:24 ID:bziT2ATa
* Case Other

173 people before: Devised◆ 6 ApjIZaykA [sage] contribution day : 2008/09/17 Wednesday
00:44:55 ID:Vv5YAxkeO

  Writing in becomes slow and I apologize for that.
I'm not less than 18 years old and there is also no remembrance which set a doubted remark
to less than 18 years old.
But now when such misunderstanding has happened dries personal information from here,
even and I wouldn't like to do a goddess act.
When misunderstanding happened, myself disturbed the one on an operation relation and to
the resident and I myself didn't like that, either, so as well as writing this in goddess board
inclusion pink again as the last writing in, it itself didn't decide to do access.

I caused you trouble.

Quotation End******************************************************************

(By Automatic translation)
722712:2008/09/21(日) 15:18:19 ID:FFkiB6aF
I'm sorry.
English is automatic translation.
When there is a misleading way of telling, you can't go, so Japanese is also carried.

日本語版 一部改訂
Dear。 ジムさん

私はピンクのユーザーです。 私はあなたにサイトで起こったことを知ってほしく、再度連絡しました。

 結果として、女性は未成年ではないという再度の意思表明とともに、サイトから離れました。 合法


もあります。 現在、未成年と疑われた利用者が、サイトを利用し続けた場合、ボランティアとして接続

ザー と報告されている投稿者です)


ました。それが、"Let's talk with Jim-san. Part10"スレッドです。

723712:2008/09/21(日) 15:18:54 ID:FFkiB6aF



 一連の一部ボランティアによる行為は、掲示板では"witchhunt"として表現されています。 今月2人の

724 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/09/21(日) 15:35:13 ID:H/cvNHM+
His interpretation is not true.
I am very tired though I should tell an accurate fact.
I'm sorry. ごめんなさい
725名無し編集部員:2008/09/21(日) 15:53:55 ID:2gMdDFA8
726名無し編集部員:2008/09/21(日) 16:19:17 ID:kej5Vqc2
727712:2008/09/21(日) 16:45:13 ID:FFkiB6aF
>His interpretation is not true.
Please explain to all users first where it's wrong in Japanese.


You introduced this thread.


728エキサイト翻訳使ってますw:2008/09/21(日) 19:49:24 ID:MDu1vdfW

It is possible to explain in Japanese also with proper Sre if there is a Japanese
reason for the excitement.
729POE ★:2008/09/21(日) 20:39:20 ID:???

Because you all cause confusion, stop question and answer here.
Please post again after reconsidering.
730712:2008/09/21(日) 21:42:36 ID:FFkiB6aF
Dear. Mr.Jim
How are you? Sight view come to brown.

I wrote in much. I'm sorry Sincerity.
And, >>718 was wrong translation probably.

But I wish you to know "What happen in pinkbbs."
So, I posted in http://set.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1209220873/722-723

In My English. It makes misunderstand.
If you can do.
Please translate accurately.
An e-mail of the same contents sent to "info" and "Jim".
For future of pinkbbs.

Thank you for your reading. Good-bye.

731jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/22(月) 10:19:59 ID:???
I want to make sure this is understood. I have not given any volunteer
any permission to ask for ID of any user on bbspink. If this has happened
that volunteer has done that on their own, not for bbspink.
732名無し編集部員:2008/09/22(月) 17:18:52 ID:8vaZJGgK
Taro Aso became a Prime Minister.
733jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/22(月) 18:06:53 ID:???
Wow, what a surprize.
734名無し編集部員:2008/09/22(月) 18:50:30 ID:QPHMsAm4
Some argument has occured about your word "ask for ID" part.
Could you tell us which one your really mean for the word?

1) Volunteer ask a user to post a comment with a trip (like ◆12ABC34de5)
2) Volunteer ask the user to do fusianasan (-disclose his/her ISP host name
or mobile-phone serial number, which is not considered as personal information in Japan)
4) Volunteer ask to a user to mail his/her personal information(real name, address,
age, etc as a age proof) to BBSPINK address.
3) Volunteer ask the user to disclose his/her personal information
(real name, address, age etc as a age proof) in public.
735名無し編集部員:2008/09/22(月) 19:32:59 ID:QPHMsAm4
Sorry....there is a numbering order mistake in multiple choices part in >>734
Here is a corrected version:

Some argument has occured about your word "ask for ID" part.
Could you tell us which one your really mean for the word?

1) Volunteer ask a user to post a comment with a trip (like ◆12ABC34de5)
2) Volunteer ask the user to do fusianasan (-disclose his/her ISP host name
or mobile-phone serial number, which is not considered as personal information in Japan)
3) Volunteer ask the user to disclose his/her personal information
(real name, address, age etc as a age proof) in public.
4) Volunteer ask the user to mail his/her personal information(real name, address,
age, etc as a age proof) to BBSPINK address.
736712:2008/09/22(月) 22:05:44 ID:IYaS9kIj
Dear. Jim
 Thank you very much for your answer.Your answer is a topic between the volunteer.
But volunteers analyzes variously about your answer(in particular, the person I pointed out ).

I expect this site Proprietor.
Please teach the volunteer " What is good ?" "What is NG ? ".
By all means, please make contact with a volunteer.

I didn't mention the name of a specific volunteer deliberately.
I'd like to expect a possibility of the future.

But, if the volunteer that was pointed out repeat same action,I'll "report" to Mr.Jim.

If The "declaring that I'm an adult "user are reported by the volunteer to the police
"may be underage", I'll report to you.

Your answer is very clear.
I'm very thankful.

A seasonal end. Please take care of oneself and spend.

In Japanese 日本語訳

ボランティアの間で話題になっています 。

どうぞ、ボランティアに"何がよいか? NGは何か? "を教えてください。





季節の変わり目。 どうぞ、お体に気をつけてお過ごしください。。
737名無し編集部員:2008/09/22(月) 23:49:30 ID:FBQfrtjt
There is a question in jim-san.

What is the definition of the kiddie porn?
Is it genitals, and a sexual, similar act?
"Photograph where the child of less than 18 years doesn't put on all or parts of clothes" This
is a kiddie porn in the law of Japan.
Does jim-san permit the kiddie porn of Japan?

If the person declares, "I am 19 years old", is the photograph (おっぱい)
Do you permit by the person's self-responsibility?
If individual date of birth is confirmed by the license certificate etc.
, do you permit?

738 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/09/23(火) 04:09:26 ID:cm0Pih3q
This is continuation of >>724.

I feel that his contribution looks like the fact.
However, there are a lot of subjectivities of him.
I think that the contribution is different from the fact.

One example
Excerpt of >>525
Moreover, The volunteer wrote. When the doubtful one is left, "Responsibility" occurs to us
I think that his insistence is from the following writing.
> 判断する人が、今は私しかいません。
> なぜなら、私が直接被害を被る可能性が高いからです。
She is writing.
"I receive the direct harm."
He interpreted, "Responsibility". However, I think that I differ.
I will be embarrassed, too. However, it is not responsible for the volunteer.

I apologize for being not able to write everything because English is poor.
739 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/09/23(火) 05:27:32 ID:cm0Pih3q
Dear Jim-san

Incidently, how did the result of the conversation with Hiroyuki-san?(>>645)
I worry very much.
Are there any problems?

By the way,
In Japan, there is a custom of visiting a grave at autumnal equinox.
I went to the grave the other day.
The graveyard was greatly crowded.
740名無し編集部員:2008/09/23(火) 23:10:57 ID:CgNDLWM+
please go to hell jim-san
741MANKO@Greenday ★:2008/09/24(水) 06:45:53 ID:???
Hello----- Jim-san

How are you? I am doing fine.
742名無し編集部員:2008/09/24(水) 07:10:06 ID:rvVF/N/S
I am a pen?
Greenday-san is a pen?
743名無し編集部員:2008/09/24(水) 10:53:42 ID:j0yYAKdn
Hello Jim-san!
Let's hold out today!!
744Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/24(水) 11:50:48 ID:???
Here is a problem, that I am interested in getting other opinions on.
It is a email from a "anti spam" organization.

Good I am Glad they are noted, Do you realize that we are NOT just a "cyber crime" company? And that we have some 36,000 + domain names we host as well as over several thousand customers? To you realize ( or care ) that when you block whole blocks that you affect a lot of these customers that have Absolutely nothing to do with Spam or anything else, and are good Net Citizens? So Yes your system attackes one single customer, and affects thousands. It is kind of like throwing a bomb into a crowd to kill a cockroach.

Not hiding? HAHAHA, I do not see a real address for your company there is not a single person that uses a real name, false information put out on google and other engines about your location, etc. guess you guys have learned a lot from the bad guys.

Sure go ahead, jut yet another example of your trying to damage innocent companies.


oh, and P,S,. Kind of funny how you failed to mention the fact that you reneged on our agreement.

At 05:59 AM 9/23/2008, you wrote:
> David,
> Your thoughts that entities protecting the internet are worse than spammers and the cybercriminal-hosts PIE will route (and thereby wash the spam/crime money for) has been noted.
> And no, we're not hiding. Over a billion and a half internet users find us quite well every day. We're also not hiding when our team is at conferences with the IIJ and several Asian networks and CERT staff this week. I could make sure they put in a good word about AS32335 & "Pacific Internet Exchange LLC." for you if you'd like.
> --
> Regards,
> John Reid
> The Spamhaus Project
> http://www.spamhaus.org
> At 05:40 PM 9/22/2008, David Grieshaber - PIE.us wrote:
>> Well really, We do not have the resources or time to vette every new client as we get quite a few.
>> If you guys would stick to Your word, and not block whole blocks as agreed, there would not have been this problem.
>> You agreed with us, along time ago to only block the IP's that are having an issue, and we would resolve those issues.
>> You blocked a /22 that had Nothing At All to do with Spam, and even if it was Spam, they where not even on that block at all!
>> I am completely against spam, malware ect, But I am Also against your tactics of harming companies in the process of trying to fight these issues. This makes you ( in my eye as well as others ( do a quick search on google )) worse then the people you are fighting. Guess that is the reason you have to hide, more then the people that are causing the problems..
>> At 02:15 PM 9/22/2008, John Reid wrote:
>>> Hello Brian, at 09:59 AM 9/21/2008, you wrote:
>>>> Dear Spamhaus,
>>>> This is the network operations center manager for Pacific Internet Exchange. At 9:00pm PST, 9/20/2008, I terminated the bandwidth connection carrying all of Intercage's bandwidth. Our president, David Grieshaber, will be making an official statement by this upcoming Tuesday. He has been on a business trip to Japan since earlier last week and will be back in a couple of days. Please remove the you have blacklisted even though we have many innocent customers on these IP's, including our own mail server. You have severely affected our and our customer's email and businesses. It would be greatly appreciated if you would remove the IP's as soon as possible. You can email [email protected], or contact me using any of the information below if you have any further questions, comments, or concerns.
>>>> Regards,.
>>> Thank you. The listing has been removed. Please do review your client-sign-up-procedures. This client was booted from other networks and was in the press often. Then we have history, other "bad actors" both well known were found routed there. Bascially, if you don't sign up bad actors, you don't have to remove them.
>>>> --
>>>> Brian Barber
>>>> NOC Manager
>>>> Pacific Internet Exchange
>>>> [email protected]
>>>> (415)676-0598
>>> --
>>> Regards,
>>> John Reid
>>> The Spamhaus Project
>>> http://www.spamhaus.org
>> Regards,
>> David Grieshaber
>> President
>> Pacific Internet Exchange LLC.
>> http://PIE.us
>> 1.800.561.1225
>> Direct 1.415.310.7295
>> [email protected]
>> Wholesale Bandwidth and Colocation Services Provider for Asia centric companies.
> !DSPAM:48d8e84d10761366212671!


David Grieshaber

Pacific Internet Exchange LLC.
Direct 1.415.310.7295
[email protected]

Wholesale Bandwidth and Colocation Services Provider for Asia centric companies.

745名無し編集部員:2008/09/24(水) 12:47:06 ID:TdYT1dSq
I think PIE's action (terminated Intercage's bandwidth) was completely appropriate.
Always try to keep away from bad guys. You might want to google the company name
before they sign a contract and if they are a spammer, do not have them sign it even if
they say they would pay 100 million dollars a month.
Intercage is a very infamous company as a spammer btw.

What Spamhaus did was simply excess.
They should have tried to find out exact IP's assigned to a spammer instead of blocking /22.
And at least they should have contacted PIE before they do that,
but they didn't do that at all, maybe because of their laziness?
They should understand that blocking /22 would have a very bad effect
on other innocent customers and innocent providers such as PIE.
746jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/24(水) 13:15:23 ID:???
David and I have known the intercage guy for many years. We never googled him.
we see him everyday in the parking lot of PIE. Friendly nice guy. I think
he might not even understand what his customers are doing. He is crippled
since a young age by arthritis, and his youthful face and withered body
are hard not to be nice to. Neither David or I knew his customers were
so infamous.
747jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/24(水) 13:29:09 ID:???
Greenday is the ink. I am the pen.
748名無し編集部員:2008/09/24(水) 13:40:48 ID:uLBj1nbT
The pen is inserted in ink.
It understands.
749jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/24(水) 13:42:20 ID:???
I was thinking more about writing. The ink is put on the paper by
the pen.
750jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/24(水) 13:43:02 ID:???
It is very cute though. I get it now. wwwwwwwww
751717:2008/09/24(水) 18:32:42 ID:/W4IQREB
Hello, Jim-san.
May I ask you?
What do you think about >>717.
752名無し編集部員:2008/09/25(木) 01:26:10 ID:HEsNenu3
The prime minister of Japan is Mr. Asshole.
753POE ★:2008/09/25(木) 11:33:40 ID:???

The word, ass hole, is running at circuit in my brain and no stop for a while.
754jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/25(木) 11:40:08 ID:???
The typhoon missed my city and house this time. There was just a lot of rain.
Looking at the weather map. I think there are 2 more big systems coming.
Hopefully they will miss too.
Making new boards does not have to be discussed in English. This is a Japanese
language bbs. It does need to be discussed though. I am making recommendations
and when they take hold sometimes we make that board. Usually it is best
to make a thread on the new subject you want, and if that thread becomes popular
then it may merit a new board.
755jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/25(木) 11:43:25 ID:???
The proper english translation of his name is
So you would say Mr. Aso in English.
Is this correct in Japanese? あそーさま
756名無し編集部員:2008/09/25(木) 12:57:58 ID:EoiftFEN
Hello Jim.
By the way, Aso is a meaning "Hemp is born".
757POE ★:2008/09/25(木) 14:13:23 ID:???
Sounds like another words.

This is Telegraph UK

Lets enjoy misheard!!!
758jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/25(木) 16:35:50 ID:???
Isn't hemp grass?
759jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/25(木) 16:37:35 ID:???
This is a funny page.
4) U2 ? Mysterious Ways

Misheard: Shamu the mysterious whale
760POE ★:2008/09/25(木) 16:59:44 ID:???

^^)つ http://www.kissthisguy.com/
761Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/25(木) 17:25:52 ID:???
Very nice. Excuse me while I kiss the sky.
762Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/25(木) 17:29:24 ID:???
Oh, listen to the quicktime version. It really sounds like he said kiss this guy.
He even points to somebody.
763Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/25(木) 17:31:24 ID:???
Did anyone ever see the TV series called V?
Rice-san looks like she could have been a star.
Take a close look at her head.
764POE ★:2008/09/25(木) 19:31:53 ID:???
I could hear surely wwwwwwwwww

Ive never seen it.
I unable to play with script error......orz
765名無し編集部員:2008/09/25(木) 21:31:59 ID:EoiftFEN
It means both with the one that is the grass though it dried.
The sumo wrestler in Japan was banished from the sumo world because
of the use of the hemp the other day.
This year's Japan is thought to be an age of the hemp.
766名無し編集部員:2008/09/25(木) 21:34:11 ID:EoiftFEN
unskilled English it...sorry...(>_<)
767717:2008/09/25(木) 21:40:56 ID:gQQvjoCs
Hello, Jim-san.
I hope 2 big systems will miss.

Thank you for answering my question.

>I am making recommendations and when they take hold sometimes we make that board. Usually it is best to make a thread on the new subject you want, and if that thread becomes popular then it may merit a new board.

So we had better make a thread according to each subject.
When we talk about it, I think that there are agreeing people and people to object to.
It is rare that all are the same opinions.
I want to be fair. We will report an opinion opposite to agreement in a mass.
We report Jim-san and will ask for judgment.
Then thanking you in advance.
Please teach it if there is a mistake for my interpretation.
768Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/26(金) 11:28:58 ID:???
English 大丈夫です
769Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/26(金) 11:30:39 ID:???
はい そう です
おねがい します
がんばる です
770Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/26(金) 11:33:10 ID:???
At 04:52 PM 9/23/2008, Jim wrote:
> This has been posted for discussion here.
> http://set.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1209220873/744
> Jim

Interesting place you posted this. I hope you don't think that showing us hard core Japanese porn sites -


- will do much to improve our opinion of PIE and the level of internet ethics you folks may have?

With this, I and Spamhaus must get on to more pressing issues. Please do be careful in the future not to repeat the routing mistakes of the past is the only advice we can leave you with.


John Reid
The Spamhaus Project
771名無し編集部員:2008/09/26(金) 12:10:41 ID:t1Ggk8US
772Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/27(土) 11:42:28 ID:???
My friend Tom is here for the week-ed. I am very busy entertaining him.
773Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/27(土) 11:53:04 ID:???
Angol Fear has been beaten severely by Siegfried on floor 31. How to beat Siegfried?
774エキサイト翻訳使ってますw:2008/09/27(土) 21:49:18 ID:XR9potZE

Good evening,Jim-san.
What do you think if there are people who seem that the deletion request has been put out to annoy it to man who is contributing the image it?

775Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/28(日) 07:52:27 ID:???
That is not a very nice thing to do.
776エキサイト翻訳使ってますw:2008/09/28(日) 14:29:14 ID:Sdx3QLTR
Hello, Jim-san.
Thank you for answering a sudden question.

PINK Deletion request 「PINK削除依頼」

Situation of present deletion request
"Deletion guideline" ..people wanting it.. The name can ..putting out.. be contributed in accordance with by a good mechanism by the deletion of the contribution.
777エキサイト翻訳使ってますw:2008/09/28(日) 14:49:09 ID:Sdx3QLTR
If it is a deletion of contribution deletion etc. request, the requested contribution
is "Confirmation" and examining the content thinks it is possible.
778エキサイト翻訳使ってますw:2008/09/28(日) 15:02:22 ID:Sdx3QLTR
"Image of the kiddie porn" is a thing that corresponds to the violation of the
deletion guideline.
It seems that the image contributed though it is an emphasis deletion object is
not examined closely.
Excerpt from guideline
The judgment is done by the meaning.
The contribution might be deleted without confirming linking ahead about the child
pornography image.
779エキサイト翻訳使ってますw:2008/09/28(日) 15:14:46 ID:Sdx3QLTR
As one example
The image contributor might be easily excluded by accusing, writing, "Kiddie porn" and "Less than 18 years old" a plausible thing if there is malice to the image contributor, and doing the deletion request.
The thing informed of with malice if there is a person who unbearably wants to exclude "Less than 18 years old" and "Kiddie porn" to the volunteer is joyfully deleted and even if it is innocent, the image contributor might be excluded.
780エキサイト翻訳使ってますw:2008/09/28(日) 15:41:23 ID:Sdx3QLTR
It is thought that you should be going to request "Trip" and "Fshiana", etc. from those
who inform of nameless in the future.
However, deletion person's top discusses by such an effect on which it makes remarks and
it is painful.


659 :名無し編集部員 :sage :2008/09/15(月) 12:57:19 (p)ID:cVr1a18Q(2)
660 : ◆79EROOYuCc @Greenday ★ :sage :2008/09/15(月) 12:57:51 ID:???
通報は今までどおり、名無しでOK。 でないと、誰が通報します?
669 :名無し編集部員 :sage :2008/09/15(月) 15:04:08 ID:wYdq60RA
削除依頼なくなると自分が困りますもんね m9(^^
735 : ◆79EROOYuCc @Greenday ★ :sage :2008/09/16(火) 04:55:24 ID:???

m9(^^ ズバリそのとおり
781エキサイト翻訳使ってますw:2008/09/28(日) 15:46:07 ID:Sdx3QLTR
Will be there an idea of requesting "Trip" and "Fshiana", etc. for those who inform of
nameless in the future?
The report is nameless and OK like the current. Who informs?
If the deletion is not requested, I am embarrassed. m9(^^
m9(^^ ズバリそのとおり

782エキサイト翻訳使ってますw:2008/09/29(月) 17:31:36 ID:Tt2rkhqs
"Host indication" of the contributor who requests the deletion is actually executed in the
deletion request of "2ch".
Still, it is not and whether is deleted are examined and the thing where the contributor who
does the deletion request doesn't exist completely is executed.
783Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/09/30(火) 13:17:05 ID:???
Wow, so many words, and I still don't understand the problem.
Would you please rephrase it more simply?
I really want to help, but I don't understand what you want me to do.
Maybe you can find the answer here.
784エキサイト翻訳使ってますw:2008/09/30(火) 16:06:05 ID:k0rEOH5I
Thank you for answering the question. It makes an effort to explain easily by coming again
785名無し編集部員:2008/09/30(火) 22:43:50 ID:jp1EyFaR
I'm >>48

We have discussed a new board for six months.
And we voted on an issue.

1. Not needing any other 801 boards
272/438 62.1%
2. Needing 801 Composition(Eroparo) Board
131/438 29.9%
3. Needing 801 Refugees Board
18/438 4.1%
4. Needing 801 Salon Board
13/438 3.0%
5. Needing 801 Composition(original only) Board
4/438 0.9%

So we decided against the request as consensus of 801 Board.
Personally,I'm sorry that people objected.
But we must admit that the decision is severe and important.

Thank you for your sincere interest.
786名無し編集部員:2008/10/01(水) 00:09:45 ID:Yn41Gxk1
Hello, Jim-san.

There is an error in the contents which >>785 reported to you.
When we will select recommendation as this suggestion that we decided at the time of a vote as suggestion of one thread not the suggestion of 801 board.
787fusiana:2008/10/01(水) 00:55:56 ID:s1ek76Sx
Hi. I'm tring "fusiana".
788名無し編集部員:2008/10/01(水) 02:32:37 ID:s1ek76Sx
Woh ! What's happen?

fusiana is reporting system.
It report real-time-ip-adress on bbs-user.

Like This!

REMOTE_HOST p7200-ipad503sapodori.hokkaido.ocn.ne.jp 

Hokkaido and sappro odori means access point.
And it's expressed area.

There is also a different pattern.
Sometimes Area infometion is nothing.

Dear. Mr.Jim
This is fusiana.
An executive of an operation volunteer doesn't think as a bad
thing of the way to exhibit this information to a bulletin board.


Did you permit this way?

Did you permit this way for the user ?
for killing dissatisfaction about harm for the volunteer's?


He said "I made your operational time short".

Could you ask him(operation volunteer)?
Could you ask her(operation volunteer)?

If you need for pink,I want to you saying "fusiana OK!"as the administrator.
If you need for pink,I want to you indicating "It's OK disclosing on a BBS 
about user's connection information elucidation."to all user.

But if you say it,user will be decreases.

Thank you for your reading.

789名無し編集部員:2008/10/01(水) 02:33:58 ID:s1ek76Sx
In Japanese

Woh! 何で起こりますか?



REMOTE_HOST p7200-ipad503sapodori.hokkaido.ocn.ne.jp

北海道とsappro odoriは、アクセス・ポイントを意味しています。


Dear。 ジムさん







もしピンクのために必要があるならば、私は管理者としてあなたに発言「fusiana OK!」


790名無し編集部員:2008/10/01(水) 07:05:17 ID:Yn41Gxk1
791フシアナさんについて1・1:2008/10/01(水) 17:42:10 ID:wS28stzX
Excerpt from Wikipediafre encyclopedia
"Fusianasan (Fshianasan)" is a character string that makes the
function and it to make "Remote host" displayed function in two
channels. It is used as a trap to trap the beginner entirely
recently, and this is said, "Fusianasan trap" especially though
it was used to prove the person in question until trip is introduced.

792フシアナさんについて2:2008/10/01(水) 17:43:48 ID:wS28stzX
・When the character string including "fusianasan" is input to the
name field, what the part replaced with a remote host is displayed.
・The remote host displayed in the name field by using fusianasan
is displayed by a minute character unlike usually. A remote host in
that case understands that it is the irrelevance to the contributor
and remote a host at once because it is displayed by usually the
same Futoshi character though there is a person who puts others'
remote hosts in the name field as it is by the disguise purpose and
ruins it, too.
793Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2008/10/01(水) 19:28:07 ID:QH0TeCu/
>>792 Yes I know that. Should we ask the bad guys to use fusianasan so that we know their ips?
I think that is a very good idea.
794222.127.223.71@Apparently admin ★:2008/10/01(水) 19:28:47 ID:???
or like this?
795fusianasian@Apparently admin ★:2008/10/01(水) 19:39:14 ID:???
I don't think the bad guys will do that though.
796fusianasian@Apparently admin ★:2008/10/01(水) 19:40:44 ID:???
very strange it doesn't work from this IP.
797名無し編集部員:2008/10/01(水) 19:55:30 ID:G0XQFv30
  _   ∩
( ゚∀゚)彡 おっぱい!おっぱい!
798名無し編集部員:2008/10/01(水) 21:26:35 ID:8P0K7ktO
JIMさん おはよう
799c-71-198-59-77.hsd1.ca.comcast.net@Greenday ★:2008/10/02(木) 01:33:38 ID:???
800 ◆79EROOYuCc @Greenday ★:2008/10/02(木) 08:04:35 ID:???
Jim-san おはようございます
801エキサイト翻訳使ってますw:2008/10/02(木) 09:50:19 ID:Pvv75JqY
I felt "Emphasis deletion object" taking advantage of the event that
got up in certain "Thread" and I felt the doubt in doing the report
request by "Nameless".
What is the deletion request …?
It is a conduct oneself like the city office for me and it wants it.
802エキサイト翻訳使ってますw:2008/10/02(木) 10:07:37 ID:Pvv75JqY
The thing of which it informs the deletion request by "Nameless" is
an easy thing.
The thing to inform the deletion request of "Emphasis deletion object"
by "Nameless" is an easy thing.
However, will doing by "Nameless" to inform of "Emphasis deletion object"
that the thing that the truth confirms is difficult be a suitable method?
803エキサイト翻訳使ってますw:2008/10/02(木) 10:20:09 ID:Pvv75JqY
I think.
Is the person who requests "Deletion with a difficult judgment of
the truth" good in "Nameless"?


I'm sorry it discontinues it here because there is private use once.
804名無し編集部員:2008/10/02(木) 11:45:46 ID:Oid6vZSn

>>801-803 specifically concerns with "Child Porn" deletion request thread.
Because as deletion guideline states, "a deleter may delete the Child Porn picture link
without checking the picture itself" (I suppose it is because clicking known child porn
link is illegalin the US) Other deletion request thread does not need such a worry,
deleters can check the posting and its validity.

801-803は特に「児童ポルノ 」通報スレに関することです。なぜなら削除ガイドラインに
だと思いますが) 他の削除依頼スレは、そういう心配はありません。削除人は内容と
805エキサイト翻訳使ってますw:2008/10/02(木) 16:57:19 ID:Pvv75JqY
It is expressing of gratitude for the explanation.

It continues.
I think that there are a lot of people who are informing thinking
that my opinion is correct.
However, when it makes a mistake in the judgment, the report based
on the doubt will trap an innocent person to the crime.

806名無し編集部員:2008/10/02(木) 19:31:54 ID:QXXLfU60
I use the automatic translation.
If it is rude, I am sorry that my way of speaking is strange.

I think that "BBSPINK should protect the anonymity of the client".
Because it is decided that a client watched the image when a contribution depended on was genuine child porno.
It is that is to say decided that the client is a criminal.
A link to the child porno is deleted by a volunteer, and child porno in itself is not surely seen, but the deletion request continues being left.

The person whom I delete it for children favorably and depended on should not have possibility asked a crime.
It is more important that I protect them than leaving the link of the image it is mistaken for child porno or was falsified.



807名無し編集部員:2008/10/02(木) 19:46:40 ID:8z5R/C8/
(T_T)女神のマンマンが消えた ポ
808名無し編集部員:2008/10/02(木) 19:48:31 ID:PteKPD/H
809名無し編集部員:2008/10/03(金) 22:31:38 ID:dx5vaCOW
Dear Mr.Jim.
Thank you for answer in E-mail.

I agreed to showing the content to the public BBS in anonymity.
810712:2008/10/03(金) 22:32:10 ID:dx5vaCOW
I'm 712.
811名無し編集部員:2008/10/03(金) 22:33:22 ID:dx5vaCOW
Oh! COW. "Mo- Mo-"in japanese.
812エキサイト翻訳使ってますw:2008/10/04(土) 20:41:13 ID:Hziu9HUV
813名無し編集部員:2008/10/04(土) 21:06:04 ID:vdCO3qj7
> 依頼者がその画像を見たことが確定します。
814エキサイト翻訳使ってますw:2008/10/04(土) 21:39:14 ID:Hziu9HUV
I think that those who inform and those who delete it are acts that
danger and the responsibility are demanded of the thing said that
it will inform of "Deletion request with a difficult judgment of the

815エキサイト翻訳使ってますw:2008/10/04(土) 21:42:54 ID:Hziu9HUV
If you borrow the word

"Report of nameless"
・It doesn't confirm it.
・It is not possible to confirm it.
・It judges it based on the doubt.
・I do not want to be asked the responsibility even if wrong.
・I do not want to be doubted the seen thing.

Danger and the responsibility have by management and the volunteer,
and make not harmful to "Nameless".



816名無し編集部員:2008/10/04(土) 21:44:53 ID:9unqQKea
817名無し編集部員:2008/10/04(土) 22:54:43 ID:/9oQbUaL

818Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/10/04(土) 23:49:55 ID:???

Thank you for this. May I open this letter up to the bbs without your
name on it?

As far as it goes. I have no policy at all for people to prove their
age. If they are a minor.
their supervision is their parents responsibility. We have a warning on
the top page
and that is sufficient. This volunteer that is collecting personal
information is not following
any guidance from me.

Warmest regards,


> >
> > Dear. Mr.Jim
> >
> > I'm only user in pink. I'll want you to know, and I contact you again.
> >
> > Certain behavior of an operation volunteer brings confusion to the
> > user of a bulletin board.
> > The beginning was the report which does the female picture contributor
> > who has that as a teenager.After having notice, an elimination
> > volunteer warned to a lady concerned.A volunteer requested to prove
> > that he isn't underage.
> > A contributor contributed by an account with the authentication ID,
> > and declared that he isn't underage.But he assumed then that it was
> > insufficient, and a volunteer requested to expose further personal
> > information to an opening to the public bulletin board.
> > As a result, a lady is away from the site. Many users held distrust to
> > this process.It's because how much do you dry personal information and
> > have the danger from which status proof can be asked when being
> > reported to a volunteer even if I say as an adult. Argument of whether
> > a volunteer exhibits contributor's reported connection information is
> > being performed now.
> > A volunteer was explaining officially that elimination and report work
> > were managed by the dimension of the directions of Mr.Jim.Is
> > <http://Mr.Jim.Is> that true?
> >
> > When a teen and the contribution female of the doubtful picture are
> > found, the part of the volunteer asks proof of being more than 18
> > years old (By an opening to the public bulletin board, how?)That this
> > indication is received actually, even if an adult declaration is being
> > done, how much will it be a retirement order?
> >
> > It's obvious that these have started from a report and a human mistake
> > of an elimination system.But I also lose sight of a retirement the
> > part of the volunteer.
> > "It'll be also continued from now on!"
> > A declaration of the certain volunteer who has assisted a series of
> > movement.
> >
> > These a sequence of movements are being read as" witchhunt" by a
> > bulletin board. Though 2 ladies complained that one was an adult until
> > the end in September, I became a victim.
> >
> > Please take care to tell a judgement to a flow to an operation
> > volunteer immediately. Please take care to declare application of site
> > policy 1-b to an act beyond will of Mr. Jim above all.
> >
> > Are the bulletin boards which request to dry personal information for
> > self management excellent contents?
> > I should take great pains over how you don't make them access there.
> >
> > * Case One
> > Quotation******************************************************************
> > http://babiru.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/housekeeping/1221431253/l50
> >
> > 202 people before: Nameless, Mr.,@ pinky Contribution day : 2008/09/18
> > Thursday 02:00:58 ID:2X6zAwV3O
> >
> > It's May. I disappear, and this problem wouldn't be a settled reason,
> > but it's a big problem so much, and that I have made everyone be
> > confused doesn't have, and I think I have the cause, so I'll apologize
> > deeply.
> > At the front, who, it isn't imposed, I'm not less than 18 years old as
> > it was called and I declared.
> > But if it's a policy of Mr. operation, I'll think that it's said that
> > you soon disappear from here in doubted time, so even if I complain
> > any more, it'll be wasteful and what intension that you'll dry
> > personal information and use here doesn't chintz have?
> > So I have decided not to use a pink bulletin board after this writing in.
> >
> >
> > But tell to do the declaration which isn't less than 18 years old
> > while also not coming to an agreement, and tell also to make gnarl Ana
> > insufficient for the explanation, and tell the end to prove that I'm
> > not underage in MA, and please stop to behave, waste a board and cause
> > trouble to Mr. resident without understanding.
> > Because they're I and the reason which used Mr. apricot in an
> > experiment, I'd like to settle this problem by how to finish saying now.
> >
> >
> > Then, thank you very much for everyone of a resident really so far, (´
> > ω `), ノシ.
> > Quotation
> > End******************************************************************
> >
> > (By Automatic translation)
> >
> > I also remitted the management address as a complaint.
> >
819Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/10/04(土) 23:58:41 ID:???

It really is better to just post this here. We can talk about it in public, and then solve this problem.
I don't think Greenday is trying to crush the goddess board. I think Greenday has the best of intentions to make
BBSPINK the best place for us to enjoy ourselves.

Dear Mr.Jim

Thank you.
I approve the quotation to BBS in anonymity.

I am those who inspect it about pink. I never agree to a clear malfeasance.
I do not know the approval process of the goddess board at all.
However, isn't the goddess board requested and installation?
As for me, the minority's access completely agrees to the standpoint of
parental responsibility.
The main volunteer doesn't understand the outline of the child pornography
method in Japan.
Parents are not made a problem to be giving the child the access authority to the
adult site.
They expand, interpret the law of Japan to avoid the criticism of the police, and are
restricting speech.
However, it knows it cannot help developing the aggressive behavior so that they may
defend this site.
The principle of self-discipline of the user in Japan is undeveloped. It excludes it to the
user who has the desire of the overprotection because of passing a child.
"I am an adult. "
The person in question is responsible of the word. And, the guardian has for
the minority.
The report system of the gag is undesirable in this site except measures against
subversive activities of the site.
It wishes that it want to declare improving an original site policy for the expansion and
the interpretation of Mr. gym's word.

The user of the goddess board has decreased sharply now.
The purpose is to fear the report.
The volunteer tries to crush the goddess board. It might have been a longtime wish for "greenday".
It is good in a single phrase.
The network are a self-responsibility, and could you declare that it follows it when
it excessively intervenes it?
I apologize for the continuation of busy every day, and the delay of
the answer.
It wishes a happy goddess board of the exchange the day it is when,
and to revive.
I wish to express my gratitude for sincere correspondence of Mr. Jim.

In the automatic translation in the excitement.
820712:2008/10/05(日) 01:01:22 ID:nECbJnxL
Dear Mr.Jim

Thank you for clarifying the opinion.
I was able to dispel the guess that I had thought about.

in >819
" It really is better to just post this here. We can talk about it in public, and then solve this problem.
I don't think Greenday is trying to crush the goddess board. I think Greenday has the best of intentions to make
BBSPINK the best place for us to enjoy ourselves. "

I feel that "Contribution to anonymous bulletin board" and "E-mail to manager" are different.
Someone was advicesd me " hear it directly ".

At any rate,
The thing that can be used the user's being relieved is expected.

The quote formally supports Mr. Greenday's idea and action as a manager.

It seems that the solution of this problem becomes clear by this
support declaration.
It follows manager's opinion as a user.

Thank you for a sincere answer again.




in >819
本当はここに投稿した方がよかったですね。 私たちは、それに関して公然と議論することができ、そこでこの問題を解決できます。
私は、Greendayが女神板をつぶそうとしていると思いません。 私は、GreendayがBBSPINKを私たちがお互いに楽しむ最も良い場所
にするという強い意志を持っていると考えます。 "






821Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/10/05(日) 08:03:31 ID:???
Sorry my Japanese fonts are broken again.
dou itashi mashite.
Please use, onegai shimasu.
822名無し編集部員:2008/10/05(日) 16:28:31 ID:mJeX8vVW
Hello, Jim-san.
I am a member of 801 boards. According to >>785-786, we will not
recommend the new board from a thread.
However, I think the talks of a half year to be valuable time.
Please teach your judgment about these talks.
The suggested board was 4.
Are they worth examining new establishment with boards?
About each suggestion, please teach judgment of Jim-san.

What kind of point is not there charm when the board is unworthy of it them?
If there are problems in the process of talks, what kind of point is it?
Please give us advice of Jim-san in future as people telling that they
want a new board serve as a reference.
823Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/10/05(日) 18:00:15 ID:???
?yID?z801”A?A“ ̄?¶
gomenasai sumi-,masen I am having a big font problem since I "fixed" my windows vista.
824 ◆DQN/9/VVV. :2008/10/05(日) 18:51:32 ID:ABTPum2y
( ゚ー゚)∩< Because you use Vista.
825Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/10/05(日) 19:06:57 ID:???
I have the freeBSD 6.4 Beta disk here. I am thinking about installing it completely right now.
826名無し編集部員:2008/10/05(日) 23:03:07 ID:oEIqfCgF
What does >>822 want?
After a series of discussion, we have decided not to request any new boards to Jim-san.
No request, what kind of judgement is needed?

From just after the vote was over,
>>822 have declared that the result of the vote was against her wishes,
and she dared to negotiate with Jim-san directly ignoring the agreement before the vote.

I'm sorry that is was really done.
827名無し編集部員:2008/10/06(月) 00:57:03 ID:zPLxGcc8

We voted whether we recommended a board as a thread.
>>826 opinion is unilateral.
I want to know the answer of >>822 question, too.
I applied for the board formally.
There was the yes and no to talk.
Please teach Jim-san`s judgment after having considered it.
828名無し編集部員:2008/10/06(月) 00:59:16 ID:zPLxGcc8
829Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/10/06(月) 15:02:09 ID:???
I find it hard to believe there is a unilateral opinion on anything.
New boards should start out as threads, and when they become more than a current board can handle
then they should be made into a new board.
830北極ネコ ★:2008/10/07(火) 11:47:52 ID:???
Hello, World!
831 ◆79EROOYuCc @Greenday ★:2008/10/07(火) 15:14:21 ID:???
Hello world-  (´∀`)
832Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/10/09(木) 10:35:22 ID:???
Hello World.
By the way. I have just heard one of my friends has had a heart attack. However I don't have any contact information for him anymore.
I won't post his name here, but I wish him the best, and hope his health will improve soon.
I guess it was to many "poison checks"

255 名前: ◆79EROOYuCc [sage] 投稿日:2008/10/09(木)15:00:27 0
