Let's talk with Jim-san. Part10

744Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
Here is a problem, that I am interested in getting other opinions on.
It is a email from a "anti spam" organization.

Good I am Glad they are noted, Do you realize that we are NOT just a "cyber crime" company? And that we have some 36,000 + domain names we host as well as over several thousand customers? To you realize ( or care ) that when you block whole blocks that you affect a lot of these customers that have Absolutely nothing to do with Spam or anything else, and are good Net Citizens? So Yes your system attackes one single customer, and affects thousands. It is kind of like throwing a bomb into a crowd to kill a cockroach.

Not hiding? HAHAHA, I do not see a real address for your company there is not a single person that uses a real name, false information put out on google and other engines about your location, etc. guess you guys have learned a lot from the bad guys.

Sure go ahead, jut yet another example of your trying to damage innocent companies.


oh, and P,S,. Kind of funny how you failed to mention the fact that you reneged on our agreement.

At 05:59 AM 9/23/2008, you wrote:
> David,
> Your thoughts that entities protecting the internet are worse than spammers and the cybercriminal-hosts PIE will route (and thereby wash the spam/crime money for) has been noted.
> And no, we're not hiding. Over a billion and a half internet users find us quite well every day. We're also not hiding when our team is at conferences with the IIJ and several Asian networks and CERT staff this week. I could make sure they put in a good word about AS32335 & "Pacific Internet Exchange LLC." for you if you'd like.
> --
> Regards,
> John Reid
> The Spamhaus Project
> http://www.spamhaus.org
> At 05:40 PM 9/22/2008, David Grieshaber - PIE.us wrote:
>> Well really, We do not have the resources or time to vette every new client as we get quite a few.
>> If you guys would stick to Your word, and not block whole blocks as agreed, there would not have been this problem.
>> You agreed with us, along time ago to only block the IP's that are having an issue, and we would resolve those issues.
>> You blocked a /22 that had Nothing At All to do with Spam, and even if it was Spam, they where not even on that block at all!
>> I am completely against spam, malware ect, But I am Also against your tactics of harming companies in the process of trying to fight these issues. This makes you ( in my eye as well as others ( do a quick search on google )) worse then the people you are fighting. Guess that is the reason you have to hide, more then the people that are causing the problems..
>> At 02:15 PM 9/22/2008, John Reid wrote:
>>> Hello Brian, at 09:59 AM 9/21/2008, you wrote:
>>>> Dear Spamhaus,
>>>> This is the network operations center manager for Pacific Internet Exchange. At 9:00pm PST, 9/20/2008, I terminated the bandwidth connection carrying all of Intercage's bandwidth. Our president, David Grieshaber, will be making an official statement by this upcoming Tuesday. He has been on a business trip to Japan since earlier last week and will be back in a couple of days. Please remove the you have blacklisted even though we have many innocent customers on these IP's, including our own mail server. You have severely affected our and our customer's email and businesses. It would be greatly appreciated if you would remove the IP's as soon as possible. You can email [email protected], or contact me using any of the information below if you have any further questions, comments, or concerns.
>>>> Regards,.
>>> Thank you. The listing has been removed. Please do review your client-sign-up-procedures. This client was booted from other networks and was in the press often. Then we have history, other "bad actors" both well known were found routed there. Bascially, if you don't sign up bad actors, you don't have to remove them.
>>>> --
>>>> Brian Barber
>>>> NOC Manager
>>>> Pacific Internet Exchange
>>>> [email protected]
>>>> (415)676-0598
>>> --
>>> Regards,
>>> John Reid
>>> The Spamhaus Project
>>> http://www.spamhaus.org
>> Regards,
>> David Grieshaber
>> President
>> Pacific Internet Exchange LLC.
>> http://PIE.us
>> 1.800.561.1225
>> Direct 1.415.310.7295
>> [email protected]
>> Wholesale Bandwidth and Colocation Services Provider for Asia centric companies.
> !DSPAM:48d8e84d10761366212671!


David Grieshaber

Pacific Internet Exchange LLC.
Direct 1.415.310.7295
[email protected]

Wholesale Bandwidth and Colocation Services Provider for Asia centric companies.