【Test date of the 2nd term in 2008】 Application period: Aug. 1st-Sep. 25th Paper test date: Oct 19th Interview test date: Nov. 16th
【Criteria】Able to understand a broad range of English and to express one's views with fluency. This level is roughly equivalant to advanced learners in university, about a level of 10,000-15,000 vocabularies.
【Level of the test】 Reading: Able to understand a broad range of social English essays. Listening: Able to understand a broad range of social English. Speaking: Able to communicate in English on a broad range of social issues. Writing: Able to write consistent essays on a broad range of social topics.
You know, a recent science news said a black hole might arise or not arise in a certain experiment. Topics about it might be on the test in the future, though they won't in October.
>>16 No, that's quite simple. You can use the phrase to a baby for example. You know, some moms say "Catch it if you can," throwing a soft ball to their baby.
You're mentioning Large Hadron Collider, aren't you? Actually I'm afraid of the possibility of arising Black Hole. I personally feel that I want them to stop the experiment. Although I have learned quantum mechanics and so on, I still have some fear about it.
>>27 I'm not sure about when I take the STEP test 1st grade. As you know, I narrowly passed the STEP test pre-1st grade. So I would take relatively long time to pass it.
>>53 You don't seem to believe what I said. So I'll translate the impersonator's talk into Japanese. ブッシュ大統領は民主党などから批判されてますが、彼は主要で支配的な キャラクターです。彼の言い方はみんなを腹立たせます。 「こんにちはアメリカ。ガボガボ。”whatever” 彼はこれを十七歳の女の子の ように言います。”whatever”(大爆笑)。ラムズフェルドを更迭します 新しい国防長官をアメリカは歓迎します。ジェダイの先生、ヨーダさん です。(ここでヨーダが何か言いますがまったく聞きとれず) ハハハハハハ(ブッシュ大統領の笑い声)彼は面白いこと言うね」
329 名前:ギリギリ君 ◆do4o6Lkj.U 本日のレス 投稿日:2008/09/19(金) 06:33:59 >>308 >I'm looking forward to see you again! 動詞の原形ではなくseeingがくるべきでしたね。 これは明らかに文法ミスです。
>why hasn't you left an English comment? この文のどこが間違っているのかわかりません。 ネイティブから見たら不自然な表現かもしれませんが、文法ミスはないような 気がします。 You hasn't left an English comment を、"why"を用いた疑問文に変えた だけです。 どこがどのように間違っているのか教えていただけませんか?
↑のスレで質問した方がいいでしょう。それ以外のスレでは釣りとしか受け取ってもらえません。 また、↑のスレで質問する際、準1合格、ギリギリ君といった情報は隠して質問した方がよさそうです。 さらに「ネイティブ」とか「不自然」とかも省いて質問したほうが無難です。そうでないと釣りとしての疑いがかけられます。 単純に You hasn't left an English commentのどこがどのように間違っているのか教えていただけませんか? と聞くのがよさそうです。
あともうひとつ質問があります。 >Topics about it might be on the test in the future, though they >won't in October. 俺はwon'tのあとに動詞がないと指摘したら、それは省略だから間違いない との指摘でした。普通、省略が行われる場合は、同じ言い回しの繰り返し を避けるために行われるはずです。 おそらく、"take the test"が"won't"と"in october"のあいだに省略されてる と思いますが、"take the test"に類するような言い回しはどこにも出て きません。
I've found that I don't have to read Japanese comments in this thread. It's not because they're written in Japanese but because they lack in information.
>>70 I think that YOU don't have to write such a silly comment in this thread. Write it down on the back of a flier or something. You'd better keep it in your mind only.
>>88 Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English 5 With Answers: Examination Papers from University of Cambridge Esol Examinations: English for Speakers of Other Languages
Hi Mr. Girigiri, please tell me why you wouldn't take the TOEIC test!
I heard that you are a junior in a college. It is definitely instrumental to have a high score whether you go to graduate schools or apply for a job. It is too good to pass up!
Why don't you take the next TOEIC test and prove your proficiency? Do you chicken out?
>>113 I'd like to pass the STEP test 1st grade before I graduate from school. If I were to prepare for TOEIC along with the STEP test, I wouldn't pass the STEP test 1st grade.
>>115 >If I were to prepare for TOEIC along with the STEP test, I wouldn't >pass the STEP test 1st grade. This simply means that you NEVER pass STEP first grade. TOEIC is just a piece of cake. Can't you just take a bite?
909 名前:ギリギリ君 ◆do4o6Lkj.U 投稿日:2008/09/26(金) 19:55:11 Residents in this thread are moderate, I'm sure. In threads associated with TOEIC, there are a lot of people who maintain their scores are 990 points. How disgusting! On the other hand, residents in this thread never say how they are skilled English learners.
999 :ギリギリ君 ◆do4o6Lkj.U :2008/09/29(月) 21:00:20 >>986 You seem to be intellectual, and I'm intellectual, too. Though my English comments are amateurish, I can write a fine style in Japanese.
I don't want the responses which mention certain people. Information about "ギリギリ君" is not a bit interesting. Those who are making a fuss with such a silly thing are also silly.
I haven't been using English in my daily life for a long, long time, until one day I realized that BIC CAMERA--a famous electric appliance shop--has a funny naming. Why is it 'BIC?' There is no such word in an English dictionary. Is it bacause everybody, without knowing it, began to call it 'BIC' instead of 'BIG, ' which is what the founder of this company meant to call it?
>>186 Thanks for providing us with such an intriguing explanation. I had been thinking that the founder had, by mistake, named it BIC CAMMERA.
I'm glad you replied to me in English. I really hope other 2channelers also find it amusing to speak English and start following us.
One more thing. It is with my biggest remorse that I have to point out you have made one grammatical mistake. 'Slang' is an uncountable noun, refering not to a particular word, but to a concept of how words are utilized. So, you should have said 'BIC is a word of slang.....'
>>187 Thanks for your pointing out. It was the first time I used the word "slang" so I should refer to a dictionary.
We can see English comments fewer than the past probably because the test date is coming. I wish the people return here after that and write in English again, and I can learn many from them. Good night.
I would have spent a flaming night with a different girl each night if somebody had, while I was still in university, warned me that studying so hard is only a beginning of a miserable life with no opportunity with ladies.
>>201 Yes, there is a certain relationship--a much more closely-related relationship than most people think--between studying and sex. It is reported that the more you study the less opportunity you will going to have with girls for the rest of your life.
>>199>>200 You must be former "準一君". How have you been these days?
Sorry to change the subject, Carpediem is a terrible and crazy man, isn't he? I know how you feel and sympathize with you. But you have excellent writing skill, I know. Chin up! YOU CAN MAKE IT!
>>206 You shouldn't say such 'when-I-have-passed' things. From your comments, it is as clear as a weather in Japanese autumn that you have no girlfriends. When you are for it, it's time to take action. Ok? If you want to talk, I'm always avaiable.
>>207 What's that supposed to mean? Tell me why he's got broken-hearted? Could it be possible that he had been studying so hard with no specific purpose?
>>208 >From your comments, it is as clear as a weather in Japanese autumn that you have no girlfriends. YOU ARE SO RUDE AND MEAN! IT IS GROUNDLESS!! I have some girlfriends, not many though. This conversation is over.
>>209 It is just my intuition. But the man who frequently appeared many threads has not posted any comments these days! He must be disappointed. Poor "準一君" has decided that he secludes himself from the world, I think.
I forgot the sourses, and you should care less for them. Besides, not only is it reported somewhere, I strongly support this idea from my experiences, my friends and coworkers around.
>>212 >I forgot the sourses, and you should care less for them. Got it.
>Besides, not only is it reported somewhere, I strongly support〜 It is stupid of you to maintain in this thread that "You've gotta stop studying." But thanks anyway. Maybe sometime, I might understand what you really wanted to say.
>>213 I made a terrible mistake. I posted "It is stupid 〜 studyin.",but this sentence is not relevant to what we were talking about between >>212 and >>213.
I hear there used to be a web site with lots of BBS's, very similar to 2ch, where anyone can post messages in English. In other words, it's an English counterpart of 2ch. Doesn't anyone know about it?
I'm con women-only train cars. It seems they works well, especially during morning rush hour, that these subway gropers have less chance of doing unpleasant things.
Many women who have groped on trains claimed to the authority, as a result they introduced woman-only train cars. Most of men reportly spoke that they agree with this idea.
That is to say they worry about being falsely accused of groping if they accidentally brush up against a woman in a packed train. Male acquaintance of mine said that he have once experienced the same situation as above and he was scared of the angry look of a woman he touched.
I don't know what exactly women-only train cars brought to us, however I began to spot many ill-mannered woman inside these cars. They were doing make up, playing Walkman too loudly and even speaking on a phone.
I feel that because of these women-only train cars, they started to think that they are somehow privileged than others. I think people should introduce men-only train cars as well in order to let these baddly mannered women know where they stand.
In general, westren cultures are lady first oriented and eastern' are not. This could be a sexual discrimination when womem're privileged only in a case like this.
We should more consider about introducing men-only train cars because this maybe plays a very important role in making up the structure of society, the future of Japan
It's totally unfair that JR and many other privatized railway companies provide women-only train cars. The other day, I was in a hurry to get to our office in the morning, because I drank too much last night and got up about half an hour later than usual. It was when I got into the train that I found something wrong--some ladies are staring at me, with a frown, and