I'm con women-only train cars. It seems they works well, especially during morning rush hour, that these subway gropers have less chance of doing unpleasant things. Many women who have groped on trains claimed to the authority, as a result they introduced woman-only train cars. Most of men reportly spoke that they agree with this idea. That is to say they worry about being falsely accused of groping if they accidentally brush up against a woman in a packed train. Male acquaintance of mine said that he have once experienced the same situation as above and he was scared of the angry look of a woman he touched.
I don't know what exactly women-only train cars brought to us, however I began to spot many ill-mannered woman inside these cars. They were doing make up, playing Walkman too loudly and even speaking on a phone. I feel that because of these women-only train cars, they started to think that they are somehow privileged than others. I think people should introduce men-only train cars as well in order to let these baddly mannered women know where they stand. In general, westren cultures are lady first oriented and eastern' are not. This could be a sexual discrimination when womem're privileged only in a case like this. We should more consider about introducing men-only train cars because this maybe plays a very important role in making up the structure of society, the future of Japan.
それから大きな間違いだけ取り上げるけど、 many women who have grouped->many women who have been grouped
they were doing make up, playing walkman too loudly and even speaking on a phone -> (previous sentence) :for example, putting make up, listening to music really loud, and even talking on the cell phone.
I'm sorry to hear your bad news. It's not your fault. Take a break and recharge your energy for awhile. I'm looking forward to your return after that. Contact me whenever you feel like, I can maybe help you in some ways.
>>850 意味は分かるが何か不自然な感じがするね。 that's too bad. It's not your fault. It would be better 4u to get some rest. I believe you can get over it. Tell me anything I can do 4u.
I'm con women-only train cars. I began to spot many ill-mannered woman inside these cars. They were doing make up, playing Walkman too loudly and even speaking on a phone
というように、トピックセンテンス(I'm con women-only train cars.) の直後に理由を書いたほうがわかり易くなります。
全体の構成は あなたの主張(I'm con women-only train cars.) ↓ 反対の理由と根拠 >>843(I began to spot many ill-mannered 〜 are somehow privileged than others.) ↓ 他に反対の理由と根拠(sexual discrimination) ↓ 一方で、女性専用車両のメリット(>>842) ↓ メリット・デメリットを比較した結果、私は〜という理由で反対です。 という感じです。
最後の問題提起(We should more consider about introducing men-only train cars) はこの規模のスピーチ(約1分間)では蛇足になる恐れがあるので、省いたほうが無難です。 スピーチ後に突っ込まれたら面倒だと思います。