「Your authorization to charge your account an additional $45 is required to cover the extra fee. To avoid further delay in the future, please mark authorization up to $5.00 on our Additional Shipping Charge field. 」 「追加料金/残りの料金をカバーするために、あなたのアカウントにもう45ドル課金しなければなりませんが、あなたの了承が必要です。 これ以上の遅れが出ないために、Additional Shipping Charge(送料追加料金)欄で「authorization up to $5.00(五ドルまで了承)」をチェックして下さい。 」 の返信として書く文です、宜しくお願いします。
>>3 Everyone else's pictures were so beautiful compared to mine, I feel bad having mine put up here (on the website), too. mine, I feel like mine aren't worthy of being put up here (on the website).
>>12 i) You can say this about the women (or "This is true of the women"), too, but Japanese men are very quiet/well-behaved when traveling overseas. ii) Sometimes I see people, not always foreigners, smoking in the no smoking areas.
>>19 I'm looking forward to getting my DVD. I hope the DVD gets to my house soon.
>>20 A emailed me on 4/10, and I immediately placed a reorder on the website as she said to do. I then emailed her to let her know (that) I had done so. However, as of today my credit card does not appear to have been charged. I tried emailing A to ask her when the items I ordered would be shipped, but received no reply.
>>22 You realize when you actually try/do it (for) yourself that what others can make look easy is often much more difficult than it appears.
>>23 I will authorize the additional shipping charges, but I can't seem to find the proper field. Could you please describe where exactly the field that I have to mark is on the form?
>>24 The couple themselves probably consider their little quarrels to be the height of seriousness, but they just sound like a pair of screaming children to me so it always makes me laugh.
>>33 > あなたの言う通り、日本ではヤード・ポンド法では無くメートル法が単位として > 使われています。アメリカも公式な単位はメートル法と聞きましたが、依然として > ヤード・ポンド法が頻繁に使われているようですね。 Like you said, we use the metric system, instead of the Imperial system, for measurement purposes in Japan. I was told before that the metric system is also the official system of measurement in the United States, but I suppose a lot of people still use the Imperial system there.
>>35 I thought so, too. It's like the metric system is almost unheard-of in the States or something. I suppose you can get away with a lot of things being the only superpower in the world...
>>36 We always used metric in all of my science classes though, from middle school onwards. I would say scientists use metric, but then I remember NASA fucked up big on something semi-recently and ended up losing some expensive equipment because of a metric/Imperial problem. So I guess even people at NASA use Imperial... I don't really know.
Anyways, I hope the metric system will be widely used in the U.S. outside the scientific communities. The Imperial system used to drive me crazy, you know.
>>37 What about GRE, GMAT, LSAT, and MACT? Are they in the metric system now? When I took GRE decades ago, it was in the Imperial system, as far as I remember now.
>>35-45 This is a thread for translation. If you wanna keep chatting, go to chat in English thread or exchange email addies and chat via email or else, I'll fart right in front of your faces.
I know it's not a good idea to change email address frequently because every time you do it, your friends have to register your new address again and again to their address book. But I'm really fed up with junk mail to my former address, so I decided to have a new email address. Thanks for your understanding.
>>52 I haven't watched the anime, OOOO, but I can tell you one thing. You are shameless enough to pick a quarrel with me about the anime made by and for Japanese that you even download illegally.
At least you need to buy it legally to express your opinion about it. The Japanese proverb "thieves never show the slightest compunction about their crimes" is the one that describes your shameless attitude.
>>56 I tried using this software and successfuly burned a CD with it. There are lots of other software available to meet your need if you search for them. Why don't you try this for example?
>>86 I've cut my hair to make myself look younger because the(a) reunion party is in the Golden Week holidays. And I must get a new dress, so I'm busy.
>>67 People whose foremost concern is themselves always whitewash what they say. They're all talk, their words and their actions never match up. On the surface it sounds like they're being up front with you, but if you actually pay attention to what they're saying, it's full of contradictions. I think it's difficult for people like that to (really speak their minds)/(honestly say how they feel). He's probably (acting spoiled)/(taking advantage of you/the situation) in a lot of ways. He fancies himself some kind of tragic hero.
>>68 1. I have a feeling I understand. I think I (might) understand. 2. If you say (something like) that, (everyone will be laughing at you)/(you'll be a laughingstock やや古い).
>>69 I used to think it was cool to act like you didn't care (about anything), [or just " to act indifferent,"] that to get passionate/(worked up)/excited about something was embarrassing/lame.
>>75 (Early)/(The beginning of) August, at the soonest/earliest. Don't use both "early" and "earliest", though. You can also say something like, "The earliest would be the beginning of August."
>>76 1. What most impressed me there was the projection of the night sky by his invention, the planetarium. 2. I felt as if I had really been in outer space. 3. I visited the museum because my friend Yumi had invited me. She knows a lot about space. 4. I really have to thank him. If he hadn't invited me, I would never have been able to have such a wonderful/amazing experience.
>>80 1. I don't know yet if I'm going to get only A, or both A and B. 2. I'll decide after I find out (what the price is)/(how much it'll cost). 3. Please don't issue the invoice yet.
>>97 Could you explain the difference in nuance between *** and @@@?
>>98 If your contract with them (this label) ends, will you close your blog, too? I would be very sad if you stopped blogging. (or "I would really miss your blog if it went away.") I think everyone else reading your blog would probably (feel the same)/(miss it, too).
>>102 If my package hasn't shipped yet, I'd like to (add to the order)/(make an extra/additional order).
>>96 Oh, there's a translated version of this manga out? Well, excuse me! You watch ●●●, so I naturally assumed you read ○○○, as well. Well then, please keep up the good work and buy the official releases of those fansubbed anime, too. (かなり嫌味っぽい) Of course that means the Japanese DVDs for those titles that haven't been licensed in the U.S. yet. It's about time you take your position as a member of the △△△ staff seriously. Even now the other people on 2ch are watching/observing you. You're the one who brought that commotion under control a year ago, and yet you don't seem to be making use of the lessons you learned from that at all. Hm, I guess that goes without saying.
>>127 I think you guys are all really cool for being able to speak Japanese. (;_;) Even though it's your native language. (;_;) It's still cool to me...
>>127 あ、わりw People who can speak English might seem amazing to people who can't, but (they themselves)/(native speakers) don't think anything of it/(their ability). I don't think it's anything special that I can write posts in Japanese, either. That would just be really (fucking, if you don't mind cuss words) sad if I thought I was awesome because I could write a post.
Certainly, foreign people often says that Japanese people look younger than they really are. And Japanese people often says that foreign people look older than they really are.
>>147 16years have passed since Yutaka Ozaki died. What I thought on that day 16years ago was "That's exactly his style to be ment." Of course I was shocked though.
>>137 What has been happening to you? Is everything all right with you?
>>144 They seem both right, but at the same time they seem both wrong.
>>145 We will meet each other in Tokyo and then talk. Any day you pick will be all right with me.
>>147 It's been 16 years since Yutaka Ozaki passed away. 16 years ago on that day, what came to my mind was that's the way he passed away. I felt really sorry for him though.
>>148 The fact that the faces of Enari-kun and Ishida, Junichi are made up of virtually the same parts.
>>149 I was very/so happy that I was able to see and listen to scenes and songs missing from the highlight DVD.
>>152 I bought a coffee cup made in 1976 at eBay the other day. I received it a week ago.
>>153 I found canned foods, sweets, alcoholic drinks and cigarettes in the box.
>>154 Hello, Steve. Sorry for my late reply. The picture you showed me the other day was really cool. What will bring you to Osaka this coming August? Is it business or pleasure?
石油燃焼では、化学エネルギー→熱エネルギー→機械エネルギー→電気エネルギーに対して 燃料電池は化学エネルギー→電気エネルギーとできる。という主旨です。 Firstly ,in thermal power generation processes, chemical energy is converted into thermal energy ,and thermal energy converted into mechanical energy ,and mechanical energy converted into electric energy. But fuell cell can directly convert chemical energy into electric energy.
>>144 書き言葉では文頭でのandは避けたほうが無難だお。自分だったら その二つの文をつなげるかな。あとbutだと意味が通らないよ。 簡潔な言い方としては"The reverse is true with Japanese people."と 書けんこともないが、全部書いたちゃったほうが無難だと思う。
>>146 thanの後に節がくることもあるよ。 例: You need that money more than I do. There were more people there than I expected.
>>193 No images in PDFs JasperReports2.0.5 generates
When I generate a PDF file from the sample 'ImageReport.jrxml', although I can see the images when I load it into iReport2.0.5, there is no images in the generated PDF file. It's just an empty PDF file and the filesize is small. Using full paths for the images doesn't help.
(1)さよなら大好きな人/さよなら大好きな人/まだ大好きな人 Good-bye, my sweet/Good-bye, my sweet/Still I love you
くやしいよとても/悲しいよとても/もうかえってこない/それでも私の大好きな人 I'm mortified/and very sad/You won't return any more/However, I love you
何もかも忘れられない/何もかも捨てきれない/こんな自分がみじめで/ 弱くてかわいそうで大きらい(↑ここが↓もうどうしたらorz) I can't forget everything of you/I can't throw away expectation to you / I hate oneself ???????????
さよなら大好きな人/さよなら大好きな人/ずっと大好きな人/ ずっとずっと大好きな人
Good-bye, my sweet/Good-bye, my sweet/I love you, all the time/ I love you,much all the time (2) 泣かないよ今は/泣かないで今は/心はなれていく/それでも私の大好きな人 I don't cry now/You don't cry now/Your soul leaves body/However, I love you
最後だと言いきかせて/最後まで言いきかせて/涙よ止まれ/さいごに笑顔を /覚えておくため It is the last,/persuade oneself/Stop tears/Because I want to remember your smile
さよなら大好きな人/さよなら大好きな人/ずっと大好きな人/ ずっとずっと大好きな人/ずっとずっとずっと 大好きな人 Good-bye, my sweet/Good-bye, my seet/I love you, all the time /I love you,much all the time/I love you, so much all the time
The best thing to do is contact our Japanese distributor and purchase locally through them. We are no longer able to process orders to Japan . I think the 5% you are referring to is the $5 promotion you can get through our newsletter. Going forward you need to negotiate with Kentaro who is cc’d to this note.
>>209 Surely Japanese films cannot be superior, but I'm not mesmerized by Hollywood ones either. Most Hollywood films seem to me to fall into the same category: big explosion, followed by the arrival of the hero, or someone becoming it, concluded with the greatness of the United States...
Rather than the films, I appreciate the US's TV serieses. Especially 'Full House' is popular with many Japanese people of my generation, as it was dubbed and broadcat in Japan. I am one of them. I loved the programme, and it still has a place in my heart.
この日本語は意味がわかりにくい。「騒ぎを抑えた」のが96なのか、 メールを送る相手なのか。俺には96が騒ぎを抑えたのではないかと読める。 Even Japanese like me finds it difficult to understand what 96 meant in that sentense. But my intution tells me it's 96 who brought the commotion under control, not the recipeint of this mail. Just wanted to write English here so don't overreact claming that why I bothered to write in English.
「You're the one who brought that commotion under control a year ago, and yet you don't seem to be making use of the lessons you learned from that at all.」
>>216 ぐぁあああああああ!間違えちったあああああ orz I took a second to think about that line, but it never occurred to me to read it that way. Thanks for pointing that out. I think you're right, it makes a lot more sense that way. Sorry! Then it should be:
Speaking as the person who brought that commotion a year ago under control, I don't think you're making use of the lessons you learned from that at all.
>>221 Since working contract of yours has changed your hiring situation from this fiscal year, I had expected you not to work here any more. So it is really good to have you here again.
>>223 It is practical fact that the only father of ○○ is △△. There is no possibility to have his father two people. It is completely out of my imagination to think about let other men touch ○○ as his(her) father. Considering aboout his(her) situation, I think I am never going to have re-marriage again.
>>138 I'm with you, man. Fucking squiggles and lines. www But if you're here on 2ch and using it in any meaningful way, means your Japanese is already pretty damn good. I TA Intermediate Japanese, so listening to those n00bs makes me feel all proud and special. Then I come here and feel like an idiot babbling in broken Japanese. So it all balances out somehow...
>>172 >By hook or by crook I will get oo. き、聞いたことねー・・・wwww That's like, the funniest shit I've ever heard. Wow. "by hook or by crook" Where do you guys find this stuff? XD
>>198 >>229 It's (exactly/precisely) because it's spring that I want to have a snowball fight. I want to have a snowball fight (exactly/precisely) because it's spring. [preciselyなどの代わりにbecauseを強調するのも可] The fact that it's spring is the very reason (that) I want to have a snowball fight. (veryのこんな使い方はちょいフォーマル)
It's (the) ugly girls (who need praise the most)/(you should praise the most). It's (exactly/precisely) because a woman is ugly that you/one should praise/compliment her.
>>221 Your (employment) contract changed this year, right? I thought you wouldn't be coming here anymore. (It's great)/(It's a pleasant surprise) to (see you again)/(have you back here).
>>223 ○○'s father is △△, and he doesn't need another one. 更に強調: ○○ has exactly one father, and that's △△. He doesn't need another one.
Just the thought of other men touching ○○ (is disgusting)/(is enough to make me shudder). I can't bear the thought of other men touching ○○.
>>245 My comment got deleted. I wonder if some NG word was in it. So, a translated version was out already. Please excuse me for that. Anyway, I hope you continue to purchase legitimate products just like that.
>>253 My English isn't good enough to tell the differences between words that can be translated to 認証. If "approve" isn't 100% suitable in that sentence, I don't think that causes serious problem. He/She has posted his/her messages in what-seems-like s forum on the net but his/her post never show up there so he/she is wondering if that's because his/her grammar of English isn't good enough and his comments don't deserve to be seen by participants and deleted by a person in charge of administrating/moderating the site. Maybe "verify" is the word? Maybe now that you understand the context, you can choose the best word for 認証.
>>112 is about car racing. Maybe F1. I know American is more familiar with Nascar than F1. 1コーナー is a curve racingd drivers face after a race is kikcked off. Until they face the first curve, each car tries to gain as much speed as possible. Obviously, you have to reduce speed when facing a curve, so Valentino Rossi has to put on the brake pedal. In this case he puts on the pedal to the limit risking his car loses its balance. But his is a professional skilled racing car driver and know what he is doing and that's the best way to be ahead of the crowd.
>>231 I'm with you. I'll be thinking of/about you.
>>232 Japanese people weren't even allowed to attend the opening ceremony or stand at the goal. The only ones around cheering were Chinese spies. The mass media and the politicians are mostly under the thumb of Communist China. The Chinese are free to do as they please while the Japanese are arrested if they try to take action.
日本人に質問!Does the first part of the last line mean the Chinese are taking away people's Tibet flags and cell phones?
>>236 The Olympic torch relay in Nagano is over. The things that struck me the most were the memorial service held in protest by Zenkoji Temple, and the strangely erotic formation of the guards/(security officers).
>>135 My comments never seem to get approved. Is it because my English is bad or something? Are you the one in charge of moderating the comments posted by fans, or is it the site administrators who do that?
>>260 Stop terrorist attacks against Tibetans! (or just "Stop terrorism in Tibet!") Stop (the) genocide in Tibet!
>>285 Go along AAA street from the intersection where the traffic light is. You need to go straight for 2km. While you go along the street, you'll see 4 traffic lights not including the one at the intersection.
For landmarks, you'll see BBB near the second traffic light, CCC near the third traffic light, DDD near the forth traffic light, all on the left side of the street.
>信号を4つほど通って 最初の交差点での信号は含まないとして、not including the one at the intersection をわかりやすいようにつけたけど、含むのならとって。
>>289 Keep going after passing the 4th traffic light until you come to the end of the street. You'll see EEE there. Turn right and go along the street until you come to FFF. I'll be there.
>>296 When I was a kid, I lived in Osaka. My dad is a big fan of the Tigers and everytime the Tigers wins a game, he gets really excited. He wants me to be a pro baseball player but I'm interested in music. I'll get my homework done before he comes home.
>>283 I didn't know who was the real enemy to me.In fact,the enemy were my relatives. If I had kown it in advance,I might have defeated. But,at that time,I fought with someone else for victory.
>>263 After completing a 15-day flight orbiting the Earth aboard the space shuttle Columbia, Japan's first woman astronaut Chiaki Mukai landed home safely on Tuesday. She said that she was very happy to have accomplished her lifelong dream of traveling to outer space.
>>265 If it comes down to it/that, just go to her place. If you have to, you can go to her place.
>>267 Heh, thanks man. Yeah, I honestly had no idea what the hell >>112 was about. I've never watched car racing before, but going just off your explanation...
>>112 Valentino Rossi slams on the brakes as he enters the first curve!
...or something like that.
>>271 There's about 498204820934 different ways I can think of to say this. XD Here's just one of them:
But the idealistic facade of national unification is a mask for self-serving political motives and the persecution of minorities.
>>278 Woo, thanks. Then the last line of >>232 is... 直訳: The rampant confiscation of Tibetan flags and cell phone cameras by the Chinese continues unchecked, as they have the police on their side. 意訳: The Chinese seem to have been given free rein by the police to confiscate Tibetan flags and cell phone cameras.
I didn't know who was the real enemy to me. The enemy was on my side. If I had known who was my real enemy in advance, perhaps I could have won. But I tried my best back then and fought for vistory to the end.
Man, I gotta teach y'all how to swear in English. XD
>>281 いや、母語っすから。 This is as easy for me as typing in Japanese is for you guys.
>>283 I hadn't known who my real enemy was. My enemy turned out to be someone quite close to me. If I had known beforehand that my true opponent lay elsewhere, perhaps I could have won. But at the time, I fought my hardest and struggled to the very end.
>>311 I had every intention of going back and doing yours when I finished all the shorter ones. Then you started multiposting and being a little bitch about it.
>>321 バイク・・・ "hits the brakes" maybe. Also, I'm not sure but we might say "the first turn" more often than "curve".
Valentino Rossi hits the brakes as he enters the first turn!とか
>>325 ur awesome. i didn't know that english is ur nateive language. i'm teaching myself english for years, but my writing skill has never been improved. i might need ur help sometime again. thanks a lot.
"HOW IS IT YOU'RE SO BEAUTIFUL,AND SO FUCKING UGLY INSIDE!!YOU KNOW IT WOULDN'T TAKE MUCH TO MAKE YOUR OUTSIDE LOOK LIKE YOUR INSIDE!!HEH!!I COULD JUST CHOP YOUR BRAIN OUT!IT DONT DESERVE SUCH A PRETTY BODY!!!" -JTHM- lol,Dear die-ary,today I learned that on the inside...I'm pretty Fucking ugly!-jthm- =if you can't tell Im in love whith jthm heh= I would like to credit Incoherent_x for all her wonderful icons that I use heh they were all made by her except the one of me and the jthm devi one heh.
>>365 It's not so surprising that her English sounds natural because it is her mother tongue. What impressed me is her comprehention of Japanese. Seems like she understands even a subtle nuance of broken Japanese precisely.
>>355 A strait which divides the United Kingdom and France finally got a undersea tunnel. The tunnel has two (through-rail freight) operating services type of "A" and "B". Former one shuttles passengers and latter one do vehicles loaded with passengers such as cars and buses between London and Paris.
>>352 一行目はあいさつか、あえて入れるとすると文脈から次のような感じがいいかと... Hi, I am "自分のなまえ" and thank you for having my mail six months ago.
Well six months ago, I asked you a favour by e-mail with my name and address to send me has not arrived yet. Please allow me to ask you the same favour, but if it still is available, would you send me the item to me ?
>>352 一行目はあいさつか、あえて入れるとすると文脈から次のような感じがいいかと... Hi, I am "自分のなまえ" and thank you for having my mail six months ago.
Well six months ago, I asked you a favour by e-mail with my name and address to send me the item and it has not arrived yet. Please allow me to ask you the same favour, but if it still is available, would you send me the item to me ?
>>352 Before about a half year, once I sent you a mail with my name and address, which asked for ○○, but it doesn't come to me yet. Please forgive my offence to ask it over and over, though, if you would give me it, could you send me it?
>>376 Since water has high 誘電率, it can be a natural 溶媒 that melts ion substance. Therefore, it induces 融解 of mineral substances and increases mobility of their components. While rainwater includes only a few miligrams of melted substances, seawater includes approximately 35g of salt per litter. Ions included in seawater are Cl, Na+, SO4^2- in high 濃度 order.
カッシーニ explorer has revealed that the Saturn's small satellite know as 「エンケンドラス」has atmosphere. Scientists consideres that the atmosphere was made from the 「氷の火山」(icy volcano?) The satellite with the diameter of 6km has the highest 反射率 in the solar system because it is covered by water. The explorer, it took 7 years for which to reach the satellite, is going to conduct various explorations for four years to come.
>>380 Hi, I've been learning English but I still have so many things to learn. So, I would probably make a lot of mistakes when I write in English. Is it OK to ask you to correct my English whenever you find any mistake? I greatly appreciate your help. Best,
>>381 1. Zenkoji declined to serve as the starting point of the Olympic torch relay. Quiet protest of Buddhists 2. Buddhist commemoration service for Tibetans and Chinese at Zenkoji in the morning of the Olympic torch relay day. 3. Peace and freedom to you! Wholeheartedly from Japan.
>>382 The average of the test score was really disappointing this time.
>>400 All systems in this world keep changing while interacting closely one another. Nothing will last forever. The human civilization and human species can never avoid the fate to die out.
>>409 You aren't with your gf tonight, right? Are you going to play with your dildo or something? Feeling lonely without her? I'll lick your sensitive part. Hmmmm. Yummmyyyy....
>>414 I recognized again that telling a lie is nothing special for Chinese people, from top governmental officials to students. They don't even think it's a shame to tell a lie. Lying
>>412 On the other hand, however, many uncertain elements and accidents exist in the movements of earth system. Under that state of things, there are plenty of chances for people to act independently as an individual, as a group, and as the whole human speices.
昨日はありがとう。色々話せて良かった。 やっぱりlinkin park大好き!あたしは今年もライブ行くつもり。kevinは今年もヨーロッパツアー行くの??良かったら感想教えてね。 puddle of mud気に入った??kevinの好きそうなやつだったんだけど。 彼女と仲直り出来るといいね。 p.s papa roach最高だった
>>447 I'll go to Okinawa for the first time next month. I'm really looking forward to watching the southern cross up in the sky there. That's why I have studied about the southern cross.
>>455 My family consists of five people, parents, gran, young brother, and me. か、 I have five people ,father, mother, gran, young brother in my family. でどうざんしょ。
>>471 1. I don't think I learned something at this college. No classes, courses I have taken so far help me imrove my English.
2. My major has been OO so far but I decided to major how to cheat on my report from the next semester.
3. I want to learn how to use Internet more effectively to cheat on my assignment. After graduating from *** college, I want to hone my skills of cheating in ever aspect of life in America. I believe if I learn the skills here, my future in Japan will be rose-colored.
>>482 I have spent 3months in India. I couldn't do any sight seeing at all because I was on a job. I felt that people in India were never friendly to someone from other country. They ignored even if I smiled at them and everybody was just staring at me walking on streets. It was really tough as I got money all gone because pay was transfered to the account in Japan. Thoug I might be my fault as I didn't study Indian language.
>>514 話せる(できる)のニュアンスから could つけました。 自分について、いうからいいかなーと。ただ応えるほうは、 Yes, I did. I thought you could.(もっと話せると思ったよ) とは応えにくいです。^^; もちろん、You are a good English speaker といってくれるでしょう。
>>491 I sent you an email a few days ago, have you had a chance to read it? Around when will you be coming to Tokyo? Please let me know as soon as you can.
Now put everything you've got into that swing, One perfect arc, (You)/(Oh,) wandering hero
>>516 Hello! I guess you're in London right now. Is it a short business trip, or will you be staying there for a while? I hope you won't be too busy, good luck with your work!
>>518 This/That really brings/takes me back. Wow, haven't (seen this/that)/(done this/that)/etc. in a while. / It's been a while since ...
>>525 America, dude, all the way. Born and raised here, lived here all my life. I've been to Japan four times. First three times were vacations with friends, last summer I was there three months for an internship. I'm going back again this summer with my best friend. わーい。 I'd like to live in Japan one day for a while, try it out... Who knows.
>>374 derogatory term (racial/ethnic) slur [a term or word[s] used to insult on the basis of race, ethnicity, or nationality]
>>388 Some Chinese and pro-Tibet supporters wave flags from the top of a monument outside a train station. Uploader: Hey! If you really care about Tibet, get down here! Hearing this, the pro-Tibet people climb down. The Chinese refuse. Up: Hey, you Chinese! Get down! Get down here! Free Tibet! Up: (to the police) Why aren't you arresting them?! Arrest them already! Why are you defending them? Police: We'll give them a warning. Please get back. Up: All you have to do is drag them down! Get the hell down here! Go give them a warning right now! Why are you just leaving them alone? Get down here, you criminals! Murderers! Police: It's dangerous, stand back. Up: Why aren't you warning them? You said you'd give them a warning! They're right there in front of you! Police: Please get back. I need you to get back. Up: And they get off scot-free? Police: Just go back, please.
>>420 Even if mankind must one day perish, (still) the way that takes us there is not fixed by fate. We are always at liberty to choose the path we deem best.
>>421 Thanks for yesterday, I'm glad we got to talk (so much). I really love linkin park! I'm planning on catching another one of their concerts this year. You're going to see their Europe tour again this year, too? Tell me how it is, if you don't mind! Did you like puddle of mud? I thought it was the kind of thing you'd like. I hope you and your girlfriend make up.
P.S. papa roach was awesome!
>>423 B, not including/containing A, B, which doesn't include/contain A,
>>424 Just in case you're still around, we have set expressions for that:
to make a wish on a shooting star to wish upon a shooting star
>>460 I was talking to him, a middle school kid/student, about dreams. Suddenly he started saying, "I can make other people have nightmares!" (or "I have the power to give people nightmares!") But when I thought about it, I started wondering: can dreams even be controlled?
>>471 1. Since enrolling (here)/(at 学校名) I've taken many different classes, with a focus on English. 2. Until now my major had been ○○, but I discussed it with my counselor and decided to change to ×× (starting next semester)/(from next semester onwards). 3. My goal for the future is to get an OPT permit. After graduating (from) △△ College I want to use my OPT period to gain new kinds of experience (that I hadn't been able to before), and to continue to (make good use of)/apply (that experience)/(what I've learned) once I return to Japan.
>>531 Most (of the) Australians interested in Japanese (people) could/(were able to) speak the language.
>>542 Of course it's ok with you send it to me when you are back in England. >>543 I'm happy to know that you seem to organize the schedule to be ready.
>>550 There are some mistakes partially but you are good at Japanese ! I know only a few easy English words. So I want to be able to communicate in English. It's a shame, I can't speak English at all for now. It's a pleasure to teach you Japanese !
You make a few mistakes here and there, but overall your Japanese is very good! I can't understand anything but basic words in English... I really want to improve enough to be able to keep up a conversation. Right now I can barely speak it at all... I'd be more than happy to teach you (some) Japanese.
I'm typing up my reply to everyone else, もうちょいだけ待っててくれぃ
ちょい英語: The biggest helps for me were probably writing in Japanese (the diary, and later the blog), and translating. The first thing has probably helped me the most. It takes a LONG time and it's very frustrating being unable to say what you want to say (believe me, I know how you all feel), but in the process of asking other people or looking up words in dictionaries or googling various phrases, you learn a lot of new expressions and you figure out new ways to use the language. When you're living in a country that doesn't allow you to use the language much in daily life (I never use my Japanese), forcing yourself to write in it regularly is one of the few ways you can keep yourself learning new words/phrases, and actually *remembering* them. I highly recommend it, anyway (writing in English, I mean).
The second thing is translating. I do a shitload of translating, and not just here. I worked on fansubs for a while, did manga for an even shorter while (it got boring really fast), and now my main project is translating a novel. Needless to say, I've learned a lot from that^^ It's tough work, though. Most people aren't going to do anything like that, I know. But even just reading (books, magazines, whatever) in English is a huge help, I think. But I'm sure you guys already do that.
>>590続き続き >>533 >インターンも通訳か何かですか いや、ある会社の研究所でprogrammerやってました。と偉そうに言ってみるが大した仕事してないしw 通訳なんてちょー無理。I can manage writing, but my speaking is terrible. My accent's not too bad (I hope), I just can't come up with the words quickly enough.
>日本語も完璧なので 完璧っておいw お世辞にもほどがあるぞ い、一応 ありがとうございます m(__)m でもまぢ下手だって。それをここでなんとかごまかしてるだけだよw Seriously. But I really would like to work in Japan for a while, if I can. Someday.
once I have asked my Australian friend before what Japanese words made him confused. She answered that they were "Tori" and "Toire". Her answer was so interesting to me as a Japanese because those two words sound totally different to Japanese.
>>593 さ、さあ・・・ 難しくない、って言ったら「なに言ってんだよ、お前めちゃくちゃ間違ってんじゃねえか!」とか言われそうでコエー 実際どこまで使いこなしているのか自分で判断はできないから分からないけど・・・ All I can say is I've never felt it was particularly difficult. Now I could just be a complete moron and be using them all wrong and not realize it, but for what it's worth, I never *felt* it was difficult. www
>>596 語彙!わ、我が弱点・・・ Looks fun though, I'll give it a try later.
>>597 だなwww I actually think it sounds pretty awesome, you get to interact with young Japanese kids and stuff, and I love English so teaching it would be a lot of fun for me, I think... One day, one day I hope I'll do it.
>>598 Does anyone have that book? Is there anyone (here) who has that book?
>>606 I just have a lot of fun talking to you guys^^ I didn't even realize how late it was until like 5am. And at that point you might as well just stay up all night. There was that one long post that was subtitles for a movie trailer, I gotta go back and see if I can do that one...
>>585 I thought you drew your pictures on the computer, but it seems they're actually hand-drawn. Do you ever use a computer for your art? It makes the whole process a lot easier (especially coloring). Anyway I wanted to ask you, are you curious at all about how talented artists draw their pictures? There's a website with videos of people drawing. I can send you a file explaining how to use the site if you're interested.
>>614 Well, I am a clinical psychologist in training, so my English has to be good. Otherwise, my academic and professional careers would be in jeopardy.
Anyway, you really should be proud of your command of Japanese, you know. I can only think of two Americans who can write better in Japanese than you do, and both of them got doctorates in Japanese studies from ivy league schools.
>>617 ファンってw Hawaii? Na, Cali. I wish I lived in Hawaii. XD I'm not Japanese and I've got no Japanese blood in me, if that's what you're wondering.
>>618 頭疲れたから英語で答えさしてぇ Thanks. Seriously, it's a giant pain in the ass for me to write in Japanese, and it makes me really happy to hear the effort pays off a little. >_< I think you're super-exaggerating though. XD Even *I* can tell I'm far from native. うん、2ch(つかオマイらw)がかなり勉強になってるよ。あざーっす Dramas I usually have no trouble with (although sometimes I just don't know the vocab, so I can hear what they're saying but not understand it). Variety is a lot harder, especially when everyone starts talking fast all at once... >_> They also don't enunciate as clearly as the actors in dramas. I'm pretty confident I can pick up most stuff, though... Except sometimes old Japanese men mumble and it's hard to understand them. www My speaking is bad. Super bad. >_< Because I never practice. I have no one to talk to. It takes me a long time to form sentences, and I forget words and stuff. You have no idea how much I use online dictionaries when I'm on 2ch. XD And honestly I have a lot of bad habits. Sometimes I use 俺 without thinking, or call people お前... I need to be really careful about how I talk. orz I cuss all the time in English when I talk to my friends, but I regulate it without even thinking. Like when I talk to adults or strangers or whatever, I keep my speech very polite. But it's harder for me to make that natural switch in Japanese. I guess since I'm not used to it.
I have no コツ. XD All I can say is read. Read, read, read more. The only way you'll pick up that natural instinct for a language is by reading/hearing it a *lot*. There's really no shortcut for that. You just have to put in the time.
>>625 Haha, I see you've been around for a while. That was never my handle, I just liked that picture. Thought it was funny^^ (And I do like ramen...)
>>626 はあ。 I kinda wish I'd gone to one of the UCs and majored in Japanese. Ah well, way too late for that now. I get a little pang of jealousy when I hear about other people doing that though.
But yeah, thank you very much. I try my best. m(__)m
>>628 う〜ん "(Because) I've (just) been wondering..." is closer in meaning to the original Japanese. Because I was just wondering... = (最近)気になってるんだけどって感じかな
>>632 Why did you get so hurt by the words "green card"? Green card and permanent visa are two names for the same thing, as far as I'm concerned. The people claiming that all I want's a green card obviously bothered you enough that you felt compelled to come tell me about it, and I can't help thinking that you're the one who actually feels that way. If you were secure in your beliefs, I don't think you'd really care what anyone else said. I can't live or work in the U.S. without a green card, and that means I wouldn't be able to live with you, either. Please don't consider me to be one of those people who can't work unless they immigrate to the U.S. I can stay in Japan if I want to. I can lead a perfectly happy life here in Japan, too.
>>633 Your handwriting isn't bad, but it could use a little practice.でどうかにゃ
>>641 God damnit. I'm just going to have to wait this out until you all forget. I just asked because >>638 sounded pretty native, wouldn't have expected someone studying English to come up with that.
どれが正しい英語でしょう? I hava a job on Monday. I have a work on Monday. I have to go to work on Monday. I have to work on Monday. I have work on Monday. I will work on Monday. I work on Mondays. I'll be in work on Monday. I'll work on Monday. I'm at work on Monday. I'm on business on Monday. I'm on duty on Monday. I'm on the work, on next Monday. It's a workday on Monday. I've got a job on Monday. I've got to work on Monday. Monday is work.
Even if a Chinese says "Jap!",no Japanese will feel bad and get angry. If you want to anger a Japanese, call him "You Chinese!" The Japanese feel it for an insult when the Japanese is mistaken for a Chinese. We remember dirtiness, injustice, violence, ignorance and the incompetence when we hears words called "Chinese",
>>647 Japanese people don't get angry over being called "jap" by a Chinese person, it's just like being yapped at by a little dog. If you really want to insult a Japanese person, just call them Chinese. Then you'll see them *really* angry.
>>648 I wanted to get back to you earlier, but my computer's been acting up a bit. Sorry it took me so long.
>>652 (Because) I need 8 units/credits this term to graduate this year.
>>659 Even if Chinese says "Jap!", no Japanese will feel bad and get angry. If you want to get Japanese angry, call them "You are Chinese!" Japanese take it as an insult if they are treated as Chinese. We recognize Chinese as the symbol of dirtiness, injustice, violence, ignorance and incompetence.
>>659 Even if Chinese says "Jap!", no Japanese will feel bad and get angry. If you want to get Japanese angry, call them "You are Chinese!" Japanese take it as an insult if they are treated as Chinese. We recognize Chinese as the symbol of dirtiness, injustice, violence, ignorance and incompetence.
>>660 He's very close to me, so a single action I take could be enough to damage his trust. His attitudes towards responsibility and social interaction (his values, in other words) are nearly identical to mine, so to me he's a very important person who has my utmost respect, and whose company I deeply enjoy.
Hello.Am wiliams from United states. Im interested to make Im interested to make an offer on your yahoo auctions product SONY PLAYSTATION3. Im would have place a bid but an buying it urgently for my daughter that was sent to Nigeria for private research by my company.Im will offer you $2000USD including shipment cost via EMS and i will send the payment by Bank Transfes.
>>672 How you doing? It's been a while. I heard you're coming to Osaka, when's that gonna (going to) be? We should meet up if we can find a time that's good for both of us. Looking forward to hearing from you.
>>567-568 I found this explanation online: >The word is actually "Kirudore", which appears to be a combination of "kill" and "children" (something like "Killdren"). So I'm going to use killdren.
Somewhere, in a country much like Japan, there live children who never grow up, children who are very much like us. Killdren The story of eternal children I've been assigned here as of today. My name is Yuichi Kannami. Do you want to grow up? We killdren don't age, we live forever. ...until we die up there. I was waiting for you. She was a really exceptional pilot so she lived a little longer than her comrades, and she learned to meddle in her own fate and the fates of others. Seems like I'm always thinking about you. You're going back? There's nothing pitiful about him/her! Don't insult him/her with your sympathy! Shoot me with that gun! If you don't, we'll just stay like this forever! How many times did I meet you, how many times did I fight in the sky, how many times did we love each other? I finally understand. The meaning of being killdren, the meaning of our meeting, it's... Do you want to be born again?
Even if Chinese say "Jap!" to Japanese, none of them will be in a bad mood or get angry. If you want to provoke them to anger, call them "You are Chinese!" When they are mistaken themselves for Chinese, that is a gross insult to them.
We'll never forget you are nasty, unjust,violent, neglect ,and you'll regret what you have done !
>>686 手元に本がないんでなんともいえませんけど one of these articles というから、four of there articlesなのではないの? 「注文して」「発送する」の2つが可能か?なので
Can I order four of these articles, and have you send them together in one package out to Japan? Also, I want to know the postage fee. Please tell it to me? Bye.
Even if Chinese say "Jap!" to Japanese, none of them will be in a bad mood or get angry. If you want to provoke them to anger, call them "You are Chinese!" When they are mistaken themselves for Chinese, that is a gross insult to them.
We'll remember you are nasty, unjust,violent, neglect and in competent when we hear the word "China" !
Even if Chinese say "Jap!" to Japanese, none of them will be in a bad mood or get angry. If you want to provoke them to anger, call them "You are Chinese!" When they are mistaken themselves for Chinese, that is a gross insult to them.
We'll remember you are nasty, unjust,violent, neglect and in competent when we hear the word "China" !
>>682 Sorry for the wait. Hm. So, "I'm working on Monday," is kind of a declaration of a state (of future being).
A: Are you coming to the party tomorrow? B: Tomorrow? But that's Monday. I can't, I'm working on Monday.
"I'm gonna work on Monday," is more than just a declaration of a state, it's more active. You're expressing the fact that you're choosing to work on Monday. For example, if B (above) said, "I can't, I'm gonna work on Monday," instead, the fact that B is working becomes an active decision made by B.
So pretend A really wants B to come to the party. If B said, "I'm working on Monday," A might respond with, "Aw, can you get out of it somehow?" (because it's just a simple fact that B will be working on Monday) But if B said, "I'm gonna work on Monday," A would say something like, "Come on dude, you're going to miss a party for one extra day of work?" (because now B has expressed that he is actively choosing to work)
>>685 A dramatic increase in the sales of personal computers over the past few years has accompanied the widespread diffusion of the Internet.
>>686 I'd like to order four of this item and have them shipped to Japan all in one package, is that possible? If so, please let me know how much shipping will cost.
>>715 After entering the building, turn right and go straight until you find elevators on the right. Get off the elevator on the 3rd floor and go straight. Turn right at a bookstore and keep going. You'll find the good restaurant I talked about before. I'll be there drooling.
>>717 Press the green button of this device to turn it on. Pull the green lever to pour the water. Turn the blue knob when water level go up to 5. You'll see blue chemicals come out and starts to mix with water. After you confirm that the water and the chemicals mix completely, take notes on the paper for the record. And then, push the lever back to its original position.
This is the job you are in charge of. It's easy, isn't it? Other part-timers handle delivering.
>>719 Which is more important for you, brown baked bread or me? Have you ever imagined how I feel about seeing you getting fatter? Bread for both breakfast and lunch, for dinner, bread again. It's all about bread, bread and bread over and over. I even blame the recent price hike of flour on you!
>>722 We/I have to reorganize and improve the area for storing plastic cases as the number of the parts/components and their plastic cases are increasing.
The storage shelves for cardboard boxes can't be used for returnable cases.
>>732 The total amount of money you have to pay me consists of the price of item(s), shipping cost in Japan, shipping cost to Italy and the commission for Paypal.
I don't know the exact price of the commission for Paypals and shipping cost to Italy so please note that these two are approximate estimates. If you have any questions to me, feel free to ask.
>>745 ごめん、俺には無理だ。説明を聞いても上手く位置関係がつかめない。 図でもあればやりやすいんだけど。できるところだけやったが、フォロー 頼みます。他の人にもう一度頼んでもいい。あのアメリカ人やめりけんならなんとか してくれるかもしれんが。 Area A is circular and very close to my area. 「Aの領域」が領域Aという意味に解釈したのが上で、Aという人の領域なら A's are is.....だろう。
>>762>>763 分かりにくい文章にも関わらず、ありがとうございます。 763さんのコメを参考に、762さんの訳に 付け加えさせていただいたのですが、どうでしょうか。 This story ends with the practically compulsory sacrifice which other characters recognize but not morally appreciate.
Does they seem gay? I heard that unmanly men were looked on as gay. I have no prejudice against gay people, I wanna, just, know how they are looked on?
>>695 Eh, not quite. The listener doesn't really get any information about what's "usual" or "regular" from what I wrote in >>693.
「俺、月曜は(いっつも)仕事じゃん!?」 = ...(you know) I (have) work on Monday. / ...I always work on Monday! / etc.
If you just say "I'm working on Monday," I would actually be inclined to think the speaker *doesn't* usually work on Mondays. That's why they're explaining to the listener that no, they're working on Monday (with the assumption that the listener didn't already know).
Now if I heard someone say "I'm gonna work on Monday," I would think with ~90% certainty that the speaker does *not* normally work on Mondays. Otherwise it would be strange for them to be telling me their decision to work on Monday as if it were something special, when in fact it's something they have to do every week. Do you see what I mean? It's not about regularity so much as whether it's an expression of active will or not.
>>696 I was embarrassingly ignorant about the American government, economy, and the nation's social problems, and I strongly regretted not paying more attention to the newspapers when I had been in Japan.
>>698 Please introduce yourselves so that you can both/all get to know each other. Please introduce yourselves so that you can feel more comfortable (opening up)/(talking) to each other.
>>702 (I thought of emailing you several times before,)/(I'd been wanting to email you for a while now,) but I never quite found a good opportunity/chance. But I started to feel like if I didn't email you now I never would, so I'm doing it today.
>>706 I wrote a little too much, so I'll condense/shorten it.
>>725 What's happened to you? / What happened to the person who ...?
If you have the details about あの時, you can say something like (for example): What happened to the Joe who hit that homerun when nobody thought he could do it? What about when you hit that homerun when nobody thought you could, where did that person go?
>>766 Do they look gay? I heard that feminine men are perceived as gay in other countries. I don't personally have any problems with people's sexual preferences, I just wanted to know how they look (to you).
>>769 I received a letter yesterday. A single letter addressed to nobody/nowhere. A battle over a wasteland is about to begin. There's nothing we can do. I received another letter. A battle over a wasteland has begun. There's nothing we can do. I'm at a loss to understand why (that is). Can you hear the clamor of the people/masses? The children screaming for mercy There is always only one truth, I don't want to wait until it's too late Even something small is enough, Let's do whatever it is we can do right now. Time passed, and I received a letter. It seems the war is over.
>>780 Your daughter speaks Japanese very well, I have no problems following her. Please tell her to study hard and keep up the good work.
>>736 I think I understand. Check this and make sure I correctly interpreted your Japanese.
Area A is a very small circle centered around me. Area B is an egg shape encircling all of us, with the fat end close to me. It doesn't include area A. Area C is all areas (outside of)/beyond B. Okay, that's enough explanation, let's start the game!
>>784 An adult should understand that love for a deceased mother has nothing to do with the father's remarriage. Past the teenage years that kind of selfish intrusion into a parent's life is no longer excusable. My own teenage daughters came up to me and said, "To be honest we feel a little lonely that you're getting remarried, feels like you're being stolen away from us. But you have your own life, and we shouldn't try to interfere with that." Usually, if you truly love your father, you're happy as long as he is. Or is it that you're not happy about marrying me? Maybe that's why you're so easily swayed by other people's opinions. If that's the case, please do me a favor and let me know sooner rather than later.
>>787 Context. If I were teaching a kid English and told her mom, "I have no problems following her," it would be clear what I meant.
>>788 It took the United States twenty years to make peace with its own past.
>>807 Everyone has their own set of values and there really aren't any absolutes in the world. The last thing I'd want to do is try to force my personal values on someone else.
Here is an example, which stores scripts into its delegate table and executes it.
I set ** into the valiable "Func", then execute. It works. But execute directly as(from) array, it doesn't work. I'm not sure that the behavior happen by some bug or incorrect usage.
In the following code, a script is stored in a delegate table and then executed. This code works without problems if a script is stored in the variable 'Func', but the execution of the code always results in a run-time error if a script stored in an array is directly executed. I was wondering if this strange behavior is caused by a bug. Am I not even supposed to execute a script like this?
In the following code, a script is stored in a Delegate Table and then executed. I set ARRAY01[0] into the valiable "Func", then execute. It works. But execute directly as ARRAY01[0], it doesn't work. I'm not sure that the behavior happen by some bug or incorrect usage.
>>812 It's my pleasure to help. Come by whenever you need something! ま、好きなように呼んでくれて構わないよ。どうせなら「Mちゃん」のほうが似合っ・・・いやいや、こっちの話w
>>813 I know someone said to take the conversation to another thread, but I'll have to respond in Japanese if I do it there so just this once let me respond quickly in English. >_< You're thinking of Muslims, not Iranians. Although I don't blame you for assuming. I'm not Muslim, nor are my parents religious at all. I'm not too different from your standard American girl in terms of my habits/customs/etc. I'm the first generation in my family born in the U.S. (My big sister was born in Iran, actually, but moved here when she was two.) (Why would I speak Arabic...?) I understand Farsi very well, my mom speaks to me in it all the time, but I have trouble speaking it. My Japanese is actually much better than my Farsi. orz French I used to be quite good at in high school when I was still studying it, but I've mostly forgotten it now...
>>822 What kinds (species?) of dogs do you have pictures of?
>>824 You can have the paper lanterns I've taken down, if you want them. I was going to throw them out anyway. They're free, of course.
>>834 If I express my English ability in numbers, setting my reading at 100, then my listening is 50, writing 30, and speaking 10. So I want to strengthen/improve these three areas.
>>844 "play mother" is kind of weird, but we do say things like, "play Batman" or "play Superman". Like, "The kids are out playing Batman in the yard." I guess we'd also say, "My daughter loves playing mom with her dolls." or something like that.
>>861 >>863's "up-and-coming" is great, we also say "rising star".
>>864 Wow, I haven't heard that expression in so long... I would never have thought of using it.
>>867 I was deeply impressed by your company's continued history and energetic, innovative spirit.
>>873 Most people in this community probably aren't interested in this CD, but if anyone wants it please let me know.
In the following code, a script is loaded into a delegate table and then executed. This code works without problems only if the variable 'Func' is set to ARRAY01. Otherwise, the execution of the code always results in a run-time error. I was wondering if this behavior is caused by a bug. Did I do something I wasn't even supposed to do?
Is it absolutely wrong to tell a lie? I don't think so. Generally speaking, being untruthful is not desirable, but it is necessary in some situations, especially in order to get along with others. In fact, you would get yourself into big trouble if you keep telling the truth to others without carefully considering how they perceive it. Moreover, lies are sometimes necessary to avoid hurting the feelings of others. For example, it is not uncommon in Japan for the family of a terminally-ill patient with cancer to lie to her about her medical conditions. In my opinion, it is acceptable to tell a lie with good intent in special circumstances.
>>915 Hm... I think that doesn't quite match. Take full responsibility for your actions. = 自分の行動に責任を持て。
>>912 Use at your own risk. / Use of this product is at your own risk. Use of this product is entirely your responsibility. Users of this product agree to assume all responsibility.
>>893 To Mr. Taro, I sent you a message through this form the other day, but I'm not sure if it reached you so I thought I'd send it again just in case. Please excuse the multiple messages, I'm very interested in this item. Thank you for your time. -Jiro
>>897 What I really want to do isn't study abroad or anything like that, it's reading the Bible in the White House. (はあ?)
>>898 Charge the leaf electroscope with a positive charge. 1. Bring the ebonite rod rubbed with fur close to the electroscope. 2. Ground the electroscope by touching it with your finger. 3. Remove your finger. 4. Take away the ebonite rod. The positive charge will be distributed throughout the electroscope, and the foil/leaves will spread/open.
>>901 Well, if you want a proper explanation: ttp:// "a unique form of Japanese chair which has no legs, but has a normal chair back"
>>908 あっ 日本語ワカラネーorz Someone help me out here, which one does this mean?
I/We should have been more careful about them (at the time)/(back then). I/We should have warned them (at the time)/(back then).
>>910 It's all your fault/responsibility. / The blame is all yours.
>>928 He might be in Pattaya. He doesn't have a cell phone so I can't call him to check. I'm quite sure he'll be going to **, though, so just try waiting a little longer. He'll be in Thailand until the 5th.
>>919 In light of the fact that guns and narcotics are clearly responsible for involving many people in criminal activity, I believe that stricter regulations would go a long way towards crime prevention in general. However, there are all kinds of politics (the NRA lobbyists, for one) at play with this issue that make any meaningful progress practically impossible.
>>935 I applied to go to a (private) prescreening, and I got in.
コンテストか何かならI entered a contest for a...
>>937,939 I've had a fever since yesterday, and I had to take today off work, too. I rarely get sick, but this cold is really quite bad.
>>388 Some Chinese and pro-Tibet supporters wave flags from the top of a monument outside a train station. Uploader: Hey! If you really care about Tibet, get down here! Hearing this, the pro-Tibet people climb down. The Chinese refuse. Up: Hey, you Chinese! Get down! Get down here! Free Tibet! Up: (to the police) Why aren't you arresting them?! Arrest them already! Why are you defending them? Police: We'll give them a warning. Please get back. Up: All you have to do is drag them down! Get the hell down here! Go give them a warning right now! Why are you just leaving them alone? Get down here, you criminals! Murderers! Police: It's dangerous, stand back. Up: Why aren't you warning them? You said you'd give them a warning! They're right there in front of you! Police: Please get back. I need you to get back. Up: And they get off scot-free? Police: Just go back, please.
>>420 Even if mankind must one day perish, (still) the way that takes us there is not fixed by fate. We are always at liberty to choose the path we deem best.
>>985 Er, sorry. If it's a contest or something like that, also change "...and I got in." to "...and I won."
>>983 Cycling is my favorite thing to do, so I use my bike to go just about everywhere. A bright, sunny holiday, listening to my favorite music and zipping down the bicycle path along the river--that's the absolute best feeling! Plus bike riding is a good way to keep in shape and it's a great stress releaser, not to mention no pollutants so it's Earth friendly! I think me and my bike are going to be sticking together for a long time.
I didn't write my last report on the proper theme, so please allow me to revise it. Thank you.
>>987 I'm thinking of going to see your performance in Italy before you come to Japan. I would fly there today if I could.