>>3 urgent, crucial, essential, fair, important, necessary など、「必要・重要・妥当」を表す形容詞による、 It is (上記の形容詞など) that 〜.等の構文では、that節に仮定法現在が用いられます。 これは先行する形容詞の意味からして、that節の内容が事実ではなく 話者の心の中で想定された事柄を指すことによります。 ですのでこの問題では、 It's urgent that she call me as soon as possible. と、callが入ることになります。 callに三単現のsがついていないのは以上の理由の通りです。 この用法は(米)でより一般的です。 (英)でも使われますが、 It's urgent that she should call me as soon as possible. とshouldを入れることが多いようです。
Vice President Al Gore reaffirmed his support for a new system of photo licensing and testing for handgun purchasers, a ban on junk --- night specials and --- of the three-day waiting period for all gun purchases, which expired two years ago.
a) Friday - reciprocation b) Saturday - reinstatement c) Sunday - retaliation d) Monday - reintegration
It is to be understood that both the foregoing general description and the following detailed description are exemplary and explanatory only and are not restrictive of the invention claimed. The accompanying drawings, which are incorporated in and constitute a part of the specification, illustrate an embodiment of the invention and together with the general description, serve to explain the principles of the invention.
お願いします。 1.I thought he was an American , but [ ] [ ] he was not, 2.She told her children to [ ] [ ] so much TV. 3.You have [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] silent. 4.[ ] [ ] [ ] about six months [ ] he can drive by himself. 5.As I don't have a car , I have to [ ] [ ] the train.
>>22 write a short essay in english of 150~200 words on the subject: The United Nations Peacekeeping Operations in Sierra Leone. 下記について、150〜200語のエッセイを英文で書け: シエラレオネにおける国連の平和維持活動
>>24 1.I thought he was an American , but [South] [American] he was not, 2.She told her children to [thank] [you] so much TV. 3.You have [been] [singing] [boys] [be] silent. 4.[He] [was] [imprisoned] about six months [because] he can drive by himself. 5.As I don't have a car , I have to [eat] [on] the train.
>>22 An essay on the United Nations Peacekeeping Operations in Sierra Leone.
First of all I have no idea where or what is going on at Sierra Leone. Call me ignorant if you will but I consider myself a Non-poli, a Japanese term for a non-political minded student who had little or no interest in political matters in late 60's when there was a big student political movement (but that was way before my time as you know).
However, my understanding of the UN these days is that they are a group of high-ranking countries who has a big mouth and no gutts. They waste time talking ninsense at their headquorters in New York, while having fancy dinner and wasting expensive bottles of wine on our expenses. In other words, ehatever they decide or have decided to do, I believe, is for a good cause and I support them all the way. All for world peace and no one can say that's not important.
In Sierra Leone, the rebels led by Foday Sankoh have been causing turmoil and havoc. They have been attacking civilians and cutting off their hands to scare them away from the diamond mines Sankoh controls. Recently, they have also turned against the UN peacekeepers there, taking them hostage or attacking them. Such acts of aggression must be stopped immediately and peace must be restored to the area. The United States, determined not to let another "Rwanda" to occur, promised to support the United Nations. Yet the Clinton administration is not willing to send U.S troops to the area, and the civilians of Sierra Leone complain that 'a white man won't sacrifice himself for a black cause.' The United Nations plans to send a Nigerian-led peacekeeping operation, and the public hopes that it will succeed, after the success of the Australian-led peacekeeping operation in East Timor. The peacekeepers must arrest Sankoh, who has escaped from UN guards, and prevent further atrocities by the rebels. The victims of this rebellion shold make sure such acts of aggression do not occur in the future.
1.Australia is a largely unexplored country having vast mineral wealths. 2.Either their boys or them wish to goto the beach. 3.The company is well known as a leading manufacturer not only of computers but also of office equipments. 4.The department store had a sale on winter clothing,and she bought two clothes with a credit card5.Please be advised that next meeting will be held at 10a.m. on April 15 in conference Room2 on the fifth floor. の五つで誤りが一つずつあります。名詞冠詞分野です。
この問題で僕は、「Who can tell where is the library ? 」と答えて間違えました。 正解は「Who can tell where the library is ? 」だそうです。「間接疑問文の語順に注意」と解説に書いてありましたがよく分かりません。 すみませんが、これはどういうことでしょうか。 誰か教えてください
Those of us who live towns have learned to adjust ourselves to some degree to the kind of overcrowding which seems to be an inevitable consequence of city life; but, the closer we are packed, the more easily resentful of each other do we tend to become. 和訳お願いします。;のまえまではなんとなくわかるんですが。
>>71 ありがとうございます!!参考にさせてもらいます。 もうひとつなんですが、 It is also probable that it is because of the wider spacing between individuals which is usual in the countryside that rural folk are less tense, more friendly, and often better mannered than urban people. お願いします。
塾の長文なんですが和訳お願いしまつ。 It was our urge to communicate with each other and growing ability to do so that was probably the chief factor in the development that made us different from all other animals.
>79 It was our urge to communicate with each other and growing ability to do so と that was probably the chief factor in the development that made us different from all other animals. とに分かれるんだよ、多分・・・ そうすれば学生でも簡単に訳せる。
>>79 It was (後ろのthatとあわせて強調構文) our urge to communicate with each other (urgeを修飾する不定詞の形容詞用法) and (このandはurgeとabilityを並列してつないでいる) growing ability to do so(abilityを修飾する不定詞の形容詞用法、do so=communicate with each other) that (前のIt wasとあわせて強調構文) was probably the chief factor in the development(factorを修飾する前置詞句) that made us different from all other animals. (developmentを修飾する主格の関係代名詞)
1.He didn't tell me whether he would come or not. 2.She asked me if I would help her with her homework. 3.With night coming on, we stopped the meeting 4.Tom is used to sleeping with the light on in his room. 5.It's easy to drive a car - all you need is practice. 6.All you have to do is sign your name on the paper. 7.All you should do is press the button and follow the instructions.
>>87 1:Would you tell me if there is a bank near here? 2:All I heard was the sound of the sea. 3:Betty told her son not to spaek with his mouth full. 4:It has been snowing for no fewer than three days today. 5:Some people from Asian countries are not used to the cold climate in Japan.
Villepin's position (reflected apprehension) (among a number of council members) that the Bush administration wanted immediate support, [choosing a timetable (based on when the weather was best for the U.S. military).]
You will find yourself being urged from every page of every newspaper and on practically every television station to buy all kinds of goods that you are actually quite happy without. 和訳お願いします。
>>146 比較級を用いた文で、程度が増した原因・理由を伴う表現 (because, for など)が付け加わると、 比較級の前に (all) the が付くという文法規則があるのです。 つまり、その問題は熟語の知識を問う問題というより、文法知識を問う問題なのです。
on account of ... がなければ単に think better of という熟語をそのまま使えば よいのですが、ここでは、より評価するようになった原因をあらわす on account of your fine dress を伴っているので、比較級 better の前に the を付けた形にするのが正しい。 ちなみにこの the は「その分だけ」という意味の副詞とされています。 文法の参考書を持っているのなら、比較の章を参照してみては?
もっと簡潔に言うと think better of ~とthink the better of ~は全く別個の熟語ではないのですか? think better of ~には、「〜を尊敬する」という意味は無いようですから。
Do they think the better of you on account of your fine dress? (あなたの素晴らしい服で、彼らはあなたのことを一層良く思うだろうか?) Do they think better of you on account of your fine dress? (あなたの素晴らしい服で、彼らはあなたのことを見直すだろうか?)
Do they think the better of you on account of your fine dress? (あなたの素晴らしい服で、彼らはあなたのことを一層良く思っているだろうか?) Do they think better of you on account of your fine dress? (あなたの素晴らしい服で、彼らはあなたのことを見直しているだろうか?)
>>175 > Who is the president? と、聞かれたときに、 > John is the president. という返事と、The president is John. というのとでは、 > どちらが普通なのでしょう?
どちらも普通です。 She said Tom was not President, then who is President? John is. I hear say the president of that country is sick. Who is it? It's John. 状況によって自然なほうを選んでください。
> 何でこんなことを聞くかというと、間接疑問文を作るときに、 > Do you know who the president is? が、正しいのか、 > Do you know who is the president? と書くべきなのか迷っているからなんですが、
もともと、間接疑問文にするときは感嘆文と同じような 配置になると覚えていたのですが、ふと気になって、質問しました。 文脈によって、who を主語だと考えるかどうか、いろいろあるみたいですが、 無難そうな(もともと覚えていた)、 Do you know who the president is? で納得しようと思います。
あと、the president は、一人しかいないから the をつけるのかと 思っていましたが、むしろ逆なわけですね。
>>Whom is the president?はありえない。 僕の言ったwhomのことを言ってるなら、 主語のwhoと区別して、補語のwhoということを表したのですが、 正式には補語は主格になるので、おかしかったですね。 ただ、一般的に補語は目的格で話されているのですが、 Whom is the president?は確かにありえません。
>>221 よく使われますよ。 Nice to talk to youとは違って、>>218の例のような意味になります。 (つまり、talkingが終わった時のセリフ)
どうしてもわからないので、和訳お願いします。 In truth the woman was not the model of loveliness that one more native than the policeman might have been led to expect. She was, if anything, rather over-weight, and her face might most kindly be described as homely.
わたしも和訳お願いします。なんか和訳板のほうが見れなかったので If a well-meaning person tries to help us by asking what we miss we might have difficulty in saying very clearly why we are sad or confused. Some would only wish they could be reunited with "the most beautiful" culture in the world.
>>248 あのあと、手元の資料ひっくり返したら CULTURAL BARRIERS "Where do We Go from Here?" by John Condon とありました。 後たまたまですけど、よくみたら、246の方も同じ物のようです。 これ、ある教材の一部なんですけど、この人も同じ教材使っているんでしょう。
ブッシュ大統領の批判です。bullyはブッシュ、heは批判している人です。 In schoolyard terms, he is criticizing the bully for surrounding himself with "friends" who do as they are told simply because they are too afraid of what might happen otherwise.
Thinking that you know when in fact you don't know is a serious mistake. という文でthat以下は名詞節という説明でしたが、knowの目的語が欠けてるのに なぜ?when〜konwは副詞節でthinking〜knowを修飾するという説明でした。 わかる人いますか?
To justify the war, the President has invoked the doctrine of "preventive" war, under which the United States is to be the sole judge of that doctrine's legitimacy and application.
>301 ぐぐってみた。 一番多そうなのは、確かに広がりのある具体的な場所、または何もつかない she'll show you around the kitchen Show you around the Internet Let us show you around でも複数形もある 1. 集合的なもの will be greeted by our staff who show you around the facilities 2. 具体的な場所の中に複数あるもの to show you around the sights of the Hajdu and Nyirseg regions 3. 本当に複数(?):少ない We'll show you around the LPGA courses we show you around the different properties you select
辞書にも載っていなかったのでここで質問させていただきます。 I was so astonished that for a moment or two I could not speak. という英文がありました。 この英文のfor a moment or twoがどのような意味を持っているのか教えてください。 よろしくお願いします
>>357 個人的な好みだけど、多分広島に来るのはわかっているので When are you going to be in Hiroshima? とすれば、いつからいつまで、という答えが期待できる。それから、 Do you have specific plans during that time? なんてのもあり。
I saw a bicycle coming down the street You can come and see me whenever you like You don't know how quickly one's youth goes by We heard some people singing in the middle of the night
バイト家庭教師です。教えてる子が大学まで暇だから アブリルラビーンのsk8erboyの歌詞の意味を教えて欲しいみたいなのですが、 どうしてもわからないところがあります。 He was a boy, she was a girl Can I make it any more obvious? He was a punk, she did ballet What more can I say?
He wanted her,she'd never tell (secretly she wanted him as well) ↑ここ。「彼は彼女に決して言わないように願った。 (実は彼女も同様に思っていた。)」という訳だと思うんですが、意味がわかりません。 何を言わないように願ってるんでしょうか。以下、続き
But all of her friends stuck up their nose They had a problem with his baggy clothes
He was a skater boy, she said see you later boy←これは、どういう少年のこと? He wasn't good enough for her She had a pretty face, but her head was up in space←このspaceはどういう意味? (彼女は可愛いけど、ちょっと夢見がちみたいに訳すのかな) She needed to come back down to earth
He wanted her,she'd never tell (secretly she wanted him as well) 彼は彼女を必要としていたの。彼女は(彼に対して)何にも言わなかったけど。 密かに彼女も同じように彼を必要としていたのよ。
He was a skater boy, she said see you later boy 彼はスケーターだった、でも彼女はバイバイしたわ、彼に。 He wasn't good enough for her 彼女にとってふさわしくなかったのよ She had a pretty face, but her head was up in space 顔はかわいいけど、彼女の頭はハイだったの She needed to come back down to earth だから彼女、目を覚ます必要があったのね
Cの後の事実上の目的語を不定詞にするか動名詞にするかはどうやって判断するのですか? 例えば I felt it strange having no wark to do.(やるべき仕事がないというのは複雑な気分だった) という文を, I felt it strange to have no wark to do. と英作していけないのはどうしてなんでしょうか? 宿題がここで詰まって先に進めません。どなたか教えて下さいお願いします。
先ほど質問した者ですが、 I felt it strange having no wark to do.の文が正しい とテキストには書いてあるんですけど何でですかね? あとそれだったらShe found it lonely staying at home all day.の文も She found it lonely to stay at home all day.と書き換え可能ですか?
(例文) She found it tiring to look after her children. (彼女は子供の面倒を見ることは骨の折れる事だと思った)
「!要点」 1, itは形式目的語。真目的語はto不定詞句、to look after her children の部分。 2, to不定詞を真目的語にとる主な同士はconsider, feel, find, see, thinkなど。 3, 目的語がto不定詞の場合、形式目的語をとらない形は避けたほうがよい。
【重要構文11】 S+V+it+C+…ing
(例文) I felt it strange having no work to do. (やるべき仕事がないというのは妙な気分だった)
「!要点」 1, itは形式目的語。真目的語は動名詞句 having no work to do の部分。 2, 動名詞を目的語にとる主な動詞はbelieve, feel, find, think など。 3, 目的語が動名詞の場合、形式目的語をとらない形は避けたほうがよい。
とテキストには書いてあるんですが、例えばfeelを使う場合、 I found it 形容詞 の後に動名詞かto不定詞の どちらを書けばいいかの判断はどうするのかわかりません。
>401 教えていただいて、ありがとうございます。 ちなみに、先の問題は、伊藤和夫先生の「新・英文法頻出問題演習」に載っているものなのですが、 この本に、 I would tell you if you would just listen quietly. という文がありまして、解説には「If ...... would は『もし......するつもりなら』の意味の仮定を示」すとあります。 これも、丁寧な依頼と考えて、「静かに聞いてください、そうすればお話します」という意味にとっても構わないのでしょうか?
Some retirees find,to their chagrin,that little task they used to do well during a busy working day now take all week to complete .What`s more,they often end up being done poorly. どなたか和訳していただきたいのですが。よろしくお願いします。
問題とはあまり関係ないですが I think it dangerous to have your brother carry the baggage upstairs. とすることは可能ですか?itとdangerousの間にisは必要ですか? 私はそれがCであるとわかったI found it 形容詞 みたいにならないのですか?
>419 なんとかのひとつおぼえで、ぐぐって見ましょう。 1. the English is a people of myriad personalities. 1件 2. the English are a people of many nations The English are a people immensely proud of their history, culture, and heritage. The English are a people that laughs at the delicacy of other nations The English are a people known for their great traditions など約10件 3. なし
It seems he was a bird. の文をHeを主語にして始めると He seems to have been a bird.になるんでしょうが、 It seems he will be a bird. の文をHe主語で始めるとどうなるんですか? He seems to be going to be a bird.とでもなるのでしょうか?
Dear Sophie, Lots of people have hobbies. some people collect old coins or foreign stamps, some do needlework, others spend most of their spare time on a particular sport. If I happen to be interested in horses or precious stones, I cannot expect everyone else to share my enthusiasm. If I watch all the sports programs on TV with great pleasure, I must put up with the fact that people find sports boring. Is there nothing that interests us all? Is there nothing that concerns everyone---on matter who they are or where they like in the world? Yes, dear Sophie, there are questions that certainly should interest everyone. What is the mosy important thing in life? If we ask someone living on the edge of starvation, the answer is food. If we ask someone dying of cold, the answer is warmth. If we put the same question to someone who feels lonely and isolated, the answer will probably be the company of other people.
But when these basic needs have been satisfied------------will there still be something that everybody needs? Philosophers think so. They believe that we cannot live by bread alone. Of course everyone needs food. And everyone needs love and care. But there is something else----------apart from that-----------which everyone needs, and that is to figure out who we are and why we are here. Being interested in why we are here is not a `casual' interest like collecting stamps. People who ask such questions are taking part in a debate that has been going on since the beginning of our history. How was the world created? Is there any will or meaning behind what happens? Is there life after death? And most important, how ought we to live? People have been asking these questions throughout the ages. Basically there are not many philosophical questions to ask. We have already asked some of the most important ones. But history presents us with many different answers to each question. Today as well, each individual has to discover his or her own answer to these same questions. You cannot find out whether there is a God or whether there is life after death by looking in an encyclopedia. Nor does the encyclopedia tell us how we ought to live. However, reading what other people have believed can help us formulate our own view of life. Philosophers' search for the truth resembles a detective story. The police are sometimes able to solve a crime. But it is equally possible that they never get to the bottom of it, although there is a solution somewhere. So even if it is difficult to answer a question, there may be one----and only one----right answer. Either there is a kind of existence after death------or there is not.
The only thing we require to be good philosophers is the faculty of wonder. Babies have this faculty. That is not surprising. After a few short months in the womb they slip out into a brand-new reality. But as they grow up the faculty of wonder seems to diminish. Why is this? Do you know? Long before the child learns to talk properly----------and long before it learns to think philosophically-----the world will cease to be a place full of surprises. I don't want you to grow up to be one of those people who take the world for granted, Sophie dear.
Imagine that, one morning, Mom, Dad, and two-year-old Thomas are having breakfast in the kitchen. After a while Mon gets up and goes over to the kitchen sink, and Dad-----yes, Dad----------flies up and floats around just under the ceiling. Thomas sits watching. What do you think Thomas says? Perhaps he points up at his father and says: `Daddy's flying!' Thomas will certainly be astonished, but he very often is. Dad does so many strange things that his filing over the breakfast table makes no difference to Thomas. Every day Dad shaves with a funny machine, sometimes he climbs onto the roof and turns the TV aerial------or else he sticks his head under the hood of the car and comes up black in the face.
Mom hears what Thomas says and turns around quickly. How do you think she reacts to the sight of Dad floating over the kitchen table?
What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans, and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is brought under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty and democracy? - Gandhi
Japanese who intend to go abroad should learn by heart (in the foreign language) a few interesting stories about such things as they can tell to foreigners.
という文の訳し方が、Japanese who intend to go abroad should learn の 「外国に行くつもりの日本人は学ぶ事が必要である」の部分しかわかりません。 全文どうか訳してくださいませ
・As ( )as I received his letter,I wrote a reply. ・The ( )I received his letter,I wrote a reply. ・Scarsely had I received his letter( )I wrote a reply. ・I had no sooner received his letter( )I wrote a reply. 同じ内容の文を表せるように( )の中の単語を教えて下さい。
It was Turing who first came to the idea of a machine that could do anything you tell it to do ― like a computer which we can program any way we like. 訳してください よろしくおねがいします
Any Japanese who can do this, even a little, is sure to be a social success. I have seen some English people at a party listening in fascinated silence to a Japanese who was explaining that a No dancer often wears amask with very small eyeholes.
The Japanese said, “But though it is difficult to see, he can tell where he is on the stage by feeling the grain of the wood of the stage, with his feet. It takes years to develop the sensitivity for that.”
Although it seemed built to last forever, and the sense of space was unlike anything I knew except the lobbies of movie houses, the attraction was not merely shelter. I was there on a more exciting mission: the discovery of the world. 訳してください。おねがいします
@次の各語の品詞を書きなさい。 1.go 2.by 3.oh 4.he 5.desk 6.but 7.tell 8.tall 9.very 10.buy 11.much 12.beautiful A次の各分の意味とカッコの付いている単語の品詞を答えなさい That (boy) is my little brother. 2.He (is) sixteen years old (and) (goes) (to) Minami High School. 3.He gets up (very) (early) (on) weekdays. 4.(That) girl is (his) classmate. 5.(She) (lives) near our house. 6.Her parents are not so (tall) (but) she is a very (big) (gial). 7.She is (taller)(than) my brother. 8.She can run very (fast) (and) she is the (first) (runner) in my class. 9.She (keeps) a (cat) and two (dogs).
( )のなかから適当な語句を選んでください。 He'll(come,reach,arrive)Kyoto the day after tomorrow. They asked many difficult questions (for,to,of)there teacher. You must not leave the door (to open,open,opening,opened) It's good food,let's(enjoy,enjoy with,enjoy for,enjoy to)it. The professor told the students to be sure to(attend,attend on,attend to)the class on Fryday She (married,married with,married to)a handsome sailor. August is a good time to (lie,lay,laid)on the beach and get a suntun. He (lay,lied,laid) a handkerchief across his eyes. Take a bath. It'll(make,take,have,do)you a world of good.
>>620 He'll(reach) Kyoto the day after tomorrow. They asked many difficult questions (for)there teacher. You must not leave the door (open) It's good food,let's (enjoy) it. The professor told the students to be sure to (attend) the class on Fryday She (married) a handsome sailor. August is a good time to (lie) on the beach and get a suntun. He (laid) a handkerchief across his eyes. Take a bath. It'll (make) you a world of good.
今日京都に行ったのよーー。もうすぐ、大阪を離れるから最後に大好きな京都を見たくていろいろと観光してきました。 I went to kyoto today. I went sightseeing to kyoto who really like it and I leave from Osaka soon.
( )is coming to tea today? "( ) is your steak?" "Quite nice." ( ) do you think the population of this town is? We have two Johnson here.( )do you want to speak to?
みんなさんありがとうございました。 このウィーンのチームとやらの・・・の訳につられて、 this team とVienna は同格と見なしていました。 Who is this team? Vienna is playing against(with) this team. をwhichで繋げているでOKですか? playingの後にagainstが省略されていると思いますが、 against which SV のような言い方は不自然でしょうか?
I want to do my best in study. I want to become brave about preparation and review. I want to tackle to a lesson earnestly. I want to make much announcement. I want to become brave about arrangement order.
I will work hard. I will take time for preparation for and review of the class. I will be earnest at the class. I will be active at the class. I will take care for housekeeping.
I want to / will study hard I want to / will prepare and review every lesson I want to / will be attentive in class I want to / will be active in class I want to / will keep everything neat and tidy
日本語訳おねがいします(T△T)ワカンナイ I gently pushed the money back to him and placed my hands on his shoulders. "I am so sorry,but there is nothing that anyone can do." The grief walled up in him from that deep and shadowy reservoir that runs back through our ancestors. As it overtook him,it pulled his face into the contortion of crying he had probably last known when his own father died. Beneath my hands he began to physically deflate like an air mattress the plug pulled.
日本語訳おねがいします。 But I found the program very interesting, and I learned a lot about haiku. It's the shortest form of poetry in the world, they said, and it is now very popular in many countries. There are even Web sites on the Internet for haiku fans. Did you know that? Do you write haiku poems?
>>662 すいませんwithが抜けていました(TT)正しくは Beneath my hands he began to physically deflate like an air mattress with the plug pulled. です、ほんとごめんなさい。 というか前半の二文くらいしかわかんない(T▽T)アハハ(死
I gently pushed the money back / 私はそっとお金を返した to him/ and / 彼に そして placed my hands / 手をかけた on his shoulders. 彼の肩に
"I am so sorry, / ごめん but there is nothing / でも 何もない that anyone can do." 誰にも出来る事が
The grief welled up /in him / 悲しみでいっぱいになった 彼の中で (wall は wellと思われ) from that deep and shadowy reservoir / その深く暗い貯水地(みたいなもの) that runs back / さかのぼる through our ancestors. 私達の祖先を
As it overtook him, / それは彼を圧倒しながら it pulled his face / 彼のカオをしかめた into the contortion / ゆがみ、ねじり ひきつり of crying / 泣くこと he had probably last known / 彼が多分最後に経験した when his own father died. 彼の父が死んだ時
Beneath my hands / 私の手の下で(肩にかかってる手ですね) he began / 彼は (し)始めた to physically deflate / 肉体的にがしぼんでゆく like an air mattress / 空気の入ったマットレスの様に with the plug pulled. (マットレスの)プラグが抜かれた
すみません 教えて下さい。 疑問文になるように( )に疑問詞をいれなさい。 ( )is coming to tea today? "( ) is your steak?" "Quite nice." ( ) do you think the population of this town is? We have two Johnson here.( )do you want to speak to?
>>695 (Who)is coming to tea today? "(How) is your steak?" "Quite nice." (What) do you think the population of this town is? We have two Johnson here.(Which)do you want to speak to?
すみません、 これらの文に付加疑問文をつけてください<m(__)m> ・Jane had to work late yesterday ・She'll be glad to see,you ・You haven't seen my watch around ・Let's try once again ・Behave yourself
>700 Mr. and Mrs. Wilson came together to the airport to see me off. During my stay, they were not only kind but also thoughtful to me. (親切にすると気を使ってくれるって同じじゃねーか?) They treated me as if I were their own daughter. I couldn't hold my tears back when I waved them good-by at the departure gate. I couldn't express my gratitude enough for everything they had done for me.
すみません、どなたか教えて下さい。 《問》各組の誤りのある文を一つ選びなさい. 1. あTaste the butter to see if it's good. いThe butter tastes well. うThis butter tastes good! えThe taste of this butter is good. 2. あCook me something,dear. いHe doesn't owe me anything. うI envy you your fine house. えShe explained me the matter.
differentを使う文脈は the new methodと異なるthe old one(method)などと 比較しての発言になるであろう。 簡単な例文で A is defferent from mine. などと言ったりするのを考えれば分かるが Aとmineは同じ種類のものを比べて差異が生じていることを意味する。 The ideal is defferent from mine. ならOK。 理想と方法は同じ種類ではないので、 そもそも差異が発生していないためdefferent を使う文脈ではない。
すみません・・・ どなたか教えて下さい。 《Q》各組の誤りのある文を一つ選びなさい. 1. A、Taste the butter to see if it's good. B、The butter tastes well. C、This butter tastes good! D,The taste of this butter is good.
2. A,Cook me something,dear. B,He doesn't owe me anything. C,I envy you your fine house. D,She explained me the matter.
>>776 スマソ、もう一度やり直し。 There were four survivors in the last summer's airplane accident. There were four survivors in the airplane accident last summer. どちらでもいいかと。
1.History is a subject ( ) he is very interested. 2.The women ( ) I told you of coming. 3.Bob picked up the toy ( ) his brother was playing. 4.Mr.Smith's house stands on hill, ( ) a fine view can be seen.
彼が到着したらすぐ私に知らせなさい。 Let me know as soon as he had arrived at. 彼には前に2.3回会った事があるので、私は彼が誰だかすぐ分かった。 I had met him two、three times before、I recognized him at once. 父は来年退職したら、外国へ行ってみたいと言っている。 If my father will retire next year, he has said that he wants to go to a foreign country.
すみません教えて下さい。 文中にあやまりのあるものを1〜6から4つ選び、そのぶぶんを正しなさい.という問題で 1.Since when have you known that the exam is on Monday? 2.About how long did he stay here until today? 3.Professor Smith has taught at Harvard for 30 years, but he retierd 2 years ago. 4.By next September she has been taking piano lessons for three years. 5.I lent him some money the day before yesterday,even though I had lent him some two weeks before. 6.Humor, both in drawings and in writings,pleases people,who'll remember a humorous statement long after they will forget a dry fact. 2のdidがhas、3のhasがhadだと思うんですが違うでしょうか?
>>819 1,Let me know as soon as he arrives. 2,I had met him a couple of times before,so I recognized him at once. 3,My father says that he wants to go overseas when he retire next year.
>>819 Let me know as soon as he arrives. As I had met him a few times, I recognized him at once. My father says that he wants to go abroad when he retires next year.
すみません!drawings⇒drawingでした!! 6.Humor, both in drawings and in writing,pleases people,who'll remember a humorous statement long after they will forget a dry fact.
The concept of cooperating for everyone's benefit, a sense of mutual responsibility, a willingness to work together, have all been deeply rooted here in America since the country's founding, It was imperative. The original pioneer settlers had to work together, to survive.
★They had crossed dangerous seas and risked all they had in their struggle for political and religious liberation. We have seen that much of that deep-seated distrust of central government remains and crops out in all aspects of American life.
>>828 漏れもちゃんと読まないでやってる、というかあまりな間違いだったのでそこで思考停止した。 6. Humor, both in drawings and in writing, pleases people who'll remember a humorous statement long after they have forgotten a dry fact.
>833 What surprises a foreigner visiting Japan when s/he has an opportunity to take a look at the commuting rush in the morning is that there are so many people of only one single race, that is Japanese, in Japan.
It is a well known fact that the environmental pollution in this town is caused by too rapid an industrialization.
>>876 1,She is tall,but her sister is short. 2,She has no one to help her. 3,I've never seen such a tall person. 4,There was a fire near my house yesterday evening. 5,My mother works very hard all day long.
訳をお願いします。 There are many cases where only word or sentence meaning is not sufficient to get the speaker's message. Suppose, for example, that we ask a friend "Did you enjoy your holiday?"and we get the reply:"The beaches were crowded and the hotel was full of flies."
The soviets knew that Americans liked to eat fast food in restaurants, but they were disappointed to see that Americans ate fast meals at home, too. In the Soviet Union,the evening meal often lasts an hour or two because families sit at the table and talk. when American families eat together---if they eat together---they often eat quickly and don't take time for long conversations. The Soviets thoughat that was a shame. また悪いですけど日本語訳お願いします
the Soviets and Americans had the differences in language and culture, they became friends. Two women became friends,even if Tanya, the Soviet woman, couldn't speak a word of English and mary, the American woman, couldn't speak a word of Russian. For two weeks they communicated through gestures and dictionaries. 何回もすみません
この二つの文の訳をお願いします。 We still need to use the background knowledge that crowded beaches and flies are unpleasant.
This example clearly shows that in addition to sentence meaning, background assumptions and knowledge about the world play an important role in communication.
先ほどはありがとうございました。悪いのですが、これで最後なので日本語訳お願いします。 Some of the Americans who traverled to the Soviet Union were schoolchildren from a sixth-grade class. when they returned to the United States, their teacher said to them, "Please write about your trip." one 11-year-old girl wrote, "I have learned a lot from this experience. And I learned that people all over the world are more alike than they are different."
I play tennis in the park. tennis を尋ねる疑問文を作りなさい。という問題で What do you play in the park? で良いですか? We study English. Englishを尋ねる疑問文を作りなさい。という問題で What do you study? で良いですか? お願いします。
> I play tennis in the park. > tennis を尋ねる疑問文を作りなさい。という問題で > What do you play in the park? > で良いですか? 良い > We study English. > Englishを尋ねる疑問文を作りなさい。という問題で > What do you study? > で良いですか? 良い
よければお教えお願いできないでしょうか・・・? 高3の英語教科書の長文ですが和訳ができなくて困ってます・・・ During the school term, Mum plans to get the children ready just 20 minutes earlier so they can all enjoy a ride to school by bike. Even lazy car-dependent Dad has taken to packing his sandwiches into his rucksack, cycling the five or six kilometres so work, English weather permitting.
>>931 1. You were the only one who solved the problem. 2. She has a magazine that I talked about to you. 3. I will give you this dictionary, which I think will be very useful. 4. He won the game, which surprised us very much.
( )内に答えを書きました。間違ってたら訂正してください。 Q.次の文を受動態に変えなさい。 1.The school master gave Norman a prize. (Norman was given a prize by the school master.) 2.In what way did you discover it? (How did you discovered it?) 3.People used to call Venice the Mistress of the Adriatic. (Venice have used to called by people the Mistress of the Adractic.) 4.The people have approved the new policy. (The new policy had approved by the people.) 5.They were tearing down the old building. (The old building was being teared down by them.) 6.He caught sight of a number of rabbits. (A number of rabbits were caught sight of him.) 7.Who took care of the baby? (By whom the baby was taken care of?) 8.Do it at once. (Let did it once.)
1.The man is known (of) his sense of humor. 2.The news of his departure is known (for) only a few people. 3.A man is known (to) the company he keeps. 4.The student committee is composed (by) ten members. これであってるか教えて下さい。正しくなければ直してください。<m(__)m>
>>948 1.The school master gave Norman a prize. 2.In what way did you discover it? 3.People used to call Venice the Mistress of the Adriatic. 4.The people have approved the new policy. 5.They were tearing down the old building. 6.He caught sight of a number of rabbits. 7.Who took care of the baby? 8.Do it at once.
norman was given a prize by the school master how was it discovered? venice was called the mistress of the adriatic the new policy was approved the old building was torn down a number of rabbits was seen by whom was the baby taken care of? be done at once
次の文を( )内に指示された語句ではじめて書き換えなさい。4は( )内のみ。 1.They believe that John is an expert in computer games.(John) 答え:John is believed by them an expert in computer games.
2.The owner of the house is thought to be studying abroad.(They) 答え: They have thought by the owner of the house to be studying abroad.
3.It is said that the old lady was a rare beauty in her youth.(The old lady) 答え: The old lady is said to was a rare beauty in her youth.
4.("Send the expedition to the Orient,")said the King.(Let) 答え: Let expedition to send the Orient
>>955 > 次の文を( )内に指示された語句ではじめて書き換えなさい。4は( )内のみ。 > 1.They believe that John is an expert in computer games.(John) > 答え:John is believed by them to be an expert in computer games. > > 2.The owner of the house is thought to be studying abroad.(They) > 答え: They thought the owner of the house is studying abroad. > > 3.It is said that the old lady was a rare beauty in her youth.(The old lady) > 答え: The old lady was a rare beauty in her youth. > > 4.("Send the expedition to the Orient,")said the King.(Let) > 答え: Let the expedition be sent to the Orient
1.Norman was given a prize by the school master. 2.In what way was it discovered by you? 3.Venice used to be called the Mistress of the Adractic. 4.The new policy has been approved (by the people). 5.The old building was being teared down ( by them ). 6.A number of rabbits were caught sight of by him. 7.By whom was the baby taken care of?
She went back to the seat. She had left her handbag there. この二つの文を関係副詞を使ってつなげると She went back to the seat where she had left her handbag. でいいのでしょうか? また、訳はどうなりますか?
>>955 1.John is believed to be an expert in computer games. 2.They think the owner of the house is studying abroad. 3.The old lady is said to have been a rare beauty in her youth. 4. Let the expedition be sent to the Orient