but a lot of his personal remarks to some ppl were either derrogative, "no you're wrong" kinda answers, and utterly arrogant. that alone is enough to cause many conflicts.
>>990@前スレ > but a lot of his personal remarks to some ppl were either derrogative, > "no you're wrong" kinda answers, and utterly arrogant. > that alone is enough to cause many conflicts. だが、ある人々に対して彼が言っていることは大体が、人を傷つけるような、 「おまえが悪いんだ」みたいな返事で、徹底して横柄で、そのことだけでも いさかいをたくさん引き起こすだろう。
Bullshit! It looks to me like the best part of you ran down the crack of your mama's ass and ended up as a brown stain on the mattress! I think you've been cheated!
In making these points, Parker hopes to lie to rest the notion that simple, family-oriented colonial New England was far preferable to the modern America that many perceive has outgrown pure democracy. His objective is to lay bare the true nature of eighteenth-century governance and thus assure Americans that progress cant't kill an equality that never was.
No wonder the British press catches a whiff of the old Berlin imperiousness. No wonder the idle French threat to veto a resolution - which Chirac knows will not be offered - reminds populous and powerful nations like India and Japan of the inequity of mid-sized France having the veto power, and of the need to prevent Germany from getting it.
The chancellor's Pyrrhic victories are part of the backdrop to the existential crisis that the Security Council is bringing on itself. The Iraq issue is not war vs. peace. It is collective security vs. every nation for itself.
The Financial Accounting Standard Board wants U.S. companies to charge corporate earnings for the use of employee stock options. The exercise of options has an economic cost to shareholders, and, in the wake of recent corporate governance scandals in the U.S., FASB believes this cost should be recognized in a company's income statement.
>>16 old Berlin imperiousnessはもう少し深く解釈すべき? 英マスコミが旧来のドイツの尊大さを感じとっているのも無理はない。拒否権の 発動というフランスの空虚な威嚇によって−拒否権が発動されないことはシラク 大統領にも分かっている−、インドや日本など多くの人口を抱える強国が、中 規模国家であるフランスが拒否権を持つことは不公正であり、ドイツの拒否権 獲得を防ぐ必要があると認識したのも無理はない。
>>3>>5 どちらも訳が微妙に違うような気がするのだが。 >>999 Only you can ensure that your Lenses are worn according to your eye care practitioner’s instructions, replaced according to schedule and cleaned and stored according to directions. Let us supply you with all your lens cleaning and storing solutions. 以下のこときちんと守ってレンズをはめているかを確認できるのはあなた御自身 だけです。すなわち担当の眼科医の指示のもとで決められたサイクルで交換し、 使用上の注意に定められた通りに洗浄保管しているか確認して下さい。 ぜひレンズの洗浄液と保存液を我が社からご購入ください。 >>1000 Where finances are concerned you may need to watch your expenditures. 資金ぐりに関わる部分では、支出に目を光らせる必要がある。
どなたかお願いします。 At that point you can either run the script again, and the documentation will be installed, or simply verify that Tomcat was installed by typing ... "rpm -qa | grep -i tomcat4"
In international meetings, moreover,Japanese ability in the language of the conference, which usually is English, is likely to rank at or near the bottom among the participants.
Even given the will to make a positive contribution, the Japanese are likely to have less impact than they would wish. This is a sorry state of affairs for a country so great in economic size and so overwhelmingly dependent on its international relations.
With as much as there is going on right now, at least it's not all bothersome. In about a month I'll be doing a professional photography job. I shot a campaign ad for a production company last year, and they're hiring me again to take photos of their people working as they shoot a television ad in Cleveland, Ohio.
>>16>>26-27 お二方の訳でどちらも 「拒否権が発動しないことはシラクもわかってる」になってるんですが 原文は < a resolution - which Chirac knows will not be offered > なのでこの which の先行詞は veto ではなくて resolution だと思われ。 「決議案に対する拒否権を発動するぞと言う脅しーシラクは決議案が提案 されることはないと知っているがー」でしょう。(アメリカは新たな決議案なしにイ ラク空爆を狙っている事が背景にあり)
>>The Iraq issue is not war vs. peace. >>It is collective security vs. every nation for itself. イラクの問題は戦争か平和かの対立ではない。 集団安全保障と(昔からの存在する)一国が自分の安全保障権を 完全に握るやり方の(どちらが勝つかの)対立である。
35,39,49,52さんありがとうございます。 まことに恐れ入ります。 lie to rest の部分の訳をもう一度お願いしたいのですが。
lie to rest はタイポではありませんし、ソースは信頼できるところなので原文タイポも 考えられないと思います。
[15の文コピペしました↓] In making these points, Parker hopes to lie to rest the notion that simple, family-oriented colonial New England was far preferable to the modern America that many perceive has outgrown pure democracy. His objective is to lay bare the true nature of eighteenth-century governance and thus assure Americans that progress cant't kill an equality that never was.
The Times/CBS News Poll of 997 adults nationwide was conducted by telephone from Sunday through Wednesday. It has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus three percentage points.
>>71 lay to rest の例文は沢山、出てくると思います。 lay to rest (in peace) ..... in his final resting place に。 もともとは亡くなった人に対して、使ったりする言葉。 (安らかに)眠る、葬る 転じて、cease, put a stop to
lay to rest the past 過去に別れを告げる、(and move on ) そして前に踏み出す 等々、文面により訳し方は変わりますが、論議なので終止符を打つとしました。 意訳ですが。
お願いします what kind of injury did Kain suffer? I know his leg got pretty banged up at the GP, but the guy is juggernaut and will never be put out of commission.
>>80 < GP > General Practitiner イギリスでは町医者をこう呼びますが、 その人(あるいはこの文を書いた人)はイギリス人ではないですか? もしそうならここは以下のように訳すのが適当かも。 >>what kind of injury did Kain suffer? >>I know his leg got pretty banged up at the GP, >>but the guy is juggernaut and will never be put out of commission. カインはどんな怪我をしたの? GP(医者)で足をぐるぐる牧にされたのは知ってるけど。 まああいつは大怪物だからお払い箱になることはないよ。
Gotta find a way I can't wait another day Ain't nothin' gonna change if we stay `round here Gotta do what it takes cuz it's all in our hands We all make mistakes To start again, take another breath and say another prayer And fly away from here anywhere I don't care We'll just fly away from here Won't let time pass us by we'll just fly 〜gets any harder now Cuz no one here can ever stop us We won't let them no way 長くてスマソ。直訳して感じは分かったのですが、やっぱり…お願いします
The most powerful predictor of the fate of abortion in this country is not a 30-year-old legal opinion. It is contained in the sum total of these changes in the lives of American women. Taken together, they indubitably argue for a future with more, not less, control over fertility. On this anniversary there is increasing fear that Republican appointments to the court will mean Roe will be overturned. Whether the answer to that would be a regimen of pills or a state-by-state political donnybrook is unclear. What is manifest is that those who oppose the right to individual control over the womb lost the battle, not 30 years ago, but day after day after that.
Public spending on medical research has doubled in the last five years but cannot keep up with corporations intent on buying academic credibility. Researchers can raise the bar by setting standards and urging companies to fund studies through independent foundations.
Journals and the popular media should ask for, and prominently publish, funding sources and amounts whenever they report on new research. The forces shaping science also shape public policy and medical practice.
when the 9-11 happened...our bank for Arris the place i worked at .. was located in the Twin tower number 1.. they lost all the people that worked ther..250..of them ..not one was left
In addition to being uncertain about what the world is like, one can also be uncertain about one's own spatial or temporal location in the world. 和訳をお願いいたします。
「A DAY IN THE LIFE」「DON'T BE CRUEL」「HONKY TONK WOMEN」 「MIDNIGFT RANBLER」「LOVE ME TWO TIMES」「NOTHING IS REAL」 それぞれ、服に書いてあった短い文句みたいなモノなんですが気になって。 何となくは分かるんですが…おながいします。
Its mediaeval simplicity was adored,after the lapse of some 150 years,by clumsy verses in renaissance latin hailing him as "thrice greatest poet of the English",with an equally clumsy motto,"A rest from trouble is death".
One critical link in building trust is nonfinancial reporting, which measures factors like carbon emissions, labor standards, corruption policy and quality of governance. Once considered the Cinderella of corporate disclosure, nonfinancial reporting - whose importance is highlighted in a major new report by the World Business Council on Sustainable Development - is quickly taking its place alongside financial reporting as indispensable to assessing company value and future prospects.
Finally, by broadening the range of activities reported and responding to stakeholder interests, nonfinancial reporting can strengthen the overall legitimacy of business reporting. While business already compiles and reports a considerable amount of data, it is often not given public credit. This is because it is either reported in a manner that has limited public legitimacy - for example, an industry association framework - or is limited in scope, to environment only or social only. In the eyes of many, the business dictum "you can't manage what you don't measure" has become "if you don't measure, you don't care."
remember that he fought Takayama not to far after the Grand Prix. From what I hear he was so badly damaged from the Hoost fight and tired that they pulled him out of the contest.
I think Trenton liked me only because of my art talent. He told me I was "beautiful" and a few other things, but I knew better than to fall for these words alone. I am glad I did because I would probably be very heartbroken right now...
↓ Although the word "dog smell" suspect Akio Tanaka (that time after-the-birth four months) of that day of summer and Toyama living declared into live broadcast, and it have wounded her I who do not have the way to make only by [ of my wakame seaweed only with the pale object which is alike and runs by unnecessary raw / very fishy / into an envelope / finishing / opening ], or a half, or a bonito / the real figure skating having overly fallen The presentation term of the report of science was determined by the large lottery held in the public hall. ", laughing all together at once which will accept it eight years after, or crying It was regulated in Parliament by the act which must not never perform buying up the やたら eraser or making a hole in a belt newly only by sending the greatest eulogy to having been prolonged till the day when the class reunion of the battle royal system which kills and suits is held" in order to survive in an uninhabited island. ↓
Browse our selection and write down the names and qu antities of the items you wish to purchase on a piec e of paper. Excel/Spreadsheet print-outs are welcome d. Include your full address and any other contact i nformation. For credit card orders by mail, include your card information such as the type, name on card , expiration, and card number along with the corresp onding billing address. Make International money ord er payable to "SporeBank". AND be sure to include an additional $6.99 US DOLLARS for shipping and handli ng to any address in the USA or an additional $14.99 US DOLLARS for shipping and handling to anywhere in the WORLD.
Language is a fundamental tool in international relations,and the Japanese language is also a major subject in itself. It is what defines the Japanese more distinctly than any other feature in their culture. At the same time it is a major problem in their relationship with the outside world.Thus it deserves our detailed consideration.
The goal of our project is to bring together a group of artists with different views and visual interests, which in turn will hopefully bring awareness, thought and education to those who would have never known.
一度書きこんで流されてしまったのでもう一度書きます He reveals a warm singing voice and his dance routine with a leavitating blanketis one of the show's highlights と acclaimed insecureを。この二つ辞書ひいても載ってなくて… お願いします
Half of the moon is always lit up by the sun, but we only see parts of it because of the Earth's position in relation to the moon. This causes the phases of the moon.
NOTE: The macros shown above ${sendmailMTACluster} and $j are not actually used when the binary expands the `ldap:' token as the AliasFile option is not actually macro-expanded when read from the sendmail.cf file.
I am sorry, but I do not think I can ship to Japan. I will have to check with the airlines on the possibility. I am not sure if Japan has quarantine or if we have to get special permission from the agriculture department to send a puppy into the country. I will check on it.
This is partly because the average Englishman is keen on working with his hands and partly because he feels for one reason or another, that he must do for himself many household jobs for which, before the war, he would have hired professional help.
Plus (I am sure this is more than you really want to know, gomenne) と I will be honest...I feel like I can talk to you about almost everything. :) So, I hope I don't go over the line and make some foolish remark. お願いします。
Police coverage and jails will act on the realities of crime but only a concerted investment in the causes of crime will actually reduce crime in your city
realities of crime と concerted investment in the causes of crime がわかりません。
Some observers believe that Japan's present happy condition of relative stability,efficiency, and contentedness is merely a transitory phase, resulting from a fortuitous but temporary blend of inherited virtues and newly acquired skills, which will probably change over time into a less desirable mix.
I'll be honest with you though,the help of my friends doesn't come cheap, and if you want their help with other things, I would suggest you pay for that first.
Many a young person has felt that life was not worth living after a broken love affair, only to discover a few years later that happiness was waiting after all.
If we require evidence that no radical change occurs in human natures, that we remain as capable of curiosity and disvovery in later years as we were in infancy, we have only to look at an adult who is genuinley committed to solving a problem, untutored, exploring self and world...
A more complicated situation occurs when one or more intermediaries are present in the request/response chain. There are three common forms of intermediary: proxy, gateway, and tunnel. A proxy is a forwarding agent, receiving requests for a URI in its absolute form, rewriting all or part of the message, and forwarding the reformatted request toward the server identified by the URI. A gateway is a receiving agent, acting as a layer above some other server(s) and, if necessary, translating the requests to the underlying server's protocol. A tunnel acts as a relay point between two connections without changing the messages; tunnels are used when the communication needs to pass through an intermediary (such as a firewall) even when the intermediary cannot understand the contents of the messages.
Much of the Christian celtic knotwork we know of today has it's origins in pagan tradition. The popular animal designs have their origins in Saxon tradition. The earliest celtic knotwork, however, was typically spirals and similar designs. That is not to say that these patterns were simple, many complicated spiral patterns exist today in early manuscripts.
To search for a single meaning for any one celtic symbol is nearly impossible. The meanings for each knot vary as much from country to another, as from one person to another. When the knots were first drawn the Celts gave no particular meaning for any symbol. However, you should always realize that the Celts felt that all life was interconnected, and these knots represent that particular belief.
While you've worried about the thing you only face Every day's like the one before, the same for me 'cause I don't know what happens to youI read the shadow in your smile Heaving sighs means you lose your way, the sign to me Why don't you tell it, the truth to me You are the one and only for me through my life Nothing gonna change my love for you You are my own
I'm never gonna leave you So you're not alone Now you may trust my words to be true if you wanna go on I belong to you And no lie is in my eyes on you
Erizabeth knows what she's doing, and she does it pretty well. She's even given my boss a run for his money a whiles back. She'll be a player in New York someday, and when that day comes, Linv.... er... my boss better hope he's got a strong business plan. Erizabeth wouldn't have gotten to where she is today if she didn't have a head on her shoulders. But if she's going to deal with you, she'll take you for all you've got. And that won't be pretty. She'll have you do things you've never thought about.
[Many fighters have their own personal websites through which you can contact them directly. ] It is our policy to not give out any personal contact information to the general public. [If you cannot find a contact through the fighter's webpage and wish to contact him, you can email your message to ****] and we will pass it on to the fighter.
>>476 It is our policy to not give out any personal contact information to the general public. 我々の方針により、一般市民に向けて個人の情報を配信しないことにしています。 and we will pass it on to the fighter そうすればそのメッセージを我々がファイターに渡します。
I am not entirely satisfied with this page, but I was tired with the way it looked before, so I updated it. Currently, my interests are more involved with things that are not on these pages. I will do a little editing to this page here and there, but until I get a passion to do some research on any of these subjects, I won't do much more updating.
.Im going to be getting a new comp so i cant wait ..im having someone here build me one so it should be a good one..im like a little boy ..and this is my toy..ha ha.... お願いします。
よろしくおねがいします。特に4行目に深い意味があるということらしいですが、 当方、直訳しかできません。ほかの意味ってあるんでしょうか… -------------------------------------------------- Summer days, I can't stand the summer days Frozen cocktails and night fireworks, what's so great about them anyway? Summer day, let it be some other day Seaside motels and sex on the beach, don't be thinking I went all the way I hate summer days
I don't know really. Usually it stays in the 20's. I'm sure there are more but that's a good amount of them.What about you? I don't like winter all that much. I preffer spring and summer myself どうかお願いします。
Note that in Hongkong, southern China, and much of South East Asia, the Chinese spoken is that of a different dialect, Cantonese. It uses the same characters, but the spoken languages of cantonese and mandarin are mutually intelligible. The characters are not always the same either. For example, in the PRC, the characters have been simplified in order to promote literacy. In Singapore, simplified characters are used as well. But in Hongkong and Taiwan, the older, complex characters are used. If you learn one type of writing, you can usually read the other, but not write it. Watch out for this.
Federal foresters contend that the logging, enough to fill 3,000 trucks a year, is needed to rejuvenate the forest and clear it of fuels that could feed a devastating fire. The forest floors do need to be cleared, but primarily of small trees, underbrush and fallen snags -- not of living trees of up to 30 inches in diameter, sequoias as well as other species. In any event, the shaggy-barked sequoias are remarkably fire-resistant. The forests were periodically rejuvenated by natural fires until the government adopted a policy of snuffing every blaze.
I am a junior Magazine Journalism major. I am originally from Lawrence, Kansas and although I didn't go to KU, I still bleed crimson and blue! I admit it, I'm a total computer nerd, but I see nothing wrong with that. I want to work in web design some day.
They are collectively known as 'The Good, the Bad and the Ugly' after the Clint Eastwood film of the same name, because that sums up their best attributes!
The shame about North America is that so many people consider food to be an inconvenience rather than a pleasure. Food should taste good and should be satisfying to prepare. Also, your health depends a great deal on your diet. Don't you deserve better than McDonald's or instant noodles?
形容詞の後置修飾の例文が欲しいんですが We see the things through our late-twentieth-century sense of time and space, so different from that of previous centuries. 英文になっていますでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。
The change which these years have brought about is too remarkable to be passed over without being noticed, too weighty in its lesson not to be laid to heat.
This guy is not getting the props he deserves, he really fucking rules. He's super stoic, humble, relaxed, laid back and pimped out and he has serious skills and style.
Now what's all this I've heard about him being lazy/unmotivated/got too famous too fast? I hear this shit on hear all the time but nobody has ever really elaborated.
David Swan was going to Boston, where his uncle was going to give him a job in his store. After traveling on foot from early morning until noon on a summer day, he felt tired, and he decided to have a rest. He lay down near a bubbling spring with his head on his bag. Soon he fell into a deep sleep.
More than that, it would rob a widow and her son of property soon to be of great value, which, if not legally theirs, was theirs certainly by every claim of justice.
One of his neighbors, a lady of quality, had two daughters who were perfect beauties. He desired of her one of them in marriage, leaving to her choice which of the two she would bestow on him.
で中身の話ですが、レスつけたときは Food should be satisfying to prepare. を Food should be satisfyingly prepared. ぐらいの意味で考えたと思います。 to+原型動詞ってわりと融通無碍に使えると思いますんでこんなもんじゃ ないでしょうか。あ、ただ「手間をかえて」って言うと過程まで踏み込んじゃってて 言い過ぎかもしらん、結果だけを考えて「ちゃんとしたやつを」くらいのほうが いいのかな。どうなんでしょ?
I wil old on to the cutlery until I hear frome and if you do not want it that is fine to. I try very hard to be fair with my customers. You should only give a customer ten days after the sale to pay but I give mine much longer.
Presently there was a dull sound, and another, and still one more, and a blade flashing white and then red, and Edward dropped down like some stuffed effigy of a man, that boys make for sport, with his limbs all crumpled and lax, on the stone floor of the office. おねがいします。
I don't have any New Year's resolutions, but nevertheless I am determined to make changes in the New Year. I will try to be more open and seek the smaller pleasures in life. I guess that sounds vague, but I'm not exactly sure how to describe it. お願いします。
Far back among Mr. Smith's ancestors there must have been some of the old berserker blood, for his caution, his presence of mind left him, and left him possessed of a blind, devilish, unreasoning rage that showed itself in a moment in the white glitter of his eye. お願いします
CDのレヴューの最後にあったんですけど But the Meters sound as if they believe every word he's singing, so who are we to argue? 最後のwho are we to arge?はどういう意味でしょうか? 「自分がとやかく言うことじゃないね」とかってことですか?
But in Pakistan, we have seen that American aid flows freely when our government is headed by men in uniform and slows to a trickle when fully elected leaderships are in power.
If the teacher says everyone is going to fail, then everyone is going to fail...I can't believe I'm saying that like it's no big deal. I'm sure I'll cry when I see how poorly I did.
You got to get through what you’ve got to go throughto get what you want, but you got to know what you want to get through what you got to go through どういう意味?
>>723 Do you not know who I am? は、極端にいえば 「この俺様を誰と思ってるんだ?」みたいな感じですかね? >>720 どれだけの時間立ち尽くしていたかわからず、シャッターを押すことはできなかった。 @I don't know how many seconds I stood there, and I was unable to push the shutter. →AI don't know how many seconds I stood there, being unable to push the shutter. →BI don't know how many seconds I stood there, unable to push the shutter. などなどと、どこかの本に載ってるかも。けど、ごちゃごちゃこねくりまわすより Bみてすぐ意味わかるように練習した方がいいとされているらしい。
>>716 @tastes like I have だけパッと見ると「私が好きそうな趣味」「私が好きなような味」 のようで。しかし、それでいて実は tastes がいわゆる動詞だから、「私のもっている ような味がする」と料理に体の一部が混入したようなそういう響きがあって。それで読 み直してみるとそうとしか読めなくなってしまいました。 そういうギャグ?なのかな。わかりません違ったらすみません。 AAn apple a day keeps the doctor away. 「りんごは(健康に良いから医者)を遠ざける。」 直後に、"if your aim is good enough" が付くと、(りんご投げの名人ならば)医者を遠ざ ける感じがするけど。つまり、Aは、the doctor が everybody になってるけど 「一日りんご一個でみんなを遠ざけることができる。もし君のコントロールが良ければね」 というギャグ?ではないかと思います。 結構書いた。両方違ってたら大した徒労だね。まっ、勉強勉強。
I don't know how many seconds I stood there, unable to push the shutter. の I don't know how many seconds I stood there, の部分(私はそこにどれくらいの時間立っていたのか、わからない)と unable to push the shutter. の部分(シャッターを押すことができなかった) の時間的な関係を考えると、分詞構文と考えて 「押すことができない」→「それで立ちつくした」→「その時間の長さ不明」 と、解するAの解釈が一番納得が行きました。
drop a pipe dream? chase a cushy dream? that's fuckin bullshit! go for the fuckin pipe dream all the more for it! dump the damn cushy dream all the more for it!
You'll say you understand, you'll never understand I'll say I'll never wake up knowing how or why I don't know what to believe in, you don't know who I am You'll say I need appeasing when I start to cry But never is a promise and I'll never need a lie
Well it's something your mother can't abide But it's something that I freely prescribe Take yourself for a ride It never felt so good As the night that you and I played Robin Hood Stealing from the backrooms of my mind stealing a time when we were five A time I thought we'd left behind
すみません。こうでした During the next years,the Beagle sailed down the east coast of South America, wentround Cape Horn and came north agein up the coast of Chile おねがいします
I should not be here at all. I came a while back, but was thrown out for beating a noble who cursed me. I came here for a reason, however, and before getting thrown out, I never had a chance to get it done.
Well it's something your mother can't abide But it's something that I freely prescribe Take yourself for a ride It never felt so good >>752 ロビンフッドの森で遊んだあの夜 あなたと私が5歳だったときを盗むわたしのこころの奥から盗み出した わたしが置き忘れてきたと思っていたときを
>>786 A:毎週サッカーやってるね。 何か違ったゲームはないかなあ。 B:例えば、どんなゲーム? やれそうなゲームの中じゃ、サッカーがベストだね。 〜〜文法的説明? 意味的にはof all the games we can imagineって意味だね。 使い方は関係代名詞的に使ってるね。こんな説明じゃだめかな? >>787 輝かしい未来に向けて今その扉が開かれたのであった!
I am sorry that is has taken so long for your order to be made. Your order was shipped by the post office. UPS wanted to charge $160 to ship to you. Becki
hello just a word to tell you that the picture is a big mistake and we think someone take the picture in the society and send it so profite cause i think it will be the last one bye and see you
The earl of Northumberland and his son Henry Percy were marcher powers of the first order, a barrier to the Scots and in their Yorkshire lands second only to the dukes of Lancaster.(中略)Both were fighting captains from their youth, the earl with John of Gaunt in the expedition to Castile in 1366-7, Henry Percy in the border warfare of 1378, when he was only sixteen, then on and off for the next six years till he was captured by the Scots at Otterburn and was helped to pay his ransom by a grant from the king’s council.
marcher 北方領主 ransom 身代金 なお、第二文のBothは、ここではthe earl of Northumberlandと親戚のRalph Nebilleを指しています。
Weight isn't the main issue with Kain. It's his game plans and Boxing skills that need the work. Muscle mass would be good for him but it's not the biggest problem he has
>>828 両者は若い頃から地位をめぐって戦ってきた。 (例えば)the earl with John of Gauntの1336-7年の Castileへの遠征、 またジョンパーシーの1378年の国境での戦闘(など。) 当時パーシーはわずか16歳だった。 その後、彼はスコットランド人に Otterburnで捕まるまでの6年間トップに立ったりたたなかったりした。 そして王の協議会からの許可により身代金を払うことを免れた。
こんな感じなのかなぁ? この話知らないからほとんど推測というか妄想にちかい。 on and off についてなんかはもうホント 興味でやってみたので一応送信しただけです。参考になさらず。sage
I shoot wild-boar which is northen territory yesterday morning. I will bring boar meat. Let tell me what time is the most convenient for you. (what time would you like to come?) これで、いいでしょか? おながいします。
Both were the fighting captains の部分は、たぶん「二人とも武将(または闘将)で あった」という意味になると思います。
自分でもずっと考えてみたのですが、第二文の途中から名詞句が連続して続くところは、彼ら(または彼)が どんな武将であったのかを具体的に示すための、the fighting captainsを補う同格表現ではないかな、と いう気がしてきました。 on and off以降は、Henry Percy in border warfareにかかる後置修飾(?)で、 捕まるまでの6年間、戦闘に参加したり、退いたりしていた(?)ことをon and offという表現で あらわしているのかな(?)、と憶測しています。 もちろんこれが正しいのかはわかりませんが… しかしお付き合い下さってありがとうございます(はあと
なお、Bothが誰を指しているかなのですが… ご参考までに中略したところを全部、以下に示します。 By his first marriage to Margaret,daughter of Lord Neville of Raby, the erder Percy became uncle to Ralph Neville whose advancement in the royal favour he rebarded with a jealous eye.
約してくださいお願いします。http://www.nasa.gov/ NASA STATEMENT ON LOSS OF COMMUNICATIONS WITH COLUMBIA A Space Shuttle contingency has been declared in Mission Control, Houston, as a result of the loss of communication with the Space Shuttle Columbia at approximately 9 a.m. EST Saturday as it descended toward a landing at the Kennedy Space Center, Fla. It was scheduled to touchdown at 9:16 a.m. EST.
Communication and tracking of the shuttle was lost at 9 a.m. EST at an altitude of about 203,000 feet in the area above north central Texas. At the time communications were lost. The shuttle was traveling approximately 12,500 miles per hour (Mach 18). No communication and tracking information were received in Mission Control after that time.
Search and rescue teams in the Dallas-Fort Worth and in portions of East Texas have been alerted. Any debris that is located in the area that may be related to the Space Shuttle contingency should be avoided and may be hazardous as a result of toxic propellants used aboard the shuttle. The location of any possible debris should immediately be reported to local authorities.
Flight controllers in Mission Control have secured all information, notes and data pertinent to today's entry and landing by Space Shuttle Columbia and continue to methodically proceed through contingency plans.
News media covering the Space Shuttle should stay tuned to NASA Television, which is broadcast on AMC-2, transponder 9C, C-Band, located at 85 degrees West longitude. The frequency is 3880.0 MHz. Polarization is vertical and audio is monaural at 6.8 MHz. Reporters can also go to any NASA center newsroom to monitor the situation.
New information, including the times and locations of press briefings, will be posted to this page.
The question is whether that prepares us to live in a world that's complex, where we need to be able to work in a structure where there are no rules and whrere we have to be really attantive to other people's cultures and other people's ways of seeing things.
>845 さん ありがとうございます。 北部の山でイノシシを獲ったので、猪肉をもって行くので 猪肉を受け取るあなたの都合のよい時間を教えてください。 I shoot a wild-boar which was northen mountain hunting zone yesterday morning. I will bring boar meat for you . Let tell me what time is the most convenient for you. 再びお願いします。
You're giving me too many things Lately you're all I need You smiled at me and said, Don't get me wrong I love you But does that mean I have to meet your father? When we are older you'll understand What I meant when I said "No, I don't think life is quite that simple"
When you walk away You don't hear me say please Oh baby, don't go Simple and clean is the way that you're making me feel tonight It's hard to let it go
The daily things that keep us all busy Are confusing me That's when you came to me and said,
Wish I could prove I love you But does that mean I have to walk on water? When we are older you'll understand It's enough when I say so And maybe some things are that simple
Hold me Whatever lies beyond this morning Is a little later on Regardless of warnings the future doesn't scare me at all Nothing's like before
CNNのシャトル事故の記事です。写真に付いているキャプですが、 Investigators bow their heads in prayer before moving human remains found in a debris field in Hemphill, Texas. 「捜索隊はテキサス州ヘンプヒルで、残骸の中に発見された、動いている人間の遺体を前に 哀悼の意を表してこうべを垂れる」 この中のmovingの意味が分かりません。どなたか教えてください。 出典はこちら。 http://www.cnn.com/2003/TECH/space/02/01/shuttle.columbia/index.html
よろしくお願いします。。 関係代名詞多くてワケわかんないです… ------------------------------- Some of those that were forces are the same that burn crosses. Some of those that were forces are the same that bore crosses.
Those who died are justified, for wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites You justify those that died by wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites
We're changing the discussion in the helmet market from what colors are available to how much protection they offer, and it speaks volumes that a professional athlete like him who's in the air every day recognizes that extra margin of protection.
>>906 >Interesting to see what Sudo has to offer in this arena. He's got a tall order. I hope he's not making a Jens Pulver mistake! SUDOがこの分野において何ができるかを見るのは面白いな。 SUDOにとって楽なことではないぞ。JENS PULVERのような失敗をしなければいいが。
>>910 >We're changing the discussion in the helmet market from what colors are available to how much protection they offer, and it speaks volumes that a professional athlete like him who's in the air every day recognizes that extra margin of protection. ヘルメット市場においての議論を我々は変えている。どんな色のヘルメットを手に入れることができるかということから、どれくらいの安全性があるかというほうへ。彼のような毎日空中にいるプロのスポーツ選手が、より安全性があると認めているということの意味は大きい。
Out of nowhere, we were ambushed. My companions knocked most of the bandits unconscious and ran for cover. But... I was the first one down. The bandit had hit me in the back of the head with something hard.
Although it could take months for NASA officials to learn what caused the destruction of the shuttle Columbia, they focused yesterday on the possibility that some of its protective tiles had failed, dooming the craft.
これはNYTの記事ですが、最後の dooming the craft は前の文とどう つながって、どういう意味になるのですか? よろしくお願いします。
出来事の連続を表す分詞構文と思われ。 some of protective tiles had failed, and doomed the craft とそんなに意味は違わんだろ。 ただ、当然、分詞構文は軽いから、焦点は failed にくる。 doomed は読者にとっては言わずもがなだからね。 タイルの不具合発生が新情報。
The appearance of spots on fruits is nature's way of forcing the point - who is going to peel an apple when the result is fruit with "leopard-skin flesh"? .
My sick friend is still in a coma, but she's stable now and in fact this week they're moving her back to her parent's house, where her family will take care of her. The doctors are saying she only has a very small chance of ever waking up, but everybody just has to keep on hoping and waiting.
I'm sure you've heard by now, but this morning the US space shuttle Columbia was lost. It broke up in the air over Texas about 15 minutes before it was supposed to land. The entire crew was killed and they don't really know why it happened yet. Growing up, the astronauts and other people in the NASA space program were always personal heroes of mine. Not because I wanted to go into space, but because they were the people who were actually doing these amazing things that always gave me hope for the future. To lose 7 people from the program like this so sad. One of them was a visiting astronaut from Israel and was the first Israeli to go into space. This is the second time I can remember something like this happening, actually. I remember when the Challenger space shuttle exploded back in 1986. I was only 4 years old at the time, so I don't remember a lot, but I remember my mother picking me up from preschool and talking with my teacher about the space shuttle exploding. I was too young to really understand at the time, but I remember seeing the images of it on the news that night and I didn't understand. I asked my mother if the people were going to be ok again and again. It's actually one of the earliest clear memories I have.
The question is whether that prepares us to live in a world that's complex, where we need to be able to work in a structure where there are no rules and whrere we have to be really attantive to other people's cultures and other people's ways of seeing things.
I've started to spend more time working on learning Japanese. Right now the big challenge for me is learning the kana. After I get a good handle on that, it will be easier for me to start learning other things. I have to say it's a bit of a challenge to learn a whole new character set....or two or three. I like the challenge, though, and I find it wonderful to actually be learning something completely new. In the past,when I was learning Spanish, German, French, etc, it was always pretty easy, since they're all very similar to English in many ways. Learning Japanese is much more of a challenge, though, and for obvious reasons. I like it, though, and hope I'm able to make some real progress during the next year.
The appearance of spots on fruits is nature's way of forcing the point - who is going to peel an apple when the result is fruit with "leopard-skin flesh"? .
『ライオンと魔女』の中の一節です。 お願いします。 My Dear Lucy I wrote this story for you, but when I began it I had not realized that girls grow quicker than books. As a result you are already too old for fairy tales, and by the time it is printed and bound you will be older still. But some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again. You can then take it down from some upper shelf, dust it, and tell me what you think of it, I shall probably be too deaf to hear, and too old to understand, a word you say, but I shall still be Your affectionate Godfather,
when do I have to reserve them (in Europe you can call them on the day you would like to stay with them but perhaps in Japan the demand is so high that you have to reserve it in advance?) One thing I would like to do one weekend is to go up Mount Fuji - and I´ve seen that there is a youth hostel up there. I know that Fuji is very high but as I´m going to stay in Japan during July and August and these are the only months where you can really go up, I ´d love to do it. Besides, we have got the Alps here so I´m used to going to the mountains! Could you give me some advice concerning going up Fuji? Have you ever done it?
The appearance of spots on fruits is nature's way of forcing the point - who is going to peel an apple when the result is fruit with "leopard-skin flesh"? .