The third of "Harmonies Poetiques et Religieuses", "Benediction de Dieu dans la solitude" is his is his favorite piece of music. Every time his wife, who is the sister-in-law, hears this piece, she sobs, recalling him. I can't stand this.
The third of "Harmonies Poetiques et Religieuses", "Benediction de Dieu dans la solitude" was his favourite, and everytime the piece is played his wife, thus my sister- in-law, weep in memories of the man who has gone missing. I can barely endure moments like this.
>>11 Sorry I haven't returned your mail for a long time. I had eight days off school for the new years but I never turned on my computer, and kept on going out. My job started today, so I think I'll be pretty busy this month. How's your job going? Please mail me anytime.
>>12 Thanks for sending me e-mails, even ones translated to Spanish! Believe it or not, my friend lives in Spain. According to him/her, Japan is a difficult country to live in.
>>27 The K-1 match (event, tournament) in january has been postponed, and this year's schedule hasn't been publically presented. So, I'm a bit worried if the event in march is actually going to be held.
>>57 I had already known that the stadium was closed in 1999. And I was all the more sad to hear it would be taken down. I should think, the preservation of old buildings is highly thought of in your country. I also heard the rumor that the stadium in CT will be rebuilt in the year. Is it true?
>>61 命令文の付加疑問は won't you をつけます。 (例)Join us tomorrow, won't you? Need、mustの付加疑問はそれぞれ needn't〜、mustn't〜(最初のtは 発音しない)となりますが、mustn'tはともかく、needn'tは実例をみ たことがありません。needを一般動詞として、don't〜を使うのが普通 ではないでしょうか。 (例)I must finish it by tomorrow, mustn't I?
>>22 Mario Bros. should be X-rated i cant get over why such a sexual-harassment-oriented game soft ware is selling out in the open. First of all, it's obviously a case of discrimination against women as the story sets two men as main characters and a woman as a hostage. It's abusolutely out of the question for kids' education in putting the lecherous Italian men in the center of the story. Get a load of that honker they have! It's totally off-color, leading kids to go for sesual crime. Furthermore, what is its face, cli-bo? and noko-noko? it's a combination of a mashroom and a turtle, symbolizing a male genitalia, that's for sure. anyway, what the hell is cli-bo!? It's undoubtedly a extremely vulgar compound word of clitoris and bo, or penis. So is the "power-up item," or an item that boosts a characers performance. what are they, a mashroom? and a flower? without a doubt they are representative of dick and pussy respectively. the funny part is that they get bigger!; an erection,man! that is, a hard-up! It's not for kids. つづく
魔羅師匠 さんフレーズそのまま借ります。 quote I see it on porn magazines, hiding nipples and pussies, and Mario chases that star. unquote This remids us of a sexual assault case in which a man forcibly tries to strip something off a woman in an endeavor to expose what she doesnt wanna. uh, ther is so many that I cant tell everything. are packed in this bawdy game Paced in this bawdy game, getting-bigger things, entering-into-a-hole things, the Black killer pus.. i mean flower, what have ya.. are nothing less than vulgar, hampering the progress of the Women's status in the society. agree? *スペルミス勘弁
According to a post-office clerk , it is recorded that the letter was freighted the next day I had it sent at the post office, but they can't tell whether it arrived in Italy. I hear, it takes 2 or 3 weeks for the post office in Japan to inquire and get the answer from that in Italy. Perhaps you should inquire at the post office in your country.
>>75 さっき、あなたが送ってくれた本が届きました!今回は封筒も破れず、中身も 無事です。 Some time ago, I got the book you sent! This time no rips on the envelop and no problem on the contents.
>>72 The postofficer says that there is a record that the letter got on the airplane the day after I posted it at the post office, but it is unknown in Japan if it actually arrived in Italy or not. He also says that it will take two to three weeks for a Japanese post office to get an answer from a Italian post office. Maybe it will be quicker if you ask the Italian post office for an answer yourself.
i'm afraid that your sister thinks i am an woman, dose she? she addressed "miss" to my name. i'm even afraid YOU might think i am an woman... i know my name sound like woman's, because some people think so even in japan.
>>103 Thank you for visiting my website. Actually, I want to send you an e-mail. But I'm not good at English, so I don't think I can tell you exactly what I feel. I'm so sorry. Anyway,I would be happy if you could visit my website again sometime.
>>105 I live in Tokyo. I like fishing and reading books. I go fishing once a week. I'm fond of comics and fantasy. I read books inside, walk outside, or play with my friends on holidays.
>>102 Despite my previous mail claiming that what I received was not what I ordered, I've decided to buy this product though I did not ordered it. That is, I don't return nor exchange it. Please be careful the next time. Now I want to order again what I ordered. But I can't because your site doesn't have an entry for this product anymore. Please reply in e-mail to my question how I can get what I ordered. Thanks in Adcance.
>>102 先ほど、オーダーしたものと送ってきたものが違うとE-mailを送りましたが I sent you an E-mail that tells I didn't order that last time, 今回はこの間違ったままの商品をそのまま買います。 but this time I will use it by itself this items. 返品・交換はしません。 I'll never return or exchange. 今後、気をつけて頂きたく思います。 I want you to be careful please. それで私が本当にオーダーした品を And what I really ordered 再度オーダーしたいのですがもうHPには記載してなくてオーダーできません。 which is I order once again and you don't write it on HP so I can't. 当初、オーダーした物を送って欲しいのでどのようにすればよいのかという Then, I want you to send me what I ordered and how to do it お返事を私のE-mailにしていただけますでしょうか? Please give me E-mail so that I can contact you. よろしくお願い致します。 Please.
>>122 I'd like to order the goods which I actually ordered before. [I'd like to order(商品名).] But they are't on your web site any more so I have no means to order them.
>>146 あっちには固定されたボーナスの制度を持つ企業自体が稀なため、 日本企業のように定期収入としてのボーナスがある事を前提にした 「ボーナス払い」は存在しないか、少なくとも一般的ではありません。 よって概念から説明するのが無難かと思います。 でもあえて一言で言うならDelayed Paymentでしょうか。 to be paid upon receipt of half annual bonus,とか付けて。
>>99 They are cheerful, resplendent and possitive about everything. As they analyze and improve thier situations by themselves, they have more confidence in themselves. They are the ones who are ingenuous and innocent by nature. So, when flattered, they do more than they do, but when they got their pride hurt, they lose motivation.
あなたは、とても明るく華やかで何にでも前向きに取り組もうとします。 You are up to anything with your flamboyant attitude.
物事をひとりで考え分析し、展開していくことで自信をつけていくあなたです。 Your cnfidence will grow as you develop critical analysis and act upon it.
根本的には純真で無邪気な人ですから、おだてられると実力以上の力を発揮するでしょう。 You are inocent and naive in yours truely, someone can jolly you into achieving more than what you might deserve. Indeed, magic is in you.
反対にプライドを少しでも傷つけられるとすぐにやる気をなくしてしまいます。 On the same token, your conceit easily steel your motivation once your pride is hurt.
あなたは3月のイベントがどこで開催されるか知ってますか? もし名古屋で開催されるなら見に行きたいです。 Do you know where will be held the event in March? If it's held in Nagoya,I would like to go to watch!.
Herald Bribune They have gotten so good at the job that some of them now long for the days when prices in industrialized countries rose by a predictable handful of percentage points each year.Price increases are falling ever closer to zero, with inflation rates already negative in Japan and threatening to head that deirection elsewhere,too. 経済についての文章らしいです。 お暇な方、ぜひともお願いします。
The first human clone was born at the end of the year, and the next human clone is to be born in a week or so. However, It hasn't be confirmed that they are really human clones. "Raelian Movement", which made them, is a religious institution. "The progress of clone technology is the only way that will lead humanity to avoid becoming extinct.", they say. Most of scientists point out the danger of human clone technology.
What do you think about human clone technology?
I'm in opposition to it, because most of clone animals have various troubles. There are a lot of unknown things in the realm of gene engineering. If you were a human clone when born, how would you feel? You might have congenital defects in your body. You could't expect when you have a serious illness. Therefore, you wouldn't live as ordinary people do. I think human clone technology is the most serious human-rights violation in whole history.
The first human clone was born at the end of the year, and the next human clone is to be born in a week or so. However, It hasn't be confirmed that they are really human clones. "Raelian Movement", which made them, is a religious institution. "The progress of clone technology is the only way that will lead humanity to avoid becoming extinct.", they say. Most of scientists point out the danger of human clone technology.
What do you think about human clone technology?
I'm in opposition to it, because most of clone animals have various troubles. There are a lot of unknown things in the realm of gene engineering. If you were a human clone when born, how would you feel? You might have congenital defects in your body. You could't expect when you have a serious illness. Therefore, you wouldn't live as ordinary people do. I think human clone technology is the most serious human-rights violation in whole history.
The first human clone was born at the end of the year, and the next human clone is to be born in a week or so. However, It hasn't be confirmed that they are really human clones. "Raelian Movement", which made them, is a religious institution. "The progress of clone technology is the only way that will lead humanity to avoid becoming extinct.", they say. Most of scientists point out dangers of human clone technology.
What do you think about human clone technology?
I'm in opposition to it, because most of clone animals have various troubles. There are a lot of unknown things in the realm of gene engineering. If you were a human clone when born, how would you feel? You might have congenital defects in your body. You could't expect when you would have a serious illness. Therefore, you wouldn't live as ordinary people do. I think human clone technology is the most serious human-rights violation in whole history.
>>212 I would like to thank to you for being a nice company for me last year. I might bother you sometimes this year too, but I will try my best to make my own progress.
>>221 a conversation that connects us >>215 I don't assume I'll be saved. I will face the music when I have to blaze my spirit. ("購い"の意味不明) I m fed up with living and regretting. In that case, that's not something to give another thought. >>214 and they will be able to take notice that they belong to a community. and they will be able to aware that they are parts of the community. >>213 The man, clear-cut and likable personality coupled with abundant of duty and obligations, never forgets favors from others. He sure gets on the fast track with his having a photographic memory and a outgoing disposition.
>>212 Thank you for your great kindness last year. I might cause inconvenience to you this year, too. However, I will take one step at a time in my efforts. >>206 What did you do on the New Year's Day? Where did you go? Did you go back to your hometown? I m worried about my English skill since I haven't studied at all with all the tight schedule on the job. I went for a first shrine visit of the New Year and pray for health and hapiness. >>202 It's been getting common that people live in different countries without changing their own nationalities. >>196 It sucks at the beginning of the New Year! >>191 When was this published?
>>213 He/She never forgets favor of someone, has positive attitude, and is good at memorizing. He/She is probably the one those people who will be successful.
>>202 別のスレでやったんで一応、読んでみて。 >ひとつの国にその国の国籍とは異なる国籍を持っている人々が住むのは当然になってきている。 >It is natural that people having different nationalities live in one country. >皆様、添削してください。お願いします。 It is -> It is becoming natural-> commonly expected that-> for people 以下-> people to live in a coutry which is different from the one they hold their nationality of
>>231 My digital camera is tiny and it never gives you uncomfort with a long strap to be hung on the neck when carried with you. It is suitable for travel.
>>241 The code of an iris is "the happiness of believers". You don't believe in yourself and are holding back your potential. A little more courage, and you will be beyond your brother.
>>241 In the language of flowers, iris signifies "happiness of believers" You refused to see what you are capable of and you are putting a limit on your own potential. But I belive, you could, with a little bit of courage, become a person who outshines your older brother.
>>242 I'm attracted to the Match Calendar Card, not to the stub. Because I wouldn't find the stub valuable. And I also feel sorry for myself not having watched the match.
>>251 "We mustn't kill people, even if they're evil." "How could you live up to the justice? Even God kills them for justice." "Then I will be beyond God some day. And then・・・"
>>255 This might be something I should have said in the first e-mail of the year........ Thank you for all the things you did for me last year. Have a happy new year!
>>249 I was hankering for gloomy malaise, scratching my head, and believing in reflection. Remember? Buddha says that asceticism is an act of folly. It was cozy not to speak; however, that was making me forget my own voice. I am going to bring back my personality that is on the verge of snuffing out by chitchatting with friends of mine. Although conversation tends to be taken for granted, it is the most important thing in order to live. It's got to be me that gets control over my mind; that is the only way of enabling me to move on to the next step. Think of the audience to be eggplants or pumpkins.
なんで米誌が発表したドイツ人の収入が円ベースなの?>>303 An american buisiness magazine, Forbes has announced the athlete billionaire's list of last year. The article said that Michael Schumacher, an F1 driver (Ferrari) got the brilliant first place. It is said that his annual income is about 7.2 billion yen and his gross asset is more than 50 billion yen.
>>297 >>Iraqi boy killed by U.S.A's bombing in the Guluf War in 1991. Gulf War ですね。 あとはOK
「イラクへの戦争に反対してください」 「ブッシュのイラクへの戦争政策を支持しないでください」 一般的ないい方としては Please say NO to the war against Iraq. Please do not support the War Policy of Bush administration on Iraq.
要するに、新しい職場に異動する人へのメッセージね。 もし少しでも仕事内容が変わるようだったらnew jobって言っても良いんじゃないかな・・・Please stay as nice at your new job...という風に。でも、この内容を外人に言うんだったら I know you will be nice to everyone at your new job (場所的な 異動だったらnew locationとかnew office) as you've been to us. としたほうがいいかもね。Please be...というと、まるで、その人が 異動したら意地悪になる可能性があるからナイスにしてねって 頼んでいるみたいになるから。
>>306=312 再びありがとうございます。 相手は日本人(英語勉強中)です。 Please be...だと意地悪になる可能性があるみたいだけど Please stay...なら「変わらずに」っていうニュアンスを含みますよね? Please stay as nice as you've been with us at your new job. でほぼオッケーでしょうか?
>>323 Since I'm not good at English, I have difficulties both in expressing myself and understanding you. So there were a lot of misunderstandings. But I felt uncomfortable when you asked my bust size suddenly and I decided not to keep in touch with you (or to meet you, of course not!). I'm really sorry that this is to be the last message. Please look for another girl.
>>332 ・You are very sensitive to loneliness, and can’t stand to be alone. ・You hate someone who disturbs harmony among others. ・You never break a promise, and force everyone else to do so. ・You are stubborn, and hate someone who tells you what to do. ・You never show in your mind. ・You are good at making network among other people. Do you think they are right?
I am sorry to keep you waiting my response so long time. While the new year vacation I was back to my hometown, where I was in bed with a high fever for three days and three nights. And I had no way to contact with you because my hometown is far from the Internet service area. Again I am greatly sorry to worry you.
>>340 気が付いた点だけ記します。 waiting → waiting for so long time → so long While → During and three nights → 不要 far from → out of greatly → very worry you → trouble you
>>348 First, cars there don't have wheels. Second, there were no people, only robots.
>>349 添削を喜ぶ人もいるのでちょっとコメント。うざければ無視してくれよ。 there were cars without wheels だと、「(中には)車輪のない車もあった」という意味になってしまう。 もし原文の意図が「全ての車に(車一般に)車輪がなかった」という意味の場合は cars were without wheels 等とすると良い。 あと、first of all はこの場合不自然、firstly か first 等とする。
>>352 The taxi got there unexpectedly quickly, maybe because the traffic was not so heavy for some reason although it was during rush hour. I can tell from my experiences that it depends on how much congested the traffic gets how much time going by taxi takes. Riding bicycles, on the other hands, always take less, easily passing by arrays of cars.
特に政治的な話題はやはり相手がどういう人かわかってから切り出すのが Golden Rule ですし、アメリカ人相手なら話題にするには覚悟がいりますね。 議論(口論)になる可能性ありですから。 しかしこの話題はアメリカ人以外だと大丈夫な場合が多い。(w イギリス人など喜んで冗談の会話にのってくれるでしょう。 その場合も会話が自然とそっちへ行ったらですが、たとえば I do not support the Bush Administration's policy on war against Iraq. と、自分の方から先に意志表明をする手もありマスですね。
Anyway, your memory is excellent! I am really honored to have your instruction about their history. By the way, do you have any knowledge about the following as well? In the case of YES, I would be very appreciative if you could teach me about it. >>384
>>450 I once sparred with him in ground fighting style a little, and I could tell he is a begginer. But he has so good reflexes that his groundwork technique will get much better if he trains hard for no more than 3 months. 寝技を織り込んでみました。
>>465 New Year's day in Tokyo this year had snow for the first time in 44 years. h>>466 Do you remember that I took your picture the other day? When developed, it came out as having only a half of your face. Quite a shock.
>>497 My mame shows what sort of person my parents wanted me to be. I know it will be very hard. I am, nontheless going to try my best to meet my parents' expectation.
I was in bed with a fever in the end last year, so I unusually stayed home to see the old year out instead of habitual going out with my friends yearly.
I yearly go out with my friend to see the old year out. Instead, I unusually stayed home. でしょうか。
年末は熱を出して寝込んでいました。 そのため、いつもは友達と年を越すのですが、ひさしぶりに自宅で 年越しをしました。 I was in bed with a fever at the end of year. That's why I stayed at home at the night of New Year's eve, rather than went out with my friends as usual.
Iwas in bed because of feaver at the end of the year ,which I usually bade out with my friends ,and that made me at home for the first time these years. なんてどうかな。
>>510 He was born as a firstborn son of a ordinary company employee. Although his yonger sister was distinguished in the field of music and sport,he spent his boyhood as a common boy with no special lessons.
>>510 He was born in Mibu-cho in Tochigi prefecture, as the first child of two siblings from a salaried household. While his sister was good at the fields of music and sports, he spend his childfood without special education for them and enjoyed his early life.
>>510 He was born in Mibu-cho, Tochigi prefecture, as a firstborn son to 2 siblings of an ordinary office worker. While his younger sister had talents for music and for sports at an early age, he was brought up an ordinary boy without any special training. 一応書いていたので、惰性で…
>>514 It may sound cruel that people cannot get true happiness without knowing misery. The misery should not be regarded neither as an atonement nor as a trial. It's fate. It's destined and never changed...
If I could wish you only, only one thing. May you be happier than any others, I would say. May you be so happy that you don't have any room I could be in.
>>498>>501>>504>>505 みなさんありがとうございます. 名前が分からないと,やり辛かったですね. 私の名前は「賢」というので, Ken means "wise"or "clever" in Chinese characters. ですね.親は「学徳のすぐれていること」という意味をこめたそうです.
>>532 Arguably due to the shorter length in pronounciation which contirbuts to easiness on tongue, they say nothing but OOO instead of XXX which I want them to say.
>>540 Yesterday, I went to look for some CDs which you probably like to listen, but I didn't really find them, so I (bought and) sent some books instead.
>>565 You're always on my mind.もいいかも。 好きとか愛してる以外の表現って、結構日本語と似てると思う。 You're so precious to me. とか。 恋愛初期 (w なら I'm attracted/drawn to you.とかもありかな?
>>566 I hope we can get together again sometime soon. >>567 Sorry I couldn't write back earlier. (soonerかなとオモウんだけれど、ネイティブのメールでearlierを使ってた。 どっちが良いのかちょっと自信ないです、すみません)
>>537 I am sorry to doは過去のことにはあまり使わないような 気がする。 cf I'm sorry to interrupt you. I'm sorry for interrupting you. >>571とか、 I am sorry for being late in answering your e-mail. だと思う。
先日飛行機に乗っていて 「エコノミークラスに友達が乗っているんです・・」 と言おうとして "I have a friend back in economy" って言ったんだけどFriendってすごく幼稚な英語(こういった場合)なので 他の単語を使いたかったんだけどなにかないですか? 仕事仲間とかだとcolleagueとか使えるけど、友達ってなんて言えばいいですか?
Could you please tell me how to get to your hotel from oo Station? Which station is the nearest one? Is it a walking distance from that station? Do you have a pick up bus service?
628 you can buy it with lower price when you choose the company's. it is made by Fuji actually but distributed by the company, and that's why you can but it with lower price. it's funny but you have to pay some more just for "Fuji" name.
>>635 The most fundamental change was that the strict determinism of the classical physics cannot be applied to the quantum theory anymore. We cannot exactly predict a system's change, but only can forcast possibilities of various processes that may take place.
>>639copy丸投げですが OEM original equipment manufacturer Originally OEM was an adjective used to describe a company that produced hardware to be marketed under another company's brand. Mitsumi, for example, produced CD-ROM drives that dozens of companies would label as their own. It's often now used as a verb, as in this sentence: "This CD-ROM drive is OEM'd by Mitsumi."
643 i know you are busy, don't make time for me. write me when you have time, and that's enough for me.
644 i am a undergraduate student. i believe an university is the place where student should find what you want to be and study for it. now i am trying to find something i should do.
646 i started with understanding the tytle with a dictionary.
I know you are very busy person, so please don't bother yourself worrying about replying to my e-mail. I would be very pleased if you could drop me a line at your convenience. ってとこかな
651 i found my personal informations in your site, and i am very surprised and angry for it since you don't have my permission. i must warn you to erase my imformations and take a look at this site "00". this mail is transrated by someone else since i do not inderstand english.
655 my goal is to make somethig helps people. i'd aprisiate if my invention make people's life richer. hearing "damn! the person who inovete this shit gatta be fuckin' geanius!!" might be my altermate goal.
He beated me with his fist not his palm she told me a number . it was a ward office number it sounds too exaggerated,but I think he ruined the Japanese politics
>>654 informations-> information またはpieces of my information in your Web site-> on your Web site
I have found my personal information disclosed on your Web site. I have to acknowledge that my privacy and painting's copy right belong to me. My provacy and copy right override whatsoever is your intention for using them on your site without my consent. Your action have caused me a great emotional distress, and if this to last any longer, that will end up in the law enforcement. Please erase them immideately. Also, please visit my Web site and read "oo."
I had my accqaintance translate this document from Japanese, this document stands for my position for using and disclosing my information.
From next class, we are gointo to have a short quiz at the beginning. The quiz will cover the all contents of the previous class including handouts and memos.
I guess if you review them carefully, you are sure to get full marks.
the game is about to start . It is the first game in this year tomorrow is holiday for Adults' Day I am goint to watch the game all thorough the night.
>>709 Mayor was moved to tears with no fuss = The coming-of-age ceremony in Naha, in which some drunken youngsters had apprehended last year, held peacefully this year in such a way of deviding it into smaller units under heightened security -- allowing the mayor to be in tears.
>>709 On January 12th, the coming-of-age ceremony was held at 7 divisions by the local communities on the volantary basis in Naha, instead of the city service because 7 drunken youngsters had been apprehended on a charge of making a confusion last year.
>>709 It is strictly guarded by Naha police force more than 180 personnel, as with prohibiting to bring alcohol into the room. This measure had an effect on prevention of rioting and avoided any confusion this year.
どういうところすき? => What do you like about him? ------ He looks so cute! かれをどうおもう? => How do you like him? ------ Not bad. He is as good as what u described.
一応、私は・・・ 「First,news is information people recognize new. Information many people of the society know already does not become news. Next,news is public information. News does not information that stay private area but that is broadcasted to society. Finally,news is information that people is concerned about and that people think connected with their profit and loss.」 としたのですが・・・ 英語が出来る方々から見れば、恐ろしく下手な文章かも知れませんが、どうか宜しくお願いします!
Firstly, 'news' is information which the receiver regards as something new. If the information has already been widely known, it is not news. Senondly, 'news' is concerned with public sphere. Unlike some informaion shared only by an individual or within his/her family, 'news' is sent to the general public. Thirdly, 'news' should interest people, or affect people's interests.
The tableware used by supply of food of a public school etc. changes to the "ECO tableware" which considered environment. It is based on Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's intention, and will introduce also into the dining-room of a school lunch or each ministry agency from March changing the tableware of the personnel dining-room of a school lunch or each ministry agency from March changing the tableware of the personnel dining-room of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishery into the product made from the biodegradable plastic made from grain,
such as the thing of the plastic made from oil to corn, one by one as a starter.
Moreover, the poly lactic acid of a material can be extracted also from the garbage of agricultural products, and it will contribute also to realization of circulated type society. Furthermore, there is also analysis "if it spreads in each industry, it is also possible to cut down oil consumption in the future. And it will make a big effect being induced also in respect of the saving of energy" (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry staffs).
When you get out from the door/gate, go to right and keep walking/driving until you hit the "Route 1." Then, you go along the "Rought 1" and walk/drive 5 to 6 minutes. Then you will see the station on the left side.
>>815 パート1 Environmentally friendly Eco plates will be replacing plastic plates and bowls that are currently in use in public schools. Following prime minister Koizumi’s suggestion, regular plastic plates will be replaced with those made of biodegradable plastic, which is made from grains such as corn, first, in the cafeterias in the Farm Ministry buildings in March, and then cafeterias in other government buildings and public schools across the country thereafter.
Biodegradable plastic can break down when exposed to bacteria in the soil and environmentally more compatible than the petroleum based plastic. The government is, by leading the public by using the technology first, hoping to raise the public confidence level and increase the use of the technology, which will result in price reduction and help to build a new industry.
Biodegradable plastic is based on polylactic acid made from sugar found in corn and rice.
While it will cause problems if burned by generating dioxin, if it is used with compost it will broken down by bacteria within several weeks to several months and return to the nature.
Although it is already used in some products such as parts for home appliances, sheets for agricultural use, parts for golf gear and garbage bags, biodegradable plastic has not gained wide acceptance and is still costly.
>>815 PART2 The government is hoping that using biodegradable plastic for lunch plates in public schools across the country will lead to cost reduction with increased volume of production, making it more competitive, and help to expand into the residential market.
The prime minister indicated that the lunch plate is only the first step, and that biodegradable plastic will be introduced into other plastic products used in the government agencies.
The government hopes this will become a new area of development for the chemical related industries and reactivate agriculture by boosting the production grains.
The fact that the basic material, polylactic acid, can be extracted from farm and food waste, makes it a contributor towards the realization of a recycle-oriented society.
>>815 PART3 There is a study suggested “This technology, if used in every industry, can possibly reduce overall oil consumption, will have a profound impact on energy policy and national security”, according to a source in Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
The expansion of the use of biodegradable plastic is a part of the “biomass Japan total strategy” campaign launched by the government, which is trying to create a recycle-oriented society by converting waste into an energy source, and cabinet ministers were directed, at the end of last year, to follow.
Since, Atsushi Toyama, Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, was asked specifically to use it for lunch plates for public schools, MECSS is working out implementation plans including, the timing of introduction and the budget for Eco-plates.
>>842 I let friends listen △△'s music, and seems like they like it. Even though I like to talk about my favorite pieces, It's hard to memoirze the titles.
>>883 The fire works were set off to the classical music.
To be alone for a week made me think about all kinds of things. The warmth of people came home to me.
>>884 I'm going to stay at your hotel from April 3 to April 10, so I'd like to make a resesrvation. I'll take a trip with two friends and they don't smoke. Thank you.
>>884 I plan on staying at your hotel from April 3 to April 10 and would like to make a reservation. Since I will be traveling with a friend, I would like 2 non-smoking rooms.
Please let me know what your vacancy status is like for the above days.
I am a Japanese student currently studying English at a language school in the U.S. and will be visiting your country at the end of this semester. When I tried to obtain a visa in Japan prior to my study overseas, I was informed that it would only be valid for a period of 3 months. Although I was given contact information from the British Embassy in Japan, I was unable to obtain a visa due to my busy class schedule as well as the fact that I frequently use my passport.
I was told that I could obtain a visa upon my entry to your country. Do you know if this is possible?
>>891 発音するときはおっしゃる通りth,rdなどをつけて読みますが、 表記する場合書かなくてもよいのです。 友達と二人で旅行し、禁煙室も2部屋ほしいときは、>>888さんが書いたように Since I'll be traveling with a friend, I'd like 2 non-smoking rooms. でいいですよ。
>>882 ごめん、ちょい間違えた。 最初の文章はこっちに変えて: I am a Japanese student currently studying English at a language school in the U.S. and will be visiting your country next month when I finish at the end of this month.
>>907 What the hell are you doing? The boy with a round face had a scar on his cheek. A hundred years ago, many people came to this town to seek for gold nuggets.
I sometimes feel that you say horrible things. Do you remembering telling me, "If you'd become a pro, many men would give you lots of money" after having sex? It was very shocking to hear but I didn't say anything at the time since I did not know how to express my feelings. The truth is, I was very angererd by it. I thought you were crazy to say something like that to someone you love. I thought maybe that our relationship had gotten cold. In any event, it looks as though I need to get to know you better.
Thanks for your time yesterday. Looks like ??you?? went through a lot.
I sent you an email yesterday but to the wrong address. I noticed that I left out an 0 at the end. I will send it again today.
>>933 What's the percentage of each major in your laboratory?
>>934 When he wakes up in the middle of the night, everything is dark and he feels that he is far away somewhere in distant space and that he cannot retun.
>>934 参考にしないで下さい。ちょっとトライして 見たくなっただけですので。つーか、936さんを参考にして下さい。 When he wakes up at midnight in a deep dark, he falls in a strange sense, as if he is at the edge of universe and something prevents him from coming back.
When he woke to total darkness in the middle of the night, he had a strange sensation as if he was at the edge of the universe and something was preventing from returning.
Rather than the actual speech, I wrote on the history of President Carter. The particular speech was exceptionally superb and since it should not be abridged in any way, I decided to touch only on his history. He is a man fit to receive the Nobel Peace Prize.
>>951 I wrote about the life of former US President Jimmy Carter, and did not make any reference on his speech. His speech was much too good to summarize. Jimmy Carter is in every sense worthy of receiving the Novel Prize.
I wrote the biography of でも良いし。 Jimmy Carter is entitled to receiving the も良いし。色々可能。
I'm on your side. あなたのみかただよ。(逆境に居る人に) I'm standing by you. あなたを見守ってるよ。(心細そうな人に) You can count on me anytime. 頼りにしてね。(気落ちした友人知人に) I'm a big fan of yours. あなたのファンです。(スポーツ選手やスターに) などなど
>>994 That an increasing number of children are refusing to go to school because of bullying is one of the reasons why academic performance of children have gone down in Japan. ちょっと固くて長いので、もう一つ、くだけた訳を。 Kids refusing to go to school because of bullying is one of the reasons why they don't do very well academically these days in Japan.