よろしくおねがいします。 The Clinton-era plan to "change welfare as we know it" has been a dramatic, if qualified, success, helping to transform millions of people who had lived off others' taxes into working taxpayers. Under California's version, the 1998 CalWORKS program, the numbers dropped by almost half, to about 475,000 cases from a 1997 high of nearly 732,000. A booming economy helped by generating jobs at record pace. But everyone agreed that the real test would come later, after those most employable or most eager to work had moved on and those without skills or, perhaps, motivation or with addictions or children needing care hit the new five-year lifetime limit on benefits.
"There ought to be but one large art warehouse in the world, to which the artist could carry his art-works, and from which he could carry away whatever he needed. As it is, one must be half a tradesman." -- Ludwig van Beethoven, January, 1801
When Mr Bush unveils his long-promised stimulus package on January 7th, he knows he will stand accused of pandering to the rich: hence the president's insistence that he is concerned about all the people and his pre-emptive strike against those he says want to turn the package into an issue of class warfare.
It persists, it grows worse, as would happen in the biological world if the imprudent acts and excesses committed by the inhabitants of one hemisphere took their toll only upon the inhabitants of the other hemisphere.
Sometimes it looks as if a full-scale war were about to break out between smokers and non-smokers. But we really think common courtesy will win out in the end.
If the privilege of living a virtuous life is only possible for the poorest people among us, and the bane of immorality is the inevitable outcome for thouse who are well-off, what kind of society would be best?
Axes and swords will not help you through, Yet it and a little push will do. Some on the road would have fought and soon died, Were it not close at hand, to let them inside. What is it?
これは謎々で答えは「鍵」になるのですが、 Axes and swords will not help you through, Yet it and a little push will do. までしか分かりません。 後半部分を訳して頂けないでしょうか? お願いします。
Herald Bribune They have gotten so good at the job that some of them now long for the days when prices in industrialized countries rose by a predictable handful of percentage points each year.Price increases are falling ever closer to zero, with inflation rates already negative in Japan and threatening to head that deirection elsewhere,too. Deflation-sustained decreases in prices over an economy-may sound attractive to consumers hoping to snap up bargalns.But to economists, it is the NO.1 nightmare scenario as the global economy struggles to bounce back a stubbom downturn."it's not bad if supermarkets are fighting it out over the price of baked beans,"said Paul Donovan, global economist at UBS Warburg in London."The problem is when nobody wants to buy baked beans."If falling inflation remains simply that, there is problem.Low inflation brings stability.But if it tips over into deflation,the global economy could sink into a situation more followed World WarU,Donovan said. 以上、経済の文らしいんですが、読めません。 誰か、具体的に訳していただけたるという お暇な方がいましたら、よろしくお願いします。
If the privilege of living a virtuous life is only possible for the poorest people among us, and the bane of immorality is the inevitable outcome for those who are well-off, what kind of society would be best?