Investigators searching for a sniper terrorizing the Washington suburbs found a tarot card with the words, "Dear policeman, I am God," near a bullet casing outside the school where a 13-year-old boy was critically wounded, a source familiar with the investigation confirmed Wednesday. Police were also searching a wooded area behind a school in Prince George's County after reports Wednesday of a man seen carrying a long black bag. A woman driving in the area was detained for questioning. more
>>43,>>44 俺、添削スレ立てたんだけどね、誰も使わないから一週間で消えたよ。 >>43 >I have been waited like this thread! >Because in other kinds of thread they rarely correct my bad English. waited -> waiting for (waitの基本用法) like this thread ->a thread like this one (語順と冠詞を忘れないように) in other kinds of -> in other (ここでは種類の話ではないから) thread -> threads (複数) they rarely correct my bad English -> I have trouble getting my English corrected. in other threadsの前後にコンマをいれる。 こんなもんかな。
>>45 >I've been seeking a thread like this! >It seems to be slightly difficult to have my bad English corrected >in other threads. seekingはもとの日本語に対してカタ過ぎ。looking forかsearching forがいいのでは。 It seems to be・・・文体がかたすぎ。このままだと、 「他のスレッドでは私の変な英語を直して貰うのに、多少の困難があるように思われます。」 というようなニュアンス。英語としてはいいと思うけど(欲を言えばfor meをdifficultの 後に入れる)。あと、bad Englishというのがちょっとぎこちない。English mistakes などの方が いいと思われます。
Read of "I am a cat" It was as a schoolchild that I began and read this book. Although I read a this book, I had felt that this book is another world story at the time . Becaus A cat is that man is not eaten.And I had not waste food at the time. I had thanked food every day. I read this book again recently.It was a good night to read because of the moonlight that day. I had felt that this book is another world when I was schoolchild,but I am feeling that this book is fear world just now. Because I am wasting food recently. Food is full recently.It will be good for go to a convenience store, if you want to eat cup noodles. It will be good for go to a biking restran, if you want to eat many food.So Food needed is eaten immediately. It was the time when pains were taken to also eat one bread, about fifty years ago.Food was high value a long time ago. food is low value now.Because food is full now. 『我が輩は猫である』を読んで 私がこの本を始めて読んだのは小学生の時でした。私は本を読んだけれども、この本はその時、別世界話であると思っていました。 なぜなら猫が人が食べられないということであるからです。 また、私はその時食べ物を無駄にしていなかった。私は毎日食物に感謝してました。 私はこの本を再び最近読みました。その日は月光のために読むのによい夜でした。 私は、私が小学生だった時この本が別世界であると思っていました。 しかし、私は、この本がちょうど今、恐い世界であると思っています。私は最近食べ物を無駄にしています。 食物は最近十分です。あなたがカップ・ヌードルを食べたければ、コンビニエンス・ストアへ行けばいいだろう。あなたが多くの食べ物を食べたければ、バイキングへ行けばいいだろう。そう、必要とされる食物は直ちに食べられます。 約50年前にさらに1斤のパンを食べるために苦労する時でした。 食物はずっと前に高価値でした。食物は今低い価値でした。食物が今十分だからです。
>>56,>>71 少し、添削頼む前に、中学レベルの文法の勉強をした方がいいと思います。 ざっと見てみたけど、日本語も良く分らないところがありましたよ。 Read of -> My reflections on It was as a schoolchild…-> I was a schoolchild when I first read this book. Although I read …->I thought it was a story from another world. Because A cat is that ….->Because, a cat would not eat a human. Also I would not waste food at that time. I was thankful for food that I had everyday. I read this book again recently. -> 完璧です。 Because of the moonlight that day-> because there was bright moonlight I had felt ….ここ日本語も良く分りません。 Food is full recently-> We have full of food these days. It will be good for go to a convenience store->A short trip to a convenience store is good enough It will be good for goto a biking restran-> An all-you-can-eat restaurant will serve you, Many food-> a lot of hood. So Food needed is …->Whatever you want to eat is readily available. It was the time when….->Fifty years ago, we had to struggle to secure a loaf of bread. Food was high value->Food used to be worth much more than it is today. Food is low value now…>Food seems to worth less now, because there is so much of it.
やりなおして見るので添削お願いします。 Read of "I am a cat" 「我が輩は猫である」を読んで I read this book first when I was schoolchild. 私がこの本を始めて読んだのは小学生の時でした。 Although I read this book,This book was thought the story of another world at that time. この本はその時、別の世界の話であると思っていました。 Because, a cat doesn't eat a human being. なぜなら、猫は人間を食べないからです。 And,I wasn't wasting food then. 私はその時、食べ物を無駄にしていなかった。 I had thanked food every day. 私は毎日、食物に感謝していました。
>>74 >Read of "I am a cat" Reading "I am a cat" On "I am a cat" >schoolchild. a schoolchild >Although I read this book,This book was thought the story of another world at that time. At that time, however, I thought that this book is not about our own world. >Because, That's because >had thanked thanked
ただ「我輩は猫である」って別に猫が人を食べたりしないよねえ。 まあいいか。全文を私が書くとしたら
Reading "I am a cat" When I first read this book in my elementary school days, I regarded this book as a story of a world other than our own, where cats don't eat people. At that time, I didn't waste food but appreciate it everyday.
すいません。またお願いします。 1.We may forget that we thanks for food. 私達は食べ物に感謝することを忘れているかもしれない。 2.We will be hunting people in the story of "I am a cat." 私達は「我が輩は猫である」の話の中では狩人だろう。 3.Hunting people are treating the animal like money first. 狩人は最初、動物をお金のように扱っている。 4.We may be same as hunting people at the point which wastes food. 私達は食べ物を粗末にしている点では狩人と同じであろう。 5.If Kenji is alive, Kenji will scold us. 賢治がもしも生きているならば、賢治は私達を叱るだろう。 6.なぜなら賢治は動物をお金のように例える狩人が許せなくて、「我が輩は猫である」を書いたと思うからです。 ↑↑↑うまく英語に治す事ができませんでした。 7.It from which man becomes the world which becomes that it is likely to be eaten by the cat so that it may be the story of "I am a cat" is very fearful. もしも「我が輩は猫である」の話のよう人間が猫に食べられそうにななる世界になる、それはとても恐いです。
狩人はhuntersでいいと思う。 1,forget that SV は確か不可。 3,the animal だと限定されすぎだと思うので、animalsでいいと思う。firstも怪しい。 4,the same じゃないかな、普通は。at the point〜も怪しい。関係代名詞が完全に間違ってる。 5,仮定法を復習しよう。 6,前後の文のつながりが分からないけど、〜, for I think that he wrote "I am a cat" because he couldn't put up with hunters who regarded animals as money. 7,文が滅茶苦茶。どうしてこんな文ができたのか不思議。
>>96 the head always becomes paiful->I get a headach almost everytime the flash of the camera->the camera flashes Therefore, it doesn't set off a flash bulb?->So could you do it without the flash?
I can't know what is happening in Japan, because there is something wrong with my TV, and in addition because I don't regularly get newspapers. I'm very interesting in movements of North Korea.
>>101 I dont know whats going on in Japan because my TV is out of order right now. whats more, I dont read news papers so often. I'm very interested in North Korea situation though.
so oftenはsoは要らんか? thoughは口語でよく後に言うのを聞くから。正式には前かもしれん。 また訂正おながいします。
>>102 「知ることが出来ませんだから、」 I don't know ->I have no way of knowing にしたら? so often->very often がいいと思われます Noth Korea situation ->North Korean situation か the situation in North Korea
>>112 What I want to say is that..でも同じような感じだけど。 What I want to emphasize is that...これもいいかも。 What I want to say most is that...何か不自然。 What I think is the most important thing is that...
I think it will do you good that you have some hobby and go on with it for a long time. It will affect enormously on your spiritual or physical growth, and the time will come when it help you in one way or another. I think you should go on with it instead of giving up even if you don't like it.
I think it will do you good that you have some hobby when you are a kid, and go on with it for a long time. It will affect enormously on your spiritual or physical growth, and the time will come when it help you in one way or another. I think you should go on with it instead of giving up even if you don't like it.
>>133 コメント。 it will do you goodはthat節を使った構文にはそぐわない(くだけた表現だからかな?)。 I thing it is a good thing thatの方がいいのでは。でも文体から言ってI think it is beneficial for you to have …とか した方が、適切だと思います。 go on with itはその時点から更に続ける(先に進む)と言う意味。 例えば、This book has been boring so far, but I decided to go on with it. 「この本は今までの所つまんないけど、続けて読む事にした」 貴方の文では、只単に続けるという意味なので、keep itとしたらどうでしょう。 will affect enormouslyよりも、will have an enormous impact/influenceとした方が、英語らしい。 the time will come when it help you in one way or anotherなんか不自然です。 there will be a day when it will come in to help you one way or anotherあるいは、 one day it will help you one way or another.の様にしたら。 最後の文章のgo on with itも同様。この場合は、嫌でも続けるというニュアンスを 出すためにstick with itがいいと思います。 giving up->giving it up.
I'm living in Colorado in the U.S, but I'm Japanese. So I'm studying English now...
>128 >>I am good in read a book. You must not use "read" in that part because that it is the verb. If you want to say "My reading skill is good," You should change it to "I have good reading knowledge of English."
>>English is my good thing. You should alter "English is my specialty."
>>I want be a foreing country. I think that "I want to be a foreign country." or "I want to go (or live) a foreign country." is better than it.
>>138 Let me correct your mistakes. I hope you don't mind. >"I have good reading knowledge of English." "I have good English reading skills." or "I am good at reading English" is better. because reading is not knowledge. it is consider to be a skill. Also,on >"I want to be a foreign country."or "I want to go (or live) a foreign country." you should say "in a foreign country" or "go to a foreign country" And your last sentence, "is better than it", should read "is better than that" or "better than yours." or "better than the one above"
>>143 あまり、考えもせずに書いてしまったのですが、そのinの役割は 多分、come inで、その状況に入ってくる、という感じでしょうか。 例えば、他にcome in handy「役に立つ」なんて表現にも同じようなinがあります。 Why don't you take this book with you. It's got all kinds of phone numbers、 and it may come in handy when you get lost or something over there. 「この本いっしょに持っていったら?いろんな電話番号がのってるから、 向こうで迷ったりした時に役に立つかもしれないよ。」
I bought a muffler today. it says(いい表現が浮かばない・・) its made from cashmere but just prickles my skin a bit. Thats OK because this one was inexpensive.(not so expensiveの方が いいか?cheapってほど安っぽくないし。)
>>152 >ここでの暮らしにも慣れ、方言もペラペラと話すことができるようになりました。 >Now I get used to live in here and even I can speak local accent fluently. get->got used to live->used to the life here(used to の後は名詞形)でもここでは、 living hereよりも、the life hereの方が自然。 speak local accent fluently->speak with local accent. fluentlyをつけるのなら次の様に。 speak local dialect fluently.
Whether you have played very well or not when you are a child determines how you live. That is to say, if you have done nothing but study instead of playing, you may live a no good life. However, you may well repent of it if you did nothing but play.
>ここでの暮らしにも慣れ、方言もペラペラと話すことができるようになりました。 > Now I get used to live in here and even I can speak local accent fluently.
Now I have gotten used to life here, and I can even speak the local dialect fluently.
I have gotten used to life here は、I have become accustomed to life here としてもよい。
I get used to は現在完了形にする必要あり。 in here の in は不要。 even I can speak は、私でさえ話すことができる、という意味。 speak with local accent → speak with the local accent だだし、speak with the local accent と「方言を話す」はすこし意味が違う。
Whether you played very well or not when you were a chlild determines how you live on. That is to say, if you do nothing but study, you may live on a no good life. However, you will regret it if you do nothing but play.
Today I'm going to a library and spend time in reading a book then. It's my best time with relax. But a library in my town is very small and has a less number of books.
>>Today I'm going to a library and spend time in reading a book then. going to library (冠詞無し 同様の例は going to school, hospital,church) 時間を過ごすときは spend some time in 不要 then → there >>It's my best time with relax. This is the best way to relax. リラックスできるので大好きだと言う意味なら「一番」とかにこだわらずに I love this because it's so relaxing. It is my favourite time as it's so relaxing. はどうか。 >>But a library in my town is very small and has a less number of books. >>a library in my town 町に一つしかなければ THE library in my town 町に2つ以上ある場合は one of the libraries in my town (which I usually use) とするのがよい。 >>a less number of 他と比べて本の数が少ないと言いたければ less ではなく smaller number of books だが、 ここはむしろ率直に「本の数は多くない」 does not have many books. あるいは「本は十分ではない」 does not have sufficient books.
>>166 have gotten -> have had I've not gotten ->I haven't had have tripという言い方は、文法的にはいいと思うが、この文脈では visitとか travelを使う方がいいと思います。例えば、 You have visited various countries in the world (so many times). I haven't traveled as much as you have.
I feel like telling you about what I remembered for hundreds of timestoday. One of my friends called me to say hi and we talked for a while. What he told me was that his nose bled badly last night and it didn't seem like to stop at all. He had to go out to buy something at the supermarket nearby, although the blood kept coming out. What he thought was to stick something into the nose so that it wouldn't bother him anymore. Tissue didn't work because it's too thin, and then he remembered his ex-girlfriend left a tampon in his room. He used it and covered it with a mask so that nobody wouldn't know he was putting a tampon into his nose. It's not the end; he tried to take it out after coming back from the supermarket, What happened was it had been growing too big to remove from the hole. It looked the blood stopped coming from the inside, but the outside of the nose actually started bleeding. He managed to take it out anyhow, and he realised how good in quality it was. I thought it's too silly of him but he sounded serious enough to make me believe it.
友人に尋ねられました。私も和訳には自信があったのですが、文脈もわからず、自信がありません。 試験か何かのようです。 <原文> Knowing more about people who write books may not only make reading their books interesting, but may introduce you to some interesting people. <訳> 本の作者に関する知識が多いほど、その作者の書物の読書は面白くなるだろうが、それだけでなく、 読者に興味深い人を教えてくれることになるだろう。
but以下のintroduce, interesting people が、文脈がわからないので、わたしにも???なのです。 お忙しいところを申し訳ありませんが、よろしくお願いいたします。
>173 井上一馬「冠詞がわからないと英語は話せない」PHP研究所(2001) P40より、「宇宙」はthe cosmos the universe はtheがつきますが、space はtheがつきません。spaceはもともと「空間」という意味で、space in the universe(宇宙空間)が縮められて出来た言い方だからです、 という事です。
>178 読み間違えてた。全然違った。This is the time じゃなくて there is the time なんやね。それとcourageは勇気やん。 ほんますいません。 ほとんど変えてないけど Sometimes a man has to fight to defend people who he loves. So courage of your friend and cousin will deserve to be praised.
speaking of your room , it remind me about my friend's room. his room is very cramped and even has no window. but thanks for the terrible condition, the rent is so extra-ordinary cheep, which can't be in Tokyo, that he does not care about it as far as he uses the room as only a place to sleep. so, I went to his room just a few days ago, it was really small, dark and messy. it's said that "we need only 0.91m*0.91m when we awake and only 1.82m*0.91m when we sleep"in Japan, but that was just like a prison's cell. I thought strongly I could not stand living in such a room.
I know just what football is. It's called "American football" in Japan, but we usually call it "AmeFuto" as a short word. I've heard from news that almost everyone in USA watch the Superbow, so that people rush in toilet all together at the half time and pizza shops are so busy. Oh, a party? It sounds very good!!! How rich did those who won that bet, get?
■英訳■ This team is consisted by mysterious pilots who have no names. We appear anywhere, anytime, and use only SU planes, especially I-16s and Pe-8s.
Sometimes we fly alone, and sometimes we fly as a large spooky wing. We are truly fancy, and it is very difficult to expect our action. In fact, no member of us knows what we will do.
Our watchwords are "ITTEYOSHI" and "ABOOON". When you hear "ITTEYOSHI", it's time that our red hot bullets destroy you from your 6, or our heavy bombs are dropped against you from high above of you. And then, we will say "ABOOON", our victory word! Sometimes, "ABOOON" will be also used as same meaning as "I've been destroyed", or "good kill".
You may join up with us freely. To join up, what you must do is only to visit our HQ, and you will get password immediately. We recommend to name your pilot as "2ch_***".
>194 で、その自称860点さんはベターな提案をしてくれなかったの? (1) We are absolutely off the wall. None of our action can be taken for granted.とか、No one can predict/foresee our next move.ぐらい?
(2) Nuke may be deploied right in your face from high above.
ごめん、いま原文読んでみたけど、ちょっと不適切なので訂正。とおもったけど、それも面倒なので全部訳す。 This team jumbled gradually with the anonymous pilots whose name we do not ask. We fly anywhere at anytime. Our particular machines(ちょっと不適切?) are SU ones; I-16 the combat and Pe-8 the bomber to name a few.
Sometimes, we fly solo, and sometimes we fly in weired ugly, but(ここに適当に皇帝的な言葉を入れたほうが英文ぽい) formation Our flights are spontaneous, truly off the wall. You don't know what our next move will be, because WE don't know!
Our famous countersigns/paroles are "ITTEYOSHI" and "ABOON"(ABORNじゃないの?) When you hear "ITTEYOSHI," you better watch your back. A red hot bullet(この表現が正しいかどうかは知らん)might be pointed at you or a huge bomb might be deploied right in your face from higher above. That's when we shout "abooon." THat's the word of victory; shame on you! But on the same token, you may hear that parole when you make us come down. That's the word of prise; good for you!
It takes only your will to join us. Visit our HQ to apply. your password will be asigned medditely. Your flight I.D. should be "2ch_***," but not required. 最後の3文意味わからん。 あと、軍事用語とか知らないから、適当だよ。でも、困難でどう?
>198 最後の文の主語がばらばら。 なので、 1、was wonderful, and impressed me.にするか、 2、was sonderful. I was really impressed by that display.にするか。
文意をかんがえたら、 Amongest of them, what impressed me most was the display of laccy(レースっぽいわけではない?)/plaitted strings/ net strings surrounding the booth. がすっきりしていいのでは。そのひも状のカーテンは想像がつかないので、自分で考えて。
■(1)前半 いくらなんでも、"off the wall"は言い過ぎかと(汗 英辞郎で調べたら「気が狂った、的はずれ、突飛な、普通ではない」(汗 でも、ネイティヴな人にとってはそんなにきつい表現でもないんですか?
色々物色してみましたが、"purely indeterminate"なんてどうでしょう?
■(1)後半 "No one can", "You don't know"といった断定表現は避けたいと思います。 ", so it's very difficult to predict our next action." ではどうでしょうか?
■(2) "or our heavy bombs are deploied right in your face from high above." ではどうでしょうか? "bomb"は複数形にしておきたいです。 また、"might be"を"are"に変えたのは、TOEIC860さんの表現にならったためです。
This team is consisted by mysterious pilots who have no names. We appear anywhere, anytime, and use only SU planes, especially I-16s and Pe-8s.
Sometimes we fly solo, and sometimes we fly as a large spooky wing. We are purely indeterminate, so it's very difficult to predict our next action. In fact, no member of us knows what we will do.
Our watchwords are "ITTEYOSHI" and "ABOOON". When you hear "ITTEYOSHI", it's time that our red hot bullets destroy you from your 6, or our heavy bombs are deploied right in your face from high above. And then, we shout "ABOOON", our victory word! But on the same token, you may hear "ABOOON" as same meaning as "I've been destroyed", or "good kill".
You may join up with us freely. To join up, what you must do is only to visit our HQ, and you will get password immediately. We recommend to name your pilot as "2ch_***".
198です。再び、添削お願いします。 ひも状を「string-like」では分かりますか? ちなみに、ソーメンのような長いひも、フリンジのようなものが、3mくらい長いんですが。。。 Amongst them, what impressed me most was the display of string-like curtain surrounding the booth. お願いします。
> This team consists of unidentified anonymous pilots.
スマートな表現ですね(^^ ただ、ちょっとスマートすぎてチームに合わない気がします(汗 "This team is consisted of mysterious pilots who have no names." とあえて受動態にしてしまうのは不可でしょうか?(結局、by を of に変えただけ) "is-consisted-of"でググって見たところ、いける気がするのですが? #ついでに、"is consisted by"はやっぱ駄目ということもわかりました。 ご指摘感謝いたします。
また、"who have no names"は良い表現では無いかも知れませんが、 これは個人的に捨てがたいです。チームに合ってる気がします(汗 こちらもググってみましたが、結構使われているようです。 名無しというか、ノーブランドってニュアンスみたいですけどね(^^:
えっと、いくつか。 our victory word は変。あくまでもthe word of victory. かour our word of victory the word of our victoryにすべき。 あと、210さんの指摘したところの文、unidentified とanonymousはほぼ同意語だから、リダンダントだと思われる可能性大。あと、 ちょっと変な言葉だけど、namelessもありかな。 watchwordは軍でも使うわけ?子供の「合言葉」て印象を受ける。ちなみにcountersign,paroleは軍でも使う表現。まぁ、特にこだわら なくてもいいんだろうけど。 あと、off the wallは日常的に使います。それこそ、unpredictableの意味で。変わってる、とか突拍子も無いとかの意味もあるけど、そ れならmysteriousにはかえってぴったりだと思うんだけど。indeterminateだと、ちょっと意味が違うと思われ。
Youdon't know〜we don't knowno部分は、断定と言うより、むしろちょっと茶目っ気のある表現。最初のNo oneはだからやめたんだけ ど。None of our〜は可だとは思うけどね。 でも、もしそれでも気になるなら、It's very hardがいいと思う。difficultはどうしてもawkなんだよね。no member of us はNone of usで 十分。それ以上はくどすぎ。だから、 It's hard to predict our next action(moveのほうがいいけど). Even for ourselves, it is.とかでどう よ?shame on youは、ちょっとした非難の意味で結構使います。人が ミスったときに、あげあしとりみたいな。字だけを見るとビビル けど、じっさいには、「なにやってんだよおめ〜」ぐらいの意味でも使える。 というのは、一つの文章が"It's very〜”ときて、その直後のそれを受けているのが"no member of ”だと、文章が同格として見れなく なっちゃう。we don't knowをつかうなら、 前の文章も同じくらいの格にする。あるいは片方をItではじめるなら、その次の文も同じぐら いの格にする。そうじゃないと、「ねちっこさの表現」以前に、文章を通して何が言 いたいのかさっぱり追えなくなっちゃう。
あと、join upはググッた表現なの?まちがいではないけど、少しニュアンス違うと思われ。join usが普通でいいよ。Passwordがどうい うものなのかわからないけど、冠詞は必要。 theか aか yourか。あと、どうしも最後の文は意味がわからない。to name your pilotって ことは、そのyouはパイロットではないわけか?そいつは指揮官か何かなのか?
This team is consisted by mysterious nameless pilots. We appear anywhere, anytime, and use only SU planes, especially I-16s and Pe-8s.
Sometimes we fly solo, and sometimes we fly as a large spooky wing. Our flights are spontaneous, truly off the wall. You don't know what our next move will be, because WE don't know!
Our watchwords are "ITTEYOSHI" and "ABOOON". When you hear "ITTEYOSHI", it's time that our red hot bullets destroy you from your 6, or our heavy bombs are dropped right in your face from high above. And then, we shout "ABOOON", our word of victory! But on the same token, you may hear "ABOOON" as same meaning as "I've been destroyed", or "good kill".
You may join us freely. To join, what you must do is only to visit our HQ, and you will get the password immediately. We recommend to name your pilot as "2ch_***".
>>211 is consisted of も残念ながら不可です。ぐぐってみても team is consist of : 37 team is consists of : 29 team is consisted of : 165 team consists of : 114000 で、何桁も違うでしょ。これは誤用なんですよ。 明らかに間違いな team is consist(s) of でも30件位取りますからね。
単にconsists ofが自然ですけど、不自然でも受動態がいいなら be composed of とか be comprised of なら言えますけど、どうですか?
I'm glad that you are well already, and I'm slightly relived that a sick of your friend is stable and she is with her family at her parent's house. I also hope she gets well. I believe God shines on everyone equally as long as we believe.
>>221 I'm glad that you are well already(すでに元気になってよかったと言う意味かな?)な ら、I'm glad that you have recovered already. OR I'm glad you have gotten well already. とかがいいかも。 で、次が問題。 ~that a sick of your friend is stable~~ の部分。ここは「あなたの友人の病状が安定して〜 ということ?それなら、 that the condition of your friend=your friend's condition is stableがいいかな? あと、I also hope she gets well.っていうと、「彼女がよくなるのを望むのはとうぜん だろ!」って突っ込まれそうなので、I also hope she gets well soon.とかにしたほう が、具体的だし、やさしさが伝わると思う。
be comprised of は間違いでもなければ特に米に限った用法でもありません。 英辞郎だけでなく、ほとんどどんな辞書にも載っている表現です。 OALD(イギリスの英英辞書)には
comprise verb [vn] (not used in the progressive tenses) 1 (also be comprised of) to have sb/sth as parts or members; to consist of sb/sth: "The collection comprises 327 paintings." "The committee is comprised of representatives from both the public and private sectors."
American Heritage Book of English Usage から引用 compose / comprise If you follow the traditional rule, you say that the whole comprises the parts and that the parts compose the whole. Thus you would say The Union comprises fifty states and Fifty states compose (or constitute or make up) the Union. While writers often maintain this distinction, comprise is increasingly used in place of compose, especially in the passive: The Union is comprised of fifty states. Don’t be surprised if this usage still elicits comments, however. In an earlier survey, a majority of the Usage Panel found this use of comprise unacceptable. 他にもcompriseの誤用を指摘するサイトはたくさんある。まあ、言葉も生き物 といわれればそれでおしまいだけどね。
他の辞書も引いて見ましたが、少なくともOALD, LDCE, CIDEという有名学習英英辞典では 何の注釈もなしで、be comprised ofが正しい用法として、例文付きで載っています。 AHDは前述の注釈つき。WebsterにはAHDと同じような注釈が載っています。 依然この用法を攻撃する人も多いから、composeやmake upを使ったほうが 安全だとは書いてありますが、間違いとは書いていません。 カーター大統領の次の言葉が例文として載っています。 about 8 percent of our military forces are comprised of women またBNCやWordbanksのようなコーパスでもbe composed ofの例文は多数ヒットします。
ところでteam-is-composed-ofとteam-is-comprised-ofのgoogleでのヒット数を比べると be comprised ofの方がはるかに多いんですね。倍近くあります。 現代英語としては、この場合はcomprisedはそうとう自然なんじゃないかと思います。
>>229-232 ま、そういうことだが、われわれ外国人は保守的な形を使ったほうが 無難だぞよ。外人が「見れる」とかいって、日本人のうるさいのに「見ら れる」が正しいと言われてるところを考えてみ。誰かうるさいネイティブに 「本来正しい使い方はどうこう」って能書き垂れられたときに>>232が書いてる みたいなことをすらすら言ってぎゃふんと言わせてやる自信がありゃ The team is COMPRISED of 11 players.使ってもいいんだけどさ。
I suppose that most of all countries are in well harmony of both old and new. So I would like to know in detail what you think about Japan, since I have never made or told a friend from other country.
I suppose that most of all countries これが変。殆どすべての国と言いたいのか? are in well harmony of both old and new これも意味不明。文法的にも変。 So I would like to know in detail what you think about Japan, since I have never made or told a friend from other country これも変ですが。
Mai should recieve the scholarship to study abroad. Because Hitomi and Ryota are good at English,so they do not need to study abroad.In addition, considering Mai's interests, her character seems to be very nice.Since Hitomi is good at English and other academic performance, I think Hitomi can study international politics by herself.This is why I recommend Mai.
>243 recieve→receive so不要 considereing・・・her character seems意味的な関連が不明 Hitomi is good at English:duplication 5/10というところか?
模範、というわけじゃないが私なりの回答 Mai is the one I recommend to have the scholarship abroard. The other two, Hitomi and Ryota, are good at English as they are, thus their need to study abroard is less urgent. Particularly, Hitomi has a level of English language which allows her to study international politics here in Japan. Mai has a great character and I'm sure she can be fine living abroard. This is why I recommend Mai.
私が思うに、ほとんどの国が新旧の文化の調和の中にいる。 だからあなたが日本についてどう思うか詳細に聞きたいです。 今まで外国の人と話したり友達になったことがないので。 (そのことについて話す機会がなかった。) I suppose that most of all countries are in well harmony of both old and new. So I would like to know in detail what you think about Japan, since I have never made or told a friend from other country.
>>246 I think in almost all the counrties of the world, old, traditional cultures and new cultures coexit in harmony with each other. I would like to know more about what you think about Japan. I don't have any foreign friends, so I haven't had an opprotunity to hear first hand about how the Japanese culture is perceived abroad.
>>252 I feel that, not just in Japan but in most countries, traditional and new cultures coexist in harmony. Especially since I haven't had the opportunities to hear first hand about how the Japanese culture is perceived abroad, I would like to explore this idea with you further.
ちょっと 仮定法についての質問です。 こんなときどう答えればいいのかわかりません。 Do you have a pen? Answer If I had, I could lend you it.???? あと Did you finish an essay?? If I did, I ・・・・・・ こんなかんじで MIXED UPしてます。 誰か教えてください。
イラク攻撃に対する日本のあるべき姿を英語で述べよ」 I think Japan shouldn't perticipate in the war. Peace is the most important thing. If the war brakes down,many people will suffer and die. It's very sad. All nations should discuss each other to solve this probrem peacefully.
>>266 Well, many nations are going through many discussions but the US(G. Bush in particular), UK, and Spain are not listening to other nations' advice. As long as Bush is in his place I think it is difficult for this problem to be solved peacefully. Also when the US criticized the nations who are opposing (France, Germany) as "old Europe" was inappropriate. See, old people know what they're talking about. As once Bush himself said "my mother always told me to chew well" when he choked on pretzels. He should listen to "old" people about this war too. (He never learns I guess)
Japan, shouldn't agree(and probably won't out load) but we cannot criticize the nations who are for war as US is a very important nation to our country.
人間の一生というけれど、結局それは「今」という時間の集積ではないか。充実した人生というのは、 必ずしもその長さによるのではなく、密度の濃さにかかっているのではなかろうか。 (2003大阪大) The lives of human are the collection of time;now. It dosen't always depend on length of it,but on the amount of the density.
>>264 間違いを直してくれてありがとう。とてもうれしいです。 You are a really kind person enough to keep correct my errors. (↑このようにenoughを使うときは前に形容詞が来るのが普通。ただ単に「間違いを直す」 という意味ではkeepも必要ない。この場合の間違いはerrorよりmistakeのほうを使う。) I'm much plesased at your doing.(←at以下は回りくどいので必要なし)
(模範) It's very kind of you to correct my mistakes. I'm very glad. You are so kind as to correct my mistakes. I'm very glad. You are very kind enough to correct my mistakes.I'm very glad. Thank you very much for correcting my mistakes. I'm really grateful for it.
>>269 いいよ。discuss about the matter みたいにやると× eg. I'm going to discuss the matter with my boss at the meeting today. >>270 人間の一生というけれど、結局それは「今」という時間の集積ではないか。充実した人生というのは、 必ずしもその長さによるのではなく、密度の濃さにかかっているのではなかろうか。
The lives of human are the collection of time;now. (↑humanよりhuman beingのほうがよい。「結局」が抜けてる。ここでの集積は「積み重ね」 という意味だから、集合(collection)よりaccumulationの方がいい。 〜 time;nowでは日本文のような意味合いは出ないと思う。present timeにしたほうがbetter) It dosen't always depend on length of it,but on the amount of the density. (↑「充実した人生」は?「〜ではなかろうか」の意味が出ていない。I think をつけたり否定疑問文にする必要がある。 人生の長さでは普通lengthよりもspanの方をもちいる。eg. life span [寿命] ただ単に「濃度の濃さ」をいいたいならdensityだけでよい。)
(模範) The human life is, after all, the accumulation of "present time". Doesn't a substantial life necessarily depend on the span, but the density of it ? (ちょい意訳) After all, the human life is just the accumulation of "present time". The essence of life, I think, lies in so much the span as the density of it.
答案 Being illness always doesn't mean misfortune. If your beloved person were to be faced with critical illness, you shouldn't be to blame, and it wouldn't mean his or her misfoetune. Important thing is how do you spent your own life rather than how long do you live.
In Japan there are 5 seasonal festivals from the older days. In my opinion, it comes frome what people tend to get cold or to ruin in health at turn of the year.
>276 278の補足及び別案 there are→there have been it comes from what people→they originated from the fact that people... to get cold or to ruin in health →to catch a cold or other diseases at turn of the year→ (どうしてもturnを使いたいなら)at the turn of the seasons
あとIn my opinionってちょとおおげさかな。 I think/I assumeくらいのものでは? それとね、節句の起源って違うのよ。ちょっとwebで調べてみてね。
The Real-Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) establishes and controls either a single or several time-synchronized streams of continuous media such as audio and video.
I kept my car punctured all the day. Although I got punctured , I kept moving to the nearest service station. My perse looked like it has so much money in it that it was stolen.
Aluminum cans are the biggest success story of the recycling trend. As the most valuable type of used consumer material, they are most recognized by ordinary people as the easiest household waste to recycle. One reason for this is the value of the cans themselves. Cities that recycle cans can receive more than 1000 dollars per metric ton of aluminum. The money from this helps to pay for other recycling programs in that city.
The case on the alminum cans is known as the most successful story among the recycling trend. (success storyって和製くさい) used comsumer materialでなにを言おうとしているのかわかりません。まずmaterials だと思う。 あと、ordinary pplは余分だとおもう。 the cities that recycle cans receive ~ the money earned in the alminum recycling helps the other programs in that city. の方が、流れがいいかな、と。 自分もそうですが、冠詞をつけるかつけないか、は日本人にとっては難しい問題ですね。
Our editorial department want to have an interview with you,before you leave Japan. We're very happy if you let us have an interview. Would you mind telling us your schedule?
I want to change my account holder info of , which is just under the "ACCOUNT MANAGER HOME" after login of "Account Manager". And also, want to change the Administrative Contact and Technical Contact of whois info. (Writing concretely, I want to change those infomations into the "Registrant" of whois result of So I tryed to change, but failed.(Nothing changed)
What I did is as follows: Logged in "Account Manager". Clicked the "Edit User Information" link which is just over the "Domain Details". I filled out, with new info, the form of the linked page.("EDIT USER INFORMATION") And Clicked "Save" button. Then input form was shown again with new info I wrote in the form. (I guess , in such cases, phrase like "update completed" is displayed.) Did I necessary operations enough to change info?
Then after more than 1 weeks, data has not been chaned. Naturally, whois data has not been updated also.
I tried the same operations several times and waited for data to change. But the result is same. What can i do to change my those info? Thank you for your help.
I arrive at the ** airport at 4:10 of 10th, August. I will stay in ** for 2 months. During my stay, I work as volunteer at 2 host families. One is you, the other, ○○ in Cairns. I have to go to ○○'s first, because, before I received the message from the ## Japan office that you would accept me, I already made a promise with ○○ that I would work there. First month of my two-month stay, I will stay with him, and second month, with you. I'm very much looking forward to seeing you, too! I want to be in ** sooner! My job will be only to feed kangaroos? Too few! I want to experience more. I want to be more help to you. It will be precious experience for my life. I will try to be as much help as I can.
合宿アクト原案 by ○子・△子・□子 《意義》 英語・プレゼン能力の向上 《方針》 ALL ENGLISH 《場所》 大広間 《日時》 8月10日 13:30〜15:10
The draft of the acvtivity of training camp presented by ○ko , △ko & □ko 《Meaning》Improving The ability of English & Present 《Plan》All English 《Place》A hall 《Date》August 10 (Sunday) 13 : 30 – 15 : 10
Festival offers a general framework for building speech synthesis systems as well as including examples of various modules. As a whole it offers full text to speech through a number APIs: from shell level, though a Scheme command interpreter, as a C++ library, and an Emacs interface. Festival is multi-lingual, we have develeoped voices in many languages including English (UK and US), Spanish and Welsh, though English is the most advanced.
As a whole it offers full text to speech through a number APIs: from shell level, though a Scheme command interpreter, as a C++ library, and an Emacs interface.
I made REI using long a needle and rather thick thread. I made REI using a long needle and rather thick thread. I made REI using long needles and rather thick thread.
>Did you stay on the Waikiki beach?ワイキキの海岸に行きましたか? stayは間違い。「行きましたか?」は Did you go to... >Where did you visit on the beach in Hawaii?ハワイではどこの海岸に行きましたか 「どこの海岸」を聞く場合は Which beach did you visit/go in Hawaii?
>>392 何の映画を見たのですか? What movie[film] did you see? OK
その映画のタイトルは何でしたか? What was the title of that movie[film]? that→the
リサも一緒に映画を見に行きましたか? Did Rissa also go to see the movie with? //Did Rissa go to see the movie, too? 前者はいくない。後者は、リサもその映画を見に行ったの?になって、一緒に行ったにならない。 Did Lisa go to see the movie with you?かDid Lisa go with you?
Does every American person care about countable noun or uncountable noun, while they are speaking English? 彼らが英語を話している間、すべてのアメリカの人は可算名詞か不可算名詞かということを意識していますか?
>>406 様 添削をして頂いて本当にありがとうございました。m(_ _)m >>407 様 私も今、可算名詞、不可算名詞、単複を学習中で混乱しています!!??? Does every American personの場合everyがつくとpeople ではなくてperson でよかったかな?とか もっと学習します!!
everyの解説抜粋 Every reporter sent his [their] stories ... <<複数の記者が念頭にあるのでtheirとなることがある。 everybodyの解説を参照>>
everybodyの解説抜粋 (1)「数と性」常に単数扱い。呼応する代名詞は、性差に言及しない場合、 堅い書き言葉ではhe, he or she などを用いるが、それ以外では they(their, them)で 呼応することが普通になってきている。特に次のように主語として生じる場合は they による呼応が原則。 Everybody is comung, aren't they? Does everybody like him? Yes,they do.
その男性が病気になった原因は何ですか? Could you tell me why the man become sick? Why did the man become sick? What is the case the man become sick? 特に「原因は何ですか?」 の言い方がわかりません。
>422 I'll bring the tuition in exact amount from next time.
your tuition は「あなたの授業料」であって「あなたへの授業料」ではない。 in exact change 授業料が小銭ですむ金額ならこれでもいい。 from the next time 次回だけなら for the next time 次からずっとなら (starting) from next time (on)
ネットのBBSで見ず知らずの方が、親切に教えてくださる事に感謝し、学習することを楽しんでいます。 I appreciate people I don't know teaching me through the BBS on the Internet, and I'm enjoying learning.
単数みたいです。 outfit: set of clothes worn together (especially for a particular occasion or purpose): 例: a white tennis outfit. She bought a new outfit for her daughter's wedding. (Oxford Adv. Lerner's. Dic.)
>Although I got punctured Although my car got punctured かな Althoughでつなげるのに違和感があるんですけど、他の方どうでしょう。 >>284も言ってるように、意図したい日本語を書いたほうがいいかも。
>>My perse looked like it has so much money in it that it was stolen. perseはpurseの間違いですよね。 この文は全体的におかしいです。 as if やseemなどを使った方がいいかと。 あと最後の節の繋がりがどうしたいのか分かりません。
Sorry, temporarily shut down for server maintenance. Will be up and running in a few days. If you have any inquiries, email me at [email protected] (Notice: The "" domain is not for sale.)
Why do u write such a thing though I strongly advised you not to do so !!! It does not forgiven any longer !!!You cannot be forgiven!!! You must be crazy if you think you will get many responce after you wright it !!! You are the most stupid man I have ever seen !!!The stupid man like you are far beneath cockroach !!!The stupid man like you are far beneath maggot !!! I want you to die !!!You should die!!! You are not forgiven by any means!!! The stupid man who are under the illusion cannot be forgiven!!!The person who wrote the random thing for a giggle cannot be forgiven !!! Put the peanut of a caramel corn in the asshole and die!!! Although I dont know what way of life you have done until now, i can imagine your life was awful!!!You have a characteristic smell of stupid!!! I cannot understand you at all!!! You cannnot be forgiven by any means!!! I cannot forgive you if you die!!!Have a pain in the hell !!! Its still insufficient!!!Throw the head at the angle of tofu and die!!! You should know the reality more! ! But it is already too late!!! Whatever you may do, you are hopeless!!! It is useless even if it repents of having been born to this world!!! Even if you are born again, you are selected as useless human being at any rate!!! Although I want to sqeeze ur neck and kill you,i will not do it cause I never want to touch you !!! But a nobody like you should die!!!Be inhaled in bath pipe and die!!! I cannever forgive you!!! I can never forgive you !!! I can never forgive you !!! I can never forgive the stupid man like you !!! Go out from this world!!! Die out right now!!! It is big misunderstanding that you can live ur life with ur stupid thought !!! A good thing will never visit you if you live more!!! Die away right now at any rate!!!!!
>>481 ほんとう、なんか怖い。こんなの送られた日にはpcに塩まくね。 狂ってるね。そして私もわらった。 >I cannot forgive you if you die!!! もし死んだら、あなたを許さない。になりますが、文脈から「あなたが死んでも許さない」 だと思ったので一応こちらに。 I would never forgive you even if you died!
この文章がどうしても訳せれません… 良かったら訳していただきたいです…。 A study of M.S.graduates of the UCLA engineering school found that the initial earnings disadvantage of immigrants relative to natives in their first job,disappeared with subsequent employment.
How are you? Thanks for sending e-mail. the movie sounds very interesting. I have many exams next week, so I have to study hard. but I'm so excited that christmas is coming soon. I'll send you a christmas card on December.
>>488 Hi, How are you doing? Thanks for your email. The movie you recommended (saw) seems to be quite interesting to me. I really wnat to see the movie , but since many exams are waiting for me next week I must hit the books now. While I'm fed up with my study, one thing makes me so excited. That is Cristams! I'm very much looking forward to the Chirstmas day. Anyway I'll send you a Cristmas card in December. Take care!
After that I will visit my former chief, a female korean in Seoul, I worked for travel agency. And after that I will visit a chinese male friend, who is now a doctor, he studyied in Berlin, Germany, like my girlfriend which I will visit too in Beijing. and meet her family.