Studies of baby smiling have found how early it appears and how much mothers see it as a sign that their babies are responding to them socially. Even at a few days old, babies pay more attention to complex, face-like objects than to simple objects of the same size and color. At first, babies find other complex objects equally interesting, but within, the first six months they start to prefer faces. In addition, babies smile at eyes, or even at a pair of eye-like dots, just as readily as their mother's face. Baby smiles are important because they develop the bond between the baby and its mother. It is unlikely that an expression which has such survival value and which appears within has such survival value and which appears within the first month of life could be other than innate. Babies all show expressions of surprise and interest. Studies of blind children have shown that, although they have fewer facial expressions, they use the same facial muscles as sighted children in smiles, and in expressions of other emotions. この文お願いします!!
>>7 こう言う感じじゃないかと思うのですが。 Studies of baby smiling have found how early it appears and how much mothers see it as a sign that their babies are responding to them socially. 赤ん坊の「スマイル(微笑)」に関する研究によって、「ベビースマイル」は非常に早い時期から発現しはじめ、 しかも、母親は、それを赤ん坊が母親に対しての人間関係のサインとして反応していると強く認識している事が わかってきた。
そうとは限りません。「私があなたを愛している、その度合を」と 「いかに私があなたを愛していることか」の両方があり得ます。 つまり、従属節がもともとHow much do I love you?である場合と How much I love you!の場合の二つが考えられます。どちらなのか は文脈で区別です。
23さんありがとうございます、すごくわかりやすいです。 次なんですが、 about half their men over 65 are still working compared to about one-fifth of Americans 言いたいことはわかるんですが、アメリカと比べて、らへんがうまく訳せません。
"We hired North Korean crew members because of their low labor costs," the Sapporo dealer told The Yomiuri Shimbun. The seven vessels departed the same month export to the Philippines was approved, they said
>67 ありがとうございます、遅くなってすみません。 リーダーズって…いいですねぇ、いっぱい載ってて。 次はまた訳なのですが、 energy used in home is the other major area where americans use much more fuel than the japanese ここのareaってどんな言葉にするのがいいでしょうか?
>85-92 何人いらっしゃるかわかりませんが、みなさん本当にありがとうございます。 学校で受けていた授業よりよっぽどわかります。 次なのですが、、「日本はエネルギー効率のよい機器に投資してきた、 もちろん他の国々も同じようにしてきた。」という後に but,with the possible exception of germany,those investments do not compare in scale with those of japan ここがいまいちわかりません。他の国は日本に匹敵してないってことですよね? でもドイツは匹敵している、っていう例外ですか??? う〜ん、訳お願いします。
>>133 My family has a dog. At the beginning of the time we started to keep him(her),he(She) had eaten my meal by accident once. So I scolded him(her) and told mom what he(she)'d done 'cause she asket me what I was so upset about.My mom said "why don't you eat his(her) food instead then?"
>>53 事情がよく分からないのでぎこちないんですが... Are you having good days in this cold season? I'm well. Now, I visited your gallery site. ←ネットのサイトと想定. I was excited that you are much more than I expected. I'm looking forward to see another pictures. Let's enjoy our works. ←何を「頑張る」のかよく分からなかったので...
>>63 Pop culture is what is known best to people. People of same generation who share the common experience can enjoy its memory, and others enjoy discovering it.
どなたか訳をお願いできないでしょうか? どうも上手く訳できなくて困ってます、よろしくお願いします。 There are too, highly-successful individuals who feel trapped within the fur-lined hamster wheel of their day to day existence.
I’d like to find some creative work. Before coming to the university, I had been studying a design for two years, so I feel I wouldn’t be successful except getting a creative work. What I have been devoting myself now is a study of product design. My final destination, by the way, is to be a writer.
将来は必ずクリエイティブな仕事に就きたいと思っています。 My future dream is to get myself a position in a creative occupation. この大学に入る前にも2年間、デザインの勉強をしていた自分には、 クリエイティブな方向以外には進めないと思っています。 I believe that as I have been studying design for two years previous to my enrolment into this university, my future lies solely in a creative field. 今現在学んでいるのはプロダクトデザインなのですが 私の進みたいクリエイティブな職種は、実はこれと直接の関係がない 分野なのです。 Although I am currently studying product designing, I would like to end up in a different genre of creative occupation. 私はもの書きになりたいのです。 I would like to become a writer.
翻訳に自信がないので、どなたか訳をお願いします(^_^;) And now, with this point not so much made - or even laboured - as hammered relentlessly home, we turn our attention to your year ahead.
In that powerful novel, Kelman engages in a critical interrogation through a local language that counters the worldview promoted by capitalists of a booming global economy of free markets and free peoples, using linguistic code-switching to create a language of gaps. interrogation 質問、尋問、疑問 counter【発音】ka'untэ(r) 【他動】 対抗する、逆らう、論駁する booming【形】 にわか景気の、好況で、急速に発展する boom【発音】bu':m 【1-自動】 轟く、にわかに景気づく、人気が沸く
"here,"I said,"a farewell gift,"and handed it to him. 「さよならの贈り物がある。」私は言った。そしてそれを彼に渡した。
"what's this?"he said,laughing,and took it from my palm and wrapped it carefully in his handkerchief as if it were something precious. 「なにこれ?」彼は笑いながらそう言った。そして私の手のひらからそれを拾い上げ、 彼のハンカチで、まるで高価な品のように大切そうにくるんだ。
He surprised me:it was not typical behavior for a boy that age. 彼は私を驚かせた。その行いは、彼の年代の男の子の典型的な振る舞いではなかったから。
Whether he did it because the gift was from me or because that was how he was raised,not to treat gift carelessly,it amazed me and made me warm to him. この文のthat was how he was raised の意味がまるでわかりません…。 どなたか翻訳おねがいします(TT)
今晩もよろしくお願いします。 「アメリカではとてもたくさんの犯罪者を抱えているので刑務所はとても混み合っている」 という文章の後に we have to release even the dangerous ones early to make room for more がうまく訳せません。意味はわかるのですが。どなたかうまい言葉を教えてください。
I want to go to the world which is in nobody except me and you. And we live there, without being interfered by whom . I want to go to the world which is in nobody except me and you. Since I am always next to you, you may close your eyes in comfort. これって文法的につうじますか?英語の詞、曲を作りたいんですが。 私はあなたと二人だけの世界に行きたい。 そして私たちはそこで誰にも邪魔されることなく生活をするんだ。 私はあなたと二人だけの世界に行きたい。 君の隣にはいつも僕がいるから安心して目をつぶってもいいよ。 みたいな事を言いたかったんですが
>246-249 ありがとうございます。本当、「言いたいことはよくわかるんだけど…う〜ん」っていうのが多いです。 翻訳を生業としている方は日本語も堪能なのだなと思います。尊敬。 次、ユダヤのことわざのようなのですが、 once a chicken thief,always a achicken thief. これはどうしたらよいでしょうか。
>250 I want to go to a world where there's no one but you and me. And we live there, with no one bothering us. I want to go to a world where there's no one but you and me. Close your eyes and relax, 'cause I'll always be next to you. なんてどうでしょうか。
>260>261 ありがとうございますー。 「一度鶏泥棒をしたやつは、いつでも鶏泥棒だ」…変?! 次は文法的にも理解出来ません。 prison inmates have even sued prison officials over some alleged violations of their "rights". お願いします。
>264 Once a thief, always a thief. という古い諺があります。 chiken というのは、ちょっと面白みをつけるだけで、別に意味なし。 258の、「一回泥棒した奴は、ずっと泥棒の素質を持った奴なんだ」 が正しい訳。泥棒(犯罪人)根性は一生抜けない、ということ。 over は「〜について」、alleged は侵害したと決まったわけでない から。their = prison inmates'
すみません。訳をお願いします。 It is a pity really, that your affinity with finance is so frail for this year the sky looks set to put you in close contact with some surprisingly large sums of money.
275の続きです。お願いします。 Neither let this get to you, nor let it get away from you but do be aware that between September and December this year you stand a better chance of becoming rich than you have ever in your life so far.
After teaching in Japan,I too began to nod my head ,mostly in order to encourage my students to continue talking.I found that if I nodded my head in an exaggerated way,the students tried harder to continue speaking to me. の訳をお願いします。
I hope when I come to vist you in japan, Ican bring something from my home town for you and your family. Do you think I look the same as I did in the baby photo I sent you ? (I hope Im a little taller now. ) I dont have any kid's yet Im too young I think, But I look after kids as a second job! it's a lot of fun!!! Do you like Star Wars it is my favorite movie! At the moment while Im writting this letter Im listening to a japanese radio station. I have no idea what is being said. But it's fun. Hope you are well and I will write again soon.
翻訳をお願いします。 As with love, so with money - and power and, indeed, pretty much anything that a human being can ever hope for - or seek - or strive towards - or acquire, only to wonder afterwards whether it was a good idea.
次は Whenever I read the newspapers or magazines,I only read about big earthquakes with many people dying,terrible tsunami that did much damage and typhoons that frequently struck the country.I can remember wondering why people continued to live in such a miserable place. の訳をお願いします
恐れ入りますが、下記の英文の訳をお願い致します。 Contrasting extremes don't just exist within diametric opposites. There are extremes, even in each of those extremes. It is, for example, generally considered undesirable to be lonely. Companionship though, involves relationship. And relationship, as we all know, can be exceedingly stressful. We can end up extremely happy within a partnership - or extremely unhappy. Just as we can end up extremely delighted to be single or totally miserable about it.
>>292 Without knowing gone was a day And came along was a just another night Dreading to sink in this blight Day in day out till my last end Came upon me was your smile at the last bend To fall in love with each other Sharing the same dream like in tube or film.
>>310 日記ね。じゃ、I は落とすよ。 1行目 wake up very late, the clock shows already 1pm. out side of window is little dim, so my mind also. wanna sleep again because still felt tired by the cold caught 2days ago and studing for the exam. but indeed may not to sleep, turned on tv.
shows→showed is little dim→was a little dim studing→studying may not to sleep→further sleep wasn't allowed any moreとか? turn on tv.→turn on tv to keep me awake.
ON THE SECOND DAY of her trial Andrea Dare admitted lying to the police when she told them she had not been anywhere near Venice Beach the night Edward Bondy was murdered there. お願いします。
We must be carefui not to jump to conclusions on the basis of only one example or on the basis of only one source of information. We should try to get as much information as possible from as many soureces as possible. の訳をおねがいします。
We must be careful not to jump to conclusions せっかちな結論を出さないように気をつけないと on the basis of only one example たった一つの例をもとにして or on the basis of only one source of information. あるいはたった一つの情報源にたよって We should try to get 得るように努力しなくちゃ as much information as possible 最大限の情報を from as many soureces as possible. できるだけ多くの情報源から
Today most of the deadliest diseases of 1900 are routinely cured or managed, and it's the choice not to be hospitalized that's often a decision to give up on life.
翻訳をお願いします。 They say that eventually, "we become like the company we keep." Perhaps this is why you have lately been experiencing a loss of power. Some of your friends and companions are currently rather weak.
どなたか訳をお願い致します。 When you are surrounded by people who feel daunted or intimidated, it is easy to pick up on their mood. You start to identify with their fears. Before you know it, you have narrowed your horizons and downsized your expectations. Your life is then full of "reasons why you can't" instead of "reasons why you can."
訳をお願いします。 You have been, extremely conscious of the roles that other people expect you to play and very aware too, of your responsibilities. All this has sapped your strength a little and reduced your ability to live out your full potential.
This year, you still have a heavy workload and you still find yourself obliged to be dutiful towards a needy person. You also still find yourself surrounded by comparatively conservative and unimaginative folk. Yet the further we get this year, the less we find any of this posing a problem to you.
下記の翻訳をお願いします。 Once it gets there, you start to break free of your shackles, rather like the Incredible Hulk used to burst out of his weak alter-ego's body. You won't (hopefully) turn green but you may well have this effect on others.
この訳をお願いします。 I have been reading the stars now for several decades and continue to find most of what is written there ambiguous in the extreme but surprisingly positive once you translate it.
>>378 It was lucky for you to be found by Mr. Sato that you neglected your work. If it had been Mr. Tanaka, you would have been transferred to Hokkaido.
>>381 When I was changing the channel, I found one scene thrilling. There was a very beautiful vista-sized scenery. It was the streets of Kyoto. It suddenly made me sense, because I had been there just two weeks before. I had traveled to Kyoto on December 25 last year.
この文の訳をお願いしたいのですが、よろしくお願いします。 Unable to believe that someone is acting aggressively towards you out of deference verging on fear, you simply assume that you are being challenged and take umbrage.
>>394 The place on TV was the street of Gion, where I had walked. When I came across a channel I happened to see the place where I knew. It made me feel a little happy. I don't have an urgent plan in particular, so I decided to watch that program. It was a Japanese film named "Ichigensan", which is created in Kyoto.
There were 50 participants at the meeting. I am thinking of buying some pieces of soap. I am looking forward to seeing you. I asked him to make a speech in English. Please show me how I can ring my mother in Japan.
1. There were fifty people present at the conference. 2. I'm thinking of buying some soaps. 3. I'm looking forward to seeing you. 4. I asked him to make a speech in English. 5. Please show me how to ring my mother in Japan. (イギリス英語???) 以上
1. There were 50 participants at the conference. 2. I am thinking of buying several pieces of soap. 3. I am looking forward to seeing you. 4. I asked him to make a speech in English. 5. Could you please show me how to ring my mom in Japan? 6. People who make use of this board for nothing but their homeworks should be dismissed.
The movie was a love story between a foreign student and a blind woman with a time limit. In the scenario, the foreign student, who is a senior as I am, was worried about how to cope with his graduation thesis. Since I had spent all my time on finishing my graduation piece until recently, I sympathized with him a lot. Kyoto, seniors, graduation, love, ... all of them are what I am being concerned with the most in these days. Although I hadn't known this Japanese movie at all, I enjoyed it much more than I expected.
It brings real revelations and causes you to reappraise your relationship with all things - including yourself. それは、あなた自身を含めて全ての関係を再検討する、 本物の驚くべき真実と理由をもたらします。
You will become much more comfortable about who you are. あなたは誰かについてさらに満足するようになるでしょう。
訳をお願いします。 And the more kindly disposed you become towards yourself, the more you will discover that you have power over others - who cannot help be attracted to your more confident demeanour.
>>448 I found it was about 3 p.m., rather late. So I put away the bedding and took a shower. It was refreshing but I felt hunger after that, so I went out to buy some food at a convenience store nearby. Unlike hours before it was fine in the outside, but it was very cold because of the cold wave. I bought salad and a side dish and drinks there, then dropped in a bookstore.
I thought I could find the genius of him to deal with such two features that innovate the new way of cinematic language while they have a traditional structure.
It was three O'clock them. I feel must have to do , and I fold my sleeping cloth and took a showor. I went to get out to have some meal to Convinience store after I was refleshed, 'couse I'm hungly. The sky was clea and beautiful, and so cold by cold wave. I got a salad , deli and drink them I stoped by at a Bookstore.
It was three O'clock then . I felt shoudn't be lazy more, so I folded up my Futon and took a shower . I was refleshed. I got out to get some meel to Convinience store ,'couse I was hungry. It was beautiful and cold ,that why cold wave hit here
Those successes point to the growing prowess of the country's players. But that might not be the only reason European clubs are eyeing the J-League for recruits. The more cynical view among football commentators is that the Premier League's newfound appetite for Japanese players has as much to do with balance sheets as it does ball skills. Having a Japanese player on the squad could yield a club rich revenues in TV broadcast deals and kit sales in Japan. Why else would Bolton sign Nishizawa, goes the argument, after the player had just returned to Japan from an unremarkable spell at Spanish side R.C.D. EspaNyol? And how much playing time will Inamoto get in an Arsenal midfield that already boasts players like Robert Pires and-for now, anyway-Patrick Vieira? When English side West Ham United embarked on an unsuccessful attempt to sign Gamba Osaka's Tsuneyasu Miyamoto earlier this year, then-manager Harry Redknapp quipped: "I think we've already sold 200,000 shirts in Japan on the back of it. By the time we've finished I could have enough money to buy Rivaldo."
すいません。NFL(アメリカンフットボール)のサイトからなんですが これを訳すとどうなるのですか?特にcomming off the sidelines あたり。 But, more athletes comming off the sidelines in recent weeks. 文構造なんかもおしえていただけたら嬉しいです。お願いします。
>>486 1.Help yourself to anything you like. 2.It is a good thing to book in advance. 3. I make it a rule to go to bed early. 4.Would you mind if I smoke in this room?
Academic psychology has deliberately tried to avoid dealing with consciousness at all, arguing that the role of consciousness in mental life is very small, almost frighteningly so. 本当にわかりません。お願いします。
Organisational culture ie the newest perspective in organisational theory. It is at the same time both a radical departure from the mainstream of contemporary organisational behaviour studies, and a continuation and elaboration of long-established traditions. On the one hand it is a departure from the preoccupationwith the formal and rational aspects of organisation, and on the other hand, it is a reworking of many of the concerns of established perspectives focused on group dynamics, power and politics. The growing body of scholarly work conducted under the banner of culture research is testament both to disillusionment with 'standard' approaches and excitement that a new and more fruitful means of understanding organisations has evolved. The view that organisations are like miniature societies with unique configurations of heroes, myths, beliefs and values has proved popular with practitioners as well as academics. In fact, it is in part this broad spectrum of interested parties (academics, businesspeople and students) that has propelled culture into an increasingly dominant position over the past fifteen years.
Organisational culture is the newest perspective in organisational theory. It is at the same time both a radical departure from the mainstream of contemporary organisational behaviour studies, and a continuation and elaboration of long-established traditions. On the one hand it is a departure from the preoccupation with the formal and rational aspects of organisation, and on the other hand, it is a reworking of many of the concerns of established perspectives focused on group dynamics, power and politics. The growing body of scholarly work conducted under the banner of culture research is testament both to disillusionment with 'standard' approaches and excitement that a new and more fruitful means of understanding organisations has evolved. The view that organisations are like miniature societies with unique configurations of heroes, myths, beliefs and values has proved popular with practitioners as well as academics. In fact, it is in part this broad spectrum of interested parties (academics, businesspeople and students) that has propelled culture into an increasingly dominant position over the past fifteen years.
If it were to round the price up to 31cents,it would be going against industry recommendations that prices should be in multiples of 5cents to keep douwn the coast of handling the smallest coins. It would also find it difficult and expensive to keep the machine stocked with sufficient change. Each customer who paid with a 50-cent coin would need four coins back in change; those who paid with a $2coin would need as many as eight coins back.
I didn't go there for a few days perhaps because I was busy and I felt that I hadn't been there for quite a long time. I looked around in the bookstore wondering if there were newly-published mangas or magazines but I couldn't find anything that I wanted.
>>578 I bought a novel that I chose unconsciously and left the bookstore. That was "Level 7", kind of "modern detective story by Miyuki Miyabe who became popular recently. I like "story" itself very much, regardless of medium as of movies, novels or comics. I thought, "I'll spend all day with reading this novel today." and went home. After that, I got along freely in my room being absorbed in that just bought novel while listening to music.
The chattering that the men whose it isn't skillful go crazy smashes midnight stillness. It is for no one for anything. They don't have a noble aim the noble intention, either. Only one purpose is to offend public order and morals. Tonight, their vulgar chattering has an echo in the night town, too.....
The complexity of real-life cultures and the uncertainties and ambiguities actual cultures exhibit are indicated by the case studies at the end of each chapter in this book.
These are often said to be the most visible and most superficial manifestations of an organization's culture. The category 'artifacts' generally refers to the total physical and socially constructed environment of an organization. Dictionary definitions of the world artifact generally assert that it is a product of human action, has an aim (such as solving a problem or satisfying a need), and has a physical presence. Students of organizational culture often describe as artifacts objects and physical arrangements, patterns of behaviour, and abstract linguistic expressions such as stories and jokes. Some fundamental subcategories of artifacts include:
●Material objects: For example, annual reports, the products an organization makes, and sales and advertising brochures. ●Physical layouts: For example, how office space is used (open or closed plan, shared or individual working spaces), the quality and functionality of the furnishings, dress codes (whether formal or informal), the relative location of different departments, and the genaral appearance of the buildings and car parks. ●Technology: Inthe form of information technologies such as computers, fax machines, photocopiers and telephones, and any equipment the organization employs to manufacture its products. ●Language: For instance, jokes, anecdotes, stories, metaphors and jargon terms. ●Behaviour patterns: For examples, rites, rituals, ceremonies and celebrations. ●Symbols: A very general category that encompasses material objects, physical layouts and other things and events such as posters and one-off actions by executives made to demonstrate a particular point. ●Rules, Systems, procedures and programmes: For examples, human resource systems dealing with compensation, appraisal and promotion, rules governing the structure, composition and periodicity of committee meetings, and quality assurance programmes, to name but a few.
The complexity of real-life cultures and the uncertainties and ambiguities actual cultures exhibit are indicated by the case studies at the end of each chapter in this book.
These are often said to be the most visible and most superficial manifestations of an organization's culture. The category 'artifacts' generally refers to the total physical and socially constructed environment of an organization. Dictionary definitions of the world artifact generally assert that it is a product of human action, has an aim (such as solving a problem or satisfying a need), and has a physical presence. Students of organizational culture often describe as artifacts objects and physical arrangements, patterns of behaviour, and abstract linguistic expressions such as stories and jokes. Some fundamental subcategories of artifacts include:
Anyways, >>1, please listen to me. Not that it's really related to this thread. I went to Yohinoya a while ago; you know, Yoshinoya? Well anyways there was an insane number of people there, and I couldn't get in. Then, I looked at the banner hanging from the ceiling, and it had "150 yen off" written on it. Oh, the stupidity. Those idiots. You, don't come to Yoshinoya just because it's 150 yen off, fool. It's only 150 yen, 1-5-0 YEN for crying out loud. There're even entire families here. Family of 4, all out for some Yoshinoya, huh? How fucking nice. "Alright, daddy's gonna order the extra-large." God I can't bear to watch. You people, I'll give you 150 yen if you get out of those seats. Yosinoya should be a bloody place. That tense atmosphere, where two guys on opposite sides of the U-shaped table can start a fight at any time, the stab-or-be-stabbed mentality, that's what's great about this place. Women and children should screw off and stay home. Anyways, I was about to start eating, and then the bastard beside me goes "extra-large, with extra sauce." Who in the world orders extra sauce nowadays, you moron? I want to ask him, "do you REALLY want to eat it with extra sauce?" I want to interrogate him. I want to interrogate him for roughly an hour. Are you sure you don't just want to try saying "extra sauce"? Coming from a Yoshinoya veteran such as myself, the latest trend among us vets is this, extra green onion. That's right, extra green onion. This is the vet's way of eating. Extra green onion means more green onion than sauce. But on the other hand the price is a tad higher. This is the key. And then, it's delicious. This is unbeatable. However, if you order this then there is danger that you'll be marked by the employees from next time on; it's a double-edged sword. I can't recommend it to amateurs. What this all really means, though, is that you, >>1, should just stick with today's special.
>>635 Are you sure? Your entire post or any part of it could be copied, saved, or reproduced. You have to take full responsiblity that your post may inccur.
If you want to revise your post, press your browser's "return" button. (This page won't be shown if you configure your browser to use cookie features.)
いなくなってしまった人のことを想い、 心の中で呟いた・・・ 「○○、どこに行ったの・・・?」 I muttered in my heart thinking of a person who had gone somewhere. "Where are you now, ,, ?" 私は心の中で、ぶつぶつ思ってたんだよ、どこかへ行ってしまった人を考えながら いまあなたはどこにいる?のって。
She realized that they are not all confident and without embarrassment.Most important of all,Mayumi realized that if you have a stereotype,you must be willing to change it if it is not true.
They are encouraged to arrive at joint understanding for commercial reasons (efficiency, effectiveness, and ultimately survival of the venture), and by human psychology, by which people naturally tend to want to reduce their levels of anxiety caused by misunderstanding and ambiguity. As Schein (1985a) has pointed out, abstractions such as a 'good service', 'high quality', and 'excellence', which are commonly used to frame strategic and operational objectives in organizations, can (and do) mean different things in different organizational cultures. Quite evidently serious organizational communication problems can arise if different people (or departments) in the same organization choose to interpret these and other ideas in incompatible ways. Disputers between production and quality control departments over what constitutes 'acceptable quality', and between production and sales departments over an 'optinum product price' are just two of the many well researched forms in which different culturally based understandings disrupt organizational life.
I did ask on a help forum if there was any way to get around the 7 day waiting period, and was told no. I guess rules are rules.
I checked out the time zone difference, and the 7 day wait should be over around 12:00 pm on Sunday your time, I think. I will send the offer to you then.
>688 They are encouraged to arrive at joint understanding というのは、「彼らが共通の理解に達するように勧められる」、すなわち、 筆者が、そのように勧める(urge, strongly suggest) する、ということ。 「彼らは勇気付けられた」は誤訳ですよ。
A metaphor is a word or phrase applied to an object or action which it does not literally denote. Metaphors can be powerful means of communicating ideas, and are in common use in many organizations. Some of the most dominant metaphors employed in organizational life are those associated with the game of chess, the military and the church.
They are encouraged to arrive at joint understanding for commercial reasons (efficiency, effectiveness, and ultimately survival of the venture), and by human psychology, by which people naturally tend to want to reduce their levels of anxiety caused by misunderstanding and ambiguity.
When the world is ready to fall on your little shoulders, And when you feel lonely and small, You need somebody there to hold you. You can call out my name, when you are only lonely. Now don't you be ever ashamed; you are only lonely.
When you need somebody around on the nights to try you, bring me. I was there when you were a queen. And I'll be the last one there beside you. So you can call out my name, when you are only lonely. Now don't you be ever ashamed; you are only lonely.
When the world is ready to fall on your little shoulders, And when you feel lonely and small, You need somebody there to hold you. So don't you ever be ashamed when you are only lonely. Now call out my name, when you are only lonely.
The world is too much with us; late and soon, Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers: Little we see in nature that is ours; We have given our hearts away, a sordid boon! This Sea that bares her bosom to the moon; The winds that will be howling at all hours And are up-gathered now like sleeping flowers; For this, for every thing, we are out of tune; It moves us not・Great God! I'd rather be A Pagan suckled in a creed outworn; So might I, standing on this pleasant lea, Have glimpses that would make me less forlorn Have sight of Proteus coming from the sea, Or hear old Triton blow his wreathed horn.
Had we but world enough, and time, This coyness, lady, were no crime. We would sit down, and think which way To walk, and pass our long love's day. Thou by the Indian Ganges' side Shouldst rubies find; I by the tide Of Humber would complain. I would Love you ten years before the flood, And you should, if you please, refuse Till the conversion of the Jews. My vegetable love should grow Vaster than empires and more slow; An hundred years should go to praise Thine eyes, and on thy forehead gaze; Two hundred to adore each breast, But thirty thousand to the rest; An age at least to every part, And the last age should show your heart. For, lady, you deserve this state, Nor would I love at lower rate. But at my back I always hear Time's winged chariot hurrying near; And yonder all before us lie Deserts of vast eternity. Thy beauty shall no more be found. Nor, in thy marble vault, shall sound My echoing songs; then worms shall try That long-preserved virginity, And your quaint honor turn to dust, And into ashes all my lust: The grave's a fine and private place, But none, I think, do there embrace. Now therefore, while the youthful hue Sits on thy skin like morning dew, And while thy willing soul transpires At every pore with instant fires, Now let us sport us while we may, And now, like amorous birds of prey, Rather at once our time devour Than languish in his slow-chapped power. Let us roll all our strength and all Our sweetness up into one ball, And tear our pleasures with rough strife Through the iron gates of life: Thus, though we cannot make our sun Stand still, yet we will make him run.
>>712 When I smoke in the room, I always keep the windows closed, so the smell of cigarettes remains in there and I can't stand it because it smells so bad.
No, I haven't heard from them. The only person I know of who has claimed the autographs were fake and to have contacted the FBI (not sure who the other organization is) had many positive, so it couldn't be them. I only had high bid on 4 autographs, so it sure wasn't me he was referring to.
That letter sounds great, however. I have been getting a LOT of phone calls all hours of the night and hang-ups. I have had this same phone number for 16 years and it has never happened before. I am not saying it is this seller, however, I know they have called and yelled at someone else and that this seller has my info since I requested their info. I will be getting caller ID shortly and when I try the auto-call back feature, it doesn't work.
What I heard from eBay is that eBay closed their accounts and that they were under investigation for not shipping product and for selling fake autographs. Also, their Pay Pal account was closed or frozen.
Did you check out the posts on the news groups I sent? They sure seemed to know that eBay seller there!
>>733 ネイティブだって文法的に間違ったこと言うよ。 むかし私が住んでいたイギリスの田舎町では I DOES, you DOES, he/she DOES, they DOES,と言っていました。(藁) またAとANの区別も上手くいかないイギリス人が大勢います。 母音の前はANであるのに、 A FBI officer, などとぬけぬけと言いますから。 (藁)
For instance, one widespread myth is that women are unreliable workers because they treat their career as secondary to getting married and having children. This myth privides the rationale for precluding women from promotion to better and higher-paying jobs. A self-fulfilling prophecy has thus developed in some organizations with women choosing to leave those places where they cannot progress. To employees in these organizations the data seem to support the dominant myth.
A damaged unit regenerates proportionally to it's movement points left at the end of a turn. If it didn't move, it's damage is decreased by 8 resp. by 20 if it's located in a city or military base. However, the health of the unit can not increase more than by factor 2 a turn.
>773 increases by factor でgoogle検索したら、 when the amplified amount of DNA increases by factor 10. Supernovae! Luminosity increases by factor of billions. こんな文が出てきました。 ・・・倍増える、という意味だと思って良いでしょうか?
>767 The health of the unit can not increase more than by factor 2 a turn. 部隊の健康状態は、一回(one turn) につき、二倍以上に増加することはない。 increase by a factor of 2 = increase by two times
「seventh editionの教科書しか見つからなかったのですが、これで 授業に参加してもよいですか?」 というのは I couldn't find early edition but seventh one. May I use this textbook in the class? でいいのでしょうか?教授あてなのでかため(?)の英文にしたいの ですが。だれかアドバイスお願いします。
ダメです、と言われても困ると思うので、 I have found the seventh edition of the text book (not the ???-th edition, though), and I would like to attend the class with it. とでもしておいた方がいいのでは?教授は古い版(an earlier edition) を薦めているんですよね?その場合、最新版より入手しがたいことの方 が多いと思うので、ついでにどこで手に入るかを聞いたらどうでしょう? Where can I find the ???-th edition of the book?
>>791 This is to ask you an important question. I would like to confirm the completion of the contract. Please make sure you reply and let me know. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
We would also not, for example, ascribe guilt to a lion that has just killed a deer, whereas we would certainly attribute guilt as a likely emotion for a human who has killed another humans. わかりません。教えてください。お願いします。
どなたかお願いします。訳して下さい。 We are announcing a number of changes to the current eBay price structure. Effective Thursday, January 31, 2002 we are increasing Final Value Fees, adding a new Reserve Fee price point, charging a fee to use Buy It Now, increasing eBay Motors vehicle Insertion and Final Value Fees, and in late February , changing how we charge Final Value Fees for Dutch listings . Other Feature Fees and Insertion Fees, and fees for eBay Premier and Real Estate remain unchanged.
3dfx Voodoo3/4/5 Windows XP driver kit. The 3dfx Underground VoodooXP driver kit, currently in Alpha 6, delivers full D3D 7, 8, and 8.1 compatibility (no, not compliance, obviously...) as well as OpenGL, Glide2x, and Glide3x compatibility to Windows XP. There have yet to be any compatibility problems found and at this point there is no driver kit with faster performance in any 3D API.
Although still in alpha state these drivers are as stable as or more stable than any other driver kit. Make sure to follow the readme's installation instructions. And check the 3dfx Underground site as new driver releases are released there quite some time before being submitted to VoodooFiles.
his is a Special Edition release of the 3dfx Underground VoodooXP Alpha 6 (1.00.06) drivers, only available on VoodooFiles, for those who do not wish to or whose connections will not allow them to download the full version of the drivers. These are exactly the same drivers as the full version's, simply without 3dfx Tools. Make sure to read the included readme; it discusses important things you should know before installation.
>>809 you can do whatever you want though you are not aware of it go fight with him without looking back i will never help you you gonna fight for yourself to the end
I wrapped the trembling pup, which I named Cecily, in a wool blanket and carried her home. After laying Cecily down on the floor, I prepared a formula ――――a rich mixture of cream, egg and fish oil. It is said that few abandoned pups survive when they are captured ――――either because they are too sickly when found or because they refuse to drink from a bottle designed for human babies. Three hours later, both of us were crying, Cecily with hunger, and me with frustration. I knew I was losing a life-and-death struggle. Although Cecily sucked formula from my arms and fingers, she refused to nurse from the rubber nipple on the bottle. Desperately, I replaced the nipple with a piece of sponge. . Then, with the spoge barely showing under my arm, I squeezed a steady stream of formula down the outside of my arm. Cecily greedily sucked this off, coming closer and closer to the sponge nipple. Finally, she took the sponge fin her mouth and began to drink out of the bottle. When she had had her fill, she sneezed and snorted a couple of times, rolled over on her back and fell asleep. 長いんですけど、よろしくお願いします!!
続きです!お願いします。In the following days, Cecily gained weight rapidly. When she had gained nine or ten pounds, my husband suggested that I try her out in the ocean. . I was worried that as soon as Cecily tasted the salty water, she would disappear into a sea in which she was not yet equipped to survive. My fears were totally unfounded. Cecily’s response when I took her to the little harbor near out home and gently placed her in shallow water water near the shore was a series of distressed whoops and snorts. Now I had a new fear. What would I do with a seal who hated the sea? Twice a day I drove Cecily to the harbor, but she made little progress. her most daring she would only swim around me in tight circles. As soon as I tried to go out of the water, she followed. She wasn’t about to do any serious swimming without me. A few days later, I drove Cecily to a quiet beach. At first she behaved just as timidly as she had in the harbor, clinging to me. But she followed while I went deeper and deeper into the water. When I came up for air, I found myself nose to nose with a very happy-looking seal. Now I watched in admiring wonder as Cecily came into her own. Her two sets of flippers were changed into wings. . She flew through the clear water perfprming belly rolls, nose dives and somersaults. She glided in ever-widening circles around me, which made me dizzy. After we had swum together for a good half-hour, my arms and legs got tired, and I rolled over on my back to float. Cecily climbed on my stomach, laid her head on my chest and fell asleep. For the next few weeks, Cecily and I spent our lives together. During the day I either swam with her in the lake or watched her jump about in the harbor. In the evenings, she lay comfortably over my lap, nursing on her bottle, while we watched late-night TV together.
わーい初めて英語でメールが来た! ...で、さっそくわからないフレーズがあったので教えてください。 > Let me cut to the chase and tell you little bit about myself. このcut to the chaseってどんな意味ですか?慣用句でしょうか。 手元の辞書には載ってなかったので... おねがいします。
Cut to the chaseは「要点を述べる」とか「本題にはいる」 ということですYO これはどっちかというとカッコつけた表現らしいね。 SeinfeldというコメディのなかでGeorgeがこの表現を 使ってJerryに「そんなHollywood expression使うやつが いるなんて!」とからかわれてたYO
「外人:I'm from california. 自分:but, I have never been to usa. 自分:I wanna go to usa someday.」 この「自分(855さん)」の言い方は、ちょっとこの「外人さん」にたいして 失礼ですよね。なぜ、but ですか? 相手は単に、「私はカリフフォルニア からです。」と言っているだけだのに、「しかし、君、ぼくはアメリカなんか 行ったことないんだ。」と言い返しているような感じで。こういうときは、 "Oh, California, nice!" とか言ってまず相手を立て、その後で、"I've bever been there, or, for that matter, I've never been to the U.S. I'd like to visit your country some day." などと言ったほうが良いですね。
The White House has asked major American television companies to exercise judgement in broadcasting messages from Osama bin Laden or his Al-Qaeda group. っていう文章なんですけど。
If you withdraw from your accommodation after the start dates,4weeks’ notice is required. Any accommodation fees in excess of this perioud will be refunded in full less the Accommodation placement fee [ if applicable].
I was pleased very much with the software which you made.
Then, I want to introduce this software to everybody Japanese.
Can't the permission which re-distributes the software which you made by my homepage be obtained? (May I re-distribute the software which you made by my homepage?)
Wire Sprayed Aluminum Coating Services in a SIMA Corrosion Control Shop
The wire-sprayed-aluminum (WSA) coating system is one of the major corrosion prevention and control (CPAC) systems finding increasing use in new ship construction and for the maintenance, repair, and overhaul of ships in service.
Shipboard corrosion has historically been a major source of repetitive maintenance. Paint and preservation compounds have a short service life which results in frequent reapplication and top-coating. Wire-sprayed -aluminum (WSA) has been demonstrated to be a long-lived coating giving over 10 years of protection for carbon steel.
A critical technology survey was made by the National Material Advisory Board in 1983; and they reported WSA coatings to be cost-effective for shipboard applications and, that when considered on a life-cycle basis, to the more economical than paint coatings.
Another major marine application of WSA coatings is for offshore platforms.
Their laboratory and field evaluation of the WSA coating indicated improved toughness, low maintenance, and the long-term service life over organic coatings. The improved toughness was especially significant for withstanding damage during assembly of the platform at the construction site and transfer/tow to the sea site.
The National Materials Advisory Board reports a probable service life of > 10 years.
We had made a lot of noise down the cellar, and a lot more when we went up the steps, but they had not heard us. We backed down the steps and closed the door without either of them hearing us or knowing that we had been there.
>>876 Once I used your software, I liked it very much. I would like to introduce this software to Japanese users. If you could kindly allow me to re-distribute your software via my homepage, I would be very appreciative.
I am a Japanese and do not understand English well. This is an important question. I would like to confirm the completion of the cancellation. Please make sure you reply and let me know. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. The name of my credit card NISHIZONO OSAMU E-mail Address [email protected]
Ematicさんから、また返事が来ました。 結構、迅速に返事をくれています。 一回、100 通位送ったりして、申し訳 無かったかな(汗)。 それで、下記の英文なんですけど、 日本語に訳すと、どうなりますか?↓ We have deleted you account and refunded your $19.95 fee. Sorry it did not work out. Your Ematic account name was nishizonoosamu
The Navy uses sprayed aluminum for corrosion control to obtain a reduction in ships force maintenance manhours. Today's Navy ships have more highly trained sailors performing planned maintenance. Less time is available for maintenance problems due to corrosion. The use of aluminum sprayed coatings for corrosion control is intended to minimize the need for corrosion maintenance painting over the service life of the component.
The Navy's first full scale application of type I high temperature sprayed aluminum coating was on propulsion plant valves on USS WILLIAM H. STANDLEY. COMNAVSURFPAC scheduled in late 1977 the use of sprayed aluminum coating for approximately 360 valves. The valves were coated and applied to STANDLEY in 1978. These valves have been monitored yearly since the initial application to determine the reduction in maintenance demand. This service evaluation of high temperature use of sprayed aluminum proved that sprayed aluminum coatings offered superior corrosion and maintenance protection over conventional heat resistant aluminum paint.
Moreover some authors have defined values as particular sorts of belief. For example, Rokeach (1973:5) has suggested that 'a value is an enduring belief that a specific mode of conduct or end-state of existence is personally or socially preferable to an opposite or converse mode of conduct or end-state of existence'. Difficulties such as these make it tempting to speak of 'belief/value clusters', thus obviating the need for specificity in the face of considerable organizational complexity. A selection of some of the most commonly subscribed to belief/value clusters in commercial organizations is contained in Exhibit 1.10.
If there is a vitamin A enriched rice that can help 20 million blind children see again, who are we to say that our government should not support that research?
Combined with the Navy painting sequence to match camouflage requirements, sprayed aluminum coatings have proven to provide extended long term corrosion protection.