I sought to find a copy of the original Ernst & Young report so that accountants might analyze it, but without success. About one hour ago, however, I was provided with a copy of what certainly appears to be the original Ernst NPL report, including the section on China that has drawn so much controversy found on the net and provided to us by the Byzantine Ruins Blog. Thanks BR. 問題になったE&Yのオリジナルの報告書を探して、何処がそれほど誤りなのか、そでないのか を分析したいと思っていたが、なかなか見つからなかった。でもByzantine Ruinsのブログが其の 場所を教えてくれた
All you accountants out there, please review this and let us know what you think. Is there double counting? Is it internally inconsistent? Is it inherently inaccurate? 会計士は、このオリジナルを分析してみるべきだと思ふ。これは不正確で誤っているのか?
<China> China has invested heavily in recapitalizing its state banks in preparation for 2007, when foreign investors will be allowed unrestricted access into China’s banking industry. After a slow start, China’s NPL disposition process has accelerated in response to the plans of some banks to go public and the entrance of foreign investors into the banking sector. But China’s banks still have a substantial backlog of legacy NPLs on their books. In addition, there is the question of whether another wave of NPLs may hit China’s banks, the result of aggressive lending in a superheated property market.
<Japan> For more than a decade, Japan’s economy and NPL market stagnated. But in the past few years, Japanese banks have reduced their NPLs by 50%. And with Japan’s economy finally recovering, more global investors plan to enter the Japanese market. In a sign that the market has matured, investors are shifting their focus from NPLs to other assets.
<Germany> Like China, Germany started slowly in dealing with its NPL problems, but now has an active NPL market. As of February 2006 , international investors had closed on no fewer than 25 sales totaling at least ?24 billion (U.S. $28.8 billion), with more transactions in progress. Strong sales activity is expected through 2007 as German banks continue to be aggressive in cleaning up their balance sheets. Looming bank consolidation will also play a part.
At first glance, India might not seem the safer bet, with its pitted roadways, tainted water and visible, widespread poverty. Yet those outward signs obscure solid underpinnings for economic growth, including a democratic government, a strong education system, widespread knowledge of English and a deep pool of expatriates experienced in Western businesses, according to Wharton faculty and experts in emerging market private equity. ちょっとみるとインドは貧しくてインフラ投資が不十分なので如何なものかと思えるけれど、 着実な経済成長がはじまり、民主主義体制で、教育制度は良く、英語が通じ、西欧のビジネスが 理解されているという利点がある。
Cheap labor and foreign direct investment have made China the world's manufacturing powerhouse under a government that has embraced Western-style capitalism. China has provided spectacular private-equity returns in recent years, but, the experts note, weaknesses in China's legal system and the possibility of political instability remain concerns for investors. 安価な労働力と外資の直接投資が中国を急速に経済成長させ、市場経済を取り入れた政府の元で 世界の製造業の拠点にした。中国への投資は最近の数年、とても見返りの多いものであったが 専門家に拠れば、法制の弱さ、更に将来の政治的不安定性の可能性が投資家にとっての心配の種 である(後略)
Photographs of the bodies taken by a Marine intelligence unit have convinced investigators that the civilians were defenseless and that some were killed "execution-style," officials close to investigation have said. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー この事件はアメリカのメディアで騒ぎが起こり、ブロガーの話題になっているけれど、今のところ 何処までが事実で、何が事実でないのかが良くわからない。4人の海兵隊員が通常では考えにくい ような暴挙をおこない、十数人(〜24人)が銃殺されたというもの。軍の調査は既に始まっている ので、その結果を見るべきと思われ。
I read the quote and was taken aback because I spoke to the same Brig. Gen. David M. Brahms about the case this week, and his sentiments were very different from those presented in the Post. Which explains why he sent me this statement yesterday:
"Recent reporting on the events in Haditha, Iraq have included significant factual errors and/or misleading statements. This includes a quote attributed to me in the Washington Post this morning that was taken completely out of context and its meaning distorted. Many facts that are favorable to the Marines involved have not yet been disclosed." ttp://hughhewitt.com/archives/2006/05/21-week/index.php#a002287
Japan wants to develop a huge Iranian oil field as planned to help secure a stable oil supply, its top government spokesman said yesterday after a report that Tehran might scrap the deal when a contract expires in September.
“The development of the Azadegan oil fields is a very important project in terms of stable energy supply,” Abe told a news conference. “We would like to continue with it as planned.”But he added, “As for Iran, it must dispel the fears of the international community about the nuclear problem.”
The Japanese government has a 36% stake in Inpex Corp, Japan’s biggest oil developer, which plans to develop the southern part of Azadegan, estimated to hold 26bn barrels of oil. Inpex has said that implementing the project has been delayed because the Iranian side has not finished removing land mines from the areas to be developed. “Our company did not get any warnings like that,” an INPEX spokesman said, referring to the Kyodo report.
“We still want to start development at the field as soon as the land mines are removed. So far, about 90% of the land mine removal works have been completed by Iran,” the spokesman added.
"Palace of Darius the Great Discovered in Bolaghi Gorge," from the Cultural Heritage News Agency, with thanks to Dafydd: ttp://www.chn.ir/en/news/?section=2&id=6374 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー イランのBolaghi Gorge地区で発掘作業を進めていた、フランスとイランの考古学者のグループ がダリウス王の宮殿の遺跡(アケメネス朝、648 BC?330 BC)と思われるものを発見したが、何者 かがブルドーザーで遺跡の埋まる地区を破壊したという記事についての評論。
ウイークリー・スタンダード:書評:China's Trapped Transition The Limits of Developmental Autocracy by Minxin Pei Harvard, 306 pp., $45 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー Minxin Peiはアメリカで良く知られる中国専門家で、従来は中国擁護的な傾向もあった論客。 しかし、天安門事件などの中国の民主化弾圧に批判的な立場で「経済発展やエンゲージメント が中国の民主化を促す」というクリントン時代のエンゲージメント論には批判的な立場をとる。
China has stalled in a "trapped transition," Pei argues, because its Communist leaders insist on maintaining power and taking a gradual approach to market reforms. This is not part of a strategy for political liberalization;
(経済成長が中国では民主化をもたらさない理由) While Pei is generous to the intellectual adherents of the gradualist economic theory, he argues that favorable assessments are distorted by the failure to consider "the greatest constraint on economic reform: an authoritarian regime's fear of losing power during reform." Such fear prevents the ruling elites from making "accompanying reforms that restructure the key political institutions that define power relations and enforce the rules essential to the functioning of markets, such as the security of property rights, transparency of government, and accountability of leaders."
(改革開放はどうなったのか) Yes, but what about the political reform that China has already embarked on, and which is frequently presented as proof that China's economic development is, in fact, leading to liberalization? "It is worth noting," Pei writes,
that all the important institutional reforms in the political system--such as mandatory retirement of government officials, the strengthening of the National People's Congress, legal reform, experiments in rural self-government, and loosening control of civil groups--were all conceived and implemented in the 1980s--before China's economic take off.
(法輪巧の弾圧のもつ意味) Pei argues that the current crackdown on the Falun Gong reflects a new phenomenon, related directly to the decay of the party. Under Mao, he writes,
[T]he CCP could have easily mobilized its loyal supporters, such as workers and peasants, to contain and even destroy a nationwide social network like Falun Gong without resorting to the use of police. . . . The CCP could not mobilize a single social group to support its crackdown. In the end, it was the application of brute force, not the mobilization of the masses that enabled the CCP to destroy the movement inside China.
Beijing-based Agricultural Bank, which owns 12 percent of China's US$4.7 trillion in banking assets, has the worst debt quality and most employees among the big four state- owned lenders. 中国農業銀行は中国の銀行の全資産の12%を占めるが不良債権の多さでは四大銀行のなかで最 悪の銀行である。
Burdened with US$93 billion of non-performing loans, the lender may need between US$60 billion and US$70 billion for debt disposal and a shareholding revamp before it starts to attract strategic investors and considers going public, analysts said. 中国農業銀行の不良債権処理には$60B(6.6兆円)から$70Bが必要とされている。
The huge sum has prompted speculation that the central government will not bear the costs alone. この金額の多さから、中央政府が農業銀行を救済しないのではないかとの憶測が生まれている
Usually, bank bailouts are dished out solely by the central bank's arm Central Huijin Investment Corp. But it has been reluctant, so far, to say how much it would contribute in the Agricultural Bank's case. 銀行の不良債権処理にあたる中央銀行の機関、Central Huijin Investment Corpは農業銀行の救済 計画に積極的ではないとされる
Wang Jianxi, a vice chairman at Central Huijin, said last week the company will likely inject funds into the bank, but noted the lender's "historical burdens are too heavy." Central Huijin Investment Corpの副会長、Wang Jianxiは先週、銀行への資本注入はされる事にな ろうが「歴史的な(融資者の)負担があまりに大きい」と語った。
On May 9, the China Business Post reported the People's Bank of China proposed to shut down Agricultural Bank's headquarters in Beijing and let provincial branches set up local headquarters and manage day-to-day operations. チャイナ・ビジネス・ポストの5月9日号は中国人民銀行が農業銀行の本部の閉鎖を提案し、地方の支 店が日常業務の処理を行なう本部を作るように求めたとした。
The move was designed for provincial governments to share in the restructuring costs of the lender with the central government, the paper said. これは地方政府が農業銀行の融資を行なわせた責任から、リストラ経費の一部をになうようにと の措置だという。
But Zhou Xiaochuan, governor of the central bank, quickly dismissed such a plan. Meanwhile, the China Banking Regulatory Commission, the country's banking regulator, said in a statement it was still studying a restructuring proposal to improve efficiency at Agricultural Bank. しかし中央銀行総裁は、直ぐにこの記事を否定した。其の一方で中国銀行規制委員会は農業銀行の リストラ方策について検討中であるとした。(後略)
(中国の新しい、チベット・キャンペーン) ttp://chinaconfidential.blogspot.com/ Monday, May 29, 2006 China is preparing a new propaganda offensive against the universally admired Dalai Lama and his struggle for Tibet autonomy. Beijing intends to dredge up Tibet's feudal past to justify China's present-day repressive policies in the province, which the Dalai Lama's Tibetan government in exile considers an occupied nation. CCTV is said to be working on a documentary-style history of Old Tibet that will focus on the cruel oppression of serfs by tyrannical, wealthy monks; and state-run publishing houses are reportedly ready to crank out new novels and nonfiction books about the crushing backwardness of the Tibetan countryside....
Iran: Thousands of Azeri speaking people go to Tehran to protestNCRI ? According to information from Iran, thousands of Azeri speaking people have left their homes in northwestern and western Iran to go for a mass protest in front of the clerical regime's parliament in Tehran. イラン北西部から数千人のAzeri語を話す人たちが抗議の為にテヘランに向かい議会前で集団抗議 行動を行う予定。
This is happening as widespread anti-regime protests continue in Azeri speaking provinces in Iran. Some estimates put the figure over 10,000 who are on their way to Tehran. イラン国内のAzeri語を話す人たちの反政府抗議行動はそれら住民の住む地方に広がっており、一部 には1万人以上の人がテヘランに抗議に向かうとの推測も。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ttp://www.nytimes.com/2006/05/29/world/middleeast/29tehran.html?_r=1&oref=slogin Ethnic Tensions Over Cartoon Set Off Riots in Northwest Iran By NAZILA FATHI Published: May 29, 2006
TEHRAN, May 28 ? Four people were killed and 70 were injured in riots last week in the Azeri region northwest of here, according to local news reports, as tensions spread after the publication of a cartoon that has outraged Iran's Azeri population. イランの北西部のAzeri地方で先週発生した暴動により、4人が死亡、70人が負傷した。これは イランのAzeri民族に関する漫画の出版を契機に民族対立の緊張が高まって発生したもの。
On Sunday, about 2,000 Azeris demonstrated in Tehran outside Parliament and were dispersed by the police, the reports said. In a show of defiance that appears to have unnerved the government, demonstrators chanted in Turkish Azeri, as the language is known here for its close relation to Turkish, and demanded that it be taught in schools. 日曜日にはテヘランの議会前で2000人のAzeri民族の抗議行動があった。Azeri語はトルコ系で Azeri族の人は学校でAzeri語を教えるべきと抗議している。
【ワシントン28日聯合】軍事ニュース専門のネットメディア「ストラテジーページ」が28日に 明らかにしたところによると、韓国が現在引渡しを受けている40機のF−15Kのほかに20機を追 加購入する。 F−15Eの韓国向けモデルであるF−15Kの購入価格は1機当たり1億ドルで、60機 全部が引き渡されるには5年かかるという。米国は現在、210機のF−15Eを運用しており、2004 年に生産を中断している。F−15Kは20ミリメートル機関砲を装備し、北朝鮮の地下要塞を攻撃 できる空対地ミサイルの統合直接攻撃爆弾(JDAM)を含む11トンの爆弾と弾薬を搭載できる。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ttp://www.strategypage.com/htmw/htproc/articles/20060528.aspx South Korea Orders More F-15Ks
>>46 One of the aims of slowing access to international email providers such as Hotmail and Yahoo is believed to be to force users to shift to local providers, which are more easily and cheaply surveyed and controlled, especially through self-censorship.
The head of the China Banking Regulatory Commission says banks should "effectively rein in" excessive lending to the real estate sector in a bid to curb soaring house prices. At a policy meeting attended by senior executives of major Chinese banks, commission chairman Liu Mingkang called for "strict scrutinization" of loans for investment homes, as well as luxury apartments and villas.
The down-payment requirement, as a percentage of the total costs of high-end properties, would be raised, he added, but did not confirm the margin. Earlier media reports said overall down-payments on new homes would be lifted by 20 percent, but the central bank immediately quashed the rumors.
Liu said the regulator would also focus on the repayment abilities, intentions and records of home buyers. The National Bureau of Statistics has reported home prices rose 5.5 percent in the first quarter, compared with the same period last year, despite repeated government calls for a "healthier" development.
Banks issued 1.26 trillion yuan in loans in the first quarter, just over half the annual target set by the regulator. Source: Xinhua
I think that the richest countries are those with the richest poor. Why? Because if the poor are not doing that badly then the rest are all doing better. Today I found out that the World Bank keeps the closest proxy to this assertion. Their analysis shows the percentage of national income that the poorest 20% of the population have and proves what many believe, that USA maybe the best developed country in which to be rich but it is also one of the worst in which to be poor. In general Europe and Japan have the richest poor people in the world.
Now looking at the countries in which the majority of the people are poor, like China and India you can see that China Communist China is much less Communist than what it seems when compared to India. The Indian poorest quintile have about twice the share of the national income as the poorest Chinese.
ところで貧しい人の数の多い国、中国やインドを見てみると中国はインドに比べて全然共産主義的 ではない。インドの貧しい人が、中国に比べて国の総収入に占める比率が2倍くらいになっている。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー (国連資料) ttp://unstats.un.org/unsd/mi/mi_series_results.asp?rowID=585&fID=r15&cgID= Poorest quintile's share in national income or consumption, per cent (WB) Data last updated on 19 Apr 2005 この「貧しい20%の最下層」の国の総収入に占める比率で見ると、
He is so well known in China that a condom has been named after him, and his support in the U.S. cuts a swath across the ideological and socioeconomic spectrum, from billionaires to evangelicals to inner-city minorities. If Clinton can attract hordes of reporters at every public appearance even when he's out of office, think of the clout he would wield as head of the United Nations ? clout that could focus Americans on the plight of the Third World or persuade implacable enemies to at least take a seat at the negotiating table. ttp://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/editorials/la-ed-clinton28may28,0,3904973.story?coll=la-news-comment-editorials cut a swath:(草などを刈って)一筋の刈り跡を作る、一筋に延びる[広がる・進む] horde:【名】 大群、多数
I was going to write a parody of this but I found I just couldn’t do it, it stands alone when the editors of a major news daily write something like that. There’s just nothing else to say. Comment by Dwilkers ? 5/29/2006 @ 4:52 am ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー The ignorance and total lack of class that pemeates the LAT is all wrapped up in this one “editorial.” And it’s not just ignorance….it’s the arrogance that exudes by assuming that their readers are nothing more than empty-headed hicks that will just eat up anything that’s fed to them. It appears that the Times is in an irreversible death spiral. Comment by Bill Schumm ? 5/29/2006 @ 6:02 am ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー I recommend reading the entire “editorial”. It’s all as funny as the excerpt our host quoted. It reads like a parody or a humor column left over from April 1. Seriously, if tripe like this is the work product of the “editors” at LAT no wonder the news stories stink. Comment by nk ? 5/29/2006 @ 2:40 am
The parody of the “Kimigayo” contains such phrases as the “mad and the dead” and starts with the refrain “kiss me girl”, in apparent reference to the imperial army’s use of so-called “comfort women”, according to versions published on the internet.
「君が代」の替え歌は「mad and the dead」「kiss me girl」などの所謂従軍慰安婦を思わせる 言葉が連なっている。
Weeks after a British music producer caused uproar in the US with a Spanish version of the Star-Spangled Banner, the conservative newspaper Sankei Shimbun denounced the new song as an attempt to "sabotage" Japan's traditional anthem.
The United States recently had its own furore over its national anthem when the release of a Spanish-language version sparked outrage among conservatives there. ロイターもアメリカでは国歌のスペイン語版が問題になっているのにくらべ、日本では英語化した 替え歌が問題になっていると書いている
ウルフォウイッツ世界銀行総裁は: "In principle, the same thing could happen with North Korea, but there's a lot that has to happen to get there," (原則的には世界銀行は開発支援などを行なう立場であるが 北朝鮮については、その前にされなくてはならないことが多くある)
"I imagine for the shareholders the resolution of the nuclear issue is probably at the heart of it," he said. "I think the other thing that's at the heart of it is whether North Korea ... were to make the kinds of decisions necessary for that kind of economic progress to take place." (世界銀行の出資国の意向があり、北朝鮮の核問題は中心的な問題だろう、とのべた。そのほ かには、北朝鮮が経済発展のための必要な意思決定をするかどうかだとした)
しかし、いくら中国株式市場が良さげに見えようとも、WSJは最近の好成績は殆どがフィクシ ョンだと主張する。 (But no matter how good China looks now, we'd still argue that the recent fun is mostly fiction.)
そういうことなので、残るのは中国国内投資家ということになるのだが、ここ数年来のアジア株 式の高騰で強気になっているのかもしれない。あるいは、中国国内投資家には他に選択可能な投 資機会がなさ過ぎなのかもしれない。これは本物の、あるいは信じる人の作る、マーケットの ラリーにとって良い前兆とはいえない。 (That leaves China's famed domestic punters, who may feel emboldened by other Asian stock market gains over the past few years. Or perhaps, given their limited investment options, China's investors simply can't think of anywhere better to park their cash. That's not a good omen, in a real or make-believe market rally.) ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー かなりはっきりと書いているわけだけれど、最近の上海株式相場の高騰は中国政府の政治的指導 によるもので、通常の外人投資家などが可能性を買って参入しているものではないから、本来は ありえないような「不思議の国の株式市場の高騰」(=フィクション)であると。
May 30 (Bloomberg) -- Henry Paulson, chief executive officer of Goldman Sachs Group Inc., will be nominated to succeed John Snow as U.S. Treasury Secretary, senior administration officials said.
Chinese are spending a lot of time, and money, installing new equipment on the Varyag (which arrived in China without engines.) So far, China has been silent on their plans for the Varyag, but judging from what has been going on with the ship in the Dalian harbor, something substantial is happening.
But the aviators make the argument that many aircraft and pilots would be lost if the air defenses of a nation like, perhaps China, were attacked without using JASSM.
EXPERTS warned yesterday that the Yangtze River has become so "cancerous" with pollution that it is threatening the safety of drinking water in Shanghai and other cities along its banks. 専門の研究者が、昨日、汚染によって揚子江などの河が飲み水に使えない癌の河になると警告した。
Yuan Aiguo, a professor at the China University of Geosciences, urged authorities along the river to pay more attention to the problem. "Many officials think the pollution is nothing for the Yangtze, which has a large water flow and a capability for self-cleansing, but the pollution is very serious," Yuan said.
Just 31 percent of the water meets first- or second-class quality standards. Yuan warned that without new steps to curb pollution, 70 percent of the river's water could rate below third class in three to five years. Liu Guangzhao, a Chinese-Australian scientist, said that if 70 percent of the water drops to fourth or fifth class, many plant species will disappear and the Yangtze will become a dead river.
Environmentalists believe there are three major reasons for the worsening situation: industrial wastewater and sewage, agricultural pollution and wastes from shipping. 環境運動家に拠れば悪化する河川の汚染は三つの大きな原因による。産業廃棄物や汚泥、農業による 農薬などの汚染、そして船などから廃棄される汚染である。
Professor Lu said that 126 animal species lived in the Yangtze in the mid-1980s, but the number dropped to 52 by 2002 due to the pollution. Lu教授に拠れば1980年代半ばには揚子江に生息した126種の動物が2002年には52種類に減少している。
英文歌詞: Kiss me, girl, your old one. Till you're near, it is years till you're near. Sounds of the dead will she know? She wants all told, now retained, for, cold caves know the moon's seeking the mad and dead.
昨年の9月、私の所属する法律事務所は前チェコ大統領のVaclav HavelやDesmond M. Tutu司教 を含む委員会を作り、ビルマの民主化行動計画を作成した。("Threat to the Peace: A Call for the U.N. Security Council to Act in Burma," 平和への脅威:ビルマに対する国連安 保理の行動を求める報告書)この報告書はビルマの軍事政権がビルマ国内の人々への脅威であ るだけでなく、東南アジアの隣国に対してもそうであることを述べている。
One danger area -- shared by his Bush predecessors at Treasury and some in the White House -- may be his willingness to fall for the temptation of a weaker dollar. In the same 2004 PBS interview, Mr. Paulson said that "I really believe that the decline in the dollar, the orderly decline in the dollar, will lead to a natural adjustment" in the trade deficit.
Uh, oh. A Treasury secretary who talks like that can soon find himself trying to stop a global run on the dollar, especially at a moment of renewed inflation worries. This is one subject (unlike taxes) on which Mr. Paulson can learn from the record of Clinton Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin, who always promoted the strongest possible greenback.
Perhaps no Treasury secretary would bring closer ties to China than Mr. Paulson. In more than 70 trips, he has repeatedly met with top Chinese officials, including Mr. Hu. Indeed, when Mr. Hu visited the United States in 2002, Mr. Paulson joined Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg of New York in giving him a tour of ground zero.
All Ordinaries 4,972.300 2:17AM ET Down 94.500 (1.87%)↓オーストラリア Shanghai Composite 1,641.30 3:00AM ET Down 15.988 (0.96%)↓上海 Hang Seng 15,857.89 May 30Down 105.88 (0.66%)休場 香港 BSE 30 10,215.42 4:26AM ET Down 571.21 (5.30%)↓インド Jakarta Composite 1,331.462 4:25AM ET Down 34.708 (2.54%)↓インドネシア KLSE Composite 921.75 4:26AM ET Down 8.14 (0.88%)↓マレーシア Nikkei 225 15,467.33 3:00AM ET Down 392.12 (2.47%)↓東京 NZSE 50 3,613.594 1:35AM ET Down 3.441 (0.10%)↓ニュージーランド Straits Times 2,377.43 4:26AM ET Down 64.11 (2.63%)↓シンガポール Seoul Composite 1,317.7 May 30Down 11.52 (0.87%)休場 韓国 Taiwan Weighted 6,846.95 May 30Down 31.93 (0.46%)休場 台湾
「戦争と女性への暴力」日本ネットワーク Violence Against Women in War Network Japan http://www1.jca.apc.org/vaww-net-japan/index.html --------------------------------------------- 1997年秋、東京で20か国から40人の海外参加者を招いて開いた「戦争と女性への暴力国際会 議」をきっかけに国際的なVAWW-NETが発足、過去から現在までの戦時・性暴力について国境を 越えた連帯行動が始まりました。 この国際会議実行委員を中心に「戦争と女性への暴力」日本ネ ットワーク(VAWW-NETジャパン)が1998年に発足しました。
"Security is first, second and third. This must be said," he said after holding talks with the governor of Basra province and other local leaders. 「安全は、第一の目標であり、第二であり、第三の目標である。これをいっておかねばならない」
Security has deteriorated sharply in Basra over the past year as rival factions from the Shi'ite Muslim majority tussle for a share of the power handed to Shi'ites by the U.S. after Saddam Hussein's Sunni-dominated administration was toppled. 昨年来バスらの治安状況は悪化しておりシーア派が権力を掌握して、その分派が闘争を繰り返して いる。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ttp://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20060530/ts_nm/iraq_basra_dc;_ylt=Al7r1302s7uWnSMxdMMsbRus0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA3b2NibDltBHNlYwM3MTY- The main Alliance factions involved in Basra's power struggles are the armed Badr organization, the Fadhila party and the movement of cleric and militia leader Moqtada al-Sadr. (ロイター、30日) バスラの権力闘争は、Fadhila党のバドル派とムクタダ・アル・サドル師の武装派の衝突である。
ジョージー・オーウェルの1984年の自筆草稿の写真。下記は冒頭部分。 Some of the pages are handwritten only. This is from the section where Winston and Julia daydream about a life together. 草稿はタイプうちに手書きで修正されたものだが、ある種の部分は手書きだけで作られていて 下記の写真はウインストンとジュリアの白昼夢の部分(すべて手書き)の草稿である。
Second night of rioting in Seine Saint Denis (the infamous 9-3). The French preSS is carefully talking about several incidents and putting the whole thing down to unsolved social issues (left over from the previous round of burning and looting). Last night's action saw a police station attacked by a mob. The night before a mayor's home was attacked. Last night's official toll: 4 police injured, 5 arrests.
パリ郊外の暴動(サン・ドニ地区)は二日目で警備隊は注意深くその鎮圧化を進めようとして いる。車が燃やされて略奪行為が起こっている。昨夜から警官隊は暴徒を攻撃している。市長 の自宅が攻撃された。昨夜は4人の警官が負傷、5人逮捕。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ttp://www.e-nough.hmdnsgroup.com/archives/001353.html E−NOUGH!ブログ It smells like something is burning again (暴動の写真、写真的に綺麗)
Cars and dustbins were burnt, an explosive device was thrown into a police car (with policemen still inside the car), stones were thrown at police stations, several policemen were wounded. Five persons were arrested including... the kid that had been badly burnt six months ago when his two friends died electrified - the event that started everything. 自動車やゴミ箱が放火され、爆発物が警官隊の車(中に警官がいる)に投げられ、警官隊への 投石があり、警官に負傷者が出た。5人の暴徒が逮捕され、そのなかに6ヶ月前の暴動で火傷し ている子供が含まれている。其の友人が変電所で感電死したのが暴動の発端だった。
Although the outcome is not expected to affect the country's foreign, economic or national security policies, the elections are being viewed as a test of the Uri Party's waning popularity and the party's reform agenda.
The elections were also expected to give hints on how the parties and their yet-to-be-named candidates will fare in the December 2007 presidential election. Roh, who won the race in 2002, cannot run for a second five-year term.
The victory of the GNP in the local elections is expected to boost the party's chairwoman Park Geun Hye's hopes to run as the candidate for the 2007 race. Park is the daughter of former military president Park Chung Hee, who was assassinated in 1979.
DPAは外交や国政への影響より2007年大統領選挙への影響の大きさを見ている。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ttp://www.voanews.com/english/2006-05-31-voa10.cfm South Korean Opposition Heads for Victory in Local Elections By Kurt Achin Seoul 31 May 2006
Political science professor, Kim Hyung-joon, of Seoul's Kookmin University, says voters expressed their disillusionment with President Roh and his party's handling of domestic economic issues. He says voters appear even more estranged from the current administration than he would have predicted.
A presidential victory by the Grand National Party could mean a fundamental shift in South Korean policies - including a less conciliatory political line on dealing with communist North Korea.
For Pyongyang, then, retaining a sense of strategic ambiguity represents the best course. Pyongyang has threatened through secondhand sources several times to test its nuclear weapons and carry out a missile launch splashing down in the waters off New York City. As long as these are rhetorical threats, they are unverifiable, potential exaggerations, and North Korea's lack of follow-through creates the impression its is still willing to negotiate.
For Pyongyang, then, any new test will be carefully examined before being carried out. Any new launch will be of a satellite-launch vehicle configuration, as with the Taepodong-1 launch, to provide just enough questions of intent and capability to avoid tipping the strategic calculus. A failed satellite launch would prove more devastating to North Korea's carefully cultivated image than no launch at all. Unless the risks change, or the regime feels an attack is imminent, the current calculus in Pyongyang still weighs against a new Taepodong launch.
If Iran continues on its present path, Rice’s diplomatic strategy could work only if the United States has ironclad commitments from its European allies and Japan to impose strong sanctions, outside the U.N. framework, if continued Russian and Chinese foot-dragging makes that necessary. While Rice hopes to force Iran to choose between international sanctions and its nuclear weapons efforts, Moscow and Beijing will seek to help their Iranian friends to escape strong U.N. sanctions.
If Iran rejects the talks, then Russia and China might be embarrassed into accepting stronger sanctions than they would permit otherwise. But such diluted sanctions are unlikely to be decisive in ending Iran’s longstanding efforts to attain nuclear weapons. Only if the U.S., Europe, Japan, and other allies present a determined and united front in support of strong economic sanctions will they have a chance of dissuading Iran from continuing its nuclear efforts, short of war.
And if Iran accepts U.S. conditions for proposed talks, Washington must be clear that this is a last ditch diplomatic effort that will not be followed by sweetened diplomatic offers in the future. Iran must not be allowed to drag out the negotiations or play the Europeans off against the United States. And the Europeans must commit to finally imposing sanctions if Iran backs out of the talks or is caught cheating again.
A multinational project to build two tamperproof nuclear power plants for North Korea in exchange for U.N. inspections of the country's atomic sites was formally killed off Wednesday by the U.S., Japan, South Korea and E.U.
The Secretary of State seems to have convinced Mr. Bush -- over the doubts of Vice President Cheney and others -- that this was the only way to prevent the U.S. from being isolated as our European allies ran for cover and Russia resisted any U.N. sanctions. How this new U.S. concession will impress the mullahs to give in is now Ms. Rice's burden to demonstrate. Good luck.
Perhaps the most dispiriting part of this new diplomacy is the signal it will send to Iran's internal opposition. The regime is wildly unpopular, but it will use this implicit U.S. recognition to show that it has earned new world respect.
Iran's relentless drive for a nuclear weapon is a difficult problem, and perhaps Ms. Rice is right that direct diplomacy is essential to expose Iran's real purposes. But given Iran's track record, we'd say the Secretary has walked her President out on a limb where the pressure will soon build on him to make even more concessions. If this gambit fails, she'll have succeeded mainly in giving the mullahs more time to become a terrorist nuclear power.
The GNP's expected victory had drawn concern from North Korea, which views the party as pro-American and opposed to the course of reconciliation that Mr. Roh and the Uri Party has followed building on warmer ties between the two Koreas since the first-and- only summit in June 2000 between leaders of North and South. The North had urged in its official media for South Koreans not to vote for the GNP. Pyongyang last week canceled planned test runs of trains across the heavily fortified inter-Korean border, citing political instability in the South as one of its reasons.
Not for nothing, as the Soviets would have put it, has China published a book blaming the United States for its economic woes in the 1960s. The book, released Tuesday by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, is first in a series of strategically selected, state sponsored works from essays to television documentaries which will reach into the past to draw lessons for the present in light of foreign pressures for political and economic reform.
But "The Research Report on China's 10 Five-Year Plans" does more than blame America, arguing as it does that the urgent threat of a planned US military attack drove Mao Zedong to abandon plans to boost and restructure China's economy and instead allocate precious resources to preparing for "all-out war with the imperialists." The book also makes an important contribution toward supporting the official view of Mao's rule.
Given the horrors of the 1958 Great Leap Forward and the '60s Cultural Revolution--two of history's greatest man-made disasters, which resulted in the deaths of an estimated 30 million Chinese--or a million victims for every one percent of officially acknowledged bad works--government-approved academicians and writers have had to work long and hard over the years to rationalize the famous ratio.
The book about the five-year plans could help to ease their burden. Recalling US and European revisionist histories of the Cold War that blamed Washington for feeding Stalin's paranoia, "The Research Report" may lead people at home and abroad to wonder: If not for the US, could things have turned out in a radically different way--for Mao and all of China?
They quoted what they said was a declassified December 14, 1964 document, written by George Rathjens of the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, to show that the United States was considering an attack on China's nuclear facilities.
China's first atomic bomb was developed on the plains of the western province of Qinghai and was detonated on October 16, 1964, in the desert of the neighboring region of Xinjiang.
Before learning of the alleged plan, Mao and other Chinese leaders intended to reinvigorate China's sluggish economy, which was marked by chronic shortages of food, clothes and other consumer goods.
"The judgment about the world affairs and the war-scenario consideration made Mao change the consensus-based proposal on enhancing the fragile economy," according to the book. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー アメリカが中国の原爆開発などを問題視して、攻撃計画などを持っていたために、毛沢東は共産党 のコンセンサスであった経済改革を諦め、コースを変えて「帝国主義との全面戦争に備える」政策 をとったのであり、経済失政は毛沢東の誤謬ではなくアメリカの好戦的敵意の為だとする。
SHARES of Bank of China Ltd., the nation's No. 2 lender, rose on their first day of trading in Hong Kong after investors ordered about 17 times the stock on offer during its US$9.73 billion initial public offering, according to the Bloomberg. The shares were up 11 percent to HK$3.275 (39.70 US cents) at 10:24am in Hong Kong, compared with the IPO price of HK$2.95. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ttp://today.reuters.com/investing/financeArticle.aspx?type=hotStocksNews&storyID=2006-06-01T091941Z_01_HKG161512_RTRUKOC_0_US-FINANCIAL-CHINA-BOC.xml Bank of China shares rise after mega IPO Thu Jun 1, 2006 5:19 AM ET
HONG KONG (Reuters) - Shares in Bank of China (3988.HK: Quote, Profile, Research), which raised US$9.7 billion in the world's largest initial public offering in six years, rose a better-than-expected 15 percent in their trading debut on Thursday as investors shrugged off jittery markets. 中国銀行株は香港市場で、木曜日の取引開始となり、期待以上の15%の値上がりとなった。
May 31 (Bloomberg) -- China's central bank said it will start withdrawing from the country's currency market, allowing investors a greater role in setting exchange rates. 中国の中央銀行は外貨市場から徐々に手を引き民間投資家に相場形成を任せるとした。
``The frequency and strength of the central bank's open market currency operations will gradually weaken and be phased out,'' the bank said in its quarterly monetary policy report. クオータリーのマネタリ政策文書の中で、中国人民銀行は「中央銀行の公開通貨市場操作の 頻度と強度は、今後徐々に弱められて、将来フェーズアウトする」とした。
The Chinese yuan today had its biggest gain in six weeks, paring a loss for the month that was the first since the country July 21 ended a decade-old peg to the dollar. The U.S. Treasury, wary of protectionist calls in Congress, stopped short in May of labeling China a currency manipulator in a twice yearly report. 今日、中国元は6週間で最高の値となった。アメリカの財務省は議会の保護主義者を憂慮して 其の報告書で中国を為替操作国と規定することを控えていた。
``The rate of yuan appreciation is likely to pick up in 2006,'' said Duncan Innes-Ker at the Economist Intelligence Unit in London. ``It makes a lot of sense to allow the currency to rise and encourage more reliance on the domestic market.'' ロンドンのエコノミスト誌EIU部署のDuncan Innes-Kerは「元のレートは2006年を通じて高 いものになりそうだ」という。「中国が元を高くして国内経済によって成長を高めるなら意味 のある事だ」と述べた。
``China is trying to cool its economy down as the momentum of growth has been very strong, and allowing the currency to gain is part of that,'' Marcus Hettinger, a currency strategist at Credit Suisse Group, said in Zurich. ``More flexibility of the yuan is good for Asian currencies, especially the yen.'' クレディ・スイスの通過ストラテジスト、Marcus Hettingerは「中国は成長率が高すぎる経済の 冷却化の為に通貨の上昇を対処法のひとつにしている」という「元のフレクシビリティが高まる のはアジア通貨にとって良いことで、特に円にとって良いことだ」
``The central bank meant that in the long run, when supply and demand in the currency market reaches an equilibrium, then it doesn't have to step in to buy or sell,'' said Wang, a currency strategist. ``It may not be achieved anytime soon.'' 香港のバンクオブアメリカ、通貨ストラテジストのWangは「中国中央銀行の言っていることは長 期的には需要と供給が通貨レートを決めるという事で、それは直ぐに達成できるという事ではない」 (後略)
A veteran who lost both arms in the war in Iraq is suing filmmaker Michael Moore for $85 million, alleging that Moore used snippets of a television interview without his permission to falsely portray him as anti-war in "Fahrenheit 9/11." 無断でNBCとのインタビューの映像を映画で使い、イラク批判を行なっているように 見せかけた事に対して、イラクで両腕を失った元アメリカ兵がMichael Moore氏を 提訴した。
“I understand that when people see the very slow results [of our discussions], they are a bit discouraged,” he said in an interview with the Financial Times. “But that is wrong. If you look very closely, in fact there are some results gradually coming. So you need more patience and determination . . . Results will definitely come.”
As to what this might mean for China's future, Wolf offers four possible scenarios: 1) Smooth progression: economic reforms and growth initiate political reform and the emergence of a democratic society. 2) Cash cow communism: a strong market economy develops under a reforming, yet still autocratic, communist regime. 3) Death of potential: reform hits a road block, the economy stumbles and repression intensifies. 4) Anarchy and liberty: a political crisis topples the government with democracy eventually emerging from the rubble.
この評論は私が会った中国人学者の言葉を思い出させる「中国共産党は依然として地方でも中央 でも権力の中心だ。中国はこうした強力な共産党が近代化を指導することが必要だ。それは中国 人民の願いでもある」「アメリカ人は彼らのモデルが最良と思っているかもしれないが全ての国 には固有の事情があり中国がアメリカのシステムをコピーしても、それを完全には真似できない だろう。中国は自己の価値観に基づいて、自己のシステムを選択するしかない」 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー FTのマーチンウルフの評論は Martin Wolf: China's autocracy of bureaucrats By Martin Wolf ttp://news.ft.com/cms/s/98afcbea-f002-11da-b80e-0000779e2340.html
In mid May, the price of rice in North Pyongan province was 1,300 won ($0.43) a 1kg. Compared to the price in May 2005, it rose 500 won ($0.17). In Jangmadang, there is a rumor that rice will rise to 2,000 won ($0.67), so it seems that it’s just a matter of time before rice becomes more expensive. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー このブログでも参照している、難民からの口コミ情報が豊富なブログ、ディリーNK ttp://www.dailynk.com/english/index.php
/PanARMENIAN.Net/ ≪The elemental rally of South Azerbaijanis next to the Iranian Parliament building on May 28 was suppressed with special cruelty. Iranian authorities used ≪Yegani Bizhe≫ special punitive guard, which opened fire to suppress manifestations of Azerbaijanis,≫ says a statement of the Committee for Protection of Rights of South Azerbaijan. The message says that during mass protest in Iran 50 Azeris were killed, 600 were wounded, over 1000 are arrested. テヘランで行なわれたAzeri少数民族の抗議行動が特別機動隊と衝突し死者50人、負傷者600人 逮捕者千人以上を出した。南アゼルバイジャン権利擁護委員会が声明でこれを発表した。
≪Iranian authorities used force against peaceful rally participants in Tabriz, Teheran, Urmia, Parsabad, Meshkina, Sulduz. The rally of Azeris scheduled in Tabriz May 28 was drowned in blood. In spite of all this, this wave of national awakening of Azerbaijanis will be included in the history of Azerbaijan,≫ says the statement, reports Day.az. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー この記事と同じ内容の報道(50人死亡)は他のメディアに見当たらないけれど、衝突のあったこと や逮捕者が300人という記事が↓にある ttp://www.azernews.net/view.php?d=8363 Iranian envoy says ethnic Azeri protests 'justified'
The U.S. faces serious challenges from China. Our two nations have different approaches to territory and sovereignty, which requires that the United States hedge its bets and maintain a strong military.
China Life, the country's biggest life insurer, and Taikang Life have won approval from the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE) to invest overseas, an insider has disclosed.
However, if the quota is too low, insurance companies will not want to bother investing, Hao explained. "I estimate that the quota will range from 10 per cent to 20 per cent of insurers' assets," he added.
Chinese insurers, which have more than quadrupled their assets in the past five years to 1.6 trillion yuan (US$200 billion), have long been hampered by a lack of investment opportunities at home.
Production notes for the CCTV series, which is tentatively scheduled to air in 2007, are said to provide a revealing glimpse of how certain government officials see the US--namely, as a dying hegemon. The Chinese view is that a number of factors, including "structural" economic problems and imperial overstretch, are combining to end US global supremacy.
For example, the producers plan to devote at least one episode to the US immigration crisis and attempt to draw historical parallels between a commonly perceived cause of the fall of ancient Rome--unchecked immigration and invasions--and the flood of illegal immigrants pouring into the United States from Mexico and Latin America.
The segments on US military power are likely to play up the hoary Mao-era "paper tiger" propaganda line, but with much more finesse than the above-mentioned anti-American videos. Highlighting mistakes made by the Pentagon in Afghanistan and Iraq, the production is expected to make the point that despite its awesome destructive power and global reach, the US military is increasingly overextended and incapable of swift, decisive action around the world. Besides, the documentary is expected to argue, the Iraq experience shows that the American people have lost their taste for foreign intervention and prolonged overseas conflict. ttp://chinaconfidential.blogspot.com/2006/05/cctv-planning-documentary-on-fall-of.html
That's an example of a new and increasingly powerful grassroots phenomenon in China, online activists using the Internet as a force for exposing human-rights abuses. I have personal experience of this since, despite the constant threat of persecution and being watched over by police, I can use email and the Internet to have articles such as this published overseas.
Hopefully the Internet can play a similar role in publicizing the payout to Zhou's family and putting pressure on the government to finally resolve the June 4 issue. Now would be an opportune moment to do so. Most of the senior leaders who orchestrated the killings have either died or are out of power. None of the current senior leaders has any connections with the massacre. Even former Premier Li Peng, one of the perpetrators of Tiananmen massacre, has been repeatedly reported to be writing a book, in an attempt to clear his name.
Berlin has rejected Chinese demands that it provide state funding and access to sensitive technology in exchange for the right to build a $4.3bn (?3.34bn, £2.28bn) magnetic levitation train link between Shanghai and Hangzhou.
Berlin officials told the FT they had refused to bow to Chinese pressure to strike an agreement on the maglev track ahead of Ms Merkel’s maiden visit to the country as chancellor last month.
Beijing has been in talks for years with Transrapid International, a joint venture between Siemens and ThyssenKrupp, over building the world’s second commercial high-speed maglev track.
The official also dismissed suggestions in the Chinese media last week that the German side had agreed to transfer “core aspects” of the maglev technology to China to secure the contract.
Many foreign businesses in China willingly transfer technology to local partners. They are also subject to “local content” rules, which dictate what share of a product sold in China should be made in China.
German lobbyists, however, have complained lately about “forced technology transfers” aggressive attempts by Chinese companies, with or without political support, to acquire foreign technology.
A spokesman for Transrapid International declined to comment on the Shanghai-Hangzhou line, saying “talks are ongoing, including over local content and technology.”
"There are some efforts and systems that leave us out, and we obviously favor institutions that are inclusive rather than exclusive," said a senior Pentagon official, speaking on condition of anonymity. "The Russians and Chinese seem to be putting pressure on these guys, and that's something we're concerned about," the official said, referring to Kyrgyzstan and other Central Asian states where the U.S. military has bases or access to facilities.
Pentagon spokesman Eric Ruff said Rumsfeld's third appearance at the Shangri-La forum underscored the strategic importance of Asia and close U.S. bilateral ties with countries ranging from Australia to Vietnam. The aide said Rumsfeld's message to Asian counterparts would be: "While we're busy in the Middle East, we have not forgotten that there are other strategically important things going on."
As the pendulum of political power in Korea swings back and forth, the United States should be mindful that the ensuing cacophony of clashing opinions and public debate is actually is in fact a positive result of a virtuous development on the Southern half of the peninsula: a maturing democracy. Washington’s challenge will be to find a way to work together with both sides of the political spectrum to encourage responsible outcomes that serve the mutual interests of both countries. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ヘリテージの研究員の中でも、恐らく最大のDQNと思われるバルビーナ女史(韓国人)なので 読む前から予想がつくのだけれど、予想通り駄目駄目な評論になっている。全くお話にならない ので、笑うしかない。
This week’s dispute between Jon Chait and innumerable bloggers about his Los Angeles Times column on Joe Lieberman and Ned Lamont is just one in a growing number of conflicts between members of the mainstream media and the liberal blogosphere over their characterization of the new Internet Powers That Be. There have now been enough of these blog wars that it's possible to draw some conclusions about their dynamics, as well as how they have tended to get started and who they have tended to involve. ・・・ ・・・ Though the blog wars are often portrayed as fights between the left and the center-left, they’re actually much less about politics and more about the stance that writers takes toward the world. Blog wars are conflicts between reporter-pundits and activist-pundits, and between mediated representations and self-representation. The central question at stake in every blog war is: Whose side are you on, buddy? That’s true even in the case of the flap over net neutrality involving Mike McCurry, who is not a journalist of any kind. In that instance, the self-representing bloggers pitted themselves against him and his mediating role of client advocate. ・・・ ・・・ Here’s some advice for how to avoid blog wars(そういう無意味な戦争を避ける方法) 1. Don't take it to Round 2. (議論を蒸し返すな) 2. To the extent possible, take your dispute offline as much as you can. (オフラインで話すことを考慮すべき) 3. More reporting can solve lots of problems, both before and after the fact. (より多くの事実や情報を集め整理することが議論に役立つ) 4. Create a new e-mail address for trusted users. (分析的建設的議論の為電子メール参加の検討を) 5. Most importantly, remember that you’re the messenger. Sometimes you’re going to get shot. (メッセンジャーは銃殺されることがあることを心得よ)
【大紀元日本6月2日】スイス・ローザンヌの大手ビジネススクール「国際経営開発研究所」(International Institute for Management Development、以下、IMD)はこのほど、今年の 「国際競争力年度報告」を発表した。経済面において、香港は米国に次いで、世界2位を占めた。 2位以下はシンガポール、アイスランド、デンマークおよびオーストラリアの順となっている。
ttp://www.dailynk.com/english/read.php?cataId=nk01500&num=776 [Special Report] “Kim Jong Il, Partially Allowed to Watch Chinese CD Films” “Intensively Cracking down South Korea Dramas, Religious and Adult Materials” By Kim Young Jin, Yanji of China [ 2006-06-02 17:32 ]
QUESTION: Has the United States found out from the Japanese why they are much against the moves to bring the Myanmar issue further into the UN Security Council? 国連安保理のビルマ制裁決議に日本が反対していることについて?
MR. CASEY: Well, I'm not aware that we've had any specific conversations with the Japanese on it. As you know, we put out a statement indicating that we intend to move forward with a UN Security Council resolution on Burma, largely to express our continued concern about the ongoing situation in that country, including the continued and now extended detention of Aung San Suu Kyi, as well as other political prisoners and also the lack of a real open and transparent political process that involves all the people in the country.
We're working right now in New York on putting together the basics of that resolution. We're in the early stages of conversation on that. I would expect that it would be introduced or at least circulated preliminarily sometime in the days ahead. But until again, sort of like with the package on Iran, I think what we need to do is see a general text circulated and then really look to what people's reactions are. I'm not -- certainly don't think it's ever useful with the UN to predict how people may or may not respond to something they haven't yet seen. 日本側とどういう会談をしているのか承知していない。決議にむけた各国との話し合いの初期段階 にある。
QUESTION: Are you not concerned that the Japanese whom the United States is pushing very hard for a permanent seat in the Security Council, coming out openly to say that they are against this move by the U.S.? こういう状況では日本を国連安保理の常任理事国に、アメリカが後押しすることは難しくなるので はないか?
MR. CASEY: Well, again, I think we will continue our consultations with them, with other allies that are out there. We believe it's appropriate to have a UN resolution on Burma. We believe the situation there warrants action by the Security Council, certainly an expression of concern and the desire to see the Burmese Government do the right thing, release political prisoners and move forward with a national reconciliation process and political process that would ultimately make a move towards democracy. But we'll be discussing this with the Japanese, with other people as well. But again, we believe this is the right thing to do. アメリカはビルマ制裁決議についてコンサルテーションを続けていて、日本側とも話を続けている。 アメリカはビルマ民主化の為に制裁決議が必要と考えている。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー どう見ても、ビルマ(ミャンマー)擁護で、世界中に日本外交の不安定さを宣伝しているような ものに見えるけど。
このパフォーマンスは、在米韓国人2世を中心に8000人余りが参加する米エール大の北朝鮮人権団 体「LiNK(Liberty in North Korea)」の会員らが計画したものだ。LiNKのメンバーらは2週間前 に韓国を訪れ、毎日のように市庁広場、仁寺洞などの道端で同様のパフォーマンスを行った。 (中略) 自費で航空券を購入し、学業や生業まで犠牲にして韓国を訪れたLiNKのメンバーらにとって、韓国 人の無表情は不条理で、奇異に感じられたことだろう。これは本当に恥ずかしいことだ。 (後略) ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 社説でLiNKの抗議行動に触れている割には、日本語記事のなかに、その抗議を扱ったものが見当た らないような。英語記事を探すと6月1日の記事に写真つきの大きなものがあって: ttp://english.chosun.com/w21data/html/news/200606/200606010019.html <朝鮮日報、英語版、Updated Jun.1,2006 20:21 KST>
Seoul Streets Ignore N.Korea Rights Protest (写真あり)
Wednesday, 11 a.m. While Korea is in the throes of World Cup and election day fever, some 40 people in their 20s dressed in black T-shirts gather in front of the Kyobo building in Gwangwhamun, Seoul. A few foreigners mixed in add a dash of blond hair to the bunch. A speech in English: “How many people have to die before you show interest?
The starving children in North Korea don't care about politics. Please, show some interest in the state of human rights in North Korea.” After chanting slogans, the young people lie down on the pavement like dead bodies. Only then does the performance designed to draw attention to the plight of North Koreans attract any interest from protest-weary passersby.
LiNK: Liberty in North Korea, a U.S.-based civic group working to promote human rights in North Korea, stages a performance to raise awareness of North Korean human rights abuses, in Gwanghwamun, Seoul on Wednesday.(後略) ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー この運動の主体はコリアン・アメリカン(韓国系米国人)のようなのだけれど、記事に拠ればソウ ルでは全く国民の関心を引いていないとある。朝鮮日報も、ろくに報道しては来なかったような気 もする。日本国内のくだらない抗議行動を詳細に伝える割にはずいぶんなやり方とも思えるけれど こういう韓国人の心理的内面を考えてみるとちょっと興味深いものが。北朝鮮の人権侵害問題とい うのは身内の恥のような捉え方なのかすらん(?)メディアの建前論とは別に、本音のところでは あまり重大視していないように思えて、理解・分析が難しい。
Despite this denial of information control, it is common knowledge within the country that the government frequently blocks access to websites which provide information that runs counter to the official communist party line. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ロシアの通信社、インターファクスさえ呆れる中国政府の「インターネット検閲はしていない」 発言。今年の名台詞ベスト10に入りそうな。
"All of a sudden, there was an opportunity for someone like Mr. Murakami or other activist shareholders to amass meaningful stakes," said Marc Goldstein, director of Japan research at proxy adviser Institutional Shareholder Services. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー WSJの村上報道。評論的な部分は少なく、事実経過を書いている記事なのだけれど、 外人アナリストのコメントを入れていて、日本経済が再活性化に向かう分水嶺のような 時期なので、日本の資本主義の変質に伴ってこういう事件も起こるのだ、といったトーン を漂わせるもの。
June 3 (Bloomberg) -- The U.S. will ``wait a while'' for Iran to respond to incentives to abandon any nuclear weapons development, said U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, declining to specify what repercussions might follow. イランが国際社会の提案したインセンティブと引き換えに核開発を断念するとの件にどう反応する か「様子を見る必要がある」とラムズフェルド長官が語った
``Why don't we wait a while and see what happens,'' Rumsfeld said in an interview after giving a speech in Singapore today. Asked what action the U.S. is considering if Iran fails to respond, Rumsfeld said U.S. President George W. Bush had made his plans ``clear'' to Iran. ``I don't see any reason to speculate,'' he added. 「暫く様子を見てみる必要があるだろう」とシンガポールの記者会見で、アメリカのイランに対す る行動について聞かれた質問に答えたもの。長官はブッシュ大統領がイランに対する「明確な」 考えを持っていると述べた。
Iran must respond ``within weeks'' to an international offer of incentives to abandon any nuclear weapons development, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said yesterday. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has said his nation stands firm in seeking nuclear energy. 昨日、ライス国務長官はイランは国際社会に対して数週間以内に回答すべきとした。
``They can stop the enrichment activity for `technical' reasons, which they may need to do anyway,'' said Mark Fitzpatrick, senior fellow for non-proliferation at the London- based International Institute for Strategic Studies. ``Then it will be up to the U.S. if that is a good enough basis on which to hold multilateral talks.'' ロンドンのシンクタンクIISのMark Fitzpatrickは「イランはウラン濃縮を『技術的理由』で 中止することも出来る。いずれ、そうせざるを得ないだろう」と述べた。「そうなれば、判断は アメリカに任され、多国籍の協議が始まることになるかもしれない」
``Iran will consider the offer within the necessary time and will announce its views,'' Mottaki was cited as saying by IRNA. モッタキ外相は「イランは適切な期間内に検討して、その結果を発表する」と述べたとIRNA が報じている。(後略)
RI asks Myanmar to release Suu Kyi インドネシア外相、スーチーさん釈放を要求
INDONESIA: Foreign minister Hassan Wirayuda said Friday that serious human rights violations are an international issue, and called on Myanmar to release pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi, whose house arrest was extended last week. "Obviously, no country can claim that gross human rights violations are its own internal affair. Such an excuse is hard to accept," he told reporters. (ジャカルタポスト) ttp://www.thejakartapost.com/detailnational.asp?fileid=20060603.I03&irec=7
Executives and owners of the Israeli firm, including E.M.I.T.’s founder and managing director, were detained May 22 for extensive questioning by police investigators on suspicion of falsifying documents and tampering with evidence associated with a late 2005 transfer of Sparrow-N UAVs. According to sources here, months of undercover investigation has bolstered initial suspicions that the firm sought to circumvent Ministry of Defense (MoD) restrictions governing Israeli exports to China by transferring the UAVs to a less-scrutinized Southeast Asian country.
>>250 ttp://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?c=JPArticle&cid=1148287839566&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull (イエルサレムポスト、5月22日) This is not the first time that an Israeli company has run into legal and diplomatic problems over UAV sales to China. In 1994 IAI sold China Harpy drones, a killer UAV that hovers over enemy anti-missile batteries and radar systems and then destroys them by diving into them. The scandal surrounding that sale still plagues US-Israel relations, especially in the field of military technology cooperation.
He noted that 70 to 80 nations are cooperating to win the global war on terrorism and that some 60 nations have joined President Bush's Proliferation Security Initiative. "Small, exclusive groups tend not to be able to effectively do the job," Rumsfeld said.
He questioned why China and Russia would back Iran's bid for inclusion in the Shanghai Cooperation Initiative, which claims to be dedicated to defeating terrorism. "It strikes me as passing strange that one would want to bring into an organization that says it's against terrorism one of the nations that's a leading terrorist nation in the world -- Iran," Rumsfeld said.
Their victory means the Czechs will be the second ex-communist EU nation after Poland to turn mildly eurosceptic since the bloc's eastward enlargement. ポーランドについで前共産党政権であったEU加盟国が、穏健な欧州統合批判派に転じたことになる
The Civic Democrats argue that without reforms, the country will fail to bring the budget deficit down to levels required for euro zone entry when it may be desirable. 市民民主党は改革がなければ財政赤字を改善できず、ユーロ・ゾーン条件を満たせないと訴えていた
<ハーパー・カナダ首相の特別声明> "This morning, Canadians awoke to the news that our law enforcement and national security agencies have arrested 17 individuals for terrorism related offences. "These individuals were allegedly intent on committing acts of terrorism against their own country and their own people. "As we have said on many occasions, Canada is not immune to the threat of terrorism. Through the work and co-operation of the RCMP, CSIS, local law enforcement and Toronto's Integrated National Security Enforcement Team (INSET), acts of violence by extremist groups may have been prevented. "Today, Canada's security and intelligence measures worked. Canada's new government will pursue its efforts to ensure the national security of all Canadians." ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ttp://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20060603.wwarrants0603_3/BNStory/National/home SASHA NAGY Globe and Mail Update and Canadian Press Massive terror attack averted: RCMP
"That's enough for a really, really big truck bomb. Probably two or three of them," said Mr. Thomson. "So when the police said they weren't focussed on the subway I believe them ? you really can't use a truck bomb on a subway station. But if you're trying to collapse a building, a truck bomb is perfect for it," he said.
A second official said there had been extensive contact between American and Canadian authorities in the last several days, and that the Canadians had given the Americans advance warning of the arrests. Though there appeared to have been no direct threat inside the United States, the proximity of the potential terrorists to the American border "really got everybody's attention," the official said. Both American officials were granted granted anonymity because they were speaking about a continuing investigation.
ttp://counterterrorismblog.org/2006/06/growing_islamist_terror_threat.php Still, for many Canadians, the threat of Jihad is a distant concern. As former RCMP jihadism expert Tom Quiggin has stated: "A clear sense of denial exists in Canada about the degree to which terrorism activity occurs. Political correctness is wielded as a weapon against anyone who dares to speak out. Yet some of the world's most infamous terrorists have operated in Canada almost unhindered for years." June 3, 2006 09:53 AM Growing Islamist Terror Threat in Canada By Jeffrey Imm
ttp://www.yourish.com/2006/06/03/1369 Yourish is fed up with at least one ancient conversation: “Do you think it’s time we stopped discussing root causes? Because the last time I checked, Canada was an obnoxiously multiculti, socialist-oriented nation replete with national healthcare and hate speech laws.”
ttp://www.black-iris.com/?p=808 Nas, a Canadian/Jordanian blogger @ The Black Iris is befuddled: “Why they would want to attack Toronto or Canada for that matter? I have no clue…. It would’ve made more sense to say they were smuggling weapons into the U.S.” (カナダ人のブロガー)なんで彼らはカナダでテロをやろうとするのだ? アメリカでやるほうが 意味があるだろうに?
The Iranian authorities brought 20 thousand guards and police forces to Tabriz to disperse the protesters. The South Azerbaijan National Revival Movement (SANRM) Baku bureau spokesman Aghri Garadaghli told APA that there are about ten thousands of protesters in Tabriz. Bloody clashes started between the forces and demonstrators accompanied by firing gun. It is not ruled out that special provokers among the protesters fired gun.
Garadaghli also said that Iranian low enforcement bodies are using torture on the detained Azerbaijani demonstrators making them say that the US and other Western states are behind these protests. Four protesters died of severe torture in the past two days.
There was an armed clash between the Iranian military forces and the demonstrators during the protest action in Miyane city. There is no exact information about number of the killed and injured. According to the latest reports, law enforcement bodies arrested 1,700 Azerbaijani protesters in Tabriz, 1,500 in Ardabil and 1,000 in Tehran. The SANRM reports that demonstrators Ms. Hajar Sultani and Sirus Huseyninijad underwent severe torture and they are in bad health now. However, they have not been hospitalized yet.
ttp://counterterrorismblog.org/ June 03, 2006 From London to Toronto: Dismantling Cells, dodging their ideology By Walid Phares Paris and London, June 3, 2006
過去9ヶ月に渡って、オサマやザワヒリがスピーチを公開し、また戦略家のAbu Mus’ab al Suri の西欧攻撃に対する考え方が示されて、アルカイダの現在の活動の計画が見えてきている。
Located on the shores of Lake Ontario just east of Toronto and nestled in the community of Pickering, is one of the world’s largest nuclear generating facilities consisting of the Pickering A and Pickering B Nuclear Generating Stations. Each station has four CANDU (CANadian Deuterium Uranium) reactor units and together they have a total output of 4,120 megawatts (MW), enough to serve a city of two million people.
I'll always be a contender Yes, I know my bones are very tender And by Allah you won't see me surrender Look at my eyes? You'll see no butterflies My home is filled with cries... due to all the lost lives But I swear by Allah I'll never compromise I'll still throw the stones even with my broken bones Why can't I hear from you, don't you have any phones? Ya I forgot, your not on the chase, try it out and put your self in my place Soon I'll return to my lord , the one that deserves every grace Oh you don't have to worry cause of me you'll find no trace It really is to late, why did you wait? You could have sent me at least one dinner plate I guess it is my fate And La Ilaha Illa Allah is my mate.
MILITARY training for unruly French teenagers. Boot camp for their parents. A heavy hand and zero tolerance. The latest rhetoric from the French far right? No, these ideas are coming from the top Socialist contender for next year's presidential race, Segolene Royal.
"We've already got one Sarkozy, we don't need two," sniped Ms Royal's rival Socialist candidate, Dominique Strauss-Kahn.
"I am not placing myself in Nicolas Sarkozy's territory, I'm putting myself in the territory of people who are suffering," said Ms Royal. She added: "Being Socialist is first and foremost responding to the problems of people who are suffering. "Where are the principal areas of suffering today? Unemployment and insecurity and violence. And often they are linked."
Mr Sarkozy said he was "very happy" to learn that Ms Royal supported his actions on law and order and that her only criticism was that he was "not yet firm enough". Adding that he was sorry "that she had not voted for any of [his] texts," he warned Ms Royal against "her tendency to be too authoritarian". He said: "I am sometimes a bit surprised by her propositions. If the future of young people is to be taken in hand by the army, why not? But I don't think so. "If she thinks that the solution to problems is to put forward such incompetent suggestions, that's her choice."
"If you make any mistake (and invade Iran), definitely shipment of energy from this region will be seriously jeopardized. You have to know this," Khamenei said in a speech broadcast live on state-run radio.
"You will never be able to protect energy supply in this region. You will not be able to do it," he said, addressing the West.
"That a country has no right to achieve proficiency in nuclear technology means it has to beg a few Western and European countries for energy in the next 20 years," he said. "Which honest leader is ready to accept this?"
Khamenei said Iran was not a threat to any country and called accusations that Tehran was seeking nuclear weapons "wrong, a sheer lie."
"We have not threatened any neighbor," he said.
The Islamic republic's supreme leader said that the production and maintenance of an atomic bomb would "impose a lot of irrelevant costs," and that a state like Iran did not need such a weapon.
"Unlike the U.S., we have no claim to dominate the world," he added.
ttp://www.canada.com/nationalpost/news/story.html?id=de3f8e90-982a-47af-8e5e-a1366fd5d6cc&k=46849 (カナダ、ナショナル・ポスト) The Toronto busts are linked to arrests that began last August at a Canadian border post near Niagara Falls and continued in October in Sarajevo, London and Scandinavia, and earlier this year in New York and Georgia. トロントでのテロリストのグループの捜索は昨年8月のカナダ国境、ナイアガラの滝での検挙 や10月のサラエボ、ロンドン、スカンジナビア、そして今年当初のニューヨークやジョージア 州での検挙に関連している。
The FBI confirmed Saturday the arrests were related to the recent indictments in the U.S. of Ehsanul Sadequee and Syed Ahmed, who are accused of meeting with extremists in Toronto last March to discuss terrorist training and plots. 土曜日にFBIはアメリカでのEhsanul Sadequee と Syed Ahmedの起訴(昨年3月トロントで テロリストとの訓練計画などの共謀)と今回の検挙が関連していることを確認した。
The intricate web of connections between Toronto, London, Atlanta, Sarajevo, Dhaka, and elsewhere illustrates the challenge confronting counter-terrorism investigators almost five years after 9/11. こうした事実はトロント、ロンドン、アトランタ、サラエボ、ダッカ、そのほかのテロリスト の地方組織がネットワークになっていることを示しており911から5年の今、カウンターテロリ ズムの捜査活動への挑戦となっていることを浮き彫りにする。
Question: what's the most important news story of the past week? Haditha, Haditha, Haditha, Haditha, Canada, Britain. Ooops. ・・・・ ・・・・ From a purely academic point of view future historians will find this period an interesting example of how manipulated perceptions struggled obstinately with suppressed reality for the center stage of the policy debate. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ベルモントクラブは、カナダの大規模テロ未遂事件を過小評価しているメインストリーム・メディア が後世に呆れられることだろうと書いている。アルカイダの進めている世界的なテロのネットワーク との戦いを、メインストリーム・メディアは政治的党派根性から過小評価しているけれど、それは歴 史的な視野から見てナンセンスだと。
The plane's body hit bamboo forest and its tail fell in fields, he said. The witness, named only as Tang, said he personally had seen two bodies before the area was cordoned off. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ttp://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/PEK202682.htm Chinese military plane crashes in east China ロイター 04 Jun 2006 10:17:40 GMT Source: Reuters
Local officials and state media did not confirm the deaths. Military officials could not be reached for comment. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ttp://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/328494AB-B7B8-4F9A-AC04-E83C18E2C710.htm 40 feared dead in China air crash アルジャジーラ Sunday 04 June 2006, 15:00 Makka Time, 12:00 GMT
Over the years, local authorities have been regularly demolishing temples saying the structures were built illegally. Most were small wayside shrines. ここ数年来地方政府がヒンズー寺院を違法建築として取り壊しているが、殆どが小規模なもの。
However, in recent years, several large 100-year-old temples, built during the British colonial era, were demolished not just because they stood in the way of development but simply because they were classified as "illegal structures." しかし、最近幾つかの植民地時代からの100年を超える歴史のある寺院も違法建築として破壊さ れている。
"Nine temples have been torn down in the last three months," he said blaming overzealous Muslim officials for the destruction. "We are worried Hindus will turn violent," he told IPS. 過去3ヶ月に9件のヒンズー寺院が破壊された。ヒンズー住民の暴動なども懸念される。
Garcia had 52.8 percent of the vote, compared to 47.2 percent for ex-army nationalist Ollanta Humala, according to an exit poll released by respected firm Apoyo. A Datum exit poll gave Garcia 54.9 percent versus 45.1 percent for Humala. 出口調査で5〜10%の差でガルシア有利
Humala's campaign has also been hurt by the vocal support he has received from Chavez, who is generally unpopular in Peru, a country that has good relations with the United States and has a significant migrant population there. ベネズエラのチェヴェスのウマラ候補支持が不利に働いたと見られる
Rutgers University Professor Judith Apter Klinghoffer claims that major newspapers are systematically playing down unrest in Iran. She says, "Do me a favor try to find MSM information about the ongoing unrest in Iran. You will fail. There is no dearth of articles on Iran but they do not include any mention of the ongoing unrest there.
Nor is the answer to this problem simply adding more conservative media outlets to "balance" things out. There's no reason to think that honesty is an attribute of a particular political orientation. Two versions of a story don't necessarily mean that either one is true. What's needed is a way to reform our organs of sight and escape from a world where practically every terrorist attack is prefaced with a denial that a particular community is a threat; or that taxes can be cut and spending upped without consequences. What's needed is some way out of the maze of lies, not to get at the liars, because liars never pay the price, but to get away from the lie.
BTW, is it really true there is no unrest in Iran? ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ベルモントクラブは、この問題はメディアのリベラルや保守のバイアス傾向とは別の種類の問題で 認識能力の欠如なのだという。リベラル・メディアが誤っているとしても保守メディアが正しいと は限らない。両者の意見や報道が対立的でも、両方とも謝っていることもあり得る。
WITT: What do your sources tell you, Steve? Any kind of a similar scenario, similar plots like this being hatched in the United States or have they been?
EMERSON: I think that the public will be surprised by some of the other indictments that may be issued later this year or early next year. There are various Al Qaeda cases being worked on by the U.S. government- the F.B.I., Department of Justice, Treasury- and these cases have still not been made public, and some of them involve plots against American targets. June 4, 2006 09:56 PM
<Slateに書いている、ミッキー・カウスのメディア評論から、アルゴアとイラク撤退> ttp://www.slate.com/id/2142693/ Al Disappoints Arianna By Mickey Kaus Updated Monday, June 5, 2006, at 7:03 AM ET
Gore Pulls Out ... of Kosistan: The striking thing about Al Gore's appearance on ABC's "This Week" program Sunday was that he did not call for any sort of deadline-driven withdrawal from Iraq. Quite the opposite--he was careful to emphasize the potential of a pullout to make the situation worse. From ABC:
Gore might have said this because he didn't want to make news that would distract from his global warming pitch; he might have said it because he's willing to cede John Kerry the left in any presidential primary Iraq debate. But the most likely reason he said it is because he actually believes it, which will be highly disappointing to pro-withdrawal Democrats who have been pushing a Gore candidacy out of frustration with Hillary's pro-war stands. Turns out he's just another 'now-that-we're-there' Democrat. Sorry, Arianna! ... P.S.: Gore's caution is in keeping with too-easily-overlooked new doubts about a pullout on the left, including those in this In These Times article. ... 2:50 A.M. link
June 5, 2006: Another example of how serious China is about creating world class armed forces, is their establishing a "Top Gun" school. That means some of their Su-27 aircraft would have their pilots trained to use fly and fight like F-16's (in particular, Taiwanese F-16s).
RAF LAKENHEATH, England ? Widespread computer problems brought work to a crawl across the 48th Fighter Wing on Thursday and Friday, but base officials declined to reveal the cause. “There’s a problem with the system. That’s all we are willing to say about it,” said Tech Sgt. Renee Kirkland, the noncommissioned officer in charge of the 48th Public Affairs office.
U.S. Air Forces in Europe spokesman Wolfgang Hofmann said the problem had not spread to other bases. 米国空軍の欧州担当広報官、Wolfgang Hofmannは問題は他の基地には及んでいないと述べている
Kirkland said there is an investigation under way to determine how the problem began, but would not say if a criminal investigation was opened or whether there was any type of security breach involved in the computer difficulties.
Who’s responsible for that? The Lourdes Flores voters who maturely held their noses and had the grace to vote for Alan Garcia, the lesser evil. They knew they didn’t like him but they didn’t run away. They voted because voting is a democratic act. So much for the media canards that Peruvians don’t care about democracy. The Flores voters who put Garcia over the top shows they very much do. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ttp://www.beautifulhorizons.net/weblog/2006/06/garcia_appears_.html Garcia Appears to Have Won ビューティフルホライゾン・ブログ
For the sake of Peru and its citizens, I truly hope that Garcia is telling the truth when he says he's learned from his past. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ttp://thomasgalvin.blogspot.com/2006/06/peru-rebukes-hugo-chavez-alan-garcia.html Monday, June 05, 2006 ガルビンオピニオン・ブログ PERU REBUKES HUGO CHAVEZ: ALAN GARCIA ELECTED PRESIDENT IN LANDSLIDE
What happened to the so-called Latin American leftward shif that the mainstream media was touting?
Stephen Roach, chief economist at Morgan Stanley -- and a world leader on grim specters says in a Monday note that he agrees with half of that outlook -- the "stag" part. Mr. Roach thinks the global economy just went through a surge that isn't likely to see again for another few years. Morgan Stanley estimates that world gross domestic product grew at a rate of 5% in the first quarter this year, but expects that to slow to a 4.3% rate for the remaining three quarters of 2006. In 2007, it will wind down to a 3.8% annual rate.
Core inflation readings over the past three to six months have "reached a level that, if sustained, would be at or above the upper end of the range that many economists, including myself, would consider consistent with price stability and the promotion of maximum long-run growth," Mr. Bernanke said. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー コア・インフレ率が価格安定性の許容上限を超えていると発言、次回FRBの利上げ示唆と受け止 められて、是も株価の下落材料。
International Business Machines Corp. said Tuesday it would triple its investments in India to $6 billion during the next three years, as the South Asian country becomes a cornerstone in the global network of the world's largest computer-services company.
Governments that produce hyperinflation and unchecked terrorism have a way of ending political careers. So how then to explain the victory in Sunday's Peruvian presidential elections of Alan Garcia, whose 1985-1990 term included all that and more?
The answer is that Mr. Garcia's opponent was Ollanta Humala, a protege of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. By electing Mr. Garcia, Peruvian voters sent a message that they don't want to follow Venezuela over the cliff. The same concerns have been evident in Brazil, Chile and Uruguay for some time, as left-of-center leaders have refused to join Hugo in his attempt to isolate the region
There was already a precedent of a terror attack against a French nuclear facility. It happened back in 1982 when a group linked to Carlos the Jackal shot rockets against a central being built.
Even though French facilities are well protected against a jetliner attack, specialists are more worried and more vulnerable to an attack originated by a flying ultra light motorized vehicle. Interestingly, European services have known about the repeated purchases of these vehicles by Palestinian terror groups in the recent past.
THE United Nations has ordered staff in East Timor not to co-operate with Australian Federal Police investigating the massacre of 12 unarmed Timorese officers by renegade soldiers, prompting allegations of a cover-up.
An email from the UN's deputy representative in Timor, Pakistani General Anis Bajwa, had been circulated to all staff, including employees evacuated to Australia, directing them not to assist AFP detectives investigating the worst atrocity since the violence of 1999.
The massacre of the East Timorese officers occurred after renegade soldiers opened fire on the police as they left their headquarters under a truce brokered by the UN's police commander in Dili, Saif Malik, also from Pakistan. Malik ignored advice that to lead unarmed Timorese police past the guns of the soldiers would lead to a massacre.
If true, the crash could mark a serious setback to China's attempts to develop greater self-sufficiency in high-tech armaments for which it is now heavily dependent on Russia and other foreign suppliers.
It's certainly true that the BBC is run by some of the very cleverest people in the UK. Its drama remains unsurpassed, its entertainment highly popular and it exports its output around the world. But its producers and managers share one thing in common -a public-sector, European liberal, metropolitan elite view of the world. ・・・・ ・・・・ BBC News is produced by a very large team of ideological confreres, who, with a very few exceptions subscribe to the smart London set's view of the modern world. ・・・ ・・・ ・・・ It believes that Europe is the acme of human civilization and that if only Britain and America would emulate it (or in Britain's case, completely subsume itself within it) the world would be a much better place.
It declines to call Islamist terrorists terrorists because the word is a value-loaded one, but it never fails to pore in infinite detail over every "atrocity" committed by America or British forces in Iraq.
It thinks in any case that the war on terror was all got up by oil industry tycoons and clever neocons and that there is no real threat from violent political Islamism at all.
It believes Palestinians are the innocent persecuted victims of violence and imperialism (a recent Jerusalem correspondent memorably confessed to weeping openly when she caught sight of Yassir Arafat's coffin at his funeral in Ramallah) and that the murder of innocent Israeli citizens is on a moral par as victims of war with the killing of Palestinian terrorists by Israeli forces.
It scoffs at religious belief (the last head of its vast religious affairs department was an agnostic), but it holds the doctrine that man--made global warming is true with the passion of any enraptured spiritualist awaiting Judgment Day.
It believes passionately in equal rights for homosexuals, though of course it urges cultural sensitivity when dealing with countries where such "deviancy" is rewarded by execution.
But it is in its America coverage that it come gleefully into its own. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー いちいち尤もと頷かざるを得ない批評。しかし、イラク戦争以前のBBCは、今ほどどうしょうも なくバイアスはしていなかったのだけれど。あの頃から欧州のメディアが一斉に妙な方向に突っ走 って、集団自殺に向かっているような気がする。
As Tarek Fatah, of the Muslim Canadian Congress, says: "We can't just go on behaving as if everything is normal," adding there are "fascist cult believers and they need to be combatted within the Muslim community."
Clearly, there are simple truths arising from the weekend events, most notably that all 17 of the people arrested are Muslims. Our important efforts at cultural understanding cannot disguise that fact.
But there are fundamental values expressed in our Charter of Rights that are not negotiable, that represent who we are as a society. As Harper rightly said yesterday in the House of Commons, "terrorists and the people they represent stand for nothing but hatred."
Last month, in a remarkable act of self-restraint, the US Treasury refrained from labeling China a currency manipulator despite all the evidence to the contrary. By so doing, the US Administration appears to have forestalled, at least for the moment, the mounting protectionist pressures in the US Congress to take punitive action against China for its foot dragging on the currency issue.
Currently there are two very disturbing aspects about the way China is managing its exchange rate. The first is that China is presently again virtually pegging its currency to the US dollar at the very time that the US dollar has resumed its descent in the international currency markets. This means that China is now having the gall to allow its currency to depreciate on an average or an “effective” basis at the very time that it is running larger and larger current account surpluses.
The second aspect that is disturbing is the very scale of the Chinese central bank’s intervention to prevent its currency from appreciating. At present, the central bank of China continues to buy dollars at the staggering rate of US$200 billion a year. As a result, by the end of March 2006, China’s international reserves had risen to US$875 billion or to almost as much as three times the size of China’s external debt.
The real test for US-China economic relations will come later this year as the US economy slows and as the US dollar weakens in the wake of the leveling off in US house prices. Should China not allow for a significant appreciation in its currency in those circumstances, one has to expect protectionist pressures in the US Congress to resurface with a vengeance. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー この評論で出されている論点は目新しいものはないのだけれど、いい加減にしないと、そろそろ アメリカ議会はじめ保護主義貿易派の圧力や貿易赤字やドル安の問題や、そうしたものから「も う沢山だ」という声が大きくなって破滅的なことになりかねないと警告する。
Speech by Hashemi Rafsanjani, head of the regime's Council for the State Exigency and second powerful man in the clerical regime was disrupted by protests in the holy city of Qom yesterday. In face of the chaos created he had to break up his speech and leave the town immediately. He was planned to address another meeting in the town but it had to be cancelled.
国営のニュースサイトは抗議者は地方の若者たちでで、集会に押しかけて反政府のスローガン などを叫んだと報道している。 Iran: Chaos in Rafsanjani's speech in Qom force him to leave town Tuesday, 06 June 2006 ttp://www.ncr-iran.org/content/view/1654/71/ (イラン国民レジスタンス評議会、外交委員会のサイト、イランニュース)
"The allegations are that my client is alleged to have been part of a plot to blow up parliament buildings in Canada, storm the CBC [Canadian Broadcasting Corp.], take over the CBC, as well as, among other things, behead the prime minister," said Gary Batasar, lawyer for defendant Steven Vikash Chand, 25.
A U.S. official with knowledge of the investigation said the Canadian suspects were "pretty far along in terms of attack planning," according to Canadian officials. Authorities have also said the suspects had been in contact with like-minded Muslims in Britain and in the U.S. state of Georgia. The Georgia suspects are accused of making "case videos" of locations such as the U.S. Capitol.
Gary Batasar, a lawyer for Steven Chand, one of the arrested men, said that an 8-page synopsis presented in court by prosecutors described plans to blow up the Canadian Parliament's buildings in Ottawa, storm the studios of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, demand the release of Muslim prisoners, and behead hostages if the government did not comply.
Today, the United States and Europe are not only confronted by a still undefeated al-Qaeda, but by an increasing number of Muslims in their own populations who?inspired and religiously agitated by bin Laden?are prepared to pick up arms and spend their lives to act on that inspiration. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 軍事的にはビン・ラーデンは追い詰められ、アルカイダは武装勢力としての力を失ってきているに せよ、アルカイダのフランチャイズとしての各国のテロ組織は着実に成長し、ロンドンやカナダで 大きな脅威を与えるものになった。言葉を変えて言えば、ビン・ラーデンは軍事指揮官としてはと もかく、イデオロギーの扇動者として成功していると見るべきである、と論じる。