Scott McClellan has resigned as the presidential press secretary and some bloggers are buzzing that Tony Snow is the replacement. I can't imagine a better choice. Snow is one of the most well-spoken journalists around, a highly capable person with a winning personality. ホワイトハウス広報官のマクラレンが辞任したが、ブロガーの間の噂では、後任はトニー・スノー ではないかという。私が思うにも彼なら適任と言うべき。うまくやれる人だと思ふ。
First, many (though not all) say we should not have gone into Iraq in the first place. Former Lt. Gen. Greg Newbold calls it "the unnecessary war," and former Gen. Anthony Zinni claims that "containment worked remarkably well." That is a highly questionable judgment, and one that is not for generals to make.
Their second complaint ? about how the war has been fought ? is more valid. There is no doubt that the president and his top aides blundered by not sending enough troops and not doing enough occupation planning. But what about the blunders of the generals?
As retired Gen. Jack Keane, not one of those calling for Rumsfeld's head, told the New York Times: "There's shared responsibility here. I don't think you can blame the civilian leadership alone." Yet that's just what some of his former colleagues are trying to do.
More dangerous are the nationalist passions that sometimes erupt, and which the Communists sometimes pander to as a substitute for their own lack of democratic legitimacy. Talking up "reunification" with Taiwan or posturing menacingly toward Japan are both politically popular in China.
The Clinton Administration did too little to resist these impulses, and it once had to resort to sending a carrier through the Taiwan Strait as China tried to see how far it could really go.
China's government has struggled, with some success, to sustain high economic growth rates and significant military expansion while maintaining stable relations with the major global powers and avoiding liberalization of domestic (especially political) institutions. Unfortunately, China's success has unleashed forces that challenge Taiwan's political and economic development, as well as its security.
Meaningful reduction of the military threat and dealing directly with Taiwan's duly elected leaders would be a good foundation on which to start. Meanwhile, we recognize, as President Bush has noted, that the survival of Taiwan's democracy depends a great deal on the success of liberty elsewhere. Thus we hope to achieve more than simply getting our own house in order. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 胡錦涛主席訪米にあわせて陳水扁台湾総統の寄稿しているアピールで、言っていることは誤りではな いのだろうけれど、このしとの場合政治的効果の計算や利用、ときに操作に近い演出といったものが 嫌味になる傾向が無きにしも非ずという・・
The move represents the first sign that al-Jaafari has abandoned his quest to keep the prime minister's post, only a day after he had repeated his steadfast refusal to step down. これはジャファリ首相が二期目の首相継続を断念したもので、昨日までは辞任を拒否していた。
The United States had put strong pressure on the Shiites to resolve the standoff quickly so they could form a government able to stabilize Iraq amid increasing sectarian violence. アメリカはシーア派に強い圧力をかけ、こう着状態の政治プロセス進展を促していた。宗教派閥対立 の暴力の続く中、早期の統一政府樹立による国内安定化が求められている。
The dramatic announcement was made shortly before a planned session of the Iraqi parliament to try to jump-start formation of a new government. The Shiites asked that the session be postponed until Saturday or Sunday, after they resolve the issue of al-Jaafari's nomination, said Shiite official Ridha Jawad Taqi. この劇的な発表はイラク議会の新政府樹立の為の審議開始の直前に行なわれた。シーア派はジャファリ 首相に代わる候補者指名のため国会審議を土曜日か日曜日まで遅らせるよう要請した。
But the deputy parliament speaker, Aref Tayfour, told reporters the session would be held Thursday, though it would likely be brief. "It is almost certain that it will adjourn and be held at the beginning of the next week, most probably Sunday," he said. 議会副代表のAref Tayfourは議会が木曜日に開始されると述べたが、それは短いものになる。「議会は 一時、休会して来週から、多分日曜日から、審議を始めることになろう」と述べた。
アジアタイムズ:日韓関係の悪化をかきたてる、漫画「Ken-Kanryu」 By Matthew Rusling
日本で40万部を売った288ページの漫画「Ken-Kanryu」は、翻訳すれば「Hating the Korean Wave」 とでもいうべきものである。韓国文化の日本への紹介が広く行なわれるようになり、それに伴って 韓国文化を嫌悪する一部の人たちの存在が目立ってきている。
漫画の作者はマスメディアがインターネットなどに広く見られる韓国文化への反発を全く取り上げ ないという。それが彼をして漫画を作成させた理由である。 (中略) The two countries having similar traditions, culture and sense of humor, some relationships have even resulted in lifelong friendships and marriages. One blogger also pointed out that sales of Ken-Kanryu represent less than 1% of Japan's population. Notwithstanding, the book continues to sell.
>>29 >Tokyo's Yasukuni war shrine where high-profile war criminals are buried ああ、おなじみのフレーズがここにもw
>the authors also make more spurious claims 植民地支配が朝鮮に経済発展をもたらしたこと、 朝鮮政府が日本に植民地支配を請い、文明化されたこと。はウソだそうだ。
>The manga's authors have misunderstood the legacy of the Japanese colonization, >Jager said. "The fact that many Koreans were able to improve their lot and were able >to carry out their modernizing reforms ... is a testimony not of Japanese benevolence or >enlightenment, but of Korean capability, talent and determination." 朝鮮人が自身の状況を改善し、近代化改革を実行できたというのは、 日本の庇護や啓蒙ではなく、朝鮮人の能力・才能・決断力があったことの証拠である。 Sheila Miyoshi Jager、インタビューを受けた助教授の発言。
A Chinese woman screaming in Chinese protested human rights abuses of China during Chinese President Hu Jintao's speech on the White House lawn April 20. While U.S. President George W. Bush looked on anxiously and Hu continued his speech with a brief pause, the woman was allowed to scream for a couple of minutes before being taken away. The woman was standing with the press, and the cameraman near her was comforting her but not quieting her. It seems that she somehow got in on a press pass and was shouting about Falun Gong.
No sooner had Mr. Hu taken the microphone at a podium set up on the lawn to express his intention to promote bilateral ties with the United States, a woman, who appeared to be Chinese, shouted repeatedly across the lawn from a position among the crowd of journalists that had been cordoned off to cover the White House visit.
The woman, who appeared slightly disheveled and was shouting in a hoarse voice, was led away by security officials after at least a minute. Photographers turned their lenses away from the two leaders and pointed their cameras at the woman as Mr. Hu continued his speech.
ttp:// White House Press Release Office of the Press Secretary Washington, DC April 20, 2006 President Bush Meets with People's Republic of China President Hu
QUESTION: Thank you, sir. President Hu, when will China become a democracy with free elections?
PRESIDENT HU: I don't know -- what do you mean by a democracy? What I can tell you is that we've always believed in China that if there is no democracy, there will be no modernization, which means that ever since China's reform and opening up in the late 1970s, China, on the one hand, has vigorously promoted economic reform, and on the other, China has also been actively, properly, and appropriately moved forward the political restructuring process, and we have always been expanding the democracy and freedoms for the Chinese citizens.
In the future, we will, in the light of China's own national conditions and the will of the Chinese people, continue to move ahead the political restructuring and to develop a socialist democracy, and we will further expand the orderly participation of the Chinese citizens in political affairs so that the Chinese citizens will be in a better position to exercise their democratic rights in terms of democratic supervision, democratic management, and the democratic decision-making.
As the woman's voice began shouting out before being arrested by Secret Service agents, Chinese television blacked the screen and muted the audio, according to Matt Drudge. After the event was over, when CNN International (the version of CNN seen outside the United States) began discussing the protestor, its signal was abuptly cut off to Chinese viewers, making some wonder what was going on.
"President Hu, your days are numbered. President Bush, make him stop persecuting Falun Gong," the woman yelled. U.S. officials later identified her as Wang Wenyi, 47, a reporter with The Epoch Times, an English-language publication strongly supportive of the meditation movement that is banned in China.
ttp:// NBC cameraman juggles covering the two presidents and the protester NBC News Updated: 3:25 p.m. ET April 20, 2006
What happened this morning when this woman started causing a ruckus on the media platform? どういうことが起こったのか?
The Chinese press took up position on the upper level of the media platform, where I was also set up. That level provided me with a pretty good view of both presidents. メディアの人たちのいた場所の後ろのほうは中国人のジャ−ナリストが占めていた。そこに私も カメラを構えていた。その場所からは首脳を撮影するのに都合がよかったからだ。
When we went out to get into position for the event, all of a sudden this woman shows up. She didn’t have any camera or anything, but she wanted to stand next to me. あの時は、突然女性が現れた。彼女はカメラを持っておらず、何ももっていなかった。彼女は私の 隣に立っていた。
I told her, “Ma’am, no, you can’t stand there.” So, she was very polite and she stood behind me. 私は「マダム、そこに立つのは困ります」といったのだが彼女はとても礼儀正しくて私の後ろに まわって、そこで立っていた。
About five minutes into the Chinese president’s comments, all of a sudden, she started to get agitated. 中国の首脳が演説を始めて5分位したとき、彼女が興奮し始めた。
I turned to tell her to keep still and then she reached into this bag she had. That gave me a sense of alarm. At that point, I almost grabbed her, but I thought that no, she couldn’t have a gun, not in here. And that’s when she pulled out her flag and started screaming. 私はそれに気がついて、彼女がバッグを持っていたので、これは危険なのではと思った。そのときは 彼女につかみかからんばかりだったのだが、私は(記者たちはボディチェックされているので)銃を 持っているはずはないと気がついた。彼女が銃を持ち込めるはずはない。彼女はバッグから旗を取り 出して、それをもって叫び始めた。
If some kind of weapon was produced, I might have acted differently. But, she was just screaming and hollering and it was my job to cover the event and I certainly didn’t want to be part of it. もし彼女が武器をもっていたら私は何か別の行動をしたかもしれないけれど彼女はただ叫んだだけな ので、私はカメラマンの仕事を続けた。
So, I pulled wide to show her, and she was still speaking in Chinese for a long time. 私は(ズームを)ワイドにして彼女を撮影し、彼女はそのときも中国語で叫んでいた。
Then she started to say something in English, addressing Bush and saying something like, “President Bush, please stop him, please stop him.” その後彼女は英語で叫び始めて「ブッシュ大統領、彼をやめさせてください」と叫んでいた。
I haven’t a clue as to where she was from. I was busy shooting the event. The Secret Service came up and escorted her out after a while. 私は彼女が何者なのかわからず、起こったとを撮影し続けていたがシークレットサービスがきて 彼女をエスコートして連れ出した。
この国家級の場所の別の1つの「突き出た槌」はホワイトハウスの司会者が礼の歓迎式で展開するの で、中華人民共和国(People's Republic of China )の国歌を演奏することを宣言する時、言いなし て「中華民国(Republic of China)の国歌」、国際通信社が報道する時、特別な強調、この意外な状 況、間違いなく中国政府のとても「うれしくない」(upset)を譲る。
> "This was unfortunate and I'm sorry this happened," Bush told Hu, > according to Dennis Wilder, a senior official with the National > Security Council. > > 「これは残念な事件で、こうしたことが起こった事をお詫びする」とブッシュ > 大統領は胡錦涛主席に謝罪した。
For a White House that prides itself on its ability to choreograph an event down to the smallest detail, such as the “Good Fortune Melon: Three Ways” on the lunch menu, the pomp was overshadowed by a serious security breach. ホワイトハウスは「幸運のメロン、三種のコース」のランチの準備とか、細部にまでこだわった 歓迎式典を準備していたが、安全保障上の事故があって、それが台無しになってしまった。
In the only public event of the two leaders of his whole visit, a Falun Gong supporter evaded the tight security to upstage most of Mr Hu’s speech with angry shouts of protest that embarrassed both leaders. 米中首脳が同じシーンに並ぶという、今回の訪問の唯一のチャンスに法輪巧の支持者が厳しい警備 のすきをついで、胡錦涛主席のスピーチの最中に怒りの叫び声をあげ、両首脳を狼狽させた
Wafting a yellow Falun Gong sign, she shouted: “No more time for China’s ruling party” and “President Bush, stop him from killing Falun Gong”. Her words were immortalised later in the White House transcript as “(audience interruption)”. 黄色の法輪巧の旗を揺らめかせて、彼女は「中国の政権党に残された時間はない」「ブッシュ大統 領、法輪巧の人への殺人を止めさせてください」などと叫んだ
In China, the censors who monitor incoming foreign satellite broadcasts around the clock blacked out large sections of Mr Hu’s speech on the BBC and CNN to ensure that the protester was not seen. CCTV, China’s national broadcaster, telecast the opening ceremony live but did not show the protester. However, Chinese using the internet were able to see her by logging on to the websites of US news organisations. 中国国内では海外からの衛星放送は24時間常時検閲されているので、その結果BBCとCNNの 胡錦涛主席のスピーチの多くの部分がブラックアウトされて見れなくされた。中国国営のCCTV は歓迎式典をライブで中継したが抗議者の映像は示さなかった。しかし中国のインターネットの 利用者は海外のニュースサイトで、その事実を知ることは出来た。
A US official later said that Mr Bush had expressed his regret to Mr Hu for the disruption of his speech, and that Mr Hu had “graciously accepted”. But he conceded: “I’m not going to stand here and say they [Chinese officials] were at ease with the situation.” アメリカの政府職員は後ほどブッシュ大統領が胡錦涛主席に遺憾の意(regret)をべたと伝えた。 胡錦涛主席は寛大に(graciously)それを受け入れた「中国の役人たちがこうしたことを気楽に許 せるわけではないというために、ここに来たわけではないが」とのべた。
Though broadcast live, the episode was later excised from Chinese television coverage. Some analysts issued dire warnings that the episode would cause grave annoyance to Beijing, which saw the high-profile trappings as recognition of China's importance on the world stage. ttp://
ブッシュは今日の午前にホワイトハウスの南で芝生は21こだまの礼砲で中国の国家主席の胡錦涛 を歓迎して、これも胡錦涛の個人の指導者地位を強化する1つの重要な訪問だ。でも、過程の状 況は途切れなくて、初めは国歌を演奏する時司会者の米国の礼賓官を担当して、“中華人民共和国” を誤って“中華民国”という。(People's Republic of China VS Republic of China)
ワシントンポストの主催するブログ「ワールド・オピニオン・ラウンドアップ」 A Daily Survey of What the International Online Media Are Saying By Jefferson Morley 世界各国の新聞論調をまとめて、そのアメリカとの違いや世論傾向を分析するもの。 今日取り上げているのは「米中関係」
The relationship, says the People's Daily Online, is "maturing." 人民日報に拠れば米中関係は成熟しつつある そうしたなかで Key themes of Hu's U.S. tour, from some Asian media's perspective: アジアの新聞論調が胡錦涛の訪米の主要なメッセージをどうとらえているかを見てみれば
1. China's economic gains don't come at America's expense. 中国の経済成長はアメリカに害をなさない(人民日報、香港スタンダード・・
2. Taiwan is a closed issue. 台湾問題は大陸と台湾の内政問題である(中国各紙、毎日新聞)
3. China poses no threat to the United States. 中国はアメリカにとって脅威ではない(中国各紙) ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 毎日新聞が中国大陸の新聞と同じ主張と書いてあって哂える。原文は: While Taiwanese don't like China's intimidating stance, says the Manichi Daily News in Japan, they don't want to create problems for President Bush and United States, whom the island regards as its bulwark against a Chinese takeover.
Now, it's true that Earth has gotten warmer ? one degree since the 19th century ? and it will probably get warmer still. And it's probably true that human activity plays a significant part in all that. But it's also true that we don't have a clear picture of what's happening now, never mind what will happen.
Just ask the 60 climatologists from around the world who wrote Canada's prime minister that "observational evidence does not support today's computer climate models, so there is little reason to trust model predictions of the future." But that's all beside the point to Gore & Co., who say the time for debate is over.
And if you disagree, get ready for the witch hunt. Major news media have gone after scientists who argue there's still time to study global warming rather than plunge into some half-baked environmental jihad that could waste possibly trillions of dollars. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 環境問題や地球温暖化問題を軽視すべきとは思わないけれど、確実に知り得る科学的なレベル を越えて、やたらに脅威をいいすぎるのは政治的キャンペーンやデマゴーグに近いような。 それは「悔い改める日が来た、破局が近い」という、いつもの似非宗教家のお決まりの説法で、 サボナローラの手法とでも言うべきもの。
Hopefully, China will become a real ally. The fact is, the 21st century will see the rise of Asian militaries as an adjunct of the region's economic growth, and were the U.S. military and diplomatic presence not to grow in Asia, we would forfeit a role that only we can play: that of an honest broker, trusted precisely because we are so distant.
サンガーはニクソン大統領が戦後始めて中国と国交を開いて本格的な米中外交を始めた ときから、中国はアメリカ大統領の期待するほどには十分に意に答えない、扱いにくい 国なのだと書いている。 Richard M. Nixon has confronted the fact that his influence over China is far more limited than he once hoped. そうした、中国へのアメリカの及ぼす影響力の限界をブッシュ大統領も今感じているに 違いない、という。
中国を動かしてアメリカの国益にとって重大であるような問題を解決したい場合というの は北朝鮮やイランの核問題がその典型だが、これは上手くゆかない、という。北朝鮮につ いていえばその「非核化」が目標で,ブッシュ大統領は米中がその目標を共有するといい 胡錦涛主席も木曜日にそういっているが、実際には中国は北朝鮮が核開発を進める現状に 満足していて、それを変えたいとは思っていない、とする。 But the reality, officials acknowledge in background conversations, is that the Chinese are not unhappy with the status quo, because the last thing they want is chaos on their border with North Korea, or a collapse of that government.
イランに対しても同じで、中国は現状の事態を変えたいと思ってはいない。アジアにおけ る中国の影響力は強まりつつあり、経済は成長しており、何かを変える必要もメリットも 無いのだ、という。 And so for the Chinese, the status quo works: China is growing, its influence in Asia is expanding, its military ascendancy along the coast facing Taiwan is striking, and its economy is on a path toward overtaking Japan's.
さらに経済的に強くなった中国は、もはやアメリカに多くを譲る必要性を感じていないのだ といっている。 Mr. Hu apparently no longer feels, as past Chinese leaders did, that he must come to the United States bearing gifts ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー このサンガーの分析では中国はますます扱いがたく、アメリカの影響力は限定されていて、し かもその改善の見込みはなく、中国の台頭が続くということになるのだろうと思われ。そこま で中国が安定的な大国であるとは思えないものの、北朝鮮などへの見方(現状維持こそ中国に とって最善)というのはうなづけるところが。
When this honey trap blew up, it cost China quite a lot, and the Chinese are trying to make nice to the Japanese as a result. Japan was already pretty steamed about last years anti-Japanese riots, and China has apologized and paid compensation for destroyed Japanese property.
So the Chinese have assured the Japanese that there will be no more riots, and to make that happen, they cracked down on the ringleaders of the anti-Japanese demonstrations, and eliminated any anti-Japanese material in Chinese media.
Mr. Bush referred instead to China as a "stakeholder," a word intended as a message that it must use its power for more than commercial gain. Mr. Bush made clear that in his view Beijing must stop regarding places like Iran and Sudan as suppliers of the oil China needs to fuel its growth, and start regarding them as international problems that China needs to help solve. (ブッシュ大統領は中国を「ステークホルダー」と呼んだが、その意味は中国がその力を経済的 利害以上のものに使うべきである、ということである。ブッシュ大統領は中国がイランやスーダン の問題で中国が石油を獲得する供給国としてのみ関係するのではなく、それらの国のもつ国際問題 を解決する為に貢献すべきとの意向を明確にした)
ttp:// Englishman in New York というNYC在住の英国人のブログがあって 14 Apr 2006 12:22 am Mouse のエントリーで、鼠に悩まされている というカキコをしたところ、コメントが多くついていて「猫を飼うこと 以外に解決策無し」
ttp:// A.J. Strata concludes that the CIA was fired for leaks that led to the N.Y. Times publishing the original NSA wire-tapping story. The CIA does appear in the NY Times article, but this AP story ties the firing to the Washington Post's secret prison story from late last year. 解雇されたCIA職員というのはNYTに電話盗聴疑惑の情報をリークしたらしい
ttp:// Andrea Mitchell just reported that the CIA has fired an agent who failed a polygraph and admitted leaking classified information to Dana Priest of the Washington Post... そうではなくて解雇されたのはWaPoのDana Priest(有名記者)にリークしたということらすい
ttp:// (パワーライン・ブログ) My only regret is that the investigations didn’t start sooner. Democrats in the CIA have been conducting a leak war against the Bush administration for at least the past three years.
ttp:// (キャプティンズ・クオーター) The Department of Justice needs to prosecute these leakers to the full extent of the law. We already have the precedent of a two-year special prosecutor who spent millions of dollars investigating a leak of minimal import that resulted from what looks like a deliberate misinformation campaign quarterbacked by the CIA’s non-proliferation desk. Those within the agency that attempt to leak classified information to the press to serve their own political ends deserve a long vacation at Club Fed as a lesson to others who might consider trying their own rogue operations later.
The UIA nominated Jawad al-Maliki (BBC) as Jaafari's replacement candidate. He is a high-ranking member of the conservative Dawa Party. But he is seen by some as too outspoken, too divisive, and too inexperienced to lead a strong central government.
His candidacy is also complicated by his controversial role with Iraq's de-Baathification committee. Kurdish and Sunni Arab parliamentary leaders say they will not block Maliki's nomination. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー しかし、ロンドンタイムズに拠れば、この政治的妥協案というのは「パッケージ」になって いて、マリキ(シーア派、UIA)首相、タラバニ(クルド族)大統領、al-Mashhadani(ス ンニ派)議会代表という組み合わせだという。
Parliament will meet today for only the second time since the election to endorse Mr al-Maliki. As part of a package deal wrapped up last night, the Shias will support Jalal Talabani, a Kurd, as President for a second term. Mahmoud al-Mashhadani, a Sunni, is expected to be approved as parliament speaker. ttp://,,3-2146961,00.html
Still, the scripted visit contrasted starkly with trips by some of his predecessors, who used U.S. visits to woo audiences and shape American policy. Most notably, Mr. Zhu made a nine-day swing through the U.S. in 1998 that helped pave the way for China to enter the World Trade Organization. The then 70-year-old premier peppered his public statements with candor and wit -- often breaking into English -- that charmed American audiences. Mr. Zhu, a more practiced and capable off-the-cuff speaker than Mr. Hu, deftly handled questions on sensitive subjects such as allegations of Chinese espionage and human-rights abuses.
The past week's trip did offer most Americans their first up-close glimpse of Mr. Hu, who became China's president in March 2003. Despite the global clout he carries, remarkably little is known about him beyond the basic contours of his biography. In his three years in office, he has never given an interview to the Western media. And he almost never entertains the foreign corporate chiefs who so regularly visit Beijing these days. Even within China, Mr. Hu's public appearances have been limited.
Observers this week saw someone both pragmatic and guarded -- one of the generation of technocrats now running China. He seemed to show flashes of spontaneity but generally was much more comfortable when events adhered to a script.
(中略) At a luncheon, Mr. Hu hugged Henry Kissinger, the former Secretary of State who is revered in China for his role in re-establishing ties between the U.S. and China in the 1970s. Mr. Hu also held a 40-minute session at Washington's official guest residence, Blair House, with six members of Congress, some of whom came away speaking of warm feelings for a Communist politician they say they believe shares their views on the threats and opportunities facing the world.
Republican Congressman Mark Kirk of Illinois said the Chinese leader's face "lit right up" when he broached the idea of setting up a hot line linking the Pentagon with China's military command. He told Mr. Hu a communication line could prevent minor disagreements between the U.S. and China from spiraling out of control. "He was a man who clearly responds to practical solutions," said Mr. Kirk.
SEOUL, April 22 (Yonhap) -- South Korea's vice foreign minister and his Japanese counterpart have reportedly failed to find a solution to the ongoing dispute over a set of islets in the East Sea, despite their extended talks on Saturday.
South Korean Vice Foreign Minister Yu Myung-hwan was scheduled to hold a press conference at 5 p.m. (Seoul time), which was expected to include a briefing on his two days of talks with Japan's Shotaro Yachi.
Since the late 1990s, Japan has displayed a more assertive foreign policy, a process that Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi has accelerated since coming to power in 2001. The new assertiveness has manifested itself in at least four notable ways. First, under Prime Minister Koizumi, Japan has intensified its cooperation with the United States, and Koizumi has developed a strong personal relationship with President Bush. Second(ry
In general, the Bush Administration has encouraged Tokyo’s rising assertiveness, which thus far has tended to dovetail with U.S. interests in the strategic realm. In the future, however, it is likely that a more active Japan will be more willing to question U.S. policies on a range of strategic issues where U.S. and Japanese interests do not coincide or where domestic factors push Japanese leaders to avoid being perceived as being too close to the United States.
"We welcome the choice of Al-Maliki and believe that we can now form a national unity government in Iraq which will be non-sectarian," Zhafer Al-Ani, spokesman of the National Concord Front, which holds 44 seats in parliament,
There was no comment yet from the Kurdish parliamentary bloc, which holds 53 seats, over Al-Maliki's nomination. But independent Kurdish politician Mahmoud Othman welcomed the Shiite nomination for the post.
DCIAは司法省に幾つかのケースを報告済みであり、それらを調査して起訴するかは司法省の 判断に任されている。CIAは内部調査を行なっていて嘘発見器などを使った調査を数ダース の職員に対して行なっている。(has launched its own internal inquiries which include administering polygraphs to dozens of employees)
ttp:// The Democrat Mole In The CIA Fired Posted by Curt on April 21, 2006 at 17:34 Print This Post | 940 Views
1998: Washington ? National Security Advisor Samuel R. Berger announced June 16 the appointment of Mary O’Neil McCarthy as Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Intelligence Programs.
2001: McCarthy joins the CSIS think tank. Three of her fellow experts are Zbigniew Brzezinski, General Wesley Clark, General Anthony Zinni
2001: McCarthy and Richard Clarke work on a plan to counter the Taliban in Afghanistan.
This is the same regime that provides military technologies to countries that threaten international security, including Iran and North Korea. The same regime that threatens Taiwan with a military attack, detains and tortures Chinese people for expressing their political and religious beliefs and arrests Tibetans for carrying a picture of the Dalai Lama. イランや北朝鮮を支援し、台湾を軍事侵攻すると脅迫し、ダライラマの写真を持っているだけで チベット人を逮捕してきたのが胡錦涛政権である。 ・・・・ ・・・・ Finally, members of Congress of both parties will be watching to see if Bush kowtows to Beijing in ways that threaten our long-standing commitment to Taiwan. 米国議会の民主、共和両党はブッシュ大統領が米国の長年の友人である台湾を危うくするような 北京への叩頭をしないかと監視している
The American people want the administration to show resolve in standing up to Beijing, to demonstrate that we believe that the Chinese people deserve freedom. アメリカ国民はブッシュ政権が中国の国民の自由の為に明確な立場をとることを望んでいる。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ナンシー・ペロシは下院の民主党の顔でかなりのサヨク、日本でたとえるなら昔の(全盛期の) 土居さんのようなものかすらん。しかし、LAタイムズ掲載のこの評論はGJと言うべきもの で共和党より中国に厳しいのではないかと思われるほど。>>118 は英文の中国語訳を日本語に 機械翻訳したものなので、文章がガタガタになっている。オリジナルの英文はスカッとした解り やすい、切れ味の良いもの。特に感心するのは:
Bush administration officials say they hope that China will become a "responsible stakeholder." We should avoid wishful thinking. Beijing's priority is regime security. (ブッシュ政権の高官は中国が「責任あるステークホルダー」になる事を希望するという、我々は ウイッシュフル・シンキングは止めなくてはならない。北京政権の優先順位は政権の存続である)
SECRETARY RICE: Good morning, everyone. I just wanted to take note of the important milestone that the Iraqis have reached today in their formation -- the next steps in their formation of a government of national unity. By selecting the presidency council and the speaker and deputies and having nominated now a candidate for prime minister, the Iraqis are now well on their way to the formation of this government of national unity. And as I said, it is an important milestone. There will obviously be now a lot of work to do to get the rest of the cabinet in place, but the most important thing is they now have a government, they will now have a government of national unity that can take on the challenges that they will have. And in this transition period as they start to address the many challenges and problems and concerns of the Iraqi people, the United States is looking forward to working with them as their program develops and as their efforts to really begin to address these questions begin.
So this is a good day for Iraq, it's an important day for Iraq, and we wanted to take note of it. (後略) ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー イラクでジャファリ前首相の辞任、マリキ新首相の選出で新政権の樹立の進む状況になったこと にコメントして、それに関する記者とのQ&Aを電話でやっているもの。記者の質問の中にはジ ャファリ前首相の辞任勧告など、アメリカが干渉しすぎではというのもある。ライス長官は干渉 ではなく国際コミニティのポジションを正しく伝えるが政権選択や行動はイラク人のもの、と答 えていて気にしていない。現状のイラクでは、ある程度の英米のガイドがないと民主政権の発足 や進行はおぼつかないような。
Young Japanese leaders also pay little attention to the harsh treatment Indonesians received from Japanese during World War II, he wrote, including the deaths of many Indonesians during forced labor for the construction of defense infrastructure.
You'll note that many media accounts describe the leaker as an "analyst," suggesting that she was, at best, a mid-level staffer. That was hardly the case; few analysts make the jump from a regional desk at Langley to the White House. A "National Intelligence Officer" is the equivalent of a four-star general in the military, or a cardinal in the Catholic Church. 多くの新聞が、彼女のCIAの役職を「アナリスト」と書いていて中級レベルの役職と誤解させよう としているが、トンでもない。アナリストがホワイトハウス担当になったりしない。彼女の役職 であった国家諜報担当というのは軍隊で言えば四つ星将軍の役職なのだ。カソリック協会なら枢機卿 にあたるといえる。
Mary McCarthy leaks the secret CIA prisons story to Dana Priest, in what may have been a sting operation. Mary McCarthy and Joe Wilson served at the NSC together at the same time, both with African portfolios. Does Dana Priest’s Husband Get Joe Wilson Media Gigs? Did Mary McCarthy Send Joe Wilson To Niger? ワシントンポストの記者にCIAの秘密収容所事件をリークしたMary McCarthyはNSCでナイジェ リアのウラン事件のCIAリーク疑惑のジョー・ウイルソンと同じ時期に同じ場所に勤務している。 二人ともアフリカ専門だし。このあたりはもっと分析して調べる必要がある。二つの事件はつながっ ているのではないか?
1998年には日本で北朝鮮の工作船が拿捕され、米ドルと日本円の数億円規模の偽札が発見されて いる。これ以降日本の海上保安庁は北朝鮮の船舶に神経を尖らせるようになった。2001年には日 米の諜報機関が北朝鮮の工作船が中国の海軍基地を頻繁に訪れているとしている。 (この件についてのソースは;David Ibison, “Pyongyang's spy ship reveals a dark secret,” Financial Times, May 28, 2003, p.3. See also “U.S. photos show mystery ship look-alike,” Japan Times, March 2, 2002, citing Asahi Shimbun. p.1; “Japan ends ship probe,” Japan Times, March 2, 2002 (citing Kyodo News Agency)など)
The United States has supplied Japan with satellite photos showing a vessel at a Chinese military port that appears very similar to the mystery ship that sank in the East China Sea after a shootout with Japan Coast Guard boats in December, sources said Friday.
Tokyo has obtained U.S. satellite photos showing a vessel looking identical to the alleged spy ship calling at a Chinese military port some 100 km south of Shanghai and 130 northwest of the spot where it sank Dec. 22 after a midnight exchange of fire with the coast guard.
Again, the civilians brought us to this, and in particular politicians of both parties manipulating soldiers as campaign props, and using disgruntled generals to badmouth a president of the opposing party. Democrats and Republicans alike have behaved disgracefully and the generals are the only ones who can limit the damage. It remains up to them, no matter what, or how well grounded, their dismay about civilian leaders, to grit their teeth and maintain an honorable and discreet silence, leaving it to those responsibility it is the president, the Congress and ultimately the voters to decide whether and when a secretary of defense to leave his office.
Because of Koizumi's obvious backing, Abe, who is popular among the public, is regarded as a leading candidate for the premiership after Koizumi, 64, leaves office in September. 小泉首相は人気のある安倍氏を後継に押している
But if Koizumi loses his influence, turning down the chances for Abe, 51, to win the party presidential race, the relatively young aspirant could opt not to file his candidacy this time, Kobayashi said. しかし小泉首相の影響力が衰えるなら比較的若い安倍氏の自民党総裁後継のチャンスが減衰する と政治評論化の小林氏が言っている
Other potential post-Koizumi candidates are former Chief Cabinet Secretary Yasuo Fukuda, 69, Foreign Minister Taro Aso, 65, and Finance Minister Sadakazu Tanigaki, 61. ほかの後継候補は福田(69)、麻生(65)、谷垣(61)などの各氏である
Contrasting with the LDP's showy campaigning, Ozawa focused on organized support by visiting groups including the LDP's support organizations, and laid out a low-key c ampaigning of giving speeches to small audiences for Ota. 今回の選挙では自民党がキャンペーンに徹したのに比べて小沢党首は自民党支持組織を含む各種 組織を回り小規模の目立たないキャンペーンに徹する戦術を取っていた。
In a separate move on Sunday, mayoral candidates who oppose the planned realignment of U.S. forces in Japan that affects their cities won the elections in Iwakuni, Yamaguchi Prefecture, and Okinawa, Okinawa Prefecture, also dealing blows to the Koizumi administration. このほか日曜日には米軍基地再編成に反対する岩国、沖縄など市長選で野党が勝利した
Japan and the United States remain at loggerheads over the realignment plan, although the initial March 31 deadline for finalizing the package has passed. 日米両国は米軍基地の再編成について最初の目標期日である3月末を過ぎているが最終合意に至 っていない
"China is ready to work with Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries to strengthen peace and development in the Middle East and to build a world of peace, stability and prosperity," he said. 人民日報の記事を読む限り、具体的な何かの活動を想定しているようには思われないけど。 胡錦濤の発言は一般論のように見えて、サウジアラビアでの外交も二国間貿易協定やGCC 諸国とのFTAに終始しているような。
Investment in urban areas increased 29.8% to 1.16 trillion yuan, while that in rural areas reached 230 billion yuan, up 18.1%. China is launching a massive "new socialist countryside" campaign to boost rural development, in a bid to narrow a yawning urban- rural wealth gap. 都市部の投資は+29.8%、農村部は+18.1%
Wang said local governments arranged an excessive number of big projects for 2006, the first year of China's 11th five-year development blueprint. He called for intensified government efforts to tighten land approval and lending. In the first three months, Chinese banks consumed roughly half of the lending target for the whole year, adding 1.26 trillion yuan of loans, up 13.98% from a year ago. 温首相は2006年に地方政府が過剰の大型プロジェクトを計画しているとして政府の土地利用許可 を引き締めるとした。最初の3ヶ月で中国は年間のローン目標の半分に達しており前年比+13.98%
A recent regular meeting of the State Council - China's top governing body - held that the performance of the national economy was good in the first quarter, but fixed-assets investment has grown too fast, the money supply is too high, the speed of credit extension too rapid, and the structural problem in foreign trade still prominent. Therefore, China needs to strengthen control over fixed-assets investment and command the extension of monetary credit. 最近の国務院の会議では1Qの成長率は良好であるが固定資産投資が多すぎ、マネーサプライが 多すぎ、信用供与の伸びが高すぎ、貿易における構造問題が依然未解決である。このため中国は 固定資産投資の管理を強め、マネタリー、信用供与の管理強化を行なう。
They predict that the central People's Bank of China and the National Development and Reform Commission will soon publish deflation policies to control investment and credit extension. 専門家は中国人民銀行や国家開発改革委員会が直ぐにも投資と信用供与の抑制の為にデフレ政策 を公表すると予測する
However, insiders also point out that slowing down investment and credit may lead to an increased percentage of bad loans, contradicting government goals to shore up Chinese banks in preparation for listing on overseas stock markets. In terms of land and loans, restricting access to land is an effective way to curb overheating of the economy. In the meantime, experts suggest increasing the prices of resources as a way to cool economic activity. しかしインサイダーによれば投資と信用供与の抑制は不良債権を増やす可能性が高い。これは中国 の銀行の株式を海外の市場に上場するには障害になる。土地へのローンについては土地利用の制限 がオーバーヒートを冷やす有効な手法である。さらに資源商品の価格をあげることも過熱化を冷や すだろうと専門家は言っている。
彼女への告訴は法に基づいているから正当ではあるが、 But no one alleges that Mr. Hu was ever in danger of anything more serious than irritation or humiliation. According to the court documents, the yelling caused Mr. Hu "to interrupt his speech" and look toward Ms. Wang. There's no question that it also caused Mr. Bush to be embarrassed about a lapse of protocol for a visitor acutely sensitive to diplomatic niceties. Okay, but the United States shouldn't indirectly apologize to the Chinese by means of an action that affronts American values.
But does Ms. Wang deserve to go to prison for six months? That might be the response to embarrassing and rude speech in Beijing. It shouldn't be in Washington. 王文怡を6ヶ月(法の定める最大期間)刑務所に入れるべきだろうか?中国で首脳の演説妨害を すればそうなるかもしれないが、ワシントンではそうあるべきではない。
Twenty-nine-year-old David Shaulov was among the nine murdered victims of Monday's suicide bombing in Tel Aviv. His wife, Varda, is nine months pregnant with their third child. Another victim, Marcelle Cohen, 75, a French citizen, was on a Passover visit with Israeli relatives. Then there was Binyamin Hafuta, 47, the security guard who blocked suicide bomber Sami Hamad from entering the crowded falafel restaurant that was the target, thereby saving possibly a dozen lives. 21歳の青年は死をみずから選んだ。他の人達は?
オランダのブログにこのニュースがあるけれど、ニュース・メディアに報道されていない ようだ。襲撃後2日経過している。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ttp:// Sunday, April 23, 2006 Another attack on freedom of speech
"We support the view of the [seven-party opposition] alliance that restoration of peace and multiparty democracy in Nepal is the need of the hour," said Shyam Saran, the official in charge of Indian foreign policy.
Like most former senior policy advisers and publicists, Zheng can talk, and talk, and talk. But it's not fluff. The core of his argument is that China can and will break the binds of history and find a totally new approach to being a rising power. China will not be like imperial Japan or imperial Germany; it won't follow the path of the former Soviet Union as it grew into a superpower; it will even avoid the imperial moment and global showboating that marked America's rise in the late 19th century. China's rise, according to Zheng, will not come at the expense of another power. Instead of butting heads with some existing hegemon, China will make its rise a "win-win" for everyone, with its economy promoting prosperity at home and abroad.
QUESTION: On North Korea, the families of the Japanese victims of North Korean abductions, they're in Washington this week and they'll be testifying before Congress. And how will the U.S. Government try to help to resolve this issue? 今週、日本人の北朝鮮拉致被害者家族が訪米し議会証言が予定されているが、アメリカ政府のスタ ンスは?
MR. ERELI: The United States has, I think, publicly and in every way possible sought to support those who are seeking the return of abductees and we'll obviously continue to do that, continue to work with the parties concerned to help in any way that we can. アメリカ政府はパブリシティにおいて、また全ての可能な方法で拉致被害者の支援を行なってきて おり今後とも継続して行なう。関係者と協力してアメリカ政府の可能な支援を行なってゆく。
QUESTION: On the base realignment agreement reached by Secretary Rumsfeld and Japanese Defense Minister Nukaga, are there plans for a 2+2 meeting coming up? 日本のアメリカ軍再編問題で、ラムズフェルド国防長官と日本の額賀防衛長官が合意したが 2+2を早急に行なう予定はあるか?
MR. ERELI: Are there plans for a 2+2 meeting? MR. ERELI: I don't have anything to update you on that. 2+2について特に情報は無い
And this is where the Sino-American relationship gets really interesting. Because, if history is any guide, we currently ought to be witnessing a wave of China-bashing in the United States.
"We resolve to make the IMF more fit for purpose in a global economy and more able to address challenges that are quite different from those of 1945, when the IMF was created," Chancellor Gordon Brown, who also chairs the IMF's policy-setting committee, told a news conference. ゴードンブラウンは「我々はIMFを強化して1945の発足時とは異なるグローバル経済での 問題の挑戦に答えられるものにする」と記者会見でのべた
"The IMF should be more able to address global questions with multilateral surveillance," Brown said. 「IMFは多国籍の監視機能をもち、よりグローバルな問題に答えられるようになるべき」
Officials said this would create a new forum that better reflected the rise of Asia in the global economy and could possibly replace bodies like the Group of Seven industrial countries, which some say can no longer call all the shots. One of the problems facing the G7 is that major economic players like China are not part of the club, even though it is the fourth-largest economy in the world. IMF関係者はアジア諸国の台頭に対応した新しいフォーラムの創設などを意味するという。 それは従来のG7経済会議等に変わるもので、G7の問題は中国などを主要な経済プレーアー を含んでいないことである。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 外電の多くの記事は詳細な説明をしているけれど国内メディア記事は舌足らずの説明で読者 が理解するか不明な。基本的には中国などの為替や貿易インバランスの問題をIMFで扱う という検討が進んでいるわけで、中国の為替の問題解決のプッシュに加えて米中二国間だけ の問題ではないと言う考えがあるのだろうと思われ。
So Newsweek is reporting that Mary McCarthy denies being the leaker. This despite stories in the press saying that she failed a polygraph and admitted to it. McCarthy's not the the one who told Newsweek. Do you know who did? Her "close friend" Rand Beers. Who's Rand Beers? The National Security Council staffer who quit in 2003 and went to work as John Kerry's senior national security campaign adviser. You know who else is Rand Beers's old friend from the National Security Council staff? Joseph C. Wilson IV. Just saying.
○ニューズウイーク記事によれば解雇されたMary McCarthyはリークしていないという ○リークしたのはRand Beersだという。Mary McCarthyの友人で2003年までクリントン政権の NSCにいて、その後でケリー大統領候補の安全保障アドバイザーになった人物 ○さらに、このRand Beersの友人が、別のCIA事件(ナイジェリアのウラン輸入疑惑事件) で問題になった(ブッシュ非難の評論を書いてキャンペーンした)Joseph C. Wilson IV
NYT:CIAに解雇されたMary O. McCarthyはリークを否定 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー Mary O. McCarthyの弁護士がCIAの発表しているリークを否定したと伝える記事。CIA側 は先の発表内容を変えていない。Mary O. McCarthyへのインタビューはなくて弁護士や彼女の 同僚のコメントがあって、NYTが全面的にMary O. McCarthyを擁護している記事に見える。
During their meeting, Khamenei told President Bashir: "The Islamic Republic of Iran is prepared to transfer the experience, knowledge and technology of its scientists." He added: "Iran's nuclear capability is one example of various scientific capabilities in the country." ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー NPT条約に加盟してIAEAの加盟国義務や議定書にサインしている国の「最高指導者」が これでは、外交的に相手にされなくても当然。まあ言葉どおりに解釈すればIAEAもNPT も、今さら知った事ではないと言っているわけだけれど、それは国際コミニティに喧嘩を売っ ていることになる。
“America has realised today that its tanks, armies and Shia agents will not be able to end the battle with the Mujahidin [fighters],” he said, referring to the newly-formed Government in Baghdad.
"You'd better discuss with others what solutions are available, otherwise the country will be in jeopardy," the world's longest living monarch told them in meetings broadcast on television.
Commission chairman Wassana Permlarp told a Bangkok radio station there would be no more time to fill the seats left vacant in by-elections last Sunday because unopposed candidates failed to win the required 20 percent of the eligible vote.
The 20 percent rule is a tough barrier in the south where the government is unpopular. Some analysts say they cannot see unopposed candidates of Thaksin's Thai Rak Thai (Thais Love Thais) party mustering the required votes no matter how many by-elections are held. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 幾つかの外電記事を読見比べてみると、国王がこうした声明を出さざるを得なくなったのは タイ南部で法律で決める有権者の20%以上の支持を得られる候補が(タイラックタイ党に) いないので国会議員が選出できず、このため議会開催が不可能になるというデッドロック状 態になっている為で、毎日の記事は説明不足。
The newscast is filmed in my basement with a Sony HVR-A1U Digital HDV Handycam and edited with Avid Xpress DV and Adobe After Effects. There's a green screen behind me. Bryan does all the wizardry. We're having fun and it is truly amazing how all this fairly inexpensive software and hardware is revolutionizing broadcast media. We're living the Army of Davids dream. (Can't count how many times someone has written and said "when are you going to have your own TV show?" Now, I don't need to wait!)
Tokyo, Japan: Hello, Ms. Linzer-You said earlier "we don't know exactly what was said and to whom ". That isn't entirely correct. Dana Priest would know the nature of her contacts with McCarthy, and Dana Priest is a Washington Post reporter. Why can't she just tell us? After all, she seems to feel comfortable exposing secrets. What are the ethics on this?
Dafna Linzer: Hi, you're up late. The compact reporters enter into with sources for information that they wouldn't get otherwise is often one of confidentiality, especially on issues of national security. That is the pact that Dana entered into with her sources. ttp:// ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 非常に鋭い質問で、WaPoの記事の矛盾をついていて、とてもおかすい。
WaPo以外には、幾つかのブログをもつNROなどが成功していると思われ。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー このチャットの紹介記事について、ジャスト・ワン・ミニッツ・ブログノコメントから: ttp:// ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー Ms. Linzer shows us how a real master does bull****. Posted by: mariner | April 25, 2006 at 10:08 AM ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー Wow too bad it was not a video chat so you could see her performing that verbal quadruple lutz, it must have been spectacular! Posted by: Gary Maxwell | April 25, 2006 at 10:25 AM
ttp:// から What is not being reported in the media, though, is that Osama bin Laden's voice is also in the video. This suggests that Zarqawi's group was in possession of the audio before its popular release yesterday.
So the Mujahedeen Shura council of Iraq is innocent of this government and call the sunnites inside and outside of iraq to annouce their innoncence of this government and disbelieve in it, and to support the mujahdeens untill the Allah word is the supreme or we die for it , and be prudent of being in the rank of the enemies of Allah the conspirators against your jehad the base of your religion and the sumit of your islam, and say like Allah order you:
And you should know that the signs of victory appear highly ? by Allah willing- (後略)
Title: North Korea: Illicit Activity Funding the Regime Date: 4/25/06 Time (EST): 2:30 PM Place: Dirksen Senate Office Building, Rm. 342
Panel 1 Mr. Peter Prahar [View PDF] , Director, Asia, Africa and Europe Programs, Bureau for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs , Department of State Michael Merritt [View PDF] , Deputy Assistant Director, Office of Investigations , U.S. Secret Service Panel 2 Mr. Kim Seung-Min , Driector , Free North Korea Radio Dr. David Asher , Institute for Defense Analyses Mr. Chuck Downs [View PDF] , Author of Over the Line: North Korea’s Negotiating Strategy Mr. Marcus Noland [View PDF] , Institute for International Economics ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー Further evidence of Yakuza involvement provided by the DEA indicates that three (3) separate Yakuza syndicates were investors in the procurement of 60 kilograms of methamphetamine for 100 million Japanese Yen ($1 million U.S.). One syndicate brought 50 million Japanese Yen ($500,000 U.S.) and the two other syndicates brought 25 million Japanese Yen ($250,000) each to the area of pending insertion of North Korean spies. ttp://
Probably the largest potential source of labor-related income however, comes from the Kaesong Industrial Complex, where the North Korean government derives hard currency revenues from leasing income, taxes, and workers’ wages paid by South Korean firms.
Thus far the North Korean government has probably earned less than $20 million from these revenue streams, the bulk derived from the land lease agreement, but if the South Korean government is successful in realizing its ambitious expansion plans, taxes alone could rise to nearly $1.8 billion by 2017, and would dwarf the illicit revenue streams discussed today.7
Tony is one of the world's nice people. He is also a close student of the news, and I think he's been known to read our site from time to time. His congeniality and media background will buy him some popularity with the reporters who cover the White House.
But essentially all of them are partisan Democrats, so that good will will last for about a week. What the White House really needs is someone who can push back aggressively against the liberal tilt of the media, and make the administration's case directly to the people. Tony Snow is equipped to do this, I think; the question is, will he? ttp://
The poll above was posted on Egypt's number one web portal The question asks people whom they think was behind the bombings in Dahab yesterday. 48.9% of the respondents so far think that the Israeli Mossad was behind the terrorist attack. 4.2% believe it was Al-Qaeda and 21% think it was the work of internal terrorist groups.
グラフに示されるように、エジプトの最大のポータル、Masrawy.comの行なったオンライン世論 調査では、犯人はモサド=48.9%、国内のテログループ=21%、アルカイダ=4.2%と回答 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー Walid Phares comments on MSNBC: Must have been insiders in the hotels and a terrorist network in place in the area which planned the attacks. Egyptian security believes this was a complicated operation - Al Qaeda links are possible, but not certain. ttp:// カウンターテロリズム・ブログ
同連合は、女性記者・王文怡(ワン・ウエンイ)氏が、一部のメディアに騒乱者扱いされたことにつ いて、メディアがダブル・スタンダード(対象によって異なった価値判断の基準を使い分けること) を駆使していると批判し、反戦者や、平和戦士と讃えられているシンディ・シーハン(Cindy Sheehan) さんの実例を挙げて説明した。(後略) ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ttp:// Christian Leaders Call for Bush Administration to Drop Charges Against Falun Gong Activist Wenyi Wang at Georgetown University News Conference
Contact: Rev. Patrick Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition, 202-547-1735, 540-538-4741 cell; Rev. Rob Schenck, President of the National Clergy Council, 703-447-7686 cell
Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition, comments, "We are extremely disappointed that the Bush Administration is bringing charges against Dr. Wenyi Wang that may result in her spending six months in federal prison. Her crime? Shouting out for President Bush to help stop the killing and religious persecution of Falun Gong. We believe these federal charges are sending a horrible message to the worldwide community concerning America's commitment to protecting religious freedom and liberties.
"It is seems extremely hypocritical for the White House to roll out the red carpet for a world leader whose government supports the trampling and crushing of human rights. And, at the same time pursue prison time for a women fighting to end religious persecution and violence. Our message is clear; President Bush, support religious freedom and the First Amendment, and drop all charges against Dr. Wang." (後略)
The serious and disturbing question is whether the rot is so deep that it is unfixable, and we ought to start all over and create a new intelligence agency.
>>243 Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer chose to avoid directly implicating the new PM in corrupt practices and called the riots "racially inspired". He did, however, mention Chinese and Taiwanese involvement in Solomons politics as a possible cause of popular resentment.
What most commentators neglected to mention was that Rini's well-liked political rival, Job Dudley Tausinga, was also not beyond reproach. He benefited from personal links with logging companies and his brother, religious leader Ikan Rove. In fact, (ry
I am waiting for someone to call for the resignations of the Australian and New Zealand Defense Ministers. But joking aside, sounds eerie, doesn't it? ttp://
that the vital task for liberals is to steal back the idea of ``freedom'' from the right and broaden its implications. (右保守やネオコンから「自由」の概念を奪い返して、その含意をより広範なものにすべき)
Democrats and their allies must destroy the current political ``paradigm'' based on ``radical individualism'' and replace it with a politics of the ``common good.'' (民主党は現行のラディカルな個人主義から脱出して「社会共通の善」を基礎にした政策に パラダイム転換すべき)
SECRETARY RICE: We're on our way to Baghdad and I will obviously link up there with Secretary Rumsfeld. And the purpose of this trip is really twofold: first to talk with those who are about to become the Government of Iraq about their views on what needs to be done to support their government in these initial stages; but also I plan to spend a good deal of time looking at our own operations in the Embassy to make certain that we are fully ready to support the efforts for ministries, for help for the ministries and for the Provincial Reconstruction Teams that we are beginning(ry
QUESTION: How much do you view this as a major turning point in terms of trying to get the American people reengaged in the war and back in terms of seeing that they're -- but you know -- (laughter).
SECRETARY RICE: I get the question. Yes, right, exactly. Glenn, you're too young to have those moments. 何が言いたいかは、わかるんだけどね。ちょっと青臭い質問だわね。
The turning point here is that Iraq now has its first permanent government and that it is a government of national unity and that it gives Iraq now a real chance to deal with the obviously very vexing problems that it has faced. I do hope that that is recognized by the American people, that this long transition from the Coalition Provisional Authority to an interim government to the writing of a constitution to another interim government and now to a permanent government does mark important progress in the effort in Iraq since the liberation from Saddam Hussein. So in that sense, yes, I think it's an important message to the American people. But the really important point here is that it's the Iraqis who are now in a position to deal with their problems in ways that I think they've not been in the past.
アメリカ国内のサヨクの最大のブログとして有名な'DAILY KOS'の主催者、Markos Moulitsosの 新著「Crashing the Gate」はニールセンの調査に拠れば先月のリリース後僅かに3630部を売っ たにすぎない。'DAILY KOS'の訪問者の多さや著名度の高さからこの新刊本は注目されていたが 小売店で2062部を、残りをディスカウント・アウトレットで売っている。(後略) ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ttp:// April 26, 2006: Hix Nix Kos Pix
It could mean one of several things: 何故売れていないのかを考えてみると
1. Kos' audience has heard it all already; ブログで読んだので改めて本は買わない 2. Kos' audience is not "bookish"; ディリーコスの読者層はブッキッシュではない 3. Kos' audience is not as big as it's cracked up to be; ディリーコスの層がそれほどでもない 4. Kos doesn't write particularly well; ディリーコス主催者が良いライターではない 5. Kos doesn't have anything new to say. ディリーコスに取り立てて新しいアイデアは無い 6. People are tired of all this political blather anyway.政治的ナンセンスには飽きてきた
I suspect some combo of "all of the above" might be the proper answer. しかし私が思うに、理由は以上の1〜6の全部の組み合わせではないかと
Markos' response: He claims that the book has sold 10,000 copies in the three weeks it has been released, 50,000 copies have been pre-ordered, and the book has gone through three printings. Obviously, something is being lost here in translation.
UPDATE: The Egyptian Interior Minister goes even further, saying that this week's bombings, including today's events, were linked to the 2005 Sharm el-Sheik and 2004 Taba terror attacks. Quoting: "The information we have indicates that (the perpetrators) are Sinai Bedouin, and the latest operations are linked to the previous attacks." April 26, 2006 12:46 PM ttp://
WASHINGTON - U.S. President George W. Bush is considering meeting with visiting relatives of Japanese nationals abducted by North Korea, including Megumi Yokota's mother, on Friday morning at the White House, U.S. administration sources said Wednesday.
Senior White House officials told the relatives earlier in the day that Bush maintains strong concern about North Korea's abduction of Japanese nationals. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 家族会メンバーら、米大統領と面会へ <産経、04/27 10:56> . 【ワシントン=中村将】訪米中の拉致被害者の「家族会」と支援組織「救う会」のメンバーらが ブッシュ大統領と面会する方向で調整が進められていることが26日、関係者の話で明らかにな った。家族会などの意向を受けた関係機関が米政府首脳との面会を模索しているが、ブッシュ大 統領が面会を検討しているという。
The most important fact about Maliki's election is that it's a modest declaration of independence from Iran. (マリキ新政府の最も重要な点は、これが穏健な形のイランに対する独立宣言であることだ)
The car bombs are still exploding every day, but the Iraqis I talked with this week sense a change in the political wind. (イラクにはまだ毎日自動車爆弾が炸裂するような状況ではあるけれど、今週、私が話してみ たイラク人は政治的な風向きの変化を感じている)
Guo Boxiong, vice chairman of the Chinese Communist Party's Central Military Commission, said the plans for joint drills demonstrate the group's growing role in maintaining security in the region, the official New China News Agency said. He vowed that defense ministers from the six nations will work together to combat what China calls the "three forces" -- separatism, terrorism and extremism -- that threaten to provoke unrest in the area. 中国中央軍事委員会副書記の郭伯雄は、この演習が中央アジアの安全保障にはたすグループ の役割を示すものと述べた。各国の国防大臣は中国の言う三つの敵「分離主義、テロ、過激主義」 に対抗するために協力してゆく。
また、いかなる消費税引き上げであれ、経済的状況の見地から容認できるものでなくてはな らない、と語った。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー Mr Abe said that the economy could grow at a nominal rate of 4 per cent a year, including 1 per cent inflation. Such a rate, if achievable, would make less urgent the task of raising consumption tax.
"To get support from Japanese citizens, we need to have a very thorough budget cut through administrative reform," he said, referring to plans to slash the civil service wage bill. "Otherwise, we will not get the public's understanding."
Any rise in consumption tax, he said, "would haveto be tolerable from the viewpoint of the economic situation". ttp:// Heir apparent seeks to soften hawk image By David Pilling Published: April 27 2006 03:00 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー #せっかくのFTのインタビュー記事なのだけど,記者がDavid Pillingなので、タイトル #など細部にくだらない悪意とミスリードが混入されている。
Other candidates, including the less colourful Yasuo Fukuda, a moderate 69-year-old who many consider a safe pair of hands, are gaining ground.
The move amounts to a test of South Korea's ability to manage its huge concentration of power in a handful of family-run conglomerates. These groupings are known locally as "chaebol." The Hyundai Motor group is one of the biggest of these, second in size only to Samsung Electronics Co.
One measure of success will be how vigorously prosecutors and courts pursue their charges against Mr. Chung. "This action will send a strong message to the market," said Kim Joon Gi, executive director of Hills Governance Center at Yonsei University.
WASHINGTON - The Bush administration will continue to call the world's attention to the plight of North Korean refugees and help them, the White House said Wednesday. White House spokesman Scott McClellan at a daily briefing said the issue is a "very high priority" for President George W. Bush. "(It is) something he brings attention to every time he sits down and meets with a world leader," he said. ホワイトハウス広報官はブッシュ大統領が北朝鮮の難民について強い関心を持っており 「この問題は大統領が世界の指導者に会うたびに持ち出す問題」と述べた。
"And it's a situation that the president believes the world should not tolerate," he said. "And we will continue calling attention to it. And we will continue to do what we can to help those people." 「北朝鮮の状況は世界が許容すべきものでは無いと大統領は考えている」「この問題に関心 をもつように努め、また、これらの人を支援してゆく」
Bush maintains strong concerns about North Korea's abduction of Japanese nationals, senior White House officials told the mother of a Japanese woman abducted by the communist country. ホワイトハウス高官は、ブッシュ大統領は北朝鮮に拉致された日本人に強い関心があると拉致 された日本人女性の母親に話している。
The participants said Deputy National Security Adviser Jack Crouch stressed that the United States will not set aside the abduction and other human rights issues as it pursues sanctions on North Korea's currency counterfeiting and other alleged illicit activities, and a resolution of the nuclear issue through the six-party talks. この会談の参加者によればNSCの副アドバイザーJack Crouchはアメリカは拉致問題などの 人権問題を北朝鮮に偽札問題などの犯罪行為での金融制裁や6者協議での核問題の解決から除 外して考えてはいないと強調した。(後略)
``The objective is to slow down investment growth and loan growth which were higher than the targets set by the government,'' said Ma Jun, an economist at Deutsche Bank AG in Hong Kong. ``This won't be the only move and more administrative measures are likely to come.''
"That was very symbolic," said Le Dang Doanh, an official in the Ministry of Planning, speaking of the reception for Mr. Gates. "It is a very clear sign of the new mood of society and the people. Everybody wants to be like Bill Gates."
It is 20 years since Vietnam, still struggling in the aftermath of war, began a sort of perestroika that has moved it from a strict planned economy to the more helter-skelter mechanisms of the marketplace. In the past decade, it has been putting its economic house in order ? with a bid to join the World Trade Organization this year. And it is now drawing new interest from foreign investors.
ベトナム戦争後20年を経て戦争の後遺症は残るが、ある種のペレストロイカが計画経済からより 変動の大きい市場経済に向かっている。過去10年間は経済を整えるのに結いやされたが今年はW TO加盟を申請する。そのことが海外投資家の興味を引き始めている。 (中略) A large chunk of Vietnam's foreign exchange earnings comes from $6 billion sent home each year by Vietnamese overseas. Most of these are refugees who fled the victory of the Communists in 1975.
"On Saturday night there were 20 masked men armed with knives and sticks. They threatened to get violent and even bomb the place unless we black out the Iranian and Saudia Arabian flags on the poster as well," said Lobscheid. (土曜日の夜に20人のイスラムの男たちがナイフや棍棒で武装してやってきてイランとサウジ アラビアの国旗をポスターから消さないなら、爆破すると脅迫した) ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 念のために書いておくと、ドイツ(と幾つかの欧州の国)では制約つきで売春は合法
BAGHDAD (Reuters) The U.S. military said on Thursday Iraq was moving away from the risk of civil war and insurgent and sectarian bloodshed would fall dramatically when a new government of national unity is formed.
In sometimes tearful testimony, Sakie Yokota, whose daughter Megumi was 13 when she was kidnapped on her way home from school in 1977, spoke of the profound pain, fatigue and helplessness she has felt trying to find her daughter. Yokota, who was scheduled to meet with President Bush on Friday, urged the world to impose sanctions on North Korea if the victims are not returned immediately.
The Winston-Salem, N.C., company moved to test the new snuff-like product just days after making a deal to buy Conwood Co., the No. 2 U.S. player in the smokeless tobacco market, for $3.5 billion. ノースカロライナ、セーレムにあるレイノルズは嗅ぎ煙草のような煙の出ない煙草のテスト販売 を開始する。同社は煙無し煙草のNo2メーカーであるコンウッド社を$3.5Bで買収したばかり である。
Reynolds also outlined plans for its new Camel Snus product, which it will test market in Portland, Ore., and Austin, Texas, later in the second quarter. レイノルズは同時に新製品であるキャメル・スナスの計画を公表している。オレゴン州ポートラ ンドとテキサス州オースチンで2Qにテスト販売する。
"Snus and Conwood are separate initiatives but they both demonstrate how committed we are to the non-smoke category," Chief Financial Officer Diane Neal said in a conference call with analysts. 同社のCFO、Diane Nealはカンファレンスで「スナスとコンウッドは別のプロジェクトだが、 両方とも我々の煙無し製品へのコミットメントを示すもの」と語った。スナスは唇に挟むよう なタイプのガムのような製品で嗅ぎ煙草とは別のカテゴリーになる。
``Authorities are opting for direct monetary policy instruments instead of allowing faster appreciation of the yuan to achieve the tightening effect,'' said Qing Wang, a senior currency strategist at Bank of America Corp. in Hong Kong. ``The pace of yuan appreciation will likely be rather moderate in the coming weeks.'' 香港のバンクオブアメリカの主任エコのミスト、Qing Wangは「中国当局は元の値上がりの為に 引き締め効果を期待する以外にも、直接にマネタリ政策を実施するというオプションもある」と いう「今後数週間では、中国元の値上がりはむしろ緩やかなものになろう」とした。
Glenn Maguire, chief economist for Asia at Societe Generale in Hong Kong, said China appeared to be sending a message abroad that it would use its own policy tools to manage its economy, rather than the guidance of others. 香港のソサエティ・ジェネラルのアジア担当・主任エコノミストのGlenn Maguireは中国が他のガイ ダンスに任せるのではなく自らの手中の政策で経済を管理するとのメッセージを海外に送ったという。
``The potential for overheating is being quelled by the tightening of the lending rate,'' he said. ``It's a very strong signal that China won't be dictated to on its currency policy by the G-7. The yuan will remain firmly tepid.'' 「貸出金利の引き上げで過熱化の可能性を抑制した」「これはとても強いシグナルで、中国がG7 などに通貨政策を指示されるのではなく元は大きな変動なく保たれるのだろう」
ノムヒョン大統領は竹島問題が起こるや否や、例によって中国共産党の教科書の教えるように日 本の過去の戦争時代の罪状と言うのを引っ張り出してきて糾弾するのに忙しく、日本の領有権の 主張は過去の反省をせず、帝国時代と同じ領土的野心をあらわにしている事の証明だという。 (No sooner had that been resolved than President Roh moved to inflame the situation once again. Taking a leaf out of the Chinese Communists' book, who never hesitate to drag Japan's war record into any bilateral dispute, he cited Tokyo's claim to the islands as supposed proof it hadn't renounced its wartime past and still harbored territorial ambitions.)
In the days before China's May Day holiday in 2004, Beijing began a credit crunch that shook markets around the world on worries of an abrupt halt to the country's economic boom. 2004年には中国はメーデーの休日の前に中国は信用の引き締めを行なって世界中に中国経済の 成長が止まるのではとの心配をさせた。
The stern tone was set by the central government, which promised to choke investment in "overheated" sectors such as property and ordered the arrest of officials for building an unauthorised steel mill near Shanghai. 加熱化した経済を冷やす為投資を抑制するという中国銀行の政策で上海近郊の承認を得ていない鉄 鋼工場の建設を進めた役人が逮捕された。
All Ordinaries 5,207.000 2:17AM ET Down 39.900 (0.76%)↓ オーストラリア Shanghai Composite 1,440.223 3:00AM ET Up 23.491 (1.66%)↑ 上海 Hang Seng 16,534.72 3:15AM ET Down 208.13 (1.24%)↓ 香港 BSE 30 11,746.35 4:14AM ET Down 88.67 (0.75%)↓ インド Jakarta Composite 1,455.653 4:14AM ET Down 18.956 (1.29%)↓ インドネシア KLSE Composite 947.25 4:14AM ET Down 0.36 (0.04%)↓ マレーシア Nikkei 225 16,906.23 3:00AM ET Down 208.31 (1.22%)↓ 日本 NZSE 50 3,795.167 1:32AM ET Up 17.266 (0.46%) ↑ ニュージーランド Straits Times 2,592.83 4:15AM ET Down 8.23 (0.32%)↓ シンガポール Seoul Composite 1,419.73 2:02AM ET Down 32.8 (2.26%)↓ 韓国 Taiwan Weighted 7,171.77 1:46AM ET Up 35.56 (0.50%)↑ 台湾
Analysts said the interest rate hike will not affect market liquidity substantially. 'The interest rate rise will have more impact psychologically, as there are more than enough private funds looking for investment chances in the stock market,' said Wu Dazhong, an analyst at Chinalion Securities. Banks were buoyed by increased margins after the interest rate hike. (銀行の利益が増えるだろうということらしいのだけれど良くワカラン・・)
``Shares of companies that rely on demand from China will be hit the most,'' said Park Jae Hoon, who helps oversee about $800 million at Tong Yang Investment Trust Management Co. in Seoul. ``The rate increase raises concern China may take additional measures to cool its economy.'' 韓国株では、中国の需要に依存している会社の下げが大きい
``Banking stocks are benefiting as a widened spread in the interest rates is expected to boost'' the profit they make from lending, said Zhang Xuejun, who manages about $720 million with Guotai Junan Allianz Fund Management Co. in Shanghai. 上海の銀行が利上げで利益増大との期待で株価を上げている
Air America Radio will lose its New York flagship station, WLIB-AM, on Aug. 31. While the left-leaning radio network’s original lease for the Inner City station ran out March 31, AAR managed to get an extension which only lasts until Aug. 31, according to an informed source.
Could the soaring Hang Seng be ripe for a fall? Webb pointed out that only about 20% of the companies listed in Hong Kong are actually domiciled here. "For the new ones," he said, "very few are [headquartered] in Hong Kong. They are in Bermuda or the Caymans or [mainland China]." ( domicile:居住地、住所、法定住所、本籍、本拠地)
Korn Chatikavanij, deputy leader of the Democrat party, said the suspension of the by-elections was probably the first step in the invalidation of the entire vote.
“The administrative court has just kicked the ball into play,” he said. “By saying the by-election is to cease, it implies that the election process cannot be completed, and therefore, parliament cannot convene. Presumably, therefore, a whole new election will be required.”
横田早紀江さん、ブッシュ大統領と面会 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ttp:// Japanese mother meets with President Bush AP・NYT FOSTER KLUG Associated Press ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ttp:// For Immediate Release Office of the Press Secretary April 28, 2006 The Oval Office 11:39 A.M. EDT President Meets with North Korean Defectors and Family Members of Japanese Abducted by North Korea ホワイトハウスの公式文書、横田さんに会ったブッシュ大統領の発言 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ttp:// REFILING: 3RD LD: Bush meets Yokota's mother to stress commitment on abduction issue+ April 28_(Kyodo) _ (EDS: FIXING TYPO AT 3RD GRAF) 共同通信・英語配信
"I assure you strongly" to work for human rights and to work for freedom, the president told Sakie. ブッシュ大統領は横田早紀江さんに人権と自由について働きかけることを 「私は貴方に、約束します」と語った。
"I know that the president's commitment to this issue is very sincere. I know he cares deeply about the issue of Japanese abductions," Jay Lefkowitz, U.S special envoy for human rights in North Korea, told the joint Asia-Pacific and human rights subcommittee hearing under the House of Representatives International Relations Committee. アメリカの北朝鮮人権問題・特別大使であるJay Lefkowitzは「ブッシュ大統領はこの問題にコミット しており、彼は日本人拉致問題をとても気にしている」と下院外交委員会のアジア太平洋人権問題小 委員会で語っている。
>>324 (Lefkowitz人権問題特別大使) "Until the North Korean government is accountable honestly for the whereabouts of every one of the abductees, not only from Japan but from several other countries as well, it will not have any international legitimacy,"
(Christopher Smith議員) "seems to me that this is the place where we could very significantly enhance our efforts on their behalf and on behalf of their people who have suffered the plight of abductions, and the G-8 is a golden opportunity for that." "We will enhance our efforts, we will try to do more, on her specific case, but also on all of these abduction cases,"
(James Leach議員) "I don't think there is any more moving instance on human relations today than the story of her family,"
Access Economics has been warning of the vulnerability of Australia's exports to a turnaround in world commodity prices, which could happen if China's demand eases and the world supply rises. No one rings a bell at the top of the market. Talk about things being as good as they get doesn't mean they will stay that way.
ttp:// Board of Governors GOV/2006/27 Date: 28 April 2006 International Atomic Energy Agency Implementation of the NPT Safeguards Agreement in the Islamic Republic of Iran Report by the Director General ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー IAEAのイラン報告書がうpされたので、ブログで話題に。 この報告書の中身を分析して論じているものは、例えば:
For the record, the long list of nuclear activities Iran kept hidden from the IAEA includes:
1.Clandestine construction of a pilot uranium enrichment facility; 2.Construction of a large-scale enrichment facility; 3.Construction of a facility to convert uranium yellowcake into uranium hexafluoride gas (UF6) - which then can be enriched to create nuclear bombs; 4.Construction of a heavy-water reactor that can be used to produce plutonium for nuclear weapons without having to master the uranium enrichment process; 5.Importation of the design and components for centrifuges used to enrich uranium; 6.Importation of 1.8 tons of uranium yellowcake; 7.Experimentation with the separation of plutonium; 8.Experimentation with polonium (a radioactive isotope used to trigger and boost nuclear explosions); 9.Importation of instructions on how to weaponize highly enriched uranium. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ざっとながめてみても、従来の生ぬるいIAEA報告書とはトーンが異なっているような。p2 ガス拡散濃縮装置の存在、核開発計画とイラン軍部の緊密すぎる関係、プルトニウム分離の試み などにふみこんでいて、殆ど真っ黒の判定をしているような。数年前の甘ったるいIAEAの態 度と、この報告には大変大きなギャップがあるけれど、エルバラダイは判断の誤りは気にしない のかすらん。
* Iran's claim to have enriched low-grade uranium appears true * Iran used undeclared plutonium in small-scale separation experiments * Iran refused to give more information on key issues, including centrifuge programmes
Chapter VII, which is invoked in cases of threat to international peace and security, could open the way to sanctions or even military action, although this step is so far highly unlikely. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 国内メディアの記事は、多くの外国の報道と比較して問題を過小評価し、読者をミスリードして いるように思える。危機を煽る必要は全く無いけれど、IAEAの事実認識は国連安保理の判断 の基礎なのだから、正しく報道すべきと思える。
The full video is two hours long. We will post it in four chapters; the first chapter (30 minutes) is posted here and subsequent chapters will be posted in coming weeks. と書いているので、これは全体の四分の一。現在英訳作業をしているらしい。
"The biggest beneficiaries of this interest-rate increase are in fact the banks," said Zuo Xiaolei, chief economist of Galaxy Securities in Beijing. Because the central bank increased how much banks can charge for loans, without a corresponding rise in how much they must pay depositors for their money, lending has actually become more profitable.
The central and western Gulf of Mexico provides fully 25 percent of America’s domestic oil, in part because so many other offshore and onshore areas are off limits.
If we allowed drilling elsewhere -- in currently restricted areas in the Pacific and in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR), for example -- America would have greater supplies and lower prices overall, but also less vulnerability should a hurricane or other natural disaster strike any one region.
The U.S. troops were preparing to leave when his vehicle came into view. He and his driver blew through a Delta roadblock before nearing a Ranger checkpoint. The Ranger M240B machine-gunner had Zarqawi in his sights and requested permission to fire, but the lieutenant in charge of the checkpoint did not give the OK because he did not have “positive ID” of the vehicle’s occupants, a TF 145 source said.
To the intense frustration of other Rangers on the scene, Zarqawi’s vehicle hurtled past, with the Jordanian staring wildly at the Rangers, while wearing a Black Hawk vest and gripping a U.S. assault rifle, the TF 145 source said. Delta operators took up a high-speed pursuit, while a Shadow unmanned aerial vehicle tracked the action from above.
中国最大の上海宝鋼集団公司は1Qの決算を発表し利益が前年同期比-55.4%とした。鉄鋼の 価格低下によるところが大きいという。 Baoshan Iron and Steel Co. Ltd., the world's sixth-largest steel maker by output, posted net earnings of 1.37 billion yuan ($171 million) in the three months to March, versus 3.07 billion yuan a year earlier, it said in a filing to the Shanghai Stock Exchange (