ポリ・プンディット・ブログ、何故今になってブッシュが反撃を始めたのか?その理由; ttp://polipundit.com/index.php?p=11182 Friday, November 11th, 2005 Why Now Michelle Malkin asked this in response to Bush’s decision to finally fight back against his Iraq critics: マイケル・マーキンはとうとう反撃を始めたが、何故こんなに遅いのかという
My question: What took him so long? He could have made this speech while Sheehan was gaining traction outside his Crawford, Tx. ranch this summer with her “Bush lied!” brigades. He could have made this speech while the anti-war movement and the media were busy politicizing the “2000 dead” milestone in the most macabre and dishonest way. He could have made this speech as Harry Reid was jumping up and down like Rumpelstiltskin behind the Senate chamber’s locked doors. 反戦母親がクロフォードに押しかけたり、メデイア がイラク米軍戦死者の2000人超えで大騒ぎしてきたのを放置した理由が理解できない。もっと早期に反 撃すべきであった。
But he didn’t. Better late than never. I hope this is a sign of renewed intestinal fortitude. The GOP needs it. とうとうブッシュは反撃開始したが、しないよりは遅れたとはいえ、うんと良い。共和党は反戦派と戦 うことが必要だ。
I think that the timing of this is George W. Bush through and through. He rarely answers his critics when they are screaming. He waits until they work themselves into frothing-at- the-mouth lunatics and lets them make more and more outlandish statements that they later have to try to distance themselves from. Then, when there is an opening in the news cycle, he addresses them on his terms. In this case, in a Veteran’s Day speech.
I would like to address those who argue that the administration used anything other than what the intelligence community told them about Iraq's WMD programs. I served as a WMD analyst working directly with the national WMD experts at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory during the run-up to the Iraq War.
Based on that experience, I can assure you that the intelligence community told the Bush Administration that Saddam did indeed have active WMD programs. If people disagree with Bush's policy and want to argue that we would be better off if Saddam's tyranny still ruled the day and that the votes of the 10 million Iraqi Shia, Sunni, and Kurds who accepted a constitution for a new, democratic Iraq do not really mean that much after all then, fine, let's debate that. But the 'lies and deception' smear campaign against the President is completely without merit.
おもすろいけれど、長いのでごく一部だけコピペ(第三幕のはじめのところ) Streets of Paris. The toughs strut along the streets of the banlieu coming their hair, carrying bottles of gasoline.
TARIQ How about this one guys? KHALIL That rusty hunk of junk? It’ll never make the TV news! HASSAN (excitedly) Why… this car is automatic! It's systematic! It’s flambee-matic! Why… it's a greased Peugeot!
TOUGHS CHORUS We'll get some Molotov cocktails and some 2 euro Bics oh yeah (Keep talking whoa keep talking) Start a fire burnin’ like a pair of cheater slicks oh yeah! (I'll get the petrol I'll kill to get the petro) With a thunderous sound it’s gonna burn to the ground! It’s gonna explode by the side of the road, a greased Peugeot! Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go!
Music suddenly stops; as a flank of gendarmes enters.
POLICEMAN What’s all this then? TARIQ Helloooo officer La Fleur! Sees, we is de-praved, because we is de-prived. POLICEMAN Well, then you better stop now because President Chirac announced a major crackdown on crime. You’ll all be getting your new crackdown checks next week.
TOUGHS Allahu Akbar! Music resumes Go greased Peugeot you're burning up the Rue De Ville! (後略)
Some 53 percent surveyed in an opinion poll said they had confidence in Sarkozy to deal with problems in the suburbs, 52 percent said they were confident in Villepin, while 29 percent expressed confidence in Chirac. Some 950 people were surveyed for the poll to be published in Le Journal du Dimanche newspaper on Sunday. Those surveyed were asked whether they had confidence in each of a list of political leaders.
"The president will look for an opportunity to worship with Chinese citizens," the official said on condition of anonymity. Bush has vowed to push China on religious freedom during his third visit there since taking office.
A profile that, as often as not, belongs to Robert Redford, Beatty's exact contemporary: the well-connected, idealistic political naif in "The Candidate" (1972), the corduroy- jacketed C.I.A. analyst in "Three Days of the Condor" (1975) and the Washington Post reporter cracking open a nefarious White House conspiracy in "All the President's Men" (1976).
All of these guys fuse an alienated, countercultural wariness with at least a residual faith in the system. Their operative mode is a kind of dogged, hopeful paranoia: a suspicion that the world is run by shadowy, malevolent forces coexisting with a faith that it can be set right and that the truth will out ・・・・ ・・・・ But the line of Beatty and Redford seems to have petered out. The particular blend of political idealism, artistic ambition and sex appeal they embodied 30 years ago may have been an artifact of its time, an era when the crisis of liberal conscience was not only pervasive but also cool and seemed to be an urgent subject for movies and a natural calling for movie stars. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 1970年代のハリウッド映画は、Warren Beatty や Robert Redford の活躍した、リベラルの理想 が映画に中に(英雄として)横溢していた、30年前には、そうしたリベラルの理想主義が、クール とみなされていた。(それに比べてブッシュ政権の今のハリウッドは・・・と嘆いているように見 える)
ALL is chaos under heaven," a revolutionary once wrote, "and the situation is excellent." The writer was not Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the terrorist whose group has claimed responsibility for the triple bombing last week in Amman, Jordan, but Chairman Mao. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 今日のNYTにある、dでもない記事で、テロと革命を礼賛する(?)NYT記者のヨルダンの記事;
In mid-July, senior American intelligence officials called the leaders of the international atomic inspection agency to the top of a skyscraper overlooking the Danube in Vienna and unveiled the contents of what they said was a stolen Iranian laptop computer. 7月中旬に米国諜報機関の高官がウイーンのIAEA本部でイランから盗まれたノートPCの中身を示した。
The Americans flashed on a screen and spread over a conference table selections from more than a thousand pages of Iranian computer simulations and accounts of experiments, saying they showed a long effort to design a nuclear warhead, according to a half-dozen European and American participants in the meeting. 会議室でアメリカ高官が示したのは1000ページ以上にのぼるイランの核開発シミュレーションや 実験のデータで核弾頭開発の長期の活動を裏付ける証拠であるという。会議には半ダースばかりの 欧米の外交官が参加した。
The documents, the Americans acknowledged from the start, do not prove that Iran has an atomic bomb. They presented them as the strongest evidence yet that, despite Iran's insistence that its nuclear program is peaceful, the country is trying to develop a compact warhead to fit atop its Shahab missile, which can reach Israel and other countries in the Middle East. その文書はイランが核弾頭を有している証拠ではないが、シャハブ・ミサイル搭載用の小型核弾頭 を開発している強い証拠であり、完成すれなイスラエルなどを攻撃できることになる。(後略) ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー NYT記事は5ページもある長くて詳細なもので、アメリカの提示した証拠の信憑性について多くの 見方を紹介している。共同の記事にあるような批判が独仏の外交官にあるという記述はあるけど それ以外の多くのコメントは証拠が本物らしいというもので、記事を読んだ印象では黒に近い灰 色という感じ。共同記事には印象操作がある。起爆装置が目標の2000フィート上空で作動する仕 様になっている(原爆意外にはこの高度で爆発する爆弾は無い)とか、専門家が偽造の可能性を チェックしたが資料の膨大さや内容から本物のようだと見ていると書いている。
Gary Samore, the head of nonproliferation at the National Security Council in the Clinton administration, who recently directed a report on Iran that drew on interviews with government officials in many nations, said, "The most convincing evidence that the material is genuine is that the technical work is so detailed that it would be difficult to fabricate." ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 機密情報を入れたノートPCなどが持ち出されるとこうなるという見本鴨。そのうち正規の手続きな しに稼動させると自己破壊するようなPCが開発されそうな悪寒。
The trio - Thai masseuse Anocha Panjoy and jewellery shop assistants Hong Leng-ieng and So Mio-chun - have not been seen since the evening July 2, 1978, after they accepted a dinner invitation from a wealthy Japanese man who called himself Mr Fukoda.
At the time it was thought the women could have been abducted and forced into prostitution or murdered on the high seas after being enticed on board ships.
Deputy Prime Minister Marwan Moasher told a press conference Sunday that the Iraqi woman, the wife of one of the bombers, was in custody, in a major breakthrough in the probe into the attacks that killed 57 people and wounded about 100 more. ヨルダン副首相Marwan Moasherは記者会見でテロ爆撃犯の妻であるイラク人女性を逮捕したと発表。
He said the woman would appear on Jordanian television to give details of Wednesday's bombings that have sharply jolted Jordan 副首相は、逮捕された女性が、近日中にTVで、テロの詳しい情報を告白すると予告した。
"She took part in preparing an attack by her husband on the Radisson Hotel by bringing explosives into the hotel," another Jordanian official said. 「彼女は、夫の行ったラディソン・ホテルへのテロの準備を手伝い、ホテルに爆薬を運んだ」
Moasher identified the woman as Sajida Mubarak al-Rishai and said she was the sister of a key aide to Al-Qaeda's Iraq leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, a fugitive Jordanian Islamist who is Iraq's most wanted man. He said she failed to blow up her explosives charge in the hotel ballroom where a wedding reception was in full swing. 彼女の名前はSajida Mubarak al-Rishaiで、主要なアルカイダ支援者の妹であるという。彼女はホテ ルの宴会場で、結婚式の最中に爆発物の起爆に失敗した。
"Her husband asked her to leave the wedding party. Once she did he detonated himself successfully," Moasher added. 彼女の夫は、夫の行う爆破の後に、宴会場を去るように妻に言ったという。
He showed pictures of the explosives belt worn by the woman, which he said show "the metal balls that were also attached to the belt so that they can inflict the largest number of casualties." He said she was the sister of Zarqawi's "emir" in the restive western Iraqi province of Al-Anbar who was killed in Fallujah. 副首相は彼女の身につけていた爆弾のベルトの写真を記者団に示し「金属の球がベルトにつけられ 破壊力を増すように出来ていうる」と説明した。彼女はファルージャで殺されたザルカウィの任命 したアンバール県の「首長」の妹だという。ヨルダン警察は他に12人の事件関係者を拘束している。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー こういう人がTVに出てきて告白すると、そこらのフィクションやドラマは全く歯が立たない迫力 がありそうな希ガス。
WASHINGTON -- Two weeks after a White House aide's indictment in the CIA-leak case, political adviser Karl Rove and possibly other Bush administration officials remain at risk of being charged in the investigation. But some lawyers believe that with each passing day, the odds of further indictments are diminishing. Unless the indicted aide, I. Lewis Libby, implicates others, or special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald gains some other new evidence, the investigation could end with no one else being charged, they say.
Nov. 13 (Bloomberg) -- China's oil imports may rise at least 5.9 percent this year, slowing from the 35 percent growth a year ago, as high international oil prices discouraged oil refiners from buying the fuel overseas. 昨年の石油輸入増加率は35%であったので大幅な伸び率の鈍化になる。
BRUCE WILLIS, ACTOR: I am baffled to understand why the things that I saw happening in Iraq, really good things happening in Iraq, are not being reported on. Michael has been over there, was embedded with the members of the Deuce Four, you know, the battalion that actually won the battle for Mosul, that -- Michael, correct me if I'm wrong -- these are the guys who allowed the election to take place, the election that happened just, you know, a couple months ago, to take place, which is, you know, just a monumental thing. And it's not being reported on.
リベラルの「ブッシュ性発狂症候群」について By Dr. Sanity ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 専門の心理学者が書いている評論。リベラルはテロリストをテロリストと呼ばず、武装派とか そういうあいまいな言い方で擁護し、大きなテロ事件がおきるとテロリストを非難せずに合衆国 大統領とカール・ローブを非難して、彼らが世界の諸悪の根源だという。知識人がどうしてこう いう発狂現象を起こすのかを心理学的に考察すると・・
Jordanian television showed a woman who claimed to be Sajida al-Rishawi, 35, an Iraqi citizen, confessing to a plot to bomb the hotel with her husband. ``My husband organized everything,''
SCHIEFFER: And in--he said in doing so, the criticisms they were making of his war policy was endangering our troops in Iraq. Do you believe it is unpatriotic to criticize the Iraq policy? シェファー:その中で大統領は、野党がそうした批判をすることはイラクの米軍兵士を危険にする ものだと言っています。貴方もイラク政策を非難することが非愛国的と思いますか?
Sen. McCAIN: No, I think it's a very legitimate aspect of American life to criticize and to disagree and to debate. But I want to say I think it's a lie to say that the president lied to the American people. I sat on the Robb-Silverman Commission. I saw many, many analysts that came before that committee. I asked every one of them--I said, `Did--were you ever pressured politically or any other way to change your analysis of the situation as you saw?' Every one of them said no. マケイン:否、政策の批判は健全なことだと思う。しかし、大統領が国民に嘘を言ってアメリカを戦 争に導いたというのは嘘だ。わたしはRobb-Silvermanの諜報委員会コミッションに参加していたの で、イラク諜報のアナリストたちを喚問したときに全てのアナリストに聞いたのだ。私の質問は、 「貴方は政治的に、あるいは別の方法で、貴方の分析を変更するよう圧力を受けたか?」というも ので、すべてのアナリストの答えはNoだった。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー この番組は良く見られていて、マケイン上院議員の影響力は少なからぬものがあるので、彼がブッシュ 擁護に回った(リベラル・メデイアのブッシュが嘘を言ったとの主張を否定した)ことは意味のあるこ とと思える。 番組の中の発言のトランスクリプトは→ ttp://www.cbsnews.com/htdocs/pdf/face_111305.pdf
U.S President George W. Bush may stay in the U.S. aircraft carrier USS Kitty Hawk, which arrived in the port of Pusan (Busan) for military exercises, while attending the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum in Pusan, sources said Sunday. 釜山に停泊のキティホークに宿泊する可能性がある。しかし米国は宿泊予定場所を公開していない。
SEOUL, Nov. 14 (Yonhap) -- The U.S. military denied reports that it will deploy an aircraft carrier in South Korean waters during the ongoing Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum in Busan, an U.S. military official said Monday. "We have no plan to deploy any aircraft carrier, including USS Kitty Hawk, around the Korean Peninsula, during the APEC period," said Kim Yong-kyu, a spokesman at the U.S. military command in Seoul.
On economics, the treaty offers up a policy mix of Keynesian pump-priming, tax hikes, obsessive budget balancing and old-style state planning that is more "red," in hue and substance, than even the previous red-green government.
His achievements include anticipating the rise of the modern corporation, and then dissecting its strengths and weaknesses; predicting the challenge that Japan would pose to American business; describing the rise and importance of "the knowledge worker"; and defending profit-making as central to the business enterprise at a time, in the middle of the last century, when that was not a widely held proposition.
The inexplicable Indian habit of giving the benefit of doubt to China emerges every now and then despite hard evidence to the contrary. Recently, when Defence Minister Pranab Mukherjee referred to the ’62 border conflict as a war with China, a lowly vice-consul in the Chinese Embassy pounced on him. The vice-consul changed tack the next day and declared that his admonition was a remark from a friendly country. Amazingly, he got away with it!
Relations between two countries of continental dimensions that go back in centuries are bound to be complex. China has been going back and forth on Sikkim. During the two years, its posture has been hardening all along the border. Compared to 2003, incidents of Chinese Frontier Guards violating the LoC have doubled in 2004,
When President Bush lands here tomorrow, he deserves a victory lap for a singular foreign policy accomplishment ? growing and deepening the U.S.-Japan alliance.
Bush critics bemoan the state of relations with supposed European allies like France and Germany, but overlook the improvements in the Japanese alliance.
Yet Japan is becoming a partner to America comparable only to Britain ? a staunch ally in the region, and a global partner in other issues around the globe; two powers that share similar values and vision, willing to pool resources to address daunting political, economic and, even, security problems.
Now, Ahmad Abd Al-Ghafur al-Sammarai, one of the leading Sunni scholars and clerics in Iraq, and a prominent member of the Sunni Waqf (religious endowment program), has publicly urged former officers to rejoin the army for the good of the nation.
今回、スンニ派の指導的な宗教学者であるAhmad Abd Al-Ghafur al-Sammaraiが、おおやけに前の サダム政権の仕官、将校たちに国に尽くすためにイラク軍に参加せよと呼びかけた。彼はスンニ派 のSunni Waqfと呼ばれる基金団体の有力なメンバーでもある。
ANDREW SULLIVAN IS TAKING THE BOEING: According to a press release I got from Time: "TIME contributor and essayist Andrew Sullivan will begin posting his blog, The Daily Dish, on TIME.com starting in January 2006, TIME managing editor Jim Kelly announced today. . . . Sullivan will continue writing his blog throughout the week, just as he does today, only it will be posted on TIME.com. He will maintain full control over the content of his blog." ttp://instapundit.com/archives/026837.php
The advertising-supported service, In2TV, will feature approximately 3,400 hours of programing from 4,800 episodes spanning 100 series of Warner Bros.-produced shows from the past in its first year in an exclusive deal.
Setting the Record Straight: The Washington Post On Pre-War Intelligence
The Washington Post Implies That The Presidential Daily Brief (PDB) Was Superior To The National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) Given To Congress. "But Bush does not share his most sensitive intelligence, such as the President's Daily Brief, with lawmakers. Also, the National Intelligence Estimate summarizing the intelligence community's views about the threat from Iraq was given to Congress just days before the vote to authorize the use of force in that country." (Dana Milbank And Walter Pincus, "Asterisks Dot White House's Iraq Argument," The Washington Post, 11/12/05)
インスタプンディット MORE PUSHBACK: The White House raps the Washington Post. I wonder if they're going to start doing this sort of thing daily? It would be smart. ttp://instapundit.com/archives/026835.php
A large number of Czech politicians, especially members of the ruling Social Democratic Party (CSSD) and Communist Party (KSCM), continue to maintain close ties to the CCP (Mlada Fronta Dnes April 18). Many of these politicians enjoy a broad-base of growing support among their Czech constituencies and have publicly called for the lifting of the EU embargo on China. The Social Democrats are more comfortable in cooperating with the Communists than they are with more rightist political parties. Many Social Democrats are in fact former communists themselves, and are alleged to secretly maintain strong ties to their former party as well as to members of the international communist party.
発端となったチェヴェス大統領の発言は: "How sad that the president of a people like the Mexicans lets himself become the puppy dog of the empire", he told an audience of supporters and businessmen in the Venezuelan capital Caracas.
NYTのヨルダン、アンマンのホテル結婚式爆破事件の評論のような記事。実行犯人がファルージャ 攻撃で殺戮されたテロリストの親族であることなどを解説。ヨルダンに攻撃を仕掛けることは ザルカウィの長年の計画であり、中東の親米政権を政権交代させる狙いがあると解説する。ザル カウィのテロ戦略がイラク外部にエスカレートしているとする見方。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ttp://www.nationalreview.com/robbins/robbins200511140818.asp November 14, 2005, 8:18 a.m. Zarqawi’s Big Mistake The Jordan attacks may hurt.
ヤンキー・グループの予測では2009年にミニ・ポルノの売り上げは年間$200M程度になろうという。 "When I first heard about this, I thought it was a novelty, but I've changed my mind," she said. "I think that the porn industry will probably be pretty quick to figure out what works and sells for mobile devices."
``If German leaders worshiped Hitler and worshipped the Nazis, how would the European people look at this?'' Li told reporters at the Grand Hotel in Busan, South Korea. ``Yet Japanese leaders are worshiping such war criminals who harmed so many Chinese people.''
``We have no plans for a senior leadership meeting between China and Japan,'' Liu said at a regular briefing in Beijing today. ``We believe now is not a good time to meet. The atmosphere is not appropriate.''
``Our policy has never changed,'' Liu said. ``Our leaders have always believed that facing history is a key to our relations with Japan. We hope Japanese leaders can put past expressions of sincerity into action.'' ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 李肇星外相は閨閥で江沢民派につながる人でもあるので、これは最近日中関係をこれ以上 悪化させないよう苦労している胡温指導部に喧嘩を売っているのかもすれない(?)
SHANGHAI, Oct. 16 - Move over, New York. This year alone, Shanghai will complete towers with more space for living and working than there is in all the office buildings in New York City. … This may just a suggestion of what is ahead. China expects 75 million more farmers to move to cities over the next five years, amounting to one of the biggest mass migrations in history, according to CLSA, a brokerage house specializing in the Asia-Pacific region.
アメリカの著名なアジア学者 Robert Scalapinoは「日本は大国になることを望んでいる」という。 「日本はアメリカとのパートナーシップを求めるが、それはパトロン・クライアント型の関係では ないものである」
10月29日つけの(2+2)合意文書は日米双方の外相と国防相が署名したもので(US-Japan Alliance: Transformation and Realignment for the Future)これはブッシュ政権が3年間をかけて日本との 戦略的関係の再定義を話し合ってきた結果の産物である。それは1952年の日米安保条約以来の両国 の安全保障体制の見直しである。
この合意文書はアメリカが引き続き「核の傘」の庇護を日本に与えることを述べている。アメリカ の核抑止力が日本の防衛に不可欠である(nuclear deterrence provided by the US remain an essential complement to Japan's defense)というわけだが、それは日本の核武装を防ぎたいとい うことかもしれない。
フランス外相(当時)ヴィレピン * French Foreign Minister Dominique De Villepin: "Right Now, Our Attention Has To Be Focused As A Priority On The Biological And Chemical Domains. It Is There That Our Presumptions About Iraq Are The Most Significant. Regarding The Chemical Domain, We Have Evidence Of Its Capacity To Produce VX And Yperite. (ry
ドイツの駐米大使、ウオルフガング * German Ambassador To The United States Wolfgang Ischinger: "I Think All Of Our Governments Believe That Iraq Has Produced Weapons Of Mass Destruction And That We Have To Assume That They Still Have That They Continue To Have Weapons Of Mass Destruction.(ry
10月末に日米は(2+2)構造協議で合意し、両国の軍事協力を大幅に進めることとした。その 合意文書には「アジアの安全保障への挑戦に対応し、軍事力の強化を阻止し、侵略を抑止するこ とが要点である」という。中国は聞こえているのかすらん? (the report said, "is essential to dissuade destabilizing military buildups, to deter aggression and to respond to diverse security challenges." Beijing, are you listening?)
ttp://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2005/11/20051116-5.html Remarks by President Bush and Prime Minister Koizumi of Japan in a Press Availability Kyoto State Guest House Kyoto, Japan 11、16、12:01 P.M. (Local) ホワイトハウス:ブッシュ大統領、小泉首相の記者会見記録(トランスクリプト)
What Bush was saying in Pennsylvania is this: You may accuse me of falsifying intelligence, but you are falsifying history. And you will not get away with it. I am going to fight it out on this line, even if it costs me my presidency. But if I am going down, you are going down with me.
If Iraq is lost to chaos and civil war, and this is a historic defeat and strategic disaster for the United States, Bush is saying, I will charge you with cutting and running, abandoning our troops under fire and losing the Iraq war. No wonder Bill and Hillary seem wary of throwing in with the Cindy Sheehan crowd.
ヘリテージ財団:ブッシュ大統領の訪中についての、対中政策レビュー by John J. Tkacik, Jr. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 対中強硬派の一人、John J. Tkacik, Jr.の中国政策論。現在の胡錦涛政権と、アメリカの間で 共有できる価値や政策が殆ど無いので、ブッシュ訪中やそのほかの外交活動で成果が上がるとは 期待できないし、すべきでもないという。
Conclusion There are few policy areas in which the U.S. and China share common strategic goals. For the time being, the Administration should keep expectations for U.S.-China relations low. (アメリカ政府は価値や政策を共有できるところの無い北京政権への期待値を低くすべき)
政策提言として: ○Manage expectations for the visit with the American press(ry ○Begin to educate the American public(ry ○Avoid Chinese efforts to portray the visit as a U.S. endorsement of a Sino-U.S. condominium in Asia. ○Initiate a national security reassessment of China’s new geopolitical weight in Asia. ○Reassure the people of Taiwan that the survival and success of their democracy
Liberalist Yu Shicun: Why do I object to Intellectuals? Posted by Anti on November 15th, 2005 ? Posted in Liberalist 中国の知識人を尊敬することなぞ出来ないわけだが ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 中国の知識人や学者への禿げしい批判。大学では江沢民の「三つの代表」理論だのケ小平理論 を教え、研究しているというが、政府御用達の仕事以外に見るべきものは無い。過去100年ばか りの中国の知識人は怠惰で役立たずである、と言う。
general secretary of Shanghai municipal government before the Cultural Revolution, Mr. Ke Qingshi, often quoted from Mao’s speech: “The Chinese intellectuals could be generalized with two words: lazy and cheap. They are lazy in that they often feel proud without self examination. They are so cheap that they would take themselves great if they have not been beaten for three days.”
ttp://online.wsj.com/article/SB113214291122998844.html?mod=home_whats_news_us You wouldn't know it from the final tally, but Wednesday was a wild day on Wall Street. Gold prices saw their biggest surge in dollar terms since just after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Treasury bonds rallied sharply. General Motors touched an 18-year low. Copper hit a record high. Oil jumped. Silver surged. Despite all the action, stocks finished flat.
これはCharles JohnsonとRoger L. Simonのはじめた、インターネットでのプロのジャーナリスト に拠らないメディアと言うもの。
At OSMTM (Open Source Media), we believe that to be true?that freedom, openness and transparency in media is an inevitable result of the technological advances that have given every citizen the chance to breathe deeply of the news, thought and opinion that hovers in the ether between us.
AP:釜山APECサミットで、ネオン街のラブホに宿泊の関係者も ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー Other amenities can include the red lights and round beds. At the Motel Aqua Beach where some journalists are staying, staircase railings are decorated with fanciful drawings of bare-breasted maidens. #ラブホ宿泊となったジャーナリストは喜んでいるのか怒っているのか両方なのか、良くワカラン記事
ttp://www.slate.com/id/2130405/Taking Clintonism to the Next Level She's for the war! He's not! Wacky consequences ensue. By Mickey Kaus Updated Wednesday, Nov. 16, 2005, at 6:52 PM ET
MSNSlate:ヒラリーはイラク戦争支持、旦那は反対、奇抜な展開、いとおかし By ミッキー・カウス
Taking Clintonism to the next level! The old Clintonism: One Clinton succeeds in making both sides think he agrees with them. The new Clintonism: One Clinton pitches to one side while the other assuages the other side. Example: Hillary carefully maintains her appeal to pro-war voters while her husband denounces the war that she voted for as a "a big mistake." ...
The answer, say many investment managers and strategists, is yes. Last week, First Global (UK) Ltd., a British brokerage firm that has been positive on Japan for months, told clients to "Buy, Buy, Buy Japan." The firm predicted the benchmark Nikkei 225 Stock Average, which closed at 14170.87 yesterday, would soar 48% to 69% to as high as 24000 by the end of 2006.
Less giddy, but still bullish, is David Warren, chief executive of T. Rowe Price International, who sees the Nikkei at 16000 by mid-2006 and calls 20000 "a reasonable target" for late 2006 or early 2007.
PRESIDENT ROH: As for the North Korean nuclear issue, President Bush and I engaged in a lengthy discussion on that issue. And the contents of the discussion were basically that we agreed on the fundamental principles when it came to the North Korean nuclear issue. And in the process of the six-party talks, how North Korea would act, the tactics of North Korea when it came to the details, we had some ideas to exchange, and because of that, the discussion of the North Korean nuclear issue was quite lengthy.
このなかに「regional multilateral security dialogue and a cooperation mechanism」を 構築すべく協力、というフレースが入ってっている。ただし北朝鮮の核問題の解決後、という 条件になっていて、将来は6ヶ国協議がそういう問題協議の場になるという想定らすい。
President Roh and President Bush agreed to make common efforts to develop a regional multilateral security dialogue and a cooperation mechanism, so as to jointly respond to regional security issues. In this regard, both leaders noted that the participants in the Six-Party Talks agreed through the Joint Statement to look for ways and means to promote security cooperation in Northeast Asia and that there was a common understanding among the participants that the Six-Party Talks could develop into such a regional multilateral security consultative mechanism once the North Korean nuclear issue is resolved.
幾つかの本を書いている主婦ブロガーで、幼児二人を育てながらネットや電話で取材活動 を行い、リベラル・メディア糾弾の本を書いている。Newspapers, Mrs. Malkin added, are often "uncomfortable" reporting anything without having the full story first.
ジ・オーストラリアン:中国の台頭は平和裏なものではありえない By John Mearsheimer(シカゴ大学、政治学教授)
THE question at hand is simple and profound: will China rise peacefully? My answer is no. 今の深刻で単純な問題:中国の台頭は平和裏でありえるか?私の答えは否である。
If China continues its impressive economic growth over the next few decades, the US and China are likely to engage in an intense security competition with considerable potential for war. Most of China's neighbours, to include India, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, Russia and Vietnam, will join with the US to contain China's power. もしも中国が、現行の目覚しい経済発展を今後数十年間続けるのならば、アメリカと中国は禿げしい 安全保障上の競合をおこし、かなりの確立で戦争に発展する。中国の殆どの隣国は、インド、日本、 ロシア、シンガポール、韓国、ベトナムなどがアメリカ側について、中国を封じ込めるだろう。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー たいへん単純明快な物言いをする先生のようで、わかりやすいことこの上ない。もっともこの先生も これは一番悲観的なシナリオで、もっと楽観的な展開になることを希望する、と書いてはいるけれど。
>>180 After Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi met with Bush on Wednesday, he said, "The better the alliance, I'm firmly convinced, the easier it will be to develop better relations with China and Korea." We need to ponder whether Koizumi made the remark because Japan is less powerful than we are, or because Japan is somehow lacking in independent spirit, or because its capacity to judge the international situation is inferior to ours, or none of the above. Verbal Contortions Hint at Rift in Korea-U.S. Alliance ttp://english.chosun.com/w21data/html/news/200511/200511170026.html
A date is not an exit strategy. To suggest that it is only encourages our enemies, by indicating that the end to American intervention is near. It alienates our friends, who fear an insurgent victory, and tempts undecideds to join the anti-government ranks.
And it suggests to the American people that, no matter what, 2006 is the date for withdrawal. As much as I hope 2006 is the landmark year that the amendment's supporters envision, should it not be so, messages like these will have unrealistically raised expectations once again. That can only cost domestic support for America's role in this conflict, a war we must win. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー マーべリックだけど発言力のあるマケイン上院議員が、民主党の一部の議員から出ているイラク即時 撤退論を誤りと非難した評論。理路整然としていてマケイン調の愛国ムードあふれる評論。
>Martin Jacques is the former editor of Marxism Today
Martin Jacques From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Martin Jacques was editor of Marxism Today till its dissolution in 1991. In the years since he has been involved with the Demos think tank. Currently he is a visiting fellow at the London School of Economics' Asian Research Centre. He also writes the occasional item for The Guardian.
繰り返して言えば、人は意見を変える権利がある。しかし前大統領が国の基本的政策に関する、 戦争の可否に対する意見を変えるというのはただ事ではない。クリントン前大統領は最近の国内 の世論調査でイラク戦争への不人気をみて発言を変えているのかもすれない。しかし、そういう 態度であるのなら、国民は次の大統領選挙で民主党大統領候補にーーひょっとしたら彼の妻がそ の候補かもすれないがーー投票することを難しくするだけであろう。 (Mr. Clinton's remarks will only make it harder for the next Democratic President -- maybe his own wife -- to lead the country during wartime.)
I recall that some years ago Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan argued that the CIA should be abolished, and I argued that that was a ridiculous and irresponsible position. As usual when Pat and I disagreed, Pat turned out to be right.
But Japanese institutions continue to be big sellers of Tokyo stocks. Mark Headley, president of Matthews International Capital Management and manager of the Japanese fund, says that reflects the painful losses they suffered as the Nikkei Stock Average lost 80% of its value from 1989 to 2003.
"Another 24 months of healthy economic activity and these institutions will start to believe in the market," he says. "But we're not there yet, and it's liable to be volatile for a while." Japan Stock-Funds Soar Anew By CRAIG KARMIN Staff Reporter of THE WALL STREET JOURNAL November 18, 2005; Page C1 ttp://online.wsj.com/article/SB113228130788101009.html?mod=rss_markets_main
Even in Germany there are now signs that domestic demand is stirring. Bank lending to firms and households has started to rise after falling for most of the past three years. The latest survey of business confidence by Ifo, a Munich research institute, showed a strong uptick in retailing, suggesting that consumers are opening their wallets. And throughout the euro area, surveys of business and consumer confidence continued to rise in October, which bodes well for the current quarter. The Economist's most recent poll of forecasters still predicts average growth in the zone of only 1.6% next year, but this could prove too pessimistic.
Mike Green, senior director for Asian affairs at the National Security Council, is one of the few Japan specialists left in an administration that ? for all its glowing talk about Japan ? is more focused on the challenge of a rising China. Mr Green will shortly return to academia and neither of the two leading candidates to replace him is considered a close friend of Japan.
One, Richard Lawless, US undersecretary for defence, last month blasted Tokyo for what he said was its pettiness over the base issue. Japan’s attitude, he said, threatened to render the US-Japan alliance anachronistic and dysfunctional. The other, Dennis Wilder, a former CIA analyst, is yet another China specialist. ttp://news.ft.com/cms/s/e3ada158-56e2-11da-b98c-00000e25118c.html Published: November 16 2005 21:01
ttp://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2005/11/20051117-5.html Press Briefing with Faryar Shirzad, Deputy NSA for International Economic Affairs, and Mike Green, Senior Director NSC for Asian Affairs, on the APEC Leaders Meetings and the President's Bilateral Meetings Commodore Hotel Busan, South Korea
Q So there was no comment or trial by the President to set aside the past for the more friendly Japan-South Korea relations?
MR. GREEN: The interesting thing about this discussion between the two Presidents was how much it was oriented toward the future. They talked about all the things I mentioned earlier in my briefing: reviewing the accomplishments that we've made in strengthening the alliance; looking at how to ensure full implementation of the September agreement of the six-party talks and all the things that flow from that. But much of their discussion was very much a future-oriented discussion about where the two leaders thought this region was headed, not only on the Korean Peninsula, but more broadly. And one of the things that they agreed on was an important underpinning would be a strong U.S.-ROK alliance, and also that that alliance would be based on both countries' interests in a time of rapid development in Asia, but also on common values. And in particular, the President -- President Roh took note of the President's -- President Bush's speech in Kyoto and agreed with much of the thrust.
House of Murtha? Plus--And the poor get podcasts. By Mickey Kaus Updated Friday, Nov. 18, 2005, at 4:19 AM ET
a) The press is pretending to be surprised by Murtha's views ("An Unlikely Lonesome Dove" ... "a fierce hawk") even though he's been a known, public Iraq War skeptic since at least a year and a half ago. NBC News, even more ludicrously, pretended to be surprised by professional GOP apostate Sen. Chuck Hagel's apostasy. ..
b) I'm ready to be convinced that U.S. troops are doing more harm than good in Iraq, but Murtha's speech is not convincing. He doesn't even try very hard.
c) It's not clear Murtha's actually for a "withdrawal" of American troops. He speaks of "redeployment" calls for a "quick reaction force in the region" and "an over-the-horizon presence of Marines"--in Kuwait, he suggests. ttp://www.slate.com/id/2130405/murtha
“I just got off the phone with the foreign minister?.?.?.?and he said South Korea remained committed to the mission to support the Iraqi people and he is seeking an extension from the national assembly so forces can remain in Iraq,” Mr Hadley said.
WSJ/OPJ:何故アメリカはイラク戦争を支持すべきか BY DANIEL HENNINGER ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー WSJの論説蘭・副編集長の書いているブッシュ支持の論評で、イラク戦争は誤りであり、ブッシュ ハアメリカ国民を騙してイラク戦争を始めた、とする一部民主党議員とリベラル・メデイア(NYT やCNN, LATなど)に真っ向から反論するもの。この評論は購読契約なしに読めるOPJのサイトにあ るもの。
We have a choice: Do we prefer this ability in the hands of democracies or dictatorships? Will the world's civilian populations be safer if nuclear capability is held by mullahfied Iran, Kim-crazy North Korea and Taiwan-obsessed China, or by democratic Brazil (suspected of seeking nukes), Ukraine (inheritor of 5,000 nuclear warheads) or Iraq? (To believe that an untouched Saddam five years hence wouldn't have been back in the WMD game is fatuous beyond description.)
従来のIRAに向けていた焦点をかえて、イスラムの国内でのテロに備えて、ムスリムのスパイ を800人、追加雇用することにした。( to hire 800 more field agents, or “spies”, to help keep an eye on the Islamic terrorist threat.) ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー MI5の国内向け諜報員は現在2000人で2009年に4000人に増員だとか。島国の英国の中で4000人 のスパイが必要というのは驚かされるけれど、わが国は大丈夫なのかと・・
Five years ago, all these big newspaper companies had the opportunity to buy Yahoo! for a song and to invest in Google at its inception. Today, Knight Ridder is hoping that Yahoo! or Google or Microsoft will buy it at a premium and relieve its management of the pain of trying to navigate a newspaper company in an Internet world. That won't happen. The only thing Google might buy from Knight Ridder is its stake in the Associated Press. Acquiring AP outright would make sense for Google (and Yahoo and MSN). Buying second-rate information providers makes no sense. The consolidation everyone expects may in fact more closely resemble a break-up of the old order, and the selling-off of its assets, piece by piece.
In short, Mr. Bush on this swing through Asia has been sending the message that the U.S. wishes China well but that Beijing will not earn trust from the world until it takes steps to grant its people their rights of free expression and the protection of law. It was a reminder that, while China is pressing its claim to great power status, it won't be accepted by the world's democracies until it makes democratic reforms. Mr. Bush clearly wanted to emphasize that Asia has strong democracies that are more inclined to side with the U.S. than China in any face-off.
Two senators requested the investigation two months ago. The controversy prominently features Democratic Senator Carl Levin of Michigan, who has been a vocal critic of Bush's Iraq policy. Levin has accused Feith of engaging in inappropriate intelligence activities and of deceiving Congress about intelligence on Iraq's prewar links to the al-Qaida terrorist network.
As those sentiments took root, the Japanese began acquiring Caucasian features in popular drawing. The biggest change occurred during the Russo-Japanese War of 1904 to 1905, when drawings of the war showed Japanese standing taller than Russians, with straight noses and other features that made them look more European than their European enemies. (なんじゃこれは?)
The book waves away Japan's worst wartime atrocities in China. It dismisses the Rape of Nanjing, in which historians say 100,000 to 300,000 Chinese were killed by Japanese soldiers in 1937-38, as a fabrication of the Chinese government devised to spread anti-Japanese sentiment.
Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi Statement on U.S. Led Military Strike Against Iraq December 16, 1998 ttp://www.house.gov/pelosi/priraq1.htm 1998年12月16日、民主党下院議員、ナンシー・ぺロシ、イラク空爆支持の声明
President Bush Delivers Graduation Speech at West Point United States Military Academy West Point, New York ttp://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2002/06/20020601-3.html 2002年6月2日、ブッシュ大統領ウエストポイント卒業式演説、イラク民主化の必要性 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 朝日新聞の論説委員子とかは、このリンクの文献を一通り読んでみる必要があると思われ。
Some of the Arab states, including Egypt, are wary of growing Iranian influence in Iraq and want to redress what they see as an imbalance of power between Sunni and Shi'ites, and Arabs and non-Arab Kurds, diplomats say.
"I think the president has an optimistic view about how China is moving," Michael Green, the head of Asian affairs for the National Security Council, said last week.
If so, that may be in part because an ebbing debate within the Bush administration about whether the United States should try to contain China's economic and military reach.
Foreign policy experts in China argue that even some neoconservatives in the administration, including Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, have come to accept China's rising economic and political influence as a fact that the United States must learn to manage rather than openly challenge.
More broadly, Mr. Bush plans to discuss a new framework for thinking about China's rise, stressing that China has become a major "stakeholder" in the international system and needs to take greater responsibility for fighting terrorism, stopping nuclear weapons proliferation and improving the human rights situation in China and abroad, an administration official said.
ttp://www.aei.org/publications/pubID.23464/pub_detail.asp Japan: A Liberal, Nationalistic Defense Transformation By Dan Blumenthal, Chris Griffin Posted: Thursday, November 17, 2005 ASIAN OUTLOOK AEI Online Publication Date: November 17, 2005
AEI:日本の自由な、民族主義的な国防への変革 By ダン・ブルーメンソール
Koizumi’s attempt to build a “normal” Japan rests on two pillars: reforming the political economy and strengthening the alliance relationship with the United States. While many observers read the latter objectives as Japan’s “nationalistic remilitarization,” the truth is more complicated: Japan is espousing a liberal nationalism that will require it to become less insular on the security front just as it opens up its political and economic systems to greater competition.
Japan’s alliance with the United States is its route to an assertive foreign policy--it reassures both the Japanese public and the region that Japan is not again returning to its old, bad ways. Moreover, the transformation of the alliance requires Tokyo to open up its technological and security complexes to greater bilateral collaboration. Japan must be willing to share its strategic and operational intentions and engage in less techno nationalistic industrial policies. Transformation thus must be accompanied by liberalization: just as Koizumi tantalized his public with a path to political and economic reform, the deepening of defense ties with Washington must lead to a true partnership with the American and allied defense establishments.
While many have portrayed Japan’s new defense policies as signs of militarism, they are in truth the rumblings of a true alliance with America that requires profound mutual trust and openness. Liberal nationalistic countries do not shy away from using force, but do so for liberal ends. The world’s democracies have nothing to fear from a Japan with a real military that it is prepared to use to fight terror, deter North Korean missiles, and counterbalance China’s military power; on the contrary, they should cheer U.S.-Japanese efforts to help Japan take its rightful place in the security order.
While the United States has not taken special offense to Koizumi’s annual visits, the matter strikes at the heart of Japan’s political liberalization--if Japan cannot honestly address its history, it will always be a hobbled alliance partner. The Yushukan museum at the Yasukuni Shrine is the perfect example of this problem.
Although Americans broadly understand the need to respect Japan’s war dead, the museum’s misrepresentation of Japan’s wartime history--denying large-scale atrocities at Nanjing, for example--does anything but.
If Tokyo does not straddle the divide between national pride and regional leadership skillfully, it could further isolate itself and enmesh Washington in this isolation.
"There's a question of intent," Rice told reporters, referring to the modernization of the 2.5-million-strong People's Liberation Army -- the world's biggest fighting force. "But obviously both in terms of our own military presence and forces, we expect that we will be able to keep a balance in this region," she said without elaborating.
"We've certainly not seen the progress that we would expect and we'll have to keep working on it," said Rice, who is in Beijing with President George W. Bush. "It's not a system that's going to change overnight," she told reporters
ttp://www.ridingsun.com/posts/1132493833.shtml On the ground, the shrewder analysts say, it's not entirely clear that U.S. policy has "failed." The TV news, not to mention Al-Jazeera, doesn't regularly summarize the stunning changes in Iraq, many of them morally and politically worthy. Saddam Hussein is gone and awaiting trial. Schools, hospitals and other institutions are operating in most parts of the country. Voters have adopted a constitution. And even many Sunnis are gathering in political parties that are maneuvering in advance of the Dec. 15 national elections. After the elections, the plan is that Coalition forces will use the growing number of capable Iraqi units to "clear, hold and build" a peaceful Iraq.
"If that's what 'the shrewder analysts say', shouldn't it be the main focus of the article?"
AP:ヨルダンのザルカウィの地域親族がザルカウィを非難 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ヨルダンの三大新聞に広告を掲載し、テロとの戦いを呼びかけた国王を支持するとの声明を 発表した。 The statement is a serious blow to al-Zarqawi, who no longer will enjoy the protection of his tribe and whose family members may seek to kill him.
The Elaph Arab media website reported on Sunday that Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the head of the al-Qaida in Iraq terror group, may have been killed in Iraq on Sunday afternoon when eight terrorists blew themselves up in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul.
The unconfirmed report claimed that the explosions occurred while coalition forces surrounded the house in which al-Zarqawi was hiding. American and Iraqi forces are looking into the report. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー これ↑は、ブログでちょっと話題になっていた、イエルサレム・ポストの短い記事で、アラブの 一部のメデイアが、ザルカウィが土曜日の戦闘でモスルで死んだらすいとう噂を報告しているもの。 これだけでは、勿論全く信用できないけれど・・
In Washington, a U.S. official said the identities of the terror suspects killed was unknown. Asked if they could include al-Zarqawi, the official replied: "There are efforts under way to determine if he was killed."
American soldiers maintained control of the site, imposing extraordinary security measures, a day after a fierce gunbattle that broke out when Iraqi police and U.S. soldiers surrounded a house after reports that al-Qaida in Iraq members were inside.
11/20/2005 09:17AM PST PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 11/20/2005 09:17AM PST This could be a tipping point. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 11/20/2005 09:17AM PST Let's wait to cheer. These reports usually turn out to be untrue. But if it is...... Yippee! ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 11/20/2005 09:22AM PST This may turn out to be the best sunday since that sunday the caught Sadam ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 11/20/2005 09:22AM PST New Iraqi National Holiday? ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 11/20/2005 09:36AM PST Fake reporting of his death would, of course, cause him to come out of his hole temporarily to prove his existence.... ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 今、CNNをチェックすると、APと同じ内容を放送しているような。米軍は確認作業中;
DEBKAfile Exclusive: US forces and forensic experts are examining the bodies of eight high-ranking al Qaeda leaders in Mosul to find out if their chief Abu Musab al-Zarqawi is among them.
The bodies they are trying to identify are of 7 men and one woman, who blew themselves up Sunday, Nov. 20, after their hideout in northern Iraq was under siege by a large US force, backed by tanks and helicopters. The bodies are burned black and unrecognizable. Four Iraqi security officers were killed and 10 injured in the operation.
The White House says it is "highly unlikely" that al-Qaeda's frontman in Iraq, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, has been killed in a US raid. White House spokesman Trent Duffy said in Beijing, as President George W Bush was wrapping up a trip to China, that the claim was "highly unlikely, not credible".
THE PRESIDENT: Amar bain uu? (Applause.) Thanks for the warm welcome. And, Mr. President, thank you for your hospitality. I thank you, the Prime Minister, and the government for such gracious hospitality. I want to thank the First Lady for being so kind to Laura. It is really, really an honor to be here in your great country. And we bring with us the good wishes of the American people.
I'm here on an important international mission. Secretary Rumsfeld asked me to check on his horse. (Laughter.) I feel very much at home here in your country. This is a beautiful land, with huge skies and vast horizons -- kind of like Texas. (Applause.) I thank you for the invitation. I'm honored to be the first sitting American President to visit Mongolia, and America is proud to call you the third neighbor. (Applause.)(後略)
ttp://online.wsj.com/article/SB113254097669902775.html?mod=rss_whats_news_us_business In Risky Move, a New AT&T Bets on Internet Technology Phone Giant Aims to Deliver TV, Web, Wireless Services Using a Single Network Facing a Crowded Market By PETER GRANT and ALMAR LATOUR Staff Reporters of THE WALL STREET JOURNAL November 21, 2005; Page A1
こうしたマルチメデイア・コンテンツの提供を目指しているサービス会社は Verizon Communications Incとか Vodafone Group PLC. Comcast Corp. や Time Warner Inc(ケーブルTV部門)などが あり、AT&Tの新戦略に競合する。AT&Tの戦略は、既にケーブルTV会社が電話サービス やインターネットなどの追加サービスを提供しているのと同じ方向である。
AA New International Engagement Framework for North Korea? edited by Nicholas Eberstadt, Ahn Choon-yong, and Lee Young-sun Book published by the Korea Economic Institute ttp://www.aei.org/books/bookID.805/book_detail.asp
D"China in Asia: Regional Institutions and Asian Integration" Panel discussion, November 4, 2005 Speakers included Evelyn Goh, Sheldon W. Simon, and Claude E. Barfield ttp://www.aei.org/events/eventID.1182/event_detail.asp "Japan Moves toward Sustainable Recovery," by John H. Makin
There was a lot of unclassified data, and speculation, out there. He developed some ideas on how to beat stealth, based on the fact that the technology didn’t make the F-117 invisible to radar, just very to get, and keep, a good idea of exactly where the aircraft was. Zoltan figured out how to tweak his radars to get a better lock on stealth type targets. This has not been discussed openly.
Intel and Micron said they would contribute $1.2bn each initially to their new company, IM Flash Technologies, with an additional $1.4bn each expected to be added over the next three years. Micron would own 51 per cent and Intel 49 per cent of the company, with production taking place at three existing facilities.
IHT/NYT:アメリカと中国の関係の現状評価 By Jim Yardley ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ブッシュ訪中を契機に、米中関係の現状評価と今後の方向について、多くの評論が書かれていて これもそのひとつ。簡単に言えば、いままでの米中エンゲージメントで順調に発展してきた関係 が、見直しの地点に来ている、というもの。
ブッシュ政権のリベラル反戦派への「プッシュ・バック戦略」の主張まとめ Clearly, the important administration arguments are beginning to coalesce:
1) Criticism of the war is not by itself unpatriotic 戦争批判は非愛国的ではない
2) Similarly, answering anti-war critics is not challenging their patriotism さらに、反戦派は非愛国的ではない
3) But opportunistic and cynical anti-war critics who are trying to walk back their own votes and level spurious charges at the Administration (they lied to take is into war) are themselves lying けれども、機会便乗的な反戦派の 批判は議会承認のときの自らの言辞を翻している 4) These lies are hurting the country and the troops. そういう嘘つきは国益に反し兵士の献身 を蔑ろにするもの 5) The burden of proof, in a post 911 world, was on Saddam Hussein to prove he’d disarmed; we could not wait for the threat to become imminent before acting 911以降の世界でサダムが廃棄したと言うWMD が、サダムによって廃棄証明されるべきであった し、サダムの脅威が増大することは放置できない 6) The cause the troops are fighting for is just and right 兵士たちがイラクで戦っていることに大儀はある 7) Iraq is moving toward freedom; and things on the ground are improving daily, regardless of what the MSM and prominent Dems would have us believe. イラクは自由に向けて進んでおり状況は改善して きている。メインストリームメディアと民主党の 言っていることは根拠がない。
A European diplomat in Brussels also suggested the U.S.-European coalition was willing to wait to see the Russian plan succeed ? or if it failed, to hope for extra support for referral from key board nations such as Russia, China, India, Brazil and South Africa and others that now oppose such a move.(AP)
Sen.Hillary Rodham Clinton said Monday that an immediate U.S. withdrawal from Iraq would be "a big mistake." The New York Democrat said she respects Rep. Jack Murtha, D-Pa., the Vietnam veteran and hawkish ex-Marine who last week called for an immediate troop pullout. But she added: "I think that would cause more problems for us in America."
Administration officials were clearly surprised that not only did China fail to release any dissidents on a list of human rights cases turned over to Mr. Hu in September, but it also detained more dissidents just before Mr. Bush's arrival.
Administration officials also seemed vexed that Mr. Bush's statements in China were largely unheard by most of the nation. So perhaps it was no surprise that aides traveling with Mr. Bush were striving to note some accomplishments. Talks with China are about long-term problems, they said, adding that Mr. Hadley had warned before the trip that the president was not seeking immediate "deliverables," apparently referring to specific diplomatic and economic achievements.
And Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said that China's willingness to listen to talk about human rights issues was significant. "I can remember times in the past where, both here and in a number of other countries, you were just told to mind your own business," she said when she met with reporters in Beijing on Sunday. "Well, that's not the case now."
This would be on par with the hefty 9.3% pace of 2004. Retail sales growth overall should be around 6% year-over-year, which is solid, even if it falls short of the big 9.2% clip reported last year.
Nominal consumption in 2005 should post 6.3% year-over-year growth, which would top the 10-year average of 5.7%. The drag of higher energy prices will leave real year-over -year consumption growth at 3.1%, just short of the 10-year average of 3.7%.
For the budding wine enthusiast still on the path of discovery: ?1999 Allegrini Amarone, $59.99 ?1997 Bertani Amarone, $79.99 ?Zenato 2000 Amarone, $51.99
from various regions ?St. Urbans-Hof Reisling QbA Mosel-Saar-Ruwer 2004, $11, Germany ?Dr. Konstantin Frank Riesling Finger lakes Dry, 2001, $19, New York State ?Kiona White Riesling Washington 2004, $9, Washington State, U.S. ?Leon Beyer Riesling Alsace ERR Rare 2000, $40, France ?Clos Clare Clare Valley 2001, $25, Australia
For the regular wine drinker who buys a lot of Yellow Tail: ? Casa Lapostolle, Cabernet Sauvignon, $8.99 ? Casa Lapostole Chardonnay, $7.99 ? Casa Lapostole Clos Apalta, 2002, $51.99
キッシンジャーは、思いのほかメルケルを評価しているようで: The personality of the new chancellor provides additional hope. It was fashionable to deprecate Merkel's apparent charisma deficit during the electoral campaign. But for the chancellor's office, the extraordinary achievement of her rise may prove more relevant. Within a short time, she advanced from obscure scientific researcher in communist East Germany to chancellor, without representing a special constituency of her own, against opponents in her own party who had spent their lives scrambling up the political ladder. Her single-minded persistence in the pursuit of substantive goals may create its own impetus in the day-to-day business of governing. カリスマ性にかけるメルケルは、目標追求の一貫性とたゆまぬタフさ、堅実さといった要素が政府 の管理者としてキッシンジャーから見れば好ましいということのような。
大連立政権の外相の政策方針に疑問符のつけられていることや、ドイツの反米傾向をキッシンジャー は擁護して: Mistakes were made on both sides of the Atlantic. The proclamation by the Bush administration of a new strategic doctrine of preemptive war was one of them. The doctrine was intellectually defensible in light of changed technology, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, and terrorism. But announcing unilaterally what appeared as a radical change of doctrine ran counter to traditional alliance practice.
In the end, the issue of multilateralism vs. unilateralism does not concern procedure but substance. When purposes are parallel, multilateral decision follows nearly automatically. When they diverge, multilateral decision making turns into an empty shell. The challenge to the Atlantic Alliance has been less the abandonment of procedure than the gradual evaporation of a sense of common destiny. キッシンジャーはネオコン的外交政策(ウルフォウイッツ的外交政策)を厳しく批判する立場 (古典的バランスオブパワー、同盟維持管理重視論)なので、こういう言い方になると思われ。 言っていることはそれなりに合理的だけれど、それは立脚する基点によって視界が変わるとい う問題でもあるような。
Both sides seem committed to restoring a more positive collaboration. In America, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice outlined a new consultative approach in a February speech. In Germany, the Merkel government marks the advent of a third postwar generation: less in thrall to the emotional pro-Americanism of the 1950s and '60s but not shaped by the passions of the so-called '68 generation. This will be the case with the new foreign minister from the Social Democratic Party. The generational change is especially pronounced in the case of the chancellor. キッシンジャーはシュローダー政権の極端なアンチブッシュ、アンチアメリカ主義を、68年の 反米学生闘争世代のためと説明して、その世代の人材が去れば、米独関係は改善に向かうと言う。 (シュローダーと、前の緑の党の外相の引退をさしていると思われ)
LAタイムズ:アメリカ自動車産業の死 By Dean Bakopoulos ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー >>314 のWSJの社説に比べて、全く対照的なLAタイムズのコメンタリーで、プロ労組の立場 からみると、GMの工場閉鎖、従業員3万人解雇は政府と行政の失敗であり、産業の失敗である。 この評論の書き出しは「THE AMERICAN auto industry is dead.」
筆者はGMのこうした事態に対応するため、連邦政府が三つの方策を実行すべきと言う。 There are three things that only the federal government can do ? must do ? to restore American dreams to the heartland.
The Washington Post reports that there are an increased amount of tips from “Iraqis unhappy with Zarqawi and his operation, These tend to be traditional Iraqi leaders -- sheiks and imams ーupset with the organization, especially its recent execution of Sunni Arabs in Ramadi”
The Telegraph reports on a joint SAS [British commandos] and U.S. Delta Force hit team tasked to hunt suicide bombers in Baghdad. According to the report, three suicide bombers with explosive vests were killed over the summer “acting on intelligence obtained by an Iraqi agent working for the Secret Intelligence Service (MI6).” There is a “network of Iraqi spies working for the CIA and MI6” which is feeding intelligence to Task Force Black.
So-called concubine villages ? places where lotharios keep "second wives" in comfort and seclusion ? are now spread across the nation, in booming cities such as Dongguan, Chengdu and Shanghai.
State-run banks and agencies have lost billions of dollars to embezzlement and fraud, many at the hands of officials seeking money to support their golden canaries. In a government review of 102 corruption cases in several Guangdong province cities a few years ago, every one involved an illicit affair.
"If a government official has a mistress, there must be some corruption," says Sun Youjun, a private investigator in Shanghai. "Visits to high-end hotels are not easy with officials' incomes."
Minutes from the last meeting of the Fed's Open Market Committee showed some policy makers were concerned about lifting interest rates too far. Now, investors are betting the Fed will only raise rates two more times, said Todd Clark, director of trading at Nollenberger Capital Partners.
Treasury bonds, too, edged higher after the release of minutes, while the dollar weakened against the euro and rose against the yen. Gold for December delivery was up $3.40 to $492.90 on the Comex division of the Nymex, creeping steadily closer to $500.
鉄道部の広報担当は「我々も(共同通信の)報道によって、(初めて)知った」と日本 への発注ニュースは鉄道部が関与していないことを示唆した。また、チャイナデイリー は共同通信のニュースを匿名の情報源によるものとして、信憑性に疑問を呈している。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ttp://www.chinadaily.com.cn/english/doc/2005-11/23/content_497101.htm Ministry denies ordering Japan bullet trains By Cao Desheng (China Daily) Updated: 2005-11-23 06:19
The Ministry of Railways yesterday denied that China will order 60 high-speed trains from a Japanese consortium after a Japanese news agency reported that China was close to sealing a deal.
"We also learnt of the news from the media report," said a press official from the railways, refusing to comment further.
Japan's Kyodo News Agency reported on Monday that China is moving closer to placing an order with a Japanese consortium for 60 high-speed trains for a new railway system after doing the same with a German group earlier this month.
Six Japanese companies led by Kawasaki Heavy Industries are in the final stages of talks to supply China with 60 high-speed trains, according to Japanese media reports.
He added: "Remember, the investigation and the allegations that people have printed about this story is that there's some vast conspiracy to slime Joe Wilson and his wife, really attack him in an ugly way that is outside of the boundaries of political hardball. The evidence I had firsthand ? a small piece of the puzzle, I acknowledge ? is that that was not the case."
Hillary Clinton is at six percent -- down from eight percent in September, which was down from ten percent in June. A note by Kos founder Markos Moulitsas reflected continuing unhappiness with Mrs. Clinton: "Hillary Clinton is increasingly aligned with the 'stay the course' in Iraq faction of the party," he wrote. "And the longer she stays in that group, the more nakedly political her inevitable flip in favor of withdrawal will look."
WHEN IT COMES to the future of Iraq, there is a deep disconnect between those who have firsthand knowledge of the situation ? Iraqis and U.S. soldiers serving in Iraq ? and those whose impressions are shaped by doomsday press coverage and the imperatives of domestic politics. イラクの将来の見通しについて、二つの鋭く対立する見方があって、片方はイラクの現場を知るイラ ク人やイラクの米兵であり、もう一方はアメリカの国内政治の都合上、新聞の伝えるお先真っ暗シナ リオに影響されている人たちの見方である。
A large majority of the American public is convinced that the liberation of Iraq was a mistake, while a smaller but growing number thinks that we are losing and that we need to pull out soon. Those sentiments are echoed by finger-in-the-wind politicians, including many ? such as John Kerry, Harry Reid, John Edwards, John Murtha and Bill Clinton ? who supported the invasion.
Yet in a survey last month from the U.S.-based International Republican Institute, 47% of Iraqis polled said their country was headed in the right direction, as opposed to 37% who said they thought that it was going in the wrong direction. And 56% thought things would be better in six months. Only 16% thought they would be worse.
American soldiers are also much more optimistic than American civilians. The Pew Research Center and the Council on Foreign Relations just released a survey of American elites that found that 64% of military officers are confident that we will succeed in establishing a stable democracy in Iraq. The comparable figures for journalists and academics are 33% and 27%, respectively. Even more impressive than the Pew poll is the evidence of how our service members are voting with their feet. Although both the Army and the Marine Corps are having trouble attracting fresh recruits ? no surprise, given the state of public opinion regarding Iraq ? reenlistment rates continue to exceed expectations. Veterans are expressing their confidence in the war effort by signing up to continue fighting.
This is not meant to suggest that everything is wonderful in Iraq. The situation remains grim in many respects. But the most disheartening indicator of all is simply the American public's loss of confidence in the war effort. Abu Musab Zarqawi may be losing on the Arab street (his own family has disowned him), but he's winning on Main Street. And, as the Vietnam War showed, defeatism on the home front can become self-fulfilling.
BRUSSELS, Belgium, Nov. 23, 2005 (AP Online) -- Angela Merkel made her first foreign trip as German chancellor Wednesday, calling the NATO alliance the main forum for settling world problems and saying her country must heal its rift with the United States.
"I believe the ties between the United States and Germany can be developed further," she said after talks with NATO Secretary-General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer.
"NATO should be the place where people turn first with member states to discuss political issues," she said on her first full day in office.
We've been testing the Xbox 360, with the help of a veteran gamer, and our verdict is that its fluid, movielike graphics make it an outstanding game machine. It also performed like a champ as a multimedia hub.
But the Xbox 360 has some significant downsides that may cause casual gamers to hesitate to buy it right out of the chute. Chief among these are price and backward compatibility with games produced for the first Xbox.
(この後に、ベテランのゲーマーであるJoe氏が、オンラインゲームを試用してみる体験記があって) Joe noted that "the graphics are ridiculously much better" than in older Xbox and Sony consoles ・・・・a column of tanks, their armored sides rife with detailed dents, thundered over the snowy trench in which his soldier was ducking from the enemy. Fluffy pieces of realistic-looking snow were softly blowing all around the scene. 戦車の細部の描写とか、柔らかな雪の質感とかが良い。
このゲーム機に "Media Center Extender"を追加してWindows Media Centerの稼動しているPCと 接続すると、音楽、写真、ビデオの鑑賞につかえるけれどWindows Media Centerが前提条件という のはいただけない。USBでiPodなどを接続できる。DVDは普通に見ることが出来る。
結論: Still, if gaming is a big part of your life, and you can afford the $400 Xbox, you won't be disappointed. This is one terrific gaming computer, and a media powerhouse to boot. ゲームが大好きな人で$400投資できる人なら買っても失望はしない。良いゲーム機でメディア用に 使うことも出来る;
One, noodles, paper, gunpowder. What have you done for us lately? @麺(の製造)、紙(の発明)、火薬(の発見)、近年の(偉大な)発明はあるのかね?
Two, one-child policy plus patriarchal society equals no women. A一人っ子政策+家長制度社会=女性のいない社会
Three, 5,000 years of civilization, and all you have to offer us is pandas? B5千年の文明の結果、プレゼントできるのはパンダしかないわけ?
Four, welcome to Taiwan. Please don't spit. C台湾へようこそ、でも、唾を吐くのはヤメレ
Five, Simplified characters for simple people. D簡字体は簡単な(脳みその)ひと向け
Six, Mr. Hu, tear down that wall! E胡さん、壁を壊してよ!
Seven, our opposition leaders get to have dinner with your president, but your opposition leaders get shot. F台湾の野党指導者は、中国の国家主席に晩餐に招待されるけれど、大陸の野党指導者は銃殺される
Eight, our Chinese culture is better than yours. G我々の中華文明は大陸のものより優れている
Nine, my dad owns the factory your dad works in. H僕のお父ちゃんの工場で、あなたのお父ちゃんが働いてる
Or finally: We were going to "retake the mainland," until we went there. I台湾は、何時の日にか、大陸の政権を奪還することになろう ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 台湾の独立派の人たちの、口には出さない本音といったところ。 Editorial: Be wary of Chinese tourists Thursday, Nov 24, 2005,Page 8
the country's economy is accelerating, even as the rest of South-East Asia slows. In the first three-quarters of the year, it grew at an annual rate of 8.1%?faster than its five-year average of 7.2%. Better yet, Vietnam's poverty rate is falling almost as fast as its economy grows. ベトナム経済は年率8.1%で成長し、貧困層が急速に減少している
The proportion of the population that the government deems poor fell from 58% in 1993 to 20% last year. If the reduction continues at the current rate, says Martin Rama, the World Bank's chief economist in Vietnam, abject poverty will soon be limited to ethnic minorities in remote areas. 1993年に53%を占めた貧困層は昨年には20%にまで減少した。
The ultimate goal seems to be a web of partially privatised companies, subject to a certain degree of competition and market discipline, akin to Singapore's government- linked companies. 政府の計画は国営企業をある程度の競争をともなう民間企業にして、シン ガポール型の、経済を政府が背後から間接統制するようなものにしたい。
The economy of the OECD’s 30 member nations will grow 2.9% next year, up from a May estimate of 2.8%, OECDは主要30ヶ国で代表される世界経済の成長率を、2005年につい て2.6→2.7%、2006年の成長を2.6%→2.8%、2007年に2.9%と修正した。
Japan’s recovery from four recessions since 1991 will be sustained with a decade-long bout of deflation ending, the OECD said. Business investment will spur growth of 1.9% in 2006 after this year’s ‘exceptionally strong’ 2.2%, the OECD forecast. In September, the OECD expected a 1.8% expansion in Japan this year.
The draft report assumed oil prices would average $60 a barrel in the final quarter of this year before dropping to about $54 by the end of 2007. OECDは石油価格を2007年末で$54と予測し、2005年は$60程度の価格が続くと予想している。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 伝統的にOECDの見通しは慎重と言うか、凡庸と言うか、従来の傾向に囚われすぎる傾向が・・
But Masato Tashiro, head of virology at Tokyo’s National Institute of Infectious Disease ? a WHO-collaborating centre for bird flu ? told the meeting of virologists in Marburg, Germany, on 19 November that “we have been systematically deceived”. His comments were reported in the German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.
He said five Chinese medical personnel had been arrested for trying to report these cases, according to the paper. China enforced severe restrictions on the investigation and reporting of suspected cases of bird flu in June 2005.
“These rumours have been investigated, and we’ve been told by the Chinese Ministry of Health that there’s no foundation to them,” Dick Thompson, a spokesman for the World Health Organization, told New Scientist.
Masato Tashiro opened its colleague the eyes. ?Was you see here, are an unofficial, unpublished report from China for the situation of the H5N1-Infektionen with the Menschen.” A systematic list, which was passed on it by reliable source, when he entered few days ago to China. 田代真人氏はウイルス学会の仲間を驚かせた「これは中国で政府非公認の地下出版 された資料だ。中国のH5N1の、人ー人感染を含む状況を報告している」と述べて氏が数日前に 中国で入手したとする資料を示した。
the virologist claimed that a reliable source had provided him with details of the true nature of the H5N1 virus in China. "We are systematically deceived" [by China], he is reported to have said. The information is very similar to the translated story from the pro-democracy Chinese site, Boxun,
China is readying a trial of bird flu vaccine to be tested on adults over the next year, according to a report published Thursday in the official China Daily newspaper. As reported by the Associated Press, Lu Zhenyou, a spokesman for vaccine developer Sinovac Biotech, told the paper that 100 people aged 18 to 60 will be tested with the vaccine in the two-phase trial.
The proposals would also clarify the appeals process for people subjected to quarantines to allow for administrative due process and give health officials explicit authority to offer vaccination, drugs and other appropriate means of prevention on a voluntary basis to those in quarantine. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー この法律改正案はかなり強力なもので、隔離対象の人たちに、投薬、ワクチネーション他の 処置を進める権限を保険当局に与えるもの。ただし強制ではなく自主的なもの(勧告)にする ということらすい。国内でも検討が必要なのでは?
This document contains the notice for proposed rule making and regulatory impact analysis that was completed for this NPRM, including the economic impact analysis.
AEU、日本、メキシコ、カナダ、WHOのワクチン製造に向けて協力体制構築(予定) US, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Mexico, Italy, representatives of the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the European Union (EU) health commissioners all met in Rome today ・・・ 'And, most importantly, we have agreed to share information and expertise to speed up the development and production of a pandemic flu vaccine.' ttp://news.monstersandcritics.com/health/article_1063084.php/Bird_flu_vaccine_to_be_brought_forward
FCDCには多くの論文や資料があるけれど、面白そうなものの例として Potential Impact of Antiviral Drug Use during Influenza Pandemic ttp://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/vol11no09/04-1344.htm これは大規模な感染(パンデミック)の事態が起きた場合、どの程度の薬品や病院側の 対応が必要かを疫学モデルを使って試算した論文。人口の20%−25%に相当する薬品な どがあればOKで、保健省のいう3億人とかいうのは無駄だと論じているもの。人口の全 部をカバーする薬品の備蓄などは、科学的にはナンセンス、と言い切っている。