Speaking in English, Li said, ``We told them (the U.S.) to just withdraw the words `outpost of tyranny.' We demand it.''
Speaking in Korean, Li said the two sides exchanged positions and that he told the Americans ``the United States has to treat us friendly, not as enemy, if they want us to take part in the six-party talks.''
Later, Li told the correspondent for the Japanese daily, Tokyo Shinbun, that the conference was useful.
``We are ready for resuming the six-party talks, and we told them that,'' he said in English. ``The U.S. must create some justification to enter into the six-party talks.''
``We never deny or oppose to six-party talks. Our position is that once they give us justification, we can enter any time into six-party talks,'' Li said.
``I think they heard our voices, and it's up to them. We will see it,'' he said. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー いつもの時間稼ぎをしているだけろしか見えないような。
ttp://www.guardian.co.uk/international/story/0,,1518572,00.html Print and be damned - China's paper tigers fight on Beijing's iron grip on news is under attack as this week 2,000 journalists urged the release of jailed colleagues Jonathan Watts in Guangzhou Friday July 1, 2005 The Guardian
"As a journalist, my job should be focused on writing a good report. But half of my effort is spent on considering how to get a story past the censors and the likelihood of punishment," said Liu Jianqiang, whose Henan story was spiked.
"By writing out these notes, hopefully I can emerge from this gloomy mood. To act otherwise, by keeping my head low and docile in the face of mistreatment, and by pretending I'm a 'good citizen', my heart would feel bitter."
Analysts say divisions in the Bush administration undermine President (George W.) Bush's commitment to a diplomatic solution and some increasingly fear Bush will never agree to any deal that props up Pyongyang's communist government. ttp://www.metronews.ca/reuters_international.asp?id=81636 (ロイター、7、1) Optimism raised on N. Korea talks, no date fixed Friday, July 01, 2005 9:27:09 PM ET
>>20 One participant said former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, who took part, "did a good job of emphasizing the importance of seizing the moment" to resolve the problem.
Yet a CDU-led government will want to do a lot more than just get the state’s books in order. At first, it might launch reforms that cost nothing, such as more deregulation. But unless the economy unexpectedly bounces back, a clash is inevitable between sound public finances and hoped-for (but costly) reforms to health-care financing or the byzantine tax system. The CDU apparently plans to raise value-added tax to pay for these.
This would also avoid too much stress on belt-tightening, which risks further weakening of domestic demand and consumer confidence. Indeed, it is quite likely that the fiscal situation will get worse before it gets better. It would not be the first time that a new conservative government ended up spending and borrowing more than its centre-left predecessor. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 何となくエコノミストの記者はアンジェラのCDUの失敗を願っているかのような?それは兎も 角、日本と同じく戦後の経済発展を教授したドイツは構造改革の遅れで景気停滞が長引き、財政 破綻に直面する。その状況は、日本の数年前を思わせるものが。
http://www.global-alliance.net/ Global Alliance for Preserving the History of WWII in Asia (サイト内容)ttp://www.global-alliance.net/sitemap.html * Global Alliance for Preserving the History of WWII in Asia - Our Mission * Global Alliance for Preserving the History of WWII in Asia - Our Demands * Global Alliance for Preserving the History of WWII in Asia - Our Activities * Global Alliance for Preserving the History of WWII in Asia - Petition Campaign * The San Francisco Peace Treaty o San Francisco Peace Treaty: Has Justice Been Served and Peace Secured + A Just Peace + Treaty of Peace With Japan # Charter of the United Nations # SFPT/CharterUnitedNations1945_files/filelist.xml # The Berlin (Potsdam) Conference + Recovering Japan's War Time Past - And Ours :New York Times 4 September 2001 + I-1:Arguments on Postwar Compensation + Expert Witness On SFPT Senate Judiciary Comm 28 June 2000 # SFPT/ExpertWitnessOnSFPTSenateJudiciaryComm28June2000_files/filelist.xml + Suit on WWII Slave Labor in Japan Voided + US judge cites treaty in rejecting POW suit + US Senate Judiciary Comm Hearing POW Compensation 28June2000 + Claims Against Japan + British Foreign Office 1955 Reply + Treaty of Peace Between the Union of Burma and Japan + Treaty to Settle Claims which Switzerland has against Japan + Joint Communique of the Government of Japan and the Government of the People's Republic of China + THE HOLOCAUST RESTITUTION MOVEMENT IN COMPARATIVE PERSPECTIVE + Justice for United States Prisoners of War Act of 2001 + Honda and Rohrabacher Introduce New POW Bill + Violations of Human Rights - Relationship to Peace Treaty + I-5:Legal Grounds + Hague Convention (IV) respecting the Laws and Customs of War on Land and its annex: Regulations concerning the Laws and Customs of War on Land. The Hague, 18 October 1907. + Convention (IV) relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War. Geneva, 12 August 1949. + Convention (III) relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War. Geneva, 12 August 1949. + Postwar responsibilities o SFPT/SFPT_DemoOn24May2000AttractJapanMedia.jpg o Collective Amnesia: Japan’s Crusade to Forget (2nd level - linked to the words in the 4th bullet (後略)
・Xu Dunxin, former Chinese ambassador to Japan: ・Zhang Tuosheng, director of the Centre for Foreign Policy Studies at the China Foundation for International and Strategic Studies: ・Wang Ping, a researcher with the Institute of Japan Studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences:
Apart from a petition, representatives of the organization also wrote a letter to Annan, saying that Japan must stop denying and distorting its WWII crimes. Japan must apologize through legal means and Japanese Emperor and Prime Minister should make apologies to all the countries that had suffered from its wartime atrocities. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 人民日報でこの中共の下部組織の、コフィ・アナン宛の書簡について紹介宣伝。天皇と首相が 謝罪すべきとしている、と書いています。天皇の名を入れるとは、余りにも阿呆な。この書簡 本体を探したのだけれど、それはネットの中にはちゃんとしたものが見つからないような。 (以前にこの団体の出した書簡はあるのだけれど)
There is not likely to be a formal NATO-like alliance among Japan, Australia, India, and the United States. But increasingly there is the functional equivalent of one. There is fierce debate in many quarters whether China will emerge as a military threat. Some, like strategist Thomas Barnett, argue that China is too well integrated into the international economy to allow its gains to be lost by military aggression.
Others argue that the Chinese are seeking to project their military strength outward and cannot be counted on to refrain from aggression in Taiwan. Whichever view you take, our emerging alliance with India is good news. Despite official denials, it provides something of a counterweight to China. And it increases the clout of a nation that is showing what representative democracy, the rule of law, and the free marketplace can do.
タイムズ・オブ・ロンドン(社説):音楽会の終わったあとで ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー Live 8を批判するもの。そうしたムードだけの人道支援は、役に立たない、という。
When the music stops, millions may be emotionally sated; but unless they understand what Africa needs, they will have done little more than assuage their own Western guilt. In particular, the Left, which has campaigned so hard on the alleged exploitation by the West and the inequities of globalisation, needs to understand that simple transfers of cash and resources are futile; indeed, the International Monetary Fund, in an astringent study published yesterday, gave warning that this could stunt rather than foster economic growth.
July 2, 2005: One unpleasant aspect of the Cold War has returned. The military establishments in both China and the United States have fixed on each other as the "major future opponent," and are preparing to, er, deal with the situation.
Conclusion With the possible important exception of KMT leader Lien Chan’s visit to the PRC, the recent period was a very bad one for Chinese diplomacy on important security issues. Byappearing internationally to bully Taiwan and Japan in counterproductive ways, Beijing damaged its mission of portraying its rise in power as peaceful and stabilizing. Moreover, it is too soon to tell whether Beijing’s gambit of inviting only opposition party members from Taiwan to the mainland will pay off in Taiwan domestic politics and cross-Strait relations. Although the United States gets as much of the criticism internationally as China does on the North Korean issue, China’s inability to coax Pyongyang back to the negotiating table calls into question Beijing’s ability to influence its highly dependent ally on its border. Again, this ineffectuality does not help enhance China’s image as a powerful, responsible actor in world affairs. Instead, in dealing with North Korea’s nuclear ambitions, China appears sincere but ineffective at best and tacitly supportive of Pyongyang at worst. None of the choices along this range of possibilities improves China’s image on the international stage.
If such protests were organized and orchestrated by the government, then this suggests either a hypernationalist leadership on issues of Sino-Japanese relations or a leadership so worried about its weak legitimacy at home that it needs to appear tough on patriotic issues.
サウジアラビア政府の発表に拠れば、同国の警備隊は日曜日にリヤドでの捜索活動に 伴う銃撃戦の結果、アルカイダのサウジアラビアでの首領であるモロッコ国籍の Younis Mohammed Ibrahim al-Hayariを殺戮した。
"He (al-Hayari) was nominated by his peers, following the death of those preceding him, to be the head of sedition and corruption in the land," the official said in the SPA report.
The plant, known to the locals as "Bayanhan", is located on the grassland of the Ewenki Autonomous Banner in Hulun Buir city, said Xu Zhanjiang, a researcher on the history of Japanese biological war with the Harbin Municipal Academy of Social Sciences in northeast China's Heilongjiang Province.
"The site covers more than 110 square kilometers, extending nine kilometers from east to west and 13 kilometers from north to south," said Xu. "Pits big and small are seen on the grassland even today."
The Inner Mongolia-based researcher said the Japanese soldiers used to conduct biological tests here during the World War II, by blasting gas bombs in pits buried with live human beings and animals.
Abide, a native Mongolian born in 1920, said a friend of his witnessed such tests in 1940. "In the spring of 1941, local herders still smelt a suffocating smell at the site. Many men and cattle were later infected with pestilence." ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー なんか良くわからん記事。地元の歴史研究家が、日本軍が1940年にその場所の地下壕(?)で 化学爆弾のテストを行ったと主張しているというもので、それ以上の情報が書いてないから何 がどうなっているのか正確には判断できないような。(toxic gas experiment plant)と言っ ているけれど、地下壕以外に何があるのか良くわからないような。
ttp://msnbc.msn.com/id/8430784/ Beijing workers told to dress down Chinese government seeks ways to save on summer A/C costs Updated: 9:40 a.m. ET July 1, 2005
AP:北京市政府は、エアコンの電力節約のため、夏季の軽装を奨励 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー エアコンを26度に指定、夏季は軽装(カジュアルな服装と書いている)を奨励と どこかの国で聞いたような話。但しこれは北京市の行政府で、国の省庁の話では ないような。(Beijing city government has given its staff the go ahead to dress casually・・・)
アメリカのエネルギー庁長官の Sam Bodman とロシアの原子力エネルギー庁長官の Alexander Rumyantsev が両首脳に指名されて、その具体策つくりを進めた。Bodman 長官は短期間のうちに驚くような速度でこの話を具体化してきた。両長官は5月と6月 に相互訪問し、ワーキンググループを立ち上げている。
Six months into the second term is surely too early for any final grades. But at this midterm of the first year, on this critical front, the administration's performance has improved significantly and is on a trajectory to good marks that could make America greatly safer.
Chang Han Wenは1991年に、この地がまだ農業主体であった頃、台湾から靴製造工場 を建設すべく進出して200名の工員を雇った。今では従業員は3000人でアメリカと欧州 に靴を輸出しいている。今年、この地域の最低賃金は27%増加し、それでも人手不足 で工員を集めるのは困難である。燃料や電気は不足している。政府は従業員の住宅補助 などに厳しく干渉する。そうしたことが重なって、彼は次の工場をベトナムに作ろうか と考えている。それは多くの台湾人企業家も同じだと言う。
"For manufacturers here, the golden period has passed," he said.(後略) ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 台湾、香港の企業が中国ではなくほかの地に進出を考える理由は、人手不足、エネルギー 不足、環境問題などだという。
During an appearance on Al-Jazeera, al-Shammari said the resistance "has a realistic and truthful political project," adding that the groups were in talks with other armed factions to come up with a unified position. He did not elaborate. Al-Shammari argued that sectarian problems were created after the U.S.-led occupation of Iraq in order to prolong the presence of foreign troops. Last week, a Web statement issued in the name of The Islamic Army in Iraq, the Army of Mujahedeen and the Ansar al-Sunnah Army threatened the life of a Sunni Arab politician, Ayham al-Samarie, who announced the formation of a political group he claims represents the demands of an umbrella organization of insurgents.(AP)
American troops on the Syrian border are enjoying a battle they have long waited to see - a clash between foreign al-Qa'eda fighters and Iraqi insurgents.
Fighting, which could be clearly heard at night over the weekend, first broke out in May when as many as 50 mortar rounds were fired across the city. But, to the surprise of the American garrison, this time it was not the target. If a shell landed near the US base, "they'd adjust their fire and not shoot at us", Lt Col Tim Mundy said. "They shot at each other."
The speaker who really lambasted the Americans was a South Korean, whose nation has a defense treaty with the United States. The speaker reached back to a secret agreement in 1905 in which the United States agreed not to interfere with Japan's plans to annex Korea, and Japan said it would not interfere with the United States in the Philippines. Many of Korea's ills since then, the speaker said, were the fault of the United States.
The extent of the spying was laid bare after a leading Chinese agent "defected" in Belgium. The agent, who has worked in European universities and companies for more than 10 years, has given the Surete de l'Etat, the Belgian equivalent of MI5, detailed information on hundreds of Chinese spies working at various levels of European industry.
"The Chinese agent has given details of hundreds of experts and their activities. As a result national inquiries have been launched, certainly by the German, French, Netherlands and Belgian agencies and, I believe, in Britain too.
A:'ve mentioned Mudville and 4th Rail already:Doc Russia's "Bloodletting," BlackFive, Lizard Queen's "The Blue Bus" -- she rarely blogs on any topic I agree with, but the comments section is one of the best for engaging liberal/progressive thinkers in a respectful and even friendly forum -- Southern Appeal, your own site of course, and The Belmont Club. I should also mention Kim du Toit, a swaggering yet grumpy fellow of the sort I myself will probably become in a few years.
Q: What is your favourite piece of political wisdom?
Grim: The Gettysburg Address, which captured what should always and forever be the American creed in times of darkness. Our sacrifices must always serve as fuel to relight the lamp of liberty: or, as a contemporary of Lincoln's had it, "as He died to make us holy, let us die to make men free." Someone once said that the path of heroism leads only to the grave, and that is true. But show me the road that leads anywhere else.
This is a long shot, because the Sunni Arab terrorists in Iraq really don't have much support, at least at the government level, in other Arab countries. Al Qaeda is opposed to all current Arab governments, but most of their Sunni Arab allies in Iraq are not (they want Saddam, or someone like him, back in charge). It's a strange situation.
Experience with all too many emerging market economic crises should have sensitized us to the folly of simply extrapolating China’s past impressive economic performance into the indefinite future. Indeed, China’s very large macroeconomic imbalances should be alerting us to the very real risk of a major reversal in China’s economic growth performance within the next couple of years. When that happens, the weak underbelly of China’s mixed economy will be exposed and we will be asking ourselves how we ever could have been worried about a Chinese economic threat.
It will be the first time, domestic and abroad, that the ASDF has conducted an air-bombing drill with live rounds.
Japan's war-renouncing Constitution prohibits the country from being engaged in warfare, therefore, aggressive moves exercised by the troops have been raising concerns home and abroad. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー >空自機が地上への実弾攻撃の訓練をするのは国内外で初めてといい・・・
ジェームズタウン財団:中国の長期戦略 By John Garver ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー わりあい大上段に振りかざした評論で、中国の外交戦略の基本路線について、毛沢東時代 ケ小平時代、そして現在に至る流れを開設して(この解説は適切と思われ)中国の今後の 外交政策の最大の課題である「台湾の祖国復帰」について論じている。筆者は中国の台湾 へのナショナリスティックなこだわりは高まることはあってもなくならず、中国の国力の 増大によって、アメリカが手を引き、台湾が併合される日が来る(あるいはそれを巡って 紛争がおこる)と予想するのだけれど、個人的に完全に誤っていると思ふ。
As China's power approximates that of the United States, and as China demonstrates its willingness to use that power to incorporate Taiwan, Washington will be forced to disengage from Taiwan.
The American people will not be willing to trade Los Angeles for Shanghai, while the Chinese people would bear such sacrifices for China’s reunification and restoration to greatness.
In the meantime, China will use its influence to prevent injury to its de jure claim to Taiwan. In the fullness of time, if Taipei and Washington dispute Beijing’s "one country, two systems" terms, then a trial of strength with the United States may be necessary.
In recent months, Hu, who heads the Communist Party’s Leading Group on Foreign Affairs (LGFA), has been criticized by political rivals ? especially members of the “Shanghai Faction” ? for a couple of diplomatic setbacks. These include growing difficulties with Japan and the U.S., and Beijing’s apparent failure to anticipate the seriousness and force of Washington’s “anti-China containment policy.”
キルギスタンで起こった民主化革命について、中国は全くそれを予想しておらず、中国の諜報機 関は充分な情報を持たなかった。李外相はこの件で自己批判をさせられる羽目になったと伝えら れている。キルギスタンは新疆ウイグル自治区と国境を隔てるため、中国はアメリカよりキルギ スタンに脅威を感じる。(the Hu leadership is fearful that pro-U.S. forces in the Central Asian state may “make trouble” for China.)
Washington beefing up its military alliance with Japan and stationing more aircraft carriers and jet fighters in Japanese bases; Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld’s warnings, issued in Singapore, about the dangers of a fast-expanding People’s Liberation Army (PLA); and a spate of “U.S.-instigated” instability in Central Asian states (including Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan), which are in China’s northwestern backyard. Washington’s strong lobbying was also responsible for the European Union’s decision to postpone lifting its 16 year-old embargo on arms sales to China.
そうした劣勢を切り返すために、胡錦涛ははプーチンと会談して、“the international order in the 21st century,”(21世紀の国際秩序)を宣言し、アメリカの「押し付ける」民主化の動 きに共同して対抗する姿勢を示した。両国はどの国(アメリカ)も “monopolize and dominate international affairs.”(国際関係を独占的に牛耳る)事に反対する。
ある外交官は“China wants to demonstrate to the Americans that it has ways and means to not only maintain its foothold in Central Asia but also promote Central Asia’s link with South Asia.”(中国はアメリカに対して、中央アジアに対して中国は影響力を及ぼす手段 も意味も有していると示したかったのだ。さらに中央アジア諸国には南アジア諸国との連携を示 すという意味もある)と評した。
ジェームズタウン財団:人民解放軍・空軍の改革 By Kenneth Allen ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー これは中国に関心のある軍オタ必読の論文かもすれない。人民解放軍空軍の構成や計画 軍備近代化についてカナーリ詳しい解説があるような。こういうものを要約したり翻訳する と、私の軍事知識の無さから滅茶苦茶になるので、身の程をわきまえて手を着けない。 興味深いことに、資料のネットでに入手先を記している。これは自分で検証したり調査 するのに便利と思われ。
Internationale Medienhilfe (IMH) 70 Swiss Journalists in all parts of the world
IMH - Internationale Medienhilfe (International Media Assistance) arranged internships in foreign media outlets for 70 young Swiss journalists in 2002. This international programme by the IMH is known as the biggest of its kind in the media sector.
The trainees work mainly in German for newspapers and radio stations beyond the German -speaking area. These media include the New York-based German-Jewish newspaper "Aufbau" and the "Baltische Rundschau", monthly published in the Lithuanian capital Vilnius by the Swiss consulate general.
These internships are very much in demand as they offer trainees the chance to gain experience abroad and in the media at the same time. As trainees mainly work for German-language media, they do not necessarily need to master foreign languages.
Those interested in such internships at foreign media outlets can find additional information Contact:AG Internationale Medienhilfe (IMH) Netzwerk internationaler Medien. Tel: +41 1 311 3908 Fax: +41 1 311 3908 ttp://www.ebu.ch/en/union/news/2003/press_breves_2003_9_imh.php ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー Another list of world’s best newspapers. In July the German branch of the International Media Help (IMH) conducted its second worldwide telephone survey, ttp://www.globaljournalist.org/archive/Magazine/letters-20001q.html ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー International Media Help
Go to the website of International Media Help (IMH) to find out whether there is a German newspaper available in Russia or Ecuador and what foreign-language media are produced in Germany. The IMH is a project group and self-help organization made up of international newspapers, magazines, radio stations, television stations, news agencies and media schools. ttp://www.imh-deutschland.de/page/index.php
State Department Spokesman Scott McCormack told reporters that the American military presence in the region is determined by bilateral agreements and that the United States and the Central Asian countries have concluded there are benefits to both sides from the basing arrangements.
An Israeli diplomatic source describes the Japanese attitude toward Israel as no less than "a 180-degree shift": In October, the chair of the Israel-Japan Friendship Society, MK Ehud Rassabi, said that relations between the two countries had reached "an unprecedented low." ・・・ In spite of the fact that oil continues to define its Middle Eastern policy, Japan, which lacks energy sources, has recently gone all out to balance its policy and improve relations with Israel. Some attribute this to the disengagement - Sharon's "great decisions" and "courage" are a central motif in the lexicon of Arima. "Achieving peace and stability in the Middle East is the reason for our involvement," say the Japanese.
Whether or not Japan uses it as a jump-off point to the desired seat on the Security Council - it would seem that Israel has nothing to lose from Japanese activeness. On the contrary, Israel is likely to benefit from it. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 本来は日本国内のメデイアが、日本外交の新しいチャレンジについて、イスラエルや パレスチナを取材した記事を書いていておかしくはないのだけれど、彼等にまともな ジャーナリスティック・センスがあるかは疑問。
Senior Pentagon spokesman Lawrence Di Rita denied in a later Defense Department briefing on Tuesday that top officials were leaning toward changing the two-war strategy. "They (the talks) have no desired outcome" so far, he said.
One Navy official told Reuters that, even if the United States can no longer fight two wars at once, publicly backing away from the strategy was risky because it might tempt potential adversaries China, North Korea and Iran.
"If we say that we can only do one and then we get engaged in one that's not on the horizon now, does that offer North Korea, China or Iran a chance to say 'Well, they're going to be engaged for five years, that gives me a leeway with what I want to do because they don't have the force structure for two major combat operations'," the official said. ttp://www.rednova.com/news/general/164805/us_military_rethinking_twowar_strategyofficials/
<キングズクロス駅で地下鉄を待っていた人> I got a Thames link train from Luton and it arrived at Kings Cross at 8:40am. The train was delayed and running slow so fortunately I didn't put my headphones in my ears so I could hear announcements. When I got to the south bound platform of the northern Line it was rammed with people trying to squeeze onto the tube. Then an automated voice came over the loudspeaker system asking for passengers to evacuate the station.
I'm now amazed at how dismissive everyone was, myself included. No-one paid any attention to the announcement and we all continued to stand on the platform waiting for the next tube! It wasn't until a London Underground worker came bellowing down the platform - about 3 minutes later - that people started to move, and then they were moving really slowly, huffing and puffing in annoyance.
<ピカデリー線に乗っていた人> I was on the Piccadilly line when the tube just pulled out of Kings Cross around 8.45. A huge bang and the train the lights went off and the carriages filled with smoke/dust. We were stuck there for 40 minutes some people we're getting desperate and kicked through a window eventually we were led down the carriages and through the tunnels on the way out.
ttp://www.fallbackbelmont.blogspot.com/ ベルモント・クラブ ブログ Additional reports from the BBC suggest that the number of casualties will be comparatively small. From the amount of damage caused, the explosive devices used appear to have been in the tens, rather than the hundreds of pounds. This is good news. It also means that the enemy has not grown in overall capability since the days of 9/11 and 3/11.
ttp://www.mudvillegazette.com/archives/003125.html July 07, 2005 マッドヴィル・ガゼット ブログ London Greyhawk The ghost of Winston Churchill might be glimpsed in London Town this week. 今週は、ウインストン・チャーチルの亡霊がロンドンに垣間見えるのかもすれない
Is it time for London to fill it's cavernous subway tunnels with cement to ensure they are never attacked again? Is it time for the world to abandon mass transit as an unacceptably risky business altogether? And what else should we surrender or abandon, to ensure we'll always be safe?
My answers are brief. "No" and "Nothing". The rest of the world will respond too, I'm sure.
The ghost of Churchill might be glimpsed among those mourning and recovering in London Town this week. Certainly we'll see if his spirit lives on. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー この、チャーチルに触れたカキコについて、いくつものコメントが寄せられてて 興味深いも のは、以下の年老いた女性のもの。
Im an old lady. When I was young and wars were going on I knew that in years to come, 50 or 60yrs, the world would be civilized and humans would be intelligent enough to settle disputes without killing people. No more wars! What are these people trying to prove? They can't kill us all. Welcome back Mr. Churchill, and bring your friends. Posted by: Lucille at July 7, 2005 08:02 PM
<This is London.> ttp://www.lnreview.co.uk/news/005167.php This is London. We've dealt with your sort before. You don't try and pull this on us. Do you have any idea how many times our city has been attacked? Whatever you're trying to do, it's not going to work. All you've done is end some of our lives, and ruin some more. How is that going to help you? You don't get rewarded for this kind of crap. And if, as your MO indicates, you're an al-Qaeda group, then you're out of your tiny minds. Because if this is a message to Tony Blair, we've got news for you. We don't much like our government ourselves, or what they do in our name. But, listen very clearly. We'll deal with that ourselves. We're London, and we've got our own way of doing things, and it doesn't involve tossing bombs around where innocent people are going about their lives.
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice may not attend a key meeting of South East Asian nations in Laos later this month, US officials have reportedly said.
Bob Fu, president of the US-based China Aid Association (CAA), said the trial would be "a true litmus test for the Beijing government's religious freedom claims".
"Given the fact that 2008 Olympics will be held in Beijing, the international community has an obligation to demand the Beijing government show the true spirit of the rule of law and respect of religious freedom for ordinary citizens like Pastor Cai," he said.
人員削減だけでは体質を強化できないのだが、日本企業は最近、10年ぶりくらいに雇用増大に動 く傾向が見られるので、勇気付けられる傾向といえる。日本企業が自信を取り戻しつつあり、何 年もの用心深さから最終的に抜け出しつつあるようだ。 (strongest growth in full-time employment for a decade, suggesting that an increasingly confident corporate Japan may be finally emerging from years of caution)
こうした出来事は、日本経済の成功は全面的に中国頼りなのではないかと心配するような人にと って、安心できるニュースだ。利益重視を強める企業と増加する雇用というのは日本の景気回復 に良い話である。 (All this should help calm the nerves of those who fear that Japan's economic success completely depends on Chinese growth. A more profit-oriented corporate sector combined with signs of stronger employment growth bodes well for domestic recovery.) ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 昨年まで批判的なトーンの目だったWSJの日本経済や日本企業への見方が、ここに来て変化し 始めているような。これは日本の主要銀行の不良債権処理の完了宣言以降に見られる傾向。
Its sense of itself is apocalyptic rather than political. Its demands are therefore difficult to meet, even if negotiation was either practicable or acceptable. Fighting this kind of terrorism therefore calls for a permanent combination of smart strategies - the protection and security of communities and societies that are its potential victims alongside a recognition of the need to drain what can be drained from the reservoir of grievances from which the terrorists draw strength.
May 24, 2005: Before 9/11 Baghdad, 23 May - (Aki) - "Al-Qaeda's number two man, Ayman Al-Zawahiri, visited Iraq under a false name in September 1999 to participate in the 'Ninth Islamic People's Congress'": revealed former Iraqi Premier, Iyyad Allawi, to the Arab daily, "Al-Hayat". The Shiite political figure supplied to the newspaper certain information discovered by the Iraqi Secret Service in the archives of the previous regime which clarify the ties between Saddam Hussein and Islamic terrorist organizations. "Al-Zawahiri was summoned by Izza Ibrahim Al-Douri," said Allawi, "[who at the time] was vice president of the Council of the Direction of the Revolution, in order to participate in the congress along with 150 Islamic authorities coming from 50 Islamic countries."
According to Allawi important information was also gathered about the presence of Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi['s presence] in the country. "The Jordanian Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi secretly entered Iraq in the same period," he affirmed, "and began to form a terrorist cell, although the [Iraqi Secret] Service did not have precise information about his entry into the country." ttp://www.rogerlsimon.com/mt-archives/2005/05/before_911.php
Sadly, the victims of their crimes are not only those who were killed or wounded or terrorized in London yesterday, but all Muslims, particularly those in the West, where they have been looked at with increasing discrimination and suspicion ever since September 11, 2001. Muslims will undoubtedly suffer even more discrimination in the wake of these latest attacks. In spite of the fact that all acts of "Islamic" terrorism blatantly contradict Islamic teachings, such acts serve to further distort the image of Muslims and Islam.
Two police officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said investigators suspect the bomb that killed 13 people on a double-decker bus in Bloomsbury exploded prematurely and was not intended as a suicide attack. They said several witnesses on the bus reported seeing an agitated man repeatedly checking the contents of a carry-all bag before it exploded.
調査はインターネットを通じて行われ、1854人が回答した。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー Not surprisingly, people's willingness to see the authorities taking whatever steps are necessary to apprehend and, if need be, detain potential terrorists has risen sharply. More than 80 per cent believe the threat is so serious that the authorities should act against suspected terrorists even if they have not committed any offence.
Fully 82 per cent are apparently convinced already that Islamic extremists - whether foreign Muslims, British Muslims or some combination of the two - were behind the bombings and 60 per cent believe Britain's security services "should now focus their intelligence-gathering and terrorism-prevention efforts on Muslims in this country or seeking to enter it".
In addition, the proportion believing that Islam itself - as distinct from fundamentalist Islamic groups - poses a threat to western liberal democracy has risen from 32 per cent shortly after the 2001 attacks on the World Trade Centre to 46 per cent now. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー [ロンドン=緒方賢一]記者は、ジャーナリストの風上に置けないインチキ記者で、テレグラフの 記事のメインに流れる主張を全く無視して、一部のデータだけを取り出して自分の都合の良い記 事をかくという、やってはいけないことを恥ずかしげも無くやっている。イスラム原理主義が西 欧文明の脅威だという回答は911時点の32%から、今の46%に増えているのだから、過激派イスラ ムへの警戒心、敵視は大きく高まっている。読売新聞は[ロンドン=緒方賢一]記者をクビにすべき
(Speculation alert) Here's what I estimate will happen in the Philippines. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo will be driven from office one way or the other. She will be replaced by vice-buffoon Noli de Castro, or some other nonentity, who will last another six months, if that. Following that, the Philippines could enter a period of complete instability, under which paradoxically enough, things will proceed more or less normally since the government hardly functions as it is.
これは憶測で予測するのだが、私はフィリピンのアロヨ大統領は、いずれにせよ、その座を追わ れ、後任の副大統領のNoli de Castroも半年くらいで駄目になって、そのあとでフィリピンが混 乱状態になるのではないかと思う。フィリピン政府はまともには機能してこなかったから、政府 が混乱状態になっても、たいして変わらないという見方も出来るのだが。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー いつも慎重で冷静なベルモント・クラブ氏にしては大胆な予測。そうなる可能性はあるのだろう けれど、あの国はいつも予想が難しい。何がまともで、何が信用できるのか、情報を含めてよく わからない。
The only viable option is an unpleasant one: containment and deterrence with an eye toward undermining the regime over the longer-term. This option may be risky, but not nearly as risky as either staying with the current ineffectual approach or adopting a policy of direct confrontation would be.
The report says more than 70 percent people, Netizens or non- Netizens regard TV and newspapers as important sources of information. This indicates network has not yet changed structural functions of traditional media in people's life. More non- Netizens reckon TV and newspaper are more important; while more Netizens think books and magazines are more important. This means Netizens and non-Netizens have different orientation towards media use. In other words, people who read more books and magazines are more likely to acquire information through Internet.
Just to give you a sense of the scale of the problem: there are about a million Muslims in the country and they have the youngest age profile of all the ethnic/ religious groups . About a third (34 per cent) are under 16 years of age compared to 19 per cent for Anglos. (Figures taken from the 2001 census).
The real test for Mr Bakiyev will be tackling corruption and unemployment. “People will not wait until the next elections to express their misgivings,” says a foreign official working in Bishkek.
The move could boost Mitsubishi's position in overseas nuclear power plant markets, particularly those of the United States and energy-hungry China, which are embarking on new rounds of nuclear plant construction.
"It's an appropriate decision," said Shigeki Okazaki, analyst at Nomura Securities Co. "An acquisition will help Mitsubishi secure its market in the United States, though whether it could effectively manage such a large U.S. company is one of the risk factors involved." アナリストはアメリカ進出は適切だがWHのような大型企業 をうまく管理できるかと言うリスクがあると述べた。
WHの英国の親会社BNPLはWH売却の意図を持つが、買収意図のあるとされる会社は 三菱重工のほかに、 Areva Group of France, General Electric Co. N>of the United States などに加えて企業買収ファンドがあるとされている。
VW社長のBernd Pischetsriederは、先に一部のドイツのメディアの報道したworks council (労務委員会)に関連した汚職疑惑のあることを認めた。これは数十万ドルに上る金額が 海外の供給業者との契約に関連してキックバックの形で賄賂に使われたとするもの。
Prosecutors last month began looking into bribery allegations against two personnel executives, amid reports that one of them took money from Volkswagen suppliers. The company's top labor representative, Klaus Volkert, also resigned abruptly. 賄賂は人事関連の重役個人に向けられたもので、VWの労働代表のKlaus Volkertが突然辞任 している。
On Friday, VW said its personnel chief, Peter Hartz, an adviser to Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, submitted his resignation "to take political responsibility for the irregularities of individual employees." VW人事担当取締役で、シュローダー首相のアドバイザーでもあるPeter Hartzはこの事件で 「政治的責任を取る」として辞表を出している。
1. Dr Peter Hartz, VW chief of personnel and one of Germany's most politically influential executives, submitted resignation VW人事のDr Peter Hartzが辞表 ドイツで最強の政治力があった人
2. Amidst allegations that VW management board authorized bribes to union leaders to win support for management decisions VWは労組のトップを汚職で買収していた
3. 2 executives who worked for Hartz accused of bribery and fraud Hartzの部下二人に汚職の疑惑が 4. Departure would help VW move beyond ongoing corporate governance scandal 会社の管理規律を正す機会 5. Hartz appointed by Chancellor Gerhard Schroder to head commission to reform country's labor laws Hartzはシュローダー首相に指名されて 国の労働法規見直しの任に当たっていた 6. Reforms focal point of opposition to chancellor's economic policy 労務放棄見直しがシュローダーの経済政策 への反対意見の焦点になっていた Significant Points(ここ重要) 1. Hartz mediates between VW and its 336,000 employees Hartz氏はVWの33.6万労働者の調停役 2. Negotiated agreement w/103,000 assembly-line workers for 28-month wage freeze in return for 7 years job security 7年の就業保証で給与凍結の合意が出来ていた 3. VW German factories operating below capacity and costs still too high VWの工場はまだコスト高杉 4. Cozy union/management relations prevent company from focusing on profitability rather than saving jobs 労組との馴れ合いは会社の不利益に 5. Critics say Hartz' imminent departure opportunity to restructure company Hartzが辞任で大掃除が出来るとの声も 6. Company stock rose on resignation announcement 辞任のニュースでVW株価上昇 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 労組との腐れ縁、汚職といった話のような。昔の日本の車メーカーでも聞いたような。
The group held concentrated discussion with African states at the African Union summit in Libya last week. A Korean official said, "Africa has its own independent plan, but in fact it doesn't differ much from the G4 plan. If the African nations are brought on board, the G4 resolution will pass easily."
Kyrgyzstan's newly-elected president Kurmanbek Bakiyev on Monday questioned the continued presence of U.S. troops on a military base they have used since the 2001 war to oust the Taliban in Afghanistan.
"We may proceed with the issue of whether it is expedient to still deploy military forces of the United States (in Kyrgyzstan)," Bakiyev told a news conference. "Time will show when and how it (withdrawal) happens."
After nine days traveling across Japan, visiting with officials, non-governmental organizations and minorities, the special rapporteur of the U.N. Human Rights Commission says he is troubled by what he heard.
Mr. Doudou Diene told reporters in Tokyo he found no strong political will to combat racism and discrimination. He also noted what he called a strong xenophobic drive among the Japanese public. "This xenophobic drive is expressed by associating minorities, certain minorities, to crime, to violence, to dirt," he said.
Mr. Diene said the worst discrimination appears to be the problems a Japanese social outcast group, known as "burakumin" face with finding housing and employment. He called their condition "shocking and terrible," and said their plight would be included in his preliminary report. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 北朝鮮やスーダン、チェチェンやチベットには行かずに日本で部落民が云々なぞとい っている国連人権委員会も酷いものだけれど、この手の企みには(相手が国連なので) 外務省がきちんと対応してDQNな報告書を書かせないようにすべき。しかしVOA 記事に拠れば、へんなものがでてきそうな悪寒。
明らかに、ノムヒョン大統領はライス長官が北朝鮮を「独裁の前衛( "outposts of tyranny.") 」と呼んだことを、これはまったくそのとおりなのだが、不愉快に思っている。韓国政府 の高官たちは北朝鮮の気まぐれな将軍様が6者協議復帰しないための言い訳を見つけること を恐れて、ひたすらアメリカに穏便な発言を求めてきた。
しかし、親なら誰でも知っていることなのだが、ヒステリカルに駄々をこねる子供に甘く するようなことは最悪で、そういう脅迫に応じることは効果的ではないのだ。北朝鮮のす べき事は明白である:今までに作った全ての核爆弾を差し出し、今後は作らないように 全ての核施設を破壊すること、である。もしも北朝鮮がこれに同意できないというのであ れば、それは今や潮時というべきであり、より厳しい処置を考え始めるときである。 (If Pyongyang cannot agree to this, it will be high time to start thinking of less tolerant measures.)
Posted on Tue, Jul. 12, 2005 Rice warns North Korea talks may fail GEORGE GEDDA Associated Press
"What we really need is a strategic decision on the part of the North that they are indeed ready to give up their nuclear weapons program," Rice told reporters after meeting with Japanese Foreign Minister Nobutaka Machimura.
"Without that, these talks cannot be successful," she said.
"We agreed that there must be an actual progress in the next round of talks, and we expect North Korea's serious and constructive handling," Machimura said. "We also confirmed the importance of close cooperation among Japan, the United States and South Korea on the issue."
The German co-determination law--according to which large companies must give half their board seats to workers' reps--is rooted in the outmoded capitalists vs. proletariat mindset of unreconstructed Marxism. It's long overdue for a change.
陳用林氏は更に、「一部のオーストラリア政府関係者は、すでに中共に説得され、彼らの政策 を支持している。中国政府に批判的な人物を処理する際、中国大使館がこれらの政治家に協力 を求めることも珍しくない」と衝撃の事実を明かした。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/200507/s1410916.htm Chen claims to have proof of Chinese spy ring Print-friendy versionPrint Email this storyEmail Last Update: Sunday, July 10, 2005.
He says it proves what he believes, that an elaborate ring of informants are monitoring Chinese communities in Australia. Mr Chen says he also has a list of spies. He is threatening to reveal their identities. 陳用林氏は中国のスパイが、在豪中国人コミニティの動きなどを調査している証拠をもっていると のべ、さらに中国人スパイの名簿を所有していると述べた。
While he was at the consulate, he said, he saw a list of names of prominent people in NSW who could be relied on to help out that included "local councillors and [state] parliamentarians". 陳用林氏は外交官時代にニューサウスウエールズ洲の著名な人々のリストを見たと述べ、それは 地域の委員会や議会の人たちで、中国の支援をしてくれると頼れる人たちのものだとした。
They were called on to help when, for example, the Chinese Government wanted to stop the Falun Gong participating in publicly funded events like the Chinese New Year parade. それらの人は、例えば中国政府が、法輪功のグループが中国の旧正月のパレードに参加すること をやめさせるとかを助けてくれるのだという。
``There is no so-called political persecution at all,'' the statement said. ``Therefore we firmly oppose the decision by the Australian government to provide a protection visa to Chen Yonglin and request the Australian side properly handle this case so as to ensure the healthy development of Chinese-Australian relations,'' it added.
"Whether it's a diagnostic test kit, whether it's a vaccine, whether (you are trying to find out if) there is a virus, they just stop you. They want exclusivity," Guan said, adding that China's Animal Husbandry Bureau was keen to keep everything under its control. "They don't want any competition. Even if you make a very good vaccine, it can't exist in China."
Der Sprengstoff war im ZDF-Hochsicherheitslabor 65 Kilometer westlich von Peking entwickelt worden und erhielt die Codebezeichnung CX123.
BamS gegenuber erklarte der israelische Geheimdienst, unmittelbar vor den Anschlagen habe der Londoner Mossad-Posten eine Warnung erhalten. Ein Mossad-Angehoriger: ?Sie erreichte uns jedoch zu spat fur wirksame Masnahmen.“ Namlich nur sechs Minuten vor der ersten Detonation in einem der U-Bahn-Schachte.
Super explosive material out of China? Of GORDON THOMAS
Does London a?“ the high blood customs go at the terrible Londoners terrorist attacks on the account of a Chinese super explosive material?
According to Israel secret service Mossad it concerns a??with at security of bordering Wahrscheinlichkeita?? the same explosive material, with which two radically-moslem suicide attempts let rise year last out of England a nightclub in Tel Aviv. That announced the Mossad MI5 to the British messages service.
According to information from a Geheimdienstlers in Tel Aviv, the explosive material produced in China a was smuggleed in??probably end of past Jahresa?? in Great Britain. To the fateful morning hours of the Thursday, the material in a a had been stored? certain Hausa?? the terror organization al-Qaida in London, that had escaped all Razzien of the secret service and the political Dezernats of Scotland yard.
Forensische chemist of the ultrageheimen research center in the Tel-Aviv-suburb Nes Ziona succeeded it that to trace back related explosive material to the leading Chinese armament enterprising ZDF in the nightclub-attack. The explosive material had been developed in the ZDF high security laboratory 65 kilometers west by Beijing and recovered the code name CX123.
Mossad-post a warning. A Mossad-member: a??you reached would stack us however too late for effective measures. a?? namely only six minutes before the first detonation in one of the U-train-.
"We will work with you to achieve enlargement of the Security Council, but only in the right way and at the right time," she said Washington is calling for two new permanent seats with no veto power, including one for Japan. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー BBCの記事の書いているように、アメリカは「安保理改革、常任理事会拡大に賛成」なのだ けれど、コフィ・アナンの改革委員会の提案(パッケージ)には反対で、新たに常任理事会す べき国は「日本と、もうひとつ(インド?)」という立場。共同記事は説明が不正確。これは アメリカとコフィ・アナンの対立で、(共同の記事の、誤解を狙うような)アメリカと日本の 対立ではない。
President Bush and his top officials are studiously pretending not to notice, but here in the most bizarre country in the world, the Dear Leader, Kim Jong Il, is throwing down a nuclear gantlet at Mr. Bush's feet.
So don't let the welcome resumption of the six-party talks distract us from the reality: Mr. Bush's refusal to engage North Korea directly is making the peninsula steadily more dangerous. More than at any time since the Cuban missile crisis of 1962, we are on a collision course with a nuclear power.
"We are very optimistic that our joint efforts to improve the security situation on the Korean peninsula could indeed bear fruit, although, of course, there is still much work to be done," Rice told reporters after meeting South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun and other officials. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ライス長官が本気で6者協議に楽観的なのかどうかは大いに疑問だけれど、現時点では日米韓の 三国の協調体制を作り上げることに優先順位をおいていることは理解できる。
India a strategic partner for US against China-Russia coalition looks for collaboration civilian nuclear energy, economic ties as well as defense and security Babu Ghanta Jul. 12, 2005
Media chants aside, there's no evidence that Mr. Rove broke any laws in telling reporters that Ms. Plame may have played a role in her husband's selection for a 2002 mission to investigate reports that Iraq was seeking uranium ore in Niger. ・・・ But it appears Mr. Rove didn't even know Ms. Plame's name and had only heard about her work at Langley from other journalists.
Beijing is angry because it thought the economic card meant it had Canberra in the bag. A reliable U.S. ally on most issues, Australia has wavered when it comes to China -- as the government of Prime Minister John Howard seeks to negotiate a free-trade agreement with Beijing, in which it has invested considerable political capital.
George W. Bush, whom I met in the White House last month, knows all of this. His steadfast stance against Kim Jong Il and his love toward my fellow suffering North Koreans is about to give results. The darkest moment of the night is right before dawn.
My feeling is that North Koreans will be able to see daylight soon. Now is not the time to give in to North Korea's blackmail or to the general feeling of appeasement that pervades the Seoul government. Now is not the time to give aid, or to agree to bilateral negotiations between the U.S. and North Korea.
Until things change in Seoul, Mr. Bush is the only hope the North Korean people have left. Those who are against him are only going to prolong their suffering. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ライス国務長官の韓国滞在の時期にあわせたようなWSJのこの評論の掲載は、WSJ論説 委員たちのノムヒョン政権への批判の姿勢の現われのような希ガス。
RICE: "I actually think it's quite interesting that the North has responded by saying that, yes, it is not only coming back to the talks but it hopes to make progress. "Let me just remind everybody that what is on the table is essentially what was on the table in June of 2004. That is where the talks will begin. 一年間、アメリカの提案を検討する時間が合った。テーブルの上にあるものは去年と同じ。
COSSA: "The nuclear weapons are not the objective for Pyongyang's leaders. It is survival. The parties need to convince them that they can survive without nuclear weapons and that having them decreases their chance of survival." 北朝鮮は生き残りが目標のはずだが、核廃棄したほうが生き残りに役立つ事を知るべき
RICE: "I think the view is there should be no nuclear weapons programmes. That means plutonium. That means HEU (highly enriched uranium). 核廃棄というのは、プルトニウム関連とウラン濃縮関連の両計画を廃棄すること
"Of course that's a part of the issue, it has always been, and on this I don't think there is any difference with others in the six-party talks because nuclear weapons programmes means nuclear weapons programmes, period. 意見の相違があることは承知しているが妥協する気は無い
RICE: "It can be clear to anyone who looks at photographs of what North Korea looks like at night that that they have energy needs. The issue is how those energy needs will be met, particularly in the face of significant proliferation concerns about nuclear energy in North Korea. That is what is so very useful about the South Korean proposal. 北朝鮮のエネルギーの必要性は明らか。核廃棄との関連で、その意味で重要
SOUTH KOREA NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL OFFICIAL: "We are looking at this as part of the cost of unification. Unless a war breaks out on the Korean peninsula, we will not cut off the power." 韓国統一省高官:これは統一コストの一部である。戦争にならない限り電 力を供給するつもりである
COSSA: "I think the North Koreans' response to this will be, 'that is a great idea, but put the plant in North Korea'." 北朝鮮は、自国国内の発電所を望むだろう
<シャドーUAVの仕様> The Shadow is manufactured by AAI Corp., a Hunt Valley, Md.-based company. According to the company, the light, rail-launched drone has a 13-foot wingspan and 60 pounds of surveillance equipment. It flies between 10,000 to 14,000 feet in altitude about 30 miles ahead of U.S. forces, according to the military.
<DMZでの監視に利用> “The UAVs help the division and brigade commanders to make timely decisions on the battlefield and also provide battle damage assessment to the field artillery commander,” 1st Lt. Dan Nadon-Rzasa is quoted as saying. “It allows us to gather intelligence needed from a safe distance away.” 戦闘時の砲撃の効果確認用に有効、というあたりがDMZを守る陸軍らすいコメント。 北朝鮮側の迫撃砲の情報収集にも有効なのだろうと思われ。
WaPo:テロとの戦争は、「意思」の戦争なのだが By David Ignatius ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ロンドンの地下鉄テロを受けての論評。テロリストはロンドンの事件のようにテロ を繰り返していて、それは彼等が、いまだに西欧文明社会との「テロとの戦争」に 勝つ(中東から西欧人を追い出し、西欧社会ではイスラムの地位を確立する)見込 みがあると思っているからである。
"When the public believes the mission will succeed, then the public is willing to continue supporting the mission, even as costs mount. When the public thinks victory is not likely, even small costs will be highly corrosive," (Jason Reifler -- titled "Casualty Sensitivity and the War in Iraq" )
Actually, there were many connections, as Stephen Hayes, writing in the current issue of the Weekly Standard, spells out under the headline "The Mother of All Connections." Since the fall of Saddam, the U.S. has had extraordinary access to documents of the former Baathist regime, and is still sifting through millions of them. Mr. Hayes takes some of what is already available, combined with other reports, documentation and details, some from before the overthrow of Saddam, some after. For page after page, he lists connections--with names, dates and details such as the longstanding relationship between Osama bin Laden's top deputy, Ayman al-Zawahiri, and Saddam's regime.
Mr. Hayes raises, with good reason, the question of why Saddam gave haven to Abdul Rahman Yasin, one of the men who in 1993 helped make the bomb that ripped through the parking garage of the World Trade Center. He details a contact between Iraqi intelligence and several of the Sept. 11 hijackers in Malaysia, the year before al Qaeda destroyed the twin towers. He recounts the intersection of Iraqi and al Qaeda business interests in Sudan, via, among other things, an Oil for Food contract negotiated by Saddam's regime with the al-Shifa facility that President Clinton targeted for a missile attack following the African embassy bombings because of its apparent connection to al Qaeda. And there is plenty more. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー この評論で、クラウディアの参照しているStephen F. Hayesの評論というのは、ウイークリー スタンダードに掲載されたもの↓
“These foot soldiers who’ve done this are only one element of an organisation which is bringing about this kind of mayhem in our society.” “We have to attack the people who are driving it, organising it, manipulating those people,” he said.
WSJ(欧州版、寄稿):ロンドン地下鉄のリスク By SANDY BELL ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 英国内務省のシンクタンクに所属する筆者の書いているもので、大都市の地下鉄のような 大量交通機関のテロに対する脆弱性を減らすことが出来るか?という問題提起。
ttp://www.sltrib.com/opinion/ci_2854774 Article Last Updated: 07/12/2005 11:20:45 PM Lowry: It's time to unshackle Japan, let it become a military power By Rich Lowry KING FEATURES SYNDICATE
Japan enraged the Chinese earlier this year when it joined the United States in issuing a statement that included in a list of ''common strategic objectives'' the goal of a ''peaceful resolution of issues concerning the Taiwan Strait.'' To the extent that China has to worry about not just a U.S. defense, but a Japanese defense of Taiwan, it complicates China's planning and makes a military move marginally less likely.
In general, a strong Japan creates a balance of power in East Asia - of the sort that once existed in Europe - that makes any Chinese hegemonic ambitions more difficult to achieve.
Of course, any more assertive Japanese moves will revive the boogeyman of Japanese militarism. Other Asian countries have nightmarish memories of the Japanese military. But it is a new Japanese government, with new norms, in a new time. The traditional restraints on it only serve to hobble what should be one of the world's significant players on the side of decency and civilization. Unleash Japan.
LONDON (AFX) - British police have identified the man thought to be the mastermind of last week's bombings in London in which at least 52 people died, a report said.
The British-born man in his 30s, of Pakistani origin, arrived at a British port last month and left the country again the day before Thursday's attacks, The Times newspaper reported.
While he is not "Anglo," said the American official, he is not of Pakistani descent. The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity so as not to upstage the British on a case the two countries are cooperating on, added that British police investigators know the man's name but decided not to release it or his image.
The investigators, who spoke in return for anonymity because they are not officially allowed to talk to reporters, said it was worrisome that the London bombers had gained access to such powerful explosives, possibly highly sophisticated plastic explosives from the Balkans.
提言はブッシュ政権に対し、(1)日米防衛協力のガイドラインを改正し、米軍と自衛隊が指揮、 管理、情報収集などで相互共通の作戦互換能力を保持する(2)自衛隊のミサイル防衛など作戦 能力の独自の強化を奨励する(3)日本が憲法第九条の解釈を見直し集団的自衛権の行使を可能 にすることを支援する(4)日本指導部に歴史問題と取り組み、韓国の反対で日本の安保努力に 悪影響が及ばないよう奨励する−などを政策として勧告している。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ttp://www.heritage.org/Research/AsiaandthePacific/bg1865.cfm Japan’s New Security Outlook: Implications for the United States by Balbina Y. Hwang Backgrounder #1865 July 7, 2005
・Japan’s Evolving Security Role ・Regional Concerns ・Challenges for the United States and the Alliance ・What the United States Should Do ・Conclusion
Japan’s defense posture, like America’s, is under-going a fundamental transformation. This is a posi-tive development in the maturation and evolution of the U.S.?Japan alliance and is long overdue given the profound changes in the international security environment. Yet many challenges lie ahead.
As the two countries move forward, it is impor-tant that they not be carried away by lofty ambi-tions and unrealistic expectations that could lead them to ignore the daily challenges and difficulties of implementing these policies. Patience on both sides of the Pacific will be required in achieving the goal of transforming the U.S.?Japan alliance into a strategic partnership that can contribute to peace and stability beyond the Asia?Pacific region.
まず、 As long as Japan continues to interpret Article 9 as prohibiting collective self-defense actions, especially with the United States, it impedes Japan’s ability to participate fully in regional and global operations and missions. (日本国憲法9条を戦争否定と解釈する限り、アメリカと共同の集団安全保障による 地域及びグローバルな安全保障への参加が難しい)
With Japan’s leadership unknown after Koizumi steps down, Japan’s ability to continue evolving its security outlook at the current pace is uncertain (小泉首相の後の日本の指導者が未定である、日本が今後も安全保障参加に前向きで 有り続けられるかは疑問である)
Given the uncertainty over Japan’s future polit-ical leadership, it is also unclear whether or not the momentum to address the highly sensitive issue of reinterpreting the constitution’s Article 9 will continue (日本の指導者の将来が未定であるので、憲法9重の解釈も将来どうなるのか未定である)
As Japan begins to ponder action that confronts col-lective self-defense issues, the debates will become far more political, and implementation of new actions will become more entangled in legis-lative and technical procedures. (日本の安全保障問題はますます政治的議論の焦点になり、憲法改正の議論はますます 技術論や方法論の傾くばかりだ) ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 全体として、この評論は、日米同盟強化が進んでいることは適切としながらも、急速な 変化は小泉首相のラッキーな指導力に加えて、無理を重ねてやっている面があるから、 アメリカ側が楽観しすぎると危険だ、といった警告が含まれている。憲法改正のめどが 立っていないのだから、日米同盟は9条解釈に依存することになるが、それは将来変化し 得るので、不安定なのだという。
Express support for Japan’s initiative to re-examine Article 9 of its constitution to allow for collective self-defense. Reinterpreting the constitution to permit Japan to come directly to the aid of its ally will contribute to American and international security. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 現実問題として憲法改正発議に議会の三分の二を要するという高いハードルがあるので こういう評論が出てくるわけだけれど、あの無茶苦茶な「前文」とかをもつ憲法を今の ままにして、解釈で逃げるというのを続けることにもぞっとしないものが。
The explosive is being examined by specialists to discover ifit matches the high grade explosive used in the London bombs. It is not known yet whether the explosive used in the attacks was from a military or commercial source.
The radicalisation of some younger members of Britain's 1.5 million-strong Muslim community has led to often heated debate. Now questions are being asked about whether British-style multiculturalism is succeeding or failing.
The possibility that the London attacks were the work of young British Muslim suicide bombers poses a significant challenge to Muslim leaders and the Blair government. Muslim parents, teachers and community leaders are under pressure over whether they have done enough to acknowledge and tackle the threat of extremism.
British politicians are not only having to review domestic security. They are being forced to think again about the mix of liberal policies pursued by successive governments since the 1960s - collectively known as multiculturalism.
For years, the BBC has been infected by a left-liberal bias. Its reporting, for example, of the arguments over the future of the EU has made out that those in favour of ever -greater European integration are peace loving sages, as opposed to those who believe in self-government who are, by definition, xenophobic bigots.
That bias, real as it is, has often been subtle. Let the BBC’s reports wash over you without paying full critical attention and you might not even notice it. But the distorted way in which the BBC has reported the terrorist murders in London is of a different order of magnitude altogether
In the immediate moments after the murders, it seemed as if something might have changed for the better. The murderers were, rightly, described by BBC reporters as terrorists. The BBC’s website had a page with the headline, “Bus man may have seen terrorist”. The story began, “A bus passenger says he may have seen one of those responsible for the terrorist bomb attacks in London.” Another page referred to “the worst terrorist atrocity Britain has seen.”
It did not last long. By Friday, those web pages had been edited to excise all references to terrorism. The first page had a new headline: “Passenger believes he saw bomber”. The story was changed to: “A bus passenger says he may have seen one of those responsible for the bomb attacks in London.” And the second story now read: “the worst peacetime bomb attacks Britain has seen.”
"Wealthy Saudi financiers and charities have funded terrorist organizations and causes that support terrorism and the ideology that fuels the terrorists' agenda", Levey told lawmakers Wednesday. "Even today, we believe that Saudi donors may still be a significant source of terrorist financing, including for the insurgency in Iraq," he added.
“If the Americans are determined to interfere [then] we will be determined to respond,” said Gen Zhu, who is also a professor at China's National Defence University. “We . . . will prepare ourselves for the destruction of all of the cities east of Xian. Of course the Americans will have to be prepared that hundreds . . . of cities will be destroyed by the Chinese.”
However, some US-based China experts cautioned that Gen Zhu probably did not represent the mainstream People's Liberation Army view. “He is running way beyond his brief on what China might do in relation to the US if push comes to shove,” said one expert with knowledge of Gen Zhu. “Nobody who is cleared for information on Chinese war scenarios is going to talk like this,” he added.
Gen Zhu's comments come as the Pentagon prepares to brief Congress next Monday on its annual report on the Chinese military, which is expected to take a harder line than previous years. They are also likely to fuel the mounting anti-China sentiment on Capitol Hill.
BEIJING (Reuters) - A senior Chinese general has warned that China was ready to use nuclear weapons against the United States if Washington attacked his country over Taiwan, the Financial Times newspaper reported on Friday.
But the June 28 U.S. military operation in Afghanistan's northeastern Kunar province may have stirred the hornet's nest of Praetorian Guards around the al-Qaeda leader, who is presumed to be ensconced in the 15,000-foot-high mountains and steep forested valleys of Nuristan province just north of Kunar, and the U.S. military may have come closer to its quarry than ever before.
That operation, which resulted in the loss of a Chinook MH-47 helicopter with 16 Special Operations Forces personnel sent to extract a four-man Navy Seal reconnaissance team trapped in the area, points to a level of sophisticated enemy activity not seen before. It was the single biggest loss of U.S. military personnel in a hostile action since Afghanistan was invaded by U.S. and Coalition forces after September 11, 2001.
The military activity in Kunar province is still ongoing with some 300 personnel involved, including Afghan government soldiers. The B-52 bombing of a suspected militant hideout on July 1 reportedly killed 17 civilians, including women and children, in Chichal village. The U.S. military has since apologized.
While speculation about bin Laden's whereabouts continue today, more than likely he is holed up in Nuristan, and the ongoing U.S. military action just to the south in Kunar seems to bolster that argument. Moreover, the Pentagon announced on July 11 that 700 more soldiers from the 82nd Airborne Division will be deployed from Fort Bragg, North Carolina to Afghanistan in the next two weeks to fight terrorism and provide security for the upcoming Afghan parliamentary elections in September.
>>285 訂正:Fort Braggから700名の空軍兵士を→700名の陸軍特殊部隊兵士を Fort Braggは特殊部隊兵士を擁する陸軍の拠点らすい↓
Known as the "Home of the Airborne and Special Operations Forces". Fort Bragg houses the 82nd Airborne Division and the XVIII Airborne Corps. The U.S. Army Special Operations Command and the U.S. Army Parachute Team (the Golden Knights) also call Fort Bragg home. ttp://www.bragg.army.mil/18abn/
"I think what he said is not mainstream thinking" in the Chinese government, said Chu Shulong, director of the Institute of Strategic Studies at Tsinghua University in Beijing, who says Gen. Zhu is a friend.
Statements like Gen. Zhu's "have sort of sown the seeds in Washington that the Chinese are not just a threat, they're a real danger," said John Tkacik, a China specialist at the conservative Heritage Foundation who is often critical of Beijing. Mr. Tkacik said Gen. Zhu's comments may have been intended as a kind of "psychological warfare" to underscore China's resolve, but that they would likely "backfire" in Washington.
On North Korea, Mr. Zhu blamed the U.S. for Pyongyang's efforts to develop nuclear weapons, saying it was doing so because it felt threatened by the U.S. and its nuclear capabilities.
WaPo:ヨーロッパの、欧州生まれの、内なる敵 (意訳、要約) By Charles Krauthammer ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ロンドンの地下鉄テロは英国生まれの英国国籍を持つイスラムの若者が実行し、オランダの ファン・ゴッホ監督の暗殺事件はオランダ生まれのMohammed Bouyeriガ起こしている。
"The DPRK does not want ceremonial, but substantial, talks," Ursula Stenzel, the head of the EU delegation cited North Korea's chief negotiator to the six-party talks, Kim Kye-gwan, as saying.
"As (the) DPRK and U.S. are still in hostility, they want to have simultaneous steps. They want to have a package deal. They want building confidence measures first," Stenzel said.
(CSMは6者協議の先行きに半信半疑で、交渉の最後のチャンスだから、 Now the stakes are higher, and the need for upfront verification is imperative. と、ある種の危機感を漂わせる観測記事を書いている) ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ttp://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,3-1694637,00.html July 15, 2005 Foreign Editor's Briefing Reasons to be less fearful of weapons risk ロンドン・タイムズ:北朝鮮の6者協議に、希望が持てないわけではない
It is China, as North Korea’s closest ally and its largest provider of aid, that will probably have to play the largest part in sorting out this problem. But the US, while softening nothing in its formal position, is doing a good job of exploring whether a new tone will make a difference.
ヘリテージ財団:「東アジア安全保障法」は中国へ武器禁輸を確かにするもの by John J. Tkacik, Jr. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 議会で審議されることになっている「東アジア安全保障法」(East Asia Security Act of 2005 (H.R. 3100))を解説して、その意味と有効性を説いているもの。
AEI:コリアタイムズ編集者への公開書簡(記事訂正、謝罪要求)By Nicholas Eberstadt
貴新聞の7月13日号に掲載の、"London Bombing and North Korea's Return to Talks" (ロンドン空爆と北朝鮮の6者会談復帰)の記事についてジャーナリストとして許され るべきではない事実誤認があり、私(Nicholas Eberstadt)をいわれなく非難している 事に抗議します。
問題の部分は: AEI fellow Nicholas Eberstadt even presented a 3-step solution to the DPRK’s nuclear issue _ namely, 1) repeal of the ROK-U.S. alliance, 2) withdrawal of the USFK, 3) pre -emptive strike and containment on the DPRK.
He insisted that if the ROK, which became a U.S. ally during the Cold War, can no longer assist the U.S. in its efforts to resolve North Korea’s nuclear problem which is clearly posing a serious threat to America’s post-9/11 security, then the U.S. should first and foremost sever its alliance relationship with the ROK.
これは、完全な思い込みでエラー。筆者のJang Sung-minは: is president of the World and Northeast Asia Peace Forum and a former member of the National Assembly's Unification, Foreign Affairs and Trade Committee. He is also the author of "Bush Administration’s Policy toward Korean Peninsula After 9.11." という御仁で、左巻きお花畑のような。
ウイークリー・スタンダード:何故、サヨクのブログが民主党に不利に働くのか(概要) by Dean Barnett
サヨク最大のブログ、ディリー・コス(Daily Kos)の主催者Markos Moulitsasは、先月 アン・クールター(Ann Coulter)を非難する論評( "Evidence that we live in a different world,") をタイムに寄稿して、アメリカの国民の79%はアン・クールターを知らない と指摘し、ディリー・コスの読者の100%が、その悪辣な人物を知っているとしている。
ディリー・コスや著名なサヨクのブログで展開されている議論というのはアメリカ国民の マジョリティにとって魅力的とは言い難いものである。例えば7月4日に(保守系の) "Iowahawk"のブログに、ザルカウィが書いたというパロディの設定で掲載されたユーモア のある文章、"Stop Questioning My Patriotism."(わが愛国心を疑うことなかれ)につい て、ディリー・コスの反応は"Fucking pricks. You goosestepping McCarthyites. Now go cry to momma. You yellow-bellied elephants."といったセンスの無いものだった。
"For a senior government official to exhibit such tremendous stupidity by making such a brazen threat is hardly characteristic of a modern nation," Tancredo said in the letter, released yesterday.
"The US decision to recognize Communist China in 1979 was predicated on the commitment of your [Zhou's] country to resolve its differences with Taiwan peacefully," Tancredo wrote.
"If China continues to walk down this destructive path, I believe that the US may be forced to revisit the decision to establish diplomatic ties with your country in the first place," the letter said.
Senior US military officials described Zhu's words as foolhardy. "This serves no purpose other than pissing off Congress," a US government source told the Taipei Times yesterday. "I could see China retaliating in kind to a US attack on China, but to go as far as to publicly threaten a nuclear response is just crazy," the source said. "I don't think comments like this do anything to deter the United States from its legal and moral obligations under the Taiwan Relations Act to assist Taiwan in defending itself," he said.
The very notion of creating common values has been abandoned except at a most minimal level. Britishness has come to be defined simply as a toleration of difference. The politics of ideology has given way to the politics of identity, creating a more fragmented Britain, and one where many groups assert their identity through a sense of victimhood and grievance.
But many Muslim leaders have nurtured an exaggerated sense of victimhood for their own political purposes. The result has been to stoke up anger and resentment, creating a siege mentality that makes Muslim communities more inward-looking and more open to religious extremism ? and that has helped to transform a small number of young men into savage terrorists.
The London terrorists ? like those in Madrid, Bali and New York before them ? issued no warnings, made no demands, left no list of grievances. Four men simply sneaked on to three Tube trains and a bus and without a word created carnage. For them, terror was an end in itself, not a means to an end. In this post-ideological age, few believe in political ends or have a vision of political change. Few actually believe in anything or can articulate what they believe in political terms.
comment added :: 16th July 2005, 12:28 GMT+08 bellevue made this comment, まだ中国の政府の核政策を望むかもしれないために朱少将を抑制することができて、でも、理 知に似ていて安に代わったことを教えることができて、朱少将は今度政府の立場を表明してい るのだ:中国は将軍の核兵器を撤回して言論を脅すことを拒絶する
comment added :: 16th July 2005, 12:54 GMT+08 bellevue made this comment, アメリカ人はまだ彼らのいつもの冗談を言っている: 聞く:あのウォルマートのスーパーマーケットはどのようにする?
comment added :: 16th July 2005, 13:01 GMT+08 Michael Anti made this comment, ハッハッ。 comment added :: 16th July 2005, 13:04 GMT+08 青銅 made this comment, ほほほ、2時の見方: 1,中国も核による威嚇をマスターして、 2,08オリンピックも脅しの 分銅の1つにゆすって反対するのだ。 comment added :: 16th July 2005, 13:22 GMT+08 physis made this comment, 各種のうわさ、各種の態度は放ってすこし見てみて、あなた達はなにに焦る。 comment added :: 16th July 2005, 13:31 GMT+08 ダンスの雨ごいの祭り made this comment, 同志たちに我が党を感じさせることは予測できないので、これで正しい。ハッハッ comment added :: 16th July 2005, 13:50 GMT+08 remme made this comment, 私に《エロ・ポルノの害毒》を思い出させた。 comment added :: 16th July 2005, 13:56 GMT+08