Tell your beating heart to be still. Never mind what light from beyond the window falls, or how softly it does so. Do not, on any account, compare anyone whatsoever, this weekend, to a summer's day. If music be the food of love, switch off your hi-fi immediately. Neptune and Venus are harmoniously aligned. Pisceans everywhere must beware an imminent outbreak of stupefying soppiness and a general weakening in the area on the left side of their chests. If you feel a twinge, take some antacid.
Friday's Equinox follows a solar eclipse in your opposite sign. It's possible that some people have already 'moved on' and that you are now swimming in the clear waters they've left behind. Though you might be indebted to a Libra for offering a sense of direction (temporary), it's as likely that you'll delight in the company of anyone who has plans that will bring you into contact with people who share your enthusiasms. Your two 'ruling' planets reach a dynamic phase in their long cycle on Sunday: which could result in you falling 'head over heels' or at least being reminded of a time when you did. Though emotionally you might be all over the place, this doesn't mean you won't have a good time. Indeed, you could be drawn to someone whose way with words charms you and whose style, though apparently out of place, is exactly what you like to see. The potential to develop this relationship could take a few more days to assess however.
Soon, your pipes will block, your sink will overflow and your home will become knee deep in water. Well, no not really. But I thought I would take this opportunity to make a point. Even though you are a Piscean and water is your element there are times when you can have too much of the stuff. In your effort now to fulfil a deep desire, you may be in danger of creating the wrong kind of outcome. Be less bothered about getting what you want. Be less afraid of getting what you don't want.
Are you waiting for a moment of inspiration? あなたはひらめきを待っているのですか Are you hoping to be struck by a revelation? あなたは新事実の発見によって感動したいと望んでいますか? Do you feel as if you are wandering around in a darkened room reaching out for a light switch that surely must be on the wall somewhere? あなたはまるであなたが確実に壁のどこかにある電気のスイッチをみつけるために暗い部屋を歩き回っているようだと感じていますか Before long you will have your moment. まもなくあなたはあなたの時間を持ちます The penny will drop. The inner light-bulb will illuminate. ペニーは落ちます(わけわかんね)内なるひらめきの根が光をあてられます All complicated matters are inevitably caused by the absence of something simple but essential. 複雑な事柄は不可避で単純で然し重要なものの欠乏から生じました Before long you will understand exactly what is missing. まもなくあなたは正確に何がないかを理解するでしょう
Repeat it to yourself every time you hear a discouraging word or find yourself thinking a negative thought. Your overall outlook is most inspiring. It implies that, within reason, almost anything can happen, as long as it is for the greater good of all. Did I just say within reason? Hmmm. Come to think of it good things can probably happen now - even if they are moderately unreasonable. Use, trust and explore your imagination.
9/29 >>55さんアリガトン 原文抜けている所も含め別訳してみました。 'It ain't necessarily so.' Make this your mantra this weekend. Repeat it to yourself every time you hear a discouraging word or find yourself thinking a negative thought. Your overall outlook is most inspiring. It implies that, within reason, almost anything can happen, as long as it is for the greater good of all. Did I just say within reason? Hmmm. Come to think of it good things can probably happen now - even if they are moderately unreasonable. Use, trust and explore your imagination.
ケイナー30日。 Imagination is a wonderful thing. So too, is anticipation. Mix these two forces together and you create a potent cocktail of emotional extravagance. Whether you are now looking forward to something you think is due to be wonderful - or something that you expect to be dreadful, the likelihood is that neither of these extremes will be attained. You are actually on course for something right and reasonable. Be less intoxicated by maybes and look, instead, at what's real.
High flyers in the world of marketing have a special catch-phrase. They talk about the need to make a 'unique selling point' out of a product defect. Toothbrush handle too short? No problem! Sell it as ideal for travel. Recipe tastes awful? Explain on the packet how very good for you it is. There's always a way to put a positive spin on a difficult scenario. But you don't need to create some smart new way to look at your current situation. This week will yet turn out fine from pretty much any angle.
ケイナー三日お願いします。 Other people win the lottery. Other people have it made. Other people get to live in perfect homes with perfect families and drive perfect cars and have perfect jobs. Or do they? Actually, all that other people really do is sit around imagining the other people who are leading a better life than they are! You don't have to be another person now. You won't win the lottery - but you will find that you start to lead the kind of life that other people can only dream of. For there's magic in your heavenly outlook.
10/4 What does guanabana fruit taste of? Unless you have eaten one you will never know. Even if I take up the rest of this forecast with a description you will be none the wiser. There are some things you have to experience for yourself. As with flavours, so with feelings. Profound emotion can never be conveyed with words alone. You are now remembering a stressful situation that you once went through. In the process, you are seeing how to heal someone's wounds. Trust what you know. Don't just read this short forecast for your sign.
The Moon has been in your sign lately and this explains why you are feeling a little sensitive. Many of your current concerns, though, are exaggerated. Much though you may dislike a certain person's attitude, and much though you may resent the unfair and oppressing nature of a situation, there is less to fear than you think. Be gentle on yourself and with others today. Think the best of everyone and everything and have faith in the notion of a happy outcome. Because it IS attainable.
There is a sense now in which you are beginning to feel like the victim of some oppressive interrogator. You are under pressure. You are doing your best not to crack. Here, for all the world to see, is the tough shell of the coconut protecting the precious fruit within. Yet right, now your softer side is by far your stronger side. Show some emotion. Conceive some concern. Ask for help... and you will get it. And if you really feel that it is best to keep quiet about a certain matter... maintain your silence.
Got friends? Admirers? Sympathisers? Fans? Yes, you have. Plenty. Are they wrong to have so much faith in you? Absolutely not. You deserve it all. If you are not, so far, aware of the appreciation that is being extended towards you and the high-esteem in which you are held, coming events will bring all this and more to your attention. Don't focus on a point of conflict or some aggravating issue. Look (and go) instead towards a genuine, powerful source of support and strength.
Why do we only get concerned when a Friday falls on the 13th of the month? Why are we not equally excited by, for example, the 13th Friday to have occurred since the beginning of a year? That must mean as much, but we don't even look out for it. Clearly, the experience of 'paraskavedekatriaphobia' is very subjective. You can create a case this weekend, for getting upset and worried about many things but none of them, I promise, are as serious as you suspect.
There is much to discover, much to learn and much to enjoy. Though you may be concerned about your role within a relationship - or perhaps within a particular group of people - you need not let this bother you. You have no need to play a part or to adopt a particular position. You merely have to be yourself. Your heart is now in the right place. Sooner or later, everything else in your world will follow suit. You really do not need to do much else other than accept this and trust it. There are wonderful possibilities on your horizon. They will turn into glorious realities as long as you don't let fear or resentment hold you back
PISCES (Feb 20 - Mar 20) What is the best thing to do? Why that's easy. It is the right thing to do. The right thing is the best thing. The best thing is the right thing. The wrong thing is the worst thing. The thing that is not as good as it could be is not as right as it should be. And vice versa. For the avoidance of doubt, as they say in legal circles, you now face a choice. You can do something that is expedient but not entirely morally defensible or you can do something that is awkward but which is ethically impeccable.
This is going to hurt me more than it hurts you. ' Back in the dark ages some schoolteachers used to say this before administering corporal punishment. Other examples of manipulative double speak include, 'It's for your own good,' 'You'll feel better once its over' and, 'One day you'll thank me for this.' People talk a lot of rot. But now, as we enter a more enlightened age we are leaving such nonsense behind us. So, when I tell you that this week's challenges and apparently unwelcome developments are in your own best interests, I mean what I say. They are not here to teach you a lesson, they are here to help.
You can't expect an easy week. But, then, let's be honest, that's not what you want. Look at how you are leading your life. Look at all the complications that you don't have to get caught up in, yet you have somehow managed to embroil yourself in. Look at all the challenges you have set for yourself - the strange situations you are attracted to, and the eccentric individuals with whom you share your time. Don't look at them in horror, look at them with pride. Coming next? More magic.
At the supermarket the other day, the person at the checkout was chatting to the person doing the bagging up. She was explaining that, to keep up her diet she had to 'trick her body into following a different rhythm'. I became overwhelmed by the deeply spiritual nature of this exchange. Without question, these people were acknowledging a profound, essential truth. We are not our bodies. They are vehicles that we only briefly borrow. Hidden in the mundane, there's magic and inspiration for you today.
I went to pick up a curry the other night from my new local restaurant. It is called Akbar's, so while I was waiting I struck up a conversation with the man behind the counter about the Emperor Akbar who built the ancient city of Fatehpur Sikri in Agra in India. Or, at least, I tried to. He had never heard of this place and was not at all sure that his enterprise was founded by the same Akbar. People don't always know what you might expect them to know. Watch what you assume this weekend.
'Two sardines were swimming in the sea. They came across a submarine. "What's that?" said one. The other replied, "only people in a tin".' This amusing tale, attributed to the late Spike Milligan, makes a good point. We can only see in others an extension of what we understand. We relate everything back to our own experience. You are assuming that there is only limited magic available to you - because limited magic is all you have known so far. Be less narrow-minded!
You cannot help but be sensitive. あなたはセンシティブにならざるをえないでしょう You know of no other way to be. そうなる以外の方法を知らないのです There are times when this proves problematic これが問題になる時もありますが but there are many other occasions when it is a godsend. それが他の多くのときは天与の物となる時です Your inner radar works wonderfully well. あなたの内なるレーダーがすばらしい働きをします You rarely miss a trick. あなたは万事を心得ています You often manage to identify hidden agendas that urgently need to be brought out into the open. あなたは普通なんとか緊急に引き出す必要のある隠れた議題を見分けることができます You are currently seeing something very important. You are not quite sure how you feel about this. あなたは最近なにか重要なものを見つけました あなたは自分がそれについてどう感じているかあまり分かっていません Just trust that your insights now are accurate. ただあなたの見方は今正しいと信じてください
PISCES 魚座 (Feb 20 - Mar 20) (2月20 3月20日日) What is the answer to the ultimate question? It's the sound of one hand clapping. Any Zen Buddhist can tell you that. It will tell us what we need to hear when we are ready to hear it. Confused? That's because you are trying to understand the infinite with the finite resource of your intellect. You must be at one with the eternal, then your instincts will know all. Or to put it all another way, life is not likely to make very much sense today, but you should still find that it all proves very enlightening
Flour, water, salt. Put them together and what have you got? The answer to this rather depends on whether you are a cook or a craftsperson. It is possible to make a kind of modelling clay from these ingredients. It is also possible to make a delicious crisp-bread. Here, as in life generally, what counts is not so much what you've got as how you intend to use it. If you are happy with your situation this weekend, you need do nothing. If you are unhappy, just turn it all into something else.
おはようございます。 ケイナー週末です 宜しくお願いします。。。 Your Weekend: The likelihood of success is high - apart from one small thing. You are you. You don't especially relish the comfort of convention. Indeed, you are something of a challenge addict. Only when there's the excitement of the unknown, or of some seemingly insoluble problem, do you get a rush of adrenaline sufficient to satisfy your craving for excitement. This weekend, it is perfectly possible to perform a balancing act and achieve a safe outcome to a difficult drama. But is this really what you want?
You have friends in high places but you may be starting to suspect that you have enemies in even loftier locations. You keep encountering criticism. You keep coming up against problems that ought not to exist. It is almost as if barriers are deliberately being placed in your path. This, though, is not the case. Don't succumb to a sense of defeatism or conjure up a conspiracy on which to blame your current difficulty. Its causes are entirely coincidental and its solution is delightfully imminent.
2日おねがいします。 Someone, somewhere, wants to tell you something. You are not especially sure that you want to listen. Is that because you already know what is going to be said? Try to be less defensive. Part of any process of constructive conversation, involves allowing the other person to express themselves freely. Besides which, you can't be sure that you do know the whole story. In the midst of all the accurate information you have gathered, there is an assumption. Listen carefully and you'll clear it up.
PISCES(Feb 20 - Mar 20) Thinking about a new career? Ever wondered what it might feel like to lead a great army or command the respect of thousands? Well, all the traditional signs and suggestions of an imminent upgrade to your level of social status, can now be seen in the sky. A comet implies the collapse of what was once a successful arrangement. With that out of the way, you will be free to pursue a plan that is ten times more efficient and satisfactory. It could yet help you end up a lot more powerful.
遅くなりましたがお願いします。 11月6日 If I ruled the world, every day would be the first day of spring. ' So sang the late, great, Harry Secombe. But that, of course, was in the days before global warming. He would never get away with expressing such a sentiment now. And, anyway, dictators always like to think of themselves as benign. They are lovely and kind, with the best interests of people at heart. All they ask in return is a little slavish obedience. Somewhere in your world, now, a tyrant is starting to topple. About time too.
Think big. Be ambitious. Don't dismiss an idea just because it sounds far-fetched or overly fanciful. Even if you can't do anything practical about it, you can accept the inspiration that accompanies a suggestion or a possibility... and then let this help you open up other doors in other areas of your life. The world is a big place. A lot of magic happens within it. It's simply not appropriate to assume that none of this is going to make its way into your world. A minor miracle is happening as we speak.
Weekend Update: Friday is best approached from a heart-centered position. No pressure or force is required. You don't have to conjure all the answers, either. Just listen to what another is trying to tell you. Maybe all he or she wants right now is an understanding, comforting hand-holder. So relax and let your intuition and soul-deep compassion lead the way. If something tells you to pick up the phone and call a friend, do so. You don't need to explain anything. Just say, "You were on my mind. " Chances are, you were also on your friend's mind. Just allow life and love to flow through you all day and night. You'll be amazed at how healing this approach can be. You may be the one person that can bring peace and comfort to another.That's pretty powerful. On Saturday, you worry about things being done correctly. You fret that a conversation may be misunderstood. If words fail to communicate what you're actually feeling, don't talk for a while. Send healing. Send love. Envision a friend or loved one wrapped in the softest cashmere comforter on earth. Sometimes, words are highly overrated. Be sure to not engage with angry or critical types during the evening. Whether you stay in or go out, you may have unsettling contact with someone who is obviously frustrated or angry - and it's neither your fault nor your problem, so don't engage. Put some safe, sane distance between you and the perp. Sunday is flat-out psychic. You can't escape it. You KNOW when someone is about to call or is in need. You KNOW what to do. Your awareness won't make a problem go away, but it will help comfort another
Your Weekend: Understanding is precious. When we have it we have everything or, at least, we have the key to the door behind which everything lies. Without understanding, we have nothing. The worst kind of nothing. The kind that passes itself off as something. The problems in this world never come from the people who don't know. They come from the people who feel quite sure that they do know - but just so happen to be wrong. This weekend brings you a new and much wiser understanding.
They say Honolulu is very nice at this time of year. Others feel Siberia is an ideal destination. The winds there are very bracing y'know. Either will do for you now. You are happy to go almost anywhere as long as it is a long way from here. In the absence of the ability to make an actual journey you are indulging in the art of astral travelling (as first developed by high Tibetan monks many centuries ago). Don't go too far this week, though. Pleasant events are about to call you back to reality.
Will it be a good day? Yes. A great one? Why not? Remember, though: good and bad are relative terms. To someone who feels depressed, a sense of momentary exuberance is as exhilarating as a night of laughter might be to a person in a happier mood. And when there's trouble, the ability to see an eventual solution to a problem is a gift indeed, even if the problem must still remain for a while. Set your expectations at a realistic level. And then go on to see them sweetly surpassed.
Are you being listened to? Sympathised with? Trusted and understood? Or are you being harassed and hassled, hurried and worried, goaded and got-at? Mars is now forming an antagonistic alignment to Neptune. It's no wonder you feel as if you are running out of time and into trouble. No wonder there's tension. No wonder there's turmoil. Or maybe... a little more wonder IS appropriate. A little more uncertainty, a little less assumption will take away a lot of ultimately unnecessary pressure. Apparently you've got a 'problem'.
A balloon is a wonderful thing. You can put more and more air into it and it will simply expand. Obviously, if you put in too much it will explode but this is not where most balloons meet their downfall. They develop leaks. You have a balloon to protect at the moment. A bubble that you really do not want to burst. It is perfectly possible to keep it in one piece but you now need to be a little cautious. Only a little, though. The most important balloon protection mechanism that you now have is faith.
Some very silly things have happened lately. But then, who can say what's truly sensible? We think we know how life is supposed to be. But we're only guessing or emulating the opinions and attitudes that others have taught us to hold. Sometimes, the most seemingly crazy developments turn out to make the most sense in the long run. Sometimes, too, what we can't find anywhere turns out to be right with us all along. Today's New Moon suggests a deeply pleasing discovery. Soon.
When you are in your element, you can do the most magnificent things. And when you aren't? You become, as the symbol of your sign suggests, rather like a fish out of water. You flap and flail, looking instinctively for some way to return to a situation in which you are comfortable. After a recent experience of this kind, you are now being returned to the river. No damage has been done. Indeed, you are about to find that you have become much stronger for the experience. Coming events will be easy to enjoy.
When we were kids, they told us that the future would be a very different place. In some ways, it is. Our phones have polyphonic ring tones now. And our TV sets have pictures that are so clear that we can even see unsightly blemishes on actors' skins. Not all progress is essential. Not all change is liberating. Nor, though, is there as much to fear from tomorrow, as we are sometimes inclined to imagine. Drop your big anxiety now, it's irrelevant. Just celebrate what's good about the present.
The polar regions are melting. But why should we worry? If we need ice, we can just put a little water in our freezers. Some solutions are not as straightforward as they sound at first. Tony Blair and George Bush for example, thought it was a brilliant idea to invade Iraq. We all make mistakes... but some of us make innocent mistakes, while others... well, you now need to ask yourself what you know... and what you only think you know. Seek a proper education before you make an ill-informed choice.
No matter what you do, someone will criticise it. No matter what you say, someone will argue with it. No matter what you think, someone will think differently. This is a fact of life. We all have to live with it. We tend though, to find it easier when the someone in question is far away. Or when the someone is several someones - all of whom can be avoided. When though, that someone is very close to home - it can all get a little exasperating. Don't be pushed into trusting anyone's judgement but your own.
Sometimes, everything begins to get to us. We feel stuck and trapped. Our problems hover over us and our difficulties surround us. We lose our enthusiasm, our confidence - even our faith. We begin to suspect things will never change and improve. Then, just when everything seems to be dire, we see a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. The glimmer becomes a ray. The ray becomes a beam. The beam becomes a flood. The flood becomes a radiant glow. Soon, you will be needing sunglasses.
Oddly, considering the fact that we live in a world where nothing ever stays the same for long, we have a strange attitude to change. We tend to view it with suspicion. We often resent it and, even when we find ourselves in a situation where change is highly desirable, we assume that it will never come. Yet change is our only constant. Change is now happening in your world. Positive change involving a wonderful new way to solve a tiresome old problem. Don't fear it, embrace it this week!
There is no need to argue. Mind you, that's always true. There is never any need for that. People don't argue because they have to, they argue because they want to. If there is a genuine need to inform someone about the importance of an alternate point of view, people embark on a process of education and explanation through patient, friendly dialogue. They know, full well, that arguments never convince anyone of anything. Why, then, is someone arguing with you now? What is their true agenda?
If we all agreed with each other, life would be very dull. Sometimes, just to make sure that things don't become too boring, we argue for the sake of it. We enter into debate because it is more interesting and exciting. Then, sadly, we forget this and begin to take our differences far too seriously. There's a chance now to put an unnecessarily tense situation on a friendly footing once more. It requires you, though, to take a passionately held point of view just a little less seriously.
'Conventional wisdom.' Now, there's an oxymoron if ever I heard one. There is rarely anything conventional about true wisdom. Nor anything wise about being conventional. Strangely, though, even the self-declared eccentrics and alleged individualists amongst us, are keen to conform. We may not want to do what everyone else is doing, but we certainly want to feel that we fit in with our own sub-sector of society.
When people do things differently, they are either reviled or revered. Heroes often invoke hostility. Rebels regularly evoke reverence. Yet it can all turn on a sixpence. One moment applause - the next, opprobrium. You can't allow yourself any reason, now, for being brave and unconventional other than your own need to do what's right for you. If the current plan meets with your approval, it will never matter who else endorses it. Somehow, you will get all the support that you need.
Your December Forecast: When things go exactly according to plan, don't you feel edgy and uncomfortable? Don't you start to wonder where the hidden problem is? Don't you feel cheated by the dull predictability of existence? I'm only asking because there is a real risk that this December, you'll get exactly the result you are hoping for. A drama has been unfolding for some while and you have been doing your best to influence its outcome. You are about to discover that you have done well indeed. Now, is there a naughty part of you that wants to upset that cosy applecart? As long as you keep that urge under control, you'll have a fine month.
Cobblers' children often have no shoes. Likewise great healers cannot necessarily cure themselves of illness. There are some things in this life that people have to do for others. This is just as well, for it means that, no matter how cynical our society becomes, it is forced to maintain an element of sharing and caring. Ask not what the world can do for you this week - ask what you can do for the world. You will yet find that you are in a position to help make someone very happy.
Imagine lowering yourself into a pool and walking, rather than swimming, towards the deep end. Imagine trying to make a fire blaze brighter by pouring water on it. Some activities that work very well under one set of circumstances are hopelessly inappropriate under others. Before you can decide on the most effective response to a challenge, you need to understand the element that you are dealing with. This may be deceptive. A distant cloud can look like smoke or sunset reflected on water can look like fire. Check first.
Psychology is still very much a science in its infancy - if, indeed, it is a science at all. Some would argue vehemently that it is an art. Certainly, one human being's ability to truly understand another is a talent as rare and wonderful as any expressed in music, painting or poetry. You, though, now have a rare and precious affinity with a particular individual whose motives are by no means easy to fathom. This can yet be used to help make their world and yours a better place.
Will there ever be such a thing as a time machine? If there ever will, there must be one right now. For it won't just exist then, it will exist in any era that it visits. So you don't have to wait until one is invented. You just have to invite such a device to come and find you. Alternatively, you can stop wondering about whether it is possible to turn back the clock - and also be in less of a hurry to reach the future. What's happening in your life, right now, deserves savouring and celebrating.
Explain yourself! By this I do not mean that you must put all your cards on the table. You can't, anyway, for you are a Piscean and you probably always have to keep a little something up your sleeve. But then you do not need to take everything off in order to reveal something essential. You merely need to make sure that what you do show to others is clear and complete as far as it goes. Be candid this weekend. And be insistent. Eventually, you will get what you want.
Explain yourself! By this I do not mean that you must put all your cards on the table. You can't, anyway, for you are a Piscean and you probably always have to keep a little something up your sleeve. But then you do not need to take everything off in order to reveal something essential. You merely need to make sure that what you do show to others is clear and complete as far as it goes. Be candid this weekend. And be insistent. Eventually, you will get what you want.
Some things simply defy all explanation. They happen because they happen. They exist because they exist. Scientists and religious leaders are equally baffled by these odd occurrences. This does not, of course, prevent either group from having plenty to say on the topic. It is almost as if, whenever there is a mystery, there is a battle between the various so-called experts for the right to have the final word. Don't ask why things are as they are in your life now. Just keep quiet and be glad.
Little things count for a lot. Sometimes, though, they count for too much. We see in them more significance than we should. We forget that even if you add together one hundred little things they do not amount to one big thing. So we tend to multiply the little things in our mind and, in the process, we forget the value of those bigger things. By all means let a small source of inspiration inspire a big celebration this week. But do not turn a minor disappointment into a major cause for concern.
All too often, we overlook the obvious. We get so caught up in what we can't do, that we forget about what we can. When we allow frustration to infuriate us, we cloud our consciousness. We say good-bye to clarity and hello to confusion. From then on, even the easiest things begin to seem difficult. How do we turn all that around? Simply by wanting to. If you seek an awakening and a cheerful change in your situation, you will find it makes its way to you today, simply because you have reached out for it.
Some people didn't get themselves ready just for this Christmas. Over a month ago, they stocked up for Christmas 2007. They used their powers of prescience. Realising that there would be a holiday in 2008, 2009 and 2010 too, they bought in bulk. There is such a thing as being over-prepared. You are now legislating for something that has yet to happen. By the time it does, we will be a long way into the future and many circumstances will have changed. Don't worry about that - or anything else. To find out what the planets have in store for you throughout 2007
Some people didn't get themselves ready just for this Christmas. Over a month ago, they stocked up for Christmas 2007. They used their powers of prescience. Realising that there would be a holiday in 2008, 2009 and 2010 too, they bought in bulk. There is such a thing as being over-prepared. You are now legislating for something that has yet to happen. By the time it does, we will be a long way into the future and many circumstances will have changed. Don't worry about that - or anything else.
Don't bother laying down supplies for Christmas 2012. By then, the Mayan calendar will have come to an end and with it, many believe, the world as we know it. And in 2020? Oh, that's when the asteroid collides with the Earth. 2030? We'll all be living in Waterworld! Listen. I'm not making predictions here; I'm listing famous unfounded fears. Now let's look at the things in your personal life that you suspect will prove hopelessly inevitable. Actually, let's not. Let's ignore them.
Since the dawn of time people have been wondering about the end of time. Prophets of doom have made their voices heard loud and clear in every era and every culture. Negativity is big business. Pessimism is profitable. If you can persuade enough people that there's nothing to feel hopeful about, you can undermine their confidence, erode their power and somehow 'big yourself up' in the process. Now. A question. Who in your world is refusing to look on the bright side, and why
Your Weekend 'The times they are a-changing.' So they are. They were changing long before Mr Dylan penned these words and they are still a-changing now. From this, we can conclude that the times are not actually a-changing very much at all. Life's like that. It is deceptive. We see a situation as crucial, imperative, urgent. Yet somehow, it all finds its own level. A crisis arises. It gets resolved. A new crisis arises. The sky is stirring up stuff as usual. Please, remember to be philosophical.
These are extraordinary times. Six planets occupy the area at the very top of your chart This area governs the public impression you make. Undreamt-of possibilities arise and the way you are viewed could change from this day forth. With this kind of elevation comes a warning. Like Icarus, you could fly too high and that means it's a long way to fall. Keep a check on your altitude and use this vantage point to see clearly where it is you want to land.
You should be celebrating something today. If you are not, I can give you news to celebrate. Six planets in the sign of divine intervention mean you can co-create your world. Start today by seeing the way you want it to be. This type of visioning has magical power behind it. As Cosmic Ordering has shown, incredible things can happen when you can transcend the boundaries that separate yourself from the world around you. Ask, believe and you will receive.
大勢の人が毎日色んな楽曲を耳にしますが、 その歌詞は右から左へ聞き流しています。 しょっちゅう歌はレコーディングされ、 それは単なる歌ではなくなります。 たとえもし、その曲のことを大して気にしていなくても、 その歌詞は私達の心と魂に非常に見事に まっすぐ響いて来るように思えるのです。 ホイットニー・ヒューストンが繰り返す 「今ちょっと時間を頂戴 give me one moment in time」という歌詞。 今日は、その瞬間を逃さないでください。 「あなたが思った以上のもの」にするチャンスは あなたが握っています。
Many of us hear tunes every day whose lyrics go in one ear and right out the other. Every so often a song is recorded which is more than just a song. Even if we don't much care for the tune, the lyrics seem divinely inspired and resonate right to our heart and soul. One such song is songstress Whitney Houston's refrain, 'Give me one moment in time'. Today, seize the moment. The chance lies in your hands to be 'more than you thought you could be'.
Life has an all-or-nothing feel about it at the moment. You've certainly had it all recently. It's been full on. Now you want nothing more than to kick back and wind down. Will you get that chance? Not before one final thrilling development. Can I tell you what that is? Unfortunately not. The only thing that one can say when the planets Mars and Uranus are playing up is, whatever you think it may be, it definitely won't be that. Expect the unexpected today.
Sometimes things don't pan out as you had intended. There's no point in getting your underwear in a proverbial twist. Usually, with hindsight, you will see that what has to be altered turns out to be a blessing. Life moves in mysterious ways. If you feel thwarted today you are being prevented from doing something that isn't in your best interest at this time. Remember this: there are no coincidences and no mistakes in life.
There's a film on general release called Deja Vu. Most of us tend to experience this phenomenon at this time of year. We repeat situations and sit through conversations that are eerily familiar. The planetary impetus this weekend is again towards going back, but only so that we can discover how to move forward. This might entail speaking our truth or closing a door. Good. This means irrevocable change. Don't stay trapped in a time-warp. Break the pattern. You won't regret it.
今日のケイナー "Most people who ask for advice from others have already resolved to act as it pleases them." There was no such thing as a Satnav system when the poet Kahlil Gibran was alive. Had such a device existed, he might have altered this aphorism. It's true that, when we consult other humans, we only do so out of interest to see if they agree with us or not. When a machine instructs us, though, we find it hard not to accept its advice, even if we know it is wrong. Be careful of who - or what - is leading you where, now.
'Zeal is a volcano, at the peak of which the grass of indecisiveness does not grow.' Are you right, now, to feel such unbridled enthusiasm for a plan or project that looms before you? Are you overly keen on your big idea for 2007? I refuse to ask any more questions. I urge, advise and implore you to emulate the example! Right now, zeal is what's needed. You'll ruin a great possibility if you question it too much. Be strong, be sincere, be energetic and be ready to experience real magic and progress.
'We choose our joys and sorrows long before we experience them.' All week long, I have been quoting the great poet Kahlil Gibran. As you prepare to enter 2007, you may think that this is a strange message. But it is important to acknowledge the true power of your own subconscious. It has a plan for 2007 and if you listen to your heart of hearts, it will tell you what this is. Don't deny what you feel. Acknowledge it and reason with it if necessary. Then you'll have the best possible start to the New Year
Will there be agreement in 2007? Will there be peace? Will there be understanding? What are you asking me for? It is your life. You have power. You have choice. You have the ability to defuse a ticking time-bomb and to pour oil on the most troubled of waters. Ah, but is this really what you want to do? Is part of you spoiling for a fight or itching for a chance to express a little anger? Rein yourself in. Be wise. Be clear. Be kind and, above all else, be big. Your outlook is excellent.
Somebody somewhere wants to tell you something. They hope you will not get too far into the New Year without hearing what they have to say. You think you have already received their message? Only a part of it has reached you. There's a matter that requires more of your attention and concentration. The sooner you start seriously to think about it, the faster you will resolve an outstanding issue and clear the decks for a truly fresh start. Open your ears, and your eyes.
Why do you live where you live? What's so special about the location? How did you end up there? Could you envisage being anywhere else? How far away might you go if you had the opportunity? How would you alter your domestic situation if you had that chance? You need to know what it is that you are secretly wishing for, because the wish fairy is now hovering a little closer to your shoulder than you might think. And, for some reason, she seems particularly interested in your home environment.
Be careful what you wish for, because you may just get it. You are, it seems, currently placing some kind of cosmic order that's connected to your domestic situation. You feel you would be more comfortable if a certain set of circumstances were altered. It might be easier for you to fulfil your resolution then. Are you just dreaming impossible dreams? Absolutely not. Things can alter - and, before the end of 2007, they will do. They will change much in the way that you hope they will. So think carefully.
These days, if you want a friend you just have to set up a MySpace account. With just a few clicks of a mouse, you can have a bustling virtual social life. Once upon a time, though, the word 'friend' meant something a little different. You can't build deep bonds of communication and co-operation in cyberspace. Well, at least not in cyberspace alone. And with true friends it's not quantity that counts, it's quality. One very powerful friendship in your life now, is about to bring you great magic.
Years ago, I was talking to the great astrologer Patric Walker. He said, 'There is no such thing as a life cut short. Only a life that has lasted for the perfect amount of time.' His words of wisdom apply at many levels. Too often, we spend our time worrying about whether we should have spent our time differently - or whether we will have enough time to spend our time differently in the future. Something is worrying you now. It needn't. What's happening is right, even if you can't yet see what's right about it.
Pisceans are placid, passive, peace loving people. And I am 6ft 5in with a full head of hair! Quite how your sign got its reputation for being mellow and laid back, I will never know. Nor will I ever understand why, despite an abundance of evidence to the contrary, people still believe this tosh about you and the other people who share your sign. You can be assertive, dynamic, argumentative and downright bolshy when you need to be. And, this weekend, you need to be.
Whistle while you work. Indeed, don't just whistle, hum. Sing. Play the bugle. Conduct an entire symphony orchestra. Whilst you cannot avoid an onerous task or a complicated commitment, you can apply yourself to it with enthusiasm. Or you can create a distraction that will make the whole process more enjoyable. One way or another you have to make yourself comfortable. The moment you find the formula for doing this, time will start flying by and a problematic scenario will begin to look welcoming.
Entire industries are founded on the back of our natural urge to plan ahead. Think of all the electronic organisers and fancy diaries that get sold every year. There are, though, some things that we simply cannot prepare for. We have to take these as they come. If we adapt well, we feel powerful. If not, we feel bad. You have a plan mapped out in your mind's eye and you doubt that the reality will differ significantly from the theory. You are wrong! Much magic lies in store for you and much joy.
Your problem solving abilities are legendary. You will need them all, though, if you are to satisfactorily resolve a current conundrum. Something makes no sense. Worse, it is irritating in the extreme. You have to become dispassionate before you can make a sensible assessment of the situation - and then you have to think carefully before deciding what's wrong with it. It is, though, possible for you to do all those things now - and to come up with a highly intelligent new plan of action.
Have you been given permission to read this forecast? If not, perhaps you should go and ask someone if it is all right to do so. We can't have you acting on your own authority or making independent choices. Don't you understand that your life is not your own and that your purpose is to heed the wishes - and follow the instructions of others? Clearly, you need to become more subservient. You don't? Well then, why are you allowing others to seize the agenda? Honour your greatest priority.
Why do we dream? Everyone has a different explanation. Theories abound. Probably we will never know the definitive answer, if only because in the world of dreams there are no definitive answers. Everything in the dream world is nebulous. That is the joy of it. Yet our dreams can lead us to take very direct concrete action in the waking world. A vision is now occurring very strongly to you. You are not quite sure what relevance this has to your daily life. Trust it and follow it. It means a lot.
As you gradually move into a new phase of your life your priorities are starting to change and your eyes are starting to open. You are also performing a delicate balancing act. You have to reconcile your past with your future. That's why your present feels so uneasy. You can see (roughly) where you are going. You know (pretty much) where you have been. There is a conflict between these two places: a seemingly unbridgeable gulf. That's where you are right now. Soon, magically you will cross this great divide.
We may all have been created equal but we have most definitely not been created identical. You are becoming acutely conscious of the distinct difference between your point of view and that of a certain other person. You may feel that the desired outcome is for you both to see eye-to-eye. This may not necessarily be appropriate or attainable. It will be quite sufficient for you both to be able to agree to differ. Despite current concerns to the contrary, this should prove easier than you expect.
Our circumstances sometimes, can make it difficult for us to do what we would really like to do. Sometimes too, the actions and attitudes of others can prevent us from making progress. All of these obstacles, though, pale into insignificance when we compare them to the greatest barrier a human being can ever encounter. Self doubt! If we don't believe in ourselves, we will never get anywhere. And if we do, there is no hurdle we cannot conquer. Your big issue today, is all about faith.
We are all looking for answers. Some of us, indeed, have been looking so hard, for so long, that we have forgotten what the question was. It's a strange, very human syndrome, this 'obsession with the impractical'. You don't see animals engaging in theoretical debate, or expounding upon their philosophies. Humans, though, love to talk. And talk. And talk. The small matter of whether or not they actually have anything to say hardly enters into it. Don't get sucked into a vacuum today. Just act.
We all want someone or something to look up to. We need to feel that webelong. We need to feel that our life has purpose. We need to feel loved. Wealso need to feel that we are connected to some higher intelligence with asmarter plan than our own. Sometimes, this need causes us to abdicateresponsibility for our own actions and choices. Watch out now for a state ofdependency that may be doing you no great favours. Trust your own wisdom. Grant yourself the permission you need.
We all want someone or something to look up to. We need to feel that we belong. We need to feel that our life has purpose. We need to feel loved. We also need to feel that we are connected to some higher intelligence with a smarter plan than our own. Sometimes, this need causes us to abdicate responsibility for our own actions and choices. Watch out now for a state of dependency that may be doing you no great favours. Trust your own wisdom.Grant yourself the permission you need.
Are you owed an explanation? Possibly not, but you can have one anyway. Something has been mysterious for too long. You have tried hard to understand a situation but you have been unable to make much sense of it. Nobody is deliberately withholding the truth. It's more that nobody really knows what the truth is. It varies dramatically according to each person's perspective. If you are gentle and persistent this weekend, you will get as close as possible to the big picture.
The ball and chain around your foot has become your friend. You have painted it a pretty pattern and have even learned how to stand astride it and shuffle at speed - rather like some performing poodle in the circus. It may take you a little while to adjust to life without it but only a little while. Not only have you become painfully aware of an obstacle that seems desperately unreasonable, you have become determined to find a way past it. Be brave and willing to stick your neck out and you will soon be free of an unnecessary limitation.
足に結ばれていた鎖と玉は、あなたの友人になりました。 それを綺麗な模様に塗って、サーカスでプードルがやるように、 玉の上にのり、ダンスをする方法まで学びました。 あるものの無い生活になれるには少し時間がいりますが、 それは本当にほんの少しだけの間なんですよ。 (It may take you a little while to adjust to life without it but only a little while.(??)) ひどく不当な障害を、苦痛をもって感じ取るだけでなく、 やり過ごす方法を取れるようになりました。 勇気を持って、喜んで首を突き出したら、 必要の無い制限から、すぐに自由になれますよ。
YOUR LOVE LIFE 私達の太陽系全体を回転させているのは、遠く離れた宇宙の神秘的なエネルギーです。 今冥王星は「銀河系の中心」と協調しています。それと同時に、 ある明るく輝く彗星が現れました。2007年は驚くような一年になります。 それがあなたの恋愛にどのような意味を持つのかお教えしましょう。
Quiz show contestants rapidly find out that it is one thing to answer a question whilst relaxing on your own settee and another to be quite so sharp under the glare of a studio light, with an audience and an inquisitor close by. Problems are always much easier to solve if they happen to belong to somebody else. You cannot conveniently transfer the ownership of your current dilemma. But you can try asking yourself what you might say to someone else who is standing in your shoes.
Quiz show contestants rapidly find out that it is one thing to answer a question whilst relaxing on your own settee and another to be quite so sharp under the glare of a studio light, with an audience and an inquisitor close by. Problems are always much easier to solve if they happen to belong to somebody else. You cannot conveniently transfer the ownership of your current dilemma. But you can try asking yourself what you might say to someone else who is standing in your shoes.
What is the most important rule for successful existence on Planet Earth? 'When you are in a hole, stop digging.' And what is the second most important? 'If it ain't broken, don't fix it.' Over the years, as with all good laws, these have been put to the test by various people who feel that parts of it are open to interpretation. Just for the record. It ain't broken if it works! And, if you ain't sure whether it is broken or not, it ain't! So you don't have very much to do today, after all.
It is never too late to do something you believe in or to explore something that inspires you. Those whose hearts are truly in the right place possess the power to make time speed up or slow down according to their need. Your motives are admirable and your opportunities are great. Mercury now forms an inspiring conjunction to Neptune and a helpful alignment to Pluto. These suggest imminent positive change. Go with what you trust and you simply cannot go wrong now.
They say, 'It is better to keep your mouth shut and let people suspect you are a fool, than to open it and prove this beyond all doubt.' But there are times when to keep your mouth shut is to be supremely foolish. Some things have to be said whether they make us popular or not. Some dangers have to be pointed out even if, in the course of alerting others to them, we become the messenger they all want to shoot. You know what needs to be communicated. Don't be afraid.
Venus enters your sign this weekend. You will notice an immediate difference. Suddenly you will have more creative energy at your disposal. You will feel much more inclined to seek inventive solutions to old problems. You may even decide to create some new problems, just so that you can have the pleasure of solving them. You will draw supportive people towards you and will find it easier too, to charm the folk who normally make life difficult for you. And your love life will improve.
Somehow, a crucial point has been crossed. You are no longer standing at a crossroads nor are you at a turning point. You have crossed. You have turned. If you don't know where you are going, it can only be because you have chosen somehow not to know! What matters is not what you know; it is what you feel. Your intuition is exceptionally good at the moment. Allow it to lead you where it clearly wants to take you and prepare yourself, please, for a series of inspiring new developments.
Do you want to be happy? Do you want to be successful? Do you want to feel comfortable and content? Yes, yes, I know. These seem like very silly questions. But think for a moment about how you keep seizing on a cause for concern or a source of aggravation. It is almost as if you cannot leave it alone. Of course, it is real and it must be dealt with. But are you not giving it too much attention? Might this not suggest that a part of you wants to be unhappy? Curb that tendency if you seek real progress now.
If it takes one person seven minutes to dig a hole six inches deep and five foot across, how long does it take a cheese sandwich to swim the Atlantic? Come along, what are you waiting for? What do you mean it doesn't make sense? Well, OK. Of course sandwiches can't swim. But if they could, what would your answer be? Hmmm, OK, let's try something else. If it takes one person to ask a silly question, how many does it take to answer it? And do any of those people have to be you?
A stitch in time saves nine. Or so we are regularly reminded by those who keep the old proverbs in currency. Sometimes, though, a pre-emptive strike can be a great mistake. It can awaken a dog that might otherwise have slept forever and precipitate the very trouble you were hoping to avoid. Today, if in doubt, do nothing. Let more time pass while you evaluate the situation. The more you find out about what you are really up against, the more you will realise how little you need to do!
Close relationships rarely make much sense to the casual observer. We watch two people from a distance and we wonder why one has suddenly taken umbrage at the other's casual remarks. Or we see two characters who clearly have different tastes and temperaments and we wonder what on earth they are doing together. Don't attempt to understand what's going on between others. Don't attempt to understand your own situation either. Soon, all will become clear in a rather inspiring way.
You don't need to understand what's happening now. An explanation is not necessary. Your intellect can remain in blissful ignorance as long as your intuition is being treated with sufficient respect. Honour what the voice of wisdom in your heart of hearts is saying. Trust that you are benefiting from serendipitous circumstance, even if you can make no logical sense of a strange situation. Soon enough, inspiring events will provide you with the reassurance that you require. You are moving on.
You don't need to understand what's happening now. An explanation is not necessary. Your intellect can remain in blissful ignorance as long as your intuition is being treated with sufficient respect. Honour what the voice of wisdom in your heart of hearts is saying. Trust that you are benefiting from serendipitous circumstance, even if you can make no logical sense of a strange situation. Soon enough, inspiring events will provide you with the reassurance that you require. You are moving on.
It is often the case that those around us - even those we are comparatively close to - do not understand the full extent of our interests and obligations. We have to do our best to explain. And we also have to be patient with those who do not understand. You are just about managing to get through to someone now. The communication difficulty is being exacerbated by the fact that you are operating, at least partially, on the basis of a strong instinct. Invite them to respect this.
'Thou shalt not steal.' Most of us are happy to abide by this. There is, though, something else that we all feel free to take. Offence! We take it from one another and we worry in case people take it from us. There ought, really, to have been an eleventh commandment discouraging us from feeling so anxious. And perhaps a twelfth too, 'Thou shalt not give commandments.' For they only make righteous people feel depressed and guilty whilst the wicked ignore them anyway. Lighten up a little today!
If you were to walk a mile in someone else's shoes, you might well end up with blisters and bunions. Even if you were to have them adjusted first, so that somehow they fit your feet as well as they fitted that other person, you could discover that this individual has been in desperate need for some while of a cobbler and chiropodist. Make some allowance now for a person who exudes a great air of confident superiority in order to mask a secret sense of anxious inferiority.
Some people are taciturn. They do not engage in much conversation. Others are verbose. They will happily chat to strangers on the street. Interestingly, both character types are just as likely to withhold crucial pieces of information. It is amazing how much some people can say without saying anything of importance. It is also amazing how close you can be to another individual and yet still fail to extract from them some detail that it would be very useful to know. Ask some pointed questions now.
You have a remarkable talent for going unnoticed - even when the eyes of the world are on you! Somehow, you can make yourself all but invisible - or you reflect back the attention others are giving you, so that they become more conscious of themselves than of you. At times, this is disadvantageous. It means you end up getting inadvertently overlooked. Now, though, the ability to be calm, quiet and discreet is part of a recipe by which you are going to ensure a truly successful weekend.
Saturday, 10th February 2007 Not sure if you are asleep or awake? Pinch yourself again. Eventually, you will cause yourself so much pain that you wake up - unless you are only dreaming the pinches! Maybe you should try something more dramatic. Hit yourself on the head. Then you will know you are awake. Unless, you use a hammer in which case you will definitely send yourself to sleep! Stop wondering how 'real' a certain situation is. The more you try to think it through, the more confused you will get. So stop thinking this weekend.
What are your dreams? Are they just comforting notions to amuse you in moments of dismay or distress? Or do they deserve to be taken seriously? How seriously do other people take you? How much respect do they show for your aspirations? Dreams don't have to come true in order to be meaningful. They do, though, have to be shared and supported. What matters this week, is not where you are - or where someone else is either. It is where you both want to be.
Ultimately, all human beings are compatible. If both parties are really willing to make an effort, even the most disparate individuals can find ground in common - or even develop deep respect and affection. That said, some folk are a heck of a lot easier to get on with than others. It's not just a romantic relationship that deserves special attention as we now approach Valentine's Day. All close connections can now be deepened and improved. Remember to listen as carefully as you speak.
It is all too easy for us to project our dreams on to one another. We see, in a partner or companion, not who they really are but who we would like them to be for us. As long as their actions don't contrast too markedly with our imaginings, we can feel happy in their company for ages. They, likewise, can be transferring their big secret dreams on to us - so we can make them similarly happy. Is that what compatibility truly is? Something much more than that is arising in your world now.
The current cosmic picture has something of a fairytale quality to it. But does your life? Remember, before you answer this, that fairytales are not always light and bright. Often they involve marauding dragons or antagonistic spell-casters. Now, I ask again - is your life a bit like a fairytale? Of course! And though it may seem somewhat unlikely, I can promise you this. One drama in your world, at least, is soon going to resolve itself to the point where there truly is a happy-ever-after.
When I was a kid, our family went to a theme park. Having paid the admission fee, all the rides were free. I turned around to find my little brother in tears. I asked, 'What's the matter?' Between sobs he explained himself. 'There are too many things I want to go on. I can't decide where to start.' I suspect you may now be suffering from a similar problem. No matter what's bugging or bothering you, in essence your situation is simple. You have too much choice. So do what seems easiest!
We interrupt this forecast to bring you an advertiser's announcement: 'A local bank has found itself with surplus stocks of money. There is no room in the warehouse for the next delivery, so the managers are holding a one-day, discount sale. Hurry along for pounds at just fifty pence each - or change a 20 note for three tens. To take advantage of this amazing offer just... ' We interrupt this interruption to bring you a reality check: You are being seduced by a sexy story. Don't take it too seriously.
'Easy terms. Nothing to pay now - and then, just a few pennies a day for the rest of your life. How can you resist? Go on, treat yourself. You know you want to. Plus, if you order before the 16th of the month, we'll throw in an extra, giant size pack of the other thing that we have been subtly selling you. So don't delay. Hurry - while stocks last. This offer can never be repeated etc.' Yawn. We all know this routine. Don't fall for it today. What you truly need will wait for you until you are ready for it.
Back in the 20th Century, the big business buzzwords were 'built-in obsolescence'. Manufacturers did not want their products to last too long. They wanted to sell a replacement to the same customer a few years later. In the world of mobile phones and computers, the same principles apply to this day. But we are all beginning to become greener and wiser. Somewhere in your world, it looks as if a process has run its course. It need not be over. It can be refreshed and revived.
Fear is not always a bad thing. Sometimes it is appropriate for us to feel afraid of something or someone. We may need to be alerted to a real danger. Sometimes the fear is false, in so far as there is no threat. Still, though, our experience of anxiety is enabling us to see how important a particular situation is. We feel the fear because we realise the challenge we are about to rise to. There is nothing wrong with fear. There is, though, something wrong with letting fear get the better of you.
You have embarked on a process that has much further to take you. There can be no turning back - so don't even stop to think about the ways in which you may be able to reverse the tide. Relax, trust the cosmic wheels as they now turn relentlessly forward. They are taking you in the right direction. The road may be bumpy - and the journey may prove more than a little exhausting at times, but that's a small price to pay for the chance to wind up somewhere wonderful. Trust your own luck.
Venus, the planet of love and wealth, has now left your sign. This does not mean that your supply of either commodity is about to run short. Your love-life is certainly getting very 'interesting' and your financial picture is undoubtedly 'multi-faceted'. But it is probably just as easy to see it as a problem as it is to see it as an asset. You are going through a very important process, which will yet end in a highly rewarding way. Expect a rewarding development soon.
The pit is deep. The dungeon is dark. You can spend a long time down there, noticing how unpleasant it all is. The food, what there is of it, is dreadful. The place stinks. It is cold...Etc. When you have quite finished, you can turn your attention to the ladder. It is rusty. The rungs appear to be sharp in places. But - and this is quite a big but really - they do lead upwards - all the way to sunlight, warmth and freedom. You can focus on whatever you like now. But I suggest you look at that ladder.
You are overdue a birthday present. I am, therefore, delighted to make you this gift of a multi-dimensional matter transporter, which will allow you to be in two places at the same time. You can't see it. It's invisible! But if you reach your hand out over the page now, you will... Hey ho, oh well, it was worth a try! Sorry for raising your hopes. I do know how badly you wish you could split yourself into two but I do have one suggestion. Maybe you should just decide what matters most.
You can be forgiven for feeling a little tense. You are not quite sure about a certain situation, though you know that you have to do something. You are right to recognise an unacceptable factor and to feel determined to correct this. You are wrong to assume that this is going to be difficult and that it may require every last ounce of effort you can summon. Avoid using a sledgehammer to crack a nut. Be subtle and be sensitive. Then, being successful will happen automatically.
We may always hope for the best but inwardly, somehow, we still steel ourselves for the worst. Experience has taught us to be cagey. After all, nothing lasts forever. And much that holds forth great promise turns out to be deeply disappointing. In refusing to believe an overly positive prognosis we are employing an understandable self-protection mechanism. Yet the very umbrella that protects us from rain can be the parasol that keeps us in the shade even when the sun is shining. Don't be too negative.
Do you want things to stay the same forever? Well, then? Why are you so concerned about the possibility of change? Deep emotions are now being stirred up within you. These are highly appropriate. They should neither be feared nor ignored. You are starting to become all that you have long had the glorious potential to be. If you feel uncomfortable in any way, you should not be concerned. You are merely experiencing temporary teething pains at the start of a priceless process. These will pass.
It's OK. You can open your eyes. Indeed, you must, for you cannot possibly hope to read this prediction with them shut. Yet I know that a part of you hardly dares to look. You are anticipating an awkward experience. If it is truly going to be as bad as you fear, you would prefer not to know about it. To the contrary though, your outlook is excellent. This is due to be an exceptional weekend. During which you conquer a fear, lay a ghost, fix a problem and beat a bad habit.
You are reading the wrong zodiac forecast. You have turned to the wrong page. You are making a great mistake. Well, actually, no you are not - yet it is amazing how quickly we can be persuaded of the existence of a problem. We are used to mistakes. We never question such a suggestion. Others now seem sure that something is very wrong. Who are you to argue? Well, I'll tell you. You are you! You absolutely cannot allow an unfounded assertion to go unchallenged.
Should you accept being whacked over the head with a rolled up newspaper once a day? Should you accept rotten food, bad behaviour, rank stupidity? Of course not. Even if there seems to be no other choice, you should never settle easily for such a poor deal. Other factors, though, are more a matter of taste and expectation. Sometimes, we can learn to love experiences that at first we abhor. Don't accept the unacceptable today. Do, though, feel free to accept all else.
Can you play the violin? Can you juggle jam doughnuts? Can you perform quadratic equations? Can you speak Swahili? Can you sing arias? Can you ballet dance? You are, of course, a multi-talented Piscean. You can do plenty. But, in a way, that only makes it worse. The more you learn, the less you like having to start from scratch. Under the influence of a pair of eclipses, though, you are becoming obliged to develop a new talent. Despite your fear you are due to do extremely well.
Sometimes, things happen for a reason. Sometimes too, they fail to happen for an even better reason! Our so-called disappointments are often blessings in disguise. Delays can often advance our cause far more profitably than supposedly open roads. We are too quick to choose destinations and declare ambitions. We don't think hard enough, feel deeply enough and trust bravely enough. Now, though, you're seeing a bright new direction to head in. Soon you'll be very glad this became possible.
The more we worry, the more we discover that we have plenty to worry about. We never say, 'Right, I don't need to worry any more because I have now worried so much that I have reassured myself.' The more we relax, the more we find ourselves able to take it even easier. This weekend you have a choice. No, not that choice. No, not that other choice either. Those choices are secondary. If you just choose whether you are going to be led by fear or faith, the rest will take care of itself.
From now on, you will do things a little differently. You will understand a little more and will worry a little less. You will also remember how much power you have and you will stop giving it away to some desperate (and highly ironic) attempt to attain it. You are acting like the man who was so keen to acquire some silver coins that he kept offering to swap them for the gold ones in his pocket. Appreciate the value of what you have this weekend and recognise the full extent of the strength you already possess.
To be human is to be a mass of contradiction. And to be a Piscean? Well, that's to know the very best - and worst - of all human experience. It is to be able to go from one emotional extreme to another - and to see opposing points of view as equally valid. You now feel a strong urge to make an impulsive move or gesture. You also, of course, feel a strong urge to refrain from doing any such thing. Which urge will prevail? Why both, naturally! Cover all bases. Explore all options. And don't apologise for this.
Too much is too nebulous. Too many plans depend on the possible outcome of too many processes. You need more security, stability, certainty and strength. Can you have it? Well, you can conjure the illusion of it easily enough. The reality, though, is another matter. To some extent, you are obliged to remain a victim of circumstance, but there are one or two factors over which you have complete control. As these represent the most important things in your life, why worry about the rest?
Saturn and Jupiter now align harmoniously. This brings you the possibility of a 'grounding' or 'earthing' experience. It means that you need no longer dwell in the realms of hypothesis. Theories and fantasies can be replaced by practical planning and constructive commitment. There has been too much uncertainty of late. Now you are in a fine position to get answers to questions and make arrangements that stand the test of time. Reach for what you truly want.
There's a famous example involving a deep-sea diver. When he reaches the bottom of the ocean, he can see nothing. His arrival has stirred up an enormous cloud of mud and sand. Does this mean he's done the wrong thing? No. It means he needs to wait. Soon, everything will settle and he will reap a reward for all the effort and energy that has been expended. I don't know why we made the diver a 'he'. The same thing happens to female divers. Indeed, it happens to us all. Be patient today.
This weekend brings a partial solar eclipse in your zodiac sign. That's powerful, significant, symbolic, suggestive. Is it good news? Oh, it is much more than that. It is your chance to forget the person you used to be and become the person you want to be. Not all at once. Not instantly, this weekend. But through a series of steps that you have already started to take and which quicken and lengthen soon. Prepare to start striding towards a future you have long dreamed of.
Where is the contract? You signed it didn't you? Well then, produce the document. Demonstrate the reason why your life is not your own. Once we have been shown the legal paperwork that clearly binds you to a person or situation, we will have more sympathy with you. But if you cannot produce this, we have to ask whether some of your current pain is self-inflicted. Might you be making a sacrifice out of a misplaced sense of guilt? The celestial solicitor suggests you now have more freedom than you think.
Atoms. Molecules. Teeny, tiny little things. Not seen with the naked eye. Let's think about these for a moment. Now, here's a question: do you think they know how small they are? Do they have a diminished sense of self-importance? Science has so far failed to provide us with a definitive answer to this, but we can hazard an educated guess. Size has nothing to do with it. Everything is relative. That said, the 'big issue' now taking up so much of your time and energy, is smaller than you think.
Could you do with a little more cash and a little less pressure? That's not such an impossibly tall order. Feel free to be similarly optimistic about your emotional life. Here too, you are more likely to make a gain than to suffer a loss. Much that was once unclear is now starting to make sense. You have spent long enough in a state of uncertainty. You deserve the stability that is now starting to make its way towards you. Today brings a drama, followed by a worry, followed by a sense of true triumph.
Some things will never change. Other things will never stay the same. This much, we know. We cannot always be sure, though, which things fall into which categories. You think you know where you stand but there is an element of doubt - and that's good. Too much security breeds arrogance or apathy. You may not now be able to solve every problem in an instant, but at least you can see the difference between what really matters and what merely appears to be important.
Some people are born insensitive, some achieve insensitivity - and others have ignorance thrust upon them. This is not, I know, the original quotation. But, well, I am sure you know why I make the remark today. You are dealing with several silly someones. If only you had a thick skin this would all be fine. But no matter how careless or callous the people around you may be, you can summon no such quality. Does this make you vulnerable? No, it makes you wonderful. Don't be bugged today.
Every so often, you become overwhelmed with the urge to pack up your belongings in a red-spotted handkerchief, tie them to the end of a stick and stride off into the distance. This wanderlust is healthy but you rarely get the chance to act on it. The yearning to run is invariably accompanied by a vivid reminder of the responsibilities you just can't abandon and the duties you must uphold. This week, even if you can't escape from it all, escape from some of it. You are about to be made a seductive offer!
Your Weekend: Though you are now another year older, it seems as if too many concerns and cares from the past look set to accompany you on your next journey round the sun. You are beginning to wonder if you will ever find freedom from what has been a difficult past. What you can definitely look forward to, though, is a better understanding and a greater sense of acceptance. In so far as this will bring you all the liberation and power you could ever hope for, you truly do have cause to pause and celebrate.
Never mind how hard the task, how long the journey, how arduous the responsibility, you see it as your duty to keep on shouldering the burden. All of which is very noble but perhaps a little short-sighted. If you collapse, who will carry the can? You must pace yourself. Sometimes, just sometimes, that means telling others that you simply cannot do what they were expecting you to do. It means letting someone down a little, so you don't, later, have to let them down a lot.
Think about roads. Sometimes they stretch on forever with hardly a bend, a curve or even another car in sight. Most, often though, we find ourselves in the city, our speed dictated by the pace of the traffic or by a light over which we have no control. You have been stuck at the signal for some while. Mars insists that you have the freedom to move once more. You know which direction you need to be heading in. Prepare to make a lot of progress in a short space of time.
Decisions are scary. They have consequences. Once made, they can hardly be unmade. Really, though, there is little point now in thinking about the conclusion that you have recently reached. It is a done deal. You have taken an irreversible step. If you really want to, you may be able to back up a bit. But you cannot back out nor, somehow, magically get all the way back to where you were. Don't let this worry you. You may not be entirely enjoying a process of transition, but it won't prove problematic for long.
We all tend to think that 'doing nothing' is not an option. Often, though, it is the very best option of all. Far too often we meddle, fiddle or interfere with processes that are best left to run their natural course. At best, our intrepid activity makes no difference. At worst, it gets in the way. It holds back positive forces that might otherwise be released. Perhaps, eventually, you will have to take action. First though, it may well prove wise to leave everything much as it is, at least until the dust settles.
In ancient tribes there was always a central figure of wisdom. A medicine man. An earth mother. This village elder was the ultimate arbiter of right and wrong. Their pronouncements were sacred and incontrovertible. Here in the modern world, we trust nobody. Priests, politicians, police officers - all no longer represent the voice of unimpeachable authority. Yet, still, we need someone we can turn to for guidance. This weekend, that difficult job you! Rise to the task.