Let's talk with Jim-san. Part15

1 ◆EROyVmNwwM
Let's talk with Jim-san , who is the manager of bbspink.com.
If you can write your questions or some other things in English,
please write them in English.

Since Jim-san is very kind,
so that in case you get spelling error,
or write in incorrect grammar,
he will be able to understand what you want to say.

Those who cannot understand English may write them in Japanese.
Accommodating persons will translate for you.




Jim-san cap handle.
RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★
RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2

A previous thread
Let's talk with Jim-san. Part14
2 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2009/11/13(金) 11:07:39 ID:oVgVA3/y
3 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2009/11/13(金) 11:08:13 ID:oVgVA3/y BE:608704092-2BP(100)
Google 翻訳
Cross Translation::色々な翻訳サイト・翻訳サービスの一括、横断翻訳(英語)
10の翻訳エンジンから一括翻訳 翻訳くらべ 英語版

※command.datに↓を追加で 文字選択 右クリック からgoogle翻訳
4 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2009/11/13(金) 11:08:51 ID:oVgVA3/y BE:202902023-2BP(100)


5 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2009/11/13(金) 11:09:33 ID:oVgVA3/y BE:270535542-2BP(100)

Let's talk with Jim-san. Part14
6RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/11/13(金) 12:51:10 ID:???
ども ありがとう New thread.
7名無し編集部員:2009/11/14(土) 02:32:44 ID:UDm3gnvB
8RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/11/14(土) 13:15:52 ID:???
That is cute...;)
9名無し編集部員:2009/11/14(土) 18:43:05 ID:YKNGQlbb
10名無し編集部員:2009/11/14(土) 19:34:30 ID:iCdDhFPV
11RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/11/14(土) 20:20:31 ID:???
Please follow the LR. If you do not ignore the arashi, then you
are arashi too.
12名無し編集部員:2009/11/14(土) 20:48:45 ID:l5ZMzzp/
13 ◆Ranger.9zk :2009/11/15(日) 04:18:00 ID:tHpHLyHM
Lucky Strike

14名無し編集部員:2009/11/16(月) 01:07:19 ID:dqRBCfYM
I feel bbspink has been less vandalism recently.
Of course, there are some trolls, but these are not so serious.

It may effect large scale restriction of 2ch, I think it is
result of effort by Jim-san and many volunteers.
Thank you and all the volunteers.

It must be time-consuming hard work, but
I remember a tale of itsy bitsy spider you did.
Please keep trying. I'll cheer for your team.
15名無し編集部員:2009/11/16(月) 07:03:51 ID:7qDdlb0V
It may be affected - かな
16名無し編集部員:2009/11/16(月) 07:46:14 ID:dqRBCfYM
It may be affected large scale restriction of 2ch.
17RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/11/16(月) 11:07:50 ID:???
If there is an improvement, it is because of the volunteers,
not me. I just do the cucumber dance.
18名無し編集部員:2009/11/16(月) 14:04:24 ID:GyNbI+u/
19RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/11/16(月) 14:53:39 ID:???
Welcome back.
20名無し編集部員:2009/11/16(月) 22:41:22 ID:5RFR8f/9


21名無し編集部員:2009/11/16(月) 23:16:01 ID:dqRBCfYM
♪ ∧,_∧
  (´・∀・`) ))~♪ ♪
 (( ( つ ヽ、   ♪
   〉 とノ ) キュッキュキュー
  (__ノ^(_) cucumber dance?
22名無し編集部員:2009/11/16(月) 23:17:16 ID:fjecRBPL
23名無し編集部員:2009/11/16(月) 23:26:40 ID:5RFR8f/9
24名無し編集部員:2009/11/16(月) 23:34:12 ID:fjecRBPL
25名無し編集部員:2009/11/16(月) 23:42:19 ID:5RFR8f/9
26名無し編集部員:2009/11/16(月) 23:47:43 ID:GyNbI+u/
27名無し編集部員:2009/11/16(月) 23:48:29 ID:fjecRBPL
28名無し編集部員:2009/11/16(月) 23:51:36 ID:5RFR8f/9
29名無し編集部員:2009/11/16(月) 23:54:24 ID:GyNbI+u/
30名無し編集部員:2009/11/16(月) 23:59:10 ID:2QrBn23s
31名無し編集部員:2009/11/17(火) 00:01:29 ID:akksP8Mx
32名無し編集部員:2009/11/17(火) 00:09:05 ID:BRRKe6zv
33陀@解除御意見番 ★:2009/11/17(火) 00:50:25 ID:???
34名無し編集部員:2009/11/17(火) 01:05:47 ID:akksP8Mx
35名無し編集部員:2009/11/17(火) 01:14:24 ID:iMVUoVmz
36名無し編集部員:2009/11/17(火) 01:39:31 ID:buNFIFFf
37陀@解除御意見番 ★:2009/11/17(火) 01:53:26 ID:???
38名無し編集部員:2009/11/17(火) 02:18:33 ID:akksP8Mx
39陀@解除御意見番 ★:2009/11/17(火) 02:36:34 ID:???

Let's talk with Jim-san. Part14

798 名前:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★[] 投稿日:2009/10/29(木) 12:12:21 ID:???
I don't have anything against p2. It is a problem I think because they are still in beta.
They are not sending the proper header. It all comes from the p2 server like it is a proxy.
I guess it is a proxy, and they are sending an additional assigned ip for the poster with
his p2 id. This however is not in the right format. It should be sent first.
Probably it should be as a vpn account where they "dial" into the p2 server, and issue
those "ips" to the user at that time.
It is not my problem though. I am sure they have many engineers working on it. I can
smell the smoke coming from their ears as they gears spin.
40名無し編集部員:2009/11/17(火) 02:41:00 ID:iMVUoVmz


41 ◆a.l.mlvFv3O2 :2009/11/17(火) 03:29:52 ID:RNBFuN2s
42名無し編集部員:2009/11/17(火) 04:15:35 ID:V5Fc9GU6
43名無し編集部員:2009/11/17(火) 04:33:54 ID:BRRKe6zv
44RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/11/17(火) 10:36:13 ID:???
Where do I begin?

Please keep discussing this. I am very happy if you
get good ideas.
45名無し編集部員:2009/11/17(火) 11:29:30 ID:+z3MA3vH
運営側からいくとPage Viewって重要じゃないのかな?
46陀@解除御意見番 ★:2009/11/17(火) 12:20:15 ID:???

 1)でまとめが行われていない場合、荒らしの投稿数をジムさんが自分で調べてそれを書き出して(or 書き出さずに)お願いに行く(or Paseguenoでバン)
47名無し編集部員:2009/11/19(木) 14:54:12 ID:Ej0Rlsgr


48名無し編集部員:2009/11/19(木) 19:56:09 ID:/fcyDyzS
49RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/11/19(木) 21:33:48 ID:???
I just finished updating to Fedora 12. Finally I have sound!
I could not get the sound on my Macbook with Fedora 10.
Fedora 11 would not load because they didn't use grub.
Fedora 12 rocks!
50名無し編集部員:2009/11/20(金) 03:10:14 ID:tpbdM3qQ
Fedora 12に更新したぜ
Fedora 10じゃ俺のMacbookじゃ音が鳴らなかったんだぜ
Fedora 11はgrub使わないようだからやめといたんだぜ
Fedora 12万歳!
51名無し編集部員:2009/11/20(金) 13:41:24 ID:m2XlFAQY
52名無し編集部員:2009/11/20(金) 15:03:59 ID:6UovEmnB





【自発】断髪少女を描くスレ 2束目【強制】
合[゚Д゚]ノ PSO&PSUのエロ画像33枚目 ヽ|゚w゚|体


53RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/11/20(金) 15:48:42 ID:???
If you can paint slowly, I can turn down the posting limit on that server.
I can turn it as low as one post a minute. I think some of the painters post
all at once, will not like that situation. It needs to be discussed.
54trip ◆sO35uw8r6o :2009/11/20(金) 20:10:57 ID:oV/VMmSM
Hi folks.
I've just noticed my wireless ISP was unbanned. I'll get back on translation ASAP, but please give me some time to configure my Debian machine to use it.

55名無し編集部員:2009/11/21(土) 01:22:15 ID:CLs6HJqu
Hi Jim-san! How have you been? Are you getting used to the new house?
56名無し編集部員:2009/11/21(土) 06:45:03 ID:8G7/Yydb


> 494 :ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★:2009/10/17(土) 10:28:04 ID:???
> >>481
> I am sorry, but highschool student not allowed here.


57trip ◆sO35uw8r6o :2009/11/21(土) 10:44:44 ID:t4LJqui9
on request from >>56
Good morning, Jim-san.

I've got something to ask you.
In previous thread you stated
> 494 :ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★:2009/10/17(土) 10:28:04 ID:???
> >>481
> I am sorry, but highschool student not allowed here.

We're discussing about adding that to LR of our board,
however some insist that "highscool student" is a bit unclear in whether
it include all highscool student or include highscool student even at 18.
Did you mean the latter one?

Thanks in advance.
# そのまま訳しましたが、ひょっとして「18歳なら高校生であってもOKなのか」って
# ことですか? 呈示された文だとどっちも同じ意味に取れてしまう気がするんですが …
# There could've been translation error. Please ignore lines you don't understand.
58名無し編集部員:2009/11/21(土) 10:58:43 ID:wA7UkztC


59RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/11/21(土) 11:04:17 ID:???
Welcome back
60RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/11/21(土) 11:05:09 ID:???
No, it is an apartment. I will fix the damages, then go back to my home.
It will just take a while.
61RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/11/21(土) 11:06:26 ID:???
18 is legal and ok. If they need to say they are Highschool student, then probably
they are not 18. Maybe in the spring time there are many that are 18, but not
this time of the year. Or perhaps it is different in Japan?
62trip ◆sO35uw8r6o :2009/11/21(土) 11:27:15 ID:5aQo3X5u

53 :RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/11/20(金) 15:48:42 ID:???

60 :RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/11/21(土) 11:05:09 ID:???

61 :RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/11/21(土) 11:06:26 ID:???
63名無し編集部員:2009/11/21(土) 12:09:54 ID:wA7UkztC


64名無し編集部員:2009/11/21(土) 13:06:08 ID:SHLowcUe






ascii2d:半角二次元 [削除議論]

65名無し編集部員:2009/11/21(土) 13:19:31 ID:L1+Usfu4

一般的な解釈をすれば、(年齢に関係なく)高校生は来てはいけない となります。

66trip ◆sO35uw8r6o :2009/11/21(土) 14:18:38 ID:vWv7DyFK
63 名前:名無し編集部員 [sage]: 2009/11/21(土) 12:09:54 ID:wA7UkztC (2)
Thanks for translation.

I appreciate your help, but he uses different ID for each of his post
so maybe we should rather ban him instead of applying strict post interval on the board.

It's going to be time-consuming, but I need your help. Thanks

64 名前:名無し編集部員 [sage]: 2009/11/21(土) 13:06:08 ID:SHLowcUe
Please ban ◆9eP2POQ/K2 , a troll in 半角二次元 board.

Speaking ill in threads such as;




and when referred, regardless of guideline violation in referrence, request delete like;


which damage functionlity of delete request thread.
He is also defiant to his action as seen in;

ascii2d:半角二次元 [削除議論]

Leaving him in current status will severely damage functionality of entire board.
I believe fair judgement there will be from Mr.JIm.

65 名前:名無し編集部員 [sage]: 2009/11/21(土) 13:19:31 ID:L1+Usfu4
Most of Japanese highscool students are over 18 in their final(3rd) grade.
(e.g. 3rd grade highscool student who has his birthday in between 1st APR - 11th NOV is
already 18 as of 11th NOV) so "18 or older", as in rules, does not apply.

Highscool student under 18 is not allowed. That's clear. However Jim-san have stated
"highscool student is not allowed to come here". That generally mean "no highscool student
allowed (regardless of age)".

Please answer whether 3rd grade highscool student over 18 browsing PINK channel OK or NG for JIM.

fedora's package selection is bit too heavy, isn't it? at least I believe it's heavier than the xp.
67RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/11/21(土) 16:03:22 ID:???
The upgrade for my computer was 1.4 gig download. It was mostly additional packages
I have installed. The minimum installation is very small, and can almost fit on a cdr.
The age limit is 18, it does not matter if they are students. 18 year olds have reached
the age of majority and can vote. They are adults.

Trolls are difficult to control. Vandalism is easier. Babiru gets a lot of automatic vandal
control now from pasegueno. I can make it stricter, but a lot more people need to ask for that first.
Yomi has minimal vandalism control now. I can make it stricter as well, but the current
controls are set the same as babiru.
68trip ◆sO35uw8r6o :2009/11/21(土) 16:53:46 ID:f4zS479y
67 名前:RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★ []: 2009/11/21(土) 16:03:22 ID:???




I didn't know that Fedora's now so small. I was thinking SuSE, Fedora and Ubuntu are all heavy and huge.
69 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2009/11/21(土) 17:46:52 ID:WAv51j+3 BE:1352676858-2BP(100)
70RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/11/21(土) 18:43:33 ID:???
Thank you so much trip-san. I appreciate your help.

I think the default installation might be a little heavy, but nowhere near
as heavy as windoz.

With Fedora there are about 10,000 free packages that you can add to do almost
anything you could possibly want to do on a computer, and the price is free.
71RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/11/21(土) 18:54:43 ID:???
Google translation.

're a troll or troll fishing, or excluded from reporting vandalism
May also delete excluded.
vandal is buried consecutive pitching to exercise such control or
copy and paste vandalism is vandalism, such as advertising.

ぜんぜんわからない です。
72 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2009/11/21(土) 19:24:00 ID:WAv51j+3 BE:1623211968-2BP(100)
The meaning of vandal is Arashi in Japanese.
The meaning of troll is Arasi in Japanese.
These are the same words in Japanese.

I explained the difference between vandal and troll in Japanese.

The vandal is an object treated with the restriction discussion-board.
In many cases, the troll is not treated in the restriction discussion board and housekeeping-board.
73trip ◆sO35uw8r6o :2009/11/21(土) 19:26:42 ID:5pYsJHeJ
69 名前:◆EROyVmNwwM [sage]: 2009/11/21(土) 17:46:52 ID:WAv51j+3 ?2BP(100)
Troll means fishing and workups. Things not for vandal report...
not always accepted delete.
Vandal are thing banned, like copy-pastes, burying, burst-posts, and ads.

# 解説ありがとうございます。日本語だとどっちも「荒らし」になっちゃって時々悩むんですよね…
# Thanks for detailed explanation. sometimes they are confusing because both called arashi in Jpnse...

My pleasure. right now I'm writing this on an EeePC runnning Debian with fluxbox.
RAM/CPU usages in GNOME or KDE is acceptable in desktops, but when it comes to resource-limited
devices like outdated PCs or laptops, PDAs... Fedora is indeed well-designed in ease of use. that's
what Debian doesn't have.
74RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/11/21(土) 20:46:45 ID:???
I have not used Debian in over five years. It is good also.
We used to run our servers on it.
75RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/11/21(土) 20:51:59 ID:???
Yes, I understand now. That is a difficult thing with the same word for distinctly different
Troll is a person with a personality defect looking for attention.

Vandal is someone with an agenda for breaking something.

Trawl is fishing the aw has an "ah" sound.
Troll is an ugly hominid that lives under a bridge. The o is an "oh" sound.

76名無し編集部員:2009/11/21(土) 22:02:53 ID:CLs6HJqu
Wow! That’s tough. I wish you will put your life back together soon.
77RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/11/21(土) 23:18:32 ID:???
Don't worry, I am the itsy bitsy spider.
78名無し編集部員:2009/11/22(日) 06:45:15 ID:ABEs5foC

Hi! Jim-san.

I have the thing that I want to ask you.
You had said before↓
> 494 :ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆YE6tMtjT7Q8t @Apparently admin ★:2009/10/17(土) 10:28:04 ID:???
> >>481
> I am sorry, but highschool student not allowed here.
I want to describe this clearly in LR.
However, such an opinion has come out by autonomy.

Which of these is correct?
 ・If it is a high school student, it is not possible to use it regardless of the age.
 ・The high school student's use is not admitted if it is as much as 18 years old.
Maybe, the latter is correct?
Please answer. Thank you!
79名無し編集部員:2009/11/22(日) 06:50:03 ID:ABEs5foC

80名無し編集部員:2009/11/22(日) 06:59:07 ID:ABEs5foC


81名無し編集部員:2009/11/22(日) 08:38:06 ID:sjqpXjWR
What a tough guy...
82RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/11/22(日) 09:14:47 ID:???
I answered here. >>67
8363:2009/11/22(日) 10:59:13 ID:xEI89Zuv
>Thanks for translation.

>I appreciate your help, but he uses different ID for each of his post
>so maybe we should rather ban him instead of applying strict post interval on the board.

>It's going to be time-consuming, but I need your help. Thanks


もしそうなら今、荒らしてるスレッドはここで、本人と思わしきIDは4つある IDの下のアドレスはそいつの書き込み




84RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/11/22(日) 12:10:25 ID:???
How do you think we should ban him?
85trip ◆sO35uw8r6o :2009/11/22(日) 14:27:05 ID:d2Kp/QMb
86名無し編集部員:2009/11/23(月) 14:08:44 ID:6I9JzzPD





87名無し編集部員:2009/11/23(月) 14:52:24 ID:4IIDAhj5

88trip ◆sO35uw8r6o :2009/11/23(月) 15:07:06 ID:U/FeRiJw
89名無し編集部員:2009/11/23(月) 21:40:05 ID:6I9JzzPD

90名無し編集部員:2009/11/24(火) 01:22:21 ID:dc7N2Onf
91名無し編集部員:2009/11/24(火) 14:31:56 ID:+KEJhF14


セフセフ◆Loli/v/8n2 少女監禁15年目( 'Θ')ノ







92名無し編集部員:2009/11/24(火) 14:47:09 ID:5zLZ3DQ9
93RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/11/24(火) 17:41:49 ID:???
What can we do?
94名無し編集部員:2009/11/25(水) 12:26:14 ID:nBuMADMt
95RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/11/25(水) 15:40:25 ID:???
Yes, exactly. Poe-san and Ero-san are doing a very good job of regulating.
Others are helping as well. It is best I stay out of the regulation as much as possible.
It is difficult for me to see the problems with these posts. They look normal to me.
I understand that is frustrating, but I am frustrated as well, wanting to make
things better, but not seeing the flaws.
96名無し編集部員:2009/11/25(水) 16:57:09 ID:gyNgslXv
PIEはNTT Americaに負けた?


97RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/11/25(水) 18:56:03 ID:???
Pie has leased lines from Global Crossing. I think it has been more than one year
since we had NTT America lines.
98RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/11/27(金) 18:31:43 ID:???
2ch and bbspink are not Twitter.
2ch does not have a motive or plan for economic profit. The first time I met
Hiroyuki, I was excited and under the impression that 2ch was a chance and a
future for making huge profits. I must admit that my dream would be huge profits.
Hiroyuki told me straight at that time, that he had no intention of making a public
company, and that if anything he saw 2ch as a not for profit corporation.
Of course I did not understand or agree with that, but he is a rock, and someone
that is worth following. I have followed his philosophy since then. Since that time.
I have watched several companies rise higher and fall back farther than my company
and 2ch as well. Can you remember an upstart public internet company wanting to buy
a baseball team, and having a wonderful business jet? ( I was very jealous of that jet.)
99RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/11/27(金) 18:32:03 ID:???
Server load and settings for 2ch and bbspink are discussed and set by users for users
Many of the regulating systems are monitored and controlled by volunteers who are
completely anonymous. When new servers are needed there is quite a bit of discussion
for and against every time. Sometimes I have disagreed but I always look back to the
rock or foundation of this unorganized mayhem that we make daily online, and let the masses
have what they want. Twitter has a different philosophy on this, and good or bad their
server did not crash during the cartoon festival. This is not PIE's fault, it is just a failure
of the current system to predict that it was to happen. Actually some users are probably
enjoying the fact because the usage was so huge it crashed the server that was tuned
personally by the famous Mumumu-san. I am sure there will be more failures in the future
and many more successes. The failures will be newsworthy, and the successes of hardware
and systems will hardly be noted. That is the way of things, and it is normal.
100RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/11/27(金) 18:32:30 ID:???
There are times when even this system needs to make money, and this is one of those times.
Many servers need to be upgraded, the economy is still down, there is an improvement, but
still so many people are suffering. This has affected the businesses that are the customers
of my company, and it has reduced the gross income that supports our efforts substantially.
Of course we will weather the down turn, and come back bigger and better. It is a very conservative
course we follow economically and that will hold things true towards our course of supporting
this ongoing test of human experience and change that we play with daily online.
Maru helps support this effort, and its use should be encouraged. Soon there will be other
products that will be available that will also support this great effort. I hope that you will use
them as they are released and understand that the philosophy behind them helps support the
change in the world that 2ch and bbspink have made. The freedoms that they have given to
slices of the population that never had a voice before them, and would lose their voice without them.
101RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/11/27(金) 18:33:14 ID:???
I think there is no solution for trolls and cyber bullies except for manual labor to restrict their ability
to harm others. I do think that trolls can cause real harm to real people, and wish they wouldn't but
I am not naive either so I know they will continue. Vandalism is a different story, and often is brought
on by legitimate companies that have a dream of crashing our way, so that their way can be advanced.
Often vandal attacks don't even originate in Japan, but from other countries that might see this real
freedom as a threat to their way of life. I hope that we will always be able to find the way of blocking
them and stopping their aggressive oppressive behavior. When massive blocking happens on 2ch and bbspink,
this is the reason, and when you are personally affected I am so sorry for that, but I know that
the greater good is served by it. The use of Maru can often help you when there is a block in place. This
system allows you to authenticate so that even though you are on a blocked network, we know that you
are someone that should be allowed to post. One of the solutions for this that I am working on is an ipv6 vpn system
that will allow you to “dial up” and post from a good network with an individual IP
from a good network, instead of from a proxy.
102RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/11/27(金) 18:35:20 ID:???
Many of the newer telephones will allow vpn use,
and there are plenty of ipv6 segments so that everyone can have their own ip.
Of course the servers themselves will have to be upgraded and have dual stack ipv4 and ipv6 installed on them.
Over time that will help the most with the network blocking.
Then systems like Pasegueno will not block your proxy that you are forced by your isp
to use. They will just block you as an individual if you get carried away and abuse the system.
Less people will be affected and bad users can be restricted with a more surgical like precision.
The tweet community is nothing like the community that 2ch and bbspink are.
It is more of a commercially supported accepted by the mainstream industry community.
Definitely for the homogeneous by the homogeneous. http://www.techcrunch.com/2009/07/16/twitters-internal-strategy-laid-bare-to-be-the-pulse-of-the-planet/

I hope that comparisons are not made, there is no grand scheme for world domination here.
We are always just looking for ways to make users more comfortable in their experience.
103trip ◆sO35uw8r6o :2009/11/27(金) 21:09:27 ID:Kf6EjwVv
## done translation.



104trip ◆sO35uw8r6o :2009/11/27(金) 21:09:57 ID:Kf6EjwVv

105trip ◆sO35uw8r6o :2009/11/27(金) 21:10:24 ID:Kf6EjwVv

除けるようになります。twitter ユーザコミュニティは2chやPINKのそれとはまったく異なります。


## done copy-posting.
106RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/11/27(金) 21:18:24 ID:???
こちろこそ ども ありがとう ございます
たくさん Text すみーません
107名無し編集部員:2009/11/27(金) 21:30:02 ID:j1MPFeUy
108trip ◆sO35uw8r6o :2009/11/27(金) 21:31:57 ID:Kf6EjwVv
so twitter's "a nervous system for humanity", PINK's a system that handles
rational thinkings, like discussing about good translations for cameltoe.
I've got the idea. Anyway I'm really interested in VPN system. I want to
hear more about it.
109trip ◆sO35uw8r6o :2009/11/27(金) 21:34:33 ID:Kf6EjwVv
my pleasure. indeed that was long. took me some hours...
110RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/11/27(金) 21:58:14 ID:???
We have already started making it. There are still a lot of problems, but it is
coming soon.
Can you tell me the correct spelling for cameltoe? Is it one word or two?
cameltoe or camel toe.
111RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/11/27(金) 21:58:55 ID:???
I machine translated yours back. Actually yours is better than mine...;)
112trip ◆sO35uw8r6o :2009/11/27(金) 22:45:02 ID:Kf6EjwVv
Wikipedia suggests single word "cameltoe". I know nothing more about it...
what platform your VPN sysytem going to support?
113 ◆a.l.mlvFv3O2 :2009/11/28(土) 02:22:10 ID:fxxg+g7U
I didn't have thought about the difference between IPv4 and IPv6.
When I heard it explained from a different point of view, it was like the scales fell from my eyes.

Twitter is little bit undependable for me.
It does not have fun of diversity, rock spirits and chaos world.
So I think Twitter might not be popular.

But I may not know what the Yutori generation think about it.
They often be mocked on 2ch because of their lack of common sense.
But in a sense, they are native for using the broadband network.
They use the network like a breathing, but people do not pay for air.

Maybe someone will found an outrageous way.
The greedy Company will surprise for unexpected user.
It does not matter whether Twitter survives or not,
Because we are a flexible autonomous community.
114RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/11/28(土) 06:54:10 ID:???
Good luck to them. I have never used it.
115RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/11/28(土) 06:56:22 ID:???
Most PC can use VPN. Many newer phones can as well.
We talked about it some on translation thread.
Some will be able to use it with a java applet.
Then you pointed out to me that there are many flavors of java
for different carriers in Japan. So it is going to take a little time
for everyone to be able to use it.
116RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/11/28(土) 07:06:57 ID:???
I have to go to a baseball game now.
117名無し編集部員:2009/11/28(土) 12:26:19 ID:bUVX20l6
Jimさん、答えてくれて ありがとう

118名無し編集部員:2009/11/29(日) 22:52:09 ID:FASS66Hz
Hi! Jim-san.

I am invalid though I registered in the link. Why?

This page is currently disabled
119RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/11/29(日) 23:20:31 ID:???
I didn't make the webmaster page active.
The link goes from here.

I can activate that if you want though.
120RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/11/29(日) 23:22:21 ID:???
What is your site? I will look for it.
121名無し編集部員:2009/11/29(日) 23:35:10 ID:FASS66Hz
122POE ★:2009/11/30(月) 02:10:55 ID:???
123118:2009/11/30(月) 05:34:17 ID:GoagP1mS
Isn't information registered once revokable?

Webmaster Stats

In me, isn't log in a thing in it for this to change registered information though it cannot be done?
124RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/11/30(月) 07:43:55 ID:???
No, it doesn't work like that.
I can change your description if you want.
This is what you currently have.
Maybe this would be a better description?
I will put that for you.
125RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/11/30(月) 07:45:19 ID:???
A cameltoe is similar to a "w"
126118:2009/11/30(月) 10:14:08 ID:GoagP1mS
YES!!!炎のアップローダPlease change.!
We wish to express our gratitude to Jim-san.!!!
127RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/11/30(月) 10:16:57 ID:???
I sent you email as well...;)
By the way, your main site http://pandoravote.net
is listed as well.
Do you want that name changed to something?
128118:2009/11/30(月) 10:30:16 ID:GoagP1mS
There is no alterations necessary.
Thank you for consideration!!!
129名無し編集部員:2009/11/30(月) 19:48:20 ID:4d7tWzIg
130名無し編集部員:2009/11/30(月) 20:00:08 ID:T05ocvMj

megami板 自治スレッド16
131RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/11/30(月) 20:04:33 ID:???
He is posting from China. I guess it is an open proxy there.
Usually he posts from open proxy inside China.
132RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/11/30(月) 20:05:43 ID:???
かんぺき です
133名無し編集部員:2009/11/30(月) 20:17:05 ID:7x+nDHy0
134名無し編集部員:2009/11/30(月) 20:19:20 ID:jfA1C/S6
135名無し編集部員:2009/11/30(月) 20:38:08 ID:cHcpPM7s

136RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/11/30(月) 21:14:15 ID:???
No, it is not difficult it is already done.
However there are thousands of them around the world.
The industrious troll will find them.
137RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/11/30(月) 21:16:11 ID:???
わたしは ねむい です。
おやすみ なさい
138名無し編集部員:2009/11/30(月) 21:19:57 ID:DGO57ZTH
good night!
139名無し編集部員:2009/11/30(月) 23:28:50 ID:6VuwdQoZ

 || ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄||
 || ○女神は放置が一番キライ。女神は常に誰かの反応を待っています。
 || ○重複スレには誘導リンクを貼って放置。ウザイと思ったらそのまま放置。
 || ○放置された女神は煽りや自作自演であなたのレスを誘います。
 ||  ノセられてレスしたらその時点であなたの負け。
 || ○賞賛は女神の滋養にして栄養であり最も喜ぶことです。女神にエサを
 ||  与えないで下さい。                  Λ_Λ
 || ○枯死するまで孤独に暴れさせておいて   \ (゚ー゚*) キホン。
 ||  ゴミが溜まったら削除が一番です。       ⊂⊂ |
 ||___ ∧ ∧__∧ ∧__ ∧ ∧_      | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|
      (  ∧ ∧__ (   ∧ ∧__(   ∧ ∧     ̄ ̄ ̄
    ~(_(  ∧ ∧_ (  ∧ ∧_ (  ∧ ∧  は~い、先生。
      ~(_(   ,,)~(_(   ,,)~(_(   ,,)
        ~(___ノ  ~(___ノ   ~(___ノ
140trip ◆sO35uw8r6o :2009/12/01(火) 17:00:31 ID:xJztZdaG
134 :名無し編集部員:2009/11/30(月) 20:19:20 ID:jfA1C/S6
Blame operators using LR? how could that be rational......

135 :名無し編集部員:2009/11/30(月) 20:38:08 ID:cHcpPM7s
-Leave as they lonely struggle; as they die we just clean them up.

Above is from a famous troll guide template.
Neither deleters nor bans are working, so who die are Magamis and users.
From operators using LR to justify letting GL violators what they want to do
we can see real reason for existence of that board.

136 :RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/11/30(月) 21:14:15 ID:???
141RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/12/01(火) 18:40:16 ID:???
142名無し編集部員:2009/12/01(火) 20:41:05 ID:0L/Q25je
143名無し編集部員:2009/12/01(火) 20:41:41 ID:0L/Q25je
クス規制 誤
クシ規制 ○
144RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/12/01(火) 20:57:39 ID:???
145名無し編集部員:2009/12/01(火) 21:06:53 ID:h3PVPh/K

146trip ◆sO35uw8r6o :2009/12/01(火) 21:26:48 ID:VWkUVi4P
Hello. It's just gone 2125 JST and time for the Jim-san on top of your television set to explode.
147RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/12/01(火) 21:55:07 ID:???
Guys, I am so sorry. I am completely baffled by the slang.
ごめんあさい すみーません
148名無し編集部員:2009/12/07(月) 15:56:29 ID:6FHpv92j


149名無し編集部員:2009/12/07(月) 16:01:07 ID:YisN4i2j
too bad, you bone head. i think you should clean up your head and take all the pile of shit out.
150名無し編集部員:2009/12/08(火) 13:36:45 ID:F9jZzzzY

【自発】断髪少女を描くスレ 2束目【強制】

594 名前: ...φ(・ω・`c⌒っ [sage] 投稿日: 2009/12/04(金) 19:11:37 ID:07Zsp4CK

595 名前: ...φ(・ω・`c⌒っ [sage] 投稿日: 2009/12/04(金) 23:52:10 ID:dMtKYBIE
598 名前: ...φ(・ω・`c⌒っ [sage] 投稿日: 2009/12/06(日) 15:21:11 ID:97o6rJpI
599 名前: ...φ(・ω・`c⌒っ [sage] 投稿日: 2009/12/07(月) 14:56:18 ID:xZot7fyu




| alocer | 2009/12/07 8:03 AM |
| 源氏 | 2009/12/07 2:08 AM |
| fiasse | 2009/12/07 12:13 AM |

600 名前: ...φ(・ω・`c⌒っ [sage] 投稿日: 2009/12/07(月) 15:16:10 ID:ernejJiV

602 名前: ...φ(・ω・`c⌒っ [sage] 投稿日: 2009/12/08(火) 09:30:58 ID:F5WWrX7E

603 名前: ...φ(・ω・`c⌒っ [sage] 投稿日: 2009/12/08(火) 12:53:00 ID:UncmYist
151名無し編集部員:2009/12/08(火) 13:49:22 ID:F9jZzzzY
3. 固定ハンドルが題名に入っている・固定ハンドルが占用している・閉鎖的な使用法を目的としている


152RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/12/08(火) 19:38:56 ID:???
Besides the painter I would like to know, does the five second rule apply at the mall?
153名無し編集部員:2009/12/09(水) 17:11:32 ID:Y+WMpaow
154名無し編集部員:2009/12/10(木) 09:22:45 ID:0odxa+LA



コテ付けて絵の修行するスレ 23枚目

214 名前: ...φ(・ω・`c⌒っ [sage] 投稿日: 2009/12/09(水) 12:21:28 ID:eh/e92Px
216 名前: ...φ(・ω・`c⌒っ [sage] 投稿日: 2009/12/09(水) 13:33:15 ID:22m2JWjG
217 名前: ...φ(・ω・`c⌒っ [sage] 投稿日: 2009/12/09(水) 14:22:12 ID:eh/e92Px
218 名前: ...φ(・ω・`c⌒っ [sage] 投稿日: 2009/12/09(水) 14:23:57 ID:XCTiFj8/

222 名前: ...φ(・ω・`c⌒っ 投稿日: 2009/12/09(水) 16:20:31 ID:oDLaAZmD
俺も参加する!(キリッ って言って逃げた某池沼さんみてーだ。
223 名前: ...φ(・ω・`c⌒っ [sage] 投稿日: 2009/12/09(水) 18:07:47 ID:8cVk4cH8
ラマーズのスレがヲチスレ化してるようだから、 くだらん感想文をどうしても書き込みたいならそっちでやれ。

225 名前: ...φ(・ω・`c⌒っ [sage] 投稿日: 2009/12/09(水) 18:32:00 ID:Ynn9mnI1





44 名前: ...φ(・ω・`c⌒っ [sage] 投稿日: 2009/12/08(火) 16:09:44 ID:93AbopC+


45 名前: ...φ(・ω・`c⌒っ [sage] 投稿日: 2009/12/09(水) 04:51:30 ID:XcF/nPEm

155RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/12/10(木) 10:56:24 ID:???
I think I finally understand what you are saying.
What do you think we should do?
156名無し編集部員:2009/12/10(木) 23:36:07 ID:5toFHZu6
Hello jim-san!!

>264 名前:名無しさん@ピンキー[sage] 投稿日:2009/12/02(水) 21:11:57 ID:SvXo1egB0
>2008/11/30 ■ 過去ログ削除専用 ■
>11/11 熟女
>以上、12月2日現在 1週間以上対応待ち 2件


157RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/12/11(金) 05:15:48 ID:???
158名無し編集部員:2009/12/11(金) 12:03:23 ID:DJ7l8ZTV
You need translation?
do you understand >>156 ???
159RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/12/11(金) 23:15:23 ID:???
I do not understand 156 or 154
sorry about that.
160156:2009/12/11(金) 23:42:38 ID:mA4iyrge
As for it, is not the method of settlement understood?
Or, is not sentences understood?

What is insufficient?
161trip ◆sO35uw8r6o :2009/12/12(土) 14:24:45 ID:pbZxGt9e
>Hello jim-san!!
>From long-term unprocessed delete request(priority delete only) thread;
> ↓
>>264 名前:名無しさん@ピンキー[sage] 投稿日:2009/12/02(水) 21:11:57 ID:SvXo1egB0
>>2008/11/30 ■ 過去ログ削除専用 ■
>>11/11 熟女
>>2 left pending >1 week / as of 2 Dec
>Thread for archive delete seems defunct since 30/Nov/08.
>Please suggest and provide solution. Thanks in advance.
162RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/12/12(土) 16:38:29 ID:???
Hi Trip-san. How are you doing? Thank you for the help.
Can you tell me what is wrong with that thread? Maybe it does not need
deleting, that is why it is ignored.
163156:2009/12/12(土) 17:02:03 ID:lxpBVNIF
Sorry my poor english,and thank you for >>161 trip-san!!





164RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/12/12(土) 17:52:50 ID:???
I can't take anything out of google.
I can see that the volunteers deleted though.
501 名前:うふ~ん [うふ~ん]: うふ~ん ID:DELETED (9)

165trip ◆sO35uw8r6o :2009/12/12(土) 18:38:42 ID:pbZxGt9e
Hi Jim-san, sorry for long time no see. I'm just fine.
I also can't find pending target for the request and unable
to confirm situation. btw I've got a used Motorola M1000
(UIQ 2.1, Symbian OS 7.0). MIDP 2.0 compatible.

サイトはBBSPINK内ですか? 2chについてであれば2chへ、unkar
166名無し編集部員:2009/12/12(土) 18:39:13 ID:lxpBVNIF
Ok,I understand that thing.

But,I talking 「long-team unprocessed delete request thread」=「過去ログ削除専用スレッド」。

there is nobody can work...
after Greenday★ is empty now.Can I work anyone?would you like to do?


私もJim-san がGoogleに対して無力であることは理解できます。

167156:2009/12/12(土) 18:52:58 ID:lxpBVNIF
>>165 tripさん、ありがとうございます。連投すみません。




168156:2009/12/12(土) 19:00:30 ID:lxpBVNIF


169trip ◆sO35uw8r6o :2009/12/12(土) 19:47:50 ID:pbZxGt9e
So the problems are;
- Absence of deleter after Greenday★ -san has left
- And resulting great delay in priority log delete
 as seen in;

- Demands delete of post 263, 487, 502, which contain name of a person, in
- Ask Jim-san to have new deleter.

So pink's been running for a year with no (voluntary) deleter?
well, that'a problem...
170156:2009/12/12(土) 20:03:24 ID:lxpBVNIF



171 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2009/12/12(土) 20:06:25 ID:91k+K+ks BE:608705036-2BP(100)

Let's talk with Jim-san.on HK.
172RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/12/12(土) 21:06:32 ID:???
Nice phone, does it have java virtual machine and vpn available on it?
173trip ◆sO35uw8r6o :2009/12/12(土) 21:59:12 ID:SJXADkZK
basically same as Moto A1000. supports MIDP 2.0 . preloaded with movianVPN,so
it's IPsec ready. Unfortunately it's rather a minority device.
174翔PC ◆KEEa96Ecz. :2009/12/12(土) 22:08:43 ID:5Hl/clxf
Jim-san こんばんは☆ミ^ェ^彡




Good night ミ^ェ^彡
175RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/12/12(土) 22:38:38 ID:???
I hope we have a nice christmas too.
176RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/12/12(土) 22:39:46 ID:???
We have a few glitches with the vpn, but it will be ready soon.
It is not such a minor device.
177RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/12/12(土) 22:40:20 ID:???
Yes please talk there, then we don't break the continuity.
178RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/12/12(土) 22:42:04 ID:???
I plan to go to the beach for Christmas. I have checked and they have internet access
there, so if there is a problem I can be online.
179名無し編集部員:2009/12/12(土) 23:16:07 ID:lxpBVNIF
180RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/12/13(日) 08:34:18 ID:???
おはよう ございます
181RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/12/13(日) 10:02:57 ID:???
I will be outside working on my wall. I really don't understand how come
ID:lxpBVNIF requests belong here. I checked and saw that our deletion volunteers
had deleted the request. Thank you deleters for that. I did not like the barb about
the previous deletion leader. Although there is nobody with that title, there are
several people that have filled the shoes of that quitter. Please post deletion related
inquiries on Let's talk with Jim-san on HK.
182名無し編集部員:2009/12/14(月) 12:58:07 ID:2Ge6uC0N


932 名前:^w^ ◆9eP2POQ/K2 [sage] 投稿日:2009/12/13(日) 16:04:17 ID:eEXl0D7L


183trip ◆sO35uw8r6o :2009/12/14(月) 13:52:29 ID:FdftnPpK

問い合わせはLet's talk with Jim-san on HK(http://babiru.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/housekeeping/1240182945/)
184RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/12/15(火) 08:19:28 ID:???
Thank you for explaining. I have tightened the security on the yomi server.
Lets see if that helps some with the vandalism.
185名無し編集部員:2009/12/15(火) 13:30:29 ID:4X71vEgW
こんにちは Jimさん。
p2を経由して yomi.bbspink.com にある板に書き込もうとしたら、

これは venus.bbspink.com と同様にp2経由の書き込みを規制したということでしょうか?
186RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/12/15(火) 15:27:54 ID:???
I am testing some settings. It is very strict right now. I can make it stricter, but
I am trying to find the happy setting for everyone.
まつ しか ない、いいです、たぶん。
187名無し編集部員:2009/12/15(火) 15:59:16 ID:4X71vEgW
188名無し編集部員:2009/12/15(火) 16:18:09 ID:4X71vEgW
よく見たら、>>183 で Jimさんが "I have tightened the security on the yomi server." とはっきり書いてますね……。
189名無し編集部員:2009/12/15(火) 19:10:28 ID:Ch3EUpsj
190RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/12/15(火) 21:35:28 ID:???
You are welcome.
191名無し編集部員:2009/12/15(火) 21:54:25 ID:6j9u3Ghg
192RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/12/15(火) 22:02:59 ID:???
I am working on it right now. Please wait.
193RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/12/15(火) 22:18:39 ID:???
Try it now.
194名無し編集部員:2009/12/15(火) 22:22:52 ID:6j9u3Ghg
ありがとうございます<(_ _)>
195RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/12/15(火) 22:35:23 ID:???
Your welcome. Be careful it is still set very strictly.
Good night...:)
196名無し編集部員:2009/12/15(火) 22:57:23 ID:6j9u3Ghg

   ⌒Y  ~ ミ゙/⌒ヽ、_
      ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
197名無し編集部員:2009/12/16(水) 01:23:38 ID:ZR6Hhxa1
Mr.Jim goddess & 'ニー速(pink), Please release
198名無し編集部員:2009/12/16(水) 12:58:20 ID:/mEAh87H


979 :^w^ ◆9eP2POQ/K2 :2009/12/15(火) 19:03:59 ID:bK5II3G6




199名無し編集部員:2009/12/16(水) 13:26:50 ID:R2IEKusH
200名無し編集部員:2009/12/16(水) 13:31:20 ID:hRGT5wlw


・そうではなく固定HNで発言しているだけなら、専ブラ導入して ◆9eP2POQ/K2をNG登録

> またこのような挑発を行っております
201RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/12/16(水) 17:04:34 ID:???
202名無し編集部員:2009/12/17(木) 12:32:32 ID:CwJCbULf


203197:2009/12/17(木) 14:23:04 ID:2RAFVeqb
204名無し編集部員:2009/12/17(木) 14:32:17 ID:9y0RwfzA
205RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/12/18(金) 07:51:02 ID:???
I have been having a lot of connection problems lately.
Maybe I have been blocked....:(
206trip ◆sO35uw8r6o :2009/12/18(金) 11:38:24 ID:IK8l/H6A
lololololol admin blocked from own board...

<< Your IP will be blocked in 3...2... >>
207RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/12/18(金) 11:44:07 ID:???
We will have our company Christmas party today.



208RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/12/18(金) 12:18:59 ID:???
209RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/12/18(金) 12:39:30 ID:???
210trip ◆sO35uw8r6o :2009/12/18(金) 14:10:52 ID:IK8l/H6A
ddで取ったバックアップから復旧しようと思ったらLive Linux環境がない…

let's hope it won't suddenly *poof* like a dream.
211名無し編集部員:2009/12/18(金) 16:13:52 ID:qeGkfu3w
TO JIM-san:
There is a problem on a 2ch burbon system (perhaps because what you have done at >>191-193 )

Details are below(Japanese)
They may turn off the burbon system for bbspink if the problem persists(res536).

(Burbon system -> One of regulation systems against vandals that kicks out
IP address to .htacess deny status temporary(2 hours) when it does too many
requests in a specfied time(10 min) to a server.)
212trip ◆sO35uw8r6o :2009/12/18(金) 17:21:45 ID:IK8l/H6A

528 :未承諾広告※ ◆Rock54hC3G0C :2009/12/18(金) 14:09:54 ID:YYltcV870
Do burbon generation order originate from f22base?

I doubt "HostnameLookups" be set "On" in PINK server's apache.
Apache access-log expected to have IP addresses, instead of hostname, and those servers send those logs with hostname on it...
And boubon-generator lists them up, without ever imagine what they are dealing with is a list of hostnames...
Maybe something like that.

btw, I think I see strange query from tiger506(stats)... some hook commands?

>664 名前: 動け動けウゴウゴ2ちゃんねる [sage] 投稿日: 2009/12/15(火) 23:25:47 ID:BLsP+gMa0
>32 BBON.set.799   mimizun.st.wakwak.ne (mimizun.st.wakwak.ne.jp ) 8
>33 BBON.schiphol.589   kynfb-08p4-23.ppp11.odn.ad (kynfb-08p4-23.ppp11.odn.ad.jp ) 8
>BBQ not responding
>------ END ------
>18:31 ~ yomi goes bad
>22:31 ~ all pink's went bad
>22:41 ~ now nobody's left...

530 :動け動けウゴウゴ2ちゃんねる:2009/12/18(金) 14:41:53 ID:k6rU9axQ0
There were some operations at that time;
Let's talk with Jim-san. Part15

531 :root▲▲ ★:2009/12/18(金) 15:07:06 ID:???0
For reload-burbon generation ops., that's correct.

It goes enabled on all server with F22 on.

532 :root▲▲ ★:2009/12/18(金) 15:08:24 ID:???0
So, what should I do?

- stop kicking reload-burbon generator on bbspink servers from f22base

or something else?

533 :root▲▲ ★:2009/12/18(金) 15:10:23 ID:???0
We have Post burbon and New-thread burbon, in
addition to Reload-burbon. Maybe problem lies there.

534 :root▲▲ ★:2009/12/18(金) 15:11:47 ID:???0
Is it working ok now?

We'll standby till there will be response to >>528.
213名無し編集部員:2009/12/18(金) 17:26:56 ID:qeGkfu3w
TO JIM-san: (Latest news)

Burbon system for bbspink has stopped for now.
(Means bbspink is now vulnerable against crawler and server overload attempts)

The reason:
bbspink servers, unlike other 2ch servers, now passes host names instead of
IP address to the burbon systems. (after around the time >>191-193)
[The cause may be HostNameLookup of httped.conf value on bbspink servers are
changed from Off to On]
It makes whole burbon system to unstable status so they decided to disconnect
bbspink servers from the burbon system.
214trip ◆sO35uw8r6o :2009/12/18(金) 17:32:52 ID:IK8l/H6A
535 :root▲▲ ★:2009/12/18(金) 15:18:28 ID:???0
So, the causes, I think, are;

1) config changed on bbspink www server,
  something not "inverted-ip-address.niku.2ch.net" started to come into BBQ.

2) BBQ(rbldns) won't respond to those invalid query, and will just drop'em.

3) neither direct query nor regular through-DNS query would have succeeded.

4) and that looks like timeout from issuer.

536 :root▲▲ ★:2009/12/18(金) 15:27:39 ID:???0
Also I vaguely understand why みみずん is in burbon in bbspink.

Excluding reload-burbon uses IP address, so it won't work with
hostname, instead of IPs.

We'll wait for >>534, and if they decide to keep its settings,
I'm going to stop calling bbspink reload-burbon from f22base.
215trip ◆sO35uw8r6o :2009/12/18(金) 19:14:41 ID:IK8l/H6A
[569]root▲▲ ★<>
2009/12/18(金) 18:45:29 ID:???0
confirmed a successful .htaccess scheduled update.

I think now issues has been solved,
but we still need a check.

1) bbspink had a system refit.
2) reload-bourbon was damaged in the process
3) all 2ch's .htacccess got poisoned by the corrupt bourbon

4) disconnected bbspink from reload-bourbon
5) de-toxed 2ch's bourbon system
6) de-toxed .htaccess for all of 2ch servers.

...was needed to do.
216RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/12/19(土) 08:56:52 ID:???
I have not turned host name lookups on. And no change to configuration.
However burbon system sounds very nice, but might be a duplicate of something we
already have.
Good morning Everyone.
217RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/12/19(土) 08:59:08 ID:???
All fixed now? Thank you for your help. I was so drunk. Now I am so hang over.
218RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/12/19(土) 10:02:02 ID:???
This concerns me.
1) config changed on bbspink www server,
  something not "inverted-ip-address.niku.2ch.net" started to come into BBQ.
I did not change any configurations.
219名無し編集部員:2009/12/19(土) 11:02:33 ID:MmGEhcJs
The difference between pasegueno and burbon system is
burbon system is for valid for blocking too many threads creation,
too many postings, and too many reading requests (crawling)
to a server in a short period time(using ● or not), thus
helps to decrease server overloads and works as a tool
against vandals as a side effect.
220名無し編集部員:2009/12/19(土) 11:27:58 ID:MmGEhcJs
Another speculation from root-san may help?

581 名前:root▲▲ ★[] 投稿日:2009/12/19(土) 00:10:06 ID:???0
On the second thought after cool down,

<Another speculation>
I think Jim-san may added a tool to modify .htaccess for
doing "deny from [host name]" to the bbspink side servers
instead of changing httpd.conf value.

When Apache process [deny from host name] in a .htaccess list,
it does reverse DNS lookups for ALL accesses in order to match the list.
even if HostNameLookups in httpd.conf was off.

2ch servers were not made such a way, since reverse DNS lookups of
all accesses results severe performance penalty.
2ch handles and writes tools for "deny from [IP address]" only in
the past and won't change it in a future.
<Speculation end>
221RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/12/19(土) 13:11:03 ID:???
Yes, I understand. pasegueno is not set to stop reading requests, although that is
possible. Lets use burbon system for that.
Pasegueno is currently set to only stop to many writing requests.
Yes please cool down...:)
We have been using both ip and dns on the .htaccess for over one year now.
Is it a recent event that has caused this problem? Or it could be an error
or mistake by me. I make mistakes all of the time.
222名無し編集部員:2009/12/19(土) 14:10:01 ID:HDpDHpIo
223名無し編集部員:2009/12/19(土) 14:12:57 ID:MmGEhcJs
The trouble happened just after >>191-193, but
as >>215 says, the poisoning of main reload(reading)
burbon IP list with host names instead of IP address
was the cause. The poisoning may have gone slow
and did not cause fatal error until now if pink servers
were using host names for about a year now.
224RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/12/19(土) 15:18:14 ID:???
We are going to put dual stack ipv6 on pink servers soon.
Will 2ch also want to do this?
225RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/12/19(土) 15:19:10 ID:???
That is on this server.
226trip ◆sO35uw8r6o :2009/12/19(土) 16:05:09 ID:gy2ilmYR
Hi Jim-san.
What root-san is concerned about are hostnames on files for reload-bourbon,
which are collected by f22base server. He says malformed file force-enabled
reverse DNS lookups on all of 2ch servers, and caused malfunction in reload-
bourbon, In
http://qb5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/operate/1223317539/585-595 .
he mentioned that reload-bourbon will be configured to drop anything other than
IPv4 and v6 address, implying 2ch isn't negative to switch to v6. Also mentioned
is that reload-bourbon system has now disconnected from pink to prevent
further problems. I think I've seen root-san post in English. Maybe you can talk
to him directly on this issue.

Anyway, did you enjoy the party?
227名無し編集部員:2009/12/19(土) 16:22:55 ID:MmGEhcJs
ipv6...hmm...ipv6.2ch.net is around for about a year for testing purpose.
But it seems that it is not popular among users. Very little ISP supports
ipv6 in Japan and will take years for typical consumers to use it in common.

If ipv6 <-> ipv4 address conversion can be done without performance
penalty and has proven reliabity, it might be worth checking for them.
In my opinion, 2ch is very conservative as far as network is concerned though.

228RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/12/19(土) 17:38:15 ID:???
I think I caused that manually. I accidently broke the file I was editing it to test
when my internet connection failed.
I thought it would overwrite again in a few minutes and fix it.
I am the vandal...orz
229RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/12/19(土) 17:39:11 ID:???
I will keep you informed of the progress.
230名無し編集部員:2009/12/19(土) 17:52:54 ID:MmGEhcJs
One more opinion, if you would like to put the burbon system back to bbspink server:
There must be a file that contains ip address list to pass it to burbon system when
F22(burbon main server) requests it every 10 minutes. If you are going to fix something,
please make sure that the file does not include any host names in it. If you have no idea which
one is the correct file, it is a better idea to ask for it to root-san.
231RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/12/19(土) 18:19:11 ID:???
That is a nice idea. I can have a text file that I can put the known bad ips on
then send it to the burbon server.
232名無し編集部員:2009/12/19(土) 21:27:08 ID:gy2ilmYR
233POE ★:2009/12/20(日) 00:41:17 ID:???

翻訳人を泣かす事になるけど 存在意義があるってことです
234名無し編集部員:2009/12/20(日) 06:52:07 ID:syUvmhLF
>>233 says it's not worth talking here because most of the stuff are inJapanese.
It makes important things get ruined or fucked up and no true meanings get carried over.
What's the point if there are nothing that means something?
People should think more and try if they really want to convey something straight even if it still gives Jim-san tough time.
It is worth talking here if truely people want to talk.
235RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/12/20(日) 07:50:21 ID:???
はいはい Poe-さん
わたしは きかえました
236RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/12/20(日) 07:53:40 ID:???
ども ありがとう くださいました 英訳
237名無し編集部員:2009/12/20(日) 08:07:25 ID:syUvmhLF
Ay, anytime.
238RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/12/20(日) 08:17:47 ID:???
>>237 あなたは 引続き。
ども ありがとう ございます。
239名無し編集部員:2009/12/20(日) 20:27:31 ID:X+vdS1Kd
240RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/12/20(日) 20:34:31 ID:???
rootーさん の 懲らしめ 自夢
ど 自夢 orz と すみーません。
241名無し編集部員:2009/12/21(月) 05:49:01 ID:XNItPsWm
242RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/12/21(月) 08:49:42 ID:???
この くつ わ はきにくい。
243RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/12/21(月) 08:59:03 ID:???
わたしは いく ここです。
244名無し編集部員:2009/12/21(月) 10:20:14 ID:BX2Sjla4
         ∧_∧ /⌒ヽ
        ( ・∀・)/   |゚:: ゚;゚ ゚  
        ⊂    / ゚.;゚ /; :;;
          \  / 。゚ /.;.;::: 
           ( //⌒ ̄⌒`´ ̄`~ヽ'ー--、
           _/      ιυっ ̄~つyへつ
         /    フっιつ人´ / /つυ^っへ  っっ
       /   /つつ。o/ / / /  ^つっへυっつ
      _/     〉o°o。   。 / /  /°>つっっっつっっ
     /      \γ、。 o 。 /o。/ /つっっつっつ
__/           `⌒ヽっ/ 。/  / っつ) っつっつ
=/     っっ       τ-っつつっ、。|    つ  っつつつ
245名無し編集部員:2009/12/21(月) 12:34:06 ID:cffgEa08
a german bastard of my friends gave me some stupid urls through msn messenger.
here goes like this, ttp://imagees.im.ohost.de/getimage.php?=e-mail_address.
he also gave me some retarded faces too like :O.
watch out for these brainless assholes.
246名無し編集部員:2009/12/21(月) 12:35:27 ID:cffgEa08
and it tries to make me download some .exe.
well, fuck you.
247名無し編集部員:2009/12/21(月) 13:35:32 ID:HgXArQgx
248名無し編集部員:2009/12/21(月) 17:22:36 ID:cffgEa08
that feeling was almost exactly the same as what i had when i watched english chat in "teacup".
i was truely ready to puke.
249名無し編集部員:2009/12/22(火) 00:41:53 ID:HQ67ZGFs
250X_Filed:2009/12/22(火) 16:22:32 ID:mTSDoXpZ
Good day! I am Ronnie, I am the one who's developing the Pasegueno. There was a problem in the limit post of Pasegueno in the
.htaccess. To fix the problem I have removed the "deny from" that has a namespace characters. And at the mean time I will install
the older version of the Pasegueno.
251名無し編集部員:2009/12/23(水) 09:47:13 ID:O0FiGQCO
You guys should call root-tan instead of root-san :-D
252名無し編集部員:2009/12/23(水) 09:54:17 ID:37xg8Qik
253北極ネコ ★:2009/12/24(木) 23:06:03 ID:???
      + 。       *
  *  .☆        。
    ノミ'ヽ  *         .
  。 イミ※ゝ     ハ,,ハ
   ノД♪ミゝ    (*゚ー゚)  Merry Christmas, Jim ☆
  ~⌒i⌒i⌒~  ~(っu'J   +   。
254RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/12/27(日) 15:57:18 ID:???
Merry Christmas to you too. I just got back from the beach.
255名無し編集部員:2009/12/28(月) 07:27:24 ID:htERys3c
shit, does anyone know what kinida crap this is?
one of my msn buds gave me it.
256名無し編集部員:2009/12/31(木) 01:38:14 ID:cCPB71aG
By when is the venus server restricted?
Please deregulate it
257名無し編集部員:2009/12/31(木) 01:40:35 ID:cCPB71aG
As for the P2 account 
258RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/12/31(木) 09:23:31 ID:???
259名無し編集部員:2009/12/31(木) 15:53:52 ID:VvBTNcZC
Because it is useless even if you ask the manager
It asks Mr. jim
260名無し編集部員:2009/12/31(木) 16:23:02 ID:6qcgswd+
hello, people. what's wrong with you guys being so quiet?
it's the end of the year, why not take a place gathering together?
we still got some time left. let's do it.
261RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/12/31(木) 21:22:48 ID:???
It is not useless, please use
here is how.
262RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2009/12/31(木) 21:31:00 ID:???
Yayhay! It will be New Years soon.
263名無し編集部員:2010/01/01(金) 04:37:59 ID:w9nsrjYr
darn, it's already time in japan.
but we still have some time, don't we?
264 【大吉】 【1093円】 @EROyVmNwwM ★:2010/01/01(金) 06:36:00 ID:??? BE:135268122-2BP(100)
Happy new year. Jim-san
265RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/01/01(金) 13:53:25 ID:???
266名無し編集部員:2010/01/01(金) 17:30:43 ID:rtwilsUm
267RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/01/01(金) 17:59:11 ID:???
All the servers can use p2 except venus. However p2 is still picked up automatically
sometimes on other servers, but it is released automatically as well.
268名無し編集部員:2010/01/01(金) 18:31:00 ID:rtwilsUm
>All the servers can use p2 except venus.

It questions though it doesn't know whether venus is restricted until what time
269RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/01/01(金) 20:27:06 ID:???
February 30, 2010
270名無し編集部員:2010/01/01(金) 21:46:17 ID:rtwilsUm
February 30ってアメリカンジョークのつもりか
271RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/01/01(金) 21:57:26 ID:???
貴方 の 資質英明 です
272名無し編集部員:2010/01/01(金) 22:43:37 ID:rtwilsUm
cleverとか言う位ならお年玉(New year's present)で解除して下さい
273RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/01/01(金) 22:57:24 ID:???
I forgot how...:(
274名無し編集部員:2010/01/01(金) 23:09:14 ID:rtwilsUm
Understood goodbye
275名無し編集部員:2010/01/02(土) 12:45:16 ID:Gi2E5yvy
 /⌒\ (__)
   ∩ (・∀・ )\●/  HAPPY NEW YEAR
   Y  ̄ ||y||  ̄`''φ
    Lノ /ニ|| ! ソ >
    乂/ノ ハ ヽー´
276RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/01/02(土) 15:14:35 ID:???
Happy new year to you too. I hope that 2010 turns in to a magnificient year, with
increased prosperity for all that desire it, and happiness for all that can accept it.
277 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2010/01/02(土) 15:42:48 ID:DFYNzwUr BE:1521761459-2BP(100)
The p2 is restricted in the venus server now.
I want to deal with the cause of the restriction.
I want to make the Arashi act disappear.
If Arasi disappears, is the restriction released?
278RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/01/02(土) 16:17:10 ID:???
Yes of course, but I doubt human nature in that aspect.
はいはい おねがいします
いや あらし = いや Restriction
279 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2010/01/02(土) 16:59:32 ID:DFYNzwUr BE:270535924-2BP(100)
Yes, I understand.
I hope you write URL and the log of Arashi in that thread.
I think about it by discussing it reading.

And, I report to ISP etc.
If there is an answer from ISP etc. , and the content is appropriate,
it is necessary to release the restriction.
How about such a methodology?
280RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/01/02(土) 23:22:53 ID:???
I will release it now, and then we can analize if trouble increases.
281 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2010/01/03(日) 00:11:39 ID:IYxHRhEn BE:1082140984-2BP(100)
Thank you.
If the trouble increases, we will discuss it.
282RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/01/03(日) 00:30:59 ID:???
May the force be with us...;)
283 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2010/01/03(日) 00:39:41 ID:IYxHRhEn BE:1521760695-2BP(100)
I also am wishing similarly.
284名無し編集部員:2010/01/03(日) 01:05:45 ID:uuRg6cDh
285RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/01/03(日) 09:59:07 ID:???
>>284 たぶん
さいてい = 裁定
いやだ 最低
286 ◆BBSPINKAys :2010/01/04(月) 17:23:47 ID:D1sLPsNM
287RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/01/04(月) 19:35:33 ID:???
Wow, that is a problem. It could be that the cgi needs to be recompiled.
However I can't do that. I think all of idol has the same problem too.
I saw your post on this in Japanese, but I could not say the right words
so I did not comment.
Wow is first time I have heard the problem though.
Maybe Mumumu-san can help us if he is not to busy. He is a super busy guy.
I am not sure about the dat file problem. You are probably seeing the html
of it. The dat could have been deleted.
288名無し編集部員:2010/01/05(火) 14:26:14 ID:Mtb6reWG
Why RobinHood?
289RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/01/05(火) 17:32:44 ID:???
It is a wonderful story, full of battles and romance.
290名無し編集部員:2010/01/05(火) 21:46:13 ID:xscJHshV

規制解除まだぁー?(・∀・ )っ/凵⌒☆チンチン
291RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/01/05(火) 23:06:45 ID:???
hmmm. Tell me more. I have not heard. I don't live in the US.
292名無し編集部員:2010/01/05(火) 23:15:50 ID:h3L6B1yq
Foolishness is disregarded.
Mr jim

Please arrest it by the federal authority
if you like in the terrorism.
293RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/01/06(水) 00:06:03 ID:???
I think you are talking about the patriot act, that is several years old now.

294名無し編集部員:2010/01/06(水) 01:47:12 ID:pN7W5YJb

295RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/01/06(水) 07:28:22 ID:???
The floods were terrible this year.
296えろばぁーむ ★:2010/01/06(水) 19:53:16 ID:???

I hope you see the following threads.
297RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/01/06(水) 20:12:33 ID:???
I will take a look now.
298RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/01/06(水) 20:34:24 ID:???
299えろばぁーむ ★:2010/01/06(水) 21:17:54 ID:???
300RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/01/06(水) 21:51:19 ID:???
どう いたし まして
Thank you for taking the time えろばぁーむーさん。
301名無し編集部員:2010/01/07(木) 11:50:35 ID:VDsUJgC2
Tanaka, nakanaka, IIMEGANE!
302名無し編集部員:2010/01/07(木) 11:52:08 ID:VDsUJgC2
Sorry, it was just a old commercial on TV.
TanakaVeryNiceGlasses! could be a translation to it.
303名無し編集部員:2010/01/09(土) 14:46:53 ID:PJX9q+dM
304名無し編集部員:2010/01/10(日) 12:21:20 ID:3NSCM+g3
半角二次元板の削除依頼スレにおいて、Misuzuya ★が二度にわたって自分に都合の悪いレスを恣意的に削除しています

305名無し編集部員:2010/01/10(日) 17:51:17 ID:roIe6IN+
306名無し編集部員:2010/01/10(日) 17:58:54 ID:z5rXQmI7
307名無し編集部員:2010/01/10(日) 18:00:27 ID:7sc+uhB8
308RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/01/11(月) 12:45:01 ID:???
This is excite translation.

In deletion request [sure] of two normal-width dimension board, Misuzuya *
abuses the deletion right to have deleted an inconvenient loess arbitrary,
is improper to me the person who suppresses speech extending over two times as those who delete it,
and hopes for the hair-trigger cap deprivation.

The content of the deleted loess is as follows.
There is no hair trigger. Misuzuya has been CAP for a long time. It is absurd to ask
for that now.

309RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/01/11(月) 12:53:00 ID:???
Is there a problem again?
310 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2010/01/11(月) 13:25:13 ID:HuDoeaD2 BE:1657028677-2BP(100)
We are discussing the problem.
That thread is a discussion hall.
311名無し編集部員:2010/01/11(月) 15:09:10 ID:A74ZaQO2
It truly blows when no one replies when you say something on Facebook.
Friends, friends, friends. What?
312RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/01/11(月) 17:05:57 ID:???
It just means you do not have any friends.
313Misuzuya ★:2010/01/12(火) 02:19:52 ID:???
On the deletion request thread, we are not allowed writing except deleteing order.
By the board rule, Objections to the process should be conducted in 削除議論 thread.

I pointed it several times, but they continued the violation.
So, I deleted these writing, unfortunately.
314えろばぁーむ ★:2010/01/12(火) 08:50:29 ID:???

315RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/01/12(火) 09:12:12 ID:???
Misuzuya ★-san
You are a good guy. I know that. Don't worry.
316RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/01/12(火) 09:26:06 ID:???
317えろばぁーむ ★:2010/01/12(火) 09:37:32 ID:???
318RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/01/12(火) 13:14:02 ID:???
どう いたし まして
乙 えろばぁーむ ★ーさん
319えろばぁーむ ★:2010/01/12(火) 18:06:25 ID:???

320Misuzuya ★:2010/01/12(火) 22:41:29 ID:???
thank you, your one and one words help us. :)
321RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/01/12(火) 22:47:41 ID:???
322名無し編集部員:2010/01/13(水) 01:28:17 ID:NEVF1buB
Prostitution is a crime in Japan.
Should I contact police about these postings?
(means the police may contact you about the IP address disclosure)
Or, request the postings deletion and forget about them?

12 名前:あっとC[] 投稿日:2010/01/12(火) 23:21:02 ID:0BY1ow870
I want to do prostitution because I dearly want money.
But I only have sexual intercourse experience twice.
I would like a man to lead me with about 30,000 yen.
Please mail me if you want me.
The mail address is not main(mean sub) address.
No tirekicker please.
I'm 11th grade(16-17 years old) girl *******@****.jp
323RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/01/13(水) 07:48:06 ID:???
What is a tire kicker?
This belongs on the housekeeping thread.
You can also read the Deletion guidelines here.
324名無し編集部員:2010/01/13(水) 08:03:41 ID:dw65CRpT
325名無し編集部員:2010/01/13(水) 09:18:08 ID:u6H6zlnV
Tirekicker = window shopper - A person who look&ask around but never buy a thing.
I am familiar with the guideline. I was asking it because you might like to do anything
about child prostitution posting other than deleting. Never mind if you don't care about it.
326RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/01/13(水) 10:48:12 ID:???
If you are familiar, why the fuck are you asking me?
It is obviously a violation of the guidelines.
No dating, no email addresses, of course child prostitution.
327RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/01/13(水) 10:49:57 ID:???
Please let me make it clear.
Pink Channel is not moderated. If something is reported
then it can be deleted. Moderation makes for liability for the moderator.
Would you like to be a moderator?
328名無し編集部員:2010/01/13(水) 11:13:18 ID:u6H6zlnV
I don't understand why you get angry about it.
I know they are violation postings and would be deleted if I
post the url to the appropriate deletion thread.

Before I report the crime postings to the police, I just wanted
to ask you if it is what you want since the Japanese police may contact
you(and bother you) about the girl's IP address in order to arrest
her (or protect the child from another possible danger).
329RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/01/13(水) 11:28:51 ID:???
The police are aware how to contact me. I think you are just looking for and causing
trouble though. Nobody has two ages. You can't be both 16 and 17 at the same time.
330名無し編集部員:2010/01/13(水) 11:35:55 ID:u6H6zlnV
I am glad that now you understand that I'm not asking about the deletion
but your preference about police reporting.
高2=高校2年生=11th grade=16 years old or 17 years old depending on her birthday.
331RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/01/13(水) 12:06:41 ID:???
The problem is you still don't understand. We don't report, because we don't monitor
the postings. There are to many postings, that is impossible.
The police contact me, when they need my help.
332EROyVmNwwM ★:2010/01/13(水) 12:06:50 ID:???


333RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/01/13(水) 12:18:04 ID:???
We have started disclosing the log for that. It was done the other day.
334EROyVmNwwM ★:2010/01/13(水) 12:21:09 ID:???
335RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/01/13(水) 12:26:13 ID:???
Oh, I see. I think 322 is someone looking to cause trouble.
It is a leading question, like some lawyer might ask.
Please don't worry about that.
336名無し編集部員:2010/01/13(水) 12:37:21 ID:u6H6zlnV
The point was not you or as a bbspink should report it to the
police. I just would like to ask you if I should report it
to the police when I find the posting like that. I know it
will cause to take more time from you for responding to the
police. I'm just worried about it. Sorry about bothering you
about it. I am finished about this topic. Thank you.

337EROyVmNwwM ★:2010/01/13(水) 12:45:02 ID:???

■ 児童ポルノ 通報・削除専用 ■

338RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/01/13(水) 15:04:19 ID:???
I think you should do what you think is the right thing to do.
If you report that is not my business. I am against child prostitution,
I doubt that most of the posts are actually that, and some of them
may even be the police posting to trap individuals that would be interested
in that and get them off the street. I forgot the name of the show, but
there was even a TV show in the US, that followed police around as they
pretended to be young girls on the internet, and then arrested the people
that responded to their advertisements, their chat requests etc.
You do what you and your personal ethics tell you the right thing to do is.
Sorry if I seem to have insulted you. It is a tragic problem, and I don't think
it is something we can do anything about. I understand your frustration.
339名無し編集部員:2010/01/13(水) 15:36:20 ID:u6H6zlnV
No, I do not feel like I have insulted from you. I thought it might be a
some misunderstanding from my English writing or some kind of bias toward
Nonamer. I was trying to dispel the misunderstandings with other postings
of mine. The question was came from worry about increasing your workload.
Thank you for telling your idea toward it. I understand fully about it.
340名無し編集部員:2010/01/13(水) 15:45:56 ID:u6H6zlnV
One thing forgot to tell you - undercover operation is considered to be
illegal in Japan except drug investigation. Any evidence collected from
the operation cannot be used in the court.
341RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/01/13(水) 16:40:42 ID:???
From what I understand, the law is more of a guideline, than a rule, and if you show up
at a rendezvous, and meet the police, you found them on an nonamer bbs. I am sure
not going to bail your pedophile ass out by helping the police then, when most of the time
I make the police work very hard, so that I don't have to.
342名無し編集部員:2010/01/13(水) 17:35:22 ID:u6H6zlnV
Sometimes it is hard to understand your English....at first I thought
you are trying to insult me this time (I am not pedophile, rather
love 30-40 years old matured adult woman :p ) Although I've heard
that an adult who meet/talk a child met over nonamer bbs is arrested
and prosecuted in Canada, I think Japanese law is not so strict....yet.
343RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/01/13(水) 18:00:23 ID:???
No insult is intended. It is not pointed at you directly. It is pointed at the user
that would actually do that.

I have heard stories of other undercover operations in Japan. Is it true
there are detectives that go from soapland to soapland to try to find what
girls have intercourse with their vagina instead of their asshole?
344名無し編集部員:2010/01/13(水) 18:34:58 ID:u6H6zlnV
HaHaha...where did you heard such a hilarious story?
I should say almost all girls working at soapland use vagina. If it
is true, all soapland would have been shut down right away. There
are various reasons for business suspension of soapland, such as
hostclub's host sells a girl to a soapland operator for unpaid debt,
too much advertising for having sexual intercourse inside instead of
taking a bath, or allowed a customer to enter its buildings after
closing time(midnight). They happens in once in a year or two with
more than hundreds of soapland, and extremely rare case.
345えろばぁーむ ★:2010/01/13(水) 18:59:24 ID:???

I hope you read the following threads.
I am waiting for your work.
346POE ★:2010/01/13(水) 20:13:32 ID:???
US法によって管理者が責任を負うものは 積極的に対応した方がいいと思う
347RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/01/13(水) 23:12:55 ID:???
Hi Poe-san. I am sorry you think I am bad. I am really just a regular guy
trying to figure out what to do most of the time. orz
おやすみ なさい
348RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/01/14(木) 10:42:23 ID:???
Wow! hostclub sells girl for unpaid debt? That sounds intense. I have heard that
most host clubs are also owned by the hostess clubs.
This is similar to washing dishes in a cafe, if you don't have enough money to pay for
your meal.
I think the whole world thinks it is mostly anal sex going on at soapland, because
foreigners are not allowed in. Then the birth rate decreases in Japan.
I did not hear the story from a Japanese person though. It was from one of those
Japophiles in the USA.
349RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/01/14(木) 16:05:43 ID:???
I have been challenged to a fat off by another guy that works in my office building.
I am going to put the stats here, just so that I don't forget.

自夢 5'9", 30.9% Bodyfat, 34.9 kg fat, 113 kg weight.

My competitor 5' 9 1/4" 33.3% Bodyfat, 40 kg fat, 120 weight.

We have 90 days from today to see who loses the most bodyfat %
350名無し編集部員:2010/01/14(木) 18:21:25 ID:YpWJpmyq
Usually, if a girl who goes host club gets her debt pile up,
her host introduce her to a loan shark. The loan shark
usually charges 30% or 50% interest every 10 days. Thus
she has to go to soapland or other sex industries to pay back
in the end. The soapland operator in question had asked
the host to introduce someone with the promise of advanced cash.

It is rare, but some soapland allows foreigners to get in
for business entertainment needs of some Japanese company.
351RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/01/14(木) 21:20:19 ID:???
Hmmm. It sounds seedy and devious to me. I suppose it is a cultural difference.
Maybe it is not necessary for me to go to soapland. I prefer my women in binary mode.
352名無し編集部員:2010/01/14(木) 23:41:12 ID:YpWJpmyq
Off course, not all girls in soapland are there for their debt.
Some of them are for their ill health parents, for their dream
like to have their own store/shop, for earning academic fee, etc.

I think soapland is a necessary evil. They may have been contributing
to the Japanese low sex-related crime rate.
353RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/01/15(金) 11:35:09 ID:???
Most of those are good honest reasons to work in soapland.
The debt to the host club sounds like a scam. Is that what the Africans
in Shinjuku are doing?
354花の案内人 ◆FLOWERqR32 :2010/01/17(日) 19:49:43 ID:OryoqVdt
Ladies and gentlemen, your attention please.

If you want a talk about the deletion, use following thread:
Let's talk with Jim-san.on HK.

If you want a talk about the regulation, use following thread:
Let's talk with Jim-san.on RD.

Here, let's chat to be more delightful with Jim-san.
Let's talk with Jim-san. Part15

Thank you.
355RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/01/17(日) 22:02:37 ID:???
Thank you Flower-san. I will follow those threads.
356RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/01/18(月) 20:23:26 ID:???
Is everyone eating Dairy Milk today?
357Iphone3gs ◆RnPZYQR9l19H @Apparently admin ★:2010/01/20(水) 16:29:37 ID:???
I finally got 3G on my phone! Yahoo
358Iphone3gs ◆RnPZYQR9l19H @Apparently admin ★:2010/01/20(水) 16:30:21 ID:???
I finally got 3G on my phone! Yahoo
359Iphone3gs ◆RnPZYQR9l19H @Apparently admin ★:2010/01/20(水) 16:32:44 ID:???
Sorry about the repeat my fingers are to big
360Iphone3gs ◆RnPZYQR9l19H @Apparently admin ★:2010/01/21(木) 09:29:28 ID:???
361 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2010/01/21(木) 09:40:15 ID:lZ84On4g
362Iphone3gs ◆RnPZYQR9l19H @Apparently admin ★:2010/01/21(木) 09:48:37 ID:???
363 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2010/01/21(木) 10:43:10 ID:4wTwC3Sb
364RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/01/21(木) 11:05:47 ID:???

365 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2010/01/21(木) 12:35:11 ID:4wTwC3Sb
I am not good at POST by the cellular phone.
366Iphone3gs ◆RnPZYQR9l19H @Apparently admin ★:2010/01/21(木) 20:47:22 ID:???
Me too but I will try to use this when I am out of the office
367Iphone3gs ◆RnPZYQR9l19H @Apparently admin ★:2010/01/21(木) 20:47:23 ID:???
Me too but I will try to use this when I am out of the office
368Primavera ◆FLOWERqR32 :2010/01/21(木) 22:31:54 ID:4ZnzDm6C
My country is warm like the spring yesterday and today.
369Iphone3gs ◆RnPZYQR9l19H @Apparently admin ★:2010/01/22(金) 12:57:12 ID:???
It is a beautiful day here too thus week-end I am moving back home
370Primavera ◆FLOWERqR32 :2010/01/22(金) 21:10:09 ID:uRuBSFl8
Which do you like better, hot or cold?
The electric bill worries me and so I don't like those...
371RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/01/22(金) 21:42:37 ID:???
I hate the electric bill too. I have gotten used to the hot weather.
When it drops to 19 I feel cold. The electric bill is higher in cold
weather because of the extra heating too.
372名無し編集部員:2010/01/23(土) 12:43:46 ID:3iNYG95+
dude, it's time to go to bed.
373Iphone3gs ◆RnPZYQR9l19H @Apparently admin ★:2010/01/23(土) 22:40:54 ID:???
374 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2010/01/24(日) 05:07:00 ID:kDcc0uAT BE:946873474-2BP(100)
Good morning. Jim-san

2ch has slowed from a part of ISP very much.
It is slow from my house for these several days, too.

The cause of this problem is uncertain.
Were there any problems in PIE?
375Iphone3gs ◆RnPZYQR9l19H @Apparently admin ★:2010/01/24(日) 09:23:41 ID:???
I am not aware of any problems at pie please do a trace route
376 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2010/01/24(日) 11:27:20 ID:kDcc0uAT BE:710155073-2BP(100)
The problem is like the pathway defect.
(I am not good at a technical problem. )

3 4 ms 10 ms 8 ms r001.tokyte00.ap.so-net.ne.jp []
4 11 ms 2 ms 15 ms ote-12Po10.net.so-net.ne.jp []
5 2 ms 14 ms 2 ms
6 2 ms 2 ms 2 ms
7 188 ms 3 ms 203 ms SON-0021.gw2.nrt2.asianetcom.net []
8 2 ms 2 ms 2 ms gi11-0-0.cr2.nrt1.asianetcom.net []
9 106 ms 106 ms 106 ms po2-0.gw1.sjc1.asianetcom.net []
10 106 ms 106 ms 106 ms te3-4.mpd01.sjc03.atlas.cogentco.com []
11 106 ms 106 ms 106 ms te2-2.mpd01.sjc01.atlas.cogentco.com []
12 102 ms * * te2-4.mpd01.sfo01.atlas.cogentco.com []
13 103 ms 103 ms 102 ms te4-5.ccr02.sfo04.atlas.cogentco.com []
14 107 ms 107 ms 106 ms PacificInternetExchange.demarc.cogentco.com []
15 105 ms 102 ms 102 ms qb5.2ch.net []
377Misuzuya ★:2010/01/24(日) 12:05:35 ID:???
Oh, I found your mail sent at Tue, 19 Jan.
I replied that now.

That mail occurses SPF softfail, so Gmail filterd SPAM it..
378Iphone3gs ◆RnPZYQR9l19H @Apparently admin ★:2010/01/24(日) 15:22:33 ID:???
That looks like ok about 100 milliseconds to pie that is normal speed
any faster might be faster than light. Could it be
server troubles? Something needs an upgrade?
379Nobody:2010/01/24(日) 18:43:56 ID:f5xDFy0M
Dear Jim-san.
HELO.Sorry for my bad English.

Queer probrem happens with some server.
The probrem was reported about
tsushima.2ch.net :
qb5.2ch.net :
live23.2ch.net :
love6.2ch.net :
anchorage.2ch.net :
on http://qb5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/operate/1263570526

We can get only some kBs(kilo-Bytes) data and it runs aground(timeout).
But if we type "F5" after the failure,we get all data.
Adjusting MTU and RWIN may reduce the probrem (unconfirmed).

Please help us.
380379:2010/01/24(日) 18:52:16 ID:f5xDFy0M
Sorry,additional infomation.

I confirm the probrem happens only on tsushima.2ch.net(
381EROyVmNwwM ★:2010/01/24(日) 19:13:35 ID:??? BE:1521760695-2BP(100)
It is usually fast from my home.
However, it might be very late recently on several days.
I do not understand the source of a problem. (´・ω・`)
382名無し編集部員:2010/01/24(日) 19:49:56 ID:Lp/y7q7H
It looks like some Cogent's servers has some problems.
Because they are causing packet loss.

In this case, no problem on PIE servers.
And we can do nothing but say "fuckin cogents!" or try to use a proxy.
383RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/01/25(月) 09:40:27 ID:???
Maybe that server needs an upgrade, or a repair. Is there any talk about that?
384名無し編集部員:2010/01/25(月) 18:01:20 ID:TEC8rtyT
Dear Jim さん

Could you see this page? http://www.internettrafficreport.com/main.htm
The chart in this page shows Global Packet Loss for the past 10 days.

Do you think it relate to the problem told in >>374 and other comment?
If you think so, how do you think why it happen and do we have any solution?

Relating living thread of 2ch
http://qb5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/operate/1264343088/ 重い重い重い重い重い重い重い×64@運用情報
http://qb5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/operate/1210515578/ ■ 接続が重い時にtracert(traceroute)の結果を貼ってみるスレ
385RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/01/25(月) 18:12:19 ID:???
It is similar to a page that used to be up called Net Copter. It is like internet weather.
386EROyVmNwwM ★:2010/01/25(月) 18:55:58 ID:??? BE:845423055-2BP(111)

I hope you read the following threads.

Let's talk with Jim-san.on RD.
387名無し編集部員:2010/01/26(火) 13:28:22 ID:tMfgzi9l
gone too far
388名無し編集部員:2010/01/26(火) 13:54:41 ID:P1OORhcF
to where no one has gone before
389名無し編集部員:2010/01/26(火) 14:45:18 ID:tMfgzi9l
search for Rabbit's "Gone Too Far". it's a love song, but not too cheesy. it just will make you feel kinda soft and fresh.
390RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/01/27(水) 12:14:57 ID:???
Just like Star Trek.
Isn't it Boldly goes where no man has gone before?
391RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/01/27(水) 12:15:23 ID:???
I will, just I have to go to doctor right now. Be back later.
392名無し編集部員:2010/01/27(水) 12:23:28 ID:RmD0MGH7
Kirk says "man" while Picard says "one".
393名無し編集部員:2010/01/27(水) 12:23:56 ID:8uKO6CnT
good luck.
394名無し編集部員:2010/01/27(水) 20:53:28 ID:kwtFFGm7
395RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/01/28(木) 16:54:33 ID:???
No surgery, just eye lashes growing on the eye balls. They were plucked out, now
there is no problem.
396RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/01/28(木) 17:03:46 ID:???
Which is better? Maybe man is considered sexist these days.
397名無し編集部員:2010/01/29(金) 08:53:59 ID:DNcwM+c7
I like the later, even computers could have own free will in 23rd century.
When they filmed TOS "man" wasn't a problem I guess.

btw, the iPad...... omgomg thats what ive seen in TNG
398名無し編集部員:2010/01/29(金) 13:01:58 ID:JXJf2+vU
Misuzuya ★が、3度目になる言論弾圧を行いました



399名無し編集部員:2010/01/29(金) 13:04:59 ID:DNcwM+c7
400RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/01/29(金) 22:50:56 ID:???
Ipadddddd. I want it so baddd.
It looks like something that might change everything.
401名無し編集部員:2010/01/30(土) 12:24:58 ID:xHo7RZSG
荒らしているのは、削除人の心得を無視して恣意的削除による言論弾圧を行っているMisuzuya ★の方ですが?
多数含まれており、Misuzuya ★による削除にひとかけらの正当性も存在しない事は一目瞭然です

402名無し編集部員:2010/01/30(土) 12:27:10 ID:xHo7RZSG

また、これらの煽り及び削除依頼も、Misuzuya ★による自演の可能性が高いものです
403名無し編集部員:2010/01/30(土) 12:49:23 ID:Uh/fniKe
>>398 >>401-402

Let's talk with Jim-san.on HK.
404名無し編集部員:2010/01/31(日) 01:21:03 ID:NCsIEQH7
405名無し編集部員:2010/02/04(木) 16:56:31 ID:CN5N0NLj
erocg:お絵描き・創作 [レス削除]
erocg:お絵描き・創作 [スレッド削除]
406Primavera ◆FLOWERqR32 :2010/02/04(木) 20:29:43 ID:nB749E1N
By the way, what is your dinner tonight?
407名無し編集部員:2010/02/05(金) 10:44:41 ID:wViHCs9t
i'm going out for dinner tonight and maybe having some peas and wienies with juice, yum.
408名無し編集部員:2010/02/05(金) 14:25:44 ID:Ta1gRZgE
409RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/02/05(金) 16:05:35 ID:???
I will eat oatmeal with peanut butter tonight for dinner.
I am trying very hard to lose weight and bodyfat.
I have lost 5 kilos in the last three weeks.
410RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/02/05(金) 16:06:04 ID:???
It sounds tasty. With plenty of ketchup I hope.
411名無し編集部員:2010/02/05(金) 16:43:54 ID:rUCkofdz
308 名前:かれん[sage] 投稿日:2010/02/05(金) 12:53:25 ID:TKbcnfCWO


312 名前:かれん[sage] 投稿日:2010/02/05(金) 13:06:17 ID:TKbcnfCWO



322 名前:かれん[sage] 投稿日:2010/02/05(金) 13:17:07 ID:TKbcnfCWO



331 名前:かれん[sage] 投稿日:2010/02/05(金) 13:42:42 ID:TKbcnfCWO




344 名前:かれん[sage] 投稿日:2010/02/05(金) 14:05:39 ID:TKbcnfCWO


353 名前:かれん[sage] 投稿日:2010/02/05(金) 14:14:13 ID:TKbcnfCWO



362 名前:かれん[sage] 投稿日:2010/02/05(金) 14:19:47 ID:TKbcnfCWO



386 名前:かれん[sage] 投稿日:2010/02/05(金) 14:30:33 ID:TKbcnfCWO



414 名前:かれん[sage] 投稿日:2010/02/05(金) 14:47:43 ID:TKbcnfCWO


412名無し編集部員:2010/02/05(金) 16:44:14 ID:rUCkofdz
444 名前:かれん[sage] 投稿日:2010/02/05(金) 15:07:20 ID:TKbcnfCWO




468 名前:かれん[sage] 投稿日:2010/02/05(金) 15:23:35 ID:TKbcnfCWO





513 名前:かれん[sage] 投稿日:2010/02/05(金) 15:41:05 ID:TKbcnfCWO



538 名前:かれん[sage] 投稿日:2010/02/05(金) 15:53:42 ID:TKbcnfCWO



602 名前:かれん[sage] 投稿日:2010/02/05(金) 16:23:55 ID:TKbcnfCWO




625 名前:かれん[sage] 投稿日:2010/02/05(金) 16:29:28 ID:TKbcnfCWO



663 名前:かれん[sage] 投稿日:2010/02/05(金) 16:40:49 ID:TKbcnfCWO



413RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/02/05(金) 19:58:47 ID:???
nice pictures, wouldn't it be better to post them here?
414名無し編集部員:2010/02/06(土) 10:55:55 ID:A38O/8Ur
are they some bitch's pictures having fun?
her, or could be his, tone seems like the one of theirs.
415名無し編集部員:2010/02/07(日) 21:00:06 ID:qO0V5MpC
416RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/02/08(月) 11:22:38 ID:???
この もんだい どうしても とけないんです。
どう やれば いいか おしえてください。
417削除苺 ★:2010/02/08(月) 12:02:41 ID:???
418EROyVmNwwM ★:2010/02/08(月) 12:24:15 ID:???

We will do carefully slowly.
I think that we head for a good direction.
419RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/02/08(月) 14:46:31 ID:???
I actually think we are doing a better job on this subject, then 2ch. Has anyone
else noticed that it is full of it?
420名無し編集部員:2010/02/08(月) 17:51:45 ID:0BKpTLKi
> I think that pink should have been able to regulate bbspink by pink oneself.
> pink will become bad with child porno connection unless pink do.

> It may be difficult to prepare structure of the regulation in pink…….

> For example, pink can do individual regulation.
> Therefore I want a volunteer of pink which comes in a report "dig it please" about a person damaging pink as well as witch-san.
> A volunteer of pink gives a GO signature without a mistake with a PINKccc board in a mass.
421名無し編集部員:2010/02/08(月) 17:56:09 ID:vzDSfZ5D
422名無し編集部員:2010/02/08(月) 17:59:06 ID:TK/gdgwE
How's the progress with Java clients?
I'm waiting for Maru and P2 payments through iPhone App Store...
It'd be pretty easy to do.
423EROyVmNwwM ★:2010/02/08(月) 19:50:45 ID:??? BE:710155073-2BP(111)
People of 2ch do wonderful work.
I want to catch up with them.

424 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2010/02/08(月) 19:53:27 ID:dCNBSzqw BE:541070382-2BP(111)
I think that we are still on the way.
The considerable experience is necessary for us.
425Iphone3gs ◆RnPZYQR9l19H @Apparently admin ★:2010/02/08(月) 22:17:38 ID:???
yes of course it is just so much bigger and even harder to take care of.
426名無し編集部員:2010/02/09(火) 13:22:52 ID:4lA5uIQ+
About child pornography.
If bbspink does nothing eternally, I think that an inspection of FBI reaches.
427RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/02/09(火) 13:50:10 ID:???
We always cooperate with them, when they contact us. There are rules that are followed.
It is the reason we are not moderated.
428名無し編集部員:2010/02/13(土) 13:44:41 ID:l3NZTfA2
運営ボランティアさん指導部屋 2.1号室

429RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/02/13(土) 17:10:16 ID:???
That is a very strong penalty to impose on people that are using their free time
to better this community. There is a problem, but maybe you can think of a better way
to solve it?
430名無し編集部員:2010/02/13(土) 20:58:42 ID:7XdlTiHK
431名無し編集部員:2010/02/14(日) 04:18:49 ID:yebz9YLV
so what? who cares about what's going on behind a curtain? as long as they can be using what are provided, i don't see any problem with it.
and it is indeed a group of volunteers, or not even an organized group. they are only people that think they are doing something nice as they feel like.
think of this, why are there such volunteers instead of actual workers, if you can think.
432RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/02/14(日) 09:00:52 ID:???
Sorry, I am just a white guy. I can't think.
433名無し編集部員:2010/02/14(日) 09:21:41 ID:yebz9YLV
that's alright. take your time with a cup of tea.
btw, >>430 is saying most of pink users cannot see what's going on [in admin. of pink] and sick of it.
just so you know
434RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/02/14(日) 11:38:33 ID:???
Sorry, I am out of tea. Everything going on is published.
By the way, there are new things coming very soon to help with the proxy
435POE ★:2010/02/14(日) 11:52:35 ID:???
あくまでも努力目標であり 命令ではない

ジムさん こんにちは

さてと おでかけおでかけ
436名無し編集部員:2010/02/14(日) 12:13:37 ID:yebz9YLV
should i translate this as well?

>>435 says you should listen to others more.
and it's a good idea to have a statement what you think got to be done.
yes, it is just your saying what to do and not an order or nothing.
anyhow, three days seems too short.
To Jim-san, hi and bye.
437名無し編集部員:2010/02/14(日) 12:15:17 ID:yebz9YLV
it sucks when you have no tea and it's the moment, maybe, you want it, doesn't it?
438名無し編集部員:2010/02/14(日) 12:58:43 ID:qFRkMArF

439名無し編集部員:2010/02/14(日) 13:03:47 ID:qFRkMArF

440名無し編集部員:2010/02/14(日) 13:33:56 ID:lnaGAGsV
441RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/02/14(日) 13:35:51 ID:???
Yes, I am listening.
442RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/02/14(日) 13:36:57 ID:???
I will read and translate later. I have to play hockey now.
After hockey, I will work on it more.
Do you guys really want to know what I am thinking?
443名無し編集部員:2010/02/14(日) 13:49:57 ID:yebz9YLV
not me, but these guys seem to be thinking of themselves cool for fighting in these occupations.
so it will bring up something else here, or possibly, just hoping, cool them down.
i don't care what're in others' minds so long as i'm far away enough to be able just to observe.
have fun in hockey!
444RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/02/14(日) 19:32:46 ID:???
Cooling down is good advice. I will listen to that.
I played three periods! I am exhausted.
445POE ★:2010/02/14(日) 23:42:30 ID:???
I appreciate your translating.............
I didn't say to Jim-san.
その人=どの人も とでも言っておこう

Everyone should listen to others more.
and it's a good idea to have a statement what you all think got to be done.
yes, it is just your saying what to do and not an order or nothing.
anyhow, three days seems too short.

The tunnel vision may cause red terror.
Then, the source which cause red terror is openly and squarely written respectively.
The situation that to delete means attack must be avoided.
And demanding compulsion on free volunteer, too.
If copying 2ch method, it may fall into difficult status.
But it is strange to approve the tunnel vision.
PINKch is adult BBS.
So its best demanding adult compatible from each.
446名無し編集部員:2010/02/15(月) 06:47:30 ID:3u6pSmwu
i bet it would be nice to have a shot of drink after that and maybe go to hotspring.

no worries. a chunk of chocolate from switzerland would be good enough.
447RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/02/15(月) 16:40:05 ID:???
Yes I think three days is to short as well.
448RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/02/15(月) 16:40:46 ID:???
Maple syrup from Canada and some gold medals too.
449名無し編集部員:2010/02/16(火) 13:32:23 ID:a1ucMiC2
You gotta look for gold-medal chocolate. Just eat it!
450名無し編集部員:2010/02/16(火) 13:59:21 ID:6XqtGofi
Results 1 - 10 of about 1,234 for "bite gold medal". (1.234 seconds)
Did you know: Gold medal in Olympic Games are not entirely made from Gold;
          actually it's a gold-plated silver.
451名無し編集部員:2010/02/16(火) 14:01:45 ID:a1ucMiC2
i think i've seen it in Trivia.
452Iphone3gs ◆RnPZYQR9l19H @Apparently admin ★:2010/02/16(火) 15:09:20 ID:???
yes I knew that. I think the reason is to keep
the olympics pure for amateur athletes and
not to make it a monetary prize.
453名無し編集部員:2010/02/17(水) 02:53:14 ID:cY4VAwg/
Nice to meet you. and hello Jimsan.
I have a question for Jimsan.

There is such a rule now.
"You must not perform an upload act with a board of except the goddess board."
"Reproduction Re-upload of the goddess photograph prohibits it."

Thread tittle,
The thread which uploads the image which glean in a goddess board.
Is not this thread violation?
454RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/02/17(水) 07:43:35 ID:???
It is the first time I saw that thread. I don't spend much time on the ascii board.
Is there a problem?
455名無し編集部員:2010/02/17(水) 15:03:42 ID:kY59n/jh
456名無し編集部員:2010/02/17(水) 22:11:42 ID:nZOYiskv
457名無し編集部員:2010/02/17(水) 23:05:27 ID:cXpn9O2g

458RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/02/18(木) 13:42:08 ID:???
This looks very similar to Pink Channel.
459名無し編集部員:2010/02/18(木) 23:21:07 ID:uVD/c618
460Iphone3gs ◆RnPZYQR9l19H @Apparently admin ★:2010/02/19(金) 11:30:27 ID:???
I am at doctor office now. When I get back then I will
update it.
461名無し編集部員:2010/02/19(金) 11:40:21 ID:7Fjkj1er
replacing teeth with Aperture Science Super-Durable Ultra Hyper Ceramic teeth in 3...2...
462Iphone3gs ◆RnPZYQR9l19H @Apparently admin ★:2010/02/22(月) 11:39:41 ID:???
Hmm my upper front teeth are vaneer.
463Iphone3gs ◆RnPZYQR9l19H @Apparently admin ★:2010/02/22(月) 11:42:52 ID:???
my diagnosis. I had a shot for this but it seems to have expired.
464名無し編集部員:2010/02/22(月) 13:33:12 ID:algeTq+4
i've never got one since i got my consciousness at young ages. i guess it sucks more when you are older. take good care of yourself.
465名無し編集部員:2010/02/23(火) 13:41:35 ID:4mqnsCAF
the world is getting bigger in a small society.
466RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/02/23(火) 15:54:52 ID:???
I know I am getting bigger. I try to lose weight, then I get sick.
So when I am sick I don't excersize, and I eat to much.
467RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/02/23(火) 15:55:27 ID:???
Thank you. I will do my best.
468名無し編集部員:2010/02/24(水) 00:43:58 ID:qnfNRQCA
Hello Jim-san.
I sent an email to you.
23 Feb 2010 10:04:15 +0900
Tomohiko Tatsuishi peacepromotion inc.
title `削除依頼`
469RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/02/24(水) 09:18:21 ID:???
I have replied to that email. You should post the email and reply on this.
470名無し編集部員:2010/02/25(木) 01:10:10 ID:PWdnjvW8
>>469 Jim-san
Thank you for your reply here.

Although we've already checked even in spam mail folder of our e-mail box,
we're afraid we haven't received your e-mail for now.

We're very sorry to trouble you, but could you please reply us once more ?
471RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/02/25(木) 07:51:31 ID:???
Yes I will send it again. When I get to the office.
What you ask is impossible, but I have sent you a nice letter.
472(^-^)犬 ◆VET4349ZB. :2010/02/25(木) 08:59:59 ID:QClsdPwr BE:15105986-2BP(9000)
1 anchorage.2ch.net 2010/02/23(火) 18:08:22 PIE.us
2 anchorage.2ch.net 2010/02/23(火) 18:10:42 PIE.us
3 anchorage.2ch.net 2010/02/23(火) 18:11:38 PIE.us
4 anchorage.2ch.net 2010/02/23(火) 18:12:15 PIE.us
5 anchorage.2ch.net 2010/02/23(火) 18:12:54 PIE.us
6 anchorage.2ch.net 2010/02/23(火) 18:14:12 PIE.us
7 anchorage.2ch.net 2010/02/23(火) 18:15:53 PIE.us
8 anchorage.2ch.net 2010/02/23(火) 18:16:25 PIE.us
9 anchorage.2ch.net 2010/02/23(火) 18:16:52 PIE.us
10 anchorage.2ch.net 2010/02/23(火) 18:17:45 PIE.us
11 anchorage.2ch.net 2010/02/23(火) 18:18:30 PIE.us
12 anchorage.2ch.net 2010/02/23(火) 18:19:09 PIE.us
13 anchorage.2ch.net 2010/02/23(火) 18:19:52 PIE.us
14 anchorage.2ch.net 2010/02/23(火) 18:20:19 PIE.us
15 anchorage.2ch.net 2010/02/23(火) 18:20:48 PIE.us
16 anchorage.2ch.net 2010/02/23(火) 18:21:08 PIE.us
17 anchorage.2ch.net 2010/02/23(火) 18:21:39 PIE.us
18 anchorage.2ch.net 2010/02/23(火) 18:22:16 PIE.us
19 anchorage.2ch.net 2010/02/23(火) 18:22:40 PIE.us
20 anchorage.2ch.net 2010/02/23(火) 18:23:11 PIE.us
21 anchorage.2ch.net 2010/02/23(火) 18:24:02 PIE.us
22 anchorage.2ch.net 2010/02/23(火) 18:24:55 PIE.us
23 anchorage.2ch.net 2010/02/23(火) 18:25:35 PIE.us
24 anchorage.2ch.net 2010/02/23(火) 18:26:02 PIE.us
25 anchorage.2ch.net 2010/02/23(火) 18:26:35 PIE.us
26 anchorage.2ch.net 2010/02/23(火) 18:27:12 PIE.us
27 anchorage.2ch.net 2010/02/23(火) 18:27:47 PIE.us
28 anchorage.2ch.net 2010/02/23(火) 18:28:31 PIE.us
29 anchorage.2ch.net 2010/02/23(火) 18:29:16 PIE.us
30 anchorage.2ch.net 2010/02/23(火) 18:29:41 PIE.us
31 anchorage.2ch.net 2010/02/23(火) 18:30:12 PIE.us
32 anchorage.2ch.net 2010/02/23(火) 18:31:03 PIE.us
33 anchorage.2ch.net 2010/02/23(火) 18:31:23 PIE.us
34 anchorage.2ch.net 2010/02/23(火) 18:31:48 PIE.us
35 anchorage.2ch.net 2010/02/23(火) 18:32:02 PIE.us
36 anchorage.2ch.net 2010/02/23(火) 18:32:32 PIE.us
37 anchorage.2ch.net 2010/02/23(火) 18:32:57 PIE.us
38 anchorage.2ch.net 2010/02/23(火) 18:33:26 PIE.us
39 anchorage.2ch.net 2010/02/23(火) 18:34:09 PIE.us
40 anchorage.2ch.net 2010/02/23(火) 18:35:04 PIE.us
41 anchorage.2ch.net 2010/02/23(火) 18:35:33 PIE.us
42 anchorage.2ch.net 2010/02/23(火) 18:35:57 PIE.us
43 anchorage.2ch.net 2010/02/23(火) 18:37:36 PIE.us
44 anchorage.2ch.net 2010/02/23(火) 18:38:19 PIE.us
45 anchorage.2ch.net 2010/02/23(火) 18:38:50 PIE.us
46 anchorage.2ch.net 2010/02/23(火) 18:39:58 PIE.us
47 anchorage.2ch.net 2010/02/23(火) 18:41:47 PIE.us
48 anchorage.2ch.net 2010/02/23(火) 18:43:13 PIE.us
473名無し編集部員:2010/02/25(木) 12:43:58 ID:s2VqRasZ
i got sick. don't you dare, jim-san.
474名無し編集部員:2010/02/25(木) 12:45:46 ID:s2VqRasZ
Eat lots in breakfast, lunch, and less in supper. you don't need to eat so much just to go to bed.
475RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/02/25(木) 14:25:39 ID:???
This was my reply. I hope it helps you.




PINK削除依頼板質問スレッド 4


476RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/02/25(木) 14:26:31 ID:???
Get well soon. I hope you feel better.
477名無し編集部員:2010/02/25(木) 15:46:46 ID:NrIJS+8R

>>472 is the person in charge of advertising posts blocking (Rock54 system) for 2ch (as well as bbspink)

He worries that there are lots of Child Porn DVD sales site ads in 2ch posted and its log says its hostname
is "PIE.us" and worries about PIE server is used as zombie bots or someting.

I personaly think that one of your rental server user (which does not set reverse DNS lookup) hosts
proxy server and posts these ads to 2ch though.

If you would like to obtain more information for tracking the offending user, please anchor >>472 and ask for it.
(I will translate it, if needed, too.)
478RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/02/25(木) 16:42:45 ID:???
pie.us does not have any other sites on it.
Maybe there is a dns problem? The person in charge of rock 54
is not in charge of advertisement on bbspink. Are you talking about
blocking spam advertisements?
479名無し編集部員:2010/02/25(木) 17:59:43 ID:NrIJS+8R
Rock54 system is the way of kicking advertisements as much as possible for 2ch/bbspink.
The person in charge of Rock54 system receives reports at below thread from 2ch/bbspink users
and register the new advertisement to Rock54 system.

ものすごい勢いで広告・宣伝を報告するスレ 184

So, it is not just for 2ch. bbspink receives the benefit as well.
Rock54 system keeps logs of the registered advertisement for blocking purpose.
And the person in charge of Rock54(>>472) finds the hostname "PIE.us" from the
Rock54 logs and asked about the possibility of zombie bots inside the PIE.us server.

480名無し編集部員:2010/02/25(木) 18:02:25 ID:NrIJS+8R
Ah. forgot to mention. above advertisement is meant to be "SPAM advertisement" posts.
481RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/02/25(木) 19:25:29 ID:???
Oh, no it is not that. The default dns for those ips the servers are in is pie.us.
Nobody every changed it. That is the ip that the 2ch server is on.
He is seeing the 2ch server in the logs.
Yes, I understand spam advertisement. There is an official advertising agency
that is taking care of the ads on Bbspink. Hopefully they will be able to sell all
the advertising spots. It is a real help. http://bbs-ad.com/
482479:2010/02/25(木) 22:49:16 ID:+fWEQvPy
IP ranges - belong to the
NT Technology and some of these IP addresses points to "PIE.us"
hostname. If none of them are used for rental server and its security are
solid enough, it might be because the spammer set the false reverse
DNS lookup info on their DNS server.

PIE.us は2ちゃんねるサーバーのホスト名で、過去に誰も変更したことが
483RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/02/26(金) 07:39:01 ID:???
That is a big block of ips.
484(^-^)犬 ◆VET4349ZB. :2010/02/26(金) 09:12:16 ID:7mjfHxAC BE:12588858-2BP(9000)

485名無し編集部員:2010/02/26(金) 12:43:45 ID:R6AzAu5R
i'll try, thanks. i went to bed yesterday around 9 and got up at 7, and yet tired and sick. this is not good.
486RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/02/26(金) 13:28:48 ID:???
Somebody told me the illness I have lasts about three months. Hopefully you don't have
the same.
487名無し編集部員:2010/02/26(金) 13:58:21 ID:R6AzAu5R
ouch, you'd better be careful on yourself. you don't wanna give it to somebody and have it back later on.
i'll be fine in a week, so it should be better.
488RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/02/26(金) 14:11:49 ID:???
I am fighting it. Dr. Jim is experimenting on himself.
I am cleaning my nose with h2o2 10 international units.
1 Loratadine daily
Salbutamal inhaler as needed
This seems to be working on the symptoms well.
489名無し編集部員:2010/02/26(金) 14:21:15 ID:R6AzAu5R
lol, i have no opinion if it is working well. good luck.
i'll start traveling elsewhere. i'm drinking this for you, jim-san and travel, cheers.
chao, sometime later on.
490RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/02/26(金) 14:36:35 ID:???
Hmmm, that is an idea. Single malt might be considered medicine. It is
very good for killing germs.
491名無し編集部員:2010/02/26(金) 14:46:58 ID:aKRg8jOO
Opening portal to beer factory just below jim-san' feet in 3...2...
492RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/02/26(金) 15:29:18 ID:???
Swimming in beer! It is so hot today, that sounds perfect.
493名無し編集部員:2010/02/27(土) 22:15:07 ID:ey0zlzqX
494名無し編集部員:2010/02/27(土) 22:17:34 ID:ey0zlzqX
バーテロ攻撃を仕掛けた。スレッドを乱立するという荒し行為や「Hey Monkey」といった日本人への

ット住人も韓国側を煽るようなスレッド「韓国人さん!八百長板へようこそ Korean’s Welcome」「801板がキ


495 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2010/02/27(土) 22:28:52 ID:8hMdbI5i BE:1082141748-2BP(111)
496RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/02/28(日) 11:19:35 ID:???
What about tsunami? I hope Japan will be ok.
I have heard no news about the Philippines, but the news here is always
497RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/02/28(日) 11:35:30 ID:???
498名無し編集部員:2010/02/28(日) 12:09:06 ID:IAercyuK
In Japan we're receiving alerts for up to 3 meters tsunami for northern pacific coast, 1-2m for other areas.
from 1300 hrs to 2400s. I'm not much worried but I heard people in coast and low area are moving to evacuate.
499Iphone3gs ◆RnPZYQR9l19H @Apparently admin ★:2010/02/28(日) 12:48:48 ID:???
Yes please evacuate. Why take a chance.
500名無し編集部員:2010/02/28(日) 12:56:52 ID:JeGax0Ht
501 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2010/02/28(日) 13:04:54 ID:vIdb8Q7Y BE:2434817489-2BP(111)
Japan has the memory of an intense tsunami.
142 people died of the tsunami of the Chile earthquake in 1960 in Japan.

I am wishing it is safe this time.
502名無し編集部員:2010/02/28(日) 13:06:34 ID:PXnItwda
>>428 is just your bloody opinion, isn't it?
well, i agree a little bit with you that they SHOULD do something about it.
But, hey, guess what? it's not even a complaining from all the people, any organization or nothing.
here, i'll give you an opinion that most of people agree in here, it's not worth it.
so piss off.
503名無し編集部員:2010/02/28(日) 13:09:35 ID:PXnItwda
sorry, >>502 is forward >>500
504名無し編集部員:2010/02/28(日) 14:32:37 ID:480a0311
first batch of waves hitting Hokkaido and Ogasawara. Trains delayed and cancelled in Tokyo.
And I'm getting off train at Akihabara. NHK is showing floodgates closed, hope it's gonna be ok.
505名無し編集部員:2010/02/28(日) 16:40:32 ID:6/Clkbxq
Don't worry Jim-san, it's a nation with all kinds of disasters. They know what to do.
506名無し編集部員:2010/02/28(日) 21:00:21 ID:F0H5jbOw
So far we've got up to 1.2m tsunamis. No injuries, missings, deaths have been reported.
alerts on coasts are still on but turned down to "less that 2m".
507RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/02/28(日) 22:04:45 ID:???
I have heard there were evacuations here, but nothing on the news other than that.
It has been almost impossible to get on the internet today.
508RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/01(月) 18:29:56 ID:???
[loki@thor ~]$ traceroute bbspink.com
traceroute to bbspink.com (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
1 ( 29.834 ms 33.760 ms 51.720 ms
2 ( 183.676 ms 384.630 ms 386.583 ms
3 ( 399.547 ms 401.490 ms 403.454 ms
4 ( 406.413 ms 408.374 ms 409.324 ms
5 ( 412.287 ms 414.247 ms 417.207 ms
6 ( 419.168 ms 134.905 ms 144.923 ms
7 ( 134.874 ms 168.917 ms 158.777 ms
8 ( 167.732 ms 178.695 ms 179.647 ms
9 ( 205.610 ms 207.572 ms 227.530 ms
10 ( 230.494 ms 228.457 ms 248.415 ms
11 ( 245.377 ms 244.346 ms 264.270 ms
12 pos14-0.cr02.hkg04.pccwbtn.net ( 170.936 ms 188.898 ms 185.932 ms
13 if-3-0.mcore3.LAA-LosAngeles.as6453.net ( 327.880 ms 329.822 ms 347.790 ms
14 ( 405.745 ms 407.700 ms 429.662 ms
15 Vlan504.icore1.LAA-LosAngeles.as6453.net ( 395.628 ms 417.583 ms 419.543 ms
16 ( 479.469 ms 482.422 ms 467.386 ms

From my iphone internet tethering. I know one of the tier 1 providers for pie is being attacked
right now. I can see pie from my iphone. I am tethered to it for the internet connection.
509名無し編集部員:2010/03/02(火) 18:47:20 ID:H7daDRq3
Hi Jim-san. it must've been a long day. Keep up on good work and thanks for all the efforts for getting things back.
510RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/02(火) 18:56:05 ID:???
I am disgusted by the events of the last few days.
My sincere apologies to those that were affected.
511名無し編集部員:2010/03/02(火) 19:09:01 ID:K1LqLSLT

【反テロ】 女神の力でネットに平和を 【裸で親愛】
512RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/02(火) 19:18:48 ID:???
The zealots do not want peace.
513RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/02(火) 20:34:41 ID:???
514dai:2010/03/02(火) 20:38:19 ID:0W4BN1JE
515RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/02(火) 20:41:26 ID:???
516RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/02(火) 20:47:59 ID:???
I have blocked all the korean IPs I know. I don't know if that will stop an attack,
but it should help a little bit.
517dai:2010/03/02(火) 20:48:05 ID:0W4BN1JE
post test
518RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/02(火) 21:27:19 ID:???
I have to get some sleep. Good night.
519名無し編集部員:2010/03/02(火) 21:34:40 ID:plgxricS
? ?∧?∧   Onigiris here. Feel free to pick one up and take a break.?
? (´・ω・)  ?
? ( ∪?∪? ,.-、?  ,.-、?  ,.-、   ,.-、   ? ,.-、      ,.-、    ,.-、  ?   ,.-、?
? と__)__)?(,,■)  (,,■)  (,,■)  (,,■)    (,,■)?     (,,■)   (,,■)     (;;■)?
?      南高梅干?高菜 おかか こんぶ ごはんですよ わさび漬け?焼たらこ 焼きおにぎり?
?          ,.-、?  ,.-、   ,.-、   ? ,.-、    ?,.-、   ,.-、   ?,.-、   ?,.-、?
?         ?(,,■)  (,,■)  (,,■)    (,,■)    (,,■)  (,,■)   (,,■)   (,,■)?
?         ?鶏飯 ?いくら ちりめん 豚生姜焼き ?柴漬  塩辛  牛しぐれ かにめし?
?     ?,.-、    ,.-、?    ,.-、   ?,.-、    ,.-、  ?,.-、   ?,.-、   ,.-、?
?     (,,■)   (,,■)    (,,■)   (,,■)   (,,■)  (,,■)   (,,■)  (,,■) ?
?      鮭  鶏ごぼう  ?野沢菜 天むす ツナマヨ  焼肉? 鮭マヨ 松茸御飯?
?        ?,.-、    ,.-、?   ,.-、  ?,.-、    ,.-、   ?,.-、   ,.-、    ?,.-、  ?
?        (,,■)   (,,■)   (,,■)  (,,■)   (,,■)   (,,■)  (,,■)    (,,■) ?
?       エビマヨ ネギトロ  田螺 うなぎ 辛子明太子?スモチ?ゆかり お茶漬けのもと?
?  ? ? ? ? ? ?__          ?    ?    ジャー? ?  ____?
? ?/⌒ヽ ? ? |;;lヽ::/ コポコポ   ?   ? ?    ∧_∧ ? /__ o、?|、?
? ( ^ω^)∫. ?|;;|:::|~          ?  ?   ? ?(?´・ω・)ノ?.ii?|?・ \ノ?
? (  つc□  i===i=i?c□c□c□~~   旦旦旦旦( o   .旦|?・  |?
?| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|  | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|?
?|   American Coffee Here .  ?|  |  ?  Japanese Tea Here? ? ?..|

btw, I heard that N.T.Tech has intentionally shut down 2ch servers to prevent further attacks.
absolutely no offence, but why didn't "ifconfig eth0 down"? indeed it will take more electricity but
it's quicker to restore.
520RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/03(水) 05:07:32 ID:???
I am drinking tea now, it is time to wake up...:)
521名無し編集部員:2010/03/03(水) 15:01:54 ID:hUAjwMT9
Them stupid bastards... just stole whole my empty days!
522名無し編集部員:2010/03/03(水) 15:54:43 ID:DCEsU6Os
what can be stolen if there's nothing inside,
523RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/03(水) 18:31:22 ID:???
They need to be educated. It is a population that lives on hysterical xenophobia.
Japan is not their enemy. Japan is their former protecter, and educator.
They have an enemy. The enemy is directly to the North.
With a lack of guidance, they have gone out of control.
524名無し編集部員:2010/03/03(水) 18:56:50 ID:t31NzK9Q
The Korean meninsula must be......united. End the war or return to the war they have to choose one.
I think they're in right time to do so... now they've got power, know-how, supportive factions, some of
which Japan couldn't have in past half a century.

enough politics, now where's the cameltoe?
525RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/03(水) 19:26:25 ID:???
526名無し編集部員:2010/03/04(木) 14:40:39 ID:DdIHGJo/
> As it is now. We connect to Japan through Japan Telcom and NTT.

× Japan Telecom
○ SoftBank Telecom (SBTM)
527名無し編集部員:2010/03/04(木) 14:44:21 ID:DdIHGJo/
Sorry this is 2008 message wwwwww

528RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/04(木) 21:54:56 ID:???
I think Japan Telcom became Softbank.
529RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/06(土) 14:26:59 ID:???
I just cooked a big pot roast. It is so tasty..:)
530名無し編集部員:2010/03/06(土) 18:43:27 ID:IbTaG33B

531名無し編集部員:2010/03/06(土) 18:48:25 ID:9EZGXWva
ものすごい勢いで広告・宣伝を報告するスレ 185
532RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/07(日) 08:26:25 ID:???
It is not my website. I can't do anything about it. orz
533POE ★:2010/03/07(日) 11:07:14 ID:???
534名無し編集部員:2010/03/07(日) 21:51:13 ID:t9OMSU3S

BBSPINKのサイトポリシー 3a. にも反しているようですが
535RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/08(月) 08:26:38 ID:???
In case some of you are not familiar. This is the site policy.
536名無し編集部員:2010/03/08(月) 09:39:21 ID:vDvNSD2X
Minkch.com is obtaining the affiliate profit by using the image
up-loaded to the megami board without permission.
so megami stopped up-loading image.
537RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/08(月) 13:31:11 ID:???
That is very bad.
This is the contact information in the whois.

Registrant Organization: paperboy and co.
Registrant Street1: 2-11-25 Daimyo Chuo-ku
Registrant Street2: Shinei Bldg 6F
Registrant City: Fukuoka-shi
Registrant State: Fukuoka
Registrant Postal Code: 8100041
Registrant Country: JP
Registrant Phone: 81-927137999
Registrant Fax: 81-927137944

Name Server: dns01.muumuu-domain.com
Name Server: dns02.muumuu-domain.com

I recommend contacting them, and complaining directly.

It does not look like a real company though.
538RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/08(月) 13:32:37 ID:???
This is the dns server owner. Same company.

paperboy and co. corporation
kazuma ieiri ()

Shinei Bldg 6F
2-11-25 Daimyo Chuo-ku
Fukuoka-shi, FUKUOKA-KEN 8100041

Administrative Contact:
paperboy and co. corporation
kazuma ieiri (info@paperboy.co.jp)
Fax: 81.927137944
Shinei Bldg 6F
2-11-25 Daimyo Chuo-ku
Fukuoka-shi, FUKUOKA-KEN 8100041

Technical Contact:
paperboy and co. corporation
kazuma ieiri (info@paperboy.co.jp)
Fax: 81.927137944
Shinei Bldg 6F
2-11-25 Daimyo Chuo-ku
Fukuoka-shi, FUKUOKA-KEN 8100041

Status: Locked

Name Servers:

539RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/08(月) 13:35:33 ID:???
[Querying whois.apnic.net]
% [whois.apnic.net node-2]
% Whois data copyright terms http://www.apnic.net/db/dbcopyright.html

inetnum: -
netname: SAKURA
descr: SAKURA Internet Inc.
descr: 1-8-14, Minami Honmachi, Chuo-ku, Osaka 541-0054, Japan
country: JP
admin-c: JNIC1-AP
tech-c: JNIC1-AP
remarks: Email address for spam or abuse complaints : support@sakura.ad.jp
mnt-lower: MAINT-JPNIC
changed: hm-changed@apnic.net 20041013
changed: ip-apnic@nic.ad.jp 20070523
source: APNIC

role: Japan Network Information Center
address: Kokusai-Kougyou-Kanda Bldg 6F, 2-3-4 Uchi-Kanda
address: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0047, Japan
country: JP
phone: +81-3-5297-2311
fax-no: +81-3-5297-2312
e-mail: hostmaster@nic.ad.jp
admin-c: JI13-AP
tech-c: JE53-AP
nic-hdl: JNIC1-AP
changed: hm-changed@apnic.net 20041222
changed: hm-changed@apnic.net 20050324
changed: ip-apnic@nic.ad.jp 20051027
source: APNIC

This is the company that owns the IP. The "Paperboy" is paying them money.
They must have his real contact information.
540RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/08(月) 13:36:37 ID:???
If it is any consolation. I have blocked several sites in the past that are owned by
this "Paperboy".
541名無し編集部員:2010/03/08(月) 14:36:32 ID:K/XbxFna

"paperboy" is just a domain-name sales company.
It is widely used by spammer or underground contents provider
because it hides owner identity pretty well.

When it needs complaining about spam posting, Domain-name
provider will not do anything about it. Complaining to the
(rental) server hosting service owner may work.

Lookup "minkch.com" ->
Reverse Lookup -> 125-6-172-135.data-hotel.net

It means minkch.com is hosted by data-hotel.net hosting service (ttp://www.datahotel.ne.jp/)

542RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/08(月) 17:07:28 ID:???
I hope some people complain. I am really tired of having to follow the rules and do the right thing.
Other people should have to do the right thing as well.
Thank you for the information about Paperboy.
543名無し編集部員:2010/03/12(金) 15:40:50 ID:O4SgiUFd
Nice to meet you Mr. Jim-san.

I'm studying English now and I wolud like to get a new job.
You did a good job at krea attack.
Relax and enjoy your day.

I'm going to write this board after day.
544名無し編集部員:2010/03/12(金) 16:26:18 ID:5/b7ob46
paperboy also does some kinds of server rental and www related services
545RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/12(金) 19:42:18 ID:???
You are welcome to post. I will do my best to use proper English. However my English
has been ruined.
546RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/12(金) 19:44:12 ID:???
It is really dissapointing to me, that they allow people to do what they are doing.
I produce content, and spend money paying models, and get proper releases.
When people steal content, it is bad. It is piracy, just like stealing music or a movie.
547RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/12(金) 20:20:55 ID:???
NEEDED: Volunteers!
Hi Guys, I have made some beta accounts for the open proxy problem.
I need some volunteers to test it. Tomorrow I will send these accounts out.
If you have been having a problem posting because your isp is blocked.
Please send me an email. Please include your CAP, this is for CAP only to
548EROyVmNwwM ★:2010/03/12(金) 22:01:06 ID:??? BE:405802962-2BP(111)
I do not understand completely.
However, I send mail.
549名無し編集部員:2010/03/13(土) 12:57:34 ID:JbSnDAWh
550RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/13(土) 16:12:53 ID:???
Okutta desu.
551EROyVmNwwM ★:2010/03/13(土) 18:21:34 ID:??? BE:710155837-2BP(111)
I received mail.
552RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/13(土) 19:05:33 ID:???
I hope you enjoy it. I have made one for all the CAPs that are active. First come first serve.
553名無し編集部員:2010/03/13(土) 20:24:13 ID:PI9C97yG
dear jimmy jimmie jim!
mmmmmmmmmmmmm!i wish i was there w/you!
i mean if that pot roast was a really pot roast though…lol
i kindda thought somethin' nasty when you say "tasty"mmmmm!
anyway,how do you cook meat?do you know "slow cooker"?
that is wonderfull all you have to do is put the meat in the pot(from my experience eye of round is the best for pot roast)
and veggies such as potates onions carrots etc …around the meat then press start botton and that's it!
it takes 4 to 8 hours depend on high or low power but by time you get home from work though,
that nice juicy(mmmmm) pot roast is ready for you!just 4 u!

…so,how are you doing?fine,ihope.i didn't foget to ask,i was just so impressed by "tasty pot roast"lol
well,as for me,i'm SOOOOO depressed!OTL
this is my first time talking to you and i really do need some advise.
i went to your blog but I don't know how to use it…embarrassed ?yes, i was. 'cause maybe ordinary user like me shouldn't touch your blog.
obviously,its not a personal problem,it's relatered to your website yet other user trying to reach my presonal info too much lately.
i kinda know where i should go to solve this problem,but if i do that ,then I have to explain my personel info such as where i live and some.
that's why i rather talk to you instead if you don't mind. PLEASE PLEASE suger on top!!
thank you and wherever you are,have a great day.keep in touch!
554北極ネコ ★:2010/03/13(土) 20:57:34 ID:???

          (゚、 。`フ _  What...?
          _」、 "∨
       └じl_r' ,)
555RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/13(土) 22:27:45 ID:???
I cooked it in the electric oven for three hours on 150 degrees.
Until the center was 185 degrees farenheit.
It turned out well. Potatos and rosemary with it.
556RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/13(土) 22:28:37 ID:???
Sorry, I have not updated my blog in a while.
557名無し編集部員:2010/03/13(土) 23:31:06 ID:+VsNK+jD
          (゚、 。`フ _  the...fuck...
          _」、 "∨    IS this.
       └じl_r' ,)

558RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/14(日) 08:48:47 ID:???
That is someone having a problem. They didn't say the problem though.
It is very cute writing, so let them write and we will find out the problem.
559543:2010/03/14(日) 17:02:39 ID:p/42Umaq
Thank you for your response, Mr. Jim-san!

I tried to interview at the new work, however I recieved notification of rejection.....
Feel down! Come down off a high!

Recently I wolud like to become a network engineer, administrator what use to router ,server,and so on.
Mr.Jim-sam, when did you try to about network job?
If possible, please some advice, Mr. Jim-san.

Thank you read my writing!
560RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/14(日) 17:44:14 ID:???
It is normal to get rejected at interviews. If you go on ten interviews, then you should
find one that fits you and the employer. These are difficult times to be looking for jobs
and you might have a little lower conversion than that.
There are a lot of different types of network jobs. I think most people try for the
microsoft engineer jobs. They are probably not the best paying though. The routers
and most isps do not use microsoft products.
561名無し編集部員:2010/03/14(日) 18:05:54 ID:aD+r86q5
One thing I know about Microsoft is that their software sucks, hardware rocks.
oh thats two things I know about'em...
562543:2010/03/14(日) 19:07:14 ID:p/42Umaq
I feel grateful, Mr.J! I see! I got it!
Your advice is very comforting for me. I have more incentive.
I feel I shuld study at varieties of business feelds of IT.
So I would like to get my best path to the future!

From now at PM9:00 in Japan, I am going to work.
Have a lovely day! Mr. Jim-san!
563RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/15(月) 12:03:18 ID:???
XBOX is awesome....:) Windows is not...;)
564名無し編集部員:2010/03/15(月) 12:12:02 ID:mQzoumEb
aside from its failure rate, which is a problem in designing *software*, of course.
565RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/15(月) 13:18:58 ID:???
Please do your best.
566名無し編集部員:2010/03/16(火) 13:40:36 ID:sYj7EmVZ
Misuzuya ★のキャップ及びあらゆる権限を剥奪してください

567RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/16(火) 13:56:42 ID:???
568RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/16(火) 14:00:29 ID:???
I get so many spams everyday. I think I should start listing some of the funny ones here.
Subject: Avoid being incompetent in love
Date: Mon, 15 Feb 2010 21:07:37 +0100 (Tue, 04:07 PHT)

Something like viruses or hypertension tries to spoil your normal life?
With our portal you will remove problems with ease!
Click, find and order!
With our rich variety of goods and lowered prices you will always be <strong>a satisfied purchaser!
569RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/16(火) 14:04:57 ID:???
Subject: Caplets for ero-deeds
Date: Wed, 22 Dec 2004 00:49:16 -0800 (16:49 PHT)

Attention: Dear

We wish to inform you that the diplomatic agent conveying the Package box valued the sum of $4.8 Million United States Dollars in a consigment box misplaced your address and he is currently stranded at your International air-port now. We required you reconfirm the following informations below so that he can deliver your consignment box to you today.

NAME: ===============================
ADDRESS: ============================
MOBILE NO.:==========================
CODE NUMBER: ===================0140479

Please do contact the Diplomatic Agent with the email below with the informations required.Contact Person : Agent Diplomaic David Martin EMAIL:(da) He is waiting to hear from you today with the informations.

NOTE : The Diplomatic Agent does not know that the content of the package box which contains your $2.8Millions United States Dollars in a consignment box and on circumstances should you let him know the content. The consignments was moved from here as family treasures, so never allow him to open the box.

Regards Thanks.
Dr.chris Ibe

570RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/16(火) 14:12:47 ID:???
Subject: Diplomas for everybody.
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 2010 18:44:09 -0400 (Tue, 06:44 PHT)

BECAUSE YOU DESERVE IT! Is your lack of a degree holding you back from career advancement? Are you having difficulty finding employment in your field of interest because you don’t have the paper to back it up even though you are qualified? If you are looking for a fast and effective solution, we can help! Call us right now for your customized diploma:
571RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/16(火) 14:17:46 ID:???
Subject: Do you want me again? "I love you madly I want!
Date: Thu, 28 Jan 2010 18:06:49 -0500 (Fri, 07:06 PHT)

I sexual Russian blonde, want to see, come closer Please Register
572名無し編集部員:2010/03/16(火) 14:56:54 ID:fps7S9mY
I wonder how much profit spammers actually get......would it ever pay?
573RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/16(火) 15:05:03 ID:???
They get huge profits. If you need a diploma, Buying one is the easiest way.
574名無し編集部員:2010/03/17(水) 13:40:04 ID:egT/Gh97
http://babiru.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/housekeeping/1205936635/612 が暴言でなければ、この世に暴言などというものは
575名無し編集部員:2010/03/17(水) 13:41:30 ID:egT/Gh97
即刻Misuzuya ★のキャップ及び全権限を剥奪してください
576名無し編集部員:2010/03/17(水) 13:49:47 ID:WvzuHXKa

577名無し編集部員:2010/03/17(水) 15:38:00 ID:ugN3aJGX
578RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/17(水) 15:38:47 ID:???
Please post spanking posts to SM board.
Do you like spanking?
579RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/17(水) 15:41:20 ID:???
580名無し編集部員:2010/03/18(木) 02:32:27 ID:Lj8Mzisu
I cannot do understanding about setting of VPN Server well.
581RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/18(木) 08:20:38 ID:???
This is a nice faq explaining how to use vpn.
582北極ネコ ★:2010/03/18(木) 23:11:31 ID:???

          (゚、 。`フ _  What is it?
          _」、 "∨  I send a mail to you...
       └じl_r' ,)
583RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/19(金) 08:05:28 ID:???
I received your email. I have replied...:)
584Misuzuya ★:2010/03/19(金) 21:45:54 ID:???




585RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/19(金) 22:14:38 ID:???
586名無し編集部員:2010/03/19(金) 23:43:38 ID:cplzmHMB
587名無し編集部員:2010/03/20(土) 00:20:45 ID:BvW5ft48
588名無し編集部員:2010/03/20(土) 02:01:06 ID:gBALnAPG
589RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/20(土) 07:40:36 ID:???
590RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/20(土) 07:41:41 ID:???
>>588 そうだ
591名無し編集部員:2010/03/20(土) 09:46:43 ID:2jQYpLt2
very cute♥
592RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/20(土) 10:55:54 ID:???
I think that my feet are similar to hobbit feet. Are they cute in that way?
593RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/20(土) 11:15:19 ID:???
Some of my mail for the day.

Subject: 【完全無料】ワケ有り人妻との即会いエッチ
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2010 20:34:03 +0900 (19:34 PHT)

☆┓   ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄  ┏☆
┗☆┓ 淫┃ら┃な┃人┃妻┃は┃好┃き┃で┃す┃か┃┏☆┛
 ┗☆ ━┛━┛━┛━┛━┛━┛━┛━┛━┛━┛━┛☆┛





594RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/20(土) 11:16:35 ID:???
Subject: Stop premature ejaculation & increase sperm volume √ Impress your partner by shooting that sperm with more power and precision that ever before.
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2010 15:37:49 -0400 (Thu, 03:37 PHT)

It's the only 100% natural sex pill that has no cardiovascular or physical side effects
595RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/20(土) 11:17:26 ID:???
From: mrjim7@nttec.com
To: mrjim7@nttec.com
Subject: ViaGrow is the only 100% herbal formula that works even with alcohol
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2010 17:11:14 -0300 (Thu, 04:11 PHT)

Alcoholic? Dont despair - ViaGrow will have you fully energized and pumping that rod in a flash...
596RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/20(土) 11:18:26 ID:???
This one is really funny to me. They are good spammers. The email is not
even mine. Yet I still receive the email.
597RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/20(土) 11:19:02 ID:???
Subject: Unlimited power in mating
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2010 10:50:47 -0300 (21:50 PHT)

She rode me so hard
You Have Everything To Gain!

Incredible gains in length of 3-4 inches to your penis, PERMANANTLY
Amazing increase in thickness of your penis, up to 30%
Experience ROCK HARD erections
Explosive, intense orgasms
Doctor designed and endorsed
100% herbal, 100% Natural, 100% Safe
The proven natural penis enhancement that works!
100% Money Back Guarantee

Make sure your pecker becomes a howitzer. Amazing results
598RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/20(土) 11:20:47 ID:???
Subject: indicated the position of the
Date: Fri, 19 Mar 2010 11:33:02 +0200 (17:33 PHT)

, the cynosure of all eyes and the somewhat
bewildered recipients of our former comrades'
eager questions. As for Smellie, with the considerate kindness which was always one of his most prominent characteristics, h

599RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/20(土) 11:23:50 ID:???
Subject: I like to have a new date
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 2010 08:44:36 +0530 (11:14 PHT)

I'am interesting to date with you.... I like to have a new date and I have a serious plans on the future.
About me... I am 29 years old but i did not find my real love. i am working as a teacher in small school, living with my brother and my dad
I can telling you more about me and i want to know more about you...

Buy the way my name is Lyudmila and i would like to send you my pic and if you like, you can answer me on:
600RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/20(土) 11:25:32 ID:???
To: undisclosed-recipients : ;
Date: Fri, 19 Mar 2010 16:22:47 +0100 (23:22 PHT)

This letter is from The IMF Committee on Fund Management And Payment newly inaugurated by the World Financial Services Authority of The United Nations.

This committee was set up to discover all outstanding unpaid/unclaimed fund being owned by Governments or Individuals all over the globe through Contract Payment/Inheritance and Lottery Winning Prize Awards.

Through our investigation last week, it may interest you to know that we discovered an unclaimed fund in your favor and we have been mandated to ensure that this fund gets to you without any delay.

Therefore you are required to confirm your full name, address and telephone number to enable us create a payment file regarding the release of your fund immediately.

Yours Faithfully,
601RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/20(土) 11:26:23 ID:???
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 2010 23:09:49 +0100 (Fri, 06:09 PHT)

Dear Beloved,

With warm hearts I offer my friendship, and my greetings, and I
hope this letter meets you in good time. It will be surprising to you
to receive this proposal from me since you do not know me personally.
However, I am sincerely seeking your confidence in this transaction,
which I propose with my free mind and as a person of integrity from
God. My name is Mrs. Roseline Gupta. from Malaysia. I am married to Dr James Gupta who worked with the English Embassy in Hong Kong for nine years, Before he died in 2005.

We were married for eleven years without a child.He died after a brief
illness that lasted for four days. Before his death we were both born
again Christians.Since his death i decided not to remarry or get a
child outside my matrimonial home which the Bible spoke against.When my husband was alive he deposited the sum of $22million (USD) [twenty two million USD] with a finance company in Europe. Presently, this money is still with the a security company in Europe. Recently my doctor told me that i will take the grace of GOD for me to live one year more due to cancer problems.

The Bible made us to understand that blessed are the hands that
giveth. I took this decision because I don`t have any child that will
inherit this money and my husband's relatives are not Christians and I
don`t want my husband hard earned money to be misused by unbelievers.

I don`t want a situation where these money will be used in an ungodly
manner, hence the reason for taking this bold decision. I am not
afraid of death hence i know where am going. I can only communicate
with you via email because of my health I cant always call you because of my health and my in-laws around me but I will always try if chance permits me.

Thanks for your cooperation.

If you are interested contact me on my email address:
602RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/20(土) 11:26:44 ID:???
That would sure buy a lot of new servers.
603RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/20(土) 11:27:32 ID:???
Subject: Creampie action pics
Date: Fri, 19 Mar 2010 18:07:10 -0400 (Sat, 06:07 PHT)

BBWW red head in pantyhose in non nude ppics
604RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/20(土) 11:28:03 ID:???
To: undisclosed-recipients : ;
Subject: Contact the Governor Immediately.
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2010 21:11:58 -0400 (Thu, 09:11 PHT)

View attached file.
605名無し編集部員:2010/03/20(土) 12:11:20 ID:2jQYpLt2
i liked >>595>>597

>Alcoholic? Dont despair

>100% Money Back Guarantee
> Amazing results

if you want to money back,you have to let them know your size before hand!!XD
why these pleasure goods are always made by herbs and natural ingredients?lol
606RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/20(土) 12:44:56 ID:???
All things are natural. Not all things are good.
I am not certain if this ad is to cure my alcoholism
or my erectile disfunction. heheheheheheh
607名無し編集部員:2010/03/20(土) 12:47:08 ID:aU+ZcfoH
608RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/20(土) 12:47:58 ID:???
I thought it was beautiful and should be on Electric Buddha.
609RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/20(土) 12:50:21 ID:???
Subject: еnglish - fоrever!
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 2010 06:58:39 -0100 (15:58 PHT)

Увaжaемый пользовaтель интернeт!

Английский с индивидуaльным прeподaвaтeлeм - этo нaилучший спoсoб выучить язык!

Вы мoжете быстрo убедитьcя в этoм: разница будeт заметна ужe поcлe пoceщения всегo нecколькиx индивидуaльных занятий! Нaчать индивидуальные занятия Вы можете уже сeгодня, пoзвoнив по номеpу 89175512413 и дoгoвоpившиcь co мнoй o вpемeни первого занятия.

Нecкoлько слов обо мне и мoeм опытe: я индивидуaльный пpеподaвaтeль английского языка, мoй стаж 25 лeт рaботы в мocкoвcкoм языковoм ВУ3e и acпиpантуpе. Я вeду зaнятия пo мeтодикe индивидуaльнoгo интeнcивнoго oбучeния - TАK BЫ ЕЩЕ НE 3АНИМAЛИСЬ!!

Главнoе преимущeствo моeгo пoдxoдa зaключаeтcя в том, чтo обучeниe ведeтся c учетом индивидуaльных, возрастных и пcихoлoгических ocoбeнноcтeй личноcти пo спeциaльнo для Baс pазрабатывaeмoй индивидуальнoй прoгpaмме. При пoдбоpе прогpaммы такжe учитывaeтся poд Bашeй дeятельнoсти и cфеpа интеpесoв, благoдаря чему заниматьcя станoвитcя лeгкo и интepеснo, бoльшая часть учебногo матepиaлa усваиваeтся интуитивнo - без утoмитeльных заучивaний и мoнoтoнных упрaжнений. Haпрoтив, Вac ждут интеpecные виды рaбот: игры, рoлeвыe и коммуникaтивные зaдaния.
610RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/20(土) 12:51:36 ID:???
Subject: You should know about this drug!
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 2010 14:21:28 +0100 (21:21 PHT)

Dear friend,

Don't wait for tomorrow, make your your life happy now.

- sexually healthy
- pain killers pills
611RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/20(土) 13:00:22 ID:???
Subject: Come in, jim! 75% Discounts all week
Date: Sat, 20 Mar 2010 06:48:25 +0300 (11:48 PHT)

2009-2010 were. All rights reserved.
After starting work as a law clerk at the U.The Kuiper Belt Electronic Newsletter.Up to 50,000 eastern European migrant workers may have left Ireland towards the end of since 2008. A b Borger, Julian (February 26, 2008). The Ohio State University Timeline 1870 TO 1899, The Ohio State University Archives. Christopher, Memoirs
on the Inhabitants of the Maldive
Islands. Broadway, as the name implies, is a wide avenue in New York City, which runs the full length of Manhattan
and continues into the
Bronx. This
is to
allow trends in consumption to be monitored and production quotas allotted. Additionally, it is the only city in North America in


six Class I railroads meet. Many albums also come with liner notes and inserts giving background information or analysis of the recording, reprinted lyrics, images of the performers, or additional artwork and text. As of 2005, the only remaining administrator is Doug Boushey who now is principal at Meridian Middle School.

Sister Rosetta

Tharpe was also recording shouting, stomping
music in the

1930s and 1940s that in some ways contained

major elements of mid-1950s rock

and roll. York County,

612RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/20(土) 13:00:54 ID:???
New York, United States Census 2000. However Charles granted these terms
only out
of desperation and later repudiated them. Pennsylvania has 51miles (82km) [3] of coastline along Lake Erie and 57miles (92km) [4] of shoreline along the Delaware Estuary. It differs from a mane, however, in being at the jaw line below the ears, of much less hair length, and frequently
not noticeable, whereas a mane extends above the ears of males, often obscuring their outline entirely. By the


police had driven dealers off the streets, thus reducing drug-related violence.... White went to third after Thurman Munson singled.Since the 1986 census, the number of adherents has increased from

80,387 to around 370,345 in

2001. Students who live in on-campus housing are not allowed to participate, because
other residents may have


as early
as 8 am the following day. It is this structure that began the

building of the Imperial

Forums.Called the "Navicella", it is based on a design by Giotto (early 13th century) and represents a ship symbolising the Christian Church. This subsided


613RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/20(土) 13:01:01 ID:???
a political agreement in 1998. Helsinki-Vantaa Airport is the


and busiest airport in Greater Helsinki and Finland. An awakening in the young American culture

began to

take place.

defending the accused murderer Titus Annius Milo, was so shaken by a Forum seething with armed soldiers that he was unable to complete his defense. The temple was located on the south side of the Imperial Drive, three leagues (li) outside the Xiyang Gate.Dooley had a mansion called Swannanoa built on Rockfish Gap, Virginia in 1912. The following towns and villages

have a significant Sami population

or host Sami institutions (Norwegian, Swedish, Finnish or Russian name in parenthesis). The Transatlantic Slave Trade Alexander Ives Bortolot. The economic crisis that struck all post-Soviet countries in the 1990s was nearly twice as intense as the Great Depression in the countries of Western Europe and the United States in the 1930s. A Wales team also plays in the English Minor Counties competition. While the Financial District had few non-commercial tenants after the 1950s, the area has seen a surge in its residential population, with estimates showing over 30,000 residents living in the area as of 2005, a jump from the 15,000 to 20,000 before the September 11, 2001 attacks.However, despite fears and some disruptions, the Soviets did not embark on a wholesale blockade of Vienna as like in the case of Berlin. An offence which requires an indictment.On August 29, 1941, Viipuri was recaptured by Finnish troops and, soon after, the Government of Finland formally annexed it along with the other areas lost
in the
Moscow Peace Treaty. By the tenth century, sources state, there was no village in Mesopotamia that did not grow sugar cane. Some time in 71 BC, he set off for
Italy, along with his army. As of the census [1] of 2000, there were 56,255 people, 24,524 households, and 14,665 families residing in the city, and 402,000 people in the Pensacola MSA. The Al-Aqsa Mosque congregation building. Rome draws exiles, refugees, the dispossessed, criminals and runaway slaves. In Podolia alone, about one-third of all the villages were destroyed or abandoned between 1578 and 1583. His letters to Moscheles are in the Brotherton Collection, University of Leeds. For schools, parks and secondary streets, to the district assemblies, so that they are able to set priorities autonomously.At the district court, Carney has been handling complex civil and criminal matters, including patents, copyrights, trademarks, securities, business finance, civil rights, drug conspiracies and white collar crime. Juan Rosai, physician, Italian-born American surgical pathologist. The United States Postal Service operates post offices in Manhattan. In 1900, the problem of sewage was largely resolved when Chicago reversed the flow of the river, a process that began with the construction and improvement of the Illinois and Michigan Canal and completed with the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal leading to the Illinois River which joins the Mississippi River. Two years after his consulship, Pompey was offered command of a naval task force to deal with piracy in the Mediterranean Sea.The climate type in southern Finland is north temperate climate. The Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island.International rankings of Finland. Wednesday, October 11, 2000 at Yankee Stadium (I) in Bronx, New York. He was a hero of the Republic, who seemed once to hold the Roman world in his palm only to be brought
by his own poor judgment and Caesar.Between them and metropolitan France there can be no conceivable
secession. Official website of the film adaptation.
614名無し編集部員:2010/03/20(土) 14:30:36 ID:2jQYpLt2
i buy kinky stuff,usually from pleasure party or whatever they call.
the hostess gives sample away and she let us use her bathroom to try them.
to go home and make your boyfriend or husband very happy♥
party for women only,it's just girls night out kind of things.
so,what can i do 4 ya?^^

Subject: еnglish - 4 ever! would be better!XD

i don't recieve much spams,but chain mails alot.
my favorite one was the pamperd chef with male models(naked with apron and pots in their hands!)^^

adios 4 now.
615RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/20(土) 15:36:44 ID:???
It is better to spell the number out if it is a low number. With a computer it is probably
ok to spell it out up to 1000 Just a few more key strokes.
I thought it was hilarious that the whole message was in Russian, and the subject
was english forever.
Now I know what really happens on girls night out.
I have never received any pamperd chef emails.
616北極ネコ ★:2010/03/20(土) 20:19:04 ID:???
I ended setup. The account of VPN was set to my computer.
I attempted to connect to your VPN server with PPTP.
And then, the connection establishment succeeded.
617Iphone3gs ◆RnPZYQR9l19H @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/21(日) 00:42:58 ID:???
great, I hope it works very well for you. I am still
working on some routing problems and getting the reverse
dns to be correct, まつしかない it will be really good.
618RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/22(月) 17:08:49 ID:???
Can you test it again? We have just fixed some routing problems.
Next is fixing the reverse dns problems. Arin seems to be giving me problems
with the templates I am turning in. RTFM is not working well for me though.
619北極ネコ ★:2010/03/22(月) 18:29:35 ID:???
I connected to your network now.
620PIE.us@北極ネコ ★:2010/03/22(月) 19:20:22 ID:???
621えろばぁーむ ★:2010/03/22(月) 19:27:59 ID:???

622EROyVmNwwM ★:2010/03/22(月) 19:29:27 ID:??? BE:1082141748-2BP(111)
623RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/22(月) 20:12:08 ID:???
Excellent. I will check your post now.
624RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/22(月) 20:13:17 ID:???
Faq in Japanese is coming soon. まつしかない いいです。
625RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/22(月) 20:18:17 ID:???
It is so excellent! You have an IP from pie.
It is not just a proxy, it is a real static IP assigned to you.
This is a big difference and a big break through from the proxy
system that a lot of other people have been using.
626RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/22(月) 20:18:46 ID:???
627PIE.us@北極ネコ ★:2010/03/22(月) 23:05:41 ID:???

   (*゚ー゚)  にぁ~
628PIE.us@北極ネコ ★:2010/03/22(月) 23:13:04 ID:???

629RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/23(火) 07:12:55 ID:???
I will put new dns on that for the reverse dns. Then .us won't be a problem.
630名無し編集部員:2010/03/23(火) 08:16:34 ID:pYS1OANu
Keep up your excellent jobs, people!
631Iphone3gs ◆RnPZYQR9l19H @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/23(火) 20:53:25 ID:???
I am working from a remote location until Friday . The surf is up.
632POE ★:2010/03/23(火) 21:00:30 ID:???


Gooooooood idea!
e.g. pinkvolunteer.com/jimsfriend.com/
It would be fun!
need choose partner sending account, but it is valid as self-introduction when posting formally to 2ch.
633Iphone3gs ◆RnPZYQR9l19H @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/23(火) 21:11:40 ID:???
If anyone needs me, I am here.
634Iphone3gs ◆RnPZYQR9l19H :2010/03/23(火) 21:13:59 ID:ZeCTBBPI
wow that does sound cool.
635名無し編集部員:2010/03/23(火) 22:02:37 ID:j0+okQus
can i come in?you got a big suite?
636Iphone3gs ◆RnPZYQR9l19H :2010/03/24(水) 02:11:03 ID:h4q9Z8rc
who is there?
637Iphone3gs ◆RnPZYQR9l19H :2010/03/24(水) 08:12:02 ID:h4q9Z8rc
The ocean is flat like glass. The surfers are standing on their boards and rowing around with oars. J the surf instructor says. "Don't worry dude, the waves will come around nine this morning."
638名無し編集部員:2010/03/24(水) 11:25:11 ID:MvVSVi59
hello jim

The management of megami is negligent. What should I do to become a person from whom I delete it?
639名無し編集部員:2010/03/24(水) 11:48:01 ID:atIjSsKy
To all VPN account holders,

We will be shutting down the VPN server for maintenance. It should be back online in a few hours.


640Iphone3gs ◆RnPZYQR9l19H @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/24(水) 11:54:39 ID:???
you could volunteer to be a deleter. This is an important thing. We have a wiki talking about it. This is the place to start. http://deleter.bbspink.com
By the way, what we have now on 女神 board
Is better than before. It still needs improvement though.
641Iphone3gs ◆RnPZYQR9l19H @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/24(水) 11:56:12 ID:???
642名無し編集部員:2010/03/24(水) 15:41:35 ID:jm5uz3Uc
VPN server is up and running at the moment. However, we will need to shut it down again tomorrow at around the same time. I will notify later with details.

643Iphone3gs ◆RnPZYQR9l19H @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/24(水) 18:16:42 ID:???
>>642 進捗状況
644Iphone3gs ◆RnPZYQR9l19H @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/24(水) 19:18:04 ID:???
645名無し編集部員:2010/03/24(水) 22:19:15 ID:fPLMfR73
it's me!............

have you played nintendo before?(haha!)

so,you're having a good time out there?
it's very pretty,it reminds me of Eva beach Hawaii.
for the surfers,Northshore is pretty famous.
646Iphone3gs ◆RnPZYQR9l19H @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/25(木) 08:44:30 ID:???
Hi Mario. I used to play you on my super nintondo.
647Iphone3gs ◆RnPZYQR9l19H @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/25(木) 08:48:17 ID:???
I have never been to Eva beach. I saw the sunset at Sunset beach a few years ago.
648名無し編集部員:2010/03/25(木) 09:59:51 ID:Kz7eMFfI

649名無し編集部員:2010/03/25(木) 10:01:24 ID:yQcurOq+
650名無し編集部員:2010/03/25(木) 10:38:38 ID:kKWGJLVj
To all VPN account holders,

We will be shutting down the VPN server for maintenance again. It should be back online in a few hours.


651名無し編集部員:2010/03/25(木) 10:51:19 ID:kKWGJLVj
VPN server is back online.

652Iphone3gs ◆RnPZYQR9l19H @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/25(木) 11:13:48 ID:???
653Iphone3gs ◆RnPZYQR9l19H @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/25(木) 11:16:00 ID:???
654Iphone3gs ◆RnPZYQR9l19H @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/25(木) 11:54:49 ID:???
655名無し編集部員:2010/03/25(木) 13:12:01 ID:U0tLSbMA
656Iphone3gs ◆RnPZYQR9l19H @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/25(木) 15:13:34 ID:???
657Iphone3gs ◆RnPZYQR9l19H @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/25(木) 20:59:01 ID:???
>>656 Hehehe, I get my KIX in Kansai.
658名無し編集部員:2010/03/26(金) 01:12:42 ID:Uo4iepCv
百里飛行場=Hundred-mile Airfield
659Iphone3gs ◆RnPZYQR9l19H @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/26(金) 09:26:16 ID:???
I have been waiting all week for big waves now they are to big and the beach is closed.
660Iphone3gs ◆RnPZYQR9l19H @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/26(金) 09:40:19 ID:???
661名無し編集部員:2010/03/26(金) 12:39:43 ID:5rG6X7fE
i feel for you,Jim-san.
tomorrow will be the last day right?>>631
i cross my finger for you,so don't worry!............?
662661:2010/03/26(金) 12:44:54 ID:5rG6X7fE
i forgot the time is different!!
my bad......i hope you're still enjoying out there without BIG waves......sorry!
663Iphone3gs ◆RnPZYQR9l19H @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/26(金) 13:38:48 ID:???
I am already driving back. Next time I try again. Neptune has his reasons, it is not for mortal to decide the seas.
664名無し編集部員:2010/03/26(金) 18:43:55 ID:5nwQPGPN
665RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/26(金) 19:37:45 ID:???
They don't wear T backs in the Philippines. The girls are very conservative here.
666名無し編集部員:2010/03/27(土) 11:04:04 ID:rmXt17Qb
Asian girls are on the other hand so bitchy to have such short skirts covering about nothing.
667RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/27(土) 12:09:02 ID:???
Some of the spam I missed this week at the beach.

Subject: Wanna meet a beautiful girl?
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2010 11:53:48 +0000 (19:53 PHT)

A good-looking Russian lady is waiting for her true love. I hope to find a kind, honest, trustworthy and down-to-earth man to start a family. Welcome to my profile to see my pictures!
668RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/27(土) 12:09:48 ID:???
Subject: Ty, and it chanced I knew them all. Courtney had a red rose
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2010 00:46:58 +0100 (07:46 PHT)

Ers. "That, for the War Department,'" he said contemptuously. "Besides,

I'm too old to learn a new profession," I objected. "A new profession?"
he questioned. I nodded. "The profession of being an Archduke." "If I might judge by the Birthday Ball,"

he laughed, "you will hav
669RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/27(土) 12:11:54 ID:???
Subject: We're looking for remote representatives in US
Date: Sat, 27 Mar 2010 09:37:02 +0800

A car store seeks remote employees.
What is the essence of the job being offered: car sale ads appear in your city and our customers want to purchase these cars.
A small prepayment is usually made to the seller to reserve the vehicle for our customer.
However, recently, there have been some swindlers who offer non-existent cars and disappear after receiving the prepayment.
In order to eliminate this risk factor, we hire employees in all cities to verify such sale information.
How this is done - we agree beforehand on a trip date, send you passport information of both the seller and car,
and you need to come (within your city limits, no further) and check if the actual information complies with that supplied by us.

You need to check the seller's documents, vehicle papers and whether the car actually exists.
You get $50 to 300 for this simple assignment.
Since this check is subject to the interest of our customers in a car purchase, any 'false' (unpaid) trips are excluded.
Number of trips per week: from 1-2 (at the beginning of work) to 5-7 (after the first probation month).

1. Officially contracted job
2. Travel expenses covered + monthly bonuses
3. Earnings in addition to your current job
4. No need to sell anything or look for customers

1. Mobile and stationary phone
2. Access to e-mail via Internet or mobile phone
3. Minimum age: 21

If you are interested in this job offer, please send the your free form application to:
670RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/27(土) 12:13:01 ID:???
Subject: User friendly interface makes AutoCAD 2009 64 bit easy to be used.
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2010 20:07:26 +0700 (21:07 PHT)

AutoCAD 2009 32 and 64 bit for Win
Retail price: $3999.95
Our price: $169.95

# The ribbon interface
# ViewCube and SteeringWheels tools enhanced
# The new Layer Dialog
# Easily customizable quick properties menu
# Quick view feature

Requirements :
# Microsoft Windows XP/ XP Professional/Vista
# Windows XP Professional x64 Edition or Windows Vista 64-bit for 64-bit AutoCAD 2009
# Intel Pentium 4 processor or AMD Athlon, 3.0 GHz or greater or Intel or AMD Dual Core processor, 2.0 GHz or greater
# 2 GB RAM or greater
# 2 GB free hard disk available not including installation
671RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/27(土) 12:15:07 ID:???
Subject: Pecker enlargement free trial here
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 2010 15:40:49 -0530 (Mon, 05:10 PHT)

Give your body a chance to grow by four inches
672RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/27(土) 12:16:39 ID:???
Subject: Great enlargement benefits with your new pills
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 2010 12:40:27 +0400 (16:40 PHT)

Women want men with bigger penises - it's true.
673RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/27(土) 12:21:07 ID:???
Subject: ★☆2009~2010年ルイヴィトン新作コピー大量入荷!☆★
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 2010 02:14:28 +0900 (01:14 PHT)

:*..☆:* .:☆:*:..☆.:.*.: :.*.:☆:.:* ..*:.☆:*..☆:* :☆:*:..☆.:.

┏━┫ ◆ 女性の憧れエルメス・バーキン、ケリー!◇ ┣━┓
┗━━┛          ┗━━┛

┬┫ ◆ 根強い人気のルイヴィトン春の新作!◇ ┣━┓
┗━━┛          ┗━━┛

┬┫ 時計の王様ロレックス続々入荷! ◇      ┣━┓
┗━━┛          ┗━━┛



:*..☆:* .:☆:*:..☆.:.*.: :.*.:☆:.:* ..*:.☆:*..☆:* :☆:*:..☆.:.
674RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/27(土) 12:32:52 ID:???
Subject: MicroCap's Shares Go Higher?
Date: Sat, 20 Mar 2010 20:37:15 +0000 (Sun, 04:37 PHT)

Symbol: BISU.OB
Last Trade: $0.42 (+ $0.02)
Short Target: $1.40~

Often times it's not the stocks we hear about everyday that bring the heftiest gains. Often times it's small, little known companies that all of a sudden become known. Simply ask yourself this question. Do you really want to buy a stock at $20 per share and wait months or possibly years to see a 20% - 100% increase? Or would you rather buy stock in a small, viable company and realize a short-term gain of 100% - 3,000%? Take for example,BIO-SOLUTIONS CORP. (OTCBB.BISU), a public holding company whose core business is focused in Green BioTech sector.

We're at the dawn of a new age in Green Biotech solutions and BISU is positioned to expand its current market nucleolus even further. Our Technical Analysis indicates BISU is ready to breakout big time! The stock has been undergoing a steady long-term uptrend with healthy consolidation periods. BISU s has a positive 58.80 and the stock has been in a positive MACD trend all last week! Last November, BISU had a similar chart pattern and the stock ran up an incredible 325%! Do your research and get ready for Monday, BISU should gap open and run.
675RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/27(土) 12:35:54 ID:???
Subject: New Neoprene Gear - Slick, Shiny, Sexy & Hot
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 2010 18:47:39 -0700 (Sat, 09:47 PHT)

It's fair to say we've fallen in love with Neoprene... Slick, Shiny, Sexy & Hot - and besides being a material that simply feels great on your body, it's Addictive. We've been working double-time to make sure our new pieces look as good as they feel. Enjoy our latest additions...
New! Neoprene Ass-Open Shorts with Cod Piece

We know you want to have your ass open to the world - but we know you're going to want to pull you dick out too. Even if you don't remove the cod piece, the stretchy neoprene still allows for easy access to your dick. Enjoy the freedom to have it both ways with the hottest new piece to roll off the
Mr. S Neoprene production line.

Ass-Open Cod Piece Shorts - $99.95
676RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/27(土) 12:41:44 ID:???
Subject: Re: Re: hi mate
Date: Sat, 27 Mar 2010 00:04:02 +0100 (07:04 PHT)

hi richard...

I quit my job. Now I`m making $8000-$15000 a month by "working" 4-5 hours a day :) I`ll tell you how I`m doing it because you also halped me 2 years ago when I needed help.
I found a way how to win in roulette everytime, I only bet on reds or on blacks. If you bet $1
on reds and it goes red you win $2, if it goes black you loose your $1.
So I bet $1 on reds, if it goes black I bet $3 on reds, if it goes black bet $8 on reds (I always multiple my previous lost bet around 2.5), if it AGAIN goes black bet $20 on reds, if this time it goes red I win $40.
So I bet $1 + $3 + $8 + $20 = $32 and I win $40 so I just made $8 and it took me around 2 minutes. Did someone ever paid you $8 for 2 minutes work? If I play for 4 hours I make $300-$500, EVERYTIME. That`s why I quit my daily job.
Now all you have to do is find a casino that allows progressive betting in roulette. I play here and for 6 months I made almost $80k. And don`t worry about casino, they make millions off jerks called "regular players" :) You just have to download casino games, register and start playing, you can first practise by playing virtual money (choose "play for fun"). You`ll find roulette in "speciality games". You can share that info but only with your friends or family. I won`t wish you luck because with that method you won`t need it, you`ll win everytime :)

best regards
677RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/27(土) 12:42:42 ID:???
Subject: Underreported Income Notice
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 2010 03:47:06 +0800

Taxpayer ID: hoge-00000034618565US
Issue: Unreported/Underreported Income (Fraud Application)

Please review your tax statement on Internal Revenue Service (IRS) website (click on the link below):

review tax statement for taxpayer id: hoge-00000034618565US

Internal Revenue Service
678RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/27(土) 12:51:31 ID:???
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 2010 05:31:21 -0800 (21:31 PHT)

D.C. 20535-0001
Website: www.fbi.gov


This Is An Official Advice From The FBI, Foreign Remittance/Telegraphic Dept. (FRTD), It Has Come To Our Notice That The ADB (African Development Bank) And C.B.N (Central Bank Of Nigeria) Africa Has Released Your Part Of Inheritance/Contract Payment Of 10,500,000.00 U.S Dollars Into Bank Of America In Your Name As The Beneficiary.

The Bank In Africa Knowing Fully Well That They Do Not Have Enough Facilities To Effect This Payment From Europe To Your Account, Used What We Know As A Secret Diplomatic Transit Payment S.T.D.P To Pay This Fund Through Wire Transfer. They Are Still Waiting For Final Confirmation From You On The Already Transferred Funds, To Enable Them Crediting Into Your Account Accordingly. Secret Diplomatic Transfer Payment Are Normally Funds Related To Drug/Terrorist And Money Laundry System Of Payment, Why Must Your Payment Be Made In Such Secret Transfer , If Your Transaction Is Legitimate And Not Related To Drug/Terrorist And Money Laundry, Why Can't The Bank In Africa Via Europe Effect Direct Transfer Into Your Account Than Secret Diplomatic Payment Transfer.

Due To The Increased Difficulties And Unnecessary Scrutiny By The American Authorities When Funds Come From Through Such Payment Process From Europe, Africa And Middle East, Based On The Records We Had In The Past Always Identified Such Method Of Payment As Drug/ Terrorist/Money Laundry Funds, To Avoid Problem With The Us Government As Soon As These Funds Reflect In Your Account In The U.S.A, It Is Our Mandatory Obligations To Ascertain The Documentation And Certification Of This Funds Before The Final Crediting Into Your Account.

We Advice You Contact Us Immediately, As The Funds Have Been Stopped And Held In Our Custody Pending When You Were Able To Provide Us With A Diplomatic Immunity Seal Of Transfer (Dist) Within 3 Days From The United Nation International Fund Monitory Unit (UNIFMU) That Authorize The Transfer And Certified That The Funds Originated From Africa And Middle East Is Free From Terrorist/Drug And Money Laundry Or We Shall Confiscate The Payment. We Will Allow The Funds To Be Release Into Your Account Immediately You Make Provision The Required Document.

You Will Be Directed Where And How To Get The Document If It Is Not In Your Possession.

Mrs.Kait Key: Seceratry to:

FBI Director

679RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/27(土) 12:52:10 ID:???
I think the real agency has a full time employee that just checks spelling.
680RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/27(土) 12:52:59 ID:???
The link is to a bad page in a .co.uk domain.
Does not sound Amelican to me.
681RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/27(土) 12:54:13 ID:???
This one comes with a whole bunch of reply emails, about how much the dudes won.
Forgive me, but if I owned an online casino. I would make sure nobody one except me.
682RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/27(土) 12:54:52 ID:???
The only really cool spam I received all day. I feel like posting their url, but I won't.
683RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/27(土) 12:55:13 ID:???
I meant >>675
684RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/27(土) 13:08:04 ID:???
This type of spam must work. They went up to .50 the next trading day.
with 423,712 trades.
Of course they are back down to .35 now.
with 6155 trades yesterday.
Honestly I don't have a clue, but Anti Malaria is important, and that seems to be
their focus.
685名無し編集部員:2010/03/28(日) 04:38:19 ID:oQPpeAda
four inches......that's about 8㌢(cm)......wow!
not really,it's not true,it's not a size......depend on how to use it!

being a woman,i'd like to have REAL things,not copies!lol
i laughed on last one you posted in Japanese.>>593
686Iphone3gs ◆RnPZYQR9l19H @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/28(日) 09:00:34 ID:???
I am glad you enjoyed it..:)
When I get some juicy ones I will post
687名無し編集部員:2010/03/29(月) 01:09:17 ID:++j3agzm
According to police, illegal information on the site reached nearly 3million.
Even though there are illegal pornographic images, about 2000 case did not respond
to requests of removal. It have accounted by 2ch for 60%.

Japanese police showed a strong determination to crack down the site administrator.

688名無し編集部員:2010/03/29(月) 01:20:12 ID:++j3agzm
Instead of 3 million, reached nearly 30000.
689Iphone3gs ◆RnPZYQR9l19H @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/29(月) 11:48:10 ID:???
I have made that mistake before. In the USA we put the comma before every third digit like this. ,000,000 in japan you place it differently.
690名無し編集部員:2010/03/29(月) 11:57:16 ID:QZq5S2ta
Or keep numbers seperate between three digits like 290 000 000 as 290,000,000, don't you?
691名無し編集部員:2010/03/29(月) 12:14:22 ID:/JhmqrA7
Places to put comma in is same when we use arabic numbers only. However we pronounce 123,456 like 十二万三千四百五十六 and
sometimes write them down in that or 12万3456 form. 十 means 10, 千 is 1k, 万 is 1k^2 , units after that will be 1k^n . Like K, M, G in SI units.

692名無し編集部員:2010/03/29(月) 12:41:59 ID:5MSUMxpa
万 is 10k

693名無し編集部員:2010/03/29(月) 12:47:34 ID:uDJeACeE
694名無し編集部員:2010/03/29(月) 12:58:52 ID:QZq5S2ta
Was ist Das?
695名無し編集部員:2010/03/29(月) 13:03:26 ID:uDJeACeE
696名無し編集部員:2010/03/29(月) 13:33:25 ID:QZq5S2ta
697名無し編集部員:2010/03/29(月) 14:41:31 ID:5MSUMxpa
sorry, I don't know english.
kmg equal Kilo, Mega, and Giga

698RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/29(月) 14:41:43 ID:???
I saw the movie. Tom Cruise has to ask, do you understand this number?
Million seems to be a difficult concept. In Arabic it is seven places. 1,000,000
(M) Roman numerals might be simpler for this. M is one thousand and parentheses
around the M indicates it is multiplied by one thousand.
699RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/29(月) 14:42:36 ID:???
So, that is like kilo mega gram?
700RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/29(月) 14:44:55 ID:???
How many pounds is a kmg?
701名無し編集部員:2010/03/29(月) 15:02:35 ID:5MSUMxpa
Kmg is what written continuing [ kilo, mega, giga ].
It doesn't relate to the kilogram. :-)
702Iphone3gs ◆RnPZYQR9l19H @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/29(月) 18:44:50 ID:???
Can you write the number digit length for kmg?
I don't know how big 1 kmg is.
703名無し編集部員:2010/03/29(月) 18:48:14 ID:++j3agzm
I'm sorry that was deceived by Google translate.

"3万件" equals "30,000 result" in general. But Google translated it "3 million".

I feel some relief, seeing many people confuse with it. ^^
704RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/30(火) 16:41:28 ID:???
If we were Doctors we would understand better...;)

Subject: Doctorate degree can be yours.
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2010 00:30:39 +0500 (03:30 PHT)

BECAUSE YOU DESERVE IT! Is your lack of a degree holding you back from career advancement? Are you having difficulty finding employment in your field of interest because you don’t have the paper to back it up even though you are qualified? If you are looking for a fast and effective solution, we can help! Call us right now for your customized diploma: Inside U.SA.: 1-718-
705削魔除 ★:2010/03/31(水) 02:04:35 ID:???
> 海外ドメイン規制(us)。2ちゃんねるビューアを使うと書き込めます。
> ホストPIE.us
> 名前: PIE.us

It is overseas domain regulation (us). You can write it if you use the 2.ch viewer.
A host PIE.us
name: PIE.us

The overseas domain seems to be regulated.
706名無し編集部員:2010/03/31(水) 04:34:55 ID:C/i2l42P
By the way, who is EROyVmNwwM ★??
Can you explain about him?
Ev'ryone knows about'im.
I know you(Jim) is reader of bbs pink.
So you should do it.
What i said is wrong?
707名無し編集部員:2010/03/31(水) 04:41:01 ID:C/i2l42P
I hope EROyVmNwwM ★ is not 79.
I know sweet pussy should NOT do such a thing.
708名無し編集部員:2010/03/31(水) 05:07:55 ID:C/i2l42P
Ev'ryone knows about'im -> Ev'ryone wants ta know about'im
709名無し編集部員:2010/03/31(水) 05:37:03 ID:C/i2l42P
You must kill Nakao, fuckin Jap kichigai
710RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/31(水) 06:50:30 ID:???
Step by step. I am working on the reverse dns now.
711削魔除 ★:2010/03/31(水) 08:37:06 ID:???
A note is not possible for a reason to "be an overseas domain".
It is resisted by 2ch.
Or cannot we merely yet do it now?

Have Jim-san written it in 2ch using VPN server?

An error is given.

Anyone must not murder Nakao-san.
712Iphone3gs ◆RnPZYQR9l19H @Apparently admin ★:2010/03/31(水) 09:16:24 ID:???
the restriction is from 2ch, I think it is ok because we need plenty of defense. Yes I have posted with the VPN. Right now I have only given cap people VPN accounts, because of the reverse dns restriction. The reason things have been going slowly is that I not good atpdifyong arin information. My templates keep getting rejected.
713RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/04/01(木) 19:15:49 ID:???
Good news, I have had some success with the reverse dns. However now I have to change the ips.
It is a holiday, so I will change the IPs on Monday, and that should solve the posting
problem for the vpn users.
714204.63.14.21@Apparently admin ★:2010/04/02(金) 10:45:41 ID:???
I think this is some success. At this time the vpn server is issuing individual IPs
and is not working like a open proxy. It is really good...:)
I am working on setting up dnsmasq. I am having some problems with that. When
it is done, then there will be valid reverse dns on each "dial up" account.
715204.63.14.11@Apparently admin ★:2010/04/02(金) 12:40:52 ID:???
Please try again writing again, I am using the vpn server now. It is working.
716204.63.14.11@Apparently admin ★:2010/04/02(金) 13:32:05 ID:???
I have also posted to 2ch with vpn server.
It is getting better and better.
717204.63.14.29@POE ★:2010/04/02(金) 15:33:00 ID:???
718204.63.14.29 ◆/zZzZz/POE :2010/04/02(金) 15:34:05 ID:S9WrXhvS
719POE ★:2010/04/02(金) 15:34:58 ID:???
Oh good for us.
720POE ★:2010/04/02(金) 15:38:07 ID:???
721112.201.240.189.pldt.net@Apparently admin ★:2010/04/02(金) 16:10:03 ID:???
Yes, even works when the CAP is removed...:)
722204.63.14.11:2010/04/02(金) 16:11:15 ID:HkfyeA14
Look mom, no CAP...:)
723RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/04/02(金) 16:26:18 ID:???
Is anyone using DION and can't post?
I would like to try the VPN with a DION customer.
724POE ★:2010/04/02(金) 16:54:56 ID:???
Oh boy don't put a cap in me.
Boy jim, you take a jimmy cap?
jimmy hatだったかな?


better more about administration control
"It is possible to use to the dereg."

When subscribing in quantities, you are terrible.
And there is a problem in treating only DION very well.
725RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/04/02(金) 17:07:47 ID:???
Don't worry, this system is for those who are regulated. Most of the regulated ones
are not bad, just on the same network with the bad ones.
So I am making this. It is not just for DION. If Pasegueno stops that pesky open proxy
you are surfing on, then you can get a vpn account, and keep right on doing what you want to do.
By the way, there are other advantages. If you are stuck in a place, that you can not
access websites because of geographical restrictions, the vpn is full and you can access
with your trusty IP from the USA.
All of the cable internet customers in the USA will be able to post to 2ch again, and
if they are bad, we can tell them apart by ip instead of blocking an entire isp.
726RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/04/02(金) 17:08:19 ID:???
Surgical restriction instead of carpet bombing.
727RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/04/02(金) 17:08:47 ID:???
I wear a cap at baseball games..:)
728POE ★:2010/04/02(金) 17:28:28 ID:???
Yes I see all.
All contents I have wanted to ask to were written.
It is smart idea as the administrator.
Is the compensation free?

729POE ★:2010/04/02(金) 17:31:24 ID:???
あ レースクイーンの販売促進かな?
730RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/04/02(金) 19:33:04 ID:???
hehehehe, Yes! a racequeen is needed to promote it.
There will be a small fee, but not much. The volunteers that have already are already
helping beta test will be able to keep their accounts for the help they have given.
731711:2010/04/03(土) 09:12:48 ID:tV6Smh15
not cap
732711@削魔除 ★:2010/04/03(土) 09:14:25 ID:???
733RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 :2010/04/03(土) 11:16:22 ID:Dswm1wze
734204.63.14.30:2010/04/03(土) 14:30:28 ID:tV6Smh15
POE ★さんが29で私が30♥
735204.63.14.15 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2010/04/03(土) 22:02:40 ID:By6SLk50
736POE ★:2010/04/03(土) 22:55:42 ID:???

>>735 おつかれさまです
737他山石:2010/04/04(日) 02:35:22 ID:QyD5cLHR

>>472 に関してですが、また PIE.usから宣伝投稿が記録されています。
下記の投稿が、[PIE.us] からのものとなっています。

http://babiru.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/pinknanmin/1270201124/57 2010/04/02 19:28:38 0
http://babiru.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/pinknanmin/1266760391/205 2010/04/02 19:29:42 0
http://babiru.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/pinknanmin/1270201124/66 2010/04/02 19:31:20 0

738witch2e@削魔除 ★:2010/04/04(日) 05:14:49 ID:???
It was refused to write me now.

> 2ch do not accept the contribution from public PROXY !!
739204.63.14.15 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2010/04/04(日) 07:25:05 ID:pWgnzOKk BE:2130465479-2BP(120)

740RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 :2010/04/04(日) 08:35:48 ID:ZUiZsjNy
Great! you got it to work. Congratulations...:)
741RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 :2010/04/04(日) 09:05:25 ID:2RVKSpoK
Oh, please try the vpn server then. It is not a public proxy.
742witch2e@削魔除 ★:2010/04/04(日) 09:05:48 ID:???
> ERROR:公開PROXYからの投稿は受け付けていません!!(1)
743witch2e@削魔除 ★:2010/04/04(日) 09:09:20 ID:???
> -- BBQ --
> -> Roasted(-_-)
> -- BBX(Unrelated to the proxies.) --
> -> None(^-^)
> Observation...
> BBQにされていますね。さてどうしましょ。。
744witch2e@削魔除 ★:2010/04/04(日) 09:19:01 ID:???
Can Jim-san write in 2ch?
745● p92058c.tokyte00.ap.so-net.ne.jp◆EROyVmNwwM :2010/04/04(日) 09:22:12 ID:c5Ir4I8a BE:1657028677-2BP(120)
746204.63.14.11@Apparently admin ★:2010/04/04(日) 09:22:52 ID:???
747● ★:2010/04/04(日) 09:25:33 ID:??? BE:2164282188-2BP(120)
けど、Viva Samba カーニバル !になってしまった(´・ω・`)
748 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2010/04/04(日) 09:28:06 ID:c5Ir4I8a BE:913056293-2BP(120)
The sign above is a sign of the burnt proxy. (BBQ)
749112.201.240.189.pldt.net@Apparently admin ★:2010/04/04(日) 09:38:41 ID:???
Step by step. It will be good soon.
750witch2e@削魔除 ★:2010/04/04(日) 12:39:27 ID:???
まつ ちか ない
751名無し編集部員:2010/04/04(日) 15:12:07 ID:0AfmpBxU
>>737 translation

To bbspink administrator,

How do you do, my name is "他山石", who is 2ch volunteer in charge of
Rock54 system. Spam advertisements posted again from "PIE.us" hostname
as >>472.

The following posts are from [PIE.us] address.

http://babiru.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/pinknanmin/1270201124/57 2010/04/02 19:28:38 0
http://babiru.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/pinknanmin/1266760391/205 2010/04/02 19:29:42 0
http://babiru.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/pinknanmin/1270201124/66 2010/04/02 19:31:20 0

Although it may be a mistake or something, I would like you to check it and take
appropriate action against it.
Reference >>477-484
752witch2e@削魔除 ★:2010/04/04(日) 15:23:58 ID:???
> Your regulation may be Boo regulation by cannot do it by an original DNS lookup or a reverse DNS lookup.
753witch2e@削魔除 ★:2010/04/04(日) 15:28:41 ID:???
>>752 is >Jim-san.
754名無し編集部員:2010/04/04(日) 16:14:16 ID:HyhQ/34c
Do you use ●(maru, 2-channel viewer) ?
If you use ● or CAP, you can skip BBQ regulation.

However, in some 2-channel management boards(operate, sec2chd),
even if you use ●, your name gets BBQ sign "[―{}@{}@{}-]".
755Iphone3gs ◆RnPZYQR9l19H @Apparently admin ★:2010/04/04(日) 17:10:01 ID:???
すみ-ません pie.us
By default pie.us is the reverse dns on all the ips that I have swip to pie. I am not the administrator of those dns servers. The ones that I am taking care of are being set up properly. They are under ns1 and ns2.maido3.net
We will use these for VPN access.
Can you give me the specific ip number that has posted those spams?
756204.63.14.11@Apparently admin ★:2010/04/04(日) 17:33:55 ID:???
I have looked that ip up. It belongs to one of Pie's customers.
I will talk to that customer about this.

Thank you for the notification.
757204.63.14.11@Apparently admin ★:2010/04/04(日) 17:42:34 ID:???
758204.63.14.11@Apparently admin ★:2010/04/04(日) 17:44:43 ID:???
I will try a different board and see what happens.
759名無し編集部員:2010/04/04(日) 17:51:45 ID:HyhQ/34c
In some boards (Ex. http://gimpo.2ch.net/goki/),
BBQ is not in use.

If you want to know weather BBQ is in use,
See end of the top page of board (Ex. http://set.bbspink.com/erobbs/index.html ),
> http://set.bbspink.com/erobbs/index.html
> 2ちゃんねる BBS.CGI - 2010/04/02 (SpeedyCGI) +BBQ +ByeSaru=ON +BBM +Rock54/54M +Samba24=20
> ページのおしまいだよ。。と
If you see "+BBQ", BBQ is in use.
760名無し編集部員:2010/04/04(日) 17:57:12 ID:HyhQ/34c
Oops, goki board does not use BBQ,
but the end of top page has "+BBQ" sign...

However, certainly goki board does not BBQ...
761名無し編集部員:2010/04/04(日) 18:05:17 ID:HyhQ/34c
Even if you are listed in BBQ, you can write in goki board.
It is because goki board has a thread to make BBQ delist application.

And like operate board and sec2chd board, BBQ listed host's name gets BBQ sign "[―{}@{}@{}-]" in goki board.
762204.63.14.11@Apparently admin ★:2010/04/04(日) 18:05:36 ID:???
I was able to post here.
However I had to use Maru ●.
Without Maru this is my error.

I am very satisfied with that result. It is not blocked as long as I sign in.
Signing in is just one more click.
763204.63.14.15 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2010/04/04(日) 18:58:09 ID:pWgnzOKk BE:845423055-2BP(120)

□規制解除要望□ 焼かれたひと専用 [BBQ]★20

It is restricted because there is no name of a remote host.
I hope to set the name of a remote host.
If the name of a remote host is set, it is released.
764204.63.14.11@Apparently admin ★:2010/04/04(日) 19:01:07 ID:???
Coming soon. We will work on that on Monday.
If we use dnsmasq, then it should automatically put the unique remote host for each
ip. If that does not work, then we will load them all in manually.
765●◆EROyVmNwwM :2010/04/04(日) 19:08:09 ID:pWgnzOKk BE:1217409449-2BP(120)
I understand.
よろしく です。
766他山石:2010/04/04(日) 19:20:48 ID:QyD5cLHR

Thank you.
767名無し編集部員:2010/04/04(日) 21:24:29 ID:0AfmpBxU

FYI: Those URL they posted are the child porn DVD sales site
(also hosted at PIE.us.), so you may not be able to contact
them(false contact info, etc.)
768witch2e@削魔除 ★:2010/04/05(月) 10:15:43 ID:???

I am crying all the time from yesterday. (*^◇^*)
769Iphone3gs ◆RnPZYQR9l19H @Apparently admin ★:2010/04/05(月) 12:11:14 ID:???
Oh, what is wrong?
770RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/04/05(月) 13:57:25 ID:???
This has been reported to NOC.
771RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/04/05(月) 14:00:23 ID:???
Hi Guys
For you vpn testers. We have several test servers running, with different configurations.
We will try to keep vip.maido3.net up all the time,
but there is also vip2.maido3.net and vip3.maido3.net available.

772witch2e@削魔除 ★:2010/04/05(月) 21:45:56 ID:???
It is service of the Internet that it cannot use because the name solution of an assigned IP address is not possible.
I ask for the setting of the DNS server please.
.............................Right DNS lookup and a reverse DNS lookup.
773名無し編集部員:2010/04/05(月) 22:57:41 ID:EUS29+0T
774witch2e@削魔除 ★:2010/04/05(月) 23:57:53 ID:???
Do mo a ri gat
775RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/04/06(火) 08:36:16 ID:???
Thank you for the translation.
Your welcome, but it is not quite done yet. We will work harder so you don't
776名無し編集部員:2010/04/06(火) 08:44:30 ID:ke7Suy3e
777名無し編集部員:2010/04/06(火) 08:47:28 ID:ke7Suy3e
BOy COol Wow HAPPY DEATH! (ぼくはハッピーです!)
778名無し編集部員:2010/04/06(火) 08:55:49 ID:ke7Suy3e
Oh, GEE CHANge! NUGget, Ah, E-KIck SHIps of TEn COol THAt, SAY! (This looks so messed up... You got this?)
779vip30001.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★:2010/04/06(火) 12:24:13 ID:???
Please stop crying.
Use this gateway.
We have the dns working on that one now.
780vip30001.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★:2010/04/06(火) 12:30:27 ID:???
Currently vip3.maido3.net is working.
The other servers are in the process of updating.
By the way, I was able to post on 2ch without a CAP.

781名無し編集部員:2010/04/06(火) 13:15:40 ID:L173DnRM
DNS lookup of the hostname "vip30001.maido3.net" points to no IP address yet.
If so, the IP address will be BBQed by anybody using Boo.(proxy BBQ system - Boo.2ch.net)
After the IP address is BBQed, it cannot be posed without CAP or ●.
In order to make it immune to Boo, given IP address must relate to unique hostname
and vice versa. (DNS lookup of a hostname must match the result of reverse DNS lookup)
782vip30001.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★:2010/04/06(火) 13:22:14 ID:???
We are still working on it. Step by step.
783名無し編集部員:2010/04/06(火) 13:31:26 ID:L173DnRM
By the way, BBQed IPs will be freed by Rock54 system people at >>763 thread
when those setting are done. (They won't free them if IPs still can BBQ by boo)
784vip30001.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★:2010/04/06(火) 14:08:36 ID:???
Thank you. I will let you know as our work progresses.
785Iphone3gs ◆RnPZYQR9l19H @Apparently admin ★:2010/04/06(火) 17:26:11 ID:???
please check it again the zone files have been updated correctly.
786名無し編集部員:2010/04/06(火) 17:34:38 ID:L173DnRM
DNS Lookup
- vip30001.maido3.net ->
Reverse DNS Lookup
- -> vip30001.maido3.net
Both lookup are correct and matches.
It now could not be Boo-ed anymore.
787名無し編集部員:2010/04/06(火) 20:28:36 ID:WUuykSax
788RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/04/06(火) 21:07:08 ID:???
Great, thank you very much for the help trouble shooting it.
If you send me a note, I will send you a test account for it.
789名無し編集部員:2010/04/06(火) 21:41:14 ID:L173DnRM
Thank you for your offer. I sent a mail to you from "cafe....@..." mail address
790RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/04/06(火) 22:00:04 ID:???
I replied
791名無し編集部員:2010/04/06(火) 22:03:16 ID:E1FB/JyN
>>790 means:

 お返事発射しますた (o hen ji ha-ssya si ma su ta)
792vip0001.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★:2010/04/06(火) 22:05:45 ID:???
I am number one.
793witch2e@削魔除 ★:2010/04/06(火) 22:15:38 ID:???
I want number zero please.
794名無し編集部員:2010/04/06(火) 22:26:25 ID:E1FB/JyN
You are number i(※).

※ i = sqrt(-1) 

You are number x

※ x=lim(h|h→0)
795vip0010.maido3.net:2010/04/06(火) 22:26:44 ID:uLmyDrMs
Thanks. It worked.
796削魔除 ★:2010/04/06(火) 22:40:03 ID:???
Is there yet No. 4?
797vip0001.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★:2010/04/06(火) 22:50:55 ID:???
4 is issued, but not used.
798vip0001.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★:2010/04/06(火) 22:51:57 ID:???
0 is not assigned. Is your account working now? I don't want you to cry..;)
799vip0001.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★:2010/04/06(火) 22:52:41 ID:???
You need to drink more beer...;)
800vip0001.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★:2010/04/06(火) 22:54:01 ID:???
Actually mine won't stay number one. I am using the original test account
that grabs any unused ip. I will stop using that because vip0001 was issued to someone else.
They might be dissapointed that I used their ip.
801名無し編集部員:2010/04/07(水) 17:32:50 ID:tMAWRdJx

802名無し編集部員:2010/04/07(水) 17:38:27 ID:udYU8K/r
NT Technologyが日本国内のどこかの携帯コンテンツ会社と組まないと無理
803名無し編集部員:2010/04/07(水) 17:48:12 ID:tMAWRdJx
804名無し編集部員:2010/04/07(水) 17:56:23 ID:tMAWRdJx

  や る 気 あ ん の か ?

805名無し編集部員:2010/04/07(水) 17:58:25 ID:qIr3Kh0a


806名無し編集部員:2010/04/07(水) 17:59:48 ID:tMAWRdJx

807名無し編集部員:2010/04/07(水) 18:03:33 ID:tMAWRdJx


808名無し編集部員:2010/04/07(水) 18:13:03 ID:qIr3Kh0a

809EROyVmNwwM ★:2010/04/07(水) 18:14:03 ID:??? BE:1623211968-2BP(120)
The purchase of ● can use only the credit card.
Are other methods scheduled?
For instance,
Payment by cellular phone.
Payment with cash.

He hopes for other methods.
Especially, it is a method of the cellular phone.

Various payment can be done in the cellular phone of Japan.
810名無し編集部員:2010/04/07(水) 18:19:57 ID:tMAWRdJx

811EROyVmNwwM ★:2010/04/07(水) 18:24:44 ID:??? BE:2434817489-2BP(120)
812名無し編集部員:2010/04/07(水) 18:30:51 ID:tMAWRdJx

813名無し編集部員:2010/04/07(水) 18:35:53 ID:tMAWRdJx

814名無し編集部員:2010/04/07(水) 19:01:32 ID:udYU8K/r

815112.201.240.189.pldt.net@Apparently admin ★:2010/04/07(水) 19:28:19 ID:???
Please send money...:)
816名無し編集部員:2010/04/07(水) 20:03:15 ID:0QW0hSCX
To all VPN account holders,

VPN service is down due to hardware failure. Service should resume by the 8th at around 8PM JST.
We apologize for your inconvenience.


817名無し編集部員:2010/04/07(水) 20:17:53 ID:Abw+eSiy
hi Jim-san. yes I'm thinking about paying to you. do you have any plans for payment through App Store?
I believe that's the easiest way'round.
818RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/04/07(水) 20:20:08 ID:???
Hmm. I guess I would need an app first.
I have talked to the maker of 2tch, and I am using
it on my phone, but he is not interested in putting ●
on it. He might not understand what it is.
819名無し編集部員:2010/04/07(水) 21:51:24 ID:FM/q3JD9
yeah, maybe you can just make a free app with in-app purchase. something users can buy a
license code and activate Maru account.
820Iphone3gs ◆RnPZYQR9l19H @Apparently admin ★:2010/04/07(水) 23:01:07 ID:???
I will look into that. It sounds very expensive for me. I would have to buy a bunch of apple Intel processor machines and train my staff in objective c. They will have to finish their current projects first. I am open to it though, just need to think it through and see if it is something I can afford to do.
821名無し編集部員:2010/04/08(木) 01:56:45 ID:L2QoJIXp
indeed you need at least one intel mac + dev program... but I believe that would make payments
WAY easier. way easier payment, way more income? another story...
822名無し編集部員:2010/04/08(木) 09:28:21 ID:Lmiyu6JV
To all VPN account holders,

Faulty hardware has been replaced and VPN service has resumed.
Thank you for your patience.


823Apparently admin ★:2010/04/08(木) 10:51:33 ID:???
824vip20005.maido3.net:2010/04/08(木) 10:54:10 ID:tzEO1KO+ BE:1217408494-2BP(120)
825RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/04/08(木) 12:22:14 ID:???
I think you will see something like that in the future. The time frame I am not sure
of and how it will work will need to be discussed through and through.
Apple is not currently advertising themselves as a payment system, and I am not
certain about Japan but at least here in the Philippines only the elite have iphones.
It is a pricy communication device.
Maru had two purposes at the outset of it. Purpose one to give income to private
developers for the work they had done previously for free. I think it was the first system
in Japan that a private individual program could earn money from his efforts.
Purpose two was to support the effort towards good hardware and systems for
2ch and bbspink. Just getting more money is not the purpose. Improving things and making
things better for the whole of the users is. As sales of Maru decrease I am forced often
to do kechi things, that are in the long run not good for our community. Sometimes I am like
the government running a huge deficit that my children might have to pay back.
It is better to find a good solution that benefits the developers, pays the bills and make things
better for all of us.
826vip0005.maido3.net ◆EROyVmNwwM :2010/04/08(木) 22:09:05 ID:9wD5EZeM BE:1082140984-2BP(120)
The restriction was released.

□規制解除要望□ 焼かれたひと専用 [BBQ]★20
827Apparently admin ★:2010/04/08(木) 22:13:35 ID:???
great! I am already in bed. わたしはねむいです またあした
828RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/04/09(金) 13:17:08 ID:???
this vpn seems to be working well.
829vip0015.maido3.net@didi ★:2010/04/12(月) 12:29:23 ID:???
here i am...
830vip0015.maido3.net@didi ★:2010/04/12(月) 12:31:03 ID:???
didi did it!!
okay,where we're going next!??
831名無し編集部員:2010/04/12(月) 13:11:53 ID:otD4UN9a
I wanna be a "star"...:)
832名無し編集部員:2010/04/12(月) 13:35:48 ID:TcxmkXEI
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::。::::::...... ...   --─-  :::::::::::::::::::: ..::::: . ..::::::::
:::::::::::::::::...... ....:::::::゜::::::::::..   (___ )(___ ) ::::。::::::::::::::::: ゜.::::::::::::
:. .:::::。:::........ . .::::::::::::::::: _ i/ = =ヽi :::::::::::::。::::::::::: . . . ..::::
:::: :::::::::.....:☆彡::::   //[||    」  ||]  ::::::::::゜:::::::::: ...:: :::::
 :::::::::::::::::: . . . ..: :::: / ヘ | |  ____,ヽ | | :::::::::::.... .... .. .::::::::::::::
::::::...゜ . .:::::::::  /ヽ ノ    ヽ__/  ....... . .::::::::::::........ ..::::
:.... .... .. .     く  /     三三三∠⌒>:.... .... .. .:.... .... ..
:.... .... ..:.... .... ..... .... .. .:.... .... .. ..... .... .. ..... ............. .. . ........ ......
:.... . ∧∧   ∧∧  ∧∧   ∧∧ .... .... .. .:.... .... ..... .... .. .
... ..:(   )ゝ (   )ゝ(   )ゝ(   )ゝ無茶しやがって… ..........
....  i⌒ /   i⌒ /  i⌒ /   i⌒ / .. ..... ................... .. . ...
..   三  |   三  |   三  |   三 |  ... ............. ........... . .....
...  ∪ ∪   ∪ ∪   ∪ ∪  ∪ ∪ ............. ............. .. ........ ...
  三三  三三  三三   三三
 三三  三三  三三   三三
833RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/04/12(月) 14:39:36 ID:???
834RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/04/12(月) 14:40:32 ID:???
My dream is to be a rock and roll star, but.....
835名無し編集部員:2010/04/12(月) 14:42:27 ID:otD4UN9a
i'll be happy with a star beside my name...
836RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/04/12(月) 15:25:11 ID:???
たぶん 名無し★
837名無し☆:2010/04/13(火) 09:47:00 ID:R6ag+apu
838RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/04/13(火) 13:03:41 ID:???
839名無し☆:2010/04/13(火) 13:29:04 ID:R6ag+apu
Yes, ma'am?
840Apparently admin ★:2010/04/13(火) 13:58:07 ID:???
It looks very good. See you were able to get a star all by yourself. 乙です
841名無し☆:2010/04/13(火) 14:10:46 ID:R6ag+apu
Thanks, this way i don't need to go fly off but just need to tolerate the discrimination betw. white and black.
842RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/04/13(火) 14:25:17 ID:???
It only matters if you can hunt rats.
843名無し☆:2010/04/14(水) 14:22:08 ID:7cyd5hac
Then, I don't, I guess.
844Apparently admin ★:2010/04/14(水) 16:13:02 ID:???
Don't what?
845名無し☆:2010/04/15(木) 08:37:38 ID:SWTlTRli
I don't know.
846RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/04/16(金) 10:53:11 ID:???
Some spam updates.
Subject: あらかじめ勝つ馬がわかるのですから誰でも勝てます。
Date: Wed, 15 Apr 2037 18:44:23 +0900 (17:44 PHT)



847xerxes2.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★:2010/04/16(金) 10:55:53 ID:???
Subject: 月ベースで300%以上の回収率は保証します
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 2038 02:09:48 +0900 (01:09 PHT)







848xerxes2.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★:2010/04/16(金) 11:09:38 ID:???
To: undisclosed-recipients : ;
Subject: congratulations!! you have won
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2010 22:58:19 -0300 (Thu, 09:58 PHT)

(Customer Services)
Ref: UKNL/05/8256/53219/QE327
Batch: UKNL5/A115-07

Dear Lucky Winner,

We are happily announce to you the draw (#994) of the UK NATIONAL
LOTTERY,online Sweepstakes International program held on MARCH 2010. It is
yet to be unclaimed and you are getting the final NOTIFICATION as regards
this.Your e-mail address attached to ticket number: 56475600545 188
with Serial
number 1037 drew the lucky numbers: (07) (14) (29) (37) (41) (45) (04) (bonus
no.04), which subsequently won you the lottery in the 2nd category i.e match 5
plus bonus. You have therefore been approved to claim a total sum of
(one million five hundred thousand great British pounds sterling) in cash
credited to file KTU/9023118308/03. This is from a total cash prize of
£10,500,000 shared amongst the first seven (7) lucky winners in this category
i.e. Match 5 plus bonus.

All participants for the online version were selected randomly from World Wide
Web sites through computer draw system and extracted from over 100,000
unions,associations, and corporate bodies that are listed online.
This promotion takes place weekly. Please note that your lucky winning number
falls within our European booklet representative office in Europe as indicated
in your play coupon. In view of this, your £1,500,000 (one million
five hundred
thousand Great Britain pounds sterling) would be released to you by any of our
payment offices in Europe. Our European agent will immediately commence on the
process to facilitate the release of your funds as soon as you contact him.
For security reasons, you are advised to keep your winning information
confidential till your claims is processed and your money remitted to you in
whatever manner you deem fit to claim your prize. This is part of our
precautionary measure to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this
program. Please be warned!!!.
To file for your claim, please contact our fiduciary Agent:
849didi ★:2010/04/16(金) 13:10:13 ID:???
do you like gambling?
my luck so far was 50 buks at atlantic city N.J.
i bought 1 powerball today,just 1!!good luck for me...

anyway,your"xerxes2" is cool.
850Apparently admin ★:2010/04/16(金) 13:54:23 ID:???
I once spent a week comped at the Taj Majal on Atlantic City. my ex was quite a gambler. Win big and lose even bigger. Me personally I don't even buy lottery tickets.
851didi ★:2010/04/16(金) 14:33:16 ID:???
what i know now is that you are single............!?
(just kidding)

that's was the place i won 50 buks.>taji majal
i'm not sure but i think there were more than one "taji majal" in the atlantic city.
i took midnight greyhound bus tour to atlantic city from N.Y. city.
852RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/04/16(金) 16:41:55 ID:???
Wow, two Taji Majals. I have not been there in many years.
I enjoyed Atlantic City very much. Walking on the boardwalk with
my oldest boy, and relaxing.
853vip0010.maido3.net:2010/04/17(土) 01:04:03 ID:cfxAtGVE
Since PIE data center is in Nevada, I thought Jim-san must be
a frequent traveler to Las Vegas as a gambler. ;p
854Apparently admin ★:2010/04/17(土) 10:14:27 ID:???
there is more to Nevada then gambling. It is a lovely state, and home to area 51 the famous American space alien research facility.
855名無し編集部員:2010/04/17(土) 18:52:51 ID:cfxAtGVE
I've never been there. I only visited Las Vegas and Hoover dam in Nevada,
although I once lived in nearby Utah about a year, and 3 months in California.
856Apparently admin ★:2010/04/17(土) 18:55:53 ID:???
I have never been there either. We need another Hoover dam.
857名無し編集部員:2010/04/17(土) 19:16:17 ID:cfxAtGVE
Another Hoover dam, for more neon lights in Las Vegas? ;p
just kidding. for economy-boosting standpoint, right?
or are there more electricity needs like for datacenter and such?
858Apparently admin ★:2010/04/17(土) 19:21:18 ID:???
another grand dam like that would be a real economy booster. I wonder if there is a good place to put it? I love the lights in Las Vegas.
859名無し編集部員:2010/04/17(土) 20:43:58 ID:cfxAtGVE
Another grand dam...hmm...somewhere in Mississippi river? ...must be too big :p
If you like lights in Las Vegas, I recommend you to visit Osaka City someday.
860えろばぁーむ ★:2010/04/18(日) 11:19:28 ID:???

I hope you read the following threads.

861Apparently admin ★:2010/04/18(日) 14:21:36 ID:???
862Apparently admin ★:2010/04/18(日) 14:22:39 ID:???
when I getti my computer I am using the telephone now
863えろばぁーむ ★:2010/04/18(日) 17:16:05 ID:???
I understand.
This is not urgent.
864RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/04/18(日) 18:41:46 ID:???
865えろばぁーむ ★:2010/04/18(日) 18:48:22 ID:???
866名無し編集部員:2010/04/18(日) 22:33:35 ID:lunfNvNu

867witch2e@削魔除 ★:2010/04/19(月) 02:37:31 ID:???
Hello, Jim-san.
My e-mail address is changed.
I sent the email which wrote new e-mail address.

Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2010 02:28:15 +0900
868xerxes2.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★:2010/04/19(月) 11:06:16 ID:???
My email is downloading now. That takes a long while. I will look for your letter then.
869xerxes2.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★:2010/04/19(月) 14:19:32 ID:???
Wow witch-San what was in that email? I started downloading my mail and my computer completely crashed.
I am using my iPhone now. By the way it is really cool. I am connected to the VPN with the iPhone.
870witch2e@削魔除 ★:2010/04/19(月) 14:37:50 ID:???
Reason >>866

yoo-hoo; Jim-san.
There is a child working as a goddess more than the past one year.

She said.
I am a high school student now. And I was a junior high student last year.
An on megami board and a neet4pink board.
She made the goddess look thorough, besides, from a face to the inside of pussy.
She stood to a thread for exclusive use of oneself with the neet4pink board.
Furthermore, she showed the e-mail address last.

Are not there a lot of such children elsewhere either?
Despite a lawless area, will not it be the considerably bad situation?

A thing of this time is just the tip of the iceberg.
Are not there a lot of such children elsewhere either?
Despite a lawless area, will not it be the considerably bad situation?

871RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/04/19(月) 15:07:35 ID:???
Her parents should be punished for allowing something like that.
872RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/04/19(月) 15:09:50 ID:???
There is adequate warning on Pink Channel for minors to go away.
Parents have a responsibility to supervise their children.
This is not our responsibility.
873えろばぁーむ ★:2010/04/19(月) 17:36:42 ID:???

I hope you read the following threads.

874RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/04/20(火) 17:23:58 ID:???
おわった です
875えろばぁーむ ★:2010/04/20(火) 18:01:54 ID:???
876RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/04/20(火) 18:04:15 ID:???
877名無し☆:2010/04/24(土) 12:06:18 ID:rr2M1F24
People are dead.
878Apparently admin ★:2010/04/24(土) 13:22:54 ID:???
I hope you are ok
879名無し☆:2010/04/24(土) 14:29:06 ID:rr2M1F24
I'm glad to find you alive!
880Apparently admin ★:2010/04/24(土) 15:14:14 ID:???
I have to many things to do.
881名無し☆:2010/04/24(土) 16:05:24 ID:rr2M1F24
Keep yourself busy. I'll go.
882RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/04/24(土) 17:59:13 ID:???
I don't mind talking. I am just to busy to die right now.
883名無し編集部員:2010/04/24(土) 22:07:38 ID:3HB+7eXo
Hi Jim-san. Have a look at this:
> Review of fiscal year 2009 domestic mobile phone shipments
> http://translate.google.co.jp/translate?&u=http://www.m2ri.jp/newsreleases/main.php%3Fid%3D010120100422500&tl=en&
Graphs show top 10 cellphone device company in fiscal year 2009. First one shows overall cellphone share, and second shows Smartphone share.
According to the article, Apple sold 0.5% of all mobile / 72.2% of smartphone / 1,689,480 units. This should be interesting for you...
884Apparently admin ★:2010/04/25(日) 08:27:13 ID:???
I think that means 99.5% don't have iPhones. So they have a lot of room to increase sales.
885名無し☆:2010/04/25(日) 12:08:15 ID:qUuW0Mhv
I accused my friend for failing two entrance exams; one for high school and one for university.
You know, this time for university, he got a decent school accepting him, so there should be no problem, or even he he should be proud.
But this is difficult thing to put up...
886RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/04/25(日) 15:42:16 ID:???
Some people do well on tests, other people do well in life.
Don't worry my no name friend. I think you are on the life track.
887Apparently admin ★:2010/04/27(火) 17:10:37 ID:???
I will go to Seattle tomorrow.
888名無し編集部員:2010/04/27(火) 17:56:50 ID:qnSw5YUF
889RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/04/27(火) 19:47:40 ID:???
I will take photos.
890名無し編集部員:2010/04/27(火) 20:26:56 ID:qnSw5YUF
891名無し編集部員:2010/04/27(火) 23:13:44 ID:xzqum0iA
I have just made my bow to Kote
892didi ★:2010/04/27(火) 23:15:08 ID:???
seattle coffee!!
have a safe trip!
893didi ★:2010/04/27(火) 23:16:50 ID:???
one more thing,deep dish pizza!mmm
894名無し編集部員:2010/04/28(水) 01:25:31 ID:thfnAx2B
Please give food to me.
895RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/04/28(水) 06:35:10 ID:???
When I come home, that is what I will bring with me.
896RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/04/28(水) 06:36:17 ID:???
897didi ★:2010/04/28(水) 06:43:39 ID:???
i had one this morning!
are you leaving soon?what time is your fright?
i got you before you go!again,have a safe trip!
898名無し編集部員:2010/04/28(水) 07:26:37 ID:rj/v3BlJ
Thank you.
But,I don't feel it is not confortable to introduce myself to this Kote.
By the way,what is the Tower which has big disk on the top?
899Apparently admin ★:2010/05/01(土) 14:27:40 ID:???
that is the space needle. It is cold here, I had to buy a kote.
900Apparently admin ★:2010/05/03(月) 06:42:21 ID:???
Nice photo of the American flag and a big American truck. http://www.emailgenki.com/view.php?postid=100502410015
901名無し☆:2010/05/03(月) 07:26:42 ID:RA6t/YqD
You took it?
902EROyVmNwwM ★:2010/05/03(月) 07:38:48 ID:???
Does Jim-san stay in the United States?

Japan is a week of holiday of spring.
I am in the house.
903名無し☆:2010/05/03(月) 07:48:14 ID:RA6t/YqD
why don't you go out on picnic or something? isn't it nice outside?
904名無し編集部員:2010/05/03(月) 08:03:18 ID:Ja3gXyiC
In Tokyo, out of windows look little cloudy. Maybe good for taking some UV light on your skin.
I'm on a train, seated. At these hours it's usually quite difficult to have a seat.

Try taking inbound Tokyo lines in 700-900 hrs if you ever visit Japan. The best(worst) are
Tokaido, Yokosuka or Tokyu lines.
905Apparently admin ★:2010/05/03(月) 10:16:36 ID:???
906Apparently admin ★:2010/05/03(月) 10:17:59 ID:???
yes, I am at my mothers house now
907Apparently admin ★:2010/05/03(月) 10:19:19 ID:???
my best holiday is staying home. Being on a trip is stressful
908Apparently admin ★:2010/05/03(月) 10:22:37 ID:???
I understand yes it is very difficult. The only trains I have ever taken that I could find a seat on were in Sapporo
909名無し☆:2010/05/03(月) 10:23:03 ID:RA6t/YqD
You can just stroll around with no need of anything special, maybe to McDonald's. But it's also nice to be staying home. That's unchangable, for sure.
910Apparently admin ★:2010/05/03(月) 10:54:02 ID:???
I took my son to see Ironman 2 the movie last night. It opened in the Philippines on April 28, but it was not playing. It won't be in the theatre until next week here.
911Apparently admin ★:2010/05/03(月) 11:01:41 ID:???
I did find one of my old records. It was fun to play some lps.
912didi ★:2010/05/03(月) 11:42:32 ID:???
iroman 2 is out already!!!!!?????
i gotta go!! i thought it will be next week!...or maybe you went to premier?
i ♥ Robert Downey Jr!
913名無し編集部員:2010/05/03(月) 12:36:29 ID:jIzZKTHZ
914EROyVmNwwM ★:2010/05/03(月) 17:08:02 ID:??? BE:304352633-2BP(120)
I am usually very busy.
I want to take a rest at home on holiday.
I am enjoying holiday.

Oh, mothers house.
It is called Sato-Gaeri(里帰り) in Japan.
915Apparently admin ★:2010/05/04(火) 00:19:50 ID:???
you have to wait didi-san
I think only the Philippines has the movie in the theatre
916Apparently admin ★:2010/05/04(火) 01:58:33 ID:???
里帰り いいです
917名無し編集部員:2010/05/04(火) 11:24:21 ID:oUcygqnw
it's gonnna be this saturday in the theater out here,May 7th.
i wish i could go home!home sweet home!!enjyoy!
918didi ★:2010/05/04(火) 11:29:47 ID:???
ooops!i forgot my name...↑was me.
919Apparently admin ★:2010/05/05(水) 02:50:22 ID:???
home is where the heart is
920Apparently admin ★:2010/05/05(水) 11:03:25 ID:???
I am at the Seattle mariners game right now
921名無し編集部員:2010/05/05(水) 15:01:14 ID:6LKmqOfl
922名無し編集部員:2010/05/05(水) 21:08:05 ID:tfrx8ZQ4
923Apparently admin ★:2010/05/06(木) 02:16:07 ID:???
The ipad is like a big iphone with no dialer.
924名無し編集部員:2010/05/06(木) 07:31:43 ID:IRuQlIno
which one? 3G or WiFi? either way, I can't wait too see one to come....
oh, and backup your ECID SHSH if you ever jailbreak it before the end of this planet.
925didi ★:2010/05/06(木) 11:25:41 ID:???
he new iphone on sale May 30.
i saw a ipod the big one at the store but to me though if i have to pay $500 for that
i would buy a lap top instead if i don't have one.
i paid $299 for my iphone 2 years ago,16gig the old one.
i recently dropped my iphone down to the ground,it has a little crack on top of the screen.
since there is no apple store around here,i went to at&t instead and they told me
the estimate price for fix that will be around $200.
i guess i gotta wait till end of this month and buy a new model instead.
the new iphone will be $199 anyway.
926名無し編集部員:2010/05/06(木) 11:47:55 ID:tQIcN7/9
you may want to try Android for iPhone after switching to iP4G.
927Apparently admin ★:2010/05/06(木) 13:16:55 ID:???
I got the 64gig wifi version. I wanted the 3G
version, but of course that would be useless to me. Since it is locked.
928Apparently admin ★:2010/05/06(木) 13:29:43 ID:???
That is a great price for a new iphone. I bought
mine and it was just about $1000 USD.
They are free with a service contract from Globe
in the Philippines though. Maybe I will get a new one.
929名無し編集部員:2010/05/06(木) 13:30:02 ID:lkaFdtD6
aw, that's a big mistake, Jim-san. the iPad 3G is NOT locked, and microSIM are electricaly/electoronically
compatible with the usual GSM SIM so if you've got any (disposal) prepaid SIM you can cut one down with
scissors and fit it in.
930Apparently admin ★:2010/05/06(木) 13:35:13 ID:???
I have seen a iphone with dual boot android on it. It seemed to work very well.
931Apparently admin ★:2010/05/06(木) 13:37:12 ID:???
Oh I am so stupid
What a big mistake. I read the apple.com website, and they said that normal sim cards
would not fit in it, and that service had to be purchased from At
932名無し編集部員:2010/05/06(木) 13:59:32 ID:U7Q+Culb
Enter a choice[1-5]:_
1: sell to Hiroyuki in $999
2: return and get refunded
3: gift to mother
4: sign on it, chemically etch it and make it a charity auction
5: forget about and tether iPhone with PdaNet
933Apparently admin ★:2010/05/06(木) 14:07:52 ID:???
To many choices and 5 is what I do. I am going to keep this thing. It is really
great. Next step is to figure out how to get Icy
and Winterboard installed on it. Then I can
do some real work with this machine.
934xerxes.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★:2010/05/07(金) 12:56:57 ID:???
All of my apps seem to be working very well
on ipad. Hopefully, there will be new versions of
the apps I am using soon that are not so pixelated.
935Apparently admin ★:2010/05/09(日) 10:34:11 ID:???
It is time for Iron man 2
936witch2e@削魔除 ★:2010/05/09(日) 14:12:35 ID:???
Hello, Jim-san.

I sent the email of the contents which were the same as >>867.

Date: Sun, 9 May 2010 13:54:16 +0900
937204-195-10-179.wavecable.com@Apparently admin ★:2010/05/09(日) 15:32:29 ID:???
I won't be able to check that email until next Friday. I am not in the office right now.
I have email here but it is my personal email.
I don't want to publish that here, or else there will be to many spam filling it up.
938didi ★:2010/05/11(火) 07:31:29 ID:???
i don't know anything about "Android".
i guess i'm going to google it.does it sound just like ググれ?

i watched it and was good!
i also watched a nightmare on elm street 2010 last weekend.
939名無し編集部員:2010/05/11(火) 07:42:43 ID:iTleCJzd
go http://japanese.engadget.com or just send me your device and i'll ship a fake one back to you.
940Apparently admin ★:2010/05/12(水) 03:51:40 ID:???
Hi didi-San
Iron man 2 was more action packed than the first movie. They replaced the LTC with a different guy. The writing was not as good as the first movie. To many old stale jokes not really original.
941Apparently admin ★:2010/05/12(水) 03:52:38 ID:???
great, I just shipped you my ipad 4g
942Apparently admin ★:2010/05/12(水) 03:56:14 ID:???
At this time I am getting
Many many complaints about your actions.
It is not possible for me to explain how I feel clearly typing on my iPhone. I want you to know
I am not happy with what you have done. Please stop, and I will explain better in a few days.
943EROyVmNwwM ★:2010/05/12(水) 08:28:21 ID:??? BE:2130465097-2BP(120)

Is it an opinion of the following problems?
運営ボランティアさん指導部屋 2.1号室
944witch2e@削魔除 ★:2010/05/12(水) 12:08:22 ID:???
Yes, sir.  I understood it.  All right.
945名無し編集部員:2010/05/12(水) 12:20:18 ID:sVbH/oKE
Oh, yes, he understood it alright.
946名無し編集部員:2010/05/12(水) 12:57:10 ID:aLgllM3G
setting course for Romulus at warp 5.... course laid in, sir.
947名無し編集部員:2010/05/12(水) 15:41:56 ID:7U4cHqRV

Recently obtained a new IP address. But can not connect to 2 channel.

What caused Bogon list? If you are using if Bogonlist controlled by these IP want to release.
I ask the following IP address to release

The above IP address, in January 2010 APNIC assigned.

948名無し編集部員:2010/05/12(水) 21:02:07 ID:YCFpgx9b
949xerxes.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★:2010/05/12(水) 23:06:55 ID:???
Let's make pink channel a happy place.
950xerxes.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★:2010/05/12(水) 23:07:52 ID:???
951fushianasan:2010/05/12(水) 23:13:31 ID:yChbJKZh



□規制解除要望□ 焼かれたひと専用 [BBQ]★20

952xerxes.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★:2010/05/12(水) 23:14:10 ID:???
Those ips were previously reserved. The ipv4 for the world are almost saturated, and soon we will be forced to move to ipv6. There are many problems using the previously reserved ips. I think that might be your problem. It is not a server restriction. It involves ISP and carriers. Do you know where the block is? If you know how to do a trace route it might be helpful.
953xerxes.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★:2010/05/12(水) 23:17:20 ID:???
The Romulans had better beware. Our photon torpedo is armed and ready for battle.
954名無し編集部員:2010/05/12(水) 23:27:08 ID:yChbJKZh
>>951 translation for Jim-san (FYI)

Were you transfered to burbon list with the IP address, or couldn't post to 2ch?
In the case of burbon list, your IP address range somehow denied by 2ch regulation.
If Jim-san regulate the IP address with the switching hub level, you would not
transfered to burbon list. Please ask the cause of deny at following thread,


If you cannot post to 2ch, it may be because the IP address range may be BBQed
because the IP address does not correspond to any host name yet (No reverse DNS
look up) Please ask your ISP to set the host name and ask for lifting the BBQ
regulation at the following address.

955xerxes.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★:2010/05/12(水) 23:27:36 ID:???
956xerxes.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★:2010/05/12(水) 23:29:09 ID:???
Thank you for the translation, and thank you to the poster. That is very useful information.
957204-195-10-179.wavecable.com@Apparently admin ★:2010/05/13(木) 15:29:30 ID:???
Tomorrow I will be traveling, and It will be Saturday before I can effectively communicate to the English speakers, and ineffectively communicate with the Japanese speakers.
すみーません 行ってきます。
958名無し編集部員:2010/05/13(木) 15:56:52 ID:lbyst5Kf
take care and have a nice trip. may iPad be with you.
959Apparently admin ★:2010/05/14(金) 18:24:16 ID:???
I am in Korea now waiting for my next flight.
960EROyVmNwwM ★:2010/05/14(金) 18:35:28 ID:??? BE:811606638-2BP(120)
Do you go to Manila by the next flight?
961112.198.79.170@Apparently admin ★:2010/05/14(金) 19:28:00 ID:???
Yes leaving this place in 44 minutes
962EROyVmNwwM ★:2010/05/14(金) 19:53:53 ID:??? BE:1893747078-2BP(120)
I sent mail.
I hope you read it.
963RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/05/15(土) 08:19:59 ID:???
I read it. I need to wake my head up. It is twisted around in a circle from the time
change. すみーません orz
964EROyVmNwwM ★:2010/05/15(土) 08:31:35 ID:??? BE:270535924-2BP(120)
I am not hurrying up.
It is a very important matter.
We should do a better selection.
Let's think carefully.

965xerxes.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★:2010/05/15(土) 22:09:00 ID:???
I am not an effective judge. My personality takes things personally and staying objective is not something I do well.
Witch is a friend of mine. It makes it hard to come up with a solution. It is obvious to me that witch is causing trouble and basically becoming an arashi. Being contrary is not always bad, but at this time it has gone to far.
I thought of permanent ban as a solution. This would be simple and affective. Remembering that witch is a friend forces me away from this simple draconian measure.
I have decided on a different penalty. This penalty includes self restraint. It also includes the permanent removal of CAP and deletion privileges.

Your deletion privileges and CAP privileges are revoked for 90 days starting this hour.
Your password will be live. You may not use it.
This is to show that you have self restraint.
When the 90 days is complete you may ask for
The privilege to be reinstated. During this time
I want you to think about why people are angry
With you. If you can not explain that after 90 days then your privileges will be permanently revoked.

Do this.
90 days no posting with cap
90 days no deletion
After 90 days ask for permission
After 90 days explain why this penalty was imposed

If you complete this you can come back in the group

966名無し編集部員:2010/05/15(土) 23:26:59 ID:C/TutUdr
# so long without translation... so long posting w/o a trip...
# I miss the people we talked with back in days...
# Translation for >>965




967trip ◆sO35uw8r6o :2010/05/15(土) 23:28:06 ID:C/TutUdr
forgot the trip. as for some responsibility/accountability
968xerxes.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★:2010/05/16(日) 03:07:06 ID:???
Thank for taking the trouble to translate that
969witch2e:2010/05/16(日) 12:31:59 ID:J3u+UGBb
Hello.Jim-san.  I'm witch.

As for me, I want to know the reason that is ARASHI.

I want to know ''but at this time it has gone to far.'' in particular.


I am working on the report of a person performing ARASHI now.

May I continue carrying out this activity?

I pray to you it not to be mind controll.
970witch2e:2010/05/16(日) 12:33:49 ID:J3u+UGBb
★100511 複数板 「外部風俗サイトからの転載」による埋め立て報告
971名無し編集部員:2010/05/16(日) 13:04:50 ID:+KGju+YM
(; ^ω^)……
972名無し編集部員:2010/05/16(日) 13:25:55 ID:D3PNkx6o
hello hello I say goodbye you say hello...
973115.147.202.40@Apparently admin ★:2010/05/16(日) 13:46:02 ID:???
hi witch-San

No, please don't use cap or delete until the 90 days are through. It is a good time to relax and just enjoy your precious time. In time I think you will understand.
974Apparently admin ★:2010/05/16(日) 13:50:58 ID:???
As far as arashi go I think p2 is home of the majority of them. I am really tired of the email complaints I get all the time from abused people. Then I check and it is an open proxy p2 account. I don't really want to keep it on anymore. It has no benefit to bbspink and it causes trouble.
975witch2e:2010/05/16(日) 14:38:44 ID:J3u+UGBb
Yes, I do not intend to use cap.

Did you look at link ahead?
It is to perform not deletion.
The thread is a thread reporting ARASHI.

May I work on the report?
ARASHI has 117res.

I dislike ARASHI very very very.
976名無し編集部員:2010/05/16(日) 14:58:24 ID:5MkRs90b
as a pink user I think you'd better pass your work over to somebody else and have some pinkbreak.
I'm not in position to qualify you but looks like you've been breathing too much pink-y atmosphere.
put some other colors on your brain, and you'll be even sharper and clearer deleter after that period.
977名無し編集部員:2010/05/16(日) 17:07:29 ID:zQ8omAb7
Continuation of thread

Let's talk with Jim-san. Part16
978名無し編集部員:2010/05/16(日) 18:29:20 ID:J3u+UGBb
979名無し編集部員:2010/05/16(日) 18:45:59 ID:LOqLsYHf
980名無し編集部員:2010/05/16(日) 18:54:06 ID:J3u+UGBb
981xerxes.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★:2010/05/16(日) 21:59:28 ID:???
You can write anything you want. Just don't use your CAP and don't delete. I really don't care what you writ on 2ch. I recommend checking their local rules though. I will watch your qb5 thread, but it is so many links I won't be clicking on all of them.
982名無し編集部員:2010/05/16(日) 22:01:04 ID:LOqLsYHf

やあ 削魔女-さん


983witch2e:2010/05/16(日) 22:09:17 ID:J3u+UGBb
Thank you very much carefully.
984名無し編集部員:2010/05/16(日) 22:17:59 ID:LOqLsYHf

985witch2e:2010/05/16(日) 22:29:20 ID:J3u+UGBb
986名無し編集部員:2010/05/16(日) 22:56:53 ID:LOqLsYHf
987名無し編集部員:2010/05/16(日) 23:00:23 ID:fWyFP0MP
988vip0010.maido3.net:2010/05/17(月) 00:05:22 ID:4SulYVlB



989名無し編集部員:2010/05/17(月) 07:53:49 ID:2E02RzEy

990名無し編集部員:2010/05/17(月) 11:36:44 ID:E1lMUgtQ
I don't really want to keep it on anymore.
991947:2010/05/17(月) 12:05:27 ID:38SWMyeR
>947 >951

※DNSは目下各種ファイル作成中です( ´Д`)


992vip0010.maido3.net ( 951 ):2010/05/17(月) 23:38:11 ID:4SulYVlB
993xerxes.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★:2010/05/18(火) 08:29:34 ID:???
Yes, I want to take it off. It is trouble.
994名無し☆:2010/05/18(火) 08:58:17 ID:JuxuXG7Q
p2 keeps my life up here, and it is what can take me out as well.
995名無し編集部員:2010/05/18(火) 13:40:58 ID:67oQB/JF
There are a lot of detection results on the following pages.
However, there is not p2.
996112.201.240.189.pldt.net@Apparently admin ★:2010/05/19(水) 08:19:18 ID:???
there will be a better way.
997xerxes2.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★:2010/05/19(水) 13:39:24 ID:???
998えろばぁーむ ★:2010/05/19(水) 14:35:45 ID:???
999EROyVmNwwM ★:2010/05/19(水) 19:11:52 ID:???

Let's talk with Jim-san. Part16
1000xerxes2.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★:2010/05/19(水) 20:19:55 ID:???
What will happen next?

Let's talk with Jim-san. Part15

Let's talk with Jim-san. Part16
