Let's talk with Jim-san. Part5

Let's talk with Jim-san , who is the manager of bbspink.com.
If you can write your questions or some other things in English,
please write them in English.

Since Jim-san is very kind,
so that in case you get spelling error,
or write in incorrect grammar,
he will be able to understand what you want to say.

Those who cannot understand English may write them in Japanese.
Accommodating persons will translate for you.



Jim-san cap handle.
Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★

A previous thread
Let's talk with Jim-san. Part4
2 ◆79EROOYuCc :2007/05/08(火) 01:22:01 ID:ASTiI0F3
>>1さん スレ立てお疲れさまです、ありがとうございます。

>>1 thank you for your making this new thread.
3 ◆QE3get/L0E :2007/05/10(木) 13:14:25 ID:6seGkOeN

Let's talk with Jim-san!
4Itadaki ◆QNUItadakI :2007/05/10(木) 14:02:23 ID:avJXe5p2
>>3 更新しました。
5名無し編集部員:2007/05/10(木) 14:09:47 ID:HeOawj//
6 ◆79EROOYuCc :2007/05/11(金) 15:13:50 ID:zOCALU0T

thank you, Itadaki-san
7名無し編集部員:2007/05/16(水) 14:20:51 ID:UyFWCy9n

There is a question.
"Log of this site belongs to this all site" on a bulletin board of a personal website.
 I do it All rights reserved without permission. When I reprinted it without permission, I sue. "
It was specified so.
However, there was the person whom I copied it and reprinted in Pink in defiance of it.
When there was a deletion request directly, should it be deleted from a webmaster of a reprinted website?
When a deletion person was accused without it being deleted, must a deletion person take responsibility?

8名無し編集部員:2007/05/16(水) 18:25:59 ID:z2Jw/9rm
9名無し編集部員:2007/05/17(木) 19:44:43 ID:7PYly9BQ
10Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/05/18(金) 11:12:02 ID:i+NUOWym
I really don't understand this. Are you talking about requesting other sites
delete threads of bbspink that they have copied?
Like this for example:

11名無し編集部員:2007/05/18(金) 13:54:31 ID:b4PilfeD
12名無し編集部員:2007/05/18(金) 14:06:09 ID:pkXNUzML
I am not >>7 but let me re-explain what he means:

There is a website stating "All the contents of this site are copyrighted. Anybody who
copy the contents without persmission will be prosecuted."

A person copied the contents and posted in a thread of BBSPINK without permission.
If the website master demand to delete the posting, does the deleter of BBSPINK have to
delete it? And if the deleter did not do so, does he have to take responsibility?
13Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/05/18(金) 18:11:32 ID:i+NUOWym
>>12 Oh I see. Well I think that the copyrights should always be
respected. Deletion is up to the deleter, but if I am given a correct notice
of copyright violation. I always delete that.
Violating copyright is the same thing as pirating.
Please make a link instead of copying, that is the best solution.
The poster is the one that is responsible for this though.
According to the US law, the poster is responsible, not the deleter.
The deleter has no responsibility.
14名無し編集部員:2007/05/18(金) 22:25:30 ID:eyvaeqzB
1512:2007/05/19(土) 01:16:16 ID:tbQ6p+Ex
Here is the translation of >>13

16名無し編集部員:2007/05/21(月) 21:44:14 ID:kH4EJ3tj

Please confirm a correct procedure to Mr. FOX.
17Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/05/22(火) 10:47:18 ID:kUZJdrEC
What are you talking about?
18名無し編集部員:2007/05/22(火) 10:56:33 ID:C4d/NDj2

If the setting is correctly done, it becomes the following.


When board is made, the setting is not completed.
19Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/05/22(火) 11:00:28 ID:kUZJdrEC
Those boards were made by Hiroyuki and I. We did it without help.
I know the system is a little different now, I would be very happy
with an update on the new procedures. especially on the servers
that I have had to move because they were so busy. That broke
the read.cgi on those kakolog servers.
20名無し編集部員:2007/05/22(火) 11:05:42 ID:C4d/NDj2
Why do not you question Greenday★?

"What are this talking about?"

Greenday★ understands the import of the story.
21Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/05/22(火) 12:58:17 ID:kUZJdrEC
Does not setup boards. Greenday★ is the deletion leader. That is a
separate function.
22名無し編集部員:2007/05/22(火) 13:40:13 ID:C4d/NDj2
The setting of added board (ccc/bbbb/megami) is not completed.
An old thread is not sent to kakolog.

Please confirm it to the person who knows the correct setting method.

Greenday★-san thinks that it can explain better than I.
23名無し編集部員:2007/05/22(火) 16:32:16 ID:UkA0aTym
247= ◆TECHCS.zfQ :2007/05/22(火) 22:00:17 ID:k065uRwk
>>15 和訳に感謝致します。

>>13 JIM氏

To Mr.Jim
I understood it.
I became very anxious.
I think that both other websites and the deleter can feel relieved in this.
Thank you!
25Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/05/23(水) 13:15:45 ID:eQUb+ORA
>>24 どういたしまして
26名無し編集部員:2007/05/31(木) 20:28:09 ID:TFuaXg/R
Jim-san, ◆TWARamEjuA said that banana238 should be unstable the power supply.
Please check it using the Cramp Meter and so on.

2ch特化型サーバ・ロケーション構築作戦 Part24

832 名前: ◆TWARamEjuA [sage] 投稿日:2007/05/31(木) 19:50:37 ID:PQGnuCKp0 ?2BP(6824)

May 30 23:08:03 <0.6> banana238 kernel: pid 2187 (httpd), uid 80: exited on signal 10

Is it Copy and paste?
27Borracho ◆baila6uPTo :2007/05/31(木) 21:38:23 ID:gSTx66DE BE:1742944-2BP(6824)

banana238 has been rebooted by Mirv-san(0)
However, I think it is good to check it by using the clamp-on ammeter etc.

834 名前: ◆TWARamEjuA sage 投稿日:2007/05/31(木) 21:16:19 ID:PQGnuCKp0 BE:6970188-2BP(6824)

サーバーダウン(鯖落ち)情報 part148
28 ◆TWARamEjuA :2007/05/31(木) 21:39:56 ID:gSTx66DE BE:2178454-2BP(6824)

It made a mistake in TRIP.
29名無し編集部員:2007/05/31(木) 21:55:03 ID:+Gi5dtUC
m9(^∀^) pugyaaaaa!!
30名無し編集部員:2007/05/31(木) 23:28:38 ID:sou+ij82
31名無し編集部員:2007/06/01(金) 10:12:16 ID:xEC6D2V0
Maybe it is time to replace that server with a mighty tbanana!
32Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2007/06/01(金) 10:25:09 ID:???
Yes it is obvious we are using the oldest servers at pie for bbspink.
I would really like to upgrade them to tbanana, and would like
to migrate the current boards to 4 tbanana servers. This will give
us a few years to grow again. The old servers can hold the kako logs
and with the new tbanana there should be plenty of power and room.
I will need help to do that though, and probably we have to talk about
it a lot before doing that.
33うふ〜ん:うふ〜ん ID:DELETED
34 ◆79EROOYuCc :2007/06/06(水) 05:04:26 ID:E/uUVQkI
We have to have another email address which has @bbspink.com domein.
Fllwing is the reason.

79 was doing IP blocking report to ISP when it happens terrible trolls on bbspink, and IP blocking system works.
like this http://deleter.bbspink.com/ipblocking/20070503-2.html
ISP determins who is that "troller", and maybe will warn him/her.
then I ask of deactivatation of that blocking, which is the action for USERs side.

but we, which means you and 79, should be on the blockers side,
because that kind of troll or repeated postings of irrelevant letter-strings are harassment to PINK-channel .

IP blocking reprt to each ISP is basically for deactivation of blocking, which is redicurous for blocker.

also there are lots of recurrences of troll from the same ISP.

we have to have another person who reports them, she/he needs to have email address for reportig.
info at bbspink.com address should be read only by me.

following is the thread which we are talking about that ( only ritten in japanes )

so could you make another email address which has @bbspink.com domein, and send the info to my address?
35Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/06/11(月) 15:55:37 ID:/oDK1rXe
I have made this address block AT bbspink.com
36名無し編集部員:2007/06/12(火) 06:29:00 ID:qKGR93Ix
thank you
37Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/06/13(水) 15:07:01 ID:JUy0u8jW
>>35 dou itashi mashite
38名無し編集部員:2007/06/19(火) 21:53:44 ID:y75hjeJa


39名無し編集部員:2007/06/19(火) 22:20:32 ID:4KttpXat
(This is a poor translation.)
Mr.Jim is a good-looking man when viewing him from the front.
But, when I see him from the diagonal, he seems to have the potbelly.
40Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/06/20(水) 11:57:18 ID:F17CUvtF
That is because I ate to much pie.

I am not so fat though, just a big chest and loose shirt.
41名無し編集部員:2007/06/21(木) 02:06:30 ID:gDT8awtF
"PIE" isn't "Pacific Internet Exchange".
It was "Pie" of the meat pie!?
42名無し編集部員:2007/06/23(土) 09:50:10 ID:oeoHffUB
Chicken pot pie, cherry pie, apple pie, Boston cream pie.
43名無し編集部員:2007/07/07(土) 18:45:37 ID:YyRBidqL
Mr. Jim.. how are you?
44名無し編集部員:2007/07/09(月) 12:02:56 ID:KrLgJS2F
I have no idea if you have heard about present situation about BBSPINK,
so here is FYI.
BBSPINK has no way of ban a user right now since May 2007.(that means,
BBSPINK have nothing to do against troll or attacker who wants to ruin its
target threads or board, except deleting its postings. Since it takes time and
patience, even Greenday-san has given up doing so with some incidents.
As you know, the blocking(or banning) had been done by the 2ch side since
the BBSPINK servers are under their control. Currently, any innocent user can
report the troll or attacker in a specially setup board in 2ch, then if the 2ch blocker
team agreed it is indeed the annoying or disturbance behavior against 2ch BBS,
the troll's ISP domain will be banned. The ban may be on a board(s), or entire
2ch BBS(including BBSPINK's). It has a bad side effect - any users who
has same ISP domain as the troll are also bannd. I heard Hiroyuki's
preference is "no blocking is prefered unless the blocker can pinpoint block the troll
(it means if the troll's IP is static or from Cellphone access(serial number is
required for posting right now), go ahead and do it). Compromise between blocker team
and Hiroyuki is current blocking method - Pinpoint block is eternal. Domain blocking on
a board will be in effect for a month, or until the blocking team receive a mail from
the troll's ISP that they have traced the IP and warned the specified troll about its behavior.
(any innocent user who wants to unblock his domain can report the troll to his ISP)
The blocker team's role is banning the troll. The troll's IP and the logs are posted by
the team for anybody who wants to report the ISP. Deactivation for entire 2ch domain
banning is done by the mail from the ISP only.
Troll or attack on BBSPINK was handled about same way before. Any user report to
the specially setup board on 2ch and the blocker team pinpoint ban the troll or ban
his ISP. The difference was deactivation. Greenday-san used to mail the target ISP
instead of an innocent user who wants to unblock his ISP domain and ask the deactivator
of 2ch blocker team on a basis from the mail Greenday-san received from the ISP.
One day in May, 2ch blocking team found out the BBSPINKs blocking/unblocking
procedure and declared they don't block troll on BBSPINK any more.
Greenday-san and some BBSPINK volunteer discussed for improving(or adjusting)
their procedure to meet 2ch blocker team's wish. They tried to present
the procedure change to 2ch blocker team recently with no success.
Big problem here. Greeday-san does not understand or know exact intent
or thought of the 2ch blocking team. Of course, 2ch blocking team is not so
kind to tell or teach what they really want. I think that the team want Greenday-san
to realize what they want. Because of this, current no banning situation may last longer.
I wrote this not because I want you to do something about this, but let you
know what's happening and if you have any suggestions to Greenday-san or something.
45Greenday ★:2007/07/09(月) 12:30:23 ID:???

ok, that's enough,

you say that I do not understand or know exact intent
or thought of the 2ch blocking team, then I really want to know,
it seems like YOU UNDERSTAND.

What is that?
46Greenday ★:2007/07/09(月) 12:31:23 ID:???
Could you PLEASE TELL ME if YOU undeterdtand??
47名無し編集部員:2007/07/09(月) 12:42:52 ID:KrLgJS2F
??? I just wrote that for Jim-san and have no intention to insult
or complain about Greenday-san. I think you are doing your best.
I think the most fault or blame is on the blocking team's side for
not telling or teaching to less experienced Greenday-san about
what they really want.
48名無し編集部員:2007/07/09(月) 15:50:58 ID:qoYubtVx
Why don't you install Pentium4 into your head as a new brain, pussy?
49Greenday ★:2007/07/09(月) 17:14:25 ID:???
well, actually i installed something new in my pussy.
that's gonna fix something. hahahaha
50Greenday ★:2007/07/09(月) 17:34:22 ID:???
>48 Fuck you
51Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/07/09(月) 17:39:30 ID:LFtzChDr
>>43Hey guys. Wow, I was sick for a few days. Really sick and you
all sound like you are going to tear each other up.
>>48 Have to keep those pentiums out of the pussies. It might cause dissimilar metal corrosion
problem with your vibrators, and we all know there is nothing worse then a rusty pussy.
anyway don't you think this is our normal beginning of making something

Lets figure it out.
First. Of course we don't understand the exact thinking.
Second. Every summer someone on 2ch tries to find a way to make
the evil bbspink go away. This always happens in the summer because
they don't have jobs in between school years.
Third. We always come up with a solution.
So Lets concentrate on the 3rd point, and not spend so much
precious time dwelling on 1st and 2nd.
52Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/07/09(月) 20:35:50 ID:LFtzChDr
Wow, I must be stupid I just read into this. What serious insult.
ah now I understand completely. I think that there is another board
for insult fighting, lets not play it on this one. Not in the local
rules friends.
53名無し編集部員:2007/07/09(月) 20:53:18 ID:isb8r4nX
Do not you prepare the restriction tool by yourself?

If you leave the restriction to Mr. Yakin(FOX),
you will have to learn his idea more.

And, you should start from making friends with him.
If you need his cooperation, not other people
but you should obtain his trust.



54Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/07/09(月) 20:58:53 ID:LFtzChDr
and finally about Long winded-sans post.
Yes it is a problem, it is not the biggest problem but a problem.
I am thinking there is a much bigger problem these days, it
free proxy sites, that pull data direct from the source and display
it on their servers as their sites. This uses the resources of
2ch and bbspink servers, sucks all the data and then displays it
somewhere else. This causes a lot of the server slowdown.
I am thinking to completely block these sites at server level.
Although I have not decided it yet. Probably need to here some
others feedback on it. You seem very full of words. Maybe you
have on opinion?
55名無し編集部員:2007/07/09(月) 21:02:28 ID:/MhyhF61

PINK cannot block the attacker for two months.
She applied for the block of the attacker in the same standard as 2ch.
However, FOX★ even did not read it.
56名無し編集部員:2007/07/09(月) 21:22:07 ID:/MhyhF61
57名無し編集部員:2007/07/10(火) 18:57:25 ID:n6YyKJtt
BBSPINK is so now, blocking, admitting, blocking, admitting, blocking, admitting.....:-(
If we two go on doing that sort of thing, we'll get nowhere.
2ch blocker team's dislikes vain efforts.
58Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/07/10(火) 19:29:24 ID:/b1Wk/eR
just like I don't read this post
59Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/07/10(火) 19:32:35 ID:/b1Wk/eR
I understand, nobody likes vain efforts. The purpose is important
the effort is vain. Sometimes people like vain efforts though.
My favorite vain effort in a movie.
Tom Cruise and Ken Watanabe last battle in the Last Samurai.
By the way I really do appreciate the effort of the blocking team.
At this time I wish I could do more to help.
60名無し編集部員:2007/07/10(火) 19:44:48 ID:iXv8NP9p
61名無し編集部員:2007/07/10(火) 20:23:43 ID:GXDgNe1P

>>267-268 ×
>>269-270 ○

62名無し編集部員:2007/07/11(水) 01:37:17 ID:WRksP4MP
>By the way I really do appreciate the effort of the blocking team.

If they care BBSPINK (troll's heaven now) more, I will appreciate too...lol
63名無し編集部員:2007/07/11(水) 12:49:24 ID:VPtMChtm
Current state (Suitable summary in unskilled English)

79-san's thinking,
When one ISP is blocked, a lot of this ISP's users are disappointed.
And so the system that enables the blocked user is necessary.
It's necessary to stop blocking early.
We prepare "the troublesome person" report system to ISP.
If the ISP dealt with "the troublesome person", we will ask 2ch blocking team for stop of the blocking.

2ch blocking team's thinking,
I think that "the troublesome person" report system is not necessary.
In 2ch, a lot of ISP is being permanently blocked now.
Because it's a real hassle to repeat the block and admin every time, and >>57.
However, BBSPINK was made "the troublesome person report system".
BBSPINK always makes arrangements to suit there own convenience.
Why should we work for BBSPINK?
BBSPINK are too selfish! We simply can't keep up with BBSPINK.

...Therefore, it became >>60 so.
64erika:2007/07/11(水) 13:02:22 ID:A/IXtG0J
Hi Jim san. How are you feeling.Are you better know?

I wrote a letter to your bbspink.com address yesterday.
This is concerning my friend who is in a serious situation.
His full name, school name, occupation,IP address,are on the thread.
We tried our best to ask the team for help
(jyuten sakujio irai) to get rid of the thread but,
maybe we don't exactly know howto.
Things are escalating.copy pasting all over,
Letters are sent to school,etc.

Please, help us Jim and Greenday-san.

I am really sorry to write such things here.
We really need help.
We will appreciate very much if you could help us.
Thank you.
65名無し編集部員:2007/07/11(水) 16:50:05 ID:emAlb9fT
Actually, nobody knows exactly what 2ch blocking team's thinking.
They answer question with question and do not tell their exact thinking.
What is that "You keep trying until you get it right,"attitude?
They must be either power-obsesseed or think they are god.
66Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/07/11(水) 17:43:54 ID:ecp+o/yW
I will take a look at the email. Hope your friend will be ok
Does this delete request follow the rules of http://deleter.bbspink.com
67Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/07/11(水) 17:55:23 ID:ecp+o/yW
I think a lot of this problem is caused by the fact that 79 is actually
thinking and maybe some others are not thinking. I feel that 79
must be trying to make things better, and not worse for the blocking team.
I know 79 enough to know that just making a system without thinking is not
79's way,
I am not sure but probably the system was put together with many people THINKING
and testing if it was going to be good or not. I am guessing that
this system is probably just needing some input from the blocking team if they
get time to look at it.
I doubt that it was put to anyone at all in a draconian way, and probably if it
turns out to be a good system it would be good for 2ch as well. Since 2ch operates in
a similar manner to bbspink.
As for selfish, hmmm. I don't see a lot of selfish, but mostly people trying to help
other people out and have a little fun
68Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/07/11(水) 17:56:38 ID:ecp+o/yW
Sorry friend, but its Greek to me.
69Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/07/11(水) 18:05:53 ID:ecp+o/yW
Thanks for the laugh
70erika:2007/07/11(水) 18:07:07 ID:A/IXtG0J
Jim,thank you for being kind.
Yes, this delete request as everyone determine it is GL3.
If it is possible,we really want to get rid of
one particular person who is writting this.

71Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/07/11(水) 18:20:26 ID:ecp+o/yW
I have read your email, and am sure it qualifies to be deleted.
You do have to follow the rules for that on the deletion board though
so many requests it has to be done by the rules with nobody getting
favorite treatment for it.
What do you mean get rid of the particular person? That sounds criminal to me.
That part we can't do anything about although the person probably belongs on someone's
better off dead list. We absolutely can't do anything about or to the posters on
this site, that is technically, morally and physically impossible.

I hope the situation does get better soon.
72erika:2007/07/11(水) 18:34:19 ID:A/IXtG0J
Thank you Jim. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
get rid of the particular person meaning,
just to let this person stop writting.

I have pasted
but I am not sure if anyone will see it and
delete the thread for us.

73erika:2007/07/11(水) 18:35:26 ID:A/IXtG0J
I wrote it as Kao.
74Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/07/11(水) 18:37:54 ID:ecp+o/yW
>>72 I am sure someone will see it. It just takes time, that is a completely
volunteer system and they do it when they have free time. I don't do
it because everytime I do it people get so angry at me. I can't win deleting, or not deleting.
75erika:2007/07/11(水) 18:49:41 ID:A/IXtG0J
Okay,we will wait and see...

Thank you Jim. It was pleasure talking to you.
76erika:2007/07/11(水) 20:27:18 ID:A/IXtG0J
Jim, can you read my e-mail for the last time?

Things are getting worse.
77Greenday ★:2007/07/12(木) 06:51:40 ID:???
Everybody have to follow our certain rules of deletion.
E-mail deletion-request is not available.
It should be opened on housekeeping board.
78Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/07/12(木) 10:11:20 ID:1ec3z3AG
I have read it. Please follow the advice of >>77
79名無し編集部員:2007/07/12(木) 11:36:04 ID:rehNYhUf
80名無し編集部員:2007/07/12(木) 12:22:13 ID:aw/2vte6
Some problems are here.
First of all, ISP in Japan spoils own user very much.
Even if own user does a vandalism, they pardon it at once.
ISP only sends the mail of warning to the vandal.

2ch had "Report system to ISP" before.
But, almost all vandal in Japan knows that mail is only sent to him.
He only has to wait only just a little while 2ch and ISP are sending mail each
other. He was permitted writing it in 2ch and ruined 2ch several days later, too.
And, 2ch was vandalized again. These were repeated many times by disgusted.
This is a reason that is tired of 2ch blocking team. Therefore, they chose a permanent block.

79-san used to be tired the same reason as 2ch blocking team.
One vandal was making her embarrassed in BBSPINK.
(This vandal is called "Shineshigma" here.)
Shineshigma was restricted many times. However, they ruined BBSPINK by deregulation many times.

BBSPINK is borrowing "Block system" of 2ch. Of course, 2ch has the decision-making authority of deregulation.
Our report system doesn't work as long as 2ch denies releasing vandal.
Unavoidably, 79-san starts opposing vandal by the deletion.
I think that I'm good when BBSPINK has their original "Block system" like "Deletion system".
Because I think that I'm good if I do not become tired 79-san any further.
81名無し編集部員:2007/07/12(木) 12:40:04 ID:aw/2vte6
>>80 Forgetting writing...
If BBSPINK doesn't have "Original block system", BBSPINK should give up free deregulation.
82Greenday ★:2007/07/12(木) 13:11:47 ID:???

too long.

make them in 3 lines. I do not understand what you say.
83名無し編集部員:2007/07/12(木) 13:17:39 ID:+DpGsDxe

84Greenday ★:2007/07/12(木) 13:25:57 ID:???
>>83 ok, then you take care.
85Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/07/12(木) 17:01:48 ID:1ec3z3AG
I understand this problem, and obviously we do borrow the blocking and very
thankfully. Yes of course ISPs are very kind to their current users, even if those
users are vandals, that is the ISPs economic issue. So blocking entire ISP is
already proven more effective, because this forces the isp to respond since we hope more than one user
with that ISP is a frequent user of the site. However that is a very draconian response and
we all know that, even though the blocking team works tirelessly.
The idea of making a new system is probably a pipe dream, but I think that the idea
of bbspink coming up with a way to augment or improve the system
could be a reality. It is beyond my own personal abilities. I could do things in a
very draconian way as well, but the pinpoint precision blocking of a target like a
surgical strike with a laser guided bomb from a jet would be a fantastic tool if some
smart person could make it. That is probably what 79 was trying to figure out and caused
this trouble. The idea should not be forgotten, but we do not have the ability yet to implement
this idea.
86 ◆QNUItadakI :2007/07/12(木) 19:14:18 ID:w2e2oDdI
87名無し編集部員:2007/07/12(木) 21:46:10 ID:mxm22ot+
>>86 translation

How's your pocket monster going, Jim?
88名無し編集部員:2007/07/13(金) 03:19:31 ID:Ztp4TDUc
The blocking team has already been refusing the block of BBSPINK for two months.
89Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/07/13(金) 14:51:45 ID:/lNLZZOt
Peeka Chew
>>88 They are very busy
90名無し編集部員:2007/07/16(月) 01:53:19 ID:7gKDo0K0

   /)  /)
  /  ⌒  ヽ   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  | ●_ ●  | < Am i Peeka Chew?
 (〇 〜  〇 |  \__________
 /       |
 |     |_/ |
91名無し編集部員:2007/07/17(火) 15:20:50 ID:7X4pgqYx

79-san is broken now.
92名無し編集部員:2007/07/17(火) 15:40:12 ID:/obIpZIY
The blocking team refused the block of the child pornography.
It is necessary to negotiate with hiroyuki.
93Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/07/17(火) 16:50:53 ID:srK5BkL8
>>91 Is 79 a robot? Maybe 79 is ill.
>>92 I will talk to Hiroyuki in about 2 weeks.
94名無し編集部員:2007/07/17(火) 18:54:48 ID:7X4pgqYx
The mental condition of 79-san is more terrible than the robot now.
I think that it is not enough to talk about this case after Jim-san came to Japan.
It will be very very late so later.
95ナナ ◆SEVEN/xSuE :2007/07/18(水) 00:03:14 ID:s2U+SX7d
The one of Volunteer belongs to blocking team of 2ch, is thinking following.

We block the enemy whom 2ch and PINK are common to.
Solve only in PINK about block problem inside PINK.
In other words, it is a state which can not block it which is not the enemy of 2ch when it is necessary that we block by the less than 18 year-old problem.
JIM asks to the manager of 2ch to cooperate or PINK blocks the part which isn't common.
If If If If
To divide a block system, we must search for the person who can build a block system.
Then, it is limited to the person who is trusted by you.
The one can see the CGI script all.
Ithas high risk
Please consult 79 well.
96Yanagisawa:2007/07/18(水) 00:50:20 ID:BcD/vE+7
79 is a robot who bears a child.
97 ◆uRW6KoTaRo :2007/07/18(水) 23:46:06 ID:umTQvk5E
You'll reach the cliff pretty soon.
Hang in there!
98Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/07/19(木) 11:50:51 ID:kFVO6L2z
>>95 I understand.
>>97 Standing on the cliff. Looking at the world go by. To bad we can not fly.
Have to keep our feet securely on the ground, and just watch the world go around.
99名無し編集部員:2007/07/19(木) 11:52:08 ID:oxNC2g94
You all are in Saipan now, huh?

100Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/07/19(木) 13:56:55 ID:kFVO6L2z
>>99 That is obnoxious
There is no temporary problem worth the cost of a permanent solution.
101名無し編集部員:2007/07/19(木) 14:56:41 ID:mo1VwE1Z
permanent problems always happen when you start something.
not when you finish something.
102名無し編集部員:2007/07/19(木) 15:29:35 ID:roGpwbog
A permanent candle shows you the figure of ghosts.
Check floor 16.
103名無し編集部員:2007/07/19(木) 15:32:02 ID:mo1VwE1Z
when you finish something, that problem is always just temporary.
104名無し編集部員:2007/07/19(木) 15:32:34 ID:J5ztgOKj
You do not know that the very serious situation happens in bbspink now.
You do not understand it; is not going to understand it!

I am sad.
If this state continues, 79-san may commit suicide.
105ナナ ◆SEVEN/xSuE :2007/07/19(木) 15:37:48 ID:TZRIvvj7
106Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2007/07/19(木) 16:02:41 ID:???
>>104 I do know the serious problems, and don't you think I am trying to get
a solution?
Please stop talking like that, has 79 said anything foolish like that directly?
107名無し編集部員:2007/07/19(木) 16:30:44 ID:roGpwbog
No, no.
>>104 wanted to say like this,

I am sad(ism).
108名無し編集部員:2007/07/19(木) 16:33:22 ID:J5ztgOKj
79-san defies all great people of 2channel.

FOX-san,Kseniya ★-san,MUMUMU-san and and more......
109Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2007/07/19(木) 17:25:14 ID:???
Maybe the nail that sticks up this time is correct, and should not
be hammered down. I think 79 cares more about the people of 2ch than
anyone I know.
110ナナ ◆SEVEN/xSuE :2007/07/19(木) 18:00:54 ID:TZRIvvj7
>>109 JIMsan
I have same idea.
Absolutely 79san cares them.

But they aren't understanding skillfully in the communication.
Think much of the relation.
and we need to be supported more.
so that
79san needs that you and HIROYUKIsan help.

When holding a leader talk, tell 79san's intention, too.
Then, request cooperation.

Thankyou for understanding my meaning.
Best Regards
111Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2007/07/19(木) 18:15:12 ID:???
112ナナ ◆SEVEN/xSuE :2007/07/19(木) 18:20:38 ID:TZRIvvj7
113名無し編集部員:2007/07/19(木) 21:22:16 ID:38OgB3QV
Jim san
Can you make access controll system for bbspink only?
114Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2007/07/20(金) 13:20:42 ID:???
I have said before I don't have the ability to make something better
than we currently have.
115 ◆79EROOYuCc @Greenday ★:2007/07/20(金) 13:42:43 ID:???
We are following 2ch.
That policy never changes, and will never change, as long as nobody is arrested in Japan or in the United States.
116yume ◆Yume.xMgf6 :2007/07/20(金) 14:18:34 ID:Ng+AY41g
I wish the serious situation not to happen.
We should prepare so that problem does not happen.

bbspink is so happy place forever.
I hope so.
117Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/07/20(金) 14:28:15 ID:zd3xVO9Q
>>116 Me too. It is a very happy place. I hope it can stay that way.
118名無し編集部員:2007/07/20(金) 16:14:03 ID:JmVi68pH
Hi Jim san
a friend of mine wanna meet you at ATE PIE booth to talk about a bussiness.
he would mail you from ttp://www.pie.us/?page=contact.
119Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/07/20(金) 16:19:13 ID:zd3xVO9Q
>>118 That will not go directly to me. Better to send to my jim AT bbspink.com
120名無し編集部員:2007/07/20(金) 16:24:06 ID:JmVi68pH
thank you so much!
he will mail you ASAP.
121名無し編集部員:2007/07/24(火) 23:19:36 ID:jpfq1KMc
普段、目もあわせないらしいガキがダディクールとか言ってる。郷ひろみか? 畜生、氏ね。
鉄板も凄い、まず汚ねぇ。こげとかこびりついてる。 洗え。洗剤で洗え。つうか買い換えろ。

122Machine translation:2007/07/25(水) 00:32:00 ID:D3fTCQMo
Can it be executed if there is technical assistance?
123Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/07/25(水) 15:02:29 ID:f5AIszHU
I have just arrived in Japan. Chiba-chi. It is a very pretty city on the beach.
It should be a lot of fun for this week.
It is not a technical problem, it is a political problem.
124名無し編集部員:2007/07/25(水) 16:46:36 ID:Pj3HpgUY
and then you'll have BBQ party → getting to >>121

You're at a stake when you're going to have a steak.
125Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/07/25(水) 17:51:51 ID:f5AIszHU
perfect chance to fry up some Sea Lion Meatballs
126Machine translation:2007/07/25(水) 21:57:53 ID:D3fTCQMo
Welcome to Japan.

Is it diplomacy with 2ch?

What is your hope concerning the access control?
(Do not think about the current problem.)

"Every time, it is requested to 2ch."
(Give it up if refused.)

"It controls only in BBSPINK."
(System construction is necessary.)

127Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/07/26(木) 08:51:36 ID:rXDpmD9W
upgrading our servers is most important thing. After that is done
lets talk about building a system. Access control is something I have
experience with from working with subscription websites.
Our servers are the oldest servers at pie. I would like to upgrade them.
Building a system would include building a new read.cgi since I don't
have the make file to compile the read.cgi. If I could upgrade our
servers first, then the other things would come into place.
128Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/07/26(木) 18:20:41 ID:rXDpmD9W
I saw your booth today. Sugoi! it is onatech heaven.
129名無し編集部員:2007/07/27(金) 19:06:17 ID:Akuemtda
Was something the good one gotten by Makuhari?
130Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/07/27(金) 19:31:32 ID:9qHYOjX0
>>129 Only a good time....:)
Last night I ate beef! lots and lots of delicious succulent meat that melted
in your mouth. In a little ville called Fuchimi.
Then spent some time in one of their stand bars, singing and drinking.
Today I went to the ATE. It was great. Lots of nice entertainment.
131名無し編集部員:2007/07/27(金) 21:22:32 ID:hCCl5tJt
Jimさん初吉原特攻実況祭り まだぁ?
132Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/07/28(土) 00:04:23 ID:FKsjrVpd
hehehehehehe. I have been to soapland one time. I knocked on the door.
The advertising was so horny. I could not resist to knock on the door.
this was maybe 9 years ago. They did not let me inside. I am a white american
guy. Not allowed. Actually they said "no gaijin" and closed the door.

I wish I had a special report from the show. Honestly, it was hard not to
get "hard" there. So many pretty girls walking around.

The most exciting thing for me at the show, was a very beautiful lady
that visited our booth. I commented, that she had a pretty skirt.
Then she introduced me to her husband. Well, I guess they were having some
fun, and he pulled her blouse open and showed me his wifes boobs.
I have seen many boobs, but there is really nothing more exciting
than something like that happening. Oh and also they were very pretty boobs.
133桃太郎 ◆MOMOwomoIk :2007/07/28(土) 11:10:57 ID:B/z7ZtZT
Jim welcome to Japan!
Unfortunately I was going to go to Makuhari Messe, but work is busy and can never go today.
(In fact, less than 2km need it to Makuhari Messe)I am glad if I can meet the next opportunity!
134名無し編集部員:2007/07/28(土) 16:26:00 ID:RUW1OfSK
Welcome to Japan
135名無し編集部員:2007/07/28(土) 16:29:07 ID:RUW1OfSK
You can sex soapland PLAY GIRL in Yoshiwara near asakusa,Tokyo.
136Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/07/28(土) 19:50:27 ID:FKsjrVpd
>>133 I will be here until August 1. Just let me know if you want to visit.
>>134 Thank you...:)
>>135 Oh thank you for the important information!
137118:2007/07/28(土) 22:24:22 ID:etPX1nep
Thanks a lot!


He said that he hopes Mona can reach to his booth tomorrow...
138Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/07/29(日) 01:06:25 ID:ZYxAKuci
Wow! sugoi. Dou itashi mashite. You are welcome. I don't
know where Mona will go, I just follow like everyone else.
I will try to see every booth tomorrow though. I think I have seen
25% of the booths so far. Maybe Mona has seen 50%
139名無しさん@そうだ選挙に行こう:2007/07/29(日) 04:30:20 ID:09ks5JEl

140名無しさん@そうだ選挙に行こう:2007/07/29(日) 04:36:57 ID:09ks5JEl
Where is FOX naw?
FOX`s burogu
141名無しさん@そうだ選挙に行こう:2007/07/29(日) 10:00:08 ID:b4gZrsyZ
 jimさん Welcome to Japan おっぱい祭り きぼんぬ!

「jimさん Welcome to Japan」とメモ付きおっぱいうp!
そしてここにスレURLリンクで どうだろ?
142Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/07/29(日) 14:31:21 ID:ZYxAKuci
Already pictures are gone. I did not see them....:(
>>140 Fox is like a secret agent. You never know where he will be.
>>141 I am happy to see that thread. I will watch closely.
143Itadaki ◆QNUItadakI :2007/07/29(日) 14:42:43 ID:aDFt1sP8
I could meet you in the day before yesterday and was very glad. Thank you.

I look forward to seeing again next.
144名無しさん@そうだ選挙に行こう:2007/07/29(日) 15:00:00 ID:KS2EP6UV
I want mousepad!!!!!!!! Kudasai-kudasai-kudasai.
145Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/07/29(日) 15:10:49 ID:ZYxAKuci
Come to the booth. I will give you a mousepad.
My lunch is over I will go back now.
146桃太郎@仕事上がり:2007/07/29(日) 18:37:38 ID:WNYKGIHp
147名無しさん@そうだ選挙に行こう:2007/07/29(日) 19:23:08 ID:T6va1/xi
148名無しさん@そうだ選挙に行こう:2007/07/29(日) 19:46:08 ID:MIJ1V9D/
149Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/07/30(月) 00:37:20 ID:Q1aoMI0j
Next stop Shinjuku. Makuhari Messe is very nice and shiny. It is
actually a beautiful place. Very good for handicapped people. It
is wide and easy to get around in a wheel chair. I am glad I saw
this place, but I need to go to Shinjuku because actually there is
nothing I enjoy doing in Makuhari now that the show is over.
150名無し編集部員:2007/07/30(月) 01:14:28 ID:h5phYzSv
151名無し編集部員:2007/08/01(水) 08:37:53 ID:UMfC4Zxi
server down @ www.bbspink.com
152名無し編集部員:2007/08/01(水) 13:17:52 ID:13Iwyte6
>149 JPS

153Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/08/04(土) 12:44:29 ID:oMp3dSKF
I have just returned to the Philippines from Japan. I had a great time.
So many great new friends!
I have started uploading some pictures from the ATE. You can see them here.
Check back over the next few days I will get them all uploaded.
154sad:2007/08/04(土) 13:23:11 ID:gT0rAUPO
155名無し編集部員:2007/08/05(日) 00:04:00 ID:K7yvLUVi

   ,/:::::::::::::::::::::\ 〜poon.  
 /::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::\ 〜poon.     
 |:::::::::::|_|_|_|_|_| 〜poon.   
 |_|_ノ∪ \,, ,,/ ヽ    
 |::( 6  ー─◎─◎ )   
 |ノ  (∵∴∪( o o)∴)  
 |   <  ∵   3 ∵>  
/\ └    ___ ノ   
  .\\U   ___ノ\   
    \\____)  ヽ  
(age46, disemployment, cherry boy, living in Shizuoka)
156名無し編集部員:2007/08/05(日) 12:48:52 ID:F+Zt/Enu
Glad to hear that you had a great time
157名無し編集部員:2007/08/05(日) 12:51:04 ID:F+Zt/Enu
I would like to learn English by free : p
158名無し編集部員:2007/08/06(月) 19:36:11 ID:Wuump8eC

If you introduce a lovely girl to Mr. Jim, Mr. Jim teaches surely in free.
159Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/08/06(月) 20:33:58 ID:HMSoUyu+
160Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/08/11(土) 21:21:08 ID:+SxpGwNl
Wow, I am using WIMAX and have an antenna.
161名無し編集部員:2007/08/12(日) 22:54:11 ID:3BEGvK3O
↓Why this KIMOWOTA smells too much?

   ,/:::::::::::::::::::::\ 〜poon.  
 /::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::\ 〜poon.     
 |:::::::::::|_|_|_|_|_| 〜poon.   
 |_|_ノ∪ \,, ,,/ ヽ    
 |::( 6  ー─◎─◎ )   
 |ノ  (∵∴∪( o o)∴)  
 |   <  ∵   3 ∵>  
/\ └    ___ ノ   
  .\\U   ___ノ\   
    \\____)  ヽ  
(age46, disemployment, cherry boy, living in Shizuoka, and HIKIKOMORI)
162Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/08/13(月) 09:33:00 ID:Do63AdP7
>>161 hehehehehehehehe
Your Ying has built up for 46 years, it is time to go get it pumped.
Then you will smell better.
163yume ◆Yume.xMgf6 :2007/08/13(月) 21:45:37 ID:8Onyu5g2
Dear Jim-san.

I think that you should talk about bbspink with Hiroyuki-san.
bbspink needs 2ch's technical support.

cream105 server doesn't work well,
because server settings does not match for 2ch's scripts.

These threads respond 500 Internal Server Error.

If upgrading servers by ourselves, same problems will occur.


(In Japanese)


164yu:2007/08/14(火) 03:50:13 ID:8s44YksZ BE:794351669-2BP(0)
I think that a meal is necessary to hold a meeting with jim-san.
Therefore I think that yume-san should introduce a delicious restaurant.


165Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/08/14(火) 11:52:49 ID:eNbZsvgb
Yes I enjoy eating much, but fixing the kako logs and upgrading servers is important.
cream105 is used because the 404 errors on the previous server, were
crashing the 404 page. I moved it myself, but I am not the one that
sets up the read.cgi and it is broken a little. Sumi-masen.
166yume ◆Yume.xMgf6 :2007/08/14(火) 16:05:22 ID:dMLAbqkj
I think that we need the person who can maintain the server by ourselves.

troubleshooting of small problem.
make a new board.

I hope such a person shows up.

We always support you.
Jim-san, Ganbare.
167Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/08/14(火) 17:44:03 ID:eNbZsvgb
168名無し編集部員:2007/08/14(火) 22:35:22 ID:7fHIW5s0
169名無し編集部員:2007/08/16(木) 13:39:47 ID:HnVL8gMN
170jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/08/16(木) 17:26:54 ID:ACNKKMOj
>>169 "Smart Bro" is what it is called.
Unfortunately it feels like Wi - "min" though, it does not have
the through put that was advertised.
171test:2007/08/21(火) 01:25:25 ID:YimBqHhz

    ノ^ヽ, ___ i┐  ヘ _____.   ,ヘ  ,ヘ  ,ヘ       ,¬,
  /∠ゝ,,ヽ! | | |   ノ/└┐i-i┌-! ┌ゝムゝム!∠-i    ノ ヘ,.ヽ.,,
 くイ'三三┐| | | |  / |'┌┘!-!└┐ | |二二二二マ |  ,.-''" ∠--ゝ ,"フ
  | ,二二, | | | | |  <,. | | n n n |  ̄ !---'ゝ/└┘ 丶-'======='=
  | i三三┘| | | |   | | | || | | | | | ┌----! '----┐ └--, ,-,..---┘
 丿,. ┌┐"|U | |   | | | U U U |  " ̄ ̄] | ̄ ̄"  _/ ∠,..ゝ\
 'V |__二_| エ_|   |_| |__i-----i__|    匸_.」      !,. ----''''"ヽ,ゝ

172jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/08/21(火) 12:31:59 ID:6E40IyMk
>>171 ?
173名無し編集部員:2007/08/22(水) 04:22:46 ID:7VnvIgIe
174名無し編集部員:2007/08/22(水) 04:28:39 ID:7VnvIgIe
I dont understand the meaning of >>171.
175名無し編集部員:2007/08/24(金) 01:24:43 ID:XN04IQQ9
176 ◆qb.x27/m96 :2007/09/06(木) 21:07:18 ID:PDGmux/J
Dear jim san.
Do you know these flash bulbs?
All is storys recited somewhere of 2ch.

2ch closedown disturbance.
Do you have forgot to say"thank you"?
To only one younger sister.
My life is likely to last ten to fifteen years.
177Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/09/06(木) 22:15:33 ID:vHAIAhWH
We got the bugs out of the charset for Japanese on the blog site.
If some people would test it with some live posts it would be nice.
178Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/09/06(木) 22:17:13 ID:vHAIAhWH
These links have nothing on them.
179 ◆qb.x27/m96 :2007/09/06(木) 22:39:31 ID:PDGmux/J
I understood.

You are nice guy.
180Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/09/06(木) 22:47:37 ID:vHAIAhWH
>>Thanks...;) Maybe my ip is blocked there. but I could not see your
.swf files at all.
181Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/09/06(木) 23:22:08 ID:vHAIAhWH
Here is a funny movie for you. I can not stop laughing. It might
be hard to understand, Cox, sounds like Cocks, and Balls sounds like
balls. Like in Cock and Balls, but they are peoples last names also.
182 ◆qb.x27/m96 :2007/09/07(金) 00:06:18 ID:EKZgk0sQ
Thank you.
I put it in a favorite.
183 ◆DQN/9/VVV. :2007/09/12(水) 21:39:27 ID:VfdMqKOT
|_  ∩
|゚∀゚)彡 Jim-san idol has down !!
| ⊂彡 Please reboot!!

184 ◆DQN/9/VVV. :2007/09/12(水) 22:30:20 ID:VfdMqKOT
  _   ∩
( ゚∀゚)彡 Good Job !!
185名無し編集部員:2007/09/13(木) 16:59:19 ID:2vRuoiLd
Jim-san sa-ba- ga kowarete masu. sankyu.
186名無し編集部員:2007/09/13(木) 19:43:47 ID:fvBVxCmO
Dear, Jim-san.
"idol.bbspink.com" Sever ( Hostname is "banana218".) has down.
We can't access this server.
The BBSes on this server are very very important talking place for adults.
Will you reboot this server and fix some problems?
Thank you.
187 ◆qb.x27/m96 :2007/09/13(木) 20:32:36 ID:Jktrqwnx
Dear jim san.

One day

a thriving Internet community

came to the verge of annihilation

The community,
an immense group of mega-bulletin boards

the largest of its kind in Japan,

...was called "PINK-Channel" ←now
        . ← How do you do?
Shut-down was eluded

...on th day

#誰かこのフラッシュを JIM さんが見れる場所へ導いて欲しい。。。
#2ch closedown disturbance.
188jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/09/13(木) 21:56:52 ID:Q7N/3znU
Now maybe people will listen to me, that the servers need to be upgraded.
I do not have the source code to compile the read.cgi. I have requested
help several times. The smug ones are to blame for this.
I have a server available to put online immediately to replace this server.
Gomenasai sumi-masen.
189 ◆qb.x27/m96 :2007/09/13(木) 22:57:26 ID:Jktrqwnx
> I do not have the source code to compile the read.cgi.

Dear jim san.

The person is connected with the mind by the mind.

The source code of 2ch is jealously-guarded.

It is necessary to trust it so that it is instructed.

I think so.
190jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/09/13(木) 23:09:03 ID:Q7N/3znU
I guard many backs, but unfortunately it seems nobody guards mine
at this time.
191jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/09/14(金) 01:01:07 ID:wtWPKS/y
FreeBSD 5.2.1-RELEASE-p4 (SP2)
192名無し編集部員:2007/09/14(金) 01:51:31 ID:mxhjZpln
193名無し編集部員:2007/09/14(金) 01:53:27 ID:n66vpuFC
jim san

Don't touch banana214 ,please!
194jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/09/14(金) 01:56:49 ID:wtWPKS/y
>>193 I won't don't worry. I won't make it worse. I understand what has
happened now. I am just looking for a server that I can use to put the contents
195名無し編集部員:2007/09/14(金) 02:32:42 ID:2kXNiv3b
My father is dog
196jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/09/14(金) 04:11:37 ID:wtWPKS/y
>>195 my dog always tries to hump my leg. Do you ever have this problem with your father?
197名無し編集部員:2007/09/14(金) 11:23:45 ID:XecWhSrO
198Tom:2007/09/14(金) 11:30:18 ID:9C5ud7Hm
Dear Jim-san

Could you tell me the truth about which company are you belong to?


Plz tell me.
I believe your kindness.
199名無し編集部員:2007/09/14(金) 15:04:19 ID:wpzPG8qJ
fakku yu-
200名無し編集部員:2007/09/14(金) 15:12:58 ID:vLnMke20
you're a motherfucker
201jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/09/14(金) 16:08:45 ID:wtWPKS/y
Konichi-wa to you too >>200
202名無し編集部員:2007/09/14(金) 16:33:57 ID:o8p0dPGW
Who is able to repair idol bbs?

if you cannot repair, we need other engineer that have skill to repair.
203jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/09/14(金) 16:41:28 ID:wtWPKS/y
>>202 When I am done, if I get success I will tell the complete story.
I am very busy right now. Gomenasai sumi-masen.
204名無し編集部員:2007/09/14(金) 19:01:38 ID:DkSuI8ub
May the golden king smile upon us.
205Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/09/15(土) 12:18:59 ID:f14CSimT
The excellent engineer smiled on us too. Here is what he did.

If the script using SpeedyCGI is not working,
I cannot examine into the cause any further.
I think that it is a peculiar problem to the script,
and I do not have the ability to analyze.
Thank you.

banana702# cat time2.cgi

use CGI::SpeedyCGI;
my $sp = CGI::SpeedyCGI->new;

$ENV{'TZ'} = "JST-9";
$times = time;
($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year) = localtime($times);
$year=$year+1900; #
$mon=$mon+1; #
print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n";
print "<html><head>\n";
print "<body>\n";
print "<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Content-Type\" CONTENT=\"text/html;
print "Time<p>\n";
print "$year/$mon/$mday $hour:$min:$sec<p>";

print "Running under speedy=", $sp->i_am_speedy ? 'y' : 'n', "<p>\n";

$sp->setopt('timeout', 30);
print "maxruns=", $sp->getopt('maxruns'), "<BR>\n";
print "timeout=", $sp->getopt('timeout'), "<BR>\n";

print "</body></html>";

Sincerely yours,

And apache was recompiled and the correct setting was placed on the httpd.conf

This is the correct line.

LoadModule cgidso_module modules/mod_cgidso.so

Sorry for the late reporting. I fell asleep, and the engineer did also
after completing this task.

206名無し編集部員:2007/09/15(土) 12:55:15 ID:myMoURMU


print "Content-type: text/plain\n\n";
print "Hello, World!\n";
exit 0;

207名無し編集部員:2007/09/15(土) 12:56:00 ID:/y/tfNDA
208206:2007/09/15(土) 13:11:30 ID:myMoURMU
209Greenday ★:2007/09/15(土) 13:13:48 ID:???
jim-san, you still there
210名無し編集部員:2007/09/15(土) 14:05:25 ID:6WGXuR7b
おまじない (CR LF -> LF)

nkf -Lu xxx > yyy
211名無し編集部員:2007/09/15(土) 14:12:51 ID:ANikaHgy
212Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/09/15(土) 16:03:15 ID:mLQr4L1L
>>209 I am still here, I was just eating lunch.
213名無し編集部員:2007/09/15(土) 16:10:54 ID:GxecKRo5
warming up new server now.
214名無し編集部員:2007/09/15(土) 16:14:01 ID:5J6SPDQc
Hi,jim.Today weather is hot in Japan.
How about Philippines's weather?
215名無し編集部員:2007/09/15(土) 16:19:27 ID:GxecKRo5
216名無し編集部員:2007/09/15(土) 16:19:36 ID:5J6SPDQc
1: ■ 敬老の日 (10) 
2: ■裏2ちゃんねる製作委員会(age禁止) (1) 
3: ■ 移転ですー (1) 
4: pink再生への道 (2) 

Oh, "qiufen server" is new server?
pink saisei he no miti.

217名無し編集部員:2007/09/15(土) 18:07:07 ID:iTlZBi34
I succeeded in writing.
30-second regulation is effective.
218jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2007/09/15(土) 18:10:24 ID:???
Cloudy but not so hot. It will rain today. Actually if you don't mind the rain.
This season is wonderful in the Philippines.
219名無し編集部員:2007/09/15(土) 18:16:47 ID:Yau4xmQ4
220名無し編集部員:2007/09/15(土) 21:53:57 ID:46ZX9Vhi

mumumu's message

To Jim-san

You say 'ai ai(yes, please)'.

221名無し編集部員:2007/09/15(土) 21:56:40 ID:5khFno62
207 ひろゆき@どうやら管理人 ★ 2007/09/15(土) 20:48:31 ID:???0 BE:?-S★(1004247)


215 root▲▲ ★ sage 2007/09/15(土) 20:54:02 ID:???0 BE:?-PLT(77800)
222名無し編集部員:2007/09/15(土) 22:08:57 ID:5khFno62
223 ◆79EROOYuCc @Greenday ★:2007/09/15(土) 22:28:51 ID:???
Good morning, Jim.

Let's keep going making PINK-channel happy place :)
224名無し編集部員:2007/09/16(日) 00:24:51 ID:iGcApmB7

225名無し編集部員:2007/09/16(日) 04:20:12 ID:GR0AWe8c
i love you, jim
226名無し編集部員:2007/09/16(日) 05:20:16 ID:dga1xSFz
Oh, thanks! HAHAHA!
227名無し編集部員:2007/09/16(日) 12:19:44 ID:eq6uu4kl
I put AI AI on that guys.
228 ◆79EROOYuCc @Greenday ★:2007/09/16(日) 12:48:13 ID:???
then seacret question, Jim,

what was your original sirname, and what is your mom's first name?
it is necessarey, plz understand, mumumu needs to be secure.
229 ◆79EROOYuCc @Greenday ★:2007/09/16(日) 12:50:18 ID:???
this is a matter of who's gonna take the final responsibility.
You are the manager, addmin,

WE defenetly need Jim's " ai ai, yes please "

not fake Jim.
230 ◆79EROOYuCc @Greenday ★:2007/09/16(日) 13:00:06 ID:???
here's other question which is more easier to answer,

where is your Castro address?
231名無し編集部員:2007/09/16(日) 13:03:05 ID:7BusBXwD
232名無し編集部員:2007/09/16(日) 13:09:28 ID:wssDp/YI
233jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2007/09/16(日) 13:31:58 ID:???
I am back at my PC.
234jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2007/09/16(日) 13:34:06 ID:???
Lets Use the qiufen.bbspink.com
It is so nice.
235名無し編集部員:2007/09/16(日) 13:36:01 ID:qiskxcV1
236名無し編集部員:2007/09/16(日) 13:36:24 ID:7BusBXwD
okaeri Jim-san
237名無し編集部員:2007/09/16(日) 13:37:10 ID:wssDp/YI
How about Logs?
238名無し編集部員:2007/09/16(日) 13:37:49 ID:qiskxcV1
We guys and I have an important question.

Could you please tell me whether or not you have a plan
to transfer logs of idol.bbspink.com to a new server: quifen?
239jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2007/09/16(日) 13:38:34 ID:???
I have to go to a super important Catholic ceremony for my religious
co worker. Please understand, I will come back online after it is over.
If lightning does not strike for me going into a church.
240名無し編集部員:2007/09/16(日) 13:39:17 ID:bmxrRRu5

I have a question.
Can you move logs to qiufen from idol ?
If you can, we are waiting your work,
if not, we should be make new all thread.
241名無し編集部員:2007/09/16(日) 13:40:13 ID:qiskxcV1
Jim-san, I see...
I think you do not worry about this side matter.

Have a good time!
See you later.
242名無し編集部員:2007/09/16(日) 13:40:15 ID:ghUWdX+e
243名無し編集部員:2007/09/16(日) 13:41:10 ID:qiskxcV1
244jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2007/09/16(日) 13:42:08 ID:???
I didn't yet, but I could move the logs, but I might overwrite important
files. When I get back I will see if there is a way for me to do it
without overwriting files.
245名無し編集部員:2007/09/16(日) 13:46:02 ID:qiskxcV1
Could you tell me you would like to merge the old logs to the new ones
on the quifen server?
246 ◆MUMUMUhnYI :2007/09/16(日) 13:49:39 ID:/ltNYOC/ BE:7387799-PLT(77800)
Please, please wait for a while. I could help you.
I will back online tonight.
247名無し編集部員:2007/09/16(日) 13:52:30 ID:qiskxcV1

248名無し編集部員:2007/09/16(日) 13:52:37 ID:bmxrRRu5
best way is ask how to do move logs, who that can.

249名無し編集部員:2007/09/16(日) 13:53:36 ID:AqPhgsSo
600 名前:RedBrick ★ 投稿日:2007/09/16(日) 13:48

担当者 : みんな
250名無し編集部員:2007/09/16(日) 14:33:26 ID:AqPhgsSo
628 名前:[es] ◆MUMUMUhnYI 投稿日:2007/09/16(日) 14:31

251jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2007/09/16(日) 14:59:48 ID:???
I will wait until tonight and do this together with Mumumu-san, if he can help me.
I am sure I can do it, but I worry I might overwrite something important.

252名無し編集部員:2007/09/16(日) 15:12:59 ID:pGtxWjiv
It is thought that FOX wants all members to set up a new thread without moving the
log that exists in an old server.
see >>249
253名無し編集部員:2007/09/16(日) 15:16:43 ID:7BusBXwD
254Tom:2007/09/16(日) 15:17:24 ID:LaSV6FqU
RedBrick is FOX?
255名無し編集部員:2007/09/16(日) 15:20:43 ID:7BusBXwD
256名無し編集部員:2007/09/16(日) 15:21:52 ID:AqPhgsSo
257名無し編集部員:2007/09/16(日) 15:32:53 ID:pGtxWjiv
Though it is open secret.
258名無し編集部員:2007/09/16(日) 15:34:45 ID:7BusBXwD
It's dammmm...
259jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2007/09/16(日) 15:35:40 ID:???
>>252 >>254
I will discuss this online tonight when Mumumu-san gets back.
I would like to make things here a happy place too, and I am not certain
which way is best. Just converting old logs to kakologs
and starting new, or moving old logs to the current server.
Redbrick is Redbrick. The is an anonymous place, people are whoever their handle says they are.
260名無し編集部員:2007/09/16(日) 15:46:35 ID:wssDp/YI
Move old logs to the current server, please.
Most Users hope so, I think.
Redbrick is not user.

261jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2007/09/16(日) 16:00:22 ID:???
>>260 Tonight, after talking to mumumu, then we can all decide together
which is the best way.
262名無し編集部員:2007/09/16(日) 16:00:32 ID:xXNJbtKY
現 idol log は全て過去ログへ  qiufen で再出発
スレはまたみんなで立てればいいよ どうせすぐ一杯立つよ
263名無し編集部員:2007/09/16(日) 17:02:02 ID:Tba+p2eM
264名無し編集部員:2007/09/16(日) 18:25:42 ID:oPcVS1z+
265名無し編集部員:2007/09/16(日) 18:56:32 ID:j36B0Tp8
>>262 の意見も>>263>>264も同じ賛同者数かもね
266名無し編集部員:2007/09/16(日) 18:59:25 ID:XvBFluos
267Mike:2007/09/16(日) 19:00:17 ID:qiskxcV1
Dear Jim:

We guys and I understand your current circumstances that you will discuss
and then decide the moving with Mumumu-san tonight.

However, I would like you not to forget what a lot of users do not like to
set up new threads and use ones.
I beleive that the users want not to abandon their old posts.
In my thought, they never mind the new ones will be overwritten and/or
gone to a garbage box.

I appreciate your assistance and kindness in advance.

Best regards,
268o'conner:2007/09/16(日) 19:08:46 ID:PM0L27JB
me too
269名無し編集部員:2007/09/16(日) 19:12:23 ID:wssDp/YI
I quite agree.
270名無し編集部員:2007/09/16(日) 19:35:13 ID:hYAU/wJK
I like to set up new thread !
Let us start new PINK !
I do not need old logs .
271[es] ◆MUMUMUhnYI :2007/09/16(日) 19:57:38 ID:yaPPzBw0

I will back online at about 11 pm JST.
Now I'm writing via mobile phone, [es] of my name field
tells it.
272Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2007/09/16(日) 23:04:14 ID:???
273名無し編集部員:2007/09/16(日) 23:06:33 ID:r++XVjzs
274Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2007/09/16(日) 23:07:51 ID:???
Personally I really want to move the old threads. Not moving them even though
they are not at 1000 really goes against my thinking. I will see
what Mumumu-san says when he signs on with his CAP.
275名無し編集部員:2007/09/16(日) 23:11:01 ID:94K+US6r
you have to think who are making BBS.
people are making BBS. not you.

they are making BBS right now !
276Mike:2007/09/16(日) 23:12:55 ID:qiskxcV1

We guys and I have really wanted to listen to the comment that you want to move them!

Thank you very much for your comment!!!
277Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2007/09/16(日) 23:12:42 ID:???
>>275 Great, and I want to do it, without overwriting those people making
threads right now.
278名無し編集部員:2007/09/16(日) 23:15:35 ID:nkExLpsP
Some people want to move old threads as you, but another want to make new threads.
279名無し編集部員:2007/09/16(日) 23:15:58 ID:94K+US6r
to make BBS is happiness for people.
please don't steal their happiness.
280名無し編集部員:2007/09/16(日) 23:16:30 ID:sFlSoMj4
Welcome back!!

Please be sure that there are already so many thread on the boards.
If you just moved the oldthread there, there would be many duplicate thread.

If you do so, I think you should remove (or let them go to dat) them.
281名無し編集部員:2007/09/16(日) 23:23:47 ID:6rFfh5vU
How long do you stay in Philipine?
when you come back to USA?
282 ◆MUMUMUhnYI :2007/09/16(日) 23:24:29 ID:/ltNYOC/ BE:1915373-PLT(77800)
Tadaima. I'm back.

But I need to read threads for getting the current situation
and thinking plans for my doing.
Please wait for a while.
283名無し編集部員:2007/09/16(日) 23:28:35 ID:RKaAyHQo
                              ζ  ,
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   ,, -'''" .   .  駲刪櫑躪  . ' ';゛`'丶.、.......
.  '´     !    . 膚順棚斷. ' , ;::::::::::::...`.::::::::....
 i       ヽ、..._,.__魎鬱蹠撫.,,__,.,..ノ.:::::::::   !::::::::::::...
. ヽ、                      ,: '.:::::::::
    `=ー--、....,,,,,______,,,,,... --‐=''´..::::::
      ``" '' 'ー───‐―‐' ''' "´
284Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2007/09/16(日) 23:35:39 ID:???
I am watching this thread, and Lets talk to Jim thread.
285Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2007/09/16(日) 23:57:22 ID:???
286Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2007/09/17(月) 00:02:46 ID:???
I am going to take a nap. I will check back in a while.
287名無し編集部員:2007/09/17(月) 00:09:41 ID:LlXKPvTL
288 ◆MUMUMUhnYI :2007/09/17(月) 00:11:48 ID:a3B/7VLK BE:3830876-PLT(77800)
>>284 >>286
Ok, I will move >>284's thread for setup servers.
289名無し編集部員:2007/09/17(月) 00:14:46 ID:T3N/9/U/
Thanks friend.

and see you again…
290名無し編集部員:2007/09/17(月) 00:17:00 ID:epGPPad0
Many thanks
291198:2007/09/17(月) 01:35:40 ID:cxnOEc5V
Jim-sama,thank you for teaching me top secret.
So・・・,what is NBI?
MBI? or
Noble Bigbox I love it?
292 ◆79EROOYuCc @Greenday ★:2007/09/17(月) 01:51:50 ID:???
I am listening to what RedBrick says.
BBSPINK is a happy place for ppl.

We are making happy place all together.

I am completelyt agree with >>275
293名無し編集部員:2007/09/17(月) 01:57:43 ID:dZ9ZLO1u
Return to work to cherish the cat right now!
Your whereabouts is not here.
294名無し編集部員:2007/09/17(月) 02:10:15 ID:f+ycpAh1

>>275 means "past logs should be alive on new server" I think.

Do you agree with that?
295名無し編集部員:2007/09/17(月) 02:15:35 ID:PO5SB2eq
we are sad.
our favorite threads were gone.
296名無し編集部員:2007/09/17(月) 02:17:06 ID:+9+b2Z29
It's in your memory.
297名無し編集部員:2007/09/17(月) 02:17:43 ID:gmHLaf5F
let's cry together.
298名無し編集部員:2007/09/17(月) 02:18:08 ID:mSEiTr19
But we can still read them.

299 ◆79EROOYuCc @Greenday ★:2007/09/17(月) 03:29:15 ID:???

Old threads are going to go to "kako-log".
They are not going to be moved to new quifen server.
All of them.

Because people are now making their happy place by themselves on quifen server.

is that ok?
300名無し編集部員:2007/09/17(月) 03:34:29 ID:5qylAZe9
301 ◆MUMUMUhnYI :2007/09/17(月) 03:42:05 ID:a3B/7VLK BE:3284249-PLT(77800)

Jim-san, please read my writing at that thread carefully.
Users can get both original pastlogs and past live threads in idol.
e.g. http://pie.bbspink.com/club/dat/

79-san, please do not make a confusion anymore.
302 ◆MUMUMUhnYI :2007/09/17(月) 03:51:40 ID:a3B/7VLK BE:2736656-PLT(77800)
> e.g. http://pie.bbspink.com/club/dat/

should be: http://idol.bbspink.com/club/dat/ . Sorry.

And I will go to bed now, it is 3:50 am in Saitama.
Good night, it will be fine tomorrow.
303名無し編集部員:2007/09/17(月) 04:04:15 ID:0xN8hwDU


304名無し編集部員:2007/09/17(月) 04:11:08 ID:5E2PkTg9
> Users can get both original pastlogs and past live threads in idol.

305名無し編集部員:2007/09/17(月) 04:24:10 ID:IBAsZWEI
306名無し編集部員:2007/09/17(月) 05:45:40 ID:bzLJd8o1
307名無し編集部員:2007/09/17(月) 06:03:57 ID:IBAsZWEI
>>286 参照。
308名無し編集部員:2007/09/17(月) 08:22:48 ID:dZ9ZLO1u

We need your decision about we should make a new thread or not.
Please give us guidepost.
309名無し編集部員:2007/09/17(月) 11:00:53 ID:mP7UMLjg


310名無し編集部員:2007/09/17(月) 11:05:28 ID:waCZwZwA
311名無し編集部員:2007/09/17(月) 11:08:09 ID:yHLEmfpX
312Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2007/09/17(月) 11:14:01 ID:???
>>311 Not dead yet. I am going to move the threads if possible. Make new ones
if you want, and I will try not to overwrite them. I will start arount 4 PM JST.
313 ◆79EROOYuCc :2007/09/17(月) 11:35:41 ID:uJzOuqfC

314名無し編集部員:2007/09/17(月) 11:38:43 ID:96Bb8thq
315名無し編集部員:2007/09/17(月) 11:45:23 ID:f+ycpAh1

316名無し編集部員:2007/09/17(月) 11:55:31 ID:PcVvmruG
317名無し編集部員:2007/09/17(月) 11:57:55 ID:LP0MY1fk
FOX and Mumumu won't help you,
because they think that they need not move logs.
318名無し編集部員:2007/09/17(月) 11:58:16 ID:zqxWtew8
319名無し編集部員:2007/09/17(月) 12:01:42 ID:mP7UMLjg

320 ◆79EROOYuCc @Greenday ★:2007/09/17(月) 12:04:41 ID:???
>>319さん なぜそんなに、PINKちゃんねるを終了させたいのですか?
321名無し編集部員:2007/09/17(月) 12:07:48 ID:f+ycpAh1
322Mike:2007/09/17(月) 12:14:20 ID:KvT4mv0C

Many users and I are glad to receiving your comment that
you will try to move the threads without the overwriting!

We guys really appreciate your decision!!
323 ◆79EROOYuCc @Greenday ★:2007/09/17(月) 12:16:05 ID:???
NO. Please do not move old logs to qiufen server.
They are just going to stay on banana218.
324 ◆79EROOYuCc @Greenday ★:2007/09/17(月) 12:18:59 ID:???
Old logs are just going to stay on banana218 for the time being.
That is the best for lots of people and for bbspink, also that is the right thing to do.

Now it hurts a little bit, but it will be obviously better LATER.
325名無し編集部員:2007/09/17(月) 12:35:54 ID:PcVvmruG
326Mike:2007/09/17(月) 12:37:51 ID:KvT4mv0C

A lot of users do not wish that >>323-324.
We guys and I hope you will keep your mind to try moving the threads of the idol to the qiufen.

Thank you very much for your kindness!
327名無し編集部員:2007/09/17(月) 12:41:16 ID:mSEiTr19
MUMUMU-san said you not to confuse us anymore.
All you have to do is just take care of your cat(s) and shut your mouth up!

328名無し編集部員:2007/09/17(月) 12:43:11 ID:dZ9ZLO1u
Is here "Let's talk with 79"?
329名無し編集部員:2007/09/17(月) 12:45:28 ID:UtcVm4NT
330jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2007/09/17(月) 13:32:25 ID:???
Yes it is ok to stay there as long as they are accessible.
My biggest concern is that they will not be accessible to users.
So if they can be accessed, then they can stay where they are.
I won't move them since they can be accessed.
331 ◆79EROOYuCc @Greenday ★:2007/09/17(月) 13:45:27 ID:???
Thank you so much. Jim......

:) >>330
332 ◆MUMUMUhnYI :2007/09/17(月) 13:48:02 ID:a3B/7VLK BE:1368735-PLT(77800)

Our best next step is preparation of a big and tough pastlog server.
It protects property of everybody.

I strongly recommend we must not touch banana702 after it is completed.
Again, the crashed data cannot recover anymore.

Please understand it.

-- Mumumu
333 ◆MUMUMUhnYI :2007/09/17(月) 13:50:05 ID:a3B/7VLK BE:1915373-PLT(77800)
> Again, the crashed data cannot recover anymore.

May be "cannot be recovered".
Sorry, my English skill is still elementarily.
334 ◆MUMUMUhnYI :2007/09/17(月) 13:52:34 ID:a3B/7VLK BE:912825-PLT(77800)
> I strongly recommend we must not touch banana702 after it is completed.

Very sorry. "after" should be "before".
Anyway, I believe you.
335名無し編集部員:2007/09/17(月) 13:54:29 ID:mP7UMLjg
To Jim

Please never take the nap afterwards if you start work at 4:00 p.m. of the JST.
It is anxious most that We are kept waiting by the result that work did not
advance to because you took the nap.
Please declare whether you do not seem to be possible after having begun
work whether Jim seems to have log movement in announcement official immediately.
If Jim cannot do it, announced that "I cannot do it" immediately is easy to do the correspondence of the back.



336 ◆79EROOYuCc @Greenday ★:2007/09/17(月) 14:08:00 ID:???
>>335 Jim does not move old logs.

337名無し編集部員:2007/09/17(月) 14:19:28 ID:HGLUS0vO
338名無し編集部員:2007/09/17(月) 14:34:12 ID:j1XfoxaT

575 名前: ◆79EROOYuCc [sage] 投稿日:2007/09/15(土) 02:14:07 ID:vcYul5+e
339名無し編集部員:2007/09/17(月) 14:39:06 ID:TSfBx6xz
140 :Greenday ★ :sage :2007/09/17(月) 14:37:31 ID:???





340名無し編集部員:2007/09/17(月) 16:46:40 ID:FYx09ffI
341名無し編集部員:2007/09/17(月) 16:49:12 ID:96Bb8thq
330 名前:jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★[] 投稿日:2007/09/17(月) 13:32:25 ID:???
Yes it is ok to stay there as long as they are accessible.

My biggest concern is that they will not be accessible to users.

So if they can be accessed, then they can stay where they are.

I won't move them since they can be accessed.
342名無し編集部員:2007/09/17(月) 19:14:12 ID:PcVvmruG
343名無し編集部員:2007/09/17(月) 20:50:39 ID:3Ej5NSsJ
Mtr,jim very very thank you.
344名無し編集部員:2007/09/17(月) 20:57:39 ID:hwkFiaGP
thank you. ! jim-san
345名無し編集部員:2007/09/17(月) 22:01:23 ID:895hj6fb
thank you jam!
346名無し編集部員:2007/09/17(月) 22:14:19 ID:pCsNrLNd
347jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2007/09/17(月) 22:19:49 ID:???
>>346 I am sleepy now too. What can I do? I have already drank 1 pot of coffee today.
348jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2007/09/17(月) 22:20:31 ID:???
Is it a happy place today?
349名無し編集部員:2007/09/17(月) 22:29:50 ID:pCsNrLNd

ありがとうがざいました m(_ _*)m
350名無し編集部員:2007/09/17(月) 22:30:33 ID:6/TYU/K1
Thank you Jim, and all
351名無し編集部員:2007/09/17(月) 22:30:42 ID:VRP5h3fD
yes. I think so.
352名無し編集部員:2007/09/17(月) 22:34:59 ID:j1XfoxaT
Happy happy!! Thank you!!
353[es] ◆MUMUMUhnYI :2007/09/17(月) 22:35:02 ID:PikZmI3f
Now everything is good.
Users are now searching Okazu of tonight.
354名無し編集部員:2007/09/17(月) 22:39:11 ID:j1XfoxaT
355名無し編集部員:2007/09/17(月) 22:49:11 ID:wNSFSiAf

Now, (most of) users are happy.

That's OK.
Anytime, world never be happy.

Thank you.

a certain user
356名無し編集部員:2007/09/17(月) 22:49:59 ID:hwkFiaGP
JIM-san Thank you and Good night.
357名無し編集部員:2007/09/17(月) 22:50:32 ID:5E2PkTg9
now the time to think the way to protect from next trouble
358名無し編集部員:2007/09/17(月) 23:42:02 ID:4VNB1NeD
2ちゃん初心者ながら この数日間 素敵なドラマ(?)を拝見させて頂きました。
事務さん 無無無さん 赤煉瓦さん 79さん その他の皆さん
359jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2007/09/18(火) 00:05:48 ID:???
>>357 I agree, but really it is time to sleep again.
360名無し編集部員:2007/09/18(火) 00:13:46 ID:+dqxnlYN
Thank you, Mr Jim! Good night.
361 ◆79EROOYuCc @Greenday ★:2007/09/18(火) 02:20:47 ID:???
Thank you so much, Jim.
Please get some rest.
362名無し編集部員:2007/09/18(火) 10:52:42 ID:ouEAjh/S

363Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2007/09/18(火) 13:10:03 ID:???
Things seem to be working well today
364名無し編集部員:2007/09/18(火) 14:28:08 ID:QjEI5i1C
que sera sera
365名無し編集部員:2007/09/18(火) 19:26:26 ID:GaE2+H7p
Shame on you !!>>FOX★
366jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2007/09/18(火) 23:29:50 ID:???
>>365 Lets have a happy day, no shame anywhere please.
367名無し編集部員:2007/09/19(水) 01:51:57 ID:ip1ypvUK
Can anybody and I continue to talk with Mr.Jim here?
368jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2007/09/19(水) 02:11:24 ID:???
Yes, anyone can talk to me here.
369Mike:2007/09/19(水) 02:40:46 ID:ip1ypvUK
I forgot to write my name... sorry.
I am glad to hearing what anyone can talk to you here.
Thank you for your response, Mr.Jim!
370jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2007/09/19(水) 03:08:31 ID:???
>>369 No problem. You can talk about anything here, but I might not answer anything....;)
371名無し編集部員:2007/09/19(水) 03:28:01 ID:uKxrLa1/
I'm F8I officer
I arrest you!
372名無し編集部員:2007/09/19(水) 21:51:54 ID:7Xd3eTkm

There's nothing but good for nothing.
373名無し編集部員:2007/09/19(水) 22:08:01 ID:OEwpLUvS
The meaning is not understood.
374Mike:2007/09/19(水) 23:23:19 ID:MXTH4qU1
Mr.Jim, thank you for your comments as usual! :D

By the way, what do you think about a service of shared pictures like the frickr?
Are you interested in services of a shared type on the Internet?
375名無し編集部員:2007/09/19(水) 23:24:41 ID:4UqGD+s8
I can fly.
376名無し編集部員:2007/09/20(木) 01:13:45 ID:VaTc2MnR
Distinguido seno~r [Sr.Jim]

Le escribo por primera vez.

?Que` te interesa m`as en esta momento?

Comparto su indignacion.
377jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2007/09/20(木) 02:15:41 ID:???
>>376 Estoy siempre interesado en la misma cosa.
Muchachas bonitas y una vida feliz.
378jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2007/09/20(木) 02:19:57 ID:???
>>374 Hi Mike. Picture sharing is good. I love it when the Megami board
gets busy. I am not familiar with frickr, I have used picture sharing
sites to print my digital images, and it was very convenient.
379名無し編集部員:2007/09/20(木) 08:30:23 ID:SSfggR2U
hey hey Jim. Somebody spoke ill of you.

Jim is really stupid. Jim is very crazy.
380名無し編集部員:2007/09/20(木) 10:00:47 ID:f1iUHGVT
>>372 MEANS:
381jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/09/20(木) 21:34:28 ID:rkahim0v
Maybe it is true?
382名無し編集部員:2007/09/20(木) 21:36:20 ID:Iz28wldJ
Yes, and so are we. hehehehehe
383jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/09/20(木) 21:48:35 ID:rkahim0v
>>382 Then I feel at home...:) Birds of a feather flock together.
384 ◆DQN/9/VVV. :2007/09/20(木) 23:03:53 ID:z2LRZhBw
   !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!llii     lll|                ,,iii,
         ,,iill!°   .llll!!llliillllllllllliiiiiiiiiiiii,,、    .,,ill!!lli,、   ,,,,, iii,,、
        ,,ill!゙’     .lll     lll   ̄    .,,iill!゙゜ ゙!lli,   .゙!llli,゙゙゙!llii,,
          ,ill!lll,,      lll     lll     .,,,iiiil!!!゙゜   ゙llli,    '!!l  .'゙゙°
       ,,illl’'!!lii,           lll     '!!゙゙`     .゙llli,
      llll!゜  '゙!lli,          lll|             ゙!lli,,
     .,ill!′   ゙llli,          lll,                '!lli,,
     .iill゙     ゙!lli、        '゙゙                 ゙!lli,
     .”′     ゙”                         ゙!lli,、
385 ◆DQN/9/VVV. :2007/09/20(木) 23:05:41 ID:z2LRZhBw

( *゚∀゚)∩<It is mistaken bombing.Veryvery sorry.
386jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/09/20(木) 23:14:08 ID:rkahim0v
>>385 Me too. I was testing size from the new ascii art generator on the
blog, but I meant to post it to EroAA board, but made a wrong window
387 ◆DQN/9/VVV. :2007/09/20(木) 23:22:11 ID:z2LRZhBw
( ゚∀゚)∩<It is called GOBAKU that mean mistaken bombing.
388jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/09/20(木) 23:36:52 ID:rkahim0v
>>386 ( ゚∀゚)∩ ごばsく すみーません
389名無し編集部員:2007/09/21(金) 00:41:05 ID:9Ub+qU6u
390名無し編集部員:2007/09/21(金) 04:57:12 ID:OdIYoC67
391名無し編集部員:2007/09/21(金) 12:08:29 ID:ki7cmPwE
Hello jim-san
Could you teach your mail address?
I want to send you mail.
392名無し編集部員:2007/09/21(金) 12:14:27 ID:VEqJQ4HL
Hello jim-san
you do not have to tell this kind of lazy, rude person to tell your email address,
your email adress is opened everywhere in bbspink,
this person does not even want to search it by himself/herself.
393Mike:2007/09/21(金) 12:20:31 ID:HD3O3kcH
email を送りたいってことですかね?
であれば、email は日本の文法英語授業的に言うと動詞として使えるので
I want to email you. で OK だったりします

あと、日本語で教えて欲しいということを伝えたいときは tell で十分です
Could you tell me your email address? といった感じですね
teach は専門的に教えて欲しいような時に使えばよいかと思いますー
394男根様 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2007/09/21(金) 12:24:53 ID:sMNKuXA5 BE:601812656-2BP(6501)
hi Jim
chinpo is penis
395名無し編集部員:2007/09/21(金) 12:57:48 ID:VEqJQ4HL
hi jim, oh yeah
manko is vagina.
396男根様 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2007/09/21(金) 15:25:04 ID:sMNKuXA5 BE:401208645-2BP(6501)
Chinpo is penis in Japan. And as you see my "trip" is "chinpo"gedo.

Do you know Lingam? Lingam is one of the religious symbol for worship. It is a word of Hinduism.
I am agnostic and christian.
I have these two mainly thoughts but it is no incoherence I thought, for only recognizable what is believed.
And, the mystery of the linga was able to be recognized and interested in it.

Jim, what is your religion?
In other words, what's your object of belief?
397名無し編集部員:2007/09/21(金) 17:05:26 ID:IWMpbGEi
email じゃなくてmail を送りたいんだろw
398名無し編集部員:2007/09/21(金) 19:24:27 ID:XmCy8MNy
399Mike:2007/09/21(金) 21:28:25 ID:Ap6619v9
400jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/09/21(金) 23:02:56 ID:3h6+1vKH
Thanks Mike. Nice to meet you Chinpogedu.
>>391 You can see the email at the bottom of the page here. www.bbspink.com
401jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/09/21(金) 23:05:15 ID:3h6+1vKH
402jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/09/21(金) 23:07:15 ID:3h6+1vKH
There are a lot of words for penis and vagina in english.
Are there more words for them in japanese too?
403男根様 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2007/09/22(土) 01:47:36 ID:yJTL3VTE BE:1283866188-2BP(6501)
Nice to meet you too
suitably to you and I will look over because it is interested.

"a lot of words" is for instance, dick, john, she, pruney etc...?
of course, in japanese too
penis - chinko, otintin, pokotin, tinpo, mara, kintama, sao, nikubou, dankon(男根 is my net name), itimotu and etc.
vagina - manko, mantyo, bobo, awabi, hanabira, mesuana, izumi, omeko, nikutubo, tunbii and etc.

it is not counted because there langages are a lot of dialects.
i hear there are more than 1000 words about only penis in Italian.
very crazy langage!
consented to be said the country where sex was the most active in the world.
this website is about it
404名無し編集部員:2007/09/22(土) 01:49:33 ID:20xmqkJc
What an ERO thread this is! ><
405名無し編集部員:2007/09/22(土) 04:01:03 ID:rG3S/E5I
What does this sentense mean?
"Girls A Go Go!!"

406名無し編集部員:2007/09/22(土) 04:03:32 ID:rG3S/E5I
407名無し編集部員:2007/09/22(土) 04:43:34 ID:ShxAD+VC
tunbii? 知らねぇww どこの方言だ?
408407:2007/09/22(土) 04:51:23 ID:ShxAD+VC

tunbii is dialect in shizuoka.
409Gru:2007/09/22(土) 10:10:36 ID:u8ILehaP
The answer of e-mail was sent.
410名無し編集部員:2007/09/22(土) 18:50:51 ID:97PtaRti
Dear Jim

Thank you for working.
411名無し編集部員:2007/09/23(日) 02:33:03 ID:5xWTFEf4
>>378 Hello Jim-san. I am interested in you have used picture sharing
sites to print your digital images.
In my thought, picture sharing services are not succeeded to get users
in Japan. For example, frickr is not popular at all in Japan.
Anyway, I will try to use the sites to print the images.
Thank you for your response regarding my question!
412411:2007/09/23(日) 02:36:44 ID:5xWTFEf4
I forgot to put my nick name Mike...
413男根様 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2007/09/23(日) 03:00:58 ID:tf4UhW9C BE:541631939-2BP(6501)
414Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2007/09/23(日) 12:33:23 ID:???
>>411 It is a mystery what site will become popular or not. Try changing
the name and using the same format, it might get lucky. Good luck Mike
remember me when you are rich.
415名無し編集部員:2007/09/23(日) 18:00:15 ID:D0soJlhr

I found a error.
qiufens's offlaw.cgi does not work.

416名無し編集部員:2007/09/24(月) 00:05:12 ID:yO3zTaJi
Somebody fixed cgi error.

http://qiufen.bbspink.com/test/offlaw.cgi well work.
417Gru:2007/09/24(月) 15:46:53 ID:MhkW0IgY
Dear jim-san and BBSPINK Managers,

Mail was sent to info (at) bbspink.com.
Please confirm it.
418Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2007/09/25(火) 00:41:40 ID:???
>>417 I received your email, and have replied.
419jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/09/26(水) 00:34:48 ID:X9+fOZKk
Girls a go go = Girls dancing
Go go dancing is a fine art, and my favorite form of entertainment.
Pretty girls dancing in tiny outfits is a very exciting celebration of
the beauty of tight toned female figures.
420名無し編集部員:2007/09/26(水) 04:41:53 ID:lLOMgpu7
421男根様 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2007/09/26(水) 06:57:03 ID:bvisi1+y BE:401208454-2BP(6501)
422jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/09/26(水) 22:22:44 ID:X9+fOZKk
I found a new game that I like to play. I played it so much that I finished it.
"blazing angels" Does anyone know if there are secret levels in this PS3 game?
I would like to play more levels, but I have finished it...;(
423405:2007/09/27(木) 10:03:46 ID:XzCc1Vy8
Jim-san,thank you very much!
424jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/09/28(金) 21:43:48 ID:Q9wo03zx
I found out that there are more airplanes when you finish each level faster.
Also you can collect different campaign medals. It is nice to get new airplanes
and "rewrite" history. Pearl Harbor ends up differently when you defend it
with a German ME-262....;)
425男根様 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2007/09/29(土) 16:24:42 ID:FuQpSzGz BE:802416858-2BP(6501)
I like this ERO game
this is hentai Japanese culture!
426名無し編集部員:2007/09/30(日) 10:53:17 ID:mGEZReHq
Leave it half done.
Or, it's hit in your anus hole.
Probably, by the Jim.
427名無し編集部員:2007/09/30(日) 10:57:52 ID:mGEZReHq
Missed assign

428名無し編集部員:2007/09/30(日) 18:31:51 ID:MDAiLB4s
429Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2007/09/30(日) 18:46:54 ID:???
I don't think that would be sanitary...:0
430Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2007/09/30(日) 18:50:33 ID:???
I can't see it from here....:(
Tracing route to terios.net []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 4 ms 1 ms 1 ms home.gateway []
2 34 ms 35 ms 34 ms 203.177.******
3 41 ms 34 ms 36 ms
4 52 ms 38 ms 35 ms
5 35 ms 36 ms 35 ms
6 237 ms 236 ms *
7 General failure.

Trace complete.
431jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/10/01(月) 22:53:47 ID:7B88njGX
I am interested in buying this video when it is released.
Can someone let me know what site will be selling it?

"Sayuri's first video "expression" is scheduled for release by Maxing on October 16"
432jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/10/02(火) 00:49:59 ID:30xThGVY
Can someone tell me what Yume is talking about?
aegagropila is green slime. Maybe this is not translating well.
433名無し編集部員:2007/10/02(火) 01:40:00 ID:8SqamRHO
まりも = aegagropila is deleter's name.
Maybe he or she or Delrescue can't access to bbs for deleter.
Delrescue sent 79 an email about that, so yume asks 79 for reply.
434男根様 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2007/10/02(火) 06:28:58 ID:Qzogfon9 BE:481449964-2BP(6501)
oh too bad...
plz god! make Jim can see the hentai game page!

terios is most popular ERO game maker in my country I think
I have known this 9 years ago
the maker made the "Septem Charm Majikaru Canan"(majikaru=magical)
this Hgame is my origin of Hgame that is first and every Hgame life was began
yes, its very important for me to speak my favorite Hgame
check it in this wikipedia it is the soft introduction
435名無し編集部員:2007/10/02(火) 06:34:50 ID:HE9wl+Re
Probably, Can buy it at the Amazon.
436名無し編集部員:2007/10/02(火) 17:24:35 ID:Z8wwyC7e

Nice boat.
437jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/10/02(火) 22:59:29 ID:30xThGVY
A boat is a hole in the water that you pour money into.
438jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/10/03(水) 01:20:01 ID:kKqNZEIm
I got a trace to it from my office, but still can't see it. Looks like
they need a better server.

3 6 ms 6 ms 6 ms ge-0-1-0-985.gw4.mnl1.asianetcom.net [202.147.24
4 60 ms 60 ms 60 ms po1-0-0.cr1.nrt1.asianetcom.net []

5 60 ms 60 ms 60 ms gi0-0.gw1.nrt5.asianetcom.net []
6 60 ms 60 ms 61 ms PoweredcomInc.gw1.nrt2.asianetcom.net [203.192.1
7 61 ms 61 ms 105 ms []
8 62 ms 61 ms 74 ms []
9 131 ms 108 ms * []
10 91 ms 146 ms 61 ms [61.117.245
11 61 ms 80 ms 61 ms
12 61 ms 77 ms 61 ms
13 61 ms 62 ms 62 ms
14 62 ms 62 ms 63 ms gw3-fa0-0.jp.inter.net []
15 788 ms 62 ms 62 ms host.terios.net []

Trace complete.
439男根様 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2007/10/06(土) 09:22:10 ID:jsFB3ASS BE:80242122-2BP(6501)
umm I have no idea to see the wikipedia

I have never heard such a situation

Hentai game is forever...
440男根様 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2007/10/06(土) 17:20:01 ID:jsFB3ASS BE:361087463-2BP(6501)
your office server environmental is particular space...?

nmm, perhaps, I did the misunderstanding for what you say,,,

maybe I am understanding this conversations
or, you are telling another thing its different from I understood problem.

hehe, what a complicate thing!
441Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2007/10/06(土) 20:53:21 ID:???
I can see the wikipedia, but the site seems to be blocked for me.
It is probably only available for Japanese to see it.
442男根様 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2007/10/06(土) 23:41:57 ID:jsFB3ASS BE:561692047-2BP(6501)
oh i see
Terios web site is closed web site
maybe server of Terios is weak
and not international
Above all, it feel translation work is more tiresome than creation work
443名無し編集部員:2007/10/07(日) 08:33:21 ID:Le65NH5V
Jim-san,How do you think about 79-san's Big-Box?
444名無し編集部員:2007/10/07(日) 08:38:05 ID:Le65NH5V
Jim-san,you should call "Big-Box" "BB".
Sorry,thank you.
445名無し編集部員:2007/10/08(月) 11:24:52 ID:g9Bn04rE
446名無し編集部員:2007/10/08(月) 15:55:56 ID:Y40HwJlc

447名無し編集部員:2007/10/08(月) 16:02:16 ID:hUUcgN1s

qiufen -- it is not usually deleted in mackerel now.
When I want the residents of this mackerel to usually resume deletion,
they are SURE wished to the janitor.
448名無し編集部員:2007/10/08(月) 16:13:22 ID:hUUcgN1s
It is >>446's supplement.

qiufen -- it is not usually deleted in mackerel now.
When I want the residents of this mackerel to usually resume deletion,
they are SURE wished to the janitor.
449jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/10/08(月) 22:06:19 ID:Aop8NzM7
Sorry I had a long week-end, and did not go online. Now I will go to San
Francisco. Sorry I don't understand the mackerel problem. I will translate
this when I get back online.
450名無し編集部員:2007/10/08(月) 22:27:28 ID:L9c2owH/
I hear that the residents of qiufenserver are not usually deleted
and it wishes for resumption of early usual deletion.
I think if it can cooperate also with Mr. Jim.
451Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2007/10/09(火) 14:02:53 ID:???
>>450 I am in Narita now. NWA lounge is so nice.
I am not certain of the problem with qiufen server for deletion.
I am guessing the problem is from reconstruction, and the course of
action that was decided online by all of us.
The Deleters are volunteers, they are great and have big hearts for helping
They are under no obligation to delete at all.
I am sure they are deleting on qiufen though, just so many things to delete
it will take some time.
Also I have not had time to translate any of the detailed problems.
I am going to go enjoy NWA free Beer now! I will be online in San Francisco.
452名無し編集部員:2007/10/11(木) 02:56:29 ID:eKC0bz/S
Do you think that usual deletion of qiufenserver may be resumed as
Mr. Jim?
Seemingly, ◆79EROOYuCc has judged that there are few totals of thread of
each board of qiefenserver.
The example is here.

453名無し編集部員:2007/10/11(木) 10:58:41 ID:WL/ibPHT
Hi, Jim-san.

It may be reported from Mumumu-san,
We, Members of Operation BBS of 2ch, discuss the spec of the next past log server.

Please come ↓! (English OK!)
【カッパドキア】memories 2.0建造委員会【過去ログ倉庫】
454名無し編集部員:2007/10/14(日) 23:37:15 ID:Sq/i4w2d

◆79EROOYuCc is not putting in order explanation of the reason
for the stop of usual deletion of qiufensever.
The residents of a board are in the state which desires the explanation.
455Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2007/10/16(火) 00:28:21 ID:???
See >>451
456:2007/10/16(火) 01:17:45 ID:S7g9todn
President Jim. Hello.

I am a "2ch viewer" service user.
But, I cannot read all past logs in the idol server now.
Does the service that you offer really guarantee that I'm able to read
all past logs of BBSPINK?

The past log of idol server is not readable, and there is not the meaning
that I paid money in this service "2ch viewer".
Please give money back to me.
457:2007/10/16(火) 01:19:02 ID:S7g9todn
Sorry, I forgot to log in "2ch viewer" service.
458名無し編集部員:2007/10/16(火) 01:33:13 ID:b24MgYRc
>I am guessing the problem is from reconstruction,

>I am sure they are deleting on qiufen though, just so many things to delete
>it will take some time.

79 said not to delete to other deleter for her own stupid purpose, not for users.
459男根様 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2007/10/16(火) 09:03:11 ID:pQfYJfJl

318 名前: 焼飯(兵庫県)[] 投稿日:2007/10/16(火) 00:09:56 ID:jqt5ZViO0 ?2BP(1550)

Jim, you are still in Japan?
meet to the Hiroyuki?
460Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/10/16(火) 20:39:08 ID:9fDYXjxC
Nice photos...:) I am not in Japan now. I am in the USA.
461名無し編集部員:2007/10/16(火) 21:53:41 ID:BIO6p1qZ
Mr. Jim, Do you think Hiroyuki to be handsome?
462名無し編集部員:2007/10/17(水) 03:00:28 ID:9/VZDkgl
463Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/10/17(水) 04:19:09 ID:ORvcv0tO
Yes I think he is handsome. He has an uncanny resemblance to an Egyptian
Pharaoh named Amenhotep IV
Here is his picture. http://blog.bbspink.com/users/jim-san/posts/photos/th070504093304hiroyuki.jpg
and the picture of Amenhotep IV. http://blog.bbspink.com/users/jim-san/posts/photos/070504001001akhenaten.jpg

464男根様 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2007/10/17(水) 22:04:26 ID:WUGJ1W0A BE:722175449-2BP(6501)
Your conseption is very good!
Japanese but take after Egyptian haha It's funny lol
I will blog about this.
465名無し編集部員:2007/10/18(木) 06:56:04 ID:lfj7/4Gh
Burst out laughing.
466名無し編集部員:2007/10/18(木) 09:55:29 ID:24g+ByWZ
I'm very surprised that you know the face of Amenhotep IV
467名無し編集部員:2007/10/18(木) 09:57:08 ID:+XcEcZxb
468名無し編集部員:2007/10/18(木) 14:20:25 ID:Nr4Dm/Hb
469Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/10/18(木) 18:55:57 ID:Gt1tCuvC
>>466 I do look at things besides porn....;)
Very good....;)
470名無し編集部員:2007/10/19(金) 00:30:38 ID:OBqat96t
471Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/10/19(金) 02:59:26 ID:bZd6cp4Y
Wow, you did a really good job. I hope Hiroyuki doesn't get upset about that.
It is all in good fun.
Did Japanese ever migrate to North Africa in ancient times? Perhaps It is a long
lost grandfather.
472名無し編集部員:2007/10/19(金) 16:03:19 ID:rEGpcXIF
Hiroyuki's face looks exotic.
473名無し編集部員:2007/10/19(金) 19:45:45 ID:pFCEa6Mo
474名無し編集部員:2007/10/19(金) 23:16:33 ID:+8NlUeVQ
Hi, Jim. I would like to ask you when logs in 'idol' server will be available (just for read). Do you have any plan? Or those logs are completely damaged and never see them again?
475Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/10/20(土) 09:00:46 ID:io6Vntm0
Logs are safe and will be available again when the new Nas is online.
It is being discussed here.

453 :名無し編集部員:2007/10/11(木) 10:58:41 ID:WL/ibPHT
Hi, Jim-san.

It may be reported from Mumumu-san,
We, Members of Operation BBS of 2ch, discuss the spec of the next past log server.

Please come ↓! (English OK!)
【カッパドキア】memories 2.0建造委員会【過去ログ倉庫】
476名無し編集部員:2007/10/20(土) 13:17:48 ID:amwTdt5Z
477474 ◆yvFNVCPUSg :2007/10/20(土) 20:49:05 ID:tFJpK9DK
Hi, Jim, I am anonymous 474. I browsed the thread you have pointed, but I found no discussion of the idol's log problem.
What they are doing is abstract future plan and arguing. Yes, they may have good objective for next generation, but what they are working is tomorrow's matter, not today's problem.
I would like to know what we have as resource and what will be done near future.
Anyway, thanks for your effort.
478男根様 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2007/10/23(火) 10:52:59 ID:3EWe+3zd BE:601812656-2BP(6501)
this is my blog and wrote about >>463
check it

someone has the deleted pix>>470?
I want it plz upload it again
479Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/10/24(水) 18:46:52 ID:qGtV0wTh
Very cool. I noticed that picture is gone too. It was gone before I could
download it.
480Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/10/24(水) 18:48:15 ID:qGtV0wTh
Very cool. I noticed that picture is gone too. It was gone before I could
download it.
481男根様 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2007/10/26(金) 01:35:06 ID:pkhU+LzG BE:240724962-2BP(6601)
oh no...it's to be precious memory ;-
482男根様 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2007/10/26(金) 21:15:15 ID:3J3E+bQa BE:1624892999-2BP(6601)
By the way, Jim, how many times use the word of "fuck" in conversation?

My friend from CA is always "fuck"
maybe word of the "fuck" is for him
"fuck" and the air is most important in his life.
ALWAYS he put "fuck" on none and verb especially
one after another "fuck" jump from his mouth that's noisy but no longer it's FUNNY
483Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/10/27(土) 06:57:40 ID:UiqbpUsC
I rarely use the word fuck in conversation. It doesn't sound good.
When I am extremely angry, it will slip from my lips without me thinking,
and that is the best use for the word fuck. It is not sexy sounding. It
is guttural.
484男根様 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2007/10/29(月) 00:54:19 ID:Aas8Iu6C BE:160483542-2BP(6601)
you are gentle men, and you have style.

as you know 2ch is very dirty place.
In Japan media (TV and newspaper) called "scrabble of the public toilet"
but its manager Hiroyuki is not so on.

To similar, Pink BBS is not clean place
so, I expect Jim is not crazy man, he is, rather, well-balanced person.

it's right...maybe? hehe
485Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/10/30(火) 08:37:26 ID:higMdqgP
You are correct. Hiroyuki is the best man I know. He is not out of balance.
486Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/10/30(火) 08:40:13 ID:higMdqgP
You are correct. Hiroyuki is the best man I know. He is not out of balance.
487名無し編集部員:2007/10/30(火) 19:12:53 ID:DG8RMxB3

488男根様 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2007/11/02(金) 01:13:35 ID:Ug27LMF/ BE:320966944-2BP(6601)
yea, his book about Web 2.0 is good.
He is thoughtful for Information Technology and he has a unique answer.
His view is different from majority it is. It makes his one of charm and personality.
489こんにちはモナーです ◆.Mu.CobHGs :2007/11/12(月) 21:56:10 ID:FWOd9lyx
I'm a noob in bbspink (yet). Nice to talk to you.
Speaking of Web 2.0, are you thinking of or now making your own new business using Web?
Are you also working as a web designer?
490男根様 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2007/11/13(火) 23:23:54 ID:l5NS9/ou BE:541630793-2BP(6606)
491Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2007/11/14(水) 23:21:24 ID:???
I have not been able to post for a while. Since most of the world, is denied access to our boards....;) Tadaima
492Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/11/15(木) 00:07:23 ID:Jg5/sEws
I am in between jobs currently. My web design skills were tired in 1999
Children in 2007 can do a better job than me.
Are you offering me a job Noob?
493男根様 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2007/11/15(木) 00:39:17 ID:olZY6ICj BE:240725243-PLT(12222)
Im waiting
494男根様 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2007/11/15(木) 01:46:20 ID:olZY6ICj BE:401208645-PLT(12345)
Jim! Do you have a blog?
If you have it, I want to read it!
Much more know what do you think.
495Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/11/15(木) 02:07:53 ID:cC57/tVL
Yes I have a blog. http://blog.bbspink.com/home.php?user=jim-san
Now that I am back in the USA. I will be updating it more often.
496Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/11/15(木) 02:24:02 ID:cC57/tVL
Algae ball art in a shopping mall. This is for my friend who likes
Algae balls.
497男根様 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2007/11/15(木) 03:10:24 ID:olZY6ICj BE:802416858-PLT(12346)
Oh nice! Linked with mine.
I'll read little by little.

Is it in china?
It's view is modern and outlandish.
Does the alga live?
498Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/11/16(金) 03:13:35 ID:40+bY1mZ
No, it was not alive, but it was 5 stories above me, so it was huge, and definately an intentional sculpture, not real algae.
499Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/11/17(土) 06:58:51 ID:4ilAGqc5
The 10 Gig network is beginning to take shape. The first contents
has been removed from the box and being tested.
500男根様 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2007/11/17(土) 08:57:35 ID:TLMwrs/g BE:401208645-PLT(12480)
The color might certainly be artificial.

5 stories?
Is it >>499? and more?
501名無し編集部員:2007/11/18(日) 19:39:54 ID:D+uzs47w
Jim-san, did you know Russian 2ch?
Server is very slow. I hope they will use 2ch servers too.
502Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/11/19(月) 02:53:01 ID:BedJVqto
I can't read it. Most of the spam I get is in Russian as well.
It is probably very fast in Moscow.
503名無し編集部員:2007/11/20(火) 15:30:30 ID:6J2zlI6z
Happy Birthday to You
     Happy Birthday to You
         Happy Birthday Dear MONER
               Happy Birthday to You
 ∂/ハ)ヽヽ  ∧ ∧       ∧_∧  ∧ ∧
  ハ`∀´ノ  ( ゚Д゚)       (゚ο゚*)  ( ´ー`)
  /つ * ヽ ⊂~~~~つ  ♪  ⊂~~~⊂  \∽          /|
 /___ゝ  /  | (-_-)  /  ヽ    \.\_∩____//
  (__)_) 〈//  /  (∩∩) 〃〃〃ゝ    \     / ./ 〉
          ~~~~       ~~~~~~     ∪ ̄ ̄∪∪

              ∩ ノ^^ヽ)
         ∫│Happy Birthday!!│(o)
     ノハヽ(┃└(o)─ (o) ─ (o)- ┘ ┃)
     (´ー`|ヽ  ┃(::゚::)┃(::゚::)┃(::゚::),ノノハヽ☆
     つ(::゚:|  "'''''ーー----"-―"~(0^∀^0)
      ( )- |                  ゞっ と)
     .:O☆ヽ、                 ( )- ( )☆
    ,_☆ :∂io,"'''''ーー------―''''',"☆ ♪◎o.:.
   ◇☆。:゜ ◎::O☆♪★∝ ☆。∂:o゜♪★☆。∂ ◎
504名無し編集部員:2007/11/20(火) 15:31:41 ID:6J2zlI6z
Happy Birthday Dear MONER
Happy Birthday Dear Jimsan.
505 ◆79EROOYuCc :2007/11/20(火) 23:42:18 ID:qVNMclD4
Happy Birthday, Jim-san (´∀`)
506名無し編集部員:2007/11/21(水) 01:49:53 ID:6NgDfS25
Happy Birthday, Jim-san
507Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/11/21(水) 05:27:47 ID:SesKA3tJ
Thanks guys. I think it will be a nice birthday this year.
508男根様 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2007/11/21(水) 05:37:50 ID:GSD5N0mv BE:401208454-2BP(0)
I know that now so I'm sorry the delay.
Happy Birthday, Jim!
509名無し編集部員:2007/11/21(水) 08:28:27 ID:0GhlcX6q
Dear Jim san
      |.○  ○  ○  ○  ○ |
510Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/11/22(木) 01:24:07 ID:86SjI5Tg
last pid: 75787;  load averages:  0.02,  0.07,  0.08
up 8+14:35:27  08:16:59
457 processes: 2 running, 454 sleeping, 1 zombie
CPU states:  0.2% user,  0.0% nice,  1.0% system,  
2.3% interrupt, 96.5% idle
Mem: 210M Active, 2397M Inact, 269M Wired, 150M Cache,
 112M Buf, 218M Free
Swap: 4096M Total, 4096M Free
My new xbanana, and this is already after peak time today!
511Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/11/22(木) 01:30:53 ID:86SjI5Tg
last pid: 13359;  load averages:  0.41,  0.28,  0.24      
up 70+09:16:16  08:27:55
126 processes: 1 running, 125 sleeping
CPU states:  1.2% user,  0.0% nice,  2.7% system,  0.4% interrupt, 95.7% idle
Mem: 211M Active, 86M Inact, 92M Wired, 13M Cache, 59M Buf, 84M Free
Swap: 2048M Total, 1710M Used, 338M Free, 83% Inuse, 3412K In, 860K Out
This is a cream server and apache is already maxed out on it.
 current server.
512男根様 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2007/11/22(木) 02:06:59 ID:xAUiAAcD BE:401208645-2BP(55)
How do Jim think about the Deleter of PINKBBS?
Invited now.
It's seem interesting, and try, I think now.
513Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/11/22(木) 02:17:37 ID:86SjI5Tg
I think it is very interesting, and you will enjoy doing it.
It benefits our community, and also gives you a bigger perspective
on other peoples points of view and interests.
514男根様 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2007/11/22(木) 08:01:57 ID:xAUiAAcD BE:240725726-2BP(55)
There might have been a misunderstanding about this volunteer.
Though it doesn't understand doing that do the Deleter work or another work actually well, Jim as said, through the volunteer work I get the new experience either way.
515名無し編集部員:2007/11/22(木) 20:09:59 ID:VYGPghBo
516名無し編集部員:2007/11/24(土) 01:01:35 ID:cS6cLI1F
Please TATESUGI deregulation!!
517みお ◆MIOMAN.agc :2007/11/24(土) 01:13:23 ID:Vaae0uUf
Iam Mio.
Nice to meet you.
518Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/11/24(土) 11:12:27 ID:hk53Q3rg
Nice to meet you Mio-san. I am Jim
I am in the mountains today, it was supposed to be a ski trip
but there is no snow. So now it is just a drinking trip.
519男根様 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2007/11/25(日) 12:26:19 ID:w++ou6vK BE:1283866188-2BP(62)

520男根様 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2007/11/25(日) 12:27:42 ID:w++ou6vK BE:361087463-2BP(62)
Hi Jim
What do you know about the Japan?
521Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/11/26(月) 15:39:32 ID:lD6EkFf3
That is some question.
I know more about Japan then most people who live in the US,
but I know less about Japan then most people who live in Japan.
I have traveled from Fukuoka in the South to Hakodate in the North.
I have been to the top of a volcano there, and prayed at a Shinto shrine
that no longer exists because that volcano has erupted since then.

I have learned that all clubs in Shinjuku do not discriminate against me.
Just the ones with shiny lights. Down the side streets is where the fun places
I have learned that pretty girls will share your umbrella if you smile at them in Tokyo.
I have learned that Japanese is food is pretty good tasting, even though it is so much different
then the food I was raised on.

522名無し編集部員:2007/11/28(水) 01:38:55 ID:freQcWsD
I was gay.
523男根様 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2007/11/28(水) 01:38:58 ID:achcKWt9 BE:722174966-2BP(62)
It is glad that there is a person who tries to learn Japan like you.
If it wants to know Japan more deeply, I want you to read the Tanka.
The Tanka have a Japan Soul still now.
In other words It's calling "Yamato Damashii".
But the Tanka use poetry and old style Japanese words, so even the modern Japanese fails to understand.
It is defended thanks to this difficulty, and it has fascinated people's minds a long time.
Touch the one of the Japan cultural essences and feel it.
In doing so you'll get the experience it's making a becoming a good manager of this PINKBBS more.
This is I hope now.
524男根様 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2007/11/28(水) 01:42:59 ID:achcKWt9 BE:601812465-2BP(62)
Oh no...my serious words is spoiled thanks to >>522.
525Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/11/28(水) 06:40:40 ID:2hN0wt1x
>>523-524 Oh 我 is me. That is to serious.
It is better to be >>522
526Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/11/28(水) 13:37:47 ID:AFCESeJh
Dear Chimpogedu-san,

I have read through that wikepedia entry. Very deep and challenging
to me. Let me master Hiragana and Katakana first. Ok?
527ナナ ◆SEVEN/xSuE :2007/11/28(水) 14:36:47 ID:bb+Fb9No
Heavy rock moved now.
I wish for your fortune.

Its hard work to learn HIRAGANA n KATAKANA.
But you re clear man. You maybe master.
Good luck.
528Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/11/28(水) 14:48:30 ID:AFCESeJh
my daily studies.

Maybe I will never master it, I might just end up being a master べと
529ナナ ◆SEVEN/xSuE :2007/11/28(水) 18:54:18 ID:bb+Fb9No

Yeah, You should go slowly to the final destination.
Baby cant be adult next day. haha

Some day,
Dream of the day to play the 萌え萌えじゃんけん in Akihabara !!!
Do your Best !!
We hope too.

530男根様 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2007/11/29(木) 03:49:12 ID:n5ajnJZP BE:641932984-2BP(62)
Nice sound, learning about Japan is learning about Japanese.
I wanted to advise you at >>523 know the Japanese language.
Tanka is maybe supreme quintessence of Japanese.

The words is very important like a Bible word "At the begining, the word is God."
To similar this there is originally something of Kotodama in my country, and people have been valuing the word.
Kotodama is worshipping and having fear to spirit of the Words.
Manyousyu said, "Japan is a country that brings happiness by a strange spirit of the words working". (言霊のさきはふ国)

To begin with, you learn the Japanese or you will be able to know a part of the Japanese culture.
It is the first step of being a good person understanding about Japan.
Deare Jim is managing the BBS.
That BBS's main user is Japanese I think.
Therefore I expect you to know Japan more.
531男根様 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2007/11/29(木) 03:54:18 ID:n5ajnJZP BE:300906353-2BP(62)
entryed you as friend
532Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/11/30(金) 03:24:18 ID:13oXMh1W
Thanks. When I figure out how to enter friends I will enter you as well.
533名無し編集部員:2007/12/01(土) 16:01:32 ID:7TxyFgZw
534男根様 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2007/12/01(土) 22:59:44 ID:DZiYSXwp BE:180544133-2BP(100)

maybe through the this URL, you can add my account

535Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/12/02(日) 00:06:57 ID:HEyezRka
You are added. Thank you for the lesson. It is simple to use.
536名無し編集部員:2007/12/03(月) 01:43:16 ID:PYdfYIhF
Korean attacking 2ch's server now.
537男根様 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2007/12/03(月) 19:42:54 ID:9YI1vXAI BE:722175449-2BP(100)
Ur welcom
538名無し編集部員:2007/12/04(火) 22:35:06 ID:h1bwflwc
539男根様 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2007/12/05(水) 03:05:06 ID:aAc2YFTW BE:1624892999-2BP(100)
why do you do it?
540Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/12/05(水) 03:40:32 ID:KguRSfvy
Why do I do what?
541名無し編集部員:2007/12/05(水) 03:53:20 ID:hfkL2OTO
How old is Jim?
542livedoor したらば→政治マスメニュース→日本男児板 福生の萬:2007/12/05(水) 05:08:06 ID:PcyRhjNV
543Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/12/05(水) 06:11:55 ID:KguRSfvy
>>541 44 years old
>>542 go back live door. I don't understand.
Beautiful Russian hookers? Isn't that a oxymoron?
544Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/12/05(水) 06:31:29 ID:KguRSfvy
360,000 Japanese living in North America, and most of them trying
to connect to PINKちゃんねる by comcast. Is there another way to
ban the bad guys then we currently use? It is so tight I can hardly
post here anymore.
545男根様 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2007/12/06(木) 16:01:07 ID:Ta+VEaoh BE:361087092-2BP(100)
no, not for you:-)
for >>538
546名無し編集部員:2007/12/07(金) 00:59:42 ID:3422QRMV

普段、目もあわせないらしいガキがダディクールとか言ってる。郷ひろみか? 畜生、氏ね。
鉄板も凄い、まず汚ねぇ。こげとかこびりついてる。 洗え。洗剤で洗え。つうか買い換えろ。
547男根様 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2007/12/07(金) 17:24:39 ID:VE8fKoSS BE:280845672-2BP(100)
American like meat.

By the way Jim, you like the meat too?
I like it VERY VERY much.
Every meal eat the meat I want.

>>546 is famous Copipe it is the passage repeating the Copy and Paste in 2ch, so called shorten "copipe" maybe you had heard.
The copipe of >>546 is writing about American food culture.
And an eating meat culture and a vegetarian culture are written together with sarcasm.
It didn't take on it though >>546 was asked me wanted to translate it into English because it was not attractive passage.
548名無し編集部員:2007/12/07(金) 20:55:03 ID:AJCLlRNe
I recommend you fire >>547.
549男根様 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2007/12/11(火) 04:58:46 ID:wYPow0E6 BE:501510555-2BP(100)
550Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/12/11(火) 06:13:41 ID:+uxSg8qk
>>547 I like meat. I am definitely a carnivore.
551男根様 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2007/12/11(火) 15:33:56 ID:8h2YldQU BE:722174966-2BP(100)
I remembered "cannibalism" in looking at "carnivore".
You maybe know "The Silence of the Lambs" of movie, that movie describe the mad of cannibalism.
But ancestor of mankind Neanderthal was doing it.
Every people inherit the blood of that.
It's not mad thing, no, it's nature.
Ok I'll eat man :-)
That is joke, but Chinese who lives in interior have the custom of eating mankind now.
I heard it from friend who is going to study to Shanghai.
552Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2007/12/11(火) 15:41:29 ID:???
>>551 Neanderthal is not our ancestor it is separate line.
I am not so sure they are completely extinct though.
Cannibalism as a daily staple is not good.
Only ceremonial occasions please.
553男根様 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2007/12/12(水) 01:57:55 ID:U4RoYh0g BE:361088429-2BP(100)
Recent single origin hypothesis seems to be a widely accepted theory.
I didn' know.

>Only ceremonial occasions please.
Yea, slaughter is cruel.
However, it is not stopped to eat beef etc.

Umm... as for the treatment, human meat and beef are nonsense in this row.
554Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/12/12(水) 04:21:13 ID:bn9c96sS
>>553 Yes sort of a nonsense discussion. I have heard human is not
tasty anyway....;)
555男根様 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2007/12/12(水) 05:11:48 ID:U4RoYh0g BE:120363023-2BP(100)
Incidently, changing conversation, are any senses of incongruity felt for my English?
My friend said that yesterday.
My English seem to have some what different point...??
556Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/12/12(水) 05:17:06 ID:bn9c96sS
>>555 I have been following your conversation fine, and I think
I see the difference between your humor and your important points.
I was rolling on the floor laughing outloud when you talked about
eating people.
557男根様 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2007/12/12(水) 06:12:34 ID:U4RoYh0g BE:1624892999-2BP(100)
Thanks, relieved and nice funny :)
Is it funny so much?
I thought that saying about cannibalism you might have been seemed Chinpogedu is barbarous.

When the ranch house family in the United States did the homestay at my house, I took them to the sushi shop.
I had ordered 馬刺し(Basasi) it's horse meat and raw with lemon sauce.
This is very bad pattern.
After they had returned home, "Come my home! But do not eat my precious horse." they said.
558Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2007/12/12(水) 10:08:39 ID:???
>>557 I have eaten horse in Tokyo. It is very tasty.
559男根様 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2007/12/13(木) 01:53:32 ID:fCdX+FOR BE:1083262469-2BP(100)
Nice! lol
It's high grade food maybe.
560名無し編集部員:2007/12/13(木) 01:59:47 ID:gypq4yQn
Ya enjoyed having lots o'meat with soya souce flavour in Iwojima island, huh?

Tastes like Ninendo stock?(laughin'
561名無し編集部員:2007/12/13(木) 02:01:58 ID:gypq4yQn

Cancel it.
I'm now quite drunk, but I'll sober up until next mourning.
562男根様 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2007/12/13(木) 02:12:01 ID:fCdX+FOR BE:722174494-2BP(100)
When that condition turmeric is good.
563名無し編集部員:2007/12/13(木) 02:20:45 ID:gypq4yQn
That's good for cookin' curry though I ain't Curry navi, hehehe.
564男根様 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2007/12/13(木) 04:42:45 ID:fCdX+FOR BE:200604825-2BP(100)
In Japan, turmeric is used by energy drink.
It is good effective in the hangover.
565名無し編集部員:2007/12/13(木) 04:53:16 ID:gypq4yQn
So you're Taro-chan, huh?
I'm now more drunk'n'drunk so ya don't haf'ta mind, guy.
I'll have very tasty curry ta sov'up.
566男根様 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2007/12/13(木) 05:22:42 ID:fCdX+FOR BE:1444349298-2BP(100)
Maybe ginger is good too.
what is it?
567Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2007/12/13(木) 13:39:28 ID:???
Tastes differ.
568Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2007/12/13(木) 14:09:13 ID:???
I think taro smells like sperm and tastes like shit. hehehehehehe
569男根様 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2007/12/14(金) 00:57:11 ID:4lmviGPK BE:300906735-2BP(100)
HOw Strange drink..!!..??
But want to drink it.
The image of Tarochan I couldnt find it
570Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/12/14(金) 07:32:45 ID:Rv271Q9p
good-quality taro root will be firm, brown and have hairy roots.
I think Taro-chan might be someone's name. Do you want to eat
Taro-chan? Or do you want to eat Taro?
571名無し編集部員:2007/12/15(土) 02:07:11 ID:xWA4tDyq

Please read this note and ask for an answer.

■ サーバリフレッシュ工事2007 【pink】
572男根様 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2007/12/15(土) 05:06:57 ID:wI9I9oo4 BE:1083262469-2BP(100)
Oh I know it.
Taro Imo we call it.
Imo is potato in Japan.
I have never eaten it.

Umm,, the shop around my house is selling it...?
I'll check it.
573名無し編集部員:2007/12/15(土) 05:33:32 ID:hTT65RmF
"Taro Imo" is called SATOIMO in Japan.
574Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/12/15(土) 05:43:12 ID:jQaZy+JM
Well lets add more to my description of it.
Looks like a penis, smells like sperm and tastes like shit.
575名無し編集部員:2007/12/15(土) 06:11:09 ID:hTT65RmF
I saw that page.
Taro Root and SATOIMO are parhaps different shape of roots,
so they smell and taste similarly.
SATOIMO looks lile a pingpong-ball.
We can perchase SATOIMO easily, but it is hard to perchase Taro Root in Japan.

576男根様 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2007/12/15(土) 06:11:46 ID:wI9I9oo4 BE:561692047-2BP(100)
Certainly looks like a penis and I think looks like a shit.

Taro Imo is Satoimo?
I did'nt know that... checked out it Taroimo is one of imo kind.
And satoimo is category name maybe...
577 ◆79EROOYuCc @Greenday ★:2007/12/15(土) 08:08:47 ID:???
We have been discussing about revision of GL8.

■ガイドライン検討/8. 出会い・売春宿・その他■



The following postings can be subject to priority deletion, when we get the
deletion request:

Posting(s) which encourage the action which is not agreed to by individual persons include.

This is limited to ;

the mention of entertainers or the service information that will perform sexual intercourse for a fee,

the mention which encourages derogation of regulations of each adult entertainment-shop.

This is necessary because of following reasons.

* to avoid troubles which might cause real police issues in japan
578Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2007/12/16(日) 01:06:07 ID:???
This sounds good. Lets do it.
579男根様 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2007/12/19(水) 09:23:16 ID:1nmh6DZ/ BE:842537276-2BP(100)
Jim, do you read some book?
What is your recommended book recently?

I recommend for you the book about Confucius.
Confucius is related Japan culture deeply even now.
580Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2007/12/19(水) 15:30:22 ID:???
>>579 I am currently reading two books
it is a very nice book. It was awarded the book of the year
by the CBCA. The other book is ダツグ ライフ アンド ドツグ スタイル
I am reading them very slowly because my reading level is so low.
If read about Confucius then it would have to be in English, and that
is not possible because I am not going to read any books except Japanese
until I have raised my reading level substantially.
Reading in English is my reward for learning. It is the carrot
that I am chasing.
581Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2007/12/19(水) 15:36:51 ID:???
I do have a nice recommendation for you though.
"Wraeththu" by Storm Constantine.
It is a exciting tail about hermaphrodite werewolves
that take over the world.
It is a trilogy, so if you pick up the one titled "Wraeththu" you will
get all three books in one.
582男根様 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2007/12/20(木) 00:37:38 ID:7r1kene5 BE:240725243-2BP(100)
"ネコとサカナ" http://www.amazon.com/Cat-Fish-Joan-Grant/dp/1894965140
"Wraeththu" http://www.amazon.com/Wraeththu-Storm-Constantine/dp/0312890001

I can't find "ダツグ ライフ アンド ドツグ スタイル"
Please tell me more detail.

>very slowly
Me too!
Now I am reading "The Sorrows of Young Werther" by Goethe and "The Thief's Journal" by Jean Genet.
One year has passed since it begins to read.

>It is the carrot that I am chasing.
Nice horse!
I should notice don't eat you as Basasi of Sushi.
583Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2007/12/20(木) 01:30:15 ID:???
Cat and Fish is correct, but the link is not correct. I am reading
the book in Japanese.
The other book in English is
Front Mission 01
Dog & Life
Dog & Style
Art is by C.H.Line
Author is something in Kanji that I can not type because I don't
know the sound.
584Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2007/12/20(木) 12:29:19 ID:???
I was looking through our logs and have noticed a big trend.
Plenty of sites that have an interest in アナル are linking to
bbspink. Since it is the Christmas season. Wouldn't it be nice
to make a board for アナル?
585anal-ist ◆yvFNVCPUSg :2007/12/20(木) 12:55:14 ID:/THd8H1F
>>584 アナル is anal (anus, ass). I don't think it is a good word for Christmas.
586Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2007/12/20(木) 13:14:38 ID:???
>>585 Maybe not for Christmas, but certainly before and after Christmas
which is the Christmas season. I am sure there will be plenty
of アナルパンパン all winter.
587Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2007/12/20(木) 14:02:22 ID:???
Or if アナル is to horrible for Christmas, then how about AFOK?
We would all know what it meant, but it would not be so painfully
clear to the uninformed.
588名無し編集部員:2007/12/20(木) 14:13:06 ID:dvCBzIns
Analfuck is a ringleader of aids.
589Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2007/12/21(金) 00:22:57 ID:???
So in this discussion, please use アナル
590男根様 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2007/12/21(金) 03:47:02 ID:FNZWgGJ0 BE:561691474-2BP(100)
591男根様 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2007/12/21(金) 08:24:01 ID:FNZWgGJ0 BE:541631939-2BP(100)
592名無し編集部員:2007/12/21(金) 17:29:34 ID:tJp9RmYp
593Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/12/21(金) 22:39:09 ID:cp3a+Yje
594名無し編集部員:2007/12/21(金) 22:55:50 ID:cCXN+j1U
595男根様 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2007/12/22(土) 06:01:33 ID:cKwHoatz BE:180544133-2BP(100)

wrong はいそです
right はいそうです
596名無し編集部員:2007/12/22(土) 13:37:45 ID:ctyDNHWY

597男根様 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2007/12/23(日) 01:58:37 ID:ZLC2GOUD BE:120362832-2BP(100)
>>596 likes the girl who put on kneelength socks.

did into English
598名無し編集部員:2007/12/23(日) 02:10:49 ID:rqjB9GqG
599男根様 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2007/12/23(日) 02:21:25 ID:ZLC2GOUD BE:641933748-2BP(100)

600名無し編集部員:2007/12/23(日) 02:33:03 ID:rqjB9GqG
CHINPOGEDU told he is too shy to transrate KOMON into back garden.

R E A L L Y ?
601男根様 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2007/12/23(日) 03:20:52 ID:ZLC2GOUD BE:802416858-2BP(100)
602名無し編集部員:2007/12/24(月) 01:25:13 ID:ciFPdche
FOX has removed protection system from bbspink!!
Jim!!Please help us!!
603名無し編集部員:2007/12/24(月) 04:52:19 ID:b+4Krt7a
Good-bye BBS PINK!
It has already ended.
604Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/12/24(月) 06:35:57 ID:ePnSF9qo
Comcast is not banned anymore.
605名無し編集部員:2007/12/24(月) 06:47:31 ID:4FPQiueL
Jimsan happy?
606Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2007/12/24(月) 06:56:15 ID:ePnSF9qo
If a better way is found, then I am happy
607名無し編集部員:2007/12/24(月) 06:59:30 ID:T0vb1AYk
Do you have idea to find better way?
608名無し編集部員:2007/12/24(月) 08:47:36 ID:4FPQiueL
If a better way is found, all members are happy.
Let's find!・・・OKAZU!
609名無し編集部員:2007/12/24(月) 11:53:52 ID:RxF0Hjr4
610名無し編集部員:2007/12/24(月) 11:54:55 ID:RxF0Hjr4
611Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys
>>608 はいはげどう