Let's talk with Jim-san , who is the manager of bbspink.com. If you can write your questions or some other things in English, please write them in English.
Since Jim-san is very kind, so that in case you get spelling error, or write in incorrect grammar, he will be able to understand what you want to say.
Those who cannot understand English may write them in Japanese. Accommodating persons will translate for you.
Spanish is not the language I am talking about. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tagalog_language Is the language I am talking about. The Spanish were the imperialists in the Philippines before the American imperialists, and then the Japanese imperialists.
>>12 Oh, I now got it. Tagalog... sounds like ancient. So, you said Tagalog was used as "slavish" language, even though Philippinos were owned by Spaniards, Philippinos were not forced to learn Spanish and Tagalog was only good to invite girls. Correct? And whale is very yum. I cannot forget that taste I had in elementary...
>>36 Well, don't worry about it. I think it's simple enough to understand V2C easily unless you wanna use it up. Even for me, it's ununderstandable, so I just use a part of it.
>>39 Oh, c'mon man, 27 degrees is hot. You're from the rigion with under 0 degrees easily in winter, are you not?
I have installed it. So many functions. It makes me sleepy...;) I will figure out how to register my user name and password in it, then play with it more later. It is naptime.
Yes, I come from the land of the ice and snow. I was being sarcastic. Today I saw many people wearing winter jackets and commenting on the street how cold it is. It is very funny to me.
>>41 I can understand little bit of what you think. It's pretty weird that they feel cold in such a warm temperature. I'm sure I can get sweat there. It would be able to make me more comfortable just under 10. I hate Heat Island and curse global warming. They always try to kill me.
Hi Jim-san もし日本語を打つ時にwindows-IMEを使っているのなら、F6でひらがな、F7でカタカナになりますぜ When striking Japanese, windows-IME is used, if is, with F6 with hiragana and F7 it becomes katakana.
また、日本語キーボードを使っているなら、 In addition, if the Japanese keyboard is used, notepadなどにコピーしてわからない部分を選択した後に"変換"キーを押せば再変換できちゃいます。 copying in notepad, and the like after selecting the part which is not understood "変換-Conversion" If the key is pushed, it re-can convert.
この操作を覚えると日本語を理解するのに便利じゃないかと思いますよん。 When this operation is remembered, although you understand Japanese, that you think whether convenience it is not.
残念ながらwindows以外の操作はわかりませんが^^; Regrettable as for operation other than windows it is not understood, but. ^^;
>>57 It is Chinese tea, I can not write the kanji though. It is named after a female buddha. tit-gum-ya is the sound of this tea. I think gumya is the female buddha it is named after. This tea is great! strong flavor, really potent, and just a little sweet naturally. You drink it in tiny tea cups, quickly, and keep drinking it until the tea leaves are completely devoid of any tea flavor. It is a lot of fun. sort of like a Chinese businessman tea ceremony...;)
>>65 It is definately worth a try. The best tea I ever had was on my first trip to Japan. It was at the Gold temple in Kyoto. If I had known that would be the best tea I ever had, I would have learned its name, and bought some at once to take with me. It was bright green like laurel leaves, and strong bitter taste, more bitter than coffee. When I think about that tea, I can still taste it.
>>68 Excelent job, man! I can translate the rest of those. Thanks.
Chinese tea has lots of sorts and because they differ depending on leaves for tea, Chinese tea celemony (中国茶芸) developed as "The best method to make tea" or a kind of performance. In China even though it is thought, during Kan period, they used to have a custom to have tea, it didn't happen the "celemony" because tea expanded as a nonessential grocery. Therefore, "tea celemony"in China usually refers to "Japanese tea celemony".
JimJim, can I ask you a favor? I want you to write a letter that introduces you to a person who doesn' know you. It should be a little bit formal. I recommend you Bikkle btw. It's my favorite and has kind taste.
>>84 Oh, that's good then. I seriously worried if you missed the date with a girl important to you. We're never satisfied at 100% and we wanna keep as high % as possible. I never understand that though. This is just from one boy's voice. lol
>>89 My Dutch friend said, "Why do you ask me the same thing so many times? Why don't you have a calendar?" Although I have 3 calendars, I'm not willing to use them because their pics are beautiful and once I decide on one of them, I have to use it, or I'm in trouble using all of them writing the same things. I hope I'll see letters on my calendars on the end of this year. BTW, do you think it makes any sense to check the calendar to know what date? I guess once we lose interests in checking constantly, we'll be lost.
>>90 Wow, that is very deep. I did not know the Dutch could be so profound. I have started writing in my new calendar. Probably it won't help me with the dates though. I still have to ask the date so that I can correctly orient myself inside the calendar. Honestly. I have three dates in my head. Past, present, and future. The past all seems like yesterday. The present seems to last forever, and the future always comes quickly.
>>91 It's very useful to say "time fries", is it not? But, I now realized I had mentioned "Dutch" instead of Germans. In German, they say Doicheland or something to sound like that for Germany. So, I took Dutch for German... without looking up my dictionary. I'd like to be more familiar with time, even though time doesn' seem to mean lots. If we can say a week already passed by watching moon, I think it's good enough for lives to live.
I have a message saying "How are you" on Win. Messenger from someone I know, I guess. But the problem is I cannot even guess who it is. What can I do, or what were you gonna do if you were me?
>>113 Really? I never heard of that. I have another member who never sent me any messages. Now, I'm wondering if I should response, because one says his e-mail address ends with".de" that means from Germany. And I have several people who I know Another's address ends with ".com", but it also shows messages. So, I'm doubt if they are spams.
Oh, he was not my friend. Here below are his... somethin.
How are you (I answered gently "I'm busy, and you?") What the fuck I wanna know if i know u or no if not piss, shut up and go away
What a hell is this? Is he crazy, or what? Firstaball, he didn' show me even a pic. of him, so I couldn' identify him. Next time I saw the message, he showed his face. So, I started to talk to him, but what's this?
I tell u, Germans are just good at studying. Nothing else. A girl looks in my room as if she took her deed for granted. They smoke and drink in public. I don7
>>118 Are u asking me? Well, it's not bacause of such beautiful ways as like histrical stuff. I just experienced 'n understood it. Actually there are some good people, well unfortunately all girls and boys are so suck. Except the few, Germans I know are, sorry, pieces of junks with money.
>>119 Excuse me. The thread of Japanese and I say I need to sign Jim?s! <br> I will be her new manager, welcomes you. <br> We say to celebrate! <br> Welcome! <br> <br>
>>114-117 The Germans can be very friendly. I am sure most of them are nice people. There have been a few in the past who were not. Most people know their history from the 20th century. Think about it. They make chocolate, toys, and pretty, fast cars. Almost everyone likes chocolate. Can you imagine a chocolate maker being a bad person? Almost everyone likes toys. Can you imagine someone who carves wooden toys all day being a bad person?
>>129 Absolutely good view. I can agree with you about their goodness. Actually, I got very good friends from Germany. But in my case, it doesn' work well. Do you have an experiense that there were enough foreigners you met for the first time to guess about their nationarity? Unfortunately, most of those who I met were just a part of the small amount of sucks.
But chocolate is from Belguim, not from Germany. Of course, Germans also make chocolate, though.
>>118 You are right, people only learn from experience, they rarely learn from other people's mistakes. Of course the Germans did bad things during world war two. They were not alone. Every country that has ever been a super power has done bad things. What if history had been a little different? It would be interesting to find out how the rest of the 20th century went if Germany had been able to complete their eastward vision through the Soviet Union. If England and the USA had not gotten involved, perhaps there might not have been a cold war, and all the misery that came to the third world because of that. Sometimes I wonder what the political map would look like now, if that had been the result of World War two. Of course for one thing there would not be the current fight in Palestine.
>>123 I have heard that there is a coffee that is brewed from the feces of a cat. The cat eats the coffee beans, and the scat is then brewed into a delicious pot of coffee. I have never tasted this coffee though. What do you admire the most about feces? The shape, smell, or flavor?
>>143 Sounds cool, eh? It seems very individual, especially the combination of "Electric" which represent Hiroyuki's symbol and "Buddha" which says he is representative of Japan.
may ..mail address (domain information publishing).. of Mr. Jim directlyEven the answer here : though sends if there is no specified matter something though doesn't care. It is a problem that correspondence changes by judging which becomes a standard in Singapore because it is a malfeasance with penal regulations though in Japan, there is no penal regulations. The answer here is preferable so that Mr. Jim may tell it to the management volunteer. Please understand the thing that won't become grounds even if piece person of me learns.
There is a possibility that the meaning doesn't run easily by the translation because it is not good at it and English. Please pardon it.
>>178 Of course you can't find it. You are most likely a completely normal human. Answers like >>175 are designed to keep the novice from having fun with their computer.
>>184 Suffering is part of life. I am already getting better...:) Thank you for your concern.. おはよう ごじます ξーさん Can you teach me the hiragana to make your Typhoon kanji? ξ=?
>>214 >-30pt (man:65%/woman:35%) 多分、Jim-sanは 最後の 問題で 「女性」を 選んだのでしょう Maybe Jim-san chose "Woman" by the last question
>>217 ちょっと チガウ >女性で男脳が60%を超える人は、レズビアン傾向になる可能性が高いといわれます 「女性で」 mean "In the case of a woman"
>>220 Yes, it is a similar test^^; From this book "Why Men Don't Listen & Women Can't Read Maps " This translated book is best seller in Japan.> 「話を聞かない男、地図が読めない女」
セックス産業はもっとも古い職業だと言われています。 Sex industry is said to be the oldest profession. それが消滅することはないでしょう。 It will not disappear. すけべ is グレート!!!
日本には 様々な セックス 産業が あります Various sex industries are in Japan. ソープランド・デリヘル・マンヘル・イメクラ・ちょんの間・立ちんぼ・テレクラ・ピンサロ・ 一発屋旅館・温泉芸者・ファッションヘルス/サロン・エステ・ビデオBOX・コスプレ・手コキ専門・ 本サロ・大人のパーティー・性感マッサージ・セクキャバ・ノーパン喫茶/しゃぶしゃぶ・SM・etc etc......
それは 法律による 制約が 厳しいせいだ と 思います I guess it is because of the severe constraints of the law. それは 日本国外でも 受け入れられる かもしれません But it may be acceptable outside of Japan
I watched a movie. "The People vs. Larry Flynt" It was a very interesting story.
However, I cannot do the support by his way of thinking overall. The person is easy to get tired of an easily available thing. The sex industry's developing too much doesn't seem necessarily to be always good.
>>231 If there was not him, there may not have been bbspink of Jim-san. (Regrettably) However, a similar BBS may have been made from the form that U.S.A. was not concerned with.
>>233 Opinions differ, but all are welcome. If you have ever seen these two magazines Hustler Playboy Then you can see the difference. Before Larry Flynt there was Playboy and that type of magazine, and of course Ura mags. Larry Flynt brought us Hustler, and wide open beaver. Wide open beaver is something that is still lacking in Japan.
もし>>238の問題を解決していたならば、Mr.Larryの業績は偉大だと思います。 I think that the achievement of Mr.Larry is great if the problem of >>238 is solved. しかし、少なくともインターネットではこの問題が解決されていない。 However, this problem is not at least solved in the Internet. トップページで防いでも、内部へリンクされたら無意味です。 It is meaningless if linked internally even if it prevents it by top page.
>>240 The problem is solved at least for now in the USA. However Japan is at the stage that the USA was at when Larry Flynt started printing Hustler. That has been a few years ago already. I was in school. Gods bless Mr. Flynt. He is responsible for the first time I saw a wide open vagina.
Ok, let's get in my way. Jimjim, have you ever used Windows OS? I'm using Vista, but it's relatively way more suck than XP. A computer I can use freely in public has pentium4 'n XP. While, my computer has Core2 'n Vista. In terms of RAM, they stand at the same point. The order, mine is worse, never changed.
Now, I'm thinking to move to Linux. Is it worth doing you think?
>>249 If you are not scared of doing a few things on the command line. Linux works better. I have been using Linux and freeBSD servers for years. but recently I switched both my desktop and laptop to fedora 10. I was so tired of my system lagging and windows gets so buggy after just a few months. Whet my Norton 360 expired. I reinstalled my laptop and desktop. There was a learning curve. xwindows and the different desktops are not as user friendly as windows. I had to configure my monitor in run level 3 with vi. This is not the usual case, but my monitor did not seem to see the run level 5, that is the desktop type environment. Now it works great. I have found desktops that look almost exactly like window and mac os 10. So if you need that then you can install them very easily. I have not run into anything that did not work as good or better on linux. Getting help is the hard part, so you should be at least familiar with basic computing tasks, before converting to Fedora. If you are a newbie then try Ubuntu. It works right out of the package. If I need to run a windows application. Something that absolutely has to be run in windows, then I have been able to do that with a program called Wine. I even have Dotnet environment on my linux computer, and can program in visual basic. Internet explorer also works, but it is just as buggy on Linux as on windows. おやすみ なさい
>>251 How much should requirement be if I wanna go for? Well, I will try to figure out when I'm against the wall. But, I think I'm just a kid in computer, though.
>>254 If you computer can already run Vista, then it will not have any problem with Linux. If you are a kid, then try Ubuntu first. After you have outgrown it, then you can move up to something more difficult. Most of the faqs and wikis for Ubuntu, are written for beginners.
>>262 If you have a choice, I would not install selinux during installation. it can make your computer run slower. Install grub too. On your main disk.
I am using Ochusha today. They have just made an update that fits my computer. It is pretty cool. They have an ascii art helper. Lets see if Japanese fonts work. ひらがな カタカナ カタカナ かんじ 自夢
>>271 It opens in my browser. Who are they? Japanese backstreet boys? I see a good point about Ochusha. The menu and dialogs are multi lingual. I also really like the My bookmark function. Bad point is the image viewer and popup function doesn't work. I am still looking for the right viewer for me. I will try Janestyle on fedora 10 next.
It works in fedora 10, when you have the program "Wine" installed. I am having a font problem with it now. So running wine tricks to try to get the correct windows fonts installed. I am able to run it though...:)
>>295 Hmm. I used to keep track of my playlist. Which is more important for you. The music, or the lyrics? The music is the same in all languages. The lyrics are probably the most important thing since you want to explore "English" music. This is my playlist for today. Joe Walsh - Ordinary average guy Bob Marley - Redemption song Marc Cohn - Walking in Memphis Al Stewart - Year of the cat Eminem - Lose yourself Fleetwood Mac - Landslide Kari Scott - Snowbird Led Zeppelin - Stairway to heaven Marvin Gaye - Lets get it on
>>296 I believe lyrics are, at least now. But I also believe good music keeps up with good lyrics. I mean, if a song has greatly moving effects, it should hold a great music and lyrics because I think the most important thing about a song is, not a balance but something like that. that's why I don't listen to the Classical.
I have no idea what I wrote... Hopefully it will make sense... I think both are very important like a balance, though.
>>304 ときメモ is a series of the games which created these days' anime style, I cannot be sure, though.
I went iceskating. In my head, Alison Crowe was singing Halleluja. But, I don't think this was really sweat for iceskating. Also I tried Take Me Home, Country Roads. This was swell. Just good.
In Japan, it's usually called just skate rather than saying every detail word. This is because, I guess, all of these are not common. So people gave the word "skate" to the iceskating, and named skateboard スケボー, and roller blading ローブレ.
>>301 umm? can't see it? Is not nothing displayed? I don't know why it do so. That link is ABC News live. But it is not important any longer. The Inauguration Coverage was over. Now, another program can be seen.
>>326 Yes it sounds nice to me. When I was a kid going to the Karate dojo We had to say おっす and bow when we entered the dojo. So I understand the concept of it. I am here and ready = おっす
>>336 Boeing builds their jets there. The newest one coming is the Dreamliner. Starbucks coffee is from Washington. There is also Microsoft in Redmond Washington. Also There are many apples and cherries there.
>>344 Wow, May I ask what town that is? Maybe you are in Antarctica? hehehe, no really. Lets make a donut shop. The whole world needs donuts (maybe doughnuts in some translating engines) You may have hit on a good idea and a way to do some good business.
Has anyone else noticed that when you use this character in an alt tag ・ and have it next to the ending " that it makes the page have a display error in Firefox?
>>345 I wanna visit Antarctica, anyway. I know an opportunity to go there in a group. But it costs about more than 10,000. I gave up my dream at the moment to notice that. And I now live in Kimberley, small town, in Canada. Donut shop is a good idea although we have a bakery And now, I remember there is a coffee shop which also sells donuts!
Jim-san, what do you think about Twitter? i think Twitter lies between 2ch and blog system. non-internet people know about it? only used by geeks? i wonder twitter dont have more ads on its website.
>>350 I'm Osakan, now, past time 'n in the future. It will never change and I'm not willing to. And I'm sure Canada is great. I'll be back some day after I leave here. But, my future goal is to be a great teacher, especially English one in Japan. So, I cannot be a baker, even though it's good to be a baker. Maybe, I will tell this idea to someone. We shouldn't miss any great opportunities, should we?
>>359 Both is best. I can write my name in Japanese, but it looks very childish. There are lots of Chinese in Canada, they can probably read your signature if you write in kanji.
>>360 All the Chinese I have seen here is working in Chinese Restaurant. And I have seen more Korean than Chinese. Btw, lots of Japanese can write only childish Japanese. Also those Japanese can easily be mean. That's an important difference.
Bye, I have to get asleep now, I guess. But before I leave, I wanna leave a question. I'm thinking to have my Handle Name. Can I ask you, Jim, to name me? Good night.
>>367 Krispy Kreme Doughnuts is delicious also. It's from US maybe Jim know it. This shop is very popular also in Japan and it always makes the line of people. http://www.krispykreme.jp/
I never go to bed today before I finish my letter. I have only today, about 3 hours from now. I'm writing because I don't wanna break my past 'n following days. Thank you.
I want to see if it will block you from using it. if you post 15 times in one minute, then it would be like a bad guy. I want to see if it will block you.
>>416-414 Excellent. That means it is working and blocking correctly. I don't think there is a badguy tool for that currently. It uses http://www.pasegueno.com/
>>434 I don't know anything about it. I have seen their site before but it did not seem like a good business model. Maybe they are just out of business.
>>447 Yes it is popular, and from what I have seen, they seem like a decent company. I am sure they have a reporting and deleting system. If they are not responsive to a deletion request. Usually a telephone call or email to the ISP will bring their attention to the problem.
Hi This is Jim. I am using the p2 server now. Hmm that was very difficult for a Japanese as a 3rd language student. Anyway I am ok, not dead yet, and very very busy. I will post more when I don't need to use this cumbersome system.
win上でOpenJane(か、その他)を使う時に便利なソフトがあるですよ There is convenient software when you use OpenJane(or others) working on windows. "p2proxy"ってやつです(Wine上で動くかは未確認) It is "p2proxy".(Whether it is possible to use it on Wine is unconfirmed. )
OpenJaneからp2を使って書き込みたい時にp2proxyを経由して書くシステムナノデス It is a system that writes via "P2proxy" to write it by using "P2" from "OpenJane". 興味あるならお手伝いしまっせ If you are interested in it, I will be able to help. ^^b
I never quit. I have not given up on it. I am enjoying the excellent functions of JD. It is working flawlessly on my pc. I can wait for them to update it. JD たのしみ です。 まつ しかない、もーすぐ いい です。
I had made a mistake on Deleter of PINKBBS for the first time the other day. Hereafter, I decided that I did not do the same thing. And I'll pay attention it always in do it. (,,゚Д゚)
Actually I dislike it for many reasons. Good morning ◆CHINPOGEDU-san I won't be posting so much until this P2 is off of bbspink. I was not asked before it was turned on. My emergency email is available for those who really need it.
FOXNews.com - Indonesia Lifts Tsunami Warning Issued After Massive 7.0-Magnitude Quake - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News ttp://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,491044,00.html
1 qt. thick breast milk 1-1/4 cups flour 2 cups milk 1 cup sugar 1 T. ground cinnamon
Pour breastmilk into a heavy saucepan and heat until it starts to boil. Sift in 3/4 cup of the flour and whip with a wire whisk.
Keep beating after the 3/4 cup of flour is all in, until the butter starts to come out of the breastmilk. Then remove from the heat. Take a ladle and take off the butter, and put it in another bowl. Keep stirring until all the butter comes out.
Put the breastmilk in another kettle and heat to boiling.
Sift 1/2 cup flour into the breastmilk while beating. Continue beating until mixture is thick like pudding. Remove it from the heat, add it to the cream mixture, and beat with a wire whisk until smooth and well blended.
Pour into a 2-quart baking dish. Smooth out the top and sprinkle the cinnamon and sugar on top. Pour the butter you saved over the top. Serve warm.
>>538 Maybe you can buy it online? Don't be ashamed to buy it. It must be so popular. Other people will buy it too. Chinpogedu-san is eating it everyday. Of course the best way to have your Oppai pudding is fresh. >>537
>>543 I just thought it was interesting that the guy who made the TV station to teach people about it. Cut his own wifes head off. Anyway. I guess it is ok. It is similar to Jewish and Christian. They have the same roots.
>>550 Wow, those look incredible! The sake set was a little scary though. It might be more fun to drink plum wine on Halloween out of. Sake should come out the other end not the decapitated head end.
>>Jim san I wanna thread of male characters for male users, (男性向け男キャラ萌えスレ), as the sum of other threads of one/particular male character for males. I mean, not Yaoi/Boys Love(やおい/801、BL、腐女子向け) but for Shota/Gay(ショタ、ガチホモ). These two, 801 and ガチホモ, are totally different things, and people from 801 threads often mess up Gay threads, as they think 801 and Gay are the same. So I especially want the new thread to be without female users.
Are you talking about a completely different kind? I have heard of Shota, I thought it was a pedophilia type fetish. Maybe I am mistaken. Please tell me more.
>>554 Thanks for asking me. Yes, some threads I meant are from those boards. But I especially mean threads for male characters from comics/anime/video games.
For example: "Male characters from Nintendo are sexy" http://yomi.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/eroparo/1220350669/ This is a thread definitely for male users, clearly mentioned that this is not a 801 thread, but a thread where males love male characters.
There, the topics are the users' sexual dehavior on characters they like. On the other hand, users who like Yaoi(801), mostly females, talk about male characters' couples, Boy-1 and Boy-2 are making love.
And I must say that I mistook, I mean, I wanna new board, not a thread.
You are right, Shota(for little boys) and also Loli(for little girls) mean pedophilia. My point is that I wanna these threads, where we talk about male characters (whichever Shota or not) in sexual way, but not 801 like, to be gathered in one board.
>>558 Finally some good reasons for making a new board. Thank you for your detailed explanation. >>mostly females I think so too. At least during the daytime most of the users are women. There is a thread for discussing making new boards. It is good you brought it to my attention, but lets discuss it there in Japanese. You have good ideas, and I can see you have thought it through. If other people are feeling the way you are feeling, then it should be a good idea. You might find you are a lone cry in the wilderness though. Only time will tell.
Hi, Mr. Jim. I got here a few weeks ago and now, we got a tim-hortons!
Anyway, I don't understand this math question. 3. Determine the value(s) of k in each equation for which one root is triple the other root. a)x~2-kx+3=0 The answer says ±4. I don't get the meaning of this q. and also how to get this a. Help please...
>>583 Recently, we got a small bag of tim hortons coffee and we tried it today. It was horrible, tastes like mud. But, tim hortons actually has good coffee in their stores. And they have also tim bits which is small donuts. If you know D-Pop in mistre donuts, they are pretty similar. But there is a difference, like D-Pops are small donuts like others from their menues but tim bits are just small donuts. get it?
Btw, I'm planning to travel around the North America Continent a bit with my friend in summer. We have already decided to go to NYC, but no more so far. Where are your suggestions? We are not going for such a long time.
Wow, traveling around North America will be fun. New York would never have been on my list of places to see. On the east coast of the US, Washington DC is probably the best choice for tourists. You can spend days looking at the museums and monuments. If you go farther west, Las Vegas Nevada is an important location. It is big, bold and beautiful. What types of things are you interested in? South Dakota has a nice place called Wall Drug. Dallas Texas has a nice zoo. Mexico City is the largest city in North America.
>>585 The reason we decided on NYC is my fellow lives in NY so that I can get place to stay in. Also he never went there although it's as far as buses go every day. And I'm thinking we can make shopping there which is important for both of us since we don't have big stores. I guess we both like more outdoor than indoor stuff. Oh, another plan is hotspring. This will be in Canada.
hehehehehe I I used to smoke by the "gram" too. I just have terrible bronchitis and almost pneumonia right now. I want to feel better. It is making a little jumpy and angry though.
If somewhere of the body is bad, I am irritated, too I have heard that "the person who ate only meat became irritable". Let's eat grain, the seafood, and the vegetable. I love seafood.♥
I like ways of thinking of 「医食同源 (the medicine food same source)」 of the Chinese medicine. The body of the person is made of food. Please be careful your health.
>>602 Yes, the comics are still on the way All story is only a text, now.^^; The message can be sent to the author of the comic when liking it. Please push "Web拍手ボタン".
/ ,' l , -── - 、 rー - 、 l , ' ` 、 ! / \ l / ハ \ ', / /ヽ、 l , ' /ニユ', ヽ ノ/ / ` ‐ l / / /ノイイl i '., / / ,' / l ,' / / ,イ /_ l l i ',/ / i / l i ,イ ,' ,イ /ィイ /_ l l l / r、r、/ l/ l l ,'l ,イイ,' l / ! ,.ィー- 、 l ! l / r「ヽヽ 〉 ,' / l li l i i liイハ !/ lト ir イ !l レヽ / ', ヽ. ',l / / /l ! ', l l l liリ ゝ :! ノイl lソ / / 、 」┘/ / / l ', ヽ!', ',l" ,,, リ,' ,' / んJ / / / l 入xx / ,' ノ/ / i / / // l /イ \ 丶 / / ノ ,イ l / / / / l 〃l ,イ ,'ヽ ` ーァ / // / l l / // / l ,' l / l,' / >┘, ' / ,' l l / l / l !,' , ' /, ' , ' / l ,イ l / l / , イ/' 〃 / l / l l / l , '/ , ' ,イ,' / il / l l / l / / / l , ' i ll l ノ l / ノ ,' !/ l / l ll l / l / / 〉 ' ` ‐ 、 ', ! , ' l ll l/ ,イ / / / \i ,' ,.イi l ll l / l/ , イ ,' ヾヽ / ll l ll ', / l , -イ l i ヽ'.,/ l l i l ll ヽ l l l l l / l l l i l ll \ヽ ノ l l l / ,' l li li l ll \ ,' l ! 〈 / l !l ll li ll l ヽ / ノ l ヽ ノ l,' l l l ll ll l / / l ', \ ノ l ! l l ', l! l / / l i \ リ l ,' i ,' l / / l \ l / l / l / / ! , - ヘ l / ,' l/ / ト 、 __, -プ,イヽ` 、 ', ,' / ノ l ノ ∧` ‐- / /,イト ', ヽ i ノ ' l l / ', , ' 〈/ ,'l Li ! l / / ヽ、 / ヾ Lイ ,' レ' / / // l l /
Jimjim, I never could find any of "Snowbird" by Kari Scott, btw. But anyway I found "Year of the cat" swell. At least this is my favorite. Especially, maybe, that piano at last was pretty tasty. "Walking in memphis" was also still good. I guess I like the piano because I thought this song was ncie, I was enjoying mainly the piano.
>>629 Thanks. But, unfortunately I couldn't find it nice to me. I don't care whatr kinda music it is, but my important issue is just if I like or not. Only thing I'm sure is I do mostly not like rocks, raps. It's just annoying for me.
>>629 I like the melody and the voice in Snowbird. The album is here. Some of them are downloadable but I can't reach it from here. http://cdbaby.com/cd/kariscott2 The Year of the cat is more important for its lyrics. The melody is dreamy. Walking in Memphis is how I am feeling right now.
>>630 Rap and rock are more important for what they say, then how they sound. Sometimes the top 40 songs have no value except for their catchy tunes. I agree with you. It just matters if you like it.
>>654 This was not my lunch today, but it is the only food picture I have in my camera right now. http://www.emailgenki.com/view.php?postid=090301010114 It was very tasty, both the cake, and my lunch today. I ate a turkey, roast beast sandwich on multi-grain bread. Then a Starbucks Venti breve latte with a chocolate peanut butter brownie for dessert.
>>656 Sweet, that's a nice meal. I just had turkey for nothing special two days ago which was my frist try. Someone says he doesn't like turkey but chicken or goose and so the opposite is. But I just like it, chicken and goose. How was the latte? I'm thinking to have some hot chocolate now to feel slow life..
>>659 The latte was like an orgasm. Breve with extra cream. It tastes even better since I have not smoked in a few days. Have you ever had a "turducken"? It is a turkey stuffed with a duck. I would like to try cooking that someday.
>>660 Seriously, I got my coffee busted off on my tasks... I never thought you wouuld similize on orgasm. It reminded me of sciense class on organisms btw. I never had turducken. It seems nice anyway. Well, you'd better let me know when you're gonna try so that we can have a yummy turkey party.
>>669 I love Japanese songs. Perfume, The Brilliant Green and 24/7 are my favorite bands from Japan. Many of their songs have subtitles on Youtube. I use them for learning Japanese. おしり かじり むしーー すごい! かじられちゃって ちょ いい かんじ。
Good morning. I am on my way to the office now. I will listen to the music there. I like subtitles with romanji for the Japanese as well. Then I can learn the words.
>>681 No. I am not sure who that is. There are many Jims and probably man Aha. It is a big world, and nobody is really unique. This is how that translates for me.
536 Morning (*^_^*) age 2009/03/06 (Friday) 07:30:01 ID: PRpSWeJJ0 Jim and I asked her, but I do not see everyone every day Sometimes I watch it together with 一安心is now ^ ^
>>691 Even when liars tell the truth, they are never believed. The liar will lie once, twice, and then perish when he tells the truth. -Aesop That is a really old story, but it still holds true.
>>698 Yap, that's me. My experience about Starbucks was only once in Vancouver International Airport. A lady came up to me waiting for the flight time. Says like, "hi, would you like one?" let me choose one of those cups of something. It was sweet and like icecream beneath a layer of strawberry sauce. Any after, I have tried none of their products. But probably I will go get something maybe in some airport.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oThNdKK2IK4 very crazy lol A sense of unity is strange. Audience intersperse words in the performance on music insanely. The adult men are interesting in and an enthusiastic to little girl's singing voice. very funny and nice it give me laugh. I felt religion from it.
Deer, Jum. His issue is that he cannot post any urls in 半角二次元 board. Normal texts are acceptable, but he said he was so hungry that he couldn't understand it. Actually, he had a bowl of Chicken Noodle, 2 teriyaki burger from McDonald's and also a L size of Fries for lunch. I wanna have too...
>>704 At first, I also felt really creepy. :( But now, I feel good. That meaning of "good" is good with creepy. Like a "キモスギワロタww" in Japanese Net slang. This feeling looks like the one it when this is seen. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJUgMfmpHaw 2:42
>>733 Yeap, Idols wants fan to see the their performance. And maybe it's creepy for them.
I found interesting comment in the list of the movie's comment of Youtube. >zzztopzzz >idol is idol. and they are idol worshippers. Exactly, they are worshipping like a religion. Others are not good though the person in that is good. Objectivity is insufficient there. But, this is not problem that is right or wrong.
Ok, I am back and back to normal. What a busy week this has been. >>734 How about I use katakana...;) オデュッセウス The Oddyssey is a great story. I was trying to use greek like Stinky-chan. I will use Odysseus for a while, and see if we can get some success.
世界の様々な神話はおもしろい。 The world various myths are interesting. しかし、読み物として上手に翻訳された本は少ない。 However, there are few books translated as reading well. ちょうど私の翻訳のように ww There is just much translation that is clumsy like my translation lol
きっといい翻訳のオデュッセウスもあると思う Probably I think that there is Odysseus of good translation. んでも、わたすはまだそれを知らんですよ However, I do not yet know it
たぶん、どこかでそれをモチーフにした話は聞いたことがあると思う。 Probably I think that I have heard the story that did it in a motif somewhere.
たぶんこの映画もその中の一つ Probably this movie is also one of them. 「シンドバッド七回目の航海」(1958年) "The 7th Voyage Of Sinbad" (1958) この特撮映画はおもしろかった This special effects movie was interesting.
>>735 Perfect katakana:) Greek letters figure are nice.
>>738 It is difficult to find a good translation in epic. Maybe you know, the reason for poetry is that it is not possible to go over to the other language.
>>739 Maybe the movies are a better media for translation. People can see as well as hear what is being said. Probably the poetry is gone when Oddyssey is translated, but the story is excellent and is worth reading in any language.
>>742 Yeap, the movie can make an atmosphere it is different from the print media's one. It's difficult to visualize even. I have to read it. I only know the Trojan in Oddyssey.lol
OMG, it's roaring. In about 0℃, wind blows clouds away, hence the sky is full of nothing. But stars are still in their position which gives us kind light. This is the most beautiful time in my life as far as I remember.
>>773 You know, in Yellownife, it was about 40 on forecast program a few days ago. While here it's been about -20~0 these days. The temperature I have been in here is about -27 as far as I remember. It was awsome, well actually we should wear underwear and warm jacket, but if we follow that, it's just beautiful. The wind tries to cut my face but is pleasant still. It must be still prettier in Yellownife or its neighbours; even it will be possible to see northern lights. Honestly, I hope I could visit the Arctic. Or Araska is a good choice; I watched the movie, "Into The Wild" and even I like it. Oh, Canada is beautiful in summer too. Or I would say Canada is always beautiful. My friend and I sometimes go up to small mountain to get natural water that tastes so good. And we usually stop by at the lake near the water point and walk around along shore for awhile.
>>776 The uptime on that machine is not so high. UpTime(cherry905) = 2:55PM up 1 day, 21:12, 0 users, load averages: 0.23, 0.23, 0.16 That is the only thing I can check from Manila. If there is something that needs to be repaired on the server I need to have the problems explained more specifically. Then I will make a ticket with PIE to have it fixed.
Snow webcams from my favorite ski area http://www.schweitzer.com/mountain/multimedia/webcams.php They have only had 13 inches of snow in the last 24 hours. The Mountain : Snow Report : Daily Snow Report Daily Snow Report Last Updated: March 15, 2009 03:03
Printable Version 7 Day Forecast Cellphone Snow Report Email Snow Report
* Village * 29°
* Summit * 28°
* Past 24 hrs * 13"
* Past 48 hrs * 14"
* Past 72 hrs * 14"
* Season Total * 265"
Base Depth
* Lower Elevation * 88
* Mid Elevation * 98
* Upper Elevation * 111
Runs & Trails
* Runs open * 92
* Acres open * 2900
* Lifts open * 8
* Surface Snow * Powder
Daily Update: Sunday, March 15, 2009
Winds: Stong Visibility: Limited due to snow 12 hour snowfall: 8" 24 hour snowfall: 13"
>>782 Not really. I just have it... oh, I never had it here for maybe a year. Root beer or coke are more favorite for them imo. Well, Canada Dry never Die. It might meen it's time for me to go to town. Seeya in a bit..
Oh... gosh, what stu Koreans... Both two of them were suspected to be out during night time. They went to bed earlier than usual and might be gone. We firstly found out a screen were gone from the window. I also saw footprints on the desk and chips from the screen on the ground. They are maybe, done.
Oh, btw do you know "Roll Up" in Tim Hortons? It's really cool system. We need it in Japan. A paper cup has edge like "P" on the top which you put your lip on, right? We straighten it and the back of roll shows results like "Play again". And someone can win laptop from TOSHIBA, $10,000 or a nice car from TOYOTA. Isn't it great system?
>>793 That sounds like fun. Canada is very clean though. It might not be sanitary in a big city. Putting your fingers where your mouth should go, could get a lot of people sick.
>>794 Are you mentionning that unrolled cups in a city can be picked up by people and they will touch others' mouths indirectly? I don't think it happens here. And when you open your cups' edge is after you finish your coffee. The thing is you will not touch where your mouth goes because, do you drink coffee all way spining the cup?
>>795 You are correct sir. Your logic is easy to follow and understand. I am sorry that my humor was misunderstood and could have been offensive to city folks....:)
>>797 In retrospect, it is not even funny to me. I was thinking about people riding subways and trains, going up the escalator and stairs, putting their hands on the rails, then touching the rim of their cup with those fingers and taking a nice drink. The bacteria of thousands filling their mouth with unimaginable disease.
>>804 I think so too. Actually for the last month of last year, I remember snow was melting somehow, and it made any road muddy. I always walked for half an hour in the morning, and the road was really horrible like if I didn't wear my boots, water and mud easily get on my feet.
>>805 I remember waiting for the school bus with slushy snow and mud, then getting on the bus and the floor is slick with mud from all the other children. It is fun to play in the snow, but the aftermath sucks. They should have school on the snowy days, and no school on the melty days.
>>806 The dengerous point is the entrance. Once people get in a building, snow goes away because of heating system. But a foot before the door and if the floor is nicely made, it's perfect totry killing everybody. I once fell down there and hit my ass so badly which forced me to be away from PE for a couple of days.
>>807 Hehehehe, it sounds like Sapporo. In the winter, I don't think I can walk a day in Sapporo without falling on my ass. >>749 I am listening to Dream Theater - Panic Attack
>>811 Oh, that sounds tasty. You can not get maple flavor in the Philippines. They have a company with a trademark on the word maple. They sell syrup, but it is not maple syrup. It is some kind of corn syrup. Good night friend, hope the cookies were tasty.
Oh... I completely forgot to even give a glance at cookie box... And I have just already finished my hotchocolate... Huh... ok, I gotta go to bed. Seeya buddy, have a great evening.
>>822 It is a transvestite. He is wearing somekind of latex skin suit. That is a separate fetish, but it looks like a real girl until the end when you see the man pop out.
>>831 I am not the network engineer, so I can not personally renew the Bogon list. It is a list of IPs that are not visible. There have been some network problems for some people. This could be the cause? Is that what you are saying Stinky-chan?
I will make a ticket for the Network engineers at PIE to look into that.
>>830 I will look for that song, the next time I am in a music store. I got a new album this week. The Prodigy - Invaders must die Wow! I am listening to it so loud driving to the office everyday. It is a not as wild as their hits "Smack your bitch up" and "Fire Starter", but definately worth listening to.
>>834 For some reason, I can not see youtube or aol video today. I used to leave 500 meters from where this was filmed. As soon as I can see the video I will watch it. Here is Invaders must die. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EiqFcc_l_Kk I did not watch it though.
I translated >>832 , but may be wrong. 訳はこれで合ってるのかな?ちょっと自信ない
> I am not the network engineer, so I can not personally renew the Bogon list. > わたしゃネットワークエンジニアじゃないから自分でボゴンリストを更新はできまへん > It is a list of IPs that are not visible. > それは不可視にするIPのリストでおます fmfm
> There have been some network problems for some people. This could > be the cause? Is that what you are saying Stinky-chan? > 何人かがいくつかネットワークの問題があったけど、これが原因? > Stinky-chan(ξ)が言うとるのはそのこと? I do not understand which some problems show well, いくつかの問題がどれを示しているかよくわかりません but it will be the probably same problem が、たぶん同じ問題かな
> I will make a ticket for the Network engineers at PIE to look into that. > PIEのネットワークエンジニアが調査するためにチケットを手配するつもり Is it a difficult problem? 難しいことだったの? I want to help you, but I have neither the knowledge of the network nor the linguistic ability. zannen^^; 手伝いたいけど、ネットの知識も語学力も足りない、ざんねん^^;
I hope that you and Network engineer solve the problem well, Jim-tan ^^b Jimタソとネットワークエンジニアがうまいことやってくれるのを期待してまっせ ^^b
Fran@報告人 ★ said ISP request renew the bogonlist that 2ch refer to. Bogonlist itself is renewed, but 2ch refer to the old one, so there are some IPs(example:range cannot access to 2ch.
>>857 What an excellent god. Completely understandable by the masses, and kind of fun at the same time. Hail Kanamara Matsuri-osama. Lets have a good year and all prosper together.
My problem is now, when Jane is open, p2 proxy says he doesn't see anything to look for. And also he doesn't show up on the task tray where he used to be sitting. Hmm...
たぶん(maybe) When it began to take Western culture at the Meiji era, a sexual thing came to be disliked by people. 明治時代に西洋文化を取り入れだしたころから、性的なことが人々に嫌われるようになった
>>867 I don't want him to shut up. I was just making conversation. I am not sure how to fix this P2 problem. I have absolutely no control over P2. I have noticed that some software is specifically designed for it, and when I tried to use it normally. P2 popped up. This confused me for a long time because I could not read the faq well. Now I am understanding it better, but I don't have access or ability to fix any P2 problems. P2 seems to work fine for what it was made for. I can't do anything about it though.
>>869 Wowwow, ok as you already know and supposed >>862 to be, he talked. I do not mind him if you think it's ok since I barely care his things. Anyway, thanks for considering about my issues.
>>870 もちろん西洋文化全てがそうじゃないことは知ってます Of course it cannot be said that all the Western culture is so.
しかし、100年以上前に日本に入ってきた西洋文化(キリスト教文化)はセックスに寛容ではなかった However, the Western culture (Christianity culture) that was in Japan more than 100 years ago was not tolerant of sexual intercourse.
そして、日本人は古くからあった日本の風習を西洋風に変えていった And the Japanese changed the Japanese manners and customs that there was for a long time in Western style
>>868は、それによって廃れていった文化の一つです >>868 is as a result one of the cultures that go out of use.
かなまら祭りは、形を変えてそれを残そうとしている Kanamara Matsuri changes form and is going to leave it
Oh... I got a headache. Yesterday, I went to bed about three in the morning, and I lost almost half a day. Too much? It's spring time; sun light is warm, and the sky is clearly blue. But that headache is squeezing me. Afterwhile, I'm going to the diamond to see how people play. My supper's gonna be A&W I think.
I heard that those Ks in this house had been mad when WBC finally ended. Maybe, I will join the baseball team here. Thanks, 侍Japan. And no thank you, Mr. Hara.
There is not any reason to get mad. It is only a game. Lets enjoy our life and the games we are playing. If the K gets to upset, they will cut off their fingers, and then they can not be good baseball practice partners.
>>885 I don't know why, but actually Ks have some kinda mind on Japanese. And yes you're incredibly right. We should just enjoy the game, not like as playing a gamble.
>>883 I haven't been to that festival. The festival is an unique shrine festival in Japan. I haven't seen similar shrine in Tokyo. It is type of a minority shrine. Maybe, we can count them by one or two hands. So, it is very interesting festival and I want to visit someday.
That problem on >>865 went over. I just restarted the computer for letting UAC sleep a bit, And it's done.
Btw, I maybe can have schweppes tonic tomorrow since I'm going to town. I gotta buy runners; the shoes I'm killing my steal toe shoes by everyday sports. I don't wanna spend too much on shoes though.
>>892 Maybe it is still beta. Going through a lot of changes. I got p2 to work, and I could not really understand the directions. So it is pretty easy. I did not get it to work except in my firefox browser though. That was just a little annoying. So I have switched to Ochucha which has not gone the p2 route yet.
>>894 1. Location: I would not want to attend college in my hometown. 2. Discipline: It is important that the school you want to attend has the ciriculum that you need. 3. Cost: If you want to attend Harvard, you need to be able to pay for it. 4. Punani: Make sure the Female to male ratio is in your favor.
>>897 That's a great view but is not familiar for Japanese. Most of them think they have to go to study even if they don't know what they wanna do.
I asked my friend what he would do after high, and he said he would go to university. "What do you wanna do there?" I asked. He went "I don't know so far." I know he is not very smart and capable to go to public school so that his family would have to pay a big bill for nothing possibly to be. Maybe he is the one who should come out abroad where he is gonna enjoy his "life" and hopefully find the meaning of his life.
Anyway, actually I visited a secondary school when they had a class about post secondary. There were some teachers from the college near here. One said like what are possible ways you can take after graduating school? And after some like keeping up for education, that teacher said he had been traveling for a year after high school, and it was a great experience which lead him to be a teacher.
>>898 Most people in the US do not work in the field that they study in college. It is like a ticket to get a better job, but the course is not really relevant to the employment they find later.
>>900 Goodmorning Odysseus:) Also I must go to the office soon.
My coworker said, Everything is Money! If I have a sufficiency of money, I am all OK. This thought was empty, I felt. But his passion of earnig was good, so I would not deny him. Umm, difficult.. my act was correct?
>>901 You can't chance someone's thinking on that matter. It is not ok, if the thinking is "The end justifies the means" This is not acceptable thinking for civalized humans. If they are working hard and getting lots of money from their efforts, then it is completely ok. Maybe they are enjoying the game of making money.
Here you go, sir. 【ttp://deaiup.com/up/src/up6803.jpg】 It tastes interesting. Not that sweet but still not bad. It's bitter like grapefruit. But first time I put it in the mouth, it felt like the one of 7up. However, when I started to use my nose, it changed drastically into more bitter. I think it was a new experience to go into in my life.
Btw, is this especially for drunker or those kinda people? Well, that hard force seems on the same direction as liquor. I've never had those alcohol except once a tongue-touch of beer in my childhood, though.
>>903 It is not for drunker. I drink it almost everyday, and I rarely drink alcohol. It is used in one drink I know. Gin and tonik, this drink is very tasty.
I am glad I was able to give you a new experience in your life.
>>905 I have never tasted Wilkinson's tonic water. I will look for it, perhaps I can have a life changing event also. By the way, I can not see the image you posted. Here is part of what I see.
>>908 That is an interesting bottle. What country manufactures that product? I want to taste. It is so hot here. That must be a cooling life changing drink.
>>909 アサヒ飲料 | ウィルキンソン | ブランド紹介 ttp://www.asahiinryo.co.jp/wilkinson/contents/brand.html ウィルキンソン氏はイギリス人で Mr. Wilkinson is a British. 1980年頃に炭酸鉱泉を日本で見つけて会社を作ったそうな(知らんかった He found the carbonic acid mineral spring in Japan, and established the company in around 1980. (It got to know for the first time. 今はアサヒ飲料が販売してるよ Asahi soft drinks Co.,Ltd sells it now
それは小売りではあまり見ないけど、日本のバーではよく使われてるよ It is used well in the bar in Japan though it is not so seen in retail. 特にジンジャーエールがオヌヌメ The ginger ale is especially recommended if it drinks as it is.^^b 日本に来ることがあったらためしてみて Try it if you come to Japan. もちろんおっぱいプリンも忘れずに Of course without forgetting the oppai-pudding hehe
This is my fortune today. SOMETHING MISSING MIGHT BEFORE LONG ARRIVE This fortune was generated by Electric Buddha's prayer wheel. It is cool and exciting! http://www.electricbuddha.org/prayer_wheel/
辛口ジンジャエール(ウィルキンソン風) by のぎへん [クックパッド] 簡単おいしいみんなのレシピが40万品 ttp://cookpad.com/recipe/123188 生姜 小ぶりなミカン大1個 Sliced Ginger undersized tangerine large 1 唐辛子 1〜2本 Red pepper 1-2 砂糖 半カップ Sugar semi- cup (100cc) はちみつ 半カップ Honey semi- cup(100cc) クローブ(粉末) 少々 Clove(The powder) a little シナモン(粉末) 少々 Cinnamon (the powder) a little レモン 1個 1 lemons
1.水カップ3〜4杯で生姜と唐辛子を煮て砂糖、はちみつを入れる Ginger and the red pepper are boiled by water cup 3-4 cup(600-800cc) and sugar and honey are taken.
2.クローブとシナモンをいれてさらに15分ほど煮て冷ます。 Put a clove and cinnamon and, furthermore, boil it for approximately 15 minutes and cool it. 水が少なくなったら適量足してください。 If there becomes little water, please add an appropriate amount.
※一晩置けば、より成分が出るようです。 *If it places overnight, an ingredient will come out more.
3.漉してレモン汁を混ぜてできあがり。 It filters, lemon juice is mixed and it is completion. 適量コップに注いで炭酸で割って氷を浮かべてどうぞ A proper quantity and ice is put into Grass and carbonated water is poured out.
>>831 From PIE. (12:44:01 PM) Ryan: MAY YOUR ENTHUSIASM GIVE HER THE SURPRISING LOOP AHEAD (電気仏陀 Electrical Buddha)
hahaha anyways, have a great night Jim-san. I've called freebit.net regarding to problem that just happened again as of Monday Japan time. dubai.2ch.net can't be seen from110.0.0.0 /14maybe due to them not advertising their IPs properly through JPNIC. Good night
翻訳に自信がないから確認 Because translation does not have confidence, I confirm it
> maybe due to them not advertising their IPs properly through JPNIC. 原因は、「freebit.netがJPNICを通してIP(をちゃんと伝えていない」でおk? The cause is "freebit.net doesn't neatly tell IP( through JPNIC" and k?.
>>902 My thinking is little different from you. Earning the money with ease is ok, even if it is moneygame. Significant point is a usage of the money. He only think of own benefit. And he has no idea of the social contribution. Therefore his ambition is empty and cheap.
I hope Jim-san reads this thread. 【ボランティア用】 連絡&報告5 http://set.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1198693027/ It is likely to talk in Japanese in the thread. Because there are a lot of people not good at English. However, there will be a person who translates English.
I think that the discussion by the thread is important for PINK.
>>929 Responsibilities and obligations are two different things. Often people use them as synonyms but they are different. Responsibility is something that an individual takes voluntarily. Obligation is something that an individual is required to do. People avoid or take on responsibilities often without any significant change in their environment. Obligations that are avoided cause disastrous results. t.
>>933 Even if follow your definition of social responsibility, can you affirm my coworker's thinking? >>934 Yea, I think so too. This communication is superb and pleasant. Thanks Odysseus.
>>939 I suppose you are missing the US. Every time I see a dream about wagashi, which is Japanese Sweets, I feel almost dead for a few hours, and after that, I vow that I will let time fly by Carpe Diem.
>>941 How can you stay yourself away from missing there? You're from Washington and it has apples and cherries, right? Well, maybe but you don't miss it actually.
I'm eating last spoon-full of honey roasted peanuts, and now I finished it.
>>942 Yes, and they are so tasty. There was a cherry orchard where I grew up. Bing cherries are my favorite. Washington apples are nice too. I don't really miss the place though. There is nothing there for me.
>>958 Jim-san、英語も書いてくれたら助かるです Jim-san, When English is written together, it is welcome. そしたら誤解も減ると思うですよ The misunderstanding decreases because it does so, too.
違う結果を比較することで、よりよく理解できるです We can understand better by comparing a different result それでもわからなかったら、>>923みたいに確認するです I still confirm it like >>923 when I did not understand it
わかったふり(・A・)イクナイ!! It is not good to pretend to understand.
大事な事じゃなかったらスルー^^; When it is not important, I doesn't confirm it. ^^;
>>937 Speaking and Reason often entail the ideology. >My coworker said, Everything is Money! If I have a sufficiency of money, I am all OK.(>>901) He strongly asserted his words are true like a justice. This is his reason and conduct.
>>967 おはよーです 慌てないで、じっくりと Without being flurried, slowly and carefully
>>966 お金は必要だけど重要じゃない。。。と思うです I think...Money is necessary. However, it is not important.
この訳でおk? Is it correct in this translation? > No, your opinion is important when you can't confirm the translation. > 翻訳がうまく出来ない時は、翻訳者の意見が重要だ 違う気がする^^; I feel different X<
>>982 The Rolling Stones: Before they make me run is playing right now. Booze and pills and powders. You can choose your medicine. Its another good bye to another good friend. - Keith Richards
Gosh, I just found out that my socks are such a worn out like a big hole that I can get my toe out through that window. Now I threw it in garbage which means I need to refill my drawer with new ones.
I've never seen such a strange sight. It snowed last night and acumulated up to 5 inches I heard. Honestly, I was sleeping till an hour after noon but there is still enough to makej a bunch of snowballs, so ground must have been back to winter in the morning. But it is 20 degrees celcius now. One more srange thing is it didn't snow anywhere else than here I heard; none in the next town. Also even though it snowed much and it is still there, there is a football game. Fanny day, isn't it?
>>985 We do not live in a barter economy world anymore. Yes money is important. >>984 Needs new socks. 984 will have to go to the store, or order socks online. Then pay for the purchase with money. Hard currency may not be necessary anymore, but the symbol of money is important. Some people say that the love of money is the root of all evil. Some ignorant people confuse the love of money which would be an action with money which is only a thing. The use of money has built the world that we have currently. Mongols used paper money when they established trade routes to the west. This enabled the exchange of information, culture and goods like the world had never seen before. The information age has brought us digital money, and this money will probably cause as much change in the world as the Mongols did many centuries previous to us. It is not bad to have nice things and use your money to make your environment better. It is bad to hurt other people with money, and use it as a weapon against them. So I think your friends use of money is the real answer you are looking for. If he is taking other peoples money and depriving them of what would belong to them. Then he is very evil. If he is using his own money to do what he wants then there is no problem with him. The problem could be with you or others. Perhaps jealousy.
>>989-990 I don't understand. This is googles translation.
Data Center, and another for your partner, your true self identity "Identical" to be found frequently.
Seems like悪SHI罵RU rights of others, have you?
990 Name: copyreader名無SHI [sage]: 2009/04/05 (Sunday) 10:34:01 ID: v2h3v9Cj >> 989 Pending bit. "The other partners in your" Who? 79 people that we are not going to the place of her
Mr. 990 The data, in Data Centre, of the nature and the identity for you and your partner is completely the same. Do you have the right to talk about others as bad as you want?
Mr. 991 >>990 Wait a sec. Who are you saying "your partner" is? Are you trying to put that person in 79san's place?
Did you get it? Sorry, I cannot understand anything going on. Who is 79? What's the point in what >>989 is saying? It just doesn't make sense to me.