I am visiting Tokyo, I do not live there. I am a lesbian and have not been in a sexual situation with a man for many years but am getting married soon and want a fantasy for just me. My partner would not know anything and it would be 100% secret. I am not interested in doing something with women, but a fantasy involving a man would be far removed from my regular life, so it would be total fantasy. If this is something you might be into discussing, let me know.
A friend of mine has just brought a 7D+15-85 IS USM from. It's a newbie question probably, but I've noticed little tiny spray of mini dots in the viewfinder. I can't see spots on some test shots, but based from your experiences, do you think it's normal for a Canon DSLR. If you like, I can send you a couple of test shots so that you can check if there are any dots or spots in them. I'll be glad if you can help. Thanks
お願いします Saw you liked a bit of street fighter so thought i'd mention my channel!I have a good knowldge of the game and play at a high level. Currently trying to get to the top of leaderboards! I do commentary with my gameplay with on the spot reactions, somtimes really hype sometimes mad salty! lol
1ST Verseの下記の3センテンスの意味の確認ですが、 The sweet piece in this week’s Wired magazine The latest trend has hit its peak They say that geek’s becomin' chic このThe latest trend has hit its peak って最新のトレンドはピークに達したって意味ですかね? They say that geek's becomin' chic は、その雑誌に”オタク(オタクファッション?)が今イケてる”って書いてあるという意味でしょうか?
3RD Verseの下記の7つのセンテンスが分からないです。
Role reversal must be a total drag >立場を逆転するには効力が無くてはいけない? But there’s no point, no point for me to humblebrag >でも、さりげなく自慢する点が無いんだ? I appreciate you for being cruel >きみが残酷な奴で良かったよ? I’m burning bright thanks to your rejection fuel (?) Have my in-jokes you won’t get >きみが入手できない内輪ネタがある? Like Honey Badger, Troll Face and Nyan Cat (?) 歌詞の一番最後の行のSTF-You STFってShut The F**k とか? それと動画で歌が終わった後にジョックが言う台詞は何て言っているか、もし分かる人居たら教えて欲しいです。 よろしくお願いします。
Childhood is not from birth to a certain age and at a certain age 幼年期は生まれてから老いるまでではなくそして老いる時まで The child is grown, and puts away childish things いずれその子は育ち、子供じみた遊びをやめる Childhood is the kingdom 幼年期は王国である where nobody dies. そこでは誰も死なない
自分で訳してみたのですが>and at a certain ageの箇所が不自然に感じてしまいます。 certain age は50代以上の年齢の人の湾曲表現だと聞きました。 分かる方お願いします。
Q. If my account is inactive, how can I reactivate it? A. All you need to do is reactivate your account by making a deposit or withdrawal before 31 March 2013. You can do this at any Bank branch or using NetBank, EFTPOS, telephone banking or a Bank ATM, depending on the type of account you have.
Q. If my account is closed because I didn't reactivate it in time, how do I claim my funds back? A. You will need to come into one of our branches so we can verify your identity. You'll then need to submit a claim to recover your funds.
I'm assuming somebody (maybe the person holding the auction) bid way more than they should have on one of these (you shouldn't have to pay more than six dollars for a 210 piece set of fake pearls) hoping that some other stupid bidder would try to out bid them.
Actually people lived in Peace when the lines were drawn, we've had more war trying to force people to live together and accept each other, which robs all of us from who we really are...
Close up, plastic packaging can be a marvelous thing. Those who make a living from it call it a forgotten infrastructure that allows modern urban life to exist.
only by studying the numerical abilities of more and more creatures using standardised procedures can we hope to understand the basic preconditions for the evolution of number
There's knowing that you're right, which you do. And then there's making an issue of it, which would be seriously unwise. One particular individual is feeling insecure, enough that even a hint of a challenge could worsen their state of mind. Gently suggest they investigate for themselves. They'll soon spot their errors.
If those persons, who fancy themselves gifted with both the power and the right to define and punish other men’s vices, would but turn their thoughts inwardly, they would probably find that they have a great work to do at home; and that, when that shall have been completed, they will be little disposed to do more towards correcting the vices of others, than simply to give to others the results of their experience and observation.
How long did it take u to get to this level? What do u have to do to get walls? I got more property and it's grass and it won't let put wallpaper up I'm on level 34.
The preamp output is same as headphone output in the Master 8, just through the relays select which output is active. If select headphone output, the preamp output will cut total, so just like the preamp output have not any connect to the Master 8 , just hang. In fact we can addition 4 pcs low impedance on the preamp output for avoid the noise but we consider the low impedance will cause the sound quality degrad , and we are consider if the users listen on headphone they will not power on the extra power amp.
>>60 ありがとうございます、自分の訳もそれなりに近かったみたいで安心しました >In fact we can addition 4 pcs low impedance on the preamp output for avoid the noise なるほど、この部分はそういった意味合いだったんですね
(head phoneを使っているとpreamp outputにノイズが乗る) に対するレスが↓↓↓でしょ。 we are consider if the users listen on headphone they will not power on the extra power amp. ヘッドフォンを使ってるときはパワーアンプ、メインアンプをつながない と思ってる。 だからヘッドフォン使ってるときはプリアンプ出力にノイズが乗って、メインアンプ出力にノイズが盛大に出ても仕方ない。 文句を言うな。 と言ってるのかも。 ヘッドフォン音声にノイズはないんでしょ。
I am contacting you regarding your soundtrack order through DirectSong.com Our records indicate your order is well over the 4-6 week window we have quoted in the disclaimer, We understand the inconvenience these several delays have caused and truly hold your support with high value.
It is within my authority to issue your soundtrack at no additional charge via Link
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Please keep in mind you will still receive your Autographed soundtrack.
To receive your soundtrack via DirectDownload please change the "Subject" of this message to either: "Skyrim", "Guildwars2" or "Both" and Reply to this message.
The junior high school age would be good looking boy that slender and the hair is a lot of,
It with what, He has became an appearance that the baldhead and fat is completely changed by college age to thirty years ago.(The junior high school age from ten years ago).
Well he gave me a grin and said "My, you're thin - You could do with a blood transfusion" ドラキュラに娘との結婚の許可をもらいに行った時のシーンなのですが「My, you're thin」の部分が特にわかりせん
Now hear me right, if you're out at night Run as fast as your legs will let you Cos if you don't run, I'm telling you son Mary and I will get you 最後のほうの歌詞で多分結婚式を挙げた後か最中あたりだと思います 初歩的な文章かもしれませんがお願いします
タイトル vius warning 本文Nissefar and Nivek. lf you see thee names don`t add them to your Friends Lit. lt`s a virus and apparently it destroys hard drives. 続きます↓
Letanyone on yous list know this because if they have these names it will also affect you. Apparently its no jk. my friend isnt trolling. im not surprised if thee things happen. PSN got hacked b4 お願いします
海外の人から仕事しませんか?という短いメールが届いたんですが怪しげだったので無視していました。 半年たった昨日また同じ人からメールが届いたのですが、今回は長文なので正確な内容が知りたくなった 次第です。よろしくお願いします。 Hello, my name is OOOO and I am currently working on a video game independently. I am seeking a 3d artist to partner up with so that I can get all of my characters created in beautiful cgi. Th game is going to be a fighting game for the pc and I have already had much interest from major publishers and celebrities wanting to get involved with it. Here is a look at my characters,OOOOOOOO, let me know if you are interested and I can answer all of your questions as well as get a contract draw up stating each others terms! Hope to hear back from you very soon and thank you! Also Please, give me the chance to work with you! You bringing my characters to life would be more than a dream come true!
What did you do when you were single? There might have been a lot more than you had done. But you only kept going there over and over, You could have done better,you know?
>>89 タイトル virus warning 本文Nissefar and Nivek. lf you see these names don`t add them to your Friends List. lt`s a virus and apparently it destroys hard drives. 続きます↓ ウイルス警告 Nissefar and Nivek、もしこれらの名前を見たらウイルスだからフレンドリストに加えてはいけません。 ウイルスです。あきらかにハードディスクを壊します。
ok I believe that you are mentally ready but physical also ? do you know your body well ? The way it reacts, the way it enjoys, do you know how make yourself feel good so that you can teach to your partner what he has to do to make you see heaven ? ;-)
A written constitution certainly has many and considerable advantages, but it is a great mistake to suppose that the mere insertion of provisions to restrict and limit the powers of the government, without investing those for whose protection they are inserted with the means of enforcing their observance, will be sufficient to prevent the major and dominant party from abusing its powers. <中略> To this the major party would oppose a liberal construction ? one which would give to the words of the grant the broadest meaning of which they were susceptible.
Probably,is not I did not love him in previous life? Though I loved you in previous life, Probably,you were repeat bad things because,therefore it was not cnnected with me. Though he was able to meet me again this wourld, but I have forgotten about the previous life because, "We loved that much,you are a betrayer1"he said. he was very angry.
Nanking Massacre did happen, but the other 250,000 people disappeared while fleeing the Japanese Army, they died of starvation on the roads, from airstrikes, and from eating eachother. That's the reality that China doesn't like to admit.
Those studies have already been done and it's common knowledge today that China's government was so poorly organized, and corrupted, that they allowed millions of refugees to wander helplessly without food or military protection.
海外の音楽雑誌最新号の注文ができるか問い合わせたら、以下の返事がきました 日本語訳お願いしますm(__)m we regret to inform you that subpoenas is finally exhausted. Please also note that there are arrears limited to the last 6 months.
和訳お願いします。 global average temperature have been rising in recent year, but not as much as they might have, thanks to a series of small-to-moderate-sized volcanic eruptions that have spewed sunlight-blocking particles high into the atmosphere.
it informs anyone who use it of the meanings which are generally attached to words,and therefore informs readers how they should use the word in future if they want to make themselves clearly understood お願いします
急ぎです‼ 知ってる方教えてください。 DAILY ENGLISH COURSE U の教科書のLesson2わかる人 下線部のところ教えてください!
Some years ago I taught English to a first-year junior high school class. It was a nice group of students_______ pretty hard to learn English. When I graded the first quiz, I was happy to see that _______. I handed their papers back to them the following week with a smile. the students, however, looked at their papers in shock, and then looked at each other. "________" I wondered. Then one student said, " Why were some of my answers marked wrong?" I looked it over------no problem. she______, so I had marked them with a check. oh! This was a big cross-cultural mix-up! In America a check mark means correct and a cross means wrong. A circle means nothing at all. No wonder_______!
The Greek writer Plato wrote that Atlantis was an island in the Atlantic Ocean. The island’s wealthy people designed many great buildings and canals.At the center of the island they built a beautiful golden temple. But the Atlanteans became greedy?they had everything, but they still wanted more. The gods became angry, and the island was hit by earthquakes and great waves. Finally, the whole of Atlantis sank into the sea.
Throughouthistory, explorers have reported finding Atlantis. In 2004, the explorer Robert Sarmast reported finding the island’s remains on an undersea mountain near Cyprus. However, Sarmast and other scientists later found out these findings were natural, not man-made.
The purpose of the story was to teach people about the evils of greed
The decline of 284,000 in the total population, which included foreign nationals, was the largest of its kind since officials began compiling comparable date in 1950.
In all the discussions around the arrival of Ultra-High Definition (UHD) and 4K televisions and projectors, there is still a gap in the delivery system for watching 4K content on these screens. Blu-ray Disc is the one current disc platform with the capacity to contain such content, but, to date, no official word has been released on when we could expect any update to the platform to support 4K playback.
Today, the BDA, in a statement given to CNET, has confirmed that format extensions have been under consideration for some time, with a final recommendation expected later this year.
As part of its ongoing responsibility to maintain Blu-ray Disc as the premium platform for watching movies and other content at home, the BDA established a task force last year to study a range of possible format extensions, including those that potentially enable 4K content playback on Blu-ray.
hrough the first quarter of this year, the task force solicited and received numerous proposals, and is now evaluating the various technologies.
The task force, which is comprised of representatives from BDA member studios, consumer electronics manufacturers and media technology companies, looks forward to sharing with and receiving input from content creators, and is expected to make specification and technology recommendations to the Blu-ray Disc Association board of directors later this year.
Through the first quarter of this year, the task force solicited and received numerous proposals, and is now evaluating the various technologies.
The task force, which is comprised of representatives from BDA member studios, consumer electronics manufacturers and media technology companies, looks forward to sharing with and receiving input from content creators, and is expected to make specification and technology recommendations to the Blu-ray Disc Association board of directors later this year.
A format update would require a number of changes to the standard Blu-ray video format used to distribute HD video today. Apart from the larger file sizes required to store 4K content, decisions must be made to agree on codecs, bitrates and colour bit depth standards and options, as well as exactly what resolution will be supported. In cinema, 4K is 4096x2160 pixels, while in home entert ainment, the UHD and 4K labels are being used to describe a television at 3840x2160 pixels (exactly four times a standard HD frame).
With the entire film industry now behind the Blu-ray video format, it seems we should expect to see any platform changes this year, but should hope to see Blu-ray introduce a UHD/4K delivery platform in 2014 to go with the televisions hitting the market this year.
If I(we)abandon the "we," am I not giving up the idea of a democratic culture, the sense that I, as an academic,am speaking to a wider public, one that will, if I am persuasive enough, agree with the things I write?
Some of the concepts included in this show include love-suicide, heartbreak, narcissism and the death of a loved one. There is a distinct lack of pieces themed on the kind of romantic love that takes your breath away, the kind songs are written about and chocolates are given for.
Your albums were found to contain celebrity or stock photos. The offending content has been removed.
This is a violation of the Terms of Service. Please note that this is a warning and any further misconduct could result in the deletion of your account.
Now just to get my dance presentation out of the way and my teaching lesson for my last day of 6th grade observation and I am (more or less) done with the public displays of lunacy! よろしくお願いいたします。
AS a window display it may be pants — but it is a real life reflection of how shopping used to be. The cosy-looking patterned number — a steal at £13.95 — is available “IN OTHER COLOURS”, for any women who were wondering. He said: “My father wanted to take things a bit easier so I took over the shop and he just sort of pootled around when he felt like it and had a chat with some of the customers, which he liked to do in those days.
these institutions contribute to the social capital of a city, helping the neediest residents providing important cultural amenities for wealthier residents. IN turn, the not-for-profit world is increasingly dependent on the for-profit world. Much of this link is local nature よろしくお願いします
>>208 ありがとうございます。 どなたか、できればこの文章の翻訳もお願いします it is their paid corporate ececutives. we have found that the addition of a new headquarters in a city significantly increases the number of highly paid individuals.
we estimate that for each $1000 in market value for the firms headquartered in a city, about $1 gose to local non-profit
Android Studio is currently available as an early access preview. Several features are either incomplete or not yet implemented and you may encounter bugs. If you are not comfortable using an unfinished product, you may want to instead download (or continue to use) the ADT Bundle (Eclipse with the ADT Plugin).
In the past, many people believed that infants developed attachments or bonds with only those who took care of the infant's physical needs, for example, the need to be fed.
This led to a number of debates such as whether mothers should go out work.
As a result of these debates, psychologists began to study the development if the relationship in great detail, and found that things weren't nearly so simple.
Stereotyping can be an unpleasant, even dangerous habit. It serves as a basis for prejudice. It can cause social friction and misunderstanding. This can be avoided by learning how to recognize stereotypes. Stereotyping may be a natural outgrowth of our daily efforts to cope with limited data. we must make decisions every day without full information on the matter at hand. when we find ourselves in this situation, we often generalize, that is, we assume that the data we have represent most or all similar cases.
for example, say we must deal with a graduate of a certain college. we have already met two other people who went to the same school. both were industrious. we might conclude from this sample of two persons that most or all graduates of that college are also industrious. this general picture of all such people is a stereotype.
>>223 過去において、多くの人々は、幼児は愛情や絆を肉体的な要求を世話してくれる人がいて発達させると信じていた。 これは母親は働きにでるべきかどうかというような多くの議論が起こるに至った。 As a result of these debates, psychologists began to study the development if (×→of) the relationship in great detail, and found that things weren't nearly so simple. これらの議論の結果、心理学者は関係性の発達について詳細に研究しはじめ、そして問題はそんなに簡単ではないことを発見した。
A stereotypeis a means of expressing attitudes,not describing reality. we might hold stereotypes about people who hold certain jobs, drive certain cars, or belong to certain reces. the traits assignend to those people may be positive or negative, but they are probably exaggerated. the esswnce of stereotypes is that they are based on too few facts.
Stereotypes help us simplify the would around us, but the problem is that too often they give us a picture that is too simple to be accurate. when science draws conclusions on data from small samples, the data have been selected, so that they represent all the cases. A stereotype, on the other hand, is based on whatever data have fallen into our hands. it gives us a picture that is simple but likely to be wrong.
A. No, not yet. We have conducted some shelf testing with biodegradable bags and they just didn't keep the goods at the quality we would both expect. We are on the lookout for a suitable biodegradable pack and are certainly working on this as a priority. The bags are reusable and we minimise packaging wherever we can. We use biodegradable pallet wrapping & tape.
We have quite an extensive reuse and recycling program at our warehouse and are always looking for a more socially responsible ways for us to go about our business. We are not perfect but are trying. We would welcome any suggestions that can help us on our path to becoming a better citizen.
Though I was imagine the vestiges of his young junior high school age, because I have not seen the figure of Y thirty three year, wheh I saw photo of crrent Y,I felt someone else or not.
The euro zone may give Greece more time to meet fiscal targets agreed under its international bailout, the chairman of the euro zone finance ministers said in an interview published today.
"The Commission?s approach regarding fiscal consolidation is more flexible, giving certain countries more time to meet their targets. I believe that this will be the case for Greece if needed," Jeroen Dijsselbloem told Kathimerini newspaper.
Greece?s European partners agreed last year to extend the maturities and reduce the interest on the nation?s bailout funds to help cut its debt mountain to a more sustainable level of 124 percent of GDP in 2020, from an estimated 173 percent this year.
When my heart had be noisy, I met her. She smiled like a moon, and then the color of the scene was changed. I fall in love. Please light me up at least now, not to be the magic disappeared. I must go, I must go someday, to the rest of the things to do. I'll never throw up. I'll never run away. Don't be frightened, my foolish heart.
さざめくような心の中 あなたに出会ったんだ 月のように微笑んでた 景色の色も変わった I FALL IN LOVE 今は僕を照らして 魔法が解けないように 行かなきゃ 僕はいつか行かなきゃ やるべきことのづづきに 決して なげだすものか、逃げ出すものか 怯えるな MY FOOLISH HEART
With rippling on my heart I've come across you. Smiling like the moon the world has changed its color. I FALL IN LOVE Shine on me, just this moment. Before the magic is dispelled, I have to go, yes! I must! To follow the things that I have to do With resolved mind so firm Never give up nor turn back, Don't be scared, MY FOOLISH HEART
A signal draft of a composition is not enough. He write and re-write in an attempt to remove ambiguity, to provide clarity, to achieve unity, and to sequence the composition in such a way as to make it as intelligible as possible to the reader.
よろしくお願いします Hi A ninja ndmed Kagemaru in virtua Fighter,herays that before fighting… Hayaki koto kaze no gotoshi wht does that mean?is this I`m faster than the wind lol
But according to NASA's top climatologist, we have less than a decade to deeply cut emissions. If we don't, we risk climate horrors such as an irreversible melting of the Greenland ice sheet, which would lock-in a global sea level risk of up to 23 ft(7m)
If we forget climate change and go for coal and tar sands, we will achieve the opposite. A few hundred billion tons of coal and tar sands could cause economically ruinous, and irreversible, climatic impacts.
A premature topping point in global oil production would wipe out economic plans currently on offer in boardrooms and finance ministries around the world. This is because such plans assume growing supplies of affordable oil for several decades to come. But as former U.S. Energy Secretary Schlesinger recently concluded, "we can't continue to make supply meet demand much a few voices crying in the wildness. The battle is over. The peakists have won. "
>>322 on offer は売出し中といった意味。 それはそうと、コピペがうまくいってないでしょ。
正しくは下記になるはず。 Schlesinger has said, “we can't continue to make supply meet demand much longer. It's no longer the case that we have a few voices crying in the wilderness. The battle is over. The peakists have won.
When he did not become independent from the parents house at 31 years old, though even if passed each other in the downtown, Because he was getting too transformed into before after 25 years old, It was just only did not understand look at the face of each other partner.
Though I came to France by sightseeing at 2013/4/20, I feel not that came in foreign country even if I look at the Paris. Probably I may have lived in France of Paris in person previous life. And, Who My name is called Michel people,Men is called Pierre and It is likely to have been love each other very much.
The 51-years-old President said, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed unalientable rights of liberty and the pursuit of happiness." He quoted the Declaration of Independence made more than two centuries ago. He referred to the struggle for civil rights and racial equally, same-sex marriage and gay rights and promised to reform immigration laws.
A good example of this process in action would be the convenience store market. Initially, convenience stores were set up to provide basic food and household items to single working people who were unable to shop at traditional stores during normal shopping hours. There was a need in the market for convenience in terms of time and place, and the convenience stores filled that need. Over the years, however, convenience stores have expanded both their products and services to meet the growing needs of their customers. Bill payment services were introduced. Ready-to-eat meals were expanded. Recently, with the growing popularity of online commerce, convenience stores are serving as distribution and payment centers for variety of products. This allows customers to order online and then pay and pick up at their local convenience store. かなりの長文ですが、出来れば宜しくお願い致します。
Customer is not describing a system malfunction or failure but the customer addresses a request for product modifications above the today's specification / specified level of operation.
System works according the specification. The investigation does not show a malfunction or deterioration in the characteristics or performance of the device.
No Field Corrective Action (Update) determined to be required.
Merchants of death are still doing good business due to increasing ethnic conflicts and uncertainly about international security. According to the London-based International Institue for Strategic Studies, the global weapon.; trade in 1996 amounted to 40 billion dollars, an eight percent increase over the previous year. The institute's annual report says the top three arms suppliers were the United States, Britain and France. Russia is also gaining strength in the world arms market taking advantage of its price competitiveness, thought the former communist country's sales were only one half those of the current leader, the United States. Countries which imported more than one billion dollars of weapons were Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Japan, China, Taiwan, South Korea and Kuwait.
By the time he reaches adolescence, a boy knows that there are times when it better to lie (we call it a 'white lie' to rationalize it) than to tell the absolute, unsparing truth. These lies are part of everyday social life, and society would be in an extremely uncomfortable situation without them.
Unless one is a very rigid person, he doesn't feel guilty about telling white lies, この2文をお願いします。
Identical to CLOCK_MONOTONIC, except it also includes any time that the system is suspended. This allows applications to get a suspend-aware monotonic clock without having to deal with the complications of CLOCK_REALTIME, which may have discontinuities if the time is changed using settimeofday(2).
Like many foreigners, I came to Japan expecting a country rich in natural beauty. Of course, I found it, but I also found vending machines ― everywhere! At first, it was amusing, but what was amusing soon became a question. I often saw people buying drinks from machines, and I noticed some of them did not dispose of their cans or bottles properly. I also found the machines often spoiled the beauty of the scenery. Vending machines are not found only in Japan, and some truly do offer convenience. Still, I can't help thinking that Japan has too many of them. I've heard that there are more than 5.5 million of the machines in Japan! Are so many of them really necessary? in's a head question to answer, but to me, the answer is ‘no' I don't think convenience is everything. We should consider the energy wasted, the scenery destroyed and the environment harmed by having so many ‘convenient' machines.
Just a second, It's my favorite song they're gonna play And I cannot text you with a drink in my hand, eh? You should've made some plans with me, You knew that I was free. And now you won't stop calling me; I'm kinda busy.
If you like to invest in companies that are going public, here are some companies with planned IPOs for the first part of June: ARATANA THERAPEUTICS, INC. (PETX) Nasdaq National Market Price: 11.00-13.00 Shares: 4,250,000 Amount: $63,537,500 Date: 6/14/2013 A development-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on the licensing, development and commercialization of innovative prescription medications for pets, or pet therapeutics. TEXTURA CORP (TXTR) New York Stock Exchange Price: 13.00-15.00 Shares: 4,000,000 Amount: $69,000,000 Date: 6/7/2013 A provider of on-demand business collaboration software to the commercial construction industry, with solutions focused on facilitating collaboration between owners/developers, general contractors and subcontractors. LIGHTINTHEBOX HOLDING CO., LTD. (LITB) New York Stock Exchange Price: 8.50-10.50 Shares: 8,300,000 Amount: $100,222,500 Date: 6/6/2013 A global online retail company that delivers products directly to consumers around the world. Information is courtesy of NASDAQ.
For example, it is questionable whether China will be able to physically procure such large volumes; and, even if it can, whether China can guard the infrastructure for energy imports such as sea lane, pipeline, etc. It is estimated that, even under normal circumstances, the payment for energy imports would be 9.3% of total exports in 2030. Factors such as a rise in oil prices would increase this burden. If there were a temporary disruption in the supply of oil from overseas at the same time as a sudden hike in oil prices, China could well find itself in the same boat as Japan did in 1973, when the oil crisis put a stop to its high economic growth.
Japan and China-both major Asian powers-have looked on each other’s energy security problems with indifference, and have in the main used their respective comparative advantages solely for the construction of their own energy security systems. However, this kind of fortress mentality is no longer a viable option. It is essential for future China-Japan and Asia Pacific energy security that the two nations avail themselves of each other’s comparative advantages, cooperate with one another.
The results of the Alternative Scenario demonstrates that it is impossible to find just one way to overcome all of the tricky energy-related issues with respect to energy security, environment protection and CO2 emissions reductions simultaneously and perfectly. The following can be concluded as suggestions on China’s energy-related strategies towards a more sustainable economic and environmental society. 連投ですいませんが翻訳よろしくお願いします。
Vending machines are not found only in Japan. は 自動販売機は日本でしか見られない(自動販売機は日本にしかない) か 自動販売機は日本だけで見られるわけではない(自動販売機は日本以外にもある) のどちらの意味になりますか? 自動翻訳だと上の意味になってしまい訳し方がよくわからないのでもし良かったら>>347の翻訳お願いします
One forum member claims to have inside info that Sony will be bringing out a replacement for the VW1000es (4K UHD) model with a white light laser/phosphor source replacing the conventional lamp and may even offer a retrofit upgrade (for an unknown price) for the existing VW1000es projectors. We may hear more about this from Sony at the CEDIA Expo in September.
She responded, "Why, yes, I do know you, Mr. Williams. I've known you since you were a young boy, and frankly, you're a big disappointment to me.. You lie, cheat on your wife, manipulate people and talk about them behind their backs. You think you're a big shot when you haven't the brains to realize you never will amount to anything more than a two-bit paper pusher. Yes, I know you.."
The lawyer was stunned ! Not knowing what else to do, he pointed across the room and asked, "Mrs. Jones, do you know the defense attorney (the opponent's lawyer)?" She again replied, "Why, yes, I do, I've known Mr. Bradley since he was a youngster. He's lazy, bigoted and has a drinking problem. He can't build a normal relationship with anyone and his law practice is one of the worst in the state. Not to mention he cheated on his wife with three different women. One of them was your wife. ..Yes I know him."
The defense attorney was stunned too... The judge then asked both lawyers to approach the bench and in a quiet voice said: "If either of you asks her if she knows me, I'll send you to jail for contempt of court !!
What are you gonna say next? Just saying out of curiosity... Hey what are you gonna do? What are you gonna do? LOL Pull yourself together! Don't blame yoursel... You've done nothing wrong. You're just screwed!!
810 自分:名無しさん@実況は禁止です[] 投稿日:2013/06/18(火) 07:38:59.63 ID:krOry+M10 [2/4] >>803 Lighten up, dude. Not you to blame. But it's your ignorance to blame. You've done nothing wrong. You've done nothing wrong. You've got nothing at all. You're nothing, asshole.
818 自分:名無しさん@実況は禁止です[] 投稿日:2013/06/18(火) 07:51:46.27 ID:krOry+M10 [3/4] >>811 Finally! This is getting on your nerves, dude! Like I said, say calm and lighten up! This is NOT your fault, but just your ignorance is to blame. You got it? So then kill yourself! In a everlasting shame and disgrace!
825 自分:名無しさん@実況は禁止です[] 投稿日:2013/06/18(火) 08:10:08.46 ID:krOry+M10 [4/4] >>822 Shit, fuck, cunt, bastard, retarded, scum, and blah blah blah.. It's these words, you know, that is prone to be used by someone like...full-of-fucking-shit-of-totally-retarded-motherfucking-scum, say... Yeh the ones like you, fucko! What an uneducated guy that I'm talking to... I'm so tainted.
These stark statistics are changing the way individuals must think about health management in the future for themselves and their families. One easy to remember rule to guarantee good nutrition is to eat at least 30 different food ingredients each day. In addition, we should see to it that every member of the family gets enough exercise and rest. Waking may be the most easily available way to get the proper exercise and relieve stress, for children and adults alike. Regular health checks also play a vital role in identifying possible problems early on so that they can be treated successfully.
"Overall, I thought I felt pretty good on the mound," Iwakuma said. "All my pitches were there, it's just those home runs that they gave up were not where I wanted them location-wise and they cost me."
It's just (that) those home runs (that they gave up) were not where I wanted them location-wise. ↓ It's just (that) those pitches (that gave up home runs) were not where I wanted them location-wise.
give up a home run、ホームランを許す、ホームランを与える location-wise 位置的に they 投球
These stark statistics are changing the way individuals must think about health management in the future for themselves and their families. One easy to remember rule to guarantee good nutrition is to eat at least 30 different food ingredients each day. In addition, we should see to it that every member of the family gets enough exercise and rest. Waking may be the most easily available way to get the proper exercise and relieve stress, for children and adults alike. Regular health checks also play a vital role in identifying possible problems early on so that they can be treated successfully.
Just a second, It's my favorite song they're gonna play And I cannot text you with a drink in my hand, eh? You should've made some plans with me, You knew that I was free. And now you won't stop calling me; I'm kinda busy.
再掲ですが、よろしくお願いします。 前回、自動翻訳機を進められて終わってしまいましたが、 Just a second が ちょうど2番目 と訳される程度でまったく分かりませんでした。 翻訳していただける方お願いします。
after arriving in Bangkok last September, precisely on the 28th, I didn't really know what would come next. Normally people move once they have a clear plan, a job, or at least an objective. Due to the current economic climate and my own personal dilemma, I knew it was time to pick up again (clothes, shoes, books, my own motivation) and see what is out there. I tell you honestly, I have moved under more complicated conditions (1995 - moving to the US with speaking literally 5% English, and 2004, moving to Spain speaking no Spanish), but I have afronted my fears in new ways and after this experience I can truly say that there are no limits to my future any longer. As you can see from the article below, my first international and academic conference in Bangkok Thailand has been a huge success. After the initial cultural ups and downs of accepting the very different Thai System and my crazy boss, I'm actually proud of the outcome. I can't forget that I arrived less than 9 months ago with only 7 months on the job. Soon I will also post about the on-going CSR projects I'm working on. I truly believe that we have to empower the locals to provide sustainable products and services in the future, before mass tourism kills everything. Thailand is a beautiful country with many amazing people, but its truly growing too fast. There are so many people left behind,who simply need a chance to move forward with the right tools.
どなたかお願いします。 What Japan do is simply introduce the buyer to other countries for the transfer of the allocation to the buyer. Japan only seeks approval from the foreigner for the transfer of the allocation.
定款における条文の解釈についてですがお願いします。 The Court found that to construe the phrase “profit of the Company available for dividend purposes” in a company’s constitution to extend to the consolidated profits of the company and its controlled entities was contrary to the clear and ordinary meaning of “profit of the Company”.
405の続きです。長いようなので分割しました。 Further the Court refused to rectify the relevant constitutional provision, finding that a commercial expectation that dividends would be paid out of consolidated profits did not equate to a common intention that there be a contractual obligation to this effect.
406の続きです。お願いします。 This case is a useful reminder to shareholders of the need to consider very carefully the terms of any dividend rights and, where necessary, to ensure controlled entities have paid dividends to their parent, so the parent's shareholders can access the consolidated profits of the group.
Among the points in the complex agreement: subject to the court’s approval, the secured creditors will each receive a pro-rated share of the new equity, the new debt, and excess cash. (The debtors plan to come out of bankruptcy with fewer than 2,000 holders of new equity and fewer than 500 holders of new equity that are not “accredited investors,” so as not to be subject to the reporting requirements of the Securities Exchange Act.) Unsecured creditors will be paid on a pro-rated basis from what’s left, according to a “priority waterfall.” The agreement also provides for a new term loan of up to $1.5 billion and a new first-out revolving credit agreement of no less than $250 million and up to $400 million. A percentage of new equity equal to $75 million is allocated for the implementation of a market-level management and director equity incentive program.
Among the points in the complex agreement: subject to the court’s approval, the secured creditors will each receive a pro-rated share of the new equity, the new debt, and excess cash. (The debtors plan to come out of bankruptcy with fewer than 2,000 holders of new equity and fewer than 500 holders of new equity that are not “accredited investors,” so as not to be subject to the reporting requirements of the Securities Exchange Act.) Unsecured creditors will be paid on a pro-rated basis from what’s left, according to a “priority waterfall.” The agreement also provides for a new term loan of up to $1.5 billion and a new first-out revolving credit agreement of no less than $250 million and up to $400 million. A percentage of new equity equal to $75 million is allocated for the implementation of a market-level management and director equity incentive program.
Among the points in the complex agreement: subject to the court’s approval, the secured creditors will each receive a pro-rated share of the new equity, the new debt, and excess cash. (The debtors plan to come out of bankruptcy with fewer than 2,000 holders of new equity and fewer than 500 holders of new equity that are not “accredited investors,” so as not to be subject to the reporting requirements of the Securities Exchange Act.) Unsecured creditors will be paid on a pro-rated basis from what’s left, according to a “priority waterfall.” The agreement also provides for a new term loan of up to $1.5 billion and a new first-out revolving credit agreement of no less than $250 million and up to $400 million. A percentage of new equity equal to $75 million is allocated for the implementation of a market-level management and director equity incentive program.
Among the points in the complex agreement: subject to the court’s approval, the secured creditors will each receive a pro-rated share of the new equity, the new debt, and excess cash. (The debtors plan to come out of bankruptcy with fewer than 2,000 holders of new equity and fewer than 500 holders of new equity that are not “accredited investors,” so as not to be subject to the reporting requirements of the Securities Exchange Act.) Unsecured creditors will be paid on a pro-rated basis from what’s left, according to a “priority waterfall.” The agreement also provides for a new term loan of up to $1.5 billion and a new first-out revolving credit agreement of no less than $250 million and up to $400 million. A percentage of new equity equal to $75 million is allocated for the implementation of a market-level management and director equity incentive program.
Glaciers move slowly across the land with tremendous energy, carving into even the hardest rock formations and thereby reshaping the landscape as they engulf, push, drag, and finally deposit rock debris in places far from its original location.
(A) As a glacier moves, it leaves behind rock formations that have been engulfed, pushed, and dragged by the glacier.
(B) The tremendous energy of slowly moving glaciers transports and finally deposits rock debris into large rock formations.
すみまんせん。上記のBが間違っていました。 Glaciers move slowly across the land with tremendous energy, carving into even the hardest rock formations and thereby reshaping the landscape as they engulf, push, drag, and finally deposit rock debris in places far from its original location.
(A) As a glacier moves, it leaves behind rock formations that have been engulfed, pushed, and dragged by the glacier.
(B) Glaciers reshape the landscape by carving into rock and transporting the resulting debris to distant locations.
>>438 @it leaves behind rock formations(氷河は岩石層を素通りする) →元の文では氷河はcarving into even the hardest rock formations(もっとも堅い岩石層でさえ削り取る) ってあるから間違い
Arock formations that have been engulfed, pushed, and dragged by the glacier (氷河によって飲み込まれ、押され、引きずり動かされた岩石層) →元の文では氷河に飲み込まれて動かされたのはrock formation(岩石層)ではなくrock debris(岩の破片)なので間違い
>>440 「後に残していく」と解釈したとしても、元の文では finally deposit rock debris in places far from its original location. (最終的に元の場所から遠く離れた場所に堆積させる)とあります 「後に残していく」と「遠く離れた場所に運び去る」は完全に逆の意味だと思うので間違いだと思います
Among the points in the complex agreement: subject to the court’s approval, the secured creditors will each receive a pro-rated share of the new equity, the new debt, and excess cash. (The debtors plan to come out of bankruptcy with fewer than 2,000 holders of new equity and fewer than 500 holders of new equity that are not “accredited investors,” so as not to be subject to the reporting requirements of the Securities Exchange Act.) Unsecured creditors will be paid on a pro-rated basis from what’s left, according to a “priority waterfall.” The agreement also provides for a new term loan of up to $1.5 billion and a new first-out revolving credit agreement of no less than $250 million and up to $400 million. A percentage of new equity equal to $75 million is allocated for the implementation of a market-level management and director equity incentive program.
Among the points in the complex agreement: subject to the court’s approval, the secured creditors will each receive a pro-rated share of the new equity, the new debt, and excess cash. (The debtors plan to come out of bankruptcy with fewer than 2,000 holders of new equity and fewer than 500 holders of new equity that are not “accredited investors,” so as not to be subject to the reporting requirements of the Securities Exchange Act.) Unsecured creditors will be paid on a pro-rated basis from what’s left, according to a “priority waterfall.” The agreement also provides for a new term loan of up to $1.5 billion and a new first-out revolving credit agreement of no less than $250 million and up to $400 million. A percentage of new equity equal to $75 million is allocated for the implementation of a market-level management and director equity incentive program.
Among the points in the complex agreement: subject to the court’s approval, the secured creditors will each receive a pro-rated share of the new equity, the new debt, and excess cash. (The debtors plan to come out of bankruptcy with fewer than 2,000 holders of new equity and fewer than 500 holders of new equity that are not “accredited investors,” so as not to be subject to the reporting requirements of the Securities Exchange Act.)
Among the points in the complex agreement: subject to the court’s approval, the secured creditors will each receive a pro-rated share of the new equity, the new debt, and excess cash. (The debtors plan to come out of bankruptcy with fewer than 2,000 holders of new equity and fewer than 500 holders of new equity that are not “accredited investors,” so as not to be subject to the reporting requirements of the Securities Exchange Act.)
Among the points in the complex agreement: subject to the court’s approval, the secured creditors will each receive a pro-rated share of the new equity, the new debt, and excess cash. (The debtors plan to come out of bankruptcy with fewer than 2,000 holders of new equity and fewer than 500 holders of new equity that are not “accredited investors,” so as not to be subject to the reporting requirements of the Securities Exchange Act.)
It is certain that you like fellow. It is a fact that I think of you. Distance not to shrink makes thought strong more. I am near the first and farthest person. Is this vanity destined?
Over the natural numbers, defining the values of a function outright at zero, and at n greater than zero using the value n - 1. 自然数においては、値の定義は零とし、nが零より大きければn-1を使用する。
>>483 「ある関数を、初期値をゼロとし、またゼロを超えるnに対しては(n-1)という値を使って、自然数全体の定義域に対して定義すること」 になるけど、ひょっとして最後の "usig the value n - 1"っていうのは"using the value at n - 1"の間違いじゃない? だとすれば全体は再帰関数の説明になる。 「ある関数を、初期値をゼロとし、またゼロを超えるnに対しては(n-1)における(その関数の)値を使って、自然数全体の定義域に対して定義すること」 要するにf(n)の定義式の中にf(n-1)が出てくるっていうことだね。
>>484 ありがとうございます。 確かに、それはタイポーで "at" がありました。 ええ、そうです。ここでn=0はベースケースでしょう。もう一つ聞きたいのですが、 Over an algebratic type defining the function by cases over the constructors; recursion is permitted at arguments to a constructor which are of the type in question. これは、 代数的型はケースによる関数の定義はコンストラクターに限れば、もし再帰は要求されている型のコンストラクターであればおk。 でしょうか?
This is Raoh's last word in "Hokuto no Ken" the Japanese most popular animation. A voice actor Mr. Kenji Utsumi who had acted Raoh passed away on June 13th 2013. This photograph unexpectedly reminds me of the last scene of Raoh. I want to appreciate the great voice actor Mr. Kenji Utsumi and give him the deepest condolence.
Video mode (Motion Image trigger mode) : The motion detect mode's indicator is red light, To access this mode, you should press button 3 seconds to enter into the standby status. Now The red and blue indicator lamp of product will keep on continuously at the scene, The device will turn from constantly ON status to even and slow flicker status.
NOTE: In recording scene, if the flashing light or light and shadow interference, the device can not be an accurate detection, motion detection feature does not work properly, It will not be able to stop video recording was fixed on the violent shaking of the object, the motion detection can not work properly.
Video mode (Motion Image trigger mode) 動画モード(動くと記録開始する) : The motion detect mode's indicator is red light, 赤ランプでこのモードに入ってる To access this mode, you should press button 3 seconds to enter into the standby status. ボタンを3秒押し続けるとこのスタンバイモードに入れる Now The red and blue indicator lamp of product will keep on continuously at the scene, そのモードになれば赤と青のランプが目標を照らし続ける The device will turn from constantly ON status to even and slow flicker status. カメラは常時オンの状態から待機状態に入ります。
NOTE: In recording scene, if the flashing light or light and shadow interference, the device can not be an accurate detection, motion detection feature does not work properly, It will not be able to stop video recording was fixed on the violent shaking of the object, the motion detection can not work properly. 明るさが変わったり被写体の動きが激しいと正常に動作しません。
It is also important to remember that not all decisive changes in art are quickly followed by dramatic events in the world outside art. The case of Delacroix, the nineteenth-century French painter, is revealing. His stylistic innovations startled his contemporaries – and still retain that power over modern viewers – but most art historians have decided that Delacroix adjusted himself to new social conditions that were already coming into being as a result of political upheavals that had occurred in 1830, as opposed to other artists who supposedly told of changes still to come.
最後の部分“as opposed to other artists who supposedly told of changes still to come”がわかりません。文構造と意味が分かる方がいらっしゃったら教えていただけませんでしょうか。
>>494 “as opposed to other artists who supposedly told of changes still to come” as opposed to に対立するものとして と対照的に 1830年の7月革命のあとでもまださらに変化があると思ったであろう他の芸術家と対照的に 他の芸術家は日和っていた。 ドラクロアは1830年にこの絵を描いた。7月革命を支持する絵画だ。 ttp://art.pro.tok2.com/D/Delacroix/v008.htm
>>495>>496>>497 皆様、丁寧な解説をしていただきありがとうございます。 >>495 still to comeの取り扱いに悩んでいたので、このような用法があることを知り勉強になりました。 >>496 changeが何を指すのかうまく理解できていなかったので、教えていただき大変助かりました。 >>497 実際の時代背景、絵画を教えていただきありがとうございます。ぐっと理解が深まりました。
>>499 It is also important to remember that not all decisive changes in art are quickly followed by dramatic events in the world outside art. すべての芸術界における決定的変化が芸術の世界以外の劇的変化にすぐ追従して いないことを思い起こすことは、また、重要なことだ。 ・・・・・・・ がしかしbutドラクロアはすぐに7月革命に対応し革命を支持する絵を描いた。 ドラクロアとは対照的に7月革命は失敗するのではないかと日和ってた芸術家もいた。
This is board executive Marion Young. Due to all of the spamming. We at PSN are giving out welcome back packages with all Call of Duty games INCLUDING BLACK OPS. Send this to all of your friends. Then check your download list. Not only that but $120 will be in your account.
>>500 解説していただきありがとうございます。 教えていただいた身で、恐縮なのですが、一つ疑問点を述べさせてください。 It is also important to remember that not all decisive changes in art are quickly followed by dramatic events in the world outside art. この文では“are followed”なので、芸術界の変化と芸術界以外の変化は、以下のような順番(芸術界変化→芸術界以外変化)になると思うのですが 、この考えでよいのでしょうか。
>>504 500は間違ってた。500は取り消す。 It is also important to remember that not all decisive changes in art are quickly followed by dramatic events in the world outside art. すべての絵画の世界の決定的変化、新手法の開発とか、が絵画以外の世界から すぐにはっきり理解されたわけでなく 関心を持たれたわけではなく 認められたわけではない事を 思い起こすことはまた重要なことである。 ゴッホの絵はゴッホ存命中はほとんど評価されなかった。
文脈必要だと思うので長めの載せておきます。右だ左だというのは脳のことです。 わからない箇所は最終文Although〜です。最後のfor every description of 〜の意味が取れません。
And it is singularly difficult, for even the most sensitive observer, to picture the inner state, the ‘situation’, of such patients, for this is almost unimaginably remote from anything he himself has ever known. Left hemisphere syndromes, by contrast, are relatively easily imagined. Although right hemisphere syndromes are as common as left hemisphere syndromes?why should they not be??we will find a thousand descriptions of left hemisphere syndromes in the neurological and neuropsychological literature for every description of a right hemisphere syndrome.
>>510 ラマチャンドランか誰かの文章かな? 最終文は右脳の症例の記述があまりにも少ないから、すべての右脳の記述1個(every)に対して(for)左脳の記述を1000個(a thousand)挙げられるぐらいだってことだよ find a thousand A for every 〜 ってのはひとつひとつの〜につき、Aを1000個づつ分配できるっていうこと ぶっちゃけてまとめると1:1000ってことだよ
研究社英和中辞典より 引用開始 b 〈議論・説明などに〉ついていく,〈…を〉はっきり理解する. ・I don't quite follow you [what you are saying]. おっしゃることがよくわかりません. c 〈…を〉興味をもってたどる,〈…に〉関心をもつ. ・She followed his rise to fame with great interest. 彼女は彼の名声が高まるのを関心をもって見守った. 引用終わり
1. Delacroix amazed people in his time. 2. Delacroix's work still amazes people. 3. Delacroix adapted to "dramatic events in the world outside art." 4. Other artists thought their "decisive changes in art" could precede those "dramatic events"
Delacroix conformed to change outside his realm. Other artists tried to forecast change outside their realm.
>>521 だからこそfollowは はっきり理解する ほどの意味だと思うけど違うかな。 4. Other artists thought their "decisive changes in art" could precede those "dramatic events" 結果的にはprecede出来なかったんでしょ。
all decisive changes in art are quickly followed by dramatic events in the world outside art. を能動態にすると dramatic events in the world outside art quickly follow all decisive changes in art. になるのかな。 はてfollowの意味は?
Sorry for posting the same passage as previous one. I want to ask about the first sentence. What does the word "follow" mean? "occur after" or "understand"?
It is also important to remember that not all decisive changes in art are quickly followed by dramatic events in the world outside art. The case of Delacroix, the nineteenth-century French painter, is revealing. His stylistic innovations startled his contemporaries; and still retain that power over modern viewers, but most art historians have decided that Delacroix adjusted himself to new social conditions that were already coming into being as a result of political upheavals that had occurred in 1830, as opposed to other artists who supposedly told of changes still to come.
And yet there was something a bit odd. He faced me as he spoke, was oriented towards me, and yet there was something the matter?it was difficult to formulate. He faced me with his ears, I came to think, but not with his eyes. These, instead of looking, gazing, at me, ‘taking me in’, in the normal way, made sudden strange fixations?on my nose, on my right ear, down to my chin, up to my right eye?as if noting (even studying) these individual features, but not seeing my whole face, its changing expressions, ‘me’, as a whole.
>>537 こんな感じで試験場にあったと思う。 The exam will have a reading time of 15 minutes and be of three hours duration. No excluded electronic devices will be permitted.
The FreeType License (FTL) is the most commonly used one. It is a BSD-style license with a credit clause and thus compatible with the GNU Public License (GPL) version 3, but not with the GPL version 2.
>>554 a credit clause 関係者に敬意、感謝の意を表すための条項。 thus であるから and thus compatible with the GNU Public License (GPL) version 3, but not with the GPL version 2. であるからthe GNU Public License (GPL) version 3と互換ですが the GPL version 2との互換性はありません。
Six reasons you should consider being a cat http://cdn-usa.gagbay.com/2012/04/6_reasons_you_should_consider_being_a_cat-73470.jpg あなたが猫であることを考慮する6つの理由 1)Free food →何でも食べる 2)Free rent →どこにでも入る 3)Sleep as long as you want →好きなだけ眠れる 4)Look great with no effort →努力しなくてもきれい 5)Toes look like beans →足先が大豆のよう 6)License to kill.→殺すのに許可がいる(殺しのライセンス?) 和訳したのですが、直訳というか日本語として変な感じなってしまったので 正しい訳を教えてください。お願いします。
@Ever wondered how some blocks end up with their wives and girlfried? Here we list 10 who are way out of their league. AWe watch TV for good BYou can see he's not having fun on it
↓のビーズリーくんの「without no sunlight」ってのはハックルベリーフィンとかにあった誤文ではなく 文字通り「with sunlight」って意味なのか?
Beasley is serving a life sentence for murder. Once behind bars, he joined a violent white power prison gang. And that's when officials sent him to Pelican Bay. Before recently agreeing to leave the group, Beasley spent nearly 10 years confined 22-and-a-half-hours each day alone in a small cell.
JEREMY BEASLEY: I wasn't a saint before. I believe that certain people should be isolated, but without no sunlight, without -- going years with no sunlight. It would be nice to look out a window and see the outside. That would be nice.
Have you ever (1) a carnival and watched a flea circus? These tiny (2) make tremendous leaps, yet never go (3) a predetermined height. Each flea seems to recognize an invisible (4). Why? Because the fleas are trained (5) a transparent glass dome. Even when the dome is (6), they still observe its limitations. Unfortunately, many people are (7) these trained fleas. Because they were placed under hindring circumstances early in life, they form the habit of selflimitaion. As adults, even though the restrictions are no (8) there, they don't use their full potential. Don't let this (9) to you. Change your self concept - raise your sights - expand your (10) and shatter the ceiling of your restrictions!
【語群】 before / beyond / ceiling / done / happen / horizons / insects / like / longer / removed / under / visited
@In no hands at all she had started on a colorful account of all the operations and treatments she suffered in hospitals at the time of doctors and nurses. AAs she proceeded it became plain that the young man was feeling more and more uncomfortable. BShe spared no details of the many illnesses she had been through and with each one here listener grew steadily paler. CAt last he could stand it no longer and excusing himself he fled from the waiting-room into the street.
@彼女は医者や看護婦の時に病院で苦しんだ手術や治療全てのさまざまな会話を話していた →In no hands at allはどう訳せばいい? A彼女が話し続けると、若い男はますます不快な気持ちになったのが明らかになった →文頭のAsはどういう意味? B彼女は自分が経験した多くの病気をどんな細かいことも省略せずに語り、ここにいる聞いていた人をそれぞれだんだん青ざめさせた →each oneは訳のどこに入れればいいのか? Cついに彼はもう我慢できないと自分自身に弁解し、待機室から通りに逃げ出した
@In no hands at all she had started on a colorful account of all the operations and treatments she suffered in hospitals at the time of doctors and nurses. ---> 書き換え In no time at all, she started a colorful account of all the operations and treatments (which) she had suffered in hospitals under the care of doctors and nurses. 彼女はすぐ、病院で医者や看護師のもとで受けたあらゆる手術や治療について細かく 説明し始めた。
AAs she proceeded it became plain that the young man was feeling more and more uncomfortable. ---> As she proceeded, it became plain that the young man was feeling more and more uncomfortable. (彼女が)話を続けるにつれて、若者がますます居心地の悪い思いをしていることが明らかに なっていった。 (続く)
(続き) BShe spared no details of the many illnesses she had been through and with each one here listener grew steadily paler. ---> She spared no details of the many illnesses (which) she had been through and, with each one, the listener grew steadily paler. 彼女は自分が経験したたくさんの病気について細部を漏らさずに語ったが、 話を一つ始めるたびに、それを聞いていた者(つまりその若者)は着実に顔が蒼くなっていった。
CAt last he could stand it no longer and excusing himself he fled from the waiting-room into the street. ---> At last, he could stand it no longer and, excusing himself, he fled from the waiting-room into the street. ついに、彼は(もう)耐えられなくなってしまって、 「失礼します」と言い残して、待合室から出て通りへと逃げ出していった。
Such care, of course, demands a similar care on the *discovery of the writer, and when we are turning over the pages of a book to find out if it is worth reading, one of the best indications is in the part of a word, usually an unexpected one, used in exactly the right *way to express a wealth of meaning.
(1) 1つ目の文 Such care, of course, demands a similar care on the *discovery of the writer. そのような心配りは、書き手の *[発見] についての、それに似た心配りを要求する。 (意訳:そのような心配りをするにあたっては、書き手の発見について、似たような心配り をする必要がある。)
(2) 2つ目の文
And, when we are turning over the pages of a book to find out if it is worth reading, そして、ある本が読むに値するかどうかを確かめるためにページをめくるときには、
one of the best indications is in the part of a word, 最もよい兆候の一つは、ある単語の役割にある。
usually an unexpected one, 前に出てくる "a word" の同格としての単語群 「通常は意外な単語であるが」
used in exactly the right *way to express a wealth of meaning. 前に出てくる "a word" を形容詞的に修飾した単語群 「豊かな意味を表現するためのまさに正しい仕方で使われている」
>>605 not long after = soon a Wendy's employee = ウェンディ(という店)の従業員 vanilla soft serve = バニラソフトクリーム straight from the machine = 機械で作られた直後の go viral = ウイルスみたいになる。つまり、ネット上で即座に蔓延する
I had no free hand with which to offer a reassuring pat or nazzle. So this was what four years of diagramming and deconstructing books, plays,short stories,and poem were for:a chance to comfort a small, white, batlike bulldog while trying not to demolish someone else's really , really expensive car.Sweet life.
(We've lost some very significant rock formation. ) It will never be the same so I could not go and take our children or our nephews who are responsible to ensure that we teach them the law.
>>610 I had no free hand with which to offer a reassuring pat or nazzle. 相手を安心させるためにそっと叩くとか nazzle するような余裕は、私にはなかった。
So this was what four years of diagramming and deconstructing books, plays,short stories,and poem were for: というわけで、書物・戯曲・短編そして詩を図で表現したり脱構築したりして四年を過ごした目的が ここにあったのだ。
a chance to comfort a small, white, batlike bulldog while trying not to demolish someone else's really , really expensive car.Sweet life. つまり、それは、他の人の本当に本当に高価な車を解体してしまわないようにしながら、 小さな白いコウモリみたいなブルドッグを安心させるチャンスだったのだ。 まったく、大した生活だよ。
"take our children and our nephews" の "take" は、ここでは、「連れて行く」 とか「取る」とかいう意味はまるでなくて、"take (人または物) and do something for (him or it)" というような表現に使う take。つまり「(その人または物)に対して これこれをする」という意味。たとえば、ネットで拾ったこのような表現がある。下品で申し訳ない。
Why don't you take your PhD and stick it up your A-S-S! (てめえの博士号なんてもなあだな、てめえのケツの穴に突っ込んじまえってんだよ)
つまり、相手の博士号を徹底的にバカにした表現。この場合の take は、「取る」という意味は 薄れていて、むしろ次の stick it の it を導くための導入としての意味しかない。 つまり "stick your PhD up your ass!" と言えばいいところを、"take your PhD and stick it up your ass" と言っている。このように、目的語を普通に stick の 動詞としてすぐに持ってくる代わりに、まずは伏線のように take your PhD というふうに 表に出す。このような take の使い方は面白い。辞書を丹念に読めば、解説してあるかもしれない。
さらに、"I could not" の could は、仮定法過去つまり「そうしたくてもできない」という 意味。「できなかった」という意味ではない。
再び原文 >> It will never be the same so I could not go and take our children or our nephews who are responsible to ensure that we teach them the law. 全体の訳 もう二度と以前の状態には戻らないので、私は、聖地破壊に手を貸した われわれの後継者たちのところへ行って正しい道を教えてやることはできないのだ。
What I've done is TAKE this debate that scholars are immersed in and simply made it accessible to a nonscholarly audience. It's something I wish more scholars would do, in various fields. (昨日の New York Times より。take を大文字にしたのは、私)
ここの take も、本来の意味を失っていて、まずは "this debate that scholars are immersed in" という言葉を前面に持ってきて、そのあとにそれを it で受けて、 "made it accessible" と言っている。もしこのような take を使わなかったら大変だ。
I simply made this debate that scholars are immersed in accessible to a nonscholarly audience.
上記のように書かないといけなくなる。こうなると、読む人は "this debate that scholars are immersed in" が "made 目的語 accessible" の中の「目的語」なんだということに気づきにくい。
そうそう、それから、この文章はたぶん、最初から書かれた記事ではなくて、インタビューで 話されたことを書き起こしたものが土台になっていると思う。だから、口語的なんだと思う。 口語ではおそらく、このような take の用法がじゃんじゃん使われているだろうと僕は想像している。
原文そのものが少しおかしいのではないか、ネイティブらしくないのではないか、という 気がしてなりません。これを口にした Smith という人は aborigine の人なので、 高い教育を受けた白人のような英語を話せないのかもしれません。
ところで、もしあなたのおっしゃるように「our children and our nephews を(そこに) 連れて行く」という意味だとしたら、標準的な(白人の話す普通の)英語では "take our children and our nephews THERE" と言わないといけなくなると 思います。there がついていなかったら、「連れて行く」という意味にはなりえないんじゃないかと 思うのですがね。
さらに、最後の "teach them the law" の them は、私の最初の解釈は間違っていると 認めます。今では、この them は「一般の人々」を指しているように思います。 「一般の人々(つまり「みんな」)に正しいことを教える」という意味になると思います。
>>621 "I took my children." このような文で、「連れて行く」という意味になった例を 見たことがありますか?たとえば "I'll take you." という言い方で「連れてってあげるよ」 という意味で使っている例を見たことがありますか?私は、そういう例を見たことがないのです。 「連れて行く」という意味のときには、私の知る限りでは、"take (人) + to (場所)" という言い方をするか、もしもその場所を言う必要がないときは、there と必ずつけないと いけないような気がします。それはちょうど、"It's a pen." というときの it はわかっている からつけなくていい、とは言えないのと同じだと私は思ってました。take を there なしで 使うと、"take (人)" は「(人)を取る」つまり「人を捕まえる」などの意味になってしまう んじゃないでしょうか?少なくとも、今までの私の読書経験からはそういうことが言えるんですが、 反論があったら、どうぞ仰って下さい。
さらに、them が代名詞だから前の文章に一般の人々って言葉が出てこないとその解釈はだめ、と おっしゃいましたが、それじゃあ "They say it is wrong." というふうに they が一般の 人を指している例がいくらでもありますが、その点はいかがでしょうか?
"I'll take you there" については、"I'll take you" という単語群を Google 検索 してみたら、必ずそのあとに there がついているように見えますが、いかがでしょうか? "I'll take you" とだけ言って「連れてってあげる」という意味になっている例文が Google 上に見つかったら、どうか教えてください。
(i) John lives in London. (ジョンはロンドンに住んでいる) という文は、"in London" を省略した (ii) *John lives. は非文である。 (iii) He put the car in the garage. (彼は車をガレージに入れた) という文は、"in the garage" を削除した (iv) *He put the car. は非文である。 (安藤貞雄「現代英文法講義」のp.16より引用した。)
引用はじめ (1) (a) John is here. (ジョンはここにいる)[cf. *John is.] (b) The manager is in his office. (マネージャーは執務室にいる)[cf. *The manager is.] (c) I live in London. (私はロンドンに住んでいる)[cf. *I live]
(2) (a) I am afraid of snakes. [cf. *I am afraid.] (b) Mary is fond of sweets. [cf. *Mary is fond.]
(3) (a) Did you put sugar in my coffee? (b) This song reminds me of France.
上の例で、主語は通例、旧情報を表し、A (= 義務的な副詞語句)は新情報を表している。 A が義務的に必要であり、削除することができないのは、このためである。
"It will never be the sameもう決して元には戻らない so I could not go だからもうそこには行けない and take our children or our nephews 子供達や甥姪をそこに連れて行けない who are responsible to ensure that we teach them 鉱山会社the law.” 鉱山会社に法律を守ることを教えるべき責任がある子供達や子供と同世代の甥姪を 聖地に連れて行けない。
take me out to the ballgame ttp://www.world-anthem.com/march/ballgame.htm >>629 そんな事言わないで “We've lost some very significant rock formation," Smith said. "It will never be the same so I could not go and take our children or our nephews who are responsible to ensure that we teach them the law.” them は子供達かな?
our children or our nephews who are responsibleここで切るんだな 責任ある子供達、甥達 未来にアボリジニーの精神を継承する責任。 to ensure that we teach them the law.” アボリジニーの守るべき慣習、慣例を教えるのを確実にするために
the law アボリジニーの宗教的慣習 守るべきならわし 慣例 themは子供達だな。 our children or our nephewsを聖地にお参りさせてアボリジニーの精神を教えるんだ。 日本人にとって神社を壊されるのと同じ事なんだ。
Perhaps once Tokyoites realize that good water is freely (?) in their homes, the demand for bottled water, along with its wasteful packaging, will evaporate.
A Japanese newspaper reported that some traditionally cold beverages, such as sports drinks, are now being served hot in PET bottles in winter in Japan.
二行目のhotって品詞でいうと何になるんでしょうか?形容詞かなと思ってるんですかそれだと何を修飾してるのか分からなくて・・・ あと、are now being servedのnowって必要ですか?なくても問題ないような気が どなたか教えてください
You obviously haven't read any of my email messages. You don't have a clue to anything about me. Ask a good English-speaker to read them and to tell you what I'm telling you there. Why are you blaming me? You have absolutely no idea how much you have hurt me and how much I am suffering. Yesterday I tried to call you. But, as I recall you, my hands shake and my heart beat hard, making me hard to breathe. It's what they call PTSD, you know. I'm not calling you because your voice triggers my trauma. I can do nothing now but send you email. I can't cure it unless I avoid you. A lot of people suffer from PTSD for a decade or even two. Why do you do nothing but rush me? If you insist on seeing me, pay for the treatment expenses, you silly guy! You're saying I love nothing but money? Don't be silly! Stop making a fool of me already! How much do you think I've been putting up with? Your stinginess and unmanliness has put me heavily in debt. I can't even continue working part-time because of my illness. As for you, you're having an easier life without me, aren't you? What are you waiting for? Send me my baggage right away! I eat only once each day but I want to take care of my parent. I wish I could have taken her to Tokyo between August 10th and 15th. I only want the money for my mother and for my treatment. Have you ever even once thought of my family? When I sent you the information about the auction and importation, I only wanted to satisfy your miserly desires. One more thing: Don't ever come over to the house of my parent!
You stick to the point that I'm enjoying the sexual relation with my father. O.K., I admit that it is true that I 'was' enjoying it. But, now I'm fed up with it because my father is a blue colar worker and is too tough a lover. He is going to make love with me until the number of times he have made love with me surpasses yours. He is saying that he will 'delete' my sexual past with you, a mental DV guy.
It is lucky to me that you haven't made love with me many times. Because I'm too tired of my father's sex.
@There were more serious customers, but even with them, selling could be a boring business because so many women took hours of narrow down their choice to two dresses and then could never make up their minds between one dress and the other. ASometimes they turned to you for advice, and you had to tell them that one dress suited them perfectly when you wanted to advise them not to ( ) either of two dresses.
@はなんとなくですが、より深刻な客がいて多くの女性がドレスを2つに絞り込むのに何時間もかかり、 1つともう片方の間で決められないので売る仕事は退屈である 感じかなと思ったのですが but even with themが訳せません。 Aは( )の中にstoreかbuyが入るはずなんですがどちらを入れればよいでしょうか。 そしてどういう意味なのでしょうか。
@There were more serious customers, but even (WHEN YOU WERE DOING BUSINESS WITH) with them, selling could be a boring business because so many women took hours of NARROWING down their choice to two dresses and then could never make up their minds between one dress and the other. ASometimes they turned to you for advice, and you had to tell them that one dress suited them perfectly when you wanted to advise them not to ( BUY ) either of THE two dresses.
"even with them" は "even when you were doing business with them" と 解釈すればいい。「たとえ(もっとまじめな客と)の応対のときでさえ」。
大意 (すでに述べた変な客よりは)もっとまじめな客もいるのだけども、そういう客に 応対するときでさえ、売り子の仕事は退屈なときがある。二つのドレスのうちどっちを選ぶかに 時間がさんざんかかって、結局は決められずに終わる客もある。"either of two" は 変だと思う。"either of THE two" でないといけない。
I'm pretty sure that technically by the EULA, 私は、それは専門的にはEULAによるものだと確信しています。
we can use any game content (unrealscript code, materials, models, maps, audio, etc. from any of the Unreal games: Unreal, UT99, UT2k3, UT2k4, UT3 (see section 18 C of the EULA), 私達は、元のゲームがUnrealであろうとUT99であろうとUT2k3であろうとUT2k4UT3であろうと、内容がスクリプトであろうとマテリアルであろうとモデルであろうとマップであろうとオーディオであろうと何であろうと、 どんなゲーム内容でも使用することができます。(詳しくはEULAの18Cを見て下さい。)
as long as we do not violate copyrights held by others (see section 18 B iii of the EULA).http://www.unrealtournament.com/eula/eula_us.php Copyrighted material is protected under USA and international laws. 他者によって保有された著作権を我々が破らない限りは、著作権で保護された物はアメリカや世界の法律によって守られています。
By getting the permission from the author to use their content is the lawful and community approved method. 素材を使用するために作者に許可を取るということは正当で、コミュニティから承認された方法です。
Bさんの回答 Get away from the copyright thinking. 著作権的な考え方から離れて下さい。
And that last part is just plain wrong. そして、その最後の部分は単純に間違っています。
If you take someone else's work and modify it, もしあなたが誰か他の人の作品を取ってきてそれを改造したとしても、
it will stay a modification of that person's work それはその人の作品を改造したもののままだし、
and should be treated as such, no matter if you change 10% or 70%. あなたが10%の変更を加えようが70%の変更を加えようが、そのように扱われるべきです。
In the latter case you can argue that you didn't take the others complete work, but only excerpts. 後者の場合では、あなたは『他人の完成作品を全てパクったわけではなく、抜粋しただけです。』と主張することができます。
But still you used his work. しかしそれでもあなたは彼の作品を使用しています。
Even the remaining 30% or less can be quite a lot, depending on the size of the original mod. 元のMODのサイズに応じては、残りの30%もしくはそれ以下でさえ、(抜粋部分は)かなり多くなります。
The only sensible way is to get permission,if you use more than just a few lines of code. もしあなたが、『わずか数行』以上のコードを使用するなら、唯一の賢明な方法は許可を取る事です。
Unreal modding is not about copyright, it's about treating other's code with due respect. お言葉を返すようですが、Unreal moddingは著作権についてのものではなく、他人のコードの扱いに関してのものです。
That's now the community always worked since Unreal 1. 『Unreal 1』の時代からコミュニティは働いてきました。 Everyone copied code to learn, so giving code back is only fair. 人々は、学ぶためにコードをコピーしました。したがって、コードを(コミュニティに)返却することは唯一公平です。
People who don't want you to use their code probably forgot about that, おそらく、あなたに『コードを使って欲しく無い』と思っている人は、その事(コードを返却することは唯一公平だということ)を忘れています。
but them being bullies doesn't mean you can be rude as well and take anything you want. しかし、『彼らがいじめっ子である』ということは、あなたが同様に無作法で、欲しい物を何でもとる事ができるという意味ではありません。
Personally I like being notified of code reuse (if asked I rarely disallow it), 個人的には、私はコードの再利用の通知を受けるのは好きです。(使用して良いか尋ねられたら、私はめったに却下しません。)
but the only thing I really want is to be mentioned in the readme when that happenes. しかし私が本当に望む唯一の事は、それ(コードの再使用)が発生した時に、Readmeファイルにそれが記載されていることです。
どなたかお願いします。ベトナムの銀行の借入規制に関する文書ですが… In case of changes in any contents related to enterprises' loans stated in the State Bank's written certification of foreign loans, and loan repayment registration, enterprises may sign agreements on such changes when the contents of such changes comply with the provisions in Section II, Chapter II of this Circular.
長文ですがお願いします Los Angels may mean to some people nothing more than a place somewhere in America. To others it may bring a picture of beautiful sandy beaches at Santa Monica and Malibu in southern California, where are winters short and summers long and hot. Not everyone knows that Hollywood (sometimes called the 'dream factory'), Santa Monica, Malibu, and Beverly Hills, all really form part of the huge city of Los Angels. Los Angels (or L.A. as the people who live there call it) has no real center. Instead of growing upwards, like New York, it stretches out and out, almost endlessly. Its network of wide roads, or 'freeways" runs above streets of low-built houses. In downtown where the freeways meet, more spanish is spoken than English even today, and here the Spanish way of life still continues. Such buildings as New England Station, built of smooth white stone, may also remind you of Spain. Olvera Street is a gay, colorful place full of many kinds of bars, where you can sit in the warm sun and try new and strange drinks. Here in this bit of old Mexico are shops selling Mexican baskets and unusual Mexican food. If the heat make you feel tired, have a rest in the Pizza, a pleasant park, and look at the trees cut in the shapes of familiar animals. Where next?
Walk along the famous Fifth Avenue in New York City, which is dividing the line between East and West in Manhattan, and you'll come to the Empire State Building. Stop here and take one of the many elevators which will carry you smoothly and speedily to the 86th floor. Step out and you are 1250 feet above the ground. From here they say it's possible to see an area in which one in ten of all the people in America live. You can go even higher to the 102nd floor, over 1400 feet, and from there you can look down on the other huge skyscrapers, the United Nations building, the Statue of Liberty in the harbor. Broadway, and the greatest ships in the world's biggest port. On some days you may have the strange experience of looking straight down on the clouds. If you go up at night, you'll see millions of lighted windows and electric signs everywhere you look.
I am out of work, but I am reluctant to work hard. Hence I have no choice but to evade working hard. For the life of me, I am in a state of melancholy. I am almost the defeated remnant.
only time will tell Pretty Cure fans uncover what dreams and surprises in the much awaited 時のみが Pretty Cureファンが長い間待っていたのがどんな夢か驚きかを示すだろう。 Yes! そうだ! Pretty Cure 5 series それが Pretty Cure 5だ。
Aqueous extract of Bacopa monnieri (Brahmi) has been reported to reversibly suppress spermatogenesis and fertility in male mice with at a dose of 250 mg/kg body weight/day for 28 and 56 days(equivalent to 1.54 g/day for a 76 kg male, when properly controlling for animal to human conversions[20] ) Parameters of motility, viability, morphology, and number of spermatozoa in cauda epididymidis returned to baseline 56 days after treatment cessation.
他スレで放置されてます。宜しくお願い致します。 Also, by popular demand, a bit of context for those debt numbers Hubbard throws around, such as who was president when, and what public office one of the contributors was holding at various times:
長文ですがどうぞよろしくお願いします。 We have a company interested in using one of your pictures as part of an advert. As we cleared editorial rights only originally I just wanted to run this past you to make sure it was okay. The usage is as follows: THE AD: It will run in a magazine called C21. The print version of magazine is distributed for free, at the MIPCOM television market, in France, Sept/Oct. ( approx. 5900 printed copies.) The magazine also has an online subscription base of approx. 35,000. The magazine is based in the UK and they may want to run the ad for a 2nd run in April in the same magazine, thus they need a 6 months license.
続きです PRINT: Several pictures from a variety of photographers will be used in a double page spread (or a single page-yet to be decided by their graphic designer)-but they will definitely use 8-9 pictures per page (so it will be fairly small on the page). The ad will promote the company’s core activity, which is the distribution of funny home video clips. WEBSITE: They may also use the picture on the home page, and or, on a secondary page. (approx. 1/8th of the page), to promote that they have funny animal clips from around the world. They change our images every 6 months- so all licenses should last that long. Could you please let us know if you are happy for this sale to go ahead? I am on holiday next week but you can reply to my colleague Lianne, copied in here.
なんか迷惑メール?的なのの最後にやたら長い英文があって、分からないのも癪なので知りたいです。 少しづつ載せてくんで翻訳できる人いたらよろです。 @Longer school year a good idea but no panacea. Cloud storage upstart Bitcasa on beating Dropbox, destroying hard drives and . Cole Aldrich works out for Sacramento Kings. Scott blames feds for Lake Okeechobee flooding threats, draining problems. Emperor Norton's Boozeland, a Gilded Lily in the Tenderloin. Mayor responds to county officials' concerns. WATCH: Isaiah Thomas on Seattle and Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson. Roman Emperor Commodus' Mini-Colosseum Found?. Vodafone startet LTE-Netz mit 150 Megabit pro Sekunde. Central Everglades plan up for vote, would move more water south. Covering Clinton's Candidacy in Waiting. Hillary Clinton Doesn't Want the Biopics, Either. Ratchet and Clank writer T.J. Fixman leaves Insomniac. Raymond Felton says he's dropped 15 pounds since the end of the season. Itaalia ministri suunas loobiti banaane (76). Stocks Continue to Capitulate As Weak Japanese GDP, Tapering Concerns .
続きです。 Dallas duo Ellis Jefferson, Cameron Smith are big threats for ASU football. Madonna's Lavish 55th Birthday Party: Lola and Rocco Celebrate With Their . Tameka Raymond 'Angry' Her Son Was Injured on Usher's Watch. Longmont group forms to fight for fiber optic issue. Diane Kruger Talks American Citizenship on Chelsea Lately. Imestunud lugeja: laseme lapsel loomi kiusata ja sgilauas khutuult lasta, sest . OPINION: Top-tier developers cannot rely on former glory for PS4. Cimarron Lady Rams split first two Cowbell games. Breedlove: Detachment in Poland Reflects Commitment. Alleged Drunk Driver Slams Into House in Long Beach. Password Expiration is a Pandemic, not a Panacea. North Isles residents may create a community broadband network. What makes being a Warriors fan exciting. Sault Metro Stores Face Uncertain Future?.←何でクエスチョンの後にピリオドがあるのかは謎です In a Washington sports bar, patrons with pot are living the high life. Cowbell Kingdom Podcast Ep 105: The Sacramento Kings and changing culture. DDR Corp (DDR): DDR Management Discusses Q2 2013 Results - Earnings . Roman Emperor Commodus' Mini-Colosseum Found?. Madonna's Lavish 55th Birthday Party: Lola and Rocco Celebrate With Their .
更に続きです。 New short cruises, summer itineraries on tap for Port Everglades in 2014. The Catch-Up: August 19th, 2013 - Saints Row IV Patch 1.01 Out, The Order . Studio Session: Alela Diane 2013. Cowbell Kingdom Podcast Ep 105: The Sacramento Kings and changing culture. Around MLS: Bite-Sized Edition. Watch: Biffy Clyro cover 'Diane Young' by Vampire Weekend. Ask SAM: Use headlights, not running lights, during inclement weather. What If Raymond Carver Designed The Sims?. Intruder breaks into German chancellor's jet. Maryland Sen. Pugh says Baltimore's broadband proposal is 'destructive'. Audi teases 700HP hybrid Quattro Sport e-Tron Concept, A8 Matrix LED lighting. The Great Anatolian Project: Is Water Management a Panacea or Crisis . Breedlove: Detachment in Poland Reflects Commitment. September 21st Options Now Available For DDR. Ask SAM: Use headlights, not running lights, during inclement weather. Rapier Gold identifies VMS target at Pen Gold. Rumor: Emperor Palpatine Could Return In 'Star Wars: Episode VII'. Audi A8 super high-tech headlight teased, whole car coming Aug 21. 100G, 200G, 400G: Internet's core is getting fatter to meet our tech planet's . Pollution is killing Everglades, Miccosukee warn. Dick Jerardi: Cotillion's million-dollar purse may lure Princess of Sylmar to Parx. Diane Kruger: I Had Americano Party After Citizenship. Cowbell Uses South African Animator Luma for Latest TVC. DDR Corp. Q2 FFO Rises. It's time again for #MSUfreshmentips. Pitt linebacking corps gets boost from Bam Bradley.
Auburn Defensive Coordinator Ellis Johnson Post-Practice Interview 8/19/2013. Houston woman accused of covering up death of three-year-old daughter heads . Putting the sand into sandwiches: Mother-to-be's bizarre cravings during her . Carnett: 'Do-over life' sounds good at first blush. Tribute band Paramount to play the Cotillion. Roman emperor in Gladiator movie built his own mini-Colosseum to kill wild . Taking BlackBerry Private Not a Panacea for Profitability. Tribute band Paramount to play the Cotillion. Maude Kraetsch, 'Mrs. Scratch,' reported on Sussex-Lisbon. Ellis opens new school of nursing. Rand Paul gets bunny byline in op-ed mixup. NATO needs defense spending to keep edge: commander says. Cole Aldrich works out for Sacramento Kings. Inter capitulate to Real Madrid. NATO General: No To Zero. Liriano carves up Padres in Pirates' 3-1 win. Lady Bulldogs banking on defense.
長すぎる。 Gov. Christie, People Are Not Born Homosexual. Combatting Poverty: Education as a panacea?. Dawn Shirreffs Named Senior Everglades Policy Advisor for Everglades . Biking in the Everglades. Cole Aldrich works out for Sacramento Kings. Bales hired to work with Penguins' goaltenders. Rein Jurs proovib 'Trapperiga' nne. Saving the Everglades. Plains All-American Bets on Light, Sweet Glut. Raymond Peter Westeren, 77. Reports of Emperor Palpatine's death may have been exaggerated.... WATCH: Jason Thompson on the Sacramento Kings' new coaches and ownership. Singular Sensations Season at London's Charing Cross to Feature Kerry Ellis . THE EMPEROR HAS NO CLOTHES - By American Guardian Of The Game . KVH Industries, Inc. (KVHI): KVH Industries Trades At A Discount To Its Strong . Review: Buffalo DriveStation DDR provides a boost over a typical hard drive. Diane Schuur desert's newest music icon. Alexandria man stoppedfor no headlights arrested on drug charge. Giovani Bernard leads Bengals to 34-10 preseason victory. Guardian destroyed Snowden hard disks at behest of UK government. Her mother Chelsea Huggett, 21, is facing first-degree murder charge over her . Co-Parenting: 5 Steps to Avoiding Conflict Escalation. Living Room Now Digital Media Hub. Saratoga: Princess of Sylmar might race again in 2013. Artist Captures Wild Animals in Living Room Safari. Putting the sand into sandwiches: Mother-to-be's bizarre cravings during her . DDR Corp. sees higher funds from operations on organic growth, retail . LRTA buses will soon need their headlights.
あとちょっと。 MLS Star on Returning to US to Compete. Denis Mercier: 'Rare'- in' to go: American Motors' 2-seat AMX in Elmer Collection. The Obama Administration Really Doesn't Like Diane Ravitch. Editor of The Progressive Arrested Covering Solidarity Singers' Protest of . The ESL textbook rude enough to make even a hardened laowai blush. Clint Dempsey and the Sounders' Americans. Imation Gets Unified With Nexsan Hybrid Storage Platform. Putting the sand into sandwiches: Mother-to-be's bizarre cravings during her . The false promise of municipal broadband. 16 young women celebrate presentation as debutantes. Oklahoma Indian chief George Tiger accused of abusing his mistress and . Inter capitulate to Real Madrid. Local mountaineers take on first ascent in Myanmar. Maude Kraetsch, 'Mrs. Scratch,' reported on Sussex-Lisbon. Ashes 1953: England clinch 'The Test to win all Tests' at The Oval to end two . Champaign Dem joins field for 13th District primary.
もうちょい。 DDR-Blackstone JV Buys 7 Shopping Centers - Analyst Blog. An Embarrassing Night in the Emergency Room. Covering Clinton's Candidacy in Waiting. Talukonkursil troonisid moodne laut, ilus veisekari ja uhke sepikoda. Trigger Media Entrepreneurs Always Hoping for More Cowbell. Studio Session: Alela Diane 2013. When Common Core Meets the Local Control Funding Formula. LRTA buses will soon need their headlights. Obama urges regulators to enact Wall Street rules. Raymond Felton adds more trash talk to Knicks-Nets rivalry. Dawn Shirreffs Named Senior Everglades Policy Advisor for Everglades . Intruder breaks into German chancellor's jet. Bruising RB joins crowded Mountaineer backfield. Motor industry strike to affect consumers. TiVo Announces New Roamio DVRs with Out of Home Streaming. Our Devices Have Revived The Living Room. The smells, sights and sounds of summer. Pricey pillow a panacea for ravages of sleep on aging faces. Audi teases its new Matrix LED headlight technology, to debut on the new A8 at . Ellis Johnson: Auburn DE Dee Ford expected to miss season opener with knee .
これで最後です! Byline Today: Tobacco Farmers, Kentucky's Top Emergency Management . Champaign Dem joins field for 13th District primary. Roger Miller, driver and son of Utah business icon Larry, dies unexpectedly. ABC World News with Diane Sawyer is Only Evening Newscast to Grow Adults . April 2014 Options Now Available For DDR. Wolf Alice Prepare New EP 'Blush'. Diane Schuur desert's newest music icon. The Great Anatolian Project: Is Water Management a Panacea or Crisis . Motorists using powerful headlights to face action. In a Washington sports bar, patrons with pot are living the high life. Star Wars Episode 7 may see return of Emperor Palpatine. Refresher on the Buffalo Rumblings moderation policy. Gov. Scott commits $40 million to river issues. More cowbell-or less? Climate plans in opposition. Audi teases its new Matrix LED headlight technology, to debut on the new A8 at . ←この文708の下から2行目とそのままそっくり同じです。 Xbox One Kinect Can Be Used For Motion Capture In Your Living Room. Sunday Musings: Arena opposition, windmills and the Sacramento Kings. Exercise Steadfast Jazz 2013 to Test NATO Response Force. Rabbit in the Headlights. Egypt's Descent Into Civil War. Talukonkursil troonisid moodne laut, ilus veisekari ja uhke sepikoda. Raymond Felton adds more trash talk to Knicks-Nets rivalry. Quick hits: Auburn coordinators Ellis Johnson, Rhett Lashlee meet with the media. WATCH: Isaiah Thomas on Seattle and Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson. Com/
Ok pretty ladies, it's getting to be that time of year again...support of breast cancer awareness! So last year's game was writing your bra color as your status... Last year, so many people took part that it made national news... and the constant updating of status reminded everyone why we're doing this and helped raise awareness! Do NOT tell any males what the status means...keep them guessing!! And please copy and paste this in a message to all your female friends. The idea is to choose the month you were born and the day you were born. Pass this on to GIRLS ONLY and let's see how far it reaches.
The last one about the bra went all over the world. YOUR STATUS SHOULD SAY: "I am going to Mexico for 21 months." Instructions: The month you were born is the Place you are going, and the day you were born should be how many months you are gone.... January - Mexico; February - London; March - Miami; April - Dominican Republic; May - Paris; June - Rome; July - Hawaii; August - California; September - New York; October - Puerto Rico; November - Las Vegas; December - Australia. Don't copy this or reply to this, put your answer in a status on your wall. Please do it, show your awareness!
The V-EQ4 achieves an accurate vintage sound by recreating the unique harmonic distortion and noise characteristics (and therefore the sound color) of the 1081 hardware device after which it was modeled. V-EQ4は、『ハードウェアデバイス1081』をモデリングした独特の高調波歪みとノイズ特性(とノイズの音色)を再現することにより、正確なビンテージサウンドを実現しています。
You can defeat these attributes to achieve a modern-sounding EQ. あなたは、現代的な音作りのために、これらの性質(高調波歪みとノイズ特性)をオフにすることができます。
Turning off both the Analogue and EQ removes all modeling. 『アナログ』ボタンと『EQ』ボタンを両方オフにすれば、全てのモデリング(高調波歪みとノイズ特性)がオフになります。
You can also use your host application’s bypass function to ignore the device entirely. あなたは同様に、完全にデバイスを無視するためにホストアプリケーションのバイパス機能を使うこともできます。
このページの表の中で、Fixed Term Deposit Account について、次のように書いてあるからです。
問:What might I use the account for? (どういうときにこの口座を使えばいいのか?) ======= 答え: When looking for a fixed rate of return (固定利益率がほしいとき) Seeking security and peace of mind for your investments (ご自身の投資物件についての保障と安心を求めるとき) Saving for a specific purpose or if you wish to fix your savings over different periods" (特定の目的のために預金するか、あるいは複数の期間にわたって預金を固定したいとき)
0% commission on foreign exchange transactions (外国為替による取引に対しては、コミッション0%) Rates depending on the size and frequency of foreign exchange transfers (レートは、外国為替による振替の金額および頻度によって変わります。)
ここにずらずらと書いてあって、またもや、ややこしい。芋づる式にどんどん深みにはまっていく 感じです。A をするためには、Bをする必要があり、それをするためにはC をやる必要があり、 それをするには D を、っていう感じになっていきそうです。
New Customers The fastest way to register for Internet Banking if you are not a current HSBC customer is to open an HSBC Everyday Account. (この銀行に口座をまだ持っていないあなたの場合にインターネットバンキングに登録するには、まず HSBC Everyday Account つまり HSBC 日常口座を開く必要があります。)
New to HSBC (新規のお客様の場合) Complete an application for an HSBC Everyday Account along with the Proof of Identity Form and send it to us by post. (HSBC Everyday Account 開設申込書と Proof of Identify form つまり 「身分証明書式」とを郵送してください。)
Download the Application Form 申込書の書式をダウンロードするには、ここをクリックしてください。 Download the Proof of Identity Form (Proof of Identify Form つまり「身分証明書の書式」をクリックするには、 ここをクリックしてください。) Or call and speak to one of our Premier Consultants on 0800 028 088*. (あるいは、0800 028 088に電話して、弊社の Premier コンサルタントとお話し下さい。) Request a call back (弊社からお客様にお電話した方がよろしい場合は、ここをクリックしてください。) ==============
Internet Banking (インターネットバンキング) Bank online, it's easy, secure and free* (オンラインでバンキングしましょう。簡単、安心、無料です。) ================== ちょっと待ってくださいね。 http://www.hsbc.co.nz/1/2/personal/online-banking このページの真ん中あたりに、次のようなことが書いてあります。
* International transfers will incur a fee. To find out more please refer to our Retail Banking and Wealth Management Fees and Charges 国際振替には、料金がかかります。詳しくは、弊社の「リテールバンキング および財産管理手数料等」をご覧ください。 ===========
このページに、"HSBC Premier interest rates" つまりこの銀行での金利率が示されて います。"HSBC Premier" というものに登録すると、金利は一年あたり4%になると 表に書いてあります。
そこの1ページ目の下には、 Please note: the term deposit rates advertised within this document are for HSBC Premier customers only and apply to deposits of $100,000 and above. (本書に示す定期預金率は HSBC Premier にご加入のお客様にのみ適用され、預金額が 10万ドル以上のご預金にのみ適用されます。)
The interest rates quoted do not apply to non-residents of New Zealand for tax purposes. (表に示した金利率は、税金の関係上、ニュージーランドにお住まいでないお客様には 適用されません。) If you are a non-resident HSBC Premier customer please contact your Relationship Manager for the current interest rates applicable to you. (お客様が国外にお住いの HSBC Premier ご加入のお客様でしたら、 Relationship Manager にお問い合わせになり、 お客様個人に適用される現行の金利率をお尋ねください。)
>>757 Fixed Term Deposit Accountを郵送で開きたいのですが詳しく聞いてよろしいですか? I am considering following the procedure for opening a Fixed Term Deposit Account by submitting the documents to you by post. In that connection, could I ask you some questions?
1.満期完了じゃないと出金はできないのか?出金できる場合、手数料がかかるのか? Can I not withdraw money from my account unless it has come to maturity? If I am allowed to make a withdrawal, will that incur a fee or charge?
2.満期完了になると自動的に定期預金を更新するのか? When my account comes to maturity, will my Fixed Term Deposit be automatically renewed?
それとも満期完了のメールで継続更新するかどうかの有無の確認してくれるのか? Or will you send me email to inform me that my account has come to maturity and ask me whether I wish to renew my account?
その場合そのメールの返信ほっといていたら口座が凍結されたりするのか? In that case, if I do not reply to your such email, will my account be frozen?
3.Fixed Term Deposit Accountのオーストラリアドル口座を開きたいのだが 金利はどのくらいでしょうか? I wish to open a Fixed Term Deposit Account denominated in Australian dollars. What will the interest rate be?
>>758 4.郵送で口座を開くのに必要な「身分証明書式」のパスポートやクレジットカードなどは コピーではなく実物を郵送するのか? Your instructions say that you require my passport, credit card, and/or other document for my "Proof of Identity Form," which will be required to open my account by submitting the documents by post. Do I have to send you the original passport or credit card of mine instead of a copy of them?
その場合パスポート、クレジットカード等は貴重品だが責任をもって返送していただけるのか? If I do send you my original passport, credit card, etc., which are valuable items of mine, will you send them back to me on your own responsibility?
5.自分は英会話ができないが英語を文章にしたのであれば意味が通じるのでもし口座を開いた 場合、口座を維持していくのについてのレスポンスは電話ではなくEメールでしていただきたい。 I do not speak English but I can communicate in written English. If I do open an account, could you communicate with me about maintaining my account not one the phone but by email?
6.口座を開いた場合、その口座に入金はどのようにすればいいのか?日本の銀行を通して そちらに作った口座宛に送金すればよろしいのでしょうか? If I do open an account, how do I enter money into my account? Should I remit the money to my account at your bank through a bank in Japan (the country where I live)?
>>768さん ありがとうございます。 この台詞を二回聞いたことがあるのですが、最近聞いた方は 多分 I don't know. 問題の文 Oh my god! だったと思います。 いずれも女性が男性に対して言ってました。 その前に男性が発した言葉は情けない事に何一つ聞き取れませんでした。 Who is gonna see what she does? は ヒヤリングはもちろんのこと文章理解力も低いのでよくわからないのですが 「彼女が何をするか誰がわかるっていうの」みたいな意味でしょうか。 「ワッシー」の部分、仰るとおり発音的には凄く近いと思います。 情報ありがとうございました。m(_ _)m
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Internet communications cannot be guaranteed to be timely, secure, error or virus-free. The sender does not accept liability for any errors or omissions. ******************************************************************* "SAVE PAPER - THINK BEFORE YOU PRINT!"
1ページ目 Listening to Mr. Obama’s speech, you could hear much of the 20th century in between the lines. hearとin between the linesの関係が分かりません。どの様に訳すとよいでしょうか。
2ページ目 Any thorough assessment of the evening should include the realization that much of the program unveiled in the address will get stalled in a Congress that remains sullen, when not outright obstructionist, at every step.
when not outright obstructionistは文法上どのように処理するのでしょうか。when節の主語がわかりません。
>>778 Listening to Mr. Obama’s speech, you could hear much of the 20th century in between the lines. オバマ氏の演説を聞いていると、行間に20世紀の息吹が大いに聞こえてきそうだ。
Any thorough assessment of the evening should include the realization that much of the program unveiled in the address will get stalled in a Congress that remains sullen, when (= ALTHOUGH) [THE CONGRESS IS] not outright obstructionist, at every step. その夕べのイベントの様子を徹底的に評価すれば、必ず、一つ一つの段階で公然と議事進行を 妨害しているわけではないとはいえ発言が途絶えたままになっている議会で、その演説の中で 明らかになったその計画のうちの大部分の進行が止まってしまうのだということがわかるはずだ。
There are, first of all, serious difficulties of perception and information ( in war and politics generally ) , and so controversies arise over "the facts of the case." There are sharp disparities in the weight we attach even to values we share, as there are in the actions we are ready to condone when these values are threatened. There are conflicting commitments and obligations that force us into violent antagonism even when we see the point of one another's positions. All this is real enough, and common enough : it makes morality into a world of good-faith quarrels as well as a world of ideology and verbal manipulation.
>>792 >良心にもとづく口論 戦争によらず話し合いで問題解決する ということ。 quarrel 腹を立てての口げんか。 a world of ideology and verbal manipulation イデオロギーを戦争によらず言葉で論議すること。 かっての米ソが戦争を避けたことが下敷きにあるかも。
good-faithは「信頼、正直、誠実」等の訳語がある 「誠実な口論」ではなんのことかわからない 名詞とそれを形容する形容詞が一見矛盾している OALDでは"the intention to be honest and helpful"とある 誠実に考えていることをぶつけあってそこに緊張した釣り合いがある、そんな口論なのだろう
This quote fits the topic of the practice of war, as it speaks of the differing viewpoints when it comes to the moral justification of war. This statement argues for the necessity of war, as even when groups see the validity of another's actions, they often disagree. This disagreement arises from a necessity to meet their own goals, and there is a certain point after which the actions of another group threaten these goals. Can morality, then, exist in war when countries are so preoccupied with meeting their agenda? Or, as this statement suggest, does anything go when countries antagonize each other? morality in the face of war becomes a mere idea, as countries vie for power and attempt to meet their own needs.
How do you feel about enriching yourself by means of war? It`s perfect time to put your idea into force. As soon as the military attack Syria, oil prices will rise as well as MONARCHY RESOURCES, INC (MON_K) share price! Begin earning money on Sep 09, get MON_K shares.
"Eurobeat Brony is awesome... He’s made some great arrangements and even extended some of the shorter songs into longer melodies. The guy is talented and it’s an honor to have people get inspired enough by the work I do to go put their own stamp on it." - Daniel Ingram, composer for My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
The highly acclaimed "Super Ponybeat" songs by Eurobeat Brony are finally available on Odyssey Music!
[Original compositions by Daniel Ingram Remixes by Odyssey Music]
UPDATE: All songs and the album itself are available as a name-your-price sale, including free. This is because these are remixes to which I do not hold the copyright. Therefore, any purchases made above $0 will be seen as a donation towards myself, with some going towards Bandcamp to continue use of the free-download service.
Then it was that the lust of the chase would suddenly come upon him, and that his brilliant reasoning power would rise to the level of intuition, until those who were unacquainted with his methods would look askance at him as on a man whose knowledge was not that of other mortals.
>>835 Malaysians are concerned english In school english education in priority マレーシア人は学校でまず最初に英語に関わります。 マレーシア人は小学校から英語を教わります。 マレーシア語では大学教育を受けられない事が背景にある。 マレーシアで大学に進むには英語ができないとダメ。
しかし、これでも私は、この言葉の面白みがわかりません。たぶん、ものすごく面白い ジョークなんだろうと思う。なお、ここで Kevin Bacon が大人なのに boy と呼ばれ、 その相手も大人なのに a child と呼ばれているのも、なぜなのかわからない。 だれか、このジョークの意味を教えてください。
ok i see,i can`t wait,for me MGS5 is THE game to have,i have many trailere and i watch them every time,MGS5 is a beast,open world,the helicopter with the music that u can choose,
public facilitiesは何を意味するんだろ。 There is no more reason to pay for private education than there is to pay for a private swimming pool for those who do not use public facilities. この文ではprivate 下記の訳はほぼ間違ってない。 public facilities を使わない人達にとっては private educationに金を払う理由が無いのはないのは private swimming poolに金を払う理由が無いのとないのと同じだ。
やっとわかった気がする。私立学校に補助金を出すな。と言ってるんだ。 There is no more reason to pay for private education私立の学校 than there is to pay for a private swimming pool私設プール for those who do not use public facilities. 公立学校や公設のプール。 公立学校とか公設プールに行かない人(お金持ち)のために (お金持ちが行く)私立の学校に補助金を出す理由が無いのは (お金持ちの)個人用のプールに補助金を出す理由がないのと同じだ。
do not には不可能を表す訳し方「できない」がある 例はたくさん有りすぎる I don't speak Chines. 「私は中国語が話せません.」
形容詞的用法のto不定詞も訳に可能性を盛り込める場合がある We were looking for a space to dance. 「われわれは"踊れる"場所を探していた.」 This is almost the last chance for him to win the race. 「これは彼がレースで"勝てる"ほぼ最後のチャンスだ.」 そこで reason to pay for 「〜を払える訳(わけ)」 としてみたり その結果の1例が>>874
do not は「できない」ではなく「しない」だ I don't speak Chinese.は私は中国語は話さない I can't speak Chinese.私は中国語を話せない 厳密には違う しかし「don't」でも話せないという意味にもなる なぜならば「話す」は能力だからだ 能力である「話す」をしないは「できない」という意味にもなりうる それに対して 「those who do not use public facilities.」の場合は 「利用する」は能力ではないので 「公共施設を利用しない人」であって「利用できない人」という意味はあり得ない
>>888をもうすこし説明 There is no more reason to pay for private education than there is to pay for a private swimming pool for those who do not use public facilities.
The massive growth in world population and change in lifestyles brought about by economic growth and technology in the past century, whether in developed or developing states, have greatly increased demands on these resources, and led to acceleration degradation and loss of nature, natural resources, and biodiversity.
Unlike such non-reusable resources as minerals biological diversity cannot be substituted for by human innovation; it is "valuable for its naturalness.
The data, showing a 4% contraction of GDP on a quarterly basis, and a 15.2% annualいsed slump, reflect a continuation of Japan's worst economic performance since the second world war.
The collapse of exports was the economy's Achilles heel in the fourth quarter, and exports continued to slide, down 25% in the first quarter compared with the previous three months.
The trouble is, if the world economy does not rebound strongly it is hard to see where the final demand will come from to stimulate production, exports and investment on a more sustainable basis. Moreover, wholesale prices fell 3.8% in April from a year earlier, their fastest decline in almost 22 years.
The risk of deflation is exacerbated by rising unemployment and falling incomes because of less overtime and a huge cut in summer bonuses.
Unlike such non-reusable resources as minerals 鉱物のような再生不能資源 biological diversity生物多様性 cannot be substituted for by human innovation 人の技術では置きかえする事が出来ない ; it is "valuable for its naturalness. 鉱物のような再生不能資源とは違って生物多様性は人の技術革新では 置きかえする物がありません。 自然であるがままで価値があるのです。
(1) Direct Brain-to-Brain Communication in Humans: 人間における頭脳間の直接的な意思疎通
A Pilot Study 予備実験 August 12, 2013
Neutral Systems Laboratory (NSL) 神経系研究所 Department of Computer Science and Engineering コンピュータ科学工学部
Cognition & Cortical Dynamics Laboratory (CCDL) 認知・皮質力学研究所 Institute for Learning and Brain Sciences (ILABS) 学習・頭脳科学研究所
University of Washington, Seattle, USA 米国シアトル、ワシントン大学 (c) 2013 R.P.N. Rao and A. Stocco
(2) Schematic Diagram of the Experiment 実験の系統図 青文字:EEG Recording of Brain Activity 脳活動のEEG記録 赤文字:Brain 1 ("Sender") 頭脳1(「送信者」) 緑:(sees target, decides to fire cannon) (目標物を見て、発砲の是非を決める) 青文字:Hand motor imagery detected 手の運動神経(運動筋肉)のイメージを検知 青文字:Internet インターネット 青文字:Brain Stimulation using TMS TMSによる頭脳刺激 赤文字:Brain 2 ("Receiver") 頭脳2(「受信者」) 緑:(stimulation moves the hand to press the key) (刺激を受けて、手が動いてキーを押す)
>>919 (3) Goal of the Game (ゲームの目的) Fire Cannon at Rockets from Pirate Ship (left panel) but not Supply Planes (right panel) 海賊船からロケットに向けて発砲(左パネル)が、航空機は飛ばさない(右パネル)。
"Sender": Watches game and decides whether to fire cannon using motor imagery of right hand 「受信者」:ゲームの様子を見て、右手の運動神経(運動筋肉)のイメージを使って 発砲するかどうかを決める。
"Receiver": Has right hand over "fire" key and hits key if stimulated 「受信者」:右手を「発砲」キーの上におき、刺激を受けたらキーを押す。
(4) EEG Recording of Brain Activity from Subject 1 (the "Sender") & Decoding of Hand Motor Imagery 被験者1(「送信者」)から受けた脳活動のEEG記録と手の運動神経(運動筋肉)のイメージの復号(デコード)
Location: 実験場所 Neural Systems Laboratory 神経系研究所 Computer Science and Engineering Building コンピュータ科学工学棟 University of Washington ワシントン大学
>>919 (6) Brain Stimulation using TMS of Motor Cortex Region in Subject 2 (the "Receiver") & Completion of Desired Action 被験者2(「受信者」)における運動神経(運動筋肉)皮質領域のTMSによる頭脳刺激と、必要な活動の完了
Location: 実験場所 Cognition and Cortical Dynamics Laboratory 認知・皮質力学研究所 I-LABS Building I-LABS棟 University of Washington ワシントン大学
男性の喜ぶ声: Yeah, all right! (おお、やったあ)
(7) Researchers 研究者の面々
Faculty 教官氏名 Rajesh P.N. Rao Andrea Stocco Chantel Prat
Students 学生氏名 Devapratim Sarma Matthew Bryan Alex Dadgar Bryan Djunaedi Joseph Wu
University of Washington, Seattle, USA 米国シアトル、ワシントン大学 (おわり)
We don't have an internal value meter that tells us how much thins are worth. Rather, we focus on the relative advantage of one thing over another, and estimate value accordingly.
We don't even know what we want to do with our lives---until we find a relative or a friend who is doing just what we think we should be doing.
If I see a lone one in my house, I'll take the time to relocate him outside unharmed.
Fly spray is not a particularly satisfying weapon to use.
By the end of your world tour, the notion that the West might come to dominate the Rest for most of the next five hundred years would have come to seem wildly fanciful.
Stress is part of life but we don't need to compound our problems by putting ourselves down and thinking irrational thoughts such as "nobody gets stressed out like I do."
Positive confrontation is a good coping skill when faced with stress. Throwing ourselves in at the deep end until we master it is one way to desensitize ourselves to the people, places and work we find stressful.
Railway compartment conversations of this kind ― and they do happen, although not of course as often as the popular myth supposes ― are a good example of the sort of important social function that is often fulfilled by language.
Why I started to draw? let me think... I could not walk or talk. my mother said that I already as a child always wanted to take the federal pens in my hand. that's creepy right? Like a beak. I've expressed my feelings through my pictures. I love it really much.
I had when I was little no friends because I was so different from all the other kids at my age.
I was really mature for my age and saw thin gs differently and because I am a turkish wo man but still I'm pretty white and have blue eye. because of my appearance. I was very often excluded. My pictures were my best fri ends.
That's pretty sad right? I don't like to talk ab out it. it was really hard to not cry and stand strong. but I didn't give up and yet I have ver y good friends and really cute penpal too. so i am not alone anymore! thanks for that.
Ready for Grand Theft Auto Online, the ambitious multiplayer angle your copy of Grand Theft Auto V's been teasing with a “This area will be unlocked once GTA Online has launched” placeholder since the game debuted a few weeks ago? No? You're still punching through the solo experience? お願いします
Ready for "Grand Theft Auto Online"と"the ambitious multiplayer angle"は形の上では同格。意味は「GTAOと、その意欲的なマルチプレイヤーアングルに、心の準備はできているか?」
your copy of Grand Theft Auto V‘s been teasing with a “This area will be unlocked once GTA Online has launched” placeholder since the game debuted a few weeks ago? 長い関係代名詞節。"the multiplayer angle"を修飾する 「キミの持っているGTAVの中で、『このエリアはGTAオンラインの開始後に使用可能になります』という予告だけで、ゲームの発売以来数週間やるやる詐欺をしてきた」マルチプレイヤーアングル
No? You’re still punching through the solo experience? 準備ができていないって?まだ一人でシコシコ頑張り続けるつもりかい?
We are in discussion with our workshop in Northampton to see if we can use the specialist courier they use to ship to Japan (Ceva International), to send your package/s. &#160;We will be in touch soon. (ceva international)は国際運輸会社だと思います。 関連としましては、郵便系と理解して頂きたく、翻訳出来ず困っています。
We have a corporate account with UPS but our workshop have confirme Therefore we are looking to arrange your shipment by Ceva. I will be in touch when I have all of the details.
We have a corporate account with UPS but our workshop have confirmed that they do not use UPS to export crocodile to Japan, they use Ceva. Therefore we are looking to arrange your shipment by Ceva. I will be in touch when I have all of the details.
In those days the so-called beat music, typical of Black music, was flourishing. in Liverpool, England, lots of bands called 'Beat so-and-so' were very active. One day one of the members of this group got a reverse idea, and thought of the word 'Beatless.' Then he tried removing 's' from the word, so that it would look like the plural from of something. That's how the name of the Beatles' was born. If this story is true, it's a very simple idea, isn't it?
B:By the year 2200, the earth's water was completely polluted. People could no longer drink water, and hat to use other types of liquids. this forced a change, but it was not enough. Scientists warned that in the future there might be too many people on the earth. But not enough was done. A:Oh, poor people! What happened to them then?
B:So, by the year 2300, there were so many people that they didn't have enough food. There was no water to grow food and all of the fish in the lakes and oceans died because of pollution. Terrible wars broke out everywhere. People started to think about finding another place to live. Scientists worked very hard to find another planet in space where humans could live.
By the year 2400, the air was too polluted for humans to breathe. So they had to leave the earth, but only a small number of them were able to leave. Where did they go? Nowhere. You see, scientists haven't found another safe planet yet. A:So they're traveling around in their space ships, and are still looking for a place to call their home. Right?
Edge Cities represent the third wave of our lives pushing into new frontiers in this half century. First, we moved our homes out past the traditional idea of what constituted a city. This was the suburbanization of America, especially after World War U.
その前の文で They are a vigorous world of pioneers and immigrants, rising far form the old downtowns, where little save villages or farmland lay only thirty years before. という文があって