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"Understanding and Using English Grammar with Audio CD"
'Fury said to a mouse, That he met in the house, "Let us both go to law: I will prosecute YOU.?Come, I'll take no denial; We must have a trial: For really this morning I've nothing to do." Said the mouse to the cur, "Such a trial, dear Sir, With no jury or judge, would be wasting our breath." "I'll be judge, I'll be jury,"
i'm a 27 year old guy and i've never had sex, i may not be able to act confidently around the ladies but i know a good song when i hear one P.S. please helm me? i'm going to war tomorrow, ya black ops company, were elite
please helm me? : "helm"じゃ意味不明ですから、helpで、Plese, will you help me?でしょ。 I'm going to war tomorrow, : 明日、戦争に行く ya : yeah, yes でしょう。 black ops company : CIAのブラック・オペレーション(秘密作戦) で使われる会社でしょ。 elite : エリート、精鋭
i may not be able to act confidently around the ladies : 女性たちと自信持ってうまく接することができないかも but i know a good song : でも、いい歌を知ってるし、 when i hear one. : (I may be able to act confidently) when I hear one. それを聞けば... (うまくできるかも)
You, the Japanese Language learners, have given me tips a lot, or my teachers are you. So in turn I give you a reward, or this is my pleasure that I can guide you this time. Syuntaro Tanikawa (谷川俊太郎) is one of my favorite poet. When I was young I was found of reading poetry. I was very keen on Mitsuharu Kaneko (金子光晴). I had his complete works. (I also had Tanikawa-san's Complete Poems of Syuntaro Tanikawa vol1 and vol2.) You can check out many poetry works from your local library. I love poems with clarity. Strong poets after ww2, who I love, a list of them follows:
Their works are strong and clear. But, of course, some of their works are hard to understand. But their abstract poems rate is 3 of 100 or less, I suppose.
Call me Ishmael. Some years ago—never mind how long precisely—having little or no money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me on shore, I thought I would sail about a little and see the watery part of the world.
It is a way I have of driving off the spleen and regulating the circulation. Whenever I find myself growing grim about the mouth; whenever it is a damp, drizzly November in my soul ; whenever I find myself involuntarily pausing before coffin warehouses, and bringing up the rear of every funeral I meet;
It is a way I have of driving off the spleen and regulating the circulation. Whenever I find myself growing grim about the mouth; whenever it is a damp, drizzly November in my soul ; whenever I find myself involuntarily pausing before coffin warehouses, and bringing up the rear of every funeral I meet;
Call me Ishmael. Some years ago?never mind how long precisely?having little or no money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me on shore, I thought I would sail about a little and see the watery part of the world. It is a way I have of driving off the spleen and regulating the circulation. Whenever I find myself growing grim about the mouth; whenever it is a damp, drizzly November in my soul ; whenever I find myself involuntarily pausing before coffin warehouses, and bringing up the rear of every funeral I meet;
>>268 Moby-Dick, also known as The Whale, is a novel first published in 1851 by American author Herman Melville. Moby-Dick is widely considered to be a Great American Novel and a treasure of world literature.
The story tells the adventures of the wandering sailor Ishmael, and his voyage on the whaleship Pequod, commanded by Captain Ahab. Ishmael soon learns that Ahab seeks one specific whale, Moby Dick, a ferocious, enigmatic white sperm whale.
In a previous encounter, the whale destroyed Ahab's boat and bit off his leg. Ahab intends to take revenge.
In Moby-Dick, Melville employs stylized language, symbolism, and metaphor to explore numerous complex themes.
Through the main character's journey, the concepts of class and social status, good and evil, and the existence of gods are all examined as Ishmael speculates upon his personal beliefs and his place in the universe.
小生は英語でIPネットワーク関連の技術書を主に読んでいるけど、 2.1 Specification of the New Technique 以外の部分は読めたけど 現在の英語力では2.1 Specification of the New Techniqueを読むのは キツイ。明日また再チャレンジしてみるけど。
>>335>>341 Moby-Dick, also known as The Whale, is a novel first published in 1851 by American author Herman Melville. Moby-Dick is widely considered to be a Great American Novel and a treasure of world literature.
The story tells the adventures of the wandering sailor Ishmael, and his voyage on the whaleship Pequod, commanded by Captain Ahab. Ishmael soon learns that Ahab seeks one specific whale, Moby Dick, a ferocious, enigmatic white sperm whale.
In a previous encounter, the whale destroyed Ahab's boat and bit off his leg. Ahab intends to take revenge.
In Moby-Dick, Melville employs stylized language, symbolism, and metaphor to explore numerous complex themes.
Through the main character's journey, the concepts of class and social status, good and evil, and the existence of gods are all examined as Ishmael speculates upon his personal beliefs and his place in the universe.
デビットか。I see, I see. Just a little bit I had confusion when I wrote it, or evil spirit took over me as if it always did on Rabbit and Piglet. That miss I did never shows my limit.
紀伊国屋 文左衛門 (紀伊國屋 文左衛門 きのくにや ぶんざえもん Bunzaemon Kinokuniya) was a famous wealthy merchant in the Edo Era. His abbreviated name was 紀文 (Kibun). 紀文 has been respected by merchants. 紀文 built his initial capital by 蜜柑 (Mikan) shipping. He did Mikan arbitrage. He carried Mikan from 紀州(Kisyu; Wakayama Prefecture) to Edo (Tokyo) on stormy sea lane. Legend says he and his shipmates put on burial outfits at the sail.
Japanese free audio bible must be available. I've never appreciated Paper Moon movie. I've never read The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. But I know old rule denied to sell the Bible; the Bible was a present to show your love or a large something as a reward. The current Japanese Bible mainline was translated hand-in-hand with the Roman Catholic believers and the Protestant believers. They have been shared the Holy Scripture in Japanese. The translators must treat it as works in public domain so that believer groups could build the MP3 files.
Darwin's Dangerous Idea (D.Dennett) って語彙がシンドいね。 例えば、1章の一例を
From the moment of the publication of Origin of Species in 1859, Charles Darwin's fundamental idea has inspired intense reactions ranging from ferocious condemnation to ecstatic allegiance, sometimes tantamount to religious zeal.
Japanese free audio bible must be available. I've never appreciated Paper Moon movie. I've never read The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. But I know old rule denied to sell the Bible; the Bible was a present to show your love or a large something as a reward. The current Japanese Bible mainline was translated hand-in-hand with the Roman Catholic believers and the Protestant believers. They have been shared for time, far beyond 4 times, the Holy Scripture in Japanese. The translators must treat it as works in public domain so that believer groups could build the MP3 files. Your missions must begin. (`・ω・´)
a large something as a reward は、もしかしたら 英文法的には間違っているのかもしれないけど、 これはこれで通じる英語です。イギリス人なら あぁあれかとわかるのです。Winnie-the-Poohの Owlはa large somethingと言っています。英語圏では 有名なフレーズだとオモワレ。
>with をbyに。
Far beyond 4 times is nonsense insertion based on A.A.Milne style in Winnie-the-Pooh. Feel it, don't think it!
That's Bobby Dick. That's a story of Robert Smith who hail from South Dakota. He has the third largest dick throughout all state of South Dakota. He went to the Silicon Valley for a job but failed. Refused him turned out a love hunter, or a gigolo. This book captivate you. His clients, the clerk, the typist, secretaries, web designers, programmers, vice presidents, and the president, have their own sadness. Although they are simple mold characters, enough to know wombs, no, women. His long internal monologue when he gave a big lick to the typist the last time, his true love, is too hard because he has known by her doctor that she dies of leukemia soon that day; He squeezes his prick weeping.
That's Bobby Dick. That's a story of Robert Smith who hail from South Dakota. He has the third largest dick throughout all state of South Dakota. He went to the Silicon Valley for a job but failed. Refused him turned out a love hunter, or a gigolo. This book captivate you. His clients, the clerk, the typist, secretaries, web designers, programmers, vice presidents, and the president, have their own sadness. Although they are simple mold characters, enough to know wombs, no, women. His long internal monologue when he gave a big lick to the typist the last time, his true love, is too hard because he had been known by her doctor that she dies of leukemia soon that day; He squeezes his prick weeping.
Until 2006, the Centurion Card was only available by "invitation." But now, you can simply call the American Express Platinum customer service number (1-800-263-1616) and ask for an application.5
The iTunes Store, iBookstore, and App Store are available only to matured persons, those who are of age 13 or older and in the U.S. (洋書を読んでいいのは成熟した大人だけであり、13歳未満や黄色人種は対象外です)
That's Bobby Dick. That's a story of Robert Smith who hail from South Dakota. He has the third largest dick throughout all state of South Dakota. He went to the Silicon Valley for a job but failed. Refused him turned to a love hunter, or a gigolo. This book captivate you. His clients, the clerk, the typist, secretaries, web designers, programmers, vice presidents, and the president, have their own sadness. Although they are simple mold characters, enough to know wombs, no, women. His long internal monologue when he gave a large lick to the typist, his true love, as if there had been not any more last time, is too hard to read because he had been told by her clinic doctor that day that she was sick. She dies of leukemia soon. When he squeezes his prick weeping, your misty eyes lose lines and letters....
The American Pagaent by Thomas A. Bailey A people’s history of the United States by Howard Zinn((p) <-このサイトで読めます) Out of Our Past by Carl N. Degler American Political Tradition Fouding Brothers
These Arawaks of the Bahama Islands were much like Indians on the mainland, who were remarkable (European observers were to say again and again) for their hospitality, their belief in sharing.
The harpoon was darted; the stricken whale flew forward; with igniting velocity the line ran through the grooves;—ran foul. Ahab stooped to clear it; he did clear it
; but the flying turn caught him round the neck, and voicelessly as Turkish mutes bowstring their victim, he was shot out of the boat, ere the crew knew he was gone.
Next instant, the heavy eye-splice in the rope's final end flew out of the stark-empty tub, knocked down an oarsman, and smiting the sea, disappeared in its depths.
For an instant, the tranced boat's crew stood still; then turned. "The ship? Great God, where is the ship?" Soon they through dim, bewildering mediums saw her sidelong fading phantom,
as in the gaseous Fata Morgana; only the uppermost masts out of water; while fixed by infatuation, or fidelity, or fate, to their once lofty perches, the pagan harpooneers still maintained their sinking lookouts on the sea.
And now, concentric circles seized the lone boat itself, and all its crew, and each floating oar, and every lance-pole, and spinning, animate and inanimate, all round and round in one vortex, carried the smallest chip of the Pequod out of sight.
But as the last whelmings intermixingly poured themselves over the sunken head of the Indian at the mainmast, leaving a few inches of the erect spar yet visible, together with long streaming yards of the flag, which calmly undulated,
with ironical coincidings, over the destroying billows they almost touched;—at that instant, a red arm and a hammer hovered backwardly uplifted in the open air, in the act of nailing the flag faster and yet faster to the subsiding spar.
A sky-hawk that tauntingly had followed the main-truck downwards from its natural home among the stars, pecking at the flag, and incommoding Tashtego there;
this bird now chanced to intercept its broad fluttering wing between the hammer and the wood; and simultaneously feeling that etherial thrill, the submerged savage beneath,
in his death-gasp, kept his hammer frozen there; and so the bird of heaven, with archangelic shrieks, and his imperial beak thrust upwards, and his whole captive form folded in the flag of Ahab,
went down with his ship, which, like Satan, would not sink to hell till she had dragged a living part of heaven along with her, and helmeted herself with it.
Now small fowls flew screaming over the yet yawning gulf; a sullen white surf beat against its steep sides; then all collapsed, and the great shroud of the sea rolled on as it rolled five thousand years ago.
>572 名前: 名無しさん@英語勉強中 [sage] 投稿日: 2010/12/14(火) 04:53:53 >Next instant, the heavy eye-splice in the rope's final end flew out of the stark-empty >tub, knocked down an oarsman, and smiting the sea, disappeared in its depths.
>>658 They are far more handsome than me. When I was young, they said I looked like Charlie Sheen. But that is far from the truth.
>>655-656 小職 is a humble word that is used as first-person singular pronoun of a public officer. To say the truth, business persons cannot use 小職. 小生 has been used by 書生 and 文士 humbly. 小生 has a image of poor man with pen, ink, and papers.
Don't you know, in numbers, a pen is fewer than a pair of chopsticks. Therefore most of 書生 and 文士 are poor. So 小生 also has poor images. 小生 means simple man.
×: >>655-656 小職 is a humble word that is used as first-person singular pronoun of a public officer. To say the truth, business persons cannot use 小職. 小生 has been used by 書生 and 文士 humbly. 小生 has a image of poor man with pen, ink, and papers.
○: >>655-656 小職 is a humble word that is used as first-person singular pronoun of a public officer. To say the truth, business persons cannot use 小職. 小生 has been used by 書生 and 文士 humbly. 小生 has a image of poor man with pens, ink, and papers.
>>573 For an instant, the tranced boat's crew stood still; then turned. "The ship? Great God, where is the ship?" Soon they through dim, bewildering mediums saw her sidelong fading phantom, >>574 as in the gaseous Fata Morgana; only the uppermost masts out of water; while fixed by infatuation, or fidelity, or fate, to their once lofty perches, the pagan harpooneers still maintained their sinking lookouts on the sea.
For an instant, the tranced boat's crew stood still; then turned. "The ship? Great God, where is the ship?" Soon they through dim, bewildering mediums saw her sidelong fading phantom, as in the gaseous Fata Morgana; only the uppermost masts out of water; while fixed by infatuation, or fidelity, or fate, to their once lofty perches, the pagan harpooneers still maintained their sinking lookouts on the sea.
For an instant, the tranced boat's crew stood still; then turned. "The ship? Great God, where is the ship?" Soon they through dim, bewildering mediums saw her sidelong fading phantom, as in the gaseous Fata Morgana; only the uppermost masts out of water; while fixed by infatuation, or fidelity, or fate, to their once lofty perches, the pagan harpooneers still maintained their sinking lookouts on the sea.
瞬時 and 束の間 have the nearly same meaning; they point a dot on flowing time. In the context of >573, 'For an instant' means for a short period of passing time. So I used 暫し. 暫し is a literary form of しばらくの間, しばらく, 少しの間, and so on.
It's past our bed time. Off to your bed with you now. Good night, love. 寝るぜ。
through dim, bewildering mediums saw her sidelong fading phantom, as in the gaseous Fata Morgana これは蜃気楼の中にいるのでぼやけた精神的な混乱を引き起こす大気を通して 見たということ。 mediumsは大気で残骸じゃない。
For an instant, the tranced boat's crew stood still; then turned. "The ship? Great God, where is the ship?" Soon they through dim, bewildering mediums saw her sidelong fading phantom, as in the gaseous Fata Morgana; only the uppermost masts out of water; while fixed by infatuation, or fidelity, or fate, to their once lofty perches, the pagan harpooneers still maintained their sinking lookouts on the sea.
For an instant, the tranced boat's crew stood still; then turned. "The ship? Great God, where is the ship?" Soon they through dim, bewildering mediums saw her sidelong fading phantom, as in the gaseous Fata Morgana; only the uppermost masts out of water; while fixed by infatuation, or fidelity, or fate, to their once lofty perches, the pagan harpooneers still maintained their sinking lookouts on the sea.
For an instant, the tranced boat's crew stood still; then turned. "The ship? Great God, where is the ship?" Soon they through dim, bewildering mediums saw her sidelong fading phantom, as in the gaseous Fata Morgana; only the uppermost masts out of water; while fixed by infatuation, or fidelity, or fate, to their once lofty perches, the pagan harpooneers still maintained their sinking lookouts on the sea. Marley was dead, to begin with. There is no doubt whatever about that. The register of his burial was signed by the clergyman, the clerk, the undertaker, and the chief mourner. Scrooge signed it. And Scrooge's name was good upon 'Change for anything he chose to put his hand to. Old Marley was as dead as a door-nail.
On an exceptionally hot evening early in July a young man came out of the garret in which he lodged in S. Place and walked slowly, as though in hesitation, towards K. bridge.
He had successfully avoided meeting his landlady on the staircase. His garret was under the roof of a high, five-storied house and was more like a cupboard than a room. The landlady who provided him with garret, dinners, and attendance, lived on the floor below, and every time he went out he was obliged to pass her kitchen, the door of which invariably stood open.
And each time he passed, the young man had a sick, frightened feeling, which made him scowl and feel ashamed. He was hopelessly in debt to his landlady, and was afraid of meeting her.
This was not because he was cowardly and abject, quite the contrary; but for some time past he had been in an overstrained irritable condition, verging on hypochondria. He had become so completely absorbed in himself, and isolated from his fellows that he dreaded meeting, not only his landlady, but anyone at all.
He was crushed by poverty, but the anxieties of his position had of late ceased to weigh upon him. He had given up attending to matters of practical importance; he had lost all desire to do so. Nothing that any landlady could do had a real terror for him. But to be stopped on the stairs, to be forced to listen to her trivial, irrelevant gossip, to pestering demands for payment, threats and complaints, and to rack his brains for excuses, to prevaricate, to lie- no, rather than that, he would creep down the stairs like a cat and slip out unseen.
This evening, however, on coming out into the street, he became acutely aware of his fears. "I want to attempt a thing like that and am frightened by these trifles," he thought, with an odd smile. "Hm... yes, all is in a man's hands and he lets it all slip from cowardice, that's an axiom. It would be interesting to know what it is men are most afraid of. Taking a new step, uttering a new word is what they fear most.... But I am talking too much. It's because I chatter that I do nothing. Or perhaps it is that I chatter because I do nothing. I've learned to chatter this last month, lying for days together in my den thinking... of Jack the Giant-killer. Why am I going there now? Am I capable of that? Is that serious? It is not serious at all. It's simply a fantasy to amuse myself; a plaything! Yes, maybe it is a plaything."
The heat in the street was terrible: and the airlessness, the bustle and the plaster, scaffolding, bricks, and dust all about him, and that special Petersburg stench, so familiar to all who are unable to get out of town in summer- all worked painfully upon the young man's already overwrought nerves. The insufferable stench from the pot-houses, which are particularly numerous in that part of the town, and the drunken men whom he met continually, although it was a working day, completed the revolting misery of the picture. An expression of the profoundest disgust gleamed for a moment in the young man's refined face. He was, by the way, exceptionally handsome, above the average in height, slim, well-built, with beautiful dark eyes and dark brown hair. Soon he sank into deep thought, or more accurately speaking into a complete blankness of mind; he walked along not observing what was about him and not caring to observe it. From time to time, he would mutter something, from the habit of talking to himself, to which he had just confessed. At these moments he would become conscious that his ideas were sometimes in a tangle and that he was very weak; for two days he had scarcely tasted food.
Delivery estimate: December 24, 2010 Shipping estimate for these items: December 2, 2010 "Understanding and Using English Grammar with Audio CD" やっと今日届いた。
Simple Present It snows in Alaska. Tom watches TV every day.
In general, the simple present expresses events or situations that exsits always, usually, habitually; they exsists now,have existed in the past, and probably will exsist in the future.
Simple present is a cheap and simple present you provide your lovers with. They occasionally hurts your pride and reputation as they are so miserable. If you have some prestige of your society, you may better preare some nice present for your neigbors.
Simple present is a terminology of English grammar which does nothing to do with "present" though it claims "present". Simple present actually use in the area where you describe the situation in past, present, or future. Don't you ask me why it is called "present." it's just one of the jargon oh grammar. That's all. Yellow monkeys at Far East may feel impressed by this usage, though.
Understanding and Using English Grammar (with Answer Key and Audio CDs) (4th Edition) [Paperback] Betty Schrampfer Azar Betty Schrampfer Azar (Author) › Visit Amazon's Betty Schrampfer Azar Page Find all the books, read about the author, and more. See search results for this author Are you an author? Learn about Author Central (Author), Stacy A. Hagen (Author) 4.4 out of 5 stars See all reviews (54 customer reviews) 54 Reviews 5 star: (33) 4 star: (15) 3 star: (2) 2 star: (1) 1 star: (3)
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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- List Price: $53.67 Price: $45.53
Kindle Top Seller 1. The Adventures of Sherlock Homes 2. Pride and Prejudice 3. Alice's in Wonderland 4. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo 5. Sudoku 6. The Confession: A Novel 7. Unbroken 8. Stupid American History: Tales of Stupidity, Strangeness and ・・・ 9. Gulliver's Travels 10. Treasure Island 11. The Year She Fell 12. Dracula 13. Decion Points 14. The Holy Bible English Standard Version 15. A Chrismas Carol あと古典は 19. Litttle Woman 23. A Tale of Two Cities 37. The Prince(Machiavelli) 41. Ethics(Aristole)
When we started for our drive the sun was shining brightly on Munich, and the air was full of the joyousness of early summer. Just as we were about to depart, Herr Delbrück (the maître d'hôtel of the Quatre Saisons, where I was staying) came down, bareheaded, to the carriage and, after wishing me a pleasant drive, said to the coachman, still holding his hand on the handle of the carriage door:
'Remember you are back by nightfall. The sky looks bright but there is a shiver in the north wind that says there may be a sudden storm. But I am sure you will not be late.' Here he smiled, and added, 'for you know what night it is.'
Dracula [Kindle Edition] Bram Stoker Bram Stoker (Author) › Visit Amazon's Bram Stoker Page Find all the books, read about the author, and more. See search results for this author Are you an author? Learn about Author Central (Author) 4.3 out of 5 stars See all reviews (126 customer reviews) 126 Reviews 5 star: (74) 4 star: (32) 3 star: (11) 2 star: (2) 1 star: (7)
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>>963 David Bach has coached millions to pay off their debt and now he can guide you. Whether you have home loans, student loans, car loans, credit card debt—paying down your debt is truly a game you can win,
if you know the rules. Debt Free For Life will teach you the rules and give you the tools to buy back your freedom.
The sperm whale, Physeter macrocephalus, is a marine mammal species, order Cetacea, a toothed whale (odontocete) having the largest brain of any animal. The name comes from the milky-white waxy substance, spermaceti, found in the animal's head.
The sperm whale is the only living member of genus Physeter. The synonym Physeter catodon refers to the same species. It is one of three extant species in the sperm whale superfamily, along with the pygmy sperm whale and dwarf sperm whale.
A bull can grow to 20.5 metres (67 ft) long. It is the largest living toothed animal.
Groupon Fails To Bring Happiness To Japanese New Year Holidays Posted on January 2nd, 2011 by Masaru IKEDA
In Japanese new year’s holidays, we enjoy having osechi-ryori or specially-prepared dishes to be eaten during the first three days of January. Most dishes are cooked to be preserved for several days to a few weeks so housewives need not cook during the period. The dishes have been traditionally cooked at home, but nowadays people purchase finished products of them at department stores or by placing online delivery orders to popular Japanese restaurants.