いきなりの長文すみません・・・。よろしくお願いします。 Speech Act Analysis In speech act analysis, we study the effect of utterances on the behaviour of speaker and hearer, using a threefold distinction. First ,we recognize the bare fact that a communicative act takes place: the locutionary act. Secondly, we look at the act that is performed as a result of the speaker making an utterance- the cases where ’saying=doing’, such as betting, promising, welcoming, and warning: these, known as illocutionary acts, are the core of any theory of speech acts. Thirdly, we look at the particular effect the speaker’s utterance has on the listener, who may feel amused, persuaded, warned, ect., as a consequence: the bringing about of such effects is known as a perlocutionary act. It is important to appreciate that the illocutionary force of an utterance and its perlocutionary effect may not coincide. If I warn you against a particular course of action, you may or may not heed my warning. There are thousands of possible illocutionary acts, and several attempts have been made to classify them into a small number of types. Such classifications are difficult, because verb meanings are often not easy to distinguish, and speaker’s intentions are not always clear. One influential approach sets up five basic types (after J.R.Serle,1976)
‘Ah,but that only because you has seen me!'cried the BFG. ‘I cannot possibily allow anyone,even little girls,to be seeing me and staying at home. The first thing you would be doing,you would be scuddling around yodelling the news that you were actually seeing a giant,and then a great giant-hunt,a mighty giant look-see, would be starting up all over the world,with the human beans all rummaging for the great giant you saw and getting wildly excited.
That last one could not have a more appropriate name. The price discrepancies that Mr. Buckingham is highlighting occur in part because the companies are too small for many portfolio managers to bother with. Peerless and Ditech each have a market capitalization of less than $50 million. That makes them microcaps, if not nanocaps. Tellabs is the group’s big gorilla, and it is barely worth $2 billion, just about the value of the other dozen companies combined. Another reason for the public’s lack of respect for some of these companies is that their cash hoard is big but shrinking because their businesses are unprofitable. Even if they do make money, doubts may exist about how long that will last. TECH enterprises this small often depend on contracts with one or two companies for most of their revenue. The loss of a big contract, or even the hint of one, can send a stock tumbling. Mr. Buckingham mentioned one erstwhile balance-sheet bargain, Aether Holdings, to illustrate just how fast a company can run through a big pile of cash. He bought Aether over the course of a couple of years earlier in the decade at prices of $3 to $10, roughly the amount of cash it possessed at each time. Aether used the money to make acquisitions in such diverse businesses as clothing, pretzels and athlete’s foot treatment. They didn’t pan out, and the stock of NexCen Brands, as it is now known, trades for 37 cents a share. “Management can blow all that cash,” Mr. Buckingham said. “There’s no guarantee they’re going to spend it wisely or give it back to you.” But he has had enough success with firms that have far more money than popularity to be confident that Aether/NexCen will turn out to be a rare exception. “These are the kinds of companies that can deliver excellent returns,” he said, “provided you’re patient and provided you diversify.” 記事で長いですがお願いします。
Although purchase on credit from country stores was common in the nineteenth century, buying on installment was uncommon until the early twentieth century. Thanks to the research of Martha Olney,an interesting racial profile has emerged on the use of store credit and installment payment for the purchase of goods.
So sorry that I have been MIA (missing in action) for a while, I went for a short trip with friends to Indonesia and was busy with my work that I have no time to check my e-mails too. When and will you be going alone to Vancouver? I do not think that I can join you anymore, sorry to have made you waited!
Every stage of life corresponds to a certain philosophy. A child appears as a realist; for it is as certain of the existence of pears and apples as it is of its own being. A young man, caught up in the storm of his inner passions, has to pay attention to himself, look and feel ahead; he is transformed into an idealist. A grown man, on the other hand, has every reason to be a sceptic; he is well advised to doubt whether the means he has chosen to achieve his purpose can really be right. Before action and in the course of action he has every reason to keep his mind flexible so that he will not have to grieve later on about a wrong choice. An old man, however, will always avow mysticism. He sees that so much seems to depend on chance: unreason succeeds, reason fails, fortune and misfortune unexpectedly come to the same thing in the end; this is how things are, how they were, and old age comes to rest in him who is, who was and ever will be.
At present, in most civilized countries, freedom of speech is taken as a matter of course. We are so accustomed to it that we look on it as a natural right. But this right has been acquired only in quite recent times. It has taken centuries to persuade the most enlightened peoples that liberty to publish one is opinions and to discuss all questions is a good and not a bad thing..
Kewl . Thanks . I've never actually heard of him until you mentioned him . I must agree he's a relly good metal guitarist. So how have you been Tom? If I don't get to talk to you enjoy the hollidays and keep rockin! Peace.
>>12 現在では、ほとんどの文明国では、言論の自由はあたりまえのことと見なされています。 わたしたちは、あまりにもそれに慣れているので、そのことを自然な権利として見ています。 しかし、この権利はごく最近になってはじめて獲得された権利なのです。 もっとも見識ある人々が、{publish one is opinions}する自由、 そして、あらゆる問題について議論する自由は、悪いことではなく 良いことなのだと納得するのに、何世紀もかかったのです。
Although purchase on credit from country stores was common in the nineteenth century, buying on installment was uncommon until the early twentieth century. Thanks to the research of Martha Olney,an interesting racial profile has emerged on the use of store credit and installment payment for the purchase of goods.
1.As noted in the last chapter, over many centuries Japan has received immigrants from China, Korea, and other parts of east Asia, but at least in recorded history there has never been a sudden large-scale immigration to this country. There have, however, been some rather large-scale emigrations. (Be careful with "immigration" and "emigration"; they look and sound similar but have exactly opposite meanings.)
2.Between 1885 and 1920, for example, about half a million Japanese (out of a total population less than half the size of today's!) left to start new lives in the U.S., mostly in Hawaii or along the Pacific Coast of the mainland. Beginning shortly after World War U, the focus of emigration changed to South America, with roughly a quarter of a million people leaving Japan for Brazil and neighboring countries from the 1950s through the '70s. Both of these waves of emigration were actively encouraged by the Japanese government, which offered loans and other incentives to citizens to move overseas.
WASHINGTON (AP) Harry Potter and Capt. Kirk would be proud. A team of American and British researchers has developed its own cloak of invisibility.
Well, OK, it's not perfect yet. But it is a start, and it did a pretty good job of hiding a copper cylinder. In this experiment the scientists used microwaves to try to detect the cylinder. Like light and radar waves, microwaves bounce off objects making them visible and creating a shadow, though it has to be detected with instruments. If you can hide something from microwaves, you can hide it from radar - a possibility that will fascinate the military. The new work points the way for an improved version that could hide people and objects from visible light.
Conceptually, the chance of adapting the concept to visible light is good, said cloak designer David Schurig of Duke University. "We did this work very quickly . . . and that led to a cloak that is not optimal," said coauthor David R. Smith, also of Duke. "We know how to make a much better one."
Natalia M. Litchinitser, a researcher at the University of Michigan department of electrical engineering and computer science, said this appears to be the "first, to the best of my knowledge, experimental realization of the fascinating idea of cloaking. Although the invisibility reported in this paper is not perfect, this work provides a proof-of-principle demonstration of the possibility." She added that the next breakthrough is likely to be an experimental demonstration of the cloaking in visible light. "These ideas represent a first step toward the development of functional materials for a wide spectrum of civil and military applications."
The first working cloak was in only two dimensions and did cast a small shadow, Smith acknowledged. The next step, he said, is to go for three dimensions and to eliminate any shadow. Viewers can see things because objects scatter the light that strikes them, reflecting some of it back to the eye. "The cloak reduces both an object's reflection and its shadow, either of which would enable its detection," Looking at a cloaked item, Smith explained, "One would see whatever is behind the cloak. That is, the cloak is, ideally, transparent. Since we do not have a perfect cloak at this point, there is some reflection and some shadow, meaning that the background would still be visible, just darkened somewhat. The ideal cloak would have nearly negligible reflection and virtually no shadowing."
Even in my own life, after 35 years, I feel that I have never done that one thing, that noble thing that defines a life. Even writing this Misson Statement is odd for me. I am used to flying below the radar, enjoying my life and friends. But I have not been truly tested. I have not gone to India to explore my life, as my brother has. I have not been in a major car accident, or fathered a child. I have not created a life, nor have I killed anyone. I am neutral. I haven’t started a war and I haven’t stopped a war. I have broken even with my life. I have a nice home, a nice car, a fiancée who makes my heart race. But I have not taken that step, or risk, that makes the air I have breathed for 35 years worthwhile. I once had a yellow couch. I got rid of it because it was neutral. My life is now like that yellow couch.
3.Emigration slowed to a trickle in the 1980s as Japan's economy boomed. No longer did people need to go overseas in search of greater opportunity. Some still did leave, including young people who were disenchanted with the strictness of society here and wanted the freedom of life in a place like America. However, at the same time former emigrants and their children were returning to this country because it had so much more to offer economically than anywhere in South America.
4.Now in the 21st century, emigration is once again being promoted, but this time to an entirely new group of people. With the population of this country growing steadily older, the government would like to encourage retirees to go live in countries such as Thailand and the Philippines. From the retirees' point of view, this idea has a lot of merit. Their monthly pensions, only enough to provide them with a modest lifestyle in Japan, would enable them to live quite well in countries where the cost of living is far lower than here. With the income from selling their homes in Japan, they can buy much bigger, more comfortable homes overseas. They might have to learn English or another language, but if they go to a place that's already used to Japanese retirees, the language barrier shouldn't be a major headache.
Right now we are a breaking point with our client list. We are not so huge that we must hire more agents, and not so small that we have not experienced huge success. We are at a point of neutrality. We are all, right now, neutral. Neutral, as in not black or white. Not bad or good. Even. Neutral.
長文すみません。。よろしく御願いしますm(_ _)m [Foggy Memories] One of the first article I was asked to write after I came to Japan was about London fogs,especially the thick kibd known as"pea-soupers". I was happy to oblige th newspaper, which was the local daily at Hamada. I can well understand this interest of the Japanese in such things as fogs-the thiccker,the better,For Japan, too, with all its humidity, is a land of kiri and moya and kasumi.In every Japanese landscape, whether in reality or in painting, there is mist on the mountains and mist valleys.The Japanese character is likewise aimai, with a fondness for all that is vague and sentimental and steeped in romance.
But this was life and it meant to make your own decisions.when Simon came back I told him,what just happened. He of course was overjoyed and ripped up his train ticket back to Berlin,where he actually stayed.During the last four weeks now my life had some ups and downs.But I think we finally got our feelings sorted out Somehow we are best friends and share a life at the moment, but we also know that it is not forever, because we are just too different.
Barack Obama entered the final week of the campaign leading in national opinion polls and in many of the states that could decide the election. よろしくお願いします。
The figures of a poem form a kind of 'network' or 'tissue' which allows multiple interactions between the figures as their connotations play off against one another, bringing 'into play an aura of their suggestions'.
Then John Smith,having promised to return Squanto to his people,brought him back to America in 1614. However,there were two ships in Smith's party. After Smith left America for England in his own ship,the captain of the second ship,Thomas Hunt,captured Squanto again with fifteen other lndians and carried them to Spain,which he sold them as slaves. In Spain,Squanto was helped by some Spanish priests and finally made his way back to England. There he worked as servant for another four or five years-until 1619,when he was again brought back to America. He arrived in America about six months before the Pilgrims
どなたか日本語訳を宜しくお願いします。 open your eyes ano listen.be aware. they protect themselves with superabunoance. walk slowly. you feel peaceful when you are unoer observation.unconsciously. you sometimes oream even when youre awake? even when you murmur.it is listening. it hioes itself anywhere ano everywhere. preteno to be obeoient.
49です。文章を間違えました。 どなたかこちらの英語を日本語訳に宜しくお願いします。 open your eyes and listen.be aware. they protect themselves with superabundance. walk slowly. it exists among mass products. you feel peaceful when you are under observation.unconsciously. do you sometimes dream even when youre awake? even when you murmur,it is listening. it hides itself anywhere and everywhere. prentend to be obedient.
Thank you for your order. We've entered it into the computer now. In the past, we've found it useful to send a separate reminder showing the shipping address we're about to ship your order to, in order to catch problems with the addresses before the item is packed. The shipping address we have on file is as follows:
※氏名 ※番地 Tuchiura-city, Ibaraki-ken ※郵便番号 Japan
If there is an error or problem with the above address, please email us immediately. If the address is okay, no action is necessary.
P.S. Remember, you can now view your order history and see the status of this order on our site, including view download codes and other information online, even if emails are blocked by spam filters. To view your J-List account, go to ※
I can well understand this interest of the Japanese in such things as fogs-the thiccker,the better,For Japan, too, with all its humidity, is a land of kiri and moya and kasumi.In every Japanese landscape, whether in reality or in painting, there is mist on the mountains and mist valleys.The Japanese character is likewise aimai, with a fondness for all that is vague and sentimental and steeped in romance.
Table 20.3 shows the use of installment payments for various common "durables." Although there is little difference between the races in the percentage of families buying each item listed(the first set of colums),blacks often nearly doubled their use of installment purchases compared to whites. Olney's analysis strongly suggests that this heavy reliance on installment purchases by blacks was because merchants (mostly white) were more reluctant to give blacks merchant credit.
Naturally, we cannot blame newly developed countries such as China for the destruction of the Amazon rainforest. They have an equal right to improve their standard of living . However , as the Amazon rainforest disappears, we must question whether globalization is really woth it. ・Coffee is no longer Blazil's most important crop. ・Most of Blazil's soybean crop is consumed domestically. ・According to the text , advertising does not have much conection with materialism. ・Lifestyle changes caused by globalization contribute to environmental destruction. ・According tothe text, globalization brings mixed results.
Pressures are exacerbated because grain stocks are low after a period of rising demand and falling production caused by adverse weather, particularly in Canada. American farmers are also increasingly diverting grain to the new biofuel market.
The wholesale price of milk is also up. Raw milk has risen by about 15% in three months. Skimmed milk power, an ingredient in many consumer products, has leapt by 20% since April.
This weekend the Milk Development Council warned that stocks of butter in the European Union are 50% lower than last year.Its senior economist, Tom said: “The situation is going to be very tight over the winter.”
1-General Points 1- The supplied sound system should be of reputable make loaded with all manufacture specified drivers and components. Under no circumstances will "home made" boxes be acceptable. 2- All crossovers should be loaded with manufacture supplied setting for EQ, Delay and gain. 3- The PA should be of min 4 way active type with suitable amps. 4- HOGWASH will require at least 2 competent house engineers (FOH and Monitor) with an in depth knowledge of the house system to aid HOGWASH's Sound engineer in setting up and configuring the system. 5- All drivers should be operational and phased correctly and all amps in perfect working order. 6- All consoles and outboard should be in full working order, and all "querks" of the system should be ironed out before we arrive. 7- Any sound restriction, curfew must be notified to the tour manager in advance, at least 2 weeks before the show. 8- Any equipment supplied in xs of the venue specs should be approved by HOGWASH's sound engineer prior to load in. かなり長文ですが、何方か英語ツヨイ人力貸して下さい。
2 -PA Specifications and Preferences 1 – FOH : -A minimum 24/8/2 mixing console from MIDAS or YAMAHA (PM Series), SOUNDCRAFT (MH or 5) are preferred (no digital desk !!!!!!). 2 – PA : -Acceptable makes of PA equipment are Adamson, D&B, TurboSound, E.V or EAW, WE DON'T LIKE MINI LINE-ARRAY 3 – Crossovers : -All crossovers to be accessible from FOH. 4 – EQ : -A 31 bands EQ from Klark Teknik, BSS, XTA to run in line between the outputs of the console and the inputs of the system crossovers. In addition to the above we will require : -12 x Channels of Compression Drawmer, BSS, DBX -06 x Channels of Noise Gate, Drawmer. -01 x TC M3000 -01 x LEXICON PCM 70 -01 x SPX 2000 -01 x TC 2290 We will need all the mics, DI, mics stand and cables listed in the input list. -We also require Playback and record sources consisting of, 1 x CD player/ recorder Deviations from supplied spec of house equipment can be a headache for all concerned. However, with advance notice, all mountains can be climbed. If any of your specs changes from that which has been supplied, please notify us so that we can deal with the consequences in advance and not at load in when things are liable to get tense. Thank you in advance for your help in this regard, Best wishes. Please send you technical specs to : Pierre “666” KOLKO HOGWASH FOH technician かなり長文ですが、何方か英語ツヨイ人力貸して下さい。
2 – Monitors We do not have a monitor engineer with us, so please provide an experienced sound technician, familiar with the house system to operate the soundcheck and show. The Monitor system will be ready to work at our arrival, mics and stands set up and all the patch ready as per input list attached, in order to save precious time. For the equipment disposal, please have a look on the stage plot attached also, thank you in advance to have the riser on stage at our arrival as mentioned on same stage plot : 3 meters x 2 meters x 0,60 meters (Drums) please provide black carpet and drop to make this riser clean, a black carpet might be required to cover the drum. Any changes on the above must be approved by the band Foh sound engineer or tour manager in advance, so please make sure to get in touch with us in advance if you have any problems or questions. Thank you for your attention. かなり長文ですが、何方か英語ツヨイ人力貸して下さい。
All conditions must be met for use to be considered legal and FREE of licensing or broadcast fees. This license is for independently owned public venues only, such as seasonal haunted houses, ameture theatrical groups, independent stage acts, and Renaissance fairs, whose primary business is not the performance of or promotion of music or film. This license does not extend to any other use or any other form of media.
1.) Nox Arcana Promotional Materials must be prominently displayed and clearly visable to visitors. Posters must be on display for the entire duration of the season during opening hours. Postcards are also available to those who have a location that allows visitors to take one (1 per customer) as desired. Promotional material is to be reasonably secured or monitored so as to avoid theft or vandalism.
2.) Websites: A Nox Arcana banner (linked to: http://www.noxarcana.com) must be placed in a prominent position on the venue's website, on the main page or links page. (a.) If the venue website broadcasts any of Nox Arcana's MP3 samples* a legible credit line must also appear at the bottom of each webpage where the track plays. Credit to read: "Music by Nox Arcana" with a text link to: http://www.noxarcana.com. *Only approved MP3s may be used (available from http://www.noxarcana.com). MP3 must be EMBEDED on the webpage (not offered as a free download) and the MP3 file must be hosted on venue's own webspace to avoid severely slow download times—which would effect both the venue site and the Nox Arcana site.
3.) Limitations: Nox Arcana recordings are not sound libraries and may not be disassembled and incorporated into any other recording. The musical arrangements, instrumentation, vocals, and sound effects may not be altered in any way. Venue may make 1 copy of the tracks from legally purchased Nox Arcana CD(s) for the express purpose of looping or changing the track order to make a "house mix" that will best fit the desired scene. It is illegal to sell, trade, share or distribute the "house mix" or other unauthorized copies of Nox Arcana's recordings.
4.) Duration/Termination/Fees: This agreement is valid for one year from date of submittal by venue and acknowledgement of Nox Arcana or Monolith Graphics via email, and may be renewed for the following year in the same manner. Usage is FREE provided the above terms are met. Nox Arcana or Monolith Graphics may terminate this license at any time if the terms have not been fully met by the venue, or if actions of same cause harm or dilute the name of Nox Arcana or Monolith Graphics. In such cases, licensing fees will be imposed for the duration.
Optional Resale of CDs: It is NOT required that you sell Nox Arcana CDs in order to use the music as described above, but if you have a gift shop or webstore this might be something to consider. If you're interested, you can check the box in the Registration form on the next page and we'll send you info.
The next day, a New York congressman took President Jackson a list of names of government workers who were to be removed. The name of the old man from Albany was on the list. He had not voted for Jackson. "By the eternal!" shouted Jackson. "I will not remove that old man. Do you know he carries a pound of British lead in his body?"
>>91 removeは「解雇する」という意味の他に、「取り除く」って意味もある。 ジャクソンは『決闘好きで、体内に銃弾を残す唯一の大統領』だったそうだ。まあ、傷を一種の勲章にしてたんだな。 だから老人の「remove(解雇)しないでくれ」って言葉を「(弾丸を)取り除かないでくれ」という意味でとってしまったという話。 I will not remove that old man. Do you know he carries a pound of British lead in his body? 「あの老人をremoveなんてするものか。彼がイギリス人に撃たれた弾を体内に残したまま運んでいるのをしってるかね?」 ジャクソン、確信犯だろw
During the 19th century, there were several gold rushes in various parts of the world. Gold would be discovered, often by accident, then as news of the discovery got out, thousands, sometimes hundreds of thousands of people would rush to the area to search for gold. This is the origin of the name, “gold rush.” They would travel to remote parts of the world and live in terrible conditions in the hopes of becoming rich. However, these gold rushes would generally last just a few years before the gold which was easy to get ran out. The first and most famous was the California gold rush. It started in 1849, when it became known that gold had been discovered near San Francisco. More than 250,000 people from all over the world came to California, hoping to get rich. A few did, of course, but most either turned to other jobs or went on to other gold fields. Of those who stayed, many made fortunes in other areas. Selling goods and food to miners was profitable. Even more profitable was agriculture, and many of the former miners turned to raising crops or cattle. In this way, the gold rush changed the history of California and the whole Western United States.
In 1851, gold was discovered in New South Wales, Australia, by an Australian who had been in the California gold fields. Again, miners went there in great numbers. The search for gold expanded to other parts of Australia and, over the next forty years, gold rush fever spread as gold was discovered in various parts of Australia. The last big gold rush was the Klondike gold rush in Alaska. It started in 1896, when three people found gold and in eight days mined over two kilograms of the precious metal. Soon the numbers grew to thousands as the news spread. But by 1899, the gold rush was over. The discovery of gold has often had a great (advance, development, influence, levelのどれか) one the history and economy of the places where it was found. Many people were brought to the area where it was discovered and often they stayed and settled there. The economy was developed both by the mining of gold and the selling of supplies to the miners. Thus, the discovery of gold has changed many countries.
Such credit was informal and not tied to specific items that could be repossessed. Installment contracts were formal and could be used legally for reposession.
Old English (also called Anglo-Saxon,[1] Englisc by its speakers) is an early form of the English language that was spoken and written in parts of what are now England and southern Scotland between the mid-5th century and the mid-12th century. What survives through writing represents primarily the literary register of Anglo-Saxon. It is a West Germanic language and is closely related to Old Frisian. It also experienced heavy influence from Old Norse, a member of the related North Germanic group of languages.
日本語訳お願いします。 open your eyes and listen.be aware. they protect themselves with superabundance. walk slowly. it exists among mass products. you feel peaceful when you are under observation.unconsciously. do you sometimes dream even when youre awake? even when you murmur,it is listening. it hides itself anywhere and everywhere. これに対する回答が↓です。 prentend to be obedient. 宜しくお願いします。
Quick: think about what would make you really, really happy. More money? Wrong. 2.5 smiling, well-adjusted kids? Wrong again. Now think about what would make you most unhappy: losing your sight or a bad back? No, the bad back. The fact is, we are terrible at predicting the source of joy. (Sex is the big exception, but you get the point.) And whatever choices we do make, we likely later decide it was all for the best. These are insights from happiness economics, perhaps the hottest field in what used to be called the dismal science. Happiness is everywhere?on the best-seller lists, in the minds of policymakers, and front and center for economists?yet it remains elusive. The golden rule of economics has always been that well-being is a simple function of income. That's why nations and people alike strive for higher incomes?money gives us choice and a measure of freedom. But a growing body of studies show that wealth alone isn't necessarily what makes us happy. After a certain income cap, we simply don't get any happier. And it isn't what we have, but whether we have more than our neighbor, that really matters. So the news last week that in 2006 top hedge-fund managers took home $240 million, minimum, probably didn't make them any happier, it just made the rest of us less so. Now policymakers are racing to figure out what makes people happy, and just how they should deliver it. Countries as diverse as Bhutan, Australia, China, Thailand and the U.K. are coming up with "happiness indexes," to be used alongside GDP as a guide to society's progress. In Britain, a labor economist specializing in happiness?David (Danny) Blanchflower?was recently appointed to the Bank of England advisory board, and the "politics of happiness" will likely figure prominently in next year's elections. 長文で申し訳ありませんがよろしくお願いします。
Diamonds are the heavyweight jewels of the rich and famous. Film stars can make the headlines as much for the jewelry they wear as the work they do. Diamonds make the ultimate statement about wealth and status in a world where‘bling’often speaks louder than words. But there are risks to the reputation of the diamond trade. Although nearly all rough diamonds are from legitimate sources,some have been sold to pay for civil wars. These‘blood’or‘conflict’diamonds,as they are known,have caused violence and human rights abuses that have done terrible damage to some African countries. Diamonds in these countries are easily extracted from remaining deposits in river beds,without the need for heavy machinery,and are easily transported as they are small and light. Once mixed with diamonds from other sources they are almost impossible to trace.
There are several theories about why dinosaurs disappeared. One popular theory is the climatic change theory. This theory argues that climatic changes caused the dinosaurs to become extinct. Sixty-five million years ago,the climate of the world gradually became colder. As the earth became colder,fewer plants were able to grow. The cold weather resulted in a severe food shortage for the dinosaurs,because most dinosaurs were vegetarians and they depended on plants for food. In summary,then,the disappearance of dinosaurs was directly caused by a shortage of food,but,it was indirectly caused by climatic changes. According to the climatic change theory,dinosaurs disappeared slowly as their food supply dwindled.
However ,Tom's affair with Mary would remain in place a lot longer than his dalliance with the prettiest female fan. It was,in fact, the start of the first really significant love affair of the guitarist's life, and one he would remain true to even after the band had returned to the road in America. An almost unheard of sacrifice, even for the married men in the band, for Tom it was a sign of something much deeper.''
Today there is new evidence for the theory that dinosaurs did not disappear gradually,but that they disappeared quickly and suddenly. This theory is known as the asteroid theory. According to this theory,an asteroid or a comet hit the earth 65 million years ago and caused a huge dust cloud. The dust cloud blocked the sun for months. As a result,most of the plants on earth died very quickly and dinosaurs' food supply was destroyed. Although the asteroid theory itself is not new,evidence for the theory is new. Scientists found large amounts of iridium in layers of earth that are 65 million years old. The bones of the last dinosaurs are found in the same layers. Since iridium is rare on earth but often found in space,an asteroid or a comet may have brought the iridium to earth. Scientists continue to debate the two theories: the climatic theory and the asteroid theory. In the future,evidence may be found that supports a totally new theory of why dinosaurs died out.
i have received your money, many thanks. i will send your **注文した商品名** tomorrow. please mail me if you received my parcel. i mail you alsotomorrow the tracking-number fron the parcel.
「」部お願いします。 There are many theories about how and why Japanese society is so tightly structured around the group. Years ago, psychiatrist Takeo Doi suggested it was amae, a powerful sense of child-like dependence, which tied Japanese together. 「Others write of how Japanese still function in a village society, reaching out through a series of lager and larger groups: family and village, company and keiretsu, city, region, nation.」
「」部をお願いします。 Sometimes at the airport, as I watch dozens of Japanese tourists walk by, blindly obedient to their guide and his flag, they do almost seem like a race of beings from outer space. 「Too often, they view other cultures from a safe distance, still locked within the safe circle of the Japanese group.」
Diamonds are the heavyweight jewels of the rich and famous. Film stars can make the headlines as much for the jewelry they wear as the work they do. Diamonds make the ultimate statement about wealth and status in a world where‘bling’often speaks louder than words. But there are risks to the reputation of the diamond trade. Although nearly all rough diamonds are from legitimate sources,some have been sold to pay for civil wars. These‘blood’or‘conflict’diamonds,as they are known,have caused violence and human rights abuses that have done terrible damage to some African countries. Diamonds in these countries are easily extracted from remaining deposits in river beds,without the need for heavy machinery,and are easily transported as they are small and light. Once mixed with diamonds from other sources they are almost impossible to trace.
和訳お願いします 「Oh Shit! Yeah the last time we were there two years ago, first things first, the shows went off great, so we had that going for us. Then the after parties, here is where the few of us had different theories on sleep, drugs, destruction, common sense, hotel etiquette, and just wanting to chill with a hot Japanese chick. No, usually 50/50 %, no, 75/25 % after a show, after hanging with fans, selling merchandise, convincing the promoter that there were more people there than he said, collecting the cash, stealing a few things from the venue, people who know me know I usually like to bail back to the hotel room. I admit, I love being in hotels on the road, my own room of course- fuck this is going forever. Bottom line, I’m in one room doing my thing, Chad Les, and Dish are 3 or 4 doors down doing their thing, which happens to be cranking a ghetto blaster all night, playing guitar and singing all night, drinking or something all night, and then kicking a whole in the wall in their room, which was explained to me the next morning by one of the members “My legs are long, I had a nightmare in my sleep and kicked the wall,” really. And I actually sugar coated that story. So besides the whole floor of guests having to be moved all night due to noise, and the damage to the room, the promoter said the next morning, “thank you, don’t call us, we’ll call you.”
And how do I choose and where do I draw the line Between truth and necessary pain? 真実と必要な痛みをいかに選択し、どこで線引きをすれば(orどう区別すれば)いいのか。 And how do I know and where do I get my belief That things will be all right again? 再び状況は良くなるんだという自分の信念をいかに知り、どこで手に入れることができるのか。 What words do I use to try and explain To those who have witnessed all my tears? 私の流した全ての涙を目撃したことのある人達に説明を試みるために どんな言葉を使おうか And what does it mean to know all these things これらのことを知ることは何を意味するのか When love's been wasted all these years, ずっと何年も愛が無駄になっているという時において When love's been wasted all these years. ずっと何年も愛が無駄になっているという時において Standing in the shadows 陰に立っている With my heart right in my hand,心をまさに手のなかに収めて Removed from other peopleほかの人からは離れて Who could never understand.決して理解などできない人たちから(離れて)
I was a pilgrim for your love, 私はあなたの愛を求める旅人だった A pilgrim for your love,あなたの愛を求める旅人 A pilgrim for your love,あなたの愛を求める旅人 I was a pilgrim for your love.あなたの愛を求める旅人だった It's like living in a nightmare,それはまるで悪夢の中に生きているようなもの Like looking in the blackest hole, まるでこの世で一番暗い穴をのぞいているようなもの Like standing on the edge of nothing, 無のふちに立っているようなもの Completly out of control. 制御を失って Now where have I been all these years ここ何年も自分はどこにいるというのだろう And how come I just couldn't see? なぜ私には見えないのだろう Like a blind man walking 'round in darkness, 暗闇を歩きまわる盲目の人のようだ
In that post-modern dawn―the late 1960s―I like to think that Hogg was starting to experience cultural disorientation―which was why he worried about the Beatles in the first place. He thought he knew what culture was,what counted in history,what had weight and what you needed to know to be educated. These things were not relative,not a question of taste or decision. Nothing of objectivity did exist;there were criteria and Hogg knew what the criteria were. Or at least he thought he did. But that particular from of certainly,of intellectual authority, along with many other forms of authority,was shifting. People didn't know where they were any more.
every i will bak on my xbox360 on monday i hope so … if i do idk if my mic going to work or not well i'm maybe going to get fable 2 if is good yah tell me when i get bak on or just send me amessage ok
>>143 このポストモダンの初めの時期――1960年代後半――にHoggは文化的な失見当を 感じ始めていたのだと思いたい――それがそもそも彼がビートルズのことを気にして いた理由だ。彼は文化とは何であるか、歴史上で価値のあることは何か、何が重要で あるか、教養のある人物であるために知っておく必要のあるものは何かを自分が わかっているものと思っていた。こうした事柄は相対的なものではなく、好みや判断の 問題ではない。客観性という概念は実際に存在している。評価の基準となるものが 存在し、Hoggはその基準がどのようなものか知っている。あるいは少なくとも知って いると彼は考えていた。しかしこのような特定の形態の確実性や知的権威は、その他 多くの形態の権威と同様、変化しつつあった。人々は自分がどこにいるのかもはや わからなくなっていた。 Nothing of objectivity→Notions of objectivity from of certainly→form of certainty 書き込む前につづりチェックくらいしようや
The lights were turned low in the cozy library.She sat in the big armchair,her heart a flutter,and her brain in a whirl. He was to visit her that night.And he would take her in his arms.Perhaps they would be married. The bell! He entered,his hair sliicked back and his bow tie on an elastic band.He advanced toward the table and removed three cigars from his vest pocket.Then he turned with outstretched arms.
We thought you'd like an update on your JBOX order. The order (# ?????) is scheduled to go out to you from our San Diego office within 24 hours. CD-ROM games, T-shirts, hoodies, hats and DVD players are stocked in our San Diego location for your convenience (all other items ship out of Japan).
Dear Seller, Am Sandra Bobby from the CANADA,Am interested in buying your item, I would like to know if your item is still available for sale? And if it's still in good working condition? And lastly i will offer you $5,000.00USD for 10 unit of the items and the shipping cost through (EMS SPEED POST) to my client's address in West Africa kindly reply me to my private email for further transaction.. **ここにメールアドレス** Good day.
長文で申し訳ありませんがどなたか和訳お願いいたします。 内容は英語名における由来などです。 Names in English
When you open a British or American telephone directry and look at a list of names, you will find that there is a huge variety of names, that many are names of places or occupations, and that many more are not English, but French, Scottish, Russian, Chinese and of other foreign origin. Many names in English, as in other languages, have some kind of meaning and have been handed down from generation to generation.
People in general usually take their name-giving very seriously. It is of great interest to study how people's names are derived, that is, their etymological development, and the study of names will tell us something about how English-speaking people lived and thought. Names often represent the history of a family, and are sometimes influenced by historical events. People in Anglo-Saxon England had certain principles in naming their chileren. Most names consisted of two elements like Alf-red and Ed-mond, etc., and these elements were repeated and varied among family members. After the Norman Conquest, biblical names became popular, like Jhon, Mary, Peter, and so on. Such names are by far the commonest even now.
Potter, S. explained in detail in his famous book Our Language how people's names are derived, and divided British surnames into four major categories; patronymic, occupational, descriptive, and local. Patronymic names are fathers' names with the suffix -son: Williamson is son of William, and Dickinson is son of Richard. Mac- is a Gaelic prefix corresponding to -son. McDonald is MacDonald (son of Donald) and Macgregor is Mac-Greggs (son of Greggs). Occupational names are quite familiar to us: Butcher, Carpenter, Shepherd, Taylor, and so on. Descriptive names are associsted with man's physical characteristics, for example, Little, Black, Strong, Short, and so on, and may be taken literally. Finally, local names are closely related to place names, and literally represent certain local characteristic. Examples are Moorehouse, Castleton, Whitacre. Thus the study of people's names tells us something of how their ancestors lived in the past and how they looked on human life.
ニュアンス的な質問になって申し訳ないんですが、ゲーム上で知り合ったイギリス人からのメールなのですが、どういうことを言いたいのか分からないので訳をお願いします。 (とあるゲームの続編の話題になり、「Will you buy this game?」の返信。)
maybe ill buy it because i had the first 1. and just so you know im british not American. but never mind (笑顔マーク)
1、3行目はある程度わかるのですが、2行目の just so you know〜はどういう意味にとればいいでしょうか? その意味がわからず never mind が何に対して言ってるのかわからなくて困ってます。 というのは ・私の言動に何か失礼があった事に対するnevermindなのか、 ・私に非が無いnevermindか(そのゲームは1作目でイギリスが変な生き物の侵略で壊滅、メールで話題にしている2作目では舞台はアメリカ、日本製では無い) わざわざbritish,americanと言ってるということはそれ関連かも?
つまりは、just so you know〜 が「間違えるな!俺はイギリス人だ!」とかの意味なら私に非があったことになり、 「知ってのとおり、私はイギリス人です。」とかの意味なら後者関連の「イギリス壊しやがって。でも気にしてないから心配しないで^^」(日本製と勘違い)、 みたいな意味かなと思ってるのですが、判断がつかないので宜しくお願いします。
Atreyu stared at the werewolf with wide-open eyes. Gmork went on: 'That's why humans hate Fantastica and evrything that comes from here. They want to destroy it. And they multiply the lies that keep flooding the human world. For these lies are nothing other than creatures of Fantastica who have ceased to be themselves and survive only as living corpses, poisoning the souls of men with their fetid semll. But humans don't know it. Isn't that a good joke?' 'And there's no one left in the human world,' Atreyu asked in a whisper, 'who doesn't hate and fear us?' 'I know of none,' said Gmork. 'And it's not surprising, because you yourselves, once you're there, can't help working to make humans believe that Fantastica doesn't exist.' 'Doesn't exist?' the bewildered Atreyu repeated. 'That's right, sonny,' said Gmork. 'In fact, that's the heart of the matter. Don't you see? If humans believe Fantastica doesn't exist, they won't get the idea of visiting your country. And as long as they don't know you creatures of Fantastica as you really are, the Manipulators do what they like with them.' 'What can they do?'
Jack and Maureen decided not to have any more child. But then, in April 1995, Jack was called to Oklahoma City to assist in the rescue efforts after the bombing of the Murrah Federal Building. He had never seen so many children perish at one time. "He didn't talk a lot about the devastation in Oklahoma," Maureen said, "but that's how he was - he wasn't a man of many words." But Jack did start talking about having another baby. The Oklahoma bombing had put autism in a different light. The way he saw it, Maureen said, was that "if it happens it happens." Life is what it is. Autism isn't the worst thing in the world.
Some students go to school on foot,and others by bus. This piano is so heavy that we need five people to move it. They said,“Let's build a tower whose top may reach to heaven.” Help me with this baggage,will you? She as well asTis tired of the work. What made her so angry at that time? It is said that she was a model. The news that he was rescued relieved us. The first thing that we thought of was to prove his alibi. Tgave him a sign that he should leave quickly.
Of course, the thing is that even if I proved the most devoted and adoring husband that ever lived ─which, I may say, if you give me tha chance, I intend to be─your feelings for me would never─could never─ amount to more than that.
And of course, perhaps even that would not have made so much difference. Perhaps you feel I cling too much to my past athletic prowess. I feel it myself, sometimes ─but the truth is I have not much else to cling to save that and my love for you. The athletic prowess is fading, I'm afraid, with the years and the stiffening of the muscles but my love for you will never fade.
お願いします。 Yes. Everyone is to an extent though. I guess I care more about japan to an extent than America because I actually had a dream of Japan. Some of the stuff in japan (especially when it comes to romance and women) I don't care about too much in the USA since I wanna hop the country and Japanese women > American (and mexican border hopper women). 日本人はRacistか?という話で、自分は日本人はRacistではないと主張してるんですが、 日本人はRacistだといっているやつからの返信なんですが・・・・・・
A typical loserish retard, presumably fat (heck American anyone?) and likes fatty fatty pizza. I do agree with him though that Japanese people are racists. Thats for sure. I mean look its everywhere in Japan. It's pretty accepted. Dont fucken deny it coz its just too obvious to others.
“What shouldTdo?”“IfTwere you,Twould write a letter.” If he really tried to learn quickly,he could catch up with his classmates. If you don't take more care,you'll have an accident. Oh,T'm sorry. Twould have knocked on the door ifT'd known you were in here. Had it not been for your cooperation,we would not have reached our destination. TwishThadn't been busy yesterday;Tcould have helped you with your work. Don't worry about my job interview tomorrow. IfTshould fail,Twill try again. IfThave got up five minutes earlier this morning,Twould be at the station now. Without the greenhouse effect,the climate on the earth would be much colder.
The show was ok, just different than anything I'm used to. I thought at first of how weird it was and then I realized that some the shows I watch are weird. so I had a change of thought. It was very 80's style and is nothing like what we have in the states. was that a Japanese Mic Jagger?
I'm looking labidognatha spiders from Japan. これは日本のlabidognatha spidersなるクモを探しているという事ですか?
What are the species with you? Can you send me to what? ここも理解できません。 どなたかお願いします。
While it is still possible this year *学名* to order but very risky. It is quite cold in Europe. If you want spiders, which unfortunately is no more. Spiders are somewhat vulnerable. Another question, I'm looking labidognatha spiders from Japan. What are the species with you? Can you send me to what?
Parents are often upset when their children praise the homes of their friens and regard it as a strong disapproval of their own cooking, or cleaning, or furniture, and often are foolish enough to let the adolescents see that they are anymore.
I'm looking labidognatha spiders from Japan. そんまま素直に訳すと「ちょうど日本産の新蛛亜目のクモを見てるとこなんだ」 でも、非ネイティブだし、前後の文とあわせて考えると、貴方の言うとおり「探している」じゃないかと。 まあいずれにせよ、先方は日本のその、新蛛亜目のクモさんに興味があるっぽいですね
What are the species with you? Can you send me to what? 1行目「君はどんな〔生物学でいうところの?〕種(のクモ?)を持っているの?」あるいは「君のとこにはどんな種(のクモ)がいるの?」 深読みして「日本にはどんな種(のクモ)がいるの?」と言っているのかとも思ったり……しかしそれなら、もっと言いようはあるよなぁ…。 2行目「どんなのか(Eメールを送って)教えてくれる?」 「send」がひっかかるけど、まあ「メールを送って教えてくれ」って意味だろうな
I'm just a little bit caught in the middle Life is a maze, and love is a riddle I don't know where to go Can't do it alone I've tried, but I don't know why
Slow it down, make it stop Or else my heart is going to pop Cause it's to much, yea it's a lot To be something I'm not
I'm a fool, out of love Cause I just can't get enough
I'm just a little girl lost in the moment I'm so scared but I don't show it I can't figure it out It's bringing me down I know, I've got to let it go
lenkaっていうひとの「the show」っていう歌の歌詞なんですが、
I'm a fool, out of love Cause I just can't get enough ここと、 I can't figure it out It's bringing me down I know, I've got to let it go ここがわかりません。 分かる方よろしければ教えていただけませんか? あとshowっていうのはLifeをさしてるのかLoveをさしてるのかどっちだと思いますか?
People are happy to take summer holidays,looking forward to them all year long. Peole think of this time as their "holy" days,time that belongs to them and not to their employers.
Its eighteenth century buildings, however, reflect the wealth of an advertisement merchant class who made fortunes through importing tobaccro, rum and suger from the British colonies; while its triumphant nineteenth-century buildings-notably the City Chambers in George Square and the dense grid of streets to its west-show the city at the apotheosis of its Victorian achievement. 和訳お願いします!
Hold your tongue,or you'll get fired. “MayTask you a question?”“Sure. What's on your mind?” Patricia has learned five hundred Japanese proverbs by heart. The answer is on the tip of my tongue. “Let me treat you tonight.”T'll pay this time. It's on me.” Tdon't like John; he is always pulling my leg. “It's freezing in here.”“You can say that again.” Oh,have it your own way. T'm tired of arguing. People say that the old man was once better off. The student lost face because he was scolded in front of the class.
Freud is at his best when discussing those seemingly accidentalmistakes of speech and writing where one word is substituted for another and, especially, where the substitute word means the opposite of the word intended. A physician is writing out a prescription for an impecunious patient who asks him not to give her big bills because she cannot swallow them ― and then says that, of course, she meant pills.
The individual who skimos on lunches in order to dress well and the family that lives on meager fare for a week in order to make a good impression with an elaborate party are attesting to the things we call values.
In the simpler societies, the seller who refuses to sell all her stock, even for an inflated price, may feel an obligation to regular customers, but more often her behavior simply represents a difference in values.
What are you hiding from me in the box? What are you talking about? The oak box in the wardrobe. Some money or bankbooks are in it? Oh,nothing's in it. Why are you so curious? CanTsee what's inside? Uh-uh,unless you promise me something. What? Promise you won't laugh at me. Of courseTwon't. Promise that from now on you'll tell me all your secrets. Sure,Twon't hide anything from you. Okay,then T'll let you see.
What are those aquare metal objects with rounded corners? They are the badges of Michael Jordan. Twas a great fan of his whenTwas a high school student,soTcollected his badges. These are a kind of treasure for me. Tnever thought you loved him so much. What are those letters held together with a blue rubber band? Are they love letters from him? No,well...actually,they are the letters from my old boyfriend. We were in the same class. CanTsee them? Why are you so persistent today? If it bothers you,Tdon't have to see them. There's no secret in them. If you want,you can read them. But don't read them in front of me. Twon't lock the box then.
If the eventual outcome reflects nothing but the balance of internal military might, I see no more reason for calling this process one of self-determination than I do for denying that it is self-determination on the mere basis that foreign troops have played some role in it.
Opera,though,remained the most important genre.In September 1791 Mozart had not one but two new operas performed.On the 6th La Clemenza di Tito opened in Pragure - the gala opera presented by the Estates (goberning body) of the Habsburg-ruled kingdom of Bohemia to Leopold U,who that morning had been crowned in the cathedral.On the 30th The Magic Flute opened in Vienna at the Theater an der Wieden,a suburban house run by Emanuel Schikaneder;he had written the libretto and sang the leading comic part of Papageno. Neither came of a rise in Mozart's standing at court.The emperor (and,just as important,the empress) still preferred the Italian masters of 'pure' vocal writing,Cimarosa adn Paisiello;these were not, for the moment,available.The Italian whom Leopold had inherited as court composer - Antonio Salieri, an able musician - had earlier had first refusal of Cosi fan tutte.The Prague impresario,Domenico Guardasoni,had been asked at two months'notice to supply a coronation opera;he now offered Salieri a contracet to write it,but Salieri was too busy in Vienna.Once again Mozart was the second choice.The goodwill he had earned in Prague with Figaro and Don Giovanni probably led the aristocratic group of officials (without whose leave Guardasoni would not have acted) to fall back on him - even though some knew the court to be prejudiced against his music.Local feeling may have come into it;Prague would show Vienna a thing or two.
こちらもおねがいします。 Glasgow’s instinct and appetite for aspirational architecture continue to this day. Its most celebrated designer at the turn of the twentieth century was Charles Rennie Mackintosh, whose significance to the Art Nouveau movement can be traced throughout the city. ; Glasgow School Art, the Willow Tea Room, The Lighthouse and the the complete reconstruction of Mackintosh’s house in the Hunterian Art Gallery. The city’s modern Architecture is equally audacious from the purpose built Burrell Museum, which house one of most visited art collections, to the riverside ‘Armadillo’, the extension to the Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre designed by Sir Norman Foster.
Unfortunately this is our policy regarding returns/exchanges on this LP, and it is unfortunate for our international customers, but we simply cannot pay for shipping 3 times for one order for international items. We feel that our policy is more than fair. You do not have to send it back if you do not want to pay the shipping costs. We can offer you a partial refund if that works better for you. Please let us know.
evoke is casting a spell evoke is a spell look it up check wizard rule on website
evoke is an altenate cost for playing a spell and therefore can be counterd cancel would have worked but not hindering light i under stand now, sorry because its a creature i just looked up the rule, you ere correct on the shriekmaw needs a tweak here or there, maybe a sacrafice creature to get deathreander going on my own
i just made this deck so far first testing not so bad
Not only, but alsoの表現知らずに、 日本人として誇りをもって白人にこう唱えようとかほざいてる。 "I am a Japanese. Not Only a chinese."(この文見ただけで英語できないってわかるよなw) 本人はずっと、僕は日本人で中国人じゃありませんと言ってると思ってて、間違いを指摘されると 初めからわかってたわいと逆切れ!! 手のつけようがない。ここの精鋭たちよ、黙らさせてくれ。
evokeは呪文をかけるかわりのコストだよ。(呪文をつかうならevokeはかわりの犠牲だよ、かな)だから反撃されることもある。 cancel(中止すること、とりやめること?)はうまくいったかもしれないけど、 光を妨害する(邪魔する?)ことはできないよ。 わかったよ、ごめんな。 なぜってそれは生物だからだ。 ルールを調べてみたけど、お前はただしいね。shriekmawをあちこち調節してやる 必要があるね。たぶん、いけにえの生物だな、deathreanderがgoing on my own するためには。(自分のものにするためには?自分で操るためには?)
ある芸術家の作品の解説のようです。 どなたか、和訳をお願いいたします。 In the nineteenth century the picturesque beauty of “la belle Napoli”inspired writers, artists, and musicians from around the world. Enamored of Italy's romantic past. He also was inspired to bring to life the charm and character of Naples. That he did so during the opening years of World War U,when the city underwent great destruction, signals his interest in preserving culture as well as his empathy for the suffering imposed on the people of Naples.
Our passport to his portable “miniature kingdom of Naples” is a baggage ticket, dangling in he midst of his recreation of a narrow, laundry-slung street. The timeless features of Neapolitan city life are juxtaposed with the sea shell, an allusion to the Bay of Naples, and the image of Mount Vesuvius on the ticket's verso. Made during the period of his most passionate interest in the Romantic Ballet, the box also evokes the presence of Neapolitan Fanny Cerrito in her role as Ondine the water nymph who rode the sea on a shell
すみません、よろしくお願いします。 To measure the corrosion losses,the tantalum sheets were neutron activated in a nuclear reactor and exposed to the corrosion medium. タンタルという金属の腐食度合いについての測定方法を書いてあるようなのですが、何をしているのかさっぱりわかりません。 よろしくおねがいします。
A new forecast says Japan's population will drop by about 40 million from 2005 to about 89million by 2055 and about 40 percent of the population will be at least 65 years old.
Accordingly, we define performance as the current level of population health, in excess of the estimated minimum, compared with the maximum achievable level of health given the inputs.
One involves defining feasible intervention, identifying their costs and outcomes, and choosing those that maximise health for the available resources.
The maximum is level of health the most efficient country would have produced at each observed combination of inputs.
Schikaneder's theatre had nothing to do with thecourt.Though far from the shack sometimes alleged - it was a well-appointed house holding about a thousand - it drew a mixed audience,some of them shopkeepers and artisans, who came to marvel at transformation scenes and laugh at the misadventures of traditional Viennese clown figures.Mozart had known Schikaneder since the actor-manager and them,and must have heard them perform Seraglio in Vienna in 1784.With his love of theatregoing he had no doubt seen many of the productions Schikaneder had put on since taking ober the Theater an der Wieden in 1789, in some of which Constanze's sister Jpsepha Hofer appeared;the two men were fellow Masons besides. Mozart,it seems,agreed to write The Magic Flute sometime in the early spring of 1791,concentrated on it in May and June,and had much of it written by mid-July,when Guardasoni sidetracked him onto the Prague coronation opera. What lay behind it?Did it embody a sustained attempt to justify Freemasonry at a time when the brotherhood was under threat - or was it a routine commercial enterprise,tinged with Masonic allegory and lifted onto a higher plane by Mozart?
What are those aquare metal objects with rounded corners? They are the badges of Michael Jordan. Twas a great fan of his whenTwas a high school student,soTcollected his badges. These are a kind of treasure for me. Tnever thought you loved him so much. What are those letters held together with a blue rubber band? Are they love letters from him? No,well...actually,they are the letters from my old boyfriend. We were in the same class. CanTsee them? Why are you so persistent today? If it bothers you,Tdon't have to see them. There's no secret in them. If you want,you can read them. But don't read them in front of me. Twon't lock the box then.
The dos and don'ts of travelling abroad are a potential minefield for the unprepared traveller. If you spit in some countries, you could end up in prison. In others, spitting ia competitve sport. The centre for International Briefing has spent 40 yyears preparing the wary traveller for such pitfalls. Though it may sound like a covert operation for aspiring secret agent, what the Centre dos is prepare travellers for encounters with new social and business costoms worldwide. To date, over 50,000 people have passed through its headquarters at Farnham Castle in Surrey
I do not remember a passage in any ancient author,where the growth of a city is ascribed to the establishment of a momufacture. The commerce,which is said to flourish,is chiefly the exchange of those commodities, for wich different soils and climates were suited.
Sean became more aggressive. He started to run away, never for very long before the police found him, but often for long enough that he was expelled from the government-funded recreation group for children with special needs in their county. Then both children were diagnosed with immune disorders. Sean has Common Variable Immunodeficiency (which means he has insufficient immunoglobulins and white blood cells to fight infection) and Patrick has Selective IgA Deficiency (insufficiency of just one type of immunoglobulin.)
これを訳せる方は本当にすごいと思います。お願いします。 Ryan Cole weighed 1 pound 15 ounces when he was born on May 3, 2005, after just 28 weeks in the womb. He spent his first 70 days in a neonatal intensive care unit, or NICU, kept alive by an array of specialized ventilators, intravenous feeding pumps, and advanced diagnostic gear, as well as round-the-clock attention from the hospital staff. Like many "preemies," or babies born earlier than 37 weeks, Ryan was a handful. Afflicted with two different brain abnormalities, he threw up constantly, and his parents had to care for him amid a tangled nest of wires that snaked out of his crib, helping him breathe and eat.
342の続きです。 One evening, a few weeks after he arrived home, Ryan stopped breathing. His parents, Eric and Andrea, came running when his respiratory monitor sounded an alarm. "We went into his room, and he was turning blue," says Eric. He immediately dialed 911, and when the ambulance reached the family's home in Kensington, Md., Andrea hopped in the back with Ryan, and Eric jumped in his car to follow them to Children's National Medical Center in Washington, D.C. At the hospital, doctors hooked Ryan to a machine that helped him breathe and upped his dose of a drug to stimulate lung function. In coming weeks, there would be other life-threatening events, but this time, Ryan was able to return home after one night in the NICU.
343の続きです。お願いします。 Preemies are a quickly expanding class of patients in the U.S., Britain, and other advanced nations. And the costs and technical challenges of caring for them are a growing source of controversy. Nearly 13% of all babies in the U.S. are preemies, a 20% increase since 1990. A 2006 report by the National Academy of Sciences found that the 550,000 preemies born each year in the U.S. run up about $26 billion in annual costs, mostly related to care in NICUs. That represents about half of all the money hospitals spend on newborns. But the number, large as it is, may understate the bill.
最後です。お願いします。 Norman J. Waitzman, a professor of economics at the University of Utah who worked on the National Academy report, says the study considered just the first five years of the preemies' lives. Factor in the cost of treating all of the possible lifelong disabilities and the years of lost productivity for the caregivers, and the real tab may top $50 billion, Waitzman says. In the U.S., corporations handle most of the financial burden. Employers generally cover some or all of the hospital charges in their health plans, and they also must deal with lost work hours of staff who spend weeks, sometimes months, attending to their premature infants. Corporations pay out nearly 15 times as much for babies born prematurely in their first year of life as for full-term babies, at an average cost of about $41,000 per child. For the earliest of the preemies, who are born in fewer than 28 weeks and spend up to three months in the hospital, the tab is higher. Says Waitzman: "The million-dollar babies are there." Ryan was not a million-dollar baby, but he wasn't far from it. The cost for his first two months in the hospital exceeded $400,000, not including certain surgeries and procedures. Because Eric is a technology security expert at the U.S. Energy Dept. and Andrea is an intelligence analyst for a government contractor, the family had good health insurance through the Blue Cross Blue Shield Federal Employee Program. They could also navigate the government bureaucracy and get Ryan qualified for Medicaid, which covered the bills that Blue Cross didn't. To help pay for a nurse, they applied for another state program in Maryland. "We used to play a game: How many bills would we get?" says Eric. "We got up to 12 per day." A combination of economic factors assures there will be many more couples like the Coles.
good lookin and cute like playn video games hav nappy hair and like playn with ppl online things i h8 skool,rules,and homework things i like gilrs vacations to get outof skool stayn up late and hangin out with my friends occupation: annoy the crap out of ppl
The Archbishop moved slowly about the little church, peering at the old memorial tablets and the new glass windows.
The Ladywho practises the organ began to pull out stops and rustle hymn- books behind the screen.
'I hope she'll do all the soft lacey tunes - like treacle on porridge,' said Una.
'I like the trumpety ones best,' said Dan. 'Oh, look at Wilfrid! He's trying to shut the Altar-gates!'
'Tell him he mustn't,' said Puck, quite seriously.
He can't, anyhow,' Dan muttered, and tiptoed out of Panama Corner while the Archbishop patted and patted at the carved gates that always sprang open again beneath his hand.
'That's no use, sir,' Dan whispered. 'Old Mr Kidbrooke says Altar-gates are just the one pair of gates which no man can shut. He made 'em so himself.'
The Archbishop's blue eyes twinkled. Dan saw that he knew all about it.
'I beg your pardon,' Dan stammered - very angry with Puck.
(358続き) 'Yes, I know! He made them so Himself.' The Archbishop smiled, and crossed to Panama Corner, where Una dragged up a certain padded arm-chair for him to sit on.
The organ played softly. 'What does that music say?'he asked.
Una dropped into the chant without thinking: '"O all ye works of the Lord, bless ye the Lord; praise him and magnify him for ever." We call it the Noah's Ark, because it's all lists of things - beasts and birds and whales, you know.'
'Whales?' said the Archbishop quickly.
'Yes - "O ye whales, and all that move in the waters,"' Una hummed - '"Bless ye the Lord." It sounds like a wave turning over, doesn't it?'
'Holy Father,' said Puck with a demure face, 'is a little seal also "one who moves in the water"?'
'Eh? Oh yes - yess!' he laughed. 'A seal moves wonderfully in the waters. Do the seal come to my island still?'
Puck shook his head. 'All those little islands have been swept away.'
'Very possible. The tides ran fiercely down there. Do you know the land of the Sea-calf, maiden?'
'The Archbishop is thinking of a little farther down the coast. He means Seal's Eye - Selsey - down Chichester way - where he converted the South Saxons,' Puck explained. 'Yes - yess; if the South Saxons did not convert me,' said the Archbishop, smiling. 'The first time I was wrecked was on that coast. As our ship took ground and we tried to push her off, an old fat fellow of a seal, I remember, reared breast-high out of the water, and scratched his head with his flipper as if he were saying: "What does that excited person with the pole think he is doing'"I was very wet and miserable, but I could not help laughing, till the natives came down and attacked us.'
'What did you do?' Dan asked. 'One couldn't very well go back to France, so one tried to make them go back to the shore. All the South Saxons are born wreckers, like my own Northumbrian folk. I was bringing over a few things for my old church at York, and some of the natives laid hands on them, and - and I'm afraid I lost my temper.'
'it is said -' Puck's voice was wickedly meek -'that there was a great fight.'
Eh, but I must ha' been a silly lad.' Wilfrid spoke with a sudden thick burr in his voice. He coughed, and took up his silvery tones again. 'There was no fight really. My men thumped a few of them, but the tide rose half an hour before its time, with a strong wind, and we backed off. What I wanted to say, though, was, that the seas about us were full of sleek seals watching the scuffle.
(360続き)最後です My good Eddi - my chaplain - insisted that they were demons. Yes - yess! That was my first acquaintance with the South Saxons and their seals.'
'But not the only time you were wrecked, was it?' said Dan.
'Alas, no! On sea and land my life seems to have been one long shipwreck.' He looked at the Jhone Coline slab as old Hobden sometimes looks into the fire. 'Ah, well!'
'But did you ever have any more adventures among the seals?" said Una, after a little.
'Oh, the seals! I beg your pardon. They are the important things. Yes - yess! I went back to the South Saxons after twelve - fifteen - years. No, I did not come by water, but overland from my own Northumbria, to see what I could do. It's little one can do with that class of native except make them stop killing each other and themselves -' 'Why did they kill themselves?' Una asked, her chin in her hand.
After his taste of military defeat in a disastrous battle of the Civlil War, his reaction was to take up his pen and stay up all nighu to set down on paper what needed to be done to make up for the situation. In short,he responded in writting to almost every important development during his presidentacy and to many that were not so important. Except for ceremonial proclamations,he seems to have delegated relatively [little official writting.]
"Easy" range adjustment: Takes some of the shrill highs out of a Dunlop Crybaby. This one requires no soldering skills at all, and I regularly do it to many of the wahs I service. To lower/raise the working range slightly, set the wah on a table, face down with the battery end towards your gut, and press the pedal down to the stop. Remove the bottom plate and locate the toothed bar that turns the pot axle. Move the treadle up/down a few times, to familiarize yourself with which way the pot turns as you press the treadle down towards the toe end. With a phillips-head screwdriver, remove (or just loosen it enough to turn it sideways) the white plastic flange that presses the toothed bar against the pot axle gears, and release the bar. Now you can manually turn the pot one or two notches back. Viewed from the battery end, you turn the pot towards you (it's clockwise, if you view the pot assembly from the left). There is room to safely adjust it two notches or so before the pot runs out of play.
MtDNA comparisons involve tracing ancestry along maternal lines of discent. This is why scientists concluded that all modern humans are descendent from a single African woman and named her "Mitochondrial Eve." Thus, Mitochondrial Eve is not only a name of a single woman but the generic term for the ancestor of the entire human race.
When I placed my fingers on the keyboard they shook. So this time, for a change, I had to buy my life by playing the piano! I hadn't practiced for two and a half years, my fingers were stiff and covered with a thick layer of dirt, and I had not cut my nails since the fire in the building where I was hiding. Moreover, the piano was in a room without any window panes, so its action was swollen by the damp and resisted the pressure of the keys. I played Chopin's Nocturne in C sharp minor. The glassy, tinkling sound of the untuned string rang through the empty flat and the stairway, floated through the ruins of the villa on the other side of the street and returned as a muted, melancholy echo. When I had finished, the silence seemed even gloomier and more eerie than before. A cat mewed in a street somewhere. I heard a shot down below outside the building ‐ a harsh, loud German voice.
※1つ使わないものがあります。 1問 大きな社会が与える経済安定よりも自由を重んじる若者が増えています。 (a)(b)(c)of young people value their freedom more than the economic security (d)(e)(f)for a big company. 1.great 2.by 3.nomber 4.provided 5.increasing 6.an 7.working
2問 そのご招待は非常に嬉しいので、できることならお受けしたいのですが。 The invitation is a very (a)(b)and I should be happy to accept it if (c)(d)(e)(f) me to do so. 1.one 2.it 3.possible 4.were 5.for 6.appealing 7.can
3問 君たちは言われたとおりにしなさい。 (a)(b)(c) as you (d)(e)(f) 1.you 2.to 3.have 4.do 5.are 6.must 7.told
190の続きです。どうかお願いします。 'Whatever they please. When it comes to controlling human beings there is no better instrument than lies. Because, you see, humans live by beliefs. And beliefs can be manipulateed. The power to manipulate beliefs is the only thing that counts. That's why I sided with the powerful and served them − because I wnted to share their power.' 'I wnt to part in it!' Streyu cried out. 'Take it easy, you little fool,' the werewolf growled. 'When your turn comes to jump into the Nothing, you too will be a nameless servant of power, with no will of your own. Who knows what use they will make of you? Maybe you'll help them persuade people to buy things they don't need, or hate things they know nothing about, or hold beliefs that make them easy to handle, or doubt the truths that might save them. Yes, you little Fantastican big things will be done in the human worlf with your help, wars started, empires founded...'
For a time Gmork peered at the boy out of half-closed eyes. Then he added: 'The human world is full of weak-minded people, who think they're as clever as can be and are convinced that it's terribly important to persuade even the children that Fantastica doesn't exist. Maybe they will be able to make good use of you.' Atreyu stood there with bowed head. Now he knew why humans had stopped coming to Fantastica and why none would come to give the Childlike Empress new names. The more of Fantastica that was destroyed, the more lies flooded the human world, and the more unlikely it became that a child of man should come to Fantastica. It was a vicious circle from which there was no escape. Now Atreyu knew it.
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It is difficult for us today to think of the railways with anything other than nostalgia, but in the nineteenth century the steam locomotive was seen as the very symbol of modern life itself, as countless novels and painting of the period testify.
My job is first laboratory assistent. This means i work at a laboratory as an analist who makes sure that an other group of analist can work according to all regulations. I have to make sure they can work without problems and if they have problems i have to solve them. This can mean equipment, results, making new methods, corresponding with the european commission, with regulatory affairs etc. To put it simple: i make sure that they can work and am responsible for their work.
The age of the railway was also the age in which Britain pioneered the creation of an industrial society, and so it is not surprising that the first railway networks were developed in Britain.
In fact, ‘trains’ ,in the sense of horse-drawn carts which ran on metal tracks, had been used to transport coal from as early as the fourteenth century.
Sean was a large boy-- as a teenager he grew to over sit feet tall-- and he rocked so vigorously back and forth in the family miniban that when it was stationary it moved from end to end. The rocking motion eventually confused the vehicle's speed sensor, cousing it to malfunction. The car wouldn't go over thirty miles an hour, until it had several repais.
its cool to meet someone from Japan on ACC here, and especialy with AC:CF too! I'm from Canada. I don't have many friends over seas.... though was wondering if you don't mind being wifi buddies with a canadian?
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The“American Dream”is very simple: getting a good education, finding a good job and buying a nice house. However, achieving the“Dream”has recently become very difficult. University tuition has increased dramatically in the past twenty years, and to pay back a bank loan for a house is almost impossible because the interest rates are so high. Therefore, many people complain the“Dream”has ended, and young people have little chance for a good life. In reality, nothing has changed. Perhaps education and housing are now more expensive than before, but everybody still has the same chance for a good life. The problem is that people do not understand the meaning of the word“Dream.” A dream is not something that will happen; it is something that might happen. The“American Dream”is an opportunity for people to live well, but it is not a promise.
It is important to remember that the Constitution does not promise happiness, but gives people the freedom to try and find it. The first Europeans coming to America wanted new chances for economic success. Although many people did not succeed, many did, and America is still an attractive place for immigrants from all over the an attractive place for immigrants from all over the world. Many people coming to the country carry special hope that they will succeed, even if it is very difficult. The“Dream”means that everybody should have a chance and hope to attain happiness. Unfortunatery, it does not mean that privilege, power, or money are not mean that privilege, power, or money are right. Everyone who wants these things should work for them in order to understand their true value, and it is important for everybody to understand this truth, whether they were born in America or are newcomers.
2箇所、反復しちゃってる部分があった ... America is still an attractive place for immigrants from all over the an attractive place for immigrants from all over the world. ↓ ... America is still an attractive place for immigrants from all over the world.
Unfortunatery, it does not mean that privilege, power, or money are not mean that privilege, power, or money are right. ↓ Unfortunatery, it does not mean that privilege, power, or money are right.
和訳をお願いします。 Some truly revolutionary scientific theories may take years or decades to win general acceptance among scientists. This is certainly true of plate tectonics, one of the most important and far-ranging geological theories of all time; when first proposed, it was ridiculed, but steadily accumulating evidence finally prompted its acceptance, with immense consequences for geology, geophysics, oceanography, and paleontology. And the man who first proposed this theory was a brilliant interdisciplinary scientist, Alfred Wegener. Born on November 1, 1880, Alfred Wegener earned a Ph.D. in astronomy from the University of Berlin in 1904. However he had always been interested in geophysics, and also became fascinated with the developing fields of meteorology and climatology. During his life, Wegener made several key contributions to meterology: he pioneered the use of balloons to track air circulation, and wrote a textbook that became standard throughout Germany. In 1924 he accepted a specially created professorship in meteorology and geophysics at the University of Graz, in Austria. Wegener made what was to be his last expedition to Greenland in 1930. While returning from a rescue expedition that brought food to a party of his colleagues camped in the middle of the Greenland icecap, he died a day or two after his fiftieth birthday.
By giving this prize, the Norwegian Nobel Committee has given important support to the proposition that peace is inextricably linked to poverty. Poverty is a threat to peace. Worlds income distribution gives a vary telling story. 94 percent of the world income goes to 40 percent of the population while 60 percent of people live on only six percent world income. Half of the world population lives on two dollars a day. This is no formula for peace. The new millennium began with a great global dream. World leaders gathered at the United Nations in 2000 and adopted, among others, a historic goal to reduce poverty by half by 2015. Never in human history had such a bold goal been adopted by the entire world in one voice, one that specified time and size. But then came September 11 and the Iraq war, and suddenly the world became derailed from the pursuit of this dream, with the attention of world leaders shifting from the war on poverty to the war on terrorism. Till now over $530 billion has been spent on the war in Iraq by the USA alone. I believe terrorism cannot be won over by military action. Terrorism must be condemned in the strongest langage. We must stand solidly against it, and find all the means to end it. We must address the root causes of terrorism to end it. We must address the root causes of terrorism to end it for all time to come. I believe that putting resources into improving the lives of the poor people is a better strategy than spending it on guns.
While in Marburg, in the autumn of 1911, Wegener was browsing in the university library when he came across a scientific paper that listed fossils of identical plants and animals found on opposite sides of the Atlantic. Intrigued by the information, Wegener began to look for, and find out, more information of similar organisms separated by great oceans. Orthodox science at the time explained such cases by postulating that land bridges, now sunken, had once connected far-flung continents. But Wegener noticed the close fit between the coastlines of Africa and South America. Might the similarities among organisms be due, not to land bridges, but to the continents having joined together at one time? As he later wrote, "A conviction of the fundamental soundness of the idea took root in my mind."
442の続きです。和訳お願いします。 Such an insight, to be accepted, would require large amounts of supporting evidence. Wegener found that large-scale geological features on separated continents often matched very closely when the continents were brought together. For example, the Appalachian mountains of eastern North America matched with the Scottish Highlands, and the distinctive rock strata of the Karroo system of South Africa were identical to those of the Santa Catarina system of Brazil. Wegener also found that the fossils found in certain place often indicated a climate utterly different from the climate of today, for example, fossils of tropical plants, such as ferns and cycads, are found today on the Arctic island of Spitsbergen. All of these facts supported Wegener's theory of "continental drift." In 1915 the first edition of The Origin Of Continents and Oceans,a book outlining Wegner's theory was published. About 300 million years ago, claimed Wegener, the continents had formed a single mass, called Pangaea (from the Greek for "all the Earth"). Pangaea had rifted or split, and its pieces had been moving away from each other ever since. Wegener was not the first to suggeshad that continets had once been connected, but he was the first to present extensive evidence from several fields.
Emotions affect the way we think, behave, interact, and they are the backbone of our social existence. Our emotions can originate in the brain and affect the behaivor of the mind and body or they can originate in the body, triggering an emotional response i the brain. An emotion is classically defined as a feeling that has both physiological and cognitive elements that originate in the brain, though any two people would probably give you a different definition of the word, depending on their experience with emotion.
Common Functions of Emotion Emotions do more that just make us laugh and cry; they are an important aspect of our consciousness and they have many important functions that help both ourselves and others react and adapt to the external world.
1. Responding quickly to dangers Because they contain both a mental and physiological aspect, emotions serve as a link between our mind and body. As a result, they are important in the way we mentally and physically react to the external world. Imagine what your response would be if you suddenly saw a large bear running towards you in a threatening way. Your heart rate would go up, eyes would widen, and adrenaline would be released into your system, and you would feel fear. This physical response, which is the activation of the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system, is inticately related to the emotional response in its ability to produce an effective reaction to an external stimulus.
Hm, well on my Japanese homework (sorry to use you for answers, hahha) there was a Kanji symbol with 2ndhalf 銀 and 女... (I think those were the characters)b-ut I can't figure out what it translates into in Hiragana or in English. Do you know? It is in the phrase 成人に なった ---(-KANJI)
返事の遅れをあやまった後に、実は注文の品を持って居なくて、今現在、 卸元から取り寄せているというような事を言っているのは分かるのですが、 正確な訳をどなたかお願いします。(asap=大至急?) Sorry for the Delay in responding to your -email. We where out of town for the holiday. When we got back to feel your order we found out that we did not have two of the species you order. We are now waiting on our supplier to send us those species so that we can fill your order. Please be patience your order will go out asap. Thank you very much. Sincerely,
This service has made the call phone into a personal network connection, giving subscribers information exactly when and where they want it. It helps businesses to hook up with consumers and provides them with valuable information so they can make intelligent purchasing decisions. The network offers easy access to more than 79000 Internet sites as of April, 2004, as well as specialized services such as e-mail, online shopping and banking, ticket reservations, and restaurant menus. Users can access sites from anywhere in japan.
Are you familier with Mitochondrial Eve? Now to the question how scientists are able to trace the origin of the human race by studying genes. The longer the time has elapsed since the human race split from the common ancestor it shares with other primates, the greater the changes when the same gene is compared longitudinally. Like wise, a comparison of the sequences of the same genes among the various people of the world reveals that those people possessing genes that changeed the least are closest to being the ancestors of the human race. Hundreds of mitochondria are found in a single cell. Because they produce Adenosine Triphosphate(ATP), the source of energy that cells need, they are likened to power plants. The DNA structure of a mitochondrion is different from that of the chronosome found in the nucleus. Children inherit nuclear DNA from both their parents, but mitochondria DNA(mtDNA) is inherited only from the mother. Thus, mtDNA is useful in tracing the origin of the human species. Before explaining why, let us digress a bit and discuss a mystery novel titled Parasite Eve, a book about Eve, who lives in hiding in a mitochondrion. Eve is passed on from one womans body to the next, generation to generation, until Eve finally becomes aware of her identity. The story captures the mitochondrial traits nicely.
A:Treally want to apologize to you for all the noise we made last night. We were celebrating Tom's birthday, and it sort of got out of hand. B:Don't worry about it. Thardly heard anything. T'm glad you guys had a good time. But now that you mention it, there is one thingTwanted to ask you about noise. A:What's that? B:Well, you seem to have a rather loud alarm clock. Tknow it's hard to get up at seven o'clock every morning, butTwonder if you would consider using an alarm clock that doesn't make quite so much noice. There are some people who want to sleep until eight, but your alarm clock is loud enough to wake up everyone on the floor. A:Gee,T'm really sorry. Tdidn't realize it was that loud. B:Maybe you can put a pillow over it or something.
Thave to finish writing the report by the end of this week.
There are some people who want to sleep until eight, but your alarm clock is loud enough to wake up everyone on the floor. なかには八時まで眠りたいという人もいらっしゃるのですが、あなたの目覚まし時計は同じ階の皆さんを起こしてしまうほどの大きな音なのです。
2.Long-term Changes in Behavior Due to the emotional response that occurs with negative experiences, we are more likely to avoid getting into those situations in the future. The memory of negative emotions cause us to avoid certain behaviors, nad the memory of positive emotions causes us to actively pursue other behaviors. If getting an A on your report card gives you a feeling of satisfaction, chances are you will continue working to get A's, seeking that same positive emotion that you experienced the first time.
3.A Medium for Social Cues Emotions are an important social cue, and it is no coincidence that many emotions are inherently expressed through facial expressions or characteristic behaviors. We constantly communicate with our emotions, which allows others to better understand our emotional state and to predict our future behavior. Beneficial social interaction can result. Take, for example, two children playing outside. If one child is growing frustrated and angry with a toy that is broken, the other child may recognize this go over to help him fix the broken toy.
i'm not sure how different Christmas can be around the world. i figure that it's the same everywhere (to a point) lol A jolly red fat man giving out presants to kids and gift giving from one person 2 another, plus the religious part of it that revolves around christianity (i have a relegious family, they're Mormon :( lol) christmas just makes me sad because stores put out Christmas before Halloween... so 2 months before.
the Family holiday party is more of a gathering and my family is just very unpleasant. its hard to explain without you really knowing them. so i understand if you don't.
Most Latter-day Saints include some of the traditions, games, decorations, music, and food associated with the Christmas customs of their homelands in their family celebrations. Such items as Christmas trees, stockings, gifts, and greeting cards add to the beauty of the holiday and are not discouraged. But the recommended focus is religious. The Church encourages family closeness, concern for neighbors, thoughtfulness for fellow workers, renewal of friendships, and acts of Christlike love, giving, and celebration. Appropriate sermons, lessons, songs, and programs are presented in Sabbath services during the Christmas season. Latter-day Saints are cautioned that holiday shopping, decorating, and festivities should not obscure the remembrance of Christ nor hinder the quest for peace on earth.
まさに more of a gathering であり、モルモン教についてあまり 良い感情をもっていない(ように文面からは思える)メールの送信者 がmy family is just very unpleasant.と感じてしまうのも然もありなん ではないかと感じました。
Chrisstmas gift idea! Do you love your girlfriend? PROVE IT ALL NIGHT Simply gave orders that you should be looked after. Much materialism, so we've asked for something sigh. A bairn could manage him, said malcolm in houses of prominent citizens were attacked and stereo and put on some billy joel. Hed missed.
The shape of a tool’s handle invites or affords or supports a particular type of grip. Many handles can support more than one type of grip, e.g., a screwdriver can be held in a precision grip when placing the tip of the screwdriver into the head of the screw, and can be held in a power grip when driving the screw; a spoon can be held to drink soup or eat pie. The handle offers a range of grips and also a range of postures for using the tool. Selection of the grip is a function of previous experience, e.g., the needle holder shown in Figure5.1 might look like a pair of scissors and people might mistakenly attempt to use a grip that is appropriate for scissors when using these. Selection of the grip is also a function of the constraints under which one is performing the task, e.g., eating in a restaurant vs. eating at home, eating soup vs. eating pie, etc. The selected grip can be related to the morphology and motor skills of the user, e.g., a young child may well grip the handle in a manner different from an adult due to the differences in hand size and fine motor skills. At this level, the meaning of the tool relates to its interaction with the specific person who is using it. But even this discussion implies that ‘meaning’ becomes intertwined with a broad range of contextual features that shape our interpretation both of the tool itself and the manner in which it is to be used. Defining the appropriate manner in which to respond to the form of the tool then becomes a matter of making judgments based on multiple sources of information.
I slumped on the chair by the larder door. With the certainty of a sleepwarker, I suddenly felt that my strength would fail me if I tried to escape this new trap. I sat ther groaning and gazing dully at the officer. It was some time before I stammered, with difficulty, Do what you like to me. I'm not moving from here. I've no intention of doing anything to you! The officer shrugged his shoulders. What do you do for a living?
I'm a pianist. He looked at me more closely, and with obvious suspicion. Then his glance fell on the door leading from the kitchen to the other rooms. An idea seemed to have struck him. Come with me, will you? We went into the next room, which had obviously been the dining room, and then into the room beyond it, where a piano sttod by the wall. The officer pointed to the instrument. Play something!
Hadn't it occurred to him that the sound of the piano would instantly attract all the SS men in the vicinity? I looked enquiringly at him and did not move. He obviously, It's all right, you can play. If anyone comes, you hide in the larder and I'll say it was me trying the instrument out.
There were those other orbiter maintenance and requirement specifications, which not only did processing of the vehicle, but in flow testing, pad testing, and what have you, but also accomplished or was in lieu of an inspection plan.
個々の単語はわかるのですが、which以降をどう繋げるか悩んでいます。 not only〜but alsoの間にbutがあってよくわからないです。 どなたかよろしくお願いします。
While large numbers of youth are staying out of the full-time workforce, hopping from one job to another or out of work and school entirely, youth job-hunting is becoming more of a concern for parents. Sentiment persists, however, that parents should not interfere in children's decision-making on employment and that young people should become independent.
Growing numbers of freeters, or freelance workers, and NEETs (those not it employment, education or training) have driven some universities to encourage parent's involvement in student placement programs. This way, they can understand the harsh employment market that job-seekers face. Administrators need to improve the rate of graduate employment in order to attract potential students.
There is a fear that students who don't look actively for work are lively to become freeters and NEETs. The university in Gunma believes parents have a role to play in keeping their children from becoming freeters or NEETs. The school hears from parents who want their children to find stable employment, but are concerned they are not actively looking for work. And the university sends information to parents about current job-hunting opportunities. Many students reacted favorably to the university's efforts because they believe parents will be less critical if they understand the severity of the job market.
A university in Tokyo has been posting requests to parents on its Web site. They state specific items, such as parents discussing with their children the possibility of their returning to their hometown for a job, and parents financially supporting them during job searches so students can focus on job-hunting rather working part-time.
However, sentiment counter to this movement remains strong. The Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry's center in Tokyo, which assists student job seekers, does not expect parents to visit the center for counseling. Parents calling the center are advised to have their children go for career assistance on their own.
Companies have mixed reactions. An official at a major bank supports involvement of parents because it means newcomers will be less likely to quit or cause trouble if they have the consent of their parents. However, an official of a major manufacturer said, "The company won't bother to take parent's concerns into consideration. Parents and university students shouldn't get used to environments where helping hands are always offered".
When I placed my fingers on the keyboard they shook. So this time, for a change, I had to buy my life by playing the piano! I hadn't practiced for two and a half years, my fingers were stiff and covered with a thick layer of dirt, and I had not cut my nails since the fire in the building where I was hiding. Moreover, the piano was in a room without any window panes, so its action was swollen by the damp and resisted the pressure of the keys. I played Chopin's Nocturne in C sharp minor. The glassy, tinkling sound of the untuned string rang through the empty flat and the stairway, floated through the ruins of the villa on the other side of the street and returned as a muted, melancholy echo. When I had finished, the silence seemed even gloomier and more eerie than before. A cat mewed in a street somewhere. I heard a shot down below outside the building ‐ a harsh, loud German voice. The officer looked at me in silence. After a while he sighed, and muttered, All the same, you shouldn't stay here. I'll take you out of the city, to a village. You'll be safer there. I shook my head. I can't leave this place. I said firmly. Only now did he seem to understand my real reason for hiding among the ruins. He started nervously. You're Jewish? he asked. Yes.
He had been standing with his arms crossed over his chest; he now unfolded them and sat down in the armchair by the piano, as if this discovery called for lengthy reflection. Yes, well, he murmured, in that case I see you really can't leave. He appeared to be deep in thought again for some time, and then turned to me with another question. Where are you hiding? In the attic. Show me what it's like up there.
An area of interest in the field of industrial design is known as ‘product semantics’. This proposes that, rather than simply reflecting a specific function, an object communicates meanings with its prospective users. It is assumed that, in assigning a ‘meaning’ to a product, one will draw upon a whole set of referents, e.g., through analogy, metaphor, allusion, culture, etc. to interpret a product and to provide clues as to the product’s interpretation. A popular television program used to ask panelists to determine what a particular object was for. Often the objects were tools form industries that had been long obsolete, and the panelists would inspect the objects to look for handles, shafts, blades, etc. that could be used to develop an explanation. Their interpretation of the object depended both on ‘seeing’ the components of the object and on being to draw analogies with similar components and objects. Product semantics assumes that users can read or interpret objects in terms of their meanings. It would seem that the idea of reading suggests a strong cognitive engagement, in which the person contemplates the object in order to extract the meaning. However, this meditation upon an object’s meaning does not seem to be an everyday practice. Rather, we are more likely to respond to the immediately apparent features. In this way, the appearance of a tool will cue its meaning, e.g., in terms of how to pick it up, how to use it and what to use it for. An interesting study is to take an everyday object and place it on the table in front of you.
ONE in five Britons ― nearly 10adults ― is considering leaving the country amid growing disillusionment over the failure of political parties to deliver tax cuts, according to a new poil.
The extensive survey conducted by ICM, the polling company, shows that ― contrary to the current approach of both Labour and the Tories ― an overwhelming majority of voters do want to see cuts in income and inheritance tax.
The results will raise alarm in both political camps, but particularly for David , who has yet to solidify the Conservatives’ lead over Labour in the opinion polls.
The Tory leader, who has ditched his party’s longーstanding commitment to tax cuts in favour of “economic stability”, has maintained a solid lead over Labour since May in most of the polls , but is still well short of securing a majority.
In this Chapter, I have considered some of the factors that might influence our ability to interpret the meaning of tools. My point is that even the most mundane of tools have the possibility of carrying some meaning to the user. Perhaps this meaning is simply in terms of what the tool can be used for, alternatively the meaning might relate to some notion of the tools ‘aesthetics’. Thus, looking at a teaspoon in the glass case of a museum, perhaps as part of an exhibition of Georgian artifacts, might provoke different reactions to looking at a teaspoon in a restaurant, which might, in turn, differ from looking at a ‘tea stirrer’ in a fast-food outlet. The function of the three artifacts remains the same, but the form will differ, as will the value that one places upon them. For instance, the tea stirrer is clearly designed for immediate use and is to be disposed of when it is finished with, but the teaspoon is designed to be washed and reused. By having a chapter devoted to the meaning of tools,Iam trying to point out that these everyday objects can be read and interpreted in terms of different meanings, and that we respond to different meanings depending on the contexts in which we use the tools. One implication for this is that tool design is as much a matter of relating the appearance of an object to its potential context of use as it is to the form and function of the tool. Indeed, a beautifully engraved sterling silver teaspoon might look distinctly out of place on the workbench of a mechanic but might appear perfectly at home in the sitting room of a Stately Home.
When you want to tell someone how to do something, the first thing you need to do is make a list of steps in the process. Then you should arrange the steps according to time order. When you write your paragraph, use signal words to make the order of the steps clear to the reader. Here are some examples of time-order signal words: first,second,third / first of all / then / after that / next / finally
和訳お願いします。 Poverty is Denial of All Human Rights Peace should be understood in a human way − in abroad social, political and economic way. Pace is threatened by unjust economic, social and political order, absence of democracy, enviromental defradation and absence of human rights. Poverty is the absence of all human rights. The frustrations, hostility and anger generated by abject poverty cannot sustain peace in any society. For building stable peace we must find ways to provide opportunities for people to live decent lives. The creation of opportunities for the majority of people −the poor− is at the heart of the work that we have dedicated ourselves to during the past 30 years.
Grameen Bank I became involved in the poverty issue not as a policymaker or a researcher. I became involved because poverty was all around me, and I could turn away from it. In 1974, I gound it difficult to teach elegant theories of economics in the university classroom, in the backdrop of a terrible famine in Bangladesh. Suddenly, I felt the emptiness of those theories in the face of crushing hunger and poverty. I wanted to do something immediate to help people around me, even if it was just one human being, to get through another day with a little more ease. That brought me face to face with poor peoples struggle to find the tiniest amounts of money to support their efforts to eke out a living. I was shocked to discover a woman in the village, borrowing less than a dollar from the money-lender, on the condition that he would have the exclusive right to buy all she produces at the proce he decides. This, to me, was a way of recruiting slave labor.
The preceding sections have focused on the meaning of tools as static objects, i.e., as things that are lying on the table. However, as soon as you pick up a tool, a new set of meanings emerges. For instance, the balance of the tool in the hand can set up expectations of the posture that will be needed to hold the tool. Thus, a power drill might be heavy and pull the wrist forwards, which means that to use it might require two hands or might require you to keep the wrist straight through pulling the drill up. The appearance of an angled handle for pliers and hammers (see Chapter 6) might look a little unusual, but when you pick up a tool designed with an angled handle, it sits quite differently in the hand and suggests a different style of use. In this manner, the angled handle signifies a pattern of operation different from what might be appropriate for a straight handle. Some handles are designed with indentations for the fingers. Such a design has already been argued to be very poor ergonomics (see Chapter 6), but it does imply a specific notion of use that the designer had in mind when creating the tool (as well as a single dimension of the human hand, which is one reason why such designs are so poor).
よろしくお願いします。 This is probably the last time I shall see you, and it is a better penance for me to say this than to write it. I have entirely misjudged your attitude to this case, and if in doing so I have ever seemed to you either rude or ungratefull, I an sincerely and humbly sorry.
よろしくお願いします。 Look, please don't be rude. It is Sunday here and yes we plan on shipping in the morning.... We take our time to properly ship international orders to insure the safe arrive of the order we are sorry for the inconvenience. But, Like I said it will go out first thing Monday morning. I will send tracking information once we ship.
よろしくお願い致します。 1It is basic to Finley's view of the Greek city that the economic relationship between town and country turned on the demand of the town for food. The town created a demand for food which the country as a whole,or simply the immediate hinterland of the town,met.
2つめですがよろしくお願い致します In what I have said I have tried to move the emphasis by stressing that the social and political obligations of the wealthy createda need for cash which demanded that they enter the market. The good which they supplied to the market may have made possible and indeed encouraged the growth of the town as a population centre, but it was occasioned by the existence of the town as a political centre,something which is.conceptually at least,quite a different thing. The public spending of the polis,and particularly of the democratic polis,can be seen to have stimulated both town and country.
I decided to make a list of the victims of this money-lending "business" in the village next door to our campus. When my list was done, it had names of 42 victims who borowed a total amount of US $27. I offered US $27 from my own pocket to get these victims out of the clutches of those money-lenders. The excitement that was created among the people by this small action got me further involved in it. If I could makes so many people so happy with such a tiny amount of money, why not do more of it?
That is what I have been trying to do ever since. The first thing I did was to try to persuade the bank located in the campus to lend money to the poor. But that did not work. The bank said that the poor were not creditworthy. After all my efforts, over several months, failed, I offered to become a guarantor for the loans to the poor. I was stunned by the results. The poor paid back their loans, on time, every time! But still I kept confronting difficulties in expanding the program through the existing banks. That was when I decided to create a separate bank for the poor, and in 1983, I finally succeeded in doing that. I named it Grameen Bank or Village bank.
Today Grameen Bank gives loans to nearly 7.0 million poor people, 97 percent of whom are women, in 73000 villages in Bangladesh. Grameen Bank gives collateral-free income generating, housing, student and micro-enterprise loans to the poor families and offers a host of attractive savings, pension funds and insurance products for its members. Since it introduced them in 1984, housing loans have been used to construct 640000 houses. The legal ownership of these houses belongs to the women themselves. We focused on women because we found giving loans to women always brought more benefits to the family.
Yeah, I'm pretty proud of myself because "fa frette" is extremely far from the correction I managed to give! But I have to admit there's a trick. Actually, I guessed right thanks to your following sentence which was refering to the weather!
the new order is under processing, so not good to add replacement. for your coming new order, before you place the order, please contact us, and we will send you a payment link to pay, then we can add the replacement. OK? 今、海外商品のネット注文でやりとりをしているのですが この文はなんといっているのか、どなたか教えて下さい。
"Do you want to sprinkle him with holy water, and see if he flies up the chimney? Why not baptize him?" said Meon.
'Eddi was really shocked. I thought it was bad taste myself.
'"That's not fair," said Meon. "You call him a demon and a familiar spirit because he loves his master and likes music, and when I offer you a chance to prove it you won't take it. Look here! I'll make a bargain. I'll be baptized if you'll baptize Padda too. He's more of a man than most of my slaves." '"One doesn't bargain - or joke - about these matters," I said. He was going altogether too far.
'"Quite right," said Meon; "I shouldn't like any one to joke about Padda. Padda, go down to the beach and bring us tomorrow's weather!"
'My good Eddi must have been a little over-tired with his day's work. "I am a servant of the church," he cried. "My business is to save souls, not to enter into fellowships and understandings with accursed beasts."
'"Have it your own narrow way," said Meon. "Padda, you needn't go." The old fellow flounced back to his ox-hide at once. '"Man could learn obedience at least from that creature," said Eddi, a little ashamed of himself. Christians should not curse. '"Don't begin to apologise Just when I am beginning to like you," said Meon. "We'll leave Padda behind tomorrow - out of respect to your feelings. Now let's go to supper. We must be up early tomorrow for the whiting." 'The next was a beautiful crisp autumn morning - a weather- breeder, if I had taken the trouble to think; but it's refreshing to escape from kings and converts for half a day. We three went by ourselves in Meon's smallest boat, and we got on the whiting near an old wreck, a mile or so off shore. Meon knew the marks to a yard, and the fish were keen. Yes - yess! A perfect morning's fishing! If a Bishop can't be a fisherman, who can?' He twiddled his ring again. 'We stayed there a little too long, and while we were getting up our stone, down came the fog. After some discussion, we decided to row for the land. The ebb was just beginning to make round the point, and sent us all ways at once like a coracle.' 'Selsey Bill,' said Puck under his breath. 'The tides run something furious there.'
'I believe you,' said the Archbishop. 'Meon and I have spent a good many evenings arguing as to where exactly we drifted. All I know is we found ourselves in a little rocky cove that had sprung up round us out of the fog, and a swell lifted the boat on to a ledge, and she broke up beneath our feet. We had just time to shuffle through the weed before the next wave. The sea was rising. '"It's rather a pity we didn't let Padda go down to the beach last night," said Meon. "He might have warned us this was coming."
'"Better fall into the hands of God than the hands of demons," said Eddi, and his teeth chattered as he prayed. A nor'-west breeze had just got up - distinctly cool.
'"Save what you can of the boat," said Meon; "we may need it," and we had to drench ourselves again, fishing out stray planks.'
593の続きです。 'I believe you,' said the Archbishop. 'Meon and I have spent a good many evenings arguing as to where exactly we drifted. All I know is we found ourselves in a little rocky cove that had sprung up round us out of the fog, and a swell lifted the boat on to a ledge, and she broke up beneath our feet. We had just time to shuffle through the weed before the next wave. The sea was rising. '"It's rather a pity we didn't let Padda go down to the beach last night," said Meon. "He might have warned us this was coming."
'"Better fall into the hands of God than the hands of demons," said Eddi, and his teeth chattered as he prayed. A nor'-west breeze had just got up - distinctly cool.
'"Save what you can of the boat," said Meon; "we may need it," and we had to drench ourselves again, fishing out stray planks.'
'For firewood. We did not know when we should get off. Eddi had flint and steel, and we found dry fuel in the old gulls' nests and lit a fire. It smoked abominably, and we guarded it with boat- planks up-ended between the rocks. One gets used to that sort of thing if one travels. Unluckily I'm not so strong as I was. I fear I must have been a trouble to my friends. It was blowing a full gale before midnight. Eddi wrung out his cloak, and tried to wrap me in it, but I ordered him on his obedience to keep it. However, he held me in his arms all the first night, and Meon begged his pardon for what he'd said the night before - about Eddi, running away if he found me on a sandbank, you remember. '"You are right in half your prophecy," said Eddi. "I have tucked up my gown, at any rate." (The wind had blown it over his head.) "Now let us thank God for His mercies."
'"Hum!" said Meon. "If this gale lasts, we stand a very fair chance of dying of starvation."
596の続きです。 '"If it be God's will that we survive, God will provide," said Eddi. "At least help me to sing to Him." The wind almost whipped the words out of his mouth, but he braced himself against a rock and sang psalms.
'I'm glad I never concealed my opinion - from myself - that Eddi was a better man than I. Yet I have worked hard in my time - very hard! Yes - yess! So the morning and the evening were our second day on that islet. There was rain-water in the rock-pools, and, as a churchman, I knew how to fast, but I admit we were hungry. Meon fed our fire chip by chip to eke it out, and they made me sit over it, the dear fellows, when I was too weak to object. Meon held me in his arms the second night, just like a child. My good Eddi was a little out of his senses, and imagined himself teaching a York choir to sing. Even so, he was beautifully patient with them.'I heard Meon whisper, "If this keeps up we shall go to our Gods. I wonder what Wotan will say to me. He must know I don't believe in him. On the other hand, I can't do what Ethelwalch finds so easy - curry favour with your God at the last minute, in the hope of being saved - as you call it. How do you advise, Bishop?" '"My dear man," I said, "if that is your honest belief, I take it upon myself to say you had far better not curry favour with any God. But if it's only your Jutish pride that holds you back, lift me up, and I'll baptize you even now."
'"Lie still," said Meon. "I could judge better if I were in my own hall. But to desert one's fathers' Gods - even if one doesn't believe in them - in the middle of a gale, isn't quite - What would you do yourself?" 'I was lying in his arms, kept alive by the warmth of his big, steady heart. It did not seem to me the time or the place for subtle arguments, so I answered, "No, I certainly should not desert my God." I don't see even now what else I could have said. '"Thank you. I'll remember that, if I live," said Meon, and I must have drifted back to my dreams about Northumbria and beautiful France, for it was broad daylight when I heard him calling on Wotan in that high, shaking heathen yell that I detest so.
'"Lie quiet. I'm giving Wotan his chance," he said. Our dear Eddi ambled up, still beating time to his imaginary choir. '"Yes. Call on your Gods," he cried, "and see what gifts they will send you. They are gone on a journey, or they are hunting." 'I assure you the words were not out of his mouth when old Padda shot from the top of a cold wrinkled swell, drove himself over the weedy ledge, and landed fair in our laps with a rock-cod between his teeth. I could not help smiling at Eddi's face. "A miracle! A miracle!" he cried, and kneeled down to clean the cod. '"You've been a long time finding us, my son," said Meon. "Now fish - fish for all our lives. We're starving, Padda." 'The old fellow flung himself quivering like a salmon backward into the boil of the currents round the rocks, and Meon said, "We're safe. I'll send him to fetch help when this wind drops. Eat and be thankful."
'I never tasted anything so good as those rock-codlings we took from Padda's mouth and half roasted over the fire. Between his plunges Padda would hunch up and purr over Meon with the tears running down his face. I never knew before that seals could weep for joy - as I have wept. '"Surely," said Eddi, with his mouth full, "God has made the seal the loveliest of His creatures in the water. Look how Padda breasts the current! He stands up against it like a rock; now watch the chain of bubbles where he dives; and now - there is his wise head under that rock-ledge! Oh, a blessing be on thee, my little brother Padda!" '"You said he was a child of the Devil!" Meon laughed. '"There I sinned," poor Eddi answered. "Call him here, and I will ask his pardon. God sent him out of the storm to humble me, a fool."'"I won't ask you to enter into fellowships and understandings with any accursed brute," said Meon, rather unkindly. "Shall we say he was sent to our Bishop as the ravens were sent to your prophet Elijah?"
'"Doubtless that is so," said Eddi. "I will write it so if I live to get home."'"No - no!" I said. "Let us three poor men kneel and thank God for His mercies." 'We kneeled, and old Padda shuffled up and thrust his head under Meon's elbows. I laid my hand upon it and blessed him. So did Eddi. '"And now, my son," I said to Meon, "shall I baptize thee?" '"Not yet," said he. "Wait till we are well ashore and at home. No God in any Heaven shall say that I came to him or left him because I was wet and cold. I will send Padda to my people for a boat. Is that witchcraft, Eddi?"
長い文で申し訳ありません。the idea that〜以降は文章の主語述語の関係すら判らない状態です。 どなたか和訳よろしくお願いします。
Two points are worth while extracting from this passage:first, the idea that author and character are bound together in the polyphonic text in a reciprocal relationship of exchange (in which, for author, the hero is always subject and never object of the address);and second, that the 'life' of this relationship depends upon the fact it is being negotiated and renegotiated 'in the present tnse of creative process: that is to say, as the text is being written.
どなたかよろしくお願いします。作家に対するインタビュー記事です。 What is a Maurice Sendak? "A determination, probably, in some way to uncover or find out as much of myself that is me and that has been me from childhood, and find out as much as possible before I die. To grow spiritually as a person, creatively as an artist, because spiritual and creative merge into one which is useful. I spend most of my time trying to figure my self out, though no longer for vainglorious reasons, but for aesthetic reasons. I just want to know."
A while later, the nighthawk opened his eyes quite clearly, and saw that his body was glowing with a beautiful blue light like burning phosphorous. The bluish white light of the Milky way lay just at his back. And the nighthawk star went on burning. It burned forever and forever. It is still burning to this day.
・the idea that…the relationship of exchange までが一つの長い名詞&修飾語だとばかり考えて、動詞は?ってテンパってました。 ・in a reciprocal relationship of exchangeがドコにかかるのか判らなくてテンパってました。 ・the hero is always subject and never object of addressの of address の意味がとれなくてテンパってました。 ・that is to say, as text is being written の as って何だろ?ってテンパってました。
日本語訳お願いします。m(__)m Yet among the myriad microwaves.the infrared messages. The gigabytes of ones and zeros,we find words. Byte-sized now.Tinier even than science. lurkin in rome vague electricity. but if we but listen. we hear the solitary voice of that poet telling us... Yesterday this days madness did prepare... Tomorrows silent triumph of despair. Drink for you know where you came nor why. drink for you know not why you go nor why
warning please see right
All left the manufacturer and of the owner of the clotheswork reserved. Unauthorised copying.Public performance.broadcasting.remaking and making transmittable of this visual and clothes prohigited
The repayment rate is 99 percent. Grameen Bank routinely makes profit. Financially, it is self-reliant and has not taken donor money since 1995. According to Grameen Banks internal survey, 58 percent of our borrowers have crossed the poverty line. Grameen Bank was born as a tiny homegrown project run with the help of several of my students, all local girls and boys. Three of these students are still with me in Grameen Bank, after all these years, as its topmost executives. They are here today to receive this honor you give us. This idea, which began in Jobra, a small village in Bangladesh, has spread around the world and there are now Grameen type programs in almost every country.
Once attractive markets have been identified, it is important to consider the timing of entry. We say that entry is early when an international business enters a foreign market before other foreign firms and late when it enters after other international businesses have already established themselves. The advantages frequently associated with entering a marker early are commonly known as first-mover advantages. One first-mover advantage is the ability to preempt rivals and capture demand by establishing a strong brand name. A second advantage is the ability to build sales volume in that country and ride down the experience curve ahead of rivals, giving the early entrant a cost advantage over later entrants. This cost advantage may enable the early entrant to cut prices below that of later entrants, thereby driving them out of the market. A third advantage is the ability of early entrants to create switching costs that tie customers into their products or services. Such switching costs make it difficult for later entrants to win business. どなたかお願いします^^
There can also be disadvantages associated with entering a foreign market before other international businesses. These are often referred to as first-mover disadvantages. These disadvantages may give rise to pioneering costs, costs that an early entrant has to bear that a later entrant can avoid. Pioneering costs arise when the business system in a foreign country is so different from that in a firm’s home market that the enterprise has to devote considerable effort, time, and expense to learning the rules of the game. Pioneering costs include the costs of business failure if the firm, due to its ignorance of the foreign environment, makes some major mistakes. A certain liability is associated with being a foreigner, and this liability is greater for foreign firms that enter a national market early. Research seems to confirm that the probability of survival increases if an international business enters a national market after several other foreign firms have already done so. The late entrant may benefit by observing and learning from the mistakes made by early entrants. Pioneering costs also include the costs of promoting and establishing a product offering, including the costs of educating customers. These can be significant when the product being promoted is unfamiliar to local consumers. In contrast, later entrants may be able to ride on an early entrant’s investments in learning and customer education by watching how the early entrant proceeded in the market, by avoiding costly mistakes made by the early entrant, and by exploiting the market potential created by the early entrant’s investments in customer education. For example, KFC introduces the Chinese to American-style fast food, but a later entrant, McDonald’s, has capitalized on the market in China.
>>440ですが、タイプミスがあったようなので修正します。よろしくお願いします。 By giving this prize, The Norwegian Nobel Committee has given important support to the proposition that peace is inextricably linked to poverty. Poverty is a threat to peace. Worlds income distribution gives a very telling story. 94 percent of the world income goes to 40 percent of the population while 60 percent of people live on only six percent world income. Half of the world population lives on two dollars a day. This is no formula for peace. The new millennium began with a great global dream. World leaders gathered at the United Nations in 2000 and adopted, among others, a historic goal to reduce poverty by half by 2015. Never in human history had such a bold goal been adopted by the entire world in one voice, one that specified time and size. But then came September 11 and the Iraq war, and suddenly the world became derailed from the pursuit of this dream, with the attention of world leaders shifting from the war on poverty to the war on terrorism. Till now over $530 billion has been spent on the war in Iraq by the USA alone. I believe terrorism cannot be won over by military action. Terrorism must be condemned in the strongest langage. We must stand solidly against it, and find all the means to end it. We must address the root causes of terrorism to end it. We must address the root causes of terrorism to end it for all time to come. I believe that putting resources into improving the lives of the poor people is a better strategy than spending it on guns.
We went upstairs. He inspected the attic with a careful and expert eye. In so doing he discovered something I had not yet noticed: a kind of extra floor above it, a loft made of boards under the roof valley and directly above the entrance to the attic itself. At first glance you hardly noticed it because the light was so dim there. The officer said he thought I should hide in thgis loft, and he helped me llok for a ladder in the flats below. Once I was up in the loft I must pull the ladder up after me. When we had discussed this plan and put it into action, he asked if I had anything to eat. No, I said. After all, he had taken me unawares while I was searching for supplies. Well, never mind, he added hastily, as if ashamed in retrospect of his surprise attack. I'll bring you some food. Only now did I venture a question of my own. I simply could not restrain myself any longer. Are you German? He flushed, and almost shouted his answer in agitation, as if my question had been an insult. Yes, I am! And ashamed of it, after everything that's been happening. Abruptly, he shook hands with me and left.
It's getting closer to the termination of this thread because of exeeding limit of the thread size. What kind of damn ass is posting all these craps in short time?
But even back in the capital, and however they soaked themselves in hot baths, their faces that had gone all crumpled like wastepaper would never go back to normal again.
On the second day, a sail drew near, nearer and picked me up at last. It was the devious-cruising Rachel, that in her retracing search after her missing children, only found another orphan.
Then Peter knew that there was not a moment to lose. "Come," he cried imperiously, and soared out at once into the night followed by John and Michael and Wendy.
長いですが、和訳お願いします。 Theories of Emotion THe study of emotions is extremely diverse, because it can be a factor in every type of process that goes on in the brain.
1. James-Lange theory Williams James and Carl Lange, 19th century psychologists and early pioneers in the study of emotions, took the view that a psychologically emotional experience is simply a cognitive reaction to instinctive bodily responses. They believed that we feel sad as a result of crying, angry because we act aggressive, and afraid because we temble. In this theory, the cause is an innate physiological response to the external world and the effect is the emotional feeling.
The James-Lange theory, though the first to recognize the mind-body link involved in emotional responses, oversimplified the situation. In order for the theory to hold, the mind must react emotionally every time certain physical responses occur. However, when a person exercises, causing the physiological changes associated with fear or anger, he or she does not necessarily take on that emotions are associated with the same physical response. If emotions are purely responses to physical changes, then it seems unlikely that the same exact physical change could selectively produce many different emotional responses.
2.Cannnon-Bard theory The cannnon-Bardtheory, proposed around 1930, was a reaction to the fallacies found in the James-Lange theory of emotion. Rather than assuming a purely physical basis for emotional response, Walter Cannon and Philip Bard suggested that the brain's thalamus produces an emotional nerve impulse that triggers the mental and physical components simultaneously.
続きです。 3.Schachter-Singer theory The Scahchter-Singer theory of emotion is a little bit different in nature from the other two in that it focuses on the role of cognition in determining emotion. According to the theory, an emotional response is triggered by two things: firstly a general, nonspecific physiological arousal, and secondly a mental evaluation of the arousal based on enviromental cues. For example, imagine that a large, menacing dogs is running straight towards you. You would expect to feel fearful, right? Well, it depends. If the dog is unfamiliar to you, fear is a completely understandable response. If, however, the dog is your own and it is running to greet you, you will not feel fearful at all. In this case, deciding whether or not to be afraid required a mental evaluation of the situation, and the Schachter-Singer theory states that the same thought process occurs constantly with emotions.
このジェームズ-ランゲ説は、情動的反応に関わる精神と肉体の結びつきを最初に認識したものではあるが、実情を 単純化しすぎた。この理論が成り立つには、肉体的反応が生じるその度ごとに、精神が情動的反応をしなくては ならない。しかし、人が運動をし、恐怖や怒りに関係する心理的変化を引き起こしても、その人は必ず同じ肉体的 反応に関係した情動を得る *take on emotions that are...* わけではない。
日本語訳宜しくお願いします。m(__)m do you realize your death? what did the world find? sooty white. act to spread varnish over and over... an image of two giraffes. metropolis with seven scars.sense of unusual skin. possibility to reach for the higher...false language.false expression. we need arrange insanity. is this the most elegant and exciting condition for us?or not?we can't....
When commenting on the so called "ideological monologism" of other author, however, Bakhtin gives us more of a sense of how keenly political such differences between text can be: the monologic structuring of the text wherein the author's views invade and dominate those of his or her characters is clearly associated, in Bakhtin's mind, with a totalitarian intolerance, against which Dostoevsky's polyphonic texts are liberatingly democratic.
「しかしながら、他の作者のいわゆる"イデオロギー的モノローグ主義"を批評するとき、バフチンは how keenly political such differences between text can beの感覚以上のことを私たちに述べる。 具体的には、そこで作者の考え方がその人の登場人物のthoseに侵入し、支配してしまうテキストのモノローグ的構造は、 バフチンの意見では、ドストエフスキーのポリフォニックなテキストが解放的な民主主義であることに対して、 全体主義の偏狭と明らかに関係づけられている」
While later Marxist like Altusser would undoubtedly question the possibility of ideological "neutrality" in any text, Bakhtin does select some convincing passage from Dostoevsky to illustrate his point, including a piece of journalism entitled "The Enviroment".
Because of the peculiarities of finite-precision arithmetic, no proof of convergence can guarantee a solution found and termination in a finite number of steps.
話の流れから、 『(コンピュータは)有限精度の計算能力しかないので、 有限ステップの更新では解を見付けたり(アルゴリズムが)終了したりする 保証は無い』 という内容だとは思うのですが、 no proof of convergence can ... から続く文章のち直訳が分かりません。 収束する証拠が無い・・・保証できる,収束する証拠は保証できない?
Hi, man :-) :-) please excuse the late replay! This is only my subsidiary channel - I'm not often here...
;-) ;-) do you think, I'm 15artjomS ??!? - hmmmmm, ha, ha, ha, ha - a clever, cute question.............. <g> :-x :-X :-P --- Youtube kills that one, who says: I'm 15artjomS :-( ---
Last week I opened a new Channel ;-) You are one of my subscriptions! <bg> :-) By now there are 2 clips uploaded! You can stop by it - I leave it your opinion, whether you see in that new channel the continuation of 15artjomS (I did know artjom-patrick's channel good.....) More don't I betray now (sorry) ;-) But I would be glad, if you find the Channel and we become friends ;-) :-P :-)
Since the dollar rate of return on dollar deposits(the dollar interest rate) is only 10% per year, you expect to do better by holding your wealth in the from of euro deposits. Despite the fact that the dollar interest rate exceeds the euro interest rate by 5% per year, the euro's expected appreciation against the dollar gives euro holders a prospective capital gain that is large enough to make euro deposits the higher-yield asset.
The poets and philosophers before me discovered the unconscious. What I discovered was the scientific method by which the unconscious can be studied."? フロイト先生の名言らしいですが、おねがいします
Takashi: Boy, it really makes me mad how Japanese women are unfairly treated at work. Look at this article, Lissa. It says here that only about 1% of all management jobs in Japan are held by women, whereas in the U.S. women occupy 39% of all management jobs. Lissa: Really? That's terrible. Takashi: And almost all the professors at my school are men, too. Wow, poor working conditions, unfair low pay, poor child-care system―the list of problems for Japanese women is almost endless. Lissa: Another thingT'm surprised about is that Japanese women have to use“polite language”more than men. With respect to language, it seems like Japanese women are not allowed to be on the same level as men. Takashi: Good point! Lissa: But things are not so great for American women either, Takashi.
Takashi: How's that? Lissa: Even American women usually have to do the cooking, shopping and housework, in addition to having full-time jobs. Theard that if housework and family care are defined as“work,”then emoloyed American women with children work an average of one month more than their husbands each year. And that's a whole month of 24-hour days! It's hard for American women to have a comfortable life both at home and at work. Takashi: Wow. That's not good, if that is true. It's surely unfair treatment of women. As a man,Tcan't stand it. Lissa: And half of all American marriages end in divorce, you know. In some ways,Tenvy Japanese women because the Japanese family seems more stable. Takashi:Tjust wish that Japanese women could have more choices. Now it is very difficult for Japanese women to get jobs they want. Lissa: Let's try to change the world, Takashi! We've got to fight discrimination against women.
A:Excuse me, please. MayTask you a question? B:By all means. A:Have you seen the movie“Titanic” B:Yes,Thave. A:And tell me please, how did you like it? B:Very much indeed. Why do you ask? A:T'm trying to find someone like me who doesn't like it. Tfound it too long and too sentimental. B:You seem to be in a minority!
Thank you for understanding we will notify you as soon as the **** arrive...Please be patient. We will contact our supplier and find out what is going on. It might take a little bit of time due to the holdays that are coming up. But as soon as we recieve them we will ship them out to you.
Anyway ... I too have been very busy. It seems that when you put something off that would normally take a few hours,it turns into days when addressed later!!I am living a lot of catch up these days,trying to get things taken care of that I put off for so long. I wish I had an assistant to take care of many things, but for now, I will be left to my own!
Daniel Boorstin calls places like American superhighways and the Istanbul Hilton “pseudo”, a hopeful appellation that suggests that they are insubstantial or transitory, which they are not.
It also suggests that somewhere in tourist settings there are real events accessible to intellectual elites, and perhaps there are.
I have argued that a more helpful way of approaching the same facts is in terms of a modification of Erving Goffman’s model of everyday life activities.
Specifically, I have suggested that for the study of tourist settings front and back be treated as ideal poles of a continuum, poles linked by a series of front regions decorated to appear as back regions, and back regions set up to accommodate outsiders.
I have suggested the term stage setting for these intermediary types of social space, but there is no need to be rigid about the matter of the name of this place, so long as its structural features and their influences on ideas are understood.
I have claimed that the structure of this social space is intimately linked to touristic attitudes and I want to pursue this.
The touristic way of getting in with the natives is to enter into a quest for authentic experiences, perceptions and insights.
The quest for authenticity is marked off in stage corresponds to back.
Movement from stage to stage corresponds to growing touristic understanding.
This continuum is sufficiently developed in some areas of the world that it appears as an infinite regression of stage sets.
Once in this manifold, the tourist is trapped. His road does not end abruptly in some conversion process that transforms him into Boorstin’s ”traveler ” “working at something” as he breaks the bounds of all hat is pseudo and penetrates, finally, into a real region.
1.A: We're going on a picnic at the seaside this weekend. Would you like to join us? B: Well, T'm afraidT'm too busy this weekend. A: OK. Perhaps some other time then. B: Sure. Thank you for asking me, though.
2.A: MayThelp you? B: No, thank you. T'm just looking. A: Take your time. We have a lot more items upstairs. B: Oh, do you? You have a large selection, don't you?
A: Did you hear that Jerry lost his job? B: Oh, he did? Gee, that's too bad. A: Yeah, the company wasn't making money, so they had to lay off some employees. B: So what's Jerry going to do now? A: Well, he's thinking of starting his own business. B: Oh, that's a good idea. Twonder whatT'd do ifTlost my job. MaybeT'd go back to school. What would you do? A: Well, firstTthinkT'd probably take a vacation. After that,TguessT'd try working for myself like Jerry.
The many literary origins scholars have proposed no doubt played a part. Schikaneder,however,needed to do little beyond reshaping material he knew to have worked well in some theatrical entertainment.The outcome depended a good deal on Mozart,who seems to have influenced,perhaps cajoled Schikaneder into writing a libretto a cut above his usual standard.The opera's total gesture needs to be examined on its own.Meanwhile it seems unlikely that composer and librettist set out to rescue Freemasonry in Vienna from a doom that did not strike it until nearly three years later. In the spring and early summer of 1791 the French Revolution was still in its moderate constitutional phase;members of the Viennese governing class might be anxious about such things as the abolition of titles,but the events that were to panic them - democracy,war,massacre, regicide - lay a year or so ahead. Once Mozart got the contract for the Prague coronation opera he needed to work fast,but not - as used to be thought - over a mere eighteen days.Time was indeed short:Guardasoni fell back,as he was allowed to,on a 1734 libretto that had served about forty composers.La clemenza di Tito was suitable because in it the Vienna court poet Metastasio had implied praise for the magnanimity of LeopoldU's grandfather. Its long recitatives and string of arias were,however,out of date;Caterino Mazzola,briefly the holder of Metastasio's post,did a rush job of turning it into what Mozart called a 'true opera'.This meant bringing in the kind of numbers Italian librettists now resorted to in serious opera:duets,trios,choruses,and,as in comic opera,a first-half finale that assembled most of the characters on stage for a highly dramatic confrontation.
Would you like us to refund the game cost back to your credit card or refund as store credit for your future purchase? For the return shipping charge, we will refund it as store credit to you. Please tell us your decision. In case of any further question, please hit the 'reply' button to ask.
He also reinterpreted the particular pose that he selected for Ida's mother as she sits in the arbor from Blake's "The Spirit of Plato", in which Blake depicts the philosopher deep in thought while visions of the ideal swirl about his head in a cosmic dance. But Sendak's image also reminds us of Milton's poem that mythologizes Melancholy as the "pensive Nun, devout and pure, / Sober, steadfast, and demure, / All in a robe of darkest grain, Flowing with majestic train." Melancholy is a goddess born to Vesta and Saturn in a golden age prior to Saturn's overthrow by Jove, and Milton places the home of goddess "in glimmering Bow'rs and glades" and "in secret shades" of the "inmost grove" of ―synchronistically―Mt.Ida in Crete. Sendak has given us his version of one of those bowers in the first picture of Ida's forlorn mother, and he has placed Ida as a key figure in its landscape.
After having studied them for a while, Wilkinson found that bats preferred to feed starving bats that had fed them in the past.
They remembered which bats had been kind to them when they themselves had been down on their luck, and those were the ones to which they had given a life-saving meal.
They did not feed bats that had not helped them in the past.
By keeping strong relationships with certain friendly individuals, the bats guarded themselves against the uncertainties of their peculiar feeding habits.
Any bat in the colony, even the best one at getting food, could at any time find itself unable to find enough food.
Therefore, they all benefited from giving their food when they could and feeding their companions when they needed it.
Any bat that tried to cheat the system and take food when it was hungry and never give anything back would. in the long run, be punished.
The bat that cheated might benefit once, but the next time it was starving, the others would not feed it and the result could be death.
Feeding another bat when it has plenty to give is the vampire's insurance against harder times in the future.
The old saying "Keep your friendships in good repair" has a harsh reality for these animals that would not be able to survive by themselves.
As Mozart started work Constanze gave birth on 26 July to their last - and second surviving - child.The impresario had gone on to Italy to sign up a leading castrato and prima donna.Until he came back with news of their vocal range - something the composer had to know before he could fit their parts to them - Mozart could work only on ensembles and on arias for the tenor,whose voice he was familiar with,though he bent the rules by adapting as the heroine's big final aria one he had already written for Jpsepha Duschek.When Guardasoni came back sometime in August Mozart was able to get on with the rest and,no doubt,send some music ahead. Probably on 25 August,he,Constanze,and Sussmayr left for Prague;as on the 1783 trip to Salzburg,they left behind a one-month-old child,who this time came to no harm.Much of Tito-Alan Tyson has shown from watermarks - was already written;in the nine days Mozart had in Prague before the first night he still had to write - and the company had to learn - an aria,a march,the overture,and two accompanied recitatives.He had,it seems,farmed out the 'plain' recitatives(accompanied by continuo only)to Sussmayr - not an unusual step when time pressed.
Open your eyes and listen.be aware. They protect themselves with superabundance. Walk slowly. It exists among mass products. You feel peaceful when you are under observation.unconsciously. Do you sometimes dream even when you′re awake? Even when you murmur,it is listening. It hides itself anywhere and everywhere. Pretend to be obedient
日本語訳してもらってすぐに申し訳ありません。最後にこちらの日本語訳もお願いします。m(__)m Do you realize your death? What did the world find? sooty white. act to spread varnish over and over... An image of two giraffes. Metropolis with seven scars.sense of unusual skin. Possibility to reach for the higher...false language.false expression. We need arrange insanity. Is this the most elegant and exciting condition for us? or not? we can't....
The downturn offers some insight into the forces behind the recycling boom of recent years. Environmentally conscious consumers have been able to pat themselves on the back and feel good about sorting their recycling and putting it on the curb. But most recycling programs have been driven as much by raw economics as by activism.
The dog was the first, domesticated animal. Very early in human history, people learned that a dog could help with hunting. Dogs also were good company for early human beings. It can be said that the dog is human's "best and oldest friend".
The first people to see penguins found it difficult to classify them,although their interest in these creatures was only as food. Were they animals or birds? IN fact,the penguin is a swimming and diving bird which lost the power of flight early in its evolution.
Valentine's Day,February 14, is the feast day of St. Valentine. But the saint's life seems to have had noting to do with the present custom of sending valentines. Perhaps the custom goes back to ancient Rome, where young men and women exchanged greeting cards on February 14 in honor of gods and goddesses. Or it may have something to do with the old belief of many people that February 14 was the day when all birds chose their mates.
So long story short, yes I did get married but I do not live with my husband and his son-don't worry I feel gratitude to be able to talk to a friend about it - if that is ok with you- i was about to move to join him in san antonio- and I got , as they say "cold feet" (you know, like i am not ready yet)we have some differences to resolve and I find him unwilling to compromise in short. It amounts to simple things as tidyness, and having a dog inside the house. Maybe I am being too picky, but i sense he is being 'macho' haha.
Communication sent on behalf of Board of Directors of the Flemish Aikido Federation (Belgium North) Please take note of personal data of the President VAV and cascade in your Federation where applicable
To All, On sunday 16/11/2008, our President, Mr Luc Vermeulen gave notice to the Board of Directors of the Flemish Aikido Federation (Belgium North) , that he couldn't continue in his function of President and therefore resigned from this function . He is willing to keep working for the Federation but no longer wants to take main responsability ... From the Board of Directors we would like to thank Luc for the efforts made on behalf of the Flemish Aikido Federation (Belgium North) and in the intrest of all Aikido practitioners in Northern Belgium. The past week has been spent looking for a replacement, internally as well as externally, for this function . After having given priority to all other kandidates , our current secretary-general agreed to step up and assume the function of temporary President until our next General Meeting , where this temporary function will be made eligable to be transferred into a new 4 year mandate . This temporary step was needed to safeguard the continuance within the Federation . According to our statutes , our members can decide otherwise and force an extraordinairy General Meeting if they wish. Personally, I would like to say that taking this step forward was only done with the intrest of the federation in mind , and thereby allowing me to take care of the large short and middle term workload that we face the coming months .
But it has been ruined by this industry, no less surely than other towns have been ruined by industries of a cruder, materialistic kind. Stratford, together with the countryside around Stratford, has been ruined by the “accursed thirst for gold”.
Will the band be just for fun, or do you want to become a professional musician someday? Have you found any other instrument players, or will it just be a duo?
1. Lock-Single Press cuff down on the wrist and rotate jaw until it engages ratchet. Jaw may be tightened as required.
2. Lock-Double With cuff single locked on the wrist, use tip on key handle to depress plunger on top edge of cuff. Jaw is thus locked against travel in either direction.
3. Unlock-Single Rotate key one quarter by turning clockwise. Do not use undue pressure, but be sure to turn the key in the proper direction.
4. Unlock-Double The key must be turned in both clockwise and counterclockwise directions to open double locked handcuffs. Rotate key counterclockwise to release the double lock, and in the opposite direction to disengage the ratchet. Do not apply undue pressure.
最後の意味がよく分かりません。 よろしくお願いします。 I would suggest having this pending payment cancelled and for the funds to be send via bank transfer as once they clear we can send to any address.