どなたかお願い致します。 m(_ _)m
Communication sent on behalf of Board of Directors of the Flemish Aikido Federation (Belgium North)
Please take note of personal data of the President VAV and cascade in your Federation where applicable
To All,
On sunday 16/11/2008, our President, Mr Luc Vermeulen gave notice to the Board of Directors of the Flemish Aikido Federation (Belgium North) ,
that he couldn't continue in his function of President and therefore resigned from this function .
He is willing to keep working for the Federation but no longer wants to take main responsability ...
From the Board of Directors we would like to thank Luc for the efforts made on behalf of the Flemish Aikido Federation (Belgium North)
and in the intrest of all Aikido practitioners in Northern Belgium.
The past week has been spent looking for a replacement, internally as well as externally, for this function .
After having given priority to all other kandidates ,
our current secretary-general agreed to step up and assume the function of temporary President until our next General Meeting ,
where this temporary function will be made eligable to be transferred into a new 4 year mandate .
This temporary step was needed to safeguard the continuance within the Federation .
According to our statutes , our members can decide otherwise and force an extraordinairy General Meeting if they wish.
Personally, I would like to say that taking this step forward was only done with the intrest of the federation in mind ,
and thereby allowing me to take care of the large short and middle term workload that we face the coming months .